#drawing ocs dancing is so fun this is your sign to try it
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ancients have such interesting features, it was a joy to design this guy
[from earlier this month]
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felice-jaganshi · 6 months
His Pet
Alastor X OC
Chapter 13
(Content warning: Valentino attempts to SA someone. Nothing graphic, but proceed with caution.)
Everything was normal and chill for the few weeks Valentino was reforming. Alastor and Zariah would cook meals together and be found dancing together all the time, they looked like a proper happy couple! They'd occasionally go visit Rosie for tea and chat, and he'd even introduced her to mimzy, who was immediately jealous. They even had new guests at the hotel!
But, all banquets must come to an end…
Zariah went for a walk with Nifty one day, and didn't come home at their scheduled time. Alastor immediately went to Angel, insisting he call Zariah, since Al didn't possess a cell phone. Angel tried, but it went straight to voice-mail. This had Alastor very troubled. “She never turns it off when she's out. This is bad.”
Angel looked at Alastor, “We need to get a search party going asap.” He then ran off to get Charlie. Alastor himself went into the shadows to search the streets as quickly and efficiently as possible. 
Meanwhile, Zariah woke up tied up in red rope. But where's Nifty?! She looked around, the place was strange and unfamiliar, mostly blue with a giant fish tank with sharks behind her. She found Nifty beside her, still asleep and also tied up. Suddenly a door opened on the other end of the room.
“You'll love this present, I've captured Alastor's little lady love~. Now we can both get our revenge on that stupid radio demon. Too bad Velvette is too busy with her fashion show across the ring to join in.” Valentino laughed, excited to show off his gift for Vox. Zariah's ears laid flat on her head as they both approached. She decided to try to use Alastor's advice and forced her ears to straighten and point forward, then put on her most confident grin.
“Heh, you're the idiots! He's just been playing with you till now! Once he sees you've taken his favorite pet, he'll slaughter you both!” She was proud of how well she kept her fear down. She just kept picturing his face, he said he'd protect her. He promised, he made a deal!  
Vox approached her with a smile of his own, “Oh you'll be fun to break, won't you?” He reached out to her, only for Nifty to suddenly lunge at his hand and bite his finger clean off! Vox screamed and pulled back his hand. Nifty quickly turned and cut Zariah's ropes with her knife she'd hidden up her dress. “Run! I'll take care of these Bad Boys~!” She giggled and lunged again. Zariah got up and ran a full sprint! Luckily, speed and agility were her specialty. Valentino chased after her, beginning a game of cat and mouse throughout the entire building. 
The others were going crazy scouring the city for any sign of Nifty or Zariah. Until Charlie managed to find one of Nifty's heels outside the Vee's tower. She called everyone else to her location, having Angel try to find Alastor to inform him of their lead, so Angel could potentially avoid dealing with Valentino.
The rest of them entered the tower and tried to sneak their way through, only for emergency alarms to immediately go off.
Zariah ended up cornered, baring her fangs. “Haven't you heard, Mothman, a fox is at its most dangerous when backed into a corner.” He only chuckled and used his smoke powers to try and chain her hands up,
“And just what are you going to do about it, pretty little thing? You're in my house now.” She hissed and growled before lunging at him, she clawed and bit at him, drawing blood.
The rescue squad tore their way through the tower's defenses, making their way to Vox and Nifty. Seeing the reinforcements, he growled, “fuck this shit!” He retreated and made a solid escape, completely abandoning Valentino.
By the time Angel found Alastor, it had already been an hour, “Al! Fucking christ you're hard to fucking find, we found her! Get your ass to the Vee's tower, asshole!” Angel was out of breath and had tears in his eyes.
Alastor's eyes glowed for a second, “Vox…” He fell into the shadows and raced off.
When he entered the building, he destroyed every camera in his wake, killing every sinner that crossed his path until he finally found Valentino raving and screaming, “Augh, where did that bitch get to now?! I'll fuck her till she can't move! Then I'll let that radio bastard see the broken mess his little pet is in before killing her.” He chuckled darkly. 
Alastor growled and his tentacles came out, lashing at Valentino.
“As I said before, she's not for your lewd videos. She is pure as fresh snow and shall stay that way.” His voice was distorted as hell and filled with pure fury. Their fight was vicious, eventually the others showed up to help. Alastor ended up stealing Vaggie's angelic spear and the fight ended with Valentino's head on it like a pike. He offered it back to her once he was certain Valentino was dead for good. He gave an empty smile to Charlie, “Tell Angel he's out of a job.” He then walked away, searching for Zariah. He summoned her chain and followed it. He needed to see what state she was in. 
When he eventually found her, she was curled up in a wardrobe shivering and hiding behind her tails. He breathed a sigh of relief,
“Zariah, darling.” He reached out to her only for her to scratch his hand and hiss. Her hand that had popped out from behind her tails was covered in blood, both red and gold.
“Ah! Dear, that was very uncalled for.” He wanted to be mad but… She was clearly not herself right now, he couldn't blame her for protecting herself. 
“Nothing's gonna harm you, darling, not while I'm around…” He started to sing the song from the other day.
“Nothing's going to harm you, no ma'am, not while I'm around.
Demon's may charm you with a smile, for a while,
But in time…
Nothing can harm you,
Not while I'm around…” Her shivering stopped and her hand retreated. He took the chance and pulled her tails down from her face. Her eyes were dilated into thin slits, and her face was covered in red, with a thin trail of gold down her cheek. She also had a rather sizable chunk of Valentino's wing hanging from her mouth. He smiled fondly at her, his own heart fluttering.
“Now dear, that is in no way the quality of meat you deserve. Drop it, and I'll give you something far more worthy of your refined palette.” He reached out and took the furthest end of the wing and tried to pull it from her, only she held it in a death grip. “Dear. I said, Drop It. ” It was a stern command, she would obey him.
She slowly released, letting it drop from her mouth. He threw it across the room and placed his own arm in front of her face. “Here, if you desire flesh, try a bite of mine~ I'm guaranteed to taste far better than that disgusting insect.”
She didn't move at first, but… after a moment, she leaned closer and sniffed his scent. She then pulled his arm closer to her, making him fall over into her space and crowding her. “Ah, dear! Careful now, I'm bleeding quite a bit right now.” She wrapped her arms around him and nuzzled into his neck, closing her eyes and purring. She began to heal him before gently biting his shoulder.
“Mine…” She whispered, starting to come back to herself. “My person, mine mine mine.” He felt a little uneasy from her claims… but he'd let it go for now. He scooped her into his arms.
“Alright, my darling, let's get you back home and all cleaned up.”
“Al… I love you.” She whispered.
“I… know you do. And I care for you too. More than anyone else in hell.” He turned to find all of the hotel staff standing in the doorway, Nifty bouncing excitedly, and Charlie looking misty eyed. Until they noticed all the angel blood on Zariah. Charlie was the first to speak up,
“Oh my…fuck! She's secretly an angel too?! Did you know? Did anyone else know?!” She was distressed over having this happen to her for a second time!
“Not the time for that, Charlotte.” Alastor said sternly. “I'm taking her to her room. No one is to disturb us. I am going to help her heal. Only Angel Dust may come check on her.”
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Moments: James' Societal Debut
Moments masterpost
Pairings: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (background), James Darby x OC (beginnings)
Summary: Viscount James Darby is twenty-two years old and entering society for the first time. The problem is, does he really want a wife?
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Warnings: none... just fluff
Word Count: 1.0k
Author’s Note: When Moments Epilogue 1 refuses to be finished, my mind moves elsewhere in the Moments-verse. This idea wouldn't leave my head after a few sentences of chat with the wonderful @chaoticcalzoneranchsports. So here, enjoy a little sneak peak into the future of Viscount James Darby. Also, fear not, this spoils nothing of upcoming Epilogues 1 or 2. <3
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Viscount James Darby sets tongues wagging as soon as he lands on the London social scene. It’s the spring of 1836, and a twenty-two-year-old James enters the annual Sotherby Ball, heads almost snapping.
Tall, handsome, intelligent and, most importantly to many mamas, titled and extremely rich—he instantly draws a crowd. The season's most eligible bachelor, indeed.
Some older members of the Ton can also be seen whispering behind their hands. Gossip-mongers speculate how the son of the late John Darby can look so very much the spitting image of his step-father, Mr Benedict Bridgerton. Still, in the cutthroat marriage mart, there will always be rumours swirling about the most eligible men, often started by the parents of their rivals. 
“Mother, must we do this?” James grumbles, eyes pinging around the room, assessing everyone with trepidation.
“Yes darling, we must. You have to join society at some point; it might as well be now,” you respond, politely nodding at passing acquaintances.
“Father, you didn’t have to partake in this farce, did you?” He looks over your head at Benedict, standing at the same height.
“No, son, I did not,” he admits, “I met your wonderful mother here at a party actually. A very fun artistic party,” he looks wistful in his recollection, smoothing a hand over his slightly greying temple.
“Well, why can’t I do that? That sounds a darn sight more entertaining than whatever this is,” James opines with disdain.
“Because, James, he was untitled,” you sigh. “As Viscount, sadly, you must be more… particular… in your choice of wife.”
“But he met you, and you are the very picture of grace and elegance,” James fawns.
“Son, attempted flattery will not get you out of this. Still, that charm will take you far,” you concede, picking an imagined piece of lint from his lapel.
He pulls an exasperated face that makes you laugh.
“Now go,” you shoo him, “dance, enjoy, and meet some people. I’m not asking you to get married tomorrow, not even this year. Just, see who is out there.” 
He sighs heavily but acquiesces to your request out of love more than duty.
For James, the crux of the problem is not the marriage mart as a ritual; it’s who it involves. Try as he might, given the expectations for a titled man to continue his lineage, James Darby cannot picture himself settling down and having a traditional family. He suspects his father already knows, his mother perhaps less so.
James glances back to see them whispering, arms entwined, heads together, as if in the first flush of love rather than approaching their seventeenth wedding anniversary. Part of him longs to find such a connection for himself, but a larger portion of him suspects he won’t. At least not in a way that society deems acceptable or continues the Darby name.
He takes a deep breath and allows the approach of various mamas, signing dance cards and feigning interest in the various young ladies thrust in front of him.
It’s when he joins the dancefloor for his very first dance that he knows he is in trouble. He catches the glance of the person standing next to him, and time freezes. Gentle hazel eyes and almost cherubic curls frame quite the most beautiful face he has ever seen. He barely notices the girl opposite him, the one he is supposed to be dancing with, even as the music starts.
“My lord?” The girl questions, and James has to physically shake his head to bring himself out of the reverie.
“My apologies Miss,” he rumbles, “this is my first dance, and I fear I am already rusty.” He turns on the smile he sees his father use and watches as the girl almost physically melts, her eyes dilating, her breath quickening. How easy it is to charm a young lady, he thinks to himself, almost disappointed in the lack of challenge.
There is a laugh to his right. “I can’t believe that actually worked,” the beauty opines, voice laced with amusement.
Before James can retort, the dance takes them in different directions. But still, he watches out of the corner of his eye. Occasionally their gazes meet, and he feels something akin to a fire in his belly. The girl he is dancing with barely registers in his regard.
As the music ends, he excuses himself and follows the retreating figure of the enigma who only spoke a handful of words to him.
He finds himself on a torch-lit terrace with a slight breeze in the air.
“I suspect this is not your scene. Would that be accurate?” A cool voice catches him, holding out a cigarette case in a gloved hand.
James smiles. “That would certainly not be inaccurate,” he replies, taking the offer and leaning in to catch a light, his breath catching as he does.
“Hmm, very much the same, Viscount Darby.” 
“How do you know who I am?” James queries, giving a sideways glance to his new companion as he exhales a cloud of smoke, the tobacco calming his nerves.
“Your reputation precedes you, my lord,” the smooth voice teases.
“Well then, I should have your name; 'tis only fair,” James opines, surprised at the low, almost flirtatious register his voice takes.
The pretty face morphs into a smirk. “Granville,” comes the reply, “David Granville.”
“Well, it is most definitely a pleasure to meet you. And call me James.”
“Likewise, James, likewise.” There is a pause as David looks up at the stars, “Tell me, do you paint?”
James’ heart races. “I most certainly do,” he responds, trying to disguise just how breathy he feels.
“Mmm, same. I do believe this could be the start of a beautiful… friendship,” David replies, his hazel eyes dancing.
And right at that moment, James knows his life will never be the same again.
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Author’s Note: David Granville is Sir Henry Granville’s nephew :-)
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Benedict taglist: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat
Moments only taglist: @queenofshinigamis @khaleesjj @starslibrary @magical-spit @honeylovemoon @justwant2read8421
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earthnashes · 2 years
The costumes (and maybe the cutlure), how do you come up with those, and where do you get the inspiration?
I am by no means an expert but I'll try to answer! So I'm gonna answer the question of costume design and culture design separately for the sake of what I hope is simplicity. But for both, my general advice is to:
A) Keep it simple B) Constantly ask for the why, specifically for culture worldbuilding
As far as wordbuilding goes for culture, I personally like to try and make the shit up on the fly as I go cuz I find it a fun challenge, but it never hurts to look at existing cultures for some inspiration! That said, keep in mind there's a difference between drawing inspiration from a culture and attempting to represent it, and if you're going for the latter and have no lived-in experience with the culture, research research research.
That said, there are basic nuances in culture that are always present no matter what culture it may be: how and what the people eat, what the people don't and do believe in, how they creatively express themselves (art, music, dance, writing). Basically, how they exist in, interact with, and view the world.
SO! A few tips to building a culture based on how I typically go about it!
-Consider the environment your fictional peeps live in. What's the weather? What's the native flora and fauna? What's their technology like? Is their magic? If so, how does that influence the environment and the people in it? Ask yourself these questions when worldbuilding in general, but I think it's a neat place to start because environment influences how a culture may develop over time.
-Once you figure out some of the environmental elements your peeps have to deal with, you can get creative with it. How do they build their houses? What do they wear and what do they eat? How do they eat? What are the tools they use on the daily? What, to them, is considered abundant and what is considered scarce, how do they react to that?
-Get creative! Think about what makes your race unique and maybe consider how that affects their culture. I like to pick out unusual details about my fictional societies/races and try to consider how that would influence their overall culture. For example: a world with a race that has no magic vs a race that does. A race that are, say, covered in fur, or have sensitive hearing, or perhaps are largely blind. Maybe the people don't have a means to vocally communicate, or perhaps they have no arms, or they have extra parts (wings, tail, additional arms/legs, eyes ect). Maybe the women grow beards and the men don't, maybe they don't actually have any distinct sex or gender; you get it. Everything and all of these things can be used to get the ball rolling in creating something unique and fun for the culture, like how they interact, how they exist, what they believe in. Having an origin for a cultural development will help answer the question why, and knowing the why (which doesn't necessarily have to be super intricate btw) will help give your culture a little more believability. Because everything has a why in context, even if it's a very simple one.
If you don't mind a personal example: my race the Spirits in my OC story. For a simple example, they are magical and they have horns. That lead to the idea that they believe their horns store a large portion of their magic, and that led to the idea that the horns play a huge role in both intimacy and basic interaction in their lives. Touching the horns with hands = only allowed with friends. Lowering the horns = a sign of submission or a challenge. Touching horns to horns = intimate, reserved for close friends, family, partners. Bashing horns = aggression, incredibly rude, or rough play. And that's just for the basic social interaction; this little detail can lead into ideas for personal grooming, what could generally be considered attractive, how they view people without them, how they decorate them, so on.
-My final tip with fictional culture building is to try not to worry about the super fine intricacies, especially when you start to build your world. Try to let it flow as organically as you can, and brainstorm brainstorm brainstorm. Play with the ideas, don't shy away from crazy or simple ideas. A culture-- and for that case a world-- doesn't necessarily have to make complete sense for it to work, largely because it's... a part of being human is the best way I can put it? It's usually messy, and some of it you may not understand even from a creator standpoint, but that's what makes it beautiful man.
NOW! As for costume design! Because I got lengthy with the previous I'mma keep this as short and simple as I can!
-When designing an outfit/costume for a character, consider who they are and what their purpose is in the story. Think about their personality, their occupation, their environment: how does that translate to how they dress?
-Use references. Use them. Find characters that have the general vibe you're going for and note how they look, dress. Look up fashion from different periods in history (especially if you're lookin' to make it based on a specific time period), take some inspiration from that.
-Keep in mind the 70-20-10 rule. This is specifically for color design in both your character and your character's costume. In general terms, a character's design is made up of 70% of one color, 20% of a secondary color, and 10% of an accent color. This helps with cohesiveness; be mindful of what those colors could tell the viewer about the character at just a glance.
aaaaand that's all I got. I hope this helps in some capacity! ;w;
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: jungkook accompanies you on your journey to purchase a brand new car. jimin charms your pants off (or attempts to) and sora has a proposal for you that you don't quite say no to. pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, kinda toxic friendship
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It takes about two weeks for Jungkook to understand exactly what kind of car you were looking for- essentially a sturdy vehicle that would get you from point A to point B without fail. Something reliable, would last for years and years, something efficient. Not necessarily anything fancy or luxurious.
But Jungkook had finally got you to shyly confess that you wouldn’t mind having heated seats in your car. After all, it had been something you’d dreamed of ever since you had received your driver’s license-
“Nothing else? Just heated seats?” Jungkook implores curiously as he pours over your meticulous binder for the fifth time. Honestly, you didn’t really need his help. You already knew what you were doing. His presence at the dealership will probably ensure that you’re not getting scammed, if anything. He loves his friends (two of them being his roommates), but he knows the truth about how they make their sales.
Mei and Mina call them sleazy car salesmen for a reason after all.
“It’s not ‘just’ heated seats!” You protest, “We never had the money for cars with heated seats when I was growing up. So that’s what I want.”
“How about leather heated seats?” Jungkook suggests, “Leather seats have better ventilation-”
“Oh, I know,” You say matter-of-factly.
“Of course you do. Smart ass.”
It feels incredibly domestic, walking into Namjoon’s car dealership together with Jungkook. Shoulder to shoulder, hopping off of his motorcycle together. He had taken it upon himself to purchase a second helmet, despite your insistence that you would pay for one.
But he had told you not to get a big head, that the helmet wasn’t for you specifically. That he needed a second helmet anyway, and you joining him on the motorcycle more and more as of recently was just the impetus for him to purchase one.
So you say nothing when it’s clear that he had bought the helmet with you in mind- it’s a sleek, glossy lilac color. A similar shade of lilac as your phone case, your favorite small backpack, and your work notebook.
You say nothing about it, only keeping your small smile to yourself.
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Of course it’s Jimin who immediately jumps up to offer you assistance today. He gives Jungkook a Cheshire grin, mischief dancing in his eyes. Not that you would know otherwise.
He knows Jimin won’t let him live this down. At least Taehyung might have a little more tact than Jimin.
“So are you both looking for a vehicle together?” Jimin asks once you’re both seated in the comfortable leather seats in front of his desk, when in fact he knows damn well that you’re not.
“Huh? N-no, I’m looking for a car. Jungkook is helping me out,” You say, your face heating up at the implication. Isn’t Jimin one of his roommates?
Jungkook’s tongue pokes his cheek. You notice.
“I’m here to make sure that you or Taehyung don’t scam her,” Jungkook says, “Where’s Joon? He’s less...annoying than you.”
“Joon can’t even drive a fucking car. He has no business trying to sell them,” Jimin says swiftly.
“Er,” You interrupt softly, “Isn’t he your boss? He owns the entire dealership, doesn’t he?”
Jungkook stifles a laugh at your presumed innocence. You offer a slick smile to Jimin when he scoffs in amusement.
“Yes,” Jimin says, “So tell me. How can I make your dreams come true?”
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If Jungkook wasn’t with you, you think you would’ve fallen victim to Jimin’s charms long ago. He’s nice, a little flirty and funny. But helpful. You can see how someone might end up paying more than they’d need to with Jimin being their car salesman.
You listen to every word Jimin says, taking notes in a specific section of your binder with your favorite black ballpoint pen. You need to have all the information at your fingertips before making a big decision, no matter what it is. Jungkook had teased you for it at first, but he’s become accustomed to your thought process.
Jimin has shown you at least five different types of models of cars ranging from sedans to SUVs. In theory, they all fit the bill. But you haven’t really felt the connection with any of them.
Jimin is nothing if not patient, though.
“I’m sorry,” You say, “I know I’m being meticulous. You must be annoyed.”
“It’s my job, sweetheart,” Jimin shrugs, “Besides, you can repay me with your phone number maybe, huh?”
“That doesn’t sound like an ethical business practice,” You say flatly while Jungkook glares at Jimin (who only smirks at him in return), “You already have it. From when I made the appointment.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“You wish,” You roll your eyes, “Does every one of your clients get this treatment or is it just me?”
“Nah, it’s just anyone who catches Jungkookie’s eye,” Jimin winks at you and Jungkook is about to strangle his roommate. Perhaps he should put an ad out for a new roommate, considering he might kill his current one in the next five minutes.
“O-oh,” You falter, cheeks blazing at this point, “Can we look at a few more? I’m gonna use the restroom really quickly. Maybe even grab a coffee.”
“Sure, sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere.”
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“Will you fuckin’ stop it? I can’t believe you,” Jungkook hisses, “We’re literally at your workplace and you’re putting the moves on her-”
“Oh, will you relax,” Jimin says breezily, “I’m just seeing if she’ll take the bait.”
“There’s no reason for that shit,” Jungkook says, glaring at his friend, “Cut it out.”
“I like her,” Jimin says, as if he hadn’t spoken, “She’s cute.”
“Back off,” Jungkook says, “And while we’re at it, just for you being an ass. You’re gonna give her heated seats for free.”
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Jungkook watches your eyes light up at the car that Jimin is currently telling you about. He can already tell from your wide eyes and soft, excited smile that this is the one. You’re already running the checklist through your head, physically looking at your notes as Jimin easily answers your questions.
“Can I take her for a test drive?” You ask Jimin and he somehow produces a set of keys for the exact model from his pocket.
“I knew this would be the one…” Jimin says as he takes you to the parking lot to grab the test car. Jungkook rolls his eyes in fondness and heads off to find his other roommate, Taehyung. And to say hello to his friend, Namjoon.
