#dragon ball chou
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
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That’s a mood buddy
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
A side-by-side comparison of Nezha's backstory in JTTW and FSYY
(Sth I've been working on for a while, as quick reference material for Nezha's story in the two novels specifically that doesn't go into the broader mythos.)
JTTW's Nezha:
-Born with the characters "Ne/Na" on one hand, and "Zha" on the other
-Has 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister: Jinzha, who worked as a guardian deity and attendant of the Buddha, Mucha, who was the disciple of Guanyin, and Li Zhenying, who's said to be 7 years old in JTTW (Chapter 83).
-There's also Diyong/Lady Earth Flow, the adopted mice sister that had eaten the Buddha's candle, was captured by Li Jing and Nezha, and spared on the Buddha's order.
-She shows up in Chapter 80, as a demoness who kidnapped Tripitaka for the purpose of marriage, and is subsequently recaptured to face celestial judgement.
-Three days after his birth, Nezha went off into an unknown ocean, stepped on a crystal palace and toppled it, and caught a flood dragon to use its tendon as a belt
-After that, Li Jing tried to kill him for being a menace, and Nezha did the "Return his flesh and bones to his parents" thing in anger
-His soul then drifted off to the Buddha's place, who performed the Lotus Resurrection Thing by reciting a mantra
-He then subdued 96 caves of demons, and went after Li Jing to take revenge for the "forced suicide" thing
-Li Jing pleaded to the Buddha for help, who gave him a pagoda with Buddhas sculptured on every level, and told Nezha to call the Buddha (on the pagoda) as his father from now on.
-The weapons he used in his Three-headed Six-Armed Form: The Demon-slaying Sword + Demon-cutting Blade, Demon-binding Rope + Demon-subduing Vajra, Embroidered Ball, Fire Wheel (held in his hand)
FSYY's Nezha:
-Is the reincarnation of Taiyi's oldest disciple, Spirit Pearl/Lingzhu Zi
-Is destined to be the Vanguard of the Zhou army in the upcoming War of the Investiture
-Has 2 brothers: Jinzha, disciple of Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun, and Muzha, disciple of Sage Puxian. (FSYY's quirk of making popular Buddhist deities into Daoist sages in a trenchcoat is at play again.)
-Mother was pregnant with him for three years, gave birth to a ball of flesh
-Jumps out of the ball of flesh when Li Jing cuts it open, wearing his Qiankun Ring as a bracelet, Huntian Sash wrapped around his stomach
-Was immediately taken by Taiyi as a disciple the next day, who told Li Jing that, born in the hour of Chou, Nezha is destined to break 1700 prohibitions against killing
-A 6 ft tall 7-years old (FSYY's sense of scale is really weird, like all old novels)
-Asked to go out and play in the river during summertime, unknowingly created a shockwave in the water with his sash that shook Ao Guang's palace in the East Sea.
-Ao Guang sent a Yaksha to check it out. Nezha sassed the Yaksha, who attacked him in a fury and got insta-killed.
-Ao Guang's soldiers reported the Yaksha's death. Ao Bing overheard the whole thing, asked to go deal with this random brat, and was granted permission by his father.
-Ao Bing rode out of the waves on his steed, and went "Who are you, sassy lost child, and did you just kill my Yaksha?!" And Nezha was like "Yeah, so what? Talk shit, get hit."
-Ao Bing charged Nezha with his weapon in a fury, got dragged down his steed by the sash, and was promptly bonked on the head by the Qiankun Ring, which reverted him to his dragon form.
-Nezha then pulled out his tendons to make a belt for Li Jing's armor and returned to Chentang Pass. Furious, Ao Guang hurried his way to Li Jing's mansion and accused him for the whole multiple homicide thing.
-Li Jing's first reaction was "My kid's only 7 and never goes out of the door, he can't possibly kill yours!" Then, when he indeed asked Nezha, Nezha flat-out admits it and went out to meet Ao Guang like "Yeah, sorry, doesn't know that's your kid. Anyways, here's his tendons, undamaged and untouched."
-Ao Guang, unsurprisingly, did not take it well and stormed off to press charges to the JE. Faced with his angry crying parents, Nezha also knew he had fucked up, and went to his master Taiyi for help.
-Taiyi's advice? Go ambush the dragon king on his way to complain to the JE and beat him up, mobster-style. Which Nezha promptly did, forcing Ao Guang to turn into a little snake and stay in his sleeves, to be carried back to Chentang Pass.
-The beatdown does not convince Ao Guang not to press charges. In fact, he said he'd get the other dragon kings of the Four Seas to press charges together. Li Jing raged at Nezha again, who assured him that it was alright, like, his master said he was destined to assist some Sage King and stuff.
-He then wandered into the back garden, picked up the Qiankun Bow and Sky-shaking Arrows of the Yellow Emperor that were, uh, just kept there in the family attic, and decided to do some archery practice.
-Sadly, he didn't know how far that arrow would go. It flew all the way to the White Bone Cave, abode of Lady Shiji the Rock Demoness, and went straight through the throat of one of her two disciples, the Verdant Cloud Boy.
-Since Li Jing also carved his name onto the arrow (…), Lady Shiji headed immediately to his place and whisked him away with her treasure, the Eight Trigrams Hankerchief.
