jeanne-davenport · 8 months
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Warszawa, Saska Kępa
Happy Halloween
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orange-photoproject · 2 years
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"Można myśleć i myśleć i nie dojść do żadnych wniosków, ale dynię zjeść trzeba. To sprowadza człowieka z powrotem na grunt rzeczywistości." - Alexander McCall Smith, Kobieca Agencja Detektywistyczna Nr 1
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walvitswordsandpoems · 8 months
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Halloween at the beach: - sand sculptures.
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moonshinenight · 9 months
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Part 4
Halloween pics made with using AI 🎃
© Moonshinenight, XxTenshiDarkxX
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maddypunx · 1 year
Zimowe pesto z jarmużu
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derearchiviatoria · 4 months
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Casa dell’accademia Mendrisio, Switzerland 2006 Chiara Dynys (1958–), artist Walter Mair (1960–), photographer Jachen Könz (1962–), architect Carola Barchi (1964–), architect Ludovica Molo (1968–), architect
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caleblandrybones · 6 months
love finding a writer.. a friend. who sees a particular relationships dynamics as you do
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radiotusciaevents · 4 months
Chiara Dynys, "Lo Stile" a Ca' Pesaro
Anche lo "stile" rinnegato può reinventarsi nella forma del linguaggio.   Dal 20 Aprile al 15 Settembre 2024, contestualmente alla 60esima Biennale d’Arte di Venezia, le Sale Dom Pérignon di Ca’ Pesaro – Galleria Internazionale di Arte Moderna di Venezia, ospitano la mostra personale di Chiara Dynys “Lo Stile”, a cura di Chiara Squarcina, Alessandro Castiglioni, Elisabetta Barisoni.   Chiara…
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animagdalena · 7 months
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konsum · 11 months
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Prażone Pestki Dyni, 80g
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swatid45 · 1 year
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walvitswordsandpoems · 8 months
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Pumpkins & other Halloween superstitions & practices.
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pinkmartiniboy · 2 years
Kwiaty cukinii smażone w cieście
Kwiaty cukinii smażone w cieście
W słonecznej Italii smażone kwiaty cukinii w cieście, czyli “Fiori di zucchine in pastella” są częstym gościem na stołach Włochów, przez cały sezon letni, aż do jesieni i pierwszych przymrozków. A wiec gdzieś od początku czerwca do końca października. Można je jeść zarówno w wersji wytrawnej jako przystawkę lub w wersji na słodko jako deser. Dlatego istnieje wiele różnych receptur na ciasto.…
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meowskinnykitty · 2 months
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Przepisy - #4
100g twarogu chudego
50g skyru naturalnego
20g mąki
15g odżywki białkowej (jeśli nie macie, możecie dodać 15g mąki lub proszku budyniowego)
55g białka jaj (2 białka jajka klasy M)
Szczypta soli
Słodzidło (słodzik rozpuszczony w wodzie, erytrytol itp)
Białka jaj ubijamy mikserem na najwyższych obrotach ze szczyptą soli.
W drugiej misce blendujemy reszte składników ze szczyptą soli i wodą. Gdy masa będzie za gęsta, dolać więcej wody, aby byla kremowa.
Ubite białka szpatułką wykładamy do drugiej miski i dokładnie lączymy
Smażymy na rozgrzanej patelni pod przykryciem o średniej mocy palnika (po pierwszej partii juz bez i troche zmniejszyc moc) Gotowe!🩵
Smacznego! 🦋
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Na zdjęciu poniżej placuszki z przepisu i dodatkami (granola, pestki dyni, slonecznik, skyr, truskawki, borowki, maliny, cynamon)
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20 sztuk placuszków grubości takiej jak na zdjęciu <3
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polishwave · 7 months
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W nienawiści do dyni, tak zostałam wychowana.
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d-targaryenshoe · 2 years
Symbols Of Strength • Daemon Targaryen
Word Count: 1525
Summary: Giving birth to your first babe when your husband is not in the kingdom is never easy, is it?
