#for mock star
artificialqueens · 2 years
🎁 Our Party (Sashea) for Mock-Star - Teri
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by Teri, for @mock-star-aq
a/n: hi Mock! I was your secret creator. I hope you enjoy this little thing. I had fun writing my first Sashea :)
And thanks Veronica for your patience with me, you’re an angel
“Sasha! Welcome.” Vander opened the door, dressed in all black. “And who’s your guest?”
“Hi, I’m Shea. Sasha’s girlfriend,” the other girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. After a slightly awkward handshake Vander let both of them inside.
While Sasha disappeared into the crowd to say her greetings to her friends, Shea looked around. There were roughly fifteen people, most of them dressed as various creatures. Even the house was decorated into more of a scary style than a winter one. It looked like someone trying to celebrate Halloween on Christmas. 
Shea started to question her decision to come here, but then she remembered she was doing it for Sasha. She promised her that she will meet her friends and Shea wasn’t someone who gave up easily. She took a shot that was handed to her by a guy dressed as a werewolf and went in the crowd, trying to find her girlfriend.
When she found her, Shea grabbed Sasha’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the living room. Someone pushed the furniture aside and a few people were dancing. “Shea I can’t dance!” Sasha protested, but Shea wasn’t taking no for an answer. Her favourite song was playing and she was set on making Sasha dance with her. 
“I’ll show you,” she assured her. Shea placed her hands on Sasha’s hips. “Feel the music baby,” she said as she guided the way. They danced together and Sasha even started smiling after a while. She was well aware of her terrible dancing skills, but with Shea it was fun. Nonetheless she used the first opportunity to get out of Shea’s grip and escape to the safety of the non dancing crowd. Shea laughed as she saw Sasha run, but she went after her anyway.  
Now Sasha was talking to someone, who later introduced themselves as Disasterina. Shea stayed for a bit of the conversation, but she eventually made her way to the snacks table, where she stayed for most of the night. She didn’t know what else to do here. Sasha’s friends were… interesting to say the least, but Shea had no idea as to how to start a conversation with them. 
“I have been looking for you,” Sasha said, when she later spotted Shea. “For a second I thought you went home,” she joked, but Shea didn’t smile at that. “What’s wrong?”
Shea looked around to see if someone was listening, but everyone was busy gathering around Hoso dancing on a table. “This just isn’t how I imagined our first Christmas together. At a Halloween party.” Shea looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew this meant a lot to Sasha, but her friends just weren’t for Shea. 
“Oh,” Sasha said. She was silent for a moment after that, thinking about what Shea said. “Do you want to go home then? I will make up some excuse." 
Shea nodded. Sasha took her hand and led her to the door. On their way out they passed Evah throwing up in a corner. Sasha stopped for a moment to tell Vander, who was cleaning up the mess, something about not feeling well. Vander uderstandingly nodded, smiled and wished Sasha to get well soon. Then they returned back to their cleaning job.
"Is this better?” Sasha asked, sitting down on the couch beside Shea. A Christmas movie was already playing on the TV and Sasha placed two mugs onto the coffee table. 
Shea almost immediately laid down her head on Sasha’s lap. “Your friends are cool, but they’re just not the company I’d enjoy. I’m sorry Sasha.”
Sasha’s hand started stroking Shea’s hair. “It’s okay. I only care about you.” Sasha bowed down to gently kiss Shea’s head. “Now please tell me we aren’t watching that shitty comedy you love so much.”
“Not making any promises,” Shea grinned. 
“So it is that comedy,” Sasha deadpanned. “I hate you.”
“You love me." 
Sasha smiled. "I do.”
a/n: hi Mock! I was your secret creator. I hope you enjoy this little thing. I had fun writing my first Sashea :)
And thanks Veronica for your patience with me, you’re an angel
“Sasha! Welcome.” Vander opened the door, dressed in all black. “And who’s your guest?”
“Hi, I’m Shea. Sasha’s girlfriend,” the other girl introduced herself and reached out her hand. After a slightly awkward handshake Vander let both of them inside.
