#dualscar on the other hand
vikkirosko · 6 months
Can I request Male Mindfang, Male Condesce and Male Handmaid (separately) with a female troll matesprit reader ?
When the man loves to brag a little too much or have an angry monologue, reader just shuts him up by kissing him. Reader does that without notice, even when the two are in front of everyone.
Headcanons Shut him up
♈ Male!Handmaid ♥️ troll fem!Reader 🥢
Handmaid often visited Alternia and it was there that he met you. When you became his matesprite, you often began to communicate. He often complained to you about people who annoyed him, especially Doc Scratch. You listened to him for a long time, but when he was distracted from the original purpose of the conversation, you began to get annoyed and so that he finally stopped talking, you came up with a way for him to stop talking for at least a couple of minutes
When he once again began to tell something in a fit of emotion, forgetting about what you were talking about at the beginning, you took his face in your hands and kissed him, without even giving him a chance to say anything
Handmaid quickly realized the reason for this and began to take advantage of the fact that you kissed him when he talked too much. He started talking too much on purpose for you to kiss him. As soon as you kissed him, he would pull you towards him, continuing your kiss and taking the initiative. You didn't push him away. You knew perfectly well that he was doing it on purpose, but it didn't bother you
Handmaid understood that sooner or later he would have to leave you. He knew that Doc Scratch wouldn't let him stay with you or take you with him to keep you safe, so he intended to spend as much time with you as possible until he had to leave you forever
♏ Male!Marquise Spinneret Mindfang ♥️ troll fem!Reader 🦾
Mindfang loved to talk. He talked for a long time with both his comrades and his enemies. You were his matesprite and were constantly on his ship, which means you often heard his monologues. When you first started a relationship, you stood quietly a little to the side, not interfering with his talking, but when his long conversations began to bother you, you came up with a way to get him distracted and shut up
When his speech to the team took too long, you went up to him and, placing your palms on his cheeks, kissed him. It didn't bother you that his team members were looking at you. It bothered him even less. He pulled you closer, continuing your kiss. Mindfang wasn't bothered that you interrupted his speech. He could improvise if necessary. Your attention was much more precious to him
Even when he was talking to Dualscar, you could interfere in their conversation by distracting your matesprite again with a kiss. Mindfang was not against it, on the contrary, he used it to further anger his opponent. You didn't pay attention to the outrages that you heard out of the corner of your ear. What was more important to you was that Mindfang finally stopped talking
Mindfang was well aware that you used kisses to make him stop talking. He started doing exactly the same thing. When he started to get annoyed because you talked to someone for too long, he would come up to you, pull you to him and kiss you. You didn't care what others would think of you. You had red feelings for each other and that was enough for you
♓ Male!Condesce ♥️ troll fem!Reader 🐙
You, being Condesce's matesprite, often accompanied him. You were a frequent witness to his long monologues and at first you really calmly waited for him to finish, but your patience was quickly running out and so that he finally stopped talking, you came up with a way to silence him
Every time he started walking around the room and saying his monologue, you would approach him and before he could say anything, you would kiss him. He was taller than you, so you had to stand on your toes, but you kissed him anyway, not wanting to hear about his plans for other planets every time
Even when he was giving a speech in front of an audience, if it got too annoying for you, you intervened by kissing him. It didn't bother you that you were in plain sight. No one dared to say anything in order not to provoke the emperor's anger, and he even liked what you did when he talked too much
Condesce liked it when you kissed him, so he often started talking a lot on purpose. If someone else had tried to silence him, he would have been executed immediately, after all, he was the emperor, but he was ready to forgive you a lot. You were his matesprite and only you could make him stop talking
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davekat-sucks · 5 months
This is dumb and petty but that paradox space comic about Dualscar's death always irks me and I consider it especially fucking dubiously canon because of it. Because: how the literal fuck do you write that comic and not end it with Dualscar being hanged via rope??? Like such a simple literacy and storytelling check for the writer and they fail it. Like okay, you have a character based off of Captain Ahab, the scars, hunts white whales, name of the gun, hubris, yada yada. Ahab's prophesy was that he'd die to hemp rope, which because of his hubris he dismisses as him dying by the gallows, and so he doesn't have to worry for as long as he hunts the white whale. (Then he dies caught on a whaleline what a schmuck lol.)
Then, you have Dualscar being a pirate go to fucking court to snitch, apparently expecting to come out all well and dandy? That's what you call goddamned hubris. Method of execution is never mentioned in the webcomic proper because to anybody with functioning brain it should be obvious subtext. And this fucking writer, this dumb ass motherfucker of a writer, does not twist fate so that Dualscar dies a death by the gallows because his hubris. By the way, his execution also serving narratively to bring misses fucking gallows calibrator Redglare WHO IS IN THE COMIC into the ancestors story. Bring back the whole Ahab theme? Nope. Absolutely writing incompetence I hate that comic so much.
And oooooh before you ignorant nasally voiced "well acktually" motherfuckers who I already hear start: "oH bUt He HaS gIlLs sO hE cAn BrEaTh StIlL!" DIE. That's not how gills work fucking idiots. Morons. Imbeciles. Dumbasses. You pull a fish out of water and expect it to breath with its gills?? You're stupid.
Also just a flat out missed opportunity for the jokey tone the comic is going for because it's the notorious GHB, you know, whose alt lives are all about puppets??? String Dualscar up like a marionette on top of the noose and make him do a stupid little jig as his humiliating death, which makes GHB laugh after he's already dead. So simple it writes itself.
Hanging is more of Neophyte Redglare's thing. And Dualscar's death has more connection relating to the Grand Highblood, which means the x3 Showdown Combo would have been Eridan, his descendent, taking revenge against Gamzee. People had speculated that Eridan would be the one to beat Gamzee to complete the circle. Though if Dualscar was hanged, it would also be fitting for Eridan to also be hung via his scarf. So it would have happened to him at some point too. Whether as a joke or by someone's hands, namely Terezi because she follows her Ancestor's footsteps to bring justice and did the same for her Pyralspite plushies. If Dualscar's death of his body to made out like a puppet, then it would give more weight to Doc Scratch's warning about how Eridan would fall into despair and go Murderstuck. That Doc Scratch knew that it would happen and intentionally made it so. Despite Eridan was also someone who would be destined to fight against Lord English, his ties with his ancestor, even after giving up his ideals of following him, still lingers because he would be controlled by someone else.
