#I mean if i get an rq at a time when im accepting rqs I might
saphirered · 1 year
Heyy!! So lately I've been in a very domestic, fluffy feel. SOOO NOW IM PROJECTING THAT onto this request rq teehee. I was wanting to do one for Percy, with season two out I missed the angsty gunslinger on screen. Set after the campaign, maybe during winter's crest? As of you and Percy coming back to whitestone for the occasion, its decided to round up all of Vox Machina. For a night of fun amongst friends, with a whole lot of ale to go around and stories to tell. Percy seems distant lately, staying more to his workshop and genuinely his own tasks. Not like his workshop isn't already a second room, it's just ODD to say the least. As the day rolls around, everyone starts to arrive at whitestones castle. With happy greetings and laughs, that night's activities begin. To sum it up , Percy proposes to reader. Thinking it would be a nice gesture to pull. Also cause I know this extra bitch would make a ring for you. I know it sounds cheesy but like hear me outtt!! The moment just sounded so sweet to me and I NEEDED to send this in. I'm a sucker for this cute content <3 Byeee Saph!!! :D
A proposal you asked for, a proposal you'll get. Fluff and cheese and all of the things. Sorry for the wait but I hop the 3.6k word count made up for it. Hope you enjoy and thanks for requesting! 😘
“I’ll be right with you, dear!” He’s spoken and shouted those words over the noise of his ongoing projects far too many times. Percy feels somewhat guilty for all but banishing you from his workshop and hiding this one secret project of his. He’s been so caught up in it; it has to be perfect after all. But that did mean he couldn’t spend as much time with you and his mind is elsewhere whenever he does leave his workshop. He’s seen your accepting but sad smiles whenever he wanders off. His heart hurts when he finishes late and you’re already in bed, asleep and alone curled up on your side because he missed yet another dinner. It’s reached the point where he’s been considering just spilling he beans. He doesn’t want to hurt you over some stupid secret but you’re so damn understanding and accepting. Of course you’re disappointed when he does join you for a meal and he informs you he has errands to run and won’t be back until late. You’d simply give him a kiss and wish him good luck. He’s barely seen you outside of your overlapping responsibilities. He just feels bad. But then there’s a breakthrough!
The door to his workshop slams open, or rather off its hinges entirely. Now very few people are able to break a deadbolted several inch thick heavy steel door clean off its hinges and that immediately signals him; it’s not you at that door. Given the shadow that all but blocks the light from entering He knows enough. He’s all but grabbed by the shoulders and lifted from his seat and can barely settle his things before he’s dragged out of his workshop. 
“Come on Percy, you’re not going to let us have all the fun, are you?” Scanlan speaks in a sing-song voice when he’s pushed into the hallway and sees the gnome casually leaning against the wall like the arsehole he is. 
“I was perfectly content finishing my work instead.” He counters but Scanlan wouldn’t have it. 
“We’re having a night out, like old times! Let’s drink dry a tavern! Start some fights!” The gnome tries to persuade him and while anything coming out of Scanlan’s mouth should always be questioned, He can’t help but long for some normalcy. No matter how much he might pretend to hate the ruckus his friends cause which inevitably ended with them getting kicked out of the establishment, district or even city, he likes it and misses it. And before he know it he’s spiralling in memories of you, covering his back while he tries to fight off that minotaur barkeep, and the time where you smashed that stein in pieces thug’s head. He also thinks of the conversations you’ve had, the things you learned about each other, and the sometimes drunken ramblings where your questionable theories actually hold some weight. He misses it all. He misses the glint in your eye right before you’re about to absolutely decimate some card players. He misses your laughter at Keyleth’s horrible jokes, and your caring side when she has a little too much. He misses your little battles of charm with Vex as the two of you attempt to have the group drink for free and negate the expense of the damages done to the establishment or people. 
Percy is so caught in his mind that he automatically walks with when Scanlan and Grog begin to move. He doesn’t even put up a fight. He’ll have this one night. He’ll enjoy it. Then he realises how bloody stupid he is. 
“Excuse me. I’ll meet you there.” He turns on his heels but comes face to face with Grog’s chest.
“Nuh-uh! Pike said she won’t let us have any ale if we don’t bring you back.” Grog pouts at the thought of being refused ale. No surprise there. 
“And what’s your motive?” Percy wonders out loud. He already knows the answer and Scanlan just raises an eyebrow implying the same. 
“You really wanna know?” 
“Point taken.” Percy shakes his head, takes a step back from Grog but that doesn’t mean he’s not craning his neck to stare up at him. “If you have to come along, be my guest. I just need to get something from my workshop. That is all.” Scanlan shrugs at Grog. Grog shrugs back. Scanlan shrugs again. So does Grog. Percy’s already sick of this so he just starts walking and they follow whispering not so inconspicuously. He still choses to block him out.
Once back at the workshop he engages the safety door; not ideal but at least it wards off snoopers. He walks over to his work bench, sits down and pulls open one of the drawers under it. He pulls out two bands of precious metal, notices they’re a bit dirty and quickly cleans them with a rag. He sees Scanlan peeking around the corner. The gnome knows not to enter his workshop but Grog has no such reservations, not even when he tried to ingest some very caustic materials. 
“Ooh! What are those for?” Grog exclaims trying to peak over his shoulder. 
“What? What is it Grog? Get out of the way I can’t see. Ugh.” Scanlan tries to look around the goliath blocking his view right now. 
“Nothing concerning you.” Percy replies but Grog talks over him.
“They’re fancy rings. Super shiny.” He says and Percy just sighs, pockets the set of rings and gets up walking around Grog and back towards the doorway. 
“You’ve been making some jewelled cock rings or something? I might have a commission for ya. Something with diamonds-“ Scanlan keeps going but Percy tunes him out. He’s had plenty of time to practice ignoring the bard after all. They continue their journey to the tavern Vox Machina had chosen.
The Tavern is already lively with people and music by the time they enter. The rest of Vox Machina had already taken up a table and safeguarded it from any thieves with death stares for those who didn’t recognise them. They’d already started dwindling the top shelf by the looks of it. You’re leaning your elbow on the back of Vex’ chair as she plays a game with Keyleth. You point at a card but in doing so, with some sleight of hand exchange it for Vex to gain the better hand. You haven’t noticed him yet, or so it seems. So Percy casually walks up beside you, lets his hand drift to your back to draw your attention and when you look over your shoulder, whatever words he wanted to say, fall completely silent. His lips part but no words leave. You chuckle and rise fully, brush your fingers along his arm and press your lips to his in a greeting. 
“Hello to you too.” You grin when you pull back and Percy’s somewhat come to his senses. You pass some coins to Vex who takes them with a ‘thank you, darling’ and keeps playing her card game with the druid. 
“What was that for?” 
“Well, I may or may not have lost a bet.” You lace your fingers with his and pull him along to the abandoned seats only to see yours has been dragged off to another table. You have half the mind to demand it back but haven’t had nearly enough to drink to start a tavern brawl this early into the night, so you just push Percy to sit in the remaining empty chair and sit yourself down across his lap. 
“Do elaborate.” His arm wraps around your waist as you lean over the table to grab the bottle of wine and an empt glass. You pour a drink and hand it to him while Pike slides over your own glass and you wink a thanks. She raises her cup. 
“Vex said you’d walk through the door willingly because you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. I said Grog would drag you by the back of your coat while Scanlan loudly announced our esteemed presence to this good folk in song.” He gives you a disapproving look. You hide your smile behind your glass. “Oh please, not as if it would have been unlikely.” The look fades very slowly as it only puts more truth to your statement. Were it any other situation he might have been the victim of just such a scene. 
“I don’t get it! Why do you always keep winning?” Keyleth hiccups and Pike and you share a look as the cleric quickly takes Keyleth’s cup, downs it, and fills it with water before putting it back in its previous place. You exchange a nod. 
“That’s because she’s cheating.” Vex might as well have shot him then and there given the look Percy receives at his comment. 
“Are you calling me a cheater, Percy?” Her eyes narrow leading you to interpose yourself between the two; an easily achieved feat given you’re in his lap. You tap his arm, telling him to let it go.
“I’m merely saying you apply different rules to the game than commonly accepted.” 
“I knew Vex wasn’t cheating.” Grog mumbles but gets his bubble burst pretty quickly. He still doesn’t get it though. An argument ensues though none of it serious. Keyleth tries to steal a card from the deck using her druidcraft but doesn’t pan out well. To be fair, drunk Keyleth and magic use have not and will never go well together, Voice of the Tempest or not. Before you know it some other patrons rather rudely insists you and your friends take this elsewhere or they’ll make you. You should have known the moment Grog smiled, this wouldn’t end well. And in a matter of seconds a fight ensued. It spread like wildfire like any tavern brawl does. You let them fight it out, stay seated with Percy as you two clink your glasses together. 
“So how has your day been?”
“Uneventful until now.” Percy speaks casually. “And yours?” You bite the inside of your cheek in the way he knows you to do when you’re trying to formulate a nice answer as opposed to a more unfiltered one. 
“Eventful. Given our friends arrived a couple of hours ago. You’re welcome by the way. I managed to keep them from exploring the clocktower on their own.” You take a sip of your wine. 
“Oh thank the gods.” He breathes in relief. You spared him a likely disaster. “How will I ever repay you?” He adds a bit more dramatically. Maybe it’s the wine. You laugh. 
“Marry me?” Were he less schooled in proper etiquette he might have spewed across the table. He looks around but no caught on, they’re too occupied in the fight. You’re content being a witness for now it seemed. Percy worries you might have caught on somehow, that you might have figured it out but you don’t let anything show. “I’m joking. Partially. One day. If you ask nicely but for now, think we should help them out?” You gesture to the tavern-wide brawl and save the bottle you two were sharing before someone is thrown onto the table and pummelled right in the face by Pike. 