While Sasha disappeared into the crowd to say her greetings to her friends, Shea looked around. There were roughly fifteen people, most of them dressed as various creatures. Even the house was decorated into more of a scary style than a winter one. It looked like someone trying to celebrate Halloween on Christmas. 
Shea started to question her decision to come here, but then she remembered she was doing it for Sasha. She promised her that she will meet her friends and Shea wasn’t someone who gave up easily. She took a shot that was handed to her by a guy dressed as a werewolf and went in the crowd, trying to find her girlfriend.
When she found her, Shea grabbed Sasha’s hand and dragged her to the middle of the living room. Someone pushed the furniture aside and a few people were dancing. “Shea I can’t dance!” Sasha protested, but Shea wasn’t taking no for an answer. Her favourite song was playing and she was set on making Sasha dance with her. 
“I’ll show you,” she assured her. Shea placed her hands on Sasha’s hips. “Feel the music baby,” she said as she guided the way. They danced together and Sasha even started smiling after a while. She was well aware of her terrible dancing skills, but with Shea it was fun. Nonetheless she used the first opportunity to get out of Shea’s grip and escape to the safety of the non dancing crowd. Shea laughed as she saw Sasha run, but she went after her anyway.  
Now Sasha was talking to someone, who later introduced themselves as Disasterina. Shea stayed for a bit of the conversation, but she eventually made her way to the snacks table, where she stayed for most of the night. She didn’t know what else to do here. Sasha’s friends were… interesting to say the least, but Shea had no idea as to how to start a conversation with them. 
“I have been looking for you,” Sasha said, when she later spotted Shea. “For a second I thought you went home,” she joked, but Shea didn’t smile at that. “What’s wrong?”
Shea looked around to see if someone was listening, but everyone was busy gathering around Hoso dancing on a table. “This just isn’t how I imagined our first Christmas together. At a Halloween party.” Shea looked down, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew this meant a lot to Sasha, but her friends just weren’t for Shea. 
“Oh,” Sasha said. She was silent for a moment after that, thinking about what Shea said. “Do you want to go home then? I will make up some excuse." 
Shea nodded. Sasha took her hand and led her to the door. On their way out they passed Evah throwing up in a corner. Sasha stopped for a moment to tell Vander, who was cleaning up the mess, something about not feeling well. Vander uderstandingly nodded, smiled and wished Sasha to get well soon. Then they returned back to their cleaning job.
"Is this better?” Sasha asked, sitting down on the couch beside Shea. A Christmas movie was already playing on the TV and Sasha placed two mugs onto the coffee table. 
Shea almost immediately laid down her head on Sasha’s lap. “Your friends are cool, but they’re just not the company I’d enjoy. I’m sorry Sasha.”
Sasha’s hand started stroking Shea’s hair. “It’s okay. I only care about you.” Sasha bowed down to gently kiss Shea’s head. “Now please tell me we aren’t watching that shitty comedy you love so much.”
“Not making any promises,” Shea grinned. 
“So it is that comedy,” Sasha deadpanned. “I hate you.”
“You love me." 
Sasha smiled. "I do.”
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daydreamerwonderkid · 7 months
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Maybe drawing Cass again will heal me ...
You do NOT have permission to repost my art.
Close ups of accessories and mini Batfam under cut
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I'm actually really proud of the Steph screensaver <3
The mini Batgirl keychain took me WAY longer than it should have, but I think it came out okay :3
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I had way too much fun doodling these mini versions of Steph, Babs, Dick and Tim. (Sorry for the shit quality, I have no clue why they ended up looking so scrungled *sobs*)
Also Cass's hair this time was inspired by her look in Spirit World
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Idk what else to say other than that I had a lot of fun working on this one. This is probably my favorite piece of fan art that I've ever done :3
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manmadedonut · 4 months
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Mccoy said youre getting fat in a sweet way
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khywae · 3 months
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Lone Stars is OUT NOW!
