#each year i get more difficult to feed
cumikering · 2 months
Neighbour Ghost x reader 5
2.9k | fluff, night terrors, being held at knifepoint Whose fault is it when the stray you feed won’t leave? (part 1) (part 6)
“You got a girlfriend now, Riley? You know you don’t have to keep coming back to base, especially not at this hour,” a lieutenant from another unit teased as Simon passed him in the hall. “Don’t forget our training is coming up.”
He kept his head down as he unlocked his door. It was inevitable for suspicions to arise after doing this for months now, but thinking of the eventual teasing he was getting in the dining hall made him groan.
Earlier that night, he’d left his hoodie at yours. If he couldn’t have yours with him anymore, maybe you’d appreciate having his.
You took the bait, a selfie of you in it already waiting on his phone when he lay in bed. He shouldn’t have left your flat - your bed was infinitely better than the one he was in anyway. Perhaps he could find an excuse to keep one of your shirts with him instead.
Simon came over almost every night and the banter only got worse when his peers started noticing how he was only gone a few hours each evening.
“Don’t you get tired from all the driving?” you asked as you poured him another glass of water at dinner. “It’s not a short drive at all.”
He looked up from his plate. “Do I bother you?” he asked carefully.
“No, no! I meant, why don’t you… Your flat’s right down the hall.”
Of course the drive was beyond tedious, but it was the lesser of two evils than to be caught having one of his bloody nightmares again.
When he had his first back home, fresh after deployment, his mum said his piercing scream woke the whole house up. He swung the bedside lamp around in a daze as he heaved, yelling at nothing. She said it shattered her heart to see her baby so.
“Why not stay there if you don’t want to be here?”
You thought he didn’t want to be with you?! Where did you get such an outrageous theory? He didn’t want to leave your bed if he was allowed to.
“It’s not that.” He put his fork down, weighing how to put it. “I dream sometimes. I’ve been told it can be really difficult to watch.”
They hadn’t been anywhere as vivid the past few months, but he knew the demons hadn’t left. They lurked around the corner, ready to strike at the earliest convenience.
He usually got them in the field or fresh after a mission, but shooting up into the still darkness was no shame among his sergeants as they shared understanding glances, a silent promise to keep it amongst the unit. Each of them carried the same weight after all.
You nodded, giving him one of those kind smiles again.
Why couldn’t he hold his tongue around you? The lame jokes, the embarrassing bet he lost and now this. What were you doing to him?
“And we have training this week. I’d prefer sleeping a little later than having to wake earlier to drive.” He averted his gaze. “I’m in the top third of the regiment. One of us is getting promoted to captain.”
For years, he looked forward to each promotion, excited about being and doing more, but that evening as the words formed in his mouth, they tasted… underwhelming. It dawned on him that it would be another reason he wasn’t enough for you, not someone you deserved. It caught him off guard that the title was not as shiny now up close.
“That’s wonderful. Captain Simon Riley does have a lovely ring to it.” You reached across the table and rested your hand on his. ”When do you get to know?”
Did the joy in your eyes ever lie? Was he allowed to imagine a world where the possibility to be apart longer wasn’t a problem for you, even when she couldn’t handle the mere thought of him being SAS?
His hand clasped over yours. “We’ll be deployed next month for a bit, but after that. So in two, three months.”
“Rest up then. You don’t have to come over. We can call meanwhile.”
Would you let him? That he only took without giving? He was supposed to provide, to be endlessly needed, but never need.
But you did. The rest of the week he was battered from training, but your soothing voice surrounded him as he lay in bed, melting the tension of his aching muscles away. It was far better than when he was deployed, but it wasn’t the same if he couldn’t hold and kiss you. He had to feel you pressed against him, to be constantly reminded that you were real.
By Friday, he was dead tired, but he couldn’t stay away from you anymore.
It’s raining hard. I don’t want you to have to drive so far again after a short visit. We can meet for breakfast tomorrow instead?
You opened your door to Simon with his hood pulled up, wet with rain splotches. He didn’t wait any longer before pulling you in for a kiss.
“Good thing you left the black one here.” You helped take his wet hoodie off, and the shirt under pulled with it before you smoothed it down. As you hung the black fabric on the back of the chair, you chuckled. ”Do you even have any in another colour?”
He shrugged, smiling, thinking of the secret matching one he got. “Maybe.”
You sipped your Ceylon tea as yet the same panda advertisement interrupted the episode of the Great British Bake Off.
“You’re making that face again, Simon.” You placed your cup back on the table and snuggled back against him.
He turned to you with a sheepish grin, his arm wrapping around you. “Am I that obvious?”
“Shoot. Don’t be shy.”
“Shoot,” he repeated, barely able to contain his own laughter. “What’s the scariest tree?”
You giggled into the crook of his neck while he cackled at his own joke. He could have sworn you were mostly laughing at the way he laughed, but he liked it. He liked making you smile.
When you led him to bed, he noticed the nightstand on his side was cleared. You’d removed the night lamp and the colourful candles you liked to light at night. He let out a small sigh, thinking of you looking up ways to help. You didn’t have to be so thoughtful or he was never going to stop spilling his secrets.
Your fingers brushed along his black and blue arm making him shiver.
“Do you need anything for these?”
“They look far worse than they are.”
“How many people did you beat this week?”
He chuckled. “Enough.”
Simon was not one to avoid stare downs, but when your soft gaze lifted to his face, he couldn’t hold it for long anymore. He didn’t want you looking back at him, not like that with those gorgeous eyes. The façade he loved to intimidate people with had grown to be an insecurity. You were supposed to be with someone as beautiful as yourself.
“Love the shape of your nose.” You pecked the tip of his crooked nose – another proof of the terrible things he’d done.
He rolled you off him, climbing over you. Under his shirt, your hands explored the expanse of his muscled back as he kissed and kissed. He wondered if you could tell how many raised scars there were, the way his body couldn’t bury the memories properly anymore.
You pulled his shirt off and your hand trailed down his chest, littered with more cuts and scrapes. He wished it looked better for you. When he leaned back down, you kissed down his neck and collarbones.
“There’s nothing not beautiful about you, Si,” you breathed against his shoulder. “It’s too easy to love you.”
This huge, blemished, strange dog might have kept coming back to your door, but at this point, maybe it was a bit of your fault too if you kept inviting it in and feeding it. It was too good to be true, like it was all a dream to have come across you, to end up at your dining table, to be here in your arms.
How did you expect to say something like that without making him want to cry, without giving you his soul?
“Simon?” you whispered against his knuckles you were just kissing.
He hummed drowsily against your exposed shoulder, his bare chest against your back.
“What’s blue and not heavy?”
“Light blue.”
The last thing he remembered was snorting softly as he smiled before he slipped into slumber.
And so the stray lingered longer and longer after each weeknight dinner and stayed at yours every Friday and Saturday. You didn’t seem to mind. Meanwhile, after weeks of back and forth between his mum and her lawyer, his dad was finally served.
Simon decided the occasion deserved a celebration. He tried the steakhouse again, telling himself he was going to take matters into his own hands if the place screwed up his reservation again. They didn’t, fortunately for them, and he was even given complimentary onion rings ‘for the mix up the other day’. Apparently it was hard to forget the huge man with the intense stare.
You kept surprising him how you even remembered his lame jokes when you retold them to his mum. He always loved seeing you both interact, how gentle you were. Most of all with him, the way you grabbed his rough hand under the table, stroking with your thumb. It was impossible to not love you.
But the best part of each evening was that he got to kiss you at the end of it, unlike before, when the thought of holding your hand almost made heat rise to his cheeks. But first, he needed to get cleaned up before he could climb in bed with you.
“Mum, you need to stop giving me that look,” he grumbled, tossing his keys onto the entryway table.
“What look?” She turned to him feigning innocence, but the amused smile she’d been wearing all night betrayed her.
“That one!”
She laughed, swatting his arm. “Oh, Si. You’ve been happy. It looks good on you.”
He blinked.
“There’s nothing a mum wants more for her son. Take care of her. She’s a sweet one.”
You were, indeed, especially in bed, all cosy in one of his shirts. You smiled before giving him your back – an invitation for him to come up behind you. He nuzzled your neck, arm wrapping around your waist.
“Wait, you’ve got a non-black hoodie!” You turned to him, fingers tracing over the pie patch on his chest. “Just like the one you got me.”
He smiled.
Acknowledging the tingles you gave him was weird, that his mum knew, and that his door wasn’t far enough from yours, especially when she wouldn’t stop shooting him those looks. It didn’t matter he was a grown man - he felt like a teen all over again, getting teased for having a crush.
It doesn’t hurt anymore to think about the past, about being left behind. You made him feel like he wasn’t just another unsalvageable, daft soldier, but someone worth having, caring for.
And so he willed himself to not ruin the time he had with you by getting ahead of himself. There were other great lieutenants too - he might not even get the promotion this year, and this wouldn’t have to change one bit.
With the divorce finally happening, things were falling into place. Breathing didn’t feel as heavy, and having you in his arms was the cherry on top. If being with you was home, he was never sure he even had one before this.
Simon was deployed the following week.
The night prior, he engulfed you in a hug at your door, nose buried in your neck as he inhaled. You made him promise to get home soon and safe as he kissed you. The more time you spent with him, the harder it was to see him leave.
You knew what you were getting into from the start, but you couldn’t lie the distance and risk he put himself in made you uneasy. Knowing how devoted he was to his job, you wanted nothing more than for him to climb further up the ranks, but you knew it also meant an uphill battle of balancing a normal relationship amidst his commitments. Even when there was almost no day without hearing from him, the hours in between were unbearable sometimes.
Your dad was supportive, as far as not blatantly voicing his opinion counted anyway, but knowing him, it was still a more positive reaction than to some of the men you saw. You were his precious one after all.
You thought he could see it too, that Simon was quickly becoming more than just a man you were seeing. But you didn’t miss the looks he gave - like you were making a huge mistake - apprehensive if the lieutenant was even a good man, if he could give you a proper relationship like what you deserved, if he was only going to break your heart. You reassured him he was a gentle soul despite his living, that he overflowed with selflessness.
“You’ll see when you meet him,” you promised.
On the first Saturday of the month, it was your turn again to volunteer at the soup kitchen. It was nice when Simon could help with the lifting and the ride, but this time you had to resort to a taxi like you always did. He insisted you use his car while he was away, but you rejected the kind offer.
Ben helped as much as he could, but you didn’t have the heart to see him strain and groan. He had history of a bad back anyway, which was why he stopped doing the majority of the baking those years ago.
“Don’t have to pay today, luv. Simon covered it before he left.”
“He did?”
“Yes. Go.” His hand wrapped around yours, curling it over the notes you held out to him.
“Thank you, Ben.”
“Thank you.”
Some of your friends asked if the ‘tall bloke’ didn’t come with that evening. You smiled. ‘Maybe next month when he’s in town,’ you said.
The shift ended little later than last time, Simon was far more of help than you realised. The chill wind hit as you walked home, and you slowed to tighten your scarf.
The next thing you knew, you were pulled into a dark alley. Nails dug onto your arm through your jacket as a man shoved you back against the rough and damp brick wall, making you yelp. He flicked out a knife from his back pocket.
Your breath caught in your throat when he leaned in, reeking of alcohol, his stare and smirk deranged. You realised… You realised you’d seen him before - the younger, healthier version of him at least.
“Hiya, little birdie. No Simon this time, huh? You’ll listen then…”
Tears pricked your eyes. “D- don’t hurt me, please. You can have everything. There’s an ATM-“
“No, no… I don’t want your money… Tell Mel to – hic – call off the proceedings.“ His grip loosened as his words slowed. “I haven’t been good to her… If she leaves, I’ll have no more chance to… make things right.” The knife clanked onto the ground as he hiccuped.
With it, you kicked his shin as hard as you could, making him fall with a shriek. You sprinted away, looking over your shoulder to make sure he wasn’t following before rushing into the closest corner shop, your knees pressed to your chest in the furthest corner.
Your hands shook as you tapped your phone, wiping your tears away as the line connected.
“M- Melanie?”
Every once in a while, while looking through the folder he’d made of the photos you sent - his favourite pastime as he waited for sleep after returning your texts, Simon would involuntarily come across that photo. He chuckled.
He stood in your small kitchen wearing the silly apron, a post-pie mess on the counter. He couldn’t hide his concern about the ugly pastry, thinking it wasn’t going to turn out. But it was the very first pie he’d made. Were his tainted hands allowed to create something so wonderful, with you? He wished he’d asked you to be in the picture too.
The way you made him feel, he realised it might be more than an infatuation, more than a fleeting crush. He still couldn’t wrap his head around how you said he was easy to love, but you were not one to lie. Being loveable to you to any degree was enough for him.
I’ll tell you when I’m back. He sighed as he stared at one of your selfies.
His phone dinged. Si, call me when you can
He sat up, dialling straight away. “Mum?”
“Your dad’s back. This time he went after her.”
“What?” His hand formed into a fist. That bloody bastard.
“She’s okay. Shaken, but alright now, sleeping in your bed.” She sighed. “I can’t keep running from my problems, Si. Look how I’m bothering you, even dragged her into all of this.”
“I’ll serve him the bloody papers, mum,” he said through his teeth. “And he’ll regret not signing them the first time around.”
@tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @eve-lie @astraluminaaa @luvecarson @jaguarthecat @knight4xmas @unwrittenletter @mxtokko @reaperxxxxzz @audisive @sparrowgalaxy @fanficreblogs @lyenera
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soaqrudyz · 3 months
i like to think another reason soap and ghost trusted each other so quickly is because they could smell the low income upbringing on each other.
ghost was a slum kid through and through, with shoes that felt perpetually too large and cigarette holes through his hand-me-down jackets. if his mum didn’t have time to cook, or if her hands shook too violently to handle silverware, he was the one to scrape together enough passable nutrients to feed tommy, and some nights himself. he was born into back alley business and when his time came, if the worms didn’t get him, the stray cats could feast on his carcass for the next two generations.
soap grew up in a full house. when his da left with that droopy-eyed, pale sack of infections he deemed more important than his wife of seven years and their five children, his mum and older sister were the sole providers in his life. he learned very early on to make do with what he had unless he couldn’t, splitting funds for so many people, along with bills and groceries and clothes and school supplies, was an enormous task that he couldn’t very well make more difficult like the rest of his sisters seemed to want to with a clean conscience.
they both see it instantly — soap, the way ghost refused to ask for anything; and ghost, the way soap only asked for the cheapest, weakest, most useless version of what he needed, still with a guilty bite to his bottom lip. the way they both (metaphorically) lick their plates clean, afraid to waste a single crumb; the way each of them preferred to mend instead of simply buying something new like gaz; the way they both opt for one practical and one frivolous gift each holiday for both useage and enjoyment.
it’s easy to relate to the anxious pinch of eyebrows at the till when you’ve been too involved in financial discussions your whole life, and even easier to remind each other that money wasn’t a problem anymore. soap could remind ghost that he didn’t have to conserve anymore, and ghost could remind soap that he didn’t have to buy scratchy clothes or food brands he didn’t like just because they were cheaper.
and even if ghost didn’t want to ask for something he wanted, soap would get it anyway. and even if soap made a fuss of how much they threw in their cart, ghost would throw more in anyway.
because they can. because no matter their financial worry, they have someone who will understand and make everything feel okay again.
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andavs · 2 months
sorry what do you mean by eddie & shannon being a classic military couple?
Sorry it's been a minute, but this got away from me.
So military couples are notorious for getting married very young and very quickly for the benefits, and they’re also notorious for their relationships failing and getting divorced.
They skip the time usually spent building a solid foundation and partnership, and jump straight into marriage. Then if deployment comes up, one of them leaves for an extended period of time. This leads to a lot of relationships where sex is the only area where they’re compatible, because they’re both growing as people completely separate from each other. They’re handling different stresses, different schedules, sometimes completely different realities, until they’re finally reunited and a lot of the common ground they built their early relationship on isn’t there anymore. So they focus on the good things to keep things going because it’s easier, which is often sex.
