#dsmp has gone to shit
aroacewolfic · 7 months
glad i stopped being a dsmp fan last year because wtf.
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selenealwayscries · 2 years
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im actually posting skins again yayyyyyy <- exhausted
ive been missing him for the entire day so i spent like 6 hours in front of my laptop making this
the link to it will be in the reblogs as usual o7
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logstedshire · 2 years
i have no desire to watch the dsmp ending but i do want to know what happened. can someone explain
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
Okay so, one of my problems with creator boundaries as an event runner is that it's impossible to keep up with them all, because they're being updated, and because so much of the time you learn them when they're reported to you, you weren't in stream yourself. So it's a game of telephone, and there's a constant issue that the message gets garbled in translation.
So the stance that I've taken as an event runner is that I will not be enforcing boundaries, and everyone can decide for themselves what relationships they're comfortable with. This seemed like the best stance for me to deal with the beeduo /p /r wars, and then I have continued to see many other smaller or larger instances where I've gone "yeah, enforcing creators boundaries as an event mod is a nonstarter, I'm sticking with that".
And I've been mostly concerned about issues like— I am not an avid watcher of Gem streams! I might miss things that happen in Gem streams, I don't know what the creator's exact boundaries are for what's okay to do in her vision. But meanwhile I've been over here in Phil streams, and I've assumed that I have known Phil's boundaries, because they get repeated SO MUCH. Everybody knows— no nsfw, and then we argue about if the only shipping allowed is with Mumza (the dsmp stance) or if his continued gay flirting with men on QSMP means he's okay with shipping with them (he kissed a man on camera on QSMP, for example). That is the received wisdom about Phil's boundaries, we all know where we stand and how we're interpreting things.
And I have been like okay, Phil doesn't want to see NSFW, I don't think he's reading my Ao3 history, maybe I will read the occasional pissa fic for fun. There are some good fics in the tag, you know. I will just keep it out of his sight, and the streamer doesn't have to know, right?
Cut to today, where I'm being kicked out of a discord server for bookmarking one (1) Phil NSFW fic. They sent me a clip to prove that NSFW was against the rules and why I was getting kicked. So I watched the clip in the interest of completeness.
And guys, when I tell you my jaw fucking dropped, because I do NOT agree that anyone should have asked the streamer this, but someone got him to talk about NSFW fan work, "weirdchamp shit", and he explicitly with his mouth says that he "could not give a shit" and "everybody lets out their creativity in different ways", and "ultimately it isn't hurting anybody", and as long as he doesn't see it, he's fine with it. As long as it's kept out of his stream he's fine.
So uh, guys? I know it's not like we haven't been cautiously creeping this way ourselves, just keeping it out of the streamer's sight, but explicitly, word of god from the streamer, I think Phil NSFW has been legal this whole time.
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale faces c!Wilbur from the dsmp. @10piecechickenmcnugget get over here sage
Cecil Propaganda:
"Cecil is not only the Tumblr sexyman, he is the first gay protagonist of a podcast that most of us have ever heard. From the very first episode he was unashamedly queer and no one has ever called him out or given him shit for being gay. He is a gay Jewish fashion disaster who is the mouthpiece for an incredibly bizarre town and plays the whole “this horrifying thing is completely normal”thing so well. If Cecil wasn’t there, I think a lot of people wouldn’t have felt so accepted for just being who they were. Cecil is an inspiration and the queer podcast rep we all deserved as we were growing."
"he’s gay. he’s a dilf. he’s ageless. he has been since there’s was nothing and he’s still here after the world ended. he can summon music. his mother is a oracle his father is a tree. his cat is a man who got cursed and also has wings a stinger and poison??? he thinks a tutu and crocs is formal wear and has talked to god and she said ‘I love you. I’m sorry’. he’s definitely guilty of manslaughter from negligence"
"this is the website Night Vale built!"
c!Wilbur Propaganda:
"Accurate depiction of mental health and spiral, handled delicately and deliberately, every piece of his story was thought and planned and in the end he went home to Utah. Thank you lord."
"Please don’t let the name dream smp effect how you feel about this submission, this character is completely unrelated to dream and I’m pretty sure the person who played him has nothing to do with dream anymore. This man single handedly got me through a horrible patch filled with extreme paranoia by also being extremely paranoid. Genuinely really helped me feel seen and I coped a lot by getting invested in this character. I almost cried when he died :("
"He’s so fucking stupid. I could infodump for hours this man transed my gender. Everything has gone wrong in his life. He’s the definition of a bisexual disaster."
"I didn’t fail 10th grade math bc I was thinking about c!wilbur for him to lose round one"
"I mean look at him!! his Minecraft skin is adorable!!!"
