#droplet 💧
gingerbreadfrosting · 2 years
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hyunpic · 2 years
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cr. blaze0320
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bubblesndropletsanon · 2 months
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Anyways here r my sonas
silly goobers
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heatherxmp · 6 months
Gnosis 🌊 W.C 001 (Core Memories)
{{ For the Monthly Writing Challenge of March dealing with core memories. Again, this was held onto by me for a bit due to life and work going hectic. }}
Gnosis, noun; “knowledge” or “awareness” from the Greek. Often used for personal knowledge compare with intellectual knowledge.
   Heather exhales and smiles. Then he smiles as he lays there in the warmth of his bed and lets the feeling of it drift around his sleepy mind. The wash of memories that flood him are dancing fragments of time that play back in little snippets drawing up sensations not only in his mind but across his body.
    He remembers the feeling of it; the sudden seizing of his heart the first time, the way he wondered if he was sick as he felt both hot and cold at the same time when his eyes fell upon that face for the first time. There’s a little laugh from the siren as memories keep flowing. The ghost of what that hand felt like in his, or the way that laugh bounced between his ears the first time he heard it. It wove itself into who he knows and it’s stuck there happily in his very being. Heather, half asleep and remembering everything, can still tell you the way that the weight of that memory on his chest telling him the happenings of the day, or how it felt to watch every sunrise and forget it in favor of remembering how it painted orange and yellow light across the cheekbones of someone else.
    And it doesn’t hurt to remember all these things because they were beautiful things to feel. To smell. To touch. To learn and experience.These little snippets of memories that make up his life and the things, places and people - person- they’re attached to are precious because they mean he lived them.
   Heather opens his eyes and knows it’s another new day. Another day to create things he’ll look back on later and remember the ways felt when they happened. Just as he is now.
   He sits up and watches light try to fight its way in through the black out currents of his room before he yawns. It’s another new day and that’s worth living just to see what might weave itself into his mind forever. His eyes drift to the pillows beside his own and he smiles again now.
   It’s another new day and he’s got more memories to make.
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dreamatduskk · 3 months
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noahsresources · 7 months
send an emoji/series of emojis for my muse to answer any of the following questions in character! for some questions, there are fields italicized and bolded for you to fill in with the name of a person/place/event/etc in the muse's life. please remember to fill in these spaces in order for the question to make sense! each emoji is described in case you can't see them, and they are listed alphabetically. ♡
✈️ AIRPLANE — have you traveled anywhere that helped you discover something about yourself and/or about the world?
😠 ANGRY FACE — how easy or difficult is it for you to express your emotions? if you find it difficult, what do you think is holding you back?
🎨 ARTIST PALETTE — what are some hobbies that you like to partake in? do you think they're just to pass time or to distract yourself, or do you believe some of them potentially have therapeutic outcomes for you?
🎈 BALLOON — what is something you've created and/or accomplished recently that you're proud of?
🖤 BLACK HEART — what would you say is the darkest thought you've ever experienced? what do you think caused you to have that thought? have you ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it?
🏹 BOW AND ARROW — if there's something from your past that you'd give anything to go back in time and redo, what is it?
💔 BROKEN HEART — is there anyone in your life you wish you had a better relationship with? if so, how come? what makes this person important to you?
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your favorite holiday and why?
🌙 CRESCENT MOON — what would you say is your current biggest dream and/or career aspiration and why?
❌ CROSS MARK — how would your life be different if [name of person] had never been in it? would it be better or worse?
⚔️ CROSSED SWORDS — do you have any skills that you are absolutely grateful you have and that mean a lot to you? how do you usually use these skills? would they come in handy if someone you cared about was in trouble?
🔮 CRYSTAL BALL — what is a core memory from your childhood that you think defines you today?
🗡️ DAGGER — what is something or someone you know you can't afford to lose? how far are you willing to go to make sure you don't lose it/them?
💧 DROPLET — are you grieving something or someone? do you feel like you lost something or a part of yourself with it/them?
😶‍🌫️ FACE IN CLOUDS — is there something you're hiding from the people you love? if so, how urgent is it for them to hear it? what's holding you back from sharing it?
🍂 FALLEN LEAVES — how would you metaphorically describe your life and the journey(s) you've been on?