Sound familiar?
Eddie and Shannon both said that they were always good at sex, but that’s about it. They never learned how to work as partners before they got married and became parents, and with Eddie deployed almost straight out of basic and overseas for half of their marriage, they never got the chance. Even just communicating was a struggle; anytime they tried to broach a difficult subject, it devolved into a yelling.
Like the fight about Eddie reenlisting:
Readjusting to civilian life is always rough, even with a really solid support system and no PTSD. Not just coming back to safety from danger, but while you're deployed, everything is relatively "simple". Even if you’re in a warzone and seeing combat, everything else is handled for you—food, clothing, medical, housing, etc. Coming back to suddenly having to worry about rent and paying for the dentist and grocery shopping and feeding the kids and getting them to school is a big adjustment and it can be overwhelming.  
So is coming back after a year and really realizing how much of your family's life you missed. They handled things without you, your kids grew and changed without you—you don't even know what you missed but you know you're out of sync, and it can be incredibly isolating. Reenlisting to get back to the familiar and "simple" life of the military isn’t uncommon.
Eddie didn't even know how to hold his son, let alone process the CP diagnosis, and all the bills and headaches of everyday life on top of that. Shannon was used to the bills and headaches and wanted him back so she wouldn’t have to handle it all alone, but he was so incredibly overwhelmed and disconnected that reenlisting was, in his mind, the way to solve a lot of those problems. (It’s also possible he got a pretty good bonus for reenlisting, which it sounds like they really needed, and Eddie was raised to do whatever it takes to provide.)
Then the welcome home party:
This comes with all the same problems as the reenlisting argument, but this time with more trauma and no exit strategy because Eddie was shot multiple times and discharged. The only way he's been able to "be a man and provide" for his family is unavailable, and he's clearly struggling with feeling useless and out of his depth.
Each member of his family in that scene puts pressure on common points of stress of returning from deployment:
Helena's on him for not knowing how to care for Christopher, and everything he’s missed while he was away.
Ramon's proudly holding up the symbol of his trauma and reciting the certificate, lauding the job Eddie can't do anymore.
Shannon's clearly been living for the day he gets back so she wouldn’t have to do it all alone anymore and they could get out of Texas. It was her light at the end of the tunnel, and she wants to get out of there as soon as possible.
None of them were being intentionally malicious, but Eddie constantly downplays everything about his military service ("I was just doing my job" / "I just did what anyone else would do") so none of his family really knew what he went through or how much it affected him. He came home pretending he was fine, so they expected him to be fine. Maybe they wanted him to be fine so they didn’t see how much he wasn’t. 
This is a really common problem for combat veterans and their families. They don’t want to think about what they’ve been through so they shove their medals in a box in the closet. They don't want to talk about it because their family won't understand or they don't want to go into the gory details, maybe they feel ashamed, or maybe they just aren’t ready to revisit it yet. But by not talking about it at all, the disconnect grows and they feel more alienated from their family, who has no idea how much they're struggling so they don’t know how to help, or even that they need help.
And Eddie’s clearly struggling in that scene, literally backed into a corner, snapping that he needs time because he doesn't know how to say that he can't handle up and moving to another state on top of everything else he's still not adjusting to. He probably can't even admit that he's not adjusting because this stuff should be easy and everyone else can get his son a drink, but he can’t even do that right. He was an incredibly competent and capable soldier and medic, and now he doesn’t even know where the juice boxes are.
But to Shannon, who doesn't know what he's feeling, he's being stubborn and dismissive of what she needs and everything she's been dealing with alone. And again, they never learned how to tackle these kinds of issues without fighting each other.
They were both at the end of their rope, and had similar responses that were incompatible with each other. Eddie dug in where it felt familiar and safe to him, in El Paso with his family nearby. Shannon retreated to where she could feel safe: LA, with her mom, where she wouldn't have someone correcting everything she did and constantly breaking her down further. It's possible she had her own support system there that she'd been largely cut off from while in Texas.
It's also not uncommon for a returning soldier to get boxed out of childcare and family decisions; their partner has gotten so used to handling it on their own that it can feel like they aren’t needed anymore. But sometimes the opposite happens: their partner has gotten so overwhelmed handling it all on their own that they end up dumping it on the returning soldier, like what happened when Shannon left. She was able to get away and breathe without everything on her shoulders, but then it all fell on Eddie who was already struggling with the basics.
Combine all of that with the stigma of PTSD within the military and so many soldiers willfully ignoring the symptoms, the way Eddie was raised to “brush it off, keep moving forward”, and Eddie’s very internal, freeze response PTSD symptoms where he just kind of shuts down and tries to stay where it’s safe, and you’ve got a dude silently drowning in Texas until he’s forced to make a move because his parents want custody of his son.
Most of this came from the book I Always Sit with My Back to the Wall, which again, seems like the instructions Eddie was built from.
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zepskies · 6 months
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Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x F. Reader, Ben and daughter!OC
Summary: Ben spends the day alone with his daughter, to varying degrees of success. When you get home, it prompts a serious conversation.
AN: Another one-shot for the BMD-verse, set sometime after "Until Morning" (you'll see). This can be read as standalone as well!
Word Count: 2,500 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Father and daughter fluff, followed by husband and wife spice.~
Read more of the BMD-verse! ⤵️
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
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Father and daughter were glaring at one another, gazes locked.
Green against green.
“Young lady, I’m telling you right now. I’m not gonna tolerate any more of your little attitude,” said Ben. “If you want to try me, be my guest.”
He held the ravioli poised on a pink plastic spoon. His daughter Lila sat in her highchair in the kitchen, boldly refusing any more of her lunch.
Her stubborn face reminded him entirely too much of you. But he needed her to eat. He wouldn’t have it said when you came home that he couldn’t feed a damn two-year-old.
He huffed. “Work with me here. Just a couple more bites.”
Lila made a shrill sound of refusal when the spoon came near her face. He knew she could use a spoon just fine. She was being difficult on purpose.
To demonstrate her resolve, she slapped at the ravioli with a chubby little hand, and it ended up splashing back into the bowl. A bit of red sauce splattered onto Ben’s cheek, with a pinch of it hitting his eye.
He blinked in annoyance. “Delilah Marie, I swear to Christ—”
She’s just a baby, a voice that sounded a lot like you infiltrated his mind. It still didn’t take away his aggravation.
“No!” Lila insisted. It was her favorite word, right behind Bluey.
She then pushed the bowl right off the highchair. It spilled ravioli and pasta sauce all over the floor in spectacular fashion. Ben was sitting in his own chair by the dining table, where he moved his feet back at the last moment. She almost got his Italian loafers.
“You gotta be f…” It took every scrap of patience within him to hold his tongue…and breathe calmly through his nose. He didn’t want to reward this destructive, disrespectful behavior, but he also knew that he needed his daughter to eat.
“Want some applesauce?” he said, as a peace offering.
Lila’s face scrunched.
“No applesauce, huh?” Ben muttered. He glanced at the mess across the highchair and the formerly white tile on the floor. “Your mother’s gonna have a conniption.”
“Mommy?” Lila asked. “Mommy’s home?”
“No, she’s not here right now,” Ben replied. “She’ll be home later.”
Lila seemed to understand, because that’s when she got upset again. Her red-stained finger drew a shapeless form in the sauce as she pouted. At least she wasn’t crying.
Ben sighed, once again, and stroked her cheek with his thumb.
Fuck it.
“You want some ice cream?” he bribed.
Her sadness dissipated at the thought; she smiled brightly and nodded. “Yeah!”
“Yeah, I thought so,” he grumbled.
After a scoop of strawberry ice cream for each of them (she liked it because it was pink), Ben wrangled her up out of the highchair and declared, bath time.
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He did fine with the bathing process. He’d helped you with this before, and so he knew what to do in order to wash the sauce off her face, hands, and even her hair. It was what came after the bath that remained a problem.
Lila was stubborn beyond belief, even before she could articulate what it was about the soft green onesie that she didn’t like. No, she wasn’t satisfied until Ben pulled out the yellow Starlight themed pajamas. Probably because they had “Auntie Annie’s” face all over them.
He rolled his eyes, but this wasn’t a hill he needed to die on. He dressed Lila and tried to tuck her into bed for her afternoon nap. The problem was, she refused to lie still in the crib.
Instead, she was bouncing on the balls of her feet, using the edge of the crib for balance. He’d be impressed, if she wasn’t trying to climb out and give him a small heart attack.
He grabbed her and gathered her against his chest. Despite the super strength you’d temporarily displayed off and on throughout your pregnancy, Lila’s powers were latent at the moment. Dr. Baker seemed to think Lila would start to display them once she got old enough. Like Ryan, who hadn’t started growing into his powers until around 10 years old.
So for now, Lila was a mostly normal two-year-old who could still get hurt.
Ben frowned. “This is the time you usually go down. Why do you have so much energy?”
She just giggled at him and put both hands on his face, over his eyes.
“Daddy, guess who?”
He sighed, but couldn’t help smiling. As usual, he indulged her.
“Could it be my baby girl?”
He waited until her hands came away from his eyes, and he opened them wide.
“There she is!”
She squealed and giggled and grabbed his hair when he kissed her cheek. In the comfort of his own home, he could afford to be this openly affectionate.
Aw shit, he thought, as something occured to him.
He finally realized why she was so fucking hyper. Maybe it had something to do with the giant scoop of ice cream she’d had for lunch.
Goddamn it. Ben sighed and unwrapped her arm from around his head.
“Okay, let’s watch some TV.”
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Lila didn’t seem all that interested in watching anything, or even playing with her toys. She mainly wanted to jump on Ben’s stomach while he was trying to relax on the couch. He put on a football game you taped for him. Or recorded, as you'd said.
“All right, enough. Your old man’s trying to watch the game,” Ben said, bringing Lila down to sit in lap.
That lasted for about two seconds. Thereafter, she was climbing up his chest and trying to smother him with her little hands.
He took her hand from his nose so he could at least breathe in peace.
“Where’s Mommy?” Lila asked, as she sat on his shoulder and beat a little fist on the top of his head.
“She’s with your aunt,” Ben replied. “Well, not your real one, the fake one.”
Lila made a sound of confusion. Realizing that she didn’t know what the hell he meant, he rephrased.
“She’s with your Aunt Annie. They’ll be back soon,” he said.
He didn’t mind you wanting a day out to yourself. What he minded was the attitude you’d struck when he suggested dropping Lila off with Louisa, your actual sister.
“What, you can’t handle her alone for one day?” you’d asked.
His pride hadn’t allowed him to say no to that.
So here he was, with a wily toddler who was doing her damndest to suffocate him. Better attempts than this had failed, but it was still annoying while he was trying to watch the game.
Somehow, he managed to tune it out while he watched the ref make a bad call.
“What was that?! You gotta be kidding me!” Ben said, holding Lila to his chest even as he pointed and shouted at the TV. “Son of a bitch. What a pussy call that was.”
“Bish, bish, bish,” Lila said, making a game out of the word. It called Ben’s attention.
He forgot about the game for a moment when he looked down at her. His eyes widened a fraction, even as a smile pulled at his lips.
“What’d you just say?”
“Bishhhhhh,” Lila repeated. “Somvabishhhh.” Her lips squished like a fish. And then she giggled, like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.
“Aw, fuck,” Ben uttered.
And he pressed his lips together with ever widening eyes at what he’d just said.
Lila grinned. “Fack!”
“Uhh, no. No. Don’t say that,” he said, trying to sound stern. Inside, he was trying not to laugh. He didn't really give a shit what she said, but you were particular about the kid not inheriting his vocabulary.
In fact, he was pretty sure you were going to go nuclear for this one.
“Why?” Lila asked.
“Because it’s uh…a bad word,” Ben replied, even though he wanted to roll his eyes at himself. This was what he’d become. A suburban dad.
"And it's not ladylike," he added.
“Fackkkk,” Lila giggled some more.
Christ on a cross. Ben bit the inside of lip hard to stop himself from laughing.
“Whatever. Just don’t say it around your mom,” he relented. He brushed his fingers through her soft brown hair. She preened at the attention, like the little showboat she was.
“Daddyyyy…” Lila wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled as deeply into him as she could, like a koala clinging to a shaking branch.
Ben sighed and rubbed a hand up and down her back as he cradled her against him.
These were the moments he didn’t mind. In fact, these were the moments he did his best to remember. They helped block out the older, darker ones that this kid would never know.
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Ben woke to the shutter of a camera going off.
He blinked his bleary eyes open to find you standing there with a highly amused smile on your face, and your phone poised in your hand.
He groaned, but he soon realized that Lila was sleeping in his arms, on his chest. You leaned down and rested a hand on her back. You also greeted him with a kiss to his temple.
“Long day?” you teased quietly.
Ben gave you a deadpan look, one that had you straining to taper down your giggles. Though he drew you closer by your hip and squeezed the soft flesh over your white sundress. He took you in with a lazy once-over.
You looked good. Sexy as hell, really. Your face was glowing and relaxed, and he liked the shade of red you’d done on your nails.
“You have a good time?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, massaging his shoulder. Though you arched a brow. “There’s a catastrophe in the kitchen.”
Ben blinked.
Fuck. He forgot about that.
“Yep,” he said, giving you a teasing smirk of his own. “Right on time for you, baby.”
You chuckled, though your eyes narrowed in warning. “Yeah, right.”
You still helped him put Lila down in the nursery for the rest of her nap. She yawned and turned over onto her back. You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, though you had to smile when it accidentally left the red mark of your lipstick behind.
You bit your lip and gently rubbed it off without waking her up. (An amazing damn feat, as far as you were concerned.)
Ben laid a heavy hand on your back, prompting you to straighten up and turn into his waiting embrace.
His lips curved as he looked down at you. “Hey.”
You laughed quietly. “Hey, yourself.”
Your hands glided up his chest, and further still to hold his face. You brought him down to kiss you, with your fingers slipping into his hair, and your nails dragging along his scalp. He hummed into your mouth.
“Miss me?” you teased.
Ben huffed. As usual though, his answer was in his actions. He held you close for a moment, just to feel you there.
Your arms slipped around his, clinging to his shoulders as you rested against him. This was your safe, comfortable place where you always felt at home.
But, you couldn’t help but break the spell.
“Come on. Clean up on aisle 12,” you quipped, reaching around to smack his ass.
Ben rolled his eyes, but when you pulled away from him, he followed you into the kitchen.
“You know, I had a lot going on. Your kid is a fucking menace,” he said. “Like a bull in a China shop.”
You scoffed. “She’s only my kid when she gives you a hard time. Where do you think she gets it from?”
“You,” he retorted.
You had to laugh at that one. It still didn’t get him out of helping you clean the kitchen from top to bottom.
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After a long shower, waking an errant child from her nap, dinner, and a joint effort of getting Lila to sleep for the night, Ben joined you in bed wearing just his usual sweatpants.
You’d opted for some black satin, he noticed.
Good, he thought, for the night to come. You’d spent the whole day getting massaged and moisturized and whatever else women did on a day out.
When he rolled onto his side, you greeted him with a smile and a hand running up his arm, already pulling him toward you. His hand glided along your bare thigh as you hooked it over his hip.
“I need to tell you something, but you’ve gotta promise not to say anything to anyone,” you whispered in the small space between his face and yours, and you tapped his chin.
Ben raised a brow and squeezed your thigh. Whatever it was, couldn’t it wait until long after he’d undressed you?
“What?” he asked.
“Annie’s pregnant!” you said with a wide smile. “Six weeks. She just told me today.”
Ben blinked at that one. “Is it Hughie’s kid?”
“Wha…of course, it is!”
