#due prayer
basicsofislam · 10 months
Certain chapters and verses are said to be more virtuous than others. What does this mean, as all are divine words?
We firstly have to be aware that the degree of perfection for every creature has been determined by God’s will and we do not have even the smallest role or share in this determination.
Accordingly, we do accept that which Almighty God teaches us to be superior as superior. No two things are identical to each other in the universe. There are differences and degrees of superiority among them. For instance, the month of Ramadan is superior to other months, and Laylat al-Qadr (the Night of Power) is better than a thousand months. Similarly, Friday is more worthy of reverence than other days of the week, and even within a day, the time just before dawn is superior to other times, and hence the morning prayer, which is performed at this time, is more blessed and more likely to be accepted. The Ka’ba has superiority over all other places in the world. Likewise, not all our conducts are evaluated in the same way and certain behaviors and acts are regarded by God as being more righteous and some pious deeds more worthy of reward.
The four grand angels, Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Israfel and Azrael, the angel of death, are superior to other angels. Prophets are superior to all humankind. The five great prophets – Prophet Muhammad, Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, and Prophet Jesus, peace be upon them all – who are distinguished by Muslims as highest in rank, are superior to all other Prophets.
And Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the best of all creation.
Thus, certain chapters and verses are more superior to others.
What is most important is that if their superiority has been stated by God, then we have to accept this and act accordingly. The entire Qur’an is the Word of God. All its words and letters have been revealed in Arabic and there is no difference among any of them. However, the fact that certain chapters and verses are superior to others is due to certain divine reasons. In the same way, that breathing, eating food and eating fruit are all requirements for human beings, but with different levels of necessity, so too are certain chapters and verses of the Qur’an different. There are certain Qur’anic verses and chapters whose importance in comparison to others is like the importance of breathing compared to other bodily functions. There are also certain Qur’anic verses and chapters whose superiority to others is equal in rank to that of eating food several times a day. And finally, there are certain Qur’anic verses and chapters whose superiority to others is equal in rank to that of our occasional eating of certain luxury fruits.
If, for instance, we examine Sura Ikhlas in this respect, we notice that this chapter is of primary importance, declaring God’s Oneness and Absolute Unity. Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessings be upon him), expended great effort to inform the Muslims of the importance of this chapter, encouraging them to read it and teach it to others. This chapter describes tawhid, or the absolute unity of God – the very core of the religion – in a way that instantly establishes the concept of the deity in the human mind.
Throughout the Qur’an, every verse aims to establish and confirm four basic, universal truths, that is, the existence and Oneness of the Maker of the Universe, the Prophethood, the bodily Resurrection, and worship.
God’s Messenger describes the short Sura Ikhlas as being equivalent to one-third of the entire Qur’an, as pure tawhid is described in this chapter. Ikhlas means purity of faith, sincerity in religion, and the observation of the principles of Islam for the pleasure of God. This sura is the most precise and meaningful description of tawheed or Oneness and Unity of God. In just six sentences, three positive and three negative, the sura proves and establishes various aspects of Divine Unity and rejects and negates all forms of association of partners with God. The superiority of this chapter is obvious as the recognition of God and His attributes is, more or less, equal to the importance of respiration for human beings as life would be meaningless without truly recognizing God Almighty. Another important sura, Sura Fatiha, is recited in all rak’ats, or cycles, of the prayers. Sura Fatiha is the greatest prayer and the most internal supplication to God. A number of facts, such as God deserves to be worshipped, that only God provides help, being guided to the right path or being deviated from the right path is dependent only on God’s will and that goodness and evil are all created only by God are all clearly mentioned in this chapter. The Qur’an has been revealed for the purpose of providing ultimate guidance for humankind and all the basic principles contained in the Qur’an are also outlined in Sura Fatiha. Because, the existence of One God, Who deserves all praise, recognition, and worship, Who have Sovereignty overall and on Whom everyone relies and depends, is explained in this sura, and our request to God to be pious, righteous people is stated. Thus, Sura Fatiha has a different status in comparison to the others; it balances praise in its first four verses with a petition in the remaining, thus establishing the aforementioned four basic purposes of Qur’anic guidance in a marvelously succinct yet comprehensive way.
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thatsrightice · 7 months
There were 140 total Pilots, Copilots, Navigators, and Bombardiers in the “Original” 100th crews.
After Münster, there were only THREE left on flying status:
Pilot Everett Blakely
Bombardier James Douglass*
Navigator Harry Crosby
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liam-summers · 1 year
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1.02 | 2.01
Responding after the other has already left
↳ Requested by @oveliagirlhaditright
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Could you guys pray for me? I'm currently stuck in a job with a very toxic work environment (managers have literally told us that "we shouldn't expect recognition for our work," "if you're unhappy with your job that's your fault, not ours," and basically that there is no growth within the company). The only jobs around me that aren't as toxic or mentally draining are ones that I am currently going into a Master's for. So while I don't have the exact experience, per se, I am in the process of doing so and am more than willing to learn. My mental health has really been taking a toll because of all this. Please pray that I'm able to leave this job and get a better one soon.