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them?
🩶 GRAY HEART — what kind of friend do your friends consider you to be (mom friend, uncle friend, funny friend, etc) and why? what do you think this says about your personality?
🤝 HANDSHAKE — do family or platonic relationships mean more to you? or do they mean different things to you?
❤️‍🔥 HEART ON FIRE — what angers you the most? what triggers this anger, and how do you cope with it? what does this anger feel like, if you had to describe it?
💋 KISS MARK — if you had to share a romantic kiss with a loved one, where would you share that kiss and why? are you thinking about giving this romantic kiss somewhere other than the other person's lips?
✝️ LATIN CROSS — are you a religious person? did you grow up religious? does your faith mean anything to you today?
🩵 LIGHT BLUE HEART — what do you fantasize about the most often (generally/sexually/etc)? are there any people that are significant to or that you can see in this fantasy and why?
⚡️ LIGHTNING BOLT — how has [significant event in muse's life] impacted you? what has it made you realize about yourself? about others? about the world?
💄 LIPSTICK — have you had any romantic or sexual experiences that made you realize something about yourself?
🪄 MAGIC WAND — would you describe yourself as a superstitious person (someone who believes in superstitions)? do you believe in luck?
❤️‍🩹 MENDING HEART — how strongly do you experience your emotions? does it depend on who you're interacting with and/or the context of the situation?
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what song lyrics do you think most accurately describe you? your journey through life? who you are as a person?
🫂 PEOPLE HUGGING — generally speaking, do you feel very supported by the people in your life? how strong and cohesive is your support system, if you have one? do you often feel like you're at the front of the line or pushed to the side by the people in your life?
❤️ RED HEART — what is/are your love language(s)? how do you use it/them to communicate your feelings about others?
💞 REVOLVING HEARTS — who and/or what are you most grateful for in your life?
🎀 RIBBON BOW — how confident are you with your physical appearance? is there anything about it that you are insecure about? is there anything about it that you are happy about or gives you confidence? how do you think people perceive you based on your physical appearance?
🧪 TEST TUBE — if you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what is one thing you absolutely have to resolve and/or do before then?
🤔 THINKING FACE — what three emotions tend to dominate your mindset? do you know why they do?
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — is there something or someone you find yourself thinking about more often than other things? if so, why do you think you do this?
💀 SKULL — how has [name of person] 's death influenced your outlook on life, if anything?
☀️ SUN — would you describe yourself as more of an introvert or extrovert, or are you somewhere in between? how come?
🪽 WING — if you could choose to have one superpower for a day, what would it be and why? what would you do with it?
✍️ WRITING HAND — what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc.
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setsuuestsu · 2 months
Just a Little Rain (💧)
Word Count: 1488
Sickie: Jungkook
Caretakers: Hyung line
Summary: JK gets caught in the rain and the members are fussing over him as if he’s already sick and he insists he’s not sick and once he finally convinces them he’s not sick he actually gets sick
“We’re going on an adventure.” Jungkook sings to himself as he holds Bam’s leash and walks along the river.
“If only Jin hyung would actually let us go.” He finishes, totally not salty about that in any way. Bam glances at him, obviously intrigued by his performance because why else would Bam be staring at him like that.
He sighs, staring at all the food carts around where he is. He would kill for a snack.
But nooo, walking Bam shouldn’t take him three hours apparently, especially with an upcoming schedule he has to prepare for.
A droplet of water falls onto him. He scrunches his nose and wipes it off.
“Is ít supposed to rain?” he asks Bam, as if the dog would know.
Bam only gives him a look, which Jungkook reads as “you stupid idiot”.
He huffs. “Lets get back before hyungs send the police again.”
But as his luck would have it, the closer to the dorm he walks, the harder the rain falls. It was almost as if there was a cloud only covering the dorm.
“Holy fucking shit.” Jungkook groans, trying (and failing) to cover his hair with his hands. “We’re soaked!”
He realizes he was pulling a little hard on Bam’s leash since it was a different one, as Namjoon was currently borrowing Bam’s usual chains. “Sorry, Bammie.”
“Jin! Open up! Hyung!” he shouts as thunder claps overhead. “It’s wet! Because of the rain obviously!”
