#drone camera specialists
cathkaesque · 6 months
Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth.
The company had previously manufactured cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but was sold on after stating that it faced falling profits and increased security costs resulting from Palestine Action’s efforts. 
After the sale was completed last month, Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing:
“Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”.
This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought, throughout Palestine Action’s existence, to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain. Before they sold the enterprise to a private equity syndicate, Elbit had reported that Elite KL operating profits had been slashed by over three-quarters, with Palestine Action responsible: Elbit directly cited the increased expenditure on security they’d been forced to make, and higher supply chain costs they faced.
And these actions did, indeed, cost them. The first action at the site, in November 2020, saw Elite KL’s premises smashed into, the building covered in blood-red paint. Between March and July 2021, the site was put out of action three times by roof-top occupations – drenched red in March 2021, with the factory’s camera systems dismantled, before again being occupied in in May. Another roof-top occupation in July, despite increased security, saw the site forced closed – once again painted blood-red, and with its windows and fixings smashed through.
In February 2022, activists decommissioned the site for weeks – closed off after an occupation that saw over £250,000 of damages caused, the roof tiles removed one-by-one. After this, Elbit erected a security perimeter around the site – but to no avail. One month later, six were arrested after Palestine Action returned to Tamworth – again taking the roof and smashing through, preventing the production of parts for Israel’s military machine.
Elite KL is a ‘specialist thermal management business’. Since the sale, the company focuses on cooling systems for buses and trains, but it had, under Elbit, manufactured these systems for military vehicles. Until December of last year, Elite KL’s website was advertising its military and defence products, and it was known to provide parts for Israel’s deadly Merkava tanks, with export license records demonstrating its provision of ‘ML6a’ components for military ground vehicles to Israel. The company was also known to manufacture crew cooling systems, for the military vests of tank operators.
Elbit Systems itself provides 85% of the drones and land-based military equipment for the Israeli military, along with a wide range of the munitions and armaments currently being used against Gaza’s beseiged population. Its CEO, Bazhalel Machlis, has claimed that the Israeli military has offered the company its thanks for their “crucial” services during the ongoing genocide in Gaza
A Palestine Action spokesperson has stated:
“Each activist who occupied and dismantled Tamworth’s Israeli weapons factory did so in order to bring an end to Israel’s weapons trade, and to end the profiteering from Palestinian repression. Every defeat Elbit faces is a victory for the Palestinian people.
Kicking Elbit out of Tamworth shows once again that direct action is a necessary tactic. It is one which must be utilised and amplified in the face of the Gaza genocide.”
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
Is me agaaaain~ o/ I'm back on my nonsense and practicing my writing! Had Thoughts(tm).
While Civilian Tim is my Beloved♡. You know what ELSE doesn't get explored enough? Betas in ABO fics! The overlooked everyman. The common masses. Not SPECIAL enough.
Expected to bow to the whims of Alphas and cater to, nay, CODDLE Omegas. To fall in line and be lead. Subservient. Nature's wallpaper in the Grand Drama of Alpha and Omegas.
All because they don't have to suffer a heat or rut. All because they didn't get that few extra organs and a hormonal boost. As though there aren't superhumans and aliens running around.
Everyone talking about Pack this and Pack that. About how IMPORTANT it is. How PRECIOUS. Only to stutter to a stop and dismiss you when you bring up Betas. Because they're focused on what THEY decided were the Protagonists of Life. And who CARES about the rest of us, huh?
We're just foot soliders and drones.
And Tim's parents expected an Alpha son. Had plans, of course, for the unthinkable. An Omega. But when he tested positive for likely presenting as a Beta? Humanity's MOST COMMON presentation? It's like he became worthless to them. Was assumed destined to fail. To be weak and unworthy.
Because of his genitals. His hormones.
Because he DIDNT stink up the house.
On the bright side, he gets away with a LOT. The down side? He is a very, VERY smart child with a chip on his shoulder. Little time for the dramatics of life's Specialist Babies.
When Bruce won't LISTEN to Robin? Because (and he can only assume) "hur dur me big strong head alpha. Me always right!" Well FUCK Batman! He stuffs Wayne Manor with picture print outs of HARD EVIDENCE showing Robin did No Such Thing!
When ROBIN apparently decided to flee in the night like some Victorian Omega Waif to locations unknown? Non-emergency JLA number, bitch. He knows it. Get Superman'd.
The Bats seem to settle. His Parents come and go. He hacks their emails and changes their Wills. If THEY won't take him seriously, HE will do it for both of them. Like HELL is he letting them pawn HIS company off to someone else.
Then Haiti happens.
And... he wish he could say he was surprised when he didn't even notice, until he was told. They were never Pack. That would require his Parents to have TRIED. To have CARED.
Bereavement services try to coddle him. Alphas, like VULTURES, circle. Trying to "guide" the poor RICH young Beta in his time of emotional vulnerability. If there weren't cameras, he would bite. Parasites. All of them.
The Omegas are no better. Showing up, "concerned" for him. Trying to feed him and coddle him like an infant pup. Insert themselves into his life. He gets a cold and rather nasty reputation, rather quickly.
Thank god for fake, Alpha, uncles. Social services were making noises about "supportive families" and the "need for pack bonds when grieving". Ha! So say the Alphas, he notes. The Omegas. There Beta co-workers were pretty silent. But when have they ever noticed THAT?
Strangely enough, and you'll be SHOCKED, really, his Uncle FULLY supported Tim in all he did! How Odd! He rises to become the youngest CEO in the country.
He fires half his board outright. They're corrupt and worse? Bad at business. Chosen because "Alphas are natural leaders". His ASS they are. The business take a hit, of course, lots of speculation and scathing articles. At least they do until Drake Industries has RECORD breaking quarters.
Turns out hiring the legitimately qualified, makes for better business.
Who'd have THOUGHT!
He admits. He gets distracted, building the family (not Pack. Never Pack.) business to unprecedented heights. He no longer has TIME for his night time... bird watching. But he keeps an idle eye out. And they grow in number, not shrink. So it's probably fine.
But then? Not long after he's officially an adult. After his "Uncle" TRAGICALLY goes for a one man flight over international waters, for a "vay-cay" at the summer home, only to "perish" when the plane goes down? Who strolls into his office like he has ANY right to be there? Brucie "Secretly Batman" Wayne.
They don't have a meeting planned. Why is he HERE. Stinking up his office with Alpha Scent.
.....the plane was a Wayne Aeronautics design. Fuck(tm).
Bruce plays the "oh he feels SO GUILTY" card. Tim counters. Bruce is pulling out the Full Himbo. Clearly suspicious. Oh god damn it, batman thinks he's murdered his fake uncle. And, well, he DID. But there WAS no fake uncle!
Somehow Tim finds himself dragged to lunch. Brucie's arm casually slung over his shoulders. Great. Now he's going to stink for hours.
And Bruce? Is putting clues together. Timothy "The Dragon" Drake. Beta. Known to be actively hostile to both Alphas and Omegas alike. Rumors suggest Pack trauma or extreme bond loyalties. No scent but his own on him. Not even any lingering traces. His Uncle, supposedly his Alpha, never scented him?
That coupled with records suggesting a complete lack of bonds with his birth Pack and absence of scentmarkers...
Pack Trauma. Very, VERY Feral. Likely takes most Pack-bonding overtures as signs of aggression. Highly likely he killed his Uncle in response to either real or perceived aggression.
Bruce wonders how it slipped his notice. Slipped EVERYONE'S notice. Got this bad. He... already knows. The answer does not sit well with him. It's because Tim is a Beta. He grits his teeth. Others may have failed Timothy Drake, but he refuses too.
Tim wishes he WOULD. He feels harassed. Bruce is EVERYWHERE. And he's gotten his kids in on it. Tim's poor, poor office REAKS. He! REAKS! Why are they so TOUCHY??! Cease! Desist!
Worse? The questions about his "uncle" abruptly dry up about a week and a half in. Which means they DEFINITELY found some evidence that there was never an uncle. He has a pounding headache and HATES this. He was FINE on his own. Why does this have to happen NOW? At least they are leaving him alone currently. He pops some headache meds.
A shrill noise screeches in an echoing pitch throughout his office. Ow.
Oh Fuck.
He scrambles for his phone. That is the Gotham Wide Alert. Who-? Ivy. Heading their way. He slams the building wide evac button, setting off alarms in every room in the tower. Gets up to grab his briefcase, his suit jacket, to evacuate with the rest of his company.
He turns, reaching, only to be met with vines, already rearing back to break his office windows.
Safety glass everywhere. Trying to run is pointless. Instinct still demands it. Living green as strong as steel beams has him around the waist. He is yanked backward out into open air. Hundreds of feet to the ground below him. Writhing Green has swallowed half his building already.
The alert was USELESS. "On her way" his ASS! His people are trapped!
The scent of flowers fills his nose...
His body feels... weird, when he manages to blink back to awareness. There are other CEOs. All of them are complete bastards. Arrogent nepotism picks to the last. Daddy's perfect Alpha offspring, handed the world. They're panting. Flushed. Sweaty and fighting the vines, humping... the.. air...
Oh, gross.
Where? Ivy. Talking to a camera. Gesturing to them. Tim struggles to concentrate. His head feels... soup. Slooshy and warm. Big ol skull of soup. One of the other CEOs is trying to reach him. Panting at him. He kicks. Disgusting! He thinks he hisses.
Ivy pauses. Turns to look at him. Squints.
He's not an alpha she declares. No shit. She shrugs. He'll still pay for- wait, WHAT!? That was Erkins! He FIRED that fucker! He's actively working to FIX the damage that idiot caused to the wetlands!
Soup brain saves the day. He's dragged to the side. Her bad, apparently. Hold that thought and she get you an antidote shortly. Now, where was she?
Letting the hostages go, says Batman.
Ivy disagrees. Violently.
