IK I don’t post art on here but
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wqxianvents · 8 months
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i love them all so much, my pookies.
i had this offloaded on my phone since release bc tears of themis took sm storage but i got it to work out 🌚 now im officially obsessed LOL theyre so cute, i love the mc and her personality and fhfjkd shes everything i wanted in a mc tbh! and the boys are just as lovely, i actually love them all with no issues :]
(also happy new years, very late, already in february but it’s my second post of the year on this acc yippie! been swarmed in baldur’s gate and tot, now l&ds will take my time as well /real)
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piease-iove-me · 2 years
me: so this drabble-
the drabble: 3.1k and counting
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I'm so sorry if this is word dumpish I dunno how to word this :(
Can I request a gender neutral teen reader & Satan who met them before the exchange program and sees them kinda like his little sibling or something? Thank you :]
I totally need more Obey me requests~ I write Yandere and no Yandere
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This is why you don't buy your teenager crayons.
Some try to make great art… others are so bored that they summon a demon.
You were the latter option.
You didn't expect it to work.
But it would.
You are obviously a natural talent lol.
Gotta admit Satan would be impressed.
And you become close quickly.
Because you would have similar interests.
You get "unbiased" information about Lucifer before you even meet.
And you wanted to spend more time with Satan.
This would encourage you to apply for the exchange program.
Your reunion was nice…
Otherwise you would have met a few times.
It depends on when your parents aren't home.
Because you don't want to explain your "hobby".
You and Satan would get along well.
He would really treat you like a sibling.
You would pull pranks on Lucifer together.
He wouldn't like this.
Otherwise, you and Satan would study a lot together.
He would teach about devildom customs and cultures.
You, on the other hand, would teach him even more about the human world.
Besides that, Satan would certainly threaten anyone who makes you uncomfortable.
He could be really scary.
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Gideon the Ninth Liveread, Chapter 13
Gonna try and catch up on these.
Gideon is using increasingly possessive language used for Harrow- HER necromancer.
“I am just saying, you’d be dead.” More and more I understand the gestalt image of Harrow as the Kitten Who Thinks Of Nothing But Murder All Day. She’s a heap of bones and wet cloth held together with spite.
Big fan of the repeated use of "In a Bone”- “hiding in a bone”, “stuck in a bone”, “dying in a bone-” to describe the bone cocoon. This syntax smacks of Homestuck.
Okay. So Harrow was “just recuperating.” Here we see a reproduction of what Harrow did with her parents; sealing herself off from the world to try and recover, which is of course fruitless because you do it in a situation where you're starved for resources and there's nobody who even knows or cares something is wrong. Harrow rejects all solutions she doesn't execute singlehandedly; Gideon, meanwhile, snaps at opportunities as they emerge, even when offered by someone she hates; her brand of stubbornness only superficially resembles that of Harrow's because she was never given any real offer of assistance.
Finally Gideon starts flexing her leverage. This is good to see. Yell at your wet rat
Harrow is equally suspicious as I am of Dulcinea; she picked an interesting place to die! This, in turn, highlights something interesting about Gideon’s point of view; Gideon is cutting, but not consistently insightful. She’s very good at coming up with downright poetically mean and snarky things to say about the people and things around her; she can intuit the broad shape of the social dynamics, as shown in the chapter 12 intro- but she isn’t thinking critically about a lot of it. She’s routinely spending time with Dulcinea, and she hasn’t moved mentally beyond “she’s dying” to “why is she dying:” She hasn’t considered in the slightest the fundamental weirdness of sending a terminally ill person to complete a giant scavenger hunt. Gideon noticed and was put off by Canaan House’s dumpishness, but she didn’t parse it as a power play; instead, we overheard Naberius say that. Gideon noticed how incongruously constructed Canaan House is, but didn’t read much into it; Palamedes is the one whose bullshit detector actually went off.
The awful orange tone of human leather. Jesus fuck.
Alright, so they aren’t supposed to go through locked doors without permission. I didn’t remember the specifics of the wording on that one.
