#driver of website traffic
ranker1 · 1 year
Organic search is a fundamental element of your online presence and can significantly impact your business's success. By investing in a robust organic search strategy, you can enhance your visibility, credibility, and long-term growth prospects while delivering valuable content and experiences to your target audience. Read full blog to know more about, unlocking the power of organic search.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Really Mature
When Elon Musk bought Twitter — which he's since cringely renamed X — he said he wanted to make the social media platform into a free speech zone. But apparently that principle doesn't apply to critics like Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at New York University, who says he was locked out of his Twitter account of more than 564,000 followers after snubbing the mercurial tech guy.
Galloway wrote yesterday on Meta's competing Threads platform that a "mutual friend reached out and said Elon feels 'unfairly attacked,' by me, and wants to meet."
"I declined," he added. "2 days later I was locked out of 'X.'"
Snub Nose
The move follows a long line of behavior of Musk using the social media platform to subvert free speech and impose his will over his foes, like blocking and throttling traffic to websites he doesn't like, his public beef with National Public Radio, and his spat with Substack.
As such, the responses on Galloway's post pointed out the blatant hypocrisy.
"What happened to free speech on X formerly known as Twitter," one Threads user wrote.
Another quipped that the "entire platform is a personal indulgence for a lunatic billionaire."
Petty Beef
It's not exactly clear what set Musk off against Galloway, but Galloway's last mention of Musk on Twitter was him linking to a Reuters story on how Musk created a secret team at Tesla to cancel service appointments from people who were having range issues with their cars.
Galloway tweeted with a sick burn "Tesla intentionally gave drivers rosy driving range projections, leaving many stranded." He added, in a dig at Musk's ambitions to add banking and other applications to X: "BUT you should totally bank with X."
(continue reading)
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sybilius · 10 months
Old Internet Fridays #13: traffic-simulation.de
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What’s this?
What’s this website?
A traffic simulation app, built off the MovSim vehicle simulator. The simulation runs a loop of traffic and an on-ramp. Users can adjust the behavior of the cars to see the effect on traffic.
Okay, how did you find it?
I was recommended the podcast The Big Dig recently, about the madly ambitious Boston highway tunnel project that completed the interstate highway system. Highly recommend, by the way -- great storytelling, lots of firsthand interviews and primary sources, and a real focus on the activism surrounding the project.
So as a result, I was looking for some infrastructure-type stuff today. At first I tried www.highwaytunnels.com -- did you know you can claim that as a domain name? Nothing there in any case. Then after a few dense scientific studies and even denser regulatory pages, I hit on simply putting "traffic simulation" into DuckDuckGo and here we are.
How’s it doing on Internet Archive?
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Doing awesome at 539 saves. I checked out the 2003 version of the page, incredibly charming:
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What delighted you the most?
Fiddling around with the little behavior bars, evidently! What chuffed me the most was seeing the two extremes of "politeness" in the lane-change options. Very rude drivers fuck up traffic flow immediately with aggressive lane-changing:
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But overly polite drivers REALLY start to mess things up over time on the on-ramp:
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Insightful stuff, and let's be honest? just plain fun. Highly encourage clicking that link to check this out.
I've been overbooking the odd little science-adjacent sites lately. Promise I'll get you some weird art next week ;)
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whatitshouldvebeen · 1 year
Gordon Ramsay x Reader Slow Burn Dom/Sub FF
Yes, I'm serious. It has about a million reads on assorted fanfiction websites, so trust me and them when I say you'll love it
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Click for the previous chapter
Monday, June 24th, 2013
The other contestants and I gather at the entrance to the airport, waiting inside for further instructions–Monday airport traffic is no joke. Cars line up outside and throngs of people weave their way through each other, toting suitcases. That's not to say the airport lobby of Los Angeles is not stunning; the tall glass windows allow for the beautiful day's sunlight to shine through.
I take this time to examine my competition. There are fifteen other chefs aside from myself that are going to be competing against each other this season–eight men and eight women. Most of them are sitting in the airport lobby chairs, idly chatting to one another. I stand to the side of the chairs, leaning on the handle of my rolling suitcase. Thinking back to past seasons, I wonder which chefs were put here to stir up drama. My wondering is cut short with an uncanny interruption.
A woman with bleached blonde hair, dressed in a low-cut floral top and a short white skirt gathers everyone's attention. Or at least, the attention of the people who weren't already staring at her nearly exposed breasts.
"Oh my GOD can you guys believe it!" She bounces in place, her boobs jiggling, "I'm like, actually here. Of all the applicants I got picked! I can't wait to see which of you makes it to the final five with me."
She pauses, then grins wickedly like the Cheshire cat.
"Should be real easy, my competition doesn't look very... fierce." Her eyes quickly flit about the contestants, stopping on me for what seems to be a second longer than the others.
One of the few to not be at a loss for words is a middle-aged, stout, and bald man who scoffs at her.
"This is Hell's Kitchen, not Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Unless you keep your cooking skill in those tits then I doubt you'll make it to the final five with that self-absorbed attitude. This is a team game."
His voice is commanding, and surprisingly the blonde looks sheepish at being talked down to. By the time that a tall man in a suit approaches us, she hasn't managed to come up with a snarky retort.
"Hell's Kitchen contestants?" He questions the group. After seeing our collective nods he continues. "Please follow me." He turns and walks towards the sliding glass doors, exiting the airport.