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“It suits you,” Jimin says once you’d taken the car out for a drive and brought it back safely.
“You think so?” You ask, giving the keys back to him, “I bet you say that to everyone.”
“Only when I mean it, sweetheart,” Jimin winks at you.
“How lucky for me,” You mutter under your breath, “So...what are the next steps?”
“I bring out the contract, you sign it, and you take your new car home,” Jimin says confidently.
“Yeah,” You say dreamily and look outside to the car in longing. You’ve done the homework, done the research. Went through this logically and meticulously. Even if the car does start depreciating the minute you step out of the dealership… You want it. It checks all of the boxes, you know you’ll get your money’s worth from it.
But before you give Jimin the okay to draw up the contracts, you want to tell Jungkook. You spot him talking to Taehyung, his bunny smile on display (which makes you smile in turn) and excuse yourself from Jimin for a minute to go after Jungkook.
“Hi,” You say and introduce yourself to Taehyung, who offers you a wide, boxy smile, “I’m gonna get it. The car, I mean. I love her.”
“She passed the vibe check?” Jungkook asks.
“Yeah. She passed the vibe check.”
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When you comb through the hefty contract with sharp eyes, Jungkook is somewhat amused to see the free of charge cost for the heated seats. Jimin only winks at him in response.
You can’t seem to find anywhere else where Jimin may be overcharging you, so you ask Jungkook to review it, too. And surprisingly, Jungkook finds nothing out of the ordinary. He knows how Jimin operates here, trying to gain any extra cent of commission that he can. Not that that’s a terrible thing.
“It’s yours, sweetheart,” Jimin says fifteen minutes later, once you sign your name on the dotted line.
“Really?” You let out an exhilarated laugh, adrenaline suddenly coursing through your veins, “Really, really?”
“Keys are yours, and someone will bring the car out front for you,” Jimin smiles, “Congratulations on your first car. I’m honored that you chose me to help you make this purchase.”
“Wouldn’t have had it any other way, Jimin,” You beam. After a moment of deliberation, “Oh, by the way- have fun on your date with Mina tonight. I heard all about it.”
Mischief dances in your eyes and Jimin’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline as he lets out a surprised laugh. Jungkook looks at you proudly- that’s what Jimin gets for being a menace.
Jungkook wraps an arm around your shoulders and walks you out of the dealership and you slowly wrap a tentative, shy arm around his waist. You both wait shoulder to shoulder for one of the dealership boys to bring your brand new car out front.
In the meantime, you try to pluck up the courage to ask Jungkook to have a drink with you after. To celebrate and to treat your friend for helping you out for the last few weeks. You bite your bottom lip in nervousness and Jungkook notices. He wants nothing more than to gently pull your bottom lip out of your own grip, but refrains from doing so.
But you realize, it’s Jungkook, this is your friend and the comforting, warm scent of laundry that envelopes you gives you a little courage.
“Do you want to grab a drink or something after this?” You ask softly, “I… wanted to treat you. For helping me the last few weeks with the car stuff.”
“C’mon, baby. You know I’ll never say no to a pretty girl buying me a drink,” Jungkook says, lips pulled apart into a sly smirk.
“Oh, that’s all I am to you? A pretty girl?” You roll your eyes and shove his shoulder playfully, despite the heat in your cheeks.
“Not at all,” Jungkook murmurs, tightening his hold around your shoulders and looking at you with sincerity dripping from his big, brown eyes, “You’re my pretty girl.”
If he didn’t have a strong arm around your shoulders, you’re certain you would’ve evaporated into the floor at his words.
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The image of Jungkook smoking outside of the bar right under the glowing, purple neon lights is an image you haven’t seen very often. A strand of dark hair falls in front of his face as he lights his cigarette, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration.
Even from this distance, you can see the purse of his lips and the silver glint of rings on his fingers. It shouldn’t send a rush down your spine the way it does, but you won’t deny it. When it comes to Jungkook, you won’t deny your feelings. Or your attraction.
For some reason, a thought crosses your mind- you hadn’t told Sora that you had purchased a new car. Much less that Jungkook had helped you pick one out. But you push her from your mind easily, as if you’ve been doing the last few weeks. It’s been difficult for you to keep Jungkook out of your conversations with Sora- she always has a way of bringing him up more than not.
But it’s not just Jungkook she has a strong, stubborn opinion on. It’s everything these days- you had showed her cars that you were interested in and she had shot every one of them down, she always has something to say about your passion for work (or rather she never pays enough attention about it), and she even had something negative to say when you had timidly brought up that you were maybe thinking about another ear piercing.
You’re growing tired of it. You find yourself getting nervous around her, like you’re walking on eggshells around her. Even when she just texts you, your heart speeds up in anxiety. But at the same time, there is a voice in your head telling you not to upset her.
As if that’s somehow the worst thing that could ever happen. Objectively, you know Sora. You know she’s stubborn and loud in her opinions and always has to get her way. But at the core of it all, you want to believe that she has a good heart. Because if she doesn’t have a good heart… Then what were you doing this to yourself for? What were you surrounding yourself with all of this negativity for?
You can sense Jungkook’s dislike of her, even if he doesn’t outright say it. But you’re no idiot. Mina and Mei have been honest with you on their opinions of her. So has Yoongi and Hobi.
They all think she’s dragging you down and that you’ll spiral in her negativity if you don’t open your eyes. They’ve all had a few choice words for her, but you find yourself uneasy whenever the topic of Sora comes up.
The more you hear it, the more you wonder about your supposed best friend. But you push those sour thoughts away to focus on the man in your field of vision.
Your heart hammers in your chest as you approach him on unsteady feet.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Jungkook mutters with the cigarette in between his lips when you get closer to get a good look at him.
“I’m not looking at you like anything,” You reply, eyes subconsciously wandering to the cigarette. Your nose scrunches at the smell without you even realizing it.
“You look like my mom when she first saw me smoking,” Jungkook says bluntly.
“Your mom? You really wanna compare me to your mother?” You raise an eyebrow, “Don’t know what that says about you, Jungkook.” Jungkook lets out a surprised laugh at that.
“Shut up,” Jungkook rolls his eyes and peels himself off of the brick wall before putting his cigarette out and tossing it in the ashtray next to him, “I think you owe me a drink?”
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Jungkook, you decide, is dangerous and warm all at once. The starry glint of his big, doe eyes throws you off more than once, leaving you either stammering over your words or choking on your drink when you try to reply to him.
The bar is quiet and nearly empty, only the sounds of faint music playing in the background to keep you both company. You’re both facing each other at the bar, knees touching ever so slightly.
Even that simple touch makes you feel warm all over.
Jungkook slides your drink towards you, a soft ‘thank you’ pushing itself out of your lips. You suppress a shiver when his ring clad fingers brush over yours, and he notices the way you tense up a little bit with his touch.
He appreciates the way the dim lights shine on your hair and illuminate the planes of your pretty face. He thinks it’s the perfect lighting for a photo of you- the dark colored jacket and your dark wash jeans blending into the colors of the bar around you. Something at the base of your neck glints as you turn to face him.
“Cheers, to your new car,” Jungkook murmurs, tipping his glass towards yours.
“Cheers to you for helping me,” You reply with a smile, clinking your drink with his.
“Pleasure’s all mine, baby,” Jungkook says, “You deserve it.”
“Deserve a vehicle that will have hardly any value in ten to fifteen years?”
“You deserve something for yourself,” Jungkook corrects, looking into your eyes as if he can see right through you. You’d told him how you had grown up with one car amongst a family of five, and how money was tight when you were younger. You were the eldest of three, and now that everyone was older, you had slowly started dipping your toes into the concept of having things for yourself.
You whisper a soft thank you and take a sip of your drink. “My parents were so excited about the car,” You say quietly, “Told them I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Oh? You told your parents about me?”
“Had to tell them about the man who got me heated seats for free,” You reply with a knowing grin, “You think I didn’t catch that?”
“Heated seats were the least Jimin could’ve done,” Jungkook rolls his eyes.
You wave him off, “I like him. I could see why him and Mina are good together. She told me they’ve had this weird on and off thing for, like, a year now? Like c’mon. Get it together.”
“Yeah. Don’t know why they keep denying the inevitable,” He says, voice full of something barely concealed.
“The inevitable?”
“They both have their issues but… They would make it work if they sorted themselves out,” He says softly, a tenderness to his eyes that makes your belly flip. You don’t know if he’s talking about Jimin and Mina or about… something else.
Something else being you and him.
“Maybe one of them is scared,” You whisper.
“They can work through it together,” Jungkook replies instantly. The air in between you both is charged, plush with tension and electricity. You look at him unsurely, with wide eyes, and god, if Jungkook doesn’t want to sweep you off of your feet and pull you in for a kiss.
“Jungkook, I-” You murmur, voice soft and deafening, silky like honey in his ears. The moment is right there, ripe for you, ripe for him...
And then your phone starts ringing, and Jungkook has never heard a worse sound. Your chest drops for a second when you see that it’s Sora calling you, and Jungkook has never felt as frustrated as he does right in this moment. Each significant moment of frustration over the past few months has Sora linked to it. He wonders if she has a radar for interrupting at the worst possible moments.
You give him an apologetic glance before answering the phone. She only calls if it’s important or if she needs you so you won’t risk it.
“You’ll never guess what I just did,” Comes Sora’s excited voice through the receiver. It’s too sugary, too sweet. You wince.
“What’s that?” You mumble, shoulders drooping.
“Got you a date for this Friday, you remember Yunho right?” She exclaims. If your heart wasn’t on the floor already, it certainly was by now. “He wants to take you out- he’s the lawyer, remember?”
“Y-yeah, I remember,” You say weakly, “But-”
Jungkook’s eyes flash at your suddenly dejected frown. That’s what Sora does- she takes you and she turns your happiness into something sad. It’s like she can’t stand to see you happy about something that doesn’t align with her “vision”.
“You can thank me later, babe,” Sora says cheerily. This time, you visibly cringe as you try to protest. Try to tell her that you don’t want a date with this man, that you only want a date with the man in front of you. But you can’t get the words out, she won’t listen and she hangs up on you before you can get a word in edgewise.
“Sorry about that,” You mutter.
“Why? She’s your friend. Not mine,” Jungkook says brusquely and you bristle at his bluntness.
You’re distracted for the rest of the evening, mind on another wavelength. He knows you’re upset, but he doesn’t push. He gets you to smile and laugh a few times, only for your eyes to turn sad right after.
Jungkook only wishes that you’d be able to see what was right in front of you.
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TAGS: @kookdbean
MoM tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe
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cherrygorilla · 2 years
Carrie’s Basic Info
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Whilst I try to get back into the swing of writing TMM after my holiday, I thought I’d put together a little mash-up of some of the character posts you’ve done for your characters, Danelle, but with the only OC of mine that has any real development: Carrie! So hopefully you have fun learning a little more about her!
I couldn’t really find any actresses that I feel totally match how I picture her to be, but I loved that post you did where you put all the different actors for your characters together for each decade, so I gathered together 4 throughout the ages that at least somewhat fit her. 
So, going from left to right, for current times we have Florence Pugh (which I never really thought about until I saw her in the Don’t Worry Darling trailer, and then as soon as I saw her with that beehive hairstyle it all clicked lmao), for the 60s we have Jane Fonda (I mean come on, that hair is perfect for Carrie lol), for the 90s we have Sharon Stone (she has Carrie’s little smirk there down to a tee) and for the 80s we have Kelly Preston (I know I’m basing a lot of these on hair alone, but that permed hairstyle she had in the 80s has Carrie written all over it lmao - she would have really thrived in the 80s).
Alright, now onto the actual information bit, which is pretty much just her answers to the prompts from the ‘basic info’ posts you put together for your characters. But if there’s anything I’ve missed out that you’d like to know then just let me know and I can add it in! 
Name: Caroline Samantha Cole
Nickname(s): Carrie (duh), Coral (only by the surfers), Squidge (only by her dad - he loved calling her and Tanner silly things when they were little - she was Squidge because of her squishy little face, and he was, and still is, Pebbles, thanks to a long-term habit of stuffing his pockets with them any time he went to the beach), Rolie (only by her grandpa - clearly the silly nickname thing is genetic, but at least it’s part of her name), Carrie-oke/Coleslaw (Ethan - had to throw him in here too, because nicknames are kind of his speciality lol)
Age: 20
Birthday: May 20th
Zodiac: Taurus
Birthstone: Emerald
Nationality: American, Hawaiian (just from her grandma on her dad's side though)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthplace: Bayfront Health, St Petersburg, Florida 
Current Residence: Bahia Shores, St Pete Beach, Florida 
Occupation: Actress
Schooling: Went to public school up until the middle-end of her sophomore year but then had to leave when she booked her first TV movie. She tried to go back once filming wrapped, but she got signed up to be in a new TV show pretty soon after and had to drop out fully. From then on she just did her schooling on set with her co-stars and, although she eventually graduated, she never got a proper ceremony or a prom or anything, which she’s still low-key kind of bummed about. At least she can live vicariously through the characters she plays though!
Talents/Skills: Singing, dancing, acting, cooking, doing her makeup, talking shit & managing her curly hair 
Birth order: Oldest (by seventeen, precious minutes)
Sibling: Thomas "Tanner" Lewis Cole (her twin)
Parents: Brett Kanoa Cole and Martha Louise Cole
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Height: 5' 6'' or 168cm
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: A dark, golden-y blonde
Glasses or contact lenses? None. But the same may not be able to be said for her in TMM…
Distinguishing features: Her huge mane of curly hair; freckles across her nose and cheeks; a rather infectious, megawatt smile; a pretty bold, expressive fashion sense; a tattoo of doodled musical notes on the side of her ribcage; some stretch marks around her hips/butt area that she's super self-conscious about; and two moles right next to each other on her inner arm that Miles draws a little smile under at every opportunity he gets 
Mannerisms: Talks with her hands a lot, has pretty intense facial expressions (useful for acting, not so useful when she's trying to not come across as a total drama queen), hums to fill the silence; checks her appearance pretty much every time she notices her reflection (some people blame her vanity, she blames her industry-fuelled insecurity) 
Health: Nothing really, she just gets really bad period cramps. 
Hobbies: Singing, surfing (now that her managers aren't restricting her time at the beach), cooking, sewing (her mom is trying to teach her, but she doesn't really have the patience, or free time, for it), shopping, and learning lines (yes, she considers it a hobby lol)
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): How strongly she feels all her emotions/how deeply things affect her - it's draining to live on such an emotional rollercoaster 
Greatest flaw (in reality): Her obsession with her image and how the world sees her, especially when she lets it cloud her better judgement (besides her fiery temper, jealous streak and raging narcissism, of course) 
Best quality (in their opinion): Apart from the talent she built her career around, probably her loyalty - she's very much ride or die for those that she really cares about, which is something she values in others, so naturally she thinks it’s her best quality too
Best quality (in reality): Whilst she sees it as a flaw, her deep connection with her emotions is actually one of her best qualities - she's so passionate about her relationships (both romantic and friendly/familial) that she puts her whole heart and soul into everything she does for them; and will often go out of her way just to show them how much she cares. Plus it's super useful for her job; after all, it's what makes her such a good actress. 
Biggest fear: Failure. Failure in her career. Failure in her relationships. She just hates the idea of disappointing people. That's why she's so dedicated to her work; she's scared of doing a bad job and ruining her reputation. She's scared of letting her parents down after all the money they funnelled into her dance classes and singing lessons. She's scared of destroying her relationship with Miles because she keeps failing to fit in with his family. She doesn't want kids because she's scared that she'll fail as a mother since she's got such a demanding job. But then she's scared that she'll be failing Miles because he's such a family-oriented guy and she won't be giving him a family of his own. I could go on and on lmao. But yeah, as the ego-centric, go-getter she is, failure is definitely her biggest, and deepest fear. Needles and spiders are probably the answers she'd jump to first though ngl. 
Favourite ice cream: In her world, cookie dough. But when she went to Mick's world and discovered salted caramel it was a total gamechanger. 
Favourite colour: Actual colour-wise, like an aqua blue. But failing that, gold…or anything glittery, tbh. 
Favourite number(s): 1…duh! Or 20 because it's her birthday date.
Favourite movies: Her go-tos are Gentlemen Prefer Blondes or Mamma Mia (depending on the century/universe she’s in lol). But the real answer, that she would rather die than admit 90% of the time, is the 1950s Disney Cinderella cartoon. It’s been her favourite ever since she was a little girl - it’s just the most beautifully magical love story in her eyes; nothing else compares. Plus, she’s always been a dreamy, Disney Princess girly at heart - under all the bravado and occasional bitchiness. But if she ever gives up that information, you know for a fact it’s not by free-will - and whilst the select few that do know think it’s adorable, they do dish out their fair share of lovable teasing. 
Favourite songs: She's such a music-oriented person that this was super hard, but I'll narrow it down to just a few… It's All Coming Back to Me Now by Celine Dion (to belt in the shower); About Damn Time by Lizzo (to dance around in her underwear to); Lucky by Britney Spears (because she feels like she can relate); Tonight from West Side Story (a song from her time she just thinks is beautiful) and I’m The Greatest Star from Funny Girl (her favourite song to perform since it’s so good at inflating her ego)
A place they want to visit: Paris, partly for the shopping, but mostly for the food. It does help that Miles is desperate to go there too though…
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kim-miri · 4 years
HALF(have a little fun) pt. ix
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→ one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight
→ Sayomi Zoldyck is the eldest child and twin sister to Illumi, of the renowned Zoldyck family of assassins. At the age of ten she’s taken away to Meteor City by her mother, Kikyo Zoldyck, unbeknownst to the rest of the family, as well as newborn Killua, and left to fend for herself. This is the story of the long-lost Zoldyck and those she becomes acquainted with, all while she just wants to have a little fun.
» part nine / ?
» pairing: eventually - chrollo x oc x feat. hisoka
» warnings: swearing, blood/violence, minor angst
» a/n: short chapter D:! edit: i’ve tried and tried but it just doesn’t flow right when i try to make this into an x reader:// HALF will be an oc fic and i’ve decided to cut the backstory here;( thanks for the love and support!
» word count: 2,494
☾ix. pt. ix: youth
3 months later
Loud, bass-bumping music and too many flashing lights fueled the exhilaration and excitement of one of the biggest night clubs in Yorknew City.
Sayomi had defeated her second opponent on the 200th floor with the help of Hisoka’s training earlier today, making this little outing a sad excuse for a celebration.
In reality, Hisoka just wanted to see whether Sayomi could dance or not.
He had insisted they go out and experience the nightlife the city had to offer, and with Sayomi still upbeat from her match, they found themselves sneaking into Octagon- a hip club located in the heart of Yorknew City.
Though technically Hisoka was 21 and therefore could have gone about this in an easier way, he insisted they sneak in ‘just for the fun of it’. The truth was that he’d been kicked out of the club previously after using his ‘magic tricks’ to make people’s arms disappear, but it made his intrusion all the more fun.
As Hisoka watched the floor from his spot at the bar with a drink held loosely in one hand, Sayomi was currently lost in a crowd of passionate clubbers, her violet eyes gleaming with the thrill of the environment.
The black and silver dress she wore highlighted her figure as well as electrifying eyes and hair, the metallic material dazzling under the club lights as she lost herself in the music and people.
She was letting herself go for the night like she often did on her chaotic trips to the city with Hisoka. Free from repressive parents or a fight for her life, Sayomi was at peace with her new life, expressing herself however she wanted to.
Draining the rest of his Cosmopolitan, Hisoka’s eyes shifted to the young assassin, his face remaining expressionless as he watched her draw a crowd with her alluring glow. 
He’d been staring so intensely he didn’t even notice a man take the seat next to him. The sound of the man’s voice established his presence, yet Hisoka’s line of sight ceased to drift from the girl with the bright silver hair.
“A stunner isn’t she?”
Hisoka blinked slowly, hardly registering the man’s words. A stunner indeed, but what more? “A pretty face doesn’t mean a pretty soul.”
The man laughed, setting his drink down on the bar to face Hisoka. “I take it she isn’t yours then? That’s a relief.”
Hisoka rested his chin in the palm of one of his finely manicured hands, his other tapping on the smooth surface of the bar impatiently. He couldn’t seem to figure out why his bloodlust was seeping through as he followed Sayomi with his eyes.
His? She could never belong to any man, she was her own person.
“Careful with your words there, I’d hate for them to be your last.” His words were venomous, filled with the intent to kill.
Hisoka’s nails had cut through the skin of his own cheek, his other hand clenched into a fist on the bar’s surface.
The man had shifted away from him, quietly taking his leave as he watched crimson seep down Hisoka’s pale fingers.
Over the past 3 months, he’d been able to fight her more than enough times, and now he no longer felt the same intoxicating feeling when he was with her. Sayomi never fought Hisoka to hurt him, only with the intentions of improving her own skills, which in turn left Hisoka aching for more.
However, as the days progressed he was slowly coming to the conclusion that the Zoldyck girl had an undeniable flaw. She doesn’t put up a fight when I’m with her.
He was losing interest in the girl who’d once swayed his unshakable feelings, and it distressed him that he almost felt bad for wanting to leave her behind.
His sharpened fingernails dug farther into the pale skin of his cheek as he watched Sayomi throw her slender arms around a man she’d only just met. 
She was laughing and smiling, her silky voice seeming to reach his ears through the music and cheers from where he sat. Loud and clear, the sound of her laughter rang through Hisoka’s head in an almost painful way.
She was becoming a weakness to the man who believed himself to be the strongest, and that didn’t sit right with him at all.
Sayomi wasn’t too sure of what exactly it was that she felt towards Hisoka.
When he took her to dinner with an amazing view or complimented her progress with training, she couldn’t tell whether it was her lack of social contact or actual feelings that led her heart to race when she saw his face.
It didn’t help that on some days she could notice the way his voice softened when he spoke to her, only to leave her heart stinging with his harsh words on other days.
He was taking mixed signals to the next level, playing with her feelings while he was trying to figure out his own.
It was selfish and cruel, falsely gaining the trust of someone who’d been through so much betrayal, all for his own entertainment.
But that was just who Hisoka was, he didn’t care for distractions or hindrances. And as fast as he’d first fallen for the young assassin, he was already in the process of making himself forget her.