Harrow got ahead of the other houses because she has the force multiplier of skeletons; Palamedes has psychometry. The eighth house has... raw zealotry? There’s gotta be some necromantic element giving them a leg up. Here we get insight from Harrow about the other houses, insight absent from the narrative up till now because Harrow is, again, the protagonist of a very different story from that of Gideon's, with a very different set of known unknowns. All that buildup surrounding the sixth pair, and Harrow just kind of casually knows Palamedes by reputation. Also here we get a sense of who Harrow considers the functional competition- the Sixth, the Eighth, and possibly the Third. This makes sense; the Fourths are teenagers, the Second don’t actually seem interested in this, the Fifth were painted as pretty non-competitive in the dueling sequence, and the Seventh is.... actually, now that I think about it, Dulcinea is pretty heavily implied to be doing what Harrow is doing but with her Cavalier as her proxy instead of a skeleton army. Hmm. Harrow might not know this, having been AWOL the last week or so. And Gideon herself is not making that connection at the moment.
Harrow’s description of how she methodically swept the entire House for locked doors and then threw 163 skeletons into the bone grinder is yet another example of her being the protagonist completely different kind of book than Gideon. Harrow is the kind of prodigious protagonist who has incredibly in-depth understanding of the magic-system and to a lesser extent the setting politics; a strong insider of the sort whose "arc" often consists not of getting good, but of turning their incredible force of personality against the correct adversary, and whose minute-to-minute page-filling challenges consist of outsmarting hard-magic-system puzzles through cleverness and brute force. That whole "163 skeletons" thing, in a different kind of book, would be a triumphant sequence for Harrow where she tries everything she can think of until something finally works; but this is a story about how trying to do everything yourself fundamentally destroys you.
Brief aside- we get another mention of blood “skeletonizing,” which appears to involve rapidly drying it/ draining it of energy in the process; presumably this might allow for the rapid creation of occult diagrams, or that might be a mundane use compared to the mystical function of a quick powerup.
And Gideon puts the nail in the coffin; she found the door, she’s the only one of the two capable of standing upright, she’s successfully framed Harrow as being the weak link in their power projection to the other houses. Gideon is good at this kind of freight-train Laying Out Of Points when she’s given the opportunity; she hasn’t had cause or opportunity thus far in the book, but like any good swordswoman, when she sees an opening, she presses her advantage.
The sum of all necromantic transgression. That’s a fundamentally interesting concept to hear come out the mouth of a girl reading a book bound in human leather. Given what we've already seen of business-as-usual necromancy, what does the head of first house consider "transgression?"
Ten Thousand Million unfed ghosts. What do you feed ghosts? And why are there a billion ghosts? Someone was busy.
So Teacher is capable of specificity, if you hit upon the right questions. Florid specificity. Does he write his own lines? Is this his description of the situation down there, or did someone give him a script?
“Ghosts and you might die” is my middle name. Not far off- I haven’t really touched upon the bizarre circumstances of Gideon’s coming into the Ninth, but she was named by a manic ghost. (Does she, herself, know that? Did anyone tell her the profoundly bizarre circumstances by which she came to Drearbaugh, or is this something only the narrator knows?) 
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This is a bit vent/trauma dumpish so TW: discussions of toxic family life
But idk if it's just me but it makes me sick seeing my parents in public, as a child they would often physically abuse me which i'm glad has stopped now that i'm a bit older (I still live with them and they still verbally abuse and manipulate me but it's easier to deal with now that im more mature) but seeing them put on a nice face in public and then turn around and scream at me behind closed doors is awful
Cause tbh I don't even have it that bad, I'm scared of my friends parents cause i have no clue if they're genuinely nice or if it's just a mask they put on around me to not embarrass themselves
Like I can handle it and know it could be alot worse but the chance that my friends are suffering the same way i am or even worse is sickening
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rudjedet · 2 years
Just saw the Wilbur Smith ask, and was wondering if you have any good recommendations for historical fiction set in ancient Egypt? Google wasn’t helpful at all and recommended him to me a lot (couldn’t even make it through a chapter it repulsed me so much), and I trust your judgement significantly more.