“Wow. Guess he had it in him after all,” Ben remarked. “Who woulda thought.”
You shook your head, but his grin made you laugh.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, through your remaining giggles, though you leaned forward and stole a kiss. It led Ben to want more, and more of you.
He started to ply you with slow, lazy kisses that grew deeper, becoming all-consuming as his tongue warred against yours. His hands dove under the satin covering your body, and his thumbs brushed the sides of your breasts.
“Maybe it’s time we go for number two,” he said.
You uttered another incredulous laugh, gripped a fist in his hair and tugged. “Excuse me?”
“You fucking heard me,” Ben said. He rolled you onto your back and pinned you there. “Ain’t no way we’re stopping at one. Lila needs a brother.”
“You can’t even handle one,” you teased. Your hands slid up his arms and then down his chest. “Baby, we can talk about having more kids, but—”
“And? We’re talking now,” he said. He dipped his head to start kissing a hot, wet line down your neck. It made your breath falter and your back start to arch. Your hips shifted against his, trying to find friction. You could feel his length hardening against your thigh.
“Ben,” you warned, and implored, but the graze of his teeth on your neck made you shudder.
Your grip on his arms tightened. “Please…”
“Please what?” he smirked against your skin. His hips rocked against your heated core.
This conversation was going into a no man’s land very fast.
You literally took matters into your own hands…by reaching down and grasping your husband’s cock through his sweatpants. You gave him a demanding squeeze.
His breath hitched. Ben paused, unlatching from your neck, and turning his lips toward your cheek.
“I’m listening,” he said, in a gritted voice. You smirked.
“We can, and we will talk about this,” you promised. “Just not when you’re about to be balls-deep inside me.”
You were back on birth control anyway (the pill this time).
Ben chuckled. His hand reached up and smoothed your hair away from your forehead.
“Fine,” he conceded. A smirk grew across his face. “But we can still practice.”
A giggle fell from your lips, just before he claimed them once again.
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AN: A little callback to the BMD Epilogue at the end there. 😂
What did you think about the father/daughter time? And do you think Ben won against either of the ladies in his life? 🤣
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BMD Tag List (Part 1):
@this-is-me19 @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @spalady26 @spnwoman @syrma-sensei @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @muhahaha303 @123passwort
@xoxoviennaa @katherineann814 @lollag0w0 @globetrotter28 @nancymcl @ashbatz @secretdreamlandmentality @kristophalis @wonderland2022 @emily-winchester @shelh93 @sl33pylilbunny @spoonmynoodle @chernayawidow
@buckybarnes-1917 @asgardprincess97 @sometimes-i-sing @itsyellow @karnellius @kimberleymjw @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @iamsapphine @sanscas @se-fucking-hun @lassie-bird @jessjad @yepimthatperson @fromcaintodean @stoneyggirl2
@spnfamily-j2 @im-a-slut-for-fluff @lacilou @venicesem @mimaria420 @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @tearsfortheyouth @agalliasi @chriszgirl92 @kazsrm67
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buckybabesonly · 6 months
Take Me Back To The Night We Met
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Summary: He promised you forever and a day.
Pairing: Bucky x Female!reader
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2.4k
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Cold dinners, unanswered texts and overwhelming disappointment in your heart.
Just a standard Friday night, really.
You sat on the couch with your knees drawn to your chest, eyes fastened on the clock hanging opposite you. It was taunting you with each tick, tick, tick as you clenched your jaw and willed your phone to light up with a message from him.
You should be used to this by now. It happened so often that it would have surprised you more to actually see Bucky arrive home in time for dinner.
You knew it would be like this when you first got together. But after almost four years, it didn't make the disappointment sting any less. You knew he had bigger things to be doing - he was out saving lives and helping people. Yet a tiny, selfish voice in your mind wished that you could be placed as a priority for once. It felt like you spent half your time nowadays just waiting. Waiting for his call, waiting to spend time with him, waiting for something to give.
When the clock reached 11, you sighed and realized that it was going to be one of those nights where he'd stumble in at three in the morning, exhausted, or maybe not at all.
You packed the dinner you had made into a Tupperware box, pasted a sticky note on top with a message for your boyfriend when he returned. Reheat me for 3 mins! Love you ❤ 
It really was tough. It was one of those nights where you ended up staring at the ceiling of your bedroom in the dark, hot tears seeping silently onto the pillow beneath your head as those unhappy, insecure thoughts reared their head in the usual routine.
It was always this thick silence in the middle of the night that haunted you the most. It allowed you to be truly alone with your thoughts, and you had a lot of them.
You used to be so happy with him. And you still were, in a way. You felt so unbelievably lucky to have Bucky in your life, to be the one that he loved. And yet it was undeniably getting more and more difficult to ignore the problems that came with dating someone who did what he did.
The end to those upsetting thoughts came just as dawn cracked through the Manhattan horizon and you heard those tired, weary footsteps into the apartment, the sound of heavy combat boots being shucked off. Your eyes were closed, but you could visualize the way he silently crept into the room so as not to disturb you. You felt the tension leave your body when he slipped into the sheets beside you, and you instantly curled into his side like a cat.
"Did I wake you?" He asked quietly, his voice hoarse. He still smelt like blood and dirt, but you didn't mind.
"No," you whispered, your fingers grasping fistfuls of his shirt.
The relationship was unconventional and hard work, but you lived for the moments where Bucky came back home to you.
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You stood on the snowy sidewalk, staring into the windows of the jewelry store wistfully. Diamond engagement rings stared back at you, glistening in the sunlight, dazzling you with their splendor.
More and more of your friends had been getting to that stage in their lives where they were becoming engaged, getting married, having kids (and some divorces, too). Every other day, it seemed like a new relationship milestone announcement was being made on your Instagram feed.
You were always being grilled by your friends about when Bucky was going to 'pop the question'. Your response was always a demure laugh and a joking retort of, You'll have to ask him!
But honestly, you weren't sure if that was where you were heading anymore.
Your relationship had never been conventional, and you knew what you were getting into when you and Bucky first started your relationship. Bucky didn't have a 9 to 5 job where he could come back home every night and help cook dinner with you and go to bed at the same time, make you breakfast in the morning and walk you to work.
It was never going to be like that.
So what did your future look like?
You trudged home in a slightly downcast mood, paper bags of groceries in your arms as you sighed.
You hadn't seen much of Bucky at all in the last few weeks. He had been out on a mission in Quebec, but he was going to be back tomorrow. A smile suddenly bloomed on your face - he was going to return just in time to celebrate your fourth year anniversary tomorrow.
I wouldn't miss it, my love, he had whispered on the phone to you two nights ago.
There was a new bounce to your step as you continued on to your apartment. You decided that you had to try and stop worrying so much about the future and just be grateful for each day - he was your Bucky, and that was enough.
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Bucky was late.
He was supposed to arrive back at the apartment this morning, but he had sent you a couple of text messages at noon, your heart sinking.
Hey - have to stay in Quebec for a couple more hours. But will be heading back very soon.
Your reply was a hopeful, You promise?
You remained hopeful even though there had been radio silence since. Bucky had never let you down on celebrating special occasions before - come rain or thunder, you knew he would make it back to you.
Or maybe that's what you used to believe.
You weren't sure what you believed now, as you sat inside the French restaurant opposite an empty chair, your nails tapping the tablecloth anxiously.
You clutched your phone in your hand like a lifeline.
I'm at the restaurant. Are you on your way? You texted him desperately, willing for him to suddenly appear in front of you with a bouquet in his hands and an apology on his lips.
Maybe you just loved torturing yourself. Living on whatever thin strand of hope was thrown your way, like a lifebuoy whilst you struggled to keep your head above the water.
Half an hour passed, the server with a sympathetic gaze coming over after 45 minutes and bringing you a starter and a glass of champagne on the house.
Your cheeks were burning, your chest tightening with such pain that you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
Finally, you called it a night and got into a taxi to take you home. Your feet hurt in your stupid heels and your dress felt too tight and uncomfortable, your heart hurting so much that you thought it might burst.
Surprisingly, you managed to hold the tears in. You held them in all the way up until you reached your front door, stabbing your key four times into the lock before you managed to open it, your hands shaking.
You wanted to slam the door back into it's frame as soon as you were in the safety of your home, and gasped when a gloved hand appeared out of nowhere to block it. You stumbled back, almost falling when Bucky materialized in the doorway, his arms holding you to steady you instantly.
"I'm so sorry." They were the first words out of his mouth as he kicked the door shut behind him, holding you close against his body. "I am so, so sorry."
You were quiet, your head unable to process his being in front of you when you had such crushing disappointment inside you from being stood up on your anniversary. Tears were silently running down your face as Bucky's grip tightened around you, your eyes staring at nothing.
You weren't even listening even though he was speaking endless reasons and explanations for why he was so terribly late, why he had been unable to text you back to let you know he wouldn't be able to make it in time. He was out there as usual, saving other people, being there for other people.
Not you.
"Call me selfish," you began eventually, your voice cracking. You peeled yourself away from Bucky, staring up at him with eyes that made his breath hitch. He could see the pain in them, the utter exhaustion in your gaze. "But I just... I wish I had you all to myself."
Bucky's face fell. He knew how you felt, and it destroyed him to see the way you stared at him now. He could feel how limp you were to his touch, and it suddenly scared him.
"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I know I let you down. There was nothing I could do. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
You almost scoffed at that word. Promise.
"That's the thing, Buck," you said sadly, taking another step back. His arms fell down to his sides. "Your promises don't mean anything."
He looked crestfallen at your statement. His lips parted as if he wanted to argue back, but you continued forcefully.
"How many times have you promised me that we'd be able to go on that trip together? How many times have you promised me that we can do a proper date night? How many times have you promised me that you'd be home for dinner?"
Bucky's lips pressed together in a stiff line. You had been angry at him before, of course you had. But what he noticed right now, overwhelmingly so, was that you were tired.
"I'm so... I don't know how much more of this I can take."
"What do you mean?" Bucky spoke then, fear creeping into his voice at your words.
"Look at me, Bucky," you half-laughed, gesturing at yourself. Your mascara was running down your face, you had kicked your heels off on the floor, you felt so ridiculous in this stupid dress that you had meticulously picked out for your special night with him. "I'm so sick of always being let down. I - I don't know how we can have a future together. I don't want to spend four more years not knowing whether I can expect to see you come home."
"We have a future together," Bucky retorted, his eyebrows furrowing. "I can't see a future where you don't exist."
"Can't you?" You shot back, honestly bewildered. "Do you really imagine us having a normal life together? Can you imagine us being married, having kids, settled down in a home that you're not always running away from?"
"Do you think I enjoy doing what I do?" Bucky asked, a flash of anger entering his tone.
"Actually, yes, I do!" You exclaimed truthfully. "You're hard-wired to fight and protect, Bucky. You need to help people. It's what you do."
Bucky was immediately quiet. You had hit the nail on the head. Fight and protect.
"I've barely seen you this year, Bucky. You've spent so much time out there on missions and saving the world and - and that's great, Bucky. Really, I am so proud of you. But you have to understand that I have things that I want and I'm not sure you can give that to me."
You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. This was really how you truly felt. The dam had broken, and you had finally told him what you had been thinking.
You loved Bucky with all your heart. You loved him so much that the thought of losing him was excruciating.
But you couldn't run away from reality. You didn't think you could live the rest of your relationship like this.
"Do you think you could change?" You whispered, your eyes welling up again with tears. "Could you give up being a hero and stay by my side instead?"
Bucky's hands were clenched into fists by his sides as he stared at you. You couldn't decipher his expression, and you wished so much you could climb inside his mind and know what he was thinking.
"I love you," he said eventually. Your heart splintered with longing.
"That doesn't answer my question," you said sadly.
There was a long stretch of silence that filled the apartment. Eventually, he spoke.
"I don't know if I can change. I - this is what I do. I have to help people. There are people who need me."
What about me? You wanted to ask.
You nodded once.
"I love you," he repeated again, pleading.
"I love you too," you said, your lower lip trembling. "I love you so much."
Bucky had brought you so much joy. Every stolen second with him, every smile shared, every memory was a blessing. He was everything you had ever dreamed of and somehow even more.
But it wasn't enough.
"I know what I want, Bucky." Your voice was shaking. "Once upon a time, I really thought that we could have that. But the longer I spend in this relationship, the more I realize that those thoughts are futile. I'm chasing something that I will never have."
Bucky wanted to fall onto his knees and beg for you to stay. He really did - he wanted to hold your hands in his and beg you not to leave him. That he didn't know how he could live his days without you.
But he knew what you deserved. You deserved someone reliable, someone you wouldn't have to wait on. In front of his very eyes in this moment, he could see the product of his neglectfulness towards you. He could see the agony in your face, the weight of the disappointment he'd caused in every tear track on your skin. The epiphany hit him like a crushing weight to the chest.
If there was one thing Bucky always wanted to give you, it was happiness. He wanted to make you as happy as your existence in his life brought to him.
Maybe, in a twisted paradox, he would have to let go of his to be able to give you yours.
If Bucky could go back to the night you first met, he would have stared at you from afar, traced your profile with his eyes, admired the gentle curve of your nose and the color of your lips. He would have felt his heart still the moment you turned and met his stare with a shy smile.
But instead of approaching you and introducing himself, he would have forced himself to walk away if he had known the pain he would bring to you.
If you could go back to the night you first met, you wouldn't have believed the love that would grow in your heart for this man. The impossibly potent feeling that was larger than life itself.
You used to believe that your love for one another could overcome anything.
You realized that wasn't true on that very night, when Bucky left your home and you remained standing in the darkness, alone once more.
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yandere-romanticaa · 6 months
I need some Yandere Bokuto and Yandere Akaashi! Maybe together because of the friendship bokuto and akaashi have if thats alright (If not then do it seperate)
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This would be one of the most functional pairs to have, even despite their stark and clashing personalities.
You most likely met them in highschool and it was a blast to be around them. Albeit, a bit intense at times. Bokuto was incredibly difficult to keep up with, especially if you're on the more introverted side. He wants you to attend absolutely every single game he and Akaashi are in, he's not even against you coming to practice either! Please do just that, it boosts him so much!
Even if he does get distracted by your smile sometimes but who cares! He certainly does not!
Bokuto is like a whirlwind storm - you never know when to expect him but you know that once he steps close there will be nothing but chaos. He's fun, kind. Gentle even. He tries to be, for you. He can be oblivious towards your feelings sometimes but he always has your best interests at heart.
He would never forgive himself if something happened to you.
Bokuto is needy, incredibly so. If he's not holding or kissing you 24/7 then what's even the point? You give him energy, your mere presence gives him drive and confidence like nothing else. Soon enough his presence starts to become suffocating. He is so deeply intertwined in your life, like sticky glue which you can't shake off no matter how hard you try. He managed to force his way into every possible crevice inside your life and he is always aware of what he's doing. His perfectionist nature commands him to do so.
However, if Bokuto is the powerful storm itself, Akaashi is the calm before the storm.
He lurks. Constantly.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depends who you're asking) there are times when Bokuto can't be with you no matter how badly he wants to be. Akaashi becomes something of a second shadow of yours, constantly tailing after you, taking care of you in the most subtle yet gentle ways. He offers you water regularly, he has you wear his warm jacket on warm days and he regularly chastises you if you think of doing something stupid. He's not completely sweet to you though, his dry personality does not allow for that.
Akaashi throws all sorts of remarks your way but they're never hurtful. Bokuto is usually the victim for his quick witted jabs, but, when he says them to you they're just. Different. They're laced with affection and playfulness but his stoic face masks the true meaning behind his words. He keeps tabs on you in any way he can and Bokuto quickly catches on to this.
They don't have a proper discussion about the situation they're in. The two just come to a silent agreement that they will share you. They already know each other well and their trust cannot be shaken. Neither one is against sharing you with the other.
