deathtopaulallen · 28 days
Patrick was def the type of kid to take play fighting too seriously. He’d be play fighting with Sean or something and randomly start trying to actually beat the shit out of him.
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tf2-ask · 7 months
DTPA was recently held at our ASK! This is what our artists came up with!
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artists: @llamapear
@kok-i-s @willedesbetreibers
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d-velleity · 1 year
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uhhh someone's OC bcos i joined a discord server's DTPA
(draw the person above)
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daignostics123 · 10 months
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Best DTPA Scan Near Me
Find DTPA Scan centers near you in Hyderabad and with affordable prices. Get accurate results and take control of your health. Compare DTPA Scan costs in Hyderabad and book an appointment today.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
Figure 5.3 shows the structure of DTPA.
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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persephoneflouwers · 3 months
I got two vaccines on the same day and it’s been COMPLICATED.
Yesterday I felt like poop for real, I think at some point I had a fever too. I took a paracetamol pill and slept for like 3 hours.
Today I went to the beach but I still feel like poop lol i feel weak and today my head is hurting.
I hope my arms will recover fast 😭
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unreone · 2 years
DTPA Event 1
Yuhhhhh I'm so proud of how this turned out to be!!!
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Art Type: Fully shaded
Character: Altol
Toyhou.se Link:
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((omsgshs yassssss im glad they liked it :DDDDDDD))
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bunistxr · 6 months
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DTPA for Artistic_Raynts
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kidrauhlschik · 1 year
Impudent ~ KSM SMAU
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~ 16. still an asshole ~
marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others : INSOLENT
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TAGLIST: @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats@lethallyprotected @ohish @whiplaaaaaaaaash@iadorethemskz @dawnandyoongi @karma1289 @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lixie-phoria @uno7 @https-skzology @leebitsimpracha @hanniesss @mchslut @vixensss
a/n: I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT THE LAW - I THINK THE DTPA IS ONLY A TEXAS THING - IM NOT FROM TEXAS - ITS JUST FOR PLOT PLS DONT LOOK INTO IT. also made up a name for seungmins dad. also also DID YALL FUCKING SEE THE TRAILER EJHFHIKHWEGIGAWIFGAKW - anyway lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist (im kinda dumb so if i missed msg/comments pls feel free to remind me!)
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kennak · 1 year
これまで何十年ものあいだ、放射性物質が体内に入った場合にとれる選択肢は限られていた。たとえばウランやプルトニウムを含む「アクチノイド」という、原子力兵器や原発によく使われる15種類の金属元素に対しては、「ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸(DTPA、ペンテト酸)」と呼ばれる薬品を使うしかない。1960年代に米食品医薬品局(FDA)によって承認されたDTPAは、有毒金属をつかんで腎臓に運び、尿と一緒に体外に排出する「キレート剤」と呼ばれる分子だ。  しかし、DTPAには重大な欠点があった。これが効果を発揮するアクチノイドは、プルトニウム、アメリシウム、キュリウムという3種類だけなのだ。  また、DTPAはすぐに投与する必要がある。放射性物質が体内に侵入してから24時間以内に投与しなければ、放射性物質が体内の組織や臓器に留まり、効果が大きく薄れてしまうからだ。そのうえ、DTPAは医療の専門家によって静脈内に投与しなければならず、多数の被害者がいるケースで活用するには実用性に欠ける。だがそれ以上に厄介なのは、DTPAが、われわれの体が必要とするカルシウムや亜鉛などの必須ミネラルも排出してしまう傾向をもつことだ。 「長期的に使用すれば、体内のミネラルバランスに多大なダメージを与える可能性があります」と、HOPO 14-1の商業利用に関する調査を行うHOPOセラピューティクス社の共同創業者ジュリアン・リーズ氏は述べている。 ミクロの化学者からのヒント  これらの放射性物質に対するより優れたキレート剤を開発するために、科学者らは自然界、特にバクテリア(細菌)が鉄を運ぶ方法に着目した。  鉄は多くの生物にとって欠かせない栄養素だ。そのため、バクテリアは鉄を捕らえるのに特化した優秀なキレート剤を進化させてきた。「宿主系に侵入している間、バクテリアは『シデロフォア』と呼ばれる分子を放出します。これが鉄を包み込んで非常に安定した形にして、バクテリアがそれを回収するのです」と、HOPOセラピューティクス社の共同創業者でもあるアバージェル氏は説明する。  こうしたミクロサイズの化学者たちにヒントを得て、30年前にケネス・レイモンド氏とパトリシア・ダービン氏(ともにアバージェル氏の大学院時代の指導教員)は、重金属を運ぶキレート剤の開発に着手した。  現在臨床試験中のHOPO 14-1は、ウラン、ネプツニウム、プルトニウム、アメリシウム、キュリウムと結合できることから、大きな期待が寄せられている。こうした金属の中にはサイズが大きいものもあり、キレート剤はそれらを「完全に包み込める」ことが望ましいと、アバージェル氏は言う。  分子に4つの「爪」をもち、1つの爪に2つの結合部位があるHOPO 14-1は、標的の放射性金属を8カ所でつかんでしっかりと固定し、それを腸に送り込んで便と一緒に排出させることができる。  また、この薬剤は、カルシウムなどの生理学的に重要な分子は捕えないとみられ、その分DTPAよりも害が少ない。たとえHOPO 14-1を通常の量の100倍投与した場合でも、皿の中で培養したヒト細胞は、通常と変わらない様子で機能し続ける。
放射性物質を体から除去する薬の治験開始、原発事故の備えに、米 | ナショナル ジオグラフィック日本版サイト
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thatpocketninja · 1 year
Footsteps approach. A keypad beeps. Metal creaks shrilly. "Hey, Dirt." [...] "You hear me? I'm talkin to you." Chains shift softly. "I got questions for you. And you're gonna answer 'em." [...]
