#drink consumption
magicalcreeks · 3 months
“I hate the taste of water” Tim and “I carry around multiple water flavor droplets” Kon
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brujahinaskirt · 2 years
arthur morgan hears a soggy little queen shriek for help and comes barreling through the wilderness guns out snorting like a bull moose i love it
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Prompts and starters A collaboration with @wormwriting
[Prompt Masterpost]
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“How much did you hear?”
Whumpee crouched and trying to stay quiet until they can slip away. Then the cool barrel of a gun pressing against the back of their head. Bonus for ~click~
“You know what happens now, right?”
Whumpee stumbling home, breath ragged and body in shock still. They stare at the liquor bottle - and without thinking, uncap it and start downing as much fire as they can stand. They don’t want to remember what they just saw. For everyone’s sake. 
Whumper shoving a bottle against Whumpee’s chest. “You’re going to want to forget that. I’ll check back in tomorrow to make sure you did.” 
Walked into the wrong bar at the wrong time - now they’re a vampire’s lunch.
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re the one who fucked up everything. Now I need to clean up your mess.”
The shaky hand Whumpee presses to their mouth to try to stifle their echoing breaths. Eyes squeezed shut so hard that they might press the memory of what they saw out of their mind.
“How’s about you and me go for a little walk, hm?”
“Sorry kid - boss said no loose ends.”
Whumpee stepping around the corner to see people and blood and heads slowly turning toward them. Seeing them seeing what just happened. Seeing the blood. Seeing them seeing the blood. Whumpee slooooooowwwwwly steps back, eyes stricken with horror-
“Can’t talk without a tongue, right?”
Whumpee driving in the middle of nowhere - how were they supposed to know it would be fifty miles to the nearest gas station? At least they can cal-......they don’t have signal either…
Whumpee flinching at each echoing footstep, tucking further back into their hiding spot. “I know you’re theeeeerrreeeee~ Come out come ouuuut~”
“You know this isn’t personal, right?”
And escaped whumpee bumping into Whumper completely randomly years later. The  s t a r e. Aaaaaaand run-
“What are you so scared for? I don’t gotta kill you~”
“Wh-y me?” “You were the easiest to grab.”
Stepping into a bear trap. 
Whumpee getting mistaken for a target. Tortured in their place while pleading all the while that they got the wrong mark. Of course, no one believes them.
“Know what you are? A liability.”
The random guy the villain shoots in a bar just to make a point. 
“Don’t. Move.”
[Prompt Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
(a few of these arent working so if wibbly-wobbly-whump or hold-back-on-the-comfort changed their blogs please lmk <3
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femgoddess-hecate · 9 days
Excessive consumption of anything legit makes me sick. Like I'm not on tiktok but I see stuff on YouTube and insta and like..... ew
New clothing hauls, restock my fridge with me, people getting iced coffees that are basically just liquid sugar, the water flavoring craze, needing to eat every version of a cookie, just consuming more and more and worse versions of everything.
We don't need this stuff. Seeing it being made and consumed makes me physically ill and then people defending it like "well I'm xyz and I NEED to drink water with glitter and cotton candy syrup and watermelon flavored powder or I LICHRALLY won't be able to stomach water at all" can we please just stop. This makes me wanna vomit I promise you water is OK to drink plain. Am I going crazy here? Not to sound like my own father but something is not right with people these days
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freshmangojuice · 2 months
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The cake is a lie, and so is any other food for Chell apparently-
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Consumption of Soft Drinks in the European Union. [+UK, Norway and Switzerland] ~ In 2019, 🇩🇪Germany was the country that consumed the most soft drinks per capita, followed by 🇭🇺Hungary. 🇪🇪Estonia was the country that consumed the least.
by @Maps_interlude
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milksnake-tea · 2 days
yall............... it pains me to say this but imma be less active lowkey....... still writing yes yes but uni...... make me vv tired....... honk shi mimimimi
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tally-polls · 4 months
Which tally (including Bora) would most likely drink bleach/shampoo/liquid soap/etc. just for fun?
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caitlynmeow · 10 months
Modern AU
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Alcina being from the upper class is well traveled and she has preferences when it comes to where to go with her daughters. She loves European countries because they’re not as uptight as other places. Mostly, when she goes out to eat with her daughters, it is very normal (for her at least) to share a bottle of fine wine with her daughters, even when they are not eighteen yet. Because according to the law, minors can’t buy alcohol, but there is nothing against them drinking it.
In Alcina’s book, if her daughters are old enough to enter high school, then they’re old enough to have a glass of wine once a day. Besides, if she is a little indulgent like this, she can avoid having to deal with any of her daughters sneaking alcohol behind her back. (She knows for a fact that daughter #2 and #3 are always up to the task so she prefers to be a few steps ahead of them)
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I would love to see more Chris, and especially with Branch now we know that bastard is deep in the ground
Yeah, Oliver Branch is so very, very, very dead. That was a fun day for us all.
CW: Creepy whumper, intimate whumper, Oliver Branch is gross, BBU, forced alcohol consumption, minor whump (whumpee is 17), some gross implications here
"They should have a Pets Unlimited feature," His Sir muses, stirring the little stick with the olive speared through it around and around the slightly-tinted liquid in his martini glass. Baldur watches it, his mind too slow and foggy for the words to sink in immediately.