There are times when you are a fun trio of idiots, simply living life. You have dinner and goof off. Bokuto makes you laugh and Akaashi feeds you fresh food from the table. Bokuto has an iron clad grip on your waist while Akaashi blocks your exit. Despite the lighthearted atmosphere, there's a thick layer of tension in the air. They smile, but it's not reaching their eyes.
Could they be hiding something?
You are paranoid, you rationalize. What could these two clowns have something to hide?
Time passes, you're all still as thick as thieves. Bokuto has become a professional volleyball player and Akaashi became a manga editor. Due to his strict schedule, Bokuto can't see you as often as he'd like... Which is all day, every day. At least in highschool he had the excuse of classes but now?
He's got nothing!
That's where his good old pal Akaashi comes in.
He sends Bokuto photos daily. The duo have countless folders dedicated to you, all of which have different themes and aesthetics. Akasshi sneaks in as many as he can and you won't ever catch him in the act.
He has years of experience snapping photos of you in every way imaginable. If you ever had the misfortune of looking into his computer files, he'd go to jail for life.
Despite their hectic schedules, both of them manage to keep a tight leash on you. Bokuto is quick to make work of anyone who has any sort of romantic inkling towards you, unless Akaashi tears into them first with his sharp tongue.
Neither option is safe. If you're on the receiving end of either, you will be left in a puddle of your own tears. Perhaps even blood.
You cry and complain to them - why have all your friends left you? Was there something wrong with you? Why was no one looking at you, what sort of defect did you have?
Akaashi's shirt is soaked in your bitter tears as he has his hands on your shoulders while Bokuto sits behind you, his chest pressed straight against your back. He is doing everything he can to not pounce on you right there and then but he knows better - patience is key. Pity he lacks that quality.
Luckily for him though, Akaashi has it in spades.
And they sit there with you on the sofa, the soft pitter patter of the rain hitting the window as you sob your heart out towards your two closest friends, oblivious to all of the things that they have done. You don't know how many people Bokuto had to beat up in order to get you where you are. You don't know how many people Akaashi had to scare the living crap out of in order to have you in his arms.
Bokuto gently blows in your ear, most likely in a teasing manner. You look up and in your shaky gaze are met with Akaashi's hungry stare, his dark eyes boring so deep into your own that you feel as though he could swallow you whole. A pair of powerful arms wrap themselves around your waist, securing you in place as Bokuto places his lips on your neck. He nibbles on the soft flesh as Akaashi leans in and steals the kiss he had dreamed about all those years ago.
Finally, they have you. No one is coming for you, they made sure of it. You don't need anyone anymore. They are your world from this point onwards.
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tarot-archives · 1 month
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Wasted Summers— Laios Touden
Mermaid Au. Modern AU. this fic involves drowning.
i. fish out of water
Laios has to take a bike to the market. His house was far from the rest of the village so it was up to him for tonight's dinner. His dad wasn’t home yet while his mom was busy with housework. That leaves the responsibility to him, the eldest Touden son.
On the way, he saw someone or some animal flopping around the asphalt. Laios pulls on the brakes before he can make roadkill then his eyes widen. Despite its bare upper torso which would attract most few, the boy’s eyes land on the half-fish lower end of its body. Mermaids, beings once marveled as legends but had become a local attraction.
Despite its human half, mermaids are labelled as unintelligent creatures by most of scientific society. They lack means of communication, they have the intelligence of a five-year-old and have yet to show other uses than eye candy. Some exotic dealers trade them too. Perhaps as a meal or something far worse in the black market.
Laios picks up a stick and whips it in front of the mermaid, “Get out! Get back to the sea! Shoo!” And like other animals, it tries to get away from him. But it doesn’t return to the sea. Instead, the mermaid waddles itself up the road to the direction of the shrine on top of a mountain, much to Laios’ disappointment.
“I said go back!” Laios stomps in front to scare it off, yet the mermaid persists. The noise it makes as it tries to waddle is a bit cute. He notices that with each noise Laios makes it grumbles, like a reply. It’s similar to a barking dog but looking at it struggle makes it sad. Its human half makes it difficult for him to be scary.
“That’s not the sea” The blonde makes an X with his arms” That’s the shrine. Not your home, a Shrine.”
And from a single word, the mermaid looks at him excitedly, then points to the top. It takes Laios aback from its reaction. Does it understand?
Laios wets his lips, “Are you heading to the Shrine?”
The mermaid nods enthusiastically, making him excited. A mermaid understands his language. A mermaid understands his language.
They can communicate! So it was possible to talk to them. He had read so much about marine animals and his sister took an interest in mermaids before. There were activist groups promoting mermaids' rights, fighting for their independence, and protesting against hunting. He’s seen those people outside of supermarket stores handing out pamphlets for mermaid awareness.
“We should get you— oh right,” he scoops the mermaid up into his arms to clear themselves from any incoming traffic as he heads to the beach. “Let’s talk about it somewhere else.”
Laios abandons his grocery duties as he spends the rest of his day with the mermaid.
ii. a notebook and a handkerchief.
For the past few days, Laios has been by the beach to talk with his mermaid. It made him feel special that some amazing creature like that was friendly towards him. Sure there were reports about mermaids drowning people, but he was careful. These conversations—er uhm— data were discovered on the shoreline. Laios noted that the mermaid had a good memory. And if he wasn’t feeding it with half of his lunch. The mermaid still points towards the shrine.
“Do you have anyone you know?” Laios asks, but the mermaid tilts its head.
“Person? Shrine?” Laios Points to himself and then to the building. Still, the mermaid doesn’t have a new reaction.
“Shrine?” he points to the building, and the mermaid nods once more.
“go?”Laios dropped to the pebbled ground and imitated the waddling mermaid from yesterday.
He sits up and then points to it to, “You?”
Its eyes widen as if it understands then waddles away to swim back into the sea. Maybe it went back home. They don’t have the concept of saying goodbye, after all, he thinks.
Laios waited for a good minute or so before deciding to call it a day. However, as he was about to depart, he heard stones being turned at the shoreline. He looks back and is happy to see his mermaid but with a handkerchief in hand.
“La-os! La-os!” it waves the fabric around proudly.
iii. mermaids are not meant on land.
The following day, Laios takes his father’s wheelbarrow with him and a bucket. He filled it up, bucket by bucket with seawater as he intended to take the mermaid through it. But of course, his mermaid was a curious one. Laios didn’t have to persuade it to come closer and had accepted to be whisked once more in his arms. It sits there snuggly, lucky for him it didn’t thrash around.
It simply points up to its awaited place, “Sha-rine?”
“Yes, Shrine,” Laios lifts the wheelbarrow and rolls upwards to the mountain. It was a cloudy day perfect for a walk and they took breaks here and there. He made sure it stays moist by taking the water from the wheelbarrow and pouring it over its head. When it started to splash around to play, Laios had to scold it to stop. And he noticed that in this journey, the mermaid likes to be held. It kept on pulling his hand over its head for head pats. Laios wanted to indulge in it too, it’s a bonding activity that heightens trust, but maybe for another day.
After an exhausting attempt, Laios has succeeded in bringing it up to the shrine. It splashes around clearly excited to break free.
“Wait, hold on, let me- argh!” The wheelbarrow leans to the side, making the mermaid fall. He urgently went by its side to check for any injuries, and luckily there was none. Laios presses both his palms into her, “Stay. Here.” But as soon as he tries to leave, it waddles again.
“La-os!” it wiggles around. It was displeased with the new terrain. “La-os. mhmm, Sha-rine. Kership.”
Laios tried his best to keep it calm but it was too exciting.
“Who is there?” A voice asks. The loud noise alerted the groundskeeper and he stared at both Laios and the mermaid. The blond noticed the way the groundskeeper gripped his broom upon seeing the mermaid.
In an instant, he shields it, “Wait, don’t be alarmed!”
“Kid, get out of the way,” the groundskeeper raised his weapon, ready to strike. “You have a dangerous animal behind you!”
He doesn’t budge, “Please Listen, it’s harmless!” Laios tries his best to seem friendly. It was a common understanding that churches deemed mermaids as devils luring sailors to death. But that was a stereotype made in bad faith against women.
“Harmless?” The groundskeeper was disgusted at the notion. “That animal attacked me! Don’t be fooled boy. they might appear kind, but they’re just lowering your guard waiting to attack.”
“But it made it all this way to give something,” Laios grabs the broom the throws it to the side. “I know that they’re just no better than animals, but this one is smart. It wants to return something.”
“Get out!” the groundskeeper pushed Laios making him land on his butt. The mermaid rushes to Laios side seeing he was attacked. The mermaid hisses and curl its fingers as if to strike against the offender. But Laios pulled it back, its skin against his chest to make sure it didn’t retaliate.
In the end, he decided to leave the shrine and head back to the sea.
iv. humans are not meant for the sea.
Laios sits by the shoreline with his mermaid friend by his side. He was discouraged by how the groundskeeper reacted. Maybe it was because he was old, acting his mindset from his generation. Younger people like him were more understanding after all (more or less). Mermaids were not like the creatures most people played them out to be.
They were like sharks. Their identities were muddled by years of propaganda against them. Though mermaids were quite new, they still didn’t escape the lies and stereotypes held against them. Here he is, waiting as the golden sun sets before he heads home. Laios likes how the light bounces off its scales in an ethereal glow. Ever since earlier when he had given her head pats, it was now eager to receive more as it nuzzled his side if he stopped.
“you’re not like them are you?” Laios sighed, today was an unfulfilling day. “you’re not like the humans with their biassed judgement.”
The mermaid doesn’t understand, it simply nudges its head against his palm.
“I wish I wasn’t human,” he lets out this foolish idea. Laios had always wanted to be something else. Perhaps, his reasons for helping the mermaid weren’t as altruistic as he thinks. After a moment, the mermaid stops in its movements. “hmm? what’s wrong?”
“La-os!” it cups his cheeks in his palms making Laios fluster. He couldn’t speak, unsure of what to interpret its actions into human behaviors. But its interest changes and it's back down again playing with the bucket he brought. But Laios looks away feeling embarrassed.
All of a sudden, a blunt force hit the top of his head, his vision was blocked, and then he felt talon sharp fingers digging into his skin as something dragged him to the sea. His heart was racing, and by the time he had removed the bucket from his head, more than half of his body was in water.
Laios claws at the grounds of the shoreface. He kicked and thrashed to break free from whatever was grabbing him, but it was a gruelling fight. This creature was strong in the water. Land dwellers like him don’t belong here.
His body needs air. Water enters his lungs as Laios struggles to escape. And with one successful hit, he had managed to escape and limp far away from the shoreline, coughing out the seawater from his chest.
He looks around to search for his mermaid, making sure that it is out of harm's way. He didn’t want the creature that tried to drown him to hurt it too. But with his friend out of the foreshore, Laios gawks at the familiar sets of eyes on the water.
It can’t be, His mermaid couldn’t have drowned him, right?
“Laios?” it tilts its head, not understanding it did something wrong. “Bakit?”
“What? Bucket?” he searched for it on the ground, but it was nowhere to be found. He doesn’t know what to do. He’s too terrified to act after that attempt that almost kill him. Maybe the groundskeeper was right. Mermaids are animals waiting for the moment to attack.
Drenched, Laios takes the wheelbarrow home. He doesn’t return for a while.
v. things to find out
In his journal, he wrote: in the same way as I brought her to the shrine on the wheelbarrow, did it mimic by using the bucket to scoop some air for me to breath in? did it try to show me its home? did it understand when I said I wished I wasn’t human? could joining it make me like it?
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AN: It’s mermay! yey my first piece for this prompt. This fic was inspired by Ryoko Kui’s work titled Ryuu No Kawaii Nanatsu No Ko. It’s the second chapter, mermaid sanctuary. It’s a good read if you like dungeon meshi. it makes you understand ryoko ryu’s story telling which enhances the DMeshi experience tbh.
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eggyrocks · 2 months
80 with kenma please :3
500 follower special: #80 “How can you think I’m anything but hopelessly in love with you?”
kenma x gn reader, probably ooc kenma, insecurities, hurt/comfort, very light angst, not proofread written content masterlist
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It's easy to love Kenma. It's harder to be loved by him.
They've learned over the years that he's not loud with his love. He shows it in little ways, unrecognizable unless you know him. He can sit with them for hours in complete silence, preferring their quiet company to being alone. He buys them small, frequent gifts, presenting each one to them without much fanfare. He lets them wear his hoodies. He's upfront and direct about his relationship status when interested fans question him about it. Kenma's attentive. Loyal. Dedicated.
But Kenma's not the grand gesture type. He doesn't vocalize his love often. He's not generous with physical touch. He likes to sleep soundly on his own side of the bed. He prefers relaxed nights in to extravagant dates. They know he loves them. He's told them so many times, in his own way.
And most of the time, these things don't really bother them. But sometimes, they start to add up, and even though they don't doubt that Kenma loves them, they start to feel like maybe he doesn't really like them.
It's been a long day. Work was difficult and long and taxing. Little things went wrong, and they added up. Small mistakes at work. Tripping on the train. Cracking their phone case. Kenma not responded to their string of texts. Burning their dinner. Cat puke. A headache. Kenma' silence.
It adds up.
And after they had cleaned up dinner and settled back down on the couch beside Kenma, he didn't acknowledge them. He didn't look up from the game in his hands.
And that was just sort of it for them.
They pulled their knees up into their chest, knotted their hands together, and let the thoughts run wild. Because Kenma's hardly spoken to them all day, and is it really that taxing for him to talk to his partner? Do they just not matter as much to him anymore?
It sort of feeds into itself, this sort of thinking. Sour thoughts spread and they can't stop the flow of emotion that makes their chest tighten and their eyes prick.
They press their face against the tops of their knees, trying to make themselves as small as they feel. And they're so caught up in the cyclical sort of thinking they don't notice when Kenma glances up at them from his game, or how the sight of them like that makes him abandon it at once.
So they don't expect it when his arms go tight around their curled up form, pulling them into his lap. "Tell me what's wrong," he says, voice hushed, not urgent but not uncaring.
All they can offer up in response is a shrug, not quite able to form the words. They focus on holding in their breaths, and keeping their eyes dry.
"Take your time," Kenma says, and does not move. He stays there, still and steady, cheek pressed to the top of their head.
A tear spills, and now they feel so stupid. Because of course he loves them, and they shouldn't be expecting more.
They inhale sharply, and try to steady their breathing before they speak once more. "It's dumb, and I know it's not true, but sometimes I can't help but feel like you don't like me," they admit, rushing through the end of their sentence once their voice starts to waver.
Kenma stills. “How can you think I’m anything but hopelessly in love with you?” he asks, and he doesn't say it with any particular passion or intensity. He's not mad or incensed. It's just a question Kenma doesn't know the answer to.
"I dunno," they mumble. "It doesn't bother me most of the time. But you're not an overly affectionate person, you don't always want to talk, and that's okay, I just," the strop, and exhale through their nose, "get insecure without that, sometimes."
It feels wrong to say it out loud, and when the words leave their tongue they almost wish they could take them back and reshape and rearrange them. Kenma doesn't move for a moment, but once he does, he lifts their hand and uses it to smooth out the top of their. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way," he says. "I can get stuck in my own head sometimes, I don't mean to make you feel neglected."
"It's okay, Kenma," they say, and it already feels like some of the weight's been relieved from their chest.
"No it's not," he's quick to counter. "And you don't have to feel bad for wanting affection from me. Especially when it's something I want to give you."
They sniffle, and lean up against him, head resting on his shoulder. "I love you," they tell him.
"I love you," he says, voice now firmer in the declaration, and he places a kiss on the top of their head. "And I like you a lot, too."
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an: THESE ARE TAKING ME FOREVER IM SORRY also this one was bad lmafo im so sorry
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sixosix · 2 months
Congrats on the milestone dear Six! You totally deserve the following! I would like to request [toge, oranges, fluff]
wc, 500 dumbassery im so srs, aaaa THANK U SO MUCHHHH ily for requesting toge and the kind message!
