#drarry awards
dronarryfest · 15 days
Dronarry Fest 2025 | Schedule & Rules
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Dronarry Fest 2025 Rules and Guidelines
Dronarry Fest is a fic and art fest specifically dedicated to the characters of Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter, either as a triad (Dronarry) or as pairs (Drarry, Dron, Ronarry). All works must feature all three characters in significant capacity either as romantic interests or in a platonic dynamic of some description. This is a non-anon fest!
Prompting Opens October 11th  Prompting Closes November 1st  Claiming Starts November 2nd Claiming Close: February 7th Submissions Due February 20th
Posting will begin around March 7th, with reveals to follow, exact dates to be confirmed.
Rules and guidelines below the cut
Prompting Opens October 11th Prompting Closes November 1st
You may submit as many prompts as you like, either using your name or anonymously.
You do not have to be creating in the fest to send in a prompt.
Please include any extra prompt details you would love to see incorporated (e.g. a favourite trope).
If you wish to, please include a maximum rating (e.g. Explicit) and any squicks or triggers (e.g. MCD). 
Please note that any prompt details, including wished-for tropes, ratings, and squicks, are for inspiration only, and creators are not obligated to fulfil all of your desired wishes.
Remember that this is a Dronarry fest, and all ship requests must include Dronarry, Dron, Drarry, and/or Ronarry. No other ships are permitted unless they are minor.
We allow self-prompting. You may submit your desired prompt and then take your chance claiming it (with the risk that someone else may snatch it up before you), or you can fill in the special box for self-prompts once claiming opens.
Prompts will be available for browsing once claiming opens. 
Claiming Starts November 2nd at 5pm GMT Claiming Closes: February 7th at 5pm GMT
This is an 18+ fest. Please do not sign up if you are under the age of 18 at the time of submission (February 20th 2025).
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt, but you must submit your first prompt as per submission guidelines first.
Claims will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.
You may claim for different fanwork types at the same time, either as an individual or as a collaboration (e.g. art + fic).
Collaborations are welcome! Please only submit one form per collaboration work and include details of all participants. Collabs can be illustrated fics, multi-author fics, multi-artists artworks, etc.
If you wish to create based on an existing fanwork, please submit as a self-prompt. You must ask for the original creator’s permission before submitting. We will trust you to honour this and only ask for proof in case issues arise. As proof we would expect written consent, or a blanket permission statement from the original creator either as a link or screencap.
You can browse blanket permission statements of creators here: https://www.fpslist.org/
All creations must feature either: Dronarry (Draco/Ron/Harry), Drarry (Draco/Harry), Dron (Draco/Ron), or Ronarry (Ron/Harry), or a mixture of the listed ships. Any other ships must be minor.
All creations must feature Draco, Ron, and Harry as main characters.
Minimum of 1k for fics, with no maximum wordcount. For podfics, the recorded story should be a minimum of 1k words, no maximum.
All fics must be proofread by a beta. Podfics must be proofed before submission. If you do not have a beta, please contact the mods ([email protected]) or send us an ask and we can put a call out for a beta for you.
Please tag your works appropriately and sensitively. We want this to be a fest for everyone to feel safe and included and that means being mindful with your warning tags. If you’re not sure about how to tag something, please let the mods know and we can help. Please also note that we reserve the right to review your tags and add any additional tags to your works. We will always let you know what these tags are.
This is a non-anonymous fest, so feel free to share snippets of your work in the run up to posting!
Submissions must be complete works created for Dronarry Fest. Please do not submit incomplete works or works that are part of a series or a prequel/sequel to an existing work, unless it is a remix.
We encourage you to be inspired by prompts’ additional details, but it is not a requirement to incorporate them into your creation. You are not required to abide by any mentioned dislikes. However, if you plan to gift a creation to the prompter, we may disallow this if you ignore stated dislikes. Please tag your work appropriately.
Submissions Due February 20th
All works must be submitted to the AO3 collection: Dronarry Fest 2025. If you do not have an AO3 account, please contact the mods.
You are required to add dronarryfest_mod as a co-creator when uploading your creation. This is so that we can change the posting date, check the submission, and add a tag for Dronarry Fest 2025. We will not make any other changes to your work, and we will remove the mod account immediately after the fest has ended. 
Please contact the mods if you have any issues submitting your work to AO3.
Following submission, please email [email protected] to confirm you have submitted your work with the completed submission header form below. You will receive a confirmation email from us.
Submission header
Title: Creator(s): Type: (art, fic, podfic, craft) Wordcount/length: Art/Craft medium: Warnings: Prompt no. or self prompt: Pairing: Summary: Link to work: Link to original work (if applicable):
Extensions/Dropping Out/Adjustments
Real life happens! If you need to drop out of the fest for any reason at all, please let the mods know ASAP via email. There will be no repercussions for future fests if you let us know before the submission date.
If you need an extension, please contact the mods ASAP with the estimated additional time you need. Please don’t hesitate to reach out as soon as you find yourself struggling with a due date.
If you signed up for a collaboration but things don’t work out for one or more participants, please let us know. We will confirm to all collab partners and treat the remaining participant/s as a single claim pending confirmation.
The mods will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule as this is subject to change.
Reveals posting will be scheduled closer to the submission deadline. Watch this space!
Are other ships allowed?
Theoretically, yes, but they must be minor. Dronarry, Drarry, Dron and/or Ronarry must be the main pairing and focus of your work. You can pair Draco, Ron, and/or Harry with other characters, but these must be background relationships and the story must be centred around one or more of the ships listed above.
Is this an 18+ fest?
Yes, this fest is only open to creators over the age of 18 at time of submission (February 20th 2025).
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mxlfoydraco · 1 year
I swear I liked a drarry reclist from you for this, but now I can't find it :x do you have any recs for drarry fics where Draco has muggle friends or embraces a more muggle lifestyle? Bonus points if Draco is gay in them because it pulls me out of the story if he has a single straight man thought....(I mean really....the audacity)
First of all, same. Second, I have a list, Draco in the Muggle World, I'm adding on:
Draco in the Muggle World Pt.2
The Liars Department by DorthyAnn (103k)
This is a story about Harry meeting up with Draco Malfoy four years after the war. And a story about Harry, well, not hating his job per say, but it's not like he has much to compare it to and it seemed fine. His whole life seemed fine. Then Malfoy came along with and his flashy suits and fast car making everything seem dull in comparison, and Harry... Harry couldn't just leave well enough alone.
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is. And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what’s he doing right, that Harry isn’t? Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years. And that’s what starts it all.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (83k)
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy’s lean arms.
The Man Who Lived by @e-sebastian (253k)
Draco breaks a cup, and one thing leads to another. A story of redemption, tattoos, dreams, mistakes, green eyes, long conversations, and copious amounts of coffee.
Set in New York twelve years after the war.
find a new place to be from by @oflights (47k)
Something is wrong with Malfoy Manor, and it’s driven Draco into the Muggle world. Thankfully, Harry is now on the case. A story about houses that haunt you and homes built for two.
you bring me home by @softlystarstruck (35k)
Harry is happy. He has his cat cafe and his hobbies. He has his friends, and Dolly Parton, and a shirt with a cowboy frog on it. It’s all a man needs, really. He doesn’t need to obsess over a magic-less, anxious Draco Malfoy coming into his cafe after disappearing from the wizarding world years ago. He doesn’t. Not even if the cats like Malfoy. Not even if Malfoy is soft, and funny, and a little bit neurotic. No matter how much he wants to obsess.
