#drarry heart canon scene
coffeedrgn87 · 2 years
Screwed my bed’s headboard back into place well over an hour ago and changed the sheets and covers.
Was exhausted afterwards so I relaxed, had a shower, and then relaxed some more.
Still freaking exhausted. Would like to write but the distance from my sofa to my home office may as well be the length of the Yangtze River.
I could also do with a giant pot of coffee but Siri is refusing to put the kettle on. Keeps trying to sent me to my local coffee shop, the spoiled brat that they are. Yes, my Siri is just as non-binary as I am. They also make the cutest “hm?”-sound when I call their name. Makes me all tingly.
I imagine that’s the sound Harry makes when he’s covered in oil and grease, working on Sirius’ old bike and Draco comes out into the garage to talk to him. It infuriates Draco to no end, because he always thinks that Harry isn’t listening when in fact he hears every word remembers it all.
Would love to read a little drabble like that but I’ve learnt that wanting it (even with all my heart) doesn’t magically make it pop into existence. I would still have to write it.
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
When Harry witnesses Draco being forced to torture Rowle, he is extremely upset. Much more so than he typically is about these visions. There are a lot of very drarry implications. Let's break it down.
"Malfoy’s gaunt, petrified face seemed branded on the inside of his eyes. Harry felt sickened by what he had seen, by the use to which Draco was now being put by Voldemort.”
Notable points from this passage:
1) Harry understands Draco so well that he immediately takes for granted that he doesn't want to be using the Cruciatus curse. It never even crosses his mind to take this as evidence that Draco is now a willing torturer who enjoys cruelty or that he deserves to be in this situation for having chosen the wrong side and for his role in Dumbledore's death.
Nor does Harry think Draco is just scared and upset because he's afraid Voldemort might lash out at him too - which is what Harry would think if he saw any other Death Eater acting afraid around Voldemort. He clearly sees that Draco is horrified by the acts he is being forced to commit. And he also completely accepts that it is Voldemort forcing Draco to commit these acts, thus absolving Draco of responsibility.
2) Harry is DEEPLY upset by seeing Draco in this position. More upset than he ever is about seeing any other Death Eater being terrorized or hurt by Voldemort (Harry doesn't even spare one thought for Rowle for example!) Not only that. He's also more upset than he is about seeing Ollivander tortured. Or about seeing Voldemort murder a woman and her children later on while searching for information about Gregorovitch. He finds those visions alarming but he shakes them off pretty quickly.
The only comparable strong reactions are how he responds to his visions of Arthur Weasley and Sirius in book 5 - i.e. visions of people he knows and cares about in danger and suffering. And it's not even the scene as a whole that upsets him. It's specifically Draco - whose frightened face seems "branded" on the inside of Harry's eyes. Harry can't get the vision out of his head, feels sickened, and fights to keep his voice casual afterward. Even though Draco wasn't even actively being hurt.
So canonically Draco matters to Harry in a way that almost all other people don't. It's not generic nobility that gives Harry sympathy even for an enemy - because he doesn't feel this way about other Death Eaters. And it's not general pity that Harry would feel for any innocent hurt by Voldemort - because he doesn't feel that way about victims like Ollivander or the children Voldemort killed. It's the type of reaction Harry ONLY has to people he deeply cares about suffering or being in danger. Harry may not think of it that way on an intellectual level. But his heart knows it even if his brain doesn't. He cares about Draco Malfoy. A lot. He cares about him more than he cares about almost anyone else.
3) Also notable. Harry starts out referring to him as Malfoy but then switches to thinking of him as Draco as he starts worrying about him. (Yes. The drarry trope of Harry switching from "Malfoy" to "Draco" literally happens. IN CANON.) And he keeps thinking of him as Draco after that point. The next time Draco is referred to is during the whole sequence where the Golden Trio are prisoners at the Manor. Harry refers to Lucius by his full name multiple times, but consistently refers to Draco as "Draco" rather than "Malfoy" in his internal narration.
4) (Also the fact that Draco's face is described as "gaunt" hits me right in the feels. It seems that he's in worse shape even than he was when Harry last saw him at the end of 6th year. Sad but not surprising given the guilt that is probably eating at him over his role in Dumbledore's death, what he is now being forced to do as a Death Eater, and the very tangible dangers and suffering that come with being out of favor with Voldemort while having him in your house.)
Tldr: I don't need my ships to be canon but drarry is. jkr who? ;)
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lumosatnight · 10 months
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23 Fic Recs 2023!
This year has definitely been a year. I've devoured so many wonderful fics by so many amazing authors. Thank you @hprecfest for the super fun rec categories and for some fic inspiration! Here are 23 fics that I read and loved in 2023 (although some are quite a few years older) ordered by ship.
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut
1. A post-canon fic
The Discreet Gentleman's Connection by pluto (gayrights420) [Drarry, E, 80.4k] 🌼🔥 I had the absolute pleasure of beta-ing for this fic, so when I say it is amazing, it truly is just that. Fast burn on the smut via Floo sex, slow burn on the in-person falling in love. Satisfying in all the best possible ways.
2. A fic that made me laugh
AITA for being "obsessed" with my childhood nemesis? by @rainstormradish [Drarry, M, 4.3k] 🌼📲 Draco on a reddit forum is hilarious just on its own, but the banter and formatting really bring this fic to life. Amazingly creative, had me in stitches!
3. A comfort fic
The Eighth Tale by @letteredlettered [Drarry, E, 12.0k] 💔⏳ An oldie but a goodie. I constantly find myself coming back to this fic and having my mind blown every single time. Time travel timey-wimey angst.
4. A fic with art
Dating Draco - A Visual Game by @itsphantasmagoria [Drarry, M, Video Game] 🌼🎮 This is a fic in video game form!! Amazing art and lovely story where YOU get to make the choices for Drarry's happily ever after.
5. A favorite series
The Journal of Dreadful Things by @lilbeanz [Drarry, G, 112k, WIP] 🌼📖 Hilarious, witty, AND COMES WITH ART!! Lilbeanz draws and writes a wonderfully delightful series starting from Draco's First Year. His characterization had me in hysterics. Book 4 is starting soon!
6. Fic with the hottest smut
Moonstruck by @prettyremus [Wolfstar, E, 3.8k] 🔥🐺 Found this gem while scrolling through the werewolf smut tag (don't judge me). I love the switch in dynamic with Sirius taming Remus's wolf through, ahem, rough sex.
7. An unreliable narrator fic
Sea of White by @dividawrites [Harrymort, E, 8.6k] 🔥🤍 Deliciously hot, creepy, and strangely sweet. Love their dynamic here, the unrestrained lust. Harrymort "die" and lose their memories, so, of course, then they bang.
8. A fic that made me cry
Far Apart, Far Away by @unmistakablyoatmeal [Hinny, minor Drarry, T, 1.6k] 💔💍 Infidelity angst has never been this good. I love the layers of emotion in this fic. Quick punchy sections that really pulled me in.
9. A Muggle(?) AU fic
Pleasant Hope by @ac1d6urn, @sinick [Snarry, E, 41.6k] 💔⛪️ Pastor Severus!! The angst, pining, and self-discovery in this fic is superb! I love the interwoven magic and detailed world-building of this little town.
10. A fav amongst faves
The Last Trial of Peter Pettigrew by @sleepstxtic [Prongstail, M, 20.8k] 💔 🐀 Holy moly, this fic!!!! Is this my new favorite fic?? Possibly. The concept is brilliant, so creative and nuanced. The Peter character study using outsider perspectives is genius. Seamlessly balances canon and new scenes.
11. A pre-canon fic
Careless by @tax-onomic [Luther, E, 1.5k] 🔥🪞 Lucius/Arthur my beloved rare pair!! I am captain of the Luther ship, and Tax's fic hits all the right spots. The pining, the sniping, the prickly personalities with emotional vulnerability underneath! And all in the middle of a hot smut scene. Perfect.
12. A canon-compliant fic
Scottish by thepadfoots [Chedric, G, 749] 💔🌟 Lovely Cho character study focused around her Asian identity and the boy she loved.
13. A fic rated G (more like T though)
Lion-Hearted Girl by MinnieQuill (odainath) [Minmione, G, 4.5k] 💔🦁 I know the large age gap might scare some, but their relationship feels very organic in this fic. The setting is grim, but there is always hope in the darkness!
14. A fic rated T
You're So Vane by @patriceavril [Romelina, T, 6.8k] 🌼💄Romilda is so delightfully characterized, I was smiling through the entire fic. Angelina is the perfect foil (and love interest) to Romilda's attentions.
15. A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3)
Snakeskin by @cntrl15 [Bellastoria, E, 3.7k] 🔥👠 Talk about a rare pair! Astoria/Bellatrix only has 2 tagged fics on AO3: this fic and the drabble I wrote based on it. But read this fic, and you'll see why I felt the need to write more in this universe.
16. A fest fic
Master of None by @nanneramma [Snormac, G, 5.5k] 🌼🧘 Severus is so wonderfully cranky, and Cormac is fine AF. The surprise pairing of 2023 that I never knew I needed and now I'm obsessed with!
