#dr evil pose
sptoastaddict · 1 year
Low Quality Screenshots of Spock in the Bugs Bunny Lunar Tunes Special
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shanxpennywise · 5 months
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Dr Octavius Brine.
Thanks for looking! ♡
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possible-raccoon · 11 months
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Cringetober day 27: baby girl pose 💙
It’s more like babygirl outfit but I made the pose cunty so.
He would never wear this… <3
Cringetober template under the cut
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resetting37 · 1 year
okay disclaimer I was a huge hunger games fan as a teenager (saying this in past tense is weird, the series still holds a special place in my heart, but you know what I mean. I was obsessed.) If you see some connections with my own world building to the series, then it's likely not coincidence, I take inspiration from post-apocalyptic settings for my own.
What IS coincidence is the fact that the new prequel book, the ballad of songbirds and snakes, is being adapted into a movie and the kooky-evil-genetic-scientist character is being portrayed with silver hair and heterochromia like my own kooky-evil-genetic-scientist character ??? I mean I get it's not *that* unique of a character design, but I just thought that was neat lol.
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(I will say though if you've read the book, my oc dr. cloud ellocast is not as evil as dr. gaul. That woman is fucked up and I'm excited to see viola davis play her.)
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oifaaa · 6 months
To expand on the last anon- it's almost always women of color who get the most shit. Obviously from the fanbase, "Talia's an abusive mother" and all that, but also from writers! Talia was introduced as a morally complex anti-hero who hated killing, then 9/11 happened and suddenly she's this cold bitch. Shado was introduced as a compelling character who posed as a great narrative foil to Green Arrow and was complicated but clearly not evil, and then she SAd him. Jade Nguyen lost her entire family at a young age and was raised as a soldier which would've made such a great contrast to Roy and the Titans, both raised to fight but one for good and one for bad, but nope! She's a cold unfeeling neglectful mother who SAd Roy when he was high. It's just exhausting the way characters like Dr Freeze get to have the tragedy of what they've forced to do explored, they get to be sympathetic and likeable, but Talia, Shado, Jade, and so many others lose that opportunity. Fuck.
sorry didn't see this yesterday but yeah completely dc writers themselves seem to struggle with keeping morally grey characters grey on a good day but when it comes to woman of colour they just drop all pretences completely if they can write a woman of colour that previously had a very nuanced character as pure evil they will not hesitate
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smallbutters · 9 months
Sickly Bodies - Michael Myers x Reader
Content Warnings - Stalking , mentions of suicide, murder (duh), uuuh michael myers is a warning alone lol
Notes - Minors DNI PLEASE, fluff but also murder, SFW, no specific pronouns or gendered terms used :))
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Eyes of the devil.
Black, soulless voids behind them, devoid of all humanity.
Ever since he was transferred to the Sanitarium, Michael has been referred to and treated as a being of pure evil - a blight upon this world. How would Dr. Loomis react now, to the situation Michael finds himself in?
A body lies in his house, in his bed, and for once it hasn’t gone cold, the heat of life still flowing through it.
Sick as all hell, writhing in pain as whatever illness you have beats you into a pained, sluggish version of your normal self.
Michael stands aside the bed, making no movement.
He watches you, for a while - rolling back and forth occasionally, groaning in pain all the while.
When you finally become aware enough to notice that you aren't alone, you look up to his mask and give a meek smile. Michael isn't a comforting person, he never learned how to be or even received any himself, but something in you knows that this is his attempt at it.
"You don't have to stand here, you know."
You get no response.
A few seconds of silence pass as you close your eyes, letting out a slow, shallow breath.
"This will pass, it might take a bit longer since you don't have any medicine in the cabinets, but I'll be just fine soon enough..." You trail off.
You are once again met with silence.
It doesn't take too long for you to succumb to the exhaustion and fall asleep, your body being completely drained from fighting off this virus. You don't know how long Michael stayed there, or if he even was there after you finished talking - for such a big body, he's incredibly quiet.
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Unbeknownst to you, he stayed, unmoving, for a good half an hour after you drifted off.
He was planning on going out tonight - a frat house down the street has been too rowdy lately, and losing a few members would likely get them to quiet down (you had been bothered by the noise lately, but that isn’t why he’s going for them) But leaving you here alone, sick and in pain seemed to hurt his cold heart.
If you posed an obstacle for him and his goals, he really should just kill you. You two have been together for a few months now, in a sort of problem-and-problem-enabler type situation - you provided him a place to stay at your half-used apartment, food, and company (an attempt at it, at least), and Michael provided with a sense of safety as your behind-the-scenes guard dog, and an odd sense of pride knowing you’ve, to an extent, tamed the beast terrorizing Haddonfield.
Michael isn’t stupid, not in a general sense. While he had been in a mental institution for the past fifteen-odd years, he's killed dozens of people by now and never got even remotely close to being caught. He’s just a little socially confused. He’s been treated like the devil itself for the past 15 years of his life, so your kindness, let alone your peaceful coexistence with him is somewhat lost to him. Even the night you met had been something he’d never thought he’d let happen.
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You had been taking pictures of the old Myers house a few months back, just after sunset. There was enough light for you to see, but with every photo you took that was getting more and more difficult. You had walked here by yourself, which you quickly began to regret - you could hear quiet(ish) shuffling coming from the side of the house, and it definitely wasn’t getting further away. You obviously knew of Michael, everyone did - but August was much earlier than he’d ever returned, and you knew some local teens had taken up pretending to be him just to get a scare out of people. At first you thought you’d just get a little spooked and laughed at, then be able to head home safely, but apparently impersonating a killer doesn’t sit well with said killer. 
The two impostors were killed with ease and a lack of ceremony, and you were quickly thrown into the house. You thought the last thing you’d ever see would be that infamous pale white mask looking into your eyes, but it wasn’t. You saw the eyes behind it - the man, the human. In complete honesty, neither of you knew why what happened next turned out the way it did. One moment you were pinned against the wall by the real Michael, the blood from the two imposters staining both your clothes. Then all he did was let out a loud huff before stalking away. The man who never left someone alive let you, of all people, live.
In the coming months you began to spot him near your apartment and - seemingly - following you around town. You were smart enough not to tell anyone, as you knew he’d disappear before anyone else could spot him and you’d wake up to a pool of your own blood and live out your last moments from a betrayal-fueled, merciless kill. From then on you had learned to interpret his non-verbality, which lead to an eventual fucked-up kind of kinship. You never tried to get him to stop what he does - to “fix” him. He appreciated that. With time he began to enjoy, even desire your company, and even went as far as allowing you to see who he was under the mask.
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Getting to the location was easy enough - it was dark as all hell outside in the early December nights, and no one wanted to leave the safety and comfort of their homes. Especially since the small town had just been visited by the infamous boogeyman. Except, seemingly, the exact house he had his sights on. Perhaps it was just a lapse in judgement by a house full of drunk, intelligence-deprived party goers, but perhaps they thought one escaped asylum serial killer wouldn’t be able to survive against all of them. Either way, they left the side door unlocked. Entering the house, Michael quietly stalked around the trash strewn about - it seemed like a party had just concluded, which meant it was very likely that everyone in the house was dead asleep from over drinking. Easy targets.
