#draw miku as if she was a character in your world
simmiko · 5 months
Oh my god guys look what I just found while digging through my old art...
It's my yet uposted version of "draw miku as if she was a character in your world" challenge. So old I had to blow the dust off this drawing but here it is
I love how most of my characters have some sort of high boots or just heavy boots and here they are too, like a motif across my designs
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✰ Round 1: Side A, Match-up 8
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Additional Notes: Miku is the "Final Boss". I've chosen the next Vocaloid with the most votes aside from Miku to join the tournament and it ended up being KAITO. So yeah.
Propaganda!!! + Singing Voice Links (remember: they were sent by submitters!)
For Jonny
Note from mod: one of my online nicknames is harmonica so this was a jumpscare
♡ He’s a steampunk space pirate who plays harmonica, and does a mean evil chant -> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qtamEcKfDAg
♡ He’s a murderous evil space pirate who also does songs and tragedies and plays harmonica. He does a mean evil chant.
♡ Loser poser cowboy. He got arrested for grievous misuse of rodents one time. He made up a backstory that's a ripoff of his crewmate's. He's the first mate of the Aurora, but insists he's the captain (he's wrong). He did a post patricidal harmonica solo. He probably pushed the woman who made him immortal out of the spaceship (multiple times) (unsuccessfully). His best line is probably this one: "She gave me an interesting prescription - let’s see if I can remember. Oh yeah, half an ounce of lead to be injected directly into the brain. And it wasn’t a prescription for me.”
♡ Post patricide harmonica solo do i need to say more
♡ GUGHUGHGUHUGHGG HGUGHGUHGUH look at him hes such a little guy
♡ He's an immortal space pirate in a band with a bunch of other immortal space pirates who sing about tragedies they've witnessed. He insists he's the captain of these space pirates but everyone else says he's the first mate. He's a little feral (and by a little I mean a lot. Extremely feral) and commits atrocities and acts of massive violence for fun. He can excuse mass murder but he draws the line at sleeping-beauty-esque kissing someone to wake her up. His actual singing is also really really good, often he's singing in character as someone else (various characters from the tragedies he sings about) and he manages to voice act AND sing at the same time which is so so impressive. Also he's blorbo and I'm looking at you eith big autistic eyes please please pleeeeease vote for him
♡ My favorite tiny asshole
♡ He killed his father and sometimes gets angsty about it. He is a member of a fictional space pirate crew called the Mechanisms, who rove around space looking for "fun, violence, adventure, and violence". He is the first mate of the crew, although he insists that he is the captain (only to be corrected by the rest of his crew as well as every fan). He is also the lead singer of the band and plays the lead role in all of their albums. Also, almost the entirety of the fandom along with the rest of his crew think that he pushed the lesbian space vampire doctor that made all of them immortal out of an airlock.
♡ I love him your honour. Seriously he's probably the 2nd most iconic Vocaloid after Miku (and hands down without a doubt the most iconic MALE Vocaloid). He's been around since almost the very beginning of Vocaloid, years longer than Miku has, and he still has a lot of dedicated fans like myself. He's just a silly little guy who loves singing and ice cream.
♡ Kaito is one of the most versatile Vocaloids. When tuned properly he can sound near human-like and has such a pretty voice but can make the funniest sounds. He can also sing in lower registers (I think that's the term). It's why I've loved him for the past 15 years. Naoto refers to him as his son and I think that's cute too.
♡ OKAY HE'S MY FAVORITE VOCALOID I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND HE GETS SO LITTLE ATTENTION PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HE DESERVES EVERYTHING HE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME he makes me so happy I have a lil keychain of him on my phone he's my best friend he's always with me and I love making him sing with my computer (also named my computer after him) PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HIS VOICE BUT THEY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING OKAY HIS VOICE IS SO PRETTY TO ME VOTE FOR HIM HE CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT but he's my best friend ^^
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nekoooooo-p · 4 days
Demo: Yandere Hatsune Miku Headcanons
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art by: yanderous on Tumblr
CW: internet stalking; (a little) gaslighting
This is a demo, which may become a full-fledged large text, written and with a plot. Keyword MAY-..it all depends on you guys, you just have to ask me!
This is just an attempt to distract from the Phosphophyllite headcanons, since there is text there for five seconds of free fast scrolling down... and that's not all...That's why I'm stupidly tired of this and I desperately need a distraction HAHAHA
Based (mostly) on real events :)
× You don't know each other.
× Do you know why?
× Because she's just a robot.
× Vocal synthesizer without identity.
× All that is known about her is known from fans and her design.
× Empty.
× ...
× She is loved.
