#dr. grace sawyer
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Part 1/3 of my soft Tim miniseries!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!rookie!reader
Summary: Tim Bradford cares more about you, his boot, than he should. You're injured and he shows his care without thinking.
Warnings: fluff, brief insecurity, description of injuries and stitches. r has hair long enough to pull back but no specific qualities!
Word Count. 1.0k+ words
A/N: This is just a little something I wrote last night. A scene of Tim being soft toward you, his favorite rookie. :)
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Tim Bradford can be gruff, pushy, and, at times, downright mean. But he never pushes his trainees more than they can handle, and his relentless tests and trials are for their benefit. By leading them to their potential or letting them fall short of it, he shows himself and them that they do (or in many cases, don’t) have what it takes. So, when people ask you if Tim Bradford is hard to work with or a tough TO, the answer is usually yes. 
But then there are moments like this. 
As you sit in the emergency room with a bloody wad of paper towels wrapped around your hand and your hair falling in your face, you watch Tim. He’s been on the phone since you arrived, pacing as he explains what happened to Sergeant Grey. You hadn’t seen Tim worried about you like this before today, but the moment he noticed the concerning amount of blood dripping from your hand as you stood your ground against an armed suspect, he showed you a side of himself that you’d never seen before. 
“Let’s get that hand looked at. I’m Dr. Grace Sawyer.”
You nod at Grace as you stand and brace your injured hand against the other. She smiles kindly as you introduce yourself and leads you into a nearby room. 
“Take a seat and I’ll unwrap Officer Bradford’s patch job,” she instructs. 
After you sit and extend your hand toward her, she carefully unwraps the blood-soaked towels and deposits it into a biohazard container behind her. The gash across your palm and over the side of your wrist begins bleeding again without the pressure of Tim’s impromptu wrap job. He yelled at you while he did it, but you know why. 
“How’d this happen?” Grace asks. 
“I, uh… I was supposed to stay out of the way until our backup got there, but a guy ran up behind Officer Bradford, my TO, with a machete. I jumped in before I thought about it," you answer.
“Clearly,” Tim grumbles as he walks in. “How is she?” he asks Grace. 
“I’m going to put in a few stitches. I’ll wrap it so she can get back to work, though. Is this your dominant hand?”
“No,” you answer softly, looking at Tim. 
Tim nods once before he walks to stand behind you. You feel his fingers in your hair before you can ask what he’s doing. Less than an hour ago, someone else had their fingers on your scalp, but you weren’t as accepting of the touch. 
“What are you doing?” you ask as he works your ponytail holder loose. 
“Fixing your hair. This look isn’t exactly department-approved and you can’t do it with stitches in your palm,” Tim answers. 
You turn your attention toward Grace and watch her work instead of focusing on how softly Tim is touching you or how close his chest is to your back. His warmth and care for you threaten to distract you from why you're here and what you're supposed to do when you leave.
“Sorry,” he murmurs when his finger hooks on a tangle. 
“It’s okay,” you reply. “Thank you.”
“Are you okay?” Tim asks. 
“I am. Thanks to you.”
“I’ll be right back. Don’t move that hand,” Grace says.
She winks as she stands, and you wonder if she knows how much trouble you’d get in for making a move on your TO. Not that you haven’t thought about it. Although, it always ends in rejection, even in your daydreams. The downside of knowing Tim so well, you think. 
“I don’t even know how he got my hand and my hair so fast,” you admit. “It was like I felt the slice and then he was yanking me backward.”
“You stood your ground well,” Tim responds. “Not that I’m praising you disobeying me and jumping in, but what you did was well done. Unnecessary, but properly executed.”
“Unnecessary?” you repeat. “I’ll remember that next time a guy is about to use a machete against your back.”
“You know what I mean,” Tim adds quietly. 
He drops his hands to your shoulders briefly, and when he pulls away, you shiver at the loss of warmth. 
“It’s not perfect, or exactly how you had it,” he begins as he rounds the exam table. 
“It’s great. Thank you,” you interject. “I really do appreciate it.”
“Just don’t let it happen again.”
“Trust me, I’ll try. Twelve stitches across my palm was never the goal.”
Tim rolls his eyes and sits in a nearby chair to wait for Grace to finish treating your cut. You watch him, and when you notice his shoulders drop, you push him back for once. 
“You know, I’ve been looking for a new hairstylist for an event next month,” you say. 
“No,” Tim answers. 
He crosses his arms tightly against his chest and tilts his head away from you. That means it’s working. 
“But you did so well! I mean, I haven’t felt this good because of a hairstyle since… I can’t remember.”
“Then learn to do it yourself.”
“But you’re my partner,” you argue with a pout. 
“When I said I’d be with you through the good, the bad, and the ugly, that’s not exactly what I meant.”
“But I’ll be ugly without beautiful hairstyles like this!”
Tim straightens quickly and says, “You’re kidding. Right?”
You shrug and look at the stitches lining your hand. 
“You’re beautiful,” he adds. “No hair-do can change that or make it untrue.”
“Thanks,” you whisper. 
“I’m back,” Grace announces. “Let me wrap this and you’ll be good to go.”
“About time,” Tim sighs. “Way to waste our afternoon, boot.”
You don’t hear a word he says. The only thing worth remembering for the foreseeable future is Tim Bradford saying, ‘You’re beautiful. No hair-do can change that or make it untrue.’ When you climb back into the shop a few minutes later, you realize that life will be hard with one of your hands out of commission. 
“How am I supposed to do anything without bothering this?” you ask. 
“Carefully. You just…” Tim sighs and knocks his knuckles against the steering wheel for a moment. Then he says, “Just call me if you need help.”
It takes you a second to register what he said and believe you heard him correctly, and your questioning sound communicates that. 
“Don’t make me regret it,” he adds. 
“Is this the ugly you meant?” you tease. 
“No,” Tim answers. “This is the good.”
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some ways homophobia hurts all men feat. Max Jägerman as a case study
Maxwell Jägerman, the senior football star of Hatchetfield High School, is the ultimate bully. But why? How can someone so deeply embrace the “high school has-been waiting to happen” as Veronica Sawyer once put it? Maybe the problem is cultural and societal views on male friendships. Maybe those cheesy, awful, anti-homo ads from the 50’s are paying off in the worst way: creating such a strong sense of internalized homophobia in straight and gay men alike that they police their behavior and suffer from their own rigid “no homo” rules.
Now, for the Nerdy Prudes Must Die connection~
Evidence of Max’s internalized homophobia:
He clearly banned butt slaps in the locker room, even consensual ones
He was touch-starved and needed a cuddle, but didn’t dare ask his bros for one, only requesting physical affection from Grace after having sex with her because that made it Straight Enough
He refused to rely on his teammates because needing other men is Gay, which left football feeling like a one man game - lonely for Max, no doubt
His dad would degrade him if he knew Max showed any emotion aside from anger, since Feelings Are Gay (I’m so tempted to use my f slur privilege to make that an acronym…)
Ways this harmed him:
His only avenue to support and intimacy was through a romantic relationship
His friendships were based in violence and aggression instead of vulnerability and acceptance
No one really knew him because he kept his personality so locked down and basic
He blamed other people for his pain when it was a system that made him feel worthless outside of the “high school football star.” If he had been allowed to hurt and been comforted when he felt like he had no future, he wouldn’t have committed to the “literal monster” bit
Ways this harmed everyone around him:
Grace verbally rejected him, but he felt like he had to keep pursuing her because she was his only chance to treat someone gently and be treated gently in return, so he very easily could have steamrolled over her boundaries and hurt her
There was no trust between his peers - any show of feeling or closeness would set off Max’s homophobia-fueled rage, so they had to be just as fake as he was
Girls were never allowed to see the boys around Max be caring and soft and emotional, which meant they couldn’t tell which were dangerous and which were merely hiding their humanity
He could only let himself feel anger, and the only thing he knew to do with his anger was unleash it on his classmates
As much as I’d like Max to be into boys (for purely selfish reasons), it doesn’t really matter if he’s straight or not. The issue is that he’s paranoid about being perceived as anything but straight, and it wrecks how he interacts with the world. Homophobia guts the ideal of what men should be and the support they deserve whether or not they are gay.
(Note: while I’ve felt this for some time, I saw a Dr K video a while back that helped me put it into words. Max, much as I love him, is just an example of how many, many men are ripped apart by the standards they unwillingly create. Fuck the patriarchy, fuck homophobia, save men)
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falcqns · 8 months
you'll be alright (no one can hurt you now) chapter five
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Lucy Chen & Tamara Colins, Tim Bradford & Lucy Chen, background Tim Bradford x Lucy Chen
✰ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Tim finds out if Lucy will be (physically) okay.
✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: canon divergence, Tim Bradford would do anything for Lucy Chen, post Day Of Death, slight angst, mentions of kidnapping and hospitals. tagging @natashasera obv.
don’t forget to read and reblog, and i do not give permission for my works to be posted anywhere other than tumblr. thank you.