17. An under-rated fic
Sun, Shadow, Shade by @naomijameston [Snuna, G, 700] 🌼☀️ Post-war fluff. Sunshine Luna is the perfect match for sullen Snape. A short and sweet fic for this underrated ship.
18. A canon-divergent fic
but somebody's gotta do it by nocturn [Pangulus, T, 920] 😄🧟‍♂️ This fic will make you say WTF but also huh, okay that totally works. The concept is WILD but Lyra executes it wonderfully. Pansy drags Regulus out of the inferi lake and they flirt a little while he gets de-corpsified lol.
19. A dark fic
In his embrace by @loneamaryllis [Snarrymort, het!Snarry, E, 48k] ⚡️👀 Dark and dirty but so so good. A Voldemort Wins AU where fem!Harry is taken as prisoner. Snape's mindset as he tries to save her (and is forced to rape her) is so twisted and mesmerizing. Mind the tags!
20. A thought-provoking fic
Icarus by @thistlecatfics [Millvansy, M, 20.0k] 💔🍾 War trauma, addiction, codependency! This fic is messy with emotions but has a strong, beating heart underneath. I am in love with Parvati as she deals with Pansy's addiction and Millicent's denial — three beautiful, imperfect girls.
21. A holiday fic
A Time, Dark and Divine by @moonflower-rose [Dronarry, E, 17.0k] 🔥⛱ HOLY FREAKING FUCK!! The sexual tension in this fic is off the freaking charts. Drarry seducing Ron while on vacation in Portugal. Sign me the fuck up!
💫 GEN 💫
22. A favorite fic under 5k
The Scrunchie by @saintsenara [Lightning Era Girls, G, 4.5k] 💖👭 Such a lovely look into some of the female background characters, all following the path of a single scrunchie. Lisa, Padma, Parvati, Hannah, Sally-Anne.
23. A fic with an ending I can't stop thinking about
Through the Middlegame by @sandervansunshine [Astoria & Peter, T, 6.6k] 💔♜ Devastating, heart-wrenching, tragic. 10000% would recommend. Kylee has already heard me screaming in the servers about this fic. If I could get a fic tattooed straight onto my brain, this would be it.
A podfic
Plenitude by @wilfriede, written by eldritcher [Amelmione, M, 14 min] 💔🥀 Amazing voices, amazing music, amazing ambience. Wilfriede really brings one of my fav Hermione/Amelia Bones fics to life in this podfic!
A comic
War Prize by @mrviran [Snegulus, Reggiemort, M, Comic, WIP] ☠️🐍 The panels are awe-inspiring. I am HOOKED on this comic. The murder and the TENSION. Ughhhhh so good. I am so invested in Severus's arc!!
A self-rec (completely self-indulgent)
For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight [Snarry, E, 7.1k] 🔥✝ My first time writing Snarry! Priest Kink, church sex, and blasphemous religious imagery. Priest Severus is oh-so-tempted by Teen Harry. So fun to write and even more fun to go back and read as a guilty pleasure.
⚡️ Want more fics to read? ⚡️
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
Year in Reading, b-day oneshots, WLW Library
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 6 months
while I agree with many others in the fandom that Harry Potter is not power-hungry, and writing him as such is a very fine line between "Making drastic changes to canon while still trying to adhere to the general premise" and "pure self indulgence" (neither of these is better or worse than the other do whatever tf you want), but -- I think that it's very interesting to read about a very naturally magically powerful Harry Potter. I love when Harry could do anything he wants, but he doesn't because he genuinely cares about people. When he has all this raw magic at his disposal but he ignores it for whatever plot reasons your heart desires. and then, of course, the instability that comes with poor little Harry having the power of 4 nuclear bombs wrapped up in a 5 foot tall 70-pounds-soaking-wet absolute waif of a child's body is addictive to read about.
In general though, for me, I love how this power can represent the autistic child's experience. I find that the eventual magical-meltdown scenes are very cathartic, and I will often daydream about Harry having these magical outbursts. I've even written a drabble about him having a meltdown, and I draw from my own experience being autistic and having very violent meltdowns (which have historically included harming myself and others who have the misfortune of being around me at the time).
I feel like in the harrymort fandom I see less of these magically powerful harry fics, probably because the draw for a lot of harrymort shippers is the obvious difference in power. But I really do feel like we are under utilizing this trope! It might be caused by the more mature audience in comparison to drarry ships, but honestly even with snarry I saw more magically powerful Harry Potter.
Anyways I know this is a disjointed mess of all my thoughts with no real point, but I felt like talking about my favorite trope 🫶
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thistlecatfics · 2 months
Thistlecat Summer Fic Recs
After a bit of a fic reading drought (and some binge purchasing books), I've been finally getting back into reading fic. Here are some I've been enjoying this summer.
Come Healing by BrujaBanter (46k, E, wolfstar)
They'd never quite intended for kink to be anything more than fun. Then, Sirius went to Azkaban. He comes out a different man, and Remus wonders if they might just use kink for some other purposes as well. In the process, he does some healing of his own. OR The ways of breaking, reuniting, and healing through sex.
It's a kink porn with lots of plot fic! I'm normally so picky about Dom Remus/sub Sirius fics because they tend to go with a fanon characterization that doesn't work for me but this one *absolutely* works for me. Canon divergent with a happy ending <3
your heart is heavy and red by moon_seas (1k, E, wolfstar)
Sirius has Remus on his back moaning beneath him and it’s almost enough, almost.
Not much to say about this one except it's super hot wolfstar (c)nc and if that description interests you then you'll be into this delicious little fic.
hold you, enfold you by iamsiriuslyriddikulus (9k, E, lesbian wolfstar)
“Remus,” the woman says. “Nice to meet you… ?” It’s a nice name, Remus—one that suits her. Sirius nods and belatedly realizes she has to answer. “Sirius.” She holds Remus’s gaze with a feral intensity, hoping something in her recognizes that they are the same. - - - OR: On a summer day in the South in 2001, Sirius Black went on a campus tour of the conservative college she would attend in the fall, expecting to be bored out of her mind. No one told her the tour guide was going to be hot—brown curls and snake bites and freckles and visibly queer. She stood out against the manicured hedges, a sharp contrast to the traditional values of everyone around Sirius. What followed was one long day of sticky summer heat and a house party that changed the course of her life. Poor Evan never stood a chance.
@fvckyouimaprophet sets such an incredible immersive scene of an elite southern university and utterly sucks you in. This fic swept me up into that heady feeling of being a baby gay in queer spaces for the first time. It's like the time of your life you feel most yourself (can I show the real me??) and most conscious of your performance at the same time (I need to pretend I know what I'm doing!). Plus, lesbian Sirius is everything to me <3
Other marauders era characters/ships:
A Slow and Stopping Curve by aegle (16k, M, remadora)
Concerning Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Set during Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince.
Gorgeous canon-compliant Remus/Tonks.
i hope this comes back to haunt you by humanveil (29k, M, gen)
Severus Snape, from first curse to first kill. Or: The making of a Death Eater.
It's been a while since I read something Snape-centric, and this is SO good and gives such a clear through line on his character. His relationship with his mother is incredible in particular.
the tiger's lady by basketofnovas (slashmarks) (5k, T, bellamort)
In early 1974, one of Bellatrix's sisters is getting married, the other is pregnant, and Bellatrix is occupied with making sure the war escalates as planned. But a story from the Dark Lord reminds her of other concerns.
I always love @slashmarks's Bellatrix, and the portrayal of the mix of intense magical devotion and mundane domestic violence that is the bellamort relationship is particularly sharp and arresting.
Drarry & Drarry adjacent:
Way to go, Tiger by houndsinheaven (2k, G, Draco & Scorpius (& Harry))
Scorpius Malfoy's seventh birthday.
I'm not normally one for kidfic but my goodness I cried. Good dad Draco.
Closing Time by Anonymous for MaesterChill (18k, E, drarry)
Draco’s been invited to Neville’s stag party in Bristol, and he's confident he knows what to expect. There’ll be too many Gryffindors, for starters, plus a few humiliating team-building activities, some dodgy clubs, and a truly preposterous level of alcohol consumption. But… a drunken Harry Potter climbing into Draco's bed when he’s having a wank? No, he definitely didn't see that coming…
(For HD wireless, not yet revealed) This fic is so much fun! This feels quintessentially drarry to me - they all feel so young and human. For whatever reason I need all of my drarry fics to have someone to have a complicated relationship with alcohol, and this delivers!
If you have similar reading tastes and want more of my recs, check out my bookmarks and collections on ao3 <3
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verily-veve · 9 months
@hprecfest I wanted to do this and made my first rec list :)
1. A favorite fic under 5k: Still Life (Drarry, E, 3k)
No summary given.
2. A comfort fic : Orange Blossoms @danpuff-ao3 (Snarry, T, 4k)
These are foolish times to have hope, and more foolish still to be in love. 
3. A podfic : Deadheading the Odd Dahlia @cailynwrites (Drarry, T, 1.5 hours)
Harry is content to spend his days at Draco’s flower stall at the farmers market, burying his true feelings in artisanal coffee and rose bouquets. When forced to find new lodgings, he accepts Draco’s offer to live in a cottage at Malfoy Manor, and his long-hidden crush blossoms out of control. Turns out, proximity makes the heart grow fonder.