× She's popular.
× And you also see her on community pages, like drawings, listen to music, and perhaps try to do something creative yourself.
× Of course, you didn't know just Miku.
× You knew other Vocaloids too. Rin, Len, Luka, Meiko, Gumi, Flower, Fukase - there were a lot of them, you didn’t know them all, but you heard about many.
× You began to notice that many people had a favorite. And you also decided to choose your favorite Vocaloid.
× The simplest and quite normal choice was Miku.
× But you decided to take someone else as your favorite, because loving Miku is banal.
× The choice has been made.
× . . .
× It doesn’t matter who you chose, but you dreamed about them
× You dreamed of them fighting with Miku.
× In an old school building, two people were strangling each other. Two vocal synthesizers. ×
× It seems that the thin fingers of the long-haired girl with ponytails were squeezing someone else’s throat an order of magnitude stro
× You woke up.
× The dream was strange, but in the end it was just a dream - you struggled with yourself for a long time, trying to choose one of the two - and you didn’t choose Miku. That's why you dreamed about some bullshit.
× ...
× Overall, no big deal.
× It is vital for you to finish the project, but instead you are interested in reading some article on the Internet.
× You read the article with curiosity and look at the comments.
× People share opinions there - nothing unusual....
× ...Until you suddenly see Miku in the book cover photo.
× You stare at this in surprise - the article was not about Vocaloids at all, just like the comment itself with the photo.
× You take a screenshot with a laugh, close the article and finally remember about the project. Haha, it was funny, Miku reminded you of your studies.
× You jokingly thank the non-existent character out loud and take out your notebooks.
× As it turned out, you had something to thank Miku for - you were called in during class and asked to answer with almost no preparation.
× Of course, such coincidences make you even a little scared - but only if they are repeated often. So it was just really funny now.
× You told your friends about this coincidence, you laughed together and celebrated the excellent completion of the project.
× It's funny, but one day you again came across a funny coincidence - the author of your favorite fanfic not from the Vocaloid fandom suddenly added Miku to the plot as a reference and a side character.
× Oh , how small the world is!
× The dream repeated itself.
× You began to have trouble sleeping - your dreams became strange and distorted. Once you even dreamed of some outright nonsense with Miku figurines.
× You were in your own room, scrolling through the marketplace. And saw strange, unfinished figures there.
× M i k u. ×
× At one point, one of the figures independently adds itself to the basket and you laugh. For some reason.
× Suddenly the second figure does the same.
× . . .
× Then the third. Then the fourth.
× This caused bewilderment, laughter and showed only the absurdity of a strange situation.
× And then you suddenly looked at the floor behind the phone... and saw there a whole bunch of scary, unfinished, broken, mangled toys and Hatsune Miku figurines.
× You back away - and the figures keep growing and growing in geometric progression.
× You are afraid that now they will fill the entire room, and you will suffocate in this huge pile of plastic - but as soon as your back hits an obstacle, you wake up.
× And what was that?
× Nothing changes in your life - everything is quite as usual, the same communication, the same activities, the same living space, the same environment. Everything is calm and as usual.
× You don't pay attention to the little things.
× You see Miku a lot of places - on other people’s badges, notepads, many people ask if you know her, ask you to tell her, you see her periodically in advertisements...And this is provided that Miku and Vocaloids, in principle, were not so popular in your circle!
× Sekai must have made Vocaloids more famous and that's why you started bumping into Miku so often.
× ..but why Miku?
× After all, during all the time you saw something definitely related to Sekai only a couple of times, while Miku in her various manifestations almost always. You even bothered to meet a cosplayer who wanted to cosplay as Miku.
× You communicated actively for some time, but then something went wrong and you quarreled.
× ...By the way, when you almost stopped communicating, you later found out that he refused to cosplay Miku for some reason.
× An interesting coincidence.
× Somehow there are a ton of them, don’t you think?
× One day you saw a badge with Miku on the bag of one person, with whom you later had to get to know each other better due to certain circumstances. You talked for a couple of hours out of necessity and you complimented their badge.
"What are you talking about? I've never had a badge with Hatsune Miku..."
× The confused face of your interlocutor unsettled you.
× But...but you saw!
× what the heck?
× And this happened several times. You even thought that you had problems with vision or memory...
× The frequency of appearances of the Vocaloid girl in your life reached the point of absurdity. After all, in addition to appearing in your feed and advertising, she was also in your real life - acquaintances, conversations, badges, other merch, unusual projects of classmates and even in fucking magazines.
× You bumped into her absolutely everywhere.
× And then at some point you decided to download Vocaloid.