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You wondered what it would be like to be in a relationship.
Your friends—fellow sorcerers—didn’t have time for that. As a sorcerer yourself, you were told multiple times that it’s not all that great. It’s rough to get too attached when you’re in this field of work. You wouldn’t have time for yourselves.
But the idea of being with someone… devoted to each other’s time, unafraid to get too attached, to love even in the face of death. Wasn’t that just beautiful? The first thing you’d see when you wake up would be the person you’re unafraid to be open to—
“Tuna,” Inumaki greeted, his face inches away from yours. He leaned forward over the couch, your head reclined against the headrest, bringing your noses close together.
You brightened, grinning wide. “Toge! Good morning.”
He nodded, then leaned back, seemingly satisfied. Inumaki stalked away into the kitchen as you stared longingly, wondering some more.
It could be something like that. With a bit more kissing. With a bit more touch. You deserved that after a rough week of dealing with curses, right?
If you were dating someone unbelievably sweet, would they notice the little things? You longed for that. After all these gruesome missions, it could get difficult even to express emotions, but a good partner would be able to tell right away.
You wouldn’t need to say anything. The other would just be able to tell. To you, having little moments like that in between all of this would be worth all the risk. 
“Mustard leaf?” Inumaki returned into view, holding a bowl of something.
He slid it over to your lap, and you gasped in delight. It was a bowl of oranges, peeled and divided into slices. You were momentarily distracted by how Inumaki’s hair, silky even after an afternoon nap, was slightly mussed on the left. His eyes were such a striking color.
You reached out to flatten it down, beaming. “Thank you, Toge. I was planning on getting it.”
Inumaki nestled his cheek into your palm briefly before rounding around the couch. It was a little funny for someone who speaks so little to be so loud with his actions.
You turned to your side, where Maki had her lips curled in disbelief. “I bet Toge would make a really good boyfriend. Don’t you think so, Maki?”
“I can’t fucking do this,” Maki said, storming off at the same time Toge settled beside you.
You watched her leave in confusion but were eventually distracted by Toge leaning over and waiting for you to feed him a slice. While the first and second years watched in equal parts disgust and awe, you wondered what it would be like to have Toge as your boyfriend.
That did sound nice.
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katwatcheskny · 1 year
Can I have a preference with tanjiro and two surprise characters of your choice? They realize reader has a crush on them and how they react afterwards (fem reader and mutual pinning) thank you 💕
you have a crush on them + confession
type: preference
pronouns: you/your/yourself (fem!reader)
characters: tanjiro, inosuke, genya
a/n: i really enjoy inosuke. when i first started watching the series, i was enjoying it and everything, but inosuke's introduction was where i felt like i went from casually enjoying the series to knowing i was gonna become obsessed with it. and after i finished reading the manga, i love genya a lot. he's so precious and i thought it would be fun to write a character like him into a scenario like this. enjoy~
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Having a crush on Tanjiro is very easy because he’s a very kind and likable person, who would easily open up to you as a dear friend.
Tanjiro is definitely oblivious to your feelings towards him at first. Because he's oblivious to his own feelings. He likes you, a lot. But, he likes a lot of people, almost everyone in fact. It takes him a while to figure out that he likes you in a romantic way before he understands how you feel.
“I like you, Tanjiro,” you confess.
He smiles, widely. It’s nice to know his friend who he cares so deeply about also holds him in high regard. “I like you too, (Y/N).”
And in your mind he just returned your feelings, and so you embrace him. Tanjiro hugs you back, thinking, aw this is nice.
Then you pulled back to give him a peck on the lips.
Tanjiro’s eyes widened and his entire body went stiff. Friends don’t kiss each other on the mouth, he thinks. The only people he had ever seen kiss on the mouth before were his mother and father.
Finally, he got a clue. You didn’t like him as a friend, you like liked him, the way his mother and father loved one another. That was the unique feeling he had felt towards you and that you felt towards him. 
Then he kisses you back, leaving you none the wiser.
Two years into your relationship is when you learnt that Tanjiro had basically started dating you by accident.
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Do not expect this wild man to figure out you are crushing on him.
He can sense that you behave differently around him than others like your heart rate is elevated, and you appear more flushed. But he would assume you are intimidated by the King of the Mountains.
If you’re crushing on Inosuke, the best way to get his attention and, ideally, earn his affection is to prove to him that you are a strong person. Inosuke is attracted to strong people, whether that’s being physically strong or even just having a strong personality.
Also, feeding him. Kinda like a stray dog.
When you finally get the courage to confess to him and say, “I like you”. He just kinda stares at you, waiting for you to give him your news.
Like, he already knew you liked him. Of course, you did. He’s great.
When he tells Zenitsu and Tanjiro about it, the former freaks out at how stupid Inosuke is. Tanjiro explains that you like him in a romantic way, and suddenly the little wheels in Inosuke’s head finally turn.
Everything Inosuke probably knows about courting a mate comes from observing animals in the mountains. So, he probably brings you some berries and nuts he foraged. And, like, a dead squirrel. 
He picked a fight with Tanjiro and Zenitsu right in front of you to show you that he could give you the strongest children.
Eventually, you realize that this is Inosuke’s way of telling you that he returns your feelings. This is great because, at first, you were heartbroken that he rejected your confession. Then you were profoundly confused.
For the rest of the day, Inosuke walks around with you with his chest puffed out, loudly marking his territory so everyone knows you're his.
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Your crush began when you realized that beneath his tough and aggressive appearing exterior, he’s actually quite soft and kind.
Unfortunately, trying to get closer to Genya is very difficult.
Anytime you try to talk to Genya, his brain stops functioning. All he can think is “(Y/N) is talking to me, she looks so cute and smells so nice. Wait, what is she saying? Oh no! I wasn’t listening! Wait, she’s looking at me! She’s waiting for a response! She has such pretty eyes-”
From your perspective, he’s just standing there with flushed cheeks barely getting mumbles out as he tries to hide away.
Genya’s mutual crush on you is evident to everyone on planet earth, actually. He lacks the ability to be subtle about it. 
And unless you’re as dense as a doorknob, you realize it too.
Or you don’t and Gyomei tells you, so that you can unburden Genya by either returning his feelings or rejecting them (Gyomei is a lowkey shipper, he always knows who's crushing on who and he’s never wrong).
You decide to confess because you realize that if you don’t, Genya might never be able to do so. Bby boy can fight demons daily but can barely say a complete sentence in your presence. You need to take the first step.
When you ask to speak with him, he freezes again and starts mumbling, and you decide to just push forward with your confession.
“I like you, Genya.”
Excuse me? What did you say? It’s already so hard for Genya to properly focus when you are standing so close to him, but he swore that you said that you “liked” him? Which doesn’t seem possible.
“Y-you do?” He asked, his voice was so quiet and unsure.
You nod, excitedly. The corners of Genya’s mouth quirk up into a shy smile, he can’t believe a cute, incredible, and kind girl likes him. He turns deep red and just kinda nods, “yeah.”
If you hug him, he may die of happiness.
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jinwoosungs · 4 months
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{ 015 }
- how they propose to you -
featuring: gojo, nanami, yuta
{ and all my friends, they tell me they see | you're planning to get on one knee | but i want it to be out of the blue | so make sure i have no clue when you ask ♡ }
[ gojo 💍 ]
there was an excitement felt coursing through your veins, making it difficult for you to fall asleep.
because when the morning came, you would be able to celebrate your 5 year anniversary with the one and only gojo satoru, the world's prettiest sorcerer that you had the pleasure of falling in love with.
being with gojo and spending your days with him came as natural as breathing to you; he complemented your personality so well- (and by some miracle) he was just as in love with you as you were with him.
even with the difficulties that came with being gojo's lover, somehow, you knew that it was all worth it in the end.
your dreams were made from all the memories you shared with gojo, with you vaguely recalling how you played each and every one of your firsts with him. from sharing your first kiss to holding hands while whispering about your shared dreams from beneath the moonlight-
your heart was filled with love for him, and when you felt his soft kisses against your skin (silently beckoning you to wake up) you open your eyes to meet with his cerulean gaze.
no words were spoken, with gojo settled next to you, resting his head against one of the plush pillows while giving you an almost lovesick expression. as if reading your mind the moment you inch closer to him, your lips meet with his in a sweet kiss, with your heart soaring at the simple touch.
he was the one who pulls away first, giving your forehead a kiss while murmuring, "good morning, and happy five years, babe."
you return his sentiments, nearly giggling upon realizing that you had been with this wonderful man for a whole five years now. "it's crazy to think that you've stayed with me for so long."
gojo scoffs upon hearing your words, giving you a mock scowl while gently hitting your forehead with the back of his hand. "of course i stayed with you- i love you."
your laughter and happiness simply heightens when you sit up from bed, accepting yet another kiss from gojo. you were about to get out of bed to start your day with him, but your lover ends up stopping you.
"nope, my girl is not lifting a finger today. you just sit back and enjoy what i have planned for you."
you had to fight back the heat that was close to coloring your cheeks. with a roll of your eyes, you bask in gojo's cheeky smile as he immediately goes out of your shared bedroom. you hear some sounds of glass clinking coming from your kitchen, making you grin as you wondered what your dorky boyfriend had planned for you.
within a few minutes, he appears once more, this time with a tray filled with your favorite breakfast treats and pastries. you swore, you were looking at him with hearts in your eyes now, practically dancing in bed when he settles the tray on your lap.
gojo remains uncharacteristically quiet, simply taking a seat next to you on the bed. all he does is simply... watch you, his eyes solemn with his lips pressed into a thin line.
even you could sense his anxiety, feeling it coursing through you in waves when you take a strawberry and plop it in your mouth. as the sweet juices exploded, you moaned at the fresh taste of it. you were about to ask gojo if he would like for you to feed him-
only to stop when you saw something glittering from your periphery.
all of your thoughts seemed to cease, with you looking down at the diamond ring settled atop a swirled mountain of whipped cream on your pancakes. it was gorgeously crafted, and you were in awe at how the diamonds seemed to catch each color of the rainbow while in the light.
ah, so this is why gojo was feeling anxious.
your silence is what prompts gojo to take the ring out, cleaning it with his fingertips as his shaky voice explains to you.
"i wanted our a-anniversary to be special. i wanted you to know that you're my forever; that no matter what happens to us, if we're ever able to be reborn again, then i would always find you in the next life."
tears were felt filling your vision, as your breathing came out labored. your heart was racing, ready to burst at the seems because you were filled with so much love for the man beside you. he sees your emotions shining through your eyes and finally smiles, as if knowing your answer before you even said it. with a soft whisper of your name, he asks,
"will you marry me?"
immediately, you move the tray away from you, crawling towards gojo while settling yourself on his lap. not even bothering to try to convey your feelings with words, you end up kissing him deeply, slotting your lips against his in a searing kiss that takes his very breath away.
when the need for air proves to be too much did you finally pull away from him, letting out a breathless laugh before telling him, "yes, you absolute dork, i'll marry you."
feeling the pinpricks of premarital bliss, you allow gojo to slide the ring on your left ring finger before you both proceeded to enjoy this wonderful breakfast in bed ♡
[ nanami 💍 ]
nanami kento was a man you would like to describe as being an absolute walking green flag.
even during the first few weeks where you first admitted your feelings for each other, nanami always treated you with the utmost respect. from opening doors for you, to treating you to all of your favorite foods at your favorite restaurant-
it was hard not to fall in love with such a perfect man.
even though you had only been dating him for roughly a year, your feelings for him never once wavered.
while you were at work, admittedly, you were daydreaming about him. in between breaks, you would find yourself writing down his name next to yours within your planner, sighing as you daydreamed about what it would be like to have him as your husband.
he seemed to know that you were thinking of him, because in the next minute, you saw your cellphone flashing with his i.d. plastered on your screen, alerting you to an incoming call from nanami himself.
you picked up the phone within the first ring, not caring how 'desperate' you may seem to talk to your boyfriend, you answer him with a loving smile.
"ken! hello and good afternoon, i was just thinking about you."
you could just imagine his smile when you hear his chuckle on the other line. "really? i was just thinking about you, too."
you continue to talk about your day, but the conversation swiftly changes the moment you ask what he wanted to cook for dinner when you both came home tonight.
"actually, that's why i wanted to call you. i made us reservations to a restaurant." he tells you the name of it, making your eyes widen in response.
"that exclusive place? b-but it's always booked! how did you manage to...?"
you could just picture him pushing up his glasses, the smile all too evident in his voice when he tells you not to worry about it. "all you have to worry about is making yourself pretty for the occasion and allow me to spoil you. can you do that for me, love?"
"but you always spoil me." there was a pout when you told him that, but admittedly, you liked being spoiled-
especially by a man who was as wonderful as nanami.
"it's what you deserve, love." nanami's tone turns softer now, and you achingly wished you could see him.
your voice comes out as a breathless whisper due to your excitement, "i'll see you when i come home?"
"yes, now behave and have a good day at work."
when you said your goodbyes and hung up, you found that it was harder for you to concentrate, since you were too excited for your date with your beloved boyfriend...
{ ... }
time seemed to slow down to a crawl up until the moment you and nanami went home to get ready for your date.
arriving at the restaurant, nanami casually tells the hostess his name and reservation. she gives you both a welcoming smile before leading you to what seems like a more intimate dining area away from the usual tables.
instead, you were brought into a private room with a window view of the gorgeous cityscape at night. your breath was stolen after seeing such a beautiful view, with the lights appearing like glittering jewels beneath the night sky.
nanami was the first to lead you to your seat, sliding it open for you as your eyes were still glued to the scenery outside. "oh ken, this is beautiful."
"nothing but the best for my woman." there was a soft edge heard in his voice, making you shiver when he leans down to press a chaste kiss against your lips.
the rest of the dinner went smoothly, with you and nanami sharing a plethora of appetizers while enjoying your meals between sips of sparkling champagne. when your waiter comes back to get your empty plates, he asks if you would like some dessert, to which nanami agrees to partake in.
"and could you please refill our champagne?"
"absolutely, sir."
the waiter walks away, and before you could thank nanami for this wonderful night, he quickly excuses himself.
"sorry, this is a work-related call i have to take." you nod, allowing nanami to leave when he answers the call, leaving you alone.
with a sigh, you continue looking out at the cityscape, thrumming your fingertips against the table. you were achingly aware of how much time had passed, and how nanami had yet to return.
when you heard footsteps, you assumed it was nanami and nearly jumped from your seat to greet him-
but when the waiter's shy smile was all you could see, you felt the disappointment coursing through you. "i'm sorry for the long wait, ma'am. here is your dessert and champagne."
you quietly thank him, biting back your disappointment as you tried to cheer yourself up by eating some of the delectable dessert. however, when you caught a glimpse of something glittering from your champagne glass, your attention was completely stolen-
for settled at the bottom of the glass was a diamond ring. not a single drop of champagne was seen, and your hands were shaky when they gripped at the glass and tilted it downwards, allowing the ring to fall perfectly within the palm of your hand.
you were speechless, with your mind racing a mile a minute at the sight of the gorgeous ring.
was this truly happening? were all of your dreams coming true in this very moment?
the sound of someone clearing their throat was what makes you look away from the ring, meeting with nanami's solemn gaze.
he says nothing, simply staring at the glittering ring on the palm of your hand. after watching you for a few more beats, he steps closer to you. with him getting down on one knee, he takes a hold of the beautiful engagement ring before sliding it on your left ring finger.
"it comes as no surprise that you're my forever. you are each and every one of my dreams made into reality, and i would be a fool to not claim you as my own."
nanami presses a kiss against the ring settled on your finger, "i know that it feels like i'm not giving you a choice, but i can't help it. i love you too much to let you go another second without claiming you as my wife, so please, say you'll marry me."
with a happy sob, you jump into his arms, causing nanami to fall backwards when you kissed him deeply, tasting the same champagne from his lips with tears streaming down your face.