4. A fic with art: The Curse of Anteros @danpuff-ao3 @mrviran (Snarry, E, 53k)
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
5. A non-AO3 fic : If You Are Prepared (Snarry, E, 193k)
A task he can't refuse. A boy he doesn't want to refuse.
6. An unreliable narrator fic : Heartbeat by @phantomato (Tomarrymort, Harry/Orion, E, 23k)
Harry, dumped into the past, communes with dangerous men.
7. A canon-compliant fic : Rapture by @mia-ugly (Snarry, E, 48k)
Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
8. A canon-divergence fic : Certain Dark Things by @liladiurne (Snarry, E, 50k)
In which Severus takes a trip to Italy, thinking he'll have a quiet time at the Malfoys' villa, but Harry has other plans.
9. A rare pair fic (less than 2000 fics on AO3) : The Sword of Gryffindor (Sneville, E, 58k)
“Do you feel strong hitting me?” Neville spits out. He doesn’t think he’s ever been this angry before, but there’s something else too. He wants to feel it again, the pain, wants to control it like he did last time. This isn’t like Amycus Carrow driving his wand into his shoulder blades while whispering about his parents, this isn’t sitting scared in a school bench while his sister rants about muggles with a crazy glint in her eye. A choice. He’s in control here, he can take it. “Do it again you fucking coward.”
10. A fest fic : Not All That Glisters by @sweet-s0rr0w (Drarry, E, 110k)
Lonely and frustrated on house arrest, with no prospects for the future, Draco begins brewing Felix Felicis in an attempt to improve his lot. Just in the short term, of course. He isn’t a total idiot. But before long he finds himself with a thriving business, a nice flat, some actual (albeit irritatingly Gryffindor) friends, and a very satisfying sex life. What’s more, no-one is hexing him in the street. And Harry Potter is single, and gorgeous, and giving Draco decidedly interested looks. Stop taking the Felix? You must be joking…
11. A dark fic : Frigid by @mrviran (Harrymort, E, 3k)
In which one of Voldemort's Horcruxes is broken, and needs to be fixed.
12. A WIP you’re following : Pacify by @chickenpets (Snarry, E, ongoing)
Pacify: 1. To allay the anger or agitation of 2. To reduce to a submissive state He would do his duty. He would save Draco, if he could. He would protect the students, if and when the school fell to the Deatheaters. And Potter. As far as he was concerned, Potter could have whatever he wanted, now. What was the point of trying to tell him no if he was going to be sacrificed on the pyre of the greater good? If Potter wanted to learn, Severus would be his teacher. If he wanted a master, then Severus would make him submit. And if he wanted a lover... well. Severus would love him. And that was it. Anything else was a waste of time. And there was so little of that.
13. A fic with over 100k words : Another Mask Behind You (Drarry, E, 116k)
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity. Harry unknowingly hires him. And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies. (And then more porn. Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this. And please read the warnings.)
14. A favorite series : Love Your Enemy by @danpuff-ao3 (Snarry, E, 50k)
Love...hate...Harry and Severus definitely hate each other (if only because they love each other so much.)
15. The most recent fic you bookmarked : Everything We Dream Can be Real by @vdoshu (Tomarry, E, 51k)
Harry had a life after Voldemort. He had a family. He had a career. And then one day it was all ripped away when he woke up at Number 4 Privet Drive. Or: Where Harry doesn’t exactly get that chance to do it over again. And things are Not Okay.
16. A fic that made you laughed: Harry Potter and the Problem with Potions (Harry & Snape, T, 184k)
Once upon a time, Harry Potter hid for two hours from Dudley in a chemistry classroom, while a nice graduate student explained about the scientific method and interesting facts about acids. A pebble thrown into the water causes ripples. Contains, in no particular order: magic candymaking, Harry falling in love with a house, evil kitten Draco Malfoy, and Hermione attempting to apply logic to the wizarding world.
17. A fic that made you cry: Epitaphs in Autographs by @vukovich (Drarry, E, 7k)
A series of works surrounding death, imperfect relationships, flawed coping, and humanity.
18. A fairy-tale inspired fic : Two Lockets (Snarry, E, 57k)
Harry, Snape, and the grim old house that keeps its secrets.
19. Fic with the hottest smut: Ruin by @chickenpets (Snarry, E, 12k)
Severus didn’t even want to contemplate how quickly he’d crumbled, or how incredibly satisfying it felt to have Potter immobilized and powerless that way. Because the boy he had under his fist right then was not the same one that had barged into his lab demanding attention and slinging insults. This boy was… different. He was silent, and wide-eyed. Flushed, and panting, and very, very still. It was almost like alchemy. The Golden Brat of Hogwarts - the Chosen One - transformed instantly into this new apparition. He’d gotten what he wanted, Severus supposed. Brutality.
20. A fic rated G: The Son by @perverse-idyll (Regulus, G, 5k)
First there were two sons. Then there was one.
21. A thought-provoking fic : The Things We Need by @kbrick (Drarry, E, 25k)
Three hundred and fifty-three days out of the year, Harry is in a monogamous, fufilling relationship with Draco Malfoy. Then there are the other twelve days.
22. An unfinished fic (hasn’t updated in 10 years or author stated it been abandoned) : The Marriage Stone (Snarry, E, 382k)
To avoid the machinations of the Ministry, Harry must marry a reluctant Severus Snape. But marriage to Snape is only the beginning of Harry's problems. Voldemort has returned, and before too long Harry's marriage may determine the world's fate.
23. A soulmate fic : The Left Words (Harrymort, M, 234k)
Harry has some weird words on his left wrist. That must be one of those strange things that Aunt Petunia hates so much. But it's okay! He likes them. Then, it all turns even weirder. Hogwarts, magic, a Headmaster and a Dark Lord await Harry - he would prefer if they all just left him alone, thank you very much. But when has it ever mattered what Harry wants?
24. A holiday fic: All I Want for Christmas (is for You to Stop Talking) by @femmequixotic and noeon (Drarry, E, 162k)
The Niffler's Garden is the most prestigious wizarding nursery school in England and has been for the last century or more. Harry Potter's boys are both enrolled as pupils at the Garden. When he volunteers to assist with the Yule pageant, he has no idea that he'll be working closely with another parent, Draco Malfoy. Although they haven't seen each other much since their own school days, Harry faults Malfoy for not being a hands-on dad to little Scorpius. Will the intense weeks of preparation fan the fires of enmity or something else entirely?
25. A fic rated T: Altered Course by @crowcrowcrowthing (Tomarry, T, 12k)
Tom Riddle has a problem. He has so many plans, so many things to learn and accomplish during his time at Hogwarts, but one professor—one charming, talented, maddeningly handsome professor—is determined to get in his way. How does Professor Potter seem to anticipate Tom's every move? How does he always manage to stay several steps ahead, knowing secrets about Tom he has no right knowing? It’s simply unacceptable, and Tom needs to do something about it before everything is ruined.
26. A fic with an ending you can’t stop thinking about : Nocturne by @necromanticnoir (Snarry, E, 54k)
A Gothic Snarry version of ‘Beauty and the Beast’, inspired by the dark and sensual tale from the Czech film version, ‘Panna a Netvor’. I follow some of the plot, but then diverge and do my own thing. Got to make it even weirder, right? An eerie, erotic, brooding, bloody, batty, haunting fairytale. ‘Underneath my skin there’s a human. Buried deep within there’s a human. Despite everything, I’m still human.’ - ‘Human’ by Daughter
27. A Muggle-AU fic : with great outbursts and lightnings by @liladiurne (Snarry, E, 148k)
They stand there for a moment, just looking at each other. Harry has developed smoking to an art form that fascinates Severus. Everyone smokes in Paris, but he’s never taken up the habit himself. Watching Harry smoke, however, is strangely erotic. It feels like watching something that ought to be done in private. He wants to say something, anything, but he’s speechless. He’s a bloody poet, and here he is, standing speechless in front of a nineteen-year-old boy. March, 2013. In which Severus is a semi-famous poet with writer's block who moves back to London after the death of his lover and meets Harry, a prodigy struggling with his own demons.
28. An under-rated fic : An Eye for an Eye (Drapery, E, 42k)
Harry owes Draco a Life Debt.
29. A post-canon fic : Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm (Drarry, E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
30. A pre-canon fic : He's just a Little Fixer-Upper (Snilch, E, 10k)
After Voldemort's first defeat, Snape's grief and guilt are overwhelming, and he starts thinking about ending it all. But there's someone in the castle who's been watching Snape since he was a child, someone determined to put him back together again.
31. A fav amongst favs: for this I have 1 for my 3 favorite ships :)
Wild (Drarry, E, 92k)
“No,” Harry said, by way of greeting. Malfoy’s blonde head rose slowly, carelessly. “Get out.” “I feel as though we’ve already established this, Potter,” Malfoy responded. “And I feel that what we established was that you telling me to get out of places really doesn’t make me more likely to vacate them.”