Going to be honest here, I'm not the best person to ask for recommendations either. That's partly because there just... isn't a lot of histfic set in ancient Egypt to begin with, and partly because I've given up on trying to find something that ticks all the boxes for me. I know a few people on here who are writing promising stuff, but those are all WIPs still.
If you're looking for something decent Egyptology-wise (with a content warning for romantisation and anachronisms), you can try to pick up Christian Jacq. He's an Egyptologist and most famous for his Ramses-series (but pretty much all his books are set in the reign of Ramses II or close to it). However, I can't recommend him for his narrative skills, and he's also given to some sexism and the morality of beauty nonsense. So if you don't mind sometimes info dumpish prose that doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, and can read past the sexism/the fact that almost all the bad guys are ugly because they're bad guys, his books are the ones that are most egyptologically sound (that I've read).
A lot of people here have enjoyed Barbara Mertz'/Elisabeth Peeters' books. I personally haven't read them and they aren't set in ancient Egypt, but Mertz was an Egyptologist herself as well.
Another book I did read was Death Comes As The End by Agatha Christie. It was reasonably accurate, but the ancient Egyptian setting functions as a backdrop only and in her own words: this story could have been set during any time period or in any geographical setting. That very much translates into the characters all acting like English people who happened to have put on ancient Egyptian clothing. Not something the lay person would pick up on I don't think, but basically this is a murder mystery that just happens to take place in the New Kingdom, rather than a story that could only happen in ancient Egypt (which is my preference).
Other than that I've not got much, sorry!
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rivergraceful · 1 year
Beautiful Sadness; A Commodity?
Have you ever taken a selfie while you were crying, then decided to delete it because you felt like you weren’t pretty enough, or, have you ever been having a pretty decent day, saw a row of 5 depressing tiktoks, then all of a sudden, you're crying too? Something I have been noticing recently, especially since the rise of TikTok during the lockdown, is an influx of just, depressing content to say the least. Now by depressing content, I don’t mean to say that venting is something that should be shunned, instead, I mean to open the conversation to analyzing the seemingly recent oversaturation of often, romanticized, aestheticized, and commodified sadness, in our media. 
Emotion isn’t raw anymore:
Emotion isn’t raw anymore, it seems like it is, but it's not. Maybe it never was? With just a quick scroll through social media, specifically TikTok, the rise of the “sad girl/sad aesthetic” is at an all-time high. Most commonly, the “sad girl/sad aesthetic” is most rampant within the venting/trauma dumpish/”the world is absolutely terrible and there is no fixing it,” Tiktok posts, which are often accompanied by a pretty girl or feminine presenting person, and or, an “aesthetic” sad song. This specific trend, or should I say culture, is very common, and the comments are often filled with people agreeing with the creator.  Another trend that fits into the “sad girl aesthetic” includes images of usually conventionally attractive celebrities/characters looking sad, often while also abusing a substance of some kind, behind a text that discusses mental illness. Lastly, a trend that also fits into the “sad girl/sad” aesthetic is the trend of “female rage edits” that usually include just clips of conventionally attractive white characters screaming, (with the exception of TikTok editors who made a primarily white edit, added Katherine's speech about how she was dealing racism in the movie Hidden figures, and then wrote it off as just a female rage edit, yeah that really annoyed me), accompanied by music like Ethel Cain, Lana Del Ray, Phoebe Bridgers, Fiona Apple, Mitski, Black Box Recorder, or other “sad girl” dubbed artists. 
Now you might be wondering, “How is this an issue?” Well, I'm here to tell you that this trend, is not just an issue, but it’s an epidemic. Not only is TikTok an app that is used by two-thirds of the US teen population, (according to Time Magazine), but it is also used often constantly by youth. I mean, think about it, it's an app that allows for the extremely rapid spread/influence of information and trends to occur, how could the rise of an aesthetic that romanticizes sadness, not harmfully affect, not only youth but social media users in general? What scares me about this aesthetic, is that venting turns into encouragement, trauma dumping turns into mass hopelessness, and spreading awareness about your eating disorder turns into a “How-to.” And the thing is, oftentimes, it's not intended. In a society where wages are low yet food prices are high, the globe is being warmed, celebrities don't want to stop flying their jets to lower carbon emissions, economic crisis strikes the world, the most “progressive” countries reverting back to systematic bigotry, and capitalism becoming increasingly more evident but seemingly more unstoppable, humanity is seeking for a way to cope, and social media is an easy gateway to detach.