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Dualscar's death of being a joke probably was Hussie's take of how Ahab died in a hilarious way. Thus, he made it that Dualscar died from a literal joke. It's call subversion, anon. Something that he uses quite a lot to think he is a hot shit writer that nobody has done before. It's not like he has to follow exact beats of Moby Dick for Eridan. If he did, then what would be considered Eridan losing a leg? He's still able-bodied. Closest other nautical aquatic theme the violetblood gets is the unrequited love like it was in the original The Little Mermaid. Another is that in Mindfang's journal, despite that Dualscar was her ex-kismesis, she laughed and pity about Dualscar's demise not being as grand as others like how the Sufferer/Signless was shot to death or how Redglare died from mind controlled subjects. But it could also be the case the Mindfang is an unreliable narrator. Everything about the history of the Ancestor prior to Doc Scratch's own telling was through her eyes. There could be bias and she decided to make fun of Dualscar even if they weren't as close as they were. So maybe it shouldn't be taken too seriously if the 8tich herself is just as shady. And true, Paradox Space comics is considered questionably canon. There are some stories like Vrisky Business, The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse, or Crowbar's story here, that actually give an interesting take of things we wish we could have seen or had wondered how those certain characters acted behind the scenes of the webcomic. And then there's stuff like Relation Shipping, Con Faire, or Horseplay, which are more gag stories that shouldn't be taken seriously. Paradox Space might just fall into the category of pick and choose which is considered canon or not. After all, people probably wouldn't take this part of Summerteen Romance as an actual thing of how the troll reproduction works. Just like how with Hussie, you have to pick and choose what he says is to be taken seriously or not.
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sludgewolf · 2 years
hello!! can you write cronus being friends with human eridan’s matesprit (m or gn)? ty!!
thanks for sending this ask this is such a different and cool idea, im so sry it took so long ;-;
Warning: none rly, just some sibling behavior between the Amporas/ maybe foul language
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
A Spy on the Inside - platonic Cronus x Eridan's human matesprit!reader
Despite how clingy Eridan is with you he's still very privy about his personal life
not with you, but with his "extended family"
it took him some perigees being with you before you to even met his lusus
in Eri’s defense his charge has a horrible temper and has hated everyone he met before meeting you
But Cronus is a whole different thing
Eridan told you multiple stories when you were meeting each other of his great ancestor, a troll legend that worked under )(er Imperious Condescension herself, the Orphaner Dualscar
and now that he met pre-scratch Dualscar and it was just bizarre to say the least, and to be honest, he didn't really like him at all
he actively avoided the older Ampora every chance he got
and he would do anything in his power to keep you as far away from the sea douche as possible
When you asked him about it he waved his hands around telling you that you're just to handsome and precious for Cronus to not flirt with you 
Eridan also told you of the not at all pleasant experience he had when he met Cronus
and with that you decided that you yourself didn't really want o meet the failed Orphaner 
Especially because of all descriptions you heard of him from the others, he sounded like a creep, a weirdo and someone you wouldn't aproach without at least bear spray and a taser
But as always, fate had other plans for you
Today you were going out to grab yourself some coffee, take a walk to get out of the house for a bit and have some time for yourself
Cronus, who just can't mind his damn business for the life of him, saw you for afar, he immediately recognised the scarf Eridan "lent you" and approached you
fortunately not with the intention to flirt or even bother you, but with a plan to piss his little dancestor off as much as possible
Cronus ended up actually being someone fun and easy to talk to and once he revealed to you his diabolical plan, you were immediately on board
Every time you saw each other you would tell some of the most embarrassing stories of Eridan that would come to your minds or coming up with various different pranks you could pull on the small troll
and next time you saw said troll you'd drop little hints that you knew of some stories he has too embarrased to tell you
But as time went on you started to hang out more and more just for the fun of it, to enjoy each other’s company 
And once the little violet found you out he was pissed
as well as worried for you
But when he found out you and cronus were just being little shits together, no second intentions, he went back to being pissed
for a whole ass week he didn't talk to neither of you
not until you showed up at his door with ice cream and some shitty fashion police episodes
Little Danny really missed you and jumped into your arms as soon as he opened the door
He knew he couldn't do much about your new friendship other than cutely pout at you while you laughed
Eridan loves your laugh and always tries to make you smile, but not when it is because youre laughing at his old wiggler photos Cronus got from Skyhorse Dad
Despite all the teasing and joking around you still loved him and didn't just want to make fun of him
so you and Cro started to work together, once more behind Danny’s back, but this time to craft him a surprise
Together you wrote him a short story of a prince who was prophesied by angels to use their magical powers to defeat a great evil, said destiny being passed down to them by their ancestor who failed to fulfill it 
ok, cronus came up with most of the plot and ofc, the self centered bitch had to insert himself in some way
but the idea was just so fun that you just needed to write it
besides, it didn't need to be super good, it just had to be readable and fun for Eri
Once you present the gift to him all the pouting and grumbling is gone and in it’s place you got an arm full of matesprit 
As much as your fish prince pretends that he doesn't like magic you can literally see how his eyes light up and how his ear fins flicker with curiosity when it comes to it
And while reading your story its no different 
the troll curls up on one of his softest piles, dragging you with him for cuddles, and reads it all in one day 
Eridan just absolutely loves it all, the overused plot, how the main character is “just so like him!”, the grammar mistakes you ended up overlooking 
by nightfall he’s purring to you until you fall asleep as a thanks, he will maybe talk to Cronus next night, right now he’d rather be spending some time with you
since cronus stole you away for some nights for this -3-
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almostourgalaxy · 17 days
Butchers and Lawyers
You have grown accustomed to the idea that your supervisor might be the single most badass person on the planet. Most legislacerators balk at the idea of stepping into a port town, and risking conflict with seadwellers.
But, to be fair, most legislacerators are teal bloods, and don’t have the church’s protection. Actually, you… don’t think Jaekel counts as a legislacerator. You’re pretty sure she’s just a subjugglator the court keeps hiring.
“I’m a contorturenist,” She snarls suddenly, from a few steps ahead of you, “Not a fuckin’ subjugglator. Those are two different things.” You still can’t tell the difference, but okay. She’s a contorturenist the courts keep hiring.
She snarls, and you feel a sudden stab of dread rip across your frame. Watch yourself, Morrhehn, or you’ll lose that blaska. It’s their word for an ignorance sponge, you think.
The lack of growling reprimand tells you you’re correct.
You bound up beside her, chuffing inquisitively. To say you have to look up at her is an understatement.
Teal bloods are lucky to get maybe nine strut prongs tall, and you’ve never been that lucky. You’re about seven prongs. Jaekel’s at least eleven.
But, enough on her being fucking enormous holy shit- “So, where are we going, exactly?” She hadn’t told you, just grabbed you by the back of your shirt collar and hauled you out the door with her.
“Some fuckin’ blue blood,” She uses the same tone seadwellers do when they say landdweller, “Came up dead in town. And because they count as highbloods,” That also sounded like an insult, “We gotta go investigate.”
“That’s-” “A complete waste of my valuable time as a highly trained contorturenist? I agree. I went to advanced schoolfeeding for this shit, you know.”
She shakes her head, grumbling still. “Just hope those fuckin’ brine drinkers haven’t gotten there first.”
They had. Jaekel barely spots them before she starts barking curses at the group of violet bloods circled around the body.