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It didn’t take long for Michael to be almost completely alone in the frat house. His ability to quietly stalk through it was really put to the test however, as the house was absolutely filthy. He could smell, even through his mask, the stink of cheap alcohol, smoke, and something that he’d be alright with never fully identifying. The ground was almost completely littered in something that looked like discarded clothes, with various kinds of large stains just about everywhere - for once maybe he’d actually be the good guy by killing whoever made this mess.
Finding said filth was pretty easy, people were asleep on the floor, on couches, piled together on beds. He saw two bodies sharing a bed, one draping an arm over the other, their hand being held by the other. He thought of you - your warmth finally allowing him to get some real rest at night. How you were never scared of his large hands, never seeming to care about the blood that can’t be washed from them. How you also seemed to sleep better in his presence, sometimes waiting up for him to even get to bed.
You better not be doing that now.
That room took him a bit longer to get through.
The last room was on the eastern side of the building, the master bedroom. Only a few people were in this room, two piled on the bed and one asleep face-down on the floor, lying in a pool of… something. Michael had gotten rid of two of them before he noticed how the only window of this room was perfectly facing your old apartment. You had been splitting time between there and the old Myers house ever since that night, but the knowledge that anyone in this house could have seen you through that window made his blood boil. He can’t stop you from interacting with people; he had enough common sense to know that you had to work and get money to sustain yourself and get whatever you thought Michael needed as well, and that a good person like you needed more than just a serial killer for company (much to his dismay). However, he absolutely could stop people from going to you first. As he stood over the last soon-to-be-corpse, panting from the adrenaline, he came up with a plan.
Michael had always made his kills swift and brutal, leaving no room for anyone to think it wasn’t his work. But tonight, he changed it up a bit. He woke the last victim up, quickly grabbing him from behind.
The poor boy was barely conscious as Michael put the knife into the other’s hand, using his own to guide him to slit his own throat. Of course, there was a slight struggle, but having a hangover and fighting against a killing machine worked against the last man’s favor, and the knife glided across the skin, breaking through with a steady trickle of blood. He fell to the floor in a position of apparent suicide, and Michael then got to work. He wanted it to seem that this poor boy had lost his mind and killed every member of the afterparty he had hosted himself, all because of an obsession with the person across the street - you. Michael staged the scene by changing the boy into his overalls (plenty of stupid people had been impersonating Michael, no one would think it was actually his.) On a piece of paper, he wrote down your typical schedule for any given week - no, he did not memorize it, and he certainly didn’t repeat it to himself like a mantra when he needed to focus. Don’t be stupid. To anyone who’d see the scene, it would look like an obsessed maniac realized you were out of his grasp, lost his mind, killed all his friends and then himself. The police would likely put together that you were his target, and they would likely question you, but Michael knew you wouldn’t say anything. If anything, you’d probably assume they meant him, and would be absolutely shocked when it would be revealed to be someone else. Maybe you’d put together that it was all an elaborate ruse from Michael. 
Maybe you’d thank him.
Michael stole a change of clothes and left, leaving the knife as proof of the crime clearly not committed by him, a small bottle of cold medicine he found on the nightstand rattling in the pocket of his pants.
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As he expected, the house was quiet when he returned. Well maybe not expected, but that’s what he wanted to greet him. He hated when you stayed up for him, as if you were an old married couple (deception and avoidance was his game, it was only a matter of him before he fell victim to it himself). You were his captive, and would likely end up being his victim too (deception). There was no love in his heart, in this home, anywhere close to him. He’s a killer, and only a killer (avoidance).
So why do his hands twitch when he thinks of you? Why does his body move on its own, craving your warmth and touch?
You were still asleep when he got to the bedroom, breathing shallow. He set the medicine bottle on the nightstand closest to you, going into the bathroom to make sure he was free from any blood before he joined you bedside. The dip in the mattress woke you up enough for you to open your eyes to see a bottle of cold medicine left for you (don’t mind the dark red smear on the label).
“Thinking of me even during a bloodbath?”
You sat up and took two of the small pills, washing them down with the glass of water you had gotten earlier in the night. When you laid back down, you were pulled into the grasp of your oh-so-thoughtful killer. You felt his face nuzzle into your hair with an uncanny tenderness- wait. His face? Like, the actual one?
“Your mask- where is it?”
He opted to not respond, instead pulling you further into his chest. You quietly hummed, too tired to press it any further. You reached back and grabbed his hand and pulled it close, right on top of your heart.
He huffed in response.
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mywitchyblog · 27 days
Ethical Considerations of Murder in Reality Shifting
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Reality shifting is an intriguing and deeply personal practice that allows individuals to experience alternate realities, known as Desired Realities (DRs). These DRs can be based on fictional worlds, historical periods, or entirely original creations. As shifters explore these alternate realities, they often face complex ethical dilemmas, particularly when it comes to actions that would be considered morally questionable or outright wrong in their Current Reality (CR). One such dilemma is the question of murder within a DR. This essay explores the ethical considerations surrounding murder in DRs, arguing that while murder may be justifiable in extreme circumstances such as self-defense, shifting with the intent to kill is ethically problematic and reflects deeper psychological and moral issues.
Masterlist :
Disclaimer : Read post fully and if you didnt understand something tell me i will clarify it for you.
Part 1: Justifiable Cases of Murder in a Desired Reality
1.1 Murder as Self-Defense in a High-Stakes DR
One of the most commonly discussed scenarios where murder might be considered justifiable in a DR is when it is done in self-defense. A prime example of this can be found in a DR based on the fictional world of "The Hunger Games." In this universe, participants are forced into a life-or-death competition where the primary objective is to survive, often by killing other participants. Shifters who enter such a DR might find themselves in a situation where they must defend their lives against others who are equally determined to survive.
In this context, the ethical dilemma is clear: is it morally acceptable to kill another person if it is the only way to ensure your survival? From a utilitarian perspective, which focuses on the greatest good for the greatest number, one could argue that self-defense in such a scenario is justifiable. The shifter is preserving their own life, which is a fundamental ethical priority. Similarly, from a deontological standpoint, where the morality of an action is determined by whether it aligns with certain rules or duties, self-defense can be seen as a moral duty to oneself.
Another example could be a DR set in the "Attack on Titan" universe, where characters are constantly under threat from massive, human-eating Titans. If a shifter enters this DR, they might be forced to kill these Titans or even other humans who pose a threat to their survival. In such a high-stakes environment, the line between survival and morality becomes blurred, and murder in self-defense might be seen as necessary.
A third example can be drawn from a DR based on the world of "Resident Evil." In this universe, shifters may find themselves in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies and other bio-organic weapons. Killing in self-defense, especially when faced with creatures that threaten not only their life but the survival of other human beings, may be seen as morally justifiable.
However, even in such high-stakes DRs, the shifter must grapple with the emotional and psychological consequences of taking a life, even if it is to save their own. This brings us to the importance of intent and the recognition that, while self-defense might be necessary, it is not an action to be taken lightly.