When the Rose and the Fire Are One by @perverse-idyll (Snarry, E, 81k)
Harry's haunted by guilt. Snape's warded by roses. Each must free the other in order to free himself.
Either must die at the hand of the other by @metalomagnetic (Harrymort, E, 260k)
Voldemort survives the Battle of Hogwarts because Harry Potter had not been the one to kill him, as the prophecy demands.
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lcdrarry · 1 year
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LCDrarry 2023 Master List Part 2: Fic
Dear lovely Participants, Creators, Alpha and Beta Readers, Cheerleaders, Readers and Fans of this fest,
The 5th installment of LCDrarry has come to an end, and I'd like to thank you all for taking part in this fest, for creating so many amazing new Drarry works for us all to enjoy, for commenting on your favourite creations, for sharing and recommending the LCDrarry gems with your friends and blog followers, and for making this fest another amazing experience for everybody!
Fests would not exist without their participants or readers! You're all amazing! And I'm so happy that you chose this fest in the vast and wonderful offerings of HP and Drarry events.
You can find out under the cut who created what ;D
~Your LCDrarry Mod Tami (@celilasart)
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information and more detailed warnings. Thank you! PPS: As always, reblogs are very much appreciated! PPPS: If you're interested in fest statistics, have a look at the Fest Wrap-Up Post. PPPPS: You can find all the lovely podfics and art works in the 1st part of our LCDrarry 2023 Master List.
Fic and Art
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Prompt: "San Junipero" (episode) from "Black Mirror", 2016 Author: Sniper_Jade Word Count: 24,156 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: BDSM Scene, Shibari, Voyeurism, Alcohol
Summary: Harry Potter finds Draco Malfoy somewhere he never would have expected. It leads him to question everything he has ever thought about himself and his life in the hopes for something better. Something that he never knew he wanted and now can’t seem to live without.
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The Flame Between Us
Prompt: “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”, 2022, Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre Author: AvenueofESC Artist: Bubblegumhead Word Count: 33,060 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: marriage of convenience, open marriage, consensual infidelity, D/s undertones, terminal illness, blood curse, implied mpreg, canonical character death, angst with a happy ending
Summary: The rumoured engagement of one Mister Draco Lucius Malfoy and Lady Astoria Sofia Greengrass has been the talk of Wizarding Society. My dear reader, this author can confirm that the rumours are true.
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This Life Now
Prompt: "Sweet Home Alabama", 2002, Andy Tennant Author: palendrome Artist: S3anchaidh Word Count: 38,295 words Art Medium: Digital Rating: Mature Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Mentions of Divorce, Alcohol, Minor Draco Malfoy/Blaise Zabini, Minor Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter & OMC Friendship, Draco is involved with/engaged to Blaise while separated from but still legally married to Harry
Summary: This close up, Draco can see the differences that have occurred over the years. Harry's hair is longer, although it's as unruly as ever; his forearms are well-muscled and decorated with ink; and there are small lines by his eyes that look like they would crinkle if he were smiling. Which, at this moment, he most definitely is not. He looks like he's worn the same clothes for three days and just rolled out of bed, yet Harry's so unfairly gorgeous it makes Draco's heart ache. "What do you want, Draco?" Harry asks, his voice resigned. The question snaps Draco out of his reverie. "A divorce," he proclaims as he opens his bag.
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Do I Know You?
Prompt: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", 1997, Episode "Tabula Rasa" Author: use_it_well Word Count: 13,488 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Memory Loss, Light Dom/Sub
Summary: Harry knew better than most just how many dangerous items one could come across at Hogwarts.
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Of Stars in Infinite Universes
Prompt: "Everything Everywhere All At Once", 2022, Dan Kwan & Daniel Scheinert Author: lily_winterwood Word Count: 21,792 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Suicide ideation, passive-aggressive homophobia (aka not explicit hatred, just concern-trolling about ~continuing the family line~), mild body horror
Summary: Harry Potter is asked to find a missing Draco Malfoy. (Or: Draco Malfoy is hiding from an omniversal entity. In searching for him through their other lifetimes together, Harry Potter begins to wonder what his former archenemy truly means to him.) (An Everything Everywhere All At Once AU.)
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see the steeple (trace to the spire)
Prompt: "God's own country", 2017, Francis Lee Author: Olena Word Count: 33,857 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Harry’s sure about it being Draco’s fault, just like he’s been sure of any other part of his life. Harry wants to spend a week assisting with the birth of a rare magical creature. He doesn’t want to spend a week at Malfoy Manor assisting Draco with said birth. It’s been seven years since Draco was sentenced to house arrest without magic and now he’s running a farm. A week isn’t a long time, but Harry finds himself distracted by this Draco who is so different from the one he used to know.
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The Piano
Prompt: "The Piano", 1993, Jane Campion Author: shushu_yaoi_lj Word Count: 37,585 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: angst with a happy ending, elective mute Draco, PTSD, mention of canonical child neglect, mpreg
Summary: He arrives on a boat during a particularly stormy day. Harry knew Astoria Greengrass had sent for a husband, someone to keep her company on the particularly dreary and dark winter days on this remote island. Harry didn’t know who it was she had arranged to be sent here. All he knew was that the weather was horrid today, and the Portkeys had never properly worked in this remote corner of the North Sea. The island was special, its magic working in odd and surprising ways. The last person Harry expects to find on the beach is Draco Malfoy.
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Peep Show
Prompt: "Friends", 1994, TV Series Author: kbrick Length: 10,120 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Auror trainees Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are maybe-possibly-sort-of friends. When Harry moves into the building next to Draco's, they become neighbors, too. Actually, Harry can see directly into Draco's flat from his window. And as it turns out, Draco gets up to some interesting things at night.
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Let it in
Prompt: "Cherry Magic! Thirty years of virginity can make you a wizard?!", TV Series/Show Author: deliciousblizzardshark Word Count: 11,654 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: "Thirty, huh?" Pansy asked. “My cousin told me that Japan there’s this urban legend called ‘cherry magic’. It’s basically that if you turn thirty without, you know, popping your cherry, you get magical powers.” “Pans, I don’t know how to put this to you, but we already have magical powers,” Draco said. Pansy laughed. “No, you dolt. New ones. Apparently the legend goes that you become a mind reader.” Draco shivered. “Sounds awful.” “Anyway, it won’t happen to you, will it?” she asked. Draco shifted a little uncomfortably. “Of course it won’t,” he said. “Because you just said it’s an urban legend.” “I meant, it won’t happen to you because you’re not a virgin.” Draco laughed.
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Harry Potter vs the World
Prompt: "Scott Pilgrim", 2010, Edgar Wright Author: zeddmarker Word Count: 13,943 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Cheating/Infidelity, Relationship between a 21 year old and a 17 year old (not endgame)
Summary: A year after the worst breakup of his life, some could argue that Harry is still struggling—dating his best friend's ex-girlfriend's sister. But when Draco Malfoy appears in a dream and then corporeally in front of him, Harry's life is turned upside down. The only thing standing in between Harry and the literal man of his dreams are seven people out to destroy him.
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Hole to Feed
Prompt: "The Menu", 2022, Mark Mylod Author: newskyillusion Word Count: 34,436 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Self-Harm, Blood and Injury, Fiendfyre, Explicit Sex
Summary: Draco tunes them all out, watching as they fly through the water, when familiarity on his glass catches his eyes. The writing – because it’s writing, he realises, when he brings the glass closer – is barely there, blink and you'd miss it. But he would never miss it: the writing is in his dreams, under his fingernails, in his blood. It’s runes. OR The Malfoy-Black Foundation is celebrating its 25th anniversary. But why does the whole staff consist of Hogwarts graduates? And why does Chef Evans seem familiar? Harry Potter meets The Menu (2022)
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Through His Eyes (I Am Set Free)
Prompt: "In Your Eyes", 2014, Brin Hill Author: Shewhxmustnxtbenamed Word Count: 134,034 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Threesome, vouyerism, minor character death
Summary: Harry and Draco have a telepathic connection that remains unexplained in both the Muggle and wizarding worlds. Draco is assigned a mission by Voldemort to locate and capture the Boy Who Lived-- the trouble is that they don't know anything about him. While Draco struggles to gather information on this mysteriously absent hero, he and Harry start communicating again for the first time since they were kids. Harry continues life as normal until he discovers information compels him to abandon his ordinary Muggle life with the endeavor to rescue and emancipate his only friend-- even if that means bartering with his own life.
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The Breakfast Club
Prompt: "The Breakfast Club", 1985, John Hughes Author: peachpety Length: 7,827 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: Draco Malfoy is forced to endure a Saturday detention with four other students, including the Golden Bad Boy himself, Harry Potter. Over the course of the day, and under the watchful eye of Filch, the seemingly disparate group form a budding alliance and discovers that they have a great deal more in common than they thought. And Draco discovers that sometimes, he can not only get what he needs, but he just might also get what he wants.
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The Rifts that Reveal Us
Prompt: "The Notebook", 2004, Nick Cassvettes Author: bluesyquill Word Count: 8,539 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Harry wrote to him. For 365 days. Today, Draco visits him. But learning why Draco didn't write back is just the beginning.