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deancasforcutie · 2 months
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the smile in his voice. when I tell you Destiel are already together by this point in The Winchesters (before the brothers' reunion?) and new installments need only explicate the canon it already is-
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gibb0nz-wow · 8 days
Dear Friends,
I write to you with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. After 188 days of displacement, constant fear, and struggling to survive, we managed to escape with our lives and reach Egypt. But the pain didn’t stop there. Just yesterday, we lost my children's grandfather 💔, not due to direct war, but because of malnutrition and the lack of basic life necessities. We couldn’t save him, just as we couldn’t save our home or our dreams.
The rest of my family is still trapped in the war, suffering the same harsh conditions that led to the passing of my children's grandfather. We are here trying to build a new life, but we have lost everything. We lost our home, and my children were deprived of their schools and universities. Even my eldest son, who worked so hard to build his future, lost his job and saw his dreams shattered.😔
We are now in desperate need of your help. We seek to secure a safe home that will provide us and our children with basic needs. Life in Egypt is extremely difficult, and prices are soaring beyond our reach. All we ask for is a chance to rebuild our lives and secure a better future for our children.🙏🏼
From the depths of my heart, I ask you to stand by us in these difficult times. Your support means hope and life to us.🙌🏼🇵🇸
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carkeyarts · 10 months
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good omens
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indynerdgirl · 11 months
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[Image Text: Please, please, please, if you even so much as glance at this post - share it for us and help us storm heaven!!! Our little girl needs a miracle and I beg any and every one of you to pray, pray, pray! Even if you don't know how to pray, please just ask God to heal Vianney’s brain. Now is the time for her miracle. We are devastated. Ever since we first found out about her diagnosis of left hemimegalencephaly, we have been praying and asking you all to pray that her right brain be spared. And you have shown up and helped us pray for this intention! All along the doctors have told us how strong and beautiful her right brain looked. However, this all changed sometime in the night between Friday and Saturday. At a time when we thought we were in the clear and were actually making plans to go home in a couple of weeks (!), something happened. The doctors can't explain it, they are looking into every avenue, as this was completely unexpected and unexplainable. She was awake. She was breathing on her own. She was moving. Shad was with her Friday night and video chatted me and I could not wait to see her the next day, finally alert! But suddenly very early that morning she took a turn and stopped responding. That's when her seizures started and they were indeed coming from the right side this time, due to whatever injury the right side sustained. They said her injury looks consistent with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy but none of her vitals ever changed and her labs have remained great. There is truly no explanation at this time. My heart is broken. I cry out to God to understand why, in this final moment, when we were so close to her recovery, did this happen? I am trusting in Him with all my might and KNOW in my heart and soul that He is loving her far greater than I, but oh man I am absolutely broken. She has lost 40-60% of function in her right brain. Even typing it out and reading it in this post is too cruel to bear. They don't expect that she is in dire life threatening circumstances yet but they also can't say that her brain won't be injured further - since we still don't have a cause. Even if she survives all of this and is able to come home, we don't yet know what kind of life our little, beautiful perfect girl will have with only 25% of her brain. At this point, the most basic expectation is that she will not be able to walk or talk along with many other difficulties. She is outside of what they can do (other than trying to prevent more damage) and is truly in God's hands now. I told our priest yesterday before we got the full news - perhaps God is giving us the most dire of circumstances to give us the most miraculous of recoveries. In a world that needs to witness a miracle more than ever, I am praying to God that He show us one now. Please, please, please, keep praying for our Vianney - that her brain is completely healed and she can defy all medical expectations. And if now is the time for a miracle, then we are asking you to also beg for the prayers of the Blessed Ulma family. Soon I will share more about this incredible family, but for now we are asking them to pray along with us for our little Vianney’s miracle!]
Please storm heaven for my friend's little girl! 🙏
You can follow their GiveSendGo for updates
Prayer for the Intercession of the Ulma Family
Almighty and eternal God,
We thank You for the testimony of the heroic love of the spouses Józef and Wiktoria with their children, who gave their lives to save persecuted Jews.
May their prayers and example support families in Christian life and help everyone to follow the true path of holiness.
Lord, if it is in accordance with Your will, kindly grant the grace for the complete healing of little Vianney, for which we are asking You through their intercession and count them among the Blessed.
Through Christ Our Lord
Our Father…, Hail Mary…, Glory Be…
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lem0nademouth · 4 months
hi hello friends i got my wisdom teeth out today and i historically have a very rough time recovering from surgery (the procedure itself went great tho!) so if you feel so inclined i would lovingly and humbly accept blessings/prayers for an easy and speedy recovery i am very nervous about the next few days ok thats all thank you for existing
(hebrew name is leah esther bat chanabella chaya)
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box-dwelling · 1 year
As someone who went to Germany and spent like 70% of the time in churches, Von karma sibling growing up Christian head canons is so fucking personal to me
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aerial-jace · 1 year
Prayer to Djehuty for Artistic Inspiration
Hail and praise onto you, Djehuty, True Scribe of Ma'at!