1.2 Protecting Others: Murder as a Form of Heroism
Another scenario where murder might be seen as justifiable within a DR is when it is done to protect others. Consider a DR based on the world of "Harry Potter," specifically during the time of Voldemort’s reign. In this scenario, a shifter might find themselves in a position where they must kill Death Eaters or even Voldemort himself to protect innocent lives. Here, murder might be framed as an act of heroism—a necessary evil to prevent greater harm.
Similarly, a DR set in the world of "The Walking Dead" presents situations where shifters might have to kill other survivors who pose a threat to their group or even infected individuals (zombies) who could harm others. The ethical principle of utilitarianism again comes into play, as the shifter may argue that the death of one malicious individual could save countless lives, thereby maximizing overall well-being. Furthermore, virtue ethics, which emphasizes the development of good character traits, could be used to justify the action if it is seen as an expression of courage, justice, and protection of the vulnerable.
A third example can be found in a DR set in the world of "Lord of the Rings." Here, a shifter might find themselves battling against orcs or even powerful enemies like Sauron or Saruman, where the killing of such beings might be necessary to protect Middle-earth and its inhabitants. The act of taking a life, though difficult, could be seen as part of a heroic effort to preserve peace and safety for many.
However, even in this context, the shifter must carefully consider the ramifications of their actions. The line between heroism and moral compromise is thin, and the psychological toll of committing murder, even in a DR, can be significant. The act of taking a life, regardless of the reason, is one that can leave lasting impressions on the shifter's conscience, potentially affecting their mental and emotional health in both the DR and their CR.
Part 2: The Ethical Issues with Shifting for the Purpose of Killing
2.1 Shifting with Malicious Intent: Ethical and Psychological Concerns
While there are scenarios where murder in a DR might be considered justifiable, shifting with the sole purpose of killing is a different matter entirely. When a shifter enters a DR with the intention of committing murder, this action raises serious ethical and psychological concerns. Such intent indicates a desire to engage in harmful behavior, even if it is within a fictional context, and reflects deeper moral and psychological issues that need to be addressed.
For instance, consider a shifter who enters a DR inspired by "Dexter," a world where the protagonist is a serial killer who targets other criminals. If a shifter enters this DR with the intent to kill, even if they believe they are targeting “deserving” individuals, it raises ethical concerns about the glorification of murder and the psychological impact of repeatedly engaging in such behavior.
Another concerning scenario might involve a DR based on "American Horror Story: Murder House," where the shifter intentionally immerses themselves in a reality filled with ghosts and murder, engaging in violent acts against both innocent and guilty characters alike. The focus on murder as a primary activity reflects deeper psychological issues and could have significant consequences for the shifter's mental state.
A third example could be a DR where the shifter assumes the role of a notorious serial killer, like Hannibal Lecter from the universe of "Hannibal." Entering such a DR with the intent to indulge in the calculated and gruesome acts of a serial killer presents profound ethical and psychological risks. The desire to embody such a character and commit acts of murder, regardless of the victim’s innocence, highlights the dangers of reality shifting when driven by malicious intent.
From an ethical standpoint, shifting with the intent to kill contradicts the principles of many moral theories. For instance, Kantian ethics emphasizes the importance of treating individuals as ends in themselves, not merely as means to an end. By shifting with the intention to kill, the shifter is dehumanizing their targets, reducing them to mere objects of their own desires. This approach is fundamentally at odds with the respect for human dignity that Kantian ethics upholds.
Psychologically, engaging in such behavior within a DR can have lasting consequences. Even though the actions may take place in a fictional or alternate reality, the shifter's mind and emotions are still involved in the experience. The act of killing, especially when done with malicious intent, can leave emotional scars, create feelings of guilt or remorse, and potentially lead to a distorted sense of morality. Moreover, there is a risk that such behavior could bleed into the shifter's CR, affecting their real-world interactions and ethical decision-making.
2.2 Ethical Frameworks Against Shifting for Murderous Purposes
To further explore why shifting with the intent to kill is ethically problematic, it is essential to delve into various ethical frameworks and their application to reality shifting.
Kantian Ethics: The Imperative of Human Dignity
Kantian ethics, a deontological framework, argues that individuals should be treated as ends in themselves, never merely as means to an end. This principle of respect for human dignity applies not only to our interactions in the Current Reality (CR) but also extends to our behavior within Desired Realities (DRs). When a shifter enters a DR with the intent to kill, especially in scenarios where the purpose is solely malicious, they are fundamentally violating this moral imperative. By reducing others—whether fictional or real—to mere objects of their violent desires, the shifter is disregarding the inherent worth of these beings. Even in a DR, where the consequences might seem detached from CR, the act of treating any entity as a means to an end erodes the shifter's moral integrity.
Virtue Ethics: The Development of Character
Virtue ethics, which focuses on the cultivation of good character traits and moral virtues, offers another strong argument against shifting for the purpose of killing. Engaging in murder within a DR, especially when done intentionally and without justifiable cause, can foster negative traits such as cruelty, aggression, and a lack of empathy. For instance, a shifter who repeatedly engages in malicious killing in a DR like "Dexter" or "Hannibal" risks nurturing a mindset that is desensitized to violence and detached from the virtues of compassion and respect. This desensitization can undermine the development of a virtuous character, both in the DR and the CR, as the shifter becomes more accustomed to disregarding the value of life.
The Impact on Moral Integrity and the Self
*Maintaining moral integrity
involves aligning one's actions with their ethical values consistently,* across all aspects of life—including within DRs. A shifter who intentionally engages in murder in a DR, especially in scenarios inspired by "American Horror Story: Murder House," where the plot centers around violence and death, is likely to experience a fracture in their sense of self. This internal conflict arises when one's actions in a DR are at odds with their moral beliefs in the CR. The result can be emotional distress, guilt, and a sense of disconnection from one's core values. The long-term impact on the shifter's psychological well-being can be profound, leading to a diminished capacity for empathy and an erosion of their ethical compass.
Consequentialism and the Ripple Effects of Intent
Finally, from a consequentialist perspective, which evaluates the morality of actions based on their outcomes, shifting with the intent to kill can have far-reaching consequences beyond the DR itself. The experience of repeatedly engaging in murder, even in a fictional context, can alter the shifter's behavior and mindset in their CR. The normalization of violence in a DR may lower inhibitions against harmful behavior in real life, leading to a desensitization to the suffering of others. Moreover, the emotional and psychological toll of such actions can manifest in anxiety, depression, or even an altered perception of reality, where the lines between right and wrong become increasingly blurred.
In conclusion, these ethical frameworks—Kantian ethics, virtue ethics, and consequentialism—collectively argue against the practice of shifting with the intent to kill. The act of murder in a DR, especially when driven by malicious intent, is not just a fictional escapade but a deeply ethical issue that can have lasting repercussions on the shifter's character, moral integrity, and mental health. Reality shifting, when approached responsibly, offers an opportunity for personal growth and exploration. However, it is crucial to ensure that one's actions within a DR align with their ethical values to maintain a sense of moral integrity and psychological well-being in both the DR and CR.