Sourdough by @academicdisasterfic (17k)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn’t leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
Make Yourself by @anyaelizabethfic (103k)
Harry just wants to be safe within the freshly painted walls of Grimmauld Place, with his friends around him. But when he hears Draco Malfoy has been spotted at the local soup kitchen, he can’t help but encourage a different type of stray to come under his roof.
Star Quality by who_la_hoop (118k)
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
Rebel, Rebel by @makeitp1nk (28k)
Thirty-six year old Harry Potter is the coolest bloke in muggle Camden Town. That’s right — he’s left the wizarding world behind and has been living his best life ever since. But will one chance encounter with a certain blond from his past change everything? Yeah, probably.
(Un)wanted by @aibidil (36k)
Ginny's pregnant, then she's not and Harry's single. Harry, again with no family, doesn't know what to do with this turn of events, or how to find a new life—post-war, post-Ginny, post-abortion—in which he belongs. He doesn't expect that life to include dancing to the Backstreet Boys with Hermione and Draco Malfoy. A story of finding belonging in the unexpected.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by @magpiefngrl (37k)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Had To Be You by @lettersbyelise (59k)
Draco Malfoy is possibly the last person Harry expects to find at the wheel of a Muggle car, on a beautiful summer day on the road to London. This is the story of how Harry runs into Draco once, twice, three times, and how he doesn’t leave their next meeting to chance. A fic inspired by When Harry Met Sally
Chasing Shadows by @manixzen (93k)
The murder of Lucius Malfoy seems impossible—no cause of death, no traces of spell-work, no potions in his system. The only leads Harry and his partner have are the trail of missing wizards the deeper they go. That and the help of the victim’s estranged son who now spends his time bartending at a queer-friendly Muggle pub. A case fic featuring a closeted Harry Potter, an out-and-proud, tattooed Draco Malfoy, and a murder mystery that seems to lead to more questions than answers.
coffee & communication: a (slow) romance by @softlystarstruck (10k)
Nearly a decade after the war, Draco has made a life for himself in Muggle London, writing romance novels and hanging out with his cat. But when he spills iced coffee all over a gorgeous man who turns out to be Harry Potter, has he tumbled into the start of his own romance without realizing it? And how difficult can it be to talk about desire, anyways? He writes smut for a living. Surely it can't be that difficult.
Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (18k)
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
Way Down We Go by @xiaq (109k)
The war was over. Or at least that’s what the papers said. They’d been saying it, for months, as if people needed reminding. Maybe they did.
In which Harry and Draco both run away from their pasts and conveniently choose to hide in the same tiny American town. It’s super.
100 Beats per Minute by @oknowkiss (13k)
When Draco left the Magical World behind at nineteen, he didn't expect the cusp of thirty would find him comfortable and secure, with a stable life and a successful career as a sex columnist. Stable, that is, until he meets the subject of his newest column -- a stranger calling himself James, who has dragged them both to Ibiza on a sex quest of epic proportions -- and everything Draco ever knew turns upside down all over again.
Prats, Parcels, and Parseltongue by @ronbinary (10k)
Harry is the Muggle world's first snake-only veterinarian. Life is good, and calm, for once. Until Draco Malfoy shows up with a snake. And then another. And then he won't stop coming in.
Full by @orange-peony (16k)
The door opens and the bell goes ding. Draco’s eyes immediately fly to the entrance of his bookshop, his heart beating madly in the hope that it’s him.
The Year of Non-Magical Thinking by @whiskyandwildflowers (13k)
"I don't know what I'm going to do, Potter. I'll think of something. So will you. But this is my journey to self-actualization," Draco managed to smirk. "You can fuck off and get your own."
In the Shape of Things to Come by @academicdisasterfic (15k)
Existential angst and chronic boredom are plaguing Harry Potter in his cushy post-war life. However, a chance encounter with a tattooed, pierced, disgruntled Draco Malfoy in the middle of Muggle Camden seems to spark something in Harry again—and he never could stay away from Malfoy. Ft. assorted methods of body modification, eclectic but loving friends, a wide variety of grunge music, long tube rides, and a whole lot of trans love.
When You Kiss Me (What A Lovely Way To Burn) by @femmequixotic (22k)
A drag fairytale of New York in which Draco wears red lipstick and Potter can’t get enough.
Enjoy the Silence by @shealwaysreads (3k)
Draco stops speaking, gets some tattoos, and discovers that Harry’s happy to be quiet with him.
There's No Espresso in Azkaban by @sassy-cissa (7k)
When Harry finds Draco working in a Starbucks, he finds coffee has suddenly become more interesting.
Let Rainwater Wash Away by @carpemermaidtales (6k)
Harry really needed to learn the importance of carrying an umbrella. Or, maybe he didn’t, since not carrying one led him to stumble upon Draco Malfoy’s antique shop while seeking shelter from a thunderstorm.
Google drive link for all Gallaplacidia fics by @geesenoises
Exposure by GallaPlacidia (26k)
When Seamus uncovers Draco Malfoy’s camboy profile, he, Harry and Ron decide to anonymously book a private show so as to humiliate him later. Fascinated by Draco’s confidence, Harry keeps booking private shows under the disguise…
Can I Tell You Something by GallaPlacidia (33k)
It's not a party unless Draco Malfoy is there. He's so fun! So wild! So crazy! So many drugs! So many drugs. Too many drugs? Harry's starting to think it's probably a lot too many drugs. This is not a drug addiction recovery fic, although there is a drug addiction recovery. Feat. character development through wide-eyed MDMA trips and Draco Malfoy finding peace as a burlesque dancer.
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unleashed-fest · 5 months
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Unleashed! is an anonymous drarry + rare pair fest that welcomes works in which (an) animal(s), i.e. a magical or non-magical pet or beast, or an animagus or a patronus, must play a significant role. 
We will be accepting drarry as well as rare pair fan creations.
For the purpose of this fest, a rare pair is defined as any pair, triad or poly relationship, except the first ten on this list. (Yes, drarry is in the first ten but it is an exeption.)
Accepted works include fic, art, craft, and podfic.
Prompting opens: May 1st Prompting closes: May 15th Claiming starts: May 16th Claiming closes: August 31st Submissions due: September 1st Posting begins: September 15th
You may submit as many prompts as you like, using your name or anonymously. You do not have to create for the fest in order to post a prompt.
Please include any extra prompt details that you would love to see incorporated. If you wish, you can also include maximum rating and any dislikes. Please note that these are for inspiration only and creators are not obligated to adhere to them fully.
We allow self-prompting. You can submit your desired prompt and then take your chance claiming it, or you can fill in the special box for self-prompts once claiming opens.
Prompts will be available for browsing once prompting opens.
This is an 18+ fest. Please do not sign up if you are under 18 at the time of claiming (May 16th 2024).
You can only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt. If you have finished your first prompt, and wish to claim another, please submit your first work as per submission guidelines before submitting another claim form. Claims will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
Collaborations are welcome. Please only submit one claim form per collaboration and include the details of all participants.
If you wish to create based on an existing fanwork, please submit it as a self prompt. We will only allow art, craft, or podfic for existing works with the original creator’s permission. We would expect written consent or a blanket permission statement from the original creator as proof. You can browse blanket permission statements of creators here.
This is an anonymous fest, so please keep the details of your creations to yourself. Please do not discuss your creations with anyone except for your beta readers and the fest mods until the reveals have been announced.
All creations must feature an animal as a prominent part of the work. This includes magical and non-magical pets and beasts, and an animagus or patronus.
For fics there is a minimum word count of 1000 words, no maximum. For podfics the recorded story should be a minimum of 1000 words, no maximum.
AI generated works of any format are not permitted in this fest.
All fics must be proofread. Podfics should be proofed before submitting. If you are unable to find a beta, please reach out to the mods.