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Tim sat in the hard plastic hospital chair, still cradling Tamara in his hands. She was awake, and staring up at him, her eyes looking everywhere but his own. He glanced down at her outfit, which consisted of blush pink ribbed pants, a beige knitted sweater, and matching beige knitted socks. 
Tamara cooed, kicking her legs out, making her feet hit Tim’s stomach. “You’re so beautiful,” Tim said quietly to Tamara. “Just like your mama.” His left thumb began stroking her soft skin from her eyebrow down to her jaw and back. Her hands scrunched up over her face, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. 
“Oh,” Tim commented. “Are you a sleepy girl?” He asked quietly, and moved Tamara slowly so that she was laying on his chest, her eyelids fluttering closed shortly after. Tim smiled as she got comfortable, snuggling in close to his neck. Tim ran his hands up and down her back as he felt her breathing even out. 
A few moments after Tamara had drifted off to sleep, Dr Sawyer walked into the waiting room. Tim immediately stood up, his hands holding Tamara tightly. 
“Officer Bradford?” She asked, and when Tim nodded she continued. “Lucy has been stabilized, and at this moment, it looks like she will make a full recovery.” 
TIm breathed out the sigh of relief he had been holding in since they’d arrived at the hospital and she had been taken back with the doctors. His boot was going to be okay. He wasn’t going to have to learn what it would be like to live without Lucy Chen, something that had been on his mind since he had learned she had been taken. He had been petrified, realizing that without Lucy, his life would be utterly silent. There would have been no more personal talk in the shop (despite his no personal talk in the shop rule, a rule that he had been unable to enforce with Lucy), no more singing along to Taylor Swift or finding out about the latest news and hints about the singer. No more chai latte, no more taco wagon on Tuesdays. 
But now that he knew those things would continue, he was overjoyed. He couldn’t wait for her to be healed, released, and back on the job with him for 12 hours a day. But, that day was still a while away. 
“C-Can I see her?” He asked, and Grace nodded with a smile on her face. 
“Of course,” She said. “Follow me.” 
Grace led him and Tamara into the room where Lucy was being held. She looked peaceful, lying on the bed, under heavy sedation. Her eyes were closed, her face was relaxed, and her breathing was even and healthy. The knot of fear in Tim’s chest loosened slightly, seeing proof that she was alive and okay. He held Tamara close as he sat down in the chair next to her bed, and looked up at Grace as she spoke to him. 
“The sedation should wear off overnight.” Grace said. “If anything changes, such as her waking up, press the call button and either a nurse or myself will come and assist.” She said, and nodded when Tim thanked her, before walking out the door. 
Tim adjusted Tamara as he got as comfortable as he could in the plastic chair. Tamara moved slightly, her forehead wrinkling up as she was awoken briefly from her sleep, but the 3 month old settled down rather quick. 
Tim looked up at Lucy briefly, before looking back down at Tamara. He didn’t know how to feel about Lucy, his boot, adopting this baby that she found while on duty. He felt that, despite being off on medical leave, he should have been notified that she was doing this, as he was her training officer. But, at the same time, he knew she wasn’t thinking of herself when she kept Tamara a secret from him, she was thinking about Tamara. He had known Lucy for almost 4 months now, and the one thing he was certain about when it came to his rookie was that she was selfless. She always thought of others first, regardless of how it would affect her. 
So no, he wasn’t mad, per say, he was more disappointed that she didn’t trust him enough to be told a secret as big and important as the baby in his arms. But, that would change. He would make sure that she knew, from now on, how much he cared about her. How he was there for not only her, but also Tamara, no matter what, in anyway he could. 
Now all she had to do was wake up. 
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BFCD Black Women in Horror/Monsters & More Masterlist
Black Women in Horror | Final Girls | Slayers | BFCD Monsters & More Masterlists 
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Abbie Mills Sleepy Hollow | Abby Williams Abby 1974 | Abigail Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Abigail Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Adelaide Wilson/Red Us | Alberta Ghosts US | Alexa Woods Alien VS Predator | Alice Autofac, Electric Dreams | Alma Walker American Horror Story: Asylum | Amy Bellafonte The Passage | Akasha Queen of the Damned |  Amanda Fisher Ash VS Evil Dead |  Anacostia Quartermaine Motherland: Fort Salem | Angelina Johnson Harry Potter Verse | Aneela Kin Rit Killjoys | Anita Friday the 13th Pt 5: A New Beginning |  Anne Body Bags: The Gas Station | Anne Marie McCoy Candyman | Annie Keller Monsterland | Annie Sawyer Being Human UK | Apocalypta Dead 7 | Annabelle Cane The Magnus Archives | Ariel The Little Mermaid | Aya Al-Rashid The Originals
Beatrice Bennett The Vampire Diaries |  Belle Fright Night: Part II | Beloved (Book and Movie Beloved) | Bernadette Walsh Candyman | Bertha Van Weld Sanjay and Craig | Betty Resident Evil | Billie Supernatural | Bonnie Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Braeden Teen Wolf | Bree The Vampire Diaries | Brianna Cartwright Candyman Reboot | Brianna Collier Escape Room 2 |  Bubble Valerian and The City of a Thousand Planets |
Candace Preston Light As a Feather | Carla Spectros | Carmen Eguiluz Always a Witch | Carola Tales from the Darkside: The Movie | Caroline Newcliffe The Beast Must Die | Catarina Loss Shadowhunters | Charvel Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Chocolate Rats Night of Terror | Christine Daae The Phantom of the Opera | Cisely Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Claudette Morel Dead By Daylight | Clementine Chasseur Hemlock Grove | Cleo Sowande Legacies | Cleophas Garroway Shadowhunters | Connie The Walking Dead | Cressida Into the Badlands | Cym The Forsaken | Cynthia Bones |
Dana Cardinal Welcome to Nightvale | Dead Girl Jessebelle | Death of the Endless Sandman | Detective Evans Chucky | Diane Death Bed | Donna Siren | Donna Chadway Stigmata | Dr. Cushing Tales from the Hood |
Efiya Kingdom of Souls Series | Ela I AM |  Elizabeth Henshaw The Haunted Mansion | Élodie Rakoto Dead by Daylight | Elphaba Wicked | Elzora Eve’s Bayou | Emily Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Epiphany Proudfoot Angelheart | Evillene The Wiz
Farah Hauville The Wayhaven Chronicles | Fiji Cavanaugh Midnight, Texas | Fliss Dubois Man of Medan | Freak Bride (Kimmy) The Purge: Election Year | Frey Holland Forspoken | Fringilla Vigo The Witcher 
Ganja Meda Ganja & Hess | Georgie Barker The Magnus Archives | Gladys Cravitz Chucky | Glinda The Wizard of Oz/Wiz | Grace Creepshow Series: Sibling Rivalry | Grandmother Raised by Wolves |  Gretel Monroe  Shadowhunters
Hallie McDaniel Scream 2 | Hanna Lovecraft Country | Hannah Grose The Haunting of Bly Manor | Harriet Johnson The House on Skull Mountain | Hermione Granger Weasley  Harry Potter Verse | Hippolyta Freeman Lovecraft Country |
Izzy Bit |
Jackie Heath The Devil’s Advocate | Jada Shields Charmed Reboot | Jade Wesker Resident Evil | Jennifer Remming Sweetheart | Jeryline Demon Knight | Jill The Skeleton Key |  Jillian Hope Hodgson Channel Zero: The Dream Door | Jordan Gladwell iZombie | Jungle Julia Death Proof |
Kachiri Twlight | Kaela Evers Supernova | Karen Jenson Blade | Karla Wilson I Still Know What You Did Last Summer | Kate Wynona Earp | Katrina Vamp | Keisha Taylor Alice Isn’t Dead | Kelly The Walking Dead | Kendra Young Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Kindzi Defiance | Kira The Invitation 2015 | Kitty Ghosts UK | Koster Shocking Dark | Kym Hawkins Legacies |
Lacey Emery Ash VS Evil Dead | Ladybird Dracula, NBC | Lanaia Shadowhunters | Laney Rucker The Purge: Election Year | Lauren Howell The Day of the Dead TV |  Leeza Scarborough Midnight Mass | Lena Aruza Night of the Cobra Woman | Linda B Emery Ash VS Evil Dead | Lisa Fortier Scream, Blacula, Scream | Lizzie The Perfection | Lorena Christophe The House on Skull Mountain | Lucinda & Melissa Cavender  ABC Family’s Halloween special ‘The Midnight Hour’ | Luisa Manjimbe Mortel |  Lydia Daybreak Paradise Killer