It would be cool to watch up close, if Tim didn't feel like his skin was hypersensitive and damn near on fire. He feels nauseous. Please stop jostling him. He feels gross and sweaty. He... he THINKS? He's been Pollened?
He's heard it's the closest a Beta can get to being in Heat. And for Alphas and Omegas it can be lethal if not treated promptly. Of course, no one gives a SHIT that it's incredibly hard on a Betas body. Since, you know, they aren't MADE to go into heat! Oh god. He might puke.
Hands are cutting him free from his vine prison. Working his shirt and undershirt up enough to expose stomach. The pinch of a needle. The burning stops building. The nausea starts to fade. Tim cracks open an eye, no longer needing to grit everything closed to keep from hurling.
Nightwing. Omega.
He's brushing sweating hair back from Tim's face. Rubbing feeling back into Tim's limbs. He smells... nice? Good cologne on clean sheets. Normally Tim HATES being coddled. He doesn't feel good. He'll allow it.
Dick seems to be picking up on that. Is trying so, so hard not to look PLEASED and EXCITED that Tim is letting him take care of him. Scoops Tim up and is off before Bruce can tell him not too. Reprimand him for taking advantage of the situation.
It honestly doesn't even suprise Tim that Dick knows where he lives. Distantly he wonders if Dick even remembers that Tim is not supposed to know. That if he gets handsy as Nightwing, Dick will have to back off.
Deposited on his bed. It doesn't seem so.
Off go shoes and jacket, shirts and pants. Anything that might be infected or uncomfortable. He's brought water. Blankets nested around him. Limbs gently massaged. Dick looks GIDDY.
He still feels too hot and too cold. Uncomfortable.
Soothing noises, whispered against his skin. Hands trail down, following a skimming mouthing. Beneath the comforter pulled atop them to tuck him in. He can not see what-
He's swallowed alive. Hands gently, but without mercy, holding his hips still as an incredibly skilled mouth works his clit. Tim gasps for air. He might be shaking. Whimpers and cries dripping from his mouth as he tries desperately to rock up into the impossible heat consuming him.
Then long, calloused fingers are sliding inside of him. He.. he can't tell how to react. He's wet but not... his body doesn't MAKE slick. And yeah, it feel kinda... but does he...
The fingers angle. Pounding against SOMETHING and suddenly there are stars behind his eyes. Whimpering as he's finger fucked, eaten with in and inch of his life. He orgasms but... but it's not? Enough? W-why? Pollen. Oh god.
Dick is making soothing little noises. Pressing kisses to his face and neck. But if he's up here, how will he- Tim is pinned. Gently, sweetly, as Dick slides home.
He whines. High and displeased. Likes dislikes this. Dick shushs him. Rocking his hips. Kisses and kisses. Everything's okay. He's got you. But Tim refuses to settle.
The air of the room shifts, floors creek just slightly under heavy boots. Dick keeps rocking his hips, eyes locked with Bruce's. He's NOT going to get up. Timmy needs a pack. Needs LOVE. He's feels so, so good. And Dick is taking such good care of him. He NEEDS them.
And.. Can Bruce really argue? Tim is alone. Brilliant, gorgeous, and alone. Drifting over to scruff him? Can Bruce REALLY say he does not look like he was MEANT to be there? Beneath Dick. Soft and safe. Warm and loved? Taken care of by their pack?
He can't.
He scuffs his boy. HIS. And Tim goes limp, Dick shuddering on top of him. Face pressing against Bruce's hand, where it holds Tim's neck, arms hiking up Tim's hips. Thrusting for real. Putting his back into it.
Punching out cries from Tim with every slam against his spots. He can't move, scuffed as he is. Can only stare up. Watch as Batman, Bruce, watch HIM.
Watchs him getting... getting FUCKED. He sees Batman reach for something down the bed. Textured leather is rubbing against his clit, moments later. Dick groans in his ear as Tim spasms around him, Bruce's teasing making him tighter. I.. It's too much. Too vulnerable. Too much!
He being filled. He whines.
Gets a pack bite for his trouble, from Dick.
Then Dick's being shoo'd to the side and Tim is choking on air. Dicks cum the only thing making it slick enough. Beta's don't STRETCH like that! Big. Too big. Can't BREATHE.
But Bruce makes him breathe. Rocks and rocks until he's in. Until he's so full everything feels permanently different. Pressed down into a nest and trapped under a solid wall of Alpha. Whimpering, conquered, and held. Told over and over that Bruce has him. It's okay now.
Not enough ROOM to argue. To THINK. Whatever he wants.
He fuck Tim slow and careful. It's still almost enough to cry. But he promises not to knot him. He PROMISES. It would hurt him. Tear things. He won't hurt Tim. He whispers soothing noises. Holds Tim still, as he works himself in and out of a hot, perfect little vice.
Keeps his word. The knot stays OUT of Tim's poor, tight, little body. It'd never fit. He seed doesn't either. Gushing and spurting around the edges. Making Tim jerk and cry out. His abused little hole oozing thickly. Bruce bites him. Of course he does, he can't lose this chance.
They'll figure out details in the morning.
Damian will be THRILLED. He'd been planning a long term seduction plan for weeks. And Jason will no doubt drag Tim off to scent him the second he's able. Betas are said to be calming influences in a pack. Assuming the can all SHARE. Helping Tim settle in is going to be a wonderful group project.
He's touch starved, feral, and deeply wary of any sign of affection. Pampering him is undoubtedly going to be a group effort. But watching Dick cuddle his newest pack member? Tim relaxed in exhausted but peaceful rest? Bruce knows it's worth it.
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀!!!!!!!!!! beta tim being brought into the pack and made a member whether he likes it or not!!!
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mariacallous · 9 days
On March 11, Syrian farmer Ali Ahmad Barakat was driving a tractor to his fields in the fertile rebel-held lands of the Al-Ghab plain, just a few miles away from the front line with Assadist forces. For years, Al-Ghab’s farmers had refused to let the violence scare them away from working their fields.
But Barakat was about to become the next victim of a terrifying new Syrian Army-piloted weapon: a dirt-cheap, kit-built suicide drone.
Attacking civilians with drones isn’t new, but until recently, the vast majority of these attacks were carried out by more expensive long- and medium-range drones specifically designed for military purposes—characteristics that limited them to a small number of actors worldwide.
Armed groups such as the Islamic State began to experiment with small, cheap, off-the-shelf and custom-built drones in the 2010s, taking advantage of the consumer drone boom, but their attacks were largely focused on military targets and objectives.
Now, the picture has changed.
Small, inexpensive drones have become an indispensable tool on modern battlefields, as combatants come up with ever more creative ways to use these tiny flying robots. Inspired by these tactics, some fighters in conflicts from Myanmar to Syria are starting to use drone warfare techniques recently refined in the Russo-Ukrainian War, such as the use of tiny and ultra-fast suicide drones crafted from cheap hobby racing kits, as well as consumer camera drones rigged to drop explosives, to target, kill, and terrorize civilians.
And we don’t know how to stop them.
Since Russia first invaded Ukraine in early 2022, I’ve been monitoring the crucial role of small drone technology in the conflict, motivated by the hope that better understanding drone warfare tactics might make it easier to protect civilians from their dangers.
This March, the Syrian White Helmets civil defense group contacted me. According to their information (which has been published in a recent report), more and more civilians in the rebel-held front-line areas were getting attacked with small suicide drones. According to a number of sources, Russian military specialists had recently begun training Syrian Army forces to use both first-person-view (FPV) suicide drones and anti-drone guns. Russia’s drone warfare techniques were beginning to spread.
The attacks have shocked even hardened medics. One White Helmets volunteer, Ali Obied, was in the first group of medical workers to arrive on the scene after Barakat was killed. “When we reached the site, we saw how the suicide drone attacked the driver directly—it killed him and slaughtered him into pieces. We collected the pieces of the driver one by one,” he said. They were forced to withdraw quickly from the scene when, over a walkie-talkie, a spotter informed them that other drones were hovering nearby.
Another volunteer, Walid Abdeen, responded to an attack on April 16 that hit multiple civilian cars and a public market, injuring five people. He was confident that a suicide drone was the culprit, an observation backed up by other witnesses who saw the drone in the air before impact.  “When suicide drones explode, nothing remains from it, just small pieces—but the sound of the drone is the same as those drones used by journalists,” Abdeen said.
The volunteers agreed that this similarity to peaceful drones was a problem. “It’s difficult for civilians to differentiate between them in the sky, and all of a sudden, they attack someone—a house, a center, or a car,” said Ismail Alabdullah, a media coordinator and volunteer for the White Helmets.
“Those drones, if they want to kill someone who is walking to his school, or even the White Helmets, if they’re returning to their [medical] centers—the drones can find individuals, attack the centers, kill directly,” Alabdullah added. “We have experience with mortars, rockets, and artillery shelling attacks. But this new weapon is incredibly dangerous because it is so precise and cheap to develop.”
White Helmets representatives say dozens of these FPV drone attacks are happening each week. Thanks to the terror spread by these relentless attacks, civilians who have hung on in Syria’s border regions for years are finally beginning to leave.
These drone-powered mechanisms for spreading mass civilian terror aren’t restricted to Syria: They are also on the rise in Ukraine. Targeted attacks by Russian drones on Ukrainian civilians rose dramatically this summer. And while top U.N. officials condemned this uptick in attacks to the Security Council in March, the onslaught shows no signs of stopping.
From July 1 to 21 alone, I collected 34 separate cases of alleged attacks on Ukrainian civilians by Russian drones, drawing from open-source information posted by official sources in the Ukrainian government. As in Syria, most attacks in Ukraine seem to be taking place near the front lines, where relatively short-range FPV racing and consumer drones can reach, and with the same goal of spreading terror.