He was moving on.
3 months later
It was the day after Sayomi’s 7th match on the 200th floor of Heaven’s Arena. She’d been scheduling her fights randomly, with no regard for who her opponents would be.
With 7 wins under her name, she only needed 3 more to challenge a floor master. 
However, with her longtime goal fast approaching, she wasn’t as happy as she thought she’d be.
It’d been about half a year since Sayomi had first met Hisoka, and all the excitement and jitters about spending time alone with a guy had died down. 
It’d also helped that for some reason Hisoka was rather occupied recently. He rarely took her out to the city, claiming he had other business to attend to, and when they did go out, he’d always turn in first mumbling that he was tired.
Sayomi was no fool, she knew that Hisoka was either losing interest in her as well or felt his job was almost through. To herself, she hoped that it was the former, for it would hurt less than to find out he’d only been around her for business purposes.
Regardless, Sayomi’s current situation was puzzling. She stood waiting for what seemed like forever in front of Hisoka’s room, ready to go out and train.
However, after knocking more than enough times and even calling his cell, there was no sign of her trainer. 
That’s odd.
Sayomi trained on her own that day, taking it upon herself to get strength training in at the gym.
It was the first time she’d spent an entire day without Hisoka since they’d started training. Deciding that he was out on his so-called ‘business’, Sayomi shrugged away his absence, going to sleep early for the first time in a while.
Yet, another day passed with no sign of the magician, and Sayomi began to grow concerned for his well-being. What if he was picked off by someone? No, he’s too strong to lose to anyone here… Did he pass out in his room?
Sayomi walked briskly to Hisoka’s room with a worried mind.
Once again there was no response to her knocking, and she decided she’d break into the room.
Using one of her longer needles, she picked the lock in no time, stepping into the unfamiliar room. 
It was empty. Only the faint smell of bubble gum and something sweet lingered in the abandoned room, the closet and space empty.
There was a note left on the cleanly made bed, the red ink standing out from the otherwise white sheets surrounding the note.
That lazy ass, of course he’d leave a note in his own room. 
Picking up the sheet, she read:
It’s about time you sneak into my room, I know you’ve thought about doing it before;) 
But jokes aside… 
I’m sorry, darling. 
It’s not like me to apologize(you can ask Kite)and that alone scared me, because I feel like you’ve changed me. Your smile and intoxicating eyes make me weak in the knees…
And I despise myself for it. 
I’m not sure why I’ve chosen to expose my faults to you, for that just makes you all the more dangerous to me.
But perhaps I want you to hold my weaknesses, and perhaps I’d like to see you come tear me apart. Yes, that must be it. 
I’ve departed Yorknew City to meet up with your twin brother, as it seems as though he’s been searching for you. And perhaps I should have taken him to you instead, but I’m not, because when the time is right I’d like you all to myself.
So don’t forgive me, Sayomi. Resent me, grow stronger, and when the time comes I’ll bring your brother back to you.
Ah, and there is one thing I’d always wanted to tell you… 
I always thought that you were most beautiful when you showed your true colors-
A cold-blooded, cold-hearted Zoldyck assassin with no regard for the pain and suffering of your victims.
Stop holding yourself back, people like us can be forgiven for our sins because of the hell we’ve been put through. 
A single tear rolled down Sayomi’s cheek. 
And that was all.
The flurry of sudden information rendered Sayomi breathless as she tried to make sense of his words.
This idiot really just admitted his feelings for me after all this time right when he decides to leave me here. Selfish bastard.
And he knows Illumi… but how? Illumi was looking for me? 
I have to become a floor master and get that clown to bring my brother back.
6 months later
Sayomi gazed out her window with a blank stare, 241 floors above the ground.
Just a week ago she’d claimed her spot on the 241st floor as the newest and youngest Floor Master at age 19.
She knew Hisoka would find out about her achievement soon, and all she could do now was wait.
Up until defeating and killing her last opponent, time had flown by easily. She was fueled by the goal of finding her brother and confronting Hisoka, but now that she was here, the loneliness began to sink in.
Kite and his student had taken off to another country in search of wildlife to study, leaving Sayomi all alone in Yorknew City.
She couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of her situation. Here she was at the top of the tallest building in Yorknew City, a place that others died trying to get to, yet she was unsatisfied.
Her face and name were plastered on billboards and posters all throughout the city, and citizens stood envious of the young teen’s life. She had enough money that she’d never have to work another day in her life, but in exchange she no longer had a family to accept her nor friends to laugh with.
Don’t feel sorry for yourself, there’s plenty of others that have it worse.
Sayomi sighed as she turned away from the window, grabbing her mask she’d started using as a floor master to attempt to conceal her identity. 
I won’t have challengers for another month or so… might as well hit the city.
Sayomi walked through the dark streets of Yorknew City, her hands clasped behind her head and her eyes vacant.
She didn’t have a destination in mind, just mindlessly strolling through the city covered with news of her promotion to Floor Master. There were citizens recognizing her as well, pointing and jumping back as if she were some monster.
Though she couldn’t blame them, as her nen happened to be on the disturbing side. The replays of her fights were mostly censored, deemed too inhumane for the public eye as they played on repeat on the sides of buildings,
She wasn’t too sure how far she’d walked, spotting Heaven’s Arena rather far in the distance behind her. The shops and glamorous hotels began to fade as she approached the run down parts of Yorknew City.
It was an abandoned lot of buildings, the ground littered with oil cans and shattered glass. In a way it was tranquil, free from angry drivers and the revolted gaze of commoners.
Walking through an opening in the wired fences that surrounded the lot, Sayomi wandered through a certain building that’d caught her eye.
She felt a faint aura coming from the abandoned office building, but oddly enough it wasn’t hostile or repelling. It was rather comforting.
Sayomi’s curiosity grew as the aura increased, drawing her towards the room located at the far end of the first floor.
She saw the man before she sensed him, his large coat catching her attention. His back was turned to her crouched down on the dusty floor, the windows adjacent to him shattered, letting the pale moonlight reflect off of his coat.
St. Peter’s cross. Interesting taste in fashion…
Another careless step closer and the man’s head turned abruptly in her direction. Sayomi had ducked behind a wall, but not fast enough.
The man stood from his spot, revealing a vibrant patch of violets by his feet. Upon his loss in concentration, the flowers wilted, withering back into the cluttered floor as if they’d never been there in the first place.
Sayomi could see the man’s face from where she crouched, hidden by a barely intact wall. Her heart skipped a beat upon meeting his eyes, deep gray and captivating as he easily identified her from her hiding spot.
It felt as if time was frozen in place, the young man staring intensely into Sayomi’s eyes as if he could read her mind. 
Sayomi was unmoving as well, having been caught examining his figure from behind the wall. He was by far the most appealing man she’d ever seen, his dark, raven hair slicked back to reveal a tattoo decorating the middle of his forehead, contrasting with his gentle eyes and youthful facial features. 
Handsome, she thought. 
The man took a slight step forward, snapping Sayomi out of his hypnotizing gaze as she sped off jumping through an empty window and out of the building. 
Though she was eager to know what he’d been doing with the flowers, his aura had changed when he’d noticed her watching. It had been dangerous and intense, a total opposite of his warm and placid one when dealing with the violets.
Her quick steps transitioned into a run, feeling the need to distance herself from the lingering intensity of the mysterious young man’s aura.
She ran back towards the towering building of Heaven’s Arena, not stopping her pace a bit until she was met with the familiar neon signs and billboards that surrounded the heart of Yorknew City.
Her dreams were taken over by the man’s captivating eyes that night. His familiar aura had seemed to beckon her to him, as if she’d known him for 100 years prior. 
But no matter how hard she thought that night, she couldn’t come up with an answer as to what he’d been doing with the violets conjured by his feet. 
In her dreams she saw her own eyes within the vibrant flowers, it was an abstract thought, though for a second she wondered if he had meant for her to see them. 
She quickly dismissed this, however, scoffing at the absurdity of her own thoughts. 
What am I, a child? I must be beyond lonely if I think some random guy has something to do with me.
Though deep down inside her heart, she wished it were true. To be fated to somebody, needed by somebody who she could trust with her darkest secrets and love.
to be continued.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Iron 7 (Peter Parker x F!Oc)
Words: 2, 323
Chapter 6
Post-credits scene (Iron man 1) / Chapter 8
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"It's unfair that I can't go," Lily complains, walking into the living room.
"You should get used to it," Jess says without taking her eyes off the television where they’re playing the replay of the grand opening of Stark Expo. "No one else can find out who your father is.”
Lily leans against the back of the chair where Jessica is.
“It’s unfair. My dad hasn't even said anything about going, lots of kids have fun there,” She sighs.
The screen highlights the dance of some women in small red shorts and tops, referring to the armor. And to Tony with a huge smile showing his great achievement.
"Even he has more fun than me,” She grimaces. "Although, I think he’s more cocky now than before…”
“Big word,” says Jess. "Stop complaining. Maybe one day, I can take you.”
"If your father lets us visit him for free, of course,” She turns to see her and smiles. “Now finish your homework.”
Lily returns to the table with all the homework that her math teacher left her after her private class. She expected to go to school like a normal girl, but Pepper and Tony insisted on hiring several teachers to visit her during the week. "We can't risk it," They said, much less when reporters and practically the whole world follows Tony in every move since he broke the news about the Iron Man.
She can’t complain, some subjects are fun and she advances very fast, if she were in a school, she wouldn't be able to do it. In addition to the private lessons she has some with Happy, she appreciates that too. It's fun to see Happy struggling to learn the subjects with her.
"Hey, Lily. You have to see this,” Jess says from the living room. Lily returns and this time sits on the couch to see her father in the Senate or the military committee. Obviously, television doesn't show everything, but enough to see that her father just makes fun of everyone, especially that businessman Justin Hammer.
"Very cocky.”
Both girls nod.
"And I also learned about worldwar-two, but Professor Edwards said it would take us longer to do our research because there is so much information," Lily informs walking next to Pepper.
"I'm glad you're enjoying your classes, honey," She says with a smile, but then sneezes.
"Are you sure you shouldn't be resting?" The worried girl asks.
"I'm fine, don’t worry.”
They both go down the stairs until they reach Tony's workshop. Pepper puts the combination and they enter. Lily, seeing Tony for the first time in a few weeks, runs towards him. Tony gets up from the chair and receives her with a hug, bending down to her height.
"You should also greet me this way, Pepper," Tony teases. Pepper rolls her eyes, but she can't help a smile at the cute image.
"Why didn't you wake me up when you arrived?" Lily asks as they part. She crosses her arms.
"I could hear your snoring outside,” He jokes. “No nightmares?"
"Didn’t have any this week.”
“Good, and enough waiting for me on the couch, last time you complained about back pain. Those complaints are not allowed until you’re fifty years old... or thirty, it depends,” He nods, ruffling the girl's hair making her laugh.
The moment ends when Pepper remembers why she was upset with Tony. Now they both walk around the workshop discussing things. Lily listens to them as she sits in the chair where Tony was. She frowns when she sees a brown box, but Pepper's comment distracts her.
"The Expo is a gigantic waste of time.”
“There’s nothing more important to me than the Expo,” answers Tony. “It’s my primary point of concern.”
"Hey!" Lily complains. “What about me? I’m your daughter! And you haven't taken me to Stark Expo yet, so unfair…” She says with a pout.
"What?" Tony says from the other side. “I'm sorry, kid. Grown ups talking here!" He answers by pretending not to have heard her.
Lily makes a face.
"The Expo is your ego gone crazy,” follows Pepper.
Lily stopped listening. Photos of boring cars on Tony's computers are more interesting than Pepper scolding her father. She only lifts her head when they return to the entrance. Tony trades a painting for an Iron Man painting. Then, suddenly, Tony appoints Pepper CEO of Stark Industries.
"Trying to figure out who a worthy successor would be,” says Tony over a few glasses of champagne, "and then I realized, well since she's only eight, she can't run a company,” He points out to the girl.
"Yet!" She yells from her place.
"It’s you. It's always been you.”
"I think I'm ready for that training," says Lily pulling the ropes of the ring in the middle of the room.
"Not yet, Smarty," Happy replies.
"But I'm eight now and I can outrun you.”
"Anyone can outrun Happy, kid," adds Tony.
"So why did you tell me to come if you won't let me train?"
“Watch us and learn.”
Lily makes a face. She’s getting tired of everyone forbidding her so many things.
It doesn't take long for Pepper to walk in asking Tony for a signature. Lily walks over to the white chair near Pepper. She sighs, she's about to complain to her, but the presence of another redhead interrupts her. She had never seen that woman and apparently she also distracts the two men.
"What’s your name, lady?" Tony asks
"Rushman. Natalie Rushman,” She introduces herself.
“Hi," greets Lily. Natalie looks at her with a smile.
"Wait, I thought no one should know about Stark Jr.'s existence,” Tony points out.
“She’s already signed a confidentiality contract. Don’t worry.”
Tony shrugs and invites Natalie into the ring. She obeys. Pepper sits on the couch next to Lily and Tony pulls her aside to sit on the same couch.
"Now she’ll be your assistant?" Lily asks. Pepper nods. “Wow, you used to be Tony's assistant, now you have one. I wish I had one,” She says.
"I want one of those too," says Tony. And with that, they argue again. Lily rolls her eyes, but something else interrupts her thoughts and the discussion.
Apparently Natalie is more than capable and better trained than Happy since she manages to throw him to the floor in one movement. The three of them get up from the couch.
"Happy," Pepper squeals.
Lily goes back up to the edge of the ring and smiles seeing how Happy gets up with difficulty. She raises her head to see Natalie.
"Cool! Can you teach me to do that?"
"Definitely not," Pepper and Nat say at the same time.
"Why not?" Lily frowns and steps out of the ring
The second redhead clears her throat, she puts on her shoes and talks to Tony about some documents. In the end, they finally finish the paperwork for Pepper to become CEO. Natalie leaves. Tony and Pepper start talking about a trip to Monaco.
"What? Are you going to travel again? You just arrived,” The girl complains, drawing their attention.
“It'll only be a couple of days, Lily," replies Pepper.
"That's what you always say.”
“Hey." says Tony. "It's a business trip, kid.”
"That too you always say,” She rolls her eyes. Pepper looks surprised, that's not how she used to act before. "Can I go this time? I can do my homework there.”
“Sorry, but no. Remember that you’re still a ghost." says Tony
She frowns.
"That's not fair. You always leave me here, I can't even go to a park and you don't let me accompany you, you’re hardly home anymore,” She says, raising her voice and causing a certain tingling to appear in her hands.
"Watch your tone, Lily,” says Tony starting to get annoyed. He looks down at the girl's clenched hands. "Turn that off, now.”
"Just this once, I promise to be good. If you want, I'll stay at the hotel,” She insists with a frustrated sigh. She opens her hands to avoid making a mess.
"I said no, young lady.”
"Lily Stark, I said no,” Tony ends with a firm voice.
The little girl clenches her teeth and runs out of the place before they can see her cry from anger.
"Huh, it brought out your moody side too, Tony," Happy says from across the room.
Stark sighs.
"I'll talk to her when we get back.”
Pepper feels guilty. Maybe they’d been more absent since Tony announced the identity of Iron Man and now it’ll be worse because of the new job. She wants to follow her, but she knows better to leave her alone for a moment.
"Hey, you broke your record," Jess says, handing a bottle to the girl, who gasps. She takes it and sits on the chair next to the girl.
It's been a couple of hours since Lily started running through the gated area of the Stark property.
"Can we do something else?" Lily asks.
Jess takes out the notebook where the itinerary is written.
"I suppose we can rest for a while," Jess replies, taking off her sunglasses.
"You didn't do anything, what are you going to rest from?" Lily says with a smile.
"I can't be in the sun that long, I want to be tanned, not burned.”
"If you say so.”
After the break, Lily continued with her task, finishing earlier that she is used to. The rest of the day, they both decided to just relax with some masks that Jess had brought.
"Why do they smell funny?" Lily asks feeling the texture of her mask.
"That's coconut, you'll get used to it,” answers Jess. “Afterwards we’ll paint our nails, we’ll watch romantic movies while we eat ice cream. It’ll be fun.”
"Why are we doing this?"
"It's what some girls are used to doing when they are alone or with their friends.”
Lily nods. "Why?"
Jess laughs. At this point she’s already used to the onslaught of questions that she sometimes receives.
“It's fun, it's also girls quality time, you know, they talk about handsome people, the boys they like from school. It’s a distraction that sometimes we need, even from parents.”
Lily frowns.
"Do you need a distraction from your parents?"
“Okay,” Jess gets comfortable on the bed to sit in front of the girl. “Many times, especially when you’re a teenager, you argue with your parents and it’s normal. That’s why it’s good to have friends with whom you can vent. Trust me, if I didn't have my friends, my relationship with my mother would be a disaster. But it's not a bad thing,” She clarifies when she sees Lily's grimace. "Parents also need to get away from their children a bit.”
"Is that why Tony travels a lot?"
"I don’t think so. He’s an important businessman and he just wants to take care of you, that's why you should stay here.”
"It's not fair,” She crosses her arms.
“Yes, you should get used to that too. When you’re older it’ll be a little easier.”
Lily's head fills with more questions.
“We're friends?”
"Of course.”
"Can I vent to you about my dad?" Jess laughs.
"Tell me everything.”
They both talk about many things and do girlish stuff. Lily learns a few things as Jess tells her about her life as a student and everything she does when she’s not taking care of her. At one point, she wishes she had that life, but, even if she could go to normal school, she couldn't have all of that, at least not like Jess.
Night comes, Jess sleeps in the guest room leaving Lily in her room. The great Stark mansion is completely silent, the nightmares that had not tormented the girl for several months return and this time, they’re worse.
She’s on the floor of an empty room, the four walls are completely white. She doesn't see anyone else, but she knows someone is watching her. She wants to ask for help, she wants to scream, but no matter how much she opens her mouth, nothing comes out of her. Her torso and arms are trapped with a straitjacket. She tries to get out of it, but everything is useless.
The tickling starts in her hands, but this time she’s not in control and quickly spreads throughout her body. She wants to burn the straitjacket, but in the dream it’s not possible.
The girl suddenly wakes up sitting on the mattress. She looks everywhere, but her mind is still in that empty room. She falls off her bed, but keeps moving until a wall stops her.
“Lily, it's okay! Quiet! You have to breathe…” Jess says in the dark.
“Don't!" screams Lily. Her chest rises and falls rapidly. "Please don't hurt me!” She sobs. “Please, please…”
"Lily, it's me!” The girl approaches the girl and touches her arm, but she removes it immediately when she feels the high temperature. Jess screams in fright, causing Lily to jump in place of her. "J.A.R.V.I.S, turn on the lights!” She orders and the AI obeys.
Lily blinks trying to focus her vision, when it happens, what she sees is another fear: Jess is in front of her looking at the blisters on her hand.
She had done that. Lily burned Jess.
Memories of when this happened with her mother come to her mind, causing her panic to escalate.
She doesn't hesitate twice to leave the room, ignoring Jessica's calls. She runs through the house, down the stairs and to the workshop. J.A.R.V.I.S lets her in and sets the code so that no one else could enter. Finally, Lily goes to one of Tony's cars and hides underneath it. She bends her legs and hugs them to her chest. The only thing that can be heard in the workshop are the uncontrollable sobs of the girl.
If your username is crossed out it’s because Tumblr didn’t let me tag you, sorry. If you want to be removed from the taglist, you can tell us, we also make mistakes, lol
@stardusthigh​   @silenthappyplace​ @yourbonesareinmybody​​  @aylauwuuniverse @tyb1​ @skittles-skittles​ @hufflepuffzutara​​   @poetryislife0715 @21bruhs​​  
@heavenlymistakes @lauramacch​  @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual
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quinttyz · 4 years
Scenes Between Akane and Sebastian
A/N: still can't draw bc of my carpal tunnel so here are some scenes I made between my farmer oc and everyone's fave emo boi Seb during their first days!! Also I attached a pic of how Akane would look like (made in picrew bc I still can't draw!!)
The first time Akane met Sebastian was on a rainy night. Akane was still new to Pelican Town and Sebastian was just returning from the beach. She was running around in the rain and got lost, bumping into Sebastian. He immediately knows she's the new girl everyone's been talking about but hurriedly says his apologies and left, leaving Akane confused and intrigued
Sebastian didn't like Akane at first because he thought she was just another foolish goody-two shoes. Sam likes Akane and even develops a small crush on her.
"Hey man, Akane is cute huh?"
Oh what?" Sebastian says, "I don't really care," he adds, focusing his attention on his cellphone.
Sam laughs, "Good, because she's my girl!" he says jokingly .
"Whatever dude, she's all yours."
When she first gave him a gift, he was flabbergasted. So surprised to the point he only let out a whisper of thanks. Akane barely heard and took this as a bad sign and apologizes. Before Sebastian can stop her, she turns his back to him and leaves, saying a polite goodbye. Things get really awkward between them
The next time they met, it was by the docks on the beach. It was another rainy evening. Sebastian was there first but Akane stood right next to him with her fishing pole.
"The ocean is best enjoyed alone ...don't you think?"
Akane gives him a gentle smile, "Don't worry, you won't hear a peep from me."
Sebastian huffs. The thunder and rain grew louder and stronger
Sebastian looks over at her. She was shivering. He sighs and holds his umbrella for her.
"Get under here. I'm not gonna drag you to the clinic."
During the Flower Dance Festival, Akane asked Sebastian if she could dance with him but he immediately turned her down, saying that he doesn't dance. When Akane was whisked away by the other bachelors to dance, Sebastian felt a weird sensation in his heart. After the dances were over and people started to go home, he heads over to where Akane is
"Hey, will you honor me of a dance?" he asks, trying not to stutter.
"Oh what? I thought you didn't like dancing?" Akane replies, confused.
He smiles meekly, " Well, there's always a first of everything."
Akane grins and takes his offered hand, "Show me your dance moves, Sebastian!"