“Yes. You’re probably right.” He blurts out and downs his whole glass. You down the last bit of your glass, a large swig from the bottle and get up. You offer your hand. Percy takes it as well as  the bottle as you help him to his feet. He feels like he is going to need that booze to deal with the near heart attack you gave him but before he can take a swig of his own he’s forced to turn the bottle into a weapon. Quickly he turns it in his grasp and hits it over the head of some man charging for the both of you. The man didn’t see the blow coming and glass shatters along with the remaining liquid inside. 
“What a waste of a perfectly good chardonnay.” You pout. 
“I’ll get you a new one.” He’ll buy you a whole cellar’s worth if you want. He might actually… 
“My hero.” You joke pulling Percy aside and aiming a high kick at the face of another drunkard coming for the two of you. You peck his cheeks before the fight continues and you’re no longer able to have this brief bubble of solitude. You’re in the fray now but you’re in it together. Together and you kick some ass. It’s magnificent and just as he had thought, it does feel like old times. You’re having a grand old time. He’s not ashamed to admit you saved his ass when he got a little sentimental and couldn’t shake a certain memory or simply stopped to admire your magnificence. 
But all good things get even better when the guard shows up and Vox Machina ends up running like some juvenile troublemakers. The guards didn’t notice who you were and you doubt any of you look like the respected and well known group of heroes in this state and so you took advantage of this. Scram! You ran and enjoyed losing their trail but as a group of stumbling oafs that’s an incredibly difficult thing to do and so you separated. You stuck with Percy pulling him into alleyway and street though he could have pointed out the fastest and quickest way back to the castle. It’s his city after all but he enjoyed living in this moment and when you pushed him against the wall a couple of times pressing close to him while trying to cover your own giggles, you were simply adorable. He was going to make this moment last. By the time you got closer to the castle district you’d been going so long what little booze you had had all but faded. 
“So how about we continue this inside over a bottle of true top shelf from Emon? I brought some from my last visit. I think you’ll appreciate the vintage.” The two of you begin to climb the stairs of Whitestone Castle. 
“That’s a fantastic idea…” You nod satisfied with his answer. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you…” Percy can feel the blood pumping in his ears, his entire body is pulsing. He feels short of breath, and everything is just chaos but so right at the same time. You look over the city. 
“Did you hear that?” You wonder but Percy gently grabs your chin, turns you to face him and standing level with you; the castle to one side, the town to the other. This is it. This is the moment. 
“Tonight was quite enjoyable. I’ve missed times like these. My fondest memories are in the trivial things. I couldn’t help but reminisce-“ You smile and bring your palm up to cup his cheek. 
“Is that why you almost got a barrel to the head and thrown through a window? Because you got distracted?” You jest and peck your lips to his briefly brushing your thumb along his cheekbone. 
“I’m trying to say something nice and you’re making a fool out of me.” He returns in jest. 
“Okay okay. I’m listening. Please continue proclaiming your undying love for me.” He lets his fingers slip into your hair and gives an ever so light tug. “Oi!” You exclaim and roll your eyes at him but smile. You’ve had your fun. He knows you’re joking but little did you know in part that was very much his intention. The irony. He’ll forever hold it over your head. As you would want and expect him to do. He needs to keep you on your toes after all, or you might accuse him of slacking on the job. 
“I’ve not been the partner I should have been for the last few days. I’m aware of my flaws and you have put up with them, you’ve scolded me for them and pulled me out of my own insanities. You keep me walking the path I did not ever think I could. I owe my life, my home, my world to you and I could not ever repay you for what you have given me. I feel my life would be duller without you in it. I’d be lost with out you. Perhaps it is selfish of me to think so but I would love to have you at my side, to be at your side for the rest of our lives.” Rarely does he get you speechless. You always have something to say, some witty remark, some teasing quip or just some input. He’s always welcomed it. He always will but now it is your turn stand there wide-eyed processing his words, lips parted ever so lightly. You had been stroking your thumb along his cheekbone before but your motions had frozen. You try to formulate a response and he awaits patiently. 
“If you’re selfish then so am I. Let us be selfish together.” You smile and pull him into a deep kiss. He still hadn’t asked the question he intended to ask but he’ll take this moment. He gets caught up in it for a while until he breaks the kiss. He leans your head against his, reaches into his breast pocket. Your eyes dart to the side but you decide to ignore whatever caught your attention. He takes one of your hands and within it you feel something cold and metal. 
“Will you marry me?” Percy breathes. This is not what he intended or how he intended it to go but he couldn’t wait. He couldn’t analyse it to death. He couldn’t plan every single detail. This, this was just perfect. No grand displays, no banquet or a fancy ball. Instead it was a night out with a tavern brawl and a run from the authorities. It was perfect and now here, on the steps of his home, at the root of his life in this moment he entangles it with you. 
You look down, at the rings in your hand; two of them, one beautifully detailed but not ostentatious. The set stones are precious and enhance the design. The other is a slightly simpler version, more muted but still beautifully made. You’ve never seen anything like it. They’re unique and that’s when you realise what they’re made from. Your first job with Vox Machina. Percy had given his share to Vex as he always tended to do with his earnings. She resided over the finances. You’d come across a beautifully made silver broach, large and very ostentatious made from platinum and set with the most gaudy aquamarine and diamonds. You’d told him he should keep it; because you thought it matched his eyes and should he ever need a rainy day fund, that piece would make him a king for a day. He’d kept it. He’d kept it all these years. The stones had been cut down to smaller ones and the platinum melted to form the bands. They’re beautiful. They’re perfect and you know Percy well enough he would have trusted no jeweller with this task. He’d have trusted non but his own hands. 
“You made these?” You ask enthralled as you pick up the simpler of the bands. 
“Yes.” He’s practically shaking in anticipation. You take his hand, and place the ring around his finger. 
“If you even for a single second-“ His heart beats so fast he thinks he might pass out. He’d almost be more content facing the Briarwoods as opposed to dealing with this stress. 
“Of course I’ll marry you.” Percy feels like he can breathe again. 
“Oh thank the gods. I thought I might have fainted.” He chuckles as he takes the remaining ring from your palm and places it on your own finger. 
“I’d have caught you.” The image passes through his mind.
“Before or after you had a laugh?” He never said it was a graceful image. 
“Can’t have my husband-to-be mess up his handsome face, now can I?” You grin and press your lips to his entwining your hands. That satisfying feeling; of that cold metal against your skin, and feeling it on his, that’s something out of this world you could not have begun to describe. 
“Excuse me?! You were going to propose all this time and made us miss like half if it?” Scanlan pushes forward, clothes stained by you don’t even want to know what. “I would have made an awesome show! We could have had fireworks, music, hell, I’d even teach Grog an interpretive dance.”
“Intentrepative what now?” The goliath seems more focussed on the leaking barrel of ale on his shoulder. 
“Wait you’re engaged? To who?” Keyleth clearly hasn’t sobered up yet and is leaning on Vex who just pats the girl’s arm. 
“Let’s get you sobered up, Keyleth.” She begins dragging the druid past you and up to the palace but not without a quick “Congratulations.” and the implication of leaving you to enjoy your moment. 
“I’m officiating.” Pike follows suit and begins ushering the others forward as well. You watch them make their way up the stairs. 
“That’s our life in a nutshell, right there.” You claim. 
“I couldn’t agree more.” He takes a step forward and your entwined hands urge you to join. You do without a moment of hesitation, unable to wipe that smile of your face. Neither can Percy by the looks of it. That’s okay. You can be fools tonight. You’ll be fools in the morning still and when people come knocking. You’ll tell them to fuck off and be fools a moment longer. 
“You sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me?” You ask jokingly. 
“Oh yes.” That’ll do. 
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badchoicesworld · 11 months
omg hi i love your blog so much!! could you please write a story where the reader is trans and healing from surgery but his suit is making it uncomfortable and they’re on a mission together as spider-people and reader’s chest hurts and he has to explain to his boyfriend noir that he’s trans and shows him his scars? :) fluff and wholesomeness ensue etc etc
thank you!!
spider-noir finds out you’re transmasc on a mission !
omg tysm ur so sweet !! so very happy to do this for you, my friend !! hope you don’t mind i’ve done it in this format
im assuming you’re from a more progressive dimension in comparison to Noir, something more modern or even a little advance
that being said, if you ever find yourself recovering from surgery, let your body heal !! and don’t try to be spider-man at home plz
warnings: none, just noir being the most oblivious man alive and then being a golden retriever boyfriend
requests are: open !
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
so, let’s set the scene rq. you’ve finally managed to undergo the gender affirming surgery that you’ve been entitled to your entire life, all’s well and it’s incredibly accessible (one can only dream)
but, you’re also your dimensions one and only spider-man.
naturally, you rationalise that oh dear god what will the multiverse do without me ? you’ve gotta get back out there as soon as you can, even if it means popping open, like something busting at the seams.
tight spandex, whatever accessories you’ve got on, supporting your whole weight in one arm while you swing from place to place isn’t exactly the most comfortable thing in the world now, is it ? so uncomfortable that it absolutely effects your performance, one would assume
but, since this is something that you’ve went through independently and without sharing with those you find dear, it was only a matter of time before Miguel sends you on your merry way to carry out some kind of mission with your dearest: spider-noir.
now lets be honest, Noir’s probably clueless when it comes to trans issues and top surgery. not in an arrogant way but I imagine his reality isn’t exactly caught up with the times yet.
that being said i don’t think he’s never heard of them, considering he’s been around more modern spider-people and has likely been exposed to some kind of media about it
still, when you two are out on your mission together and he notices how much you’ve been awkwardly and as discreetly as possible pulling at your suit, he’s probably gonna side eye you a bit until he recognises the discomfort in your face too.
i imagine Noir would rather not see his boyfriend in discomfort for long at all, so pulls you aside into whatever’s nearest- an alley, anything for a little privacy
gentle as ever, examining the suit that you’ve been tugging at all day long while gently patting you down to see if there’s anything that he can identify
probably firing an ungodly amount of questions like “what’s wrong?” in several variants
most likely makes some kind of reference about your tugging that you’ll never understand, slang from his era. is probably assuming that you’ve washed your suit wrong and is in fact suggesting that while he pats you down, but mumbles about it not being pilly so is at a loss
finds nothing, but hears the clear hiss of discomfort when he pats the sides of your torso that are still healing.
you’ve gotta face the music someday, right ? but this is your boyfriend, and Noir is nothing but accepting and open minded to new things
so, deny all you may at first and insist everything okay. your suits just a little uncomfortable today, you say ? yeah after that hiss, he’s not buying it.