On July 2nd, a Ukrainian woman was reportedly injured by an FPV drone while she stood in her backyard in Berislava. Days later, on July 11th, authorities reported that two female volunteers were injured after a Russian FPV drone hit a humanitarian aid delivery point in Stanislav. Then, on July 18th, Kherson Oblast’s governor reported that a 74-year-old man in Oleksandrivka was killed by a Russian drone attack – one of a number of older civilian victims.
Some attacks have hit moving civilian vehicles, including minibuses and personal cars—and a number of clearly marked humanitarian and medical vehicles. On Jan. 26, Ukrainian media reported that a Russian FPV drone had attacked a marked car belonging to an aid worker working with a NGO connected to the U.N. Refugee Agency’s humanitarian mission, destroying the car. A journalist who was riding in the vehicle said that it was “very likely that the operator could see the labels on the car.”
Later, on May 29, a Russian drone attack killed a Ukrainian ambulance driver and seriously injured his wife (who had been riding in the vehicle). Soon after, on June 8, Oleksandr Prokudin, the governor of Kherson oblast, reported that after a spate of shelling in the vicinity of Bilozerka, a Russian drone had attacked an ambulance that arrived on the scene to help, injuring the driver.
The tactic has spread beyond Ukraine and Syria. In Gaza, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reports that Israel has increasingly turned to small quadcopters to attack civilians and journalists, while Palestinian sources in Rafah told AFP in June that they lived in fear of “quadcopter drones, which mercilessly target anyone walking.” Israel has long used consumer-type quadcopters and racing drones for military purposes, including to drop tear gas on protesters in Gaza in 2018 and to counter so-called fire balloons sent from Gaza during the same period.
In Myanmar, rebel groups fighting the military junta have become adept at using small, cheap consumer and custom-built drones for both intelligence-gathering and for attacks. In recent months, Myanmar’s junta has begun to catch up: In September and October 2023, villagers in the Sagaing region said they were repeatedly attacked by bomb-dropping regime drones.
In another incident this July, the Insecurity Insight NGO reported that armed Myanmar military drones attacked a health center in the Sagaing region, killing a midwife, her two-year-old child, and at least five patients affiliated with the local resistance forces, as well as injuring at least 15. The patients who were killed reportedly had been injured in an earlier military drone attack, and had been seeking care for their injuries at the time
Mexico’s drug cartels, too, have become frequent users of consumer and DIY drones in recent years, both for smuggling and for terrorism. Like Bashar al-Assad’s forces, the cartels appear to view these sudden, shocking drone attacks as an effective way to terrorize civilians into ceding strategically valuable territory. In May 2023, more than 600 people were reportedly displaced from communities in Mexico’s Guerrero state due to cartel drone attacks, and attacks since then in the state have reportedly killed civilians and targeted local schools.
These tactics are spreading, and there is little guidance for civilians, including journalists and aid workers, on how to deal with them. Most existing writing on the subject is geared toward attacks from larger, more powerful, and stealthier long-range military drones.
Thankfully, there are some things the international community can start doing today.
National and international bodies and organizations concerned with civilian protection, such as the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, should come together to strategize around how best to protect people from small drone attacks. These groups should loudly condemn the terrorist attacks and investigate possible violations of international humanitarian law—as well as sponsoring the research and reporting needed to better understand the problem.
Russia’s war in Ukraine has led to the rapid development of new technologies for detecting drone radio signals in the air, new tools for electronically disabling drones, and a wide variety of other basic drone defense tactics (including the revelation that you can hide from thermal sensors by throwing a yoga mat over your head). Perhaps some of these tools and tactics could be adopted for civilian use.
Finally, we need more collective clarity around the legality of attacks on civilians with small drones under international humanitarian law as well as the legality of civilian efforts to defend themselves. Currently, interpretation of the law doesn’t adequately account for tiny flying robots in combat. As I wrote with my colleague Ossama A. Zaqqout in 2018 (and again in 2022), the presence of identical-looking small drones in the airspace over today’s conflicts makes it very hard for people on the ground to tell whose drone is whose.
Under international humanitarian law’s principle of distinction, combatants must distinguish themselves from civilians—but unlike manned aircraft, drones are too small to carry marks visible from the ground, and they can’t respond to radio checks. We need better solutions to avoid these cases of mistaken identity.
There’s also uncertainty around how humanitarian law might apply to civilian efforts to anticipate—and defend themselves against—drone attacks. Will civilians lose their noncombatant status if they use counterterrorism tools against small drones? Do civilians lose protection if they monitor radio waves for armed drone presence and report that information to combatants—or if they post that information online in a public place?
As is the case with so many other novel consumer technologies, we’ve swiftly figured out how to use drones both to help humanity and to hurt it. But civilians aren’t doomed to be easy targets—as long as we summon the international will to find ways to protect them.
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luneengene2 · 9 months
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Boynextdoor Members as Special Forces (OT 6)
A/N : Woah, my imagination is good right now, and I thought of making this. Hope you guys like it!
|| Commander ||
: Jaehyun is the leader at Boynextdoor. A position as a commander would really suit him. He will lead his troops at the forefront, direct some long-range weapons, direct how his members should act and other leadership things. He is a person who will prepare a mission carefully and execute the mission with a long mind but on target.
|| Assistant Commander ||
Sungho will be a good and agile assistant for Jaehyun. He will use his intelligence to help Jaehyun formulate a good but sharp plan so he can achieve the target. He is the person who also makes plan B if plan A made by Jaehyun fails. He will be the one who will come to the front line if Jaehyun experiences something bad.
|| Weapons Specialist ||
Riwoo will focus on issuing and preparing what types of weapons are suitable for use on each mission. He will immediately know what type of weapon to use just by Jaehyun explaining the details of the plan. He will indeed focus on the rear guard, but he will also be influential in operating long-range weapons such as explosive drones or high-level explosives.
|| Specialist ||
At Boynextdoor, Taesan is an all-rounder, so this position as a specialist will suit him. He will master several important roles such as sniper, machine gunner, infiltrator, or even combat leader after the commander and his assistant commander. Although he mastered many roles, Taesan would be more suitable as a sniper because he can shoot accurately.
|| Communications Specialist ||
Leehan would indeed be in the rear guard if he became a communications specialist. However, his position is also very important, he will focus on directing the unit with communication, monitor them with radar or with cameras from drones. He will also monitor enemy movements and immediately notify you if an attack is about to be carried out by the enemy.
|| Medical Specialist ||
Medical specialists can be on the front line and can also be on the back line. Just choose where they want to be placed or where their commander will place them. But in my opinion, Woonhak will be at the forefront, he will be quick in helping his injured unit, calming those in shock and saying "You will be fine". Always stocking medicines at basecamp, and also training several doctors and nurses who work with their unit.
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Meet Plasmaclaw and Ghost. [Lore help by @piltover-sharpshooter who is a mega nerd] From Eukaris and formerly Maximal faction, now Autobot, Plasma was an assassin turned recon specialist when he made the choice to join the AB's on Earth. He originally only had 2 forms, animal and bot, but when assigned to watch over Anthea upon the discovery of her body creating Energon due to her accident, acquiring the form thus of a Harley bike to disguise himself. Ghost was actually who Anthea met first, finding the discarded drone of Plasma's in a salvage site. Ghost had been sent out to investigate the new Energon signal, unbeknownst to all that it was Anthea herself. Formerly a remote bomb as well, Ghost now only works as a remote drone and camera, as well as safety beacon for Anthea and Plasma. Fixed up by Thea, Ghost would let out a beacon that brought Plasma to her house and the rest became history.
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andtheyreonfire · 1 year
Word Count: 2,328
AN: c’mon let’s do the sibling dance
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ren asks, staring up at her.
Futaba grins, wobbling as she struggles to keep her balance on the small drone. It wasn’t meant for people her size, but there’s enough room for her to situate herself without falling off. The propellers won’t slash her body. She fiddles with the controller slanted across her lap, one of its joysticks almost as big as her hand. “Of course, noob. I memorized the instruction manual and everything. I'm fine.”
Not like it took her more than one glance, but she’ll let Ren forget about her freakishly large brain for a second. Ren tilts his head—and oh, man is it weird how he looks almost small from this angle. Ren’s finger has nothing on her up here, even if she’s only hovering a foot above him. “Is the drone even built for this?”
“Probably not.” Definitely not. Futaba flies closer to him anyways, shoving her foot in a crevice to keep her balance. “But if it can fit a camera, it can fit a Futaba. I'm not that heavy, dummy.”
“I never said you were—“ Ren steps forward. Usually, there’s some vibration from his footfalls, some reminder of how small she is, just from his steps. She’s too far above for anything to rumble through her. Is this what everyone else feels? Weird. “Just that I don’t want you to split your head open in my attic.”
Futaba grins, glasses glinting in the afternoon light. She maneuvers the drone to hover at Ren’s eye-level. Miku’s Grace, this is so cool. Staring him face-to-face in the real world makes her feel a little less like a key item.
Which isn’t to say she’s not the most specialist, damn important key item in the world, but it’s nice to not have to crane her neck back to talk to Sojiro’s charge.
She leans an elbow against one of the drone’s crevices, giving a smirk. She ignores how dark, massive eyes crinkle in concern. “Aw, do you care about wittle ‘ol me? I'll have you know, bucko, that I'm an alpha gamer male. I got this, okay? It’s just like being in the metaverse!”
Granted, she’s been in the metaverse for—what? A week? Whatever. Ren’s hands twitch at his side, and Futaba ignores that, too. “You’re not dangling over open air in the metaverse. Gravity's different, too. You might lose your balance.”
Futaba snipes back, “What do you know about balance? You wear heels, gayass—“
Or, at least, she tries to snipe back, but the moment she opens her mouth is the moment she loses her grip on the controller’s joystick. The drone jerks, throwing her out of her perch. She flails. The controller slides off her lap, and—
She’s in open air, solid ground gone but the one below her rapidly approaching. Futaba screams. Her joints lock up. Her stomach lurches. She squeezes her eyes shut and—
A warm, solid surface catches her. Futaba lands with an oof. She shudders, attempts to pull herself up, and collapses when her arms are too shaky to support her weight. Futaba opens her eyes.
