#dunno how to tag this lmao
mightymizora · 8 months
Also I planned this and shared with some folks and others might find this interesting!
In my little canon world Gortash has many lovers, and I compiled a little list of his favourites!
Everybody listed here happened multiple times over a time period, so people like Haarlep which was a very set period and one off seductions like Liria (the name I gave to the elf whose head can be found in the workshop in Moonrise) don't count here.
Neither technically does Manva Warhelm, though she sits on top for always being on his mind sue me.
Putting under the cut because Enver Gortash is a bad, bad, bad man.
Bane. I mean this goes without saying. Visits from his God are always eventful. 
Musahn Mensahn (Human) a Calishite importer of people who docks every few months. One of the few people Enver is actually fond of, Musahn is a shrewd, cultured man who spins a good yarn and is an attentive, gentle presence in his life. Afternoons with him are like a little holiday.
Del Dawnstar (Dwarf) A young employee at Mistress Yare’s flophouse in The Wide, Enver has been seeing them since they were a teenager starting out. Their position fluctuates; on the one hand they will do anything he asks of them as long as their price is met and he has been able to shape them to his tastes, but on the other hand, sometimes he likes a bit more of a fight (features in Let Me Adorn You)
Hester Ashenheart (Dwarf) A servant in Gortash’s household. He knows Hester does not like him, but that is part of the appeal on both sides. She has found herself in his bed on a number of occasions, often when he has received a less than pleasing letter - and she bears the brunt of the worst of his temper (Features in The Portrait)
Franc Peartree (Human, deceased) Franc and Enver have been working together for around a decade and have been lovers for almost all of that time. Franc has been a close supporter of Enver’s rise across business, politics, and religion, and their affair has always been one of a mutual understanding of his place.
Kruugar (Half-Orc, deceased) Kru is a mercenary who has worked for Enver across jobs. This one is pretty much just physical, and Kru has a prosthetic that Gortash fitted himself as a prototype (having also cut off his arm)
Kerrie Lovelace (Half-Elf) Gortash traded Kerrie and her brother Ellyan from Calimshan, and let her be bought by Karlach Cliffgate in what he saw as a very funny and misplaced moment of chivalry. She went on to become Ulder Ravengard’s mistress, which then sparked his interest; he blackmails her for her company when he feels he wants that particular feeling of power, and she cries all the way through, which is exactly what he is looking for (features in The Portrait and Ammunition)
Ivo Thorngrove (Halfling) A very shrewd moneylender, Ivo has been working with Enver for decades. They had a much more physical relationship when both men were younger, which has petered out into something more familial for the most part, though Ivo can sometimes be persuaded…
Helsik (Dwarf) A completely transactional, only occasional relationship when he wants something. He admires her business sense. 
Wisteria Jannath (Human, deceased) Another transactional relationship, Enver nonetheless enjoys her sharp wit and warmth, and her understanding of what their relationship is.
Ettvard Needle (Human) Editor of Baldur’s Mouth. Enver met Ettvard when working on improvements to the efficiency of print and they formed a close working relationship which became closer when he joined the Banite church. 
Ffion Goldgrind (Dwarf, deceased) Another working relationship, he sees Ffion when he needs a heavy reset.
Fariza Linnaker (Human) Technically his wife. Fariza was kidnapped and held as collateral for ransom to attempt to get Lady Ruth to hand over some of the family’s gold. She did not play ball, a move that Gortash deeply admired, and instead suggested that he keep her if he really wants the investment of the Linnakers. She has gone from locked up in a safehouse, visited only by Manva who “trained” her in what to expect should she live, to being locked up in his estate. He loathes her weakness.
Avery Sonshal (Human) Avery is a recent addition, an ambitious young man who is a Banite “friend of Gortash.” Enver doesn’t think much of him, but he takes a cock well and is eager to please, so is also easy to subjugate.
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ananinidraws · 11 months
Shelly de Killer is a character in Ace Attorney. And the DeKillers are an assassin family. So there's a chance a Jeff de Killer exists in the Ace Attorney universe, and in this essay i will
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kenneduck · 7 months
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I have problems.
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mih4nn · 5 months
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i've been playing fallout nv and silly cannibal vault escapee radioactive luffy and concerned traveling caravan doctor law who found him crocodile owner of a casino in the strip- he's a loan shark and whoever can't pay him back he sells to doffy (who then sells to the legion)
(madman rambling) luffy going outside of the fucked up vault to look for ace and sabo who were kicked out after rioting against the overseer
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kay-selfships · 24 days
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i gave rinne my period cramps
that’s it that’s the post
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graveyarrdshift · 8 months
call me pro the way i crastinate
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ywpd-translations · 6 months
We need more engagement in this fandom!