Our bustling group happily follow him to a sleek black limousine with the initials "HK" branded on the side parked outside the loading gate. We all look giddily at each other. Excitement buzzes through my body as I lock eyes with the girl next to me, her brown curls bouncing in place as she jitters. We both give a shy grin, recognizing the other's excitement. As we approach the limo, the driver opens the door and lets us inside.
The limo is plush and cozy and there is an icebox with a bottle of champagne situated in the middle. The driver introduces himself as Paul and passes out champagne glasses to all of us before he takes his seat at the front and begins the drive to Hell's Kitchen. A few eyes lock onto the champagne bottle, but no one seems to have the confidence to crack it open.
The girl who had stood next to me earlier slides in next to me with a breathless, "Hey!"
"Hi!" I grin. "I'm (Y/N), and you?"
"Taylor." She returns the smile. She has a string of piercings up her ears, some hoops and some studs. Her hazel eyes shine with joy, the browns nearly matching her light tan skin tone.
"Are you as nervous as me?" I ask, my heartbeat in my ears as we pull up to a red light.
"Totally. This doesn't feel real, I've never been in a competition, much less on TV. I know my bro won't let me live it down if I don't do my best, so I'm trying to ignore my jitters. Can't let nerves interfere with my work." She lets out a puff of air and glances around the limo.
One of the younger men; green-eyed, thin, with messy ruffled brown hair, takes hold of the champagne bottle. "We can't let this go to waste, guys!" He says, opening it swiftly and pouring glasses for everyone with finesse. His winning smile is contagious as he confidently leads us all in a discussion of where we'd come from to get here, and cracks a few jokes. Soon enough all of us are smiling and laughing.
After about thirty minutes of driving the lights of the tinted window limo go out, leaving us in partial darkness. The chatter dies down and everyone looks around confused. A small TV flips open above the window between the driver and us contestants. On that TV is none other than Chef Ramsay, wearing his striking white head chef jacket with his arms crossed over his chest in his signature pose.
"Good afternoon, Hell's Kitchen contestants! I hope you all are enjoying yourselves on your trip to Hell, because things are about to get a lot less luxurious. As soon as you arrive, I expect you to hop in the kitchen and begin work on THE signature dish of yours that you are," he adamantly shakes his fist, "MOST proud of." The passion in his eyes burns in a way that can be felt through the screen. All of us are silent, at rapt attention. I feel my heart flutter at how fervently he encourages us. If he's anything like this in person, it'll be easy to be motivated by his words alone.
"You have forty-five minutes from the moment you arrive to complete your signature dish. The red and blue team will be competing, so be sure your dish impresses if you want your team to win. I will meet you all as soon as you've finished. Good luck, contestants." He turns his back to us as the screen folds up and the lights turn back on.
We are silent for a few seconds when the woman sitting next to the screen says, "Gee, he sure is intimidating."
She is so small that–when squished into a stretch limo with fifteen other people–she may as well get lost in the cushions. Her curly red hair frames her pale white face, and she has freckles across her nose that stand out when her skin drains of color, as it is now.
The man to her left, somewhat built, brown-eyed and black-haired with a buzz cut wraps his muscled arm around her shoulder, rapidly bringing color to her cheeks.
"Chin up Red!" He exclaims. "Ya wanna be brave when you talk to Ramsay. Even if you're scared, don't show 'em that ya are."
She nods delicately, curling her shoulders in to avoid touching his arm as much as possible. He doesn't seem to notice and leaves it around her for the duration of the ride.
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rideboomindia · 1 year
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The top reasons behind the lowest ride cancelations by the RideBoom drivers.
Chandigarh, India, 26th January 2023, ZEXPRWIRE, RideBoom is a unique on-demand rideshare app that includes taxis, bikes, and parcel delivery. RideBoom is available in more than five major Indian cities at this stage with bike and taxi rides.
A recent study shows that RideBoom drivers got the lowest ride cancelations and they do cancel only if there is an emergency like if they are stuck in traffic or a car broke down.
Instead, the RideBoom drivers always make a call to the passengers not to cancel the ride.
The top reason why RideBoom got the lowest number of ride cancelations
Extra Earning
As per RideBoom drivers are earning more while driving with RideBoom, RideBoom charges a very small amount fee toward each ride.
Lifelong incentives
The driver can earn without driving with a lifelong incentive plan so if the driver is sick or unwell and unable to work he or she still can make some money.
Low overhead expenses
With RideBoom drivers are saving more money they don’t have to drive empty miles they can get more work around their working area from their attached clients.
Driver support
RideBoom provides better support and advice to the drivers like how to keep their cars clean, how to help with passengers’ luggage, and how to earn more by attaching more customers with their driver code.
RideBoom is focusing on better service by proving better training to its drivers and offering more benefits to the users.
RideBoom Technologies got many safety features in their RideBoom App compared to any other ride-share app in the globe like sharing trip info with loved ones, gender booking options, and preferred driver options.
RideBoom Technologies just add another safety feature in their app a red light icon button on the rider map. This could help and improve the rider’s chances of getting help when you need it while in a car.
Convenience is the number one benefit of ridesharing services. You can always find a driver that can help you get home or anywhere you want to go. There is no need to pre-order or pre-scheduling. When you need a ride, simply open the app on your mobile device and select your location, and you will how far the nearest driver is. Once you order a ride, you can track your driver’s movement and be ready when he/she arrives at your location to pick you up. It’s as simple as that. Get a ride anywhere time.