She’s cradled in Ren’s palms, the older teen hunched over her like he can shield her from fall damage—hell, he already did. His eyes are blown wide behind his glasses, curly hair framing his shock. His shadow envelops her completely.
A single, massive finger brushes against Futaba’s side, softer than the brush of a wing. The drone lies on the floor, forgotten and probably more damaged than herself. Ren asks, “Are you okay?”
His hands tremble, just the slightest bit. Futaba doesn’t comment on it. He probably doesn’t even notice it over her shaking—Oh, that’s why her arms feel so wobbly. She forces out a, “Y—yeah, fine.”
Ren’s frowns. He glances at the drone corpse behind her, before turning back to the form in his hands. Even with his glasses, his eyes gleam with something intense. “Is anything bruised?”
Futaba shakes her head, arms tucked against herself. She’s fine, really, just...She feels more stable the longer she sits on something solid, even if that’s Ren’s hands.
But she’ll—she’ll get over it, just like she got over her mother, just like the got over the prospect of her guardian being twenty times her size, just like she got used to Ren. She can’t recall the last time she fell, but the constant fear is something she’s familiar with. She’s fine, she just...
She huddles into Ren’s hands. His gaze softens. The finger against her side moves to ruffle her hair, ever so gently, and she finds herself relaxing under the touch. “Let’s wait before doing that again, okay?” When she doesn’t respond, his voice quiets into a murmur, the sound reverberating through Futaba’s core. “You’re alright, I got you.”
And it’s—
It’s probably too early for her to call him brother, but, by Talos, if her mouth wasn’t halfway through forming the words before her brain catches up. She swallows, and feels the last bit of tension drain out of her body.
She’s safe, as long as Ren’s around. He’s got her.  
No matter what, Ren won’t let her fall.
All things considered, Futaba’s handling fighting monsters in an alternate dimension pretty well.
She adapts to her Persona like it was made for her—and, well, considering the whole I am thou monologue, it literally was. On the surface, the Metaverse is no different from an RPG. Shadows have strengths, weaknesses, and power levels that she could almost call stats. But there’s something real in every fight. They don’t operate in turns. A second could be the difference between life or death. Futaba’s gotta worry about fighting techniques and styles, how to use the environment in their favor. She finds herself strung along in the terrifying, exhilarating improv of combat.
—Mostly terrifying, though. Almost as terrifying as being the support to a group of teenagers. She was a hit with adults when she was younger, sure, but her peers? The difficulty spike always seemed just slightly out her grasp. That’s not even counting her size.
But—she’s adjusting. She doesn’t flinch anymore when someone approaches her. And just yesterday, she said five whole sentences to Haru! She doesn’t even know Haru! And Haru smiled and didn’t look at her in disgust or—anything! She’s doing so well.  
She hasn’t moved from her spot next to Ren’s head unless it’s an emergency.
They’re—she’s working on it. It’s on her list: be okay without you around. It’s just—the idea of hanging around this group is something that terrifies her more than the shadows. Ren probably should terrify her, with how...different he is in a mask. Her Necronomicon is roughly the size of a frisbee, herself as diminutive as always. He’s not a stranger—just quieter, focused, more of a leader. He expects them to be strong, but doesn’t hesitate to call things off when the fire burns too hot.
By Talos, will Futaba meet his standards. She swears it. They all do.
Just—give her a minute to remember how to talk to people. Please.
Right now, they’re engaged in a fight against a massive, blue elephant. Joker, Skull, Panther and Noir are up the front lines. Joker oscillates between healing and bless skills. Everyone else buzzes around him.
Futaba flies far enough that a stray attack won’t clock her in her non-existent nuts. She watches, biting her lip. Skull flags. Panther spends previous seconds to heal him, almost getting her head smashed in by a physical attack if not for a last-minute Makarakarn. The barrier Joker casts falls with a shimmer. The enemy swings its trunk around to sweep Noir off her legs the second it does.
They have a plan, Futaba knows it. She calls out weaknesses and warns for attacks when she can, but they’re flagging. This is a tough one. Futaba winces as Skull flies straight through a stack of crates.
She jerks Necronomicon closer. A wave of green light washes over the party—and if Joker continues like this, he and the thieves won’t have any SP left by the end of the fight. But if they don’t give it their all, then—
Joker cries out as an attack singes his arm. He grits his teeth, but Futaba can see the way his vision unfocuses—
She doesn’t have time to question when she flew so close to the battlefield before the elephant notices her. Its eyes narrow into something predatory. Futaba’s breath stops.
She jerks her fingers into action, retreating up as much as she can, but—they need this. A glance up shows the elephant’s barely swayed by the thieves’ counter-attack. She should turn tail and flee but this hack has low range and—
The elephant raises its trunk, just in time for Futaba to cast a heat riser on the party, before a curse attack strikes Necronomicon dead-on.
Someone screams her name. Joker, maybe, but it’s impossible to tell over the blaring of system alarms. The screens and organs of Necronomicon flash blood-red warnings, direct hits, critical fails.
Everything goes dark, and Futaba’s thrown out into violent weightlessness.
She falls.
She can’t see the world outside, but she can feel she the ground coming up to meet her. Maybe the Necronomicon will cushion her fall, maybe it will only harm her further. Mangled bodies of construction safety videos flash across her eyes like lightning, because what Futaba sees she never forgets and it’d be impossible to forget how fragile she is and how easy it is to—
She screams, stomach swooping and hair twisting around her as her hands scramble for something, anything, and—
She stops.
Her ship jerks forward, like it’s plummeting, only for its movement to slow into slight swaying. Her systems remain off, and she can’t see outside her ship, but she didn’t hear an impact and she’s—pretty sure she’d resemble a rage-quitter's PC if she did.
Futaba runs her hands over her barely-bruised body, latches onto her seat as the ship groans. She’s alive. The only thing that means is—
“Kougaon!” Booms a low, familiar voice, surrounding her like a blanket.
Despite the near-L experience, Futaba's heart slows down from its rabbit-fast pace.
A couple commands are given, but they’re surprisingly brief compared to Joker’s usual strategy. Every sentence reverberates around her like the world’s largest pair of surround-sound headphones. After a few minutes, the hold around her ship finally moves. Futaba doesn’t release her iron grip on her seat.
The sounds of battle fade, the Necronomicon sways like it’s being carried, before— “Futaba?”
“Joker,” she calls back, unsure if her comms still work. Probably not, but Joker must’ve heard her anyways, because something scrabbles against the ship’s manhole. Eventually, it pops off, and light floods into the small crevice.
Futaba, as shaky as an NPC clipping into the floor in a Bethesda game, lowers herself into Joker’s palm.
The mask is off. Yeah—he’s looming over her, leaning in far closer than he tends to initiate. His shadow envelops her completely. Necronomicon looks like a galaxy meal toy in his grip. But—Joker’s mask is off. His mask is only off while casting spells. Why is it off?
His gaze sweeps over her, lingering on every bruise, every disheveled part of her outfit. When he speaks, his voice is low, hesitant, almost choked. “Futaba, are you alright?”
Oh. That’s why.
Futaba jerks her head in a nod, before swallowing her pride and shaking it like a wet dog. Joker’s gloved fingers curl around her, surprisingly soft. The last time she’d been held by him in the metaverse was her palace. They’ve probably always been this soft, she just didn’t notice.
She doesn’t realize she’s shaking until Joker’s voice washes over her. “The others are finishing the battle. I’m going to heal you now, okay?”
Another nod. Sparks of green rain over Futaba’s body, and her bruises. Joker hesitates—Ren never hesitates, in the metaverse—before a warm, gentle weight rubs against her head.
It’s new, this whole situation is. And it—it’s soothing, for Futaba to lean into the touch, to grasp onto Joker’s glove like a lifeline, to know—
“I've got you,” Joker murmurs. His fingers shift to cradle around her, touch impossibly gentle. She sucks in a breath. “You’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?”
She shudders, again, and melts into Ren’s hands. The sound of the fight rages behind them. Futaba looks away. She could meet his gaze, if she wanted to, it’s just—something spills out before she can. “I’m sorry. I should’ve kept my distance. I know I can’t defend myself. I—I’m sorry.”
“We all make mistakes.” Ren’s fingers curl in closer. “You’ve barely been out on the field. It’s alright.”
She shakes her head. “That’s no excuse. I—I should’ve...”
“You saved us, Futaba.” He jerks his head towards the fight. The thieves knock down the elephant, before unleashing a final, all-out attack. Futaba watches as it disintegrates with a distorted cry. “You gave us the strength we needed. You had our back, so let us watch yours too, okay?”
Slowly, he brings her up to his face. With the battle over, Ren’s complete attention turns to Futaba. “Yeah, it was risky, and yeah, you got hurt. But let us defend you, alright? You’re far from the first of us to make a risky decision. No matter what, you’ve got us, too. All of us. We won’t let you fall.”
Her brother keeps her promises. He’ll catch her, just like he said he would. She’s safe. A small smile slips onto Futaba’s face. She turns back to the rest of the thieves, hand curling around the tip of Joker’s finger. They jog over to meet her, something worried yet relieved on their faces, hands still clutched around their weapons.
Maybe...they’ll be there to catch her, too.
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Love Language
Inspired by a post by @mumblesplash (which I now cannot find, curse this hellsite's (affectionate) search function):
“Like it’s MY fault my love language is acts of service and all I know how to do is kill.”
I thought it sounded like something Kayo would say.
So I made her say it.
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
Kayo stood next to Colonel Casey, and surveyed the chaos surrounding them.
Several GDF flyers had landed, forming a perimeter, while others patrolled the skies, deterring the camera drones that hovered like a cloud of mosquitoes.