-At her place, Li Jing pleaded that he really didn't do it, since the Qiankun Bow was a mystical ancient weapon no one could use in a long, long time, and Shiji released him back to Chentang Pass to find the true culprit. At which point he put two and two together, found out it was Nezha again, and told him to go answer to Shiji together with him.
-Nezha, who did not think this was his fault, smacked Shiji's other disciple, the Colored Cloud Boy on the head with his Qiankun Ring, when he came out of the cave on his master's orders. Shiji was even less happy about that, took his weapons away with a single swipe of her sleeves, then chased him all the way to Taiyi's place.
-At which point Taiyi was like "Well, if you want Nezha to pay for his crimes, how about we go to the Jade Emptiness Palace together and let my master (Yuanshi Tianzun) sort it out?" Shiji refused, stating that he was just using his master's authority to lord over her and unfairly protect his disciple.
-Taiyi then revealed the Chan-Jie division that would later become a huge thing in the War of Investiture, and basically went "Sorry that your student died in Nezha's archery accident, Lady Shiji, but it is literally Fated to Happen, which means you totally shouldn't be mad at me or him."
-Shiji did not buy that explanation at all, and they fought. Taiyi blocked her hankerchief when she tried to use it, then threw the Nine Fire Dragon Bell Cover over her head, burning her to death and reverting her to her true form——a rock.
-Taiyi then informed Nezha that with JE's permission, Ao Guang had gathered the other dragon kings to go after Nezha's parents. Nezha begged him to save them, and his advice was...well, "kill yourself and the dragon kings will let them go". Literally.
-So Nezha did, which was very graphically described in the novel, after which his soul drifted off to Taiyi's place.
-Taiyi told him to go to his mother and tell her to build a temple for him at Mt. Cuiping. He did, and Lady Yin woke up from her dream crying.
-Upon learning the reason why, Li Jing yelled at her for crying after Nezha had brought all these troubles upon their family. Nezha's soul then haunted her in her dreams for a week or so, until she finally relented and built him a temple in secret.
-Half a year later, Li Jing found out about the temple while Nezha's soul was out and away for some unknown reasons. In a fit of rage, he smashed Nezha's statue and burned the temple down (I talk about how this resembles the destruction of 淫祠, illicit cults in IRL history here).
-Nezha returned to his temple only to find it in ruins, at which point he went back to Taiyi, who did the Lotus Resurrection thing and gave him back his weapons, together with a new spear, the Wind-Fire Wheels and a golden brick.
-Nezha immediately rushed back to Chentang Pass to take revenge, stating that after the whole "returning his flesh and blood" thing, they were basically unrelated and didn't owe each other anything, so he was perfectly justified to go after Li Jing for the destruction of his temple.
-They fought. Li Jing, quickly exhausted, turned tail and fled using the Daoist arts of Earth Travel, at which point he ran into Muzha. While they were talking, Nezha caught up with them.
-Muzha was like "How dare you!" and Nezha replied with "Who the hell are you?" Only after Muzha said his name out loud did he recognize his brother and recount the whole story.
-Muzha retorted that "Parents can do no wrong". Nezha pointed out that after his suicide, they were no longer father and son, and told him to stand aside.
-Muzha whipped out his sword to fight him. Concerned that Li Jing might get away in the meantime, Nezha threw his golden brick at Muzha, hitting him in the back and knocking him down.
-The chase continued. Li Jing, knowing that he couldn't run away forever, was ready to commit suicide instead of facing the disgrace of being struck down by his son.
-However, Jinzha's master, Wenshu, suddenly showed up to rescue him. Nezha demanded that Wenshu release Li Jing from his abode, and if he didn't, he'd poke three holes in Wenshu instead.
"And who are you, to make such claims?"
"I am Nezha, disciple of Master Taiyi!"
"Never heard of you. You can throw a tantrum elsewhere, but not here, and if you keep this up, you are in for a spanking."
-Nezha attacked him. In return, Wenshu unleashed his treasure, the Flying Dragon Pillar, tying Nezha onto it. He then summoned Jinzha, handed him a walking stick, and told Jinzha to give him a good whipping.
-Then Taiyi showed up to rescue him, telling Nezha to bow to Wenshu, his Daoist uncle (Context: Taiyi and Wenshu are both among the 12 Immortals of the Chan Sect), and scolded Li Jing a bit for the temple-burning thing.
-Then he told the two to get along and go their separate ways. Nezha was delighted, seeing it as basically a free pass to resume his revenge the moment he was out of his master's sight, and indeed, he did.
-Then Sage Randeng (also of the Chan Sect) showed up, gave Li Jing a buff, and told him to fight Nezha again. Nezha, having witnessed the whole thing and reached an impasse in the fight, attacked Randeng in an attempt to disable the buff.
-Randeng was not happy about this "unprovoked" attack on an innocent bystander, so he dropped a pagoda out of his sleeves and onto Nezha, trapping him inside.
-On Randeng's command, flames ignited inside the pagoda. At last, Nezha pleaded for the sage to release him, under the condition that he'd call Li Jing father (grrrr grrrr) again.
-He was planning to pull a second "resume patricide arc" the moment Randeng left, until the sage gave the pagoda to Li Jing and told them to go back to Chentang Pass and Taiyi's place respectively, to wait until the War of Investiture formally began.