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As you sat at the long table that was decorated with all different sorts of food and spices that would fill your stomach in delight, to start your day.
You were eating for more than just yourself, since you were carrying the first child that would join your marriage to Daemon Targaryen.
Slightly pushing your fork into the egg yolk that was laying on your plate, you saw the orange substance flowing between your baked bacon strips, losing your appetite as you were watching your food.
"Do you not crave anything on this table?" Alicent leaned her elbows on the table, folding her hands and looking at you in a venomous manner. "People have had a lot of time, making sure you would have a great meal."
"I would like it if you would calm your tone towards my sister, no one called you an obstacle when you married our father, your grace," Rhaenyra spoke.
"Alicent, would you mind?" Viserys glared at his wife, starting to cut his bacon.
"No, father, let her be, all bite but no action towards me." You smirked at the dark-haired female, taking a sip from your water before placing your hands on your bump. "Because of what? Because I got married to the man that was betrothed to you?"
"You do not know anything about love or true desires." Alicent clenched her jaw, tightening her grip on her knife.
"Se iksin nyke beri naejot daor gīmigon skoros ao drējī desire, ondoso mirre gods, ābra (And am I lucky to not know what you truly desire, by all gods, woman). You placed your hand on your fathers, kindly smiling at him as if nothing happened.
"You may be Queen, you may be my wife and mother of my children, but you do not ever approach my daughters in this way." Viserys snapped at Alicent as she pushed her chair back and left the hall.
"Father, do you mind if we go and pay a visit to Syrax?" Rhaenyra stood up from her chair, holding a hand to you, supporting your back. "Or would you rather have us stay here?"
Viserys shook his head, smiling at the two of you, waving his hand dismissively. "No, not at all, you go and pay a visit to the beautiful beast, y/n, you should take some time to rest since Daemon is going for a ride with Caraxes."
You chuckled, intertwining your arm with Rhaenyra's, kissing your father's cheek. "I do not have any rest if Daemon is around either, father."
You and Rhaenyra turned your backs as you started to walk out of the castle into the cave where Syrax was to be found most of the time.
"Syrax, ao gevie dyni (Syrax, you beautiful beast). Rhaenyra whispered, slightly walking towards him, placing her hands on her neck before taking your hands and placing them under her own. "It's as easy as that."
You smiled at the huge beast, rubbing your hands on her neck, feeling her roar under your hands, you looked at Rhaenyra before both of you chuckled. "Such a weird yet satisfying vibration."
"Yes, it is indeed, how was the babe when the maester visited last week?" Rhaenyra asked, putting her hands behind her back. 
"Gevie riña, such iā gevives (beautiful girl, such a beauty)." You walked towards Syrax her head, holding out your hands, waiting for her reaction before she stepped closed, making the ground shake slightly. "There you go."
"Did the maester do anything special, gave you any remedies for the pain you've been experiencing?" The younger sister asked again, placing her hand on Syrax's head. "Y/n, for all gods I'm your sister."
"I'm scared, sister, I'm scared to fucking death. Because I do not know how this will end. Will I end up like our mother or will I live? I do not know." You sighed, taking your hands off Syrax, cradling your bump as pain struck your abdomen.
Rhaenyra placed her hand on your back, pushing your hair out of your face as you were staring down at the ground, looking down at a huge amount of water and a few drops of blood. "Rhaenyra..."
"Oh fuck, we must find the Maester, a few attendants, and Daemon, we must find Daemon, no I must find Daemon, I have to bring you to your room of course..." Rhaenyra chuckled nervously, grabbing your hand as her other arm was wrapped around your waist.
"Please, stay calm, so am i." You muttered, entering the huge gate from the castle, releasing Rhaenyra's hand as you release a sigh, feeling another pain entering your body. "Go search Daemon if he has already landed with Caraxes, I'll be fine."