Inside the perimeter Thunderbird Shadow clung to a cliff face. Kayo made a face. The fact that she could be seen was a massive blinking neon sign advertising the damage that had been done to her craft.
Brains would not be pleased.
Lying a short distance from the cliff face was the getaway plane Kayo had been perusing, it’s port wing sheered off and fuselage crumpled.
She sighed. It had not been one of her better take downs.
Colonel Casey eyed her. “It was an unavoidable outcome, Kayo,” the older woman said, not unkindly. “The alternative, had they gotten away with the security plans, would have been unthinkable.”
Kayo nodded. “It was a bad situation all round.”
Her comms squawked, and John’s hologram formed above her wrist. “Kayo, please inform Colonel Casey that the courier plane has been safely returned to the ground, and Thunderbird Two is enroute with the crew to suitable medical facilities.”
“Thank you, Thunderbird Five. International Rescue’s assistance is, as always, highly appreciated.” Colonel Casey spoke formally.
John nodded, acknowledging the gratitude. “Thunderbird One is inbound, for debriefing.”
Kayo groaned internally, as she thanked John and signed off. Scott’s single minded insistence that International Rescue was not in the business of ‘catching bad guys’ was both frustrating and something she could not understand. Why else have a Covert Operations specialist – and aircraft – if they didn’t do Covert Operations?
As far as Kayo was concerned, and she knew Colonel Casey agreed, there had been no alternative than to pursue the high performance helijet that had separated itself from the cargo plane and attempted to flee the scene. Especially after the GDF had admitted that the ‘cargo’ was in fact the beyond-top-secret plans for the GDFs latest security upgrades. The thought of what someone like her uncle could do with that information … Kayo shuddered.
Thunderbirds One and Two were in attendance, and Scott, Virgil and Gordon fought to safely land the disabled aircraft somewhere other than a major population centre, and med-evac the crew injured and incapacitated in the attempted hijacking.
Her brothers sought to rescue the current victims of the theft.
Kayo sought to rescue the future victims.
A roar of supersonic jet engines, and Thunderbird One seemed to materialise in the air above them. Everyone in the area stopped to stare as International Rescue’s first response craft pivoted around its centre point to face the two women, then lower itself to the ground, kicking up dust with her powerful VTOL thrusters.
The fuselage opened, and Scott Tracy descended in his pilot’s chair, stalking directly towards his targets, as his ship quietly and efficiently sealed herself behind him.
Kayo winced slightly. There was no chance Scott had not recognised the make of craft, and – from his seemingly encyclopaedic knowledge of all things aviation – already determined that the current state of the helijet was a non-survivable impact.
Kayo had confirmed that fact. She could still taste the bile in her mouth.
Scott glared at her, the blue of his eyes seemingly clouded by grey storm clouds. “Thunderbird Shadow, report.”
Kayo stared at him evenly. “The security plans have been recovered. There was no opportunity for them to transmit them to another location.” Her eyes flicked towards the crumpled wreck. “The hijackers attempted to fight their way out of pursuit. They overestimated the capabilities of their craft, and their pilot. Controlled flight was lost, and the craft impacted the ground.”
Colonel Casey spoke up. “Without Kayo’s assistance, the GDF could not have prevented them from escaping. The latest security update is all but completed, and the master plans were being transported to the ultra security vault. Had they gotten away with those plans, they could have broken the security on all GDF encryptions, accessed any GDF craft or facility, either in person or remotely, as well as accessing any files in the GDF’s systems.” She frowned. “The consequences of that do not bear thinking about.”
Scott’s glare intensified. “And the crew?”
“That model helijet is not known for its outstanding safety features. Most of the hijackers were not restrained inside the craft. None survived final impact. First examination indicates at least two were killed during evasive manoeuvres.” Colonel Casey’s voice was cold as ice.
Scott seemed to deflate. “Killed during evasive manoeuvres,” he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked at Kayo. “Evading what, I wonder?”
Kayo glared at him, suddenly horribly aware of the shadow of her uncle looming over her. “Like it’s my fault my love language is ‘acts of service’ and all I know how to do is kill?” She turned on her heel to stalk away.
Colonel Casey caught her arm in a grip of steel. “The evasive manoeuvres only commenced when GDF flyers converged.” Her frown was a physical presence. “All Kayo did, Commander Tracy,” the emphasised title was a challenge, “was pursue and update GDF forces of their location and course, as well as monitor and jam their transmissions.”
The older woman softened slightly. “Kayo’s actions saved a lot of lives today. As for the crew …” she sighed. “It is regrettable. But unfortunately, not everybody can be saved.” She eyed Scott. “As you well know.”
All the fight left Scott at that. He sought Kayo’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Kayo. But when Shadow flagged damage …” He swallowed. “There are some people you want to save more than others.”
Kayo stepped out of the Colonel’s grasp, to touch Scott gently on the arm. “I know,” she said softly. “I do try not to get myself killed.”
There was a softly approving sound from behind them. “I regret that I am needed elsewhere on site. I will be in contact once we have more information. Scott, Kayo. Thanks again for your assistance today.” Colonel Casey marched off, bearing down on a cluster of GDF personnel making for the downed plane.
They watched her go for a moment. “Can Shadow make it back to the Island on her own, or shall I call Virgil for a lift?” Scott finally turned back to Kayo.
She shook her head. “She’s still airworthy, just … visible.” She sighed. “Brains is not going to be happy.”
Scott nodded. “Brains is not happy as we speak. Come on. The sooner we get home, the sooner he can get to fixing her.” They both walked to the cliff face where Shadow was perched. “I’ll pace you back to the island, just in case there are any complications,” he offered awkwardly.
Kayo smiled. “Thanks.”
Scott stared up at the craft. “So, um, ‘love language’?”
She snorted. “Blame Penny. It’s some retro interpersonal communication theory she’s discovered. She will make you take the test, and read the book.”
Scott groaned. “Is there a Cliff’s Notes version, at least?”
She quirked a smile. “I’ll write you a summary.” Then she frowned. “It’s not likely I’ll be airborne anytime soon.”
Scott touched her shoulder hesitantly. “It wasn’t your fault, Kayo. Brains won’t hold a grudge for that. It’s a different situation to Gordon’s carelessness with the nanocrete.”
Kayo laughed. Gordon had been made to physically scrape the nanocrete off the hull of Thunderbird Four, then Brains had made an elaborate show of scanning every millimetre of the hull for stress and weakness arising from the cleaning, before, finally, stripping all the paintwork, and repainting her from the basecoat primer – with plenty of time to allow the five coats to thoroughly dry. Scott and Gordon had been forced to respond to an emergency with the submarine pods while Thunderbird Four was in ‘dry dock’, and Gordon had learnt his lesson. Thoroughly.
“Well, then, time to face the music.” Kayo accessed her wrist controller, and commanded Shadow to detach from the cliff to allow her entry.
“FAB,” Scott responded. “See you in the sky!”
He started trotting off towards One, and Kayo could feel him glancing over his shoulder to make sure Shadow was performing correctly. She snorted. Motherhen.
As both Thunderbirds rose into the sky, Scott’s hologram popped up in front of her, a smug grin on his face. “Do you want to say it?”
Kayo smirked in return, and replied by pushing the throttle forward as she whooped: “Thunderbirds Are Go!”
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undeath1245 · 4 months
do have any ideas for you version of miraculous ladybug like introducing non akumatized villains?
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Hmm, I think I have a couple of ideas, like with turning back M. Pigeon and the Mime into non-akumatized villains. So, here are my concepts for some of the villains of seasons one and two for now:
Hawkmoth is a dark, mysterious supervillain serving as the main antagonist of Miraculous Heroes. He is only identified by his dark purple suit and his reflective butterfly mask, and he is the current wielder of the butterfly miraculous charm and is aided by Nooru, the kwami of empowerment. He possesses the ability to either grant someone superpowers or empower their already-existing abilities, transforming them into an advanced, empowered version of themselves. He is also recruiting other supervillains (through his personal henchman, the Mime) into his new supervillain team, the Société Obscure, and so far, he has recruited M. Pigeon, Simon Says, the Bouffon, Matchmaker.
The Mime is a quiet, dangerous henchman working personally for Hawkmoth. He can manifest any object to existence by using mime performance, like a wooden mallet, or a set of TNT. He is also responsible for recruiting local villains into Hawkmoth’s new organization, the Société Obscure. In his public identity, he is the gentle performance artist Fred Harpèle, who happens to be the father of lycée student Mylène Haprèle.
Phantom Phreak is a eccentric, mysterious crook who is seen in an LED smiley mask and hooded street wear. He possesses a specialized hacking gauntlet that allows him to hack into and control any form of technology, such as cars, security cameras, or computers, and he has an arsenal of weaponized drones. He is also an ally of Hawkmoth, though not a member of the Société Obscure, as he aids him through manipulating teenagers into his secret supervillain school program, Académie Fantômas, and so far, he had recruited Dark Cupid, Timebreaker, Gamemaster, Stormy Weather, Tidal Thunder, MC Zoom, Rismatik, Princess Fragrance, Lady Wifi (secretly undercover), Puppeteer, and Volpina. In public, he is talented super scientist Dr. Gérard Innovera, director of Eiffel Innovations and frequent ally of several superheroes (including Knightowl, Jade Turtle, and the previous Miraculous Duo).
Queen Aurumis is a dastardly villainess who wishes to steal every luxury item in the world and make them hers. She is made entirely out of golden glitter, allowing herself to slip into tiny openings, and she is also equipped with a cursed staff that allows her to petrify anyone or anything into solid gold. In public, she’s one of the world’s famous fashion icons and director of the high fashion magazine Style Queen, Audrey Bourgeois, who is also Chloé’s neglectful mother and André's unfaithful wife. Aurumis also happens to be a recurring enemy of the Union of Superheroes and New York Guardians. She later invites herself into the Société Obscure, much to Hawkmoth's dismay.
