#dragula fanfiction
artificialqueens · 2 years
🎁 Our Party (Sashea) for Mock-Star - Teri
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by Teri, for @mock-star-aq
a/n: hi Mock! I was your secret creator. I hope you enjoy this little thing. I had fun writing my first Sashea :)
And thanks Veronica for your patience with me, you’re an angel
“Sasha! Welcome.” Vander opened the door, dressed in all black. “And who’s your guest?”
“Hi, I’m Shea. Sasha’s girlfriend,” the other girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. After a slightly awkward handshake Vander let both of them inside.
While Sasha disappeared into the crowd to say her greetings to her friends, Shea looked around. There were roughly fifteen people, most of them dressed as various creatures. Even the house was decorated into more of a scary style than a winter one. It looked like someone trying to celebrate Halloween on Christmas. 
Shea started to question her decision to come here, but then she remembered she was doing it for Sasha. She promised her that she will meet her friends and Shea wasn’t someone who gave up easily. She took a shot that was handed to her by a guy dressed as a werewolf and went in the crowd, trying to find her girlfriend.
When she found her, Shea grabbed Sasha’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the living room. Someone pushed the furniture aside and a few people were dancing. “Shea I can’t dance!” Sasha protested, but Shea wasn’t taking no for an answer. Her favourite song was playing and she was set on making Sasha dance with her. 
“I’ll show you,” she assured her. Shea placed her hands on Sasha’s hips. “Feel the music baby,” she said as she guided the way. They danced together and Sasha even started smiling after a while. She was well aware of her terrible dancing skills, but with Shea it was fun. Nonetheless she used the first opportunity to get out of Shea’s grip and escape to the safety of the non dancing crowd. Shea laughed as she saw Sasha run, but she went after her anyway.  
Now Sasha was talking to someone, who later introduced themselves as Disasterina. Shea stayed for a bit of the conversation, but she eventually made her way to the snacks table, where she stayed for most of the night. She didn’t know what else to do here. Sasha’s friends were… interesting to say the least, but Shea had no idea as to how to start a conversation with them. 
“I have been looking for you,” Sasha said, when she later spotted Shea. “For a second I thought you went home,” she joked, but Shea didn’t smile at that. “What’s wrong?”
Shea looked around to see if someone was listening, but everyone was busy gathering around Hoso dancing on a table. “This just isn’t how I imagined our first Christmas together. At a Halloween party.” Shea looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew this meant a lot to Sasha, but her friends just weren’t for Shea. 
“Oh,” Sasha said. She was silent for a moment after that, thinking about what Shea said. “Do you want to go home then? I will make up some excuse." 
Shea nodded. Sasha took her hand and led her to the door. On their way out they passed Evah throwing up in a corner. Sasha stopped for a moment to tell Vander, who was cleaning up the mess, something about not feeling well. Vander uderstandingly nodded, smiled and wished Sasha to get well soon. Then they returned back to their cleaning job.
"Is this better?” Sasha asked, sitting down on the couch beside Shea. A Christmas movie was already playing on the TV and Sasha placed two mugs onto the coffee table. 
Shea almost immediately laid down her head on Sasha’s lap. “Your friends are cool, but they’re just not the company I’d enjoy. I’m sorry Sasha.”
Sasha’s hand started stroking Shea’s hair. “It’s okay. I only care about you.” Sasha bowed down to gently kiss Shea’s head. “Now please tell me we aren’t watching that shitty comedy you love so much.”
“Not making any promises,” Shea grinned. 
“So it is that comedy,” Sasha deadpanned. “I hate you.”
“You love me." 
Sasha smiled. "I do.”
a/n: hi Mock! I was your secret creator. I hope you enjoy this little thing. I had fun writing my first Sashea :)
And thanks Veronica for your patience with me, you’re an angel
“Sasha! Welcome.” Vander opened the door, dressed in all black. “And who’s your guest?”
“Hi, I’m Shea. Sasha’s girlfriend,” the other girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. After a slightly awkward handshake Vander let both of them inside.
While Sasha disappeared into the crowd to say her greetings to her friends, Shea looked around. There were roughly fifteen people, most of them dressed as various creatures. Even the house was decorated into more of a scary style than a winter one. It looked like someone trying to celebrate Halloween on Christmas. 
Shea started to question her decision to come here, but then she remembered she was doing it for Sasha. She promised her that she will meet her friends and Shea wasn’t someone who gave up easily. She took a shot that was handed to her by a guy dressed as a werewolf and went in the crowd, trying to find her girlfriend.
When she found her, Shea grabbed Sasha’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the living room. Someone pushed the furniture aside and a few people were dancing. “Shea I can’t dance!” Sasha protested, but Shea wasn’t taking no for an answer. Her favourite song was playing and she was set on making Sasha dance with her. 
“I’ll show you,” she assured her. Shea placed her hands on Sasha’s hips. “Feel the music baby,” she said as she guided the way. They danced together and Sasha even started smiling after a while. She was well aware of her terrible dancing skills, but with Shea it was fun. Nonetheless she used the first opportunity to get out of Shea’s grip and escape to the safety of the non dancing crowd. Shea laughed as she saw Sasha run, but she went after her anyway.  
Now Sasha was talking to someone, who later introduced themselves as Disasterina. Shea stayed for a bit of the conversation, but she eventually made her way to the snacks table, where she stayed for most of the night. She didn’t know what else to do here. Sasha’s friends were… interesting to say the least, but Shea had no idea as to how to start a conversation with them. 