-And they did: Nezha was sent to rescue Huang Feihu during his escape from the Five Passes in Chapter 34, while Li Jing only showed up much later in Chapter 64, to kill a fleeing Luo Xuan after he got all of his fire-based treasures neutralized and taken away by Princess Longji.
-I will not do a full campaign-by-campaign summary of Nezha's performance in the War of Investiture proper, for this post is already long enough.
-The broadest overview: together with his senior Daoist brother Yang Jian, Nezha was one of the biggest powerhouses on the Chan/Zhou side.
-His total kill count in the novel (only counting the named/deified ones) is 15, which is actually more than Yang Jian's (12-13).
-Much like Yang Jian, he was often the one who survived lethal attacks and AOE plague spells while the others were taken out. His lotus body also made him impervious to spells and treasures that work directly on the soul, usually by pulling it out of the body.
-After suffering an injury from the Blood-melting Knife of Yu Hua/his master Yu Yuan, Nezha was given his final power-up at Taiyi's place via three cups of wine and three "fire jujubes", enabling him to transform into his Three-headed, Eight-armed Form.
-At the end of the novel, Nezha, together with Li Jing, Jinzha, Muzha, Yang Jian, Weihu and Lei Zhenzi, became "Sages in Flesh"——which I understood as "a better sort of gods/immortals that don't receive their godhood via death and deification".
-The 6+ weapons he has: Qiankun Ring, Huntian Sash, Fire-tipped Spear, Golden Brick, Wind-Fire Wheel (in its most popular "hot wheels" depiction), Yin-Yang Swords, Nine Fire Dragon Bell Cover
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Twisted Monsterland: Messy Toddlers
Little kids can always cause a mess, whether it’s with paint, markers, food, or dirt and mud. It’s a fact of life, and while a hassle to clean up, it can be fun!
So what happens when you have a tiny human living amongst the monsters in Twisted Wonderland who tends to get messy? How about we take a look at some of the dorms and see!
//At Savanaclaw//
Mini!Yuu: *playing in a mud puddle, singing random things as they smoosh and stir the mud with their hands*
Grim: “What’cha doin’, Yuu?”
Mini!Yuu: “Makin’ mud pies for everyone!” *pulls out clumps of grass before sprinkling it over the mud pile* “Time to add the sprinkles~!”
Grim: “What a waste of perfectly good grass…”
Ruggie: *walking up to the two* “There you are, Bugaboo. What’cha playing with this time?”
Mini!Yuu: “I made a mud pie!” *scoops up the pile, globs falling onto their clothing as they hold it up to him* “Try some!”
Ruggie: “Oooh, looks pretty tasty.” *pretends to get a piece and chews, grinning as he gives a thumbs up*”"Mmm…perfect blend of flavors, though you might wanna ease up on the seasoning. Shishishishi~!”
Mini!Yuu: “Hooray!”
Ruggie: “Wouldja look at the time? It’s almost time for you to head back to the teachers, and you’re a mess.” *hoists them into his arms* “Come on, it’s bath time.”
//At Diasomnia//
Mini!Yuu: *playing with finger paints on a canvas*
Lilia: “I’ll be right back, little one. Silver? Would you keep an eye on the little one while I’m gone?”
Silver: “Of course, father.”
*ten minutes later*
Lilia: “I’m back.” *pauses before snorting, smiling at the sight of Silver asleep on the couch with paint on his face and tusks* “My, my. Had I known you needed a bigger canvas, I could have gotten a white tarp for the floor.” *glances over at Malleus before bursting out laughing* “Oh! It looks like you two are having fun.”
Malleus: *sitting nearby with mini!Yuu standing on his lap, painting his horns with bright colorful flowers* “The Child of Man wished to do face painting.”
Mini!Yuu: *has paint on their face that looks like scales and sticky fake stones on their forehead like Malleus’* “I’m making Mr. Horns feel pretty!”
Lilia: “So you are, little one. And what are you supposed to be?”
Mini!Yuu: “Silver made me look like a dragon, just like Mr. Horns! Rawr!”
Lilia: “And a mighty little dragon you are~!”
//At Pomefiore//
Mini!Yuu: *scribbling on a wall in the hallway with a pen they found, singing a happy song as they’re drawing swirls*
Epel: *comes across Yuu and yelps* “Yuu, no! What are you doing?!”
Mini!Yuu: *startled* “Drawing?”
Epel: “Oh no…oh no, Vil is going to throw a fit if he sees this!”
Vil: “If I see…what?”
Epel: “Ack!?”
Rook: “Ooh, it looks like mon chou is showing their creative spirit!”
Mini!Yuu: *nervously looks between the wall and Vil’s stern stare* “Am…I in trouble?”
Vil: *hums for a moment before kneeling down, pulling out his own pen* “Your form is good, though perhaps we can add a little something to this one.”
Mini!Yuu: “What?”
Vil: “I’m thinking…leaves would be a good start.” *begins drawing, creating beautiful shapes following the swirl that get bigger and bigger* “What else should we add to it?”
Mini!Yuu: “Mmm…flowers!”
Vil: “Very well. Will you help me draw them?”
Epel: *staring wide eyed between them and Rook as the two continue drawing, leaning in to whisper to Rook* “Am…am I dreaming? Vil would have gone bonkers if any of us ruined the walls!”