Submissions must be complete works created for this fest. Please do not submit incomplete works or works that are a part of a series or a prequel/sequel to an existing work.
We encourage you to be inspired by the prompts’ additional details, but it is not a requirement to incorporate them into your creation. You are not required to abide by any mentioned dislikes. However, if you plan to gift your creation to the prompter, we may disallow this if you ignore stated dislikes. 
Due date September 1st
All works must be posted directly to the AO3 collection: Unleashed! Fest 2024. If you don’t have an AO3 account, please contact the mods in advance.
You are required to add unleashed_mods as a co-creator when uploading your work. This is so that we can change the posting date, check the submission, and add a tag for unleashed fest 2024 and an endnote. We will not make any other changes to your work without your permission, and we will remove the mod account immediately after the reveals.
Major archive warnings and other seriously triggering and harmful content must be tagged. Here is a very helpful list of warning tags. Given the theme of the fest, be especially mindful of tagging themes like animal abuse and cruelty, pet/animal death, bestiality, pet play, etc. The mods will proof all submissions and inform you if there are any additional requirements for the duration of the fest.
Upon submitting your content, you agree to the Rules and Guidelines of the fest.
Submissions for existing works should be linked to the original work using the AO3 function: “This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work” and pasting the URL of the original work.
Following submission, please email [email protected] to confirm you have submitted your work and completed a submission header. You will receive a confirmation email from us.
Submission header
Title: Creator(s): Type (art, fic, podfic, craft): Word count/length: Art/Craft medium: Warnings/tags: Prompt number or self-prompt: Pairing: Summary: Link to work: Link to original work (if applicable)
Extensions/Dropping out
If you need to drop out for any reason, please let us know asap - life happens, we won’t be mad! We just need to know.
If you need an extension, please contact us with the estimated additional time you need.
We will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule as it is subject to change.
For any questions please reach out to us at [email protected]
From your unleashed mods @getawayfox and @stavromulabetaaa 🐾
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thecouchsofa · 11 months
thecouchsofa's Drarry Mount Rushmore
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Born from a conversation with @mallstars a few weeks back. Behold, my badly edited personal Drarry Mount Rushmore aka my Roman Empire fics aka fics that live in my brain so deeply I should start charging them rent.
Links under the cut!
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered (153k, T)
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
Cut From the Sky by @mallstars (150k, E)
"I'm stuck in a time loop, reliving November 2nd. This is the 111th time I've lived through today."
Draco stilled. His moody eyes, the tension in his hands where he gripped onto his umbrella, the careful mask of blankness flickering over his face — everything about him was so difficult and so very dear to Harry.
"Ah," said Draco, "and?"
Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day by Faith Wood (37k, E)
Even though he's unarmed, injured, lost in the Forbidden Forest, and facing a possible murder charge, Draco Malfoy gets lucky.
Heartlines by @shiftylinguini (72k, E)
Harry never expected he’d end up chipping away at his virginity while wandless and bonded to Malfoy in Northern Europe.
He never expected that would turn out to be the least surprising thing to happen while out on their training expedition in the middle of nowhere, either.
Night With You by @the-sinking-ship (58k, E)
Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend.
Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
Star Quality by who_la_hoop (118k, E)
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they?
But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by @bixgirl1 (39k, E)
When Draco, forced into sharing a room with Potter for the year, finds out that Potter has a sleepwalking problem, he expects the odd conversations and the weird games of chess.
What comes as a complete shock are Potter's other activities...And why he seems so intent on having Draco join him.
(Relax. It's just like a holiday Hallmark movie! ...With, uhm, sleepwanking.)
Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants (33k, E)
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed?
In which Harry's trip to Norway to visit dragon-wrangler Ron introduces him to hikes from hell, mysterious natural magic, foraging, magical bathing, a new and bizarre friendship, and the frustrating, heady allure of his former nemesis turned sexy globetrotting field researcher.
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fable-and-folly · 1 year
fic recs
Novel length fics I love and wish were real books :)
The Curse of Anteros -- @danpuff-ao3 -- Snarry, 52k, E
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Kept in Cages -- @sweet-s0rr0w -- Drarry, 76k, E
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all. Meanwhile, on Level One, ex-Golden Boy Harry Potter is stuck in another interminable policy meeting, completely unaware of the mysterious comings and goings just three floors below. But when a giant snake emergency requires the assistance of a Parselmouth, Harry finds himself thrust, unprepared, into Draco’s weird and wonderful world – and naturally, he can’t keep away…
A Lick and a Promise -- @tackytigerfic -- Drarry, 55k, E
Something sinister stirs in Hogwarts! When magical creatures and students at the school are hit with a debilitating blood curse, Minerva McGonagall approaches the Ministry for help. Star Auror Harry Potter seems to be the obvious choice to go undercover—as DADA Professor, naturally. He’s going to need the help of the Ministry’s foremost expert in blood magic to get to the bottom of the mystery, though, and he’s not entirely convinced that going back to Hogwarts with Draco Malfoy is a good idea. Things are complicated between them—what’s new?—but they know they have to learn to work together (and keep their hands off each other in the corridors) in order to solve this case. Luckily for them, Hogwarts itself wants to lend a hand. A tale of love, lessons, and learning to really live.
The Beauty of Thestrals and Other Unseen Things -- @writcraft -- Drarry, 63k, E
Harry has terrific friends, an amazing girlfriend and his job as Head Auror enables him to work on challenging cases and Ministry reform. He just wishes he could work out why he’s been so out of sorts. When Draco Malfoy is arrested for gross indecency, Harry’s comfortable life begins to unravel. He’s forced to decide if it’s worth risking everything for love in a world where following his heart is a criminal offence.
Nocturne -- @necromanticnoir -- Snarry, E, 54k
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale. ‘Underneath my skin there’s a human. Buried deep within there’s a human. Despite everything, I’m still human.’ - ‘Human’ by Daughter
A Guide to the Morphology of Magic -- orphaned -- Drarry, 64k, E
When Draco Malfoy is hand picked to investigate a string of curses cropping up in Muggle communities in North America, the last person he wanted to be traveling with was Harry Potter. Still, duty calls, and the two set off on an adventure chasing down mysterious curses, sleeping in cramped hotel rooms, and trying to navigate their newly formed post-War selves as they make their way through small towns and long, dark stretches of highway.
Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm -- SquadofCats -- Drarry, 104k, E
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Star Quality -- who_la_hoop -- Drarry, 118k, E
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
By the Grace -- @letteredlettered -- Drarry, 139k, T
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
On the Deficiency of Translation Spells -- @liladiurne -- Snarry, 41k, E
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Wild -- orphaned -- Drarry, 92k, E
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
Tapestry -- @kbrick -- Drarry, 91k, E
In 2017, Harry is on his way to Pansy and Luna's beach house. He’s a bit terrified of seeing Draco, to be honest. It’s been a while, and then there’s the little matter of Draco having married someone else in the interim. In 2001, Draco is drunk, wearing Pansy's mother's ermine coat, and afraid to walk into the Leaky because someone might throw a curse at him. So, of course, he runs into his ex-nemesis and hopeless crush, Harry Potter. This is a love story that isn't perfect, about two people whose timing is never quite right, and all the moments that come together to make something extraordinarily beautiful anyway.
The Secret of the Philosopher Stone -- @yletylyf -- Snoldemort, 115k, E
Voldemort gets the Philosopher's Stone, but finds himself trapped at Hogwarts and in need of rescue. Loyal Death Eater Severus Snape is on the job, but even he is not quite prepared for Lord Voldemort to return as Tom Riddle with a patched-up soul and no interest in war. And as for Tom? Well, it's not so easy to stop being a domestic terrorist.