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A Different Kind Of Attention
Prompt: “Yuri on Ice!”, 2016, TV Series/Show Author: Clueless_Pigeons Word Count: 10,706 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Alcohol Use, Drunkenness, Off-screen Pet Loss
Summary: Last year's Grand Prix Final hadn't been easy for Harry. And France's top skater, Draco Malfoy, hadn't made it any easier. This year, however, Harry is determined. He wants that gold medal! But things don't ever go to plan if it comes to Harry James Potter, do they?
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Deep Dive
Prompt: "Heartstopper", 2022, TV Show Author: chxrlieweaslxy Word Count: 13,448 words Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: When fourteen-year-old Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his fourth year, he learns that the school will be hosting the first-ever European Wizarding Student Cup. He is excited for a year of just Quidditch, without Voldemort or any mortal danger. But it doesn’t take long before an unexpected connection with a competitor complicates what was meant to be a worry-free year.
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I Couldn't Love You More
Prompt: "P.S. I Love You", 2007, Richard LaGravenese Author: Ladderofyears Word Count: 73,706 words Rating: Mature Warnings: MCD, grief, mourning, AU- No Voldemort, drinking alcohol, brain tumor, five stages of grief, dead dove don't eat, sex toys, sad moments, unrequited love (not Draco), Draco shares brief kiss with another man, bars and pubs, Harry is dead before the fic begins, he doesn't come back to life.
Summary: Their plan had been a simple one: to stay together for the rest of their lives. When Harry and Draco met, their attraction was instantaneous. They couldn't be without each other and eloped to marry as soon as they could. They wore each other's clothes. Finished each other's sentences. They were going to be together until they were old and grey. None of their friends could imagine one without the other. But, on Valentine's Day, 2010, Harry died. Draco was left devastated. The only light in the darkness is ten letters that Harry has left, labelled with the remaining months of the year. As the letters are opened, Harry shows Draco that life goes on and that he is much stronger than he ever knew. With a lot of help from his friends. Draco realises that, while his life might be very different from what he'd planned, it can still be special.
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0 + 0 = 1
Prompt: "Taskmaster", 2015, TV Show Author: Albuss Word Count: 2,895 words Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Draco go on Taskmaster. That's it. That's the plot.
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A Boesky, A Jim Brown, and the biggest Leon Spinks ever.
Prompt: "Ocean's Eleven", 2001, Steven Soderbergh Author: tsundanire Word Count: 12,030 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and his group of friends formulate a rather ambitious plan to re-acquire a rare diamond from the clutches of an old enemy—Theo Nott. Along the way, he's hoping to catch the attention of his ex—Draco Malfoy—who is now dating Theo. “What have you heard?” Harry half-whispered. “Rumours are going around that it’s the Starlight Diamond.” The guest half-whispered in reply, excitement practically vibrating out of the man’s pores. “Starlight Diamond?” He feigned ignorance, flicking his glance between the guest and Ginny. “Oh, right, I’m so sorry Mr. Potter. I often forget you didn’t grow up in our world.” Harry twitched, fist clenched. In another life, he probably would have decked the guy for being a prick, but that was the kind of person this sort of event attracted. The old money and the nouveau riche, both looking to flaunt their means and gossip.
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Welcome to Kreb
Prompt: “How to Train Your Dragon”, 2010, Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois Author: Nelween Word Count: 24,037 words Rating: Mature Warnings: injuries, broken bones, vomiting, killing
Summary: Harry had always been obsessed with dragons. It was one of the reason he had studied them. And when the opportunity came to study draconic creatures in the wild on a deserted magical island with his mentor Charlie Weasley and his friend Neville Longbottom, why wouldn't he take it? If only he knew what he would encounter on his journey...
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The Decision
Prompt: “Fleabag”, 2019, TV Series Author: MurderGrandma Word Count: 5,369 words Rating: Mature Warnings: transphobic slur but don't worry she gets revenge, miscarriage, general horrible person
Summary: Love is awful. Draco Malfoy is dreading helping Pansy Parkinson plan her wedding. That's something horrible people dread, and perhaps that makes her a horrible person. She's determined to behave, until old connections and an increasingly surreal and intolerable dinner party get the better of her.
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The Dying of the Light
Prompt: “Dead Like Me”, 2003, TV Series Author: camomiletea Word Count: 20,078 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Death themes, Implied Infidelity (not between Harry/Draco), Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Notes: “Life sucks, and then you die… And then it still sucks.” – Georgia Lass, Dead Like Me. The biggest thank you to our fabulous Mods for LCDrarry 2023! This community has been an absolute joy to be a part of and I couldn’t recommend it enough to others. And to my beta (R) who (once again) aided my whale call for assistance in the very final stages of submission. This fic would be a mess without you. You're the absolute best. x
Summary: Everyone dies. That’s just the way it is. And then there are the unfortunate few who get promoted.
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Palm Springs
Prompt: "Palm Springs", 2020, Max Barbakow Author: Kittycargo Word Count: 20,137 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Time Loop, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Harry collapsed into the chair next to him. “What is happening?” “One of those infinite time loop situations.” “What?!” “You know. Yesterday is today. Today is today, tomorrow is today.” “But how do I stop it? I don’t want tomorrow to be today. I want tomorrow to be tomorrow!” “Yeah, that’s understandable.” Malfoy said calmly. “Do you like tacos?”
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Double Trouble
Prompt: "Alias", 2001-2006, TV Series Author: multiverse_of_fanfic Word Count: 57,440 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: possible tw for torture (non-graphic incarcerous)
Summary: Four years after the War, Draco is stuck in a dead-end job, paper-pushing his life away. Until one day, after a security breach in the Ministry, he receives an offer he can’t refuse. Thrown back into a world he thought he’d left behind, Draco must wrestle with his Death Eater past as well as his inconvenient — and forbidden — feelings for an annoyingly level-headed Harry Potter. Will he manage to come out unscathed like he has most of his life, or will it all come crashing down?
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An Angel, A Demon, and The End of The World
Prompt: “Good Omens”, 2019, TV Series Author: DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes Word Count: 3,844 words Rating: Teen and up Audiences Warnings: Religious imagery and references
Summary: Armageddon has come to Earth and enemies Demon Harry and Angel Draco are forced to come together to figure out how to halt it. They had become rather fond of Earth in all their years upon it, and don't wish it a tragic end. Plus, oh dear, the Antichrist has gone missing.
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Champions of Karlstad
Prompt: "Borg v McEnroe", 2017, Janus Metz Author: Dexiha Word Count: 18,310 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: mention of blood, injuries and ice hockey-typcial in-game violence
Summary: Draco signs a contract with Färjestad BK, one of the top ice hockey clubs in Sweden. Draco's long-time rival, Harry Potter, refuses to play with Draco, but still chooses to follow him to Sweden, signing with another Swedish club. Is screwing with Draco's life all that Potter really cares about, or is there some other intent behind his annoying behaviour?
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A Mist That Appears (For a Little Time)
Prompt: "Sweet November", 2001, Pat O'Connor Author: DodgerKedavra Word Count: 22,490 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: This is a sickfic with mild blood and sickness!
Summary: “Give me November, and I’ll teach you to be happy. There’s only one condition. You must swear on your magic that you won’t fall in love with me.” Harry’s so tired. His whole body hurts. If Malfoy can teach him how to be happy, then... “Okay.” Harry is working himself to death. Draco only has November to help him. Falling in love is strictly against the rules.
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You've Got Owl Post
Prompt: "You've Got Mail", 1998, Nora Ephron Author: slyth_princess Word Count: 50,407 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Questionable Use of Canon
Summary: After discovering muggle romantic comedies during winter break, Pansy Parkinson and Luna Lovegood decide to launch an ambitious project called You've Got Owl Post which matches up students through an enchanted notebook so they can send letters to each other without knowing who is at the other end. It is an instant hit. Harry, without his friends knowing, is one of the first to join. And he rapidly finds a kindred soul on the other side of the pages. In real life, however, he is once again plagued by Draco Malfoy. After fighting in class, McGonagall has had enough. So, as punishment and a lesson, she assigns them the running of that years dueling club. Everyone, including Harry and Draco, assumes it will be a disaster. However, sometimes the people you think you know the best are the ones who can surprise you the most. A story of letters, bets, friendship, love, forgiveness, and discovering who you really are.
You can find all the lovely podfics and art in the 1st part of our LCDrarry 2023 Master List.
As always, reblogs here on tumblr are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry. But of course, please also shower our creators with comments and kudos on AO3 ;D Thank you! Read you next year ;)
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magpiefngrl · 1 month
fic bingo #1
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First @ficreadingchallenge update! Here's what I've read so far:
Fic written by someone who follows you
Fantastic Flip Fuck with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy! by @hoko-onchi-writes (drarry, E, 11k)
Absolutely, deliciously, deliriously hot and filthy! It hit all my buttons. Def going back for a reread.
Small fandom (<1k fics)
An Anatomy of the World by yunitsa (Swordspoint, T, 4k)
Perfect in capturing the book's tone and the characters. Felt like a missing scene from the novel.