"if you people vote for cwilbur i'll draw him in a bikini."
"i should not have underestimated minecraft fans they came together"
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"Season 1 changed me. I didn’t know minecraft videos could have good acting, dramatic plots, etc. Wilbur was one of the best there. His plot was so interesting with the L’Manburg and the unfinished symphony arcs. He was funny, dramatic, sad… I fondly remember my dsmp days (though I only saw up to like part of Tommy’s exile)"
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zeb-z · 1 year
when Bad asks Foolish and Baghera “yknow what you do when you’re upset?” and Foolish quietly goes “go out into a desert?” he shot me dead in my home.
Foolish, who spent all his time in the dsmp out in the desert building on his own, never really appreciated. who’s only community builds were never really used - a massive fuck off mansion for Tubbo and Ranboo in Snowchester they never moved into, Kinoko Kingdom which got more appreciation by Quackity, who hated it, than any of the meant to be residents, and the Among Us bunker that never saw the light of day. who’s only friends ended up executing him at a banquet, and the other blackmailing him into joining his city. but it didn’t truly matter - he had the desert to return to, and another massive project to build, even if it was just him around to appreciate it.
the desert was as beautiful as it was dangerous. it was not friendly, and it was not kind, but it was where he built his life. it was where he retreated to when everything else was shit.
and then, however many years later, he finds companionship in the qsmp. people love his builds, use his builds - but appreciate him for more than that. he sticks close instead of moving thousands of blocks away. he falls in love with Vegetta, then he takes care of his daughter. his beloved Leo. he learns another language so she doesn’t have to struggle with his, and they teach each other as they talk. he gets her everything she asks for even if he rolls his eyes and teases her for being spoiled, because he loves her, because he’d move heaven and earth for her. he tells her that she’s good, and that she’s shown him that there’s more to life than just being alone and building all the time.
and then Leo’s gone. and when the panic has settled and the realization that he can’t do anything hits, he goes and works on the titan. he builds and tries not to cry. for a short time, he goes and takes people exploring since they’re also online, and he tasks himself with distracting them to cheer them up (with the bonus of taking out his aggravation on monsters), and he can’t be upset if he’s with company. but lately they haven’t been around, and he’s mostly alone again - so he goes back to building. returning to hours and hours on his own, making more headway in a few days than he has in a month on his build.
he retreats to the desert. where he’s alone, where there’s nothing but him and the sand and his builds, where there’s nothing else in the world, because the rest of the world is unbearable.
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dodgebolts · 1 year
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the moment that absolutely no one has been waiting for... here are the results of the dtblr survey that went out last week! Thank you to the 650 people who responded, easily eclipsing the 598 responses that were submitted in September :]
Open the read more to see the results!
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Starting out, we have a newcomer to our top 8, welcome Awesamdude, who stole a spot from Quackity (20.7% -> 3.1%). Since the last survey, more people say they main all 3 Dream Team members and less people are maining their friends, most of them slipping under 10% of respondents saying they mained them save for the lovely Foolish Gamers.
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Next, there was an increase in people who came for and still are here for the Dream Team—with a decrease in the proportion of respondents for nearly every other category. Dream team forever!
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While most people (85%) have been around before 2022, we have a greater proportion of newer people around now! In the last survey, that number was even greater at 93%. So don't feel bad for being new, it's actually way more likely than you think, and a very warm welcome to the 5% of people who joined after the face reveal/meetup <3
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Next is a question that I think is really interesting: has watching the Dream team influenced how people play Minecraft? More people now don't play as much, which tracks considering that they play Minecraft a lot less than they used to.
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Now for a rather sore subject for a lot of people, since there's been quite a shift in who plays in MCC since the last time. In the last poll, 60.8% of people said they watched Dream. Now, those viewers have dispersed across creators or just stopped watching altogether, with both George and Sapnap gaining 10% from their numbers in the fall. However, 25% of people said that they don't watch anymore, a huge jump from the 4.5% in the fall. RIP MCC Dream, you're missed severely by the community <3
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Next up, Trust Issues has managed to nearly catch up to some of Dream's released music, gaining 8 percentage points from the last survey. Dream if you're out there your fans want it really badly. Release it just for us?
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Since the fall, we've seen the official end of the DSMP, so this is more of a legacy question, which is reflected pretty well in the statistics shifting towards people who either don't watch or are very casual about it, our lorehead population shrinking by 4 percentage points from the first survey.
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These statistics haven't moved too much since the first one, the trends going pretty much as predicted with following decreasing from main -> alt -> priv (with the exception of Dream whose alt is often confused for his main) and with George and Sapnap having fewer people following them than Dream.