The Left Words -- authoresswithoutwords -- Tomarrymort, 234k, E
Harry has some weird words on his left wrist. That must be one of those strange things that Aunt Petunia hates so much. But it's okay! He likes them. Then, it all turns even weirder. Hogwarts, magic, a Headmaster and a Dark Lord await Harry - he would prefer if they all just left him alone, thank you very much. But when has it ever mattered what Harry wants?
When the Rose and the Fire Are One -- @perverse-idyll -- Snarry, 81k, E
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 28
I’ve been reccing underrated fics since this blog was created and so I thought “there’s no easier @hprecfest prompt than this one” lol famous last words, this post took me ages to prepare 😂 I was initially overwhelmed by the amount of fics that came to mind, and going through my bookmarks and old recs only made it worse. How was I supposed to shortlist?? In the end I gave up and decided to rec 2 Drarry fics + 2 rare pairs. I could have included so many more but I really didn’t want this to become a tl;dr post and these rec blurbs are already going out of control, so here we go!
Day 28) an under-rated fic:
In Dreams by @moonflower-rose (E, 38k)
Harry wasn't expecting to ever see Draco Malfoy again. He also wasn't expecting to walk into a political conspiracy that morning either, but apparently that's exactly what the day has in store for him.
I’ve screamed quite a few times about this fic (see my rec here) and every time I do it’s in the hopes that more folks will stop whatever they’re doing and go feast on this. not only a delicious and intriguing case fic with Rosie’s trademark epic dialogue and superb sense of humour, this also wins the award of best fic opening I have ever read. the way I gasped at chapter one and am forever haunted by its utterly devastating ending oh my god!!! my heart belongs to this gritty Harry, and the slow burn is masterfully crafted within the urgency of their teamwork to solve the mystery combining comfort, grief and hope in a thrilling, poignant and perfectly paced adventure. plus, the emotional payoff is chef’s kiss, honestly I cannot recommend this enough!
Survival of the Species by @romaine2424 (E, 47k)
Draco approaches Harry on the 9 ¾ platform, after their sons have boarded the Hogwarts Express, and invites him over for tea. The discussion they have leads them on an adventure that neither could have expected. There be dragons! HPDH compliant but before any other canon info had been released.
considering this masterpiece was published back in 2007 I think I’m allowed to say this is definitely a formative story when it comes to the creature genre, more specifically Veela fic. I first read this a couple years ago and my jaw legit dropped at the amount of world-building and carefully researched lore that went into this. so detailed and intricate and different from everything I’ve seen before or since, I was truly fascinated and couldn’t stop reading. kudos to the amazing slow burn covering years of their struggles stuck together in a dragon cave and having to rely on each other to survive. I loved seeing the hardships and how they genuinely came to care for each other, definitely one of the most moving and convincing Veela love stories I’ve read in the fandom.
Rare pair
With a Look by earlybloomingparentheses (Ginny + Deamus, E, 5k)
Now, twenty years old and done with boys and looking forward very much to putting her hand down some lucky girl’s shirt later this evening, Ginny looks at Dean Thomas’s gold-painted fingernails and feels heat pool between her legs.
I think about this fic every now and then - such a sensitive, thought-provoking and beautiful homage to the 🏳️‍🌈 community. the visceral and contemplative tone takes it beyond your regular PWP, and I’ve rarely seen gender and queerness explored quite like this. seeing Ginny figuring out and owning her identify is mesmerizing. her voice is powerful, sexy, earnest and articulates so many complex and layered feelings - I was particularly moved by the inner turmoil of not looking “queer enough”. I’m sure this fic will be eye-opening and comforting to so many people out there, and that’s why I never cease to rec it. an intimate character study, a sinfully hot and self-indulgent threesome but above anything, a poignant love letter to the queer community.
Passion, Patents, and Pen Pals at the Ministry by @violetclarity and @yrfrndfrnkly, art by @anaxandria-writes and @veelawings (Hermione/Pansy, T, 32k)
After an extremely ill-timed lovers'-tiff-turned-food-fight at the Ministry leaves her less one boyfriend and suspended without pay for six months, Hermione pleads for some position–anything–to fill her days until her suspension is up. The good news is, her temporary position in the Magical Games & Sports's Ludicrous Patents office is just down the corridor from Harry's office in General Inquiries. The bad news is Harry's officemate is Pansy Parkinson, the Ministry's operations are shockingly outdated, and every altercation between Hermione and Pansy winds up a headline in MoM's internal rogue gossip zine, Hot Goss.
rivals to secret pen pals to lovers yes please?? this hilarious Pansmione is a ship triumph and yet criminally underrated. I had a blast getting into the world of Ministry gossip & politics, and immediately fell in love with all the characters, l especially with this lovely meddling Harry. it’s SO MUCH FUN to watch poor him (and Blaise omg what a duo) in the middle of a ladies’ tug of war. I’m impressed by the amount of world-building especially around their workplace, not to mention all the side interactions and the fun, organic slow burn. I love this take on identity porn with tons of banter and Pansy and Mione connecting through their shared worldview and feminist principles, such a power couple ✊🏼 the mix of semi-epistolary, witty dialogue, dorky meddling friends and mild angst make for peak entertaining, I laughed non-stop and cheered so bad for them. femslash ftw!!!
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drarry-lets-play · 3 months
DLP 2024 | Claiming
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We are excited to announce that claiming for Drarry Let's Play Fest 2024 is now open!! ✨
You can fill out the Airtable HERE 👌
You can view the full list of available prompts in the prompt gallery HERE. 
Self-prompting is welcomed! 🎮
Please check our Rules and Guidelines HERE before claiming a prompt. This is an 18+ fest since every kind of game is welcomed, but isn't always suitable for everybody to read. Please do not sign up if you are under 18 at the time of claiming (June 15th 2024).✨
You will receive an email confirming your claim choice from us - please allow 48/72 hours for this as we live in different time zones and have a busy work life 😌 🎮
Claiming ends August 14th and submissions are due August 15th. ✌️
You can only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt. If you have finished your first prompt and wish to claim another, please submit your first work as per submission guidelines before submitting another claim form. Claims will be awarded on a first come first served basis 👀
Collaborations are welcomed! Please only submit one claim form per collaboration and include the details of all participants 🥰
If you wish to create based on an existing fanwork, please submit it as a self-prompt. We will only allow art, crafts, or podfics for existing works with the original creator’s permission. We will expect written consent or a blanket permission statement from the original creator as proof.
Are you as excited as us? Let's play together 🥳🎮
The team mods ❤️
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weeklydrarryficrecs · 7 months
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Star Quality by who_la_hoop
Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to? Rating: Explicit Word Count: 118,607 Link to Fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17175614/chapters/40383773
My Thoughts: This is the first Drarry fic I (re)read this year, and it gave 2024 a joyful start! Who_la_hoop's characterization of Draco, simmering with desire and desperation, and Harry, struggling to figure out his life, is one of my favorites, and I was delighted by each chapter. This fic is also nice and lengthy, perfect for a long weekend. Artwork: Ah!... les comètes..., ça annonce toujours quelques grands malheurs!..., from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, October 30, 1858 by Honoré Daumier
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kiarakarma · 1 year
Random Headcanons for Drarry (which I'm going to include into my fanfiction)
Harry Potter
growing up at the Dursleys - disgusting muggles;
Abuse/Neglect/and all those good things...
at the age of 6, teleports in front of WolfStar; gets adopted, receiving a new name - Hades Perseus Black (the irony of him being called after Medusa's beheader) and being sorted in Slytherin, cuz he belooooong;
also he the Slytherin Princess cuz I say so
Draco Malfoy
Harry's boy- I mean best friend;
crushing on him since they met (god so cheesy) - his father will definitely hear about this;
smart boi who likes books and potions;
Slytherin's Prince
Fred & George Weasley
cuz we love the twins;
are also in Slytherin;
cunning & ambitious pranksters;
worthy Weasleys;
secretive and always together... very sus...