BIPOC main character
Devoutly to Be Wished by yunitsa (wangxian, M, 3k)
Wei Wuxian's fantasies about Lan Zhan as canon progressed. Cute and lovely with incredible depth and a great exploration of character. Lots of feels and longing, by an author whose works I plan to explore more.
multichapter fic
debt of a knife by iliacquer (wangxian, E, 14k)
Amazing AU and premise. Love it.
short fic (<1k words)
travellers' rest by lazulisong (wangxian, G, ~500 words)
omegaverse, scent marking. Really lovely and heart-warming in such a short space.
Part 2
Part 3
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xanthippe74 · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for tagging me, @maesterchill! I'm not sure who has done this already, but I'll tag @phdmama, @phoebe-delia, and @nv-md, if they haven't already and want to play.
I'll put a cut here, since some of my answers got a bit long.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
29 works!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
358,795 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter and 9-1-1
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(1) Vortex (soulmate AU, down & out Draco, Knockturn Alley social commentary and politics) (2) Riptide (sequel to Vortex with 2x as many words 😅) (3) A Hiss To Build a Dream On (Harry faking Parseltongue and being a pining idiot) (4) The Last of What the World Left You (sad, lonely boys on the Yorkshire moors, Animagus Draco/Master of Death Harry) (5) This Heart Shut Wide (8th year, secret relationship)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love to say thank you, at the very least, and sometimes I want to reply to something specific that the commenter mentioned. I'm a little ashamed to say I got behind on my comments for a couple of years, and it got to the point where I was too overwhelmed to wade through the backlog. But I truly appreciate every single one, and now I'm back to replying to new comments promptly!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The very first fic I posted, "Last Goodbye" has an unhappy ending, with Harry's feelings for Draco being unrequited.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of my Drarry fics besides that first one have happy endings. As for the "happiest," I'd say it's either The Last of What the World Left You (because of how far Harry and Draco both came from their isolation and misery at the beginning of the story) or Follow the Water (because that ending is unequivocally happy for everyone, with nothing bittersweet or lost).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've had a couple weird comments, but no hate until very recently. And that was just a troll getting off on being a jerk, so I deleted their comments and didn't let it bother me in the least.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. M-rated, blink-and-you'll-miss-it lovin' is all I can manage. I tip my hat to the smut writers out there, because I find kissing hard enough to write. (and I definitely appreciate the smutty stuff, as a reader! 😉)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've never written one. I'm working on a Drarry version of Howl's Moving Castle right now, but I think of it as more of a retelling than a crossover. Aside from the borrowed plot, it's pretty much the canon HP universe, except with fire demons and the moving house.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
"A Hiss To Build a Dream On" was translated into Chinese, including all the terrible reptile puns!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! I did a round robin thing on Tumblr a few years ago, though, if memory serves.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry, forever and always.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My very first attempt at a Drarry fic, back in 2019, was supposed to be just a few scenes about Harry and Draco running into each other in the summer of 1998, the day before Draco moves to America. In 2020, I started reworking it into a non-linear, everyone's-fucked-up, hurt/comfort fic that ended with them going to America together. Still love the concept, but I'd probably have to start all over again, since it's been such long time and my writing has (hopefully) improved since then.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been praised for my descriptions of scenery and the pacing of my stories. I think I'm pretty good at dialogue, too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably spending too much time in my pov character's head, with all their emotions sloshing around. And I'm still trying to strike the right balance between efficiency and beautiful, evocative writing (something that doesn't feel either too spare or too purple prose-y, in other words).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Personally, I've never put more than one sentence in another language. As a reader, I think I'd expect a translation for anything longer. Otherwise, I'd feel like I was missing out.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oof, I have no idea. Don't make me choose amongst my babies! Maybe Follow the Water, because I love that world and that gang of characters. And it's probably the fic of mine that I revisit the most, as a comfort read. It's so soft and nature-focused.
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ashesandhackles · 2 years
002 | Can you do Harry and Ginny darling? |
How I feel about this character: 
best boy. My comfort character, and my imaginary best friend during difficult pre-teen years. Harry will forever be close to my heart.
I like her! I especially am taken by the sun imagery surrounding her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Ginny, mostly. I am coming around to Draco after reading some great Drarry fics.
Harry, but I am starting to lean towards her and Hermione! I really think she and Hermione would do really well as a couple.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Ron! Always.
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
Harry is not an "unrealistic" victim of abuse lol. His personality is built off of trauma responses and people who know what they are talking about can actually spot it.
Some of the writing in HBP around her is super heavy handed. I much prefer how Ginny is written in OOTP, when Rowling is trying to be subtle with her.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I'm going to say what I wish didnt happen: him thinking of ordering a sandwhich after battle in DH from Kreacher.
More scenes with her?
my OTP:
Both of them with each other, I suppose. But Ginmione for Ginny comes close!
my cross over ship: none i can think of!
a headcanon fact:
Harry kept his Parseltongue abilities post series (in rejection of interview canon)
Cho is Ginny's sports doctor equivalent in wizarding world.
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iamnmbr3 · 17 days
I think draco didn't want harry to escape from manor cuz voldemort will be furious and he will die along with his family so he fought a lil for his wand but deep down he didn't have the heart to keep harry there to die(he can stay there and wait death but can't keep harry wtf😭)wand worked for him the best not because harry disarmed him!!!! Also as we're said wand and wizard are so close(that's why everyone has different type of wands) so i think draco deep down doesn't hate harry at all and believes in harry and cares for harry that's why wand feels friendly and works better than hermione(actually the best wand for harry after his own)and his belief increased cuz he was observing that they are wrong not trio's side..
Olivander said that the most important thing about a wand working well or badly for a wizard is the initial attachment or idk attraction btwn them..as we see bellatrixs wand is not working for hermione and ron doesn't compliment about peters wand(he said nothing tho)
WHY would DRACO's wand be attached to harry????(while it's sooo loyal and its inclinement towards change is neither easy nor hard so it depends)
Yeah I think Draco felt very torn throughout that whole scene and wavered. But ultimately he chooses not to identify Harry, not to alert anyone that Harry and the others have pulled free of their bonds in the cellar, and to give up his wand after putting up a minimal fight. Because he could've stunned Harry or worse but he couldn't. He couldn't do it. He couldn't hurt him. And in that moment he surrendered. Even if maybe he kind of hated himself for it.
I think the wand working so well for Harry is a result of both of his deep and fundamental compatibility with Draco and of Draco's love and loyalty for Harry which was reflected in the wand's loyalty. And also Harry's feelings towards Draco played a role as well I think.
Voldemort really was defeated by the power of drarry. In canon. It's wild.
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Fic Stats Game
tagged by @tavina-writes
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
These are going to be all over the place, but it should be a fun time!
Most Hits: The Total Agony of Being In Love (by, like, a Lot): a Red, White & Royal Blue fic featuring Henry's POV of the Great Turkey Calamity (a scene of which the film robbed us) that I wrote for Yuletide some years ago.
Second Most Kudos: Two of A Kind: a Howl's Moving Castle (book) fic about Howl and Sophie's relationship post-canon, told through dual outsider POV (Megan & Michael). Also written that same year for Yuletide, funnily enough!
Third Most Comments: Die erwünschte Normalität: year six of my Ravenclaw Regulus AU; title from kleinstadtnovelle and thank you to that professor who turned me on to schernikau. this one is fun because he gets a boyfriend who is neither Max nor Evan (but after the debacle in fifth year, Evan is avoiding the hell out of him anyway whoops).
Fourth Most Bookmarks: I'm not counting How to Make an Instagram DM Mockup bc it's not a fic, so 3rd and 5th are: 3) enough contrition to spare, a Regulus Lives fic I wrote for Heart Attack last year. unsurprisingly Regulus/Evan and Regulus & Sirius, and it focuses in on the end of the war, with a bit of an epilogue. 5) La Magique étude du Bonheur - part one of my Ravenclaw Regulus AU; Regulus lets the sorting hat pick for him and disappoints his family, but he makes friends anyway.
Fifth Most Words: once again Die erwünschte Normalität, so #6 is: not one for being let down, which is a drarry fic I'd started for a Game of Drarry event in the beginning of the pandemic, and kind of petered out on once the game ended. One day I do need to write a proper ending.
Fewest Words: there are three drabbles! a prelude to disaster which is a Bevelstoke (Julia Quinn novels) drabble about my favorite thing: pining, and then two I wrote in middle school: Get Out of This Town (about Sirius running away), and You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us in Prison (which has the summary: "Regulus thinks about his brother and the war"), which are like, maybe not strictly good, but they're not bad enough that I didn't transfer them over from ffnet.
Surprisingly more #ontheme than I expected, even if the first two are definitively Not Harry Potter and the last (at least the JQ one) is.... well, afaik the only fic in that fandom because I wrote it so I could wrangle one of the tags someone put in the wrong place.
I'm too lazy to tag people, but if y'all wanna do this, consider yourselves tagged!
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softlystarstruck · 3 years
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✩ softly reading february 21 - 27 ✩
in which i list every single drarry fic i’ve read this week in hopes that you, dear reader, find a fic you like too!
✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | 🌼 - fluff | purple - reread
spotlight rec
✩ Settle in in my slow-burning heart by orphaned account [NR, 10k] 🌼
Five years after the war Draco is working a tech developer job in the Auror Office, and it's all great except this one thing: Harry Potter works there, too. Things only become stranger when Harry starts bringing Draco ugly souvenirs back from his work travels. When Harry then shows up injured in Draco's flat, Draco considers the possibility that he's going insane.
why i rec this: i started reading this on a whim and didn't expect to adore it as much as i did! draco's narrative voice is perfect, and i love a spontaneous, earnest harry. the integration of technology was delightful, and i love getting glimpses of harry and draco working together and being very capable as a team even before something else starts developing between them. it's the perfect length to fall into the story, and by the end i felt just as happy as the characters :')
longer reads
Loving What May Be Lost by oldenuf2nb [T, 21k]
“The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.” -Gilbert K. Chesterton.
Calleth You by DaaroMoltor [E, 17k] 🔥
The room floods with white light. Harry is on his feet so fast that the chair topples and clatters to the floor, his wand in his hand and a spell on his lips. “They’re outside,” a voice speaks from the luminescent mist, magic barely enough to carry the sound; it’s stripped to a featureless monotone, far away like an echo. “I can’t hold them off much longer. I need help, Potter."
✩ Matchmaker, Matchmaker by @firethesound [E, 11k]
Sometimes, Harry can't help but wonder why such strange shit always happens to him.
short & sweet
✩ we were something, don't you think? by @lettersbyelise [E, 6.5k] 🔥
The thing about school reunions is that nobody in the history of humanity has looked forward to one, ever. It's what Harry and Draco think, until they run into each other at the drinks' buffet of the Class of '98 Hogwarts Reunion.
plant me in your garden (and watch me grow) by honeybeet [T, 5.5k] 🏳️‍⚧
Malfoy walks across the grounds to the forbidden forest nearly every night, but falls asleep in class during the day. Harry can't get enough of him.
✩ all of me (loves all of you) by @phd-mama [G, 2.8k] 🌼
“What did you say?” Draco finally finds his voice and sees Potter shrug one shoulder. / “You heard me.” / “I heard you,” Draco concedes, “but I’m not sure I understood you, Potter, because I do believe you just suggested that we... get married.” / “I did,” Potter replies.
more short & sweet under the cut!
Bird's Eye View by khalulu [T, 2.5k] 🌼
Harry wants a quiet place to figure out his life. Draco wants to work up the nerve to send his father a letter breaking off an arranged marriage. They both think they want to be alone. The owls want to know how long these human courtship rituals are going to take. Hogwarts Owlery, it's the place to be.
Letterman Jackets and Cocky Smirks by Purplehotmess [T, 2.5k]
Featuring cotton candy lips (ugh, Malfoy), football rivalries, drunken confessions, abusive parents, locker room confrontations, and one Harry Potter irrevocably obsessed with Draco Malfoy. Also featuring the iconic canon scene of our favourite blond Slytherin checking out a scowling Gryffindor.
All of You by @april-thelightfury115 [E, 2.3k] 🔥🌼🏳️‍⚧
Draco loves all of Harry—even the parts Harry's sure nobody would—and he makes damn sure he knows it. [H/D Candy Hearts Fest 2022]
✩ One in the Hand by @p1013 [E, 2k] 🔥
It's been going on for twenty minutes now. An incessant rustling, intermixed with quiet cursing and heavy sighs, sometimes broken by deep groans. Since it's the middle of the night, and there's a very low likelihood that Potter is wrestling a dangerous, if somewhat quiet, animal in his bed, Draco has narrowed the cause of those sounds down to one thing. Potter is currently having a very, very, long wank. [Kinkuary 2022]
a light in the dark by @flintandfuss [T, 1.1k]
Cursing, Draco fumbles for his wand, clacking through memories like vials for a pensive. Expecto Patronum, yes, that’s the spell. The one he begged first his father, then his mother to teach him so long ago, when all he wanted was to best the boy quivering before him. An ambition still unfulfilled. Dark wizards can’t produce Patronuses.
past softly reading lists
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weeklydrarryficrecs · 2 years
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♣♦ WIZARDS HEARTS ♠♥ A Drarry Game/Fest Survey 
(This week’s “recommendation” will be a exit survey for the @gameofdrarry​. This was a fantastic game, and it helped me read so many new and wonderful fics.)
1. What was the first fanwork you read/listened to for the game/fest? Why did you choose it?
Life skills outside the curriculum by Endrina was the first fic I read for the game. I haven’t read a lot of fics where Harry doesn’t attend Hogwarts, so I was intrigued by the concept. I had also loved The Meaning of Mistletoe. The writing in Mistletoe is so evocative, so it made it easy for me to pick up and read another fic by Endrina. (This fic would fit the Canon Divergent trope.)
2. What's a fanwork you think is a hidden gem and deserves more hype?
This is a cop out answer, but I think all the fics I read during this game deserve more hype (I’m also a bad judge as to what a hidden gem is). ...but to narrow it down... A Pocket Full of Stones by waterwings is a fic that should have more hype. Draco and Harry’s relationship in this story restored me and refreshed my love of the ship. (Not that it was languishing, but Harry and Draco’s back and forward in this story energized me.)
3. What was your strategy for choosing fanworks throughout the game? Was there a tag/trope you found you simply couldn’t resist?
I had no strategy whatsoever. Though, I am horrible at strategy games, and I didn’t realize I should have had a plan until midway through the game. In general, I would look at the trope/tag list, browse Ao3, and list up a stack of fics I could read for any particular trope. Then I would read whatever fic I was in the mood to read and hope it fulfilled the trope.
4. Was there a trope that you’ve read a lot of previously that you found uniquely presented in a fic? In the past, I’ve read a lot of Omegaverse (and mpreg). But, I haven’t read much for Drarry. The Lily Spell by pickledghost certainly had a far different interpretation of omega and alpha dynamics than what I read before. But, I ended up liking it more than I had expected. (A spell aided impregnation wasn’t something I would have expected to see in Omegaverse, but it made for an interesting story.)
5. What's a moment in a fic/podfic that genuinely got you to tear up?
I...cry a lot when I read fic or listen to podfics. (It’s actually a problem sometimes when people find me crying alone in my room and they worry if something is wrong, but I’m just sobbing over a really touching scene.) While not a specific moment, I found myself crying throughout In Pieces by dysonrules. Draco’s death...his thoughts on death...the tension between Harry’s love and the reality that physically separates him from Draco...had me in tears. (But! For people who are thinking of reading it, just know that it does have really happy moments and a good end!)
6. Was there a trope you’ve never read or heard of before? What did you think of it?
I had never heard of “Epistolary” as a trope before. But, I think it’s going to become one of my favorite tropes now. I’m so blown away how writers can convey Draco’s and Harry’s voices so vividly in letters. bixgirl1′s Life Lessons had some pretty hilarious letter exchanges and made me a convert.
7. Which trope did you read that pleasantly surprised you?
Crack!fic surprised me. I had always avoided it because I just didn’t know what to expect, and something about the word “crack” puzzled me. But, I ended up liking The Secret Diary of Draco Malfoy: Aristocrat, Ne'er do Well, Rampant Homosexual by Alysian_Fields, the Crack!fic I read for the challenge. There might be more Crack!fic on my horizon. 
8. Was there a fanwork that made you laugh out loud? Why?
This is coming back to a fic I mentioned already... but bixgirl1′s Life Lessons had me giggling at my desk. The letters in particular were infused with so many funny lines and timing. Every Me and Every You (also by bixgirl1) had me laughing, too. There were some alternative universes that really had me going, and the concept of Harry (and later Draco) viewing and commenting on AUs just had me in stitches. 
9. Was there a fanwork that made you especially emotional? Why?
Both Notes on a resurrection and The flight instinct by newleaves made me particularly emotional. There was something about the writing. Newleaves writes so beautifully, and the characters are so layered and complex, I think it would be hard not to be moved by these stories. These two stories have different POVs, Notes focused on Draco’s, Flight centered on Harry’s. They compliment each other so well, I started crying because these fics made them feel alive and human.
A fic that moved me emotionally just out of the sheer quality of it was Vukovich’s Vis-à-Vis-à-Vis. My god, what a wallop this fic gave me. It was like a masterclass in storytelling.
10. What is your favourite tag/trope? Why?
This is a lame answer perhaps, but my favorite trope is “Canon Divergent.” This trope really covers a wide swath of fics, and at my core, I prefer a non-canon compliant view of the Harry Potter universe. Canon Rewrite is a trope that I absolutely love, but it wasn’t included in the cards. Canon Divergent seems to be the closest to Canon Rewrite.
11. Which tags/tropes did you skip? Would you be willing to share why? If you didn’t skip a tag/trope, was there one that gave you pause?