Rook: “Ah, but why stifle the creativity of our little mon chu when they are clearly expressing their individuality? Even Roi du Poison sees the beauty in this.” *goes to kneel next to them, pulling out his own pen* “May I join in?”
Epel: “…huh.”
(Later, the art is still on the wall, a mix of child-like drawings mixed with elegant and fun pictures depicting rabbits, apples, and a peacock)
//At Heartslabyul//
Mini!Yuu: *sitting on a stool, watching Trey mixing dough into balls for bread and trying to mimic him with their own ball of dough*
Trey: “Oh, I need to get the butter out of the fridge. Sit tight, okay?” *dusts hands off and goes over to the fridge*
Mini!Yuu: *hums as they look at the one they’re working on* “Mmm…needs more flour!” *reaches for the bag of flour, trying to lift it up*
Mini!Yuu: *coughs as they’re covered in flour, the bag on the ground and the counter coated in flour*
Trey: “Huh?? Pfft…I should have known something like this would happen.” *reaches out to pat away some of the dusty flour* “Guess when we’re finished baking, it’s bath time again.”
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but these are just some cute things that came to mind~
The Pomefiore part was actually based on this one post I came across, though I could only find the pictures. While I had initially thought of it happening at Heartslabyul or even Scarabia…I just got soft thinking of Vil indulging mini!Yuu and helping to create good art QvQ/)
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Below the cut is the contestants and their matches!
Each poll will be 1 week long, and they'll go out 10 at a time. The exact date and time polls will start going up is a little up in the air right now, because I'm going out of town over the weekend. So they might begin as early as Monday 18th, but probably not later than Wednesday 20th. I'll let you know the night before.
Anyway, just think of this delay as time to write propaganda ahead of your dog's poll going up!
Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman) vs Muttley (Wacky Races)
Snowy (Tintin series) vs Dog (Columbo)
Maliketh, The Black Blade (Elden Ring) vs Wolfie (Until Dawn)
Unnamed Dog/The Imitator (The Thing) vs Whisper the Wolf (Sonic IDW comics)
Queen Teatinu (Healin Good Precure) vs Nigou/Tetsuya 2 (Kuroko no Basket)
Melody Amaranth (Super Lesbian Animal RPG) vs Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball)
Sunkist (HLVRAI) vs Dog that can Drive (Drawfee)
Hylian Retriever (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) vs Wolf (Minecraft)
Bee/Bay (Dragon Ball Z) vs Shadow (Homeward Bound)
Blue (Blue's Clues) vs Ein (Cowboy Bebop)
Snoopy (Peanuts) vs Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
Argos (The Odyssey) vs Barkspawn (Dragon Age)
Diogee (Milo Murphy's Law) vs Winston (Hannibal)
Good Boy (DuckTales) vs Bear (Person of Interest)
Daisy & Winnie (The Mistholme Museum Podcast) vs Heidi & Jackie (Hello from the Hallowoods) 
Missile (Ghost Trick) vs Sparky (Frankenweenie)
Bond (Spy X Family) vs Goddard (Jimmy Neutron)
Scratch (Baldur’s Gate 3) vs Iggy (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Cujo (Danny Phantom) vs Cujo (Cujo (1983))
Momiji Inubashiri (Touhou Project) vs Tequila/Ernesto Salas (Arknights)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) vs Scooby Doo (Scooby Doo media)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Holidog (Holiday World)
Rapunzel the Corgi (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency) vs K9 (Doctor Who)
Blue (Wolf’s Rain) vs Shiba-Warrior Taro (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Annoying Dog (Undertale) vs Old Dan & Little Ann (Where the Red Fern Grows)
Chou Chou (Shoujo Cosette (Les Miserables anime)) vs Porthos (Star Trek: Enterprise)
Pompompurin (Sanrio) vs Krypto (DC)
Sorry-oo (Moomin) vs Tau (Palia)
Jake the Dog (Adventure Time) vs Lesser dog (Undertale)
Noodle (Nona the Ninth/The Locked Tomb series) vs Nina Tucker/Alexander (FullMetal Alchemist)
Lucky the Pizza Dog (Marvel Comics) vs Seymour (Futurama)
Wishbone (Wishbone Series) vs Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII)
Ox (Dimension 20: Unsleeping City) vs Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Bingpup (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) vs Elena (Spiritfarer)
Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home) vs Charlie B. Barkin (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
Polterpup (Luigi’s Mansion) vs Gromit (Wallace and Gromit)
Santa’s Little Helper (The Simpsons) vs Slink/Slinky Dog (Toy Story)
Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog) vs Twig (Hilda)
Zosimos/Zozo (The Glass Scientists webcomic) vs The BTS Wolves (Midnight Burger)
Unnamed Dog (Teletubbies) vs Shigure Souma (Fruits basket)
Dachsbun (Pokemon) vs Hector J. Peabody (Mr. Peabody & Sherman)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha) vs Frank the Pug (Men in Black)
Sam (Sam and Max) vs Barnabas (The Sandman)
Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) vs Mira (Silent Hill 2)
Fairy (Mo Dao Zu Shi) vs Shiloh (Shiloh series)
Makkachin (Yuri!!! On Ice) vs Becquerel/Bec (Homestuck)
Rush (Mega Man) vs Dogmeat (Fallout 4)
Dog (Good Omens) vs Zamazenta (Pokemon)
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animesavior · 3 months
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“About earlier, I'm sorry. Back when I shut down your ideas about love, my father didn't...well, he never approved of how I lived my life. And when your opinions are continuously shunned and ignored, it makes it hard to accept the opinions of others. In order to defend your position, you assert your legitimacy by rejecting what other people have to say. But you're not concerned about winning approval [Akira]. You just say whatever comes to your mind. I guess that made me a little jealous, and the old me slipped out for a bit. The truth is, I'm just bad at romance. I'm afraid of getting hurt. Which is probably why I put up a front and acted like work was more important.  [...] If one day, I do find myself falling in love, I can only hope that it's with someone I can be this open with.” -          Shizuka Mikazuki, Zom 100 (Ep. 08)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for June 8-9, 2024. Some fun times this week, as Beatrix joins the crew in Zom 100 as they go out for sushi and a hot spring visit, while Lex Luthor leads the charge in calling for Superman’s denouncement, and Sabo substitutes in for Luffy in trying to secure the Flame Flame fruit in One Piece, among other great moments.