He sees an eye through the peephole. Judging from the wait time until the door was opened, it was Taehyung.
Jungkook snorts. “You aren’t Jin. And you’re barely a hyung.” He scrunches his nose. “And you stink!”
The door is shut.
“Tae hyung, please open the door.”
Eventually, after a good twenty seconds, the door is opened, this time by Hoseok, his much better-smelling hyung.
The elder passes him a warm towel from a stack in his arms, presumably just taken out of the dryer. “Kookie, you’re soaked!”
Bam shakes himself off in the doorway and Jungkook can see how much willpower it’s taking for Hoseok to not scream. He presses his nose into the towel, inhaling the scent of the detergent.
Hoseok spreads the second towel in his hands onto the floor. “Shoes off. And jacket. I’ll take that and hang it up.”
Jungkook takes Hoseok’s final towel and starts to dry Bam off. He lets the dog off the leash and leans down. “Go get Tae, okay?”
After he’s fed and watered, Jungkook is forced to shower and then lay on the couch with two blankets wrapped around him.
He raises an eyebrow. “You guys know I’m not sick, right? I was just a little muddy and a little wet.”
Jin shakes his head, setting a bottle of water and a thermometer onto the coffee table. “See Yoongi-ah? He’s delirious already.”
Yoongi fluffs his pillow with a softness that’s only reserved for Hoseok and Jungkook (only on the occasions where he’s sick or his allergies are acting up)
“Hyung, I’m fine.” Jungkook whines. “In fact, I could go for a beer.”
Jin shakes his head, then glares. “Absolutely not. Especially not after what the neighbors said last time. Singing karaoke until three AM my ass!”
He sighs, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Yoongi. The rapper glares at him and he gulps. He knows when to give up the fight.
“Do you want some tea, Jungkookie?” Hoseok softly asks, fluffy hair popping up from behind the couch. “It’s peppermint.”
He would literally rather do anything else but if Hoseok was going through the effort … well, the least he could do was say no nicely.
“No thanks, hyung. I’m fine.” He gives his best smile, which only grows wider as he hears the noises of Bam and Taehyung chasing each other, not entirely sure of who was chasing who.
Hoseok nods and disappears.
Jungkook blinks twice and then pushes himself up to peer over the couch. Where did Hoseok go??
He’s surprised by a thermometer being shoved under his tongue. He gags, but calms down quickly. He’s tempted to spit it out, but it would be a close call with Jin and Yoongi standing right there. The “keep it in or else” goes unsaid.
The thermometer beeps and Jungkook finally pulls it out and reads it, then hands it to Jin. “See? I’m fine! Now unwrap me, because I really need to piss.”
Jin sighs, muttering something under his breath about kids these days and how much of a headache Jungkook is.
It’s about 7AM the next morning when Jungkook realizes that maybe he is getting sick.
As soon as he wakes up, he notices just how stuffy he is. He can barely breathe through his nose and just the thought of being able to sounds very unachievable.
Jimin-ah, I need tissues. He texts, then sets his phone down to sneeze tiredly into his hands.
He’s so congested.
His phone buzzes and he snatches it up to see if it’s Jimin, but it’s just a Netflix recommendation for an anime he has heard of but not watched. Maybe he could do that today.
“Hoseok hyung?” he calls, sniffling rapidly. His nose is running.
The hyung in question pops his head into the room. “Morning Kookie!”
“Ca’d you grab mbe sobe tissues?” he sniffles again, covering his annoyingly itchy and runny nose with his hand.
Hoseok’s eyes widen. “Oh, love, are you sick?”
Jungkook sighs and nods. “I think so …”
Hoseok cooes. “I’ll be back in a minute. I’ll get those lotion-infused ones so they’re softer in your nose.”
He nods in response and shuffles around on his pillows for another minute as he waits for Hoseok. His nose tickles again and he hitches softly as he sneezes again. It’s itchy and he sniffles, but that just makes the feeling worse.
His hyung returns with a tray packed with tissues, cold tablets, a water bottle, tea, and throat lozenges.
“Here.” Hoseok presses the cold tablet into his hand. He opens the water bottle. “Take that first.”
Jungkook complies and takes the medicine, unfortunately too used to the routine of being sick. His nose tickles again and he rubs at it, wishing the tickle away.