This was so fun to do!!! I really loved imagining scenes between my character and Sebastian in Stardew Valley HAHA feel free to insert your own characters! might do a part two! 🐸
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pinballwitxh · 4 years
get down tonight - imagine - steven hyde x oc
Get Down Tonight, KC and the Sunshine Band
summary: after accidentally slamming a door into steven hyde’s face, a fellow classmate catches his interest and he pays her a late-night visit.
warnings: drug usage and cursing
a/n: I am so glad I am writing one for Hyde, my favorite character of that 70′s show!!!  also I know all the stoner terms since I myself am a hardcore stoner.  so this was an absolute blast to write!  enjoy y’all!  there will definitely be more to this, I may make it a small series of stories with this same character and their storyline.
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She could see him across the dance-floor, dark and brooding yet somehow still as handsome as ever.  She rolled her eyes and turned back to talk to her friends.  Somehow she was angry at him for being so cool but so bad. 
Steven Hyde always made her furious, especially at school.
When he wasn’t getting away with skipping school or sneaking out at night, he took the punishments without a care in the world, and continued to act so stupid.  He never got in the trouble he deserved.  
“Look at that burnout, always frowning.” one of her friends scoffed.
She nodded, “It annoys me.”
“Did you see him dancing with Donna Pinciotti earlier?  Clearly she had no interest, don’t blame her.” another friend said while sipping on a water. She glanced back to the wall he was leaning against, still in the same position with the same look.
Around them couples were pouring out onto the floor.  The girl sighed when she turned back to find her friends gone.  With a huff she stood and knocked her chair over.  The disco was supposed to be the most fun place around, a place where you could find friends and a partner to dance with.
She was expecting to waltz in and find a gentlemanly boyfriend, actually.
The bathroom was empty when she slammed the door open.  For a few minutes she stood in front of the mirror examining her makeup and tightly curled hair.  She frowned to herself and thought to herself, why does no one pick me?
After giving herself a quiet reassurance she left for the exit and was surprised to hear a thud on the other side of the door when she opened it.  She sucked in a sharp breath and peered around the frame and gasped quietly.
Steven Hyde was laying on the floor with a hand to his nose, groaning just the tiniest bit.  
She stuck a hand out, took it back, stuck it out, and finally held it back to herself with a wince.  If she left before he sat up she would be in the clear, she could pretend like she hadn’t just rammed a door into his scruffy face.
She turned on her heel and began to walk away quickly but quietly, wincing at the tone of his voice when he called out, “What the hell, man?  I can hear you walking away so don’t even think about walking away,”
Dead in her tracks, she took a deep breath and turned back to face him.
“Sorry, sorry, I thought-”
“Thought you could get away?  Yeah, I saw you.” he growled as he sat up slowly with his hand still gloved over his nose, “You know hit-and-runs are illegal?”
A small smile threaten to pull at her lips but she held back, leaning down to offer him a hand.
“I said I was sorry, let me help you up,” she insisted.
Steven sighed and took her hand tightly, allowing her to help him stand.  Dizziness took over upon standing up so quickly and he screwed his eyes shut, “What does a guy have to do to get a drink around here?”
“Wouldn’t know, don’t drink really.” she said as wiped her palm on the side of her dress.
Steven scoffed, “Why am I not surprised you don’t?” he smirked.
She frowned and crossed her arms, “What does that means?”
He shook his head, “I see the way you and your posse look at me.  It doesn’t make me feel any worse about myself, ya know?  My mother already does a great job at that,”
He watched her eyes flick to the ground, a telltale sign he had gotten his point across and that he’d probably made himself look even more like a delinquent.  With a sigh he shoved his hands into his pockets, “Don’t you have a group to get back to and gossip with?”
She laughed, “They left me for the dance-floor.”
Steven nodded, “Ah, yes.  Mine as well. . .”
For a moment it was quiet and awkward between the two.  The sound of the deep bass of disco thrummed in the air and she could feel the vibrations in her bell-bottoms.
“Wanna get outta here and smoke some Mary Jane?”
“Are you INSANE?” she shrieked, earning a shushing from Steven.
“No, I’m not, and I think you’d be a little more sane if you smoked some with me.” he smirked, “I see you at school sometimes, you’re way uptight.”
She shook her head, “I don’t really know who you think I am or what I do, but that is not it.”
Steven raised his hands in defense, “I get it, I get it, just thought I’d offer since I have some to share.  Spread the love, y’know?”
“Sure, spread the love.  That’s very kind of you,” she said.
The song ended and she could hear her friends calling her name amongst the crowd.   She turned back to Steven and crossed her arms, “Well, I’m sorry I slammed a door in your face.  I hope your night gets better,” she said quietly.
Steven shoved his hands back into his pockets with a shrug, “Yeah, you too or, whatever.”
- - -
It was 11:00PM and her eyes would not stay shut.  Her brain wouldn’t power down, either.  Sleep seemed to be a distant dream for now.  With a sigh she reached over and turned her lamp back on and opened one of the books by her bed.
Not five minutes later she could hear a faint tapping her bedroom window.  The curtains were pulled over and she was not going to check who it was.  Probably one of the Kelso brothers trying to bother her as they did once in a while.
The tapping stopped for a minute and she settled back under the covers and returned to her book.
Boom boom boom.
“Hey goody-goody, wanna see how my nose looks now?”
She jumped at the voice and set her book down momentarily to sit in surprise.  Was Steven Hyde at her window?
“I don’t have all night, I can see your light is on, too.”
She scrambled out of bed and through a sweatshirt on before drawing the curtains and pulling up the blinds.  There stood Steven Hyde in full-smirk glory, leaning on her windowsill.  She winced at his bruising eye and nose, apologizing once more to him and he merely waved it off, “Makes me look tough.”
She opened the window and placed a hand at her hip, “What are you doing here?  How do you know where I live?” she questioned angrily.
Steven shrugged, “Not that hard to look up an address.  Plus I was bored, couldn’t sleep.  Looks like we’ve got the same issue,” he grinned.
She crossed her arms, “Well I’m not letting you in here, I know what this means.  Kelso’s tried it thousands of times-”
“First off, I’m not Kelso.  Second, you don’t have to let me in.  I’m fine standin’ out here by myself.  And third,” he paused to reach into his jacket pocket and pulled out a freshly rolled joint, “Sometimes smoking alone isn’t all that fun.”
“What about that group you’re always with, Eric Forman? Kelso, that foreign kid?  And Donna Pinciotii. . .why don’t you go smoke with them?”
“Already did.”
“Well go do it again,”
“Nah, it was getting boring.  Plus, it’s hard to talk over Jackie Burkhart’s constant whining and her lips all over Kelso’s.”
The girl nodded silently and looked away, “Well I’m not gonna smoke it.”
“Fine, more for me.” he said as he pulled a lighter from his pocket, “D’ya mind?”
She looked behind her and made sure the door was locked before giving him the okay.  He grinned at her approval and brought the lighter up to his face, holding the finely rolled joint between his lips.  
Which she was currently staring at and couldn’t seem to tear her eyes from.
The smell hit her first and she recoiled, “Why does it smell like a skunk?”
Steven laughed and took a drag, “I love it.”
“How could you smoke something that smells like that?” 
He shrugged his shoulders, “I guess you just get used to it, you learn to appreciate it the more you smoke.  You can smell the nature in it, y’know?  It’s a flower anyways, it’s got a sort-of earthy smell to it before you light up.”
She laughed, “You really are a stoner like they say,”
“What else do they say?” he asked, leaning closer to her from the windowsill.
She looked away, “A lot of things. . .”
“I’ve got all the time right now, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that,” she pointed at him, “Besides, none of it’s really nice anyways.”
“You think I care what a bunch of school girls think about me?” he said defensively, “I can assure you I have been called worse.”
“Don’t say that-”
“Why, cause it makes you uncomfortable to hear about how shitty my life is compared to yours?”
“No,” she said firmly, glaring at him.
He scoffed, “Okay, I’ll spare you the sob story then.”
“Why are you here, Steven?”
“Oh god don’t call me that, please.  Just call me Hyde, everyone else does.”
“Alright then, Hyde, why are you here smoking a joint at my window?” she asked as she stepped closer, arms still crossed over her chest.
He took another long drag and looked away for a minute, letting the wind carry the smoke from his lips in beautiful swirls and ripples.  She wondered for a moment if he could blow smoke rings, and how cool that would actually kinda be.
“To tell you the truth I don’t really know, but part of me wants to corrupt that good girl inside of you-”
“Gross, that is so typical!  All boys want is-”
“I’m not Kelso, remember?  And I don’t mean it in that way. . .at least not yet,” he waggled his eyebrows, “I just think you’re an interesting person, is that such a crime?”
She shook her head, “No, it isn’t.”
“Maybe I just wanna show you I’m not the guy your friends think I am.” he said quietly, looking away to take another puff.
For a few more minutes he sucked on his joint while she watched and awkwardly shifted her weight on her legs.  He was making her feel so guilty and she figured it was his intention.  One more time he offered her the joint and she passed, he simply shrugged his shoulders again and finished it.
He bent down to put out the smoking joint and stashed the roach in his pocket, “Don’t worry, I wont leave any evidence that I’ve been here,”
“Well, thank you for the conversation but I should be going to bed.”
Steven rubbed his hands together and smiled, “Alright, I’ll see ya tomorrow at the same time.”
He left before she could question his statement. 
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usaginotwst · 4 years
The Best Things Happen While You’re Dancing | Jamil Viper
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Pairing: Jamil x OC
Words: 1976
Rating: G - General
you can also read it on AO3! 
Boisterous music filled the air in the gymnasium and reverberated off the walls. A distinct beat and record scratch caught Adele’s ear as she entered through the large, heavy doors. The familiar plastic smell of sports equipment and sweat welcomed her like an awkward acquaintance.
“Hip hop?” Grim seemed to scrunch up his little nose in question from his perch on her shoulder as they neared the court.
“Maybe a warmup?” Adele shared thoughtfully as she spotted the basketball club towards the middle of the floor. Though…they didn’t look like they were playing their sport.
Jamil’s body popped on beat in a hypnotic, almost robotic fashion before he stopped, wiped the sweat from his brow and motioned for Ace and Floyd. “So, if you just trust yourself and plant your feet, you won’t fall.”
All 6 feet and 2 inches of Floyd attempted to follow Jamil’s instructions, his body missing the timing just so. He landed, popping and locking his body the way Jamil showed him, but only laughed as he started to stumble. Ace stood by and continued to watch as he chugged from a water bottle. His eyes drifted across the empty gymnasium until he spotted Adele.
“Oi, space case!” Ace called her over. She waved and began her approach. “What’re you doing here?”
Adele blinked once and then twice before she remembered the book she clutched to her chest. Extending her arm, she offered it. “You left your textbook at Ramshackle.”
“Oh shit,” Ace took it from her and sighed with relief. “I actually need this for next period, thanks. Trein would’ve totally chewed me out.”
“Rainbowfish!” Floyd called, running full speed towards the two and shoving Ace to the side in his pursuit. Grim got out of dodge as fast as he could, the flames of his ears rising as he all but hissed at the sudden intrusion. Grim quickly climbed to the top of a stack of workout mats and curled up, muttered in annoyance.
Slick with sweat, Floyd wrapped both arms around Adele and brought her to his chest. She grimaced at the feeling of sweat through the fabric of her blouse and the twang of the stink of teenage boy engulfing her.
“Please, Floyd,” a light laugh left her lips, “you’re drenched!”
“Aww, c’mon~!” Floyd whined. He started to sway them both back and forth. Ace simply laughed at her, showing no signs of helping.
“Gross,” Jamil sighed. At least he was bothering her instead of him for the moment.
Waving him off, Floyd rested his chin atop her dark hair. “Sea Snake is teaching us how to dance like him today!”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Adele beamed at the Scarabia vice dorm head from under Floyd’s chin. “I had no idea you were such a great dancer, Jamil!”
“Yes well.” Heat tinted Jamil’s cheeks and ears. “We can’t break dance or play basketball if you’re holding onto Adele, Floyd. I guess we’re done for today.”
“You’re no fun.” Floyd huffed and spun Adele out of his arms. Dizzily, she stumbled into Ace, who righted her with a light slap on her back.
“Say, Rainbowfish,” Floyd turned his intense gaze on her once more. “You’re a good dancer too, why don’t you show us that dance that you were trying to teach me the other day at the lounge?”
Adele’s eyebrows knitted together in remembrance before the thought came back. “Oh, well, I don’t exactly have any tap shoes, Floyd, I can’t-,”
“No, no, the other one!” Floyd waved her on, bordering irritation that she was being so dense.
“Well, I’d need a partner.”
“Okay so take Sea Snake,” Floyd pushed the shorter teen towards her. He stumbled forward with a harsh look in his eyes.
“What?” Jamil looked back at him and shook his head. “I don’t know what dance she’s talking about and -,”
“C’mon, Sea Snake, it’ll be fun!” Floyd whined.
Adele offered Jamil a smile and her hand. “Come to think of it, I haven’t had a good partner in ages.”
“Besides, it’s something Kalim can’t do.” Ace’s knowing smirk kicked Jamil’s pride.
Kalim could dance, sure, but the merchant’s prodigal son’s knowledge didn’t extend far. This would be another addition to the myriad skills Jamil possessed that surpass Kalim’s. So, with a smirk of his own Jamil agreed. In one swift movement, he gently took Adele’s outstretched hand and his spot on the gym-turned-dancefloor.
“You’ll need to stay on the balls of your feet,” Adele explained, gently counting as she began to move. She counted her tah-ri-ple steps in time as the balls of her feet squeaked against the polished grain of the gym floor.
Step by slow step Jamil followed Adele’s directions, noting the way she twisted and turned. Her skirt flounced and lifted as she spun, drawing his eye to the slope of her long legs as she showed him a particular move.
“Jamil?” Her soft voice brought him out of his reverie to lock eyes with her. The slight chill of embarrassment twinged his gut as he waved her away. She nodded with a gentle smile and began to move again, counting her steps lightly. Mentally checking himself, Jamil’s eyes darted back to the movement of her feet.
After a quick water break and a refresher, Ace found a song with similar enough cadence and rhythm to the ones from Adele’s world. Adele’s heart constricted in her chest at the memory of all the songs she would possibly never hear again.
“Alright, you’ve got the moves and the music, let’s go!” Floyd called from the sidelines, shaking her from her trance. Jamil stood in front of her, his face unreadable as he went over the steps in his head.
“Don’t think too much about it, just feel the music,” She offers as they joined hands and the music started. Using her weight as leverage, he leaned back and they both began to move their feet this way and that in time to the upbeat tune playing from Ace’s speakers.
It was awkward and slow at first, Jamil being so used to the heavy weight in his heels required to move his body the way he normally did, but soon he could see how Adele had been right. The music spurred his movements on, suddenly feeling light on his feet as they came up to tempo.
Once he was comfortable enough to trust his feet not to get away from him, Jamil spared a glance at his dance partner. A smile graced her features as she lolled her head back and relished in the music. Her usual headband had fallen from its perch, forgotten somewhere on the ground around them. Jamil watched as she kicked her legs on time and twisted to the beat. A carefree laugh ripped from Adele’s throat, a raucous, extremely teenaged sound that was foreign to Jamil and their audience. It was as if she had been born to dance like this.
Suddenly her head snapped back up, her violet eyes glittering with mirth, “Do you want to try a spin now?” She asked.
Jamil nodded as if compelled by the eager flush on her face. However ready Jamil thought he was, it took him by surprise as she gently pulled him in closer by their conjoined hands and spun him around. A deep red flush dusted his cheeks, and a shiver ran up his spin as her hands ghosted the ridges of his shoulder blades.
Carmine eyes met lavender as she twirled around him. Weaving in and out of his arms, leaving him hot and cold with her touch, Adele conducted magic in time with the downbeat. His skin tingled where her featherlight fingertips grazed him and he very quickly decided that partner dancing was something he could get used to.
Lost in their own little world, the dance continued until the song ended. Both panting from exertion, Adele and Jamil never broke eye contact. They both began at the same time, speaking over one another.
“That was-,”
“That was incredible!” Adele gushed, grabbing the sides of her skirt and pulling it up as she recreated a movement. “When you did this with your feet, that was amazing, Jamil! I didn’t teach you that!”
“Well, I just…felt the music.” He shrugged, trying to avoid her adoring gaze.
“I’ve never had a dance partner like you before!” Adele beamed at him and Jamil stood up a bit straighter at the compliment.
“Thank you. It was fun.” He offered and risked meeting her eyes. Once again, he was captivated by the life inside that was never apparent until now. Curiosity and tenderness, though he’d never admit it, lead his gaze to linger longer than was appropriate.
“Gross, break it up.” Ace came up, throwing towels at each of them to wipe the sweat quickly cooling from their brows. He offered Adele her headband with an incredulous expression. She had never looked at Deuce or him like that, and they were her best friends!
What gives? Ace thinks in annoyance.
“So, it goes like this?” Floyd caught Adele’s attention from Ace and tried to mimic her previous movements. She nodded along in time to his feet with a smile.
“You’re doing great,” She encouraged him while clapping along. “Would you care to be my partner next time, Floyd?”
“Why wait?” Floyd moved to scoop her off of her feet, but Ace had the tail of his shirt in a vice grip, stopping the older teen just short of reaching her.
“C’mon, we gotta cleanup so we can get to class on time.” Ace spoke with a sour tone.
“There’s always next time, Floyd!” Adele assured him. Ace tsked and tossed another towel her way, covering her head.
“Go take a shower before you stink up your potions class!” He stuck his tongue out at her and she laughed as she removed the towel, and the world came back into view.
“Alright, alright, I’m going.” She shook her head good-naturedly. Ace headed towards the locker room with Floyd bounding after him after shooting her a toothy smile and a wave, leaving her alone with Jamil.
Before she could leave, Jamil spoke up.
“Thank you for teaching me today.” His voice was even as he spoke. If she hadn’t just been dancing with him, Adele wouldn’t have believed he had just exerted any effort at all. A small smile graced his lips, lighting up his face. “It was nice learning something new.”
“You really like to dance, don’t you?” She asked fondly.
Jamil hadn’t thought too much of the reason, but somewhere along his childhood, dancing had become his release. Frustration at his position, anger at Kalim, and everything in between could be solved by moving his body in time to the beat of some song on the radio. The feeling of his muscles straining under him as he pushed himself to the limit every time kept him coming back like an addict.
As his eyes drifted over her face, he took in her dark bangs matted to her face with sweat, her lips parted just so with the rise and fall of her chest as she worked on regulating her breathing. The image burned itself onto his eyes and he blinked a couple of times to shake himself free.
“Yeah.” He replied lamely.
“I do too,” She beamed at him. “You know, a famous author from my world once wrote, ‘To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.’”
Jamil’s heart thudded so loudly in his chest that he worried she’d be able to hear it as she scooped up the sleeping Grim and said her goodbyes. He groaned and brought the heels of his palms to his eyes. He rubbed profusely and sighed. This was just another feeling he would have to sort out through his usual, rhythmic coping mechanism.
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kkulmoon · 5 years
SUGAR & SALT |”In the winter things brew”(1)
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— pairings: a friend of a friend/ rich boy!kim taehyung x baker!reader (f) + park jimin x named OC & kim seokjin x named OC
(appearances by other idols, to be announced when appropriate)
— genre: angst (?), romance, smut (later chapters), slow burn, fluff (occasional)
— word count : 5,197 words
— warnings/content: enemies to lovers (?), slice of life, unrequited love, discrimination (later on), religion (writing about very lightly, so some may take offence), countryside-ish au,
— synopsis: You're a small town baker, whose business is on the line following questionable decisions made by your town's political board. You decide to take action in order to salvage your reputation as the town's favourite baker. 
What you didn't expect was to fight for your precious secular life that keeps being invaded by the best friend of the owner of your rivalling bakery, Taehyung. He also happens to be the one in charge of your lack sugar, due to a minor (depending on the point of view) mistake, though he's known as quite the conscientious count.
You're a baker.
A bad one, it seems. Even with Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin and Ada, the finest products and tools at your disposal, you seem to cook up a disappointing dish. So whose fault is it really?
☁︎ next chapter ☁︎
☁︎ masterlist ☁︎
You and your roommate, Ada, just arrived at the ski resort. Scraping sounds resound as you drag your luggages and clump them by your respective beds. It's now officially year seven of "Vacation for those with low earning reports", which meant visiting your local (almost) ski resort in Punniton for the seventh year in a row. The first one happened back in your first year of high school after you wanted to feel independent which lead you to meet your best friend, Ada, and planning what turned out to be the most unplanned trip of your life but you still made it. You managed to go and come back and that's what counted.
"Soooo I want to go and check the slopes but I know how you much you like your afternoon nap, so I'll leave you to it." Ada says riffling through her bag for her skiing pants.
You just hum in response, already liking the firmness of the mattress. Though it has been seven years in a row, going to the same resort every winter break, you still adopted your same mundane routine. You change into a cosy fit, and make your way to the lobby to take a look at the restaurant. While you did like skiing, you particularly liked food, so to you, bad food meant a bad vacation. You make a quick beeline for the pastry section and let your eyes get inspired by the plethora of new-age and classic pastries. One of the other reasons you visited the resort each year was to scout any new pastries that you could debut back at home, in the bakery. Punniton's ski resort was known for providing a variety of pastries for its international guests.
So yes, while you did go for skiing the first two years, the remaining five where simply to spark your creative juices in the kitchen, but that's something only you needed to know. Looking at the display had your mouth watering like a Pavlovian dog. One piece before your nap wouldn't hurt, right?
"Could I have a-" you say.
"Could I have a-" another voice echos beside you.
You turn to your side.
"Oh!" the more than familiar male exclaims.
"Woahhhh, Jimin?! like for real, THE Park Jimin!" You lunge at him, wrapping your arms around him.
You feel the vibrations from his chest as his laugh fills your ears. You take a step back, making a thorough examination of your more than dazzling former high school dance partner. You're happy to see that not much has changed, at least not on the outside but he seems to carry an even brighter aura around him.
"Hmmm yeah, it's just me," he says sporting his smug face, one that has had you cheesing ever since you met him for the first time in tenth grade.
His eyes soften and performer Jimin takes the backseat as he asks, "How have you been? It's been a hot minute."
