Erranboric Pride Flag
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Erranboric or eranboric/eransboric: an umbrella term for those who are not attracted to non-binary people anymore; a label in which one's enboric attraction has partially or fully vanished.
This includes, for example: pluralians with latent or dormant attraction towards enbies; binsexual disexual folk who used to be attracted to nby people but realized they are strictly boric/noenboric after all; erraspec people; binians (BLB), nibians (NBLB/NLB), trixamorics (XLBW), and toramorics (XLBM) who were enboric in the past.
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imoga-pride · 5 years
Is there a flag(?) Or sexuality in this case, for people who likes any boys and girls (etc.) But also asexual?
Biasexual (biace/biaspec): being asexual and bisexual at the same orientation/time/attraction, between both or a mix of the two; an acespec bisexuality (biacespec). Could be shortened to basexual/bace/baspec/bacespec or interchangeable with abisexual/abispec/acebisexual/acebispec.
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It falls under plurasexual, pluralian, schrosexual/schrodisexual, mspec, aspec, multisexual/plurisexual, plurian and grey-ace spectrums/umbrellas.
See also: dyosexual, ambisexual, varioriented, perioriented.
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neolabels · 5 years
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Dyosexual - - Only being attracted to two genders. These two genders can be any two genders, and are not restricted to binary genders.
- a subset of bisexual.
x Mod Dawn
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Some possibilities:
Noenboric: an umbrella term for everyone NOT attracted to non-binary people.
Binary- having attraction to male or female.
Nocetero- feeling attracted to binary individuals.
Suptiliscapolitian: suptilic scapolitian; being strictly nblm and nblw; a nb experiencing static and stable attraction to both men and women.
Suptilinibian: suptilic nibian; suptically nblb (nonbinary loving binaries).
Suptilicity may not specify exclusive gender-based attraction (juvelic exclusivism/exclusivity), but helps with strictness (non-flexibility and precision) saying you are exactly that.
- Ap
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