“I have been looking for you,” Sasha said, when she later spotted Shea. “For a second I thought you went home,” she joked, but Shea didn’t smile at that. “What’s wrong?”
Shea looked around to see if someone was listening, but everyone was busy gathering around Hoso dancing on a table. “This just isn’t how I imagined our first Christmas together. At a Halloween party.” Shea looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew this meant a lot to Sasha, but her friends just weren’t for Shea. 
“Oh,” Sasha said. She was silent for a moment after that, thinking about what Shea said. “Do you want to go home then? I will make up some excuse." 
Shea nodded. Sasha took her hand and led her to the door. On their way out they passed Evah throwing up in a corner. Sasha stopped for a moment to tell Vander, who was cleaning up the mess, something about not feeling well. Vander uderstandingly nodded, smiled and wished Sasha to get well soon. Then they returned back to their cleaning job.
"Is this better?” Sasha asked, sitting down on the couch beside Shea. A Christmas movie was already playing on the TV and Sasha placed two mugs onto the coffee table. 
Shea almost immediately laid down her head on Sasha’s lap. “Your friends are cool, but they’re just not the company I’d enjoy. I’m sorry Sasha.”
Sasha’s hand started stroking Shea’s hair. “It’s okay. I only care about you.” Sasha bowed down to gently kiss Shea’s head. “Now please tell me we aren’t watching that shitty comedy you love so much.”
“Not making any promises,” Shea grinned. 
“So it is that comedy,” Sasha deadpanned. “I hate you.”
“You love me." 
Sasha smiled. "I do.”
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mebemilena · 8 months
Every breath you take. Every move you make
A/N: I'm trying to organize it. I'm enjoying it so far and  I must practice my writing. I'm a comic book artist (writer and illustrator), and i'm slowly getting back on using Tumblr and writing fanfiction, english is not my first language. Feedback is welcome and THANK YOU so much for reading me <3
i think this would be between Bodyguard and We fight and breakup, We kiss and make up. it's a bit complicated to insert Reader on the episodes, sorry if it's a little messy. I prefer it much more whe we have more dialogues.
if you havent noticed, i love taking the titles from songs. This here is Every Breath you Take, by The Police.
pairing: maya lopez x reader AFAB reader
Arriving at Tamaha was the easy part. All you needed was a map and follow the track you put on Maya's prosthetic leg. You took the risk of her changing it, getting another. But you thought it'd be easy for her to steal another motorbike, or get a new phone than getting a prosthetic leg that fit her just right. Though you thought you could just put it on her favorite boots, you'd still pick the prosthetic leg. Something she couldn't just get rid of in a second.
As you drove an old Honda you'd keep yourself distant, the last thing you'd want now would be for Maya to find out you were following her. The only reason you knew about Tamaha at all was because she had told you before, when you were closer and she hadn't tried to kill Fisk yet. Before she broke your heart by running away without saying goodbye.
- - -
Watching Maya from afar was not difficult for you, as a Black Widow, you knew how to become invisible. But it hurt to see her so close yet so far from what you once had. You held yourself back as you watched stupid Vickie and those girls kidnap her, your blood boiling in your veins. But you knew better than to stop them at it,  curious at what the hell they were trying to do.
As you followed Maya's steps for the past few days, you took notes of your date ideas. "Her uncle owns a skating park!", you said
to yourself, way too excited for the possibility of skating with Maya, holding her hand at the sound of Love is in the Air by John Paul Young. Your fantasy came to an end when you saw Boonie being taken. You couldn't help a smile though. "Not like I wanted to meet you. But we have a girl's night some day, yeah?', you thought.
Temptation ate your insides. You wanted to help Maya, to give her some support and beat Vicky until he begged you to stop and apologized to your Maya. But you couldn't risk much more than you had already. If leaving New York wasn't an indication your relationship was on the line, taking her as a princess and fighting her dragons would set fire to it all.
You kept tracking Maya on your phone, watching her wander around the room through your phone screen. When Zane arrived with his gang you couldn't help but rolling your eyes at him. You hated him, he seemed to think too high of himself and you didn't like the way he chewed on toothpicks, stinking like testosterone. 
You took the time to enter the place and watch Maya from a tiny bit closer. You understood Vickies plan and it didn't take a genius to put two and two: he wouldn't get out of it alive. Stupid Vickie.
Zane's group filled the skating area, talking to Henry and Boonie. When Vickie got shot you rolled your eyes again. "Such a mess", you thought. "Where is Maya Lopez?", stupid Zane asked and Dragula by Rob Zombie screamed from the sound system all of a sudden. 
You had to hold yourself not to cheer aloud, trying to keep softly headbanging your head through the music. You loved that song, Maya knew.
You started wondering if she chose that one because she knew you liked it and it made her think of you. Were you being delusional? Also, wasn't it too loud?
Oh, right. It doesn't bother her. 
You got in the laser tag maze enjoying the music,  taking a few man down cautiously so that Maya wouldn't find out you were there. You wore a mask in case one of them recognized you decided to tell on you, if they survived. You caugth her kicking their asses by the corner of your eye and almost ran to her, to tell her how great she looked while fighting, how you missed her and how much of a wimp you were for her. But that'd ruin your plans and instead of a heart-eyes Maya, you'd get broken ribs or a broken heart. Again.
The fight was getting fun but they seemed like ants around a sugarcane, always coming for more. Maya threw herself and one of those man through the wall and you felt the urge to kiss her. She fought all of them, with guns first and the with her own wrists. It made you gawk at her, your heart beating faster. You were flustered. She used the pistol wires as a whip and you moaned in your mind. "That's kinda sexy.", you thought, taking a mental note of how much of Catwoman she resembled. You'd tell her later.