There's a delay before Baldur, kneeling on the floor before his Sir's chair, tips his chin to look up. At first, Sir is blurry and completely out of focus, but when he tries, slowly the details come together. "... a what?"
"Oh, probably not that, I'm sure they'd get sued for copyright infringement," Sir hums, picking up the toothpick and biting the olive right off, bleu cheese stuffing and all. He leans down and feeds Baldur some of the olive-stained vodka, until the boy coughs and Sir laughs at him, stabbing another olive from a little bowl on the table beside him and feeding Baldur that, too.
The squeak of olive and tang of the blue-veined cheese makes his stomach turn, but Baldur refuses to show it. He hates olives, but Sir likes them, so Baldur has to like them, too.
"But..." Sir hums, sitting back. His legs, kicked out on either side of Baldur, shift around behind him, locking his ankles to pull the boy closer, until he's pressed right up against the fabric of the chair. "You know what I mean."
Baldur has no idea whatsoever.
But he nods, slowly, keeping his eyes firmly focused on his Sir's face.
"I don't think I could afford it even if they did. Hell, for all I know the damn concept is already in place, and I'm just not rich enough or enough of the 'in group' to be offered." Sir laughs, a deep, rich, warm chuckle that runs like honey down Baldur's back, settles into his mind and smothers his thoughts. His eyes close as Sir pets fingers through his copper hair, shivering. He thinks he likes the touch.
He doesn't.
But he has to, so he does.
"Order one, keep it until I'm done with it, until you're too old, until you start to look your age... then send you back and get the next one. I'd pay for that kind of convenience, if I could. Which I can't. But wouldn't it be nice?"
These words, he knows. These words aren't honey - they are sharp and spiky, terror that has his eyes flying back open. He puts his hands on Sir's knees and shifts upwards, straightening his spine. "Sir? You... you would... send me back?"
The fear breaks through the daze he lives his days in, the only feeling he has with any strength anymore. He used to feel other things, he thinks, besides fear and the odd need that gets forced out of him. He's sure he did. Once.
"Oh, Baldur, darlin'." Sir sighs, as if he's being silly, a stupid little slut with no thoughts in his mind. He rubs a thumb along the line of Baldur's jaw, along his bottom lip, watches with amusement as Baldur tries to follow it, to somehow earn the forever that is supposed to be part of the promise of the program.
You signed up for this, and now you'll be taken care of.
"Sir..." He whispers, desperate for reassurance.
What he gets instead is Sir's smile, widening like a monster's until it feels too big for his face, and Baldur can only go still and silent as the glass is tipped against his mouth again, and the vodka burns down his throat and runs cold out of the corners of his mouth, trickling over his jaw and down his neck.
He chokes on it.
It's too much too fast, as much in his lungs as down his esophagus. He coughs, bent over with the force of it, and droplets spatter across Sir's pants and his shirt. Baldur's eyes burn, his heart pounds, and he gasps. "Oh... oh, no... Sir, I, I'm sorry-"
"Ssssshhhhh. It's all right, sweetheart, don't worry... it's all right..." Sir shakes his head. "It's okay, darlin'."
Baldur's mouth is trembling and he can't stop the little coughs that keep bubbling up, how his stomach flips and drops. He can't throw up. He can't. He'll be whipped bloody if he does, he always is when he throws up. His fingers tighten into Sir's pants until his knuckles are white as he fights the violence his stomach keeps threatening.
Sir waits, patient as a tiger watching prey take a drink at a stream, fingers moving gently through Baldur's hair, again and again.
Only when Baldur goes quiet, finally getting his body until control, does Sir murmur, "I wonder who'll find you when I'm done, and what they'll do to you, then."
His smile is soft and sweet and Baldur stares up into his eyes helplessly, hating every single second. This time, it's the vodka bottle that he forces against Baldur's lips. It's pure clear burn that he has to swallow. The world dips and spins around him, but his heart keeps racing.
"... I wonder," Sir says, voice nearly a whisper, "How long you'll live when I don't want you anymore."
God, I'm so glad that guy is dead now.
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no27-autonation-honda · 4 months
just realized I’m visiting my grandmother on Sunday so I will likely be missing Monaco and Indy :(((( mutuals please party hard in my honor
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shortformblog · 1 year
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I hereby ban you from breathing air. It makes you look needy.
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littleragondin · 1 year
omg dying to know your thoughts about the fact that sparkling water is what comes out of public drinking fountains in paris??
Well, I mean, it's only like what? 10, 12 fountains across the whole city who do deliver sparkling water? (edit: alright there are 17 all in all as of today's google search lol) And thanks heavens and what not, they are SO heavily advertised as such there is no risk of ever mistakenly getting The Worst Water Ever instead of the fresh nectar of the gods that is fresh plain water 😌👌
Couldn't deal with it being the standard though, like why would you ever do that to people, I ask. No one deserves this 😔
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stringledcheese · 2 years
Him <3
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I cannot understate how much I wanna give him a smooch, right on the.... lipppppps? I’m not really sure how you’d properly describe the area between his mandible other then his mouth but kissing his mouth sounds a little weird. This got off track I wanna give Garrus a hug worthy of the gods.
He deserves a good hug, or a lot of Turian alcohol 
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nei-neighbor · 5 months
Note: being aware of the harm some things can do to your body doesn't, in fact, make you immune to said harm.
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