#dyson zone
hirmienworld · 8 months
DESTINY SEEKER - 2023 - 9⭐
If I had stopped at the first two episodes, I would have dropped it.
Instead, I had the necessary courage and I assure you that as soon as you get into the heart of it, you discover that it is a very well made drama, with a beautiful love story and many scenes that remain in your heart. It's not complicated, it doesn't take too long, they use the time they have available well. The whole school project storyline was also enjoyable.
Furthermore, this year the Dyson brand produced headphones with a purifying and filtering mask that is very reminiscent of what is invented in this drama, the Dyson Zone:
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I find this funny.
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ihqreviews0 · 1 year
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spacenutspod · 8 days
This episode is brought to you with the support of NordVPN. To check out our exclusive offer, visit www.nordvpn.com/spacenuts - you can thank us later... Space Nuts Episode: Earth-Like Exoplanets, Alien Megastructures, and Space NoiseJoin Andrew Dunkley and Professor Fred Watson in this thrilling episode of Space Nuts as they delve into the latest discoveries and challenges in space science. From the discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet to the search for alien megastructures, this episode promises to be a cosmic journey you won't want to miss. Episode Highlights:- Earth-Like Exoplanet Discovery: An Australian-Scottish collaboration has discovered an exoplanet that closely resembles Earth in size and is located in the habitable zone of its star. Learn about its potential for hosting liquid water and the exciting future possibilities for imaging this distant world. - Space Noise Threat to SKA: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope faces challenges from satellite noise. Fred discusses the efforts to mitigate these issues and the ongoing collaboration between astronomers and the satellite industry to protect this significant investment in radio astronomy. - Search for Alien Megastructures: Could Dyson spheres exist? Fred and Andrew explore the latest research and debate the feasibility of such megastructures, considering the immense material and energy requirements involved. Support Space Nuts and join us on this interstellar journey by visiting our website support page. Your contributions help us continue our mission to explore the wonders of the universe. Clear skies and boundless exploration await on Space Nuts, where we make the cosmos your backyard. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/space-nuts--2631155/support Visit our website: www.spacenuts.io Check out our sponsor: www.nordvpn.com/spacenuts
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carionto · 9 months
"OMG, that's so cool! We want one."
The United Federation have unveiled a monstrosity.
On the border before the Neutral Zone, a barren planet now has a new moon. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a moon, but also not. When it turned, we saw an abomination of a surface. Innumerable laser batteries, shield generators embedded within the core of the planetoid, endless rows of mass printers, underground hangars, and a constant supply of fresh pilots and crew from their subservient races.
The Galactic Coalition are not at war with them, currently, but this kind of provocation cannot go unanswered! We debated long into several cycles before the Human delegates joined us. They took one look at the images of the Federation Battle Moon and exclaimed all at once:
"Holy shit!" "That's awesome!" "It looks like a giant face!" "With GUNS!" "Fuckin' rad." "I want one!" "Yeah, same." "Can we build that?" "I dunno, probably?" "Quick, get the engineers!" "Right on!"
"Sorry, but we gotta show this to everyone, we'll be right back."
In a flurry of motion and excitement, the Humans left to contact the rest of Humanity. Their comments in the blur of the moment gradually filter through to us and we begin to worry. This Battle Moon is the largest structure anyone has ever built! Well, that is until the Humans finish their Planetary Warp Gate and Dyson Sphere...
Okay, the largest military structure. We suspect that will soon change though.
---[Aboard the Department of Strategy (Space Pentagon)]---
"Message from the Coalition delegate team, the Joint Chiefs have to see this."
As the message plays and the Joint Chiefs examine the documents, a variety of expressions hide deep internal thoughts and deliberations. Here they sit, the fifteen people responsible for all of Humanity's decisions and matters of import regarding our expansion and existence on the Galactic stage. Once silence began to reign, Grand Admiral Ekaterina is the first to stand and speak up:
"This is certainly an impressive display on the Federation's part, and further solidifies their stance as a likely aggressor. Given what we know, there is little chance for a diplomatic solution and a long-term peaceful coexistence. Thus, only two questions remain:
Which moon are we gonna use? And what's our Battle Moon gonna look like? I vote giant skull with horns!"
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canirove · 10 months
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Leah Williamson for Dyson Zone™
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Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Twelve - Fight Night
Rachel’s phone rang, breaking us out of our little bubble, it was Millie “hey, wanna get food?” Rachel glanced at you, “hell yes!… wait, am I invited?” You laughed “obviously! I know you’ve practically moved in, I wouldn’t not invite you too!” Millie laughed. “Okay give us half hour, you driving?” Rachel asked, “yeah okay I’ll be over soon”. You both jumped in the shower and quickly got ready.
As you were doing your hair, Millie let herself into the house to come find you both. “Hey I’ve got something for you, our video worked! Dyson have sent you a hair wrap too, you’ve gotta do three posts with it though”. You were in shock “I could get used to being a wag!” You laughed while buttoning up your shirt. “We’ll make one of you showing me how to use it later?” you proposed “Yeah! I’ve bought my stuff, I’m staying tonight” she said matter-of-factly “didn’t think about asking then?” Rachel laughed “Hey I didn’t ask before, I’m not asking now you have a girlfriend!” Mills went onto the defence “Fine with me!” you piped up. “Where are you taking us then?” Rachel asked “I was thinking Chinese” “omg I could actually devour a Chinese right now!” you shouted excitedly ready to stuff yourself with prawn toast “built up an appetite you two?” Millie smirked, you and Rach eyed each other each other suspiciously. “Prepare yourselves though, I need to rant”. Leaving for the restaurant, you sat in the back and zoned out of their conversation. Millie was moaning about Levi for some reason but you weren’t listening, you were too busy texting your friends.
Arriving at the Chinese, Millie linked arms with Rachel, your girlfriend held your hand and asked for a quiet table at the back. It was an all you can eat buffet and you all stuffed yourselves silly. Millie told you both how Levi wasn’t interested in the sex shop and when they got home he went straight to bed leaving her new lingerie and toys untouched and unseen. You felt gutted for her, “you deserve better Mill” as you took her hand “yeah you deserve someone that looks at you like (y/n/n) looks at me” Rach said taking her other hand “you looked at each other like that before I came along” you said flippantly. They both looked at you quizzically “hey, I’ve seen the photos and the TikTok’s! You love each other, platonically maybe but you look at each other with love in your eyes and you deserve a person that looks at you that way Mills” They both nodded in agreement. “Maybe you just need Rach back in your life and not think about men for a while, just feel that platonic love for a bit yknow” you said before shoving another chicken ball into your mouth “why don’t you move in with us?” Rach asked, you shot her a look “us?!” you exclaimed “Well, you already have a key and I can’t remember the last time we spent a night apart. So yeah, us” she smiled as she took your hand under the table and leant in to kiss you. “Guys I don’t wanna get in the way of all of this” she said gesturing at you both with her hands “Mills you won’t be, we’re going away soon anyway” Rach said, then you both at the same time squealed “move in with us!” excitedly. “Okay, okay! I’ll move in!” You and Rach both cheered at the acceptance. “I better go back and get some clothes” she pondered over the decision she just made “why, you both share clothes anyway?” they looked at you with raised eyebrows “I’ve seen the TikTok’s!” you shouted pushing your chair back “I think you both forget I was a fan before your girlfriend” you laughed. “Still a big fan by the way” you leant over to kiss her. “Right, one more drink and we’ll go get your stuff.” They chatted amongst themselves while you went to get more drinks.