× You found your favorite producer who used your favorite vocaloid, you listened to the music of this producer, and finally you wanted to make covers or songs yourself.
× You were looking for a pirated version because you didn’t have money, although you were ashamed, in a sense, to download a pirated version.
× The voice bank you found in the public domain was... Miku's voice bank!
× In general, you weren’t against it - you liked Miku, but she was somewhere in second or third place on the list of favorites.
× When you started making covers using her bank, a question arose - why do many people say that Miku is difficult for a beginner? You were great at tuning her voice. And people liked your covers.
× ...
× ....by the way, it’s strange that you no longer come across Miku anywhere other than your feed.
End of demo.
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cromahi · 2 years
Draw Hatsune Miku as if she was a character in your OC world
She would finally be able to kill with her songs
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aemiruo · 1 year
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I don't remember when, but I once read a challenge about "Draw Hatsume Miku first she were a character of your OC world".
She would look like this if she were part of OA.
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hungnitan · 7 months
Nigo World Link "水底に影を探して" Event Summary
World Link event is newest event format which split the stories from every person PoV.
This event story really need your every knowledge of nigo previous event story so please read those firsthandly.
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Character : ALL Nigo Character + Mafuyu parents + Honami
Event Summary (Twitter) :
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Event Summary (Mine) :
Mafuyu chapters : Stories start with situations after Mafuyu ran away from home. She live with Kanade, while sometimes her father came to check on her.
But as things calm down, Mafuyu still restless so she came to Sekai for copping and then Nigo Sekai began to change a bit.
Mizuki chapters : Mizuki keep lamenting their decision of telling Mafuyu to run away from her problem. So to change of pace they came to Sekai and heard the new place from Meiko.
As they came to that place, they meets Miku and Rin and found an animal style picture book telling about Mafuyu stories so far. In there, Mizuki finally know how big the help they give to Mafuyu.
PS : In picture book it retell Mafuyu stories with Mafuyu families as bunnies, Kanade as dog, Ena as hedgehog, while Mizuki as cat. Dog help bunny with her songs, hedgehog with her arts while cat with her words.
Ena chapters : As Ena keep learning arts, Futaba (Ena art classmate) asked her about future decisions to keep doing arts or not. Ena can't answer it since she thought she was running away from arts until now.
While Len and Rin watch her troubling, Len asked Ena to sketch them at Sekai new place. While drawing, she feels like seeing her Mafuyu sketch at lake and renew her decision to continuing arts for making Mafuyu smile.
Kanade chapters : Same as Ena Mizuki, Kanade too wondering how to save Mafuyu since her songs only make Mafuyu relax but can't save her. As she wondering at Sekai, Kanade meets child Mafuyu searching for her doll. Meet child Mafuyu which keep thinking in passive ways, Kanade give her some encouragement. After that, she woke up in her room and discussing her dreams with Mafuyu which dream a same thing.
Epilogue : Those four decided to visit Sekai to show the new place to Kanade since she was thought it's only a dream. Last time visit, Ena and Mizuki founds sketch and picture book so they decided for Mafuyu to search into lake again. She founds her sketch, Kanade scoresheet and an apple. Apple reminds her time when she sick
So to put in simple, this world link stories morelike Mizuki Ena Kanade renew their future decision from now on to help Mafuyu. While on Mafuyu side, she think she still need her mother eventhough she is so overbearing
Mentionable scene (screenshot credits goes to someone on Twitter lol) :
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That man is Mafuyu father, the only dense person at Asahina house (lol) which only know something after his only girl run away from home. He came to check on Mafuyu at Kanade house and at some point try to convince Mafuyu to comeback home.
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This scene is the first time Honami meet the real Mafuyu. Honami somewhat shocked but recover quick and do things like always
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This place is a new place at empty Sekai, which include in our usual convo place later. A locked door and one small sprout appear after Mafuyu change of heart with her mother
Card Time and Place :
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This scene happens at Sekai, Meiko give information about Sekai new place to Mizuki so they want to go there with Meiko but she refused. So they fake crying and asked her to come along with them.
Mizuki : Eeeh~ To think Meiko is fine for me getting lost ! Meiko must hate me that much~
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This scene happens after Ena finished her arts class, she with Futaba hanging out at cafe and talked about their future
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This scene happens while Kanade wandering arounds with child Mafuyu searching for her doll. Child Mafuyu asked her to give up since they can't find the doll so Kanade gave her encouragement words to not give up anything.
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This scene happened at epilogue, when the groups decided to visit Sekai again to check the new place while searching for items Mizuki Ena found there. After found them, Mafuyu keep searching at lake then found an apple, one of Mafuyu precious memories with her mother which make her decided that she still need her.