The jacket trick got you biting your lip, and you almost aplaused her flawless aim.
But then Zane brought Boonie and you grunted. "Asswhole.", you mumbled.
They gathered again, around Maya and Henry, guns on their heads. But you were ready too. With your gun in hand and your eyes on them, it'd take Zane down with a buttlet to the head in no time.
 But his phone rang and his plans changed. And so did yours.
You watched Boonie leave and had to stop yourself from offering some ice to put on her face. Poor girl, getting punched like that for free.  When Maya went back inside, you made up your mind about what to do next. After tonight's events, you had to talk to her.
Check out my redbubble shop:  https://www.redbubble.com/people/MilenaFernandes/shop?asc=u
toss a coin to your artist (me) at ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/mebemilena
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edsbacktattoo · 5 months
fanfic assumption ask game: you tear up at things that other people might be like “bro why”, like mundane things that are just beautiful in their simplicity
actually let me show u just how much this is the case. it is embarrassing but it makes me laugh.
my partner has been keeping tabs on how many times i’ve cried at things over the last couple of months, and i knew he had a list but i never actually see him taking note of the tears so i didn’t know it had gotten this long until recently.
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i can’t even try to justify the home alone one. idek what that shit was about. also the dragula one is inaccurate because i know i cried more than once simply because i was so enraptured by what i was looking at.
anyway my point is: you’re 100% correct and i also love you
assume something about me based on my fanfiction
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thundertempo · 1 year
Name: Bunny
Food(s): Spaghetti, Habanero chicken wings, tacos, curry (Thai or Japanese Golden style)
Drink(s): Iced Coffee, coke, bubly water (most flavors)
Book(s): For The Classics Pride and Prejudice and Dracula. Howl's Moving Castle, Discovery of Witches/All Souls Trilogy. If manga counts: One Piece, Dorohedoro
Author(s): I don't typically follow by author, but I really like anything Tamora Pierce puts out (me not caring its for tweens one bit)
Song(s): This changes on the daily so no :D
Movie(s): Legally Blonde, 10 Things I Hate About You, The House Bunny, Bridesmaids, The Heat, A Knight's Tale, The Hot Chick, The Little Mermaid, But I'm a Cheerleader
TV Show(s): It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Project Runway, What We Do In The Shadows, Dragula, Archer, Bob's Burgers, Brooklyn 99, The Good Place, Sailor Moon (literally any), Card Captor Sakura, One Piece obviously,
Place(s): my house in my bed
School Subject(s): Choir lol
Sport(s): Dance, gymnastics and I occasionally get into Football, but let's be real I'm more interested in the gay commentary and cheerleaders
Male Actor: Fuck that.
Female Actor:  Kaitlyn Olsen is literally the only one I can put down without being like "but this person is kinda shit". She's not in much outside of Always Sunny, but she goes 101% on her roles and physical comedy.
Best Friend: Sair, my ride or die, the forever captain to my navigator. She's not on tumblr anymore, but if you wanna enjoy some blasts from the pasts you can find a lot of our old cosplay still up at @dapper-and-duedly (mine links to what used to be my main and is now my rp blog so you can see my dumb ass :D) my spouse's usopp cosplay is on there too but you didn't hear that from me
Significant Other: Tiger they are also not on tumblr anymore, but can occasionally be found logged into my stuff on accident on my main tumblr @thiefcats where they will say hello. Or if we DM if someone ever writes 'poop' or 'pee' randomly that's them just saying hello.
Dream Job:  in a perfect world voice actor? If going back to school was something i had the energy to do then therapist or labor and delivery nurse
Tattoos: An owl on my left ankle representing my grandma after she passed. I'm starting to make plans/save up for my Nami tattoo, which is going to be hers surrounded by flowers
Piercings: Ears - double holes and right side tragus, nose (stud), septum and medusa
Languages: English y muy poquito Espanol (I am better at picking up context than speaking it)
Reason Behind URL: One of Nami's attacks. I've had this url forever, I think at one point i considered RPing her back when I first made it and never did. When I came back to tumblr and discovered I still had it I was like "yes, that's going to be for RP if I ever do it"
Reason Behind Icon: Red Nami because I love Red Nami
# of Posts: 1,193
Why You Joined: After getting back into writing and writing several a dirty fanfiction, I realized how much I actually missed RPing Nami.
# of Blogs: 3 including this one main/personal @thundertempo and multi-muses @piratebento
tagging: @miscellany-and-muse @drheartxstealer and YOU (I don't usually do the tagging thing for these things lol)
Tagged by: @maddmuses
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
I just watched van helsing 04 movie today for the first time in years and Carl the monk has always bothered me tremendously because I've always had the 'hey I know that weird little guy' feeling when watching it and only now have I thought dude that's faramir? Googled it and yep tis faramir anyway I love Carl and everyone in that movie and am quite shocked at how void tumblr is of van helsing fics I'd make some myself but I'm shit and never actually finish writing anything but oh my gosh Carl x reader fluff, rival royal family drama with Anna x reader, dracula x reader angst where his old love has been somehow ressurected and is tortured to see what vlads become, witch reader x literally any character, I know a lot of people watch that movie are like wtf 🤣 but the strange character stories, costumes, aesthetic and shitty old effects are so m'wah to me 😍 although upon rewatching I do find draculas wives a teeny bit annoying. Yo the crossbow holy water scene is so cool
Dude, i agree with everything you just said 10000%!! Honestly, it really does suck that Van Helsing (2004) isn't as popular on Tumblr, more when it comes to fanfiction! That's why I took it upon myself to start writing some but I'm in need of requests for them! 😭 Requests are closed rn but I would love to have some when I open them again! Reincarnated love has always been my favorite and I've been so down to do that for Dragula and a fellow monster hunter for Van Helsing, etc! I need them! The crossbow holy water was my absolute favorite scene! Chef kiss!