Noir’s gonna coax the real answer out of you if you’re not already willing to share right off the bad, he wants to understand you.
Reminding you of his trust, calling you as many pet names that you’re comfortable with. “Come on, sweetheart. Honey, who am I gonna tell?” super persuasive, who can resist the man ?
only, and ONLY when you’re feeling secure and comfortable enough to share this part of yourself with him will things still make absolutely zero sense to Noir
absolutely clueless. if you say “i’m trans” as simply as that my guy is just stood there not knowing what kind of riddle this is, but he knows this much: he doesn’t know wtf that means. trans…ition ? i mean yeah technically
if you go the step further right off the bat and show him your scars, Noir’s colour blindness is straight up preventing him from noticing the subtle difference in your scar tissue and healthy skin.
he’s stood there with his eyes as narrow as a thread while those cogs turn away in his head. until you finally explain it, Noir has forgotten his own name
actually explain it to him, and Noir’s perception of you just does not budge. his thought process is just “boyfriend is still boyfriend, good” after you’ve explained to him all about being born in the wrong body and all that
admittedly does not understand that concept. poor baby can’t fathom the idea that you’re anything but what you’ve told him- you’re a boy, says you, therefore you are a boy !
cosmetic surgeries however were gaining traction during the 20’s and 30’s thanks to war, skin graphs and all that
naturally, gobsmacked after it clicks in his head that you’ve managed a mission after surgery considering his dimensions surgery is a lot less advance
will now not let you swing and insist he’ll take care of the mission. if there’s ever a point where a fist fight breaks out, Noir’s throwing insults like usual, references no one understand because it’s the 30’s and says something along the lines of “my boyfriends watching, you better make me look good” before absolutely thundercunting a car at them
will let you walk independently but is happy to carry you- this includes swinging
if you’re still uncomfortable in your suit it’s incredible how fast this gentleman is wrapping you up in his coat if you wanna tie the top half of your suit around your waist. Still not ideal, but it’s less friction.
when you two get back to whatever you both call home together, Noir is likely to be super delicate with the actual subject and is kinda treading on eggshells. figured that, you never talked about it before, would you be okay talking about it now ?
still has a little bit of a hard time understanding the importance of gender affirmations since you are simply a boy to him, why do you need to be reminded ?
would probably be really sheepish about asking if he could touch your scars, since he can’t see them all too well. With your permission and ideally when they’re less irritable and sore, he’ll like to trace his thumbs over the scars as gently as possible with his gloveless hands. May not understand the exact significance of them, but he appreciates all of you regardless
is probably amazed at the advancements in surgery
"honey? i may not understand, but i'm trying" he loves you so much
we learned from the first movie that Noir is an extremely open-minded person who’s willing to learn about new things (like the rubix cube) and he’s determined to understand. he wants to understand you, even if just a little bit more
won’t tell a soul about you being trans. honestly forgets a lot of the time, actually. not out of arrogance, it’s just as simple as you’ve said you’re a boy, so that’s how he sees you. that being said, it’s hard for him to identify when people are intentionally transphobic because it just doesn’t make sense to him. it’s obvious you’re a boy, idiot
but when it clicks, the guy can’t control his temper “NOW WAIT JUST A SECOND, YOU’RE ONE OF THOSE TRANSPHIBIANS!” close enough, Noir. we love you.
yeah anyway, is willing in that moment to go to jail for you
show him the trans flag, watch him crumble as he guesses the colours
overall, clueless but supportive nonetheless and loves you unconditionally.
when he does eventually learn for you and it finally sticks, he starts to make a conscious effort to start asking people their pronouns through an incredibly rigid and rehearsed dialogue tree you helped him come up with. uses his lil detective notepad to keep track of peoples preferred names and pronouns with little doodles of the people so he can differentiate
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
i hope this is okay, i'm not massively confident with my noir capabilities
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simp4konig · 6 months
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!! 🎄🎁
It's Christmas! I myself am celebrating for a three-day period with my family 😊, and I wanted to celebrate it with everyone here, too! ☺️🫶❤️
Was wary that I wouldn't write this in time, but, thankfully, I wrote it *just* in time! 🙇🏼‍♀️
I want to take the time to thank everyone for this amazing year I've had! 💫🚀✨🌠 I created this account around mid-August, with my first post being on the 17th/19th (if you can count an anonymous reblog as a post 🤭), and in less than half a year, I've made so many memories and had so many memorable interactions that I cherish and will cherish from here onwards.
Thank you to all my followers (all 412 of you!!!! 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💞💞💕) for deciding to follow this profile of mine.
I acknowledge updates haven't always been regular, and I know that I have not posted a fanfiction in nearly two months, but I want you all to know that with the new year, I will best this year's best and do even more of my hardest to give you regular updates. No official promises, though. I don't make promises, but I *do* give my own devotion. 🤧💔
I honestly feel so horrible for having an inactive account, and from the bottom of my heart, please accept my apology. I promise to do better, and do more for you all. 😓
Still, thank you to all of my followers that like my posts on a regular basis! I see you, and appreciate you. 👀💞
And, I would like to devote an entire section to all of my mutuals. You people all mean a *lot* to me, and I thank you all for just being here 🥹🥹❤️🙏❤️❤️✨:
Thank you, @puff0o0🎅.
You were the inspiration for this account.
Had you not inspired me with your Self-aware AU series, and your COD works, I doubt I would have written anything. But it was you, your character, and your writing, that inspired me to write my own works, and I'm so happy to have you here, eventhough, I'll admit, I'm a total POS at times and tell you to kill yourself every day <33
I genuinely appreciate you so much, and I'm glad that you're not only a mutual, but someone that I can call a friend. I still remember how excited I got when you followed me back! 🥹🥹🥹🥹💓💓💕💞💞💞💞💓💓🤧🤧💕💕💕💕💕
It's an honour for me, really, and, although I'm not the best at words sometimes, please, I want you know that you've made a meaningful impact on my life.
Thank you, @simpforkonig🎄.
You were one of my earliest mutuals and I had really enjoyed talking to you.
I see you 👀, liking my fanfictions and posts eventhough some of my posts are downright unhinged. 🤗💫
I'm thankful to have you as a mutual, a silent presence that makes me smile. 🥰❤️
Thank you, @abysslovesyou🦌.
It is *ME* that loves *YOU*, btw!! 😽💓💕🙈💖✨💞💕💕
I will forever remain your No.1 Appreciator™. 🦸🏼‍♀️🦸🏼‍♀️🌠
My interactions with you always brought a smile to my face, and I will always dedicate my works to you even if you are not tagged anymore.
Thank you so much for your kind words, and your encouragement. It all has meant, and still means, a lot to me. I hope that I can get around to finish all your RQs before I am rotting on my deathbed LMAOO 💔💔⚰️🥀🧟‍♀️🪦
Thank you, @aethelwyneleigh27🍪🥛 (thank GOD🙏 even tho im atheist 🛐, that my phone had your user saved. With my dinosaur arms🦖, it'd have taken me YEARS to type your name out ☠️☠️💀).
You are genuinely one of the loveliest people I've ever met. 🥹🥹💓 You are so kind to me, so genuine, and it's not often that one meets someone like you.
I still remember how I had short circuited when, when I went to follow you, it displayed that we were mutuals and you had been following me all along, like??? 😭😭😭 What an honour????? 🥹🥹🥹💓💓💓 AND THEN YOU ADDED ME TO YOUR TAGLIST AND I WAS LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAADJDJSJSJA😭😭😭😭💘💘💘💘💘💘
Somehow, it's due to your amazing writing that I have fallen HARD for Ghost. 😓 The Dad! Simon series is one that I have been reading lurking from the shadows reading, can't believe I blew my cover my liking your post LOL 🤡. Anyways, thank you for honouring me with your follow. 🥹💓🙏✨
Thank you, @nevadancitizen🎁.
I STILL can't get over that it was ME that inspired someone to write something 💔😭😭✋💗💗💘💘💘💘.
Your fanfictions were and are great! It's an honour to have you as mutual, given your writing is a pleasure to read. ☺️☺️🫶✨
Thank you, @trepaika (no Christmas emoji because you don't celebrate it, so have a cookie 😘🍪).
You're a good friend of mine, and I appreciate you beyond words, even when you say nothing in the group chat aside from sending that GODforsaken gif of Tom Hutcherson 😘😘 LMAO 😭❌
Okay, but in all honesty, you're so lovely to talk to, and I'm glad to have you as a mutual, and friend. 🥹💖✨✨💓💕💕
Thank you, @skeletalgoats☃️, for... erhmmm?... being SO unhinged that you aren't even connected to the door frame, I guess? 💀☠️☠️
OKAY, but seriously, you're hilarious. I find your energy infectious, and even thought I do a double take when I see the stuff your little noodle has boiled, I like it this way. 🤧🤧💖
Thank you, @nightlyvoidz🍻.
I may not know you well, and you may not know me well, either, but you're genuinely the most sweet person I've met.
To me, you're wholesome, and I think you're really lovely. 😇💓
Thank you, @dobaddo🐻‍❄️.