In conclusion, while murder in a DR might be justifiable in extreme cases such as self-defense or protecting others, shifting with the intent to kill is ethically and psychologically problematic. Justifiable scenarios, such as those found in high-stakes DRs like "The Hunger Games," "Attack on Titan," or "Resident Evil," highlight the moral complexity of survival and the protection of others. However, these actions should always be approached with caution and a deep awareness of their potential impact on the shifter's well-being.
On the other hand, shifting with the sole purpose of committing murder, as in a DR like "Dexter," "American Horror Story: Murder House," or "Hannibal," reflects deeper issues that need to be addressed within the shifter's CR. Engaging in such behavior can have lasting psychological effects and undermines the ethical principles that guide moral decision-making. Reality shifting offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, exploration, and positive experiences, and it is crucial to align one's actions within a DR with their ethical values to ensure a fulfilling and responsible practice.
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stsgluver · 2 months
tags. criminal minds x jjk, eventual gojo x reader, basically just a backstory to drabbles in this au, no plot, overview, some characters are based around criminal minds characters
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serial killers were once considered an american phenomenon — a consequence of culture and inadequate socialisation. however, if there is one thing all countries have in common is just that: serial killers.
japan specifically devised a new department to help tackle the growing issue posed by these deranged individuals: jjk. within the jjk, the most notorious unit is the bau — behavioural analysis unit.
ssa yaga masamichi leads as unit chief and has done so for the last decade. he has accumulated almost two decades of experience on the job and, prior to that, worked as a prosecutor. he is considered cold and abrupt to those unfamiliar with him but is deeply admired by his agents for his tenacity and drive to put evil away.
utahime iori is their stubborn technical analyst with a competitive streak. she was recruited by jjk after her father was arrested on significant drug charges and she successfully managed to hack into the criminal database and remove them. her little sister was to be moved into the foster system had she not since she did not have the money to support her. jjk offered utahime a job and then helped to ensure she could take legal guardianship of her little sister. she hates going out on the field and loves her little cave of screens.
ssa shoko ieiri is a former pathologist turned agent. after finishing medical school, she spent two years working as a pathologist when she became involved in a serial killer case. she had been the first to identify a specific signature across three different bodies and alerted local authorities who brought in the bau. for two weeks she spent a lot of time with these agents and, once they left, decided that just determining the cause of death no longer appeased her ambition. she enrolled in the next behavioural study class ran by a former bau agent and within several years made it onto the team. she is cocky by nature and often clashes with the local authorities due to her blasé attitude and blunt words.
ssa (dr) gojo satoru is a genius and he knows it (and he makes sure everyone else does too). with an eidetic memory, there is not much that gets past him. he's arguably the best agent when it comes to speaking to families and interrogation, as he has the widest range of personalities and can quickly switch from bubbly and playful to imposing and serious. little is known to the team about his life before the bau - only that he has several phds to his name (but he hates to be called dr).
ssa ln yn was personally recruited and brought to the team by yaga once you had completed the basic training due to your unique perspective as the daughter of a serial killer. yaga had been on the team for around five years when he'd put your father away for the murder of eight young girls. your mother was dead too which meant that you were forced into the system at only ten years old. he'd maintained contact with you, encouraging you into jjk and then into the bau. you're the most approachable and one of the hardest workers on your team, although you often overcompensate for your unresolved guilt around your father.
not much is known about ssa geto suguru prior to the bau as most of it has been redacted. what is known is that he was enlisted by the government to join task forces and commit acts that the government would deny ever took place. despite how scary he seems on paper, geto is sweet and caring and always puts his team first. he has literally jumped into a burning building for gojo one time after negotiations went wrong.
nanami kento is the communications liaison for the bau. often mistaken for an agent due to his strong build, he in fact hates the idea of being on the field. he dislikes violence and prefers to do whatever he can to help victims and the public by communicating with the unsub through media.
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agentlizardofowca · 15 days
Perryshmirtz / …in secrecy / I know you love your forbiddeen love trops so 👀👀👀
I mixed two asks! Anon asked for 9. In public and @inators asked for 8. in secrecy. Enjoy~
"Agents," Monogram announced seriously as the last chair in the room was filled by Agent Serpent. "We've discovered the location of the dangerous-machine-with-evil-intent convention." He looked around the room. Perry was joined by four other serious looking agents.
"Oh no, DMWEI-con?" Agent Iggy gasped, and he checked the other grave-faced agents for a reaction. "That's bad news."
"It is indeed," Monogram grumbled in agreement. "And all your nemeses have been spotted on the floor. We need you to infiltrate, dismantle the convention and arrest those evil-doers. By being in the building, we have reason to detain them for now. Evidence of their ill intent should be easy enough to find," Monograms eyed his agents, who all nodded seriously. "Good luck agents." As one, the group rose from their chairs.
The evil convention was held in one of the large rooms in the Googleplex Mall, and the easiest way to infiltrate was through the air duct, which was large enough to hold 5 agents. On the way there, Perry had sneakily grabbed his phone and texted an unknown number: 'Don't let me arrest you.' As the agents parked their unmarked vans he received only a 👍in response.
It was tight in the air vent. Agent P was at the front, guiding the other agents through the dusty tunnel. Behind him was Agent Earwig, followed by Agent Narwal, Iguana, and special Agent Slug in the back.
Noises from the convention floor floated up into the vent, when all of a sudden a raspy, accented voice rose above all other sounds.
"Rodney! This is absurd!" Heinz Doofenshmirtz shouted with enough volume to be heard clearly in the air vent. "These machines are going to kill people, I refuse to take part. I am leaving!"
Rodney wrestled himself out of a gaggle of villains, stomped up to him, crossed his arms and huffed. "You had no complaints before."
"That was before I saw your murder-inator!" Only Perry saw how Heinz glanced at the ceiling. "I have to leave right now!"
"Oh no you don't" Rodney replied with obvious frustration. "I did not spend fifteen minutes helping you lug that big-ass machine in here, for you to just leave!"
"What are you going to do, stop me?" Heinz asked in his most annoying and grating tone, which Perry recognized as him trying to frustrate Rodney even more, but to the other agents it just sounded like Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
"You're here till 5PM, you hear?" Rodney hissed, and he pointed at Doof threateningly. It seems that his attempt to annoy was a success.
"This is Agent Iguana, come in." Iggy mumbled into his earpiece softly. "Come in OWCA." He was trying to keep his voice down, but the stuffy airduct wasn't a great place to speak. "Dr Doofenshmirtz appear is being held at the convention against his will."
Perry could hear that there was a response, but he couldn't quite catch what it was. No matter, now that Heinz had manipulated himself into a hostage situation he was a victim.
Agent P quirked an eyebrow at Iggy, who was still actively listening. He then turned to Perry. "He appears to have a machine on the floor, take him down just in case."
Perry nodded and turned back to the vent, from there he could spy on everybody on the floor. He shot off several hand gestures, informing the other agents of their nemeses' locations, checked if everybody knew what to do, and counted down from three.
When he hit zero, all five agents burst from the vent to go fight their respective enemies. To his own frustration, Perry landed in a very cliché superhero pose. He jumped up as quickly as he could and met Doofenshmirtz's eye.
"Ah, Perry the platypus, as you know I am extremely surprised to see you here." He lied. Luckily the other agents were too distracted to pay Heinz's bad lying much mind.