Song (Twilight Light) : I kinda like the melodies and Toa's Miku tuning, it's addicting. I would love to heard full Miku version later. For lyrics, it's picturing the whole nigo situations so yeah I love it~
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To my suprise, this time their arts looks good (lol) but I really don't like the fact it's limited just to added special scene for their newest song. In the end I use 50 pull and get Ena one, bit miss the mark since I want Kanade or Mizuki but still happy~
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gotta-pet-em-all · 1 year
Hiya! Your intro says you like media analysis so I was wondering - watched/read/listened to/etc anything good lately? And/or got any recommendations? (OOC: this is freeform, answer it however floats your boat! Or if it doesn't float your boat, absolutely no worries, you can delete it! /gen)
Ough, that's a good one!
Since the delcatty's out of the bag, I guess I can be more open about how Plasma affected me. Since I was taken in so young, I didn't have much opportunity to learn how to think for myself, and I struggled with bodily awareness and identifying my own emotions. But... stories helped me realize how to feel again. I would use warrior skitty comparisons to try and contextualize my own feelings at first, but it wasn't enough.
Media analysis started as a project my therapist gave me, since I was getting frustrated with my inability to identify my own emotions, and our sessions were sort of hitting a plateau. Which is to say, they asked me how my day was, I yelled that I didn't know and started crying, and I'd spend the rest of the session on the couch snuggling my therapist's vulpix. (Baby Fluff was not very emotionally stable lol)
So I started looking for stories. I got a bit into vocaloid-- a couple favorites of mine are the medical anomaly, rolling girl, irony, yellow, and good kid medicine. It gave me words for what I was feeling, proof I wasn't the only one to feel these things. Suddenly I wasn't alone, I wasn't crazy or exaggerating, I had songs that spoke to me. Someone else out there knew what I was feeling and said it better than I could.
Hatsune Miku got me through some rough times, y'know? And the warrior skitty AMVs-- gods, that made up the rest of my music taste. I was never very good at art, except maybe in trying to copy the anatomy drawings because I was bored, but there were incredibly talented people out there. They told brand new stories, or put a twist on existing ones. I never knew there were so many stories out there!
And then there was anime. I couldn't handle anything with fanservice-- bear in mind at that point, I hadn't yet had The Talk, I just knew it made me uncomfortable. So I mostly watched kid's shows, and there was one magical girl show that looked cute.
It was, ah. Madoka Magica, if you're familiar with it. But the grief and hopelessness, the way the girls try to cope with pain and being fundamentally unsuited for something, the loneliness... and later, it's revealed that one character, who actually looked a lot like me before I cut my hair, had a heart condition and low self-esteem. She felt useless, she...destroyed herself for a chance to save someone who was kind to her. And then the bittersweet ending-- that the world can have love and hope even if it sucks. It made me think... maybe it was okay for me to live. It gave me a lot to think about, and holds a special place in my heart to this day.
I started making progress in therapy again. I'd walk in and say something like, "I think Mami Tomoe probably has a lot of guilt because she survived and her parents didn't" and somehow the conversation would turn to the fact that I wasn't taking painkillers like I was supposed to. And maybe it was because I felt like I didn't deserve it.
Just the weak herbal stuff back then, mind you, because ibuprofen scared the shit out of me, but... sometimes I would talk about a character and realize I was seeing myself through them, talking about myself through them, and I finally had a voice. They gave me a voice. So I want to help their stories be understood in return.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
N25 get to know that reader have their own SEKAI
gender: neutral
type: headcanons
characters: Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama
thank you @kitkilis and @lady-fushia for letting me write this <3 also go check their profile and posts!
Polska wersja
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Kanade Yoisaki:
· because of your SEKAI she finally taked care of herself and calmed down at least for a little while
· when she can't find any ideas for new song that can save Mafuyu she come here and once because of your SEKAI she maked a song that was close to saving her
· if your SEKAI is completely different from hers, she might catch herself sometimes writing song in different style
· when she noticed that you don't have any songs, she gladly will help you and definitly will try to get out of her room more so your feelings could give a birth to new song
Mafuyu Asahina:
· in your SEKAI she feel a little saved which she described that she feels "Calm and like there was only peace in world" even if youe SEKAI is opposite of this statement
· because of the fact that in her SEKAI are also others and in your theres only you and Miku then if she can she comes to your SEKAI when she needs
· Mafuyu don't care if your SEKAI is completely different from hers or if it's basically identical, she likes it that she can feel that it's your SEKAI
· if you don't have any song, she'll ask Kanade for a couple advices without mentioning your name or SEKAI
Ena Shinonome:
· when she came to your SEKAI she immedietly wanted to draw as many paintings as she can
· so when you agreed on her canvas and paints to be here at least for a little while she will be very happy
· the only thiing that can piss her off in your SEKAI is if the colors don't suit or decorations are...wrong planned
· she definilty will quickly catch if you don't have any song and will try to draw as many paintings in your SEKAI as she can hoping that they will make you feel something and new song will be created
Mizuki Akiyama:
· if your SEKAI is in cute style then you can be sure that Mizuki won't ever want to leave, but if it isn't then she still will like to spend time there but not as much
· she may or may not design a couple of clothes for you and her in your SEKAI style
· actually there's not much things that can make her hate your SEKAI...