Hoseok hands him a tissue and Jungkook blows, relieved at the sensation.
He feels his eyes dropping shut and he welcomes sleep.
The next time he wakes up, Namjoon is sitting in a chair next to his bed. “Hey Jungkook-ah. How are you feeling?”
He winces at the dryness of his throat. He points to the water and the leader immediately hands him the empty bottle of water that Hoseok had brought earlier.
The two stare at each other for a moment before Namjoon seems to realize.
“I-I’ll be back in a moment.”
He rams into the doorframe on the way out and Jungkook thinks that maybe Namjoon might need a long vacation.
A few moments later, Namjoon returns with an entire case of small waters. Is the leader trying to drown him?
Namjoon passes him one and Jungkook mutters a small thanks before he guzzles his water.
Once he’s finished, he reaches for another tissue and blows. He plows through another few tissues before he believes he’s good for now and then lays back down.
He shuts his eyes again for what only seems like a few minutes but the next time he opens them, Jin is standing over him brandishing a large fish.
Jungkook blinks. Am I dreaming?
“Hyung? Why do you have a fish?” he dares to ask. “What are you—?”
Jin looks down, seemingly just realizing that he’s still holding the fish. He sets it on the other side of Jungkook’s bed, which, gross. At least it’s packaged. “I was grocery shopping. And Yoongi made you porridge if you’re ready for it.”
His stomach growls and he realizes the last time he ate was last night. He’s so hungry.
“I’ll be back.” the eldest scurries out, forgetting about the fish on Jungkook’s bed. The maknae sits there in silence, staring at the fish. The fish seems to stare back.
Jin returns with a bowl of porridge and hands the bowl to the maknae, along with a spoon. “It’s very hot.”
Naturally, Jungkook inhales all of it without missing a beat.
“I’ll leave. You need rest.” Jin states, shutting the door.
Jungkook lays back against his pillows. He’s been sleeping all day, and he isn’t tired enough to sleep again.
He sniffles and lets out a small sneeze. Maybe he could count sheep?
“Hey.” Namjoon knocks on his door. “If you want, I can read to you.”
Jungkook nods, mentally blushing at how cute the leader is.
Namjoon smiles, dimples on full display. “Great! So I’ve recently been reading a book on tuna and how our obsession with—“
The maknae is asleep before Namjoon is even finished with his description.
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myflagmeansace · 1 year
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😭 the droplet of water 💧 the soaked tight pants 😭
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jelly-fish-wishes · 7 months
Your pony-sona is so cute 🥺🥺🥺
Meet my old ass Ponysona, Droplet Bleaux!
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Let me explain that terrible second name 👀💧
Back then when I was a wee lad, I thought the letter combination of “EAUX” made the “OO” sound and used it. To my dismay years later, I discovered that it makes an “OH” sound and I ended up liking how the word “Bleaux” looked, so despite my mistake, it stuck, and now I read it as “BLUE” with a cool spelling.
Droplet here is a Crystal Pegasus with a pet parasprite, and her cutie mark is a paintbrush with blue paint on its tip.
That’s all there is to her xD. She has no backstory. I just like making myself as a character and that’s it pfft.
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splattergai · 3 months
Rain/Storm Themed ID Pack
[ PT: Rain/Storm Themed ID Pack /end ID ]
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[ Banner Mask By @/Imjustchillinghere! ]
Names: Rain(y), Skye, Dewdrop, Rainfall, Cloud, Vapor, Aqua, Petrichor, Pluvia, Nimbus, Gust, Dew, Storm, Tempest, Thunder, Torrent, Mist, Raine, Flood, Droplet, Thunder, Lightning, Flash, Sprite, Zephyr, Gale, Jupiter
3rdpp: rain/rains, storm/storms, mist/mists, weath/weather, weather/weathers, flood/floods, water/waters, aqua/aquas, drop/drops, fall/falls, drizzle/drizzles, shower/showers, gale/gales, crash/crashs, light/lights, light/ning, zap/zaps, torrent/torrents, cloud/clouds, preci/precis, soak/soaks, freeze/freeze, hurricane/hurricanes, sky/skys, dew/dews, vapor/vapors, tempest/tempest, 🌧️/🌧️s, ☔️/☔️s, ☁️/☁️s, 💧/💧s
Genders: Galesensic, sangupluvic, rainypianica, stormcomfic, tempestdeusic, satumskious, gutterfloodic, dewgender, rainbuscomfic, rainbootgender, petrichoric, plumioclimagen, rainthing, foggyraingender, doxreyn, pluviagender, pluvialgender
Titles: The one in the rain, the rainy one, the storm prnself, the rain prnself, the wind prnself, the one caught in the storm, prn who is the storm, prn who is the rain, prn who is left in the rain, prn who meets the flood
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livelaughloveloak · 1 year
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⋆ pairing :: Lo'ak x Navi! Reader
⋆ summary :: With his tear drops soaking your clothing, you comforted Lo'ak to the best of your abilities. You helped him and his heart heal, one step at a time.