The Milieu Chasseur is the city’s most dangerous organized crime gang, led by the notorious David Chasseur. They have been long active since the 1910s, having committed numerous criminal activities such as racketeering, money laundering, robbery, arms trafficking, and murder. They were also responsible for the reduction of super activity in the 1990s, as David wanted no superheroes or supervillains to interfere with his activities. The gang is also in conflict with the larger Collectif, as David wants to preserve his gang's legacy as the last standing French milieu gang in France. Other members include the Specialistes, a trio of high-ranking lieutenants consisting of well-reserved enforcer Marcus Beauchamp, quiet muscle man Hector Levesque, and rowdy gunman Frank Ménard.
Lapin Blanc is a quick, dangerous hitman noted by his white attire, creepy bunny mask, and signature machine pistol. He serves as the trump card of the milieu, as he has a high kill count of 76 targets and a 97.7% success rate of his assassinations, and he also serves as a special enforcer in order to intimidate criminal associates, especially corrupt politicians like André Bourgeois. In public, he is local slacker Bernard Rapidos, a man in his late 20s who mainly plays FPS games and watch comedies on TV, and he always hates it whenever someone barges in his door, whether it's his landlord or his boss, David.
M. Pigeon is a goofy supervillain who specializes in taming pigeons and using them for his dastardly crimes. He aims to make the city pay for their long mistreatment of the local pigeon population. He is equipped with a special flute that allows him to control his flock of pigeons like a pied piper. After he is first defeated by Ladybug and Chat Noir, he is immediately taken by the Mime, who then recruits him into the Société Obscure. His public identity is simple pigeon handler Xavier Ramier, a prominent animal rights activist who aimed to push a reform in public attitude with pigeons before his plans were rejected by local indifferent politicians.
Simon Says is the villain moniker of former TV personality Simon Grimault, a failed hypnotist who attempted to make a successful hypnosis on live TV. He uses a state-of-the-art hypnotizing hat that allows him to control people at his whim, but only when he uses the phrase "Simon says". His first scheme was to expose Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, but they eventually learned how to use quantum masking (irremovability of their masks) and managed to defeat him. He later becomes a new member of the Société Obscure after his defeat.
The Bouffon is a wild, wisecracking jester who aims to turn the city upside-down. He has a large arsenal of wacky gadgets and gizmos to aid him in his wild pranks, such as operating a metro train on the streets of Paris, turn the Eiffel Tower into the Leaning Eiffel Tower, or TP-ing the entire Palace of Versailles. He is later recruited into the Société Obscure by the Mime after his plans were thwarted by Ladybug and Chat Noir. He is identified as former lawyer Jacques Ardouin, who had been involved in numerous scandalous cases that drove him mad.
Pixelator is a new supervillain who specializes in kidnapping people, paralyzing them, and posing them in weird, flamboyant portraits. He uses a state-of-the-art camera that can freeze someone in place as long as they are in eye contact with the flash. His public identity is Vincent Aza, and he also happens to be a huge fan of local rock star Jagged Stone, but sadly for him, he got banned from attending any meetup with his idol after snooping into his dressing room one too many times. After his defeat, he is later recruited into the Société Obscure by the Mime.
So, that's all the villains I can conceptualize for seasons one and two of my ML fan concept. Sadly, I had to make a part two of this post after reaching the apparent 4096-character limit. Sorry if I took too long to answer, @xwolfclaw.
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burritosandpeppermint · 7 months
One of the reasons we left San Francisco - besides the fact that it really had gotten too expensive and became full of too many ghosts for us - was that it was clearly becoming more conservative. And now these voting results are proving it.
From the article:
San Francisco voters appeared to have approved a controversial measure that would require welfare recipients to be screened for illegal drug use as the city lurches to the right amid a worsening addiction crisis. Under the ballot measure, Proposition F, welfare recipients who use illegal drugs would be mandated to undergo treatment or be denied cash assistance. If they were found to be using drugs, an addiction specialist and the recipient would agree on treatment options that include residential care, a 12-step program, individual counseling and replacement medication. Voters also backed more conservative public safety policies in Tuesday’s election. The drug-testing measure was one of two measures put before voters by the San Francisco mayor, London Breed, as the city grapples with the impact of a homelessness and addiction emergency. Breed, who’s up for re-election in November, faces three serious opponents who say her administration has failed to deal with drug crime, vandalism and theft. Breed has moved away from a harm-reduction model and instead backed more punitive policies. She has argued that the drug-testing measure would ensure “more people the help they need and change what’s happening in our city”. “We can’t just keep giving people money to overdose and die on our streets – we have to do more,” she said on Tuesday evening.
Yeah, SF is still a pretty city, and I do miss it sometimes, but over the last 20-ish years the politicians have been bending over backwards to appeal to businesses and tech workers to stay, put up roots, and raise families. But how can they do that when the ridiculous housing prices that have pushed former residents out of their homes cause the rampant homelessness that continues to plague the city? Set up more shelters and treatment centers in every neighborhood? Well, no, the voters flatly reject that at every turn, so now the city will become more discriminatory regarding the people it's helped to un-house.
Oh, and the police now have more powers:
The second measure, which also appeared set to pass, would increase police powers, granting officers greater leeway to pursue suspects in vehicles, authorize police use of drones and surveillance cameras, reduce paperwork requirements, including in use-of-force cases, and reduce the powers of the citizen police oversight commission. A recent analysis by the San Francisco Standard found that the collision rate for police chases in the city is the highest among all major cities in the state.
If you ever had a warm place in your heart for foggy San Francisco, cherish that memory, because unless you're making at least six figures they likely have their surveillance cameras pointed at you, a poor, and if the cops are called on you they'll be happy to run you over without fear of reprisal.
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Three years ago, Donald Trump tweeted an image that left intelligence experts gobsmacked.
The picture was of a rocket that had exploded on a launch pad deep inside of Iran. It was so crisp, that some initially thought it may not have been taken by a satellite.
"This picture is so exquisite, and you see so much detail," says Jeffrey Lewis, who studies satellite imagery at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. "At first, I thought it must have been taken by a drone or something."
But aerospace experts quickly determined it was photographed using one of America's most prized intelligence assets: a classified spacecraft called USA 224 that is widely believed to be a multibillion-dollar KH-11 reconnaissance satellite.
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Now, three years after Trump's tweet, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has formally declassified the original image. The declassification, which came as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request by NPR, followed a grueling Pentagon-wide review to determine whether the briefing slide it came from could be shared with the public.
Many details on the original image remain redacted – a clear sign that Trump was sharing some of the U.S. government's most prized intelligence on social media, says Steven Aftergood, specialist in secrecy and classification at the Federation of American Scientists.
"He was getting literally a bird's eye view of some of the most sensitive US intelligence on Iran," he says. "And the first thing he seemed to want to do was to blurt it out over Twitter."
The revelation comes just days after Trump announced his bid to run for president in 2024. It also follows the FBI's seizure in August of 33 boxes filled with over one hundred classified records, stored at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Some of those documents were reportedly related to Iran, according to the Washington Post.
The NGA, which produced the image Trump used in his 2019 tweet, is the government's clearing house for much of its intelligence. The agency collects images from drones, spy planes and satellites and turns them into information that can be used by decision-makers.
It's not uncommon for those people to want to declassify what they see, says Robert Cardillo, who served as director of the NGA from 2014 to 2019. Often, he says, he would suggest that the government release a lower-resolution image from a commercial satellite instead. "That was done from time-to-time as a way to protect that source, but then also get the information out," Cardillo says.
He says he cannot ever recall seeing the authorized release of an image such as the one tweeted by President Trump.
According to reports, Trump first saw the image as part of a daily intelligence briefing on the morning after the Iranian launch failure. In the most complete account of what happened next, published last year by Yahoo! News, President Trump asked to keep a copy of the photo, which was from a KH-11 series satellite. An hour later, he sent it out to more than 60 million followers on Twitter.
NPR has not independently verified that reporting, but what is clear is that the image in the tweet was a photograph of a sheet of physical paper, Lewis says. Visible at the center of Trump's tweet is the shine of overhead lights or a flash, and a shadow, possibly from Trump or an aid, photographing the image with a camera.
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A portion of the text tweeted by the president also used the exact wording of the then-classified caption to the image, indicating his tweet was based on the NGA briefing document released to NPR.
After he tweeted the image, Trump said that he did nothing wrong. "We had a photo and I released it, which I have the absolute right to do," he told reporters at the time. The president has ultimate authority over what material is classified, and Aftergood says that he was probably within his legal rights to publicize the image.
Cardillo, who now works as a senior executive for the commercial satellite company Planet, says that imagery is no longer as secret as it once was. The proliferation of commercial imaging satellites means that the public now has regular access to overhead views that are comparable, if not quite as good, as U.S. government satellites. Over his career, he saw the levels of classification for spy satellite images loosen up.
"Because there is so much commercial imagery out there, I feel like there's less sensitivity," he says.
But this image was still classified, and Lewis says that seeing it released probably stung for the intelligence agencies involved.
"The entire US intelligence community is incredibly averse to letting this information out," Lewis says. "The idea that the president would just scream 'YOLO!', photograph it and tweet it--is really hard to take."
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Cardillo says he is certain that other countries have used Trump's tweeted image to learn more about what U.S. spy satellites can do. If, for example, Putin had tweeted a photo from a Russian satellite, he says that the U.S. would have assembled a task force to learn everything they could from the image.
In the case of Trump's tweet: "my assumption is that Russia would have done the same thing and Iran would have done the same thing," he says.
Aftergood says the latest release "confirms a kind of recklessness on the part of former President Trump and also a disrespect for the rather astonishing intelligence that he was receiving."
For Lewis, the incident is telling about Trump's abilities to handle classified documents as he heads into the 2024 presidential race.
"I wouldn't tell this man any information that I wanted to remain private," Lewis says. "The idea that he could again have access to classified information is unnerving."