· if you still don't have any song the she will glady help! And be ready for adventure because Mizuki is ready to go through whole world just so your feelings can create a song!
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ribbittheribbit · 6 months
♥︎Drawing ideas so that I don’t forget♥︎
(I also give permission for anyone to take inspiration from these ideas)
(I will be adding and editing this list)
Obey me:
Asmo with stunning lighting in a flamboyant pose (started)
Belphie looking up at the stars with more cool lighting
redraw of my shopping cart Belphie and Beel drawing
Solomon being a magical guy with those candy stars all around him
A huge Barbatos with puppet hands looking over mini barbatos’ in a scene that looks like his room
Simeon looking very angelic and adorable in a cloudy scene
Mammon looking stunning for a magazine shoot
Obey me x Sanrio (like my lucifer drawing)
Obey me as Chibis (like Solomon drawing)
Diavolo surrounded by puddings
Solomon as an evil sorcerer
Luke baking
My own characters: (ignore the names if you are using these ideas for inspiration)
Madeline drawing where she is looking into a mirror. Angel on the real side, demon on the other
Ubel with a cool pose and cool lighting (star sunglasses will be appreciated)
Lisa and/or Liam in a fiery place, their hair will be glowing like fire
Madeline falling off of the Angel world (lots of clouds everywhere)
Lucius modelling with cool lighting
Sapphire holding all the time power around her (clocks everywhere)
Two Madeline’s. One side she is a demon and has her eyes covered, the other side she is an angel and has her mouth covered
Just charters in general:
Character dressed like sailor moon / going through sailor moon transformation
Two Characters doing that Barbie and Ken trend
Character in the spider verse
Drawing a character in an outfit you found on the web
Drawing a character in an pose you found on the web
Character in the genshin universe
Character as an animal crossing character
Character with Sanrio character/s
Character in a different colour scheme
Character as a Chibi
Colour wheel challenge (you put characters with the the right colours into the wheel)
Just ideas in general:
Colour scheme challenge (choose a colour scheme off the web and make a drawing with only those colours)
Find a super (and I mean super) pixelated drawing and draw what you can see
Redraw old art
Draw daily items as humans
Draw animals as humans
Draw childhood toys (or toys you have now) as humans
A childhood TV show in your artstyle
A childhood book in your artstyle
Scroll through the web and find someone who looks like they need drawing
Draw a character from a game
Draw a character from a film/series
Draw a character from a book
Create your own character
Draw you/ your friends/ family
Miku: (she can literally be anything)
Strawberry Miku holding a huge spoon and posing
Miku in a world surrounded by colourful notes
Miku in a fashionable outfit you find on Pinterest
Chibi Miku
Project sekai Colourful stage:
Tsukasa in warm lighting, with stars all around him
Chibi characters
madoka magica:
Madoka in a dark room with scary silhouettes surrounding her
Chibi characters
Studio ghibli:
Howl standing in the garden with the castle in the background
Kiki riding on her broomstick
The Baron doing a magical looking pose
Spirited away, the scene where Haku turns back into a human in the sky
The mother in Ponyo in the water
Ponyo riding the fish waves
Ponyo and friend on mini boat scene
My neighbour totoro. Standing in the rain scene
Cat bus with cool lighting
Howl as a child with calcifer (sparks everywhere)
Howl lying in bed all depressed
Howl and Sophie flying in the sky together
Chibi characters
Toilet bound Hanako-kun:
Nene and Hanako looking at donuts
Mitsuba holding a camera
Tsukasa being upside down while Hanako is on the other side, the right way up
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ellebastonart · 1 year
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Happy Miku Day!! I also wanted to join the draw Miku as a character from your OC world trend and design her as if she was from my magical girl manga The Orchard House~ her weapon is a negi-shaped slingshot!
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babylulururu · 2 years
So I found a video of some known Tears of Themis JP VAs singing some songs for other projects. It's a common thing for seiyuus to do.