⋆ genre :: hurt to comfort
⋆ word count :: 1.4k words
⋆ warnings :: happy ending, mentions of death, depression, mentions of blood, mentions of losing a love one
⋆ author's note :: story is based of off the song "yebba's heartbreak" by drake 🌷 reposting this because I hated how the first one came out 😭 have fun reading my loves <3
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All of the feelings you're not showing
When your river's overflowing.
Lo'ak laid in bed, all his energy drained even though he didn't do anything today, like usual. Even after nights that lasted way too long and days that were filled with dread knowing that the night was sure to come again. He was tired.
The moon light peered into his lonesome marui while waves crashed back and forth into the shore. With tear stained red eyes Lo'ak stared quietly at a wall, his back facing the entrance to the door. Outside just right in front of his makeshift door he heard voices, voices he chose to ignore as they would only disappear again. Or would they?
"Please you have to check up on him, he's been glued inside his Marui, we're not even sure if he's eating."
"Do not worry Kiri, I will."
It got silent again before the sounds of footsteps got closer and closer towards his body. He was well aware that someone was approaching but yet he didn't budge.
He felt the bed dip and a hand moving strands of hair out of his face.
A huff was let out before the person started speaking in a soft manner
He recognized the voice, it belonged to someone dear to him. He looked up towards her, noticing how her face softened as her eyes scanned his face. At that moment he wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. He wished you didn't have to see him like this.
You sat up, leaning against the wall and pulled Lo'ak's head to rest on your lap. You wiped away his excess tears that were drying up. Lo'ak kept his eyes on you, for once after his brother's death, the silence was comforting for him.
Your eyes trailed down to his chapped lips, furrowing your brows. You reached for the water you had brought with you and gently lifted Lo'ak off your lap and instead wrapped your arms around his head as he leaned against your breasts. You lifted the cup to his lips.
Lo'ak was quick to follow your order, downing the water.
You knew it was a hard year for Lo'ak. Losing your older brother wasn't easy. Today out of all days was the hardest though, as it was or would've been Neteyam's birthday.
You put down the cup after he was done and wiped the water droplets that were beginning to roll down his chin.
Your hand fell to his arm, tracing circles on his skin, debating what to say.
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
You looked at Lo'ak with a puzzled expression on your face.
"It's his birthday today right?"
You hummed watching Lo'ak sit up in front of you.
"I was planning to visit him but-"
Lo'ak's lips trembled as another wave of tears threatened to spill out of his eyes. He vigorously wiped them away and looked down.
"I'm so scared. What if he's mad at me? What if he's angry that I made him come and rescue spider with me."
Your heart ached watching the man you loved and the man who swore to protect you break down right in front of you.
You pulled his head to your chest and wrapped your arms around him, rocking him side to side as Lo'ak sobbed into your arms. You felt your top getting soaked with his salty tears. You caressed his head and shut your eyes to prevent your own tears from falling.
"Shh it's ok Lo'ak, Neteyam would never be mad at you. He loved and still loves you dearly."
It's the truth, swear to you
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do
Lo'ak sniffled and looked up from your chest.
You took a hold of his hand and placed it on your heart.
"Trust me, if you want I'll go with you. I'll be there right beside you, one step at a time."
You didn't care if your clothes got wet from tears or if you had to stay up with Lo'ak through rough nights. You want your Lo'ak back, and you're willing to be there supporting him, one step at a time.