Agent P adopted a fighting stance, and his nemesis mimicked the pose with some confusion. "You're still going to fight me?! I am innocent!"
Perry barely nodded before he jumped into action. He attempted to swipe his lanky nemesis off his feet, but Doof jumped to the side with a proud "Aha!"
He couldn't allow his colleagues to see him struggle in this fight, so he threw a punch, which landed a little harder than he had meant it to be. As Heinz clutched his shoulder and groaned, Perry jumped up on one of the couches.
The room was fairly large. Across the space were around twelve inators, some so large that they stood on the floor and almost reached the ceiling. He wondered how they'd been moved here. It must've been a hassle.
In the back of the room, where Perry and Heinz were fighting, were a few smaller inators, which were presented on tables. There were some handheld models and a few machines the size of microwaves or kitchen aides. Except they didn't make delicious food, they made evil.
Doofenshmirtz attempted to retaliate and jumped Perry, but from his higher vantage point, Perry could easily chuck his nemesis over his shoulder. He jumped after him to go restrain him.
"Not my hair!" Heinz bit out as he got grabbed. He kicked his legs against the floor to try and get away, but all that happened was that they ended up under a table that held some sort of raygun.
Perry almost bumped his head into the table, but he ducked under at the last moment. He didn't want to rock the table -who knew what would happen if he toppled the gun- so he pressed himself against his nemesis, grabbed his hands and forced them above his head.
Now that Doof was finally restrained, he huffed and puffed and struggled for a moment before deflating. "I thought that would work, are you arresting me?"
Perry couldn't sign because his hands were too busy holding Heinz's down by his wrists. As an answer, he just pulled a vaguely frustrated expression and hoped that he would understand.
"Well shit, it's a good thing my inator is absolutely useless." Heinz said and he attempted to shrug even though he was flat on his back with a heavy man on top of him.
Perry blinked in surprise, and when Heinz saw he smiled smugly. "What? As if I didn't expect Francis to send you guys in. That's a gumball machine." And Heinz nodded at a giant Inator that took up an entire corner of the room.
Perry turned his head to look. It really was an impressively large gumball machine. Agent Serpent was fighting Professor insatiable on top of it without any fear of falling off.
"Do you think they're almost done?" Heinz asked as he awkwardly tried to peek past Perry's bulk. "Or do we pretend to fight some more? Do you think they can see us down here?"
Perry watched his fellow agents chase their enemies around the room, vaguely mortified that they were having this much trouble. Then he turned back to Heinz, who was blinking at him. "Is it handcuff time?" He asked.
It was probably meant to be an innocent question, but Perry's mind conjured visions of Heinz in handcuffs that were not workplace-appropriate, and he felt himself blush red.
"Perry?" Heinz asked, and when his nemesis' attention snapped back to reality he squinted his eyes and smiled wickedly. "Were you thinking what I was thinking?"
Agent P was not in the mood to be bullied. This whole conversation was completely inappropriate! Then again, the other agents really couldn't see more than their legs peeking out from under this table.
"Oh you were thinking what i was thinking!" Heinz said with a deranged giggle that Perry wasn't supposed to find attractive, and yet.
"You're going to have to wait, Perry, I think you are arresting me right now. Unless we are living in a reality where things that happen in a certain type of internet video become a reali-"
Heinz couldn't keep talking because his nemesis had gotten so horrified with the things he was insinuating that he had to put a stop to it. Not because he was disgusted or embarrassed, but because he was picturing it; them being inappropriate under this table, whilst people they both knew were right there, just out of view.
If Heinz ever got a chance to ask, Perry would blame adrenaline, or insist he had gone temporairly insane. But Heinz couldn't ask, because Perry was kissing him.
Instead of clutching thin wrists, Perry moved his hands to intertwine their fingers as lips pressed against each other. Because of surprise, Heinz made one high squeaky tone, followed by a deeper, more appreciative noise. Despite the suddenty of the kiss, he didn't seem to mind, because when Perry's warm tongue pressed against his bottom lip he gladly met him in the middle.
After a moment, Perry pulled away to change the angle and dive back in. Before he did, Heinz mumbled a warm, appreciative "Perry" against his lips, and then were kissing again.
For a moment, Agent P forgot where he was, or what he was doing. The way his name had been spoken echoed through his head, only spurring him on, but then a very differeny voice also rang out.
"Perry?" Agent Slug called from across the room, and Perry sprang away from the kiss with such speed that he crashed his head and shoulders into the table they were hiding under.
He saw a worried expression in Doof's eyes for a moment, before Perry dragged him out from under the table, and his expression turned to surprise.
"Perry?!" A moment later, he was chucked against a wall.
Perry was nervous they'd been spotted all through the rest of the mission. But when all the L.O.V.E.M.I.F.F.I.N. members were loaded into the van, and still nobody had looked at Perry funny, he determined they had gotten away with it.
He went to go close the door of the car and caught Heinz's eyes for just a second. Perry shut the door with so much force that Iggy asked him if he was okay. Perry nodded stoicly. Who knew being winked at could be so upsetting.
On the way back to the office Perry determined that Heinz would definitely be free to go home by the end of the day. Now he just had to figure out an excuse to go visit.
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eli-am-confused · 3 months
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I spent like all day yesterday falling in love with @dr-docktor ‘s SaF swap au. DMA Curt is just so special to me. I couldn’t help but draw him.
Check out @dr-docktor guys. This au is so much fun.
If you can’t read the quotes they’re under the more.
The first pose is just DMA Curt being very bored or annoyed with a certain evil guy’s speech.
The second is DMA Curt right before Torture Tango, “So you’re the famed Owen Carvour? I’ve gotta say I was a bit worried we’d never meet after you went into retirement.” (Bestie trying really hard to keep it cool y’all)
Last picture is after the reveal and Curt is feeling a lot of things about it. “Don’t look at me like that! I ruined everything! You should hate me!” Owen probably giving him the saddest heart eyes.
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mammalsofaction · 28 days
Cupid, Cupid Shot Me 5 Times in the Heart
Rating: T
Relationships: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Hurt/Comfort, Divine Wrath, Divine Hubris, Roman Gods, Human Perry the Platypus, ASL, pining, idiot4idiot
A/N: Dedicated to @erizumon for being a sweet cheerleader, @adhdoofenshmirtz for the awesome prompt that I couldn't resist even if it took FOREVER, and @agentlizardofowca for putting up with me complaining about proofreading
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Perry's at the point of his career–as the uncle of the Flynn-Fletcher twins, arch-nemesis of Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz as well as the best agent Danville's OWCA had to offer–that he often thinks he's really seen everything.
Heinz, in this case, often and with joyful vindication, trumps the laws Quantum metaphysics nearly every day. Sometimes accidentally. His nemesis is the one who's taught him best the boundary between realities can often be as flimsy as a blue-print, and the difference between success and failure for even the most mad of ambitions may sometimes be luck, coffee and determination.
What he's trying to say, here: Perry keeps thinking Heinz can't really surprise him anymore, scheme wise. Today, he was proven wrong once again.