Hermione Granger
also goes to Slytherin;
Family Secrets are revealed;
very devious and Pansy Parkinson is there as well soooo you already know where I'm getting at
One of the Mother Hens of the group
Pansy Parkinson
knows all the gossip in the wizarding world
most likely knows your secrets too
Hermione's best friend and possible girlfriend
Fashionista and the other Mother Hen of the group
Theo Nott & Blaise Zabini
being the gay couple they are and we support;
don't call Theo 'Theodore' if you don't wanna wake up with nasty hexes;
Blaise is the cool and laid-back one compared to his partner
Cedric Diggory
lives cuz he deserves to and is the same age as the twins;
surprisingly gets resorted into Slytherin;
likes Luna a lot
the Twins' Best Friend and secret partner in crime
Luna Lovegood
we love and so does Cedric; shhh don't tell anyone, but Luna probs knows about it already...;
same age as Harry and the rest
her destiny leads her to be part of Slytherin~
Sirius & Remus Black
also known as Siri & Remy (or Moony);
best parents award;
teaching together and supporting Slytherin against Gryffindor;
everybody knew that they should have been in Slytherin but nobody could prove it
Severus Snape
called Sevy or Sev behind his back;
Regulus is his Soulmate - forget Lily;
being done with everyone, but has a soft heart for his snakes and supports Drarry;
WolfStar's Bestie~
Regulus Black
lives and loves Severus Snape;
enough said..................
teaches History of Magic at Hogwarts;
enjoys playing pranks with Sirius, and the Weasley Twins
Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy
lovingly called Luc (Lucy - by Siri, Remy, Sevy & Reggie) & Cissa;
awesome parents
fighting the Potters
Voldy Moldy, I mean 'Tom' Marvolo Riddle
NOT the bad guy here (duh)
doesn't look like a snake hybrid whatever that was;
resembles his younger hot self;
don't call him Tom or Tommy - he will try to skin you alive and then torture you;
may have a thing for Bellatrix
Bellatrix Black (hopefully a Riddle soon)
the best Aunt even if she is a bit crazy.....
okay maybe a lot of crazy...
she's still crushing on Marvolo, which ain't a secret
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
head chicken of the flaming chickens
Chief Asshole of Wizengamot
Master fucking Manipulator
Daisy Potter
Harry's younger twinsister
supposed "Girl Who Lived"
nicknamed Lazy Daisy & Crazy Daisy
a fucking bitch, who has a crush on the very Slytherin and very gay Draco Malfoy
Lily & James Potter
the worst parents
suck badly and so do the rest of the Weasleys (of course with the exception of the twins, Charlie & Bill - tho the latter two don't really appear in my fanfic)
Molly & Arthur Weasley
can't tell their twins apart and disregard them
simply bad parents
it's all about the money
Percy Weasley
turns into an asshole after Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint got together;
actually fought Marcus, but sucks for him cuz Marcus became even more handsome
Ron Weasley
the worst friend one could have
likes fame and money
very jealous
major bully
Ginny Weasley
too obsessed with gay Harry, who rejects anything and everything the girl gives him
screeching voice
ridiculous personality
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cheriecherishchen · 10 months
HP Rec Fest Day 13 & Day 16 - A fic that made you laugh
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Star Quality by who_la_hoop
Summary: Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they?
But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: E
Words: 118,607
This is so hilarious and full of fun! I never thought I would ever read a story where Draco became a superstar in the Muggle World, but here we are! I wouldn't want to spoil all the fun about the plot, so let's just say, if that description alone intrigues you, you should definitely give it a go! Prepare to laugh so hard your stomach hurts (and then your chest hurts from some angst later because they are idiots.)
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop
Summary: When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he . . .?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: E
Words: 152,548
This is one of my favorite Drarry, it also has the hottest smut I've read in fics with over 100k words, and is the best forced-bonding fic!
It is wonderfully beautiful and fantastic, and really, really fun! It's so perfect and I felt content after reading it. Their relationship progressed at a perfect pace, not so soon that I would feel like they were only attracted to each other's appearance, but also not slow-burn to the point I would feel frustrated.
I so love this Draco. All his effort trying to let go of his prejudice but still struggling, how he made friends with Harry's friends because they were important to him, his baking and his invention of MAGIC COCK, his self-depreciation and spikiness, how he loved his parents despite everything, and how he wanted Harry to have his life back despite what the completion of the bond cost.
If a fic with over 100k words looks intimidating simply because of the word count, well, just start reading it and before you know it, you will reach the end with a heart so warm you can't help smiling.
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lee-bella · 1 year
HP Fest Schedule: September 2023
Just a bunch of Harry Potter fests & events dates for September; it's under the cut. I've probably messed something up or missed something. Let me know if there are any mistakes. For the full list of fest dates that goes beyond September, see here.
If you would like to know which HP fests are running right now or will be happening soon, see HP Fests News Round-up (as of September 5) on Potterfests. The post is available on Dreamwidth and Livejournal.
September 1
Marauders Omegaverse Fest: Posting begins.
Wolfstar Bingo 2023 (Discord members only): Last day to submit fills.
Drarry Let's Play 2023 (gaming): Posting begins.
Kill Your Darlings 2023 (major character death): Posting begins.
Sounds Like Dramione 2023 (Facebook members only): Awards announced.
Black Brothers Fest (DW; Sirius & Regulus): Works revealed.
Dramione Month: Challenge begins.
HP Snooze Fest 2023: Prompts released. Claiming opens.
HD Suds Lite 2023: Claiming opens.
Totally Teachers Fest: Prompting opens.
September 2
Shadows and Spells (drarryfest Twitter; Halloween, horror): Claiming closes.
September 3
Ladies of Harry Potter Fest: Challenge ends.
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Prompting opens.
Wicked Wizards of Hogwarts: Claiming & sign-up opens.
September 4
Tomarry Big Bang (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Posting begins.
HP Soulmates Fest (Tumblr): Posting begins.
H/D Erised 2023 (Tumblr; exchange): First check-in.
HP Cottagecore Fest: Prompt challenge begins.
HP Bard Fest: Fest announced.
25 Days of Draco & Harry (LJ, Tumblr): Challenge announced.
September 8
H/D Owlpost 2023: Sign-up closes.
September 9
Tomarry Big Bang (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Posting ends.
September 10
Tomarry Big Bang (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Masterpost published.
September 12
Anything But Human Fest (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Prompting ends.
September 13
HP Socmed AU Fest (social media AU): Claiming opens.
Anything But Human Fest (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Sign-up opens.
September 14
Unleashed Fest (Drarry, rare pairs; animals): Claiming ends.
September 15
HP Drizzle 2023 (weather): Posting begins.
Unleashed Fest (Drarry, rare pairs; animals): Works due.
R/S Big Bang 2023: Artists sign-up closes.
H/D Owlpost 2023: Assignment sent out by this date.
Totally Teachers Fest: Prompting ends. 
September 16
R/S Big Bang 2023: Fic concepts available to artists.
H/D Kidfic Fest 2024: Prompting opens.
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Prompting closes.
Totally Teachers Fest: Sign-up opens.
September 17
Snarry AUctoberfest (alternate universe): Claiming ends. Works due.
Wizarding World Kinktober Fest: Deadline for 1st group of submission.