"Are you ready?" You asked Lo'ak as you two were floating right above the spirit tree. You promised to be with Lo'ak when he went to visit Neteyam for the first time.
Lo'ak nodded and took a deep breath before diving under the water. ‘I love you’ he thought but didn't say.
You stayed afloat only poking your head in to check up on him as you wanted to give him space.
Lo'ak reached for his queue to attach it on one of the many branches.
And all that you are, I do
Lo'ak saw white and then he was transported back into the forest. He tilted his head and smiled. His brother finally got to go back home.
From the corner of his eye he saw a flash of blue disappearing into the trees. He wiped his body around and scanned the area, huffing when he found no one.
"My little bro."
Lo'ak jumped and spun around to see Neteyam with a smirk plastered on his face. He couldn't help but feel a wash of happiness hit him as he finally saw his brother's face again. In an instance Neteyam pulled his younger brother into a tight hug before shortly after pulling back to place his hand on head, as he used to do with all his younger siblings when he was still alive.
"Did you miss me? It took you long enough to come and visit." Neteyam teased and ruffled Lo'ak loose hair since it wasn't currently in a ponytail.
"I'm sorry" Lo'ak whispered still feeling surreal that he was feeling his brother's touch again, and this time it wasn't cold nor were his hands covered in blood.
"You say that a lot"
"Well I feel it a lot."
Neteyam huffed and started walking towards a small creek motioning for Lo'ak to follow him.
They sat down and talked, catching up on what Neteyam had missed. One particular question caused Lo'ak to get flustered though.
"Are you still courting y/n?"
Lo'ak's eyes widened at the sudden question and nodded with a blush appearing on his cheeks. You always seemed to have this effect on him.
"Actually I was planning to ask her to be my mate, our iknayima is getting closer and closer."
Neteyam smirked and nudged his brother.
Lo'ak raised his arms up and started correcting himself.
"I meant after our iknayima of course, and I'm gonna ask her parents for their blessing"
Neteyam laughed and looked down at his lap. Oh how time flew by right past him.
Neteyam placed his hand on Lo'ak's shoulder and shook it softly.
"I wish you luck baby bro."
My single line of stars in noon
Reflection of the very moon
You began to worry as it had been sometime since Lo'ak connected to the spirit tree. You were worried that he'd run out of breath.
You yourself couldn't hold your breath for that long so you lifted your face out of the water, wiping the water off and took a deep breath. You closed your eyes so you could rub the water that has gotten into them as unfortunately you did not have the special reptile like eyes that the metkayina own.
Your eyes shot open as soon as you heard water splashing behind you and the sound of someone taking deep breaths. You turned around and sighed in relief when you saw Lo'ak.
You pulled him towards you, caging him in a tight hug.
"How'd it go?"
Lo'ak smiled and returned the hug you've been yearning for.
"Very good."
Neteyam watched in awe seeing his little brother's kids. He was indeed very proud of how far he had come. He wasn't there physically but he was there spiritually.
Neteyam wished he could've been there as their uncle, he would've been the fun one that took them out to hunt, or at least that's what he thought. But at last Lo'ak was now 23 and Neteyam is forever 15.
You and your now mate Lo'ak watched as your kids ran around your Marui with their little legs, toys in their hands, laughing and blabbering.
Lo'ak wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his side with a smile on his face. You leaned your head on his shoulder and inhaled. You were proud of Lo'ak for staying strong. You wished nothing but happiness for him.
"Thank you."
I do, I do, I do
Show my love for you.
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Water droplets up close are so pretty!🩵✨️💧
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threadsdemiseif · 6 months
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
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Levi : They never experienced childhood, having to immediately be mature early on
Ellio : Their parent's neglect causes them to be a little numb to things
Fran : One of their exes was dating them because their real lover was a suspect and they intend to discard anything remotely related to that lover of theirs.
Ziree : They were going to give a promise ring to the MC they had bought through hard work just hours before MC ruined their life
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💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Oooh this is a fun one
Guinevere- Guinevere is deeply worried about her security as Queen. She knows she was only chosen because she was a beautiful lady with a wealthy dowry and that she could be easily replaced since she has no children. She is determined to prove herself vital to Arthur’s reign and to get knights loyal to her so that he can’t just get rid of her if he feels like it.