You think back to your high school days and remember Park Jimin before he became Park Jimin. He would squeeze in dance practice before classes started. His weekends were spend in one room, the kind with mirrors and his eyes where always set, burning with passion to make it.  With your unassuming character you genuinely thought that someone so ambitious would end up corrupted. You couldn't have been more wrong. Jimin had made it, he was standing right in front of you and it felt like you just left dance practice back in high school and you were on your way to get a bite.
"Good, thanks! But I am feeling a lot better now," you can't help the smile that is plastered on your face, Jimin has always had that effect. "I am still working at the bakery..." you glance at him and you are happy to see that his interest hasn't flattered unlike others, "and I'm head chef now and get to choose what the bakery sells!"
"That's nice to hear Y/N," Jimin says taking an apprehensive look at Y/N.
While Y/N was never one to dream, she still had hopes and fantasies. Something she never knew that Jimin was aware of . Back in twelfth grade, before graduation, Jimin accidentally came across Y/N's recipe log for the bakery. Between the ending pages she had sketched a drawing for a shop sign, specifically a sign for a bakery , on it written "Sugar".
Jimin sighs, shakes his head and asks, "Anyways, to what do I owe the pleasure?" You simply smirk at him.
"No way! You are still doing that???" You nod. "With Ada?" You nod harder as your eyes crinkles.
"I don't know whether to find that sad or cute," Jimin says to which you swat his arm repeatedly as  you glare at him.
"Ohhh I see, just cause you became a big city dancer, now you're too good for our cheap breaks, uh?" You stare at him questioningly. Jimin is just about to answer as you raise your hand," Let me just remind you, Mister Park, that you were a part of this the first three years."
Jimin simply answers, "A very proud participant at that," and now it's your turn to look at him with soft eyes.
You look back at the cashier by the counter, " Could I have two slices of the Banoffee pie, please?" You and Jimin glance at each other .
Back when it was the three of you (Ada, Jimin and you), the first food you ate together at the resort was always Banoffee pie. This happened after you found out you all had a bit of an obsession with cream.
Jimin forcibly pays for the pies as you look for a place for the two of you. While Jimin goes to the bathroom and to fetch the cutlery, you sneak a message to Ada.
[17:15] guess who I just bumped into?
[17:16]  sweetie 💖really, you know I don't like guessing games ?
[17:17] you don't, expect when it comes to _______ ?
[17:18]  sweetie 💖To who?????
[17:19] you're no fun :(
[17.20]Here are some hints: dance, blonde, high school 👀?
[17:21]  sweetie 💖Haha, very funny 🖕🏻, but I told you I was over it, it has been like 4 years christ 🙄
[17.23] You known what, whatever 😑 first don't use the Lord's name in vain and second I'll cut to the chase, Jimin, the one who you have had a crush on for almost a decade / our high school friend is here... we're in the lounge area by the restaurant eating banoffee pie, so if you want to join in on an old tradition please do pass by, Miss "I'm in Denial" 😘
Jimin sits down across from you. You talk about his time in the big city, about getting to dance for a living. The more you talk about it the wider his smile gets and the brighter his aura shines. While your modest self can't comprehend the allure of such a lifestyle, you can understand Jimin, and what his dreams mean to him. That's enough for you to mimic his smile.
Just as you and Jimin are about to part ways, you see the familiar bounce of a black bone straight bob heading your way. As you are about to call out Ada's name, Jimin turns his head at the rustling sound of Ada's skiing pants. Now it's your turn to take the backseat. The atmosphere turns silent and calm. The closer Ada gets the stronger her deep breaths resound. You wonder if she is out of breath from seeing Jimin or from rushing to the restaurant to eat some pie. Her trailing eyes gives you the answer.
"Hey," Jimin cuts through the silent with a small wave and a comforting smile.
"Hey!" Ada responds in an overly cheery voice, black hair strands sticking to her forehead.
 I told you I wasn't lying," you snap your fingers motioning at Jimin standing by your side.
"I see..." she mumbles while fumbling with the straps of her skiing overalls.
"Are you guys just going to stand there like you don't know each other," you comment and they glare at you.
"What!? you make it seem like you hated each other... I mean the least you could do is like hug or something," you add pursing your lips.
Ada looks at you and her face flinches which means she is suppressing her "Really!?" face. You simply shake your head at her with widened eyes and try your best to suppress a smile.
Jimin takes the first step, contradicting his past behaviour. While Ada is looking for a way to reassure him that he doesn't have to do it and that you are just messing with them, Jimin takes another step, more than he has ever taken. Ada's past betrayals keep her rooted where she stands. Just like a bride, Jimin takes the last steps towards Ada, looks at her, smiles at her and finally sees her for the second time, except this may as well be the first. Ada's arms let go of her strap to smoothen her overall, because now Jimin is looking at her. They stare and end up smiling at each other. As cute at this is, you're growing impatient so you give Jimin a little push. As they engulf one another, it's finally time for all three of you to exhale in unison.
Jimin lets go of Ada to brush his hand through his hair while Ada moistens her lips. He reaches back for a bag beside his chair and extends it to Ada.
"I didn't know Y/N told you I was were. I was planning on giving it to you later. But you're here now so... yeah..."
Ada takes the bag, peaks inside with a nose scrunching smile.
"It's tradition, and traditions should be kept, right?" Jimin questions and Ada's smile flattens a bit.
She sighs and says, "Some traditions are meant to be broken." Ada stares right at Jimin, hoping this time around he understands her.
Inside the bag was a carefully packed slice of banoffee pie.
A couple of days pass by. You and Ada hit the slopes everyday after your collective morning walks. The two of you soak up the festive spirit of the resort. Christmas is a week away, which means that work is slowly but steadily creeping  back into your conscience. But for now, you choose to appease yourself with copious amounts of  marshmallow filled hot chocolate and the resort's exquisite selection of pastries.
Today is no different, with your hot chocolate in one hand, you point eagerly at the Yule Log Cake that wasn't there yesterday. The cashier shakes her head at you while cutting into the cake. You sit by the table you and Jimin shared on your first day and indulge in the delicacy in front of you . You're in such as trans that you don't hear Ada creeping close to you.
"Wahhhh!" she screams as she shakes your shoulder. Your cutlery clings as it hits the floor and you involuntarily spit some hot chocolate onto the table. In your moment of distress Ada takes the opportunity to steal a bite of your cake. You put on your blank look and stare at her dumbfounded. She takes a short look at you, smiles and takes a seat across from you.
"Soooo... I know we didn't plan to do anything this afternoon but Jimin hit me up and said that there was a bus from here that would take us to the ice skating rink." She checks if you're doing fine now and resumes, "You know it would be just like our first trip, tradition and all."
"I thought you wanted to break traditions," you say and it comes out more harshly than you intended it to.
Ada rolls her eyes, "Yes, but I was only referring to some not all," and now it's your turn to roll your eyes at her.
"Anyways do you want to come or no?"
"No." you say and Ada ticks her head to the side surprised.
"Well, that doesn't matter, this is my payback for the Jimin stunt you pulled. Here's your ticket. If you don't show up I will expect a refund by the end of the day," she says slapping the ticket onto your right palm.
Ada stands up to leave, as she's walking you shout, " Don't act like you didn't like it," you scoff, how ungrateful can one actually be.
You take a look at the ticket and cringe at the greyish hue on your hands. The only downside of winter. You basically need to lotion up every three hours. You hurriedly devour the rest of your cake and rush to your room to change.
Everyone is already seated on the bus when you arrive, panting  from your little 'run'. You take it as a sign to go easy with the cakes. Your eyes skim the seats, the bus is narrow and hot, and you feel both happy and betrayed when you see Ada sitting with Jimin near the back of the bus. You walk towards them sporting an exaggerated fake smile .
"Hey Y/N!" Jimin says while glancing between you and Ada, checking if the current situation is okay.
You nod reassuringly. To that Jimin points at a mop of wavy black hair infront of him.
"This is my friend Taehyung, he's staying with me at the resort." At that you and Taehyung glance at each to other and exchange courteous and straight smiles.
Taehyung is focused on typing on his phone and you aren't interested enough to reprimand him for using it in a phone free zone. To combat the everlasting presence of smartphones in our modern day to day life, Punniton's Ski Resort decided to place certain phone free zones. It seemed people liked the idea enough since no one has yet to complain. Taehyung however doesn't fit into people. This is something you would come to realize the more you got to know him.
You glance at Jimin with a questioning look and he makes a head motion towards the seat beside Taehyung. You keep bickering back and forth about where you should sit that Taehyung ends up stealing a quick glance at you, but this time he gives you an actual genuine smile, though there's still no teeth. Feeling rude and defeated, you sit yourself down next to him. You try your best to properly fit into the bus seat but your winter jacket, which is slightly too big because you couldn't afford the better model in your size, keeps getting in the way. Finally you give up and simply unzip the jacket.
You're in a phone free bus, in the mountains, so you wonder how the hell this Taehyung dude manages to get a reception, but at least he isn't bored like you. You know who else isn't bored? Ada and Jimin, or as you call them "Admin" because they have been affecting your mood for the past days, but right now is gotta be the worst instance of them all. It's all giggles and more giggles and small claps. All I get when I turn to my left is a man with a  handsome face and even better looking hands typing himself away. You wish you could at least have the window seat and busy yourself by looking at the landscape.
You nudge Taehyung a bit, surprisingly he instantly turns his head your way.
"Hmmm..." You start, "not to be rude or anything but would you mind if we exchanged seats," you point as his phone,      " since you're typing and I have nothing to do, I would just like to look outside."
Taehyung motions for you to get up with his hand. You step aside, he gets off his seat and you realise that he's at least a head taller than you. You waddle into the window seat and fix your jacket so that Taehyung has enough space to sit. As soon as he sits back down, he focuses his attention back on the typing. Not wanting to disturb him you mumble to yourself, "Thank you."
Ten minutes pass by and you're bored again. You look at Taehyung who has his head leaned back against the seat with his eyes closed. Now that you think about it, despite the endless scrolling and stalking you did on social media you've never seen Taehyung on any of Jimin's social media posts. But you also knew that his social media was more for business than for private reasons. Though you had never seen him before, he definitely looked like a big city boy. He wore classic muted colors, sleek clothing that looked brand new and actually fit him. Between you and Ada, you didn't really care about how you looked from a fashion standpoint, but even with her "low income report" Ada managed to look like she came from the big city.
You, on the other hand, were looking awfully shabby beside the other three individuals. Even if Taehyung himself didn't make you feel this way, just looking at him felt like an insult to your physical appearance. You felt like you were being scolded by your mom to fix your hair, your clothes, your everything, basically fix your entire self.
Now that you think about it, it has been a while since you talked to your mom, you make a mental note to message her when you get back to the resort. You turn around, kneeling on your seat to find out that Ada has dosed off and Jimin has voluntarily remained silent even when he can clearly see that you have no one to talk to. He looks up at you.
"By the way, my mom told me to say hi to you and congratulate you on your sold out show, like a while ago, but better late than never, right?" you say, trying to lift up the mood.
Jimin's eyes are moving around and he's chewing his pinky. He must be thinking about something. Yet he manages, in classic Jimin fashion, to give you his endearing eye smile.
"Well, tell her thank you and that I will come visit her soon."
You give him a shocked face, "Oh so that's how it works, all I need is to compliment you a little and then you will come visit."
You nod your head, "Uh, uh I see how it works."
Jimin glances at Ada before he looks back at you and says, "All you need to do is ask."
You give him a tight smile and sit back down on your seat.
You wake up from the sudden rush of cold air you feel on your arm. Hastily, you turn you head towards where Taehyung should be, eyelids still dormant and hum softly.
"Errm... Y/N, we have arrived..." Taehyung says poking your arm.  
Still drowsy from sleep, you barely register the sound of Ada speaking in the back. You feel a hand touch your hair and instantly you're awake, ready to attack.
Taehyung furrows his brows at your reaction, clearly confused, but still glad that you're finally awake. You don't know Taehyung, so you decide not to punish him for touching your hair, but you do flip Ada off for giving him a green light. She responds by sticking her tongue out. The bus driver's voice echos through the intercom.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our stop, Lake Punniton. It's currently 14:13. You will be able to explore the forest and skate up until it's time for departure at 17:30. I would recommend that we gather back here at this same stop,10 minutes prior to the departure time. Anyways, I don't want to keep you waiting, so enjoy your time here. Once again, thank you for choosing Punniton's Ski Resort!"
Soon after his commentary, everyone rushes out of the bus. You step out of the bus and instantly want to get back in there. Your cheeks are tingling and your ears feel like they are practically boiling. Someone pulls you into a side hug as you see a flash go off in front of you. You're about to protest and say that you did not agree to appear in any promotional content for the resort, but you notice that behind the camera is Taehyung.
"I hope you don't mind me shooting you guys, it's not often that I get to take pictures of other people," Taehyung says waving his camera around. It's only now that your mind registers that this is your first time actively listening to his voice.
"Nahh, you don't have to worry. You can take as many pictures as you want so long you promise that we can get them as well," Ada chirps with a sense of new found positivity.
It's official, you think, the Jimin effect is now rooted back in place. While you're happy that Ada is opening up to Jimin once again, you're slightly uncomfortable because of the uncertain outcome of her trust in him. You don't have time to keep pondering on the issue as Jimin pulls the oversized sleeve of your jacket.
"C'mon, let's go!"
You retrieve your sleeve with a simple pull but keep walking towards the rink. Once there, Taehyung hands you a pair of skates and you thank him.
"You're welcome," he says sitting beside you on the bench. Now that he's speaking directly with you, and it is just the two of you, you pay close attention to the characteristics of his voice. Sleek, classically deep, calm and a tad bit emotionless. He sounds good. Not wanting to compliment him, even in your own head, you convince yourself that that is how people from the big city sound like.
Once you're done lacing up your skates, you motion to Taehyung that you're going for a little round. He nods while gesturing at his camera. You push off from the bench and let yourself glide over the frozen lake. The ice is a bit rough but you can't really complain, it's a lake not an actual skating rink. The only advantage to skating in a lake in comparison to a rink, is the unlimited space you get to roam. Obviously some places are blocked because of the unstable ice but there's still a vast part of the lake available. You skate straight for as long as you can while staring at the sky.
"Y/N!" Jimin shouts, "Come over here!"
Jimin and Ada are ahead of you. You pick up the speed only to fumble when attempting a snowplow stop. You inevitably fall on the ice.
"Karma." Ada utters under her breath.
You give her your best stank face while attempting to get yourself back up. You end up falling down again as you get a gush of snow on your face from Taehyung's perfect snowplow stop. You sigh defeated. Taehyung glances at you worryingly. He extends his clothed hand at you. You are mad but not mad enough to freeze your ass off on the ice, so you accept his help. With a strong grip Taehyung pulls you back up.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ma—"
"Yeah it's okay, as Ada said, karma," you cut him off pointing towards the benches by the frozen lake, "I am gonna go for a walk in the forest, just so I can, you know, clear my mind."
As you skate away, Taehyung makes an attempt to catch up to you in order to give you a better apology but Jimin holds him back and tells him, " Don't worry, it's not you, it's just because you come from the big city".
While Jimin isn't wrong, he isn't totally right either. Yes, you are not fond of him because he comes from the big city, though you are unaware of where he actually lives. You also find it hard to like him because you feel inferior to him. Unlike you, Taehyung actually carries a genuine sense of self-esteem and comfortability with oneself. He was never once, ever since meeting you and Ada, intimidated by your friendship with Jimin. He never showcased an ounce of uncertainty with regards to the activities you've shared so far. You, on the other hand, knew that both Ada and Jimin did not inform you about a forth addition to the trip because that would have been a sure way to keep you seated in the restaurant eating your afternoon and health away.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
You reach for your phone to stop the timer. You were mad which meant you needed a walk. It had been a while since you had taken one of your timed anger walks. Though now that you have calmed down you realise you were more hurt than mad. Once again, walking blesses you with its magic. It has been twenty minutes, you don't know how far you have walked but your shoes are covered with a thick layer of powdery snow. Unexpectedly, a couple white spots show up on your jacket. You look up to find out that it has started to snow. You should probably head back to the skating area before you get lost.
Scrunching sounds fill the forest as you move forward back to the skating area. Now that you're calm, you know that there really isn't a reason for you to be mad at the situation. Yes, you wanted it to be like old times, just the three of you but that's not how things work. Not for you at least, they have never been how you wanted them. That's how you became so modest.
The area around your neck is white. The melting snow is trickling down inside of your jacket. Damn oversized jacket! You will need to buy an extra large scarf to survive this winter.
By the time you reach the ice skating area, your scarf is very moist, your eyelashes are white and your chin is wet. You sit by the bench  to search for Ada's bright red beanie. You had gifted it to her during last years's Secret Santa. Because of this, it was a red knitted beanie with a white motif of a dancer in the center. If she had known it was you, she would have blamed you for reminding her of him.
You can't seem to find the red beanie amongst the crowd. Click. Click. You snap your head to the side to find Taehyung's camera pointed at you. You stare into it. Click. You look away. Click. You stand up to walk away. Click.
Taehyung didn't know you so he could understand your initial dismissal of him. Plus, Jimin had warned him that you weren't very fond of city people but he still insisted that you were friendly. However, you weren't making it easy for him to approach you, let alone get to know you. So he decided to breakthrough in his own way, the one he felt the most comfortable about, by using his camera. Taehyung didn't only approach you to catch your attention but because the scenery, with you on the bench, a slight layer of snow still on top of  your tightly coiled ball of hair, would make a great picture.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Taehyung interjects before you manage to go too far.
Taehyung jogs to catch up with you.
"Where are the others?" you ask, hoping he will get the gist.
"They went for a walk," he says keeping it short, just how Jimin told him. "I stayed because I wanted to take some pictures of the scenery," he adds, lifting up his camera to prove his point.
You didn't ask but he still told you. Something you would find out later is that Taehyung often does or says things somebody asked him to.
Here's all you've gathered about Taehyung so far: nice (or at least seems like it), handsome, artistic, big city boy, stylish, confident and persistent. With of all of this, things aren't looking good for Taehyung with regards to the possibility of you befriending him. While Taehyung's profile was far from ideal, there was one big pro that could compensate for everything.
Heis, after all, friends with Jimin. That must mean something?
"How come you decided to follow Jimin here?"
Taehyung turns his head towards you, a smile tugging at his lips. "Nothing in particular honestly, I was free, Jimin offered, I accepted." Taehyung shrugs his shoulders. This is something Jimin would let you know. Things with Taehyung were often like this, meaning easy.
"That's nice, I guess..." You think you should add something to fill up the silence but there's nothing to be said, so you make shit up.
"Be honest. This must be a downgrade compared to what you are usually used to, right?"
Small ridges forn around Taehyungs nose and under his eyes. Oopps... really Y/N!? You couldn't get your discriminatory ego in check.
"I'm so so-" you start.
"No need to be. I mean, you're not totally wrong," he counters swaying his head side to side.
You turn to look at him, eyes wide. Taehyung looks back raising his eyebrows with a close mouthed smile that accentuates his bread cheeks.
"Ahhhh, how dare you, "you respond with an exaggerated scoff. Now, Taehyung eyes's crinkle and you snicker lightly.
Okay, maybe if you gave yourself some time and a healthy dose of welcoming energy, you and Taehyung could become more than just acquaintances. Not exactly friends but not strangers either.
"First of all, please do not post those pictures of me." You turn to stare at your shoes. "And secondly, I'm sorry for my behaviour, that is, my unwarranted bias towards you"
"No worries, it's all already forgotten." That's another thing Taehyung does a lot, forget on demand.
You and Taehyung are seated at a table in the eating area by the bus top when you see Ada and Jimin walk towards you.
"Feeling better, Y/N?" Ada asks.
You dismiss her mocking tone. "Yes, I was until exactly 5 seconds ago." You turn to look at Taehyung and take a deep breath.
"Much better," you say.
"Uh oh, I see you have broken the barrier." Jimin smiles at the two of you. "That's great, in fact fantastic! It will make the journey back home sooo much easier," he says visibly relieved.
"What do you mean?" You look at Jimin questioningly.
"He didn't tell you?" he says, looking at you. Turning to Taehyung, "You didn't tell her?"
You wave your hands around.
"Taehyung lives in Warringham," Ada swiftly adds.
Before you have the time to interrogate Taehyung, he's flying off the seat frantically searching through his bag and his jacket.
"What is it?" you ask.
Taehyung doesn't answer. You look at Jimin and he shrugs.
Taehyungs is in frenzy mode for a good five minutes before he calms down. Though I doubt it's because he has solved the problem.
The driver calls for everyone to get back on board. You hurry inside before everyone gets in to get the best seats, the ones at the back.
Though you did not talk about it, you assume the same positions you had on the journey to the lake. It was as if you had gone back in time, experiencing déjà vu. Jimin and Ada are laughing except this time they are beside you, and Taehyung is frantically typing himself away. Only this time he looks worried.
Now that you're in the bus the barrier between you and Taehyung has rebuilt itself and you don't dare to ask him if everything is alright. This will happen a lot of times between you and Taehyung. A constant cycle: open, close, open, close, open and repeat.
You are all seated down in the bus, three best friends and a spontaneous add-on that currently look very distressed. Only you didn't know that the add on would end up making you similarly distressed, if not more.
— a/n: thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the first chapter ! Any sort of feedback is appreciated. I do tend to mix the reader’s POV with third person omniscient POV.
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ganglylimbs · 4 years
That Sweet Spring Heat
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou/Eijirou Kirishima
Summary: Spring had just begun to fully bloom, the air warming and flowers just starting to bud, when Kirishima Eijirou loses his goddamn mind and Bakugou Katsuki is not having it.
Warnings: Hybrid au, smut, breeding kink, no mpreg, dirty talk, cat hybrid Bakugou, dog hybrid Kirishima, lingerie, strength kink, slight feminization, bottom Bakugou, top Kirishima
Notes: A little more information than you need but the breeds of hybrids are:
Kirishima- A mutt (German Shepard/Rottweiler mixed with some lab blood) Bakugou- Purebred Dragon Li Cat (seriously, read the description for them. It fits him perfectly. Just more blond)
They don't show up a lot but I thought about this au for a bit so for the others: Urakara- A Shiba Inu (because they are round bois) Momo- Japanese Crane (her family seems very elegant and traditional and cranes seem very traditionally Japanese to me) Sero- Spider (because him shooting out tape reminds me about spiders shooting out silk) Ashido- Komodo Dragon (Basically my brain went, she has horns, they remind me of lizards, Komodo dragons are dangerous, she's dangerous, we have a match) Midoriya- Fuzzy Lop Rabbits (listen, I love all the fan art I see of rabbit Deku and his mask really does look like rabbit ears) Kaminari- Field Mouse (listen, I will not give up this headcanon) The two random OCs- Black Horn Sheep
Spring had just begun to fully bloom, the air warming and flowers just starting to bud, when Kirishima Eijirou loses his goddamn mind and Bakugou Katsuki is not having it.
