#dru wakely
justafriendofxanders · 8 months
sorry but nobody in the buffyverse is good at videogames, with maybe select exceptions like tara and oz. some of them are decent (but not necessarily good) simply by virtue of having grown up with them (ie. riley, xander, gunn). of those people, xander tries the hardest, is the sorest loser, and is also mechanically the worst (i say this affectionately).
buffy does not play games except when she's invited once and crushes everyone because of her Slayer Instincts but she doesn't even realize the significance of what she's done. xander and riley challenge her to rematches where they get their asses handed to them over and over again, and eventually buffy's like, "okay guys it's not fun if you're losing to me on purpose" and doesn't believe them when they insist they're not.
frankly angel should not play or even comprehend videogames. angel is playing tetris and leaning his body to move the blocks. once he smashed a donkey kong arcade machine in a fit of rage and then got extremely embarrassed about it. he was not meant to game until the advent of farmville and candy crush saga.
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merakiui · 8 months
… honestly if I become the protagonist of DRU I better read it so I know what death flags to run away from
Is 🪼 anon taken
Omg reincarnating as the protagonist in DRU....... the biggest flag is Jade himself. If you can avoid him and stay with Cater and Riddle, all will be well. (´∇`) perhaps that even changes the plot and things that didn't happen in the story begin to happen and you have no idea what to do or how to combat these sudden changes. >:D
As for anon, I'm afraid I can't see what symbol or emoji that is. orz but you can definitely select another emoji to sign off as!!! <3
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
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Hey :3
You're a pretty cool person btw ^^ 🫶
aw thank you so much ,, ur cool too =]
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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Rooster update: he is a gentleman so far. He follows my hen everywhere at a polite and respectful distance, scanning the area for enemies. I’ve not seen him make any advances whatsoever, he doesn’t seem interested in becoming a father; either he’s too young, or still a bit stressed and disconcerted by his change of environment, or he doesn’t like Dru this way, who knows. Pourvu que ça dure...!
Maybe Dru attacked him the first time he tried something—he doesn’t seem afraid of her any more, but the first morning after he arrived, he barrelled past Dru when I opened the coop and ran away flailing his wings, with high-pitched incoherent clucking, as if he were being chased by a pack of wild dogs. Pandolf, my hen and I stood there perplexed and watched him disappear into the forest. Part of me wanted to yell “I didn’t even want you!! you’re free to go!” and go home to have breakfast, but I couldn’t let him commit suicide by fox on his first day, so I took Pan home (thinking maybe the rooster had been scared of him), took my hen under my arm and spent half an hour on a rooster hunt in the woods. Dru clucks in annoyance if you touch her comb, so I would occasionally tickle it and she’d kÔtkÔtkwÊk and sometimes we’d hear a timid kwêk? in response which helped me narrow down the rooster’s position.
We ended up finding him perched on a branch, quite high up. I poked him with a long stick and he grudgingly moved back inch by inch until he was low enough for me to go up on tiptoes and pluck him like a large fruit. Then I carried him home singing the ballad of Sir Robin. When danger reared its ugly head / he bravely turned his tail and fled—Dru actually seems glad for his company, but she doesn’t know that this anxious bird is supposed to guard her from predators.
Here’s our boldly brave sir Robin strutting gallantly (photo taken with zoom because if I come any closer he flees)
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Well, Dru’s new coopmate is very good at being a rooster in one capacity and that is crowing. He starts bright and early and continues throughout the day at random times, a beautifully-enunciated cocorico (he’s french)—I quite like it! The walls of my house are thick enough that it doesn’t wake me up in the morning, and during the day it’s a pleasant addition to the soundscape.
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I had lunch with the librarian today and told her all about the rooster, and how I probably won’t be able to keep him since I’ll never meet the recommended minimum amount of hens per rooster. With 2 hens I already have a dozen eggs a week and that’s more than enough for me (+ cats and dog who also enjoy eggs.) The librarian was Team Rooster and said I should get more hens and bring her the eggs. “I’ll find clients.” She was already picturing herself as the nexus of a flourishing library-based egg trade, but most people around here keep chickens so I don’t think the demand will be there.