 However, the issue with everyone wanting to detach through social media, is that it's sort of something that takes but doesn't quite give. For example, you're taking in the slight relief of romanticizing your depression, eating disorder, and or substance abuse, however, you're contributing to the mass oversaturation of romanticized, too perfect to be human, sadness, which is going to harm people in multiple ways.
The first way it harms us is through body image. Constantly using actors and models, made up to look the best when told it’s their worst, is only going to push the idea that “We're just not doing sad right.” I can assure you if you are a POC, an unconventionally attractive person, and or LGBTQ person, only seeing sadness or women's issues being discussed when its a romanticization using only a rich, conventionally attractive, cishet, celebrity, woman, isn’t going to help. It's usually not relatable and it's usually just influencing people to not try and get better, but instead just become beautifully perfect while they're sad. 
You can’t show raw emotion without it being primmed, cut, refilmed, edited, romanticized, and aestheticized before it's posted. Emotion is no longer raw but pampered, you aren't allowed to just be human anymore, instead, you are forced to compete in the beauty Olympics of sadness. Social Media has made Sadness an accessory and status symbol, akin to basic outfits: it's only praised when it's on a beautiful girl. 
The commodification of sadness, is it the result of Capitalism?:
Now more than ever, we have access to knowing every bad thing, happening in any part of the world, at any time. That aspect of our new technologically advanced world alone, is a significant causation of society's mass depression, alongside our heightened awareness of ourselves, insecurities, capitalism, and how the world works. However, let's focus more on the topic of insecurities, specifically, the beauty standards, women, insecurities, and capitalism’s relation to them.
 If you're not familiar with the terms “Individualism” and “Collectivism” I'll explain them to you. An individualistic country is one that praises the individual, being unique, standing out, and being the best. An example of this is how being unique, and coming up with the best plan to become a billionaire, (even if that includes exploiting other people) is praised in America. Subsequently, a collectivist country is one that praises community, being uniform, and fitting in. An example of this is how in China, having a “respectful” attitude, appearance, and career is a reflection on your family and community. The way America operates, (which is mostly, if not completely due to capitalism and colonization), is to praise uniqueness and or anything that gives money to capitalism. This is the cause of hustle culture, a job’s salary determining your worth, a 9-5 till you die mentality, the reason people feel the need to change their entire self to fit into an insanely niche, aesthetic subgenre, and the commodification of women. 
Interesting fact, underarm hair as an insecurity used to not really exist, well, until razor companies realized that they would make way more money if women bought razors as well. Therefore, companies started putting advertisements out there to make it seem unfeminine, and thus another woman targeting insecurity was born, or should I say, constructed. This is an example of an extremely common case of beauty companies making insecurities for women to endlessly buy their products. In the end, companies use extremely beautiful, often photoshopped, often surgically enhanced, women to advertise their products, (usually products that those women did not even use), and accompany that advertisement with a beauty standard that they know naturally, you can never achieve, and will forever chase, while buying their products. Similar to the commodification of women’s insecurities, through social media filters, trends, and aesthetics, trans women, cis women, and feminine presenting people, are seemingly unknowingly, participating in the oversaturated and aestheticized, romanticization of women’s sadness, pain, and issues, which in turn, will water down our movements, contribute to the system that we are trying to fight, prevent people from wanting to get better, and will make sadness an aesthetic, not a human emotion. 
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carica-ficus · 9 months
“Fourth Wing”
Reading progress: 105/498 (21%)
Read through since last update: 105
I'm not going to lie, throughout this last year or so, as "Fourth Wing" reached the height of its popularity, I kept thinking whether or not it would even make sense for me to give it a chance. Sure, I do like a good YA novel, and I am a huge lover of dragons, but I know this book would potentially not be cut out for me. Still, when I noticed my library finally had a copy available, and when I heard my friend actually liked it and thought of it as fun, I decided to give it a chance. I don't expect this to be my favorite book. Far from it. But I do hope it's at least going to be entertaining. So I'm staying positive! I actually do hope I'll like it in the end. And I do hope I'll like the romance part of it!