Bakugou's blond fluffy ears lay flat on his hair, a vein popping along his forehead, his sleek tail flicking back and forth. His arms are crossed over his chest, staring down at his stupid ass boyfriend.
Kirishima stares back with bright eyes, a clueless grin on his lips as his large red tail thumps against the bed, ears perked. His full attention is on Bakugou.
They continue their staring contest for a full minute, in which Bakugou's scowl deepens and deepens.
Finally, he snaps. "Alright, you fuck, what’s up?"
Kirishima raises an eyebrow. "What?"
Bakugou throws his hands out, gesturing at all of him. "You! What's going on in that fucking brain of yours?"
Kirishima's tail slows down in its wagging, just a bit. "Ah, Bakugou, don’t be rude, man. I thought we were having fun." He wiggles his eyebrows.
"That’s not the point mutt-for-brains. You’ve been acting weird and I want to know why.”Bakugou's hands crackle and spark, a clear warning sign.
The effect is slightly weakened by the fact that they are both naked, Bakugou straddling Kirishima's hips, and Bakugou's thighs stained in Kirishima's cum.
Kirishima, because he's a goddamn idiot, ignores the warning explosions, his lightly hardened hands scratching at the skin of Bakugou's waist. He just tilts his head. "Babe, I really don't know what you mean."
Bakugou snarls. "Fine. Keep being weird." Then he climbs off that thick waist, stomping out of the room, Kirishima calling after him.
If Bakugou thinks about it, this whatever the hell is wrong with Kirishima started about a month ago, after one of the charity events their agency had set up.
Bakugou hadn't really been that interested in any of the interviews or journalists trying to catch his attention, no doubt most of them hoping that Ground Zero will give them some drama to report on. Instead, he had left that for the heroes like Red Riot and Deku and Alien Queen to handle.
He had chosen to focus more on why they are here. Children had been laughing and screaming and playing all around him, other heroes had been chasing after them or sitting to draw. He had seen Uravity throwing kids up in the air, letting them float for a bit before releasing and catching them. Creati had been making toys, laughing at the increasingly extravagant demands, her large white wings spreading out behind her in excitement. Cellophane had allowed himself to be strung up by his own tape, kids dancing around him.
A hand had yanked on one of his black sleeves, making him look down. A little girl, with wild curly black hair and narrowed brown eyes had frowned back at him. Two small horns peek through her mane and a small tail swished behind her, betraying her nerves.
He had knelt down, coming face to face with her, ears turning straight forward to show she had his full attention. "What do you need, squirt?"
Her eyes had narrowed even more. "My names not squirt ."
"Sure it isn't, squirt. Now, what are you bothering me for?"
She huffed and held up two wooden swords. "I want to play Pirates but none of the other kids want to play with me. They say I'm too rough."
Bakugou had given her a rueful grin. "Yeah? Well fu-frick them. I'll take you on."
She had gaped at him. "Really?"
Bakugou had snatched one of the wooden swords and stood to his full height. "Do you think you can take Ground Zero?"
She stared for a moment and then she had grinned, showing off her teeth. "Yeah!" Then she striked forward.
His sword had swept down to meet hers, making a wooden clack sound, and the two are off. They go back and forth, running all around the field, gaining and losing ground in waves.
When the girl is left panting, her dress covered in dirt and grass stains, Bakugou had finally allowed himself to be knocked to the ground.
She had taken the chance and had stabbed him in the stomach.
Bakugou had hissed and then his body relaxed against the ground. "Damn, ok, you got me, you got me. I give."
She giggled, before pointing her sword in the air, the other hand on her hip. "I did it! I defeated Ground Zero."
Bakugou chuckled, before grabbing her and bringing her close to lick at the dirt on her face, grooming her. "Yeah, yeah, squirt."
She smacks him with the sword, squirming. "Hey," he had said, letting her go.
She frowned down at him, putting her hands on her hips. "My name's not squirt . I won didn't I?"
He gave her a small smile. "Yeah, you did. You deserve more respect don't ya? So, do I get the honor of knowing who has beaten me?"
Her chest puffed out. "My name is-"
" Doi ."
Both of them had turned to see a harried-looking man jogging up to them. Kirishima right behind him a small frown on his face.
The girl, Doi Bakugou assumed, dropped her sword and had bite the bottom of her lip. Bakugou sat up, warily watching as the two approaches.
The man came to a stop right before them, huffing. "What did I tell you about being so forceful?" He turned to Bakuoug, bowing so low his curly horns almost touch his knees. "I'm sorry if she hurt you, sometimes she forgets her own strength-"
"It's fine," Bakugou interrupted, standing up and brushing the dirt off his costume. His tail lazily swayed behind him. "We were just having some fun."
The man had still looked unsure. Doi had been quiet, but she's had looked up at Bakugou now. "Are you really ok? I know she can-"
Bakugou waved off his apologies. "Yeah, of course. I'm a hero, aren't I? I can handle a little roughness. Besides, you have a great sword handler here." He made sure to catch Doi's eyes. "I hope you continue to work on them. You would make a good hero one day."
Her eyes had gone wide. "Do you really think so?"
"Of course," Bakugou had sniffed. "I never say anything I don't mean." Then he gave her a sharp smirk, hand ruffling through her hair. "Squirt."
"Hey!" She had gone to kick him, her father panicking again.
Bakugou had just laughed, ruffling her hair again. "Come back next year and show me how much you've improved."
"I will," she had promised. Then she had puffed out her chest. "And when I win again, you have to use my name."
Bakugou had watched the two of them go, Doi excitedly replaying all of their fight for her dad, who nervously smiled at her but a lot more relaxed than when he had first appeared.
He had turned to say something to Kirishima but is stopped short. Kirishima had been staring at him, eyes heavy and lidded with something that made Bakugou's throat go dry.
Then Kirishima blinked and he's back to normal, big goofy grin in place, his floppy ears bouncing as he walked forward to throw an arm over Bakugou's shoulder, bringing him closer. "Did you have fun, babe?"
Bakugou had grunt, side-eyeing him, not sure what that had been all about but not willing to let it ruin his good mood. "Sure."
Kirishima had just laughed and then they were swarmed by reporters and didn't have much of a chance to talk after that.
It's not that Bakugou is exactly bothered by what is happening. Kirishima has always been touchy, even before they started dating. He has wandering hands, that love to grope and grab at Bakugou and it's often Bakugou that has to remind him that they're in public, you idiot.
So he isn't bothered by the fact that, for the past month, Kirishima has been manhandling him more often, pushing and pulling him into positions or trying to bend him over their furniture. He isn't bothered by the fact that Kirishima will come up behind him, arms around his waist, as he presses kisses into his sensitive neck.
What is unusual is that Kirishima has taken to curving his large hands around Bakugou's stomach, his eyes unable to look away as he fucks his way inside Bakugou's willing body. He's a bit confused why Kirishima has become extra invested in his nipples, why he keeps calling them "tits", or why he sucks at them as if hoping milk will come out.
It's also pretty fucking weird that Kirishima has become insatiable these past few weeks.
Kirishima has always had a higher sex drive than Bakugou. It's worked for them so far. If Bakugou isn't up to it, Kirishima is more than fine with his hand.
But lately, Kirishima has become really, really insistent, grinding against Bakugou's ass or surprising him in the shower to finger him open. Bakugou has sat on Kirishima's knot more times than he can count, has milked Kirishima for all he's worth as the dog hybrid pinches his nipples and leaves bite marks on his shoulder.
In essence, Kirishima has become a bit sex-crazy and Bakugou just wants to know why. It can't be because it's mating season. Kirishima has never acted like this before. Something had to have set him off and Bakugou is going to get to the bottom of it.
By this point, Bakugou is ready when Kirishima comes sniffing around, his big bulky frame covering Bakugou's as he starts kissing at his neck, hand already gripping his hips.
Bakugou allows him for a few seconds, before turning his head, dislodging Kirishima's lips.
Kirishima whines, low in his throat, but Bakugou ignores him. "You can have what you want when you explain what's got you so riled up."
Kirishima huffs, giving him a squeeze. "Not this again. There isn't anything wrong."
Bakugou hums, before dislodging himself. His hips sway as he leaves the room, tail curling invitingly, and he throws a look over his shoulder. "Then I guess you'll just have to do without."
Kirishima watches him leave.
Kirishima tries two more times, only to be brushed off. Bakugou wakes up later that night to Kirishima panting in his ear and grinding against his ass.
Kirishima goes to sleep on the couch.
Honestly, Bakugou thought that it would just take two days before Kirishima gave in. The horny idiot could never hold out whenever they play this game, often too impatient to get to the good stuff.
So he's a bit surprised when, a week later, and Kirishima is still tight-lipped.
He's even more surprised when Kirishima begins to ramp up his deviant behavior.
They're on patrol, just finishing up their rounds on the 4th district when a call comes over the radio. They pause, listening to a description of suspicious activity before being told to stay put as the situation unfolds.
Bakugou had just started to grunt his agreement when he cuts off into a groan.
"I know you hate not being in on the action, Ground Zero, but this is the best plan," Ingenium says over the radio.
Bakugou can't tell him to shut up because he's too busy holding back moans.
"Yeah, Katsuki," Kirishima says, a smirk curling along his lips. "Just be a good boy and stay still."
Bakugou turns to glare at him, ears flat against his hair, face flushed. But before he can get anything out, Kirishima moves his hand again, stroking from the base of Bakugou's tail up to the tip.
Bakugou can't stop the sound that is ripped from his throat.
Kirishima's eyes dilate and then he's pushing Bakugou against the wall. He crowds in close, fingers still playing with Bakugou's tail. He leans in to whisper in Bakugou's twitching ear.
"Fuck, your mouth. It's so pretty, whether moaning for me or wrapped around my dick."
Eijirou," Bakugou stutters out, heat curling in his stomach. There was no way in hell he could stop the way his hips grind back against Kirishima.
"That's it, baby," Kirishima whispers. "Who's my pretty kitty?"
Bakugou closes his eyes and shivers. His head feels fuzzy, the sudden heat and want and the damn way Kirishima is playing with his tail makes it hard to think straight.
Kirishima leans down and nibbles on his ear, sharp teeth scraping against the soft skin, and Bakugou is gone. All thoughts of punishing Kirishima till he fesses up disappears, he just needs the mutt now and-
"Ground Zero, Red Riot, the situation has escalated. We need you."
The two jerk apart. They stare at each other, breathing hard.
Bakugou grits his teeth.
Kirishima raises his hand. "Katsuki, wait-"
He gets a face full of explosion, barely hardening in time.
"Die," Bakugou screams, face completely red and fur standing on end.
"I'm sorry!"
"Oh, you're about to be."
"Ground Zero and Red Riot, we need you! Do you copy?"
Bakugou bares his fangs, before pressing his comm. "We hear you, Four Eyes-"
"Whatever. We're on our way."
Making sure his comm is off, Bakugou points at Kirishima. "You stay the fuck away from me."
Kirishima pouts, bringing out his literal puppy eyes. "Babe, please-"
"When we're done with this villian, I'm going to throw you through a goddamn wall." And then Bakugou points his hands down, blasting off into the sky.
The villain ends up being quickly brought down and slightly burnt thanks to an angry Ground Zero.
Bakugou is steadily ignoring Kirishima, resting up at the agency after their fight, but he does hear the way Kaminari comes up to the red giant and slaps his shoulder, no sense of self-preservation in sight.
"So, I see that you landed yourself in the dog house again, huh?"
Kirishima sighs. "Come on, man. I don't need this today."
"What? Have you been collared? Bakugou got you on a leash?"
"Kaminari, not cool, I don't make mouse puns about you."
"Um, because there are no mouse puns that aren't cool," Kaminari says. "So what has King Explosion Murder neutering you this time?"
Kirishima growls and even from where Bakugou is standing, he shivers at the threat there. "Make one more pun, I dare you."
Kaminari is silent for a minute. And then…
"You were being a horndog, weren't yo-"
Kaminari cries out as he is knocked to the ground, Kirishima standing over him with a hardened fist.
Bakugou hides a snort in his fist.
Bakugou's anger is at a shimmer the next day when Kirishima, the bastard, tries again.
They don't have any hero work for that day, just some paperwork they need to fill out about the incident they were involved in, and then they get the rest of the day off.
They decide to head to the gym afterward, splitting up for a bit as they get their individual workouts in.
Bakugou always finishes his up early, hitting the showers, before going out to spot for his boyfriend.
The cat hybrid would rather die than admit that this is actually his favorite part of their shared workouts. To be able to stare at his boyfriend unabashedly, watch those muscles bulge and work, watch his broad shoulders strain under the weights, watch as sweat glides down his body.
He might have initiated a sex ban, but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate the view.
Kirishima has moved on to the big weights, curling them as he counts, the sweat along his body letting Bakugou know that he's been there a while. He nods at Bakugou to show that he sees him before going back to lifting.
Bakugou stands a few feet away, next to the benches where he knows Kirishima will head next. He takes a long drink of water, eyes drifting up and down Kirishimia’s body and can’t help but smirk when Kirishima squats to drop the weights.
Then his eyes drift up to meet Kirishima’s in the mirror.
Kirishima’s eyes are dark and Bakugou finds himself caught in them. Kirishima licks his lips, drawing Bakugou’s eyes, before he stands back up, slowly. Bakugou gulps, but it’s too late to take back his mistake.
Kirishima has him caught, like prey.
Kirishima makes his way towards the bench, putting on his preferred weights, before beckoning Bakugou over. “You’re going to help me, aren’t you?” His voice has the start of rough edge and Bakugou holds in his shiver.
“Sure. Think you can actually beat that weak record of yours?”
Kirishima gives him a sharp smirk. “Of course.”
Then he starts to get to work. His arms are impressive as they bend and stretch, the heavyweights going up and down as if they were nothing. Bakugou’s eyes can’t help drifting to them or to the way Kirishima’s shirt scrunches up, showing off that toned stomach, and Bakugou watches for a brief second as it contracts and expands.
Kirishima clears his throat and Bakugou’s eyes jerk up to his. “You have a job to do, Katsuki. Don’t go slacking now.”
Bakugou tenses, tail twitching in agitation. “And you should be lifting. Whose slacking now?”
Kirishima grins, but continues his work out. Bakugou huffs, but focuses more on spotting. Wouldn’t want the idiot to hurt himself.
Kirishima finishes up and heads for the showers, Bakugou waiting just outside the locker room for him on his phone.
He is not at all prepared for when a hand grabs the back of his shirt and pulls him into the locker room. He twists his body around, hands sparking as they come into contact with someone.
Someone with hardened arms.
Bakugou barely has time to blink, eyes landing on red hair, before he’s being lifted up and slammed into the wall. Bakugou’s teeth clink together, but that doesn’t stop him from reaching out to grab at Kirishima’s throat.
They stop for a second, breathing hard, red eyes meeting red. Then their lips are clashing together, teeth biting at lips. Bakugou’s hands tangle in Kirishima’s hair, pulling hard. Kirishima’s hands are under his ass, squeezing, before pulling at Bakugou’s legs, helping them to wrap around his waist. Kirishima grinds down at him and Bakugou fucking groans.
“Shit, Katsuki, do you know what it does to me to see you drooling over my muscles?” Kirishima growls. “How hard it gets me that you love the fact that I could manhandle you into any position I want? I could slam you against these lockers, fuck you into your slutty body, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
They both know that’s not completely true, that Bakugou would find a way to break free if he really wanted to, but right now, all Bakugou does is moan, yanking harder at Kirishima’s hair, lost to the images Kirishima paints.
Kirishima squeezes his ass, kneading the flesh there. “My second favorite part of your body, right behind your sweet tits. I especially love when it’s bouncing on my knot.”
Bakugou whimpers. He uses Kirishima’s hair to guide his mouth up into another kiss, no less desperate or hot. He tilts his head, drawing Kirishima deeper into the kiss, before pulling back to whisper against Kirishima’s lips. “I love your knot, love when it’s plugging me up, all your cum stuffed deep inside of me-”
Kirishima groans, eyes fluttering.
“You know what I love even more?” Bakugou asks.
“What?” Kirishima responds, body leaning even closer against Bakugou, eyes drifting down to Bakugou’s throat and chest.
“If you would just tell me what has gotten into you.”
Kirishima stiffens, before slowly looking up to meet Bakugou's eyes. Bakugou raises an eyebrow. Kirishima sighs. “I’m not getting any today am I?”
Bakugou raises his palm, his hand glowing. “Nope,” he says, popping the p.
After about another week and a half of this, Bakugou is done waiting. If the usual game isn’t going to get the job done, then he’s going to have to force Kirishima to tell him.
He is going to fucking break Eijirou if it kills him.
Bakugou stretches out, humming to himself. He has two meetings he needs to go to later today, but he rarely has this time to just sit back and relax.
Of course, relaxing for him means he’s still doing something. That something being yoga out in the living room.
He slowly moves his body from position to position, enjoying the slight burn. His ears perk up at the sound of the door opening, but besides that, he ignores his boyfriend, instead focusing on shifting his legs into the next position.
“Hey, babe, I brought lunch home,” Kirishima calls from the front door, where Bakugou knows he’s taking off his shoes before moving deeper into the house. “I thought we could eat together before you have to go- ach .”
Bakugou hides his smirk, shoulders shifting as he stands up. “Hey mutt, what’d you get?” He looks over his shoulder, showing his teeth at the sight of Kirishima standing frozen in the living room doorway, bags of food dangling in his hands.
Kirishima audibly swallows. “Uh, what are you doing?”
Bakugou snorts, turning away and moving to the next position. “What does it fucking look like? Yoga.”
“Yeah, but, um-”
“What? Does the cat have your tongue?”
“You’re naked,” Kirishima moans.
Bakugou looks down, as if this is his first time noticing his lack of clothes. “Huh. So I am.”
“ Why? ”
Bakugou shrugs. “Why not?” He bends down, his forehead touching his knees. He can practically feel the burn of Kirishima’s stare on his ass. “The sun is shining pretty bright today and you know how much I love to spread myself along the window sills to soak it up.”
His voice is practically a purr and he knows exactly what he’s doing, reminding the mutt of what happened the last time he was spread in front of the window, when Kirishima had been curled up behind him, both slowly rocking as the sun had warmed their skin.
Bakugou curls his tail, beckoning Kirishima’s eyes to follow along as he works his way through his routine. He can hear the other huff and panting, the mutt probably drooling.
“You’re torturing me here, Kat,” Kirishima says, sounding strangled.
“You know what you have to do if you want a piece of this,” Bakugou says. His hands, which had been wrapped around his ankle, slowly start to slide up his leg, gliding along the smooth skin.
“There’s nothing to-”
Bakugou shrugs, before turning around, coming face to face with Kirishima. He stalks his way forward, eyes half-lidded.
Kirishima might be holding his breath. Bakugou is pretty sure he’s not breathing.
And then Bakugou passes by him, brushing his shoulder, before heading up to their room. “Then I guess we’re done here. Let’s have lunch.”
The sound of Kirishima hitting his head on the wall echoes around the house.
Bakugou doesn’t do this often-
Ok, that’s a lie. He does do this quite often, but always in the privacy of their home. Rarely does he do it in public.
But by this point, he’s willing to pull out all the stops.
They’re back on patrol, walking around the 5th and 6th district, with the hot sun beating down on them. Bakugou curses. His gauntlets are already half-filled by this point, and he hasn't even done anything.
Kirishima taps on his shoulder, pointing to a stand selling water. They go over to buy some, only to have the vendor wave off their attempts to pay, thanking them instead for the jobs they do.
They go to stand to the side, in the shade, drinking their free water. Side-eyeing Kirishima, Bakugou casually leans against the wall and then pulls on the strap of his hero suit, as if he were trying to fan himself.
Kirishima glances over.
Then he does a double-take.
“Katsuki, no,” he says, almost in horror.
Bakugou innocently blinks at him. “What? I’m just drinking.”
But Kirishima is too focused on his bared shoulder to respond.  
Bakugou looks down. “Oh, you mean the bra strap, huh? Yeah, I don’t know why, but I felt like dressing up a little today.” His fingers play with the baby blue strap, snapping it against his skin.
“Did-Is it a complete set?” Kirishima asks, tail wagging behind him, ears perking up.  
Bakugou smiles, wide and all teeth. “Wouldn’t you like to find out.”  
“You-you’re a monster,” Kirishima says.
Bakugou chuckles, pushing off the building. He rubs his head against Kirishima’s shoulder before pulling him back on patrol. “I know.”
It continues like that for the rest of the day, with Bakugou giving Kirishima little hints and peeks of the lingerie he wears underneath.
Kirishima follows after him, like a mutt on a leash, and more than once, walks into a civilian or doorway. Bakugou sits back and laughs at the way he goes red and sputters out excuses.
When they reach the agency, they both head back to the locker rooms to get changed out of their costumes. Bakugou barely passes the threshold, before he’s being grabbed, flipped, and pressed face first against the wall.
He sends a smirk at Kirishima. “What’s with you and manhandling me in locker rooms lately?”
Kirishima growls, low in his throat. “As if you don’t deserve it. You’ve been winding me up all fucking week.”
Bakugou bares his fangs. “And you haven’t been doing the same? I told you, Eijirou, all you have to do is tell me what’s been on your mind and then you can do whatever you want to me.”
Kirishima growls again, pressing close. He noses his way through Bakugou’s hair, huffing. “...I’m afraid you’ll think I’m weird or something.”
Bakugou pauses, before turning his head to rub it against Kirishima’s. “Eijirou, you never have to be afraid to talk to me about stuff. You know that, right?”