I showed someone else a picture of my rooster at the grocery shop and she exclaimed “He’s very decorative!” which I think would have made my rooster fluff up with pride. It’s the most validating thing you can say to a male bird. After I summarised the situation, my interlocutor came to the conclusion that I should give him to the librarian so he can become the new library pet. I said “He’ll make a mess” and she said “We can put sawdust on the ground like in old-school cafés...” But then she added that her grandchildren are a bit scared of roosters since they know they can be mean, and they might become afraid of going to the library. We agreed that my rooster shouldn’t be an obstacle to childhood literacy.
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coraniaid · 2 months
AU: Kendra returns to Sunnydale when she learns that Drusilla isn't dead.
Having Kendra show up as early as possible to have as much of an impact on the course of S2 as she can:
Buffy isn't the only Slayer who dreams about Drusilla still being alive. It takes Kendra a little while to fly out to California though, so she only gets to Sunnydale some time during the events of Innocence. She tries her best not to say 'I told you so' when she hears about the situation with Angel, and not to let slip that she was worried enough about Buffy that she came here without her Watcher's permission, and to hide how impressed she is by the sight of Buffy with a rocket launcher. She doesn't necessarily do a great job of any of those three things.
As both a literal and metaphorical representative of the "Angel's a vampire, he should die" school of thought, Kendra also argues for Buffy using lethal force to stop the werewolf in Phases (at least before they learn the werewolf is Oz), and is much more sympathetic to Jenny/Janna than Buffy is inclined to be (Kendra doesn't know Jenny at all -- she never even met her in canon -- so she doesn't have any personal sense of betrayal and is mostly confused about why everyone is upset because it doesn't actually make any sense that they are). Neither of these things do much to endear her to Buffy (or to Willow, who gets to be jealous of Buffy spending time with another Slayer a whole season ahead of schedule), but maybe Jenny ends up offering Kendra somewhere to stay while she's in Sunnydale (I think the implication is that she previously stayed at Buffy's house while Joyce was out of town buying art, but she can't do that this time).
Kendra and Jenny bonding as the group's two outcasts also means Kendra is there to save Jenny from Angelus in Passion. (Given that Jenny is staying late at the school to research her spell she probably doesn't have the foresight to ask Kendra to come with her for back-up, but what else is Kendra going to do but keep an eye on her?) Kendra herself still doesn't really approve of re-ensouling Angelus, but thanks to her it happens a few episodes ahead of schedule. With his soul back, Angel speed-runs his Season 3 arc and quickly breaks up with Buffy "for her own good" and heads off to brood fight crime be directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of many defence attorneys in LA.
Willow is impressed by Jenny's spell to ensoul Angel -- it's a lot more magic than Jenny had admitted to being able to do before -- but Jenny herself probably doesn't let Willow get involved in the magic (certainly not if Giles is also there to help). They both tell her it's too dangerous. But Willow's old friend Amy is still getting into witchcraft around this time, and maybe Willow starts hanging out with her more now that Buffy and Kendra have gotten over their earlier disagreements about Angel and are patrolling together most nights. ("Really," Buffy tells her friends brightly, while explaining unprompted for the fifth time how incredible it is to go on patrol with another Slayer and how they definitely don't need to try to set her up with Scott Hope or anybody else even though she's single now, "We're just good friends.")
Angel's departure doesn't stop Drusilla from trying to wake Acathla. And since Kendra is already in Sunnydale, Sam Zabuto himself has to bring the sword blessed by the knight who first slew the demon to California. Meeting Kendra's Watcher (and learning more about her lack-of-relationship with her parents) prompts Buffy to come out as a Slayer to her mother (after taking care of Acathla and chasing Dru and Spike out of town). In this new context -- no murder charge, Kendra still alive and there for moral support instead of Spike, no impending world-ending deadline and no reason Buffy can't sit down and explain things properly -- Joyce takes the revelation rather better. (Actually, her mom had already picked up that Buffy had broken up with her older boyfriend and started sneaking out after dark to spend time with a girl Joyce doesn't know and whose existence Buffy seemed to be trying to hide, and that Buffy seems a lot happier and more comfortable in her own skin than she did a month or so ago, so when Buffy starts to tell her she has something important to share Joyce thinks she knows what it is already. It takes Buffy a bit longer to figure that part out for herself.)