Packing yourselves back in the car as Millie drove to her house, we pulled up outside but she noticed another car on the driveway “he said he had a fight tonight…” Millie said quietly. You sat across the road watching the house until a blonde woman left in the car. Rachel was fuming and Millie was crying. You leant through from the back to give Millie a pep talk saying we were gonna barge in there, get her stuff and leave. “Millie you are an amazing, beautiful and strong woman - you don’t need that lying son of a bitch! You don’t need him to be happy, you can get far better than that! Wipe your tears away, we’re gonna go get your shit and go home”. Millie didn’t know if she could move from her seat so stayed in the car while you and Rachel marched over and banged on the door. Levi opened the door shocked to see you both, “MOVE!” you shouted forcing him inside and onto the sofa as Rachel ran up the stairs packing as much as she could. You stared at him making him extremely uncomfortable, not saying a word. He tried to talk which resulted in you slamming your hand onto the table telling him to shut the fuck up. “You are wasting your fucking breath, you don’t deserve her, cheating in your own fucking home you bought together! You just lost the best thing that will ever happen to you!” He tried to interrupt but you wouldn’t let him. Rachel threw bags downstairs and came down carrying more, you picked the ones up off the floor turned to look at him emotionless “you’ve got two weeks to get out!” slamming the door behind you.
Shoving them into the boot, you told Millie to move over as she was still crying. Rachel jumped in the back and you drove everyone home. Rach grabbed your shoulders from behind “that felt so good! Babe you were well hot, Mills you should have seen her she scared the shit out of him!” Millie chuckled a little while wiping her face with her sleeve “really?” with a slight smile forming on her lips “Yeah she wouldn’t let him speak! Honestly if I’m in a fight I want you in my corner!” Rach continued to big you up “I’ve got your backs always girls” you touched Rachel’s hand on your shoulder and then Millie’s thigh before turning the radio up. “Come on! Sing out the anger!” you shouted!
Arriving home and putting the kettle on, Rachel took Millie upstairs to unpack her belongings, you joined with teas and helped make up the spare bed. “I’ll sleep in here tonight, you two have our bed” you offered “our bed?” Rachel questioned with a smirk “don’t see you sleeping with anyone else” you hit back with sass. “Can’t we all sleep together?” Millie whined “I need my girls” as she pulled you both in for a hug. After unpacking, you all climbed in bed with your drinks and put the TV on proclaiming you knew what would cheer everyone up - funny videos of people falling over on YouTube, soon you were all laughing. Millie fell asleep, Rachel was in the middle and turned towards you “if you ever cheat on me I’ll make sure you never play football again” you warned her “don’t worry baby, I wouldn’t risk this for the world” pulling you in for a tight squeeze before rolling over to spoon Millie.
Part Thirteen - Jealous
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
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/ˌəven'to͞oɾes/ (ah-ven-TOO-res)
an original Cybertronian colony definitely inspired by seeing @dimorphodon-x and @cuppajj work on their super interesting colonies. this one is sort of themed after volcanoes, extremophiles, and cool rocks
Aventuras was not an intentional colony, instead caused by the crash of a Titan combiner team two million years ago. their gestalt is named Exosphere and formed an enormous Dyson sphere meant for harvesting raw materials, storing energy, and acting as a base of operations and hub for travel, exploration, and research. something went wrong when Exosphere traveled into this solar system, and they broke into their component members. the disastrous accidental nature of this colony means they have little to no record of Cybertron
five Titans crashing on a single planet caused a lot of devastation and sort of cyberformed it at the same time, altering the orbit until it stabilized as a tidally locked world. one side of the planet is sunlocked, an eternal hurricane at the centerpoint caused by the heat of the sun. the other half is shadelocked, frozen over and only lit by the glow of volcanic activity and city lights. most people are equally comfortable in the blinding sun and crushing dark, well adapted to the extreme environments of this world
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speaking of volcanoes, the crash also set off a tectonic chain reaction that brutally reformed the continents and caused an extreme amount of volcanism that continues today. the world is covered in volcanoes, hotspots, fault lines, and geothermal vents. the constant ash released into the sky makes the planet rather dim, even in bright country, and blots out the stars in black country. this is not a problem for Aventuri mecha, who consider a stroll through lava to be no big deal :)
all the precious resources Exosphere had collected got dumped into the planet's mantle when the Titans crashed, and the volcanic activity keeps stirring things up and bringing materials to the surface. as such, Aventuras is ridiculously rich in resources. highly pure and powerful energon is plentiful, and materials like crysmag, ununtrium, and g-metal are found in high concentrations. the Aventuri, without knowledge of or contact with any other Cybertronian civilization, have no idea they're rich and take it for granted, treating these things as normal. they in fact require the more potent Aventuri energon to function, and would slowly weaken and starve on a diet of Cybertronian energon
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the five Titans are named Triumpha, Odysseus, Stalwart, Fairwell, and Adamant. they were all pretty damaged in the crash and remain mostly dormant, so they haven't formed Exosphere in two million years. a lot of Exosphere's original staff were killed, and the survivors had a lot of trouble trying to mentor the mecha forged from sudden hotspots springing up from the Titans, especially since these hotspots were usually inside literal volcanic hotspots, and the newforged mecha were bobbing right up out of the lava! they did manage to convey who each Titan was and their importance to the planet and population, so the Titans are well cared for, but other information like their origins as an expedition launched by the Cybertronian Venture Association (the origin of the name Aventuras), the nature of Exosphere's disaster, and the camaraderie between each Titan has been mangled or mythologized over the millennia
there's a whole host of frametypes native to Aventuras! flightframes, grounders, toolformers, beastformers, multichangers, and others like aquaformers are all forged there, from defined hotspot zones. no combiners though (ironic when forged from the combiner Titans), and veeery few space-capable frames. but they all have two things in common:
each of them are forged with inlaid patterns in their armor called inclusions, filled with minerals and sometimes native metals, as if they were gilded with the riches of their colony. obsidian is the most common, and diamonds, olivines, garnets, basic quartzes, and sulfurs are also fairly common. any mineral is possible, even those that don't form in organic activity, with the exception of organic byproducts like amber, pearl, or fossils. each pattern of inclusions is unique to the individual like a fingerprint. crystal energon is the rarest type of inclusion and is highly prized, even sometimes given religious significance
considering this is a planet of extremophiles, all frames are "heavy duty" in some way. compared to the average Cybertronian, Aventuri are broader, thicker, stronger, and more durable. their armor plating is visibly bulkier and their construction heavier, even for petite frames. their alt modes will reflect this, as a grounder is more likely to be a truck, durable rover, or armored van than some sleek racer, and a flightframe will be a hardy jet instead of a light prop plane that wouldn't get anywhere against hurricane winds. beastformer alt modes reflect this as well, being exclusively extremophile species ranging from giant tardigrades to deep sea creatures to Andean flamingos
there are some exceptions to these rules, but that's the baseline for Aventuri characters
