#drew and Oren
rationalseries · 2 years
I miss the heyday of literary inspired web series so much and I'm so glad to have found you!! Do you happen to know of any other such webseries from this year or last?
We do too! There aren’t many nowadays but here’s the few we know of:
(Followers: if we missed any please feel free to contribute!)
-Headless - inspired by Sleepy Hollow, made by @shipwreckedcomedy, and featuring a lot of familiar LIW faces!
-Drew and Oren - quarantine sequel to Twelfth Grade or Whatever, this follow up is at least partly inspired by Taming of the Shrew. Made by our friend and music coordinator Jules at @quipmodestproductions.
-Tincho Fierro - this one just started airing, it’s based on Argentinian novel “El gaucho Martín Fierro” and seems to be going for the classic vlog style so far. It’s in Spanish and has English subtitles available.
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violivs · 2 years
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Webseries Moodboards: Viola Messing/Liv Belcik, stranded in New Zealand while traveling together, from Drew and Oren and 12th Grade or Whatever
“Liv wanted to see the hobbit houses, and then... they got stuck.”
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hhkkxd · 3 months
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ubenebula · 10 months
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sentypurr · 11 months
Oren the Sylveon's complete backstory and lore?
Hi! It's been a long time. Oren has now been renamed to Mistletoe!
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This picture is OLD so it is not indicative of my current fairy style, but it WAS the latest design of them I ever drew as a non-Pokemon. I've been thinking of ways to revamp my fairy characters, and Mistletoe might be one of the prime characters I use to test those designs on!
As for Oren, before the scrap a lot of his lore was what a lonely Sylveon he was, who couldn't stop making others unsettled thanks to his nature and the fact his father was the fearsome King of Fairies.
If I give away any more I might be threading on a lot of what modern Mistletoe does...but, I can tell you he was named after the first berry he ate, back then!
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zeldacd · 1 year
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I start every post saying HI so... Hello. Today I finally drew a proper fullbody image for another one of my Zora OCs (from my AU), Siluri!
She's actually a River Zora, and honestly I based most of her looks from Queen Oren from ALBW. She's also based off of a catfish!
I took the opportunity to include some REALLY old doodles featuring her too cause I can't see myself ever uploading them otherwise. (Showing Prince Kaluga's fickle heart here too lol)
ummm. More AU lore under the cut for context, as usual!
Siluri is the Princess of the River Zoras, who's kingdom resides in swamp lands. In my AU they're not too dissimilar to Lake Zora, they just have a few minor physical differences. In addition to cultural differences.
Still, despite their similarities they've historically had a strained relationship with the Lake Zora due to territorial disputes, their cultural differences clashing, and their Royalty's thousand year old grudges mostly. So their people aren't too friendly with one another. Unlike the Lake Zora, though, the River Zora aren't necessarily hostile with human races, though they are still extremely territorial and are not shy when it comes to conflict, so caution is advised when traversing their domain, and one should especially avoid fishing in their rivers.
Honestly... they're kind of like gators to me. They're really powerful and scary, are dangerous to push your luck with, but are chill for the most part. (Also they live in a swamp)
ANYWAYS Siluri herself is a bit of a himedere, she loves commanding people, and she's got a huge ego. She's quick to show dominance with violence, but rarely does she actually try to inflict serious harm on anyone unless she's been disrespected. Her father, the king of the River Zora, is currently in poor health, so she's taking an early role on ruling their lands herself in his stead. She's the golden child among the River Zora, and is considered to be the most beautiful among them.
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pen-of-roses · 4 months
Guess what I managed to do two of the prompts for @ockissweek and this one is actually soft! I promise. I offer no such promises for the rest of the week.
Taking a deep breath to enjoy the earthy scent in the air, they leaned against the stones and tipped their head back, eyes closed. Rain hit their face in fat, cold droplets. A steady shower that could maybe wash off the fragments of pain and fear still choking them, even if it couldn’t chase away the piercing gold behind their eyelids. 
Their fingers dug into the dirt. It felt like the right thing to do, even if they couldn’t say why.
Maybe Calla was right, and they really were some sort of plant.
At the very least, it was comforting, calling forth slivers of memories: a voice telling them to relax and breathe in a language they didn’t remember the name of, a heavy blanket draped over their shoulders, a wide grin and kind eyes, the smell of a strong floral tea.
Heavy footsteps and a tap on their shoulder drew them back to the present. Though, as they blinked up at Oren, they half expected him to be holding a steaming mug. But his hands were empty, instead rubbing up his arms to stave off the cold. “Did you know it’s raining?”