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The statistics shift from this question is really interesting, especially given all the shit that's gone down on Twitter since the first survey. The percentage of dtblr who joined the fandom on there increased 7.7%, a gain that knocked down nearly every other platform's percentages. AO3 also makes its debut in the top 6, tying with Reddit exactly.
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Much like the twitter following question, these statistics didn't shift too much, with the YouTube algorithm and word of mouth from other people/creators doing most of the heavy lifting of marketing for the Dream Team. Shoutout to the people who found out through either Heat Waves or MrBeast, you guys are on like 2 ends of a horrific spectrum y'all are strong as hell LOL
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Now for some shared fandom trauma, these results also didn't change too much from the first survey. However, for this iteration I added Supernatural, as I probably should've done the first time considering this IS the SPN website after all. I managed to grab a few more people than last time out of the 'none of the above' category with its inclusion, so hi all my former and current SPN bloggers o/ <- has never seen the show before
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A vast majority of us have watched gaming content in some form before, and fewer people this time have never watched gaming content before. From those who specified which games they'd watched, the titles ranged far and wide, so it's really cool to see all of us under the dtblr umbrella :)
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Once again, this question showcases how lurkers truly carry the community on their backs—there's a small decrease in lurkers from last time and an increase in blogging answers, so it seems like some of our lurkers started posting which is awesome :D
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Over half of us don't really watch any other MC servers, but there's still a ton of people who like watching them! From the last time I ran the survey, most of the servers—save for Empires and Karmaland—now have fewer dtblr watchers. The QSMP makes a strong debut on the board though, eclipsing half of the other options.
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This was a really interesting question, though it seems like the vast majority of people either continued posting on the same blog or took a break and just jumped back into the fray! Also a late welcome to the ~15% of people who either weren't here or started posting after <3
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The answers to this question showed some of the most interesting shifts from last fall's data. Fewer people seem to be listening regularly, and the proportion of people who responded no is nearly doubled from the fall's 21%.
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These data points were also really interesting to see shift from the fall! Of note, fewer people like and tolerate Jackbox, and more people seem to have warmed up to FPS games—Fortnite, CS:GO, and Valorant all have fewer people in the "don't like & won't watch" category. Still, Valorant is easily the most hated game of the 6 while Geoguessr is still almost universally loved/tolerated.
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As expected in the shipping category, DNF dominates any other ships, with Karlnap easily taking the second place. The proportion of Toosh enjoyers has doubled since the fall, up from 14.7%, while the number of non-shippers has halved. Additionally, the proportion of Karlnapity enjoyers has plummeted from 25.4% to less than 10%. Otherwise, most ships have stayed within 3-4 percentage points of their fall numbers!
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Once again, Dream seems to have forced the hands of nearly half of us, turning non-RPF shippers into the RPF fandom we are today. Interestingly, the number of "yes" respondents has nearly doubled from the fall, while fewer people responded that they still don't ship RPF. As would make Dream happy probably, the pie chart is colored blue and green.
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Now onto some of the demographic questions, we've continued to be very heavily biased towards North America and Europe, with nearly 85% of us coming from those two continents. Compared to the fall, we've gotten proportionally more South American and Oceanian rep. Hey to the Asians/Australians who are probably going to see this when it's first posted! o/
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Once again, the majority of us seem to be around the same age as our streamers, with 80% of us falling between the ages of 18 and 30. Don't fret, though! From the fall, the proportion of respondents in both the <18 and >30 age brackets have increased. All in all, nothing too surprising.
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The pride parade is still running from last fall, with approximately the same percentage of people identifying as LGBTQIA+ or unsure. Just in time for pride month in a day or so!
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I'm not sure if I was just miscounting but I could not for the life of me get all of these little squares into a proper rectangle, so just bear with my weird organization here. Regardless, the majority of us rep the blue and green as our favorite colors, with multiple people specifying the hex code of George's minecraft shirt or a classic teal.
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It's been about a month since this has been out, and we still unfortunately haven't gotten It Takes Two back. We're still in the phase 42% of people believe that we're going to stay in for a while, getting bounced back and forth between Dream and George hoping that they can get the other wrangled for it. #I_BELIEVE!
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This was kind of a cruel question for most of us, but to the 11 people who answered that have met any of them, know that you're in a very select group of users. I'm jealous!
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Now to answer the age-old question of the dtblr 1%, it constitutes those of you with around or over 5,000 followers, while a majority of people have less than 50 followers or just no blog at all. As with most other follower polls I've seen floating around, the responses were heavier towards the bottom, but as is the common advice/adage, follower count means very little here—just start chatting and posting!
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For the final question, I thought it'd be interesting to see what dtblr's academic interests are, and also to reaffirm or break my belief that George is like a flame to the moths of CS/Engineering-focused people, which was at least initially supported by the data from the fall. We've got people from all across the diversity of academic fields, with the most people indicating that they're interested in the arts and humanities.