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the majority of the population are also outliers of some kind! in fact, the "normal" people are more outliers than those with gifts or special abilities. thanks to the manifold cyberforming influence of the Titans and the abundance of energy, the hotspots produce very strong sparks and frames. point-one-percenters would be more accurately called fifty-five-percenters here. loadbearers, cityspeaking-capable processors, Titanmasters, and other special variants aren't unusual. again, there are exceptions to this rule, but by and large the standard of normal for Aventuri characters is being an outlier of some kind
the ability that probably a good 85-95% of everyone forged on Aventuras has naturally is extreme temperature tolerance, which is handy considering their particular planet. wading through lava is just a thing that (nearly) anybody can do, it's almost impossible to melt them, and it's not unusual for a regular job, commute, or living space to be situated partially or fully just in some active volcanoes. their main concern with volcanic activity is debris impact and earthquake damage, not heat or poisonous gasses, and nearly everybody has vent filters good enough to take care of the ash no problem. likewise, a lot of them are difficult to freeze. their metal wont go brittle in the negatives, they can produce enough internal heat to maintain their functions pretty well, and really only have to worry about the ice chewing up their internals rather than the actual cold. a good 80% of Aventuri are essentially immune to both heat and cold, with the majority of the rest essentially immune to one or the other, often depending on which side of the planet they were forged on
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the Aventuri have split into five city-states, each assuming that their Titan must be prioritized over the others, and thus anyone forged from or living in a different Titan may be suspect. they've engineered social and political animosity between their societies from the moment each settlement expanded enough to meet one another, contrary to what Exosphere's surviving staff tried to teach them and to what the dazed Titans themselves actually want. they'll still work together when faced with a worldwide threat, but tensions will run high the whole time. most of the population lives either in the Titan capital cities, or in major cities founded in or around volcanoes. many other settlements exist only for mining, tourism, defense, or a similar functional reason, with a lot of the resources or profits funneled back to the capital
Triumpha is the Titan of the city-state Divinex, and she forms the capital city Jubilee. the Divinexi High Court is led by the Premier Belladonna. it's a very elegant, traditional society that emphasizes grace, strength, and a good public face, all of which are upheld by bitterly strict social hierarchies, stricter than similar hierarchies in the other city-states
Odysseus is the Titan of the city-state Ulysses, and he forms the capital city Albedo City. the Ulyssean Complement is led by the Captain Ironclad. most of Ulyssean territory is ocean, with vast, mostly self-governed networks of migratory ships, rooted seabed camps, and moving settlements across the ice
Stalwart is the Titan of the city-state Valius, and she forms the capital city Borion. the Valian Prefecture is led by the Praetors Bequest and Bequeath. their culture values nobility, responsibility, and chivalry, fancying themselves the protectors of their state and their people like valiant knights
Fairwell is the Titan of the city-state Nova Spectra, and they form the capital city Darkeye. the Spectral Circle is led by the Guide Crux. it's a quiet society, withdrawn from interstate politicking, focused more on the spirituality and sanctity of the world at large, valuing the eye of the eternal hurricane in their territory as a pilgrimage site
Adamant is the Titan of the city-state Temperon, and he forms the capital city Vindixus. the Temperic Mastery is led by the Chief Officer Deepwar. this is the most industrialized society, with a lot of weapons development and reckless experimentation, soot-stained ice dampening the explosions
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unfortunately for the city-states who want to stare each other down, Aventuras is faced with worldwide threats. before Exosphere's crash, the planet was a Vok experiment. upon discovering about half a million years ago their observations on the developing organic life had been ruined by an invasion of Cybertronian colonists, the irritated Vok began a long term revenge campaign. pirates, mercenaries, and other alien ne'er-do-wells have been hired or encouraged to raid Aventuras and rain terror on the ignorant population, who have no idea what this retaliation is for. the attacks aren't constant but they've been ramping up, with the likes of Lord Gyconi and Zabra behind more costly raids, with "prizes" taken. on at least two occasions, the Vok have managed to organize a complete planetary blockade and bombardment, and the Aventuri managed to scrape together enough interstate cooperation to drive them off. this threat is a major reason the city-states continue to work together on defense development and production despite internal animosity
some of the Vok experiments did in fact survive, as organic life still exists on Aventuras! most of it is hardy plant life and invertebrates like bugs and crustaceans, with a lot of undersea species too. but in some small, hidden parts of the world, larger lifeforms survived. minor mountaintop forests and tundra with a variety of animals are scattered throughout the dim country between light and dark, along the Sunstill Isthmus and the Venera Mountains especially. none of them are sapient, but all of them have adapted to the extreme conditions of the planet. some people have taken it upon themselves to protect and preserve these rare gardens, so organic life has some hope yet
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Aventuri is a planet of industry, both because of their natural abundance of resources and because of their minor arms race with one another and their alien attackers. they aren't really capable of prolonged spaceflight yet, and there are very few flightframes able to escape orbit, so that's been a scientific pursuit for the last few centuries. the main goal at the moment is to reach the planet's five teeny tiny moons. with the increased level of observation and study lately, some folks are noticing that one of the moons may be more than meets the eye...
if they're successful or lucky enough, who knows? maybe Cybertron may discover its lost gilded colony
that's the basic overview, feel free to ask questions or if you need clarification i can explain more. i'll be populating this colony with ocs, i've already got a few down
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I'm fascinated by this magical girl rpg's worldbuilding. They throw around a lot of different ideas like heaven, hell, fairies, centaurs, ghosts, multiverses, alternate dimensions, robots, aliens, etc.
If you talk to Veronica, the princess of an alien empire, she eventually drops a lot of space lore on you. If her empire is so far-reaching, how do they travel? Simple, alcubierre drives and wormholes (though they have alternate names).
Ok, if all these aliens exist, why is earth Normal and not being invaded by aliens? Oh that's because earth is right next to the Great Machine's zone of death. It makes alcubierre drives too difficult to use and the wormhole route to get to earth is too complicated to be practical.
Ok, what??? What's the Great Machine?? It's a matrioshka brain powered by a dyson sphere and it kills anything within several lightyears using its vast fleet of spaceships.
Why is there a random matrioshka brain sitting in the middle of space and why does it kill people?? Nobody knows actually, but we think it contains the consciousness of its creators. Anyone's guess why it kills people. Defense mechanism? Malfunction?
There's a worldbuilding tip that says that any oddity can be explained with two layers, and it works here. Like yeah i would not invade a planet if it was at the site of an unstoppable death machine either. Earth doesn't even get raided by the interdimensional psionic cat spiders, that's how scary it is.
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Uprising Script Pages Analysis/Theories
Ok, so I don’t know about you guys, but those Uprising TV movie script pages Bill Wolkoff dropped have haunted me since they were posted. Since I have Many Thoughts I figured I would share them, and Tron’s 40th anniversary seemed like the perfect time! I’m going to analyze all five of the pages we have so far, so this will be a long post, and I’m not gonna put it under the cut in case anything ever happens to my blog. Sorry in advance lol.
The new batch of four pages starts on page 39.