"oh ken, yes yes yes, a million times yes! please...claim me as yours." you tell him, feeling nanami's smile against your lips when he softly caresses at your cheek, whispering his promises of forever to you ♡
[ yuta 💍 ]
marriage was never a topic you had ever discussed with your beloved sorcerer, solely because you believed he was already 'taken.'
it was strange, but you were never once jealous of yuta okkotsu and his former promise made to his first love, rika orimoto. you knew that she meant a lot to him, and in many ways, she was the one who gave him the strength to fight-
she was the one who made him a powerful special grade sorcerer, one who was able to save people and protect them from all dangers of the world.
so no, you didn't mind nor did you care that you may not be able to marry yuta. all that mattered to you was that you were his current love, and that was more than enough for you.
but lately, there have been some strange things happening with yuta.
take this for example...
a couple of weeks ago, while you were talking to your boyfriend over breakfast, you realized that something was... missing from him. you kept looking at him over and over again, unable to figure out what he was wrong with him.
yuta notices how your eyes kept wandering, making him ask what was wrong.
and it was only when he lifts his right hand that you noticed it.
with a gasp, you take a hold of his hand, seeing an old imprint of a ring on his ring finger-
and such an imprint would have only been made if yuta had taken off his ring.
"i finally know what's off about you. you're not wearing your ring, yuu."
upon hearing your explanation, he pulls his hand away from you, trying to hide his blush while drinking his coffee.
"i-it's nothing, don't worry about it."
but all it did was arouse some suspicion in you.
even stranger was how yuta appeared more... jittery and skittish each time you were near.
and coupled along with his missions, ones that would force him to leave for weeks on end-
you convinced yourself that he had fallen out of love with you. that he was cheating on you, hence why he took off the ring rika had given him.
it was so he could appear like a single man-
so he could break it off with you.
these thoughts kept festering, until it all came to a boiling point.
your outbursts now came during yuta's recent homecoming, where he was greeted by your crying face.
"wha- honey! what happened?!"
he reaches out to you, yet you take a step back while rubbing your hands up and down your arms, near hysterics when you yelled at him. "are you cheating on me, okkotsu?!"
yuta winces the moment you call him by his surname, trying to mitigate whatever was upsetting you when he reaches out to you, "honey, you know i would never do that to you. i love you too much to even think about it-"
a harsh laugh escapes from your lips, "oh that's rich, coming from you! you've been acting so weird this entire time! like taking off rika's ring a-and being so nervous around me. it's like, like you don't even want me around!"
yuta's expression was blank, emotionless even when he inches closer to you. taking advantage of his strength, he pulls you toward him, making you cry out as you kept hitting at his chest.
"let go of me, just let go and break-"
your venomous words ends up being swallowed by yuta's kiss, with you struggling against his embrace for mere seconds before ultimately melting against him. you sigh into his kiss, feeling all of your defensive walls crumbling down into mere ashes.
yuta continues to kiss you, even giving your lips a gentle lick before moving away. "i was never thinking of breaking up with you. and the reason why i removed rika's ring was because i was planning on wearing a new one."
confusion was felt coursing through you when yuta reaches into his pockets, pulling out a black velvet box.
it was as if your brain had short-circuited at the sight, with yuta opening it to reveal the ring of your dreams. mesmerized by how it sparkled from beneath the light, you watch as yuta got down on one knee for you, pressing his forehead against your hands.
"when i tell you i've been in love with you ever since the moment i first saw you, i meant it." yuta was trembling now, "and the fact that you accepted me for who i was- accepted that rika would always be a part of me without asking me to give up what made me whole, i knew that you were the one for me."
a plethora of emotions were seen against his deep blue eyes, his hands shaking when he offers the ring to you once more. "i never once dreamt of leaving you- in fact, it's quite the opposite."
"i wish to tie you to me; i wish for nothing more than for you to spend the rest of your life with me."
"so please, make me the happiest man alive at this very moment, and marry me."
the relief you felt was enough to make you fall to your knees, joining yuta as you wrapped your arms around his neck before kissing him deeply. no words were spoken the moment you pulled away from him, taking a hold of the engagement ring as you slid it on your left ring finger.
"a perfect fit." your voice comes out as shaky now, with yuta softly (lovingly) calling out your name. feeling him frame at your face, you meet his true blue eyes and slot your lips against him once more, kissing him with fervor as you felt excitement at the thought of spending your forever with him and him alone ♡
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a.n. - oh, how i wish to marry the jjk men of my dreams! ♡ also, i'm sorry for the rapid updates, since i do write as a way to cope with stress 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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mountymase · 2 months
i love you, it’s ruining my life
file one - mason mount
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a/n: well, hi! i’d like to say that this isn’t my fave work but i’ve been mostly writing poetry lately and i needed to see if i still had my fanfic mojo. hope you like it nonetheless! 🤍
1.820 words
warnings: real angst, brief mention of anxiety, breakup, bit of fluff, harsh words.
It felt more like a ritual, one that you loved dearly - each morning, Lila, your pup woke you up with cheerful and endless face licks, her tail wiggling in the air, her frantic need to get under the covers with you and cuddle like you always did every morning. Your heart warmed with joy as you silently giggled, an arm tugging the two-year-old basset hound closer making her immediately calm down as a long sigh escaped from her.
There was something else about mornings like these: they brought a feeling of normality to the wild, nonetheless extraordinary routine you jumped into since your first book had been published — not your first piece of promising writing, but the one that turned into a giant success that started taking global proportions within six months, forcing you to travel around the globe on a tour to meet countless and extraordinary people.
And also to sign autographs for most of them.
They were boys and girls, mums, teenagers, middle-aged women, single women, and a bunch in long-lasting relationships. It didn’t matter, your writing reached every single one of them and, somehow, they now all had something in common: how much they loved your book.
All of it was still overwhelming to you, though. Coming from a small town where nothing fascinating used to happen, you’d spend your days writing when you weren’t with your regular group of friends from school. Getting used to the big city once you moved to graduate in journalism was difficult — you missed those peaceful days, watching the sunrise when you went for a morning jog, birds singing, and how comforting silence could be every evening. But you were also grateful for all the opportunities given and how unexpectedly great things turned out to be for you.
Moving to London had never been in your foreseeable future, although visiting England was one of your greatest dreams from a very young age when you used to spend hours listening to The Beatles and Elton John with your dad.
When you got a call from one of Netflix UK executives, telling you they’d like to turn your book into a miniseries, you choked on a large croissant bite. It took you a couple of minutes to put yourself together as the executive patiently waited, a low giggle coming from the other side of the line once you took a deep breath and asked if they were calling the right number.
So, from the afternoons of Penny Lane and Benny and The Jets, you ended up officially living in an extravagant flat located in Mayfair, fully paid for by Netflix UK, and dropped the news of your book being turned into a miniseries, officially, on a morning TV show.
If you didn’t have such an impatient dog, who was now staring at you with her best “feed me, human” glare, you would’ve stayed in bed for the rest of the day. The thought of being live in one of the biggest morning TV shows in England, sharing the screen with another famous guest made you feel immensely intimidated, and vulnerable.
But, from the very beginning, he made you feel safe.
He was the other guest that day, invited to share more on his success playing for Chelsea FC and the charity of which he was a patron of. During the break, he noticed how you rubbed your sweaty hands against your jeans and how all your blood seemed to be concentrated in your cheeks - half of it wasn’t just the nervousness, though, it was also because of how intense his gaze was.
Mason’s voice soothed your nerves like magic once he caught your attention during those two minutes, and you were wonderfully calm telling Holly Willoughby about the serie’s pre-production, cast choices, etc.
And as expected, once it was all over, Mason asked if you’d like to go out with him for coffee.
The two of you instantly clicked, like magnets completely drawn into each other, so it was easy and fun being around him. His inner circle wasn’t entirely the nicest, but as you grew closer and became extremely close friends, Mason introduced you to his family and you finally had a mother figure to welcome you with warm embraces since yours was miles away.
You were supposed to be just friends, but the beauty of how well you got along despite each other’s imperfections felt like a glitch in a system that led to something magical. In the end, together, you and Mason discovered that true love can arise from the most unexpected and delightful surprises.
That was 2.190 days ago or, more specifically, six years.
Now, you found yourself facing the diamond ring on your finger, glistening under the moonlight.
Mason broke up with you, for good this time, because you were ruining his life. His words.
You, of all people.
You, who loved him the most.
Him, who was simply your whole world, just as much as you were his.
Still watching the engagement ring on your finger, you tried to remember when your relationship started to crumble. Perhaps, it was right after he returned home from the World Cup, even if it had been just a few months that he proposed. Things started to get difficult for him at Chelsea and he was distant, such a stupid cliche. Classic miscommunication, so finding comfort at your own work was the only thing you could do and you isolated yourself at the cottage you bought in Scotland so you could write in peace - eventually, you fell down the same old cycle of isolating, writing compulsively, and just a few months later having to leave everything behind to promote the book.
A book full of personal poems, this time.
Tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffed when you remembered how Mason spat the words at you.
“How fucking dare you to expose us like this?” He breathed heavily, anger in his eyes like you’ve never seen before. “You never make things easier for me. It’s always all about you,”
You frowned as his words still echoed in the back of your mind - everything you’ve done was always about him, from the moment you two met on that TV show. What was supposed to be a polite talk in the beginning, ended in a heated argument fueled by miscommunication and insecurities and more harsh words from him while you just listened. According to Mason, while he was always including you in his career choices, your commitment to your own career outweighed your commitment to your relationship.
“My career will never betray me,” it was automatic, you didn’t think before saying those words, and you only noticed the damage when Mason’s eyes glistened with tears.
“I would never do that to you, but if that’s what you believe…” Mason sniffed. You watched him shake his head and focus his gaze on the wall - anything not to look at you. “I love you, Y/n. But it’s ruining my life.”
A shy lick on your hand brought you back from painful memories and you were able to smile a bit as Lila watched you with those sleepy eyes.
“It’s just the two of us now,” you mumbled, touching her nose with the tip of your index finger.
Scotland has been your permanent home for the past two weeks since the breakup. You tried to reach him, tried to call him, and even texted his family, but no one replied. Even his friends were gone and it felt like Mason and the life you shared with him were nothing but a dream. The only thing that you still had was the engagement ring, that never left your finger.
Two weeks were also making you realise that, perhaps, Mason was right. You should’ve talked to him, should’ve put him first, and asked how he’d feel instead of making how you felt about everything so public. Even if there were no names, everyone knew that most of those poems were about Mason - the good ones, but mostly, the bad ones where you romanticised all of your struggles.
There was nothing but regret and sorrow for you.
Lila’s lazy and hoarse barking woke you up. At her own speed, she went back and forth from your bedroom to the front door, scratching her nails on it as she was desperate to see who was knocking on your door at three in the damn morning. If you weren’t so sleepy, you’d care more about the marks it was leaving on the wood.
Letting out a loud yawn, you slowly opened the door to find Mason on the other side, puffy eyes and messy hair, with both hands in his pockets.
“You shouldn’t open the door without knowing who it is. Not at this time of the night,” you frowned at his whispered words, not knowing exactly what to say. “Are you going to let me in? It’s cold,”
You quickly nodded, taking a step back so he could walk in and be greeted by Lila. His giggle as the basset hound lazily wiggled her tail made you smile softly - you missed the sound of his giggle. You missed everything about Mason.
“She misses you,” and so do I, you wanted to say. Mason just nodded. “Are you here to take the ring back?”
His sigh was the only sound that filled the room for a few seconds before he let go of Lila to finally look at you. He was a mess, just as much as you.
“No”, Mason replied. A knot formed on your stomach and you suddenly felt the urge to vomit - anxiety always did that to you. “I’m here to take you back.”
You felt your heart skip a beat, but you also felt a slight anger burn your chest and bring tears to your eyes. Crossing your arms against your chest, you watched Mason carefully as he seemed to wait for an answer - he looked absolutely defeated, but he let out a sigh of relief once his eyes caught the diamond ring still on your finger.
“I thought I was responsible for ruining your life.”
Mason nodded. “But you also put it back together, Y/n.”
His words completely disarmed you - arms fell to the sides of your body, but quickly wrapped around his waist. In Mason’s arms, you silently cried. “I should’ve talked to you, Mase. I’m so sorry,” Mason’s hands traveled up and down your back, comforting you, as his lips found your forehead, then your cheeks and your nose, in soft and gentle kisses.
“I overreacted,” you shook your head, but Mason cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “I did, but I hope you can forgive me.”
“If you can forgive me,”
“We’re both forgiven, then.”
A brief interruption, a slight malfunction
I thought we had no chance
And that's romance, let's dance.
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lucy90712 · 20 days
Young parents- Marc Guiu
Finding out you are pregnant at 17 and then giving birth at 18 is not exactly the normal life course and it's definitely not how I expected my life to go but that's exactly what happened. My boyfriend Marc and I were always careful and used protection but we were unlucky and somehow I still got pregnant. We had to have a hard discussion on whether we wanted to keep the baby or not as we are still young but in the end we decided to keep the baby as Marc could still play football and I could do school online. Navigating my pregnancy was difficult as we didn't want to tell too many people as I didn't want the judgement from any more people than necessary. Pretty much everything that could be kept secret we kept hidden, we didn't tell people the gender and we didn't tell anyone my due date so that we had a bit more privacy which is what I wanted the most. 
Our beautiful baby boy Benji was born only 3 weeks ago but already Marc went back to training in fact he only got a few days with me before he had to go back leaving me alone with Benji from very early on. To say it's been difficult is an understatement of course newborns need constant attention so I never get chance to sleep as he keeps me up all night and during the day I have work to get on with. For the first few days I was ok and I found a bit of a routine but the last week has been testing, Benji hasn't been sleeping as well and he's been feeding almost constantly which has been really hard. 
I know it's the hormones but since Marc left us this morning at 7am I've been bawling my eyes out. Benji barely slept all night and now I just can't get him to settle even after feeding him, changing him rocking him he's still crying. I'm going insane listening to the sound I hate hearing him cry I feel like I'm failing as a mother because I can't calm him down. After trying pretty much everything I decided that I just need to get out the house even if it's only for about 20 minutes I need some fresh air to reset and hopefully clear my mind and maybe if I'm lucky it will make Benji stop crying. 
Getting him in the stroller was difficult as he didn't stop crying and wriggling but we eventually got out the door and started our slow walk around town. By some miracle Benji stopped crying and started falling asleep in the stroller which made me feel so much better until I noticed that pretty much everyone on the street was staring at me. There was so many eyes on me that I felt the need to put the cover down over Benji so he didn't have so many eyes in him because a 3 week old baby doesn't need that. When the stares didn't stop it was quite clear that people were looking at me and judging me which I already experienced when pregnant but it feels a lot worse right now. 
All I can imagine is that all these people think I'm way too young to be a mum because I am young but I know I look a few years younger than I am. They probably think I'm incapable of taking care of Benji and honestly part of me is inclined to agree I mean all morning he's been crying and I've been crying as I don't know what I'm doing. The longer I kept walking the more I felt judged I even saw people whispering to each other after looking at me and I've never felt so self conscious than I did in that moment. It got to a point that I was feeling worse outside of the house than I was inside so I decided to make my way back home so I can cry in the comfort of my own space. At a crossing I felt this older woman burning holes into the back of my head until she came and stood next to me and I could feel the judgement before she even managed to express her opinion. 