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Claiming opens.
September 18
Fleurmione Week 2023 (Fleur/Hermione): Challenge begins.
September 19
Tomione Trope Bingo (Tom/Hermione): Sign-up opens.
September 20
Prongsfoot Fest 2023 (James/Sirius): Claiming closes.
Anything But Human Fest (Tom|Voldemort/Harry): Sign-up ends.
September 22
2023 HP Podfic Mini Fest: Last day for submission.
Truly, Madly, Deeply Spooky Flash Fest: Last day to spin the TMD Wheel of Terror.
September 23
HP Dead Dove Fest: Claiming closes.
D.I.L.F. Fest (sexy dads): Claiming closes.
Harry Potter Canon/OC Fest (canon/original character): AO3 collection opens.
September 24
D.I.L.F. Fest (sexy dads): Assignments due.
Fleurmione Week 2023 (Fleur/Hermione): Last day of challenge.
Wizarding World Kinktober Fest: Deadline for 2nd group of submission.
September 25
HP Dead Dove Fest: Works due.
Harry Potter Rom Com Fest (AO3): Claiming ends. 
2023 HP Podfic Mini Fest: Reveals begin.
September 27
Prongsfoot Fest 2023 (James/Sirius): Works due.
September 28
HP Halloween Fest (AO3): Claiming ends.
Harry Potter Rom Com Fest (AO3): Works due.
September 29
D.I.L.F. Fest (sexy dads): Works revealed.
Dramione Teratophilia Fest 2023 (love for monsters): Claiming ends.
H/D Kidfic Fest 2024: Prompting closes.
September 30
R/S Big Bang 2023: Writer first draft due, sent to beta.
HP Halloween Fest (AO3): Submissions due.
H/D Career Fair 2023 (Tumblr): Submissions due.
Dramione Month: Last day to participate.
Peter Pettigrew Fest: Claiming closes.
Remembrall September Fest (Neville): Last day to submit works.
Harry Potter Canon/OC Fest (canon/original character): Last day to post to AO3.
Truly, Madly, Deeply Spooky Flash Fest: All fics and art are due.
Dramione Teratophilia Fest 2023 (love for monsters): Works due.
Harry Potter Kink Meme (Tumblr): Round 1 ends.
25 Years Later Fest (Draco/Hermione): Claiming closes. Works due.
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Claiming closes.
Totally Teachers Fest: Sign-up ends.
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dronarryfest · 1 year
Dronarry Fest 2024 Rules and Guidelines
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✨We are super excited that Dronarry Fest 2024 will be kicking off this weekend! ✨
Here are the rules and guidelines and (hopefully!) everything you need to know about taking part in the fest.
Dronarry Fest is a fic and art fest specifically dedicated to the characters of Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, and Harry Potter, either as a triad (Dronarry) or as pairs (Drarry, Dron, Ronarry). All works must feature all three characters in significant capacity either as romantic interests or in a platonic dynamic of some description. This year, we are going non-anon!
Prompting Opens October 7th  Prompting Closes November 3rd  Claiming Starts November 4th  Claiming Close: February 3rd Submissions Due February 18th  Posting Begins March 9th
🐍 Prompting
Prompting Opens October 7th Prompting Closes November 3rd
You may submit as many prompts as you like, either using your name or anonymously.
You do not have to be creating in the fest to send in a prompt.
Please include any extra prompt details you would love to see incorporated (e.g. a favourite trope).
If you wish to, please include a maximum rating (e.g. Explicit) and any squicks or triggers (e.g. MCD). 
Please note that any prompt details, including wished-for tropes, ratings, and squicks, are for inspiration only, and creators are not obligated to fulfil all of your desired wishes.
Remember that this is a Dronarry fest, and all ship requests must include Dronarry, Dron, Drarry, and/or Ronarry. No other ships are permitted unless they are minor.
We allow self-prompting. You may submit your desired prompt and then take your chance claiming it (with the risk that someone else may snatch it up before you), or you can fill in the special box for self-prompts once claiming opens.
Prompts will be available for browsing once claiming opens.
👑 Claiming
Claiming Starts November 4th at 5pm GMT Claiming Close: February 3rd at 5pm GMT
Link to claiming form once open
This is an 18+ fest. Please do not sign up if you are under the age of 18 at the time of submission (February 18th 2023).
You may only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt, but you must submit your first prompt as per submission guidelines first.
Claims will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.
You may claim for different fanwork types at the same time, either as an individual or as a collaboration (e.g. art + fic).
Collaborations are welcome! Please only submit one form per collaboration work and include details of all participants. Collabs can be illustrated fics, multi-author fics, multi-artists artworks, etc.
If you wish to create based on an existing fanwork, please submit as a self-prompt. You must ask for the original creator’s permission before submitting. We will trust you to honour this and only ask for proof in case issues arise. As proof we would expect written consent, or a blanket permission statement from the original creator either as a link or screencap.
You can browse blanket permission statements of creators here: https://www.fpslist.org/
⚡️ Creating
All creations must feature either: Dronarry (Draco/Ron/Harry), Drarry (Draco/Harry), Dron (Draco/Ron), or Ronarry (Ron/Harry), or a mixture of the listed ships. Any other ships must be minor.
All creations must feature Draco, Ron, and Harry as main characters.
Minimum of 1k for fics, with no maximum wordcount. For podfics, the recorded story should be a minimum of 1k words, no maximum.
All fics must be proofread by a beta. Podfics must be proofed before submission. If you do not have a beta, please contact the mods ([email protected]) or send us an ask and we can put a call out for a beta for you.
Please tag your works appropriately and sensitively. We want this to be a fest for everyone to feel safe and included and that means being mindful with your warning tags. If you’re not sure about how to tag something, please let the mods know and we can help. Please also note that we reserve the right to review your tags and add any additional tags to your works. We will always let you know what these tags are.
This year we're going non-anonymous, so feel free to share snippets of your work in the run up to posting!
Submissions must be complete works created for Dronarry Fest. Please do not submit incomplete works or works that are part of a series or a prequel/sequel to an existing work, unless it is a remix.
We encourage you to be inspired by prompts’ additional details, but it is not a requirement to incorporate them into your creation. You are not required to abide by any mentioned dislikes. However, if you plan to gift a creation to the prompter, we may disallow this if you ignore stated dislikes. Please tag your work appropriately.
🐍 Submitting
Submissions Due February 18th
All works must be submitted to the AO3 collection: Dronarry Fest 2024. If you do not have an AO3 account, please contact the mods.
You are required to add dronarryfest_mod as a co-creator when uploading your creation. This is so that we can change the posting date, check the submission, and add a tag for Dronarry Fest 2023. We will not make any other changes to your work, and we will remove the mod account immediately after the fest has ended. 
Please contact the mods if you have any issues submitting your work to AO3.
Following submission, please email [email protected] to confirm you have submitted your work with the completed submission header form below. You will receive a confirmation email from us.
Submission header:
Title: Creator(s): Type: (art, fic, podfic, craft) Wordcount/length: Art/Craft medium: Rating: Warnings: Prompt no. or self prompt: Pairing: Summary: Link to work: Link to original work (if applicable):
👑 Extensions/Dropping Out/Adjustments
Real life happens! If you need to drop out of the fest for any reason at all, please let the mods know ASAP via email. There will be no repercussions for future fests if you let us know before the submission date.
If you need an extension, please contact the mods ASAP with the estimated additional time you need. Please don’t hesitate to reach out as soon as you find yourself struggling with a due date.
If you signed up for a collaboration but things don’t work out for one or more participants, please let us know. We will confirm to all collab partners and treat the remaining participant/s as a single claim pending confirmation.