Rhaenyra nodded her head, kissing your cheek before running off, onto finding your husband meanwhile you just screamed. "Maester Mellos and midwives are to be send in my room!"
As you stood in front of the stairs, you took a deep breath in as you already knew this was going to be painful, walking onto a high stair with a babe inside of you that was wishing to come out.
Stepping onto the stairs you bit your lip, breathing in and out before someone placed a hand on your back, helping you lead on the staircase. Well, Maester Mellos, you certainly do fulfill your duties."
"Of course, Lady Targaryen." The man answered as the both of you walked into the room where three midwives were already waiting for you to arrive. 
As a pain struck you once again you bowed forward, screaming out in pain, before a midwife strolled over to you, undoing the buttons of your dress.
Accepting the midwife's hand you stepped out of the dress, waddling over to the bed that you shared with your husband that was now dressed in white sheets.
You lay down in the bed, closing your eyes before you feel a cold towel placed on your forehead before you hear the door being opened.
You opened an eye, noticing Rhaenyra walking in but without your husband which made the nerves slightly get to your heart in worry.
As a pain struck your abdomen, you took a breath in and out, reaching out for your sister. "Is he back yet?"
Rhaenyra nodded, holding your hand and kissing your knuckles, softly smiling at you. "He had just arrived, almost lost his mind when I said the babe was on its way."
The both of you chuckle before you squeezed Rhaenyra's hand in pain, leaning your head back, hoping this torture of pain would be over soon enough.
"Lady Targaryen, I must apply some pressure to the belly, this might be unpleasant." The Maester spoke, placing both of his hands on your belly before applying pressure
You screamed it out in pain, releasing Rhaenyra's hand but grabbing the sheets instead. "Nyke jorrāelagon ñuha valzȳrys kesīr, nyke daor gaomagon bisa mērī (I need my husband here, I cannot do this alone)."
"Aderī mandia (Soon sister) " Rhaenyra whispered, removing the hairs that stuck to your forehead from the wet towel. 
"Lady, you must start to push." A midwife spoke as she placed your legs in the correct position, holding an elbow under you as another midwife changed the towel with a new one. 
Taking a deep breath you placed your chin on your chest, applying all the pressure on your abdomen even though the pain you felt was unbearable, losing this child would be even worse.
"Open this fucking door if you do not wish to be eaten, crushed or burned alive by my ruthless dragon." As you heard the voice behind the door, you sort of relaxed, knowing he would be here to see the birth of your first child.
"I'm sorry, Prince, but the Maester commanded me to-" 
"He commanded you what? To keep the father of this babe out of the room? Let me be with my wife." Daemon pushed the knight out of the way, walking towards you as you were pushing the best you could. 
Feeling a pair of lips on your forehead you smiled, placing your hand on his cheek, forbidding yourself to get emotional for seeing him at this moment. "You're here." 
"I am, you're not in this alone, we're in this together." Daemon placed his chin on top of your head, placing a hand on your back as you gained power enough to push again.
"Lady Targaryen if you could just wai-"
"Fuck waiting, I'm in pain." You groaned, pushing with all you got before you felt a huge release, staring up at Daemon when the room went quiet for a few moments.
A baby started crying, making you bust out in tears, opening your arms out for your newborn child, smiling up at Daemon before placing your lips on his.
"It's a boy." Maester Mellos spoke, smiling at the two of you, handing Daemon a knife to cut the umbilical cord.
Cutting through the cord, Daemon smiled down at the newborn, placing his lips on his son's head, looking into your eyes. "We already had a name did we, dearest wife?"
You nodded your head, leaning your forehead against his. "Rhaelar Targaryen."
TAG LIST: @babygirl-4986 @tsundere-cherry-girl @newtsniffles @sweetybuzz25 @moonmaiden1996 @ali-r3n @eddiemunson17 @bookish-time-travels @ayamenimthiriel @1-800-isabellapotter
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