Most of them,the younger ones mainly, you notice, scramble back, yelping and trilling. Two of them don’t even react.
One doesn’t even bother turning to look at you, and you suddenly realize why Jaekel was so keen to get here before them.
They’re cutting up the body. One of the two who didn’t move has a butcher’s cut chart in his hands, and several of the smaller ones are holding butcher’s paper and twine.
The other one still crouched by the body has a cleaver in his hand, and is actively sawing off part of the indigo’s arm.
Jaekel bellows angrily at him, a series of words you’d never think to call a seadweller to their face, let alone say around a pod of them.
He doesn’t respond right away, letting her rant and shout at him, before he calls dryly over his shoulder once she’s quieted down.
“Ya done JJ?” He waves the severed arm nonchalantly, “We’re kinda busy here.” “I can see that!” She snarls, “Busy carvin’ up my victim!”
He turns to look at her with an agitated huff.
You recoil. His face is mangled, one eye socket exposed and both cheeks torn away. His horn’s are bleached white and peeling, or what’s left of the right one, the left one’s gone, and so’s the fin on that side. He takes a deep, rattling inhale, and you hear the whistle of air through the tattered holes in his neck that used to be gills.
“Jaekel,” he rasps, like she’s annoying him, “I got better shit to do than listen to you yap at me all day. And I’m sure you’ve got better shit to do than stand here and yell at a group of guys tryin’ to have fuckin lunch.”
“You’d think. But this is a murder, and I have a job to do. Even if it is a massive waste of time.”
He laughs at that, a horrible, whistling, choking shriek of a sound. “They got you runnin’ ragged, ain’t they arkn-kor?”
He tilts his head slightly, and you falter as you catch a glimpse of the Aquarius sign on the medallion around his neck.
She’s arguing with Orphaner Dualscar. Jaekel is arguing with Orphaner fucking Dualscar.
The Emissary’s Hound steps forward, purring as he moves. He’s leaning on a crutch, and it briefly winds you that something was strong enough to rip the Butcher of La’Maw’s fucking leg off.
Jaekel seems unfazed when he puts himself in front of her, tipping his head back to look her in the eye.
You think he’s grinning, you’re not sure if that’s what that expression is.
“C’mon, big sister,” He croons, still chuckling, “Eat with us, they won’t know.” There’s a series of mutters and huffing growls, before Dualscar snaps his head around and bellows.
“Hasssh-prishi et breshra reriir bri ella-renhrreh!” The others fall quiet in an instant.
A shiver rolls down your back. Jaekel nods slowly. “Tempting, but our present company seems less than enthused to have us for lunch. And I have a schedule to keep.”
He looks towards you, his tail lashing suddenly. “And what about her? You not hungry, Roshal-ellala?”
“We want answers, not food,” You say as firmly as your voice will let you. The Orphaner shrugs.
“Simple enough,” He sighs, “Y’all are no fun, y’know that?” Jaekel growls softly, and he continues.
“He tried to nab some cash out of Kathri here’s pocket, and we packed him.” He says it like he’s talking about the weather, and not recounting culling someone.
Jaekel eyes him incredulously, before shrugging. “Fine then, lie if you want. We’ll call it self defense, and leave it at that,”
You open your mouth to object, and she cuts you off with a look, “He’s just a fuckin ruffiannihilator. They’re a Ceager a dozen. ”
“Tasty as hell though,” the Orphaner cackles. He watches you walk away, that single eye burning a hole in your back, before he returns to the body and grabs the knife again.
Your stomach turns as the sound of wet sawing fills the air.
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ixmelodix · 10 months
On: Names and Titles
Troll names come in two different categories: personal names and titles.
Personal names (or hatchnames) are six letters long and "chosen" by the troll upon their wriggling day; though culture suggests they choose them themselves, in reality lusii generally help with or straight up take over the process, making sure the name is at least somewhat pronounceable and that it is not identical to another living troll (which is checked by the system they use to submit the name). This prevents names like "Uohsdg" or "Nnndnn" (mostly; exceptions have happened when the lusus did not interfere) as well as keeping two trolls from sharing the same name.
Last names (or signnames), also six letters, are tied to and assigned by the troll's sign.
While trolls generally will continue to be known by their personal name throughout most of their lives, they may also choose (or be assigned) a title or titles. These come in two forms: the "nickname" or private title, and the "descriptive" or public title. Both types are generally (but not always) eight letters long.
Private titles include titles like "Dualscar" or "Darkleer"; these are almost always self-chosen, and mostly used by others within the troll's peer group. Trolls can have more than one of these; in fact, the only qualification for a private title is that other trolls must use it. If no other troll will refer to another by their chosen private title, it is considered invalid. Occasionally, a private title will end up sticking from others using it even though the troll themself does not choose it. These are considered valid private titles, even if the troll in question does not like them, as long as they're in use.
Private titles do not need to be registered, but generally are; if a private title is not registered, it is not protected, and another troll may use and register it later. Registered private titles may be used again once the troll is at least five sweeps deceased, unless the troll was important enough that the name is remembered by those in power. (Dualscar is a title legally protected past his death, for instance.) Even if a title is not legally protected, however, it is uncommon for another troll to attempt to take it if it is at all known; and if even if they try, it may not be used by others who might hold more respect for the deceased troll than the one trying to take the title, preventing it from being legalized.
Private titles are more commonly used by highbloods, who seek to distinguish themselves or distance themselves from a later-disliked personal name (or from their past as a whole). Older trolls are more likely to have one or more private titles than younger ones.
Public titles, on the other hand, are almost never chosen by the troll themself; these are generally bestowed upon a troll, either through general use by peers (colloquial) or by someone of higher rank (legal). Public titles always take the form of "the [word]" (eg the Summoner, the Orphaner).
Trolls are permitted one legal public title, which must be registered by someone of higher rank than the troll themself (usually the one who bestowed said title); only about 15% of trolls even have one. Some trolls may gain "colloquial" public titles (e.g. the Signless) that are not considered official; these are ignored at a legislative level. The Champion is another example of a colloquial public title.
Legal public titles are only protected for the length of the troll's life; however, once a title has been (legally) registered to a troll, only trolls of that same blood caste may have that title (eg, another violetblood might be called the Orphaner, but a rust or a blue could not be, legally). Essentially, once a public title is given, it is tied permanently to that caste. Only the Condesce herself may change the caste a title is assigned to.
(Colloquially used, non-legal titles obviously do not suffer from this restriction.)
A troll may try to choose their own public title, but legalization depends on them getting someone of a higher rank (though a higher blood caste is not necessarily required) choosing to submit the registration of said name. Once registered, a public title cannot be changed except by someone who significantly outranks the original registering troll.
Given the large number of higher-ranking trolls (that might be amenable to registering a title) above most lowbloods, public titles are more common among them than among higher blood castes.