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We see that Quorra and Beck have just escaped from Clu’s ship. The page opens with them falling through the air (fighting as they go), and when the scene shifts Clu is looking at the hatch they just jumped out of. I know this is redundant but Quorra and Beck were in a room with Clu and Dyson and they managed to escape (it appears) unharmed. That’s pretty impressive.
Dyson says, “I... seem to have made a mistake,” and then talks about bringing Clu the real Tron. Which means that Clu and Dyson almost certainly know Beck’s identity. Or at least his face! Depending on how they learned he wasn’t actually Tron, maybe they didn’t get Beck’s name. I kind of doubt he’s that lucky, though.
Based on Clu’s conversation with Dyson here, it sounds like Dyson captured Beck thinking he was Tron and brought him to Clu without actually checking. (Either Beck kept quiet or he does a good enough imitation to fool someone who knows the real deal.) That makes sense, because Dyson saw the real Tron in Argon in “Scars.” I guess he had no reason to think the Renegade and Tron weren’t the same person. However, this mistake costs Dyson with Clu. I have to wonder if this is maybe the latest in a string of mistakes from Dyson, since there were supposed to be a few more episodes of Uprising before this movie aired where he may have been placed in charge of Argon (a theory based on this storyboarded scene), and the situation there appears to have escalated.
When Quorra and Beck land below we see that Argon is under attack from the occupation, to the point that it is a “war zone.” Again, there were supposed to be two or three more episodes of Uprising after “Terminal,” so it’s hard to know whether or not this is a new development. We don’t know how long Clu’s armada waited before attacking Argon.
Beck says “Thanks for the rescue,” indicating that Quorra saved him from Clu and Dyson. (And she appeared to be doing most of the fighting at the top of the page lol.)
Page 40.
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Beck references a “Network” that Quorra is working for. I’m not sure if that would include Flynn, other ISOs, or someone else, but in order for Beck to be aware of that network she would had to have brought it up in one of the scenes we don’t have. That, or maybe Clu or Dyson mentioned/accused her of being part of a larger network while they were onboard Clu’s ship.
Quorra says, “I risked my life to save Tron. Not some kid playing dress-up.” She only rescued Beck because (initially) she also thought he was the real Tron. Beck counters that “Argon’s standing up to Clu,” because of him. This makes it sound like the programs of Argon are actively fighting back against the occupation at this point, which is what season one was clearly building up to. It seems like and Tron made some significant progress in the episodes we don’t have.
Quorra still doesn’t sound interested in working with Beck, but she does say “I am impressed you’re operating outside your programming.” To me, this confirms that Clu and Dyson learned Beck’s actual identity. How could Quorra know that Beck is operating outside of his programming unless she knows what his programming is? If she knows that Beck is a mechanic, it’s likely because she was on Clu’s ship when he learned that Beck was a mechanic.
Quorra knows that Tron is alive because Beck is terrible at keeping secrets.
Page 41.
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Wow Beck is terrible at keeping secrets.
(Quorra uses the word “minute,” why.)
Quorra knows that Clu is after Tron, though she seems to think that this is for different reasons than we learned in the “Scars” arc.
Here we also get a look at some of the tech that’s being used to attack Argon. These “spheres” were also mentioned on page 39, so we can assume that these are being dropped all over the city, and we see that they’re incredibly destructive. At this point it seems like Clu is willing to wipe out the entire city and all the programs in it in order to put down the rebellion.
Quorra is leaving Beck to go somewhere--maybe to get more help (or to check in with someone)? I don’t think she’s leaving Argon (unless she has a change of heart) because she’s back again on page 63.
Page 42.
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Quorra asks Beck to stop being the Renegade, which is interesting considering the brief scene in Legacy where she talks about how Flynn fought back against Clu. Even if she has her reasons, she’s attempting to quash a rebellion here. Beck also seems to have no idea why Clu would be after Tron. Either he and Tron just haven’t talked about this (that tracks) or he tried to ask Tron and he wouldn’t provide any answers (which also tracks).
And then Quorra says THIS: “He’ll hunt you next--because you think you’re like us. He hates anyone who defies their programming. He wants that power for himself. That’s why he’s hunting Tron. Tron is the key to Clu finally being able to create his own programs. So if you really want to help Tron... you’ll stay far away from him.”
There’s so much to unpack here.
FIRST, it was common knowledge that Tron was from another system! Programs on the Grid knew about the ENCOM system. I never expected this show to address that, and it might be my favorite piece of information from these pages. It also makes sense considering that the events that took place there made Tron a legendary hero in the first place.
Next, Clu is hunting Tron specifically because he’s from another system. Maybe Flynn did place some restrictions on what Clu can and can’t do, and having access to code from a different system would allow him to break/work around those? That still doesn’t make a ton of sense though because in Legacy Clu has Rinzler and no one says anything about him making his own programs, just repurposing ones that already exist. Dyson said the repurposing process was crude directly after the coup, so maybe something about Tron’s code could make it better? I also have no idea how Quorra could know any of this unless she’s already been talking with Flynn and he thinks it’s a concern. (Which would mean he suspects that Tron is alive... which didn’t seem to be the case in Legacy...)
Finally--and this is actually the part I find most interesting--is the line about “You think you’re like us. He hates anyone who defies their programming.” From Clu’s perspective, this could be the actual conflict of this show. Not dealing with/capturing Tron. Not finding Flynn. Not defeating the Renegade. Just keeping this one piece of information under wraps. We know that Clu hates the ISOs because they don’t have directives. He sees them as chaotic and without purpose. More specifically, he sees them as a threat because they can make their own decisions. They can act for themselves, however they want. They’re free, as Quorra explains in “Isolated.” BUT this line, and the one about Beck “operating outside of [his] programming,” indicate that ISOs aren’t the only programs who can do that. ISOs don’t have directives, but Beck is proof that basics can ignore theirs. If Argon at large is rebelling, he led an entire city of programs to ignore their directives in favor of fighting against Clu. This is what Clu is going to want to keep from spreading beyond Argon. Not just the rebellion itself, but the realization that every program on the Grid can decide for themselves what they want to do--that they don’t have to listen to him just because he’s the administrator. It’s possible that this is another reason he targeted the ISOs and made such a spectacle of it. He wanted basics to think that ISOs were the only programs who were capable of deciding their own fate, so that no one else would try to fight back against him.
Considering what happened to every place the ISOs went, and the attacks that are already happening here, that spells big trouble for Argon.
The next page we have is number 63 (so clearly there’s a bit of a skip here).
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I assume Quorra is talking to Beck at the beginning of this page. I can’t help but wonder if he’s done something new here when she refers to “your job” or if she just means... starting the Uprising in general. “Let us take over from here” again implies that she isn’t working alone.
Beck was restrained here (?), but he breaks free. I’m guessing Quorra tied him up in an attempt to keep him from following her. No such luck. Once free, Beck notes that “the ship is nowhere in sight.” I’m guessing that they’re waiting on a ship here (since one shows up soon after), but there’s also a chance that one just left. If that’s true, I wonder if they sent someone else away.
(I know Wolkoff said this almost certainly wouldn’t have made it into the movie but just. Let me have this lmao.)