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lord-shitbox · 10 months
whole ask game
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~ 💖 ASK GAME 💖 ~
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
haven't gotten bored of the default one the phone came with yet
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
yea (doesnt elaborate)
🎵 Last song you listened to?
umm. dragula by rob zombie apparently. turns on music now its kimagure mercy by 八王子P
✏️ Have you ever written fanfiction?
yea (doesn't elaborate)
actually theres some if you search juhaku. the sickfic one is my favorite
😏 Are you on discord?
yea im not posting my username here but i have no qualms with giving it to anyone specific
 💛 Do you have any piercings?
7 of them! 3 sets of earlobe piercings and one conch. i should get more now that i have a job.. im so cheap maybe ill just get them done at claires. i dont have 2k to drop freely on holes in my ears and i dont trust anyone i know to safetypin me
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
i dont really think about single particular signs so idk. their opinions on boobs?
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
uhh. choccate chip....wait maybe those frosted ones with the sprinkles
🐶 Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
🎧 Headphones or earbuds?
headphones tbh
🌼 What’s the last thing you said out loud?
idk i was making myself a drink (half a java monster + espresso pod + hot cocoa mix btw) and my mom was there so
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
Umm. Cyclamen poison is stored in the tuber
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
night owl
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
my bed
🏳️‍🌈 Are you a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?
looks at the shit i post. looks at icon. uhhh no
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Chilling chilling & chilling
👖 Jeans or sweatpants
sweatpants are so much more comfortable but black jeans look cooler
🥤 What’s your go-to Starbucks order?
mocha cookie crumble frappe i think?
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
i dont hate colors intensely tbh
💎 What’s your most prized possession?
whole nuramago manga set
☕ Coffee or tea?
i like mocha flavor a lot & i also like drinking shitloads of extremly watery tea. basically i like them both
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
off the top of my head, ankylosaur
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr?
like 4 n a half years
🌴 Desert island item?
gaming pc
🐸 Describe your aesthetic.
like jellyfish glimmering in the abyss. also blood crystals..
🔮 What’s your dream job?
anything that pays...honestly my current job is really good i be getting paid more than a dollar over min wage to be on my phone in the back
💙 Relationship status?
not dating anyone nor do i think i really want to rn
🌿 Describe your favorite outfit.
man i forget what i own. i need harnesses
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
i can never think of them off the top of my head but i remember everything when it comes on
🤎 What color is your hair?
like. black-brown. it lightens as it gets longer because of sun exposre ive been thinking about dyeing it again tho..
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
nope. not aloud anyway
💄 Do you wear makeup?
dollar store crayon eyeliner
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
i forgettttttttttttt actually a buddy like WAY back told me my vibes are like a street market in winter actually. i cant promise this is a favorite but i hope hes doing alright
💞 @ your favorite blog.
if you are in my notes regularly i love you soo much. even/especially if I don't follow you baclk I promise
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anonymous-hopeful · 1 year
Junko’s Drag Race
Yes, that’s right.
One day, I got to thinking “Hm. What if Junko had to do a fashion based class project? What if she got the boys involved..? What if she was a drag king..?” This was fueled by me playing around with the free Drag Race simulator online.
The idea was floating around in my head for a while until I saw people start posting some extremely cool art with the DR boys as drag queens (Mad Hattey, for example), and at that point, I figured “Eh, why not.”
I’m getting the ideas together now (and also writing the fanfiction for it), but I think this oughta be a thing. 
I SHOULD preface this by saying if Junko were to actually do a Drag competition, it’d be more akin to that of Dragula than RPDR, and you can’t tell me she wouldn’t make the eliminations actual executions, but the reason why I’m not doing that right now is 1) The more non-despair aus, the better and 2) This is one of the goofiest AU ideas I’ve ever had and I want the comedy to shine through.
As I develop everything, I encourage yall to send any ideas or headcanons you might have. I’ve already got a list of names that I’m gonna release soon.
I’ve decided that at least, as of right now, I’ll have the eight boys from THH and the eight boys from GBD competing, with Junko, Mukuro, and Monokuma as regular judges and V3 characters coming in as guest judges/guest directors. 
This is gonna be fun.
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iamthecomet · 1 year
I'm so glad you had a good chill day 🖤 I need to share a quick Cheese fact before i go to bed (read fanfiction and play Cult of the Lamb) her favorite shows are Criminal Minds, COPS and the one she watches before we go to bed Bluey. She will legit sit there staring at the screen and it is the CUTEST.
Now i wonder what would happen if you put kid shows on for the ghouls? If Dew were high I think he would be hooked on baby sensory videos but specifically the one with the strawberries in witch hats playing Dragula.
I love that Cheese is into crime shows! Very cool.
I think you could put on any kids show for the ghouls when they're high and they would be Into It. But I also think several of them unironically enjoy 90s/00s cartoon network. You can't tell me Aether and Dew don't watch courage the cowardly dog on the regular.
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mock-star-aq · 5 years
Supermonster Dinner Party: a Dragula fic.
Happy Holidays y'all! This is my fic for the @rpdrficexchange for Wolfie, aka Wolfie @thepastpresentandfutureofdrag !! I hope you like this darling! (For some reason I can't tag you in this?)