The Empress frequently amuses herself by bestowing public titles on trolls who catch her attention - whether positively or negatively. This has led to some unfortunate trolls being stuck - very much legally - with titles like "the Assblood" or "the Pretense". As no one outranks the Empress, these titles are permanent (unless she changes her mind) and will overrule any previously given title. She generally saves negative titles for lowerblooded trolls, but not always. (The Pretense is a particularly inept violetblood, for instance.)
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Marquise Spinneret Mindfang
Act 5, page 3507-3510
~ On the 14th 8ilunar perigee of the 2nd dim season's equinox ~
The Orphaner poses a caliginous riddle like no other I've met. I am presuming him 8othered 8y jealousy, and it would 8e sickening if it were not so marvelously amusing. 8ut then, who 8ut royalty could have the finned cheek to show disdain for the manner in which his 8lack lover conducts her red conquests? Less has acceler8ted meeker than I to homicide, and the viol8tion would hold me aghast, again, if his misgivings did not complement his so endearing arsenal of qu8nt flaws. It is impossi8le to stifle this grin even now as I write.
He surely understands this as my maritime overlord, a superior while through gritting fangs he would concede the expanse of my plunder makes his seem hardly worthwhile to trou8le a map with good ink over. I know he understands. I will take what I want. I expect nothing less from Dualscar, and truly, less would offend me. Is it the crude 8lood of the suitors from which I have taken enjoyment recently? If his displeasure is with my 8lithe treatment of the social order then he has either not spent enough time in the warm company of my indifference, or is simply very stupid. I saw the look he gave. He's so secure in knowing I can't feel what's in his mind he forgets the tr8torous ways of his own face. His little looks are words to me, interjections in our deliciously 8itter repartee. First a look as I summon a slave from the hold, with such ease 8etween my remarks. Why yes, Dualscar, they were the very slaves in your hold until 8ut this hour. Another ship deployed carelessly, languishing in strategic vulnera8ility. Is this not our routine? Our dance? What is this look, my dear kismesis? Is it shame? Envy? Contempt for what he knows will follow?
I nod her over. She is fearful and it makes her prettier. He scoffs without a movement or sound. I know there is disgust feeding the shadows in his corner of my 8lock. At least prick her in the light, he surely thinks. Determine what vulgar hue she 8leeds 8efore persisting with your a8asement, Marquise. Do try to understand, Orphaner. Not knowing is the point, and if you truly understood this, your crusade against the Gam8lignants would not 8e among our Grand High8lood's most uproarious punchlines. (If only one truly needed to 8e so high to find it amusing!) And so not knowing, I take her will, 8ut leave enough of it to enjoy her response. Her hands are in my service 8ut they still shake. They unfasten the first 8utton at my jacket's waist, clumsily. I have masked the line 8etween my puppeteering and her volition exquisitely, and her uncertainty over her own control fuels her fear. She unfastens the second 8utton, and 8etween the second and third, I make a casual remark to Dualscar, continuing our convers8tion. He does not respond.
I look again at the face of my slave, imagining for a moment her mind is not an unguarded port to her every dread. I imagine I cannot feel her conviction that it's not merely a matter of whether she will 8e put to the irons, 8ut how hot they will 8e if she fails to please. Poor thing. Her horns make attractive shapes and pair themselves pleasantly amidst her violent snarls of hair. Her fingers, which I have lost track of, to my surprise have come 8etween the petticoat and my skin. The heat of her touch tells me the likely range for the color of her 8lood. I wouldn't have guessed it to look at her, not with her sign stripped. Her mouth opens slightly and I squint. Ah! Razor sharp, and none missing. Perfect. How disappointing it is to find quivering lips hiding dull teeth. I pause to consider. What will her fear 8ecome if I choose to show her mercy later? And even, in days, kindness? Will this 8e the red dalliance that 8ecomes fully flushed? Love demands my cunning just as my raids. If it is to 8e, she will never understand how thoroughly she was manipul8ted, her 8ody, her mind, her devotion.
I remem8er Dualscar again. My distraction from our 8anter was momentarily a8solute, and I inquire into the shadows. 8ut he is gone.
Then go, my kismesis. Fume with the indign8tion I gave you. I can only pray it 8lackens our 8ond. I must know such exhi8itions agit8 him and hence why I 8other, otherwise it would 8e easy to dismiss him 8efore I partook. Let it 8e a gift of antagoniz8tion to you, my dear rival, on which you may 8rew pitch for me anew. And if it is true envy, a vermilion yearning I can't a8ide, then though it pains me it will 8e farewell.
Alas, it may 8e that I am too good at spurring h8. Too good, at least, for him. I only hope he is not so foolish as to tread a path of less torrid malice.
For if he does........
~ On the 16th ~
My suspicions have 8een confirmed. I'm not grinning anymore, Dualscar.
Our orderly contention has dissolved right 8efore my vision 8fold. It was once a handsome 8lack, 8ut now sits like good strong tea sullied and cooled 8y unwelcome dairy.
Thus my heart was 8roken twice. I was fond of the slave. There was surely promise in her red investment. He had her assassin8ed.
And so I am visited 8y a 8it of 8ad luck for a change. It's not possi8le to evade it forever, I suppose. I will simply have to endure the misfortune of o8serving his 8ase and artless measures of retali8tion.
He's applied his own resources to increase the 8ounty on my head. I wonder if he intends such a laugha8ly ineffectual gesture as anything more than a formality, a sym8ol of his intent. If not, my smile. How it threatens to revisit. Almost.
I've 8roken laws, yes. 8ut what has there 8een to pay for? If any act I've taken should demand a 8ounty, it was paid up front. I foot the 8ill myself with guile and supremacy.
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dnd anon!!
I'm sorry that I'm missed, I just have a lot of stuff going on (school is a lot right now) and haven't had the time to come up with hs dnd stuff recently. I think I was doing dice collections last? And I think I was on the ancestors? so here we go!! sorry if I did this one before, I kinda forget where I left off. and If I did do this before there will almost definitely be points where I contradict myself, so sorry about that.
the ancestors dice collections! this is the hardest group for me to get a feel of their characterization for because of how little we know about them, so as always these are just my thoughts:
The Handmaid: one set, made of bone. she doesn't remember where she got them.
The Summoner: Has a few sets, not full dice hoarding though. A few animal themed ones, and one plain set that came in a starter set. Has a dice tower, but no dice jail. Might have a dice case for a favorite set.
The Psiioniic: prefers digital rollers (if they had space travel they definitely had enough tech for a random number generator) but has two sets of nice metal dice that he uses for really important rolls.
The Signless: Rainbow dice. Also has a few sets of bone dice the disciple made for him, a bright red set, and a bunch of sets given to him by friends, family and his followers. People just started giving him dice. He's a dice hoarder, but has never actually gone out of his way to buy/make a set for himself.