The trap snaps him up upon entry; Perry finds himself hanging by a tangle of ropes hanging from the ceiling. It pulls him into a pose that was a bit on the nose, considering the date. His left leg suspended and tied close to his back, leaving him partially horizontal, and forcibly arching his back, his arms stretched out into an archer's bow.
Cupid. Right. Valentine.
The first thing he notices was the behemoth of an inator; metal molded in hearts, chrome, scarlet and pink.
The second thing he notices is the raised platform in its heart, colored bone white and curved into a ribcage.
Say what you will about Heinz, but he would always stick to a theme.
"Always a pleasure to see you again, Agent P, " the man croons, stepping out of the shadows. His sneer is a poor facade over unrepentant, almost cruel glee. It made him look more evil than he truly was, and it ratchets his blood ever hotter. Perry chitters, but Heinz barely gives him a second glance.
"I'm sure you've been made aware of what day it is." Heinz drawls as he began to pace, shooting a scathing look past the bounds of his balcony. "Neither should you be surprised I've got a grudge or two to keep.
"You see, Perry the Platypus, as is the case for everything else, my love life has only ever been a neverending trail of heartbreak and misery. Middle school crushes, high school prom dates...I've even fallen out with the mother of my daughter, and we used to be pretty good friends in college! Nothing but a trail of failure and disappointment on both our halves...but mostly on mine.
"Recently, I have found myself fallen for this, ah, another candidate." Here, Perry notices another two things; one, the deliberate, albeit curious avoidant of pronouns, and on two, how the man pointedly avoiding his eye.
Both facts which contribute to a hopeful skip to his heart rate... completely inappropriate to his circumstances. This was not the time to be daydreaming.
(Nevermind that he had never had an indication of where Hein swung, in a sense, and how some implications were really opening things up for him.)
Heinz was still monologuing, naturally. "Which might even be a case more impossible than the last. I mean, we're ideologically opposed in most, if not all our moral grounds, and he's...God, he's too good for me, too much better looking. Way out of my league, it'll be like-like shooting for the moon, except I've already done that successfully multiple times, so-what's more impossible than the moon? Mars? Maybe a distant star of another solar system, maybe the Andromeda. I don't know, one of her fast moving moon systems. It doesn't matter. What I'm trying to say is," Heinz shakes his head, trying to focus. "It's impossible. He's impossible, I've got no chance, and I'm destined for another crash and burn not too far down the line, and being reminded of this stupid holiday makes it even worse, because I don't even know if he's-he's attracted to guys like that, or if he's even single! He could be out there on the arm of some...girlfriend or wife with three kids and I'd never know! Or maybe it would be more merciful if I didn't let myself know--but it doesn't matter," Heinz says vehemently, eyes closed and fists shaking like he's once again forcibly attempting to focus, while Perry wiggles in his trap with his heart in his throat thinking loudly that he had the kids, but not the wife, on account of being apparently and decisively gay and available, if that was at all relevant to certain interested parties.
Read the rest on Ao3
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anarchic-miscellany · 2 months
Terrible Screenplay Ideas: Justice League Vacation! The Justice League need a break, and Batman has booked them all an all inclusive stay at a tropical island he secretly owns!
Question refuses to remove his oufit, and his girlfriend Huntress convinces him to put on a single pair of silly sunglasses whilst she teases him with conspiracy theories about the place from the guidebook, but slowly gets drawn in.
Green Lantern is stuck arguing with a customs officer over his lack of a passport: he claims to never need one, as he is an intergalactic police officer, but Mavis is not moved.
When The Martian Manhunter moves through the customs gate, shapeshifting into an identical Hal Jordan save a fake moustache and using his own I.D which reads "Jal Hordan", he is waved through instantly, only making Jordan angrier.
Flash has already gotten there, and is causing havoc at the pool.
Zatanna has already gotten completely hammered on margaritas and is accidentally slurring spells which cause mayhem across the resort.
Green Arrow has gone undercover as a pool boy to find out which evil capitalist bastard is stealing tips and wages from the staff, and gets completely carried away.
Black Canary gets swept up by a hen party on the island, and also incredibly drunk, causing absolute carnage when she does karaoke.
Superman has been forbidden from doing any heroics and is relaxing by the pool. Unfortunately he has to resist the urge to step in and stop every minor infraction he sees.
Dr Fate is eager to catch sight of the rare "Orange Breasted Lowenthal" and tells the others he shall be embarking from the hotel tomorrow morning at 7:30AM sharp. The only one who accompanies him is B'Wana Beast into the jungle. Buddy cop begrudging shenanigans ensure
Guy Gardner is forced to share a room with Firestorm, and demands that they go thirds on the room, since there's three of them in his mind, but Firestorm's Bobby and Martin claim to be one person and go halves. Firestorm is also perturbed by the structural integrity of parts of the building, and must investigate.
Wonder Woman is hoping to find a particular souvenir on the island, scouring the shops and pawnbrokers and acquiring tacky gift after tacky gift, all of which she hands off to various members of the crew. She solves simple crimes along the way
Booster Gold and The Blue Beetle set out to score, but Ted gets stung by a bug and has an allergic reaction, and Booster keeps trying to find him a doctor. Bad luck after bad luck keeps befalling them on their journey. They do enjoy posing for photographs with adoring fans though, who keep making them go viral, but not as viral as Superman's blood pressure.
Hawkgirl is concerned with trying to win a prize at the fun fair, and becomes determined to do so, she will NOT be beaten!
Fire and Ice are super stoked to be partying and hanging out with the ultimate party animal Power Girl! They are going to have the best time! Unfortunately, Power Girl has just gone through a terrible breakup and is miserable, far from her partying self, and their weekend turns into babysitting the dangerous self pitying girl.
And Batman, with the fortress finally to himself, just wants to sit down and watch some trashy reality TV free of distractions, judgement and interruptions. But Captain Atom is using his mandatory vacation time to run an inspection of the tower.
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maybe-im-dark · 17 days
Nailed it
A little Piece about what would have happened if Deadpool and Wolverine would have met differently. Set in the Logan movie
Logan and Dr. Zander Rice stood facing each other, the tension between them palpable. Rice's smug expression contrasted sharply with Logan's barely contained rage, and the air crackled as if it were about to explode. Rice was in the middle of a monologue when suddenly…BANG, BANG, BANG! Gunshots rang out. Blood spattered, and Rice, Pierce, and the other Reavers in the background clutched at their chests or necks, where gaping holes had appeared, before collapsing.
From behind the fallen bodies emerged a figure in a red-and-black spandex leather suit. Two katanas were strapped to their back, pistols in holsters on their legs. The mask was red, and the white eyeholes were framed by black diamonds. In one hand, they held a pistol, and in the other, a confetti cannon, which they fired over their head, letting the confetti rain down on them.
“Boom! Right on time, baby! Deadpool saves the day!”
Logan stared at the bizarre figure, utterly confused. His claws were extended, but for the moment, he was too perplexed to react. The figure struck a dramatic pose under the confetti rain and then patted themselves on the back.
“Ah, the sweet smell of victory and…,” they held the pistol barrel to their nose and inhaled deeply, “is that gunpowder? Definitely gunpowder. Anyway, let’s take a moment to appreciate my heroism, folks. Nailed it!”