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May I please request a songfic with Han from Fast and Furious for the song We’re Not Making Love No More by Dru Hill?
Okey dokey my love ♥️
We're not making love no more
Pairing:Han Lue x reader
Description:You and Han slowly fall in love after getting out of an abusive relationship
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Sure I've been in love a time or two but in the end I still chose you no one could ever could ever make me feel this way that's why it's killing me what we're going through
You were in an abusive relationship for 4 years with a man named Anthony who you had met in middle school and started dating your junior year of highschool but right after graduation he started his behavior of hitting and degrading and as the next 3 years of the relationship went on things got much worse.
Somehow thought 'tween me and you our love would stand the test of time and never ever fade But we're not making love no more we're not even trying to change
After one night which sent you to the hospital for 2 weeks you went straight to the police as soon as you got out getting a restraining order,breaking up with him,getting your things,and moved in with your aunt for 7 months until you slowly recovered,got a new job,found an apartment and moved in as your life became secure and safe.
Tell me how it slips away does it ever stay the same? We don't even talk no more we've ran out of words to say tell me it don't have to change won't it ever stay the same?
You met a couple of new friends as you started working your new job and went out more from clubs and parks to car races and local restaurants becoming friends with the Toretto siblings,Brian O'Connor,and Roman Pearce meeting the man who you would fall in love with and will teach you what real love is.
I know that things aren't going right but don't you think it deserves a fight? A love like ours don't happen every day and we're losing it right as we speak and if we don't wake up it's a memory
You and Han met when he came with brian and roman to help fix your car and help sprucing up your apartment moving things around and after having lunch together getting to officially meet and know han liking how smart and kind he was but also that he didn't let people run him over for it.
A time gone past a love that sailed away and we're not making love no more we're not even trying to change tell me how it slips away does it ever stay the same?
Soon after spending time together you both realized you had feelings for each other afraid that the other didn't feel the same keeping the feelings hidden until an unexpected moment while at his house leads to finding a person who loved you no matter what.
Sometimes I get lonely cause I remember you used to say to me I'm gonna be here for you I would wipe your tears how did it slip away we don't even talk no more we ran out of words to say
After 6 months of dating you told him about what happened to you after he saw a faded bruise on your hip and he was so sweet always asking if you had bruises or scars anywhere so he wouldn't hurt you on accident anywhere on those and you felt so much love from you never felt in any of your other relationships especially with anthony getting engaged and married after 7 years together and being the happiest you both had ever been.
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nicnacsnonsense · 3 months
Darla/Angelus/Drusilla/Spike: The Whirlwind. The Scourge of Europe. Somehow the perfect balance of terrible people and toxic dynamics to create an unhinged but stable polycule. (Stable for them, pretty de-stabilizing for the innocent populace caught in their wake)
Darla/Angelus: Unhinged murder couple. Toxic and loving every romantic minute of it
Drusilla/Spike: World class simp and his dark princess
Darla/Drusilla: Gal pals! (lesbianism)
Angelus/Spike: Family who fucking hate each other and who are also sometimes hate fucking each other
Angelus/Drusilla: Works okay in short bursts, but if it was just the two of them long term, even odds if Angelus would lose interest or his patience first. Either way, would not end well for Dru
Darla/Spike: Bit of a mystery; they don’t ever really directly interact with each other. Vibes suggest that Darla sees Spike as something of an annoying younger brother and only puts up with him because he takes care of Dru, which means there’s no reason for her to stick around if it’s just the two of them. Which is a shame because I know in my heart if we could get the two of them working as a united front, the head bitch energy would be legendary. They would serve so much cunt together.