"Abby Singdale, my friend, you know her? She's hit. Bad. Critical condition." [...] "We patched up the hole but, thing is, hole ain't whats killin her. It's radiation. A lot. Know anything about that?" [...] "Listen, Dirt. If you're not gonna talk we got no use for you. I'll just execute you myself." "Heheh... Reyes... I'm already dead. As are you... Nothing but corpses in this cell..." A horrid cough echoes through the room. "Tell me... what you know." "Room full of corpses..." A chuckle. "Are you even listenin? Abby is going to DIE. You are a horrid, vile, old man, but even you must have some shred of humanity left in that crippled body. You're not gonna do anything to help?" [...] "Fine." Footsteps recede. Metal creaks again. "Antimatter rounds." Creaking pauses. "What?" Footsteps approach, quickly. "Antimatter rounds. We... we tested them. Briefly, during the lunar war. Incredibly lethal. One round, enough to take out man and mech alike." "Briefly? What, they too lethal? Compromise your moral code or whatever? I find that hard to believe." "We had morals, once. Lines we wouldn't cross... But no. Too expensive. One point two million dollars for a single box. We only made one. Not even enough for one mission." "One box? One? Then tell me how my mechs were gettin mowed down by the stuff not twenty minutes ago." Chains shift. A chuckle. "Room full of corpses..." [...] "Abby... how do we help her?" "The girl, yes. If the bullet didn't kill her, the radiation will. Could be hours, could be days, could be weeks. But it will." "Then fucking tell us how to stop it." "She needs radiation treatment. DTPA. It'll help pass the sickness. And maybe she lives. Not that you have any of that here." [...] Footsteps recede. Metal creaks. "I... I appreciate... ah forget it." SLAM. A keypad beeps. Footsteps recede.
"Heh... whole fort full of corpses..."
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abraaocostaof · 18 days
Caruaru intensifica imunização devido aumento de casos de coqueluche; saiba quem pode se imunizar
Doses estão disponíveis de segunda a sexta-feira nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde da zona urbana, das 8h às 16h, e na zona rural, das 8h às 15h. Saiba onde tomar o imunizante em Caruaru. Prefeitura de Caruaru A Prefeitura de Caruaru, Agreste de Pernambuco divulgou que o Ministério da Saúde ampliou a aplicação da vacina dTpa (Difteria, Tétano e Coqueluche) para novos grupos prioritários, em resposta…
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puppyregect-org · 2 months
another art dump woo!!! rip 2 my sharp/ agressive style might bring it back tho third img is my dtpa from @/chocoperrito's server (i nono wanna ping) its actually his oc june!! June uses all pronouns/pref 4 plant+fruit xenos some are failed sonas i might finish and some are fursonas i made 4 my friends ^^
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missioninjurylaw · 2 months
About | injury law firm | personal injury lawyers san antonio
Your Texas advocates for justice and compensation. With a relentless commitment to our clients and a deep understanding of Texas law, we’re here to fight for you every step of the way.
At Mission Injury Law, we’re not your typical law firm. We’re exclusive, dedicated solely to handling serious cases, particularly drunk driving accidents, crashes caused by dangerous company drivers, and wrongful death. We’re lawyers for people who don’t like lawyers. We offer a fresh approach that prioritizes compassion and understanding, ensuring that every client feels like family. Meet Will Clark Founder & Lead Attorney
Will Clark is a hard-working and aggressive Texas trial lawyer. He prides himself on always putting his clients first and stopping at nothing to make sure they get the results and respect that they deserve.
  Meet Noah Lombardo Attorney Noah is a trial attorney with Mission Injury Law, and has been practicing law since 2016. His background includes insurance litigation, worker’s compensation nonsubscriber litigation, commercial litigation, DTPA disputes, and maritime law.