Logan blinked, trying to make sense of the situation. Rice, the mastermind behind it all, who had been moments away from revealing his evil plans, lay dead on the ground, and this guy in a „Spider-Man on drugs“ costume was acting like he’d just won a game show.
Logan frowned. “Who the hell are you?“
The guy paused and laughed, smacking his forehead with his hand. “Oh right! I totally forgot to introduce myself! Where are my manners? I’m Deadpool, or Wade Wilson, if you prefer a more formal introduction.”
Deadpool pulled out a business card and handed it to Logan before continuing.
“And with the help of the TVA and their time-travel-universe-timeline-stuff—don’t ask me how it works, I didn’t get it either—I just saved your ass, Wolvie! Yeah, you’re welcome!”
Logan looked at the business card, which read: Deadpool: Mercenary, Professional Smartass, Occasional Hero (when I feel like it).
He squinted at Deadpool, utterly confused. “Wolvie?”
The mercenary holstered his pistols and pointed finger guns at him. “Yup! Logan, Wolverine, Weapon X… whatever you’re going by in this universe. Big fan, by the way. Thought I’d lend you a hand since you looked a little… cornered.”
Logan retracted his claws but remained wary, sizing him up before cautiously concluding, “You’re insane.”
Deadpool shrugged nonchalantly, his grin audible in his voice. „Yeah, that’s the general consensus. But hey, insanity comes with perks. Like saving hairy old mutants from certain doom.“
He began rummaging through his belt pockets, pulling out random items: a taco, a grenade, a small plush unicorn, until he finally found a pair of sunglasses and put them on over his mask.
“If you’re wondering why I’m doing all this… well, let’s just say I had a little run-in with the TVA, and they revealed to me that you’re an… what’s it called again… anchor being, and your death would result in the destruction of my reality. And I thought, ‘Hey, before my world goes to hell, why not save the ol' Wolverine,’ and voilà—here I am.”
Logan crossed his arms, still trying to make sense of the situation. Meanwhile, Laura watched from the background, her eyes darting between Logan and Deadpool.
“You killed these guys?” asked the clawed mutant.
Deadpool nodded casually. “Yup. One-man death squad. You know, before all this went down, I was on a pretty dark path. Almost joined the dark side. But they didn’t have cookies, and you know, they always say there’d be cookies. I think it’s pretty rude when they lie about stuff like that! But anyway… oh, you don’t need to thank me. I already threw myself a party.”
He gestured to the confetti still scattered around them and suddenly pulled out another confetti cannon, which he fired off. More colorful bits rained down as Deadpool playfully spun in a circle.
“Confetti makes everything better,” he declared.
Logan watched the show for a moment, running a hand through his hair, half-tempted to just leave this lunatic behind.
“Look,” he growled, “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but—”
Deadpool interrupted him, raising a hand. “Oh no, no games, Logan. Just a little murder, confetti, and friendship. You’re basically my grumpy soulmate. I’m doing us both a favor. Besides, I know you’ve got a soft spot for the little girl with the claws over there.”
He pointed at Laura, who raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
“Adorable, by the way. How do you guys manage it when you go on future missions together? Do you call yourselves Wolverine and Wolverine Junior? Sorry, I’m just trying to understand the family dynamic.”
Logan’s eyes narrowed again, but Deadpool put a finger to his mask as if deep in thought.
“Anyway, the bad guys are gone, you’ve got the merc with a mouth on your side now, and I think that’s enough heroics for today. We really should head back to the TVA so they can fix my world and your uh…everything. Oh man, Paradox is gonna be pissed because i broke his nose, but eh. Oh, and if you ever need me,” he looked over at the other mutant kids hiding between the trees, “just give a shout. Or fire a flare. I love dramatic entrances.”
Logan looked at him, then at Laura, who shrugged, just as confused as he was.
“I don’t need a damn sidekick,” he muttered.
Deadpool waved dismissively. “Oooh, sidekick? No, no, no. Think of me as your chaotic, slightly insane co-hero. Or better yet, let’s be best friends.”
Logan sighed, clearly done with this conversation. As he walked off with Laura in tow, Deadpool flashed a peace sign behind them.
„We should totally get chimichangas later. Or shawarma, like the Avengers. How about both? What do you think? Is there a place that sells both chimichangas and shawarma?”
Logan ignored him and kept walking with Laura in tow. Wade watched them go before crouching down and pulling out his phone to take a selfie with the bodies of Rice and his henchmen in the background.
“Yep,” he said, grinning into the camera, “definitely nailed it.”
Then he pressed the TVA device and opened a portal. Logan made his way through the underbrush toward the glowing gate while Deadpool followed, hopping along like it was a stroll in the park.
“You know the best thing about this being a fanfiction?” Deadpool asked, clearly not a fan of silence.
Logan growled. „I have no idea what you’re talking about in the first place.“
Deadpool patted the mutant on the shoulder and grinned beneath his mask. “Well, the best thing is that it’s not part of the movie. Which means, my hairy friend, that Hugh Jackman doesn’t have to bulk up for six months and eat nothing but chicken and broccoli to get those gorgeous muscles. He can just sit back and relax with a latte while the author types away all those rock-hard abs and veins.”
Logan shot him a sideway glance, deadpan. “You’re an idiot.”
“And you look damn good for a washed-up mutant with adamantium poisoning.”
And with that, Wade pulled out his phone again, zoomed in on Logan’s butt, and snapped a picture.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
New Sonic Channel EGGMAN wallpaper!
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I MUST include the description on the page because OMFG I'm losing my mind!!! Translation of what I could get through DeepL, seems slightly better than what I can get on auto translate on the page:
"It is no exaggeration to say that the Sonic series would not begin without him! He is pushing forward towards his ambition of world domination: ...... He has an IQ of 300!
You all know what I'm talking about, don't you?
The evil genius scientist who has no equal in this world.
It's Dr. Eggman!
It is rare to see Dr. Eggman, a scientist, in a fighting pose: ......! No, or perhaps he is watching with a look of satisfaction as he beheads his enemies with the mecha and robots he has created himself......! Either way, he looks really cool with his fearless smile and kanroku poses!
As you all know, Dr. Eggman has been Sonic's nemesis ever since his debut in the game "Sonic the Hedgehog" and has been a big villain who has been plotting various devious schemes. Sometimes he acts as a serious and dignified "evil genius scientist," and at other times he shows a slightly off-kilter "angry old man" side. ...... I think that this variety of charm is the reason why Dr. Eggman is not only a big bad guy but also a great villain.
Coolness like in this illustration is also one of his many charms!
The latest game title to feature Dr. Eggman is "Sonic Frontiers," the third free major upload of which was released today!
In this title, Dr. Eggman is trapped in a mysterious place called "cyberspace," but even in such a situation, his clear mind, strong will ...... He is still a very smart, strong-willed, and selfish man, and this time, too, he is "as good as Eggman! He was very unique with his new subordinate girl, "Sage". The unique relationship with the new subordinate girl, "Sage," is also not to be missed. ......"