Please forgive how tumblr wants to cockblock our conversations by refusing to send me notifications 💔💔😔🙏 That aside, I think you're really funny, and I love how we have loads in common (ehhh, stuff I won't list for obvious reasons 🥶🥶). It's a great day when we actually have the occasion to talk a little, about everything and nothing HAHA 😝🩷🩷💓💞
And, finally, I would like to thank for a final time all of my followers: the oldest, the most recent, the ones that check in on me, the ones that lurk from the shadows, the ones that like my posts, the ones that reblog, and especially the ones that leave comments. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank *YOU*! for blessing me with my own little corner of the internet. 🥰🫶❤️❤️❤️🙌✨✨❤️
Have a wonderful Christmas (or, a wonderful time if you don't celebrate it💪💪😎😎💯🙌)
Until next year! 🚀
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plus-i-miss-you · 6 months
▷ listening to:
"praise me when i'm by your side and then you'll say goodbye"
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⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılıㅤ
♪ note: (i didn't forget about this blog i swear i just didn't have the time to sit down and write something for it jdkdlssl) HI HI YES I AM ALSO VERY INSANE ABOUT THEM. I AM NOT THAT GOOD AT MAKING THEORIES BUT I HOPE THESE MAKE SENSE.
♪ summary: just some thoughts about how 0104 are possibly going to act in season 3!
♪ warnings: unhealthy relationships, mentions of suicide and self-harm, mention of cults.
♪ first of all, let's get this out of the way: i don't think muu is being abusive to haruka. actually, i don't think this relationship is toxic only on "one side". both muu and haruka need each other. both of them have something the other wants. both of them need attention, but in a different way: haruka wants to feel like somebody needs him and loves him and sees as useful, muu wants someone who will listen to everything she says, will do as she says and will never leave her. on the screenshot below, we can see that both of them are connected by chains. sure, they may have a "queen and slave" kind of relationship, just like jackalope says, but haruka still needs someone to depend on just as much as muu needs someone to control. so yeah, they both suck (affectionate).
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♪ it definitely may seem like haruka "likes muu more than muu likes him". we all know just how desperate he is for love and attention and muu is right there to give it to him and he's obsessed with her to the point of seeing her as a mother figure and threatening to kill himself if es doesn't forgive her (and oh well.). it also should be mentioned that they had kinda interacted even before the whole t2 thing.
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♪ however, even if both of them depend on each other for one reason or another, i think muu is still a bit more.. rational, maybe? or cold? haruka seems to genuinely believe there might be some kind of connection between him and muu, meanwhile muu simply mentions how kind he is to her and when she gets asked if there are any prisoners she likes, she says there's no one like that. so yeah, i think if haruka really does like muu, in the best case she sees him as a friend, but refuses to admit it for now and in the worst case she simply sees him as a guy who can follow her around if he wants. and he definitely wants that.
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♪ it doesn't mean that muu hates him or thinks haruka can easily be replaced even if she's okay with him killing himself for her sake (and she's either pretending to accept it, doesn't understand how bad it actually is or she really does see it as a "proof" of his loyalty to her. i see it as the third one). she does bring him food after he got voted guilty. she also makes sure to praise herself for that though, haha. and he got those hairpins he wears now from her as well.
♪ so! now, let's finally get into the theories! to be honest, i did think that there can be a possibility of muu either refusing to give more attention to haruka or even completely "leaving" him because of her guilty vote but now i feel like i understand muu's character better and considering their timeline convos.. maybe. just maybe. i feel like there's a possibility of them becoming even more codependent?
♪ i'm pretty sure muu is the only one who actually takes care of haruka at the moment. sure, maybe shidou and kazui will help out somehow if haruka really does try to hurt himself, but i think he will still see her as the most important person to him. yes, fuuta showed that he's worried about him but also.
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dude at least try to be more open about it.
♪ i feel like haruka will feel like he has "let muu down" because of him "breaking his promise" and even if he manages to hurt himself in some way, he won't be satisfied with it. he feels like he needs to actually die for her sake. so, maybe he will try to come up with some kind of new plan to try and blackmail es into forgiving muu. maybe his injuries will be too bad and he will use that to make es feel guilty about it? sort of like "if you don't forgive muu-san this time as well, i'll definitely kill myself next time".
♪ i think haruka definitely won't be happy with his verdict and maybe he will even feel betrayed by es and will call them out for it, but muu's verdict will still bother him more because in the end he still sees himself as someone who doesn't deserve love and forgiveness, so.. maybe his second verdict actually wasn't that surprising to him. muu, on the other hand? she needs to be saved.
♪ what really worries me about recent timeline convos is that muu.. hasn't changed at all? we can definitely see that haruka is going through it, we can see fuuta potentially becoming amane's cult's new member, but muu is still.. muu? i've really tried to find any, even very subtle changes, but i really think she's still her usual self? and to be honest, i feel like it could possibly mean that if muu really did feel guilty about her crime and was just trying to hide it with her "it's not my fault" attitude, maybe she could become much more apathetic in season 3? maybe she will just stop caring about everything. what's the point? even es hasn't forgiven her. both es and muu know she's guilty. oh well, she will stop fighting for now.
♪ i also think if haruka ends up hurting himself, muu actually will feel bad about it, but will still try to hide it and say that it's not her fault yet again. it was his choice, right? she didn't ask him to do it! so how can it be her fault? are you just going to blame her for everything again, es? she has a guilty verdict to deal with already!.. that's probably how it would go.
♪ if somehow, kotoko ends up being voted innocent (i feel like she will get that guilty sweep, but also. i believe in people who have yuri feelings for her. i am also not immune to hot wolf girl.). i feel like these guys will become even more obsessed with each other as the only guilty prisoners. it's just them and their toxic codependent relationship against the world! maybe one or both of them will bring it up, sort of like "really, es? you really had to ruin one thing that made us happy, huh?"
♪ and if kotoko does end up being voted guilty, i honestly have no idea how these three could interact, but i am excited to see it. i still think they can possibly hold some sort of grudge against the innocent prisoners, especially the ones who were voted guilty in the first season. like, what did they do to make es forgive them? are haruka and muu really that bad compared to them? is it es admitting that they've done something wrong and agreeing to forgive those prisoners? does it mean that there's a chance of haruka and muu being forgiven again?
♪ about other possible relationship dynamics: i think it'd be interesting to see someone saving haruka and muu being a little afraid of losing him. come onnnn, show us that she is dependent on him too!! imagine shidou treating haruka's injuries and haruka suddenly going "does that mean.. shidou-san.. is my mom?". this guy called a nonbinary 15 year old his mom. imagine what will happen to him when he recognizes shidou's milf energy /j
♪ also i've just said that i can imagine them isolating themselves from the inno prisoners, but i think it'd also be cute to see mahiru feeling sorry for them and trying to cheer them up and take care of them :) i would gladly throw both of them in a blender (i love them i swear), but they also deserve some happy moments. imagine these two following mahiru around with nothing but a tbh creature look in their eyes.
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♪ speaking of another innocent prisoner who got voted guilty in s1.. this most likely won't happen, but i think it'd just be a fun (and terrifying) concept. imagine if amane also manages to get these two to join her cult. muu is more logical, so it would most likely take some time, but haruka? he believes in god, very easy to "break" and is overall very trusting and naive. and according to his t2 interrogation, he isn't afraid of amane anymore. do you see what i see.
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deareststars · 1 year
I'M FREE TO COMMENT!!!! I'm pleasantly surprised that my request is done! You have no idea how excited I was when I saw my request! My General relationship hcs for Cyrus, Drayden, Grimsley, Colress with gn s/o request is so good! I love this especially Cyrus is softer due to their presence, he would do his best to make it happen if they even make a playful request to build something, he may not really understand emotions but he does his best to comfort them when they need it, he tried to comfort them when they lost to the "hero" once, he comforted them like a growlithe though XD, they teased him as he looks away while blushing, he tries to express his love through psychical actions, he wanted them to stay but they refused, he cried as he did try to dissuade them, both the hero & Cynthia let them go knowing that they're going to follow him, they know it's worth it as he held onto them tightly, it's not obvious when Drayden has a crush on someone, he would show up at their door with things they like, he would truly act like a gentleman, they're in disbelief when he took them to the most wonderful restaurant there for real, he was confused at why wouldn't he treat his partner like royalty they are, he would make sure they would eat healthy & push them & Pokémon to their limits, he would have advise for them if they need it, he would do a lot of acts of service, how stubborn both of them are when they want to help while he wants them to be safe, he put Haxarous in front of them, Grimsley thought of how gorgeous they are when he met them while they're worried that he would be resentful, he would rely on them when he has relapses, he wanted to gamble but they managed to encourage him that he's doing great at stopping, he always tell them how much they mean to him & praise them whether they win or lose, he's quite competitive but they have to remind to concentrate because he's too distracted by their presence XD, he would tell them about his day when they're not feeling good, he knows where to find them & brought hot chocolate, he talked about their date in a week, he felt bad as he knows how it feels & praises them for getting out of bed, they leaned on him as he reminded them that he loves them, they joined Team Plasma before Colress did & they're pretty much their "Nurse Joy", a lot of his work is credited to them, he writes about them a lot in his notes, he almost threw his pen away when he realised he wrote about them, he's a bit flustered when they came in, they would need to make the first move because he won't XD, he won't let Ghetsis know about their relationship, he still makes time for them, he asks if they still want to be with him even though he's nervous, and they accepted happily! Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :) Can I request now? Only if you don't mind of course!
hahaha yes of course! im rlly happy that you enjoyed it so much bc this was actually such a good one to start off with. you can rq whenever you’d like!!
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meredithdoesfandoms · 2 years
byler tell the party and fam hcs
• i imagine him coming out to joyce and jonathan being very standard, he tells them he’s in love with mike and theyre all accepting and love is love and blah blah blah (note that i hc will as already being out to his family and the party)
• but then when will leaves the room joyce is like ??? i knew about will being gay, but mike?? and jonathan is like yeah?? it’s obvious?? mike is like obsessed with him?? and then they agree as long as will is happy thats what matters
•and he’s all annoyed and pissy and whatever, so mike and will freak out because “omg he’s homophobic”
•mike leaves and the byers-hopper family is eating dinner. it is silent. and then hopper just kind of “im ok with the gay thing, kiss all the boys you want. but MICHAEL FUCKING WHEELER???” (this is all very lighthearted btw)
• joyce ofc being all “we talked about this!! as long as he’s happy, right??”