They raised their eyebrows in a shocked expression, glancing from him to the sky and back with an exaggerated move of their head.
Snorting and rolling his eyes, he waved his hand dismissively. “Yes, yes,” he signed, “very funny. Calla said I should make sure you wouldn’t wash away, but I can see you’re fine.”
“I like it,” they signed . “Think I used to do,” they paused for a moment and then motioned at their seated position and the sky, “this, before. With…” Frowning, that smile and those eyes from before flickered, fading in the fog with everything else.
“Someone.” With a half hearted shrug, they blew a frustrated breath and looked out into the dark expanse of mountain around them.
Oren’s quiet “oh” was barely audible over the rain’s persistent tapping. “Well,” his voice drew out the word, drawing their attention back to him, before he continued , “I can leave you to it then.”
“No, I think I’d like the company?” They bit their lip, their shoulders raising as they looked up at him.
His face twitched as he turned his head up to the sky.
When he looked down again, they raised their hands and started, “It’s fine–”
But he only sighed and dropped down next to them, bumping their shoulders together. “The things I do for the two of you.” He shook his head, but was smiling through it.
They laughed, leaning their head against his. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Stubble scratched their skin as he turned to place a gentle kiss on their forehead. “If I catch a cold though, you’re going to have to take care of me.”
“I don’t already?”
“Watch it, see if I give you an extra helping tomorrow!” He scowled trying to move away, but they just pulled him closer, wrapping their arms around him to provide some warmth and placing their own kiss on his cheek. His face fell into something softer then and he blinked a few times. A moment later, he signed, “Love you Silver.”
They swallowed. Then, offered a small and fragile smile in return, their head onto his shoulder.
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natskys-w · 7 months
Hello.. Can you write a Grayson Hawthorne story where he starts feeling sick in the middle of a foundation event? Maybe then Oren/Alisa/one of his brothers will notice and take care of him..
Can l write? No no can't... Did l try yes
You have been warned from this point forward, proceed at your own discretion ⚠️
A soft clink of a glass brought brought the chatter of the hall to a soft murmur over  excited tables eager to hear the opening speech 
Alisa voice rang clear and warmly over the speaker. 
“Welcome, it is wonderful to see so many familiar faces joining us for the birth of this heart felt project that has been years in the making“ She smiled brightly at the guests, then turned her gaze to the Hawthorne table letting her pride shine through before continuing with the speech.
At the Hawthorne table things where going as planned, in order not a hint of chaos or mayhem… of course. Yep not a hint of chaos
Grayson prepped to join Alisa, Jameson waved and gave  dazzling smiles to guests that looked to them. Avery listened intently also ready to speak, Xander discreetly fed his recently acquired friend that nestled in his pocket. Whilst Nash distracted Libby from getting nervous with an origami puzzle trick.
Grayson went over his speech softly murmuring and repeating it to himself in order to get his head in the game. He would not let a stupid flue get in the way of all the hard work that went into ensuring this gala was a success anything less then perfect was unacceptable and it was his responsibility to represent his fami- damn it this hall was hot, how was nobody sweating was he sweating. The sharp drilling pain in his head grew as the crowd clapped at something Alisa said.
Wait was it his turn? No no to early, maybe-
“Gray, Grayson, are you okey? You don't look to good… “
Averys voice brought him back, everyone concerned gaze was on him. Nash leaned towards him
“Hey you wanna take a minute”
“No, I'm fine” he replied his stomach did a backflip 
“You look like a soggy egg sandwich that's been left in the sun.” Xander quipped 
Nash got up to go round Greysons side
“That's it come on up ya go” He hauled him up  like a sack of potatoes “let's take a little trip to the bathroom before our table and flowers go from lilac white to muddy yellow.”
“I'm fine” 
“Yeah yeah, come on.” Nash said as he discreetly led him away to the bathroom.
“What the hell did he eat?” 
“Maybe we should go with him”
“Is everyone looking at us it feels like everyone's looking at us.”
“psst Jameson, look at the picture l took, he looks like the Jack Nicholson in the snow meme ”
“Everybody stay calm” libby chirped in a sing song voice trying not to panic.
“Libby seriously it's fine, l'm sure Greyson will be back soon l'll take over for Gra- AW what thefuck-” 
Jameson swore bringing up his blood finger
“Xander?” Jameson asked
“What just bit me?”
“Mr Gizmo Wayne Hawthorne the I”
“And what exactly is Mr Gizmo Wayne Hawthorne the first?”