Macy Vaughn Charmed Reboot | Madame Zeroni Holes | Maddie Bishop Siren | Maeve Millay Westworld | Maia Roberts Shadowhunters | Mama Cecile The Skeleton Key | Maria Trick ‘R Treat | Maria Elkman Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest | Mariana The Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf | Marie Laveau American Horror Story | Marlene The Last of Us | Matty Mereaux Eve’s Bayou | Mazikeen DC Universe | Medusa Greek Mythology | Melanie The Girl with The Gifts | Merrick The Vampire Chronicles: Merrick | Mia Vallens Supernatural | Michonne The Walking Dead | Mileena Mortal Kombat 2021 | Minerva Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Miranda Dubaur Twitches | Miranda Grey Gothika | Miss Cobbs Tales from the Hood | Missouri Moseley Supernatural | Mistress East Emerald City | Misty Carpenter Into the Dark: Crawlers | Mozelle Batiste Delacroix Eve’s Bayou | Ms. Connors Class of 1999
Nada The Sandman | Nadia Omar Castle Rock | Nari Unfriended: Dark Web | Natalie Gorman Servant | Nicole Birch The Order | Nora Harris The Last of Us 2 |
Old Woman Josie Welcome to Nightvale | Olivia Two Sentence Horror Stories: Teeth
Pamela Winchell Welcome to Nightvale | Pauline Christophe The House on Skull Mountain | Pearl Bones | Petra Bellweather Motherland: Fort Salem | Phoebe Taylor A Discovery of Witches | Portia Supernatural | Prudence Blackwood The Sabrina Show on Netflix | Purna Jackson Dead Island
Queenie American Horror Story
Ramona Royale American Horror Story: Hotel | Raquel Francis Crazyhead |  Reba McClane Hannibal | Rebecca Jessel  The Haunting of Bly Manor | Regina Moss Malignant | Riley Abel The Last of Us | Rita Veder Vampire in Brooklyn | Roberta Warren Z Nation | Robin Ayou Subnautica: Below Zero | Rochelle Left 4 Dead | Rochelle Zimmerman The Craft | Rosalind Walker Sabrina Netflix | Rose Granger Weasley Harry Potter Verse | Rosemary Demons | Roxanne Weasley  Harry Potter Verse | Roz Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Ruby Baptiste Lovecraft Country | Ruby Williams The People Under the Stairs |
Sasha Williams The Walking Dead | Senna  Twilight | Sheila Bennett The Vampire Diaries | Sheva Alomar Resident Evil 5 | Simone Bethson The Saw Franchise | Sunny Nwazue  The Nsibidi Scripts |
Tabby The Craft Legacy | Tallulah Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood |  Tara Thornton True Blood | The Temptress Def By Temptation |  Tituba Salem | Topsy and Bopsy Lovecraft Country |
Valentina Suicide by Sunlight | Vanessa Brooks Blade | Vampira | Vampirella | Vicky Stanton Children of the Corn 2009 | Viv Allen October Faction |
Wilhamena Mettle OK Let’s Be Heroes |
Yvonne A Nightmare on Elm Street Series |
Zafrina Twilight | Zoe Head Count |
Children in Horror | BFCD Family Friendly Spooky Season |
Abra Stone Doctor Sleep |  Chichi of Nimm The Nsibidi Scripts | Clementine The Walking Dead Game | Diana Freeman Lovecraft Country | Erica Sinclair Stranger Things | Eve Batiste Eve’s Bayou | Yasmin Nightbooks | Zora Wilson Us |
Bree Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S | Clawdeen, Clawdia, Wolf Monster High | Eliza Zambi Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S | Harper Dunn Secrets of Sulphur Springs |  Honey Swamp Monster High | Howleen Wolf Monster High | Kelly Ferguson A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting | Luna The Hex Girls, Scooby Doo | Luz Noceda The Owl House | Marceline The Vampire Queen Adventure Time | Maya Abeola Maya and the Rising Dark Series | Megan Evers The Haunted Mansion | Robecca Steam Monster High | Sarah Fox My Babysitter’s a Vampire | Taranee Cook W.I.T.C.H. | Uncanny Valley Miraculous Ladybug | Willa Lykensen Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S |  Wydowna Spider Monster High
*List will be updated throughout October* 
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sporadiceagleheart · 5 months
Rest in peace Those Who died deserves this honor of their names that's why this is Thursday edit April 18th to remember the legacy of the Angels that died Jesus healed them and they went on to heaven home in the sky
Rebecca Jeanne Riley, Sally Ann Chesebro, Jane Eilish Preston January 3, 2017 - October 3, 2020, Calla Adelaide Andrus, Gabrielle Renae “Gabby” Barrett, Lauren Victoria “Tori” Windsor Whetzel, Gabrielly “Gabi” Magalhães de Souza, Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, Terence Pinder the 18 year old that was shot and killed in 1800 block of Hicks Street, Star Hobson, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Jersey Dianne Bridgeman, Charlotte Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Emily Grace Jones, Ava Jordan Wood, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Emilie Parker, Jackie Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Eliahna Torres, Nevaeh Bravo, Layla Salazar, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Bianca Devins, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Taylor Jean Moore, Destiny Norton, Destiny Riekeberg, JonBenèt Ramsey, Kelly Ann Fleming, Judith and Maria Barsi, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Lucille Ricksen, Indie Rose Armstrong, Rachel Joy Scott, Skylar Annette "Sky " Neese, Tristyn Bailey, Olivia Dahl, Lily Rose Diaz, Riley Faith Steep, Rylie Nicholls, Ava Martin White, James Bulger, Amerie Jo Garza, Maite Rodriguez, Alexandria Rubio, Joan of Arc, Jimmy the Crow, Dickey Betts, Kinsleigh Welty, Gracie Perry Watson, Inez Clarke Briggs, Annie Kerr Aiken, Grace Budd, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Happy Birthday Isabella Nardoni, Bella Claire Callaway, Calla Adelaide Woods, Rose Pizem, Riley Ann Sawyers, Riley Ann Fox, Anne and Margot Frank, Shan'ann, Bella&CeCe, Lallie Charles, Isobel Elsom, Jordan Rosales, Jeremiah, Ava Cole Nichols, Pauline Adelaar and Peter Fuchs, Anna D. Crnkovic, Irmgard Christine Winter, Olga Chardymova, Eliza Adalynn Moore, Lois Janes, Louis XVII, Sarah Payne, Alicia Lynn Clark, Mercedes Losoya, Norah Lee Howard, Sandra Cantu, Jessica Lunsford, Sierra Lynn Newbold, Samantha Bree Runnion, Samantha Davis, Dr. Jeremy and Avielle Richman, Beatriz Mota, Danielle Van Dam, Baby LeRoy, Shirley Temple and more kids
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Newly Added Fics
May 20 - 26, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Serendipity [OH/TRR Crossover] - @deb-1106 & @walkerismychoice 🛸Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Drake gets injured and seeks treatment at the hospital. TW: Gun Violence
Part 3
A Different Fate… - @jerzwriter 📚🎭
[mini: wip] A conversation with his friend, Tobias, has Ethan recalling a night from long ago and how it still lives in his heart to this very day. Feat. Tobias Carrick, Sienna Trinh
Part 4: A Glass Door
Break Free - @whenyourheartskipsabeat 📚
[extended: wip] Landry comes back into Alyssa's life but has he changed?
CH 1: Fresh Start
Degree of Fancy - @amortentiaopenheart 📚🛸
[mini: wip] New school, new friends....and a best friend?
Part 1
Part 2
Doppelganger - @cariantha ☁
Sawyer meets her doppelganger.
Everybody Hurts Sometimes - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚Ⓜ
[extended: wip] Casey is a top intern at Edenbrook, Ethan is the lead of Diagnostics. They share a secret of treating the revered Dr Naveen Banerji but is it all they will share. TW: Addiction and abandonment issues
Part 10: Fall From Grace
Part 11: Confronted
Part 12: Crash
From The Heart - @alj4890 ☁
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: A kiss to the neck from behind.
Greetings From Hawaii - @potionsprefect ☁
Ethan and Victoria send out some special postcards.
Once [The Nanny Affair/Open Heart Crossover] - @peonierose 📚🛸
[mini: wip] Addison has stage four ovarian cancer. So Sam and Addi seek a consultation with Dr. Ethan Ramsey at Edenbrook. Will they make it in time? TW: Illness, cancer, mental health Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Part 4
Sweatin' - @socalwriterbee ♥
After another restless night, Tessa heads down to the gym to work out what ever has her tossing and turning, Ethan's turns up to help her with a different method. [Public Places]
Unfortunate Misadventures - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan Ramsey had seen people do stupid things before, but none quite like this. [Crack; Ethan POV]
We're Still Friends - @txemrn ☁
Ethan and Tatum have a study date, and reach first base. [Young Ethan]
When The Stars Align - @liaromancewriter 🛸☁
Sienna must decide if she will take a chance or let go before she falls deeper.