Kirishima drops his head against Bakugou’s shoulder, large arms wrapping around his waist. “I know but it’s...thoughts getting to me. Will you think it’s too weird, will you look at me differently, that sort of stuff.”
Bakugou reaches back to start to play with his hair. “You know I love you. You could say the weirdest shit to me and, maybe I might say the wrong thing at first, but nothing could ever make me stop loving you or thinking you’re too much for me.”
Kirishima is silent for a moment, squeezing tighter and inhaling Bakugou’s scent. Bakugou continues to play with his hair, fingers brushing against his ears, scratching right behind them in that secret spot that makes Kirishima melt.
“...M’ wanna breed you,” Kirishima finally mumbles.
Bakugou furrows his eyebrows. He feels Kirishima tense behind him and is quick to scratch that spot again, forcing him to relax. “Not that I’m saying it’s bad, but you know I can’t get pregnant right?”
“I know,” Kirishima says, still muttering into his shoulder. “I just...you know that girl, Doi? That you were playing with at last month’s charity function?”
“I saw you being all sweet with her and it was like I was suddenly hit with the image of you doing that to our daughter. And then other thoughts kept rolling in my head. You, holding our child. You, feeding out child. You, round with our child. And that eventually devolved into-”
“You trying to stuff as much of your cum into me as possible?” Bakugou asks.
Kirishima’s breath hitches. He digs his claws into Bakugou’s waist. “ Yessss . It’s consumed my thoughts. At this point, I don’t really care that you can’t have children, it’s all about the trying you know? I just want you to constantly sit on my knot, warm my cock, be a tight hot little cocksleeve.”
Bakugou bites his bottom lips, face flushing. “Damn, Eijirou. And you’ve been keeping this to yourself all this time?”
Kirishima lifts his head, catching Bakugou’s eyes. “You...you like that?”
Bakugou sniffs, looking away. “I mean, you’re the one whose saying all these dirty things. Of course I’m going to find that hot.”
Kirishima grins, pressing a kiss against Bakugou’s shoulder. Then he goes to whisper directly in Bakugou’s ear. “Yeah? You like the thought of you all fucked out on our bed, spread out, your hole wet and sloppy as I force my knot back in?”
Bakugou moans, low and heated. “You going to put a liter in me, mutt? Huh, you think you can?”
Kirishima rumbles, the sound vibrating deep in his chest, and Bakugou doesn’t have time to react before Kirishima bits into his neck, leaving a large mark. Bakugou whimpers, grinding his hips back. Kirishima takes advantage of that, moving Bakugou’s waist back so he can grind on his ass.
“I know I can. Going to keep you stuffed, make your tits all fat with milk.” One of his hands reaches up to cup one of Bakugou’s pecs.
“With that weak knot of yours?” Bakugou grits out, trying hard not to fall apart as Kirishima gropes him. “Good fucking luck.”
“You challenging me?” Kirishima asks.
“What do you think?”
Their eyes meet, sparks flying between them, both of their mouths pulling back to show off their fangs.
The door opens and they jerk apart. An intern peeks their head in, whistling before coming to a halt. They stop and stare at Bakugou and Kirishima, both of their costumes wrinkled and messed up, their hair wild.
“Um,” they say.
“Get the fuck out,” Bakugou screams, hands sparking.
The intern eeps, scrambling back and out the door.
Kirishima sighs. “Bakugou-”
“Don’t you fucking start,” Bakugou snarls. He runs a hand through his hair, huffing, before catching Kirishima’s eyes again. “You want to take a half-day and get the fuck home?”
“Gods, yes.”
They burst through the bedroom door, wrapped around each other, Bakugou climbing Kirishima like a tree. They’re not really kissing, more like they’re trying to eat each other’s mouths.
Bakugou groans, pulling back. "Fuck, Eijirou." His claws dig into the skin on Kirishima's shoulder, making the other hiss.
Kirishima practically throws Bakugou down on the bed, red eyes blazing. He's quick to get himself undressed, tripping on his costume in his hurry to throw it on the ground.
Bakugou is right behind him, shimmering out of his pants, trying to peel himself out of his top too, when Kirishima grabs his ankles and yanks him down. Bakugou lets out a little sound of surprise as he slides along the bed.
Kirishima crawls over him, slow and predatory, eyes glued to the panties Bakugou is wearing. Bakugou tilts his head, spreading his legs and fingering the lacy edges. “Do you like what you see? Want to unwrap me like the present I am?”
Kirishima licks his lips, grinning. “Fuck yeah, babe. I want to see the entire picture.” He lifts one of Bakugou’s legs, kissing the side of his knee. He slowly kisses his way up Bakugou’s thigh, keeping eye contact, before biting into the meaty flesh. Bakugou’s breath catches and then Kirishima’s soothing the sting with a kiss.
He repeats the pattern a few more times, leaving marks along the way, before reaching the bulge in his panties. He spreads Bakugou’s legs wider, nuzzling the covered dick, before biting on the edge of the panties, pulling down just enough for the tip of Bakugou’s cock to slip out. Kirishima gives the tip a lick, cleaning up the precum there.
Bakugou can’t tear his eyes away, little moans being ripped from his throat. Kirishima gives him grin before backing off. “Let me open my pretty present.” His large hands wrap around Bakugou’s waist, lifting the tight fabric of his shirt up to reveal Bakugou’s abs, then even higher. Inch by inch, blue fabric is exposed for Kirishima to drink in. It’s lacy and sheer, doing nothing to hide the way Bakugou’s nipples stand erect and waiting.
Kirishima, because he can’t help himself, pinches one of the pink buds. Bakugou arches into the touch, silently begging for more. Kirishima manages to get the rest of the shirt off, also throwing it to the side, his hand never leaving Bakugou’s chest.
Bakugou throws an arm across his face, face flushed and eyes narrowed. Kirishima’s tail is wagging a mile a minute, dick hard and heavy. “Come on, you mutt, I thought you were going to breed me? Are you going to break your promise?”
That gets him another pinch, making him hiss. “So impatient, my pretty kitty. Let me enjoy the way you look before we get to the fun stuff.”
Bakugou snarls. “That’s funny coming from yo- ah fuck .”
Kirishima hums, still twisting Bakugou’s nipple before twisting it to the other side. “That’s a little better. Keep making those pretty noises for me and maybe I’ll give you what you want.”
“Fuck- ah -you,” Bakugou hisses. He withers against the bed as Kirishima continues to play with his body, his other hand reaching down to give Bakugou’s cock light little stokes.
“My perfect cat, you’re going to look so good, all-round with my liter.” Kirishima leans down to give Bakugou’s stomach a chaste kiss. Bakugou wiggles.
“Eijirou, come on.”
“Someone’s needy. I haven’t even fingered you open and you’re already begging for me,” Kirishima says.
Bakugou flushes. "We've haven't had sex for nearly two damn months."
"And whose fault is that?"
"Hmmm, is that so?" Kirishima asks, fingers dancing along Bakugou’s inner thighs as he slowly pulls Bakugou’s panties down his legs. “I wasn’t the one who started the sex ban.”
Bakugou sneers. “Really? Who was it that kept their dirty little fantasies to themselves- fuck .” Bakguou’s body jerks as Kirishima’s fingers tap against his hole, wet with lube.
Kirishima chuckles. “You’re always so loud, babe.” He slowly pushes one finger in, wiggling it.
“Maybe, uh, maybe you’re just too fucking quiet,” Bakugou says, fingers digging into the mattress.
“Now we both know that’s a lie.” Kirishima adds another finger, scissoring. He licks his lips. “You look so delicious, spread out on my fingers. I can’t wait till it’s my knot that you’re splitting on.”
Bakugou moans, thrusting his hips down. “God damn, you’re fingers are so fucking big, Eijirou. Come on, fuck me already.”
Kirishima clicks his tongue. “Patience, Katsuki. I want you open for me, so my knot can just slide right in." He adds another finger, croaking them, pressing against that special place, and smirks as Bakugou's eyes widen.
And then he mewls.
They both still, Bakugou slapping a hand over his mouth, face twisted in horror.
"Did you just-"
"No!" Bakugou instantly denies, face going cherry red.
Kirishima can feel Bakugou's hands heating up. He moves fast, grabbing those tiny wrists in his hardened hands and slamming them on the mattress, right above Bakugou's head.
"You did," Kirishima breathes. "Do it again."
"What- no. Fuck no." Bakugou tries to thrash, but Kirishima straddles his hips, hardening his skin to make it heavier.
Kirishima leans in close, till their noses are almost touching. "I'm going to make you make that sound again, Katsuki."
Bakugou shudders, but he refuses to back down. "Is that a challenge?"
Before he can blink, he's being flipped over, arms pulled behind his back, chest and face pressed into the mattress, ass raised up. Kirishima palms his ass, a light touch, before giving it an echoing smack. Bakugou gasps, going still.
"That's a promise," Kirishima whispers directly into his ear.  He gives the fluffy appendage a bite, two fingers shoving their way back inside, searching for Bakugou's prostate.
He knows he finds it when Bakugou's body jerks, Bakugou moaning low and long. But it's not the sound Kirishima wants. So he continues to press his fingers against it, milking Bakugou.
Bakugou is squirming, but with Kirishima's large body covering his and those hardened hands keeping his wrists pinned, there's nowhere for Bakugou to go.  
Every time he moves, it just forces his hips back down on those thick fingers. It makes his cock throb, precum dripping freely. He whines, throwing his head back. "Eijirou."
Kirishima kisses his sweaty forehead. "Come on, Katsuki. You know what I want."
Bakugou shakes his head, ears twitching, tail curling and unfurling around Kirishima's wrist. "N-No."
Kirishima tisks, squeezing a third finger in, jabbing it against his prostate. Bakugou's eyes widen, mouth falling open. He pants, hole twitching.
"My pretty kitty, won't you make your sweet noises for me?" Kirishima continues to whisper in his ear.
"It's embarrassing," Bakugou practically yowls, hiding his face in his arms.
"Not if it's with me," Kirishima says, stopping momentarily. He nuzzles Bakugou's hair. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about if it's just me here, right?"
Bakugou bites his bottom lip. Kirishima doesn't move, allowing Bakugou time to think.
Finally, Bakugou sighs. Then, almost too soft to hear, he mewls.
Kirishima's grin splits his face. He kisses Bakugou again and starts moving his fingers. "Good boy, that's so lovely, yes please keep making those noises." He spreads his fingers. "Louder, kitty cat, louder."
Bakugou is shuddering, body beyond hot, as Kirishima fucks him open. His sounds of pleasure increase in volume, Kirishima encouraging him along the way.
It doesn't take long at all before he's coming against the bed, Kirishima's fingers still moving. He pants, little shivers of aftershock rocking through him.
When he comes back to himself, it's to the feeling of Kirishima rubbing his cock against his ass. He lazily grinds back. "Getting ahead of yourself, aren't you?" He mumbles. "I thought you were going to breed me?"
Kirishima bites into his shoulder, making Bakugou hiss. "If you can talk again, then I guess that means you're ready to be fucked."
Bakugou lifts his hips up, moving his tail out of the way to show off his stretched hole. "Come on Eijirou, fuck a litter into me."
Kirishima growls, low and heated. His cock presses against Bakugou's hole, sheathing himself inside that hot, wet heat. Bakugou cries out, the sound almost lost in the howl Kirishima let's out.
Kirishima wastes no time as he starts to thrust, hard and fast into Bakugou, hips slapping against his ass.
Bakugou whines, his moans being punched out of him with each thrust. Kirishima let's go of his wrists, his hand trailing down Bakugou's body to curl around his stomach.
"Can't wait to see you all fat with my seed. I'm going to make you sit on my knot all through your pregnancy."
"I want it, please Eijirou, please. Knot me, knot me."
"You're going to get your knot, patience." Kirishima brings Bakugou's hips up higher, so he can fuck into him deeper, his cock now slamming against Bakugou's prostate.
Bakugou is back to mewling, his cock growing hard again. He tears up the sheets, thrusting back against Kirishima. He can feel that fat knot bumping up against him, desperately trying to slip inside.
With every slam, Kirishima's knot spreads Bakugou open just a bit further, goes in just a bit deeper. Bakugou mewls and yowls through it, begging Kirishima with every other breath. His cock is fully hard by now, almost painfully so.
With one last, hard thrust, Kirishima pushes his knot fully in, locking them together. He snarls, biting into Bakugou's shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. One hand moves from his grip on Bakugou's waist to his cock, stroking him rough and fast.
Bakugou's eyes roll into his head, body going stiff. His orgasm is ripped out of him, joining his other release on the bed. He can feel warmth rushing into him as Kirishima cums, still slightly rolling his hips as Bakugou's hole milks him.
They stay like that for a minute or two, and then they collapse into the bed, boneless.
Kirishima turns them to the side, wiggling till they were in a more comfortable position as they wait for Kirishima's knot to deflate. Kirishima continues to pet and stroke Bakugou, singing him praises.
Bakugou shifts back slightly, settling into Kirishima's chest, hands drifting down to rest on his stomach. "So," he says after a moment. "Should we start looking at adoption agencies?"
Kirishima chokes.
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clad-in-sunshine · 4 years
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[ID: A picture of my character, Mey. The left half is a woman with long hair and a neutral expression drawn in pencil. Her right side is split into three rectangular blocks that are bolder, drawn with pen, showing the right side of animals: the first is a lion; the second an owl; and the third a wolf. Around them are hawthorn flowers. End ID]
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[ID: A drawing of my character Fearn. On the left side a fern, and on the right of it emerges the right side of a cat's face. From the side of that are three profiles, getting darker, and moving towards a more human shape.]
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[ID: A digitally sketched outline of a woman in white lines. She's smiling a little, has long hair, and is holding a bow. Behind her is a photograph of a sunset. End ID]
My friend, @shaheenarnitipsyart​ (Instagram link here) drew all this incredible art of my OCs from a narrative poem I wrote just under a year ago. I plan to write more about them, but for now I’ve edited and rewritten bits of the poem itself, to improve on it. It’s fun noticing where I’ve improved. Also thought to record myself reading it, for accessibility.
Wandering Kind
Ellen, she was a wandering kind her spirit aching to be freed from duties that would her confine and now, she thought she’d found the key
So she journeyed, through the trees to the dwelling of a faerie gay Who could set her from her duties free that she might travel the world, away
Into the dark, she raced ahead over leaves that snapped like jaws The plants they swiped her as she fled, gripping tight to her chestnut horse
Eventually she came unto a twisted house: abandoned, torn Yet a sign of life - it lay in view: a fishing line that clothes adorned
Rolling fog around her drew; all sound banished from the night Thoughts, it seemed, were muffled too, then a figure bounded into sight
It landed softly on the ground - a lithe young cat; then bigger still until as a bear it turned around Its eyes were heavy, anger filled
From its mouth a voice did roar: Cracked the air with every word “How come you to my front door? “Are you here, by hatred stirred?”
Boldly then young Ellen moved; from reeling horse did swiftly leap “Fear not, by me you are not loathed- I met one who does your secrets keep
“He told me an exchange to make: for they would have me married be - to one whom I ne'r love nor like, but with your help, that I might flee”
The bear stepped back; it lifted high ‘til on it’s own hind quarters held Then ‘tween two breaths he gave a sigh; him now a man: the bear dispelled
A solid face like oaken bark, and hair like weeping willow worn Upon his chest he bore a mark like a bow; string tightly drawn
He turned and pulled some linen down, wrapping ‘round his torso bare Without a tie or buckle bound, holding tight as he stepped near
“You know my Jack?” he asked of her “then a friend to you I’ll surely be, but I don’t see him with you here, did he not guide you to me?”
His voice rang out as if a song: it danced and moved the air between, to fall then gently, ears upon, warmer than the sun at e'en
Warmed, she took from her waistband: a letter writ from Jack to him She pressed it in the faerie’s hand and his face did soften then
Once he’d read, with gentle eyes he smiled, then broader to a grin “To help you out I can devise, a plan of sorts, but then again -
"I can’t control those human whims such as to wish you to be wed Unless you ask a task so grim: I’ll hunt them down and leave them dead.”
But Ellen asked a different thing, and happily he would comply But to kill the Faerie king - he charged her then, at least to try
Then from his chest the mark he pulled and like a shadow so it formed 'til it could manifest so bold: A wooden bow of body born
She took the wondrous bow in hand and on her fell a strange unease. It seemed to shift, and move around, despite the absence of a breeze
He gave no arrows with the bow, and before she could breathe her thought he reached behind him, bending low and from his back a quiver brought
“This bow of mine is strong and true; the arrows made from mine own heart And when the arrow pierces through, my heart, through his, shall play its part
"You should not afear his wrath, though he can strike a mighty blow If you eat nought along your path - his power wanes, and yours will grow”
It’s then her fingers to her lips, and she aloud did whistle high To her side her horse came thus and she mounted up, away to ride
The bow behind her led the way 'Twas as the faerie by her side And there was nought led her astray ‘til beyond the woods the tower spied
But before the tower was a town: the dwellings there both strange and quaint A sumptuous feast spread out around, and at her heart clawed hunger, want
The bow it morphed to fiddle fine, and with a song it graced the air It sang of trees and summertime; of fae folk joined in mirth and cheer
Then in song did Ellen join as so she went, the food untouched The singing kept her spirit warmed: her fortitude remained unmatched
Then at the tower’s base did stand and from her travelling pack she took, some rope, as woven by her hand; turned her head to upwards look
The tower dwarfed her, tall and dark, bleak though sunlight drenched the stone Below it, Ellen surveyed her task before the fortress, stood alone
Then from the quiver an arrow brought which to the rope she firmly tied And the looming tower, she feared it not, despite the king that lay inside
The bow she raised, and arrow drew: Pulled tight and strong before she loosed And through the air the arrow flew; like a dragonfly, the window chased
It whirled and spun, cut through the air until its destination found It turned and lodged in firmly there: rope hung and swayed above the ground
Then Ellen in her hands did hold the rope that waved before her face And forcefully, with courage bold she tugged it thrice; it held its place
“Wait here, friend” she bid her horse as she upon the tower stepped Began her climb with barest pause- in hand the rope so tightly gripped
Hand and foot were moved with ease She made her way, 'til with a start a bird did fly out from the trees: It dived at her, her hands to part
Then suddenly, without a sound the bow it stretched from on her back it spread and curved out, all around, ‘til the bird’s own snapping beak did break
The bird repelled, she did resume shoulders straining with the force And soon she climbed into a room more comfortable than her own house
All around were colours bright Blinding 'gainst the darker stone She noticed then, within her sight a forlorn figure: curled; alone
“That’s my brother’s bow you bear, have you been sent to set me free? I feared that he had left me here, it’s been so long since him I’ve seen.”
Her voice it murmured, barely reached to fall upon young Ellen’s ears Yet a familiar pattern to her speech, it brought Elinor’s eyes to tears
For where the brother’s voice was warm Hers it strained, retreated, fell She found she reached out with her arms, and this young woman within them held.
A careful moment passed, then two. and leaning back, she spoke betwixt “Your brother’s quest led me to you: I must slay the king, my life to fix”
Reaching hands caressed the bow; and a smile to her face was brought “Come quick, the king lies down below but first to beat him - here’s a thought.
"A curse 'pon me, in prison high that I should ne'er my powers see But if we go where the spell does lie, from aching binds I might be freed”
The bow drawn back; the door then struck It splintered, cracked and fell with ease Through they stepped, and down did look- a dreary light; an upwards breeze
The two then turned; ahead they crept - as fast as foot could fall, step, by step, by step, by step, ‘til they stood before a door.
Ellen turned the handle then thrust it open, and she saw. A room. Far darker than she’d seen before.
There lay a light, all in the centre: the smallest glow, bathed in the black Says the girl “this place, I cannot enter, You must traverse it for my sake”
So striding forward, Ellen went the darkness all around her sealed The air was heavy, burned and bent and twisted all that she did feel.
Until the glowing light did reach her body barely brought her breath but then she moved - the glow to breach and with her blade she broke it. Swift.
From the shards erupted out a spectral shape, then winding through Until the doorway it did meet Unto the sister, shadow flew.
It entered there upon her brow, stained and stirred her unmarred head and from that point a shape did grow till her form into the air it bled
It coalesced 'fore Ellen’s eyes Gathered to an unknown shape And then it jumped, began to fly Above her head: an owl grey
“Come, let us go” she called out then, landing soft on Ellen’s arm, but she had barely spoken, when: A sound did ring out loud and clear;
A voice that set their hearts to fear;
A discordant hum drew ever near;
An echo that did lock them here-
'Til sudden did the king appear.  
Him past the door - in anger flew, then from his thigh a hammer drew the room he lit and traveled through as the space about, around them grew it spread and swelled, 'til they could view…
A quiet clearing laid with dew.
There they stood, in clearing then as the sun it blazed so high and 'twas as though trees knelt for him their branches dipped and bowed close by
And all about the air was still: made room for frenzied king to cry He yelled and into silence spilled, as his body strained and writhed
The twisting hammer in his hand it snaked its way unto his chest it sank beneath his writhing skin and from it then a glow did spread
Then the king he shifted in the space - all as a dragon he did roar And Ellen then her legs did brace as dragon’s breath, it blew a storm
Upon his breath these words did sound: “Mey, my heart! How dare you leave?! I gave you the finest things around! What must I do to win your love?”
As the words slipped from his tongue boldly then the owl proclaimed “I am Mey, and you’re undone - for from your lips I take my name!”