The Disciple: Bone and stone dice. Has a dice tower and a dice jail, but doesn't really use either too much. Gives her dice personalities, and uses them for different rolls based on what they 'like' doing (just vibes, no real reasoning)
The Dolorosa: Has a set given to her by the signless. They're too precious to her for her to ever use (they aren't really well balanced, he made them himself.), so instead uses a simple wooden set. She also has some extra sets to hand out in case someone forgets theirs.
Redglare: A red set and a teal set, with a few extra d20s. A dice jail which is almost always in use. The extra d20s are because sometimes all her d20s are in dice jail and not quite done their sentence but she has a session soon so needs to get a new one.
Mindfang: ONLY her d8s. She will find a way to make any roll with her d8s. It's useless arguing with her, but at least it makes it more likely for her to get mid-range rolls instead of high rolls, so it's basically harmless. What's not harmless however are the wild magic effects of her dice, so maybe she should just switch to digital (she won't).
Darkleer: A metal set. Nothing too fancy, just some good functional dice.
The Grand Highblood: HUGE collection. Dice hoarder. Collector of weird dice. Not all of them are fully balanced, but he doesn't use all of them anyways. They're mostly just pretty. He has dice with smaller dice inside, dice with all manners of inclusions, light up dice, crystal dice, glitter dice, unusually shaped dice, all the dice. He has a dice jail and when he puts one in he normally forgets about it and ends up thinking he lost it. Also has a big dice tower.
Dualscar: A few sets, mostly stone or jewels. Doesn't have a tower or jail, but does have a carrying case for a few of his favorite sets.
)(IC: Hot pink glitter dice, gold-plated metal dice, and a few sets of gemstone dice. Has a dice tower, dice jail, and a carrying case for each set.
Well there we go! I'm nowhere near as confident that I'm characterizing the ancestors properly as I am with the other characters I do this stuff for, so this is entirely based on vibes. If anyone has any other ideas about this then feel free to say so, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
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pumpkinofthedale · 3 years
So part of the plight of being Ampora trash is that theres never enough fics about them and you write both Eri and Cro so well that I must ask if you're considering writing some Dual or Eri fics? I'm sorry I've been rereading your works lately and I can't get enough of your writting
That's so sweet!!!! Thank you!!!
I am currently working on a couple of dualscar one shots and maaaaaaybe something longer if I still feel compelled after finishing good endings only, but those are small mostly nsfw things.
I don't really have anything planned for eridan currently, but maybe one day I will write something. It's unlikely, but I wouldn't rule it out 100%
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splickedylit · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i'm still lost in the sauce, lads
[pt 1]
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yanyan-stuck · 2 years
How would Dualscar react to his darling asking to be his matesprit? Would he become less violent to them or more possessive knowing that Mindfang could target his darling?
Yandere Dualscar with a Darling Asking for Matespritship
-This really depends on whether he can believe you or not. If you've been pushing for it for a while, he might begin to believe that youre serious about it, but if you spring it on him randomly, he's likely to be doubtful.
-Assuming he can believe you, he'll become less violent towards you, but much more possessive. You will be with him 24/7.
-Now that he thinks you love him back just as much, you wouldn't mind spending every second of your day with him, right?
-He would definitely become more violent to other people around you though, as part of his possessiveness. If anybody dares to even glance your way while you're with him, they'll definitely regret it.
-If he can't bring himself to believe your request though, he will likely leave you alone more often, only interacting with you when he needs attention or is feeling especially angry or frustrated and needs to take it out on you.
-Overall, he'll become more violent, both towards you and other as he tries to cope with his feelings of you lying and tricking him, in order to get the upper hand and harm or kill him.
-He'll feel betrayed and stressed, even if you meant it completely genuinely, and it will be extremely obvious in how often he lashes out.
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BARD: "The Facilitator of the narrative"
Includes: Gamzee, Cronus, Dualscar
Observant readers will notice immediately the deviation of the Bard's role definition. Humor me.
There is a thing in kabuki theatre, the kuroko or kurago. They are the stagehands of the performance, who move around the stage to assist in costume changes, to move props around, to strike the stage and set new pieces. They dress in head to toe black, wearing a veil over their faces, and as such they are a device of the theatre that is meant to (and reportedly does) fade into the background of the audience's perception, as if they became invisible. The story could not unfold without them, but they aren't actors or playing any specific role. They are the hand of the narrative itself, the embodiment of necessity and impetus.
The Bard is such a stagehand unmasked. They exist in the story only so much that they are ready to be plucked up and put into place to instantiate whatever must happen. And when the story doesn't need them, they are no one of consequence.
As such, the Bard is not playing by the same rules as every other class. They are not playing at all. They are staff caught under the spotlight, they are the choragus asking direct questions from stage left, they are a tool. And as such are resigned to a non-arc. 
Gamzee is a nice, goofy, but ultimately not narratively significant character until he is activated as a villainous accelerant to the story, and his character arc is all but dumped into the trash. Cronus, stuck in a failed session that needs no facilitator anymore, is locked into the same maturity level as he died in and has no affect on the story. Dualscar's influence peaks at a failed attempt at shitstirring.
It would be hard to define this class to someone. It is the diametric flip of the Heir in a sense. It is a blank slate. The Bard's strengths are what the story demands. The Bard's weakness is a lack of definition or purpose. You, dear reader, are not a Bard, I assure you.
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vikkirosko · 2 years
♊ Psiioniic x fuchsiablood!Reader Oneshot Runaway Princess 💛
You spent your whole life in your underwater hive, which was more like a palace. It was far from your choice. The Empress has been in space for a long time and captured planets, but you knew that when the time came, she would come back to fight you. You saw how the heiress who was before you died and you didn't want to die. You dreamed of living a full life. You wanted to travel, you wanted to make Alternia better, you wanted to meet other trolls. You wanted to meet your matesprite. But for this it was necessary to leave the hive. You took the time to prepare for this, but finally you could escape and go free. You left the ocean hiding yourself under a hooded cloak. You couldn't let anyone see you, especially you weren't supposed to be seen by Dualscar. He was a loyal servant of Condesce and if he found out that you had escaped, he would catch you and send you back to your hive. You walked barefoot through the streets, not afraid of difficulties. However, in the first city you got into trouble, though not through your fault. In this city, the rebels staged their performance in the square. You heard about them from Dualscar and according to him they were one of the main enemies of the empress, but looking at the troll who spoke, wanting to convey his thought to others, you could not see him as an enemy. But you were forced to hide when you saw the highbloods approaching, about to arrest them. That day you went unnoticed and were sure that you would not see them again. But at the market, when you were going to buy some food for yourself, you saw how goldblood troll tried to bargain and buy bread cheaper, but it didn't work out. You watched this for a few minutes, after which you approached him and the seller.
"I will pay for this bread and for a couple more loaves of bread separately"
They both looked at you in surprise. You were shorter than goldblood troll and neither he nor the merchant expected that you had money.
"1 d0n'7 kn0w wh0 y0u 4r3, 8u7 y0u d0n'7 n33d 7h15"
You smiled at him.