Heading Home - @jerzwriter 📷
The Carricks are bringing Baby Samantha home, and of course, the usual craziness ensues! [Domestic; Family]
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thegospelhighways · 2 years
#sydneyangle Sydney it's prayer Time dear lord we're praying for Sydney Marie angle we're praying for Heather O'Rourke we're praying for Judith barsi we're praying for Sophie Quayle we're praying for Makayla Lynn Brewster we're praying for ashawnty Davis we're praying for Gabriella green we're praying for Gabrielly magalhaes we're praying for Jonbenet Ramsey we're praying for Dominique Dunne we're praying for tristyn Bailey we're praying for Emma walker we're praying for Judy Garland we're praying for Terry we're praying for young Dolph we're praying for DMX we're praying for xxxtentacion we're praying for Tyree Boyce we're praying for Cameron Boyce we're praying for Emily Grace Jones we're praying for natalynn Lea Miller we're praying for Natalia Wallace we're praying for Bella Edwards we're praying for Gracie Watson and Inez Clarke we're praying for Rosalie Avila,Amanda Todd we're praying for Rose pizem we're praying for Jane Taylor warford we're praying for bella Claire Callaway we're praying for Ava white we're praying for Ilse Haas we're praying for Gabby petito we're praying for Shirley temple we're praying for Mary tinning we're praying for Jonathan tinning we're praying for Max, spike, Marnie, grumpy cat, Lil bub, boo, Bo, Dolly the sheep, Jovian, Kuma, Pal, Higgins, we're praying for Jane eilish Preston we're praying for Megan Clarkson we're praying for Wyatt Gibson we're praying for baby Leroy we're praying for Darla jean hood and Jean darling and Dorothy deborba and Mary Ann Jackson we're praying for Riley Ann sawyers we're praying for Sally Ann chesebro we're praying for Lillian Marie Gardner we're praying for Isadora we're praying for Isadora Duncan we're praying for Nati we're praying for Sarah we're praying for Sarah Payne we're praying for Sandy hook elementary school victims we're praying for dunblane victims we're praying for columbine high school victims we're praying for McKenna Claire Macky wetzel we're praying for Betty white we're praying for Anthony Johnson we're praying for Kenny Rogers we're praying for Dr Martin Luther king Jr we're praying for Michael Jackson we're praying for George Michael we're praying for Calla Adelaide woods
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decholmes · 2 years
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                    D A K S H         “D E C “      H O L M E S
Name: Daksh Declan ‘Dec’ Holmes Nickname: Dec (pronounced deck) Age: 33 Birthday: November 1st Zodiac: Scorpio Occupation: Magician Hometown: Vancouver, Canada. Current Location: Gastown Sexuality: Bisexual Relationship Status: Single
tw: adoption
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adopted son of two actors that dedicated their lives to charity work
was a bit of an outcast who loved writing and magic at a young age but typically didn’t let that bother him due ot the fact that he focused solely on his family life / hobbies
went to school for teaching english and wanted to become a famous fiction writer, flunked out of uni, became a magician instead
has a very romanticized ideal of the world he lives in
Adopted at a very young age, Daksh -- who prefers to be called ‘Dec’ -- always grew up in a world of imagination and curosity. Childless and desperate to give children a chance as a great life, his adoptive parents went on to adopt once again (his youngest sister). Dec’s parents were actors in their own right, volunteering any chance they could to bring joy to those less fortunate -- at Renaissance faires with charity shows, at shelters seasonally as Mr. & Mrs. Claus during the holiday season, etc.
In turn, Dec always strived to give back. While not as graceful as his parents, he grew up with a love for magic and writing, often spending his days curating shows for school talent competitions. Of course, this came with its own set of challenges given he was seen as somewhat of a nerd, an outsider, but Dec continued to keep a good head on his shoulders and a stride in his step. He tried out for a bunch of sports, but ultimately fell short as a bench warmer for the football team.
With the hopes of becoming an English teacher, he went on to college and pursued an English degree. In that time he attempted to write a sci-fi fiction series that ultimately fell flat on its face with dozens upon dozens of rejections letters. When it came down to his degree, he fell short there as well -- as the mantra ‘those who cannot do, teach’ went literally, and he couldn’t even teach.
So he became a magician.
Taking the skills he loved so dearly as a child, he started under the pseudonym ‘The Mysterious Holmes’ and created a name for himself in the entertainment industry. While no David Blaine, he often books birthday parties and corporate events to keep the money coming. Otherwise he lives a very boring, very subdued lifestyle where much of everything is romanticized.
Dec always finds himself at the wrong place, wrong time, but somehow comes out unscathed every time due to the fact that he’s an overly chatty man with relatively earnest intentions.
+ kind, imaginative - absent, paranoid
bisexual but only has ever had two relationships in his life that he got dumped on both times because he lived in the clouds
carries around a copy of war & peace to ward off bad energy.
a nice person when he's not royally doing stupid shit in life.
secretly owned a lizard named Benedict Cumberbatch in the college dorms and still has him at his apartment to this day.
believes mothman is real. don't fight him on this.
typically a lover, not a fighter. he isn’t one to fwb or date around as he’s searching for ‘the one’ and truly believes he’ll know them when he sees them
tried to join an adult football sports teams but bless his heart, he really isn't good at sports so he's still the bench guy.
adopted younger brother - mal holmes
roommate & flirtationship - deandre thompson jr
close friend & part-time assistant - jas pelletier
friend & tinder match - sawyer harris
childhood friend / former crush - gabriela cortes
personal trainer - kasey lambert
close friend & bad/good influence - hiten mosaad
tinder match - zara harris
friends who he grew up with in vancouver
business associates that hire him out for their kids’ parties or corporate happenings
the two exes he had? but he doesn’t really remember what happened in them, but he just genuinely romanticizes what they had so it’s not great
people who push him out of his comfort shell
his adopted sibling! currently a sister but can be changed depending
literally anything idc he’s cute
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johnhardinsawyer · 11 months
In the End, Grace
John Sawyer
Bedford Presbyterian Church
11 / 12 / 23
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Hosea 11:1-9
“In the End, Grace”
(Generous Grace:  A Reflection of God’s Heart – 4)
“Parenting is the last great adventure.”  This is what Joe Hendricks once told me.  Dr. Hendricks was one of my religion professors in college.  He was kind of a living legend – having been at Mercer University in one capacity or another for decades.  He had been there so long that many people simply called him “Papa Joe.”  He was filled with wisdom about the Bible, and ethics, and morals, and race, and history, and time, and our place in all of it.  Once, the topic of parenting came up and he said something that I’ll never forget.  “Brother Sawyer,” he said – this is how he spoke.  “Brother Sawyer, parenting is the last great adventure.”  
After being a parent, now, for six and a half years, I’m inclined to agree.  When you set out on an adventure, you might have a goal in mind – to climb some mountain, or explore some unknown part of the world, or somehow raise a child into a good person.  But on any adventure, there are peaks and pitfalls, and detours and disappointments, terrors and triumphs.  You might think you know where your adventure will take you – “I’m gonna climb that mountain” or “I’m gonna help produce a good person” – and you might think you’re ready to set out on this adventure –  but you really have no idea what’s in store for you . . . how difficult the journey will be, the heights and depths you will experience, what you might have to sacrifice along the way, and how your love will be tested.  Adventures often require a whole lot of faith and a whole lot of love.    
Out of all of the parents in the Bible, the Prophet Hosea’s love is tested in some very real and hard ways.  Hosea’s parenting adventure is probably way harder than most of us would be able to handle.  
A few weeks ago, I talked about how there are times in the Hebrew Bible, when God will ask people to do certain things that look or sound strange to people like us, but these are examples of God using a symbolic action to teach a lesson or signify something else.  So, Jeroboam, the first King of the Northern Kingdom – also known as the Kingdom of Israel, also known as Ephraim (I know. . . I know. . . it’s a little bit confusing) – meets someone on the road who tears a garment into twelve pieces and gives Jeroboam eleven of the pieces, telling him that he will one day rule over eleven of the twelve tribes of Israel.[1]  Years later, the Prophet Hosea, living in the Northern Kingdom – is asked to marry a woman of ill-repute and have children with her.  This symbolic action – as crazy as it sounds – represents the broken relationship that God has with the Northern Kingdom.  The people are cheating on God by worshiping idols, and, as God tells Hosea, “the land commits harlotry by forsaking the Lord.”  (Hosea 1:2) 
Now, I know that many of your are probably thinking, “Wait a minute, John!  I thought that today was Stewardship Celebration Sunday!  This don’t sound like a celebratory message to me.”  Friends, good news is on the way.  I promise.  
But first, to make matters even worse for Hosea, he and his wife have children (though there is a strong chance that – because of his wife’s profession – the children are not biologically related to Hosea).  And then, God tells Hoseato give these children symbolic names like, “Jezreel – The Place of Blood and Defeat” and “Lo-ruhamma – Not Pitied or Forgiven by God” and “Lo-ammi – These People are Not God’s People.”[2]
Some of you might have a name that holds special meaning in your family, but imagine having a name that describes the brokenness your family – or your nation – has caused because of their behavior.  I imagine. . . when Hosea’s kids were being chosen for a ball team, how hard it would have been for someone named “Not Pitied” or “Not My People” to be chosen!  And, to name a child Jezreel, as one commentator writes, would be like naming a child Auschwitz or Hiroshima.[3]
One of Papa Joe’s lessons in class many years ago, going back to the Book of Genesis, is that one of the most powerful responsibilities that God gave human beings was the power to name things and people.[4]  There is great power in a name – names can hold great meaning – and we human beings give names for good or for ill.  
So, Hosea’s family is kind of messed upand God makes a powerful public example of this family.  But, what is God’s purpose in all of it?  Is God, as the Psalmist says, “gracious and merciful”[5] or not?  