Download the free RideBoom app available in the play store and app store.
Let’s RideBoom India.
Media Contact
Company Name:-RideBoom
Company Website:-https://rideboom.com/india/
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lnwrcauli · 6 months
Ms. Raven the Eccentric Engine [NWR AU]
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Ms. Raven (or Vanessa to give this eccentric engine her proper name) was built in 1910 by the Darlington Works for the North Eastern Railway. She worked out of Gateshead for a spell before being loaned out to the North Western Railway in 1922 to cover for Edith being out of action. As traffic demands ramped up in the mid twenties, it was decided to extend her loan. She managed the Wild Nor' Wester when Gordon was ill, as well as fast passenger services and mail trains. Some say that all the constant high speeds got to her smokebox, as the others found her quite an odd engine indeed. She would ramble endlessly about conspiracies, French spies and shadow governments. The other engines quickly learned to tune her out, however.
During the Second World War, Ms. Raven was recalled to Gateshead to help with the war effort. Very little from her war service is documented and she refuses to speak of it. She was returned to Sodor in 1945 and bounced between engine sheds until 1949 when she was stabled full-time at Tidmouth. She continued with her pre-war duties until 1958, when British Railways recalled her to Darlington for scrap. Not one to let one of his most faithful engines meet the torch, he purchased her and had her sent to Crovan's Gate Works, where she was outshopped in NWR Lined Black and given the number 20.
From 1960, her workload on the express began to slowly decrease until 1980 when she was replaced entirely. Feeling hurt and betrayed by the loss of her favourite job, Ms. Raven started to act out. She'd get rough with wagons, be sluggish to respond to her driver's controls and occasionally outright refuse to steam. This all came to a head in 1981 when she purposely derailed outside of Tidmouth Yard, fouling the points to the shed. Sir Topham Hatt I came up to her and told her in no uncertain words that she had to get her act together or she'd be sold to a museum. Swiftly pulling herself together, Ms. Raven accepted her new life hauling fast passenger and goods trains, though she secretly envies Pip and Emma.
Ms. Raven is a very eccentric individual indeed, she'll talk your head, smokebox or grille off about whatever conspiracy theory her driver found her recently. Despite being a steam locomotive, she technically has an online presence through her driver, who documents her ramblings on a blog website. She's usually quite reclusive, but seems to have taken a large liking to Alderney. She's usually quite wary of newcomers, often citing one of her numerous conspiracies. All in all, Ms. Raven may be eccentric and odd, but can have her nice moments too.
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writinginfinite · 2 years
imagine part ii
imagine: form a mental image or a concept
plot: you didn’t know what you were getting into when you turned your hobby into an actual career on f1. based on Lewis’ “imagine” tweet.
Saturday March 12, 2022
“please don’t let this be a sick joke!”
“For all that’s holy, I pray Mercedes is sandbagging” was all you thought when writing your articles after watching preseason testing. It was your goal to come across as impartial because the world would automatically assume you supported Lewis and Mercedes because you were Black. In a way, they weren’t wrong. To you, it felt morally wrong to not support the only Black driver and his team. Still, you wanted to appear as unbiased as possible, so you made a considerable effort to avoid that bias coming out in your writings and videos. The last thing you needed was people assuming you only got to where you were because the color of your skin. 
You took a break from your writing and left your office to go into your living room to scroll on social media. It always pained you to see other independent content creators at races with media passes to cover Formula One. The 2021 season went by and the FIA constantly denied your media credentials. (Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that you didn’t get media credentials for the 2021 season because what you witnessed made you physically ill. That was something you told yourself when the season ended to find some “positive.”) 
It’s been a goal of yours since you gave up your job to cover this sport. You travelled to races occasionally, but what was the point of going if you had no access to the paddock, pit lane, and press room? Your subscriber count nearly doubled, to 600K; your social media engagement and following in the community grew, and the traffic to your website was through the roof. You were being noticed by everyone but the one you dreamt of- Formula One. It’s not that you didn’t appreciate all you had, or needed more validation from others; it was more of a moral boost that “I made it” and I'm with the “big ones.”
There are many days when you wanted to give up and thought it wasn’t meant to be. Was it worth giving up a steady career to start your life over? But when that doubt snuck in, Lewis’ words rang in your head “Never give up never doubt yourself.” After every denial email, you’d apply again. They somehow at least remember your name, right? 
You found yourself in a bit of a funk, so you called your best friend, Ashlyn, to vent your frustrations. Ashlyn did not understand Formula One, nor could she give a damn about it, but she was your best friend and willing to listen. You knew you were talking a mile a minute while Ashlyn would say “Yep,” “I understand … I think,” “Uh huh,” and the few words you’d let her get out. She’d always end with, “Stop doubting yourself, all will happen in due time.” Those final words from her always calmed you down. 
After your short therapy session with Ashlyn wrapped up, you were back in your creative mindset. You went back into your office and continued working on your Bahrain pre-season testing article. You were about to close your laptop lid when you looked to the top right of your screen to an email notification from “FIA Formula One World Championship Media Accreditation” with the subject line “Status: Approved.” 
You felt a lump in your throat form, your eyes stinging with tears forming, saying aloud “please don’t let this be a sick joke!” As you looked at the email, it read “2022 Media Accreditation approved” with directions on how to get your pass starting at the Bahrain Grand Prix and throughout the rest of the season. 