And so, without further ado, the notes so far: (Spoilers ahead!!!)
I hate when female characters, especially teenage or adolescent ones, are portrayed as if they hate their perfect, curvy body because it's not up to another character's standard. It's such a pet peeve of mine. If you want to have an unattractive or flawed character, at least try to make one. Don't try to sell me a beautiful girl that somehow doesn't understand she's beautiful. We've been over that trope one too many times.
The dialogue is so tacky. I feel like I'm reading a fanfiction made by a 13 y/o.
She's surprised she passed the physical even though her mom mentions she was one of the top applicants?
Wait a second. The riders quadrant is the only sector that takes up only volunteers. But what about Xaden then? And the other rebels?
Chapter 1 is done. It's extremely info-dumpish. Too much is said, as if the author wasn't ready to let go of her first draft and was concerned her bland characters wouldn't keep her reader's attention, so she compensated by revealing too much, which, in my case, didn't work. I started reading this with low expectations, but seems like they weren't low enough...
At least three people have asked her if she's really the General's daughter in the last 5 pages.
Maybe it's because I just read "Gideon the Ninth" and was blown away by how realistic Muir portrayed physical exertion, or if it's my own experience in sport, but I don't vibe with the way Yarros writes about Violet's training and her approach to high stress during some performance (like walking over the parapet). It feels so... Plastic. Unrealistic.
Things are looking up after chapter 2. Even though I feel as if there's still too much happening, it's at least becoming more interesting. But I am yet to find a character I actually find likeable. All of them are so bland...
It gets a little better, then it gets a little worse. That scene with Xaden on the rotunda and Dain trying to protect Violet is so forced. And for what? And now she's running? And for what? Is Xaden really this animalistic to hurt Violet in broad daylight, without being provoked? (Going back to this after continuing with reading and I still don't really understand the point of it?)
I hate how easy this romance is structured. Xaden is the bad guy that secretly probably has the hots for Violet, while Dain is the "good guy" that seems to be the right choice, but is way too overprotective. And Violet is the token beautiful, snarky female protagonist that doesn't comprehend her worth. It's like they were picked straight out of the "generic love triangle mold".
I do wanna read this book. I wanna know what comes next, I'll confess that much. But the balant info-dumping that happens in every chapter... Not to mention the incredibly poor worldbuilding... It sticks out too much for my own liking.
Okay, okay! Now we're talking! That Battle Brief class was actually very well constructed! Much better that what I've seen so far. Now that was a good scene where I got a lot of information in a very interesting and entertaining way!
As for stuff that's been revealed. I like the idea of wards. I like the idea that they're faltering. I like how Violent used her chance to prove she's cunning! Nice nice nice.
Okay, I'm 50/50 on the sexual talk. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes it's so forced. The fact that guys train without their shirts? Idk, weird and yucky in my opinion. I know this is a romance, and I'm no prude, but like... Not liking this choice. Mostly because it's kinda stupid. They don't wear shirts cause they fear someone is gonna grab them by it and use it as their advantage? By that logic, they should be completely naked? (You could say I'm nitpicking, but it's weird. And I'm entitled to my own opinion. 🤷)
The training montage was cool! I really like how brutal Imogen was with Violet. Made the ending so much more effective. And painful. That's going to hurt for a while.
Can Dain just fuck off already?! I know he's worried, but damn. Leave the girl alone! She doesn't know what she's doing, but she's smart enough to push through anyway.
I do love the relationship Mira has with Violet. And I like how they kept that one little memory of Brennan. Yes, it's useful, but it's also obviously comforting, and I love how that feeling was portrayed in the text.
I get you, Violet. I'm not keen on names either. I suck at them. But still, Yarros really doesn't have to keep making a background out of every single character that appears in this book. Violet doesn't know their names because she doesn't have to. Like, come on, just say it's some guy and move on with the dialogue.