There are some things that we will never know about God – especially why God does certain things – but if there is one thing that we do know . . . one thing that we believe to be true about God . . . one promise to which we hold and in which we put our trust . . . it is that God, in the end, is gracious.  
In today’s reading, despite all of the difficulty that may have come before it, we come to see God in a different – and more gracious – light.  In the end, God has compassion on God’s people, because this is who God is.
God brought the people of Israel out of Egypt.  God rescued God’s people from bondage.  God lifted the people up like a baby to God’s own cheek – feeding God’s people and caring for them like God’s own.  God taught God’s people how to walk, but now they have run off.  They have never acknowledged what God has done for them.  Even though they used to be slaves in Egypt it looks like they wouldn’t mind becoming slaves to another empire.  They pray to the false “small g” god, Baal, but Baal does not answer or help them.  
And yet. . . and. . . yet. . .  God loves them, anyway.  Anyone else and God might not be so merciful, but when God sees these people – God’s own people – God says, “How can I give you up?  How can I abandon you?  My insides churn at the thought!  And so, I will not act on my anger.  I will not destroy you, or abandon you, or give you up.  Why?  Because I am God and I am gracious.  I am right here, with you.”[6]  
As Eugene Peterson translates:
But how can I give up on you, Ephraim?     How can I turn you loose, Israel? How can I leave you to be ruined. . .  I can’t bear to even think such thoughts.     My insides churn in protest. And so I’m not going to act on my anger.     I’m not going to destroy Ephraim. And why? Because I am God and not a human.     I’m The Holy One and I’m here—in your very midst.[7]
God does not do what God may have done before and God does not act in a way that many human beings would choose to act.  No, in the end, God is “gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.”  (Psalm 103:8)  No matter what, God loves us anyway.
This was one of Papa Joe’s favorite lessons.  Papa Joe’s friend, Will Campbell, once wrote that “No matter what, God loves us anyway.”[8]  Now, the language that Will Campbell and that Papa Joe used was a little spicier than this, but “No matter what, God loves us anyway” is a fairly good Sunday-morning-go-to-church paraphrase of the original.  Just to hint at the spicy language, though, Hosea’s three children might not be his actual, biological, children, but Hosea loves them anyway. 
And we human beings, even though we are very good at falling short of what God hopes for us, we find ourselves in the unearnable position of being on the receiving end of God’s grace.  Human parents will sometimes fall short on this, but God does not.  God chooses grace.  And, in Jesus Christ, God sends the physical embodiment of this grace – the Holy One in our midst.  Parenting is the last great adventure and God’s gracious adventure is lived in flesh and blood and life and love by Jesus.  And even though human beings fall short in a disastrous way when it comes to receiving and following Jesus, no matter what, God loves us anyway.  This is the very definition of grace.
In the face of such great love, what is our response? 
In today’s reading from 2 Corinthians, we see one kind of response – people who are so thankful for the grace of God that they respond with generous gratitude.  As Paul writes, “We want you to know about the grace of God that has been granted to the churches of Macedonia; for during a severe ordeal of affliction, their abundant joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.”  (2 Corinthians 8:1-2)
This is not a normal human response.  It’s not what you and I would normally do in times of severity and suffering – and so many other competing financial priorities, and expenses, and fluctuations in currency and stock markets.  It is very human to try to hold on to what we have.  But grace is not about holding on to what we have.  Grace is, by its nature, a gift.  And the people of Macedonia respond to God’s generous grace by overflowing with gracious generosity.  Theirs is a holy response to the goodness of God.  God has chosen grace.  And the Macedonians step out on faith and also choose grace.  
Choosing grace is so hard and runs counter to how you and I oftentimes want to act – but the gracious adventure of faith will sometimes lead us on paths that we might not normally take and ask more of us than we might normally be able to give.  In the end, though, there is grace.  There is always grace.  
If God has chosen grace, what is our grateful and gracious response?  No matter what, God loves us anyway.  How will you respond to God’s grace?
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  
[1] See 1 Kings 11:30-32.  
[2] See Hosea 1:4-8 – Paraphrased, JHS.
[3] James Limburg, Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching – Hosea-Micah (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1988) 9.
[4] See Genesis 2:19-20.
[5] Psalm 103:8.
[6] Hosea 11:8-9 – Paraphrased, JHS.
[7] Eugene Peterson, The Message: Numbered Edition (Colorado Springs: NAV Press, 2002) 1234. Hosea 11:1-9.
[8] The quote is actually “We’re all bastards but God loves us anyway.”  https://afkimel.wordpress.com/2015/06/30/were-all-bastards-but-god-loves-us-anyway/.
0 notes
christmaspraiseteam · 2 years
#sydneyangle Sydney it's prayer Time dear lord we're praying for Sydney Marie angle we're praying for Heather O'Rourke we're praying for Judith barsi we're praying for Sophie Quayle we're praying for Makayla Lynn Brewster we're praying for ashawnty Davis we're praying for Gabriella green we're praying for Gabrielly magalhaes we're praying for Jonbenet Ramsey we're praying for Dominique Dunne we're praying for tristyn Bailey we're praying for Emma walker we're praying for Judy Garland we're praying for Terry we're praying for young Dolph we're praying for DMX we're praying for xxxtentacion we're praying for Tyree Boyce we're praying for Cameron Boyce we're praying for Emily Grace Jones we're praying for natalynn Lea Miller we're praying for Natalia Wallace we're praying for Bella Edwards we're praying for Gracie Watson and Inez Clarke we're praying for Rosalie Avila,Amanda Todd we're praying for Rose pizem we're praying for Jane Taylor warford we're praying for bella Claire Callaway we're praying for Ava white we're praying for Ilse Haas we're praying for Gabby petito we're praying for Shirley temple we're praying for Mary tinning we're praying for Jonathan tinning we're praying for Max, spike, Marnie, grumpy cat, Lil bub, boo, Bo, Dolly the sheep, Jovian, Kuma, Pal, Higgins, we're praying for Jane eilish Preston we're praying for Megan Clarkson we're praying for Wyatt Gibson we're praying for baby Leroy we're praying for Darla jean hood and Jean darling and Dorothy deborba and Mary Ann Jackson we're praying for Riley Ann sawyers we're praying for Sally Ann chesebro we're praying for Lillian Marie Gardner we're praying for Isadora we're praying for Isadora Duncan we're praying for Nati we're praying for Sarah we're praying for Sarah Payne we're praying for Sandy hook elementary school victims we're praying for dunblane victims we're praying for columbine high school victims we're praying for McKenna Claire Macky wetzel we're praying for Betty white we're praying for Anthony Johnson we're praying for Kenny Rogers we're praying for Dr Martin Luther king Jr we're praying for Michael Jackson we're praying for George Michael we're praying for Calla Adelaide woods
0 notes
brothertonyvolturi · 2 years
#sydneyangle Sydney it's prayer Time dear lord we're praying for Sydney Marie angle we're praying for Heather O'Rourke we're praying for Judith barsi we're praying for Sophie Quayle we're praying for Makayla Lynn Brewster we're praying for ashawnty Davis we're praying for Gabriella green we're praying for Gabrielly magalhaes we're praying for Jonbenet Ramsey we're praying for Dominique Dunne we're praying for tristyn Bailey we're praying for Emma walker we're praying for Judy Garland we're praying for Terry we're praying for young Dolph we're praying for DMX we're praying for xxxtentacion we're praying for Tyree Boyce we're praying for Cameron Boyce we're praying for Emily Grace Jones we're praying for natalynn Lea Miller we're praying for Natalia Wallace we're praying for Bella Edwards we're praying for Gracie Watson and Inez Clarke we're praying for Rosalie Avila,Amanda Todd we're praying for Rose pizem we're praying for Jane Taylor warford we're praying for bella Claire Callaway we're praying for Ava white we're praying for Ilse Haas we're praying for Gabby petito we're praying for Shirley temple we're praying for Mary tinning we're praying for Jonathan tinning we're praying for Max, spike, Marnie, grumpy cat, Lil bub, boo, Bo, Dolly the sheep, Jovian, Kuma, Pal, Higgins, we're praying for Jane eilish Preston we're praying for Megan Clarkson we're praying for Wyatt Gibson we're praying for baby Leroy we're praying for Darla jean hood and Jean darling and Dorothy deborba and Mary Ann Jackson we're praying for Riley Ann sawyers we're praying for Sally Ann chesebro we're praying for Lillian Marie Gardner we're praying for Isadora we're praying for Isadora Duncan we're praying for Nati we're praying for Sarah we're praying for Sarah Payne we're praying for Sandy hook elementary school victims we're praying for dunblane victims we're praying for columbine high school victims we're praying for McKenna Claire Macky wetzel we're praying for Betty white we're praying for Anthony Johnson we're praying for Kenny Rogers we're praying for Dr Martin Luther king Jr we're praying for Michael Jackson we're praying for George Michael we're praying for Calla Adelaide woods
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karihighman · 3 years
What normal What I see / what
Rookie fans see: Chenford fans see:
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Original source ⬇️
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6 Absurdly Dangerous Toys
Lawn Darts -  Cheap and easy to use — were a staple of backyard barbecues in the 1980s. Players would toss their dart into the air in an attempt to hit a plastic hoop laid down on the grass nearby. Everyone’s turn was fun — and dangerous. The weighted, 12-inch darts were equal parts fun and risky. Three plastic fins allowed the darts to soar through the air, and their spiked metal ends ensured they struck hard into the ground. 
Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for child injuries and fatalities to occur. Marketed as “Jarts,” the toy was sold in kid’s stores for years before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stepped in, as at that time they were responsible for regulating toy safety. In 1970, they asked R.B. Jarts, Inc. to add a warning label to the toy. The FDA also pulled the product from toy stores. But this wouldn’t be enough to save lives. Diane Sawyer and 60 Minutes on David Snow’s passionate effort to ban lawn darts. In April 1987, tragedy struck. Aerospace engineer David Snow of Riverside, California had an old box of Jarts at home — which his nine-year-old son was ecstatic to find. One throw later, a Jart smashed into his seven-year-old sister’s head with 23,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. She died 3 days later.  
The lawn darts had sent 6,100 people to the emergency room over an eight-year period. Of these, 81 percent were 15 years old or younger. The majority suffered injuries to their heads, faces, eyes, and ears — leaving many permanently disabled.
The Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab -  The boring chemistry sets of yesteryear got a little edgier in 1950, with the introduction of the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab for children. For one brief year, this “toy” was gifted to kids. The problem? It came with four types of uranium ore — which can be more dangerous than a choking hazard. Produced by the A.C. Gilbert Company and developed by Dr. Grace Langdon, the set sold for around $50 and seemed like an educational toy that would spark a love of science. However, it was rightfully yanked from the shelves by 1952.
Creepy Crawlers - Comparable to an Easy-Bake Oven, the set allowed kids to make disgusting little creatures by heating up “Plasti-Goop” in a very hot little oven. The metal moulds holding this arbitrarily named material reached temperatures of up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and caused burns in households across the United States. That wasn’t the only problem. The chemicals comprising the so-called goop were discovered to be too toxic to inhale. The original 1964 commercial for Mattel’s Creepy Crawlers Thingmaker .Before this discovery, Mattel enjoyed huge success. The Thingmaker was followed by several spin-offs like the “Creeple People” and “Fighting Men” moulds that allowed for different shapes to be made. The children’s toy was so popular that it wasn’t fully discontinued until 1978. With palpable nostalgia for the throwback item, Toymax picked up the rights and gave Creepy Crawlers another try in 1992 with some new safety measures in place. The safer version ditched the metal hot plates for plastic ones and used an oven heated by a lightbulb. 
Mini-Hammocks -  In the 1980s, the mini-hammock for children was introduced, but tragically instead of providing kids a relaxing escape it proved to be an incredibly dangerous toy. Made out of lightweight nylon mesh, mini-hammocks were designed as a humorous novelty. Sold for $3.99 apiece, this seemingly-cute children’s toy was produced. Tragically, the fun and games came to a horrific end when kids started dying. Sold by EZ Sales and Consolidated Stores, among others, the hammocks measured seven feet wide by 20 feet long. Each end had a nylon rope attached in order to secure the hanging bed-like contraption. Mini-hammocks were directly responsible for at least 17 children’s deaths. A Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) report issued on Dec. 14, 1995, revealed that these minors were between the ages of five and 17 years old. Without the spreader bars that allowed users to regulate the width of these sturdy nylon ropes, children became trapped between them. Children were asphyxiated by a four-dollar leisure product. One child is known to have survived but suffered permanent brain damage due to lack of oxygen. In the end, the CPSC’s 1995 report was followed by a recall of three million mini-hammocks the next year. 
Austin Magic Pistol -  Manufactured in the late 1940s, the Austin Magic Pistol was sold only briefly — and thankfully so. While the projectile-shooting device was designed to fire ping pong balls, it did so with a concerning force that was powered by explosive chemicals. The momentum generated to deploy the projectile came from the chemical reaction of calcium carbide and water. As a result, children were handling materials that, when mixed, would expand into acetylene gas — and explode. Just dripping some saliva on calcium carbide could result in a fireball.  Even with adult supervision, the flaming sparks shooting out of the breech end of the gun were unruly enough to scorch a user’s wrist. The safety of the breech itself was yet another concern. Acetylene gas is extremely flammable. With children running around backyard barbecues, anyone in the presence of Austin Magic Pistol-wielding kids in the 1940s and 1950s was lucky not to have died in a fire. Many of these guns either ruptured and broke or simply exploded during use.
Clacker Toys - Though Clackers were highly popular and addictive, they were also dangerous — and often exploded. Clackers were commonly manufactured out of wood or metal. Toy shelves across the world were also stacked with varieties made out of hard acrylic plastic .Clacker-addicted youths playing with these plastic versions soon found that the material was prone to shattering — sending shards of tiny plastic shrapnel flying. For years, kids across the globe were hit with shattered acrylic plastic, which resulted in blindness in worst-case scenarios. Initially marketed as a toy that could improve hand-eye coordination for kids, Clackers had become so dangerous that the Society for the Prevention of Blindness issued a warning in 1971. This led the FDA to develop entirely new safety standards for manufacturers and to demand detailed record-keeping and testing.
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multifandomflower · 3 years
Limited edition 2:1 or 4 audios.
Updated as I get new stuff in. 🤩 (24.11.2021)
I'm looking for the following videos :
Any Jeremy Jordan , Aaron Tveit , Skylar Astin , Zachary Levi that I don't have already.
The last five years , West end 2016 with Jonathan Bailey as Jamie
Company , West end , 2018 with Jonathan Bailey
Waitress with Piers Bate as Dr Pomatter and Joe Sugg as Ogie.
&juliet with Alex Romeo that I don't already have , preferably him with goatee from December
&juliet with Kirstie Anne full show ( i know it exists)
&juliet with Jocasta Nurse or Anne if it exists
&juliet crazy second cover madness with Danielle Juliet , Dillon Romeo and Alex Tranter Shakespeare if it exists
Any new &Juliet videos from the reopening
City of Angels , west end 2020 with Theo James
Pretty woman , West end ,2020/2021 with Ben Darcy
Soho Cinders, West end 2019 with Ben Darcy
Bat out of hell , West end with Jordan Luke Gage that I don't have
Heathers west end 2021 with Christina Benington and Jordan Luke Gage or any Chris Parkinson cover
Frozen , West end 2021 , with Danielle Fiamanya as Elsa , Oliver Ormson as Hans
Cinderella , West end 2021 , with Carrie Hope Fletcher as Ella
Taboo , UK with Jordan Luke Gage
Hair , uk ,2020 with Jordan Luke Gage , Grace Mouat , Danielle Fiamanya , Matt Cooke, Alex Thomas Smith etc
Six , West end with Collette Guitart and Grace in all their covers
• 2 Be more chill , 1 incomplete , cast or place unknown
West Side Story, Hollywood Bowl Concert , 2016, with Jeremy Jordan as Tony and Solea Pfieffer as Maria
• Bring it on from youtube cast or date unknown
• Harry Potter and the cursed child complete , broadway , may 2019 , cast unknown
1. Dear Evan Hansen , Broadway , December 2016 with Ben Platt
2. Dear Evan Hansen , Broadway , date unknown,  with Jordan Fisher
1. Hadestown broadway cast and date unknown
2. Hadestown national theater AUDIO cast unknown
1. Heathers , West end , Carrie Hope Fletcher , Sophie Evans , date unknown
2. Heathers , US , cast or date unknown