This is a weird cannon divergent style where they are their drag personas but dragula and drag race still happened, (if that makes sense) so make of that what you will.
Edit: Thanks to @hellobiqtchlasagna for helping me come up with the surprise at the end. I forgot to credit them in my rush to get my fic up and I feel bad😅
"Do you know anything about him?" Vander asked, pulling a batch of cookies out of the oven and sliding them onto a cooling rack. Biqtch was leaning against the wall, nursing a mixed drink.
"Just that he's Boulet approved, same as you." Biqtch drawled. " Swan actually told me to be nice, as if I would be mean to anyone who wasn't mean first, or a Republican." 
"You can be a bit crass at first. Drac told me to be mindful of not coming across too snooty, but she's one to speak." 
"Oop, I'm snitching! I'm going to tell her you said that!" 
"Oh, she knows, she makes fun of herself. And she would just brush it off. I can tease her a little since I know her relatively well." 
"Yeah that's fair, Lord knows they talk shit about us all the time in private."
"I'm pretty sure it's mostly good things, but yeah, they absolutely poke at our screwups with each other. " 
"Because they want the best from us, cause we're super monsters and all that." Biqtch pushed herself up from the wall, crossing over and rinsing out her cup to use again later. 
"And also because we have to work together from now on, so we have to be at least cordial to each other." Vander said, pulling out her phone to check the time. "He should be here anytime now. I told him 6, and it's 5:55." 
Just as Vander stopped speaking, the doorbell rang. 
"Speak of the devil, that should be him." Vander motioned for Biqtch to follow her as she went to the door, smoothing out some wrinkles from Biqtch's shirt before opening the door wide. 
"Hi, nice to finally meet you! Landon, right?" 
"Yup, Landon Cider. Nice to meet you too." He affirmed, holding a hot bag. Vander waved him inside and relieved him of his dish, allowing him to hang his coat up as Biqtch closed the door. 
"Nice to finally meet you, I'm Biqtch Pudding, and that's Vander Von Odd. You're hot as shit." Biqtch introduced herself, leaning against the wall as Landon took off his outerwear. The most prominent thing about him was how chiseled he was, even his face. The Boulets weren't ones to choose supermonsters based on conventional standards of beauty, but Landon was certainly very attractive. 
"Ah yes, you two are infamous. The first two supermonsters!" Landon smiled, slightly blushing at Biqtch's remark.
"I hope our fearsome reputation precedes us." Biqtch flexed, her arm about half the size of Landon's. 
"Landon, does this need to be warmed up at all?" Vander asked, holding up a casserole dish from the hot bag, interrupting before Biqtch could embarrass herself more. 
"Maybe? I pulled it out of the oven before I left, so it should still be warm." He crossed over and took off the top, holding his hand over what appeared to be a lasagna. "Oh it's fine. It probably needs to cool down a little actually. Biqtch, I know you're a vegetarian, so this is just cheese." 
"Yasss thanks doll!" Biqtch cheered. "What do you want to drink?" Biqtch led Landon over to Vander's drink cart as Vander pulled together the last little bits of the meal and set the table. She put the basket of rolls down as Landon and Biqtch came back, and Landon immediately put his drink down to help Vander put the last few things on the table. 
"Thanks babe." Vander said as they all sat down at the table and started serving food. It was quiet for the first few minutes while they ate, but then Vander started asking Landon questions, since the main point of the dinner was to get to know him. 
"So tell us about yourself Landon, where are you from, what do you do outside of doing performing .."
"Are you single?" Biqtch interjected. And Landon chuckled before responding. 
"Well, I'm from Long Beach, and I have a Hispanic background. I am happily married, sorry Biqtch." He apologized, and Biqtch pretended to be upset, pouting and snapping her fingers before sitting up and shoving his shoulder, indicating that she was joking. 
"We fucked like the all of the drag race winners do when they win but neither one of us liked it, so she was hoping to get a second chance." Vander explained, and Landon spit out his drink. 
"And you know that HOW?!" He spluttered as Biqtch clapped him on his back. 
"Sasha told me. She doesn't love the tradition, but I have a feeling she'll change her tune if Shea wins an allstar season." 
"So they haven't fucked?" 
"Oh no, they have. And they'll take any excuse to fuck. They're just rarely in the same place at the same time anymore. Trust me, Sasha's an open book once you get to know her well enough. So are most of the other RuGirls. Several of the other winners have offered to include us in the tradition, but unfortunately that probably ends with you. At least the sex part, most of them would probably be willing to makeout with you or cuddle with you." 
"Fine by me!" Landon declared, wiping his brow. And they all started laughing. 
"Yeah, we all saw you make out with Evah!" Vander teased, and Biqtch hooted appreciatively. 
"Neither of you can talk!" Landon retorted, and they all started laughing harder. "Biqtch is a dick pig and Vander handled a pup during her final floor show. Hypocrites, both of you!" He wheezed out, clutching his stomach with one hand while pointing with the other. 
"Look at the pot calling the kettle black!" Biqtch screeched. 
The rest of the night dissolved into hysterics, scream laughing at each other so loud it was a wonder they didn't get a noise complaint. The food was barely touched and cold, but no one cared. 
"I was inside so I couldn't see, but you could just hear her screaming! FUCK THE BIG PICTURE CLINT!!!" 
"That's better than Loris's temper tantrum. "NoT tOnIgHt!" 
"Well we didn't have any fun catchphrases like y'all did!"
"Bitch the fuck you mean? Everything that came out of Disasterina's mouth was fucking iconic! "Attention human males? She's murdering my pussy?" You just gotta think!" 