"I just want to help a little, you won't owe me anything"
You gave the money to the merchant and gave him a large bag of bread, taking a small one for yourself. The troll looked at you with a slight frown, and then spoke.
"7h4nk y0u"
You just smiled at him, intending to say goodbye and leave, but the screams made you freeze in fright.
"Grab them!"
You didn't have time to react as goldblood troll grabbed your hand and ran. You could barely keep up with him. You ran until you disappeared on the outskirts of the city, in a small alley. You were both trying to catch your breath. You felt like your legs were buzzing and your heart was pounding. You couldn't control your emotions and laughed. Troll looked at you and froze. It was only after a couple of seconds that you realized that the reason for this was that your hood was falling off, allowing him to see who you were. You hurried to put the hood back on, but he already managed to see what you were trying to hide.
"Wh0 4r3 y0u?.."
There was no threat in his voice, but you understood that how this troll would treat you depended on your answer.
"I am an heiress... But I don't want to hurt anyone, honestly! All I want is a peaceful and peaceful life... I ran away and I just want to get as far away as possible, to a place where they won't look for me..."
You lowered your eyes.
"50 7h3 run4w4y pr1nc355..."
He looked at you thoughtfully.
"C0m3 0n, pr1nc355, y0u h3lp3d m3 4nd 1'll h3lp y0u, 1n7r0duc3 y0u 70 50m30n3 wh0 can h3lp y0u"
"I have a name... I (Y/N)..."
"4nd 1'm M17un4, l37'5 g0 pr1nc355, w3 n33d 70 m4k3 17 83f0r3 5unr153"
He took you by the hand again, leading you further away from the city. You understood that maybe he was deceiving you, but you wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe that this meeting was not accidental.
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dalishthunder · 2 years
“you always see the good in people. even me. “ with Dualscar??? I love how you write for him,,,
Dualscar leaned back as you tended to a gash on his shoulder, watching your face intently. Perhaps at one point in your relationship, the intensity with which he stared would have made you blush, but that point had long since passed.
"How did this happen?" You asked him, sparing a glance up at his face as you cleaned his wound with alcohol wipes.
"I was teaching someone a lesson and things may have gone... overboard."
You didn't need to ask what had happened to the other guy. "Why?"
"He said unsavory things about us."
You bit your lip. "I really wish you wouldn't do that."
"What?" His tone was goading.
"I don't need you to defend whatever honor you think I have. People don't deserve to die just because they say something that could hurt me."
"I'm a highblood, and you are... important to me. Such is my right." He rumbled, eggy eyes boring a hole into you.
"Yeah, well... you're better than that!" You stopped your ministrations to look at him.
The seadweller just sat there staring back, breath slow and easy before reaching out to stroke your cheek with his blue-stained hand. "You always see the best in people." He sighed. "Even me."
You softened, "I wish you would make it easier."
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sludgewolf · 24 days
Hi, not sure if you’re still doing headcanon requests, but if you are, whumpee!Eridan Ampora headcanons?
So, this one created a life of its own and developed into a full oneshot of Eri facing the consequences of his actions. From what I understood it was just Eridan suffering and not an x reader
But I'll admit it wasn't my favorite thing to write so I might not do more like this in the future
Warnings: mentions of lusus hunting,Eridan is tortured, depriving of food, water and sleep, broken bones, scale pulling, kidnapping
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Whumpee Eridan Ampora - The Consequences of my Actions
Eridan's life sure was great, being the heiress' moirail certainly has its perks, he's able to spend time with such a sweet and kind troll like Fef and on top of that he's practically untouchable by any troll he might’ve, definitely did, wrong. But it also has its costs, that being, the blood he spares from her own hands, by killing other trolls lusi everyday to feed her owns insatiable appetite
Not that he minds it all that much, after a while it became routine, it's just what's expected from the descendant of the infamous Orphaner Dualscar, so the young troll justifies himself on it by claiming to having to keep the legacy alive by doing the same.
And do it he does, with the childish dream of one day surpassing his ancestor's legacy and becoming a legend himself
Thinking back on it, it was only a matter of time until he crossed one too many wrong people and it all came back to blow up in this face.
It was morning, Eridan was sure of it because of the burning bright light coming from between the wooden boards nailed to the windows of this strange small room he just woke up in
His think pan throbbed from what he assumed to be a blunt hit to the the head, the wire tying Eridan's wrists together painfully cuts between his exo reaching down to his flesh making him almost not want to move in fear of injuring himself even further, despite that he takes a deep breath and forces himself to, moving both arms in unison Eridan his elbow to help himself sit up, he hisses in pain feeling the wire move further into his soft royal flesh, but he doesn't allow himself to stop until he can hold himself up without the aid of his arms.
Eridan finds himself in a small concrete the room, with small boarded up broken windows and with random boxes piled up in the furthermost corner of the room, the air was still, not helping with the overwhelming heat the sun brought into it. But thankfully it also brought the humidity caracteristic of the days in alternia, giving Eridan something in such a dire situation
Trying to take things out of his sylladex proves to be futile, having him realize it has been taken from him while he was out cold, forcing the sea-dweller to look for other ways to get out of there
After some more struggling Eridan manages to get up and starts searching the room for anything he could use to cut himself free, which turns out to be futile, all the boxes he could reach were taped shut and his binds kept him from moving them around to search the rest
Defeated, Eridan slumps against the dirty wall furthest from the door and waits for whoever kidnapped him to show themself
The moons slowly rise up on the sky, his skin dries with the lack of humidity brought by the cold night. And soon enough noises can be heard from the other side of the door, this could be his chance, if he can just bolt out before those idiots can make up what happened he could make it back home tonight
Eridan moves quick, jumping to his feet and making a dash to the door, only to have the air knocked out of his lungs and having him flying back down the basement.