"Aren't you too young to be a parent kids these days are so irresponsible all having babies before they are ready and they can't even look after them properly there is just no hope for the future if kids like you keep having babies" she ranted at me 
"I imagine your so called boyfriend left you to take care of the baby too god you are all the same" she continued 
That was the last straw for me I wasn't about to fight back because I don't have the energy and I'm simply not that type of person instead I just walked away to find a new way home. I've never walked so fast in my life as I just wanted to get home because as soon as I did the tears were back and I just sat on the floor. Looking at the stroller I couldn't help but think that maybe I'm setting my son up for failure I'm not prepared enough to be the best parent for him and Marc can't be around all the time so maybe he would be better off with someone else looking after him. 
While sitting on the floor the front door opened and Marc came in, with everything that's happened today I lost track of time so I didn't realise Marc would be home so soon. I scrambled to wipe the tears from my face and get Benji out of his stroller so Marc didn't think I was neglecting our child. Before I could do that Marc grabbed Benji and held him in one arm before brining me to his chest with the other. He somehow managed to soothe both of us he helped calm me down and got Benji back to sleep. If I didn't feel like a bad mother before I definitely did after that it's been 3 weeks and my son already hates me. 
Marc put the baby in his little crib that we have for him in the living room before coming to sit on the sofa where he instructed me to sit so he could go back to cuddling me. His hand ran through my hair getting all of the knots out before putting it up with the hairband I keep on my wrist at all times. For a little while I felt we were back to how we were before the baby but then I heard Benji make some of the little sniffling noises he makes when asleep and I was brought back to reality. 
"Whats wrong love what's happened to make you so upset?" Marc asked 
"I've just had a bad day Benji didn't sleep last night as you know and he was crying all morning and I just couldn't get him to settle so I decided to get out for a walk to see if some fresh air would help us both but everyone stared at me and someone berated me at a crossing for being too young and not being able to raise him properly" I rambled 
"Oh cariño you should've text me I could've come home earlier to help out you don't have to do this alone I'm here to help you and for the record that person was wrong we might be young but you are the best mum if you weren't you wouldn't be so upset right now" Marc said 
"I just can't deal with the judgement I want to go outside and not have to deal with everyone looking at me assuming things I already feel like a bad mum I don't need strangers telling me that too" I chocked out 
"It's horrible I know but you need to ignore them which I realise is hard but those people don't know you like I do and they don't see how hard you are trying to be the best mum possible because if they did they wouldn't judge you" he comforted 
"How about you come to my training sessions with me it means you get out the house I can help you out a bit more and no one there will judge you what do you think?" He asked 
"I actually like that idea it will be nice to leave the house and see all the guys" I said 
Marc woke me up gently this morning so that I could get up and join him at training he even got Benji out of his crib and got him ready for the day so I could shower alone which is a luxury these days. Having a few minutes to myself was so nice but it really was just a few minutes because once I was dressed and had brushed my hair I went downstairs and had to feed Benji because Marc can't do that. While I sat with Benji Marc made breakfast us both and he made sure I had a balanced breakfast which I definitely haven't had since Benji arrived as I usually just grab whatever I can if I even have breakfast. I even got to take my vitamins which have been neglected recently but if I can actually take them I might feel a little less dead each day. 
So far this new routine is so much better I'm not as stressed and there hasn't been any tears from me or the baby which is a significant improvement. Marc even put the baby in the car and still managed to open the passenger door for me like the gentleman he always is. He drove the back way to the training ground so that we could avoid the streets where fans would be stood wanting signatures or pictures. We decided that we didn't want to show Benji on social media more than just his little hand to announce his birth so avoiding fans who could take pictures of him is what we want. Luckily we completely avoided all that and arrived at the training centre with no issues and even a bit earlier than Marc would usually arrive as he didn't have to stop for ages.
We slowly made our way into the training centre because I'm still recovering so can't walk as quickly as I did before. Walking slower also meant we had more time to talk about what it will be like when the whole team meet Benji, Marc told me that he's talked about Benji non stop and the boys are excited to meet him but they know they have to be careful as he's still small which made me feel a lot better. On our way to the locker room we saw lots of staff who all congratulated us and others asked how we were doing. That's something I love about this club everyone gets along and cares about each other every time I came to training with Marc while pregnant someone checked on me and asked if I needed anything plus all the boys were so lovely. 
Marc left me with the baby as he went into the locker room to make sure everyone was decent before opening the door to allow me inside. It was so quiet when I walked in which is very unusual but it was because they were all so excited to meet Benji but didn't want to wake him up. I put the car seat down and gently took Benji out and gave him to Marc who went straight to Hector because he's the person who Marc has confided in the most throughout everything. Watching how Hector and all the others interacted with Benji nearly made me cry, no one else has met Benji until now and I was worried about how it would go but clearly everyone loves him.  With my permission Marc let the guys hold him and when he did he came back to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist and pressed a kiss on my temple. 
"Isn't this so much better" he said 
"It really is everyone here is so nice and supportive and I get to see something other than the four walls of our house" I said 
"I'm glad you are happier you can come with me everyday if you want or just a few times a week it's up to you but everyone here will be happy to see you and they won't judge at all" he said 
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cripplecharacters · 20 days
Good morning/evening to y'all!
In your list of frequently asked questions, there was no mention of speech disorders? I was wondering if you answer questions for that too? I'm sorry to bother you if you don't.
If you do, I have two things I'd like to ask, if you don't mind!
First of all, my character is a 4-year-old boy with a stutter from brain trauma. How much does age affect this? Are there better to be cured or is it more severe? What would be the best sort of action from parents towards child?
Secondly, what does stuttering feel like, physically? Does it include tightness in the throat, thirst, numbness, or anything like that?
Thank you all.
Yes, we have at least one mod with a speech disorder and I can answer them.
Depending on how old he was when the trauma occurred, he may not even realize that he does it. Some things, like the multiple syllable repetition unless he has a more minor form of it, he may notice and feel frustrated with, but stuttering can also include pauses and drawing sounds out which he may not even notice. Because he has the injury now, when he's still learning language like a sponge soaking in water, it's going to be harder to treat. In my experience, speech therapy that started when I was five never managed to actually improve the way I spoke. It's harder to improve in this situation- possible, to my knowledge, but harder.
Curing a stutter from a traumatic brain injury is going to be difficult. It's not likely and it's probably not something his speech therapist would even consider- when there's a lot wrong with speech and there's a reason behind it that can't be worked around, like a TBI, sometimes a speech therapist will just focus on trying to improve one aspect, or they might not even bother at all. If getting rid of his stutter is the goal, that's going to take years of work and it might not fix everything. It can be a severe condition- some people can have a severe stutter from the brain injury- but mostly it's just hard to treat because we have a permanent modification to how our brain works.
The best sort of actions his parents can take is listen to him. It might be frustrating for people to listen to someone who stutters and they might experience isolation because people don't want to talk to or listen to them, it does so much to have even one person in your life who will listen to you speak without impatience, interrupting, or ignoring. Because he's also going into school, listening to him is really important. School is very difficult for people with speech disabilities (for all disabled people, really.) He may experience teachers who are impatient or ableist, or he might experience isolation from his peers or even bullying. It's important his parents listen to him about any issues he may be facing so that they can step in and advocate him. They're the most important people for him to have in his corner. Listening to and communicating with any child is important, but it's very important that his parents listen to and communicate with him. At the very least, it creates a safe place for him at home. At best, he'll talk to his parents about bullying and they can put up a big enough fuss that the issue will be resolved.
As for what it feels like, it feels like the mouth kind of pauses. Like you're trying to say something but there's a barrier in your mouth, so you have to force every sound through it, and that's hard to do. A lot of people who stutter report physically tensing up trying to speak, leading to tension aches wherever they tense, usually in the face or neck, and that tensing is kind of subconscious as if there really is a barrier and you need to physically force the words through the barrier.
As you try and get words out, you might become stressed or frustrated, and that usually makes the stutter worse, which just makes your frustration and anxiety worse. They feed on each other and it sucks.
People who stutter also might have what are called secondary symptoms, like the reflexive tension I mentioned earlier. These secondary symptoms can include grimacing, blinking, movement or another part of the body, like the arms, legs, or feet, issues maintaining eye contact or even issues looking at the person they're talking to at all, and changes in the pitch or volume of the voice. You might also see adaptive behaviours from the person trying to hide their stutter, such as using word substitutions, meaning replacing a word they might stutter on with one they can say easier, interjections such as uh, um, etc, filler words such as like, and quickly revising sentences to either hide a stutter or rephrase the sentence to make it easier to say, things like "I want- I'll have the pasta." Stuttering and those secondary behaviours can lead to him trying to avoid speaking, which he definitely shouldn't do (shouldn't avoid speaking, I mean.)
Also, you might want to consider exactly where the TBI was and how severe it was, because location and severity can also cause other symptoms. An injury to the cerebellum, for example, will impact his fine motor skills. Look into the areas around the specific places that control speech, too. If the injury was bad enough or at the right angle to hit those places, he'll also have symptoms associated with a TBI to those locations.
Thank you for sending this.
Mod Aaron
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
This is my last drabble request before my games take me, May I please request for a drabble between Platonic Yandere Nanami and Platonic Yandere Higuruma wherein their little Darling is eating by themselves and so those two decide to eat with her and it devolves into Nanami trying to coddle her / threaten Higuruma.
Good luck with your games buddy! Considerate it done!
Platonic Yandere Nanami/Platonic Yandere Higuruma: please eat, Darling
Tension was especially high that day.
It always was, I mean, it was something to expect. Nanami was a very neat and upright man, but also very controlling, especially with his young son (reader), whom he was unwilling to share with anyone due to his own paranoia.
so having to accept such a big adjustment as having (reader) another "father" figure in your life was definitely a difficult thing. It didn't help that both men's personalities were practically opposites and constantly clashed.
Higuruma was also fair, but he had something that Nanami didn't: make room for change and, above all, making the necessary changes to make (reader) happy.
which included undoing several of the strict rules and regulations that Nanami had implemented years ago. Obviously it wasn't easy.
This caused great chaos between both men, as although Nanami was going to *tolerate* Higuruma for (reader)'s sake, he was not willing to acknowledge that his "parenting" methods with them were wrong.
In Nanami's words, "You would only be misleading (reader), you want them to reveal themselves to us."
For a long time everything boiled down to a game of tug of war on the part of both of them for total control over (reader), if Nanami was with (reader) watching television, Higuruma would go and take them out for a walk. If Higuruma and (reader) were arguing about overprotection, Nanami would take (reader's) side.
and so on..
Although the worst was when on one occasion (reader) went too far trying to get away from the two, that they both decided that they would give him individual punishments.
Nanami went with his typical tactics, isolation, (reader) had already gotten used to having not only Nanami but also Higuruma with them, so the punishment was considerably worse than previous times.
and when he finished, (Reader) went to Higuruma for comfort, not knowing that he himself would have an impact.
He threatened to use his dominion on them if they even thought about running away again, almost killing them with fear when they saw the judge's entity... was he really serious? Would he do that to them?
which led to the current situation. Because of the severe joint punishment, now (reader) did not want to eat.
It wasn't that they couldn't, but that they were left in such an intense state of shock that every time they tried to eat they shook like jelly and couldn't even take a bite.
It got to the point that Nanami and Higuruma had to take turns spoon-feeding (reader). Under any other circumstance, Nanami would have enjoyed the moment similar to (reader's) childhood, but seeing how bad they had left (reader) this time...she didn't know how much it was appropriate to enjoy it.
Higuruma was more direct and tried to apologize to (reader) for his rudeness, let them know that he was the one who was wrong for going beyond his limits, not them. but it took quite a while until real change occurred.
During this time, surprisingly Nanami and Higuruma managed to get along better, solely because they had to in order to properly take care of (reader), but at least they weren't throwing daggers at each other anymore.
Although the real question would be when that would change.
and it happened when (reader) finally started eating on their own again.
Nanami and Higuruma were discussing (in low volume) what they were going to bring (reader) to eat now, and they heard someone moving in the kitchen.
When they went to see what was happening, they found (reader) at the table, eating a small snack that apparently they had prepared.
Nanami and Higuruma stood still for a long while before one of them took the first step towards (reader).
Higuruma stood on their left side, putting an arm around them in a half-hug as he softly congratulated them for eating on their own again.
Nanami stood on their right side, discreetly trying to remove Higuruma's arm from around (reader), while also giving soft compliments to them.
a strange duality, but the new reality of (Reader), apparently.
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Thanks for the Request ❤️
IM SPEEED (sometimes), it Takes long to make this one and the one of Toji bc i'm now in the night schedule (fk university), but now I'm getting used to it and it's easier for me. I will try to make all the Requests that You all send. Thank You
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sukioyakio · 1 month
“Who said i needed anything about saving?
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Enemies to lovers
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Gojo satoru x fem!reader
—>𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒:Your life always has been a quiet yet complicated place to deal with but it has never been to difficult to get through.But all it took was one spoil arrogant brat to ruin it.you never really liked Him nor enjoyed his presence,everything about him gave warning’s.Almost every time you saw each other you two would have something to say to each other,not just with words.But with actions.
*Also reader has a little brother and both (gojo and you) are 16 years old.
reader call her brother little shit as a nickname
—>𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒:Cuss words, in later chapters bullying,toxic behavior/relationships, trauma,Violence. (i suck at this stuff 😭)
wordcount: 4.1K
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Just like any other  day in this life,you have to get up really early in morning to get your little brother Jayden to school and for you to be on time at yours as well.You were awake by your phone alarm clock at 5am in the morning.You immediately started doing your routine in your crappy little apartment building. 
You were just 8 years old when your parents left you and your little brother to rot.You had to sacrifice everything for you and your brother to have an opportunity in life to even make it alive. When they left you already knew that your life would be more difficult than other children your age. 
It been 8 year has passed since they left.
Now living in an crappy apartment with not the best living environment for your 8 year old brother is all you would afford but at least you could give Jayden a roof over his head.
You promise to be the best person he could ever have,and be there when you guys parents weren’t there.You wanted to make sure that he get to live a normal life.
You were rubbing your eyes to adjust to the darkness of your shared bedroom.You walked towards  your bathroom taking a quick 15 minutes shower.You put on your high-school uniform and your hoodie as well.You already did (well try to make your hair look well put) your hair and brush your teeth because it gotten a bit of an habit of not eating anything in the morning.
You had /y/hair/Color/  long hair that was kinda fuck up.If you could recall you look more of your father,you had his eyes.But the only difference is that you had big eyes bags.Your eyes are most lifeless but once in an while your eyes will light up.Your body is skin is rough around the edges.You had a lot of cuts and bruises from over the years,some heal and some didn’t heal. You got over it.
While your brother Jayden had a mix of your guys mom and dad’s hair color.He eyes were full of light and excitement something that made you go determine to continue to push yourself to provide him.He made such soft looking skin and chubby cheeks that him like an adorable hamster.He also has a few bruises but heal quickly.He’s very smart for a 8 year old boy. 
Checking the time on your phone to make sure you had enough time to walk Jayden to school and to yours as well.
It was 5:15 AM so it perfectly time for you to get that little adorable shit head up. 
You softly nudge Jayden’s arm into a rocking motion. 
“Jay come on…wake up you have school today”.
“5 n-minutes more..please” you move him more in an instant.
“If you don’t wake up I won’t get your favorite snack later in the afternoon”you said in a mocking of sincerely voice as you ruffled his hair.
“Finneee geezz”He said in a sleepy and sassy voice as he rise off from his bed.
As you already knew that he was already getting up and in a matter of seconds in the shower and thought out the way he’d mumbled about hating to wake up. 
You quietly chuckled at his response,As you went into the small living room as you gather the both of your stuff ready for you two to walk to his school.
You caught the fridge to see if there anything that you could feed him with something before he goes to school.To only find that there nothing in there but rotten vegetables in there.
You mentally groan  at yourself for forgetting about the food shortage.In which you knew that you were going to have spend more time out of your study time to get groceries for the house. 