As for my hypothesis: among non-George mains, the proportion of CS/Engineering people is about 5.5%, whereas 18.3% of George mains indicated that they're interested in CS/Engineering. In fact, I took a closer look at all the people who noted their interest in CS/Engineering, and nearly 70% of them said that they mained George. Like I said, moths to a flame. or something. I'm right there with y'all 🫡
That's all! Thanks so much to everyone for responding and waiting for me to get through all of this data, it's always a big task but I love seeing the results. Until next time!
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rat-creates · 2 months
Explaining the base road-trip au! (Finally!)
The nuke drops
XD forces himself down Dream's throat as a desperate attempt to keep anything alive
Dream survives, but he's too unstable to exist basically
Callahan also forces himself down Dream's throat to stable him
Dream is left alone everyone he has ever known gone
All that is left of them is the little apocalypses they had all started
**jump to about 1500-ish years later**
Dream has spend his entire immortality keeping all the supernatural shit the dsmp habitants had caused in check
The dsmp has become a parallel reality of sorts, keeping everything in
Everyone from he dsmp has been reincarnated into modern era, with no memories of their past life
Quackity, after a pretty rough fight with his brother, decides that he needs to get away for a bit
A road trip sounds good. He'll drive away and cry and go to the beach and when he comes back everything will feel better
Quackity drives straight into the dsmp.
Dream sees him entering and slips into the back of the car
The fact that its... Quackity. And it's the first person Dream has seen in thousands of years forces him back to his prison era body, wounds, missing fingers and all
Yeah... so when you force down the power of two gods into a mortal they don't end up being the most stable
But if Dream leaves Quackity will die. And he cant- he'd better. He's better then that
From Quackity's POV there's something on his backseat ordering him not to turn around
But it knows how to navigate this hell he's in, so he has no choise
And so starts the worst road-trip in existence
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the-final-sif · 2 years
I still REALLY WANT dsmp s2 ;-;
I'll be honest, as much as I enjoy the thought of DSMP S2, I'm actually a lot happier that Dream is putting it down for now, with the idea that it might happen at some point in the distant future.
Like, there's a lot of things at play here.
First and foremost, just on a motivation and mental health perspective, it was pretty clear that DSMP was a really big drain for Dream. After Techno passed away, Dream was essentially carrying all of the major plotlines in some fashion or another. It was obviously really hard for him to do and keep up with, and I'm glad he's putting that down for now.
Second, it's really hard to not take into account how Techno's passing influenced how all of them see the SMP. Lots of different lore SMPs have gone through player changes, but the DSMP is the only one I know where a streamer actually died during it. That can make it really hard to go back to on an emotional level. And I absolutely get why that would play a part in demotivating/making a S2 difficult.
Third, the DSMP was kind of stopping Dream from being able to do other things. It was eating up a lot of his time, and if he tried to work on another major project, join another SMP run by someone else, etc, he was gonna get hounded about why he wasn't working on x plotline on the SMP. Putting it down lets him go do other things without that pressure. And honestly I'm really excited to see the other things he wants to do.
Fourth, I'm going to be entirely honest, I think the DSMP was due for a culling even if there was a S2. There are a number of people on there who got invited at various points that didn't really fit in with the server anymore. Dream moving onto other projects, possibly starting or joining other SMPs, etc. All of that means he can pick and chose who he invites to stuff, bring in new friends and not invite people who he isn't close to and who don't seem to want to spend time with him. I think that's much healthier, and it's something I'm excited for. I want Dream to be able to go back to just playing with his friends.
Fifth, kind of as a cumulative...
The amount of pressure and weight that the DSMP put on Dream in particular, what with how much of the story revolved around him, how other streamers would constantly need him for storylines but wouldn't go start ones without him, how people blamed him for everything that they didn't like, etc, etc. Particularly when Dream didn't even stream or make videos for the SMP. He was doing a shit ton of work for other people, and getting a ton of shit thrown his way for anything people didn't like. And for what?
It was honestly kind of an unfair set up. Particularly with how much people loved to blame Dream for things, or act like he was the only one who had any say in anything. When things go weird/not how fans wanted in the Last Life SMPs, you don't see everyone blaming Grian for it as if he's the only person who has any say. But somehow with the DSMP, Dream took a ton of shit for things that were clearly outside of his control or relying on other people.
All of this accumulated in Dream being very trapped in what he did. Something that's really bad for people with ADHD who tend to do best when we can have several different projects to move between. And who don't tend to do well when there's a lot of pressure for them to work on one specific thing that they may not want to work on.
