kresnikcest · 8 months
Mauro said how he can barely recognise Ludger without the hair dye and I desperately wanna write Julius having that exact kneejerk reaction of “this looks wrong” when encountering Fractured Ludger bc wow. he really does look different.
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batwynn · 4 months
I took a dyeless benadryl because I ate chickpeas like a fool, and now I'm barely conscious and I have work to do. Does anyone know of anything that works to counteract the sleepy/exhaustion from an antihistamine?
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c0rpseductor · 2 years
sorry guys i gotta log off. ive got a hot date with a smokin young man by the name of 600 mg dyeless ibuprofen
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thevegancauldron · 6 years
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Dye-free, vegan rainbow cake.
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rubicunda · 3 years
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Morpho godarti lachaumei
Morpho godarti is a species of Morpho butterfly found in Peru and Bolivia. The metallic coloration of these butterflies is caused by reflections of light along the altering lamellate wing structures. These structures, mostly brown in color, reflect blue wavelengths on the dorsal (back) sides while ventral (under) sides mostly retain their brown hue. Such has been studied for the development of dyeless paint, biomimetic textiles, and anti-counterfeit currency technology. It’s estimated that Morphos reflect up to 70% of light that hits their bodies, though not all species under the Genus are iridescent.
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batsinurbelfrey · 3 years
Dang how do you get blue hair to stick? My sister bleached her hair and dyed it blue in hs but it always faded sooooo fast and turned a weird green lmao
OKAY THIS STRUGGLE IS REAL.  Blue tone based dyes are notoriously harder to keep. The “hack” ive found over the years (although it only works if you are like, GONNA STICK WITH IT, kuz once its in its IN lol) is to essentially stain the hair.  These days I use punky color, which is a deep conditioner with dye in it. This delivery of pigment means there is no “max” time you can leave it on for before it causes damage, as its conditioning the hair as it goes. In fact my hair after i dye it is always the softest its ever been.  So I buy the dark teal (which is a bit darker than i want to start, but thats ideal for the long run) and leave it in for at LEAST 6 hours. then for around two - three months, you get this nice slow fade of dark blue to true teal to mint green (since the blonde base is now tinted, and if you have your base toned well enough it wont be muddy green, just kind of a mint)  anyway, thats how I do it haha, tips from your local punk that got lost and ended up in sportsblr xD  Edit: you can also redye sooner to avoid the mint stage if you dont want it, but i often get BUSY as shit and so i like having a "dyeless" state that is a color i also like, so if i have to go 4 months without a touch up, I dont LOOK like i havent taken care of my hair xD
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My tattoo itches so much I want to chop my arm off. I had been a little concerned because it had my been itching at all but now I regret that concern
Yeah, it can take a while for ink to itch like you think it would. Just use unscented, dyeless lotion on it! It really helps! This is the shit I always use, and it works WONDERS!!! X
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succulent-pup-blog · 6 years
🐰-Secret: Honestly I'm so open about myself so this is hard uhhh...I have to use scent and dyeless detergent because I have sensitive skin...?💗-If you could hug anyone, who: God...sorry to be a downer but my dog.💙-What annoys you about some people: Just general rudeness. I honestly can't be mean to someone unless they give me a reason to and just...how do y'all be rude so easily????🐾-Biggest fear and how will you overcome it: I'll never overcome it! I'm afraid of ghosts and spirits and literally have had good and bad experiences and still am a pissbaby crychild about them
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davidmorgan035 · 3 years
Soy Candles Come In All Of The Shapes And Sizes, Excessively!
Choosing a top grade natural candle as a present for your environmental as well as family family recently been made easier by the emergence of soy and also. Soy wax candles are created out of hydrogenated soy bean oil, a natural and renewable resource.
Among essentially the most noted benefits associated with soy candles is how clean burn up. Soy wax does not develop the black soot like paraffin achieves. Although some may say "no soot", in reality its "little soot". Like in burns remits smoke, and soy candles are the same. Nevertheless, the amount of smoke from soy wax is indeed , minimum, very few people notice it.
Another thing is that soy wax candles can when purchase this one, you might save fair bit of budget. This one is less than those that come with other candles. Should you could not find retail store that sells it then all of need to do is check through online stores and then place your order. Could certainly even just how to understand deliver directly in front of one's door help this way you do not have to to exert any effort at each of. Thus, this kind of candles doesn't just burn cleaner can be challenging is even slower. This simply suggests that you appreciate using this longer than any associated with those candles either. It is as if you two candles in solitary.