• and simp hopper is like “yes joyce is right, will as long as ur happy thats what matters😐”
• hop is a byler enthusiast, but soley for the sake of will’s happiness. that being said, he will always have a slight vendetta against michael wheeler
• any homophobia towards either of them tho?? it is on SIGHT dont mess with jim
• mike doesnt come out to karen until he and will are official. its once again a very standard “mom im gay” thing
• and karen gets all soft and says “it was always will, wasnt it”
•and everyones all soft and weepy because karen has always kind of known, and just wants the best for her boy
• i imagine the exact same thing happens with nancy, but this conversation occurs after the one with karen
mike: wait you knew??? thats what mom said!!
nancy: yeah cuz its fucking obvious dipshit
dustin- i think hes a fucking genius dont get me wrong, but if he doesnt know robin is gay, hes not gonna guess mike is gay. byler sits him down and tells him, and then all we get is “ohhhhhhh” and then there are no follow up questions once the dots have been connected
lucas- gets sat down, “we’re dating” and blah blah blah. he’s all accepting and sweet and normal. but im a sucker for platonic byclair, so lucas and will talk alone afterwards. they talk about how wills and mikes feelings developed for each other, and how lucas has seen will struggle for so long, and is just glad to see him happy. “did you have to pick mike tho? i mean you could do better” “LUCAS.”
max- after lucas and will go back inside after their talk. max is there and notices they clearly had some type of heart-to heart. let me just write this out rq
will and lucas: *walk in, tear marks on their cheeks*
max (to will and mike): so did u nitwits finally tell lucas and dustin that yall are dating
mike: who the fuck told you?? *mike is pissed, because this was his time to come out, and he wanted control of the narrative, and someone snitched to max*
max: nobody?? it was just fucking obvious??
mike: oh.
el- yall i have no idea. i dont want her to get hurt because im a byler first, but an el stan as a close second. i think she either sees them in the void, or witnesses a romantic moment and just kinda knows. and mike and will know that she knows, but it all stays an unspoken mutual understanding for a while. eventually once the party knows she mentions it more, but shes sweet and i love her and if ANYONE hc’s her as homophobic or jealous we’re officially beefing
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sculptedinflesh · 9 days
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best municipal waste member i couldng care less hes so silly mwuahahahahahah.. i didnt get to see them live but i saw HIM on stage!!! with ghoul (please god do not mix this up with ghost ew.. ghoul is like supercool thrash) HE WAS IN AN AWESOMEEE COSTUME IM GONNA YAP RQ
also when is it acceptable for me tomake an intro do i have ro wait until i post a certain amount of times or i get a certain amount of followers or somethign
0 notes
kyaruun · 1 year
RAAAWR HUG! HUG! qiapyon loves being hugged :3 and squished (is a slime so squish!) hehe you are so nice and soft :>> not at all intimidating
YOU FELT LIKE A BIG BLOG just so very top tier writing. great graphic. whole package deal. there's only two possibilities that happen to follower count when you go ia:
it goes up, because people are finding you
it goes down, because people are not finding you and your followers think you are dead
THE RETURN OF NYA im so excited rawrrrrr tag me in everything
afadsfhsd me big blog... i guess i'm a big blog. i dont know why 1.1k people are still here for my shitposts
ajdslfsdf its only a few,,, a lot of my blogs are ia..... unfortunately.... and i mostly have focused on nazukisser though i literally cant stop writing for enstars its in my soul... i always strive for weekly for every fandom but darn thats really hard with the amount of shit i have going on
WAAAAAAAA i hope YOUR works get the true recognition it deserves (one day you'll write a leo fic that will become known as that leo fic (in a pos sense))
professional.... ate lis told me that i looked professional on my blogs,,, i just try. lots of trial and error and i always try to look fresh. have gone through so many phases its insane. one time i tried replicating an actual site design on tumblr while combining it w my style and it was so hard. stares at my (long gone) tori fs2 theme
RIGHT like the readers were nice, all of the people were so nice... now its too big like who is everyone... but also its kinda dead too like damn... 2023 is not anybody's year... i wish we could return to all being silly....
help me omg big blog. i mean being a writing blog the writing might as well get a pass but the graphics suck and i'm the first one to acknowledge that. i simply don't know what to do with them >< the one and only graphic i'm still head over heels for and is the reason i still haven't remade my theme is the cute cat soren did for me a looong time ago and is my current banner. it's. so. round. so cute. silly but sosososo adorable
i mean my followers have probably accepted i'm a sporadic writer and i don't really have a schedule. it hurts when you try to put out your stuff but it doesn't get attention but aaa this is the internet. there's no point in overthinking that. my one and only concern is that anons that rq something i answer a few months later manage to read their rq :(
JESUS CHRIST QIAN YOU HAVE 1.1K FOLLOWERS?!?!? big big biggest writer indeed. i just checked mine and it's 744 followers which is an insane number for someone who posts so little!! what you said about the leo fic... i can only hope. i personally think i suck at writing leo a lot. and rei. and natsume. my izumi is pretty much a mess too. see? if i love them i can't write them right. but uuuu i'd love to write a series. i've never tried that. i also considered something like a social media au bc that's usually really cute too. i don't think any of my works will ever reach that level of importance buuuuut. i'd love that
i've been working a bit on some sort of new theme for my super due revamp but i hate editing sooo much. whatever you say your themes always look super nice and cohesive <3 they're really nice to look at ;;
the fandom being big and dead (from a writing pov) is just as you said ;; i occasionally go into the tags to look for cute fanart but i don't see any writing and it's very sad. sorry to whoever might be offended by this but x readers actually carried the fandom before engstars. but we all either grew frustrated with the lack of interaction or found new interests
i simply miss that sense of community TT the nuri era... nuri feeding the entire fandom one post a day. bee coming up with the absolute prettiest things (like hello THEIR PROMPTS. i still haven't recovered from those). swanee dropping these insanely talented bombs and leaving us knocking on their askbox like "pls comeback when". soren's blog (which i actually visit from time to time bc there's a handful of fics that carry half of my mental sanity rn). runa ;;;;
see? i miss a lot of people ꒰⁎′̥̥̥ ⌑ ‵̥̥̥ ꒱ on those are only the ones that came first into mind because there are even more moots i miss... that comfy feeling of being able to jump into everyone's askbox and be silly... nostalgia hitting hard ;;; makes me think i should try to join a server(s) to try and interact with people again, even if it's just some talking from time to time
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pumpkinofthedale · 3 years
So part of the plight of being Ampora trash is that theres never enough fics about them and you write both Eri and Cro so well that I must ask if you're considering writing some Dual or Eri fics? I'm sorry I've been rereading your works lately and I can't get enough of your writting
That's so sweet!!!! Thank you!!!
I am currently working on a couple of dualscar one shots and maaaaaaybe something longer if I still feel compelled after finishing good endings only, but those are small mostly nsfw things.
I don't really have anything planned for eridan currently, but maybe one day I will write something. It's unlikely, but I wouldn't rule it out 100%
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scarasweetheart · 3 years
pls share ur xiao self ship hcs he actually told me hes in love w u too
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character(s): stares. blinks. me. and xiao.
genre: sfw (themes of fluff; light angst)
a/n: doing sth new today ig ! uhm. self-ship hcs below the cut !!
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         ↬ oh my oh my ok so
         ↬ he's just like me fr. which. which doesn't seem like it'd be good for a relationship by any metric 💀💀💀 BUT BUT hear me out, i think it'd cancel out like pemdas LMFAO
         ↬ yeah we're both emotionally unavailable and isolate ourselves but together we're emotionally compatible and isolated together
         ↬ let's rewind a lil tho, it absolutely took A While to get anywhere relationship-wise w him 🚶 both platonic and romantic, but i'm so insanely stubborn and persistent and obsessive until i get my way so yk there was no way he was ab to get rid of me 😭💀💀
         ↬ now. to address the mutual emotional unavailability. or like. our mutual "give me space" attitudes or whateva 🔥🔥
         ↬ since we r both like. not suffocating !!!! and understand when the other needs space that does Wonders for the relationship
         ↬ it is. it is also, unfortunately, a gateway for mis/lack of communication :// xiao would be aware of any problems in the relationship, but unless they affect him immediately and personally, he just. won't bring it up — which means i'm gon have to do that and. oh lord 💀
         ↬ speaking of communication, xiao is. yikes. Very straight to the point and Blunt — even moreso than i am 😟😟 and its v easy for him to come across as cold and/or uncaring even if thats not the case. and i do think sometimes it would sting (maybe more than) a lil bc i'll have my moments of Sensitivity but !!!!!!! i can see myself exerting a great deal of patience w him :( lord knows he needs it 😭
         ↬ derailing for a sec; even further in the relationship, i do think xiao is still somewhat emotionally isolated ???? bc of his karmic debt and his refusal to accept any sympathy or help :(( which. i understand 💀 but also :/ once again i would be as patient as i could but 🤨🤨 i'm gonna help him w this whether he likes it or not it's unavoidable [lovingly]
                 ↬ in a gentle way tho !!!! gentle but stupidly fucking persistent. but i also think this is where. Many problems would occur. bc xiao is stupidly stubborn and has such– he's actually horribly self-deprecating. :(( n also a lil emo he would try to push me away bc "he doesn't want me to get hurt" as if i don't know what i signed up for 🙄 he can isolate and devalue himself all he wants but i'm not going anywhere and i'm not going to stop trying to help
         ↬ so anyway, fast forward to the more domestic(?) sides of the relationship, i'm gonna touch on both our love languages and how they intertwine rq
         ↬ i think xiao's love languages are quality time, acts of service, and physical touch !!!!