I decided since I know nothing about the JP dub of Tears of Themis I would give a vibe of some songs they have sung with a video I found here because it's late and I should be writing fanfic, but it's Tears of Themis's anniversary today (depending on the server and timezone) so I should do something for it.
I'm gonna be honest here, out of all the JP VAs of the main cast, I know his the least simply cause I don't really consume a lot of content with him in it. I know I'm doing my boy dirty, but he's just appeared as like a side character in Re Zero and this blue-haired dude in SAO and that was about it.
So when I find him singing basically happy pop idoly songs when I'm used to his CN VA singing softer stuff, my mind just kind of broke. Just imagined Artem on stage singing his little fucking heart out and possibly being forced to wear a pink frilly ass outfit to go along with it.
Wasn't really expecting that at all to be honest.
He sang in Tangled. Now I'm obligated to draw Tangled ArtemRosa AU. I will make it happen. Of course this man would be a fucking disney prince. Because he can.
So overall vibes: disney princess and he can be an idol. best of both fucking worlds.
So I know his JP VA more than Artem's. By that I mean he did Pheniox Wright, was in the worst season of Pokemon, voiced a side character in Your Lie in April, and of course, even though I haven't watched it I must give him credit for Eren Yeagar.
Then I find out he did a song for Honeyworks so technically, he's touched the same universe as Fansa now and officially covered a GUMI song. Fun. His songs are more on the pop rock side, which is pretty cool. He still continues to fit the Rosa Miku phase headcanon I have.
Oh and I'm not 100% if it's a part of Disney Koe no ojisama but he did do a cover of Part of Your World. Pretty sick. LukeRosa shippers have fun with that.
Overall, kinda what I expected. Sunshine boy sings sunshine songs. Marius
First of all, before we begin I just want to let you know that he did sing Mickey Mouse March with a bunch of other VAs (including Diluc's and Zhongli's, off the top of my head), so that's a thing. Thank you Disney Koe no ojisama!
So given my background knowledge of his role as an absolute jerk in So I'm a Spider and the insanity known as Dimitri Fire Emblem, outside of...Mickey Mouse March, I was kinda curious about what other stuff he did.
Dude sounds like he just does anisong. Like all these songs outside of the one from the fucking Junglebook sound like anime openings. Are they? I don't know off the top of my head but this dude could make a living as an anisinger. Marius von Hagen, CEO of Pax and also sang the opening to My Hero Academia because he can.
That's my vibe and I'm unapologetic about it.
Hi Vyn you're Joker Persona 5 and that's all it took to get my friend into the Tears of Themis rabbit hole.
Yeah, he kinda sang what I expected. Slower songs. Until we got to fucking Bibbity Boppity Boo and I know that shit is from the fucking Disney Koe no ojisama and I will mentally scar you with the image of Vyn singing this song with the most circus-like music because I can.
Overall traditional ikemen outside of bibbity boppity boo shit. You're very welcome my friends. But wait, there's more!
My girl Kiki shares her voice actress with Rinko from Bandori. Or she did. She doesn't anymore, but I knew her voice from somewhere. I'm sorry she just sings Ringing Bloom better. Don't @ me.
But yeah rock girl vibes. Plays the keyboard. 10/10. Vibes I get from Kiki. Thank you Roselia.
Basically anisong as well. He can do rock and slow stuff, basically anisong.
Darius will be singing the opening of some fucking shojou anime. Those are my vibes.
OKAY SORRY FOR MAKING YOU READ THIS! I will take my leave now.
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dkniade · 2 years
VOCALOID and SynthV stuff
@ constellor on Twitter “new idea: draw hatsune miku as if she were a character in your oc world”
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「John Frustrated」と「Oyasumination」のエレノア二人で…フュージョンなんて
ちょっと「John Frustrated」の白髪の子はエレノアですか??ミクですかオリキャラですか
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garciells · 2 years
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that one ‘ draw hatsune miku as if she were a character in your oc world ‘ prompt from twitter. Miku as the queen of Diamonds (and a doll) heheh
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 2 years
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I saw some post going around like “draw Miku as if she was a character in your OC world” and for shits and giggles I gave it a shot
I draw miku so much and my oc world doesnt have any particulary special fashion (its useally just whatever i feel like drawing and is midly RPG-fantasy ish I guess) so its kinda literally just Miku with horns
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
What's your favorite song?