Quorra says “They’ll get us there. Trust me.” She and Beck are going somewhere, and I’m guessing it’s outside of Argon if they need a giant ship to get there. I highly doubt they would be going to Tron in that thing after Quorra spent like three pages talking about how no one can find him.
We also see here that Beck still doesn’t trust Quorra very much. These two seem to be off to a bit of a rocky start.
Annnnnnd those are all the pages we have (for now).
In no particular order, here’s some speculation prompted by these pages.
Dyson changing sides?
So, based on everything we saw in “Scars,” I get the sense that Dyson isn’t an especially loyal program. Tron is loyal to a fault, but Dyson seems more interested in serving whoever can best help him and his own interests. Maybe this is far fetched (some of these theories will be), but part of me wonders if there’s any chance Dyson would have attempted to change sides if Clu continued to treat him like he was disposable. In one of these scenes, Clu literally kicked him out an air lock. He could have died. (I’m assuming he doesn’t.) I think it would have been an interesting development if at some point Dyson became sick of this treatment and attempted to win the Renegade/Tron’s trust (again). Or maybe the writers could have done something less drawn out and had Dyson change sides unexpectedly during a key moment like a fight. I sort of doubt that Dyson would have lasted long one way or the other, but seeing more of Tron’s backstory with Dyson and forcing Tron to deal with some actual emotions (other than anger) would have been really fun to see. And if they somehow reconciled and Tron lost him again? Permanently? Mm angst.
Who is Quorra’s network? / Where were she and Beck going?
So who was Quorra working with (besides Daft Punk lol)? Of course I want to say Flynn, because *gestures at Legacy*. However, I seriously question whether or not Flynn would have shown up in Uprising at all (in the “present” timeline). I highly doubt he would have had a major role in the movie, and I don’t think it makes sense for Quorra to take Beck to Flynn when his location needs to remain secret and she’s already made comments about how Beck can’t keep a secret. I’m not saying that Flynn and Quorra had no connection at this point (cause Evolution), but I doubt he would be very involved here, beyond maybe sending her out in the first place. Maybe there could have been a scene with just those two at some point, but I’m skeptical of anything beyond that.
I think the most logical answer to this question is Castor/Zeus. Legacy references how he helped Quorra in the past, and we see other resistance members asking him for help at the End of Line. We also see Daft Punk at the End of Line, so that could be part of why they’re here in this scene! Since Uprising took place earlier in the timeline, this may be a point where Zeus was more involved in the fight against Clu. Maybe whatever was about to transpire was actually what Quorra referenced in Legacy.
(There’s one more program I can think of who might have been part of Quorra’s network, but I’ll get to that in a minute.)
Point is, I think Quorra was taking Beck to Tron City/the End of Line to meet her rebel friends and maybe get some back up... or at least come up with an actual plan on how to proceed with the fight.
Who knew Beck’s identity? / Paige changing sides?
Again, based on the pages we have, I think the occupation learned Beck’s identity while he was captured. If this were true, it could be the catalyst for a lot of other things--depending on what the occupation did with that information.
If they only spread that information internally, Paige would learn that Beck was the Renegade. There’s no mention of her in any of the pages we have, so we don’t know what she’s doing or thinking at this point. We also don’t know when this all out attack on Argon started. But (unless she was in some very real denial) I doubt that Paige would be onboard with attacking civilians considering her backstory. Taking this into account along with the fact that Tesler (who she was most loyal to) may be gone, I think that Paige would already be on the fence about her loyalties to the occupation. In my opinion, learning Beck’s identity on top of that would either make her change sides completely--or become more loyal to Clu than ever.
Paige knows Beck. She seems to trust him, and maybe even like him. But I feel like Paige would hate being lied to, and when Beck escaped from Clu, Quorra was the one who saved him. If she learned that Beck lied to her about being the Renegade and that he was working with Quorra, who she doesn’t trust at all, her opinion of him might become completely tainted. So I don’t think that Paige learning Beck’s identity means she would automatically change sides. She’s way more complex than that.
If the occupation learned Beck’s identity and decided to share it with the public at large, hoping a civilian would turn him in (a la “The Reward”), all of his friends would know his identity. Have fun dealing with that, Beck. Mara in particular would have some interesting things to say, I’m sure.
Where is Tron?
We always come back to this question, don’t we? In true Tron fashion, none of these pages actually include our title character. I will say, when we only had page 63, I was concerned that Tron had maybe already been captured or Rinzlered since Beck seemed to be on his own. I don’t think that’s the case anymore, because we see Clu demanding the real Tron and Quorra talking about how Beck needs to stay away from him to make sure he doesn’t get captured. I still have to wonder what Tron was doing during all of this. Though that might be the smart thing to do, I find it hard to believe that Tron would just be... in hiding while Argon was under attack. Or that he wouldn’t go after Beck if he knew he’d been captured by Dyson. But maybe he doesn’t know, because a lot seems to be happening here, and Beck appears to have escaped from that situation really quickly. Clearly there are lots of possibilities here and I can only speculate. Maybe Tron was fighting on the ground. We know he has disguises. He isn’t injured anymore, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe he’s even with Beck’s friends, working with them and keeping them safe. Maybe he’s trying to find a way to get to Clu, because I kind of doubt that an Uprising movie wouldn’t have some kind of confrontation between those two, especially when they’re basically in the same place. Maybe he’s waiting at the coliseum where Clu’s ship landed. (That’d be some Rinzler foreshadowing, hm?) If Beck is referencing a different ship in the scene at the docks, maybe Tron also left Argon. Maybe he and Beck met up/talked in the 20 page gap here and he’s sending Beck off with (a begrudging) Quorra to get help. Who knows!
Yori in Uprising?
And here’s the question that I always come back to. I have long hoped that Yori would have appeared in Uprising had the show continued, especially because her suit occasionally appears as an easter egg in Able’s office. I’m not saying that the writers would have taken this direction, but there are a few things in these pages that I think Yori could have fit with.
If Clu was looking for Tron specifically because he was from another system... Yori was from that same system. It makes sense that he would be looking for her too. Beyond that, if Clu needed code from the ENCOM system to create something, Yori worked with the digitizing laser. Creation is her specialty. She would probably be a better candidate than Tron for whatever Clu has in mind.
I also love the idea of Yori working as a rebel leader (we already know she came up with most of the actual plans in the original Tron movie), so the fact that Quorra has a network of rebel friends makes me wonder if she could have been one of them. It seems like Quorra was sent to Argon by someone who knew about the ENCOM system and believed that Tron was alive. Yori might fit that bill better than Flynn. As far as we know, Flynn always thought Tron was dead, but I doubt she would have given up hope so easily.
Possible setup for season two?
This movie was specifically supposed to bridge seasons one and two, so what would it have set up for the next season of Uprising? At the very least, I think Paige would have known about Beck’s identity, and that this would either make her want to change sides or be more dedicated to the occupation than ever. Zed and Mara may have also learned Beck’s identity. I’ve always thought it would be cool if Uprising had a kind of Minas Tirith moment, where the rebels were horribly outnumbered and it looked like they were all doomed, and then help arrived from outside of Argon. If we assume that Tron is fighting somewhere on the ground here and we know that Beck left Argon to get help, maybe we could have gotten a moment like that in the movie. Also, if Beck brought some characters back to Argon from Tron City (say, Quorra and/or Yori), it would have been really cool if they stuck around for the next season. I could see Quorra trying to get Tron to leave with her to help with the larger rebellion and both of them staying in Argon until the fight was finished there. If Quorra stuck around, I’m sure we would have eventually seen a reunion between her and Paige. And if Yori joined the cast (not only would we get a reunion between her and Tron) we could expect Actual Plans from the Uprising in season two. Imagine.