All the hard work, the tears, the doubt, it was gone. Everything you wanted had come to fruition. After calming down and getting your heart rate and nerves together, you turned on your camera with the biggest smile and glow your audience had ever seen. “What about that pre-season testing!” After your breakdown and thoughts, you closed the video “Guys, I have some big news for you all. Until next time!
// parts
author's notes: slow burn, i know. friday i'll make up for it. thanks for your patience! hoping friday I'll have a longer update.
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llewelynpritch · 2 months
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‘What’s been happening at the Healing Centre?
The Unist’ot’en Clan and the employees and volunteers at the Healing Centre had six successful land-based healing programs over the winter and spring, welcoming Wet’suwet’en people in need of treatment and healing from substance use and the trauma of colonization. The Healing Centre, with its remote location, offers a unique healing environment, allowing participants to enjoy the outdoors, go hiking or snowshoeing, take part in the sacred waters of the Wedzin Kwah, and otherwise be free to exist in a way that is impossible and unsafe in an urban rehabilitation clinic. At Unist’ot’en, participants are also able to engage in programming with their spouses and families, where as in other rehab spaces, participants are separated from their families and forced to heal alone.
The FNHA held a weeklong program at the Centre in June, with participants taking part in a Psychological First Aid Training and sharing powerful traditional knowledge from across nations. We hope to have them back and are grateful for their support of our work and space! What a pleasure to have you with us.
The annual Summer Work Party in June focused on Fire Prevention and Safety, with participants coming from all over Turtle Island and beyond, including New York, Washington, Montreal, and Germany. We cleaned up dry brush from all across the grounds, planted an herb and vegetable garden, and created connections and lasting friendships with both new and returning supporters.
Want to be a part of our Healing Revolution?
Come to our August Work Party!
We would love to have you join us in August. Come for as little as a week, or come early and stay late! We welcome visitors year round, but Work Party is the only time new supporters can come for less than two weeks.
But will I be helpful?
Yes, you will be! All skillsets are needed, but especially: Chainsaw operators, construction tradespeople, cooks, cleaners and organizers, gardeners, medics, fire fighters, drone operators, and people who love to get their hands dirty with hard work. Drivers are also needed, so if you have a reliable vehicle but only a few days to spare or are unable to stay at camp for long, please consider becoming a driver to get much needed supplies and people from Vancouver to Houston, BC.
What happens at Work Party?
We have structured days with three excellent meals and free time each evening for card games, hiking, and swimming in the clean river, just downstream from where we get our excellent drinking water. There is a set schedule for a morning meeting where we decide on our projects for the day and check in with each other about our capacities, then there are set times for meals, with projects happening between them. There are medics on site, snacks and drinks provided all day, tenting under the stars, hot showers a couple of times a week, laundry available once every ten days, and plenty of opportunity to get to know your fellow volunteers, the land, and the Unist’ot’en clan.
What’s happening with the Pipeline? Will I get arrested?
There is no active blockade on Unist’ot’en territory, and unfortunately the pipeline is still forcing its way through despite our clear and obvious lack of consent. Traffic from the construction still drives past our Healing Centre and disrupts our peace, but the chance of being arrested at camp is essentially the same as that of being in the city. By participating in helping to keep the Healing Centre operational, you are helping to preserve what few considerations are being taken by the province and industry. As long as the Healing Centre is in place, the river will be protected and her people will be able to continue to access desperately needed programming.
Okay, I want to come! What next?
Before applying to come to camp, please read the preparing for your visit page on our website and pay particular attention to the consent guidelines and guidelines for behaviour. Behaviour going against our guidelines will not be tolerated.
After reading the above page, we welcome you to register here! Please tell your friends and share with your community. The river needs you!’
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRvpF6BY6nkPDfCo9A8S3wkhcCnWsGwE4HZREKouZnS-7GgmcwY5clJ39yLNtQTepEfRrzOb1L7elhg/pub Unist'ot'en Updates and Work Party Details @UnistotenCamp ‘The Unist'ot'en Camp exists to uphold the clan's decision to prevent all pipelines from entering their unceded lands. Wet'suwet'en unistoten.camp’ ('Help Stop The Rot International UK CA' Llewelyn Pritchard 1 August 2024) 
2. https://lnkd.in/eKN2hQmR https://lnkd.in/eXdX799r STOP THE ROT INTERNATIONAL FREE RESOURCES UPDATED #FreeResources #International #StopTheRot #FossilFuelDisasters #CivilResistance #ClimateGenocide #ActNow #TellTheTruth #BeTheChange #RightsOfNature #ClimateJustice #HumanRights #GlobalCitizens #UpgradeDemocracy #Information #XRHumanitysEmergencyServicesSocialClimateJusticeLocal 22 July 2024
3. https://lnkd.in/eKN2hQmR https://lnkd.in/eXdX799r STOP THE ROT INTERNATIONAL FREE RESOURCES UPDATED #FreeResources #International #StopTheRot #FossilFuelDisasters #CivilResistance #ClimateGenocide #ActNow #TellTheTruth #BeTheChange #RightsOfNature #ClimateJustice #HumanRights #GlobalCitizens #UpgradeDemocracy #Information #XRHumanitysEmergencyServicesSocialClimateJusticeLocal 22 July 2024