In terms of trends, Toonami trended in the USA alongside My Adventures with Superman and Zom 100. In addition, Android 18 interestingly enough trended during the night. The reason? Check out the next episode preview for My Adventures with Superman, and you can probably see why fans have compared the show’s newest character Kara to DBZ’s Android 18.
No trends were spotted during Week 2 of Toonami Rewind on Friday, which probably wasn’t helped that Summer Game Fest (considered to be the successor to the now defunct E3) was going on at the same time.
This week’s feature was a new ID indent titled Rubiks Cube, as TOM and SARA try to solve a Rubiks Cube. You can check it out below.
Speaking of Summer Game Fest, Toei Animation and Bandai Namco released a new trailer for the upcoming video game, Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero. The newest game to the Dragon Ball franchise, it will be available for fans to play on Steam, the PS5, and the Xbox Series X/S this upcoming October 11, 2024.
Dragon Ball will be once again featured in San Diego Comic-Con this July, as Toei will once again have a booth in the convention center halls during the event on July 25-28, in addition to an outside booth at the Marriott Marquis next door for non-badge holders. I’ll be covering SDCC for Toonami Squad once again, so be sure to follow @AnimeSavior and @ToonamiSquad on Twitter and Bluesky for any news that will be coming about during the con.
This week, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival is taking place in France, and among the awards and presentations, Cartoon Network and Adult Swim have announced several new and continuing original productions. Of interest for Toonami viewers, Adult Swim has greenlit production on a third season of My Adventures with Superman. Among some of the other productions from Cartoon Network include an animated adaptation series of Get Jiro!, a graphic novel penned by the late Anthony Bourdain and Super Mutant Magic Academy, a new Adult Swim original series created by J.G. Quintel (of Regular Show fame) and Jillian Tamaki, the creator of the franchise’s original comics. The Adventure Time franchise will also see three different animation productions, including a movie; Adventure Time: Side Quests, which will feature stand-alone episodes in Finn and Jake’s adventures; and Adventure Time: Heyo BMO, a preschool series starring BMO.
Toonami creator Jason DeMarco is also at Annecy this week to promote the new Lord of the Rings anime film, titled The War of Rohirrim. Directed by Kenji Kamiyama, produced by Joseph Chou and Jason DeMarco, and animated by Sola Entertainment; the anime film will also feature the talents of Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, as executive producers. "The Lord of the Rings: The War of Rohirrim" opens in theaters on December 13, 2024.
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Hera and Wulf, respectively, from The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. Photos from Warner Bros. Pictures via Entertainment Weekly.)
Unfortunate news in the anime industry this week, as Gainax, known for giving us the Evangelion, Gurren Lagann, and FLCL franchises, alongside other classics including His and Her Circumstances, Nadia, Gunbuster, has filed for bankruptcy after 40 years in existence. Studio Khara, Evangelion creator Hideki Anno’s newest animation studio, will assist in foreseeing Gainax’s liquidation, including transferring or selling the rights of all their remaining properties. While Gainax will be missed among the anime community, its legacy will certainly live on through its successor companies and veteran animators, including the likes of Studio Khara, Studio Trigger, and Production I.G.
Not much else to say other than see you again next time for another round of the better cartoon show. Later.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #Zom100]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [Trended with #Zom100]
#Zom100 [#8]
Android 18 [#18]
Tweet Counts:
Android 18 [1,575 tweets]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco.
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“Does that mean…you…” Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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sxs-a2 · 2 years
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Slayer!AU Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer. Penned by Jasmine.
Age: 15 (Main verse), 23 (Timeskip)
Gender: Cis girl (she/her)
Birthdate: Dec. 28th
Height: 5'1 - 5'3
Nationality: Japanese
Skills: Sun Breathing powers (Fire and Water), martial arts, swordsmanship.
The second-born child of the Kamado family, Nezuko love ones were targeted by the ancient demon named Kibutsuji Muzan. Including her older brother Tanjirou who is turned into a demon. To cure her brother and avenge her family, Nezuko joined the Demon Slayer Corp and seek to destroy Muzan and his guild The Upper Moon.