Unless the set up for the next season was gonna be bleak (which is also a possibility), I think Clu probably would have lost this particular fight. We may have seen the rebellion grow into something larger and more organized before the next stage of the fight. But, at least if you’re Clu, the bright side to having more rebels around is that there are more people who can slip up and reveal some fatal information.
Rinzler / Uprising’s Ending?
The more I look at Quorra’s warnings in these pages and how they don’t line up with canon, the more I wonder if Rinzler’s creation could be really different from what we’ve come to assume. I can’t help but wonder if, to some extent, Tron turned himself into Rinzler. The biggest reason I say this is because Rinzler is damaged and Tron isn’t. The damage Tron sustained in the coup had already been repaired at this point in Uprising. And while he could obviously just... fight Clu and get hurt again, Clu is obsessed with perfection. I’ve always thought it was odd that Rinzler makes that damaged purring noise, but maybe it’s because Clu can’t fix whatever’s wrong with Rinzler that causes him to make that sound. This could also be why we also don’t see Clu making his own programs in Legacy like Quorra fears even though he does have access to Tron. Maybe towards the end of the series Tron would have been captured again, and he somehow damaged or corrupted himself so that Clu couldn’t use or replicate his code. Though that would be a grim ending (and I’m sure this show would have had one), in some ways it would be an almost satisfying stalemate between the two. Clu could rectify what’s left of Tron to get Rinzler, but one Rinzler would be a poor prize compared to an army of them. It could also further explain why Clu wanted Alan specifically when he tried to bring a user to the Grid in Legacy. He could have fixed Tron’s code (in theory) and then Clu could make the perfect army he wanted to conquer the user world.
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crosslong31 · 4 months
East Sooke Park: Alyard Farm To Beechy Head
Follow the trail all the means in which to the top where it arrives on the top of the aylard Farm parking lot. After hiking for fairly someday along the rugged shoreline, you reach a sign marking a junction. Go left on the sign and walk a couple of extra meters past to the place the trail opens up onto a rocky outcrop on the southern most space of East Sooke Regional Park. The views from this level are spectacular on a sunny, clear day as you possibly can see as far south towards Washington State's mountains in Olympic National Park. Follow the wide path to a junction that is marked with signage and go proper. Aylard Farm location is the preferred of the three parking tons that enable access to East Sooke Regional Park. As you drive down the narrow highway, you may not be assured you are going the proper way, nevertheless it opens up to a large car parking zone and a cleared area with grassy fields and fruit trees. Within a comparatively quick stroll, you probably can expertise Creyke Point, the white sand seashores of Becher Bay, views into the primary nations’ previous, and the attractive shoreline overlooking Juan de Fuca Strait. To get to the Petroglyphs, take the path within the bushes to the right on the parking lot entrance. It edges the sphere alongside the forest, slicing across to the Petroglyphs. Or take the well-established path that continues through the open field toward the beach. Earl Spencer has linked this BBC Panorama interview to not solely her subsequent divorce, being stripping of the HRH title, but in addition, her tragic death. Dogs are allowed in East Sooke Park, nonetheless should be kept underneath control at all times. From June 1 - September 15, canine must be leashed when cross through a seaside or picnic area and cannot stay. Please pickup after your dog and me conscious of your pet's impression on the ecology and wild animals in the park. Be aware of ocean currents earlier than swimming, paddle boarding or kayaking. You can discover extra information on the trail on our dedicated East Sooke hike page.
Go left at the junction and proceed a bit additional to Alldridge Point, following the signs.
But in return, you will get a well-marked stunning rugged shoreline with pirate coves, pebble seashores and an old entice shack at Cabin Point.
Afterward, pull out a packed lunch and luxuriate in whereas taking in all the coast presents.
It also needs to ship probably the most well-informed, customized steerage — turning the easy seek for a product into an enlightening journey.
Go right and continue via the forest, making your method up a small hill and over a ridge as the trail goes deeper into the forest.
Following the primary route, you reach a rocky hill, which requires some climbing, but when you reach the highest, Creyke Point presents gorgeous views of Becher Bay and the Juan de Fuca Strait. Enjoy a day of paddle boarding on gorgeous Thetis Lake, a preferred grasp for families with a wonderful sandy beach. In a damning report for the 99-year-stalwart reputation of the BBC, retired decide Lord Dyson discovered the group culpable for overlaying up for Martin Bashir's fake financial institution statements.
Creyke Point - The View You Don't Want To Miss In East Sooke Park
You’ll see your first glimpse of an out-cropped rock to the proper. As you continue, the path will open up where you probably can vier proper and head down a windy shore path to a small rock island. Travel down the path and end up at an endearing cove that invitations you to take a seat again and relax in its breathtaking scenery.
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The statements were instrumental in scoring him the sensational 1995 interview with Princess Diana. The data offered herein is further subject to our Terms of Use. COMOS delivers the intelligent reply to those challenges – a comprehensive range of solutions covering the complete plant lifecycle. COMOS Walkinside offers options for 3D virtual reality mannequin building and viewing. To get there, take Highway 14 in course of Sooke, and switch South on Gillespie Road till you come to the three-way stop. Make certain to tug over and snap a photo next to the driftwood Sasquatch. Then head again southeast down East Sooke highway before turning proper onto Becher Bay Rd, which is in a position to open up into a reasonably sized parking lot in a meadow space. Vancouver Island’s south west coastline is a landscape of great natural beauty—with soft-sand seashores, rugged cliffs, and old... It continues to observe the shoreline, via lush west coast forests, passing many arbutus timber in the course of. The trail reaches the seashore area at Becher Bay, the place you probably can simply stroll all the method down to the sandy shoreline. The Coast Trail in East Sooke Park is doubtless considered one of the most scenic climbing trails close to the Victoria area because it follows the rocky shoreline alongside Juan de Fuca Strait. The route additionally passes the petroglyphs at Alldridge Point, carved into the rock by the Coast Salish First Nations. The seashore is a pleasant stroll from the car parking zone, passing through the fruit trees and across the sphere often recognized as Aylard Farm. You will see the white sand past the trees take the short path to paradise in Becher Bay.
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Watch for signs for East Sooke Park and ultimately flip left onto Gillespie Road. Follow Gillespie Road till the tip and turn left onto East Sooke Road. At the first street on your proper, turn right onto Belcher Bay Road and drive to the top, where you'll arrive at the Aylard Farm parking area. Returning to the junction, proceed to follow the Coast Trail as it makes its way by way of the forest with many glimpses out in path of the Juan de Fuca Strait. The path through this space isn't too difficult, although there are some sections the place you'll have to step up or down and over rocks. The 14km East Sooke Coast Trail is known for its magnificence and difficult terrain, but you don’t must hike the whole trail to absorb spectacular views of East Sooke. Stay proper on the subsequent junction because the trail now becomes a large path. Continue the hike by following the Coast Trail because it passes a rugged section just up from the seaside space. The path arrives at an indication at the end of the Becher Bay space the place it continues into the forest. The subsequent part to Alldridge Point is longer than the last sections and, again, has some areas that could be a bit difficult however total, the route just isn't too tough.