Dream and the others putting down DSMP S2 for now means that Dream gets to work on stuff he'll actually enjoy. It means he'll get to focus on spending time and energy on people he actually enjoys spending time with. People who are his friends, and not people he hasn't talked to in over a year. He'll get to create brand new things, new SMPs, new characters. And hopefully he'll get to join in other people's projects too! Where less of the workload is on him!
I'm excited for that. I'm excited for Dream to get to do stuff he's always wanted to do, and get to move on to new projects.
I know some people are gonna be really sad about that, but honestly, I'm not. I'm excited to see where Dream ends up going, and what sort of stuff he creates. You might even find that it fills a similar space in your heart to what DSMP S2 might've. Who knows?
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sethdomain · 4 months
Okay, don't answer this but ya, I don't know what that anon is on about you're completely right. That ending was bad, really really bad, and attempting to approach it from a centrist's viewpoint when c!Dream is genuinely at fault for everything that ever happened to c!Tommy rubs me the wring way. Liek, that's victim blaming, you're blaming c!Tommy for being abused by c!Dream when it's fully the fault of his own deluded obsession with him. There is no, "Oh, they both were wrong." because HE WAS HIS ABUSER AND HE WAS HIS VICTIM. The only reason it even ended that way is because cc!Dream was outed for being a vile evil little man and the story hit too close to home and he needed good PR and to pretend as if he wasn't exactly what his character was. Anyway.
Oh definitely, with that short amount of time trying to go for the centrist point of view for the ending just feel like undermining the story we've gone through. It's shit and it feels lazy for an ending and it just doesnt bring any intresting message to the plate. Like yeah lets just nuke everything bye-bye nothing matter. It's so bad...
You get it, c!Dream is fucking insane and somehow c!Tommy is somehow always blamed for his action and c!Dream is excused because c!Tommy does not act 'right' or in other word does not act in a way that is palatable to people.
I don't get it, why do the narrative in c!Dream and c!Tommy relationship is made with mixed signals, i feel like its that way okay. The narrative always switch up side like sometime it sides with c!Dream and sometimes its c!Tommy, but its done in a very icky way where if its c!Dream sides it always weaponize c!Tommy minor wrecking of building or anything 'annoying' that he has done, but listen its not as awful as c!Dream done. What c!Tommy done is mostly repairable and easy grounding or apology can fix it and most of his action was just him actually goofing around, like what an actual unruly child would do, but then you have c!Dream a grown ass man exiling this kid isolating him, manipulating him, physically abuse him, depriving him of food(sometimes), etc and then im supposed to like think, hmmm yeah sometime c!Tommy is also awful to c!Dream and that he need to fuck off like??????? I dont get it here, I just do NOT get it...
I think the DSMP should have just embraced c!Dream as a fucked up, creepy little villain and maybe it would have been awesome
And LOL, bro was not roleplaying!! Bro is actually obsessed with minor!! But for real, if thats the case that just sucks and scummy of him to use a very passionate project of many other creator to just use as a PR cover up.
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gwostiigyaru · 7 months
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So it has been recently confirmed that the abuser of Minecraft YouTuber shubble is Wilbur soot!
Wilbur is a Minecraft YouTuber that was very popular in 2020 playing a role in the now completed DSMP lore/streams and now recently qsmp. Shubble has came out and talked about her abuse with a former ex. And about how he bite her until it hurt and left bruises. And many more. Such as ignoring safe words. Up until now the identity of said ex was unnamed which left many fans speculating who the ex was.
Some folks on TikTok put some pieces together and accused Wilbur of being said abuser. But since it wasn’t many. Many of Wilbur’s fans of came to his defense BUT as if today 5 hours (in my time) ago Wilbur posted an apology to his Twitter explaining his side of the story. And basically admitting to his actions
Which I will show here.
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After this apology it confirmed Wilbur to be the abuser. And with the following YouTubers such as tubbo and Aimsey have stated that they both stand with shubble.
And how is shubble doing in all of this? Well form her words she said that she is “suing a person that person is most likely Wilbur soot.
(I send all my love to shubble and any victim of domestic violence. And if this shows us anything, it’s that abusers come in all shapes and sizes, anyone is capable of being an abuser even if they don’t look harmless. So if you are a victim don’t be afraid. And most importantly love your fucking selfs and stay safe)
-with some stuff still coming out I will be updating this post as much as can
So with the following of Wilbur’s…not so great some might even say BAD(I’m some) apology many of YouTubers as well as well as Wilbur’s friends or shitting on him even billzo who was been gone from the internet for a while. So yeah it’s that bad…
But YouTubers such as Quackity and tommyinit has not made their statements on the matter
(But as a person I feel really fucking bad for Tommy, considering that was his best friend. So it might take some time)
ANYWAYS, Shelby (shubble) has stated that his apology is NOT ACCEPTED!
some former fans of Wilbur’s band “love joy” has a one burning question.