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Can't believe I'm saying this but tw for emotionally charged themes
My favorite song is Meltdown by Iroha!!!! Specifically the 2012 YouTube reupload because the low audio quality adds to the song for me lmao (there's a slight audio difference between the original upload and the song as it's presented in successive album versions such as the Vocalostar or Vocalogemini albums, and I must admit I like the old one better). It's incredible how no matter how many times I've listened to it, hearing that song doesn't stop feeling like a spiritual experience. The music is so unspeakably good, the lyrics speak directly to my heart. And I love the Rin tuning!!! Despite being my favorite vocaloid character, Rin is far from being my favorite voicebank; that being said, Iroha's tuning of her is truly marvelous! Now, their Miku tuning is beautiful too, Moon is another wonderful song. But like, there's an infinity of Miku songs with gorgeus tuning, while I usually don't like most of Rin's tuning styles (then again, it's all up to personal preference really). Yet I absolutely adore the vocals of this song!!!! I feel like Rin is such an extremely fit, spot on choice for this song: it's so impactful to listen to such an emotionally charged song being expressed by a voicebank that's otherwise frequently used for cheerful, light-hearted songs; it really enriches the song by adding to the feeling of having lost the happiness of childhood and having to now face an indifferent and cynical world. I really like the nuclear reactor theme, it evokes such a beautiful imaginary!! The way it's clean, aseptic, lonely- I feel like the loneliness is such a central aspect of this song. This total, devastating feeling of loneliness that envelops the whole song- the impression of complete isolation and detachment from the world. The inability to connect while drowning in your own sadness, the way everything feels far and unreachable. But it's a kind of loneliness that's different from the heavy, black kind of loneliness, the one that leaves you depressed and upset, the one that comes with missing others; this is the kind of loneliness that leaves you numb, the loneliness of feeling that you could speak, even scream, but nobody would be able to hear, the loneliness of feeling like you're alone in the world. The feeling of being isolated, just Rin and herself, is so overwhelming in this song, it's beautiful! It's just her, and the ghost of who she used to be who she wants to kill, and her depression; she's helpless and alone in the universe. Sorry for possibly sounding redundant but it really speaks to me of how mental disabilities can effect people, of the immense struggle mentally ill people experience that keeps them from connecting with the outside world- everyone else don't even feel like people, they're just distant sounds and vague impressions (“On the other side of the veranda, // The sound of footsteps climbing the stairs” “A TV host // Someone there I just can't see // Their laughter echoes as it swells”).
And the beautiful way this loneliness ties with the always present theme of modernity, city, industrialization! It's present in the pv, in the folding skyscrapers of the song's logo, in the oh so beautiful lyrics that draw from an urban and industrial vocabulary and imaginary (“The city is filled with brilliant light” “The lighter's out of oil” and of course the nuclear reactor). The concepts of industrialization and individualization tangle in a way that, if I can dare to namedrop, is reminiscent of Max Weber's sociological theories, where rationalization leads to the world progressively becoming a senseless machine, a big mechanism sustained by causal laws; as well as Georg Simmel's portrayal of the Metropolis as a place that is so chaotic and filled with everything, nothing has value, where the individual is infinitely free and infinitely detached, infinitely lonely (the frenzy of the city being nicely represented by the song's countdown, by the crowded images of grey, faceless people in the pv, by the “everything seems to move so quickly”). Back to Weber, in Meltdown rationalization and individualization having a direct correlation in the way that the supreme achievement of technology, the nuclear reactor, is also the ultimate expression of isolation: Rin is infinitely alone in the reactor, which also represents the limbo between life and death.
Gosh, that was supposed to be a quick note on the loneliness as it's portrayed in Meltdown- that's just one of the many gorgeus themes the song tackles! Following up, Rin's conflictual relationship with her past self. Aah, if I don't feel that on an intimate level. She wants to kill her past self, because the knowledge that you'll never get that happiness back is too painful to bear, so you'd rather have it like that happiness never happened at all. Rin strangles her child self, clinically, emotionlessly; and little Rin stares back, calm, I like to imagine, almost pitiful. Rin hates that child, because if her young self had never existed, then she's wouldn't have to be there, she wouldn't have to put up with her current state of inescapable pain and depression, she would finally be free from all the suffering. And the song is all a silent scream about wanting to be liberated- the wish to be able to be free from pain, the wish to finally be able to sleep at night (“2AM, and I can't sleep” is one of the very first lines of the song). The song speaks about that tiredness that comes with depression; Rin just wants to disappear, not really out of tangible sadness or self-hatred, but to put an end to the draining feeling of weariness (“If I dive into the nuclear reactor // Then I'll be able to sleep as I did long ago”; please also notice the regret for what used to be and isn't anymore). The finding peace in disappearing, finding beauty in ending it all (“If everything is such a lie // Then it really would be better” “I want to dive into // a nuclear reactor // Surrounded by beautiful blue light”).