But in return, you're going to get a well-marked stunning rugged coastline with pirate coves, pebble seashores and an old entice shack at Cabin Point. Go left at the junction and proceed a bit additional to Alldridge Point, following the indicators. Walk out onto the rocks and punctiliously make your method down, on the lookout for the petroglyphs on the rocks on the best side. The historic First Nations drawings present proof of the Coast Salish individuals residing in the area hundreds of years in the past. Unfortunately, the drawings carved into the rocks are fading and may be difficult to see as they have endured years of battering from the winds, rains, and tough west coast weather.
Sombrio Seaside
From downtown Victoria, drive to Douglas Street and head northbound as you leave the town and continue driving alongside Highway #1. Take Exit #10 to View Royal / Colwood and stay within the left, exit lane as you move underneath the highway. Follow Sooke Road for quite some distance because it leaves the shops behind and continues along a single-lane highway towards Sooke. Unfortunately, it won’t be lengthy earlier than the images have all but pale away. Jogging stroller may be okay to the Petroglyphs however not after that. Bashir had initially argued in regards to the allegations made by Spencer, who referred to his detailed documentation of each lie the reporter had fed them to secure the bombshell interview. In 'Point three' in Spencer's Althorp Papers , Diana's brother says Bashir advised them Mi6 had recorded Charles and Aylard talking about an alleged 'finish recreation', and likewise that Diana had "advised Aylard what she considered him." Amidst the finer particulars which are rising, came the revelation that Earl Spencer, Diana's brother, stored meticulous and detailed notes from the time Bashir met him and Diana to secure the interview. The path round Upper and Lower Thetis Lake is nicely marked and straightforward to comply with. We suppose that a great beauty store shouldn’t just ship the simplest unhazardous merchandise in the world. It should also deliver probably the most well-informed, personalised steerage — turning the easy search for a product into an enlightening journey. We search the globe to search out you one of the best wholesome magnificence products. COMOS Walkinside permits the utilization of 3D engineering knowledge from the basic and detail engineering phases throughout the complete asset lifecycle. Mainly, our providers are based mostly on the management of digital models. slot gacor can be done in several ways by exporting models and then adding plugins information to optimize or creating processes. You will find a hidden pocket seaside with white sand and a rope swing nestled between two rocky outcrops. Climb and explore, take pleasure in a swim in the cool and refreshing water, take off your shoes, and run along the shoreline barefoot with abandon! Afterward, pull out a packed lunch and luxuriate in whereas taking in all of the coast offers. If you are in search of extra of a problem, this space is a great start line for all sorts of day hikes, including the rugged but gorgeous East Sooke Coast Trail. Once you cross the petroglyphs, the terrain turns into tougher; anticipate a lot of ups and downs over uneven rocks.
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hello-gadgets · 5 months
Disclosing the Dyson Zone Air-Cleaning Earphones with ANC: A Breath of New Development
Once more in this present reality where innovation keeps on shaping our day to day routines, Dyson has increased present expectations with their momentous development - the Dyson Zone Air-Sanitizing Earphones with Dynamic Commotion Wiping out (ANC). This progressive blend of state of the art sound innovation and air decontamination is a unique advantage for those looking for a vivid sound encounter while focusing on their prosperity. Want to know about more interesting gadgets than this, go to Toyget Vista.
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Presenting Dyson Zone: A Combination of Sound and Clean Air
The Dyson Zone air-decontaminating earphones are not only your normal sets of earphones; they are an interesting mix of cutting edge sound designing and air cleaning innovation. Envision partaking in your #1 music or web recording in an individual desert garden of fresh, clear sound, all while taking in filtered air - this is the commitment that Dyson Zone offers that would be useful.
Vivid Sound Experience
At the core of the Dyson Zone earphones is a best in class sound framework intended to convey an unmatched listening experience. The earphones gloat high-devotion sound propagation, giving clients rich bass, clear midranges, and shining highs. Whether you're a music devotee, a gamer, or somebody who essentially appreciates premium sound quality, the Dyson Zone earphones are designed to meet your sound assumptions.
The Dynamic Commotion Undoing (ANC) highlight takes the sound insight to a higher level by disposing of outer clamor. Whether you're in a bustling office, driving, or basically looking for quietness at home, the ANC guarantees that you can submerge yourself completely in your picked sound with practically no disturbances from the rest of the world.
Inhale Clean with Incorporated Air Purification
What separates the Dyson Zone from traditional earphones is its double usefulness - in addition to the fact that it conveys extraordinary sound, however it likewise sanitizes the air you relax. Outfitted with Dyson's high level air decontamination innovation, these earphones make an individual clean air zone around the client.
The underlying air purifier sift through contaminations, allergens, and minuscule particles, giving a persistent inventory of new and decontaminated air. Whether you're in a packed tram or a clamoring bistro, the Dyson Zone guarantees that the air you inhale is of the greatest quality, adding to your general prosperity.
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Imaginative Plan for Solace and Style
Dyson has forever been inseparable from creative plan, and the Dyson Zone earphones are no exemption. The earphones are created in view of solace, highlighting rich ear pads and a movable headband to guarantee a modified fit for each client. The lightweight plan takes into account expanded use without distress, making these earphones ideal for long flights, work meetings, or comfortable tuning in at home.
As far as style, Dyson Zone earphones ooze a cutting edge and smooth tasteful. The moderate plan, combined with premium materials, gives them a refined appearance that supplements any way of life. These earphones are not only a practical extra; they are an assertion of style and innovative ability.
Savvy Controls for Consistent Interaction
Exploring through the highlights of the Dyson Zone earphones is made simple with natural touch controls. Changing volume, skipping tracks, or enacting the ANC should be possible easily with a basic touch on the ear cups. The earphones likewise include brilliant sensors that stop playback when you take them off and continue when you set them back on, guaranteeing a consistent and easy to use insight.
Dependable Battery Life
One of the worries with cutting edge earphones is much of the time battery duration. Dyson has tended to this with the Dyson Zone, furnishing clients with a noteworthy battery duration that guarantees continuous use. The earphones are furnished with a dependable battery that can endure expanded listening meetings and nonstop air cleansing, making them a solid ally for everyday use.
The Dyson Application: Customizing Your Experience
To improve client experience, Dyson has fostered a committed application that matches consistently with the Dyson Zone earphones. The application permits clients to redo their sound settings, adjust the ANC levels, and even screen the air quality continuously. This degree of personalization guarantees that clients can fit their earphone experience to their inclinations, whether they focus on perfectly clear sound or most extreme air refinement.