4. https://pampalmater.com/ ‘Educate. Empower. Transform. Follow me on a powerful journey of education, empowerment, and transformation and be part of a growing community that is committed to meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and social justice for all!’ Dr. Pam Palmater Clearing the lands has always been at the heart of Canada's Indian Policy [blog] Originally published in Globe & Mail 27.2.20 Facebook YouTube Chair in Indigenous Governance @Pam_ X Twitter Instagram Publications Resources Blog Contact Shop #TransformationalPowerOfEducation #ClimateJustice #HumanRightsAreRightsOfNature  22 July 2024
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Indigenous Truth Before Reconciliation
5. Russell Diabo Truth Before Reconciliation 'Defend the land, the environment and our people. Justin Trudeau's "Framework" legislation on "Rights Recognition" is a direct threat to Indigenous Peoples Right of Self-Determination. It needs to be stopped and be restarted with the People from the ground up.' X Twitter Instagram Facebook LinkedIn Threads YouTube https://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/201/300/first_nations_strategic_bulletin/2021/FNSB_Jan_July21.pdf First Nations Strategic Bulletin Index https://mediacoop.ca/author/russ-diabo
6. https://youtu.be/9omxCI1lEMA RUSS DIABO TRUTH TELLER FIRST NATIONS TURTLE ISLAND #Landback #SelfDetermination #Justice #ClimateJustice #RightsOfNatureAreHumanRights #DefendTheDefenders
7. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED https://youtu.be/9omxCI1lEMA Q & A's About Recognition & Implementation of Indigenous Rights Framework Legislation Russ Diabo 22 July 2024
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bbmledsblog · 2 months
BBM LED: Leading the Way in LED Traffic Light Manufacturing
In the bustling world of urban infrastructure, traffic management plays a crucial role in ensuring safety and efficiency on our roads. One of the most vital components in traffic management systems is the traffic light, and when it comes to sourcing high-quality, reliable traffic lights, BBM LED stands out as a premier traffic light manufacturer.
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A Beacon of Innovation: BBM LED’s Expertise in LED Traffic Lights
As a leading LED traffic light manufacturer, BBM LED is committed to producing advanced LED traffic signal lights that meet the highest standards of performance and durability. With a focus on innovation and quality, BBM LED has established itself as a trusted name among traffic light suppliers globally.
Why Choose BBM LED for Your Traffic Light Needs?
State-of-the-Art Technology:
BBM LED leverages cutting-edge technology to design and manufacture top-of-the-line LED traffic signal lights. Their products are engineered with the latest advancements in LED technology, ensuring bright, clear signals that enhance visibility and safety for drivers and pedestrians alike.
Custom Solutions for Diverse Requirements:
Understanding that different locations and situations require unique solutions, BBM LED offers customized options for their LED traffic lights. Whether you need a standard traffic light or a tailored solution that includes specific features or design modifications, BBM LED’s team of experts is ready to assist.
Commitment to Quality:
At BBM LED, quality is not just a promise but a practice. The company employs rigorous quality control processes to ensure that every traffic light produced meets stringent safety and performance standards. Their dedication to excellence has earned them a reputation as a reliable LED traffic light manufacturer.
Global Reach:
BBM LED serves a diverse range of clients across the globe. Their ability to cater to international markets speaks to their adaptability and expertise. As a prominent traffic light supplier, BBM LED’s products are used in various traffic management systems worldwide.
Eco-Friendly Solutions:
In line with global trends towards sustainability, BBM LED is dedicated to producing environmentally friendly products. Their LED traffic signal lights are designed to be energy-efficient, which helps reduce carbon footprints and lower operational costs for traffic management authorities.
BBM LED’s Product Line
BBM LED offers an extensive range of products designed to meet various traffic management needs:
LED Traffic Lights: Reliable, high-visibility traffic lights designed for urban and rural settings.
LED Traffic Signal Lights: Advanced signal lights that offer clear and consistent performance.
Gas Price Signs: Durable, weather-resistant signs for displaying fuel prices.
Each product is crafted with attention to detail and a commitment to quality, making BBM LED a top choice for those in need of reliable traffic management solutions.
Partnering with BBM LED
For municipalities, transportation agencies, and businesses looking for LED traffic light solutions, BBM LED provides more than just products; they offer partnerships. Their team works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and provide solutions that ensure the efficiency and safety of traffic systems.
In summary, BBM LED stands out as a leading LED traffic light manufacturer, offering high-quality products and customized solutions to meet diverse traffic management needs. Their commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability makes them a preferred partner for clients seeking effective and reliable traffic light solutions.
For more information or to explore BBM LED’s range of products, visit their website or contact their sales team today.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Social media influencer Summer Wheaton was identified as the driver who caused a fatal car crash on the Fourth of July after leaving a celeb-packed unpermitted party in Nobu in Malibu, according to officials.
The self-styled “wellness advocate” had partied at the Thursday bash hosted by the Bootsy Bellows nightclub and attended by celebs such as Wiz Khalifa, Tyga and Mike Tyson, according to ABC 7.
After leaving, Wheaton, 32, is accused of driving past a center median on the Pacific Coast Highway and crashing her 2019 Mercedes Benz head-on against a 2020 Cadillac, killing the other driver, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said.
Wheaton and the passenger in the hit Cadillac were both taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for injuries. The Cadillac driver was pronounced dead at the scene.
The preliminary investigation suggests that speed and/or alcohol may have caused the fatal crash, officials told the Malibu Times.