Let me just gush about WHY I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS:
"It is no exaggeration to say that the Sonic series would not begin without him!"
It really is no exaggeration to say many of the games and entire series wouldn't have even began without him and that's why he's so important!
"The evil genius scientist who has no equal in this world."
That's right because he's the BEST and he knows it so that's why his ego is huge! XD
"It is rare to see Dr. Eggman, a scientist, in a fighting pose: ......! No, or perhaps he is watching with a look of satisfaction as he beheads his enemies with the mecha and robots he has created himself......! Either way, he looks really cool with his fearless smile and kanroku poses!"
They say he's possibly either got a "fighting stance" like the big strong handsome man he is or he's watching with a look of satisfaction as he "BEHEADS HIS ENEMIES" with his "mecha and robots he created himself" !!!! FUCK YEAH HE LOVES VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION that's the real dynamic he has with his creations!!! And yes he does look "really cool" with his pose and his "fearless smile" AHHHH 🥰
"Dr. Eggman has been Sonic's nemesis ever since his debut and has been a big villain who has been plotting various devious schemes.
Sometimes he acts as a serious and dignified "evil genius scientist," and at other times he shows a slightly off-kilter "angry old man" side.
I think that this variety of charm is the reason why Dr. Eggman is not only a big bad guy but also a great villain. Coolness like in this illustration is also one of his many charms!"
THIS SUMS HIM UP SO PERFECTLY, he's a big villain that plots devious schemes of world domination! He's an "EVIL GENIUS SCIENTIST" AND an "ANGRY OLD MAN" side! I love how he's an evil scientific and evil old man, my favorite way to describe him!
"Coolness is one if his many charms." Yes he IS cool and that IS one of the many parts of his charm!!!!
"Dr. Eggman is trapped in a mysterious place called "cyberspace," but even in such a situation, his clear mind, strong will. He is still a very smart, strong-willed, and selfish man."
"He was very unique with his new subordinate girl, "Sage".
AND acknowledgement that Sage is his "SUBORDINATE" as his servant and protector not the other way around‽‽‽
This is saying absolutely EVERYTHING I'm saying about him ALL THE TIME, it's like they reached into my mind and pulled out every single thing I've ever observed about his character and summed it up here!
I'm so glad I was right and that he really is the man I fell in love with and that OFFICIAL JAPANESE SONIC TEAM/SONIC CHANNEL MEMBERS who really get the say agree and describe him that way when it comes to their own character- I'm so happy I could cry :'D
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king-crawler · 9 months
The Disney villain book i ordered 3 weeks ago finally came and the sleeve was oily and chafed but at least I get the fabled single paragraph of King Candy insight
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this is truly a game changer
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And ralf
Page 166: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2012.
DIRECTOR: Rich Moore.
ANIMATOR: Zach Parrish.
"Everyone should have known with a pass code like UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, START that this sugary-sweet king was not on the up-and-up. Who in the gaming world doesn't know that cheat code?! King Candy is the ruler of Sugar Rush, a video game made of everything sweet to eat, or as a wise Wreck- It Ralph sees it, a "candy-coated heart of darkness.' " But Sugar Rush was not always such a dark place; it was once a happy kingdom where Princess Vanellope von Schweetz ruled until an evil racer from a game called Turbo Time messed with her code and took her game for his own. The biggest shock? King Candy and that villainous racer known as Turbo are one and the same. Alan Tudyk, the voice of King Candy, said he had imagined King Candy to be a much bigger character, size-wise, and found it really funny that he was actually such a small man."
“Portrait of King Candy. Artist: Clay Loftis. Medium: Digital."
“Final Frames of Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph (2012)”
"Concept art of Turbo. Artist: Jim Kim. Medium: digital."
Page 184: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
WRECK-IT RALPH - Wreck-It Ralph.
RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2012.
DIRECTOR: Rich Moore.
VOICE TALENT: John C. Reilly
ANIMATOR: Nik Ranieri
“Wreck-It Ralph is a "bad guy" who has been forced to spend every day for the last thirty years trying to destroy the apartment building that took his home away and to thwart Fix-It Felix from fixing everything Ralph wrecks. After "wrecking" the thirtieth anniversary celebration of his game, Ralph decides to go on a quest to earn a medal and prove to everyone, including himself, that he can be a good guy and do good things. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, director Rich Moore said that the idea for Wreck-It Ralph came when he was asked by Walt Disney Animation Studios to revamp an idea they had been working on for a while: a movie that takes place in a video game. "Video game characters do the same job every day," said Moore. "I don't know how you could tell a story about that, and then it kind of hits me. ... What if the main character did not like his job? If you had a character who is actually wondering: Is this all there is to life?" "
Concept Art of Vanellope and Ralph. Artist: Bill Schwab. Medium: digital.
Page 185: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
Story sketches of Ralph. Artist: Jim Kim. Medium: Graphite
Final character pose of Ralph.
Final frame of ralph with the Bad-Anon support group from Wreck-It Ralph, 2012.
“Bad-Anon-One Game at a Time
"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
-The Bad Guy Affirmation
Evervone needs a little help from their friends, even if their friends are a group of "bad guys." Bad-Anon is a place where the who's who of gaming bad guys can meet and talk about their feelings and what it is like to always be the one everyone loves to beat. Here are some of the familiar faces from the video games of the 1980s and 1990s.”
Bowser--King Koopa from Super Mario Bros.
Clyde--Ghost from Pac-Man.
Dr. Robotnik- -as himself from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Kano--as himself from Mortal Kombat.
M. Bison--as himself from Street Fighter.
Neff-as himself from Altered Beast.
Zangief-Red Cyclone from the Street Fighter series.
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
by Dr. Sheila Nazarian
My family immigrated to Los Angeles from Iran when I was a child, fleeing the religious persecution that Jews in Iran are subjected to.I’m thrilled to see the Persian community being recognized for what we bring to the table — for Jews and for America at large. I’ve said for a long time that the American Jewish community has a problem listening to its smaller constituencies, particularly Middle Eastern Jews who don’t vote, act, or look like them. Persian Jews usually hold more conservative positions than the rest of our Jewish counterparts, particularly with regard to foreign affairs and the dangers of radical Islam — but it is because we know these dangers acutely. It did not take the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust for us to see them.
We know these dangers, and have been sounding the alarm about them, precisely because we have lived through and fled them. My family fled Iran, hiding in the back of a pickup truck being shot at by border police, after the Islamic Revolution, when the ayatollahs took the sophisticated, cosmopolitan society I remember from my early childhood and transformed it in a dystopian theocracy that detests women and detests Jews even more. Along with the thousands of other Jewish families who fled, we were among the first victims of the jihadist wave that started then and is still crashing over the world today, with Iran funding the terrorist proxies — from Hamas to Hezbollah — that wreak havoc through the Middle East and hope to do the same to the Western world. 
This is why Persian Jews warn continuously of the evils of radical Islam — we know how it can destroy once-thriving societies until they are unrecognizable, and we know the way this destruction can spread. We understand the pressing, urgent danger that Iran poses to the West, and we understand the need to elect officials and back policies informed by this understanding, even if it means a shift from the traditional American Jewish party line.
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