“Does this mean I can’t listen to it?”
In my personal opinion. Get better music taste BUT HEY who Am I to judge 🤷
BUT if we’re disregarding my opinion . I’d have to say listen to it in a way love joy (specifically Wilbur) cannot profit from it.
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etrevil · 11 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
So sorry for the late answer!
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1. Athanasia de Alger Obelia (Who Made Me A Princess)
First hyperfixation, the manhwa I saw from start to finish. Art is just absolutely beautiful and I've been attached from the very start. Her character arc surrounding her father, Claude, had me clutching my pearls and sobbing my eyes out.
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2. Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Strongest hyperfixation on the series yet. There's a certain feel I get whenever I see or read content about him. Do I relate to him? Concerningly. But it's the sort of connectedness I feel when reading what Odasaku thinks of Dazai and me agreeing and being called out half of the time lol. Lastly, he's just so pretty.
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3. Chuuya Nakahara (Bungou Stray Dogs)
This man's backstory has me in a chokehold. He's gone through so much shit but, compared to other characters, he remains a "good" man. Such a complex character I can't get enough of tbh. Asagiri really paired the donut man and one of the most beautiful written characters together and I love it/pos. Lastly, also very pretty. Imagining him together with Dazai, whether platonic or romantic, is also a treat.
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4. Wilbur Soot (dsmp, qsmp, general yt)
His content just, helped me get through quarantine. Also his songs are just bangers, and Lovejoy is one of my top favorite bands next to The Neighborhood.
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5. Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
One of the first Korean novels I've ever read and finished. He is just such a well-done character, and ORV as a story in general should become a literary classic (in my humble opinion). The way he seeks comfort in a story and is willing to stay until its very end, I relate to that so much, and I just feel for this tragedy-surrounded man. I wish only the best for him and his company.
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6. Cale Henituse (Trash of the Count's Family)
I remember reading the novel in its early stages and waking up for school, to then eat cereal and slowly finish reading what's been published in the dim light. Haven't touched the second book yet, but the first book was just, woah. Amazing. Rollercoaster ride. Our young lord really should start looking out for his health more, everyone's so worried.
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7. Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Her story arc of being an antagonist, to the third member of their trio, and [spoiler], was an absolute blast. Her character was written with such a personality she touched my heart with her spunk and gentle care towards her friends. What she's done for KDJ is absolutely what tore my heart out. She deserves so much. They all do. Speaks even more to me since I'm a writer. Love her with all my heart <3.
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8. Achilles (Greek Mythos, the Song of Achilles)
He amuses me. His rage, his reactions, the slaughter he made across the battlefield, and the way he eventually died. The fact we have historical evidence from a vase that people back then saw him rolled up into a blanket burrito during his sulking period. That he sent out one of his "closest" men in his own armory and grew enraged (understatement) when he returned as a corpse. I just, love him. Words cannot explain how I hold him, and Patroclus, to a high regard in my heart.
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9. Tallulah (qsmp)
Best egg child to ever exist. Second is Chayanne. The admin for this character just stole us from the very start. Deserves a thousand bamboo flutes.
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10. Ayna and Ranonthean (Secret Lady)
Might be considered cheating but these two are a couple and the toxicity cannot exist without the other. The slow unfurling of how their love story that led to the actual FL and ML's current predicament (read the story it's so good) absolutely rocked my shit. Like, omfg their children. Her family. Fate itself. I wanna sock Fate in the face. They're in love, but their love cannot thrive in a place like that. At least not for long. And it shows; the chapter this image is from, side story 11, has me by the throat. Banana-nim's art just makes everything better. They're relatively good for each other, but because of the situations forced on them, shit happens. Doomed by the narrative indeed.
Special manhwa couple mentions:
Angela and Rayburn, "I Stan the Prince"
Penelope and Callisto, "Death is The Only Ending for the Villainess"
Ines and Carcel, "This Marriage was Bound to Fail Anyway"
Shuri and Nora, "Stepmother's Marchen"
Eris and Anakin, "Kill The Villainess"
Raeliana and Noah, "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Manor"
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alpinefrsh · 7 months
What are your thoughts on C!Wilbur now? Anything changed?
I’m asking for reference because I’m honestly having a hard time figuring out what to think. I was never really attached to ccWilbur in the first place and what he did was absolutely shit so the decision to stop supporting him wasn’t hard. But dear lord the character he played was so well-crafted(again I don’t support him at all). I just really don’t know where to draw the line between the story and the writer, if that should influence my admiration for this really well-crafted character or if me still liking c!Wilbur counts as support to the creator.