Formerly a licensed real estate agent, Wheaton has made a name for herself on social media as a “wellness advocate” promoting healthy eating and lifestyle choices.
Wheaton, who boasted more than 100,000 followers on Instagram, has made her account private and took down her personal website following the fatal crash.
She has yet to make a public statement about the incident.
The deadly crash happened at around 10:30 p.m. after Wheaton was spotted leaving the unpermitted party held at swanky Nobu, ABC 7 said.
Malibu officials have said they denied Nobu’s request for a permit for the Fourth of July party because the owners did not comply with conditions related to traffic and safety, but the party went on anyway.
“The city attorney responded advising them that doing so would constitute a willful violation of the city’s municipal code and would subject them to code enforcement action,” Malibu city manager Steve McClary said in a public meeting Monday.
Malibu officials said the cause of the crash is still being investigated, with the city’s code enforcement department handling the case against Nobu.
Owners for the restaurant did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.
Malibu Mayor Steve Uhring expressed his condolences over the crash, which is only the latest in a series of fatal collisions along the Pacific Coast Highway.
“We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life resulting from last night’s accident,” Uhring said in a statement.
“This heartbreaking incident underscores the importance of the City’s ongoing efforts to address safety on Pacific Coast Highway,” he added.
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russie999 · 3 months
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Exploring Entertainment and Connectivity Features in Luxury Cars
Luxury cars are not just about high-end performance and exquisite design; they also offer cutting-edge entertainment and connectivity features that elevate the driving experience to a whole new level. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of entertainment, reliable car transport guide and connectivity in luxury cars, exploring the innovative technologies and features that set them apart.
Infotainment Systems
Multimedia Entertainment: Luxury cars often boast advanced multimedia systems that offer a range of entertainment options, including high-definition displays, premium audio systems, and compatibility with various media sources such as Bluetooth, USB, and streaming services.
Navigation: Integrated navigation systems with real-time traffic updates and intuitive interfaces make getting to your destination a seamless experience, adding convenience and peace of mind to your journey.
Voice Control: State-of-the-art voice control systems allow drivers to interact with the infotainment system using natural language, enabling hands-free operation for various functions, from adjusting the climate control to selecting music.
Connectivity Features
Wireless Connectivity: Luxury cars are equipped with advanced connectivity features such as wireless smartphone integration, enabling seamless pairing with mobile devices for hands-free calling, music streaming, and access to various apps and car carrier services.
In-Car Wi-Fi: Many luxury vehicles offer in-car Wi-Fi hotspots, allowing passengers to stay connected on the go, whether for work or leisure, creating a truly connected environment within the vehicle.
Smartphone Apps Integration: Integration with smartphone apps goes beyond basic connectivity, offering enhanced features such as remote vehicle control, vehicle status monitoring, and even concierge services, providing unparalleled convenience and luxury.
Entertainment for Rear Passengers
Rear Seat Entertainment: Luxury cars often feature rear seat entertainment systems, including individual multimedia screens, premium audio options, and even connectivity for external devices, ensuring that rear passengers can enjoy a personalized entertainment experience.
Luxury Audio Systems: Premium luxury cars are equipped with high-fidelity audio systems from renowned brands, delivering an immersive listening experience throughout the cabin, setting the stage for a truly captivating journey. The entertainment and connectivity features found in luxury cars redefine the driving experience, offering a harmonious blend of advanced technology, convenience, and luxury.
From state-of-the-art infotainment systems to seamless connectivity options and tailored entertainment for all occupants, luxury cars set the standard for a truly connected and entertaining journey. Whether you're behind the wheel or enjoying the ride as a passenger, the full details in this reliable website contribute to an unparalleled driving experience that transcends the ordinary.
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altschmerzes · 2 years
gang you would not believe the week i am having. extended explanation of my current nightmare under the cut. please understand this is also mid ramp-up to finals season at my second year of law school and still trying to find a summer student position which means one million cover letters and applications.
when i moved to canada i tried to import my car. i did this twice, once by calling a company before i left that does this professionally, and they were like oh don't worry about it. you're fine, you don't need to do anything. i get to the border and the man at the border tells me the same thing. don't worry about it. you're fine you don't need to do anything. i go to the dmv here to try and title my damn car because my registration is expiring and i need to do that. the woman who works there is like oh you needed to import it :) but also get your driver's license first, trust me. okay. i go through the hell process of getting my ontario license. i now have my ontario license. i need to get a safety inspection and two forms from border control. sure. i don't have the first fucking idea how to do this but i'm sure i can figure it out.
fastforward. i got in an extremely minor accident on wednesday. entirely my fault, i was slightly distracted for a moment in stop and go traffic and a like. spider in my sleeve or something bit my arm and i hit the wrong pedal. got a ticket, spent 90 minutes dealing with the cops including the part where one of the cops spent several minutes lecturing me about how he can and should seize my car on the spot because it's registered out of country and i live here and that's tax evasion. i explain that i have been trying to get this dealt with but everybody kept telling me i didn't need to do that or worry about it. he tells me that's not his problem. sure. not his problem. understood. this has now become a problem that Cannot Wait though.
so what do i need to do to get my car registered here? still need those pieces of paper. i can get the safety inspection done at any old canadian tire, which, sure. that's fine. word. so what about the border forms? well. i call the canadian border services agency. i sit on hold for a while, and eventually the man on the phone not only can't seem to fucking comprehend anything i'm saying at first, he then also tells me that the solution to my problem is to drive to the fucking us/canada border, go back to the states, then drive back immediately and get the form then. oh my gd.