Warnings: This version of Nezuko is the opposite of canon!Nezuko or Tanjirou! She swears, does suggestive flirting/jokes, and breaks the rules. If this offends you, please do not interact.
Not spoiler-free! Manga spoilers provided. Violence, or suggestive content will be tags. They will all be tagged.
Multishipping: OTPs are Zenitsu x Nezuko and Genya x Nezuko. Teen muses only! Adult/child or incest ships are not allowed! Muse is underage, so no smut. Also open to platonic relationships.
🌸 Mun is a 33-year-old freelance graphic designer with anxiety. So please be patient with me. My other RP blogs are @irxnlegacy @aranaboricua and @seafoamseashells. My Discord is Eniygma#3081 have if you wish to RP privately.🌸
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Demon Slayer: Zenitsu or Genya (ship), Tanjuro, Kie, Tanjirou or other Kamado siblings, Giyuu, Urokodaki, Kanao, Aoi, Uzui Wives/kunoichi, and Sanemi
My Hero Academia: Class A and Class B, Shinso, Midnight, Todoroki family, Camie and Inasa.
Dragon Ball: Post Superhero!Goten (to ship, HIGH DEMAND), Videl, Bulma, Bulla, Pan, Chichi, 18, Piccolo, Krillin, Rulah, Skale, Kompas
Urusei Yatsura: Mendo and Rei (to ship)
Naruto / Boruto: Tsunade, Hinata, Ino, Menma or Charasuke/RtN Sasuke (to ship) Chou-Cho, Sarada, Kawaki, InoJin and Boruto (ship).
Tokyo Revengers: Angry (to ship), Drakken, Baji, Emma, Hina, Mitsuya. (I have adult verse for timeskip)
Haikyuu: Karasuno, Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, Shirotorizawa, Inarizaki, Nohebi, and Johzenji. (Open to ship male teen characters; I have adult verse for timeskip).
Yu Yu Hakuso: Kubawara, Hiei, Kurama, Genkai, Keiko, Yukina, Atsuko, Shizuru, Jin, Chu
InuYasha: Kouga, Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru, all the Yashahime next gen kids, Hisui (to ship)
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lilsubbidge · 2 months
HOWDY HEY HI HELLO AND SALUTATIONS! This is Vygrax here to let you know that I uploaded a new youtube video, and you should totally check it out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61Kgjt1VhPc
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memo-irvine-fall-2023 · 11 months
Nicholas Chou
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Looking for a BIG!
Year: 2nd
Major/Minor: PSci/Bio
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Snacks: asian ball cake, shredded squid, turtle chips, steak, arizona/pureleaf/butterflypeatea
Favorite Video Game Franchises: Pokemon, Minecraft, Smash Bros
About: From Chino (near LA-ish), Love drawing, playing music, n ballin; ninjago/flash/teen titans; post malone/imagine dragons/laufey/grant perez/luke chang, basketball/tkd/marching band/tag/strongman competitions
What are you looking for in your future Big/Little?: somebody huge, absolutely gigantic; or pair me with someone shorter than me (it'd be ironic); and pls let them be funny
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vewortape · 2 years
Wii u snes emulators
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#Wii u snes emulators serial#
#Wii u snes emulators archive#
#Wii u snes emulators upgrade#
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#Wii u snes emulators download#
Fixed crash on launch when using network shares.
Fixed crash when used as wiiflow plugin.
Added option to not append Auto to save filenames.
Fixed preview image not displaying on GameCube.
Updated spanish translation (thanks Psycho RFG).
Snes9x drawing optimization (3-4% speed boost).
Game-specific fixes (Chou Aniki, Rendering Rangers R2, Tenshi no Uta, Circuit USA).
Reduce compile time by unmacro Tile file.
Fixed Dragon Ball Z Hyper Dimension black screen.
Fixed SuperFX2 Core Speed (Yoshi's Island was running too fast).
Fixed ZL button mapping for Wii U GamePad.
Fixed bg_preview image (thanks Tanooki16!).
Fixed buttons for all SNES peripherals (thanks niuus!).
Added L+R+START trigger to go back to emulator.
#Wii u snes emulators serial#
Added support for serial port 2 (SP2 / SD2SP2) on Gamecube.
Disable ROM information display by default.
Fixed some 3rd party controllers with invalid calibration data.
Fixed GameCube version issues with SD2SP2.
If missing, will load directly into the game
Added Wii U vWii Channel, widescreen patch, and now reports console/CPU speed.
Fixed graphical glitches on GameCube port.
Significant memory usage reductions (fonts and loading cover images).
Corrected aspect ratio by changing viWidth to 644 (vaguerant).
Added ability to change the player mapped to a connected controller.
Changed max game image dimensions to 640x480 to support screenshots.
Fixed issue with displaying screenshots.
Updated French translation (thanks Tanooki16!).
Added L+R+START for back to menu for Wii Classic Controller.
Added support for Mayflash 2-port SNES USB adapter (thanks EthanArmbrust!).