Oh, Thrice Great of Heka Power, Wise One in Iunu, the Mousa has fled, she prowls a distant land in the form of a lioness!
Bring her back to me, place her on my brow, for I am her father, Ra Horakhety, and I am in need of her.
Render this service to me and I shall make offerings to you on the festivals of the month, the sixth day, the half-month, and all the other festivals appropriate to you, Oh Reckoner of Months, of Days, of Hours.
Bring her to me and you shall receive a thousand loaves of bread, a thousand jugs of beer, a thousand cuts of beef and fowl, and all other things good and pure on which a god lives.
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antisocialxconstruct · 11 months
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gibb0nz-wow · 11 days
Putting the GoFundMes I get in my inbox here 🇵🇸
(started on September 14th - last updated on September 17th)
Do your daily clicks! / eSIMS for Gaza / PCRF
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Dear Friends, I write to you with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart. After 188 days of displacement, constant fear, and struggling to survive, we managed to escape with our lives and reach Egypt. But the pain didn’t stop there. Just yesterday, we lost my children's grandfather 💔, not due to direct war, but because of malnutrition and the lack of basic life necessities. We couldn’t save him, just as we couldn’t save our home or our dreams. The rest of my family is still trapped in the war, suffering the same harsh conditions that led to the passing of my children's grandfather. We are here trying to build a new life, but we have lost everything. We lost our home, and my children were deprived of their schools and universities. Even my eldest son, who worked so hard to build his future, lost his job and saw his dreams shattered.😔 We are now in desperate need of your help. We seek to secure a safe home that will provide us and our children with basic needs. Life in Egypt is extremely difficult, and prices are soaring beyond our reach. All we ask for is a chance to rebuild our lives and secure a better future for our children.🙏🏼 From the depths of my heart, I ask you to stand by us in these difficult times. Your support means hope and life to us.🙌🏼🇵🇸
I am Dr. Imtithal, living in the besieged northern Gaza Strip. For 11 months, we have lost our lives. We have lost everything. I have lost my brother, my home, our money, our source of livelihood, my profession as a dentist, and all our memories. Our lives have become difficult. We cannot obtain the necessities of life, such as water, food, medicine, and shelter. We live a difficult life in a school as a shelter for us after we lost our home. We cannot obtain a clean life and we suffer from the spread of diseases. Every so often we are displaced. We cannot settle in a place because of the intensity of the bombing. I hope you can help me so that I can protect my family, which consists of 35 people, most of whom are children...
Hello dears! 🇵🇸🍉🙏I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. The family consists of 12 members, most of them are young children. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is😭 reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need.🍉🙏⬇️🍓
(vetted by el-shab-husssein)
Dear my friend , l ask your humanity for help , l am hassan from north gaza , me and my wife displaced more than 5 times , now me and my wife live in tent 💔😓 my wife lost her neonate because tent is unsuitable for life 🥹💔💔 Please help me by donate ,share ,reblog 🙏🏻🙏🏻💔
(vetted by 90ghost)
Hello, Im Falestine from Gaza🍉🍉. . Im married and have son his name yousef , i born him in war. Sorry if I am harassing you asking for help, I am extremely embarrassed and embarrassed of trying to ask for help. I simply don’t want to die, I want to live I want to give Yousef a better life. Help me to escape Gaza I lost apart of my family😭, my home, and everything I own. We are living in difficult circumstances. I hope you can help me by donating even a simple thing orو publishing 🙏🙏
I am Ehab Ayyad ❤ a palestinian youngman from Gaza🍉🇵🇸, seeking to find safety and peace ☝️for my family if twenty members. We have been ❤🇵🇸🍉passing through all forms of torture and pain for almost ten months because of the war on Gaza. Life is very miserable and tragic❤🇵🇸 as we are now deprived ❤🇵🇸🍉of all means of living. Drink water, healthy food   health care and medicine❤🇵🇸 have become things 🇵🇸🍉❤of the past. We are dying dear friends. That is why I am asking you to help us break through this tough situation.Life in hot tents is incredibly sad and miserable. We are now experiencing the worst circumstances  we have ever had in our life. The war has stolen happiness and life from us. Please don't leave us alone in such dire times. Your kind contribution either through donating whatever you can or sharing my posts will be highly appreciated and valued.❤🇵🇸🍉
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knife-dad · 9 months
It's our 2nd year making tamales by ourselves and I don't want to speak too soon but I think they might maybe be really good this year
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dykeseinfeld · 2 months
anyway i'm going to go wrap myself in a blanket watch trial of the chicago seven and throw up
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I really hope this is just a nasty kind of cramping, otherwise I’m kinda fucked
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