As he hits the ground Eridan feels the wire cut into his wrists and finally snap after painfully lodging into his flesh, the smell of his royal blood hangs in the air, before Eridan can even catch his breath he fells his feet leave the ground, his scarf tightening around his neck
A hot breath fans over his face, Eridan opens his eyes to glowing olive ones glaring daggers at him, their owner, a huge ruffian who was clearly the muscle of the team "GoinG soMewhere?" the older troll mocks him tightening the grip on Eridan's scarf
"Aww the little prince thOught he cOuld get Away frOm us using such A pAthetic And cheAp trick?" the tall scrawny looking one butts in laughing
Eridan is presented to Scrawny then shaken as if he was a plushie "twerp Must think he suddenly can get away frOM everything just because he filled a quad with the heiress" Ruffian jokes
They boom with laughter before just cutting themselves off and tossing Eridan back into the basement as if he was nothing
Scrawny then leisurely makes her way over to where he bounced off to, crouches besides him and lifts him by the hair to look at her "OOh, but yOu cOuld never be mOre mistAken yOur mAjesty. yOu're nOthing mOre thAn a puny little fish that messed with the wrOng peOple"
The sea dweller, reminded of his inherited position above them, swats her hand off as if it was dirt "howw dare you low bloods treat me this wway, wwhat do you think gives you this right?" he turns to them trying to appear bigger and braver than he is
All of that to just be laughed at, Ruffian approach him slowly, stalking him with a predatory gaze waiting for the smallest movent on his part to pounce
Eridan opens his mouth still trying to keep his composure, but before he even has the chance of saying anything Ruffian once again lifts him by the scarf almost chocking the sea dweller then they kneel him right in the stomach forcing bile up his food shoot down to the floor where he was thrown to once again
"what gives us the right? after what yOu've done yOu still asks us that?" they growl
This is the second night of peace Fef had in many perigees, suspiciously too peaceful, her moirail wasn't the best of all but if he was something it was clingy
It felt off when he hasnt pestered her in so long, Feferi tried brushing it off to him working on another horrible plan against land dwellers but as the hours dragged on and night became day with no signs of her moirail Fef knew something was wrong and she couldn't stay idle anymore
She didnt even try calling Eridan knowing it'd be futile, quickly shooting a message to one of the few trolls that she knew could help
Sollux answers her suspiciously as they rarely ever talked, once she explains herself about the lack of her ass of a moirail by her side Sol almost blocked her saying that she was better off without the dead weight
It took much coercing but eventually she convinced Sollux to track Eridan's palmhusk in exchange for buying him anything he asks on her trust fund
Three nights, that's how long the little Ampora has been trapped in the clutches of these vengeful trolls, maybe it really was a bad idea for him to go around killing lusi so openly
Even if it was a dignified, crucial job in favor of troll kind and those lowbloods should've felt honored that their lusi were even chosen for such noble sacrifice. Although at this point Eridan wasnt even sure if it really was all that
Three nights of being beaten by these teenager trolls that kept him captive, three days that they deprived him of food and water, only giving him enough to survive and three days of Eridan questioning if he could hold out any longer
The little violetblood's whole body ached in pain, his body painted black and blue from the bruises that littered across his thin exo, two of his ribs were probably broken making it difficult to do much more than lay on the ground struggling to take a breath for his gills dried up and closed shut from the lack of humidity, his scales flaking off painfully leaving holes across his body stinging from being dragged across the cold concrete floor of this basement
With not much to do eridan tries to conserve his energy by sleeping as much as they allowed him, which isn't much as he's woken up by one of said rests by Scrawny grabbing and dragging him across the dirty and stained floor by his horn, bending his neck in an odd angle, making it feel like the horn will just pop out from the weight of his body
The young troll grabs at his kidnapper's wrist in pain, Scrawny doesnt even spare him a glance before throwing him at Ruffian's feet, who laughs at the pitiful sight of the sea-dweller
His cheeks sunken in, eye bags so dark from sleep deprivation that it could be seen through his exoskeleton, his spine bent weirdly due to his aching ribs still pulsating in pain alongside his heartbeat, skin bone dry with pale grey scales flaking off
The ruffian smirks at the little prince, grabbing his face and forcing Eridan to look at him. a chill runs up Eri's spine as the ruffian's smile stretches wider "aye, hand Me those pliers" they ask Scrawny
Blood slides down the little violet's cheek, the dry air only serving to make it sting even more, Eridan's body shakes as he uses everything he has left to not cry, they already took everything from him but this satisfaction is something he'll not give to them
Just as his will is faltering and he feels like he can't hold it in anymore they all hear a loud clanking sound coming from the house
Scrawny immediately gets up from her spot next to the ruffian and her partner shortly follows her up the stairs leaving the young troll on the floor next to the pliers and all the scales they ripped off in this little game
Not even a tick after they leave through the basement door they're flung back in by a powerful energy blast
Eridan can only look up in surprise from where he's laying his muscles aching as he pushes himself up from the floor, locking eyes w the person he wanted to see the most
In comes Feferi, rushing to him without even sparing a glance to the older trolls, just like a ray of light cutting into the depths of murky waters she looked like an angel coming to save him from these monsters that tormented him for so long, following closely behind her comes Sollux, making Eridan crash right back to reality.
Sollux upon seeing Scrawny trying to get up nonchalantly uses his psyonics to fling a can at her head, sounding a sharp 'ding' and she's out cold on the ground, Ruffian growls at Sol and lunges at them in a failed attempt to avenge their partner. The young psyonic is not impressed, holding them in the air stopping his attack even before he could start.
Feferi holds Eridan's cheeks and makes him avert his gaze from the goldblood who's handing the kidnappers asses to them with practically no effort at all. despite his state Eridan feels a twinge of jeaousy creep up on him, on why fef went to that mutant cluster fuck, was it because Sol was just so much stronger than - " )(oly carp, )(ere drink! " Fef interrupts Eridan's jealousy spiral by practically shoving a water bottle in his face making Eridan finally have some water after so long, the scene besides them melting away as the little prince allows himself to relax and be taken care of by his moirail, he could deal with the nerdy lowblood on a later date. Once he's done Fef helps him to his feet promissing to take him back to his hive to rest, she picks him up bridal style carrying him out of the kidnappers hive
If you liked this pls reblog and comment so I know to write more like it
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owlbeanies · 3 years
AU In which the beta Trolls cheat In sgrub in order to avoid the jack situation and managed to shoot themselves back in time onto alternia. They get separated into multiple small groups.
Story follows mainly follows karkat and gamzee at first. This is well before murderstuck, and gamzee is useful for all of two seconds before getting horrendous sick from withdrawal. It might not be so bad if they had a reliable way of getting food and other resources(such as an alchemizer) but sadly they've found themselves in the middle of a city pre-second rebellion with not a penny to either of their names.
Karkat is stressed. He is very stressed. He has to find a way to provide for both of them in a matter a nights without also getting caught and dieing. He makes a smart decision to hide his sign, not because he realizes it puts him in danger, no, because he immediately decides the only course of action that makes sense is to turn to a life of crime(petty theft) and he doesn't want his crimes attached to his sign incase he has to sign-off on some legal bullshit later.
Gamzee is dieing. Not really he's okay 60% of the time and does what he can to help, but honestly the boy can't stand for 30 seconds without trying to throw up his guts. Gamzee pretty much serves as a decoy to throw off anyone looking for karkat. He is the least intimidating thing out there, but boy can he play up the "let me call my friends " card, which with his sign is terrifying enough to prevent any mildly inconvenienced person to ask questions.
At some point karkat runs into dualscar. Now he knows of dualscar through eridan, and he's a little freaked out at first but nothing comes of it so whatever. But then he keeps running into him. It might be partially his fault. Drunk people are really easy to rob and all the bars are a short walk from the docks so of course he's probably going to run into a couple of sea dwellers. Besides, he's only ever spoken 2 words to the fucker on accident and he doubts he was even noticed. As long as he keeps his distance he should be fine.