⚡️ Posting
Posting Begins March 9th
The mods will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule as this is subject to change.
From your Dronarry Fest '24 mods, @wolfpants @getawayfox @oknowkiss @sweet-s0rr0w
[ID: a graphic with a British seaside background, featuring Draco, Harry, and Ron on the promenade by @bluebutter-art]
Glorious art supplied, with thanks, by @bluebutter-art!
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Weekly Blog July 27, 2023
I've been very busy reading and writing since my last post! The good news is that I've posted the re-edited original (2007) seven chapters of my WIP! It felt so good put them back up. @m0srael and @epitomereally thank you muchly for the tags to do a WIP snip. I was going to do it but did this instead. :) I plan on posting Chapter 8, which will be the first brand-new chapter of the fic this weekend. After that, I'll wait a bit until I'm further along in my writing.
One of the fun things for me in this round of posting a fic, is using Work Skins on AO3. I know, I'm very late in the game. I'm now tempted to go back to my older stories and add some fun things to it. Especially for letters and newspaper articles!
Here's the link to my WIP. Hey, it's my blog, and I can do a little self-promotion. LOL I do miss the harrydraco com on LJ. It was the best for posting new fics and chapters to a wider audience. There is no equivalent in fandom now.
The Azkaban Letters (chapters 1-7) on AO3
Okay, now that's done, let's move onto the amazing fics I've read. Wow, just wow!
What I've Been Reading:
There's three fics I've read that were complete standouts. One older Dramione and Two new Drarry. I'm going to start with the Dramione and apologize to @lol-zeitgeistic (zeitgeistic on AO3) for stalking their works. Ha ha ha. Most folks obviously know their masterpiece story Azoth, REVOLVELOVER with Hit Wizard Harry, and Shibboleths (amazing sci-fi story). Yes, I know there's more...I'm working my way through. :) But as I was making my way through their catalogue of yumminess, I spotted their Dramione fic, Straightaway Dangerous (125K). I immediately felt a kindred spirit in that this was an older WIP that they were determined to finish. 8 years to the day. Here's the Summary:
During the final battle, an unexpected insult sends Fenrir Greyback on a rampage, changing 39 people into werewolves. He should've known better than to make Hermione one of that number. Includes werewolf living and culture, Draco’s questionable morals, Hermione’s questionable life choices, and unrequited bromance (well, it’s requited a bit, but don’t tell Potter that).
This fic hit so many of my personal buttons in what I love about HP fanfic. Exploration of places and character types mentioned in canon but where we have little more info. In this case, the place is Knockturn, where Hermione lives in a rundown flat. She's secretly trying to add charm to the place. The character types are hags, werewolves, vampires, veela (all magical but considered other), politics, and BAMF witches. LOL Okay, and the side of Harry/Luna was adorable. You will fall in love with this Harry.
The premise of the fic is that Hermione and Draco were both bitten together, and 37 or 38 others were too, during the Battle. They have some rights but not enough to make a life. Hermione and Draco are both Unspeakables and best friends for seven years...until things change with the political environment.
The current head of the Wizengamot is making things harder and harder for the 'others' and it becomes too much. Even the Werewolf Aurors (including Ron), are affected. But there is someone on their side and the reveal of that person was such a fabulous surprise.
The relationship between Draco and Hermione goes from enemies to friends to lovers (with lots of arguments because both are stubborn). The relationship progresses so naturally but every step well fought for. The initial sex scene is unexpected and it's fire. They both fall but Draco harder. It's a thing of beauty watching how he works for what he wants.
One last note: The lore in this fic is amazing. My favourite, as it's rarely explored, is for the hags. Truly deserves an award for creativity.
Straightaway Dangerous on AO3
LA, Who Am I To Love You? (42.5K) by Anon was posted yesterday for the @hd-wireless fest. I'm not going to go into too much of the story because it was written for @sitp-recs prompt, and Liv's comments on the fic will tell you how truly spectacular this fic is. I can't touch her way of expressing love for a fic. Here's the Summary:
Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
See everything in that summary. It looks so light and so fun. It is, but there is so much depth hidden in each of those sentences. What I want to discuss is LA. If you've lived in the LA area or even just visited, this fic will make you weep with homesickness. Everything rang true, from the Bougainvillea flowers being like florescent crepe paper to driving at night with windows down, experiencing the warm air whether in the city or blessedly in the desert while listening to music. The magical touches added to the movie industry and to Quidditch were mind-blowing.
I was born in San Francisco and grew up in the East Bay Area, but went to undergraduate college in San Diego. 1/3 of my school was from LA. My dormmates, my best friend in college (RIP Kristy), my first serious college boyfriend. They all helped me fall in love with SoCal. It was a long time ago. I can't tell you how many memories came back last night reading this story. Now my ex-husband lives down there, and my son also. He's at an Art Institute. Thanks, MA for taking us on this ride!
LA, Who Am I To Love You? on AO3
The second Darry is also from @hd-wireless. This fic, Weapons of Massive Consumption, like the other one has a funness (yes, I know that's not a real word) to it but there's more darkness to this one. Watch the tags on this. Here's the Summary:
Eight years after the war, Harry Potter lives a life of hedonism: raging parties, huge impulse purchases, and seemingly no worries. But it's Draco Malfoy—former Death Eater, lover of blueberry muffins, and bane of coffee shop workers—who starts to wonder if it's all a front, if something's actually terribly wrong with him. Why else would Potter ask Draco, of all fucking people, to write his biography?
What's not mentioned in the summary is that Draco has been away for much of those eight years. He returns from the US changed and is now a writer. What he discovers is that those that stayed are still stuck, traumatized by the war. And now there's Harry, who wants Draco to write his autobiography but then doesn't want him to include any of his bad behaviours. Draco goes along for the ride but finds himself trying to save the hero.
I've read quite a few fanfics dealing with addiction, but this one...this one so rightfully calls out what a disease is and what trauma is. Theo will fricken break your heart. Anyone who's experienced a group of friends who are playing around with alcohol and/or substances will recognize Theo. The one who is damaged more than the others. The one you're not sure can be saved, but you love them anyway. And then sometimes you have to step away.
The fic is not all doom and gloom. LOL When dealing with sex and drugs, there's a lot of fun...until it isn't. As I mentioned at the start, it has so many hilarious bits and scenes to it. One literally had me laughing so hard I had to step away from my computer. Harry is royally pissed off at Draco and takes it out on Draco with a comment to Narcissa in public. You will know it when you read it.
The fic handles the serious subject matter with clarity and love. You will likely recognize yourself or at least some of your friends while reading it. And, yes, Harry and Draco can both be idiots but still come through what life has dealt them.
Weapons of Massive Consumption on AO3
As with all fics I recommend or discuss here, if you read them, please leave a comment. These authors definitely deserve some love.
Okay, way way too long today,
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xanthippe74 · 2 years
Drarry microfic: Crown
Eighth-year fluff, 700 words give or take, tiny mention of post-war trauma
When Ron arrives in the Great Hall on Saturday morning, still a bit wobbly and woefully uncaffeinated, he sees something that makes his legs stop working ten feet from the eighth-year table.
Malfoy is wearing the crown. Malfoy has never got the crown before.
It’s a ridiculous thing with an even more ridiculous origin story, made out of twisted paper serviettes held together with Sticking Charms. They’d all gone out to celebrate Seamus’ birthday at the Three Broomsticks and he’d insisted that their entire year—or what was left of it—come along. No one objected because the Slytherins had been decent so far, though Harry did grumble in Ron’s ear all the way to Hogsmeade.