so i did that. i make the two hour drive to niagara fucking falls and i tell the us border agent what i'm doing there and he's like you can't do that. you need to export it from the us first or you'll get a five thousand dollar fine. and i'm like. okay. thank you sir. have a nice night. thank gd they give me no issue returning on the canadian side. so i make the drive home. having achieved nothing. nobody has given me any actionable information and the only thing more confusing and complicated than importing a car for personal use in canada is exporting one from the united states. literally on the government website it says 'every export office operates differently' which made me almost collapse into tears when i read it.
last night i decided okay, tomorrow i am calling a professional import/export service to throw myself on their mercy and beg them to help me. i might need to leave the country for a few days to get this dealt with bc it's possible i can't export it except for from us soil. all i am trying to do is follow the rules and every single person at every juncture of this nightmare has given me different, conflicting information.
just had that phone call. the good news: i am not going to need to go to the states for several days to deal with this. some nice lady from a company who does this professionally is gonna do the paperwork for me and has found me apparently the only us/canada border crossing that will let me do the us export shit from this side of the border. the bad news: it is an even farther crossing than the one i drove to yesterday, and i’m gonna have to wait a couple days to do it and then do it immediately, which means missing more class than i already missed yesterday trying to do this. hopefully then it will be sorted.
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georgefairbrother · 2 years
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In the early evening of December 4th, 1951, 52 Royal Marine cadets, aged between nine and 13, were being marched the short distance from their own barracks to the Chatham Naval Barracks, via Dock Road, to watch a boxing match. They were marching three abreast, actually on the roadway owing to the narrowness of the footpath which abutted a high wall, and with the traffic. They had no torches or safety lighting, other than what was provided by the overhead streetlamps. The cadets were under the supervision of a regular Royal Marines Officer, Lieutenant Clarence Carter.
Just before six pm, in conditions of poor visibility worsened by fog and defective streetlighting, a double decker bus operated by the Chatham and District Traction Company hit the marching column from behind. Twenty four cadets were killed and a further 18 were injured, at that point the highest loss of life in a road traffic accident in the UK.
The bus was being driven by an experienced and highly regarded driver, 57 year old John Samson, who had worked for the company for 40 years and was about to be officially commended for his safety record, long service and good conduct. He stated that he did not see the cadets ahead of him prior to the collision. He was driving using sidelights only, despite the poor visibility, which was common practice at the time. Estimations of the speed of the bus by witnesses varied between 20 and 40 mph. There was no mention of any passengers aboard, it appears that the bus was returning to depot.
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There was some thinking at the time that using sidelights only under street lighting reduced dangerous glare for other traffic. It was also to save power, as batteries under load could drain even when mobile.
Accounts of the accident and immediate aftermath are, not surprisingly, horrific. The conductor, Dorothy Dunster, initially thought the bus had run over a pile of ‘loose rocks’. The dead and injured were, according to witnesses, 'spread out from one side of the road to the other'. Several cadets were trapped beneath the bus and died before they could be rescued. Lieutenant Carter, who had attempted to marshal the cadets toward the side of the road upon hearing the bus approaching, was struck and injured, although it would appear not seriously. A number of cadets died in the arms of three Royal Navy sailors who had rushed to the scene having heard the cries and screams of the injured cadets.
Mr Samson was present for the Coroner’s inquest which was held at the Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham, during which parents had to sign off on the identification of their deceased sons, but he collapsed after the final identification was complete. The Coroner recorded verdicts of Accident Death, however Samson was charged with dangerous driving, fined 20 pounds at the Old Bailey, and was disqualified from driving for three years.
There was considerable sympathy for Mr Samson at the time and for many years afterwards. The jury, upon finding him guilty, urged the judge to show as much leniency as possible. The judge noted that no amount of punishment could be worse than Samson's own utter devastation at what had happened.
A number of injured cadets, recovering in hospital, organised a whip-round to buy Samson some chocolates to cheer him up. He continued to live locally, never spoke publicly, and was shielded by friends and neighbours whenever media interest in the crash rekindled from time to time.
According to the website of Historic Medway;
"...A huge amount of money was collected by public appeals after the crash. Some was spent on memorials for the boys who died, and some was spent on the boys who were disabled. The mayors, who were looking after the money, could not agree what to do with the rest and, after a court case, it was decreed that as it could not be returned to the donors (a lot of it was collected on the streets) it had to be kept in an account. It wasn't until the 1990s that some of the money was spent restoring the cadets' graves..."
Sources include: Websites of Kent Online and Historic Medway, archived Time Magazine, The Chatham Bus Disaster (YouTube) by Raven's Eye
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A Truck Driver Looking At Dating Sites Killed Three People
In July 2021, looking to entertain himself while transporting fertilizer through County Durham, UK, truck driver Ion Onut found himself browsing dating websites instead of keeping his eyes on the road. As he distractedly updated his dating profile to connect with other app users, his truck was seen swerving in and out of traffic on the congested highway.
The truck's dash camera recorded Onut browsing through his phone for nearly 40 minutes before his massive vehicle came in fatal contact with stagnant traffic. As the semi burst into flames and killed three people instantly, the camera footage revealed that Onut had been completely engrossed in his phone and was oblivious to the road conditions at the time of the accident.