(sub question: how is this gonna affect how you write the c! character in the future, if you write him at all?)
Support Shubble!🫶
Heads up, probably gonna get a bit long and ramble-y here, I haven't really gotten to think or talk about this much yet.
I'm still not entirely sure where I stand with c!Wilbur at this point in time- because on the one hand, whenever I see a drawing of Wilbur with a white streak in his hair I go "Ah, c!Wilbur" and don't feel particularly strongly about it. While the character and the streamer are unequivocally linked and I'd rather avoid writing about c!Wilbur in the future, they're still not the same person in my mind.
Yeah, I mean, I liked cc!Wilbur well enough before all of this- but my primary reason for watching him was definitely Tommy (didn't really watch many of his streams if Tommy wasn't also there kekw). I consider myself rather fortunate in that I've already gone through getting a little too dependent on a streamer for comfort who then turned out to be a really shitty person ages ago, so now I'm much more careful to keep a stronger degree of separation. No parasocial relationships here, thank you very much. Been there, done that.
I think the only person I would genuinely have some level of difficulty with dropping at this point is Tommy. Ooh, big shocker coming from the person who writes almost exclusively Tommyinnit-centric things, I know.
But yeah, back to Wilbur-- regarding c!Wilbur in fanfics, I unfortunately can't just remove the influence he's had over c!Tommy- just like I can't remove the impact c!Dream's had on c!Tommy's life. I also can't change c!Tommy's perspective of c!Wilbur, so at least regarding TomTurtles, Tommy's still going to mention Wilbur, and he's still going going to think of him his older brother and someone that he cares about.
However, as the writer, I will be far less merciful in how he's portrayed, regardless of c!Tommy's biased perspective (c!Wilbur isn't going to show up- that was never in the cards outside of a now scrapped idea for a non-canon fic in the series where c!Wilbur has actually been living in the same America as Tom and the turtles and they find each other again)
After I'm done writing the crossover series though, I don't think I'll be including him in anything else. Which is a shame only because it means I can't use c!Tommy.
Sure, most of my portrayals of Tommy will probably still draw heavily from c!Tommy but I probably won't be able to take him straight from dsmp anymore.
Upside to scrapping all of my ideas that included Wilbur- I can completely replace him with Technoblade AKA, more bedrock bros content \o/ (That being said, most of my fic ideas at this point in time are just various AUs getting Tommy to interact with the cast of rottmnt ahaha-)
All that is to say: While I ultimately view c!Wilbur and cc!WIlbur as different, the second I've finished writing this series, he will most likely never be mentioned or shown again in any of my fics after that. Might as well give any roles he might've played to someone more deserving.
And support Shubble, I'm so incredibly grateful that she decided to speak up about all this.
Thank you for the ask, I hope you have a nice rest of your night/day.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
You'll be back - Hamilton Musical
"You'll be back like before I will fight the fight and win the war For your love, for your praise And I'll love you 'til my dying days When you're gone, I'll go mad So don't throw away this thing we had 'Cause when push comes to shove I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love"
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set it Off
"So could you Tell me how you're sleeping easy How you're only thinking of yourself Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature Listen, mark my words, one day (one day) You will pay, you will pay Karma's gonna come collect your debt"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
You'll be back - Hamilton Musical
the amount of animatics I had to sort through to find the one I was actually looking for was astronomical
Animatics with the song:
Karmaland Animatic
Steven Universe
Hazbin Hotel
The Lion King
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set it Off
I was appalled when I found out this song had a chance if not appearing on the polls. This song is my everything. It was there for me in my darkest moments and for my brightest days. This song and all it's animatics got me through life both metaphorically and literally. This song is my everything
wolf in sheeps clothing turned me evil as a young child /pos
This had SUCH an effect on me in middle school
The anthem for edgy middle schoolers with tragic OCs everywhere Not to mention that "Burn. In. HELLLLLLLLLL YEAAHHHHH!" Is just downright iconic
Admittedly I still want to make an animatic for this myself, but it's a fun song that just OOZES villainous or anti-hero charm and popping up unexpectedly and the bridge???? Shifting from darker to hopeful only to drop back down?? "Start all over, start all over-- who am I kidding, let's not get overzealous here! You've always been a huge piece of shit" is just. mwah. incredible. And there's an official acoustic version of it too which I don't know if it's used as often but it has an entirely different vibe. Instead of the cocky or confident singer who has their target EXACTLY where they want them, it's someone who's given up and is tired of all of it. There's Options. it's fantastic.
Animatics with the song:
DSMP Technoblade animatic
Yandere Highschool
Your Turn To Die
Miraculous Ladybug
Scum Villain Self Serving System
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you.