3. Heathers , West end , July 2021 , Christina Benington as Veronica Sawyer , Jodie Steele as Heather Chandler , Frances Mayli McCann as Heather McNamara , Bobbie Little as Heather Duke , Jordan Luke Gage as JD , Christopher Parkinson , Aimee Hodnett , Ross Harmon , Joaquin Pedro Valdes , Lauren Ward, Madison Swan , Simon Bailey , Steven Serlin , Giles Surridge, Iván Fernández González , Rachel Rawlinson, Rumi Sutton, Television Hughes. (LIMITED TRADE 2:1)
4. Heathers , USA , concert version , date unknown, with Jeremy Jordan
1. Beautiful the carole king musical ,  broadway , date or cast unknown
2. Beautiful the carole king musical , 2nd uk tour , February 2020 with Vicky Manser
3. Beautiful the carole king musical , US,  date unknown, with Melissa Benoist
1. Cats , 2014 , date or cast uknown from youtube
2. Cats , Broadway,  22 july 2016 with Leona Lewis as Grizabella
• Grease, place,  date or cast unknown  from youtube
• Head over heels musical , US,  date or cast unknown
• Lestat the musical , Broadway , opening night, cast unknown
• Sunday in the park with George place or date unknown, with Jake Gyllenhaal
• Addams family, broadway, date or cast unknown
• Eugenius , London , proshot ,  Rob Houchen , Scott Paigey,  Laura Baldwin , Simon Thomas, Emily Tierney , Neil McDermott , Tom Senior ,Dillon Scott Lewis , Alex Tranter , Ben Darcy
• Six videos
1. West End , september 2018 with Aimie Atkinson -Howard , Natalie May Paris - Seymour , Millie O'Connell  - Boleyn , Jarnéia Richard-Noel  - Aragon , Maiya Quansah-Breed - Parr , Alexia McIntosh - Cleves
2. West End , march 2019 with Aimie Atkinson - Howard ,  Natalie May Paris - Seymour , Vicki Manser swing Cleves , Millie O'Connell - Boleyn , Jarnéia Richard-Noel - Aragon , Courtney Stapleton swing Parr
3. West End , 19 april 2019 , with Grace Mouat swing Aragon , Millie O'Connell - Boleyn , Courtney Stapleton swing Seymour,  Alexia McIntosh - Cleves , Maiya Quansah-Breed - Parr
4. West End , January 2020 , Jarneia Aragon , Courtney Bowman Boleyn , Hanna alternative Seymour, Cherelle alternative Cleves , Zara alternative Howard , Collette Guitart swing Parr
5. Broadway, date unknown, Adrianna Hicks Aragon , Andrea Macasaet Boleyn , Abbey Mueller Seymour , Britney Mack Cleves , Samantha Paul Howard , Anna Uzele Parr
Six audios
West end , 19.04.2019 evening , with Courtney Aragon , Vicky Boleyn , Grace Howard
West end , 17.08.2019 , with Grace alt Aragon , Collette alt Boleyn , Courtney alt Seymour, Alexia Cleves , Aimie Howard , Maiya Parr
• Soho cinders , London,  10/2019 with Luke Bayer as Robbie , Millie O'Connell as Velcro , Michaela Stern as Clodagh , Natalie Harman as Dana , Lewis Asquith as James Prince , Tori Hargreaves as Marilyn Platt , Ewan Gillies as William George , Christopher Coleman as Lord Bellingham , Melissa Rose as Sasha , Ben Darcy , Jade Bailey , Thomas Ball , Luke Byrne , Laura Fulgenzi , Danny Lane , Savannah Reed
1. Something rotten ! , broadway ,cast and date unknown youtube rip
2. Something rotten ! , Broadway,  youtube rip cast and date unknown
• Sweeney Todd OBC date or cast unknown
• Amélie , UK 06/2019 , with Audrey Brisson as Amelie , Danny Mac as Nino , Johnson Willis as Dufayel/Collignon , Jez Unwin as Raphael/Bretodeau , Rachel Dawson as Amandine/Philomene , Kate Robson-Stuart as Suzanne , Sophie Crawford as Gina , Faoileann Cunningham as Georgette/Sylvia , Josh Sneesby as Blind Beggar , Caolan McCarthy as Hippolito/Elton John , Samuel Morgan-Grahame as Joseph/Fluffy , Oliver Grant as Lucien/Mysterious Man , Nuwan Hugh Perera as Jean-Yves , Chris Jared as Raymond, Charley Magalit as Cecile , Emma Jane Morton as Delphine
• Cabaret , Broadway, date unknown , Emma Stone
1. Romeo & Juliet , West End , July 2016 with Lily James and Richard Madsen
2. Romeo & Juliet , USA , 2013 , Orlando Bloom as Romeo
1. Hedwig and the angry inch , Broadway  with Darren Criss and LH , date unknown
2. Hedwig and the angry inch , broadway , with Darren Criss v1 , date unknown
3. Hedwig and the angry inch , broadway , with Darren Criss v2 , date unknown
• Rent , Hollywood Bowl , April 2010 with Aaron Tveit , Skylar Astin , Vanessa Hudgens,  Nicole Scherzinger
Rent live , movie , 2019 , with Vanessa Hudgens , Jordan Fisher , Tinashe , Mario , Keala Settle
• Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) Broadway,  with Carly Ray Jensen as Cinderella and Fran Dechner as Madamm
• The hunchback of Notre Dame , La Jill's Playhouse , 5 April 2015 with Ciara Renee as Esmeralda
• The grinning man Bristol Old Vic At Home official full length show cast unknown
• Gigi , Broadway , 28/03/2015 with Vanessa Hudgens and Corey Cott
• Parade , Lincoln Central Concert ,  16/02/2015 with Jeremy Jordan
• Pippin , Broadway , 13/07/2013 cast unknown
• Back to the Future,  Manchester, UK,  February 2020 , cast uknown
• Newsies , Broadway , 2017 , proshot with Jeremy Jordan
• Waitress
1. Usa , Jeremy Jordan as Dr Pomatter
2. Usa , Colleen Ballinger as Dawn
3. West end , Lucy , Marisha and David
4. West end ,dec 20019 , Sarah O'Connor as Alt Jenna , Piers Bate as Earl , David as Dr Pomatter , Sandra Marvin as Becky , Hannah Tointon as Dawn , Joel Montague as Ogie , Andrew Boyer as Joe , Richard Taylor Woods as Cal , Lucia De Wan as Lulu , Rosemary Nkrumah as Nurse Norma , Olivia Moore as Francine Pomatter , Laura Selwood as Mother , Ben Morris as Father , Cindy Belliot , Nathaniel Morrison , Matthew Rowland swing
5. West end , jan 2020 , Desi Oakley as e/c Jenna , Piers Bate as Earl , Marisha as Becky , David as Dr Pomatter , Hannah Tointon as Dawn , Nathaniel Morrison as u/s Ogie , Mark Willshire as u/s Cal , Andrew Boyer as Joe , Rosemary Nkrumah as Nurse Norma , Olivia Moore as Francine Pomatter
6. Broadway , 29.06.2017 , Betsy Wolf as Jenna , Molly understudie Dawn
7. Broadway , AUDIO , 09.01.2018 , Betsy Wolf as Jenna , Jason Mraz as Dr Pomatter
8. West End , AUDIO , 29.11.2019 , Lucie Jenna , David Dr Pomatter, Laura Dawn , Joe Sugg Ogie , Sandra Becky
• Wicked
1. Broadway looks old cast unknown
2. Broadway , date unknown , with Aaron Tveit as Fiyero
3. West end , 18.10.2007 , with Oliver Tompsett as Fiyero , Kerry Ellis as Elphaba , Dianne Pilkington as Glenda, Susie Blake as Madame Morrible , Nigeria Planer as the wizard , James Gillan as Boq , Katy Rowley Jones as Nessarose
4. West end , 26.10.2007 , highlights with Cassidy Janson as Standby Elphaba , Oliver Tompsett as Fiyero , Sarah Earnshaw as Standby Glinda, Susie Blake as Madame Morrible , Nigel Planer as the wizard , Katie Rowley Jones as Nessarose , James Gillan as Boq , Andy Mace as Dr. Dillamond
5. Us , date unknown , teal wicks with Adam Lambert
1. Chicago , us tour , 2005 , cast unknown
2. Chicago , broadway , 2007 , cast unknown
Moulin Rouge
1. Broadway , December 2019 , with Karen Olive as Santine , Aaron Tveit Christian
2. Broadway  , Jan 2020 , with Ashley Loren as Santine , Aaron Tveit Christian
3. Broadway , Jan 2020 , with Amber Ardolino as Santine , Aaron Tveit Christian , Dylan Paul as the Duke
1.  Broadway ,proshot  with Lin-Manuel Miranda , Philippa Soo , Renne Elise Goldsberg , Anthony Ramos , Jasmine Cephas Jones , Leslie Odom Jr , Jonathan Groff , Daveed Diggs , Chris Jackson , Okieriete Onaodowan
2. Broadway,  ? 2016 , OG cast
3. obc understudies Javier Munoz as Hamilton , Renee Elise Goldsberg , Anthony Ramos , Jasmine Cephas Jones , Chris Jackson and rest covers
4. Los Angeles (tour) , 2.12.2017 , matinee , Emmy Raver-Lampman as Angelica
• Bat out of hell videos
1. Andrew and Christina, Colliseum , 12 august 2017 , Rob Fowler as Falco , Sharon Sexton as Sloane , Aran MacRae as Tink , Danielle Steers as Zahara , Billy Lewis Jr. as Jagwire , Giovanni Spano as Ledoux , Patrick Sullivan as Blake.
2. Barney and Georgia 15/12/2018 LIMITED TRADE
3. Jordan and Christina august 2018 just act1 LIMITED TRADE
4. Jordan and Georgia and Barney at the end 12/12/2018 LIMITED TRADE
5. Ben and Christina , 3 august 2017 , Rob Fowler as Falco , Sharon Sexton as Sloane , Aran MacRae as Tink , Danielle Steers as Zahara , Dom Hartley-Harris as Jagwire , Olly Dobson as Ledoux.