The offender confessed to his crime in front of multiple witnesses and the victim's family members before he was sentenced to eight years and 10 months in prison. He will be banned from driving for another 10 years upon his release.
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formulatrash · 1 year
Hazel, do you prefer evergreen or timely content? Which one do you like to write/read the most?
Also, would someone consider himself a “news writer” if he simply reads what other publications are writing and then rewrites the news in his own style? (If he can’t attend press conferences and sports events himself). I see many websites do this and I was wondering if that’s okay to do or not.
I know it’s weird to ask these questions but I’m new to sports writing and I don’t want to fail because it’s my dream. I’m sorry if I bothered you. You are a really great writer and I would like to hear your advice. 😊
uhm, I guess both of them have their role. there are some pieces that are always relevant but especially in sport, things change very rapidly.
re: news writing. I think there is a mix here. so, yes, you can be a news reporter who is reporting on other people's first-hand sources. like, say, this piece I wrote about drivers reporting pain from porpoising. technically, none of the quotes in it were from sessions the Drive had been in, so I referenced them back to publications I knew had been. even though I'd been working for RaceFans that weekend, it hadn't been my quotes, so the right thing to do is link back to where they're published.
a lot of news is secondhand, not just in motorsport but generally and so long as you link back to sources and reference where quotes are from, that's ok.
where people get mad is when publications wholesale lift quotes with no credit. sometimes it's ok to do this if it's eg: from the transcript of the FIA press conference that gets published on their website after the race or a lot of places do it from TV interviews. Generally, it's best to at least say where the quote was said, so "speaking in the post-race press conference, Verstappen called George Russell 'a mean, nasty man'" or "In a post-qualifying interview with Sky Sports F1, Lando inevitably berated himself for only dragging that tractor to seventh, saying 'it should have been fourth.'"
it's also worth being creative about who you speak to, if you're not at the track. I wasn't in Miami last year but managed to get an exclusive about the turn 14-15 area where drivers had heavy crashes because I got in touch with the people who made the barriers. it was an unusual way of doing it, maybe but it meant I got the information that that area couldn't have Tecpro because it had to be opened to traffic every night the track was there.
the basic advice of: be fair, don't claim anything that isn't yours is pretty useful. with news writing it's also worth, if you're going to be reporting it after the sites that were in conferences and at events, working out what the sensible angle is. can you add more explanatory detail than a breaking story? are there stats that can be dug into? are there things from previous events you can reference that might not go into a short, breaking story? re-reporting for the sake of re-reporting isn't likely to drive traffic but being able to give something more will get more readers; ask yourself 'now I've read the original article, what would make me read mine?'
good luck and I hope that you get to achieve your dreams :)
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Beyond Keywords - The Rise of Semantic SEO in the Era of Conversational Search
SEO heavily relied on keyword optimization, where web content was crafted around specific keywords to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). However, with the advent of conversational search and the growing sophistication of search engine algorithms, a new approach known as Semantic SEO in Reno has emerged, reshaping the way businesses optimize their online content.
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Semantic SEO goes beyond the conventional focus on keywords and delves into the context, intent, and meaning behind user queries. It acknowledges that modern search engines, like Google, aim to understand not just the words users type into the search bar but also the user's intent and the context of their search. This shift is primarily driven by the rise of voice search, virtual assistants, and natural language processing technologies.
The increasing prevalence of voice-enabled devices and virtual assistants
It is one of the key drivers behind the rise of Semantic SEO. The platforms have changed the way people search, as voice queries tend to be more conversational and natural compared to typed queries. For example, while a typed search query might be "best Italian restaurants," a voice search query is more likely to be phrased as "What are the best Italian restaurants near me?" or "Where can I find good Italian food?"
To cater to these conversational search queries, businesses need to optimize their content for semantic relevance rather than just stuffing it with keywords. This involves understanding the user's intent behind the search query and providing comprehensive, contextually relevant answers. The experts of a reputed Reno SEO agency focus on creating high-quality, informative content that addresses the specific needs and interests of users, thereby enhancing user experience and driving organic traffic to the website.
Furthermore, search engines like Google have become increasingly adept at understanding the context of queries and interpreting the meaning behind words through natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. These algorithms analyze the semantic relationships between words and phrases, allowing search engines to deliver more accurate and relevant search results.
The growing importance of featured snippets and rich snippets in search engine results
It is another aspect driving the adoption of Semantic SEO. Featured snippets are concise answers extracted from web pages that aim to directly answer the user's query. By optimizing content for semantic relevance, businesses can increase their chances of appearing in featured snippets, thereby gaining greater visibility and credibility on SERPs.
Moreover, Semantic SEO aligns with Google's broader goal of providing users with the best possible search experience. Google's algorithms prioritize content that demonstrates expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T), all of which are fundamental aspects of Semantic SEO. By focusing on creating valuable, authoritative content that satisfies user intent, businesses can improve their search rankings and establish themselves as industry leaders in their respective domains.
The era of conversational search has ushered in a new era of SEO services in Reno where semantic relevance takes precedence over keyword density. Businesses that embrace Semantic SEO stand to gain a competitive edge in the digital landscape by delivering content that is not only optimized for search engines but also tailored to meet the needs and preferences of their target audience. As search engines continue to evolve, staying ahead of the curve with Semantic SEO by Stack Mode will be crucial for maintaining a strong online presence and driving sustainable growth in the digital age.
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