They’d been a few rounds in and feeling almost at ease with each other when Zabini proclaimed that everyone had to try Italian elf-made wine. And then Dean, who apparently got a little belligerent when he was in his cups, demanded to know who died and made Zabini king?
"I did," Parkinson declared and proceeded to set various items from their table on Zabini’s head for an impromptu coronation: a beer mat, an empty chip basket, Hermione’s purse. By the time someone tried fashioning an actual crown from serviettes, everyone was howling and Rosmerta looked like she wanted to chuck them out into the snow.
“Hey, I should get the crown,” Seamus cried after Zabini had accepted the paper coronet. “It’s my birthday!”
“You can have it tomorrow.” Zabini gave a magnanimous nod that caused the crown to slip down over one eyebrow, which made Lavender give a loud hiccup, which set Greengrass giggling again. “In honour of turning nineteen-and-one-day.”
True to his word, Zabini had passed off the crown the next morning. Seamus wore it proudly all day before awarding it to Justin for courageously choosing Muggle pills over Hangover Potion. And so it’s been going around for a month now. McGonagall hasn’t said anything about it, just let them get on with their shenanigans. She probably decided that loosening the school's uniform rules was better than the nervous breakdowns that had seemed imminent at the Welcome Feast.
But Malfoy has never been given the crown, even by his housemates. Ron reckons they’re not sorry to see Malfoy humbled a bit, after watching him swan around like an actual prince for seven years. Harry has his own theories about what’s happening among the Slytherins (because of course he does). Ron and Hermione nipped that in the bud right quick when he tried to share them. The last thing Harry needs, on top of everything else, is another bout of Malfoy Obsession.
Harry. Harry had the crown yesterday, Ron remembers suddenly. A horrible, horrible idea grips him, as unsettling as a wriggling Flobberworm in his palm. Oh Morgana’s sweet tits, no.
“Good morning,” Hermione says briskly as Ron sits beside her, then huffs when he ignores her in favour of glaring at Malfoy.
Malfoy, for his part, keeps his eyes on his plate and ignores Ron entirely. Unsatisfied, Ron continues to examine him until his suspicions are heightened by a deep blush rising on Malfoy’s cheeks and ears. Bloody fucking hell.
Ron splutters, “What did you—”
“Do you really want to know, Ronald?” Hermione asks, cutting him off. “Think about it for a moment.”
Ron decides—very wisely, he thinks—that he does not want to know. In fact, he may never want to know anything about Harry ever again, because the idiot can’t stop smiling at Malfoy when he finally turns up for breakfast.
To everyone’s surprise, Malfoy passes the crown to Ron the following morning, with Harry (still grinning like an absolute numpty) as witness.
“For not punching me again,” Malfoy says solemnly as he sets the crown on Ron’s head. “Which would be completely understandable.”
Ron can’t help but laugh. “All right. But I demand your complete loyalty as my royal subject.”
With a roll of his eyes, Malfoy agrees—just for today. It seems he’s willing to put up with quite a lot, for Harry’s sake.
Ron whistles a few bars of “Weasley Is Our King” on the way to breakfast and decides that he’s willing, too. For Harry’s sake.
Written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt, "crown."
Masterlist of my microfics
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unleashed-fest · 1 year
Unleashed! is an anonymous drarry + rare pair fest that welcomes works in which (an) animal(s), i.e. a magical or non-magical pet or beast, or an animagus or a patronus, must play a significant role. 
We will be accepting drarry as well as rare pair fan creations.
For the purpose of this fest, a rare pair is defined as any pair, triad or poly relationship, except the first ten on this list. (Yes, drarry is in the first ten but it is an exeption.)
Accepted works include fic, art, craft, and podfic.
Prompting opens: May 15th Prompting closes: May 31st Claiming starts: June 1st Claiming closes: September 14th Submissions due: September 15th Posting begins: October 1st
Start date May 15th
End date May 31st
You may submit as many prompts as you like, using your name or anonymously. You do not have to create for the fest in order to post a prompt.
Please include any extra prompt details that you would love to see incorporated. If you wish, you can also include maximum rating and any dislikes. Please note that these are for inspiration only and creators are not obligated to adhere to them fully.
We allow self-prompting. You can submit your desired prompt and then take your chance claiming it, or you can fill in the special box for self-prompts once claiming opens.
Prompts will be available for browsing once prompting opens.
Start date June 1st
End date September 14th
This is an 18+ fest. Please do not sign up if you are under 18 at the time of claiming (June 1st 2023).
You can only claim one prompt at a time. If you finish your prompt, you may claim an additional prompt. If you have finished your first prompt, and wish to claim another, please submit your first work as per submission guidelines before submitting another claim form. Claims will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
Collaborations are welcome. Please only submit one claim form per collaboration and include the details of all participants.
If you wish to create based on an existing fanwork, please submit it as a self prompt. We will only allow art, craft, or podfic for existing works with the original creator’s permission. We would expect written consent or a blanket permission statement from the original creator as proof. You can browse blanket permission statements of creators here.
This is an anonymous fest, so please keep the details of your creations to yourself. Please do not discuss your creations with anyone except for your beta readers and the fest mods until the reveals have been announced.
All creations must feature an animal as a prominent part of the work. This includes magical and non-magical pets and beasts, and an animagus or patronus.
For fics there is a minimum word count of 1000 words, no maximum. For podfics the recorded story should be a minimum of 1000 words, no maximum.
AI generated works of any format are not permitted in this fest.
All fics must be proofread. Podfics should be proofed before submitting. If you are unable to find a beta, please reach out to the mods.
Submissions must be complete works created for this fest. Please do not submit incomplete works or works that are a part of a series or a prequel/sequel to an existing work.
We encourage you to be inspired by the prompts’ additional details, but it is not a requirement to incorporate them into your creation. You are not required to abide by any mentioned dislikes. However, if you plan to gift your creation to the prompter, we may disallow this if you ignore stated dislikes. 
Due date September 15th
All works must be posted directly to the AO3 collection: Unleashed! Fest 2023. If you don’t have an AO3 account, please contact the mods in advance.
You are required to add unleashed_mods as a co-creator when uploading your work. This is so that we can change the posting date, check the submission, and add a tag for unleashed fest 2023 and an endnote. We will not make any other changes to your work without your permission, and we will remove the mod account immediately after the reveals.
Major archive warnings and other seriously triggering and harmful content must be tagged. Here is a very helpful list of warning tags. Given the theme of the fest, be especially mindful of tagging themes like animal abuse and cruelty, pet/animal death, bestiality, pet play, etc. The mods will proof all submissions and inform you if there are any additional requirements for the duration of the fest.
Upon submitting your content, you agree to the Rules and Guidelines of the fest.
Submissions for existing works should be linked to the original work using the AO3 function: “This work is a remix, a translation, a podfic, or was inspired by another work” and pasting the URL of the original work.
Following submission, please email [email protected] to confirm you have submitted your work and completed a submission header. You will receive a confirmation email from us.
Submission header
Title: Creator(s): Type (art, fic, podfic, craft): Word count/length: Art/Craft medium: Warnings/tags: Prompt number or self-prompt: Pairing: Summary: Link to work: Link to original work (if applicable)
Extensions/Dropping out
If you need to drop out for any reason, please let us know asap - life happens, we won’t be mad! We just need to know.
If you need an extension, please contact us with the estimated additional time you need.
Posting starts October 1st.
We will post your creation on the scheduled day. We do not release the posting schedule as it is subject to change.
For any questions please reach out to us at [email protected]
From your unleashed mods @getawayfox and @stavromulabetaaa 🐾
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pixiesnooze · 5 months
drarry fanfics deserve literary awards
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