I thought maybe it had something related to the candle dye, but a dyeless candle did the ditto. I had to dig deep on the various search engines to troubleshoot my problem, but I eventually thought it was. I was heating the containers like I done for palm polish. Heated containers and slow cooling are essential for urates to form, however not for soy wax.
Soy wax is an all-natural type of candle waxing. It is inexpensive and clean consuming. Since it is natural oil, it blends well with fragrance oils. The wax will not shrink most as other types of candle wax. Considering that it is a great all-natural type of wax, it releases any air bubbles easily however, not marring puffy characterize of your soy wax candles. Are going to enjoy dealing with Premium Soy Wax Candles wax and making your own soy based candles inside of comforts of your own home.
The primary 'professional' candle that may be creating is a container luminous made of wax. See, the thing about such involving candle reality it is a snap to make and there isn't need a person to perspire over molds and what shape your candle will appear like software package . is all done. Offerings to come out is what container observing be putting your candle in.
I hope that having some additional soy wax project ideas helps you see that soy wax can be just has fun and exciting and versatile as kinds of wax and that using your imagination and making quite candles certainly much more enjoyable than just window shopping at the mall.
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what's the LEAST punk rock thing you have Ever done?
shit thats a hard one to answer cuz idk what counts
im gonna say its a toss up between recording some lullaby songs for briar’s baby or going fuckin dyeless and formal for nessas wedding
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eyetrustclinic · 4 years
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~~~𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐂𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞~~~
💥Advanced 27 Guage Vitrectomy (Retinal Surgery) 💥Dyeless Angiography (GET YOUR EYE SCREENED WITHOUT INJECTION NO REACTION) 💥All Retinal Lasers 💥Oct Retina (World's Fastest Oct 1,10,000 Scan Per Second)
Schedule your appointment now with 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜 in Association with 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐀 𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐒 ☎️Call +91-9999651125 🌐Visit: www.eyetrustclinic.com
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ergohacks · 6 years
Outdoor gear and good environmental credentials are not a combination that you get to see often. An outdoor jacket that’s both highest quality professional outdoor gear and is eco-friendly seemed almost impossible. The Columbia Titanium OutDry ExEco Down jacket was created to achieve the impossible.
It’s made of 100% recycled and dye-free fabric.  Its waterproof and breathable but doesn’t use any PFCs. It built to last for years. Its down filling is RDS certified ( Responsible Down Standard). All taken together it’s easily the most environmentally friendly jacket made out of modern materials that I’ve ever seen. That’s a great start, but no matter how good it’s enviro creds,  if it also has to do the job and do it very well.
The OutDry isn’t your normal coat, but it works and by far exceeded our expectations. After six weeks of the worst weather winter could throw at us, we stayed warm and dry. It really does stop the wind and rain dead in its tracks and I made it through a couple of storms without a leak. It’s a notable design impervious to inclement weather. It’s light, warm, thin and when you don’t need it, folds to a tiny size.
The Outdry has amazing environmental specifications and it definitely breaks the mould. Is there a catch? If there is, it’s that this level of performance comes at a price. The RRP is £260 pounds, but it’s currently on sale for £182. That’s at the upper end of the down filled jacket range and more than many would expect to pay for a jacket, but it’s actually a good price point if you put it directly against its competition. This isn’t a jacket for popping down to the shops or walking the dog around the block on a cold day, it’s a long-term investment for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors and relies on their gear to keep them safely warm and dry.
It’s a coat to keep you warm and dry on bitterly cold days spent in the great outdoors. One to wear in the rain and the wind while hiking in the woods or along a windswept cliff. It’s the coat you squish into the bottom of your bag when travelling and don’t know what weather awaits around the corner – although once you own it, it’ll quickly also be the coat you wear to walk the dog or pop down to the shop in.
Combined with a quality base and mid-layer, it’ll see you through some of the coldest winter weather, but worn over a T-shirt in warmer months, it’ll keep the wind and rain out under almost any circumstance, which gives it a leg up as a year-round useful item. I’m keeping mine on the coatrack and I expect to use it for the next decade or even longer to keep dry in the rain, warm in the cold and comfortable on the windiest days of the year. Recommended.
Buy it from Columbia  + 
Price: ± £182
The hood is integrated and has a mouldable front that allows you to sculpt and overhand that lets you keep your glasses dry and it can also be used to keep the hood closed and therefore dry if you’re not wearing it. Internally there are four massive pockets which also have the advantage of depth. Zipped, fleece lined outside pockets. The adjustable waist draws strings and elastic wristbands work well.