Conclusion: Dyson Zone - Rethinking Individual Audio
All in all, the Dyson Zone Air-Cleaning Earphones with ANC address a jump forward in the realm of individual sound. Via flawlessly coordinating top notch sound with cutting edge air filtration innovation, Dyson has made an item that takes care of both diversion and wellbeing cognizant customers. The Dyson Zone isn't simply a couple of earphones; a way of life embellishment joins development, style, and usefulness in a way that main Dyson can convey. Embrace another period of individual sound with Dyson Zone - where each breath is all around as reviving as the sound. Want to know about more interesting gadgets than this, go to Toyget Vista.
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abr · 11 months
Istruttiva la recensione "à la page" di un prodotto che m'aveva incuriosito, le cuffie col depuratore d'aria incorporato.
Costano uno strabotto e pesano il doppio delle più pesanti, quindi ero interessato a seconde opinioni. Ho trovato quella del libberal di wired, il classico techie nerd inclusivo equo e sostenibbile come si conviene. Ho trovato il suo modo di vedere le cose troppo imbarazzante per essere vero, come in effetti recita il freudiano titolo del suo pezzo.
"A fronte di un prezzo quasi doppio rispetto agli AirPods Max, la ragion d'essere delle Zone è offrire aria pulita portatile mentre camminiamo sul nostro pianeta inquinato. Ma si tratta di aria più pura per i benestanti, le persone che probabilmente vivono già in ambienti migliori e più puliti e che cercano una protezione aggiuntiva quando si avventurano in luoghi urbani sgradevoli (*). E questa è una riflessione poco gradevole". A 'sto qui proponiamolo come ghost writer di Alain Elkann. per rifargli l'immagine.
(*): il luogo urbano "sgradevole" dove l'ha provate è la metro. Bella lì, classista.
Cioè dice: funzionano, suonano pure benino e cancellano il rumore benissimo, purificano piacevolmente l'aria ... e il suo MA non è che costano troppo e non suonino come le Beats, gli è che indossarle gli procura prurigini morali in metropolitana, non nel chiuso dell'ufficio. A uno che fino a qualche mese fa probabilmente girava con tre mascherine, una sul muso e due da cambio al volo. I "benestanti" come i froci di un tempo per questi nerd liberal: faccian pure quello che gli pare ma senza ostentarlo neh.
La recensione m'ha quasi convinto a comprarle. Il fatto è che evito sistematicamente "luoghi urbani sgradevoli" (cit.), quindi non mi servono.
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chronomaza · 2 years
hhngghh man if spore gets some sort of fan made successor- in spirit or not, I really hope it gets a more advanced space stage than just "get more star systems". Like, I want the space stage to have different stages within itself based on the Kardashev scale and the extensions to it, give a real sense of progress as well as an actual ending (and hopefully a better reward for reaching any sort of major goal, the staff of life is horrifyingly underwhelming. 42 uses? Really? I can't even defeat the grox with that!) Also, I'd love if as times goes on, the universe around you slowly changes (stars aging, planets leaving Goldilocks zone, etc etc) and you'd have to solve the issues that creates.
The first stage would involve terraforming other planets in your system, finding resources, unlocking new technologies, and would end once you successfully create a Dyson sphere and develop technology that allows you to leave the solar system.
Second stage would involve colonizing other planets, doing everything you did in the first stage in said star systems (obviously a lot easier) and meeting alien life becomes a possibility. If it hasn't already, your star home will start to expand and force you to move to a few different star systems. This stage should be VERY long with a lot to do and over time you'll have to evolve each of your colonies who don't have contact with each other to adapt to problems unique to their planet- essentially having your species split into several different ones. For obvious reasons, you'd only control certain branches of your species once you reach a certain point, and you'll often run into variants of your species you've never seen before, as they'll begin to spread and develop on their own.
The third stage happens when you reach a certain point in time, and would focus more on the issue of stars dying out and finding a way to harness black holes and generally avoid extinction as other races die out over time (of course, with assisting them being an option, but cost you precious time, risk for reward basically). This stage would be incredibly time crucial, focus heavily on gathering resources and would end once one of your species' variants creates a stable civilization around a black hole.
The final stage would focus more on that civilization as it slowly becomes the last in the known universe, this is a short but crucial point in the game where all your previous actions decide how your species (and anyone else who's with it) will end up and you'll slowly work towards whatever goal you've unlocked. Depending on what you did and how much progress you made, your species will either be able to 1. Create a new universe. 2. Travel back in time. 3. Travel to a different universe. 4. Harness the universe itself to keep it alive. 5. Go through some sort of spiritual ascension, etc etc. Or, if you meet the wrong requirements, your species will die out.
Idk, I think I just have an un-scratchable itch for speculative biology with a larger focus on intelligent species in space. It's something I personally LOVE but don't seem to see a lot. One of these days I'm gonna absolutely lose it and write something spec bio related that follows a species it's literal entire existence from start to finish I swear.
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corantus · 2 years
Im rly curious abt the world of R&J- especially involving worldbuilding stuff involving the SDC- would you say that the SDC is comparible to the police force or military troops? If they are, what sort of opinions do the general populas have on them?? If not, how does the SDC function?
ok i love talking about my little story too much. answering this required going into some more complicated lore so sorry this is kinda long lmao
they used to be the interstellar military police, they kept the name and some of their military but theyve become more of a regulatory agency over time. (j&r takes place several million years in the future, so it's been around a while lol) it's like if the irs used to be the army
the sdc is mainly in charge of managing the relations between various planets/solar systems. transportation of hazardous materials across interstellar borders. zoning laws for dyson spheres. etc
the sdc is run by a "council" with elected representatives from every planet and/or species that is under the sdc's jurisdiction. i dont want to say its like the senate from star wars but it is like that
for better or for worse law enforcement and investigation of violent crimes etc is left up to individual planets/systems. there may be sdc officers stationed there or someone might be deputized as one to make sure everything is up to code or whatever
the j&r verse is not an ideal world, various societies have their own economic systems. some are dope space communist utopias others are fascist lite the sdc doesnt really interfere with unjust economic systems unless its deemed dangerous enough
roxys job is really more akin to a health inspector than a cop. an officer's job is to ensure that regulations are being followed and to dole out fines and the like. she isn't even allowed to carry a gun but does it anyway (sorry)
storm is an agent. agents are elite officers who investigate big fish crimes. it's a very prestigious job and people think theyre cool.
(it would be spoilers to say why exactly but storm used to be a bit of a celebrity and very respected. now she's seen as a washed up conspiracy nut)
razor is a cadet in the training academy, which is a boarding school where people of various ages (tweens to college age, whatever the equivalent for their species is) train for different career tracks at the sdc. zea is an intern in training to be a commander (be nice to her)
long story short humans have a weird history in the j&r verse, as they were the first species to crack interstellar travel. a faction of humans founded the sdc and made alliances with some non human aliens who were also imperialist, then they waged war on dozens of planets. they quite often lost. (this period of history was widely considered to be a bummer time for everyone). the sdc became a regulatory agency bc it failed as a military essentially. (there's also still a stigma about humans joining the sdc)
theres free coffee and bagels on fridays
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kobithedragon · 2 years
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kookanova · 1 year
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A ring world built in the habitable zone of a small star. Structures around the star simulate day-night for the surface. I initially wanted to make a Dyson sphere, but I feel like this fits better as concept art for Ace Perinova. Even then, it might be the wrong aesthetic. But it was fun to paint, and created a feeling I wanted to see.
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