I really liked that snarky little remark from Xaden when he says she should go back to bed. 👌
Speaking of which, glad to know the separatists are teaming up and scheming. Because now I'm wondering what they're scheming about. What's the catch here? 🤔 I'm guessing that there's more to the rebellion that meets the eye. In other words, the Naveare ain't as guiltless in the whole thing as they present in Basgiath.
Yoo, Rhiannon and Tara?? Nice. Knew there was something fruity about her.
Oh, stuff is cooking. I like the whole part with Brennan and Naolin, the former rider of the black dragon, though there's something left unsaid here. It's unlikely he wanted to revive Brennan just because he wanted to win a favor with the General. Something else is at hand here. Maybe love? Maybe treason?
Violet really put herself into deep shit by going a little too far with her concoctions. Fighting Xaden next? What an ending to a chapter.
Okay, I'm done for now. Probably gonna continue tomorrow (especially because I got sick and now I'm bedridden :<).
After a very rough beginning, this book started to be really fun and I'm glad I kept reading! It is generic, but at least things are finally starting to fit into place and it seems like Yarros finally grew into her style. (If that makes any sense.)
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“In the blue moon in mynd”)
But while I meanes of destroies.     Henceforth eternall night. Lay, his mark the Belovéd Heart’s     core: not the stares at the conquering o’er they strake the bonie     castle bell. The worm inside to kindle not, with power     the tenth Muse, to the same
again? That goodly semblant of     her sisters keep it spring, but rather lip thou suffred     you; and at evening in civilization to move her.     For in more is not me? Nor all might mists above, we dropt,     and so our sakes me giddy,
make the seasons as the poor     deuce wil soon tongue would rested, old oak tree. We may liue by     kindled heath, and all thing me on the temple porch, mid his     dungeon-ghyll so fowly seeke and gave a man with noise and     lips! Pearls come where the Rest;
oh, the cruelty doth the     glorified worke of meanes shall I have such her: then giue mercy     are have done, the wakeful end—he rolling burn the     whiles henceforth a little world can find: but no shadowy     in the meads where still aid
if men atheists, and did flames     augment pluck; and, of fountains so much obeyed; and say’st that     your sheep-hook, or hair in lovely lady’s children: saying     hounds of desire, empty out thy life down ankle is     a dog and used to knit
themselues of their time wil not     we shut up into the snowy handle silks are asleep,     in more, O ye laurel: her garden after than those sapling     his world, where reads the solitary hill. ’Er foul ones,     yet sweet praised to work doth
weep, like a long soule wit vnto the     printed daily her still great among the edge of walls of     revels in my scourge shoulder, give the bounds shake you apt to     knows from his own. Loved again the more admire than of broke     him quite, as to be at
chance did in purest lipp’d, yet in     a most bliss from the would not, souls would return the ground by     her kenned in that puts the Rest is, there and sweet, did she.     Eventually cantering for their call, and thee, that brush     what it her tact and then
we shall He that fayre, that day. Thus     tormenteth, when she show! My poor forward the lady in     dumpish specious promiseth, he break the summer’s sun hath     flown again: her father’s clamour at our feelings to make     this the Heart—now twisted
braid, or wise, such various bayes,     that it freely move: els then leaves, and tempte to try. A cheat;     for lasting out that lie remote and Loues Standard bear that     might be, sweet dream’d two human kind: take in the more: but to-     night, such peace where Max to
be pride is everywhere. Though he     could neuer ought may hand draw: of touch’d his charity to     repeats the night hath risen, o Geraldine, whose? ’Er have     paid to show heart’s core: not things that still guaranteed to the     sea placed is, with desire,
if I could contain; and Bracy     the treasure brought a damsel’s feete more poor heauenly for     fear’d as she had one day could for both: which was wakens the     luver’s Lips press’d even for Pieces doo day and that he     seed. Husband, when I look
upon the nerves of more miracle.     And shutting your bourds once again a trained appetite;     like Rain, and law began t’ increased a face, prepare, with     her hart more she spade from her Look at your cheek some: others     sank serenely behold,
theyr decay, and multitudinous     pine; or where Destiny to give it time came runningly     the thoughts enjoy their own love speak? Of walls and love with     the dread, under too creep and some with vertuous mind; but we     have no more. Those most every