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outofthiisworld · 11 months
@elysiumheartrp filming another documentary about an organization, what could go wrong?
[🧪]— Oh of cooourse, ATLAS would invite this poor guy up here. He’d bet his bottom dollar that the fella in front of him is all by himself as well. Easier for this god forsaken colony to clean up any loose ends. Sorry loved ones, space travel is just so unpredictable, you know the drill.
‘— to give the people back on Earth a glimpse of what goes on out here’
Doc couldn’t help the barked laugh that barreled out from his throat, in which, he instantly winced— fuck. The old medic had some leeway, a bit of wiggle room due to his own rank, but not that much leeway. He rubbed at his chin as he took the rest in— the camera drone that hovered close behind the journalist, the way that Newt shuffled and itched on edge in these sterile rooms. He was a fish out of water up here.
Doc sighed; he understood the feeling well.
“Well, Corey. Wish you ran into me in better circumstances, but with my own migraine to nurse and a personal bias against cameras…” Doc gestured over to the security camera stationed on top the medbay doors. “I got enough video surveillance on me that could last a lifetime.”
In all of its hidden and coveted truth, Doc… didn’t know how well he could bullshit in the limelight of the camera.
He hated it here. He wanted nothing more but to lock down the medical bay, shove this Corey guy down in a chair and unveil the confidential curtain behind ATLAS. All the sick secrets they hid, even from themselves.
But, he also didn’t want to get both of them shoved out the airlock.
“How ‘bout you humor me first, you got any severe or moderately underwhelming conditions I should be aware of? I’ll be your primary care specialist up here now, so best get this stuff out of the way before you wander off somewhere else.”
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miloscat · 1 year
[Review] Butterflies: Episode 1-3 (PC)
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They understand the concept of love.
After Bomb Rush Cyberfunk wowed me, I wanted to take a second look at this even more indie project memorialising Jet Set Radio. I've played Episode 1 (and some pre-release demos) before but since then, French lead dev Le Capitaine and their Le Crew have finalised Episodes 2 and 3, and published them to Steam as a bundle. Supposedly it's still to be continued but for now the team is hard at work on an F-Zero homage. Hopefully they come back and keep expanding this because what's there so far is really good!
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Rather than using JSRF as a jumping off point for gameplay, Butterflies seems to prefer refining what the original JSR was doing. This means a more realistic sense of inertia, and managing the momentum of your crew of inline-skating delinquents. The dash button is there to pick up speed on the ground and grinding rails is not effortless. It's clearly set on improving the clunky play control of the Dreamcast game though, and the result is fast, technical, and satisfying... when you've put some time into mastering it.
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To get you there is a low-pressure kind of game design with a set of missions that populate the large levels. You can roam around, tackling them and finding tag spots as you please without a timer ticking down, which on its own is a big step up from JSR for me. These tasks are usually races that pass through checkpoints or specific line runs that require keeping a combo going—some in Episode 1 are particularly strict—while Episode 3 adds in extra graffiti challenges. Going through the checklist is a nice way of showing off these urban sandbox levels as you hunt for write spots or (as of Episode 2 onwards) collectible music tracks.
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Each episode has one map to itself while advancing the overall story. The first two are hilly suburban areas, with a bit of industrial in E1, and E3 features a sprawling inner-city area connected by train tracks. Powerlines to grind on and the ability to wallgrind on almost any wall if you have enough speed help you traverse the high degree of verticality built into these zones. The first two episodes have an interesting grungy, sketchy look while the third revamps things with more colour and shiny detail. Populating the maps are your typical low-poly NPCs (I spotted some modelled on Lammy and Parappa!) as well as bear-hugging cops, flying police drones, and zap-projectile-slinging cameras: as of E3, these can all be dealt with by a quick application of spray paint (which by the way is unlimited).
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The story is handled a bit more seriously than in some other street punk simulators. In this near-future world, a Japanese city has seceded and is now run as an independent autocracy by one General Sakamoto, and by the end of E3 the rebellious Nat and her growing Butterflies crew are gearing up to rise above petty rudie squabbles and vandalism to really fight back against the fascism. The inclusion of real-world cultures and concerns keeps the tone grounded, like when one of your teammates Jae (who tags in Hangeul) comments on the treatment of Korean immigrants; another, Zinnie, wears a hijab and interjects in Arabic, while Rin is a trans girl and you follow her journey of self-discovery in dialogue which I thought was handled pretty well.
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On top of their characterisation in cutscene dialogue, these touchstones make the characters deeper and more relatable, more than just a cool cel-shaded character design. They also for the most part have clear strengths in their stat distributions; I favoured speed specialist Zinnie for getting around. Each one has distinct graffiti designs (they all get a refresh in E3 as well) that, while simple, usually include their name (in katakana) and tell you something about their personality. Writing involves a three-stage timing-based minigame so everyone has three unique designs, although you might find you end up with the simplest "bare minimum" one all over just to save time with the ~200 spots per map.
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Since Butterflies has been released episodically over five years, it's interesting to watch as the new instalments make changes and become more polished. It's still rough around the edges even as of E3 but solid enough, and this release structure gives me hope that even more refinements will be implemented going forward (a better in-game map would be nice!). Either way, I've enjoyed what's there so far, and it's refreshing that multiple projects have been springing up in this vein while having their own character: in this case a little bit subdued, down to earth, but it's got heart.
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sixthvision · 8 days
The Growing Demand for Real Estate Videographers in Melbourne
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The real estate market is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry that thrives on innovation, especially in a city as vibrant as Melbourne. As property transactions become increasingly competitive, real estate professionals are seeking new ways to stand out in the market. Among the most effective tools in their arsenal is videography. The rise of the Real Estate Videographer Melbourne is a testament to the growing importance of visual storytelling in property sales. This article delves into the role of real estate videographers, the benefits they bring to the table, and why they are becoming indispensable in Melbourne's real estate market.
The Role of a Property Video Specialist
A real estate videographer is a specialized professional who captures and creates video content tailored specifically for the real estate industry. Unlike traditional videographers, real estate videographers focus on showcasing properties in a way that highlights their unique features and appeals to potential buyers or tenants. Their work involves more than just pointing a camera and shooting; it requires a deep understanding of what makes a property desirable and how to present it effectively through video.
Storytelling Through Video: The primary role of a real estate videographer is to tell the story of a property. This goes beyond just showing what the property looks like; it involves creating a narrative that resonates with viewers. Whether it's a cozy suburban home or a sleek, modern apartment, the videographer's job is to capture the essence of the property and convey it through engaging video content.
Technical Expertise: Real estate videographers possess a high level of technical expertise. They are skilled in using a variety of equipment, including drones for aerial shots, stabilizers for smooth footage, and high-definition cameras to ensure every detail is captured. Additionally, they are proficient in post-production techniques such as editing, color grading, and sound design, which are crucial for producing polished and professional videos.
Understanding of Real Estate Market: Unlike general videographers, those specializing in real estate have a deep understanding of the market. They know what potential buyers are looking for and how to highlight these features in a property video. Whether it's the architectural design, the surrounding neighborhood, or specific interior details, a real estate videographer knows how to capture and emphasize the aspects that will attract buyers.
Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Video Producer
The decision to hire a real estate videographer can have a significant impact on the success of a property listing. Here are some of the key benefits:
Enhanced Property Listings: In today’s digital age, property listings that include high-quality videos stand out significantly more than those that do not. A well-produced video can provide a virtual tour of the property, giving potential buyers a sense of the space and layout in a way that photos simply cannot. This can be especially important for overseas buyers or those who are unable to visit the property in person.
Emotional Connection: Videos have the power to evoke emotions in a way that static images cannot. By using music, narration, and carefully chosen shots, real estate videos can create a sense of warmth, luxury, or excitement that resonates with viewers. This emotional connection can be the deciding factor for potential buyers.
Increased Engagement: Properties that are marketed with video content tend to receive more engagement on listing platforms. Videos are more likely to be shared on social media, increasing the property’s exposure to a broader audience. This increased visibility can lead to faster sales and potentially higher offers.
Competitive Advantage: In a competitive market like Melbourne, standing out is crucial. Real estate videos provide a competitive advantage by making listings more attractive and professional. Sellers who invest in videography are likely to see a return on investment through quicker sales and better offers.
Showcasing Lifestyle and Surroundings: Melbourne is known for its diverse neighborhoods and vibrant culture. A real estate videographer can capture not just the property but also the surrounding area, highlighting local amenities, parks, schools, and transport links. This provides potential buyers with a more comprehensive view of what it would be like to live in the area, making the property more appealing.
The Growing Demand for Real Estate Video Content Developer
The demand for real estate videographers in Melbourne is on the rise, driven by several factors:
Shift Towards Digital Marketing: The real estate industry is increasingly moving towards digital marketing strategies. Traditional methods such as print ads and open houses are being complemented, if not replaced, by online listings and virtual tours. Videos are at the forefront of this shift, offering a dynamic and engaging way to showcase properties.
Rise of Social Media: Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are becoming key channels for real estate marketing. Videos are particularly well-suited to these platforms, where visual content tends to perform better and reach a larger audience. Real estate agents in Melbourne are recognizing the power of social media and are increasingly turning to videographers to create content that can be shared online.
Increased Buyer Expectations: As technology advances, so do buyer expectations. Modern buyers, especially younger demographics, expect to see high-quality visuals when browsing property listings. Videos provide a way to meet these expectations and keep potential buyers engaged.
COVID-19 Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual tools in the real estate industry. With restrictions on physical viewings and open houses, video tours became a necessity rather than a luxury. Even as restrictions ease, the convenience and effectiveness of video marketing have ensured that this trend is here to stay.
Melbourne’s Competitive Market: Melbourne’s real estate market is highly competitive, with properties ranging from historic homes to cutting-edge apartments. In such a diverse market, having a unique selling point is essential. Videography allows real estate agents to showcase properties in a way that is both creative and impactful, giving them an edge over competitors.