"Ooh ooh! I know! "You're just a trigger happy alcoholic that's what I said bitch you gotta pop a xanax every 10 fucking minutes!" That's the closest thing  Dragula has to the sugar daddy speech so far!"  
"Ok, you both are right. What can I say? I just a dummy ass thick Biqtch." She joked, standing up slightly to twerk slightly to the amusement of Vander and Landon, who laughed even harder.
The doorbell rang, interrupting their laughter. Vander got up to answer it, and came back carrying a white box, slightly damp from the snow. 
"What is that?" Biqtch asked as she and Landon got up and walked over to the counter where Vander sat it down. 
"No idea, but it's addressed to me and it's from a really nice bakery." Vander replied, cutting the string tied around the box off with a pair of scissors and opening the box. All of their jaws dropped as the lid fell back and revealed what was inside. Biqtch came to her senses first, hunching over laughing and clutching the counter. Vander covered her mouth and started wheezing as Landon chuckled and pinching his forehead as if he couldn't believe his eyes. 
"That is not what I think it is." 
"It is." Vander and Biqtch said in unison. Biqtch pulled out her phone and took a picture, still laughing. 
"I'm sending this to her right now. It's so lifelike, and I should know, I stared at her mug for weeks!" Vander laughed, kneeling to get a better look. 
"Did she send it?" Landon asked, taking out his own phone to take a picture. Vander plucked up an envelope that was beside the cake and opened it, laughing harder when she read it. 
" It's from the Boulets." She wheezed. 
" Happy Holidays uglies. Hope you don't mind if Meatball crashes your supermonster dinner party. We truly are proud of you all. XOXO. Dracmorda and Swanthula."
"Swan wrote that." Biqtch said, looking over Vander's shoulder. "Drac has chicken scratch." 
"Ooh! I'm snitching!" Vander mocked, and Biqtch doubled over again while Landon laughed in a confused way. 
"So who wants to do the honors of cutting Meatball's head and seeing what flavor her brain is?" 
"Landon should do it, welcome to the family bro. " Biqtch said. Vander nodded and handed Landon a knife, which he took. 
"Alright, cheers Meatball." Landon said as he sunk the knife into the cake shaped like her head and cut away a piece. 
"It looks like Red Velvet." Vander said as she held out a plate for Landon to put the cake piece on. 
"That's clever as fuck!" Biqtch smiled, watching as Landon cut the next piece. 
"Now I know how the Boulets feel, this is a powerful feeling, slicing someone up." 
"Oh he's definitely one of us!" Biqtch cheered, high fiving Vander. Biqtch high fived Landon as Vander's phone went off and she unlocked it. 
"Swan's glad to hear we got it and Meatball sent a bunch of grave emojis." 
"That tracks." Biqtch said as Vander put her phone away and went to grab wine glasses and a bottle, uncorking it and handing them all a glass of red wine.
"A toast." She said as she held up her glass. "To the Boulets, to Dragula, to good food and good times, and to the supermonsters, past, reigning, and future. Cheers." 
"Cheers!" Biqtch and Landon echoed. And they all drank. 
"Now let's go eat our cold food and our Meatball head cake." Vander directed. "This is a dinner party after all." 
"A holiday dinner party! Where's the mistletoe?" Biqtch joked.
"I am not kissing you again! Once was enough!" 
"Spoil sport. Landon will make out with me, won't you Landon?" 
"Umm, we'll talk. " 
"That wasn't a no!" 
Landon rolled his eyes and laughed at Biqtch's perseverance and Vander's apologetic face. This family was strange and weird and unconventional, but he loved it and wouldn't have it any other way.
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shigaraki-s · 6 years
fanfic master-post
since the regular mobile link won't work 99.9% of the time. they are ordered from newest to oldest. requests are always open, and constructive criticism is always appreciated.
ao3 | wattpad
mr. robot:
• you are my only one || tyrelliot - tyrell and elliot meet up at a highschool party, and confessions are made and feelings are exposed. (highschool au)
• a red river of screams - after elliot's death, tyrell begins expressing himself through art. trigger warning for mentions of death, ptsd, blood, self harm and alcohol abuse.
• but you're still on my lonely mind || papi/dega - papi always missed dega during his time in solitary, but some nights were worst than others. tw: homophobic references.
• get a load of this monster || papi/dega - even if they've done it several times before, papi can't help but feel guilty. tw: references to bdsm and wounds on the wrist (not self harm).
the war at home:
• as long as i'm laughing with you || dylan/kenny - kenny doesn't understand sex. dylan tries to teach him. both boys discover something that could change the fate of their relationship... forever
borhap rpf:
• we could do some good || mazlek - after being introduced to each other by sami, joe and rami are the stereotypical highschool sweethearts. they can be seen holding hands or kissing on many occasions. everyone knows joe loves rami and rami loves joe. however, a week after a highschool party fueled by weed and alcohol, rumors that joe has been sleeping with someone else start going around. this leads to the school's best couple being at risk of breaking up - right before prom.
rupaul's drag race:
• calm down || craxen - after anthony comes home angry after a gig, maxwell has to calm him down before he says or does anything he will regret.
• only us || blixen - andrew is sent outside to make friends, but what he gets is even better.
• the first meeting || blixen - anthony came to fight. he didn't expect to form a crush on a fellow contestant on day one.
• awkward approaches || blixen - anthony's crush on andrew becomes hard for him to handle, and he finds it hard to be around andrew without feeling all awkward and flustered. he eventually has to confess his feelings. does andrew feel the same way?