         ↬ quality time for an assortment of reaons: his isolationist tendencies, he's so old and has seen so much come and go and xiao is very aware of how fleeting human life is, and now that i am someone he holds near and dear to his heart, whether he likes it or not, i think he'd like to capitalize on his time w me
         ↬ we don't even have to be doing anything — or even talking; just one another's company is more than is enough <3 sometimes u will not hear from either of us for days at a time bc we are just simply hiding away from the rest of the world (together more often than not, but not always)
         ↬ acts of service bc words r not xiao's strong suit 💀💀💀 by any degree 😭 but he's doing his best and i appreciate that :(( he's just not very good at expressing himself or his feelings overall (this has lead to a handful of slightly damaging Miscommunications but thankfully im Very intuitive and do, in fact, know what's wrong)
         ↬ but anyway when i say acts of service is one of xiao's love languages, i do NOT mean cooking and cleaning 🧏 i mean like. its more akin to "the littler things" yk what i mean ????? like maybe he'd do lil tasks for me here n there throughout the day (whenever he can) or maybe run an errand or two if it's important 🙏🙏
         ↬ and lastly physical touch !! now. now just hear me out. xiao is so insanely touch starved it's literally not even funny i am Genuinely worried for him 😭😭😭 and so he was 100% touch repulsed at the start of our relationship, but that's ok !!!!! i am a very patient man when i want to be and have no problems w waiting for him to warm up to touch
         ↬ now. once xiao is ok w physical touch i think he becomes so physically clingy ????? bc he's like 2000 years old and was . Was Fighting for years and years on end this man has never felt a loving touch in his life (sobbing rn fr)
         ↬ by physically clingy i do not necessarily mean cuddly, i mean he is just. always by my side as often as he can be. i don't think he'd take the initiative to like . actually touch me ?????? (not for a while anyway) bc he's scared of messing up or doing sth wrong and would just straight up die [Metaphorical] if he were to ever hurt me — accident or not (this def ties in w his past)
         ↬ but that's not to say he cant be cuddly !!! xiao very much enjoys cuddling but ???????? one, he doesn't even know what its called tbh (he's so out of touch w mortals but that's ok im here to help) and two, he doesn't know how to ask to cuddle either 😭😭😭❓❓❓❓ poor thing :(( probably comes up from behind n wraps his arms around my waist n puts his head on my shoulder 🧐🧐 either that or he'll grab my wrist n like ??? pull me against his chest ?? or sth to that degree anyway 🚶 but obvi i'll take the hint n offer to cuddle w him <3
                 ↬ OOOOO ALSO he absolutely fucking melts whenever i play w his hair :( it's just so. its it it its so. soft. its so simple but so sweet :((
         ↬ now its time for my love languages !!!!! :0
         ↬ so. my love languages definitely mirror those of my partners 💀🙇 but my most consistent ones are acts of service (it's that goddamn virgo venus) and physical touch !!
         ↬ not only is it convenient, but i do think it works in our favor that our love languages are the same :)
         ↬ now, my acts of service. anything u need, anything at all, i am at your service 🧎🙏🏃 when i truly love someone theres hardly a thing i wouldn't do for them, and with how down bad i am for xiao ? YEESH (god please let me take care of him please please please ple)
         ↬ i'd learn to make almond tofu SO FAST 😭😭😭😭😭 n i'd do anything n everything i could to help him in anyway possible :((
         ↬ physical touch in my case. blushes and giggles. while i do not normally entertain others touching me, it's different w xiao (or in any close-knit relationship but 🚶)
                 ↬ i'd very much enjoy napping w him (RAINY DAY NAPS PLEASE GOD) or just sitting next to him or on his lap yk <3
         ↬ i think kisses would tie in w this too ?????? shakes and cries. i would just. i would give him so many kisses :((( a gentle kiss to his forehead, on each of his checks, the tip of his nose, his neck, shoulders, everywhere :(( AND HES SO PRETTY TOO HOW COULD I NOT SMOTHER HIM IN KISSES ,'?"!,:;!,"?",???:,??!?;,
         ↬ and as for quality time, i think this one is v self explanatory. me and my lil addictive personality. uh oh. 😊 ab to get addicted to his presence fr 🤒🤒 just. just spending any sort of time w him. it doesnt matter what we're doing or where we are so long as i'm w xiao :(
         ↬ as much as i'd like to pretend i'm not codependent. i very much am. physically anyway 🧏🚶 we dont even have to talk or interact or anything — which is nice bc yk we both understand the need for Emotional space, so this works out very well i'd say. if we r in our lil isolatory episodes, then there is a sharp decrease in our actual physical interactions ???? rather we'll like sit on opposite sides of the room, not even rlly talking, and jus doing whatever but its comforting knowing that we're like not Alone yk
         ↬ " uhhhh might add more later today but its 3am and im tired so this is it for now " maybe i will write more one day
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yamagucji · 4 years
Prank gone wrong pt.II
request: “Hello! I hope that you are having a good day! I’m not sure if you take requests or not, but if you do, I saw the one fic you wrote called Prank Gone Wrong, and I thought it was amazing! Could you maybe do that for Karasuno & Shiratorizawa? Please & thank you” - anon
synopsis: the boys prank their young/sweet manager and it goes wrong
a/n: first one ft. seijoh and nekoma found here. also, someone rq inarizaki + shira for this but idk if i’m familiar with inarizaki atm so if u see this bby im sorry :(
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daichi and shimizu were not in the picture bc they’d get their butts handed to them if they knew🤩 but the other boys seemed convinced enough to do it
so how do they pull this off?
easy- they told everyone that during practice they could interact with shimizu but not you
so practice comes along and you’re CONFUSED, bc why aren’t they responding to you? :(
you try and tend to them anyway, because maybe they’re just exhausted? it’s a hot day after all
pls🥺 you try and hand them their bottles but they’ll either take it while not looking at you or completely ignore you, going to shimizu instead
they think it’s going smoothly until tsukki comes along to step on the limit
“uh-oh, wouldn’t want to get cooties from you”
he says this as you offer a towel to him and immediately your body just deflates, sinks
“i’m sorry tsukishima... i’ll- i’ll go wash my hands now” but really that was just your excuse to get away
i just KNOW shimizu will glare at the boys before running off to find you
have you ever seen daichi truly infuriated?? well you have now
“tsukishima! what the hell was that for? and to the rest of you, i’ve noticed you ignored y/n but i thought nothing of it until...” he’s going on a rant now yes they get a beating too
anyway, shimizu will bring you back once you’ve calmed down to resolve the conflict (aka to calm daichi down)
shimizu: “that was really immature of you boys. what do you have to say?” god is truly a woman and that’s shimizu senpai
the boys in question: 😔😞😞😔😔
please be prepared to receive a series of apologies and a very blushy, embarrased, shameful but doesn’t wanna admit it- tsukki
daichi makes them do hard drills for the rest of the week, while the boys try and make it up to you
you’ll definitely get a handful of treats throughout the day like: milk, pork buns, candy, and of course, strawberry shortcake from tsukki
noya and tanaka on the ground with tears in their eyes: “please y/n-chan! let us make it up to you!!”
fkdjhs don’t tease them about what happened because they’ll drown in shame again and cry about hurting their dear manager
you can tease tsukki tho- he can’t revoke your teasing privileges anyway😖
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i honestly think that they’re either not immature enough OR there are too many mature boys to let the team pull such a prank on their sweet manager (ahem ushi and reon)
fyi this is gonna take another turn
so, they don’t happen to ignore you intentionally, but a crazed fan is willing to go about their ways to take the team’s attention
how? by asking to shadow you while you managed the team, and you being the kind manager you are, accepted
the girl was eager to tend to the boys, running up to grab the water bottles and the towels before you could
you figured, maybe she’s just excited? well, it’d be good to watch from the sidelines and let her experience what it’s like to be a manager. plus, she seems to be engaged in a conversation with ushi, so that’s good!! right...?
tendou, popping out of nowhere: “ohoh? you’re just going to let her take your job? she seems to be taking all their attention” yes tendou bby the guess monster 😌🤝
you just shake your head, dismissing his assumptions. but inside, you were becoming conscious of just how right it seemed to be
they did happen to ignore you but that wasn’t intentional... and surely the girl wouldn’t mean harm
just then, the girl points to your direction, and ushi turns to face you
is that— what’s with that scowl on his face??
he walks over to you, “y/n, is it true that you said she wasn’t fit to become our manager? why would you say that?”
say WHAT now 😀
the girl trails behind him, sends a glare to you, before breaking down in front of the whole team
“it’s true! i’ve been nothing but kind, why would they say such a thing?”
everyone’s eyes are on you and god it feels so suffocating. it’s not true, but how do you defend yourself when the girl is balling her eyes out?
honestly you want to break down yourself but you have to keep it together :( and tendou knows that all too well
tendou: “that’s such a good act you’ve done there. i know exactly what you’re trying to do. how dare you frame our sweet little manager?”
he really called her out 😳
tendou will shut her in no time, and he’s quick to explain to the coach and the rest of the team about the situation. he’s called the guess monster for a reason
of course, the girl is asked to leave😌
tendou: “i heard her gossiping about y/n a few days ago. honestly, why would someone go through all the trouble to hate on someone?”
ushi: “ah, i see. y/n, i apologize if i doubted you”
the rest of the team: we’re sorry we let that happen :((
n e way, the boys are definitely gonna be on the look out for anything or anyone that’ll harm you
ushi will offer to walk you to places, as well as bby goshiki
i know tendou, shirabu, and semi are probably gonna try and show that girl her place gkfjshs
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rinnepegger · 2 years
hello!! i saw yr mtchup event ^_^ may i rq for an enstars mtchup? if thts alr <3 tysm!
my fav music genre is a bit mixed,, but i listen to mitski, marina, boa, brockhampton, playboi carti, lana del rey, clairo, joji and a lot a lot more…(i listen to a lot of artists HASHAHSAHAH)
a significant childhood memory i had, im not sure how to ans this lolzz… when i was younger i owned a stuff toy that was a pig from a show i forgot abt but my brother would used to take it and push its nose back and tie the ears, arms and legs together to make me laugh or do something funny OH YEAH once when i was younger my parents took me to horse riding and i almost cried because something scared me at the farm for the horses
cat or dogs, idh a strong preference but i think cats are cute! ^^
attractive qualities, i’m not sure about that but as long as they don’t judge me and they accept me for me then i’ll be in love
i did not attend an all girls christian schl but i did attend a christian kindergarten
how many stuff toys/pillows i sleep with, i sleep with like about 8? stuff toys i only hug one of them while the rest are beside me or all huddled in one place and i only sleep with 2 pillows
(hopefully i did this right:D)
YAYYY thank u for participating!!! also im not entirely sure if this matchup would be to your liking but everyone loves him so ill only assume im right, since i alwasy am.ANYWAY i proudly present your matchup to you!!!