Meet Amanda Hazleton Attorney Amanda has more than 18 years of experience in personal injury litigation, having represented both injured individuals and those on the defense – individuals, companies, and insurance companies. 
More Info : personal injury lawyers san antonio
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schoje · 2 months
Com a ocorrência de casos de coqueluche no país e o inverno intenso em Santa Catarina, a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde (SES) alerta para a importância da vacinação contra a doença. A coqueluche é uma doença infecciosa que afeta as vias respiratórias, causando crises de tosse seca e falta de ar. É altamente transmissível, já que o contaminado pode infectar outras pessoas através de gotículas da tosse, espirros ou mesmo ao falar. Apesar dos sintomas serem parecidos com os de um resfriado, com febre, tosse, coriza, dores no corpo e cansaço, se não tratar a tosse pode aumentar consideravelmente. “A tosse se prolonga, chegando ao ponto da pessoa tossir intensamente e depois precisa inspirar profundamente, conhecida popularmente como tosse guincho”, explica a enfermeira da Diretoria de Vigilância Epidemiológica (Dive), Gisele Barreto. Por ser uma doença respiratória, a sua transmissão se dá principalmente pelo contato direto do doente com uma pessoa não vacinada. “Em casos mais raros, a transmissão pode ocorrer por objetos recentemente contaminados com secreções de pessoas doentes”, finaliza a enfermeira. A doença acomete principalmente crianças e lactentes até os seis meses de idade, e a vacinação é a principal forma de controle. O imunizante faz parte do Calendário Nacional de Vacinação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e está disponível nos postos de saúde pelo estado. “Esta vacina é feita também na gestante, porque o bebê vacinado só alcança a proteção efetiva após concluir o esquema primário com a vacina pentavalente, aos 6 meses. Então, a vacinação da gestante tem o objetivo de proteger a criança até um ano. Precisamos avançar na vacinação de todas as pessoas com indicação da vacina, considerando que muitos países vêm registrando aumento de casos em 2024, e a vacinação continua sendo a melhor estratégia para combater a doença”, alerta João Augusto Brancher Fuck, diretor da Dive. VACINAS PÚBLICO ALVO Vacina pentavalente:Imuniza contra difteria, tétano, coqueluche, haemophilus influenzae do tipo b e hepatite B Crianças:1ª dose (2 meses) 2ª dose (4 meses) 3ª dose (6 meses) Vacina DTP:Previne a difteria, o tétano e a coqueluche (ou pertussis) Reforço(15 meses)Reforço (4 anos) Vacina dTpa: Previne a difteria, o tétano e a coqueluche (ou pertussis) Gestantes (Gestantes em cada nova gravidez)Profissionais de saúde (A cada 10 anos) Cobertura Vacinal Mesmo com o resgate das coberturas vacinais do Calendário Básico de Vacinação no Estado, a vacina pentavalente, que protege contra a coqueluche, está em 86,36% de cobertura acumulada até maio de 2024 em Santa Catarina. No ano de 2023, a cobertura vacinal chegou a 90,87%. A meta anual é de 95% de imunização. O Ministério da Saúde (MS) publicou em 03 de junho uma nota técnica com alerta sobre a ocorrência da coqueluche no país e a importância da vacinação contra a doença. Confira a nota aqui. Sinais e sintomas No primeiro, o mais leve, os sintomas são parecidos com o de um resfriado:Mal-estar geralCorrimento nasalTosse secaFebre baixa Depois, a tosse seca piora e outros sinais podem aparecer:– Tosse passa de leve e seca para severa e descontroladaTosse pode ser tão intensa que pode comprometer a respiraçãoCrise de tosse pode provocar vômito ou cansaço extremo Os sinais e sintomas da coqueluche duram entre seis a 10 semanas, podendo durar mais tempo, conforme o quadro clínico e a situação de cada caso. Na suspeita da doença, procure um serviço de saúde mais próximo de sua residência. Informações adicionais para a imprensa:Amanda Mariano / Bruna Matos / Patrícia PozzoNUCOM – Diretoria de Vigilância Epidemiológica (Dive)Secretaria de Estado da SaúdeFone: (48) 3664-7406 | 3664-7402E-mail: [email protected]: @divesantacatarinaFacebook: /divesantacatarina Fonte: Governo SC
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hotnew-pt · 2 months
Casos de coqueluche aumentam; quando tomar a vacina?
Profissionais de saúde entram na lista de proteção. Desde 2019, a vacina dTpa passou a ser indicada também a profissionais da saúde, parteiras tradicionais e estagiários da área da saúde atuantes em UTIs (unidades de terapia intensiva), UCIs (unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatal convencional) e berçários, como complemento do esquema vacinal para difteria e tétano ou como reforço para aqueles…
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