“I believe he's a fruit bat although he's the size of a kitti's hog nosed bat. Interesting enough the-”
“You brought a bat!” Avery squeaked lowering her voice when the table next to them gave them a curious look and Alisa gave them a jovial nervous glance and made a joke that drew everyone's attention back to her.
“Why is he even here? He's ugly, rude and may have more disease then the CDC. What if he's what made Grayson sick?“ 
A little nose and beady eyes glared at Jameson from Xanders pocket and made a series of grumbling sounds.
“Oh Lord, l need to go warn Nash.” Libby dashed off
“Hey! For your information he has a clean bill of health, l checked him out myself. Thank you. As for why he's here he's family, plus thanks to the project, the research facility he came from is shut down and no longer needed. Look at that little face, would this face not encourage you to donate”
Avery wrapped Jamesons fingers and peaked at the wound trying to be as gentle as possible.
“Xander?! Okey guys thats it, we're all heading to the toilets. We need to disinfect your wound, let Nash and Oren know what's going on and get Mr Wayne whatever his name away, far away from the guests.” 
They scurried off to the bathroom, where upon opening the men's room the sound of someone violently throwing up greeted them. Libby leaned against the sink as she bit her nails, looking into the fancy stall where Nash was holding Graysons head back and rubbing his back softly on the floor.
Like he did when they were children.
“Xander, l ALWAYS KNEW you would KILL ME just not like THIS” Greyson grumbled 
“Remember what mum always  says negative emotions. Will make you sicker, exhale that negativity on three.” Xander replied as Nash gave him a warning stare.
“l can just  see the headlines, Hawthorne heirs taken to soon by deadly infection… maybe ebola or Marburg…  with how Grayson is looking…
 Cause of death rat with wings”
“Your not helping.” Nash reprimed
“Besides aren't we getting ahead of ourselves-”
“See thank you, that's what l've been saying, sorry go on” Xander interrupted 
“As l was saying, before we call the CDC again let's go through all the steps. I already informed Oren, Libby has the emergency bag, We're running our blood and what we can test for has come back negative so Jameson, no  you do not have Marburg or Ebola. Someone's already on the way to double check, okey?” He said as he got more tissue to wipe Some of the sweat off Grayson and rested him on his shoulder.
Avery finished off washing Jamesons hand and was dealing with the wound as he asked 
“Jameson, yes”
“If we're quarantined, can it be in the LA station?”
Avery gave him a light shove.
“Jameson what did l just say!”
“What it could still be Ebola or something new given Mr Gizmo Wayne hawthorne the I previous home.”
“He has nothing to do with this” Xander protested, bringing him out of his pocket and cradling him to his chest. “He's probably cleaner then anyone in this room.” He murmured cooing at his little friend, that Grayson glared at.
“We're gonna die and a movies gonna be made about this day, with Xander as patient 0 like that Contagion movie”  Grayson groaned “l need to go give me speech.”
“Grayson seriously not you to”
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20genderchild · 1 year
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mb-blue-roses · 2 years
Yesterday (17th)'s pride drawing!
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[Image ID: A transparent chibi drawing of Oren. She has hair that has a blue-green fade. He has yellow eyes and is wearing sunglasses. They are smirking and wearing a grey t-shirt with a fruit on it. They have a hand up, and are holding an ace flag in that hand. A signature, a stylized A_G, is next to Oren's head and raised hand. End ID]
Drew @pmseymourva's character Oren!
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Hello it’s been while! I kind of have a backlog of stuff so I’ll just post a new thing everyday.. mostly just draw OCs now, specifically DnD OCs haha
This first one is of a character I made for a Strahd campaign! He is a hexblood (made a deal with a hag at death’s door) bloodhunter name Oren :3c
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His newer design is the yellow shirt and the other design is from when we first started the campaign! I also included a shot of the whole group I drew pretty recently. : D
Oh also the crown is described as a living crown so I made it so when Oren is feeling happy or sad or angry the crown changes with those moods! It’s a lot of fun to RP and draw haha
Anyways I’ll show you another blorbo tomorrow!
(OH ALSO my friend colored the portrait of Oren where he is holding the scissors! She did such an amazing job ;;0;;)
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kathuman · 6 months
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The small handful of personal sketches I did in November. I was mostly focused on trying to draw Oren, the man with the scar and tattoo, more so I drew him a bunch with Katts since they're super close
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pheoblitz · 7 months
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Still hasnt happened in the game yet, but I am sure it will soon enough 0: We are getting into some old art of mine now as I catch yall up. January 17th 2023 is when this one was made. I think I have posted older art already, but over all the age of the art is getting older. This is just the one to make me relise it. This one I can probably redraw soon as well if I ever choose too. Anywho, you are here for art not my rambling. So lets talk about what the art is and not its age.