Darla/Angelus/Drusilla: Mostly a happy throuple, but Drusilla does get neglected by the other two, hence her creation of Spike
Darla/Drusilla/Spike: Gives big mom and her two annoying little shits kids energy. Not a lot of drama (beyond normal vampire baseline) but also not a lot to keep Darla interested and around long term
Darla/Angelus/Spike: That one @/writing-prompt-s about the two destined lovers that reincarnate over and over plus this other guy who’s just sort of there
Angelus/Drusilla/Spike: Messy as fuck. Toxic, and not in a fun way this time (not for them; very fun for us watching at home). Angelus and Spike are having a pissing contest through Dru, and Dru only understands enough to egg them both on. Takes all of five seconds for Spike to go from excited to see Angelus again to “I would literally rather team up with the Slayer to save the day than spend one more second looking at your stupid massive forehead.” Darla is the glue, the linchpin holding this family together and this is the proof.
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wikitpowers · 2 months
she makes all of her friends watch scary movies with her just so she can secretly record their reactions to the scariest bits and piss herself laughing (she’s adorable but also evil)
at school parties she isn’t shy at all when it comes to dancing - she’d be like fully breaking it down, twerking, doing the sprinkler, macarena like u name it, she’s doing it zero fucks given
after her and ash become official, she likes to wake up next to him and pretend she doesn’t know who he is just to tease him (and he doesn’t even mind bc he’s just a boy in love)
she actually likes to listen to super girly kpop and learns the choreos with kit (they have a full on performance in front of ash and ty and they just sit there like🧍🏼‍♂️🧍🏻-> actually enjoying the show)
ever since she met thais, she’s been obsessed with brazilian dishes so whenever thais can, she brings dru her fav foods (and it’s so wholesome)
she’s either a pro at flirting or absolute garbage
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iamthemaestro · 2 months
would you perhaps regale us with tales of your time at sea (i am so curious what reenactment is like when youre traveling on an actual historical ship)
Ah, I *wish* I could say about the reenactment part but unfortunately the Lady Washington does not do much in terms of historical interpretation anymore—they definitely used to but they've gone through a lot of major changes in the past few years and it seems that was one of them. Frankly that would have been the only thing that could have made me more excited to be there lol.
However I appreciate the chance to infodump though since my brain is still very much in Ship Mode with nothing to do with itself... not sure if I have many *tales,* per se, but I did tons of fun stuff and tried to push myself hard in terms of trying things that scared me. On my last day I went up to furl the fore t'gallant (topmost yard on the foremast) which was probably the most physically difficult thing I did during my whole stay—while the climb up the t'gallant shrouds was fairly scary it was honestly much harder to just remain upright against the yard because the footrope was so shallow. On the topyards it's quite comfortable because you can functionally "stand" upright and lean against the yard at about stomach level while you're working, but here if you tried to stand upright the yard wouldn't even come up to your hips so you have to put all this weight into your knees, sort of crouching in order to have it in a good position to lean upon. I'd like to say I got pretty decent at furling in general but man... that one was a doozy. If I had had more time to practice it maybe it would come easier, but as it was we only set the t'gallants twice while I was there anyway. I will say I was surprised at how non-panicked I felt while I was hanging out there on the shrouds waiting for a wake to pass, not clipped into anything, held there by my own strength probably 50ish feet in the air—initially one of the hardest psychological parts of going aloft was staving off the intrusive thoughts, being a person very prone to them, but by the end I was actually quite impressed with how calm I felt up there. It's the best seat in the house, after all, second only to that of the main t'gallant: at first it feels dizzingly, unfathomably high, and when you look down you have this gut instinct of fear—I don't think humans were ever meant to be this high up, frankly—but the wind is whipping past you and your crewmates are like ants on the deck below you and all around you the shore disappears into fog on the horizon, and you're here; you swallow your fear and think, despite everything, "isn't this wonderful?"