I ran out of time to finish all the fics so there were a lot of tags and tropes I didn’t tackle. But, a tag/troupe that I skipped over consciously was Power Dynamics. (If I had had time, I would have used a Joker for it.) I don’t dislike the trope, and if it’s included in a fic I’m reading along with other things I like, I’ll read it. But, it’s not something I search for on a regular basis, and I like sticking to my usual habits for hobbies.
12. Which suit did you have the most fun reading? Why?
PENTACLES was an all-star of a card. It had a lot of tropes I read regularly and like (accidental bonding, fake dating, canon divergent, pureblood culture). So, it was a naturally easier to fill out and read. It also had a few challenging troupes for me (getting back together, crack!fic, memory loss) that forced me to broaden my horizons, so I liked that a lot. It was a good mix of comfort and challenge.
13. Did you rec any fics to your friends during the game/fest? Which ones? Why?
I didn’t read this fic during the challenge because I read it earlier this year, but I did rec Incurable by Warholhp during the fest. This would have fulfilled the Muggle AU trope. It is an intense story, and it isn’t for everyone. But it is such an engaging story, and I like how Snape turned out in this story. It’s my go-to for a Muggle AU.
14. Do you have any feedback for the mods of the game/fest? Would you be interested in playing again if the opportunity arose? Share more info about your experience. I would absolutely love to do this game again! (Also, thank you so much to the mods for pulling all of this together!!!!) It was a good opportunity to try different tropes and force myself to finish reading. It was a lot of fun, and a real highlight of my summer. There were some points where I was confused about the team activities, but overall I understood and enjoyed the game. Thank you again @gameofdrarry​ for holding WIZARDS HEARTS!!!
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mags0607 · 2 years
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TITLE: Recipe for Life ( Fic+Art)
AUTHOR: Drarrelie, Janieohio, Marinelelp
RATING: Explict
WORD COUNT: 66,245
TAGS: Lights Camera Drarry 2022, Minor Character Death, Misunderstandings, Epilogue What Epilogue, Alternate Universe, Draco Malfoy Never Becomes a Death Eater, New York City, Chef Draco Malfoy, Chef Harry Potter, Godfather Draco Malfoy, Godfather Harry Potter, Cooking, Orphaned Pre-Teen,Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort! Found Family, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Explicit Sexual Content, SwitchingPOV, ROM-Com, Inspired by a Movie
SUMMARY: Draco has the perfect life. He’s a star chef at one of Manhattan’s most highly acclaimed wizarding restaurants, he has a lovely apartment in Brooklyn facing the park, and in just a few days, his best friend and her daughter are coming up from Virginia for their yearly summer visit. Life couldn’t be better.
True, he would’ve preferred it if his dependable sous chef hadn’t been counting down for her maternity leave. He could have lived without the hassle of finding her replacement.
But life isn’t always made to order.
A love story in thirteen courses. Bon appétit! 🥣
Let’s just call these authors what they are: Rom-Com Inspired Geniuses. This story has so much heart, so much emotion, and you will feel all the feels. There is a genuine sadness to the plot of this story, and a deep emotion, but it’s handled so organically and written beautifully that it doesn’t feel depressing. It feels like healing. And there are so many wonderful scenes in this story that just tug at all the heartstrings.
This Draco is a wonder. He is so removed from canon Draco (he even has a bit of an American accent) that he should feel so different, but he is written in a way that feels very true to his character and the core of who he is. Harry has a depth and charisma to him that is just normally so hard to capture, but comes across wonderfully in this story. And kudos to making a heartfelt OC, but also having her steal the whole show. Zoe (Draco’s goddaughter) is just a great addition to the overall story, and watching how both men care for and interact with her is the true heart of this story. Although, the boys try and steal it back, because Harry and Draco together are wonderful (and maddening when they screw it all up in true Rom-com fashion).
Featuring: songs that make the whole story better, wander-lust Harry, meticulous magical Chef Draco , love through food, New York City, grief and loss of a parent, an adorable 9 year old, found family, good-dads Harry Potter, scene stealer Teddy Lupin, board games, homemade pizza, stupid boys that can’t express their feelings, and hot man-bun sporting Harry Potter.
And I would be completely remiss if I didn’t mention the absolute GORGEOUS artwork that accompanies this masterpiece and brings it to life in such a wonderful way.
Go read this, I promise you will love it.
*** review written for @gameofdrarry Wizard Hearts 2022***
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magpiefngrl · 2 years
How about 16, 17, and 18? 🤩
Hey, lovely! What great questions, thank you!
16. What is your most underrated fic?
I'm not sure how to define underrated here. For instance, I really love The Glass Hearts but it's not a drarry (or any ship) fic, so it's not surprising that it hasn't been read as much as other stories. It did have some awesome comments, though.
If we go with a simple gut feeling, that undefinable ache about a fic we love that we wish it'd been read more, then for me that's The Boy Who Died. It has had a bunch of readers and some comments, but I'd like to share my love for that fic with more people. It's the one fic that whenever it appears in my kudos email, I always smile.
17. What fic are you most proud of?
Although I did consider mentioning dirtynumbangelboy, I'll have to go with 9 ½ Days. It's my longest fic, for one; it's a fic I was very close to abandoning but I managed to finish, which gives me a sense of relief and even triumph when I think about it; and it's one where I poured my thoughts and feelings about Draco in his canon years.
Also, in most of my fics I try to add something that we might not see a lot in fandom (like the treatment of the Shrieking Shack in Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There or Draco as an Incubus in Hush, darling etc). In this case, I wrote about magical Romani, which isn't something I'd seen before in HP, and some scary faeries. Finally, I'm quite pleased with the prose, esp in some passages.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
I've got a few in mind but let's go with the first kiss scene in 9 ½ Days. This is in Chapter 4. I won't copy the whole thing out, just parts. Under the cut:
Harry and Draco have spent a few days on the run now. They're starting to trust each and are getting closer emotionally but there's been no overt attraction between them. A great way to get them to think about sex (with each other) is to give them a reason to discuss sex in general, and Draco is the one who brings it up here.
‘You know what I‘m sorry about in this whole affair?’ Draco said, affecting nonchalance. ‘That I’ll die a fucking virgin.’
Harry’s mouth went dry. He hummed something indistinct.
Draco whispered, ‘Is sex as good as people say, Harry?’
‘How should I know?’ Harry asked, his hands sweating.
They talk about their experiences briefly. A paragraph follows that I quite like:
They hadn’t taken their eyes from the ceiling, as if this conversation didn’t involve them. Perhaps it was easier to talk about sex to the ceiling. Harry attempted to deal with this news as calmly as he could, even though his heart — and cock — swelled with the thrill of possibility. He’d had fantasies about Cedric and Bill Weasley in the past, but seeing as they were both straight, Harry’s fantasies had felt harmless; an idle exercise, a private unreality he liked to spend some time in. But now Harry had fantasized about someone who lay beside him and confessed to liking boys, too. Someone who Harry could reach out and touch, and who might — the idea made Harry’s blood simmer — welcome the touch.
Harry really should turn his back and go to sleep. Draco shifted and Harry caught Draco’s body heat very close to him, and his scent.
‘I’ve never kissed a boy,’ Harry told the ceiling.
I like the image of them side by side, looking at the ceiling, because this conversation is momentous for both of them but it's a bit too revealing and honest, and so it's easier to look somewhere else. To pretend that what you're saying doesn't matter much, exactly because it does matter. A lot.
Draco was the one who brought up sex earlier and then Harry is the one who comments that he's never kissed a boy. He gives Draco an opening. The subtext here is 'I want to kiss you but I can't bring myself to say it.'
I'm really pleased with the imagery in these two sentences:
Silence followed, but a pregnant silence, full of fluttering butterflies and words trapped in throats. A silence that held its breath, waiting to see where the conversation might lead.
Draco takes the opening and suggests what we all want to see. I have a soft spot for kissing or sex scenes where the characters give in to their attraction while holding back emotionally. The fuck buddies scenarios; the "this is a test kiss" like here, and so on. In those cases, although the scene is about relieving sexual tension, it still retains some tension and that is more interesting to me.
Draco gazed at him. He chewed his bottom lip for a moment, drawing Harry’s eyes there. ‘I know you hate me,’ Draco said, his voice low, ‘but seeing as we’ll probably die soon, you could… test it. If you want. With — with me. Just so you’ll know.’
‘I don’t hate you,’ Harry said with conviction. There were worse monsters in the world than Draco Malfoy.
Draco kept staring, wordlessly asking for a reply.
‘Sure,’ Harry said, aiming at casual and failing. ‘Just so I’ll know.’
Both stalled, awkward now that kissing was on the table. Harry didn’t know if he should make the first move or whether Draco would. Tense like a diver about to jump off a cliff, Harry shuffled and brought his face closer to Draco’s, his heart in his throat.
Draco cleared his voice. ‘Let me…’ He rose to his elbow. Propped over Harry, Draco gazed at him with enigmatic eyes, cupped his cheek and kissed him.
Draco here echoes the phrase "let me" which Harry said earlier in the chapter when cleaning Draco's wounds. The rest is the description of the kiss, which is very soft and sweet, if I say so myself. I don't know what people think but I'm happy with the way their first kiss has come about in this fic.
Behind the Scenes Fic Writing Ask
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