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gleeful-faggot · 3 months
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wow guys isn't it so cool that the fiances went to the met gala and nothing bad ever happened to them
Inspired by this post by @honeyblockm about which on the dsmp characters would wear a black suit to the met gala vvv
I can't draw feet so that's why they have no shoes, but other than that, explinations for the clothing choices under the cut!
Starting with Karl bc I have the most to say about him! I decided to have them be going to 2024's just gone Met Gala, which means the theme was Garden of Time, and the exhibit Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion, and out of all three of them, Karl would be the one going to great lengths to be on theme for both.
I wanted his clothing to be a mismatch of eras with no clear gender, so he's wearing a late 1800s mens evening shirt with 1830s mutton sleeves (worn under dresses to give them shaping), then a regency mans corset. The gloves and trousers have no era as I think he'd also try and look into future fashion of fashion, and the angles in both pieces were inspired by that.
The twisting vine around him, and the decorative flowers on the corset are the interpretation of 'A garden of time'. I wanted him to be in something that appears to defy gravity but I'm not that good at drawing yet. The colour of the flowers are all from his various skins over tftsmp
His makeup is evident, but minimal. He's got a painted flower on his cheek, lipstick on his bottom lip, and eyeliner on with no specific date in mind but he slays it.
Next up, Sapnap. He's in a black suit. He's got an apple brooch on that Karl probably wrestled onto him that costs more than the suit in total but gives an air that maybe he knew what the theme was.
For makeup, he's even more minimal. Orange blush with lipstick on top and bottom lip. My man is not eating this look :/
Last up, Quackity. He sees himself as an It Girl, so is wearing something incredibly stylish but absolutely not on theme. He's got a loose fitting gold blouse on that has the Lowest plunge neckline you've ever seen bc mans is a SLUT. He's also glitzed up his wings by putting shit loads of glitter in them, and then balanced the gold with an equal amount of red, as seen in the high waisted trousers.
His makeup is the most maximalist of all three. He put makup in and around the scar to make it more noticeable, and also helps with balancing the red and gold. He's got gold eyeshadow on and glitter smeared strategically across his upper half. He's got lipstick on his upper lip, and he knows what's up. He knows he's hot.
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atthebell-moved · 2 years
I think what's most frustrating about misogyny in this fandom (and any fandom, but this one has particular issues I'll get into) is that people who've never read a single word of feminist theory can recognize when they're pulling sexist bullshit. Like, my dad has never in his life consumed anything beyond milquetoast feminist takes on NBC family dramas, but he's capable of taking a step back and going "hey, that sucked and i know why."
But here, no matter how much i want to give people the benefit of the doubt for being young and not having the same opportunities as me to engage with feminism, people just go beyond the level of patience and grace I'm willing to extend to them. Yes, it is obvious that you don't care about women. No, I don't care that you rb pretty pictures of them, because at the end of the day you'll turn on them in an instant for any perceived wrong that for your favorite male streamer you would do endless apologia.
Every single woman on the DSMP is treated as an extension of male characters. Every streamer is treated like she doesn't matter unless she's streaming with some guy you actually care about. I've gone through their fanart tags, extensively, and I PROMISE you that the ratio of fanart of them on their own compared to art of them with your favorite white boy is fucking sad. Not to mention how many of these women get doxxed to hell and drug through the mud any time they flirt with a man or do lore that you don't approve of because it slights Tommy or Wilbur in any way.
Do you know the shit that gets slung at female streamers? There's an attitude in certain corners of this fandom that male streamers are over sexualized. Let me tell you about what female ccs go through. There is deepfake porn of every single one of them. There are constant messages about their bodies, about how they don't deserve their fame if they don't wear revealing clothing, and about how they need to cover up more. There are stalkers and rape threats and constant judgment of their actions as inherently sexual and deserving of not just criticism but genuine hatred. Please go watch an unban requests stream and you will see the BAREST minimum of what I'm talking about. The things I have heard people call Niki and Puffy are fucking disgusting, and I can't even imagine what their mods have to see.
If you think Twitchcon SD shoving the only panel for female streamers into a tiny room is bad, I want you to look twice at this community and how it treats women and then tell me you think that's surprising. There were people in line for that panel and for Niki and Hannah's meet n greets who were only there bc they're on the DSMP and stream with the guys you people actually care about. I know because I literally talked to them. They don't know a thing about these CC's content.
Don't pretend like this community is better than how all of twitch treats women. Don't pretend like you care about feminism and then throw completely disproportionate levels of criticism and hate at any woman who fucks up. Don't pretend you care about women within their own narratives and then sideline them at every opportunity in favor of the guys you actually care about. Suck it up and say the quiet part out loud (you don't care about women) and start actually trying to care.
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