Arthur- When Arthur first pulled the sword out of the stone, he was forced to do this repeatedly for many of the lords to prove himself. During these travels, he was separated from Kay and Ector to be protected by Uther’s old knights. Teen Arthur was terrified and alone for the first year of his “Kingship” and now barely lets Kay go on adventures so he can’t lose him again.
Gawain- Gawain once had a committed relationship with a fairy named Blanchemal. It lasted for quite awhile and Gawain hoped to marry her before she disappeared one day. He never figure out whether she left or was harmed in some way. Because of that, Gawain is wary of starting another committed relationship.
Morgan- Morgan was the closest of all her siblings to Igraine. After Igraine was forced to marry Uther, she clung to Morgan as much as she could when Morgan was allowed to visit from the nunnery. She keeps a locket Igraine gave to her on herself always. Arthur looks so much like Uther. Sometimes it’s hard for Morgan to even look at Arthur.
Galehaut- While Galehaut maintains a strong relationship with his maternal giant family, his father’s family are very distant with him. They were really against his father marrying a giantess and never really got over it. Part of the reason he is so desperate to prove himself as king is because his paternal cousins have been trying to question his right to rule and replace him.
Agravaine- Agravaine… did not have a good relationship with their father. They were always compared negatively to Gawain for anything. Lot openly favored Gaheris and Gareth over them and often derided Agravaine. Agravaine unsurprisingly doesn’t care about avenging their father but thinks this proves Lot’s opinion right because what kind of person is relieved at their own father’s death?
Sybil- Sybil is desperate for some sort of purpose. They never really had a community with their family and while they love Vivian and Morgan, the Lake and Avalon haven’t really been homes for them. They’re desperate to find a place that actually feels like home to them, because a fairy without a community is a pariah.
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jewelulu · 1 month
hi hi!! the oc asks look fun! i'd love to learn more about jewel :0
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them? 💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon ❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Hehe I’m always happy to share more about Jewel!
✏️ Pencil - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
There’s actually two for this one! One lyric would be “like there’s a world where I can take flight, where I can freely move” from ‘Fish in a Birdcage’ and this one is more related to her life back in her og world. The second one would be “I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can’t complain” from ‘Runaway’ this one is based more on her character overall.
💧 Droplet - random angst headcanon
Oof this one’s gonna hurt, but Jewel cries herself to sleep every now and then when she think about her brother and the people she left behind, wondering how worried they are about her and the fact that she’ll never see them again.
❤️ Red Heart - their love language(s)?
Jewels love language would be quality time, acts of service and/or physical touch! Although quality time is at the top of the list.
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im-1hater · 7 months
Twitter announcement….
I have an announcement to make! Shadow the hedgehog is a bitch 🐶 ass🍑mother fucker👩‍👧!! He pissed 🍌on my fucking wife!👰 That’s right!!He took his hedgehog quilly dick 🍆 out and pissed 💦 on my fucking wife👰 and he said his dick was “this big 👨🏿🫸🏽 🫷🏽” and I said that’s disgusting 🤮!!! So I’m making a call 📞 out ✌🏽post on my twitter dot com 🕊️! Shadow 👨🏿 the hedgehog 🦔, you got a small dick 🍆 it’s the size of this walnut 🌰 except way smaller 👌🏽 and guess what? here’s what my dong looks like!! 💥 That’s right baby 👶!! All points 👉🏽No quills, no pillows 🛏️! Look 👀 at that it looks like two balls 🏀🏀 and a bong 🧪!! He fucked my wife 👰‍♂️ so guess what? I’m going to fuck 👉🏽👌🏽the earth 🌍 ! So this is what you get, my super laser piss☄️💦!! Except I’m not gonna piss on the earth 🌏….I’m gonna go higher… IM PISSING ON THE MOON 💦💦💦🌕🌕🌕❗️❗️❗️HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA👨🏾?! I PISSED ON THE MOON💦🌕!! YOU IDIOT!! You have 23 hours before the piss droplets 💧 hit the earth 🌍. Now get out of my sight 👀 before I piss 💦 on you too😡
that took at least 3 minutes guys…
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