Gamzee’s getting a whole lot worse a whole lot faster, and karkat has pissed off the wrong person. He might have accidentally stolen from and subsequently injured a legislators' quad and now they need to flee town REAL fucking quick. Only problem being they don't have a map, and all the maps in town are the really fucking stupid ones that are far more complicated than they need to be for the sake of- what? Looking nice? Either way none of them are simple road maps and maybe if he had enough time to stare at them he could figure out where to go without getting lost, but time isn't something they have and gamzee knows how to read them quickly, so he packs the clown up and carries him to the map board. Gamzee can't see straight and even the small amount of light from the partially blocked moons manages to feel as if he just stared directly into the sun but boy does he try.
Dualscar meanwhile is sitting across the street in one of those face outdoor restaurant tables watching these two kids scramble to read a map. He downs whatever he's drinking and walks over because what in the fuck are they doing?
Karkat tells him to fuck off and mind his business.
He doesn't.
Gamzee figures out where they need to go and points.
They're offered a ride.
They both adamantly refuse because no absolutely not that is a horrible idea they will not be doing that ever. Then a legislator walks around a street corner in the background and they seriously consider it.
They both end up on the boat one way or the other, and not necessarily because they had a choice. Dualscar writes gamzee off as dead immediately and has him put with the other prisoners on the ship to be forgotten about. He doesnt know what he has and doesn't really care either. Karkat on the other hand is treated decently well. He got stuck doing basic bitch ship work, but hes fine. Any free time he has he spends taking care of gamzee who lost all coherence shortly after being picked up.
When they hit the docks karkat is paid for his time and told to run off now. Karkat is pleasantly surprised and is glad to be back on land, theres just one problem, wheres gamzee? Karkat is basically told "haha yeah no I'm keeping that one" and is no longer pleased. After one of many long winded and empty threats, he's then told the ships leaving in a week and he's free to join them again if he wishes.
Angry and alone karkat stops off into the new city.
He return, rather quickly at that, after spending everything he had on medicine and other essentials. Immediately he's back at Gamzee’s side. The ship sets sail again right on schedule and gamzee finally seems to be improving. It takes a few months for him to figure out how to stand on his own but once he gets it he's as hyperactive as ever to his own detriment. His balance is shot, and he's somehow clumsier than before. He keeps getting himself hurt and even worse than that, he's annoying the guards with his constant rambling. Karkat has on multiple occasions been sent down to shut him up for a few hours.
The second he's able to work, he's put to work and thank fuck that seems to shut him up. Any time they hit land they're both paid but only one of them is allowed to leave at any given time. It's stupid, it's annoying, they both know why it's done, and it's not like there's anything they can do about it. At least they're living better than they were.
Enviably karkat gets hurt. They get hit with a storm and karkat arm get pinch between two bits of metal. The injuries isn't terrible but it did rip off a decent amount of skin. Even in the heavy rain it's not possible to hide. While no one paid him any mind in the chaos once the storm had settled he's well aware of how royally fucked he is. Gamzee for the first time anyone has seen him is pissed. He's hyper aggressive towards anyone in his vicinity. The second karkat could be whisked away he boarded them in one of the sleeping quarters and threatens anyone who tries to open the door. It gets bad enough dualscar has to come in and swat at the both of them for being dumb. Karkats having a panic attack. Lil ol' gamzee who nearly breaks his neck 3 times a weak tripping over his own shoes is squaring up for a fight. There is no fight. No one cares about karkat. Infact they were keenly aware of karkat's blood the second they saw him all that time ago. Why do you think they fought so hard to keep hold of some random wrigglers? That boat is the safest place for them. When dual was asked why he’d help them at all if he knew, he just shrugged and said he owed someone a favor and keeping karkat alive was his way of repaying it.
Shit gets squared away. Sort of. The both of them are still extremely uncomfortable about the whole ordeal for months but not a thing comes out of it. Nothing bad at least. The two find themselves getting more comfortable on the ship. They start seeing the rest if the crew as friends and grow tight bonds with a lot of them.
Karkat, now freed from the constant nagging fear of getting found out, ends up far more bold than he otherwise would be. The rule stating only one is allowed to leave at a time is still there, but pushing his luck is his new favorite pass time.
Gamzee sustained numerous injuries from his sickness. Even sweeps later he still hasn't fully recovered. It's not obvious. He functions just fine on his own but one night he'd been out walking the town on his own and he ran across a group of subjugs. He's younger and smaller than the lot of them, not to mention a stranger, but they still invited him out for drinks and gossip. He goes, and hours later he returns safely, tipsy and a little high off whatever they were smoking, but safe. Dual take him out back to yell at him almost as soon as he returns. He's confused. He's gone drinking on his own before, and he's been out with karkat numerous times more, and never has he been screamed at for it. He takes offense. The only difference he can see is them being purple. They're family, his family, but that doesn't mean he'd run off with them. He'd never leave karkat behind, not ever would he dream of abandoning him. But that wasn't the problem. He put karkat in danger. He put the crew in danger. Is he really so deadpanned that he didn't think partying with the grand highblood and crew was a bad idea? Now Gamzee’s lost. When did he run into his ancestors? No one introduced themselves as such. He hadn't seen them. Didn't really see anyone actually, especially not the person wearing the same sign as him, embroidered fancily across their chest and down their arms.
Hes blind. For all he fought that label, stating he still saw shapes and colors, for the first time he had to admit it to someone. He begged him not to tell karkat. The last thing he wanted was to worry him. He was told he needed to, at some point, preferably soon, tell him himself. He left the conversation with a new rule placed on him for the time being. He's not allowed off the ship alone anymore.
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imagine-a-game · 4 years
Cuddling scenario with each of the Amporas? I'm not feeling too great and want snuggles. :(
Aw man I hope you feel better Anon :) And I hope i did the Amporas justice
<3 Mod Lemon
The Amporas having a lil snuggle session
-This lil creature is so dramatic. He acts all high and mighty when in reality he’s just very touch starved and desperate for attention
-Since he is so high on the hemospectrum he is very cold. So you might want to get a space heater or have him lay under some blankets before you join him
-I know everyone and their grandma writes this headcanon but CAPE SNUGGLES
-His cape is probably made out of this very expensive silk. It feels so nice against skin mwah 10/10
-Eridan is like a cat he can and will lay on top of you or your desk for your attention
-Now Cronus is just like Eridan with being touch startved and desperate BUT he’s annoying about it
-He 100% will be so affectionate in public with you
-If the others don’t like it they can leave
-Also very cold but is a jerk about it. He will put his cold hands and feet on you
-Any body heat you have is his now. You signed up for this and this is what you have to deal with
-Attention starved and desperate but doesnt show it
-He’s a busy troll he doesn’t have time for silly things like cuddling...
-Just kidding get in his lap while he does his seadweller work
-Yes he is cold but that is not the worst part- He kinda smells
-Like blood and ocean which I feel like wouldn’t smell good at all. Go force him into the shower
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