• living a lie || miz cracker - maxwell finds out that his adopted child, hunter, is hiding something very important.
• don't get attached (part one) || blixen - andrew is a new student at arlington highschool. he is nervous and happy, since he is used to being bullied and teased for the simplest things such as a piercing. but, this is a new beginning. no one knows him. anthony taylor is assigned to be andrew's guide. little does andrew know, anthony has eyes for him. while andrew is being guided through school, he runs into an old "friend". what happens when andrew is caught hanging out with the supposed enemy? (highschool au)
• don't get attached (part two) || blixen
• don't get attached (part three) || blixen
• all we need is each other || mom! bob the drag queen + son! miz cracker - maxwell finally confesses something he has been hiding from his mother for almost a year now. tw: mentions of gender dysphoria.
• mental || adoreney (part one) - danny is teased because of his gender identity, and they get some comfort from their boyfriend. tw: transphobia and bullying.
• take back || shalaska + teen!aquaria + fictional character - when the needles family finds out their youngest, ella, has been dealing with bullies, alaska and sharon have no choice but to talk to her. (tw: bullying. cisgirl au.)
• love is madness || adortya - katya realizes her feelings for the new girl, adore, and finds it hard to hide them. it only gets worse when they have to work on a project together.
• acceptance || raja x raven - raja and raven's child comes out to them on school picture day, and they couldn't be less than accepting.
• when doves cry || vahli - jayy, or dahli, is a popular drag king, especially in the florida scene. he becomes interested in a regular audience member named victoria. is this audience member interest in him, too? (cisgirl/drag king au)
• what about us? || vahli - dahli says something she regrets, which is something that happens a lot in their relationship. victoria grows sick of their fighting and finally decides to break the cycle. (cisgirl au)
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Potluck Speed Challenge, A Short and Incomplete List (Group) - Mock-Star
I'm alive! maybe. kinda.
this is just a quick little list with the first people who popped in my head (including some Dragula Ghouls!), I hope yall enjoy!
(also yes I *promise* I'm still working on more Sashea fic)
Sasha: a charcuterie board, really hard to mess up, *exactly* the right amount of effort, and a crowd favorite. 
Shea: something homemade and labor intensive, because she can actually cook and everyone is impressed
Hoso: has every ambition of making a *fancy* dish (because she's self-sufficient), but ends up not having the spoons so brings chips instead 
Sigourney: a casserole that uses at least one can of "cream of X" soup, and some soft drinks, because she's pretty sure someone forgot to assign them to someone at some point
Bianca: is hosting, has alcohol and meat and plant based burgers. her dogs are the stars of the whole potluck
Gottmik: either some super fancy vegan dessert that's lowkey too expensive to bring to a potluck or some oreos she grabbed on the way because she forgot. there's no in-between 
Vander: tries to think of any gaps in what people would bring, ends up bringing rice, baked potatoes and taco meat
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zwritestuff · 4 years
terror,, 10 with biqtch and abhora !! : D ily
sorry it took so much time fizzy!! set yet again in the angel/demon au. this is a sort of prequel for the one i did for meg. hope you enjoy!
10. “Who are you?”
When Biqtch woke up in hell, she didn’t even remember her name, nor who she was while she was alive. But there was a crowd of demons around her, scrutinizing her with their judgy gaze - each demon was scarier than the last, but for some reason she wasn’t as scared as she should be. 
And then one of them made it’s way through the crowd, exclaiming profanities and shoving people aside, until she stood firmly put in front of her, with an annoyed expression as she held her hand out for her to take.
“Who are you?” She managed to ask, her throat was dry and the words came out hoarse. The demon cocked a sly brow, snarling at her.
“Abhora,” she replied dryly, growing impatient by the second.
“And do you know who am I?” 
Abhora cracked a smile, letting her see her spiky, rotten teeth. “You’re Biqtch, with a Q. Now, come with me unless you want to be at the mercy of these fuckers.” She gestured at the demons surrounding them, looking at her as if she was a prey and they were the hunters. It might have not been that much of a mistake to say so.
Biqtch (she knew  it’s not her real name, but she hasn’t bothered in thinking something new, because this is hell and nothing matters anymore) followed Abhora to what looked like a village in the middle of a sea of lava. If Biqtch expected hell to look like anything, it surely wasn’t like this. 
Wow. So Dante got it all wrong, huh?
“Why did I end up here?” She ventured to ask, as Abhora lead them through streets clogged up with monsters of all kinds with all sorts of deformities. 
“Who the fuck knows anymore? The big boy up-stairs is picky sometimes,” Abhora replied, the sarcasm in her tone palpable. Biqtch cocked a brow, sheepishly wondering why had Abhora ended up there. She turned to see her with that rotten smile  again, but Biqtch found it captivating for some reason. “Little old me? Oh, that’s easy; I’m a succubus, I was born here. Doesn’t my sex appeal give it away?”
Biqtch snorted, covering her mouth with her hand. That first day was probably the last day she found Abhora anywhere near bearable.
Almost fifty decades later, she’s grown used to Abhora’s shenanigans and the constant mayhem she causes around her; it doesn’t mean she tolerates her, though. She’s a royal pain in the ass, and has the horrible bad habit of sneaking into her dreams on the rare occasion she has them.
Abhora finds her way inside her house one day, or night, or who knows anymore, the sun isn’t a thing down there; she sneaks into her house and, in true Abhora fashion, announces her they are going to Earth for November 30th, and she’s not giving her the option of saying no.
“No,” Biqtch says right away, “I be damned if your ass gets me in more trouble, hoe.”