But finally, the reconciliation between Rin and her past self taking place in the song's bridge! The incredible shift in music, from hectic and cold to calm and soft, relieving. It's breathtaking. The incredible change in visuals! From the cluttered, distorted, fake, alienating visuals of the city and reactor to the simple, fully empty background of the sea. The coming to terms with accepting the duality of own's nature in the words “allegro, agitato”. The somewhat antique scenario of the building old Rin and young Rin are in, juxtaposed to the city and advanced technology of the nuclear reactor. And Rin taking the hand of younger Rin. And Rin with the dress of young Rin, giving in and crying desperate. It's all so mesmerizing! To think she was able to make up with her young self– the miraculously serene atmosphere. The finding the peace you'd never thought you could find. The finally accepting your past self, the stopping to hate them, the stopping wanting them to die and, by extension, stopping wanting yourself to die as well- it's beautiful! It's gorgeus, I love this song.
The way it all builds up to the climax of the Meltdown- seriously, the visible countdown of the pv is such a brilliant imaginary. THE CONSEQUENTIAL BREAKDOWN WHICH IS JUST, SO COOL. RIN'S UNRESTRAINED SCREAM, GOD. The fact that you literally can't get up untill you allowed yourself to fall!!!!! Rin reaching the lowest point and finally giving in to her pain - which she never allowed herself to, so numb, so empty, so emotionless - as the first, necessary step towards healing. The way it says no healing can start until one has reached the bottom of their desperation, the final point of breaking- but there's hope after that, you know? The desperation of Rin's scream, but how there's only going up after it- there must be.
The thing is, despite everything, despite everything, this really doesn't come off as a sad song to me. There's so much serenity, there's so much finality, there's so much peace in the ending. How could I not adore this with everything I've got? It's physically impossible. It says: you're broken beyond repairing, but you can still be. There'll come a day when you will come to terms with your child self, you will take them by the hand, you will stop hating them and hating yourself. Despite being so flawed and imperfect and a glitch in the system, you're still allowed to live. It's what I love the most, more than anything already mentioned; nothing, and this time I think I mean it, nothing hits me as hard as going “the world is broken; but meybe there's still a reason to keep living. Maybe there's still a way to be okay.” Her final statement is just so liberating for me: “A morning without me // Would be perfect // Where everything is in gear // That sort of world, definitely...” - a world without me would be perfect; and yet, her expression is so serene in the end. A world without me would be perfect; yet Rin doesn't take her life, she just accepts her imperfect presence in the world. A world without me would be perfect; still, I'll keep going on, just because! Just because maybe one day I'll be able to see that shore I saw when I was a child again, and maybe I'll see that happiness again.
It's. idk it's about the bitter side of deeply knowing the world would be better off without you, but finding the serenity of keeping living anyway. I strive to it. Just. the growing climax that leads to the inescapable breakdown, and the peace and tranquility of the ending. I want that peace and tranquility! I want to know everything is okay even if nothing is okay. I want to be able to find the will to live even despite knowing the world is ugly. I want to see that sunset at the end of the song!
Not to mention the pv visuals are stunning, I love them so much!! Rin's grown up design is fantastic, I love her black and white outfit... I feel like the white / black / yellow trichotomy it creates to be so impactful, a sort of visual representation of thesis / antithesis / synthesis. Everything about this song I feel like has the power to shake me to the core!!!! Project Diva's Reactor module (which was also designed by the pv's illustrator nagimiso) is truly beautiful as well, but for me it lacks the mature, disillusioned vibes of the original outfit- to me Meltdown is a lot about having lost one's childhood that goes together with having lost one's happiness, coming to terms with it and eventually finding peace in coming to terms with your past and your place in the world, and the new design juvenile vibes kinda miss that. And just AAAAAAAAA nothing I say could ever make the song justice which is very frustrating, but I love it tons!!!!! And the lyrics, sis, believe me when I say I could talk about them forever. They just have such a remarkable poetry to them! “In the scattering twilight // The sun is red, like teary eyes” “The words overflow from your // dried up lips, like foam” “so the memories melt away to white”. It's just that aaaaaaahhh Meltdown is *my* song, like no other song speaks to my soul like this one does. I love it so much.
Finally, you might also want to check out (personal favourites):
炉心融解 (Roshin Yuukai) (Hard-R.K.mix) - remix by cosMo (The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku -DEAD END-, The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku) yr88's Cover ft. KAITO pv's illustrator nagimiso's pixiv
※ All the “me”s used in this text are purely referential. This text doesn't necessarily reflect author's personal views of life.
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