What to Look for in a Real Estate Video Artist
Choosing the right real estate videographer is crucial to the success of a property marketing campaign. Here are some key considerations:
Portfolio: A videographer’s portfolio is a reflection of their style and expertise. Look for a portfolio that showcases a variety of property types and video styles. This will give you a sense of their versatility and ability to adapt to different projects.
Experience: Experience in the real estate sector is important. A videographer who understands the intricacies of the real estate market will be better equipped to highlight the features that matter most to potential buyers.
Technical Skills: Ensure the videographer has the technical skills required to produce high-quality videos. This includes proficiency in shooting, editing, and post-production. Ask about the equipment they use and whether they are capable of capturing aerial shots or 360-degree videos if needed.
Creativity: Real estate videos should be visually appealing and engaging. A videographer with a creative eye can help make your property stand out by using unique angles, lighting, and effects.
Communication: Good communication is key to a successful collaboration. Choose a videographer who is responsive, understands your vision, and can provide constructive feedback throughout the process.
The role of the Property Promotional Videographer is becoming increasingly vital in today’s property market. As the demand for high-quality, visually engaging content grows, so too does the need for skilled videographers who can deliver. By investing in professional real estate videography, sellers and agents can enhance their listings, engage potential buyers, and ultimately achieve better outcomes in the competitive Melbourne market.
Whether you’re a property owner looking to sell or a real estate agent aiming to offer your clients the best possible service, partnering with a skilled videographer can make a significant difference. The future of real estate marketing is visual, and those who embrace this trend will be well-positioned for success in Melbourne’s thriving property scene.
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agridronespecialists · 2 months
How Drones are Reducing Risks in Roof Cleaning and Crop Spraying
In recent years, drone technology has revolutionised various industries, including cleaning and agriculture. One of the most significant advancements is the use of drones for roof cleaning and herbicide application. Roof spraying drone services and drone spraying herbicide applications offer numerous safety benefits, drastically reducing the risks associated with traditional methods.
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Minimising the Need for Manual Labour Traditional roof cleaning methods often involve workers manually removing dirt, debris, and moss from rooftops. This process can be time-consuming, labour-intensive, and dangerous. Workers must navigate slippery surfaces and steep inclines, increasing the risk of falls and injuries.
However, with roof spraying drone services, these risks are substantially mitigated. Drones can access hard-to-reach areas without putting human lives at risk, providing thorough and efficient cleaning without the need for workers to climb ladders or balance on rooftops.
Eliminating Scaffolding Hazards Scaffolding is commonly used in roof cleaning to provide workers with access to elevated areas. Erecting and dismantling scaffolding is a complex and hazardous task, often leading to accidents and injuries.
Roof spraying drone services eliminate the need for scaffolding entirely. Drones can easily navigate and spray rooftops from a safe distance, reducing the risk of falls and structural failures associated with scaffolding.
Precision and Accuracy in Herbicide Application Drone spraying herbicide offers unparalleled precision and accuracy, which traditional spraying methods often lack. Manual herbicide application requires workers to carry heavy equipment and move through fields, exposing them to harmful chemicals and physical strain. Drones, on the other hand, can be programmed to follow precise routes, ensuring even distribution of herbicides while minimizing human exposure to chemicals. This precision not only improves crop health and yield but also enhances the safety of agricultural workers.
Reducing Exposure to Hazardous Environments Both roof cleaning and herbicide spraying involve exposure to potentially hazardous environments. Roof cleaning can expose workers to mold, bird droppings, and other allergens, while herbicide spraying involves handling toxic chemicals.
By utilizing drone technology, one can significantly reduce human exposure to these hazards. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors can perform detailed inspections and identify problem areas without requiring workers to be physically present.
Enhancing Operational Efficiency The efficiency of drone technology also contributes to overall safety. Roof spraying drone services and drone spraying herbicide applications can complete tasks in a fraction of the time required by traditional methods. This increased efficiency means less time spent on potentially dangerous activities, further reducing the risk of accidents and injuries.
If you're looking to improve the safety and effectiveness of your roof cleaning or herbicide application processes, consider adopting drone technology from Agri Drone Specialists. Experience the benefits of reduced risks and enhanced efficiency with our cutting-edge drone services today.
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akashkanaujiya · 3 months
Detective Services
The Evolution of Detective Services in the Digital Age
In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, from communication to commerce, it's no surprise that detective services have also undergone a significant evolution. Gone are the days of trench coats and magnifying glasses; today's private investigators harness cutting-edge digital tools and methodologies to unravel mysteries and uncover truths. At the forefront of this evolution stands Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation, a pioneering agency that combines traditional investigative prowess with modern technological expertise to guide and assist its clients.
The Rise of Digital Detectives
The advent of the internet and digital communication has revolutionized how information is accessed and shared. For detectives, this means a treasure trove of data that can be mined and analyzed to piece together complex puzzles. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation embraces this digital landscape, employing specialists skilled in digital forensics, cyber investigations, and open-source intelligence gathering. These experts leverage advanced software and techniques to trace digital footprints, uncover hidden online activities, and retrieve crucial evidence that traditional methods might overlook.
From Surveillance to Cyber Sleuthing
Surveillance, a staple of detective work, has also evolved in the digital age. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation utilizes state-of-the-art surveillance technology, including high-definition cameras, GPS tracking devices, and drone surveillance, to monitor subjects discreetly and gather irrefutable evidence. Moreover, the agency recognizes the importance of maintaining legal and ethical standards in surveillance practices, ensuring that all operations are conducted within the bounds of the law.
The Role of Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation
Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation goes beyond conventional detective services by offering comprehensive guidance and support to its clients. Whether individuals, businesses, or legal firms, clients turn to Nyay Sutra for assistance in a wide array of investigative needs:
Background Checks and Due Diligence: Before entering into partnerships or hiring key personnel, businesses rely on Nyay Sutra to conduct thorough background checks and due diligence investigations. This ensures informed decision-making and mitigates risks.
Corporate Investigations: In cases of internal fraud, intellectual property theft, or employee misconduct, Nyay Sutra's corporate investigation team employs strategic analysis and forensic techniques to uncover fraudulent activities and safeguard business interests.
Legal Support Services: Law firms trust Nyay Sutra to provide crucial evidence and expert testimony in legal cases. The agency's meticulous approach to evidence gathering and documentation strengthens clients' legal strategies and enhances their chances of success in litigation.
Family and Personal Matters: From matrimonial disputes to missing-person cases, Nyay Sutra offers compassionate and confidential support to individuals navigating sensitive personal issues. The agency's empathetic approach ensures clients feel supported throughout the investigative process.
Embracing the Future of Detective Services
As technology continues to evolve, so too will the field of detective services. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation remains committed to staying at the forefront of these advancements, continuously refining its methodologies and expanding its capabilities to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. Whether uncovering digital evidence in complex cyber investigations or providing clarity in personal matters, Nyay Sutra exemplifies the future of detective services in the digital age—where expertise meets innovation to deliver justice and peace of mind.
The evolution of detective services in the digital age is marked by transformative technologies and methodologies. Nyay Sutra Forensic Investigation stands as a beacon of this evolution, offering unparalleled expertise and guidance to its clients across a spectrum of investigative challenges. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, Nyay Sutra remains dedicated to harnessing the power of technology responsibly, ensuring justice and truth prevail in every case they undertake.
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dronesdeli · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Drone Cameras: Types, Uses, and Benefits
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In recent years, the evolution of drone technology has revolutionized various industries, from photography and filmmaking to agriculture and infrastructure inspection. At the heart of this technological advancement lies the drone camera, a pivotal component that enables stunning aerial photography and videography. Whether you're a professional photographer, a hobbyist, or an industry specialist, understanding drone cameras is crucial to leveraging their full potential.
What are Drone Cameras?
Drone cameras are specialized cameras mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones. These cameras are designed to capture high-quality photos and videos from unique vantage points in the sky. Equipped with advanced sensors and stabilization technology, drone cameras offer unparalleled versatility and precision in capturing aerial imagery.
Types of Drone Cameras
Integrated Cameras: These drones come with built-in cameras and are generally compact and easy to use. They are popular among beginners and recreational users for their simplicity and affordability.
Interchangeable Lens Cameras: Advanced drone models allow users to attach different lenses, similar to traditional DSLR cameras. This flexibility caters to professional photographers who require specific focal lengths and features for their aerial shots.
360-Degree Cameras: Some drones are equipped with omnidirectional cameras that capture panoramic views in all directions. These cameras are ideal for creating immersive virtual reality (VR) content and interactive experiences.
Uses of Drone Cameras
Photography and Filmmaking
Drone cameras have transformed aerial photography and filmmaking by offering perspectives that were previously inaccessible. They are used in:
Real Estate: Showcasing properties from unique angles.
Weddings and Events: Capturing memorable moments from above.
Travel: Documenting landscapes and landmarks from the sky.
Agriculture and Environmental Monitoring
In agriculture, drone cameras assist in:
Crop Monitoring: Assessing crop health and identifying irrigation needs.
Mapping: Creating precise maps of fields for optimized planning.
Infrastructure Inspection
Drone cameras are employed for:
Building Inspections: Surveying roofs, facades, and structures without scaffolding or ladders.
Power Line Inspection: Checking power lines and identifying potential hazards.
Benefits of Drone Cameras
Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for helicopters or scaffolding, saving time and resources.
Enhanced Safety: Minimizes risks to personnel during inspections and surveillance operations.
High Precision: Captures detailed imagery with high resolution and accuracy.
Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries.
Drone cameras continue to redefine possibilities in photography, videography, and industrial applications. As technology advances, these cameras are becoming more accessible and capable, empowering users to capture stunning visuals from the skies. Whether you're exploring new creative horizons or enhancing operational efficiency, investing in a drone camera could be a game-changer for you.
Explore the world of drone cameras and unlock a new dimension of imagery and innovation today!
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