I match you with...
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Wataru Hibiki1!!
Having an obscure, rather hard to grasp personality, he too sees everyone's differing personality as a gift! Be it introverted and perceived as average, or someone who likes to throw themselves out there, he encourages it all!
So when he laid his eyes on you, he wasn't exactly sure what had made him so awfully in love with you; perhaps how receptive you were to his romantic advances, or just how you melted under his presence.
He's so, extremely, accepting towards however you are, even pushing you to go even further in your actions and to do your best. He knows just how to read you like a book and he will use that entirely to his advantage.
He knows exactly what you like and dislike from your micro-expressions and the slight change in your posture, so that means he always knows what will cheer you up whenever you're feeling down.
As for his love language, he leans more towards physical affection, close seconds being words of affirmation and acts of service.
He loves wrapping his arms around your entire body after a tiring day of work, peppering your entire face with short and sweet pecks. Don't forget the faint blush on your cheeks which he'll be sure to tease you about later on, once he's done talking about how much he was missing you throughout the day.
"Oh my heart aches whenever I can't see you during practice! Perhaps next time I'll have you stuck to me like glue wherever I go~☆"
He loves surprising you with sweet gifts, be it something grand or simple; he's sure to get it for you no matter the circumstances!
He enjoys taking you out on dates, such as picnics, movie theatre, restaurants etc. He only enjoys something when you too are enjoying it as much as he is. Nothing fills him up as much as seeing you at your happiest!
He wants to be sure to surprise you on your dates, but he also wants to make sure you're comfortable with the setting. He'll subtly drop hints and watch how you respond, and you probably won't even notice until it's too late since he's just so smooth with his words. Be it trips to the amusement park or lazing around at home, he's sure to accommodate to all of your needs and wants!
Expect him to live up to your expectations— he doesn't call himself amazing for nothing!☆
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ceilingfan5 · 4 years
Taakitz but Taako’s the Raven Queen’s agent and Kravitz is the third THB member could be a fun au if you’re still accepting them.
a good ol classic role reversal!!!!!!!!
this is good. kravitz is a dick so he’ll fit right in. does this mean krav was the seventh birth? or the eighth bird? guess it gets a little bit tricky there huh
1. kravitz is intelligent and figures out a lot of the puzzles way quicker but he’s not wise so like. similar issues. think the jack off cave with the mushrooms that emit poison clouds when you’re loud? thb have one brain cell regardless,
2.taako is booooooored as a reaper and super lonely. he goes after his prey but only like a bored cat, leaves the corpses to be found for attention, you know. rq is like. taako. really. really taako. taako:   >:3
3. they still meet on candelnights and taako nearly kills them but kravitz...hmm he’s a bard and bards have surprisingly unsexy spells
(10 minutes of research later)
KRAVITZ USES ENTHRALL AND TAAKO IS SO CHARMED he invites him on a date and bored lonely incredibly powerful taako is like fuck YEAH
and later when the thb have defeated him and he can’t hear krav anymore he’s like wAIT FUCK 
4. taako, chasing after them: YOU WEREN’T REALLY GOING TO TAKE ME ON A DATE WERE YOU
Taako decides not to kill them today. Or kravitz at least, he still fucks with merle. it’s just so easy!!!
5. taako a week later on his date at the chug and squeeze: so you guys are mad death criminals, whats up with that
kravitz: fucking what,
taako: which is hot dont get me wrong but like how the fuck have you died like 30 times and not checked into the astral plane like lol obviously im not THAT lazy 
kravitz: fucking what
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1-800-smash · 4 years
hi! can i rq a matchup? my sun sign is pisces + my moon is Taurus + my rising is Capricorn! mmm i’m mean 💔 it’s how i flirt tho LMFAO and honestly, it’s always playful jabbing. when i’m into someone it’s SO obvious; i can never hide it well. or, at all, really. i’m a very physical person; touch is a large part of my love language, both receiving and giving. i get jealous kinda easy, but it’s never detrimental; i’m just sensitive, and i get mouthy when i want attention. but im hella fucking funny. i don’t have a lot of hobbies ADFHJ just watching shows, watching tik toks, and,,, analyzing frank ocean songs lmao! i get stressed easily, too. i’m plus sized and tallish (5’7”) and my eyes are light brown. i have super high cheek dimples and chubby cheeks + a baby face. also, im black LMFAOOOOOO i don’t know if that would make a difference, but yeah 😋 thank yew 🥺
「 match-up. 」
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word count: 348
request: @tui-lah​ — ❝hi! can i rq a matchup? my sun sign is pisces + my moon is Taurus + my rising is Capricorn! mmm i’m mean 💔 it’s how i flirt tho LMFAO and honestly, it’s always playful jabbing. when i’m into someone it’s SO obvious; i can never hide it well. or, at all, really. i’m a very physical person; touch is a large part of my love language, both receiving and giving. i get jealous kinda easy, but it’s never detrimental; i’m just sensitive, and i get mouthy when i want attention. but im hella fucking funny. i don’t have a lot of hobbies ADFHJ just watching shows, watching tik toks, and,,, analyzing frank ocean songs lmao! i get stressed easily, too. i’m plus sized and tallish (5’7”) and my eyes are light brown. i have super high cheek dimples and chubby cheeks + a baby face. also, im black LMFAOOOOOO i don’t know if that would make a difference, but yeah 😋 thank yew 🥺❞
a/n: thank you so much for requesting a match-up! i love your description so much, you’re so gorgeous and i adore your placements! what can i say, i’ve always loved pisces! and you are a pisces QUEEN ♡ — shelbs.
submitted — [09.19.20]
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your match-up is...
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⚘ occupation: student.
⚘ class: 1-a.
⚘ quirk: empathy — ❝the user can fuse their empathic powers with physical combat, sensing their opponent's emotional states/instincts, using empathic attacks, etc.❞
⚘ friends: ashido mina, kirishima eijiro, and jiro kyoka.
⚘ rivals: bakugo katsuki.
⚘ secret admirer: todoroki shoto.
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⚘ kaminari is a HUGE flirt so it wouldn’t be surprising to anyone when he tries to ask you out in the first week of school.
⚘ you laugh him off at first, both of you being very playful spirits do you think he’s just joking.
⚘ you clicked with his friends very easily and you spend most of your time with either one or all of them, they enjoy your humor and style!
⚘ it doesn’t take long for mina and jiro to notice how much time you spend with kaminari though, and soon enough they’re sitting you down and demanding you to tell them everything.
⚘ you could feel your cheeks heating up from all of their accusations and despite your initial denial you knew just as well as they did that they were right.
⚘ looking back it was very obvious but you didn’t realize how much you had grown to like him, maybe even more. 
⚘ you were so caught up with how much fun you were having with him that you didn’t all of the signs, and now here you were, finally accepting what was there all along.
⚘ you had a crush on kaminari denki.
⚘ a few weeks go by since then and with enough courage from kirishima, kaminari asks you out again only this time you know he’s not joking.
⚘ ever since that day the two of you have been attached to the hip, always going on dates and being the class clown duo of 1-a.
⚘ the other classmates can’t tell if they’re happy you two are together or too annoyed at this point to care.
⚘ you annoy the shit out of bakugo though, he can barely stand kaminari as it is so having you there makes it at least 10x harder.
⚘ kaminari treats you like the absolute queen that you are, he’s always complimenting you every day and teasing you until your cheeks feel warm.
⚘ he loves you very much, so don’t ever doubt that.
⚘ and although he may be an idiot, at the end of the day, there’s no other idiot you’d rather have by your side.
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hey, could i rq a matchup? im a third year philosophy/lit student with a focus on death studies -- which sounds... macabre but i enjoy it! our awareness of our mortality is what gives us our drive to create and do wonderful things, and the entire cycle of life and death is awe inspiring as a whole! i find it beautiful and natural despite the grief it causes in the moment. SORRY that was a lot about my research and not a lot about me -- but tbh its pretty much a part of me at this point lol (1/2)
death anon (lmfao) 2/2 -- when i'm not talking about death, i really like analyzing works of art and literature. i think it's super satisfying to get into the meat of a work and find meaning! in terms of more general info, im an INTP, nb (she/they), and bi. i love classic rock (esp on vinyl), sour candy, and white wine. i also might occasionally indulge in uhh. illicit substances lmfao. you could probably call me a chaotic/dark academic haha. (tysm in advance and srry for infodumping haha!! ♥️)
I match you with... 
You’re the kind of person that isn’t afraid of a lot of things. Your heart is in the macabre, and it’s always been that way. You’ve accepted what a lot of people can’t or don’t want to think about and for that, you’ve got a sense of peace over your life and mortality. It can seem a little creepy or odd to some, but you don’t really mind. It’s your passion and someone has to do it if nobody else will take the step to start the process, who will? You have a very passionate mind over this and you don’t hesitate to discuss and debate topics that interest you in the slightest. You’ve got a bright mind and people don’t really know what to do when you’re around. 
It’s something that Jumin would admire about you, he’s long-held fascinations in the dark and the macabre, but he’s had no one to really share that interest with in his life so when you come around, he can finally do that as much as he wants without worrying about someone giving him an odd look. You guys have spent a lot of hours just sitting together, discussing the fine semantics of what is all about and what the end is all about. No hesitation, no worry, no fear, just someone understanding who you are. Don’t even get him started on anything else, this man will start talking to you and he will never be quiet again, but I think that is what you admire more about him. 