This here is a drawing of Nym coming to- well being put back together to the point he relises who he is. Right now apparently someone stole part of him, I assume that is why his hair and eyes are gray because apparently that wasn't due to him being an aasimar. So right now he is only half of a whole. This drawing is of a hypothetical seneraio where the other half is returned all at once and he just has to deal with the sudden and total realization. Though when I drew it, I just assume his memories where locked away in an object or something and not that a whole half of him was missing. No idea where the plot is acutlly going if I am being honest. But I am indeed here for it. Maybe one day I will summarize it better.
The person in current time goes by Nym. That appernace is the left half. While him in the past was named Oren. His appernace during that time is to the right. When he went by Oren, he was more closed off, cared how others felt, was very scared of dirt, very vain, etc etc. While he goes as Nym however, has forgone these traits. He grew up surrounded by very little other people let alone ones who question how he behaves. So he grew to learn to do as he pleases and to be himself rather then the fears he gained from growing up when he went by Oren. I tried to show that as Nym, he is alot more open and shows his emotions then when he was Oren. I also tried to show that Oren was more concerned about his appearance by showing that half touching their face. The actual scene would probably just be Nym's look looking into the mirror as he exists with his selves melding together internally. But idk I thought this was a fun visual.
I phrased this all very poorly right now because I am so tired and not really thinking stright. Here have the bonus black white and gray version.
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gardenofedenya · 4 months
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eden posting on the art blog? in 2024?
to commemorate, here's my favorite things i drew last year :) hopefully i post more this year.
these are all dnd characters of mine, related to them :D
Pose references! :
Atir and Bix (tbh i dont know if this is the og source, as i can't find it anywhere else, so please let me know if it isn't so I can correct it!)
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saintables · 2 years
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@doodlemeimpressed and I’s the quarry ocs :]
(Green hair: Drew , Blonde hair: Oren)
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ofcarnvge · 2 years
Gretchen had never found herself being so drawn off from her usual path. Most of the time, the question of even doing something different never even crossed her mind. Of course, her author sister was always there to fill her pretty head with cathartic daydreams of what she could do if she just divorced (again) her (second) husband, but every one of those lovely stories had been dismissed as just that: cathartic daydreams. Gretchen had rebelled against the life planned for her in her own ways, adopting a hyper-femininity that was even too much for her conservative mother, but straying away too far from what felt like destiny was unthinkable. Until O-Ren. Spending the day getting ready with a full expectation that she and O-Ren would be meeting in the dining hall of the businesswoman’s establishment, Gretchen pulled out a vintage 1960′s Helga cocktail dress, patterned in a muted, metallic, brown leopard print, a gold leaf style brocade woven throughout, and a sweetheart neckline. Accentuated with a pair of muted gold heels, Gretchen finished off her look with fiery red lipstick and her sunset hair pulled up in a classic up-do. As far as she was concerned, Gretchen knew exactly how she would stand out in a crowded restaurant, and approved. Once Gretchen was actually at the restaurant, her bravado seemed to slip with a slight flushing of her freckled cheeks and shoulders upon receiving word that she’d be meeting O-Ren in her own penthouse. Her well-practiced, wind-chime voice seemed to unintentionally slip a notch or two higher in octave as Gretchen politely followed June, trying not make it obvious that she was now nervous by fiddling with her purse too much.
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The lights were dim, the temaki had been set out on the dining table in the open plan kitchen. Reluctantly, Sofie had been sent away to sulk in the restaurant downstairs, but Oren knew that wouldn't last - once she got some champagne into her she’d be schmoozing some potential new client.
The doorbell rang through the apartment. Still holding her wineglass O-ren rose from her seat by the coffee table, still clothed in her elegant silk robe and slip, not smudge of makeup to be seen on her face.
She pulled the door open and smiled at the visage on the other side; she had expected it, but it still floored her, not that she gave it away. Gretchen had a way with femininity, it was unique - soft, effulgent...but sharply precise. It was the sharpness that drew O-ren...A sharpness that belied something.
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      “Gretchen, it’s lovely to see you again.” She uttered affably. She turned to June, one of the 88s and one of her preferred assistants.
      “Thank you June, do go and look after Sofie downstairs.” 
She took a sip of her wine and let her gaze over...Everything about Gretchen be obvious for just a second as June disappeared down the corridor.
      “Please come in, you have my ear on any business you’d like to discuss.”
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