Abhora folds her arms, “I said I’m not giving you any other option,” she insists, “and you have to go. The others are coming.” Biqtch cocks a sly brow.
“They’re coming willingly or you’re forcing them to?”
“What’s the difference? They’re coming and that’s final.”
Biqtch clicks her tongue, massaging her temples.
“If I do this, will you stop haunting me in my dreams?” She tries to bargain, but Abhora laughs.
“In your dreams, Biqtchy,” she says before disappearing again, leaving Biqtch with a gut feeling that something bad will happen. But it’s Abhora they’re talking about; every second she spends with her, she thinks bad things will happen.
So she sighs, going about her day and hoping it’ll stay just as a bad feeling.
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glitched-realness · 7 years
Dragula girls as characters from a sleepaway camp horror movie.
Victoria Elizabeth Black:
Elusive socialite and descendant of a wealthy and powerful lineage, she's sent away in hopes of putting distance between her and Opulence, a girlfriend who they don't really approve of (like at all); she takes a bit to warm up to her camp mates but when she does she's well recieved, her skills at arts and crafts can't be matched by anyone.
By day she's known for turning looks and beeing rather handsy with her bunk-mate Dahli but at night, when everything seems to stop, the girls go to her cabin and she reads them their fortune, a family tradition she learned from her grandmother; that ability comes in handy when all hell breaks loose since she slays and becomes part of the "Four Left Standing" group (and potentially the "Final Girl").
James Majesty
Being born into a disfunctional family who didn't really cared for their children caused her to take on to hypersexuality as a coping mechanism, she's done everything and everyone in her area.
Also known for getting in trouble beacuse of her brutal honesty and out-right bitchiness (and cutthroat-ness, snake-like attitude, the list goes on) she's no stranger to defending herself and standing her ground, however when shit gets real she knows she can relly on her (step)brother Taylor to have her back (and other body parts the rumour says).
She's sent to the camp by Taylor with the hopes of giving her a small break from the chaos back home without knowing that the fight at home is nothing compared to the battle for survival she'll face at the camp, however her survival instincts and brutal willpower help her claw her way into the "Four Left Standing" group and look fucking fierce while doing so.
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tumble4rpdr · 2 years
I was tagged by @janeyjacke 💗
Last song: Waiting by The Dahli
Last film: The last movie I saw in theaters was Men, the last movie I watched at home was High School Musical 3🙈
Currently reading: Children of the New World by Alexander Weinstein and fanfiction
Currently watching: All Stars 7, Drag Race France, Evil, rewatching the most recent seasons of Dragula and Legendary
Current obsession: Jinkx, Dahli, bearded dragons, cute nail art on Instagram
I’m never great at tagging so I’m going to offer this to anyone who wants to do it💕
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tiannasfanfic · 2 years
Tag people you want to know better!
Thank you for the tag @pretendfan !
Last song: Leo Moracchioli’s metal cover of “Work It” by Missy Elliott.
Last show: Dragula Season 2 and Shorsey.
Currently watching: The Venture Brothers and the new Iron Chef on Netflix.
Currently reading: Lots and lots of Adrian Chase, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd fanfiction. 😁
Book wise, in May 2021, I started binge reading the Dune series in chronological order. There’s a couple prequels I still need to read, but I’m halfway through “Sandworms of Dune,” and took a break from it a couple of months ago. Everything was fine up until these last two books that close out Frank Herbert’s original series. They’re not bad, per say, they’re just…not holding my interest as well as the other books. I don’t get it though. The other books by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson I really enjoyed. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tagging: I think most of the people I’m following already did this, but if you haven’t and you want to, feel free!
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3xm-draconic · 3 years
things about me
A lot of blogs talk about things they like and stuff about them and I kinda want to post some stuff about me inbetween my posts of jjba fanfiction n' stuff.
so here are a few things about me so you all can get to know me a little more...
1: I identify as non-binary and pansexual.
2: I love fantasy and dnd, I am running a jjba-themed game onsaterdays on discord.
3: I am addicted to gummy candies and cheese cake.
4: My taste in anime is weird, I like cooking anime like food wars or gourmet hunter, I like gore anime like parasyte and of course yall know I love the fucking strangeness of jjba.
5: I am a shipper I will not lie.
6: I love g/t, I like the tropes of gentle or sarcastic giants and their feral and will kill you if you mess with them tiny or a tiny that is timid and shy, tiny growing to trust their giant friends, giants raising child tinys, animal-inspired tinys and a fearful tiny growing up to be a total bab (bad ass bitch) or bamf (bad ass mother fucker) because of the confidence their giant friend gave them.
7: I kinda find vore fascinating but not in a fetish way, I like vore the same way some people like watching zits being popped or ingrown hairs being removed, I just find it interesting. I only like oral or navel vore though, anything having to due with other body parts is a no for me. Fatal/hard vore is a gray area for me, I usually write about or use it in a story on a character I really hate and want to die in a painful way.
8: I love drag, I watch shows like drag race or dragula, I sometimes do drag makeup on myself (both king and queen) and some day I'd love to perform in a drag bar.
9: I. HATE. BELL PEPPERS! No force in this reality can make me eat bell peppers.
10: I am a nerd. I play video games, read comics/marvel and dark horse are my favorites and I cosplay.
12: I have never been to a con before, comic con anime con bronycon or any thing like that. I have been to renaissance fairs before though.
13: I dream to become a famous author in the futcher, I love to read, everything from harry potter to simple fanfiction. I am inspired by urban fantasy writers like rick riordan and the amazing hirohiko araki, hope to write an epic fantasy novel that will be enjoyed by others like me.
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