You can be more of a wildcard than he is, but that’s what he loves about you. You will not hesitate to speak your mind and share your thoughts, and you will always never let anyone judge you. You may seem different but that’s because people only see the surface, and they don’t stop to see the person inside. Jumin takes the time to try your hobbies just to be closer to you. 
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ichirostitties · 5 years
welcome!! can i please get some uhhhhh pining/confession hcs for ichiro, doppo, and dice? 👀
HEY GUYS IT’S BEEN A HOT MINUTE i should be able to update more frequently now!! work b like kickin my ass + i’ve been replying for uni so uwu owo i’m back now alSO oh..THIS RQ WAS LIKE MADE FOR ME!! they’re all good dudes ughh dw i’ll send them all the love
-oh this poor kid. he has no clue what to do, it sort of hit him out of nowhere one day; that he realised he really REALLY liked you, like a lot!! more than a friend (i think ichiro is the type of person who would only really fall for someone he considers a friend first, so u gotta be his friend before u can suck his dick ok)
-he can’t stop thinking about you, especially when he’s reading those light novels of his. he can’t help picturing the two of you in the same situations as the main love interests and he keeps!! blushing and having to stop reading because it makes his heart so soft but he’s so embarrassed 
-every time he sees you he can feel his heart sort of..squeeze or ache in some way, he finds it hard to hold back his feelings because he’s usually so honest and affectionate but he really doesn’t want to ruin your friendship.
-jiro and saburo notice he’s been acting differently recently, he’s been a little more easily distracted and he seems especially jumpy when you come around…honestly they can probably tell what’s up, i think they’d try to get you two alone but they simultaneously facepalm when ichiro still says nothing and just keeps staring at you when you’re not looking (sometimes you notice but you don’t think much of it)
-he would probably imagine some different romantic confession scenario each night. before he goes to sleep he lies there and he imagines various (impossible) ways his confession to you would go. it’s all really cliche but he’s having the time of his life before he goes to sleep and probably dreams about it too
-bruh ichiro is so whipped like.,he’d drop anything to help you if you needed it. he’s such a sweetie and even you notice he’s been doing more to help than usual lately. please remind him to take care of himself, i feel like he needs someone to do that for him sometimes
-it takes time, a lot of longing glances at you and he probably even sighs wistfully while reading manga, but eventually he’ll gather up the courage to tell you how he feels. he’s planned some impossibly elaborate scenario, but one day when you guys are just hanging out on one of his days off playing video games or something (GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME…THIS BITCH Y/N IS OUT HERE LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE) he just sorta..lets it slip that he really likes you. 
-he would definitely only ever say it in person. he thinks that doing it via message/text is sort of an easy way out and what sort of person would he be if he did that?? he’s gotta gather up the courage just like his favourite main characters have done so many times!!
-so he’d tell you, and if you accept him he’d be SO HAPPY i think he’d almost cry. he’d give you the biggest, softest hug ever and you’d probably have to tell him to stop squeezing so hard but!!! aah!! he’s so so happy that you return his feelings and he doesn’t even care that you guys technically wasted time with all the moments he couldn’t bring himself to say anything
-and as a zombie kills him in minecraft in the background, ichiro can feel that ache in his chest finally subside as he leans in to give you a big ol smooch right on the lips (mwah ily too ichiro)
-ok. this one made me a little emo ngl
-when dice finds out he has feelings for you, he really doesn’t know what else to do. there’s evidence that he actually doesn’t think that highly of himself (..im lookin at you hypmic manga + stella lyric video), so he would probably be content to be around you in any way, even if it isn’t romantic, because he’s just so happy and kind of astounded you want to be around him as much as you do at all
-he isn’t very obviously like this, though, it’s just thoughts he has sometimes so you don’t notice anything, but they’re still there. he doesn’t think you’d want to date someone like him, after all, he’s a bit of a screw-up, right?(NO HE ISNT..DICE IS BABEY) he’s only 20, and yet he’s already made so many bad decisions…
-and he finds himself enjoying your company even more than usual, he really does love you so much and he isn’t used to feeling this way! his chest hurts when he thinks about you, and he just sees your hand and wants to hoLD IT SO BADLY but he can’t bring himself to say anything
-he’s always been a little clingy towards people who are kind to him, but you notice he’s been like that even more than usual. he doesn’t even beg money from you like usual, he’s just…there, a lot. not that you mind, in fact you welcome his company, you just notice that difference
-he stays with you a lot, and you guys still have just as much fun together as you always did! he’s great to be around, he’s really lighthearted even if he gets riled up easily, and maybe you start to notice this light, fluttery feeling when he’s around too..but you brush it off as just general enjoyment of his presence
-it’s one day, after he’s had a particular lucky streak down at the slot machines, that he feels that wave of dopamine hit and just rushes to your place, excited at all his winnings, and accidentally-on-purpose (he’s aware of what he’s doing, he just can’t really control his mouth lol) tells you how he feels in a big rush of excitement (probably like “AND I THINK I WON CAUSE I’VE BEEN AROUND YOU A LOT!! YOU’RE LIKE MY LUCKY CHARM!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH Y/N!!”
-you’re like “uhh..ok what?? bruh moment” as he keeps going, then he realises what he said and COMPLETELY STOPS, he’s speechless for a good few seconds, before he turns pretty red and starts pacing around the room ranting about how it wasn’t supposed to go like that!!! he wasn’t supposed to say anything because there’s no way you’d wanna be with someone like him!!
-and then you go over to him to calm him down, take his hand in yours and assure him that actually, you do want to be with him. you tell him you’ve liked him for a while now too, but you’d only figured it out recently, and he’s just so shocked that his brain stops working for a moment and he looks like “…” but as a person
-and then he gets the biggest, cheesiest dice-grin on his face and gives you a BIG BIG BONE-CRUSHING HUG, spins you around, and says he loves you over and over while you laugh and cry simultaneously because you think he’s about to snap your spine
-after that’s over, you tell him that he shouldn’t think of himself as trash or anything; sure he’s like the definition of bad decisions, but you don’t care because he’s an honest, kind person whose company you genuinely enjoy, and even if he gambled all his clothes and everything else he owns away, you’d still wanna be with him because you feel the same, you love him
-he’s so happy! he feels luckier than he ever has in his entire life, his day has gone so well and he has the best sleep (by your side, ofc) he’s had in a long time
-a nervous wreck..you think he’s bad normally?? he’s 100 times worse now that he’s realised he likes you in a romantic way
-he’s REALLY OBVIOUS!! poor man :^( he stutters while he’s talking to you (more than usual), he blushes BRIGHT RED when asking you anything, he’s fidgeting SO MUCH like his hands are shaking (knees weak palms sweaty mom’s spaghetti), and sometimes he can’t even bring himself to greet you when he sees you because he’s just too afraid of screwing up and making you hate him (as if you could ever..doppo is amazing)
-everyone within a mile radius can tell how he feels. hifumi almost tells you himself before doppo smacks him straight across the face and tells him to shut the hell his mouth before apologizing profusely to you and dragging mr hifoomi away for a severe talking to about Social Boundaries (then apologizes for giving him the smack and pats him on the head. i love their friendship)
-he’d go out of his way to see you at least once a day, even if he can’t always bring himself to talk to you and even if it means he gets home a little later than usual. he feels horribly creepy just watching you, but his heart is fluttering so much and his chest is aching so badly he can’t do much more than that, no matter how much he wants to go over to you
-he will NEVER confess purposely. his self esteem is so cripplingly low he’s convinced you don’t even like him that much anyway, let alone return his feelings, and he thinks him confessing would just make you despise him, so he never says anything and just remains stuck in this horrible loop
-one day, however, he’s had the shittiest day in a while (at least, it stands out compared to others), and you invite him over for dinner (it’s been a while, after all!). he thinks, why not? how could this day get any worse? at least he’ll get to see you, even if he makes a big fool of himself and you end up hating him. at least it’ll all be over in one day
-you’re actually a little nervous yourself. you really like doppo, and you had plans to say something to him yourself this evening. you didn’t want to give him a nervous breakdown, however, so you had this whole thing planned out where you’d give him the most relaxing dinner possible so he’d at least be in a relatively normal state of mind so you could tell him your feelings
-well!! spoiler alert, it doesn’t end up like that. doppo, more anxious than usual, keeps slipping over his words and keeps muttering under his breath, and you can only seem to calm him for a max of 5 minutes at a time before he’s at it again. you manage to get through dinner fine, in fact it’s really pleasant, but after that he doesn’t know what to do and ends up biting his nails on your couch while you tidy up
-he says it accidentally. he didn’t mean for you to hear it, but he says that he loves you and you almost drop the plate you’re holding in shock because!! no way! he feels the same? and you turn around and he’s got this absolutely devastated look on his face because he’s convinced he’s just ruined your entire relationship
-you rush over to him before he can start apologizing and self-deprecating again (he gets a few out before you reach him) and you pull him up off the couch and into your arms because boy does he look like he needs a hug right now. you stroke his hair and reassure him that you feel the same! in fact, you were planning on confessing to him yourself at some point tonight, but he beat you to it! you congratulate him on being brave enough to say it aloud, even if it was an accident
-doppo’s in shock. he doesn’t know what to say, but he loves the feeling of your hand stroking his hair and leans into it, unable to believe his luck. he probably starts crying as soon as his emotions catch up to him because he’s SO RELIEVED, that was so stressful for him, and he’s not sure if he’s felt this happy in a long time
-he calls hifumi and tells him he’ll be out for the night, before he decides to stay over at your place for the night (screw work, he’ll call in sick) and maybe talk to you about nice things while he falls asleep. he’s wanted this for so long and you’re more than happy to have him over to talk things out properly (and also try to lift his spirits a little. poor man needs a break)
-and now u guys r dating and it’s wholesome and pleASE GIVE HIM ALL UR LOVE HE NEEDS IT!! 
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