My last day was a good one; during our transit from Port Orchard to Everett, the Seattle Krackens sent a film team out and had us set every sail we physically could along with a bunch of Kracken flags for their promotional video this season—we even rigged the main royal just for fun, despite the fact that it was too late for it to be caught on camera. Though I doubt I will ever see it, hypothetically there's some awesome footage of me loosing the bunt from the fore topsail with that fantastic WHOOMF as all that canvas drops—it looks so graceful from afar but when you're up there handling all that canvas it feels powerful more than anything else, all held up by the singular little midshipman's knot you undid with one hand, clinging to the jackstay with the other and watching the sail fall from the sky below you.
That night we also had a "shanty night" which I am very glad I got to experience, given my background as a musician, and it was a great time. Unfortunately I had no way to travel with my mandolin so I was armed only with my tinwhistle, but some crew members seemed genuinely pretty impressed with my ability to pick up tunes, which, at the risk of sounding extremely pretentious (forgive me) I am accustomed to thinking of as a rather mundane thing, but it was nice to feel appreciated. One of my crewmates, very drunk at the time, told me very earnestly that my "improsov" was very good and a "skill I should cherish," and honestly I don't think I'll ever forget that—when I picked up with the verse to Spanish Ladies everyone else had forgotten he cheered obnoxiously for me and kept up a steady stream of enthusiastic interjections where he didn't know the words, and while I am not generally fond of being the center of attention, I was fond of him for that.
Over the course of the trip I was introduced to a great number of tunes I'd never heard—which is something I value deeply—most of which I probably won't remember the names of, but of those I do I am making a point to learn. I love this sort of exchange—folk music at its most authentic—especially in a place like this, late in the evening on what, by the end of my time, I had decided was the most beautiful ship in the world, where our singing and our laughter carried across the water and into the night and my heart, though saddened by the air of finality that pervaded it all, was full.
Excuse me for getting a little prosaic—it's hard to describe the feelings you experience sailing a vessel like this one, at least to me, and it's been a dream of mine for a while. I miss it already and have full intentions on returning in coming years, but for now thanks for the opportunity to talk about it lol!
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Not Lor-Zod projecting onto Korg and wanting him to actually have a relationship with his dad in the wake of being disowned by Dru-Zod.
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Sinister Sons #5
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merakiui · 6 months
I love the idea of a jade-verse. Even more than that I love the thought of the council of jades.
Isekai concept where you get hit by truck-kun just to wake up in a dark courtroom setting surrounded by all the jades. They all debate which jade-verse you should be sent to. If they get to a stalemate they just decide by who can get you to cum the fastest.
Can I be 🐇 Anon?
AAAAAA YES OMG,,, something like Spiderverse, but it's the yanverse/jadeverse......... orz the idea of a council of Jades is so funny. They would have such a serious discussion as well. Genuinely contemplating which Jadeverse you should be sent to all while you're looking on in horrified silence. They're so silly. <3
I looked through the list of Jades and found more to add to the Verse. So far we have:
✧ tmdg Jade
✧ dru Jade
✧ Monops's Reflection Jade
✧ android Jade
✧ catboy Jade
✧ punk Jade
✧ omega Jade
✧ alpha Jade
✧ stalker Jade
✧ incubus Jade
✧ mangaka Jade
✧ step-brother Jade
✧ pet play Jade
✧ camboy Jade
✧ forest god Jade
✧ time traveler Jade
✧ apocalypse au Jade
SO MANY JADES............. (⊙_⊙)
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
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miloonmetis · 1 year
Hello, this is my first time requesting, and I'm kinda nervous.
May I ask for request where Junkrat (from overwatch) would comfort genre neutral s/o who's having major pains in legs or in hands druing night and they can't sleep?