6. Simon and Georgia 05/18 LIMITED TRADE , Jordan Luke Gage as Hoffman
7. Simon and Christina 07/12/18 just act 1 LIMITED TRADE
• Bat out of hell audios
1.  Toronto 17/01/2018 last show audio
2. Jordan strat last show audio ( master Simbaharmony ) LIMITED TRADE
11th June 2018
20th June 2018
9th July 2018
11th July 2018
16th July 2018
18th July 2018
27th July 2018
6th August 2018
20th August 2018
22nd August 2018
27th August 2018
All west end bootlegs are LIMITED TRADE from MASTER SimbaHarmony
•  &Juliet video
1. 14/09/2019 Manchester incomplete
2. November 2019 Miriam with Sophie swing
3. November 2019 Grace Juliet debut with Sophie swing
4. December 2019 Ivan Shakespeare,  Chris Lord Capulet
5. January 2th 2020 matinee , no Danielle + Sophie
6. January 2020 Alex Romeo  Miriam Juliet Danielle Lady Capulet incomplete 2 minutes of act 1 and full act 2 (Alex from official dates , no goatee)
7. February 2020 Grace Juliet , Ivan Lance , Chris Lord Capulet
8. March 2020 Kirstie Anne highlights with Billy Lord Capulet , Josh bathroom attendant , Jaye Benvolio LIMITED TRADE
9. March 12th 2020 matinee Alex Romeo , Grace Juliet , Nathan May , Dillon Frankie LIMITED TRADE
•  &Juliet audios
1. September Manchester
2. First show 10 Sept 2019 Manchester ( master Simbaharmony)
3. 20 Sept 2019 Manchester ( master Simbaharmony)
4. 28 Sept 2019 matinee Manchester ( master Simbaharmony)
5. 7 oct 2019 Manchester ( master Simbaharmony)
6. 10 Oct 2019 matinee Manchester ( master Simbaharmony)
7. 12 November 2019 west end ( master Simbaharmony)
8. Valentines Day 14 Feb 2020 ( master SimbaHarmony)
9. Alex Romeo feb 2020
10. Jocasta Anne debut (act 2) 15.02
11. Kirstie Anne debut 17 Feb 2020 ( master Simbaharmony)
12. Crazy second cover debuts night Alex Shakespeare,  Danielle Juliet , Dillon Romeo , Billy Lord Capulet 11 March 2020 LIMITED TRADE ( master Simbaharmony)
13. Concert show Alex Romeo Danielle Juliet 14.03. Matinee LIMITED TRADE
14. 24.09.2021 , reopening night , OG cast + Alex Thomas Smith as May , Roshani Abbey as Lucy , Rhys Wilkinson as Richard and swing Sophie Usher (LIMITED TRADE)
• Grinch the musical 2020 with Matthew Morrison as Grinch , Booboo Steward as young Max , Billy Luke Nevers (ensemble)
• Online concerts
1. All I want for Christmas is theater
2. Girl power with the cast of Six and the band Seven
3. Oops I streamed it again with the cast of &Juliet
4. Unlimited the songs of Stephen schwartz with the cast of Wicked
• Online musicals 2020
1. A tale to tell . A short film musical (panto) with Alice Fern , Aston Merrygold,  Kieran Lai
2. The last five years , Southwark Theater  with Olie Higginson and Molly Lincoln
3. Rent , the Hopemill Theater with Jocasta Almgill , Millie O'Connell,  Maiya Quansah-Breed,  Alex Thomas Smith
4. Dick Whittington , UK national theater , with Melanie LaBarie
• Audios
1. Taboo , West end , 31.03.2013 , with Jordan Luke Gage as Marilyn
2. Hair in concert , the turbine theatre ,04.09.2020 , with Jordan Luke Gage , Grace Mouat , Danielle Fiamanya , Millie O'Connell , Alex Thomas Smith , Matthew Cooper,  Jodie Steele LIMITED TRADE
3. Cinderella , West End , opening night 2021 , Carrie Hope Fletcher as Cinderella
4. Heathers , West end , 22.06.2021 , Christina Benington , Jodie Steele , Frances Mayli McCann , Amy Little , Jordan Luke Gage , Chris Parkinson , Aimee Hodnett , Joaquin Pedro Valdes , Ross Harmon
5. Heathers , West end , 26.06.2021 , same cast
7. Beauty and the Beast , UK tour , 25.08.2021 opening night, with Courtney Stapleton as Belle , Tom Senior as Gaston , Alan Hawke as Beast
8. In the heights , West end , 8.1.2017 , Sam Mackay Usnavi , Sarah Naudi Vanessa , Gabriela Garcia Nina , Arun Blair-Mangat Benny , Damian Buhagiar Sonny , Johnny Bishop Graffiti Pete , Aimie Atkinson Daniela , Stephanie Rojas Carla , David Bedella Kevin , Juliet Hough Camila , Vas Constanti Piragua , Genesis Lynea Yolanda
9. Slamilton - a basketball musical
• Alladin,  youtube rip , cast and place unknown
• Into the woods , Hollywood Bowl,  28.07.2019 with Skylar Astin
• Bonnie and Clyde, USA with Jeremy Jordan , date unknown
• Everybody's talking about Jamie,  West end , proshot , og cast , date unknown with Kirstie Skivington as ensemble
• Finding neverland , US , original a.r.t. , 2014 with Jeremy Jordan
• First date the musical with Zachary Levi , US , date unknown
• Frozen , Broadway , 2020 with Ciara Renee as Elsa and Ryan McCartan as Hans
• In the heights , OBC , with Lin-Manuel Miranda,  date unknown
• Saved! The musical , US , 2008 , with Aaron Tveit
• Spring Awakening ,Broadway, 18.05.2008 , with Jonathan Groff , Leah Michelle , Skylar Astin
Spring Awakening , Broadway, 2021 , 15th years anniversary reunion concert , video slideshow with photos and a video. (LIMITED EDITION)
AUDIO VERSION from the 15th year anniversary reunion concert (LIMITED EDITION)
• Prince of egypt , west end, 2020 og cast
• Ratatouille the tiktok musical 2021
• Being Shakespeare,  UK,  date unknown,  with Simon Callow
Hairspray live! With Dove Cameron , Ariana Grande , Zac Efron etc
Hairspray , us tour , 13.12.2005 with Aaron Tveit
Kinky boots , us , 2017 , with Brendon Urie (starts at sex in the heel)
• Beetlejuice , Broadway,  date or cast unknown
• Come from away , Broadway,  10 march 2017 , cast unknown
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sporadiceagleheart · 3 months
Semina Mary Halliwell, Aubreigh Paige Wyatt, Tristyn Bailey, Moa Leontine Björk, Gabriella Green, Amanda Todd, Rachel Joy Scott, Kelly Ann Fleming, Cassie Bernall, Rosalie Avila, Ashawnty Davis, Emily Grace Jones, Grace McDonnell, Grace Budd, Hailie Masson, Caylee Marie Mastin, Jocelyn Nungaray, Alyssa Miriam Alhadeff, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Star Hobson, Lily Peters, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Sidra Hassouna, Mercedes Losoya, Emilie Parker, Jackie Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Eliahna Torres, Nevaeh Bravo, Layla Salazar, JonBenèt Ramsey, Destiny Norton, April Jones, April Marie Tinsley, Deborah Bricca, Deborah Stone, Caroline Previdi, Skylar Annette Neese, Hannah Louise Scott, Sophie North, Maite Rodriguez, Alexandria Rubio, Maranda Gail Mathis, Lois Janes, Sharon Lee Gallegos, Anna Glinberg, Ilse Haas, Mania Halef, Larisa Ratmanski, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Serenity Gail Elmore, Ava Jordan Wood, Leiliana Wright, Ava Martin White, Serenity Hawley, Maria Agnes Virovacz Barsi, Michelle B. Norris, Judith Barsi, Avielle Richman, Tess Marie Mata, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Hana Brady, Pauline Adelaar, Peter Fuchs, Edith Roseij Beek, Caylee Marie Anthony, Caroline and Madison Rae king, Amber Rene Hagerman, Jessica Rekos, Jessica Lunsford, Sandra Cantu, Opal Jennings, Daniel Christopher Benoit, Molly Anne Bish, Brenton Germain Bishop, Sherri Jan Clark, Sarah Payne, Alicia Lynn Clark, Sadie Elizabeth Davila, Sylvia Likens, Junko Furuta, Amanda Marie Dougherty, Barbara Jean Fahy, Lisa Anne French, Miranda Diane Gaddis, Natalee Ann Holloway, Natalia Victoria Wallace, Sherin Mathews, Bella Bond, Bella Edwards, Olga Chardymova, Riley Ann Sawyers, Riley Ann Fox, Emma Walker, Dominique Ellen Dunne, Samantha Bree Runnion, Sierra Lynn Newbold, Jaquita Mack, Johnny Wactor, Young Dolph, Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls, Shinzo Abe, Abraham Lincoln, Dr Martin Luther King Jr., James Mattioli, Adriana Dukic, Adriana Kuch, Cherish Lily Perrywinkle, Audrii Cunningham, Athena Strand, Athena Brownfield, Shan'ann, CeCe,Bella&Nico, Samantha and Tessara Crespi, Gabby Petito, Mei Leung, Dayle Okazaki, Joan of Arc, Mary Katherine Moore, Arthur Boyd Moore, Brianna Mariah Lopez,
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