So, as the title says, because I was thinking about this - I love this manga with all my heart as you very well know, and the main reason I started translating is because I wanted more engagement in the fandom, which was pretty much dead. Well, it still kind of is, which brings me here lol
I tried to keep this blog translations only to keep everything more in order and make it easy to find the various chapters and all, and I kept all my theories and ramblings either in the tags or on my main blog, except for the times I got asks.
But I would love for this fandom to be more active! I wanna talk about theories and headcanons and ships and all that! I want this fandom to start living again :')
So I was wondering - would you people like it if I started also posting about that kind of stuff? Reblogging fanarts, posts, fanfics or whatever I see around? Would you like to engage more in the fandom? I'm asking because: 1) maybe you'd prefer it if this blog stays translations only, kinda like an archive; 2) maybe there aren't many people who actually wants to engage in fandom activities anyway lmao
I'm asking honestly! I just really would love for this fandom to be active again :')
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belthegore · 1 year
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WODtober: Day 2-3 - “City by Night” + "Bloodlines"
trying to use photoshop on a daily basis will be the fuckin death of me
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linkies-lines · 1 year
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Sooo proud of this and it didn't get enough attention from the servers im in </3 so im putting it here
anyway, I CANT be the only normal about that one concept art of modern link on a motorcycle w a guitar. i cant be.
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radellama · 1 year
I wanna talk about Ryuusui cause I've been thinking about him. He's kind of an invert of (or somewhat adjacent to) the trope of living up to expectations. You become the monster because that's how people see you anyway...
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He's greedy he's selfish he's self centred he's a bit of a brat and whatever other thing you can think to call a hedonist and privileged rich kid. These generally aren't seen as positive things to be, but Ryuusui takes these in stride and is proud to be all of them!
He's the greediest because he wants it all, so he can share it all. You'll have to pay for it, of course - but the option to buy it will be there. If HE'S having a good time, that means EVERYONE is capable of having a good time.
It's a funny way to turn such a negative connotation on its head.
No one will in the village will worry about starvation ever again! Why? Because I'm greedy enough to want more delicious food!
I just find it amusing and quite endearing that a character that could've so easily been annoying and grating based on the cores of his personality type, is instead a refreshing remix of those cores.
He's a rich kid, everyone was going to look at him and call him spoilt and greedy anyway. Why not take it in stride and use the power that comes with money to be greedy in the best possible way?
This also ties into what I like about Francois so much - their understanding of Ryuusui complements his more outlandish behaviour by recontextualising it.
Mild spoilers for the manga, but further on Francois acts as a translator quite often to ensure that people near them won't suffer because of a language barrier. They're able to translate and make sure concepts are understood so everyone is on the same page
Francois is incredibly perceptive (almost supernaturally so!) They are not only able to anticipate, but problem solve and create solutions based on those observations.
What we've already started to see in the anime with Francois in this one episode is how they're able to recontextualise Ryuusui! They understand that he's greedy to such a point of sincerity, and that's what keeps him moving forward.
And as it's been said, greed isn't necessarily a bad thing in this stone world. It's helping to motivate quick advancements that are going to be beneficial to everyone ;)
He's been super fun to read about and I hope he becomes even more fun as we get to see him animated. There's so many great moments coming up that will be really exciting >:)
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roseverdict · 1 month
the torment nexus (collision of fixations) is going great
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drallimylime · 3 months
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shows up to the hairdressers with a photo of steve harris circa 1982, begging for the same treatment
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
Scott bullying Katherine for being human and giving her food because “she’s human and can’t do anything” is both very scott brand condescension and Kat is offended but its even funnier when you remember that Scott probably makes this assumption rightfully because Sparrow was teh first human he met and he was just absolutely useless at cooking for himself lmaoo
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stresshyperdeath · 9 months
I really like Arkknights' fashion aesthetic and wanna do art studies of it, but as a... hmm
As someone who is still developing their art, Arknights is kinda overwhelming to tackle. Like, some of them designs are SCARY to even visually break down.
Like, lemme try to break down my favorite design so y'all know my pain here
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Real talk tho Moaning Myrtle is so miserable and sensitive about the fact that she’s dead (even though none of the other ghosts are so touchy/bothered by being dead) because she’s the ghost of a child. She’s still a child. She was a kid when she died. She never matured or grew up and her life was cut short. She never got to grow up or do anything fun or anything she wanted to. She’s depressed about that.
Also. Literally all of the other ghosts are adults. She never reached emotional maturity of adulthood so obvs being dead is a super touchy subject.
Imagine being stuck as a 13/14 year old for all of eternity. I’d be fucking pissy as hell and sensitive about that too
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kaptaincat · 6 months
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RAAAHHHH i appear from my thousand year slumber to post art I made of me and my friend being swag and awesome... ok back to slumber now :3
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