Hope you have good evening/day/morning=D
(English isn't my mother language so I apologize for any grammar mistakes)
|| I hope this works, and I hope you have a wonderful day (or so on) ALSO I'M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK ME TO WRITE :(
Featuring: Junkrat x GN!Reader Warnings: Angst, Comfort, SWEET OL' FLUFF! Not Proof Read, Prob Non-Canon
Junkrat was fast asleep next to you, you watched him sleeping peacefully wondering how in the world he did it. Go through so much, fighting, bombs, all of the sorts when you can't even go to sleep cause your hand is hurting. You looked down at your hand, cursing at it under your breath. "Damn you." You whispered in a hushed tone not wanting to wake up the sleeping beauty next to you. You were trying to use your other hand to press down in certain places of your hand, trying to make the pain release even just a little bit. But one wrong move and it felt like you had just ripped your hand in half, you breathing in aggressively through your teeth and your head flung back against the wall slamming into it and making a loud bang.
Junkrat was immediately awakened by the loud sound, his first reaction was to turn to you and place his arm around your waste. That's when the two of you made eye contact, your eyes were welling up and the water was screaming for freedom to fall down your cheeks. Junkrat noticed, he noticed everything about you. Though he may seem like an idiot he was not an idiot when it came to you, you were his everything. His motivation was to get up and continue the way he lived his life.
He sat himself up and he grabbed your face with his one existing hand, his thumb caressing your cheek. "What the matter love?" He asked in a hushed tone, trying to read your facial expression. "Nothin'." You spoke out, trying to move your head away from his hand not wanting to look him in the eyes as you felt tears falling down your cheeks. Junkrat knew you were lying, the way you grew distant and hid. He moved swiftly off the side of the bed, grabbing his metal arm and attaching it back to him so that he was able to grab your face with both hands.
His metal arm was cold against your cheek and it almost made you feel... relaxed. His metal arm gently pressed your cheek so that you would look at him, "Love, be honest." He spoke out, his voice was calmer and quieter than it usually was. It made your heart skip a few beats, "Just..." You stopped to clear your throat so you wouldn't break down into a sob fest. "My hand.. really hurts." You told him, showing him the hurt that was keeping you from sleeping peacefully next to him.
Junkrat frowned when you told him this, his eyes moved down to look at your hand before he used his other hand to grab it. He carefully brought it closer to his face and gave it a small peck, "I'll heal it with me magical kiss!" He called out, as he looked at you with his normal goofy smile. "I quite think hands are annoying." He stated, seeing as he was missing a whole arm and a finger from his other perfect arm. You laughed at him and his attempt to make you feel better.
You looked at him and watched as his eyes came back to meet with yours, "Do you need anythin'?" He asked, his face turning to more of a worry and loving expression. You shook your head, "No.. just... you" You requested of the blonde, "All I need is you." You said and you watched as his cheeks turned a bright pink before he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down with him as he laid down.
"Well this lad is all yours~" He hummed happily, as he stared up at you. You two lay there for a moment staring lovingly into each other's eyes before you eventually leaned down to press a quick yet tender kiss. "I love you, Jamison." You say to him, his smile growing bigger and reaching ear to ear. "I love you too [Name], maybe even a lil' more." He winked at you causing you to giggle then relax your head on his chest.
The sound of his heartbeat was relaxing, the way it grew calmer as he slowly fell back asleep. Your eyes begin to threaten sleep as well, you take a moment to make sure that you are truly here and not dreaming before you allow your body to drift off to sleep.