These controls can be changed in "Controller Configuration" menu. They will be loaded automatically upon loading the game.Įnter to the selected menu or change selected option IPS files must be placed in the same folder as the ROM you are loading, and named identically to the ROM name, except with a IPS extension. A Cheats menu option should be available. After putting the cheat file in the proper place and naming it correctly, you can access cheats in-game by pressing 'Home' after loading a game. Cheat files must be placed in the cheats folder and named identically to the ROM name, except with a CHT extension. See the tinysmb page for additional information and troubleshooting.īy default, cheats are loaded from "/snes9xgx/cheats/". Here's an example snippet for your XML configuration file:Īlso be sure to mirror the required directory structure within your share folder, or change the LoadFolder and SaveFolder values in the XML file. This XML file is created for you upon first loading the emulator and entering/exiting Preferences. You must provide a username, password, share name, and IP address to log in to the file server (in settings.xml). Using the emulator via network requires that your Wii is configured for your wireless network, and that you've set up a file share.
#Wii u snes emulators iso#
ROMs can be burned to a DVD-/+R (4.7GB max size & ISO 9660 file format).
#Wii u snes emulators download#
Please download RTOOL which will allow you to convert the image into SMC format. Generally,Īll images you find will be in this format, but if you run across one that isn't Your SNES rom images must be in SMC, SFC, SWC, or FIG format. Copy the installer files to your SD/USB deviceīy default, roms are loaded from "snes9xgx/roms/".You must have Snes9xGX installed in one of these locations. This channel tries load /apps/snes9xgx/boot.dol from SD or USB.You must have Homebrew Channel 1.0.8+ running on IOS58 to run the installer.
#Wii u snes emulators upgrade#
Either upgrade to System Menu 4.3, or use the IOS58 Installer. You must have IOS58 to use this channel.Wii Channel wilsoff and MrNick666 were gracious enough to create an official Wii Channel. Remember to also create the snes9xgx directory structure required.
#Wii u snes emulators archive#
Included in the archive into the root of your SD card. If you already have the channel installed, just copy over the apps folder The most popular method of running homebrew on the Wii is through the HomebrewĬhannel. Unzip the archive's contents directly to the root of your SD or USB device.
Original/filtered/unfiltered video modes.
Autodetect PAL/NTSC, 16:9 widescreen support.
SNES Super Scope, Mouse, Justifier support.
Retrode/Xbox 360/Hornet controller support.
Wii U GamePad support (requires homebrew injection into Wii U VC title).
Wiimote, Nunchuk, Wii Classic, Wii Pro, Wii Super NES Classic, Wii U Pro, and GameCube controller support.
Based on Snes9x 1.60 (with faster Blargg S-SMP module).
10.2 Unnoficial version with Sixaxis Support.
10.1 Unofficial version with game cover support.
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0 notes
lasclenterprises · 2 years
Playlist trauma center second opinion
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#Playlist trauma center second opinion download
#Playlist trauma center second opinion free
Harvest Moon - Tree of Tranquility (v1. and every nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough (who, by the way, is considered a national treasure in Britain) movies also. Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Fullmetal Alchemist - Akatsuki no Ouji Gausche-Hill attributes the blood shortage to two factors: potential donors’ fears of getting COVID at donation sites, and the lack of staff at these sites. Sheila offers them respite not just by helping to retrain muscles and offering. A trauma center shutting down was the first time in our history, says Marianne Gausche-Hill, medical director of LA County’s Emergency Medical Services Agency. The Stop the Bleed Campaign provides education to the local Philadelphia community with basic tools and information on the simple steps that can be taken in an emergency situation to stop life-threatening blood loss. Others are in a state bordering depression. Penns Level 1 Trauma Center is part of a nationwide campaign, Stop the Bleed, to empower individuals to act quickly and save lives. She spends her days working closely with patients who often find themselves at their lowest. ĭisney's Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two ĭragon Ball Revenge of King Piccolo ĭragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 2 ĭragon Quest 25 Shuunen Kinen: Famicom & Super Famicom Dragon Quest I-II-III ĭragon Quest Monsters: Battle Road Victory ĭragon Quest Sword: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou ĭragon Quest Swords: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou ĭragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Redump)įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers įinal Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon įinal Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (Redump)įire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Redump)įragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (USA) įragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon įragile: Sayonara Tsuki no Haikyo įullmetal Alchemist: Tasogare no Shoujo Sheila is a physical therapist assistant and Good Shepherd Penn Partners team member. Enjoy the games, and do keep coming back for more! 428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de Īnimal Kingdom Wildlife Expedition Īnother Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories Īnother Code:R - Kioku no Tobira īioHazard: The Darkside Chronicles īully: Scholarship Edition (Redump)Ĭaduceus Z: 2-tsu no Chou Shittou Ĭhokobo no Fushigi na Danjon Toki Wasure no Meikyū ĭ.U. It is our hope that you too will contribute to this community by uploading titles to our forums.
#Playlist trauma center second opinion free
Registration is free and without any hassles.
#Playlist trauma center second opinion download
You'll need to be registered at to be able to download these games. This list is automatically updated based on the various Master Lists that our moderators maintain at epforums. These titles are uploaded by our forum members to file hosting services.