And she has flown, above the field changed to hawthorn: razor sharp And to his scaled body dropped; drove her branches; wrapped him up
The dragon changed beneath her binds, and Ellen now in anger flew She in her hand the bow did find: and against the string an arrow drew
The arrow carved through shifting limb and embedded in the soft green earth but all his limbs did vanish then into a body now of slimmer girth
Not dragon, but a serpent large - it slipped away, and fangs did bare With striking speed the snake did charge to Ellen’s arm, it fastened there
Then Mey became a lion fierce She pounced upon the biting thing and from the teeth that held in place The viper tore: split mouth and fang
The bow then changed all in her grip It twisted, wrapped her arm around An arrow then, as sword did flow from palm, prepared to strike him down
'Tween Mey’s teeth the snake did shrink 'til he fell to ground beneath And raised again; as man did smirk Naught but blood where had lain teeth
Then his feet began to swell His skin did stretch, his bones did too His lips they curled; the blood it fell - hit the grass, to stain the dew
Then Mey she grew, and matched for size and strange enough, did Ellen too 'Til all of them as giants rise and none of them the ground could view
The fight then shook the very air - as giants struck, blow for blow, Until but two were standing there and the King he fell to ground below
He fell so slow that it did seem that time had ceased to do its work Until he landed, as if a dream then from the fall the world did quake
Panting, bleeding they did crouch and shrunk unto their normal size Until so close that they could touch the whites around the giant’s eyes
They walked across him, to his chest as the king did bellows make Holding the bow, now as it was Ellen offered it for Mey to take
But Mey, away the bow did turn - Says “You cannot this offer give, for the faerie king is only slain by a mortal with a faerie gift”
Then Ellen, passion in her eyes did turn unto his beating breast And held the bow; drawn and poised Pulled tighter still, then arrow leased
From the wound dug in his heart, a sound like thunderstorm did draw The arrow where the skin did part, then changed to block the gaping maw
Still the clouds fell all around, and like a hurricane, wind flew They held on tight until they found no corpse beneath - they fell below
Now on the ground, young Ellen ‘mazed as all about - the walls they came Then in the tower found they laid, where they’d started, once again
'Twas with a sigh of bending wood, the arrows to her quiver went They passed her arm, wet with blood and as they did the wound did mend
Looking up to Mey’s own face she noticed then that it had changed Where human 'guise had been in place now features like her brother’s shaped
“Now come, you stranger, tell your name; for you know mine, and I not yours As I my life do owe to thee, although my brother was your cause”
“My name it is Elinor, but your life I do not need - It seems we had a common goal: From love’s cruel clutches to be freed”
To an owl again, then Mey did shift- of a size to let young Ellen ride And joyously held them aloft 'til down below her horse they spied
She mounted up, and rode for home While Mey, as wolf, ran by her side Upon the twisted house they came Saw the cat, with Jack beside
And there as these two friends did speak a smile broke out on wolfish face For Mey into a run did break: on her two feet approached the place
“Fearn!” She cried - to her he leapt, changing quick from cat to man Before her then Fearn almost wept lips spread wide by glowing grin
He threw her clothing from the line, wrapped some more about his waist then to each of them did turn and for each introductions made
Mirth and joy around them grew: it filled the air, and in them welled The siblings - reunited, now stood by two friends, their wants fulfilled
One final task before them lay 'twas of Fearn for Ellen’s wish As such his hand upon her placed whereupon her skin did shift
She felt a buzzing through her bones and there in place did shake and lift 'til in another form she rose Now as a lively horse most swift
She danced and sprung in great delight Changed her form again, again Until as a human bright once more did she appear to them
“And of your other wish,” said he, “that much was done 'fore you returned, When I felt you slay the king, for me - had gold and jewels sent to your home”
Elinor felt her word at ease now all her problems, they were solved She would - to wealth - ne'er wedded be yet family would not want for gold
And though the prince could her confine, she would ne'er as captive lie For she would make the world her home: Content to swim, to bound, or fly. *
Ellen, she is a wandering kind, and her spirit cried out to be freed from duties that would her confine That was, until she found the key
For she sought out Fearn, beyond the trees and when she helped his sister, Mey He set her from her duties free And now she travels the world,
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wickednerdery · 4 years
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Title: Out of Time: On the Spot Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Loki x Stark!OC Rating: Mature Summary: “And you’re a man out of time.” Notes: Continuing my strange little foray into cyberpunk with Loki on a futuristic Earth (after his escapes with the Tesseract in Endgame?). This one alludes to child slavery - including for sexual purposes - and has some fighting.
Masterlist - Previously
The establishment sprawled like a city onto itself, filled with signs, tents, tables, and beings. Masked figures, men with robotic arms, women with mirrored sunglasses set into their eyes. It reminds Loki of those markets where you can get anything you wish for the right price, with the right connections. He passes countless things (some familiar from other realms) in following Cyno, until the man stops at an indistinct, foil, tent.
“Cyno, long time no see.”
“Been keeping under. Any alerts lately?”
“Possible raid.”
“Soon.” The larger man shrugs. “There was another strike on Stark.”
“Last night.”
Cyno glances to his strange new employer, then back. “It bad?”
“She’s had worse, I’m sure, but there’ll be raids.”
Another shrug. “I’d get what you can while you can, either way.”
Cyno turns to Loki. “Look, I got personal business with Ratz here, head over to Deck 21 in Row 72.”
“Deck?” This isn’t a ship.
"This is Deck 47.” Cyno pats the table, careful of the wares, then points to the left. “That’s Deck 46.” To the right. “Deck 48. Check Deck 21, Row 72, and I’ll be there shortly.”
“Twenty minutes, tops.”
Loki sighs, rolls eyes dramatically, but he’s ignored. He takes his time, exploring the indoor market as he goes. Many hawk their wares, their services, almost blindly. A few reach out, make grabs, shout, to call attention to what they’re selling. He carries on with only glances, interest only in that these things can now be found on this realm...until Row 69.
The girl is young even by Midgardian standards, too young for a place such as this. Her hair’s unkempt, ratty, with pink streaks. She sits before a tent with the confidence of one who’s grown up in markets like this, on one side of the table or the other. When her eyes catch his they don’t look away, they don’t even blink. When he ticks his head to the side, she does the same. When he straightens it, she does. 
Loki takes in the row at large with its neon signs and screens filled with dancing beings of various genders in various stages of undress. It’s a pleasure row. He thinks to carry on, but the girl’s eyes draw him in. Past kiosks of toys, of enhancements, privacy tents, and digital figures promising vulgarities through their screens. When he reaches the girl he crouches. “You’re too young for a place such as this.”
“And you’re a man out of time.”
The voice hits strange, the words uncomfortably close, familiar. It’s coincidence, it has to be. “What’s your name, child?”
“It’s whatever you give me.”
“What do you call yourself?”
The screens throughout the market go black, then red. Their volumes go to max. “ALERT! ALERT! THIS IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT FROM STARK INTERNATIONAL. ALL RESIDENTS RETURN TO YOUR HOMES. REMAIN INSIDE. ALERT! ALERT! THIS IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT...” Speakers shriek in alarm as sounds of panic roll through the market, from its outer limits inward.
“Hey!” Cyno pushes his way through the throngs of scattering people as gunfire breaks out. “Anarchist!” Loki turns from the girl. “Let’s go!”
Loki turns back to take the girl with them, but she’s gone. Cyno grabs his wrist and, too puzzled for pride, Loki allows himself to be dragged through the chaos that was once a market.
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“You’re too young for a place such as this.”
Ana watches the mystery man known as Loki through the droid girl’s eyes. For a terroristic madman he seems to care an awful lot about a street child. She patches herself into the bot’s vocals. “And you’re a man out of time.” Her lips lift as the god is taken aback. He recognizes the phrase.
“What’s your name, child?”
Its name is Tango-Juliett 16-40. “It’s whatever you give me.”
“What do you call yourself?”
She thinks whether or not to give him a hint and see how clever he is. Then the raid alerts sound. Ana disengages the vocals. “Fuck,” she mutters to herself. Security protocols override her connection to the android and it takes off like everyone else. “Tony, switch to camera feeds.” Ana follows Loki from screen to screen before he and the other are out of sight completely. “I want all available sources on them, alert me privately when either’s found again.” 
“Sure thing.”
“And get Orson on the line.” She doesn’t give him the chance to hello. “I didn’t give clearance to raid the markets.” 
Orson sighs. “You don’t have to, that’s what I’m here for.”
“To ruin the economy?”
“To keep you safe. The markets hit were all suspect, known to cater to threats, and...Wait, how do you know about the markets?”
“I was looking at one.”
“Ana...” Orson’s tone is warning.
“I found him.”
“This isn’t a guy you wanna be playing with.”
“I used an android, he thought I was a child,” she dismisses. “He seemed to care.”
“He doesn’t.”
“...How can you be sure?” After all, many were certain she didn’t.
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Loki follows Cyno through the throngs, past Sentinels and around blockades. They slip through back-alleys, buildings, and bars. They run until Cyno’s breath is gone, until he collapses against a wall, panting.
“We have to go back.” 
The man drops his bag, crouches to dig into it and pull out an indistinct bottle. He tilts it back, squirts silver-white liquid into his mouth. “Fuck...you talking...about.” He drinks again.
“The girl, she’s alone. She could be hurt.”
Cyno sighs, setting the Go-Go Juice back into his bag, then stands and turns from the wall. “Are you still on about the toy back there?”
“The girl.”
“Is a fucking droid, man. You know, a robot. Not real.”
Loki’s eyes narrow as he facilitates between uncomprehending and unconvinced. “She was a child.”
“Some folks like that.”
“I don’t.”
“Neither do I,” Cyno shrugs, slipping his bag back on. “But that’s why I don’t bother with them. Now you wanna stay and debate the morals of the android-child sex trade or you wanna stay out of Sentinel hands?”
“You don’t have to worry about them.” The modulated voice comes from a suited up figure, battle ready with katanas at their back. “Just me.”
Loki’s no patience for ninjas all in white. “Then pretend you never saw us.” He’s little patience for anything at the moment. 
“That won’t work on me, sorcerer.” The ninja’s smile comes through their words. 
Cyno’s eyes widen in frustrated disbelief. “You tried it again?” The suit alone would likely safeguard from any attempts at brain chemistry manipulation. 
“Well, as they say, if at first you don’t succeed...”
The white ninja takes their distraction as opportunity and, with a flick of the wrists, flings a series of mecha’d shuriken. Loki’s hand flies out, directing a blast of energy back.
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So, apparently, Ana can possess (at least certain) androids out in the world...this is news to me as well and I don’t know the limits/restraints to this ability just yet, so this should be a fun exploration for all of us, lol! I think I know who the white ninja might be, but I’m not sure of that either honestly, lol! I DO know that Ana’s fascinated by Loki and will continue to try and contact him though, so there’s that.
Still/Always playing with this one, feel free to share ideas/thoughts/suggestions!! 😉
Tagging: @lady-crowned-with-stars, @beccaliciooouuusss, gravitational-anomaly, @fuckthatfeeling, @v-2bucky, @ultrarebelheart, @tarithenurse @latent-thoughts @chibiyanai @lukeevansandjdmobession @sweetfictionalworld @ladyfluff @theangelsfightwithdevils @holykryptonitekitten @kpopgirlbtssvt @michellearel1​ …And I legit don’t know who else to tag anymore lol
Gifs made off ones I found on Google, then combined myself.
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minidigidestined · 5 years
Fatal Mistake
CW: One shot sfw vore story with implied fatal and digestion. Sadistic pred and mostly unwilling prey, fearplay. Very whump-y. N/S/F/W blogs do not interact.
A quick little "AU" babble of two of my Digimon OCs from the POV of my digidestined OC featuring one of her friend digimon, Voltboutamon, as the pred. When the human servant to the illustrious digimon lord makes a messy mistake in front of her master's guests during a dinner party, he becomes enraged and has finally had enough of her ineptitude. Not so fun hijinks ensue.
I made sure to smooth out the creases in my apron and dress, my breath short and strained. I knew that for something like this, my lord needed me to look perfectly presentable--I was as much a part of the setting as the crystal wineglasses or gilded chairs, after all.
I adjusted the bloom of curls atop my head and steadied myself the best I could. I knew he could detect my fear and discomfort miles away and while it was usually a delight to him, tonight the smallest sign of irritation could be fatal.
I pushed open the heavy doors to the dining room, exhaling anxiety as another servant bustled past me with empty trays.
"Good luck," She mouthed as I emerged, the expensive scent of the guests' cuisine wreathing around me. I clutched the bottle of wine tightly in my hands, speedwalking out into the elegantly decorated chamber, the diamond chandelier casting ominous candlelight out over the decadent scene.
My lord sat at the head of the head of the table, perfectly poised in regal silence among the chatter. He cut an imposing figure, all sharp edges, straight lines and the finest silks. His red eyes burned like twin hot coals, his clawed fingers wrapped around the stem of his empty goblet. He impatiently tapped the stone floor with the toe of his boot, almost looking bored even though it was his affair.
His crimson eyes found me near instantly, locking onto my own earthy gaze and sending a chill up my spine. I bypassed his guests with shaky steps, robotically greeting and inquiring as to their pleasure. The stern line of his mouth relaxed into a self-satisfied smirk as I approached, his food still steaming and untouched.
I approached his side, his figure looming over me a good seven feet even while sitting. He leaned back luxuriously, his long legs crossed at the ankle.
"Human. You kept me waiting. I hope you brought the good wine." He said languorously.
"Yes, Lord Voltaboutamon. Only the best for you and your patrons." I heard the tremble in my voice and felt dread curl in my chest like a frightened child.
"Good." His tone was almost indulgent, his smirk all dark edges. "Get on with it then, woman."
I swallowed, my throat thick as he lowered his goblet, as royal as everything else in his gothic noir estate. I hastily uncorked the bottle, feeling more than one pair of eyes on me. With shaking hands, I lifted the wine to pour, praying to anyone willing to listen and--
My mind blanked into white hot panic when my wrist twitched, a product of anxiety and damaged motor skills. The wash of shame and fear froze me in place as the wine, dark as blood, spilled over me, my digimon lord and the floor.
I saw the moment rage blossomed in his breast, as dark as the splashed wine as his easy posture and icy smirk twisted into unadulterated anger. His eyes narrowed to thin slits--blazing hellfire--mouth curling into a snarl, his edges sharpening instantaneously.
"You stupid little brat," He hissed between his teeth, fangs gleaming dangerously. "Can you ever do a damn thing right?"
At his scathing tone I flashed back to his effortless grace in the art of killing. Back to blood and marrow and incomprehensible danger. Back to fear and insecurity and nightmares.
He's not like that...not with me, not anymore. He’s just playing it up in front of the guests. I repeat it to myself like a mantra, my entire sense of self on white-hot fire. No matter what I told myself, I knew the truth though. I knew how important tonight was and of course I fumbled it, like always. 
He rose to his full height, his second pair of arms unfolding behind him like a reaper's scythes, tail uncoiling from his waist and twisting about in a hypnotic dance, like a snake ready to strike.
Yes, my master is as beautiful and deadly as a serpent, quick as a whip and more clever than most...if not all. Despite his lanky build, he seemed to encompass the entire room with his presence alone, his brilliance demanding absolute attention. I saw a certain hunger twist his features, the lust for violence in that moment carving out a hole in his very heart.
I watched his face, unable to look away as that hole began to fill.
"I have had enough of your fumbling and bumbling, maid," He sneered, his voice righteous and cruel. "I've given you chance after chance, and still you remain a thorn in my side, a leftover piece of a puzzle with no place to go. Nowhere you fit in."
"Please sir," I begin to beg, black tinting the edges of my vision in sheer panic. I thought of his blades, of his guns, even of the strength in his spidery limbs and whip-like tail.
"I gave you a chance because I pitied you, but now you're out of chances and out of time." He gripped my chin, taloned fingers digging into my doughy face. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes and found not a single shred of mercy there.
"No," He growled, and if looks could kill, I'd be in hell. "I'm going to make an example of you. I know you neglect your job to sit and eat and read, lazing about like a useless stain. Even knowing that I won't settle for less than perfection. Even knowing that I see everything. But you'll be perfect for one thing..."
I stared blankly, shaking and not daring to move. 
He smiled softly, his voice growing syrupy and taunting. He let one hand glide mockingly over his midriff, "I see how you stare at me and the annoying things you say to the other servants--I always thought your desires the most foolish thing I had ever heard. What better way to end you than by showing you how that particular brand of idiocy has made a bumbling fool of you and distracted you from your job? What its reality leads to?” 
I felt myself flush, immediately trying to twist out of his iron grip. "I'm sorry, Voltaboutamon, please no--"
"Too late " He crooned, a lullaby and a death sentence all in one. "And this way, your end won't lead to the other servants having to clean up after you. Again."
My head began to swim, my chest tightening as his hand encompassed my entire head. My vision completely blacked out, and the sensation of becoming less overtook me, my mind, and even the humiliation.
Before I knew it, I sat on Voltaboutamon's hand, dizzy and still burning with the echoing pain of shrinking. I gazed up at him, his massive visage a blood moon hanging over my earth. Despite myself I panicked with a
 eripping the wrinkled, wine-stained hem of my dress with utterly frayed nerves and tried to look anywhere else but the line of his rage-twisted lips.
It really was happening. Just not the way I'd dreamed. Not with the ending I hoped for. But still...his scowling mouth was mere inches away from me, to the point where I could hear the irritated breath flaring from his nostrils like wind.
Without anymore ceremony, he plucked me from his palm two claws pinching the back of my dress. I swung upwards--unable to even inhale one last breath before the finale--until I was impossibly high up, dangling up above the proud arch of his hat and the menacing sculpt of his mask.
I covered my face with my hands, a low moan of despair escaping me despite my near daily voracious daydreams. I felt as heavy as lead, as good as gone, as dead as--
He let go.
I dropped like a stone, his mouth snapping me up near instantaneously. I felt him struggle a bit to accommodate me in his narrow maw, the pinpricks of his teeth scraping against me and drawing blood. I cried out in fear, pummeling the muscle of his tongue with my slippered feet and desperately tried to scramble for an escape.
A low sound rumbled in his chest, whether it was one of pleasure or annoyance, I couldn't place--perhaps both. He seemed to enjoy the taste of the wine on my skin, but in a matter of seconds he was already bored and done, tilting his head back and gulping me back with a throaty swallow.
I whimpered when I felt his throat hitch, unaccustomed to such a sizable and girthy morsel of food, but he swallowed thickly once more and I was sent down without fuss.
Covered head to toe in his saliva, the muscles of his elegant throat crushed against me, sending me down toward the prison of his gut. I felt his slim fingers press inquisitively against the bulge I created during my descent, cursing my eternal foolishness as my cheeks set aflame.
As I was pulled downward, I heard the laughter and excitement of his guests--I'm sure they enjoyed both his melodramatics and his near playful display of cruelty. Classic Voltboutamon! Soon though, all I could hear was the rush of his breath and the steady tempo of his heart, my head popping into a slightly more open cavern and the rest of my body toppling down seconds later.
I struggled to right myself, slipping in chyme and stomach juices and struggling to breathe in my lord's unrelenting body heat. I pushed my hands against his stomach walls in desperation, trying to wipe the itchy fluids from my eyes.
I imagined the little bulge I'd make in his skinny midsection, considering the fact that I was locked in his belly for the rest of my short life and cringed when I felt my panicking heart betray itself even when there was no way out. It was as if flowers blossomed between my ribs, and even though I was nothing but a punished servant turned snack, I felt as though he had finally seen me.
He had noticed me and my lingering stares--and now I got to be part of him. Perhaps forever, if he truly was without mercy. That meant something, right?
I yelped, jerked out of my thoughts when something dropped onto my head. With a start I realized it was a bit of chewed up meat. So...he was still hungry. Delicately picking at his food while his stomach growled around me, the little human he hungrily gulped down mere moments away from digestion.
The feelings of insignificance and delight battled within me.
More and more food dropped over me, bits of the finest and most decadent the manor's kitchens had to offer, and soon the stomach began to churn away at its meal. The walls pulsed and pressed against me, flipping me all around and nearly drowning me in the stomach fluids and masticated food. I was tossed about like nothing, completely at the mercy of my vicious lord's equally vicious stomach.
I screamed, pressing harder against the stomach walls as my new home seemed to grow hotter and burn with the acrid stench of stomach acid. I struggled for air and tried to push back against the slick muscles, but found myself growing weaker and weaker... Wine soon flooded over me, making me sputter and flail even more, the smell of grapes sickly bitter in the pit of his gut.
I thought I felt his hand pressing against his middle, and found the thought of him stuffing himself into a bellyache to further punish and disgust me made me giddy--I wondered if I was making a bulge in his perfect diamond-cut figure and smiled. Oh, how the blush on my cheeks would spite and enrage him ever further, a fun little game between the two of us.
Unfortunately, whatever bit of heaven I managed to find in my demise still made me the loser of this game. After all, I was going to be nothing more than chyme and fuel for his graceful power soon enough... Truly this was the magnum opus of his callous sadism, the complete erasure of one's personhood. He and his ruthless nature would always win. It always did.
If only he heard my screams and cared. If only he'd set me free in a few more minutes... If only he coughed me up, revealed his heart, and we became true friends. Maybe more, if he confessed he loved me too. If only this really were a game, a playful cat and mouse, and not my execution. But I already knew there would be no salvation tonight. There would be no tenderness from the pitiless digimon, not after my constant failings.
My skin began to truly itch, burning from the thick juices pooling up around me, massaged deep into my flesh by the churning stomach walls. I slumped down in defeat, mind going blank--I was sure that Voltaboutamon and his extravagant guests had already forgotten about me beyond a silly and fanciful dinner story for future parties.
As much as I'd begged and screamed though, it wasn't so bad... Leaning back into it felt as if I became warmth itself, and despite the danger I was in, I almost felt cradled by my lord's body. I could pretend.
My head swam with the heat, my eyes fluttering shut as the stomach bubbled and churned around me, feeling as if the sensation in my skin was fading and my body was beginning to melt. Now, I was nothing but food, fallen prey to my decadent lord.
Nothing but food... Nothing but... Nothing...
"Why are you staring at me, Charissa?"
I started with a jolt at Voltaboutamon's grumble. He hovered at the edge of the small kitchen, disgruntled and dissecting a slice of pizza with a fork and knife.
"Ah! Sorry, I was zoning out..." I prayed he hadn't noticed my eyes on the bowed frown of his mouth, on the silky swallows he took of cranberry juice and steaming pizza. I returned my attention to my own slice, stuffing it into my mouth messily.
He looked down his nose at me and scowled even deeper with disapproval, huffing. "Well look somewhere else."
I rolled my eyes and gave a sarcastic salute, desperately hoping my blush wasn't enough to be noticed as I tried not to imagine disappearing down his long, elegant throat, slipping between his menacing teeth and into the cruel and unrelenting confines of his stomach...
I really needed to get a reign on this daydreaming habit. Especially before my reluctant new friend noticed.
Especially before my fixation on his guts and his heart ruined everything.
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