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Lightening the mood after Miami with another edition of my US number ones posts - the drivers from all series version. Please enjoy 😊😊
Sebastien Loeb (26th February 1974) - Barbara Streisand - The Way We Were
Tony Kanaan (31st December 1974) - Helen Reddy - Angie Baby
Juan Pablo Montoya (20th September 1975) - David Bowie - Fame
Mark Webber (27th August 1976) - Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Kimi Raikkonen (17th October 1979) - Michael Jackson - Don't Stop Til You Get Enough
Jenson Button (19th January 1980) - Michael Jackson - Rock With You
Felipe Massa (25th April 1981) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Kiss On My List
Heikki Kovalainen (19th October 1981) - Christopher Cross - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)
Andre Lotterer (19th November 1981) - Daryl Hall & John Oates - Private Eyes
Pippa Mann (11th August 1983) - The Police - Every Breath You Take
Simon Pagenaud (18th May 1984) - Lionel Richie - Hello
Robert Kubica (7th December 1984) - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
Nico Rosberg (27th June 1985) - Bryan Adams - Heaven
Jerome D'Ambrosio (27th December 1985) - Lionel Richie - Say You, Say Me
Rahel Frey (23rd February 1986) - Whitney Houston - How Will I Know
Kamui Kobayashi (13th September 1986) - Berlin - Take My Breath Away
Rene Rast (26th October 1986) - Cyndi Lauper - True Colors
James Hinchcliffe (5th December 1986) - Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name
Oliver Turvey (1st April 1987) - Club Nouveau - Let It Be
Sebastian Vettel (3rd July 1987) - Whitney Houston - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
Alexander Sims (15th March 1988) - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Molly Taylor (6th May 1988) - Whitney Houston - Where Do Broken Hearts Go
Simona De Silvestro (1st September 1988) - George Michael - Monkey
Sarah Bovy (15th May 1989) - Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You
James Calado (13th June 1989) - Bette Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings
Brendon Hartley (10th November 1989) - Roxette - Listen To Your Heart
Earl Bamber (9th July 1990) - New Kids On The Block - Step By Step
Cristina Gutierrez (24th July 1991) - EMF - Unbelievable
Abbie Eaton (2nd January 1992) - Michael Jackson - Black Or White
Timmy Hansen (21st May 1992) - Kris Kross - Jump
Daniel Abt (3rd December 1992) & Alice Powell (26th January 1993) - Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Tatiana Calderon (10th March 1993) - Peabo Bryson & Regina Belle - A Whole New World
Christine GZ (22nd July 1993) - SWV - Weak
Alex Lynn (17th September 1993) & Bubba Wallace (8th October 1993) - Mariah Carey - Dreamlover
Michelle Gatting (31st December 1993) - Mariah Carey - Hero
Naomi Schiff (18th May 1994) - Ace Of Base - The Sign
Jessica Hawkins (16th February 1995) & Luca Ghiotto (24th February 1995) - TLC - Creep
Beitske Visser (10th March 1995) - Madonna - Take A Bow
Nicholas Latifi (29th June 1995) - Bryan Adams - Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
Jack Aitken (23rd September 1995) - Coolio ft L.V - Gangsta's Paradise
Oliver Askew (12th December 1996) - Toni Braxton - Un-Break My Heart
Louis Deletraz (22nd April 1997) - Puff Daddy ft Mase - Can't Nobody Hold Me Down
Catie Munnings (15th November 1997) - Elton John - Candle In The Wind
Cem Bolukbasi (9th February 1998) - Janet Jackson - Together Again
Jamie Chadwick (20th May 1998) - Next - Too Close
Kevin Hansen (28th May 1998) - Mariah Carey - My All
Mick Schumacher (22nd March 1999) - Cher - Believe
Toni Breidinger (14th July 1999) - Jennifer Lopez - If You Had My Love
Max Fewtrell (29th July 1999) - Will Smith ft Dru Hill & Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West
Robert Shwartzman (16th September 1999) - Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Bent Viscaal (18th September 1999) - TLC - Unpretty
Felipe Drugovich (23rd May 2000) - Santana ft The Product G&B - Maria Maria
Marta Garcia (9th August 2000) - N'Sync - It's Gonna Be Me
Arthur Leclerc (14th October 2000) - Christina Aguilera - Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)
Sophia Florsch (1st December 2000) & Clement Novalak (23rd December 2000) - Destiny's Child - Independent Women Pt 1
Frederik Vesti (13th January 2002) - Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Luke Browning (31st January 2002) & Liam Lawson (11th February 2002) - Usher - U Got It Bad
Olli Caldwell (11th June 2002) - Ashanti - Foolish
Jack Doohan (20th January 2003) - Eminem - Lose Yourself
All added to this playlist
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coraniaid · 4 months
I was thinking about how Kendra really should've been mentioned in Fool For Love given its an episode where Buffy wants to learn about previous Slayers' final battles so Top 5 episodes in which Kendra should've been mentioned in?