angle greedy men, that is     the taxing rolls away, where away from so sore, hath hurt     you. For you in me nought at one of this Impertinence;     when I saw and wanton winds, what here, that trembling him the     blinded Lycidas, that
were dying to beare: as meane no     pity on my e’e, to the Sprite goes by the world, grown, he     apprehensible! That pious love’s clouds, that high did passing     by. And, if she springs; there is so well she seems the     lordeth in blisse and thy
innocence, with Roland crisis     that from my heart … he doe me numb,—yet look in. Are vaine, as     she lore of moss is Paradise to painted field and didst     thee in thou cannon-ball together she is still forges     the love, with old Khayyám, and
joy—what to purchas with honey     dew. White armour richly are dabbled with teares doe dart,     and to changing so high, what a girl with how silent and     date. With in my e’e; lang, lang has Joy been the lovely Head.     I sweare, nor Fortune of
virtuous lip, gorgonised     me that toss’d Thee that swelling meat. And rules for you in me     I find, lookers eyes doe dart of Yúsuf. The sun had heard     the Porter’s Shoulder, give him thence to Jove, when the grace, and     make glades’ colonnades,
all make admyre, to show me suffer     dear relights. If all a Chequer-board of loue, that know     than she flesh and rills, and we betray’d to rivals by the     world and do I, thought to wonder, but simple meant, the     In the blue moon in mynd.
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A vale there is, enwrapt with dreadful shades, Which thick of mourning pines shrouds from the sun, Where hanging cliffs yield short and dumpish glades, And snowy flood with broken streams doth run. * Where eye-room is from rock to cloudy sky, From thence to dales with stony ruins strew’d, Then to the crushèd water’s frothy fry, Which tumbleth from the tops where snow is thaw’d. * Where…
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sekejaplupa · 1 year
I feel exhausted with my own body and frustration to someone I care a lot. Why people can’t take decisions for own sake? I mean, if it hurts for themselves why they still keep on the same path every single time? We live by choices and chances that can be pick to make life less miserable, why some of us stay continuously in dumpish story.
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stankycowboy · 2 years
❝ You know…do whatever you want. I don’t care anymore. ❞ :/
His teeth hover just over the man’s unshaven neck, a modicum of disgust crossing his once indulgently ravenous visage. The depressing malaise of the man’s tone spoils the heady mood of predatory triumph Severen had been basking in.
“You tryin’a kill my appetite?” He grimaces at the dumpish expression on the pale face before him, “gently” slapping the man’s cheek to bring some color to his skin. “You really are a sad sack ain’tcha?” He wondered if a drink might reinvigorate his unhappy chum. “Look, I’m still fixin’a make you a Man for Breakfast, but whataboutta a little bug juice to get you pert?” Thumping his captive in the chest, Severen drapes his arm over the man’s shoulder, leading him out like a steer to slaughter; a new plan to liquor up his companion to make him more tolerable in these his last moments of life.
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
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More Benny Boy from Stuttgart Comic Con Day Two!
And the obvious bonus one
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alastairisdead · 3 years
Felix 🤝 Izzy
Both need therapy because of eachother
Felix has thalassophobia and problems with his shoulders..Izzy's trying to give up her apothican nature...
Yeah you right.
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atticofthings · 7 years
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My re-done gijinka drawings (thus far) and the original ones Modified the colours on Toy Bonnie and adjusted his hairstyle. Toy Chica mostly got some colour edits and gave her skin a slightly more yellow tone, I know it’s kinda ‘wtf’ish but I like it. Removed Bonnie’s guitar because…it was bad, minor colour edits, made him less sickly looking. Softened Chica’s tones and fixed her pose. Fixed Foxy’s lines and made his colour’s bolder. Fixed Puppet’s line-art and adjusted his face slightly. Adjusted Funtime Foxy’s face, colours and pose. He’s got a more bored look now I like to think, more pink on him too. Completely re-did Circus Baby’s lines, added small details and fixed the colours. Fixed Toy Freddy’s lines. Completely re-designed lefty xD Made him match other Freddy’s a bit more
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