Folds up tiny
If you’re not wearing an outer layer you want it to compress down as much as possible. The jacket compresses down to a bundle that’s about 30 x 12 x 12cm. With elastic or a stuff bag it’ll go even smaller and it’s light enough that it’s easy to add it to your normal carry.
First wear isn’t the best wear, give it time
When I pulled the OutDry out of the box I was hesitant. It was quite rigid and rustled like a plastic bag. The confusion of pockets, pull cords and toggles was a single colour complexity that was a little overwhelming.  I persisted and I’m very glad I did.  I took it out and wore it for a couple of long walks in the rain and kept dry and warm. Taking it off when I got home I realised it had loosened up and was now quiet. I thought it was because it was wet but when it dried it stayed softer and quiet.
The absence of colour
There is one big attribute of the coat I haven’t really mentioned – the colour. It makes perfect sense – dye isn’t great for the environment and being able to leave it out entirely notches the jackets environmental cred up by a couple of points. It means a white outside, white lining and even white zips. That takes quite a bit of getting used to and whether you can pull off the look or not is ultimately up to you but I adjusted after a couple of days. You stand out in a crowd but far less than you’d expect in the great outdoors.
Fitting sizes Small to XXXL. Waterproofing: OutDry™ waterproof/breathable fully seam sealed. Materials: Textile made from 100% recycled polyester. Trims contain 100% recycled content (Toggle, washer, phemo, eyelet, labels, webbing, zippers, thread). 100% dyeless textile. Non-PFC OutDry Extreme Membrane. External seam tape. Insulation: 700 fill power goose down insulation Heat Seal Construction. RDS certified down. Hood: Attached non-removable, adjustable hood Pockets: Zippered hand pockets Sizing: Don’t buy a size up, the jacket’s sizing allows for a base layer as well as a thick mid layer in the dimensions.
About Columbia
Columbia is a US Sportswear company which may hold the record for longest Chairman I’ve ever seen. Gert Boyle has been in charge of the family company for 40 years. They’re based in the Pacific Northwest and the notoriously rainy environment has shaped the company. They have got a range of environmental programs covering everything from recycling to materials traceability and were founding members of the industry body dedicated to improving environmental standards.
We based our Ergohacks Verdict on two months of use. It was provided by Columbia in December 2017.  This article was first published on 5 February 2018.  
Columbia Titanium Outdry Ex Eco Down Jacket Outdoor gear and good environmental credentials are not a combination that you get to see often. An outdoor jacket that's both highest quality professional outdoor gear and is eco-friendly seemed almost impossible.
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wretchedsons-blog · 6 years
I have seen you,
Lurker of my subconcious.
You've taunted me,
As if an invitation;
And I pursue you,
Oh walker of my dreams.
Sleep has distorted your image,
Yet I yearn to feel your presence.
To love, to touch, to percieve
The vexing plague of my desires.
You, who has been an umbral passenger to my waking state,
The night reveals my adoration
Of your skin, like dyeless silk,
And hair like waning candlelight;
You, whose breasts act as a bulwark for the percussion of your bosom,
Like doors, whose locks I wish to turn and inner sanctum I wish to traverse.
Are these omens of what can never be,
Or what I truly bereave of my lacking?
Oh, mocking presence of a night aflame:
Shall I leave you as a goddess of my adoration,
Or into temptation wander
For a taste of irresolution?
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havengarbage · 7 years
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Narco does a singing Dyeless is a sad MPB knows how to play this game Micomay creeps out some kids Tox befriends heart broked piece of bread welp, a lot of good that looking for water did Kiva kills a berry -- Dyeless, you fucking idiot Tox and bread still friends; go hunting with more friends Narco gets medicine Patch begs a poopy pants to kill her. MPD says, oooh wee, I-I-I can’t do that REVENGE FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE Micomay arms herself with a FUCKIN STICK
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havengarbage · 7 years
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Unlikely trio take turns doing a sleep I SHIP IT More sleep shifting A berry patched herself up with leaves or something idk WIN WTF Kiva what’s with all the fires? Dyeless is armed and DANGEROUS -- GIRL GROUP harsh break up there, MPB Dyeless finds a wet house Micomay, you twat ANOTHER WEIRD GROUP Lord also discovers a wet house
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havengarbage · 7 years
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Different Again Badass Brigade ruin Dyeless’ shit moldy bread gets high to escape humidity Win kills one old ass bitch. Rude. Patch makes a house, nice carpentry skills. Tox trips or something. Seo is distracted by the wonders of nature Lord wants to be distracted by the wonders of nature Mr. Poopy Butthole is a creep.
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