♡ ABOUT ♡ 
You're a renowned doctor specializing in biomechatronics, dedicated to assisting cyborgs with cutting-edge body enhancements. When Boothill, freshly transformed into a cyborg, loses crucial body parts during his transition, he turns to you for help. As you navigate the intricate procedures, the lines between professional duties and personal feelings start to blur. Will you maintain your professionalism, or will an unexpected connection blossom?
Discover your path in "Lone Stars"!
Thank you everyone for the support and comments during the development of this game! I hope you enjoy the final version ❤
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soranatus · 7 months
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Falling Star By Rebecca Mock, an illustrator, animator, comic book artist, educator, & writer
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robinredacted · 8 months
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and some alts + misprint version :)
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wist-eri · 8 months
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okay so starlo kinda took over my brain. here’s some stuff i did
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there was a twitter challenge to draw starlo without his glasses. first one would be my actual depiction (he’s squinting) and the second one i did as a complete joke but the colors worked out for some reason 😭
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dustykneed · 8 months
one moment theyre arguing on the bridge the next theyre necking in a turbolift (bickering is their foreplay.) also mckirk is peak "i married my best friend" energy
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also i LOVE the idea of bones being inexplicably more flustered than spock over kissing the vulcan way,, theyre both terrible terrible tsunderes but jim thinks its so funny that they play it up sometimes when hes feeling down just to see him laugh
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overlord-of-fantasy · 9 months
In a meeting about the death star
Thrawn: *clicks pen* Eli: *clicks pen in response* Krennic: Stop that. Thrawn: Stop what? Krennic: You’re talking about me in Morse code! Thrawn: Yes, that’s what we doing. In our very limited time, we took a class on a very outdated, very unnecessary form of communication just so we could talk about you in front of you. Congrats, you figured us out! *later* Eli, to Karyn: That’s actually exactly what we were doing.
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qweenofurheart · 10 months
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act five scene 2
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koatira · 11 months
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Mortal Enemies of the Klingon Empire enter into Treacherous Conspiracy
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boos-gh0st · 2 months
When we were doing our second playthrough of In Stars And Time, my friend and I had decided to swap a lot of the characters we voiced in the initial one
I kept the ones I had initially that he didn’t enjoy doing and vice versa
So I had siffrin, Odile, the Head housemaiden, and a couple others
He had loop, Mirabelle, Isabeau, Bonnie, the king, and a few others
By the time we finished I had gotten used to the initial reaction of a siffrin sprite appearing and reading immediately, so when we were going through the final chat with loop and siffrins sprite flashed on “STARS killing you would make me SO HAPPY.” I had started to say it, but he had also started to say it because it was loops dialogue
We thought it was actually really dope
And we redid the line saying it together
And he made his loop voice sound more like my siffrin voice (my normal speaking voice) as the game progressed so it did just genuinely sound like two siffrins
Especially cause he had voiced siffrin in our prior play though
Anyway our loops hate eachother and we joke about that a lot
My loop makes fun of his loop
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he4d-banger · 7 months
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White Radish doesn't now what's coming
to be continued...
Somebody please confiscate my tablet
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sunwyrms · 2 months
May we have more Loopdile please?
(typically i dont do requests, but i suppose i can humor you since you were so polite~)
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They do this every morning. Nobody has any idea why. Bonnie is sick of it.
[id in alt]
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officialspec · 1 year
im gonna need the millennials on here to stop romanticising vine in their criticisms of tiktok i cannot take yall seriously. i know all anyone remembers is Fre Shava Cado but in its heyday vine was one of the worst perpetrators of casual racism in recent history and it rly infuriates me when ppl compare the two as if vine never had any negative impact on the dominant culture. please get better arguments im tired
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lead-acetate · 1 year
Quin: *learns that Obi-Wan slept with Jango*
Quin: now? really?
Quin: what is it about Mandalorians?
Obi-Wan: fuck off, Quin
[fast forward to the point Quin realises re's in love with Fox]
Obi-Wan: so
Quin: *glares*
Obi-Wan: *crosses hir arms with self-satisfaction*
Obi-Wan: what is it about those Mandalorians, I wonder?
Quin: *flips hir off*
(this is actually a pretty accurate re-telling of young man came from hunting, come to think of it)
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