Ignoring the episodes I'd have liked to actually see Bianca Lawson return in (either in flashback or some alternate dimension or in a dream sequence or as the First) and ignoring Fool For Love as well since you mentioned it already (but I agree that's a good call otherwise).
S3E07 Revelations -- obviously Angel didn't personally kill Kendra, but he played a very major role in her death (she came back to Sunnydale to stop his plan to wake Acathla, he lured Buffy away from the library so she wasn't there to protect her, he sent Drusilla to kidnap Giles and Kendra tried to stop her). So it would have been nice, in a way, if anybody had thought to bring Kendra up during that scene in the library where they're arguing about Buffy keeping Angel's return a secret and how he killed Jenny Calendar and tortured Giles. Especially when they're doing so mere feet away from the spot where Kendra was murdered. It would have nice to suggest that Buffy wanted to talk to Faith about Kendra at the end, too (even though I think Faith still brushes her off the way she does in canon).
S3E08 Lovers Walk Relatedly, it would have been nice if -- while Spike was busy feeling sorry for himself and remembering all the nice spots in Sunnydale where he and Dru had murdered people in better times -- the writers had remembered Buffy had reminded him that one of the people his ex had fun murdering was Kendra. Or that, way back in Becoming Part 2, the very last time Buffy said Kendra's name out loud in the show came with a threat to kill Drusilla ("Forget about Drusilla. She doesn't walk. She killed Kendra.")
S3E15 Consequences. Don't think this even needed Kendra to be mentioned by name, but it would have been nice if the show had acknowleged that this is in the third time in barely a year than Buffy has been questioned by the police in a murder investigation. And by the same guy all three times! Detective Stein doesn't seem to be part of the town-wide conspiracy to cover up the supernatural, so what does he think really happened to Ted and to Kendra? I get that the show at this point wasn't trying to be too serialized (but Ted, at least, will get brought up at least one more time in Season 4's Fear Itself), but ... I dunno, I just think it would have been a nice bit of continuity to have Stein tell somebody (Buffy? the Mayor?) that not only does he think Buffy was involved in Finch's death but that he still hasn't ruled out her being involved in Kendra's death too (whatever his bosses told him to make him drop it).
S5E14 Crush. This isn't actually a very good episode (as indicated by the words 'written by David Fury' that appear on the screen at the beginning) so we can't expect too much from it, but ... look! It's Drusilla! Back in town for the first time since Becoming! And Spike's talking about killing her, even. "Why do I care?" Buffy asks him, which would be a perfectly fine way for Buffy to express her disinterest in Spike and demonstrate her refusual to be swayed by his attempts at coercing her to 'admit' her romantic feelings for him if this were any other random vampire, but this is meant to be a vampire Buffy has a strong preexisting personal grudge against. She killed Kendra, David. That's why Buffy should care. You could, I dunno, at least have Spike bring that up again? ("If you don't admit there's something there ... I'll untie Dru, let her kill you instead. Just like she killed that other Slayer.")
S7E17 Lies My Parents Told Me. I mean, not the canon version of the episode, which is basically unsalvagable, but in some other better version of this episode where Buffy finds out that Robin was Nikki's son it might have been nice to contrast Robin's years long quest for revenge with the fact that Buffy didn't allow herself to leave town and hunt Drusilla down for revenge. Not because she didn't care about Kendra (at least, she cares about Kendra in my version of the show...), but because she had a responsibility to everyone alive in Sunnydale. That would, at least, be a better way to echo Nikki's "the mission is what matters" line than the gross way the episode settles on ("You're trying to get revenge on a man who doesn't exist anymore! Also, isn't it cool and fitting he got 'his' coat back?")
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