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greysthegreen · 2 years
Wii play tanks music
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Harvest Moon - Tree of Tranquility (v1. The Tanks minigame is one of my favorites from that game, and the whole marching band feel of the music made it really fun to listen to. Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Fullmetal Alchemist - Akatsuki no Ouji An arrangement I made of the background music of the Tanks minigame from the Nintendo WIi game 'Wii Play'. ĭisney's Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two ĭragon Ball Revenge of King Piccolo ĭragon Ball Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 2 ĭragon Quest 25 Shuunen Kinen: Famicom & Super Famicom Dragon Quest I-II-III ĭragon Quest Monsters: Battle Road Victory ĭragon Quest Sword: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou ĭragon Quest Swords: Kamen no Joou to Kagami no Tou ĭragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Echoes of Time įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (Redump)įinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers įinal Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon įinal Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (Redump)įire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Redump)įragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon (USA) įragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon įragile: Sayonara Tsuki no Haikyo įullmetal Alchemist: Tasogare no Shoujo Enjoy the games, and do keep coming back for more! 428: Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de Īnimal Kingdom Wildlife Expedition Īnother Code: R - A Journey into Lost Memories Īnother Code:R - Kioku no Tobira īioHazard: The Darkside Chronicles īully: Scholarship Edition (Redump)Ĭaduceus Z: 2-tsu no Chou Shittou Ĭhokobo no Fushigi na Danjon Toki Wasure no Meikyū ĭ.U. It is our hope that you too will contribute to this community by uploading titles to our forums. Registration is free and without any hassles.
You'll need to be registered at to be able to download these games. This list is automatically updated based on the various Master Lists that our moderators maintain at epforums. These titles are uploaded by our forum members to file hosting services.
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artycomicfangirl · 5 years
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Haven’t posted in FOREVER because of Work, and being back from my recent trip to Japan. Plus, my computer has suffered a meltdown after theee years, so I haven’t been able to draw digitally!
So I decided to sketch a girl that you haven’t seen in a while! Away with the Attack On Titan stuff for a bit, and let me embrace Dragon Ball again! 😆
Just a couple of random and quick sketches of Sweet tea girl, Chai Seiji! ☕️
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sirianhewigix · 6 years
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Dragon Ball Chou #06
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otakuoasis · 6 years
Dragon Ball Super (Movie)
New official final trailer of "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" movie 😍 The movie will release on 14th December 2018 in Japan :)
"One year ago the King of Planet Vegeta had a son who became immediately famous as the Prince of Saiyan Vegeta and proud for his skills that made him the strongest. At the same time his loyal right arm of the army Paragas was also blessed by the birth of a son, Broly, who boasted an unusual potential even higher than Vegeta, so the jealous King confined the prodigy Broly in a distant and dark planet. 
A furious Paragas betrayed King Vegeta in search of his beloved son and then find him on a stormy planet. The little Broly had lost his chance to return home since the impact of the landing had broken the ship's mechanisms which meant that he and Paragas had been abandoned by everyone for decades.
In the present, on Earth, six Dragon Balls present in Bulma's laboratory have been stolen by the resurrected Freeza to realize his great ambition. Meanwhile, Freezer's patrollers casually find Paragas and Broly at the edge of the Galaxy and lead them to Freeza, forming a phenomenal battalion. Freezer flies to a frozen land where the Spheres are located. Even Goku and Vegeta go to the same place to recover them, but first, they have to face their historic enemy Freeza and the formidable Broly again. 
The fatal battle begins."
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fymbmangaboys · 6 years
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DBS: Broly movie promo art
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newsintheshell · 6 years
Dragon Ball Super: in arrivo un seguito della serie?
La popolare saga di Akira Toriyama potrebbe tornare presto in tv (o forse no).
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A quanto pare Toei Animation sarebbe attualmente al lavoro su dei nuovi episodi della serie “Dragon Ball Super”, tratta dal popolare manga di Akira Toriyama e Toyotaro, edito nel nostro paese da Star Comics. A riportarlo è il sito americano WorldScreen in un breve comunicato di aggiornamento dedicato allo storico studio di animazione. Per quanto plausibile, ad ora non si ha nessuna conferma ufficiale, vista anche la mancanza di un annuncio vero e proprio della produzione di un sequel dell’anime, rimaniamo quindi in attesa di maggiori dettagli a riguardo.
AGGIORNAMENTO: Toei ha risposto alla redazione di Anime News Network in merito alla cosa, affermando che il report non è veritiero, al momento e negando di aver menzionato o annunciato dei nuovi episodi.
La serie di 131 episodi, che ha proseguito le avventure di Goku e compagnia dopo anni, è andata in onda in Giappone fra luglio 2015 e marzo 2018. In Italia viene trasmessa su Italia 1 da Mediaset ed è in corso di  distribuzione in home video da parte di Yamato Video.
Diverso tempo è trascorso dalla grandiosa battaglia tra Goku e Majin Bu, e ora una nuova minaccia incombe sul mondo che ha ritrovato la pace... Questa volta il nemico arriva dal “Sesto Universo”! Comincia un Dragon Ball completamente nuovo, che riprende le avventure dei Saiyan da dove si erano interrotte!
Sono passati ormai cinque anni dalla sconfitta di Majin Bu e sulla Terra è tornata la pace. Quando però il dio della distruzione Beerus si risveglia, nulla sembra poterlo fermare...
A spianare la strada per l’atteso sequel ci sarebbe il film “Dragon Ball Super: Broly”, uscito in patria lo scorso 14 dicembre. La pellicola pare aver riscosso molto successo fra i fan e il 28 febbraio approderà anche nelle sale italiane grazie a Koch Media. 
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