You check your phone to see the time was 5:27 AM it was the time that you would know that Jayden would be coming out and dressing up and already done. As you walked to the room but right the when you were about to open the door your little brother storms out of the room. 
“I’m doneeee!!” Jayden speaks with his little child sing along voice.In which his little chubby cheeks pauses as he look up at you knowing that he doesn’t smell anything at all like he would normally have.
“Hello?(____) is there breakfast?” He says with such sass that you just roll your eyes. 
“No there isn’t,so that why I’m trying to get out the house so I can get you something to eat dummy” You said in a soft yet playful tone.knowing that you had to resist to say a curse word.
“Your the biggest bumbass” Jayden’s says with an eye roll;he just walk pass you and put on his backpack.You were clenching your fist at his response,you knew that he had learn these words from you.But it wasn’t your fault you just gotten the use of saying cruse words at  shit that made you feel annoyed when your alone. 
“FUCK ME!! urghhh who the fuck makes math this difficult to understand” Or times where you quietly mumble shit under your breath thinking no one would heard. “I hate that stupid fucking bitch. . .who the fuck does she think,fucking dumbass”
So you couldn’t argue with him about the cursing part.
“alright let go right now”You voiced out as Jayden just nodded in response while walking with you out the door.Normally the reason you walked early is that you didn’t have to worry about the cracks head that would be active in the morning. 
The morning breeze is always nice while walking;You and Jayden quietly and quickly walked through the exit of the apartment building.You lived in the fuck up part of the city’s,Streets being filled with trash or drugs or bottles.Everywhere would be filled with garbage and homeless people that were violent.
Especially when walking here that in middle of night you would get paranoia of someone walking behind you. 
 But you try to not get that inside your head because you didn’t need that right now,you didn’t need that extra stress.While the way down to the you check your bank account if you’re going to be able to get the groceries and to be able to pay the rent and everything else. 
Wind blowing softly at the tress that surrounds your walk way.You and Jayden we’re both in comfort silence.But you wanted to break the silence.
“So how school treating you?” You said in the mist quiet looking down at Jayden dark WellCare hair. 
“Good,but I have a question sis?” Jayden ask in the comfortable silence,he child like voice ring through your ears,you quietly mumble in response.Questioning whether he was asking something about his school or yours.
You guys were running in good time it was already 5:59Am and you guys were already half way there to jayden schools but there a store near there that you know would be open this early morning. 
The sky starts to form its raising shine,into the beautiful sun rise;cloud turning pinkish with hints of blue in there.It was always nice to see it.But it at times it just an reminder of people are now awake and ready to go make noises with their cars or with their voices. 
“What would you do if I were to leave you like mama and papa” 
the young boy look at clouds so innocently like it was a simple question.Your mind pause for a second.
“…”you took in  breath because you knew that an 8 year old shouldn’t be thinking stuff like that but stuff about video games,sports,trending shit etc but this caught you off guard, I mean what would you expect from someone who lives in this non-stainable life hold.
So you played it off with a playful tone hiding up the anxiety.
“Why would you leave me alone after all I do be getting your Sweet snack  you little shit that you love so very much and I mean with you being this slow at walking you wouldn’t get this far from me” You said with an playful tone,and your lips forming an sly smirk.You quickly pulled Jayden towards the small food store.
“HEY! I’m not Slow at all,and for a fact I’m the fastest guy in my class” 
“Sure buddy anyway you pick something to eat  for breakfast”
“I am,Fineee whatever bumbass” he said as he went quickly around the store and pick out a doughnut and two cookies.As he rushed towards the cashier who chuckled at his actions,It was an old lady with would always give you some sweet every time you pass by here. 
“Ohh you most be very excited to go to school little man” the elder women said in a warm voice.
“Yepp!” Jayden says with a cheeky grin,showing his dimples.As you went over there to greet the elderly women 
“Here you also keep the change as well” You said in a sleepy voice.Giving the women the money.You were quick to add a small smile towards the old lady.
She seems to smile at the both of you.
“No it ok you can have it for free,it been so long since I’ve got to see someone with such a good willingness” the elderly women says with a warmth in her voice.
Jayden immediately says ‘thanks youu for Being so kind’,as you gave her a small soft smile on her face.You said your thanks and went off with continuing your walk with Jayden.
You check your phone and what time it is 6:03am and you gave Jayden his stuff to eat it.You quickly grab his pack bag.
“Now quickly eat this we’re about to get to your school”
“Yea,yea I know” He said as he roll his big little eyes.Now stuffing his doughnut into his mouth without a care in the world.
Now there we’re going to cross the road,Making it across the road swiftly.While holding Jayden hands,only a few more steps and then your at Jayden school.
“Sis here I don’t think I’ll eat the other cookie right now” 
“Nuh im good,keep it for later for lunch” 
“But,I know you didn’t eat anything for breakfast today so here” 
“I’m ok little shit no need to worry about me,we’re literally only a few steps from reaching your school” you added with a small smile knowing that at least you have someone that care for you.
“Ughhh I hate you bumbass…sometimes” Jayden’s replied as he walks more ahead of you,you easily reach his speed.
You guys made it.
It wasn’t the best schools you could have found but it was sort of close to your highschool,and you couldn’t complain about it. Even if the interior looks like an ancient temple. You knew one of the security from the school at always come early,and he knew you as well since you would always come early as well. 
You look around if the security was there,before you could get worry about it.He called your name with a warm smile as always,in which he just wave back at him.As you walked toward the gate and look down at Jayden.You knew he just wanted to make sure that your ok.
“Well bye my favorite little shit” Said with a sly teasing smile,as you ruffles Jayden hair. 
He just grumbled underneath his mouth.Hitting your hands from his hair.
“Bye my favorite big shit sis” Jayden says with a playful annoyance that you caught easily in his voice.Before you could say anything he ran toward the security guy who said good morning to him or something.
You just waved goodbye to Jayden and him.Now rushing towards to your school,You knew it was 6:24Am and you usual made it there at 6:38 Am and it would give you 20 minutes of relief and for you to gather up an reminder check for the rest of day.
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you never really enjoy leaving your little bro all alone in the morning like these but you just had to push through because if you were able to get into this nice ass highschool with all but your brain then your more then able to push your brain to getting into that dream college that wasnt any by mean easy to get in. 
Right now your in The corner of the library with few other students that were probably more interested studying then talking.Yeah you were one of them but it was better for you to stay focus on your study then get distracted. 
From the corner of your eye you see two students coming your way,They talking loudly about something that you couldn’t help but listen to as well.
"There three new kids coming starting today,their said to be close friends and on the top of that their rich I mean who comes here and wouldn't have money."
both of the girls laugh at the joke.
"Wait really,i heard from someone it was just one new kid and is said to be like an hottie,especially with white hair and blues eyes."
"NOW that makes ten times  worth my time to see them in person,I just hope this isn't some shitty rumor." said the girls that finally left your ear hearing reach,you just rolled your eyes.Because of course if their anything about being in a nice school, people with money could get into anything they want without care of those who tried their everything be here.
And that makes you make hate rich folks because it take a flick of green in front of someone and they do whatever they want.You been first place on the board since you started the school year.
You got up from the librairy; collecting everything in the process and putting it in your backbag. Walking to your first class of the day.Still having a lingering thought of Jayden’s question earlier this morning.
'Of course he knows how to make you overthink'
You huff a quiet laugh as you walk back around the building swiftly in speed making it on 5 minutes early on class,to sit down on your favorite desk. 
Which is in the corner of the classroom that has a clear view of the window,but you weren’t exactly the desk that had the best view of the windows.But as long as it was able to give an good view you were fine.Its not the person who sitting on the desk is gonna wanna switch with you unless they want something in return ,and  so you rather be a ghost then be the alive sunlight of attention.
One is that you weren’t looking for anyways,if you were able to manage yourself,why need friends.Two is that you really didn’t want to have anyone in your busy or start to worry about it then you needed to do.And plus especially them this rich snob school.
But you always gave them a chance and to really see how they act.
You decided to do some study for science because it the only subject that you suck a lot on,last mouth you scored on the top fourth.I mean who could blame you one that one. 
Whenever your on your study mood you would just ignore the sound of people talking and be in your little world ,you really couldn’t care any less of what anyone said. 
it was until the teacher came in,using his stern voice to grab everyone attention.
“Everyone silence and sit down right now!! We have three new students coming in so treat them with respect” His voice roaring in the classroom. 
As everyone quickly became silent and some were quietly whispering about the news of the new kids.
As the teacher opens the door for them to come in. As they walked into the room with welcoming smiles. 
One of them with white hair companied by the a black slick hair that tied into a bun and with a cute short brown bob hair girl coming here. 
The teacher quickly told them to introduce themselves to the classroom.The first one to go was Gojo.
“Hello everyone, my name is Satoru Gojo and can’t waitttt to talk to y’all.” 
“Hello everyone my name is Sugruu Geto and I hope we can be friends”He says in a polite and manner way.He voice smooth and Monotone.
“Name is Shoko Lirei, to meet you guys” The girl speak in such  nonchalant tone.Gojo look around the room to find the girls in the room were whispering about how dreamy he looked,He was so used to the attention that he just wink at there way knowing it wouldn’t help him but it will help him with getting along with the girls. 
In the same time the teacher speaks to them about their seats. They were three seati88s in the middle of the room waiting to be taken.Of course they took the sits. 
You just think that in a few days that they would be the talk of the town. 
As everyone else were talking to them with such excitement and passion to know them and what their parents do for a living.While you were just staring at window looking at the birds  and trees.Nothing out of the ordinary.And you didn’t want to deal with anything that would make you stressful and difficult for you and your little brother.
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Time skip 
You were walking towards your next destination which was your favorite course reading/writing.
The sound of students filling the hallways, laughter there,whisper here and there,but remotely most of them were talking.
Navigating through the crowd of students was easy after being used to the people pushing and nudging.
Listening to music with your headphones.While walking to the quarter of the school to get to the class.
‘I hate these hallways and these people like can y’all be more serious and talk in a corner where you’re not bothering people who are actually trying to get to class’ You mutter underneath your mouth.
The windows that follow the hallways were absolutely full of nature,something that you enjoy as a little kid.The sky being full of color and shine.Walking more closely to your next course.Keeping in mind of where you’re stepping. And then 
You didn’t even get an enough time to see the white hair guy,as you two collide on each-other.Blinking multiple times to regain your vision,To only get flashed by the most beautiful blue eyes you ever seen in your life.Your back touching the floor,the heat of the students eyes are watching you and gojo. You were quickly to remove yourself from the ground by pushing him away from you,the slight impact of your action made gojo completely fall on the 
Gojo gave you an unreadable look that you could’ve easily read it if you actually cared to stay there.
You quickly mumble an apology as you retrieve your fallen stuff  from the floor,you wanted nothing more than to be away from the attention.As you walked away you saw a particular person from the crowd,a girl with long dark brown hair with pale skin that compliments her dark  hair.You notice her from your classes she was always quiet and reserved.You recall her waking you up to tell you that the teacher will be assigned the classroom to do online work,you appreciate that she did that. 
‘That’s one way to make an introduction to the new kid’ You said to yourself.You probably came out as cold hearted but it’s not like you were going to hangout with him.
And so you prepared to be in a favorable class with your music on and your signature journal with a few other students there early as well.Now only thing is waiting until class starts.
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(Gojo pov) 
Gojo got up from the floor swiftly,from one of his best friends,preferring Geto’s hand.
‘What a bitch,jeez’ I said to myself as I rolled my eye at the action only.
“What happened now. . Gojo” Shoko said as she now came back from whatever place she came from.She’s look at me with a raised eye brow.
Geto looks at Shoko with a sly smile on his face.
”Apparently he fell on someone while running Down the hallway” Geto say in a calm voice,without breaking eye contact with Shoko,knowing that Gojo is getting himself tidy from the floor. 
“Sounds like something he would do.-she nods at Geto’s words-But did that idiot apologize to them for being a hyperactive child”Shokos says looking at Geto and then to gojo.Knowingly that wasn’t the case.
gojo brushing off the dust of his clothes,and then fixing his white hair.The Sound of chatter ring through the hallway,but it became more noticeable that he and his friends were the ones that they were being talked about.
“Are you ok there,I saw what happened.That  runaway skunk just walked away without apologizing.” A girl  spoke with such empathy that made it impossible for him not make groan.
Right before he could mutter a word to his friends,some girl In a dark blue jacket with a skirt on.Gojo wasn’t any dumbass to attention like this or anything like that.Her kind looking smile screamed excitement and somewhat amazed. 
Shoko and Geto were right behind me when they finally actually got out of their little conversation.And now they just there looking at me with a shrug.
“Yea I very much appreciate your words and your so right about that girl being such a bitch
-I was going to say sorry but guess not” He shrug in a nonchalant manner.
“No one’s care even if you do it,Well I see that you guys are new here and I wanted to see that if we could be friends”She replied,looking at Gojo as if she just meant it for only him and not the two other person behind me.
“Sure it not like we won’t talk again but the name is Satoru Gojo” He added with a proud smirk on his face.Coming from behind is Geto who give the girl a warm smile as well as Shoko. 
“It nice to meet you my name is Geto suruguru and the girl next to me is Shoko lieri”
“Hey,hello” Shoko had responded to that,with a lolly pop in her mouth.She made a little wave gesture. 
“Well my name is Marina Nicklous”Marina added with a small smile and a wink on her face,as she soon walked away from Gojo and geto and shoko. 
Geto completely ignored that,and shoko chuckles at the action,and made a small joke about Gojo being a manwhore.
“Come on,we only have a few minutes to go to class” Geto said as he looked at his phone and looked at the time and putting it back in his pocket.
 As they walked off. 
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You were already having your third class of the day already feeling tried of having to walk through the large building to get to class. 
Assuming that it only took you a few minutes to get to your other classes.Sighing as you got up from your desk and putting away your journals in your depth of your book-bag.
You waited until a few minutes to go by to you wouldn’t be crushed by people pushing through the door. 
You check the time on the clock. 
‘11:23,one hour until it lunch time and then your free’
You mutter underneath your breath,as a you watch the students zooming out the door.
As you walked out of the room coming first glance with Satoru Gojo.His eyes aim down at yours and he had his grin on his face before he looked your way.
You both stood there for a moment and then.He leaned over your face,Looking straight into your eyes.His white hair and blue eyes make him look like an angel that fell down here.And that look would be a useful tool to use in situations like wanting anything.You suppose.But you noticed how close he was in your face.
‘Does he not know what the hell is personal space’
 As you leaned back from his reach.Gojo looked like he was just mocking you with his height.Having to bent his head slightly down to actually look into your eyes while you have to you make your head look up to meet with his intense eye contact.
“Whats taking you so long,to apologize to me?”Gojo spoke with a little annoyance.Rolling his eyes at fact you weren’t even trying to apologize for pushing him on the ground.
“Jezz,you’re the one who pushed me down the least you could do right now is to use that smart head of your and apologize.” He stated with such confidence that made you try to not roll your eyes out.
You just scoffed at his attitude,’just like the rest of them’You mutter something incoherent about him underneath your breath.
“I’m sorry ok.now I’ll like for your big ass to move so I can go to my class” You said in cold voice, politely push him away walking away from him and now disappearing from the mist of the crowd of the hallways. It was just a little chat nothing more or nothing less than that. 
But Gojo got more annoyed by the lack of respect and politeness of your response.He just grumbled that you’re just a no-body who just live in a world of hate.
Not his problem he says.
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An: I didn’t like how it turned out but I GOOTA PUSH THROUGH also I think I’m going make this a slow burn,but not so slow that it actually burns.I just wanted to make a reader more of a background character before she become a rival towards Gojo.But it whether how well this goes. If it hit 100 likes then I’ll continue it.
Do not copy or steal my work @sukioyakio
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TAG LIST: @10yo-anon @scoobysnakz
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