quirkypeterp · 2 years
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hari nef as earth-1045 daredevil
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luvrxbunny · 7 months
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader
Prompt: Collar
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, piv, unprotected sex  (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 2.0k
A/N: my brain is melted guys- i blacked out idek if this is good or not (not proofread)
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He did this because he thought it’d be easy, he thought it’d be a simple way to please you, earn him some boyfriend points… but now he can barely focus. He didn’t realize that there would be this constant pressure over where the leather strap wrapped around his neck. A constant reminder of what he was wearing for you. 
You came to him this morning before he left for work and proposed the idea. “I just- I have this cute little collar and you’re basically a cat so..!” He didn’t understand why you wanted him to wear it, but he wanted to make you happy, you had this desperate, pleading look in your eyes that he can never say no to. So he took the collar and clipped it over his neck. At first, he just thought it was too tight, that it’d loosen throughout the day but it never did. You’d come over occasionally and run your fingers over where it slightly bulges through his suit, reminding him of its presence. You’d stick your finger down the back of his neck and hook your finger into it, restricting his air every so slightly, and his cock hardened some more every time you did.
He’s trying to finish some stats that were supposed to be done three hours ago but he can feel his pulse against the collar, almost blurring his vision from how hard his blood is pumping, how his cock is throbbing in time with it all. You haven’t come around to check on him in a little while and although he thought it was an unnecessary tease, he’s craving it now. He’s pouting and upset over the fact that it’s been over an hour since you walked through his office uselessly. His hands keep freezing over his keyboard, balling into a fist repeatedly as he fights the urge to touch himself. Thoughts of you cause ripples of arousal to shoot through him and his neck strains against his collar to hold any sounds in. 
He heads to his bathroom to splash some water on his face, focus, and finish his work. He looks up into the mirror while patting his face with a towel and something catches his eye; a tint of red peaking from the top of his suit. He dissipates the hologram and his knees almost give out at what he sees. His skin is rubbed red all around where the collar digs into him, marking him, so that even after he takes this off you’ve still got him on your leash. He puts his suit back up and rushes to your office, he has enough brainpower to grab some files and give himself a ‘reason’ to be there. 
Lucky him, your blinds are already shut and no one will question him closing your door behind him. So it’s exactly what he does. You peek from around your computer to see who’s entered your office and your face lights up when you see who it is. You stand and approach him, your eyes on the files in his hand, not even realizing the state he’s in. “Are these the Earth-1045 stats?” You pull them from his hands and start flipping through the papers, confusion blossoming over your face as you realize these are random pages. “Miguel, what are these…” Your sentence dies down as you look up at him. His eyes are dilated and frantically scanning over your face, his chest is heaving, and his breaths are fanning over your face. 
You put the papers down and rest a hand on his chest, the other going to his head to check his temperature- thinking he’s sick rather than aroused. “Are you okay?” You ask, genuine concern dripping from every word. His hand is trembling, it’s barely noticeable but you can feel it once he grabs your wrist and pulls it off his forehead. Your brows furrow in confusion as he brings your hand below his chin but everything clicks into place once your fingertips slide over the collar. Your eyes snap back to his and his eyelids are fluttering and his hand leaves yours, reaching for your face instead and pulling you in for a kiss. You leave your hand on his throat as he kisses you, sliding your finger up his neck to feel him shiver against you.
“Me estas arruinando.” You whimper at his words, at how destroyed he already sounds. You didn’t think he be this affected by the collar, it was more to test how far he would go to please you. You were barely intrigued by the idea when you first came up with it but your interest grew and it’s doubled today alone. Seeing him walking around like normal but you know he’s collared under the suit, was doing something to you that you hadn’t expected. He shudders out a breath against your lips once you pull away, your head tilts with a soft “Yeah?” slipping from your mouth like a tease before you can stop it. Your fingers are stroking over the leathers mindlessly but his eyes are rolled back behind his shut lids at the feeling. 
(“You're ruining me.”)
You’re being so soft with him, such a contrast to how you’re devastating him. He’s never felt so turned on, so wound up, it’s like every nerve in his body had turned into a live wire and you’re the only one who can fix him. He needs you in a way he didn’t know was possible, deep in his bones and sown into the fabric of his soul. You were made for him and he was made for you. You know him better than he knows himself, proving it every second you’re with him. 
Your hands flex over his neck, squeezing tighter for a second and he reacts to it. He growls into the kiss and his arms wrap around you roughly, scooping you from the ground and walking toward your desk. He doesn’t let you break this kiss, his lips chase yours as far as they can every time you try to pull away. He places you on your desk and you moan at the way he grabs your face and holds it against his. Your hands are clawing at his suit, you know you can’t take it off but your brain is cloudy with desperation. After failing repeatedly, you’re able to think enough to slide your hands to the base of his neck, slide under his collar, and pull him back. He finally separates from your lips with a groan. “Take your suit off, sweetheart.”
His adam’s apple is bobbing as he tries to clear his head, his hooded eyes on you and his teeth digging into his bottom lip harshly. His hand reaches behind you and fidgets with his watch until he’s naked in front of you, his cock crying against his stomach for you. He leans in to start kissing you again but you place your hands on his chest to stare at him for a moment. His big, muscular build, shaking before you, his cock leaking down his shaft and a pretty, baby pink collar with a metal heart in the middle, wrapped around his thick neck. His cheeks are tinted red with his ears and chest, and his hands are dutifully behind his back, putting himself on complete display for you. 
“So pretty.” You smile at him and dissipate your own suit, putting yourself on display for him. He lurches for you but hesitates, checking your face to see if it’s okay and something about the action has you leaking onto your desk. “You can come fuck me, amor.” His knees almost gave out at your words but instead, he rushed over to you. He cleared some documents off your desk, internally promising to reorganize them for you later. He spreads your legs without a second thought and moans at the sight before him, your lips spreading to reveal your creamy, glistening hole. He presses himself against you, one hand slides behind his neck, and the other hooks into the heart of the collar, keeping him in place. “Put it in, baby.” He moans and shuts his eyes tight, his cock already throbbing against your pussy. 
He reaches down and guides himself inside, trying to be gentle despite the way he wants to pound into you. You tug at his collar lightly, causing his hips to twitch and his eyes open to see you leaning up with puckered lips, begging him for a kiss, something he easily complies with. He thrusts into you slowly, savoring the sensation of your wet walls surrounding him.”Me gusta- me gusta mucho, mi amor.”
You moan into his ear at his words and your hips tilt off the desk, changing the way he fucks into you, causing his tip to bump your cervix with every thrust. “You- holy shit, love. You like your collar, sweet boy?” A broken gasp falls from his lips and his thrusts become more frantic. He nods against your neck and he begins to shake your entire desk with his thrusts. There’s an insane buzzing in his stomach, his orgasm already building and bubbling over. 
He grunts and slows his thrusts, going harder instead of faster, hoping it’ll help him last longer. Your legs wrap around his waist and force him deeper, your cunt fluttering around his cock as he rests against your G-Spot. His biceps are trembling with exertion, trying to hold himself back for you, wait for you. You stick both your thumbs under his collar and pull him out of your neck, angling his head how you want so you can slot your lips against his. He’s moaning against you instead of kissing you back. 
You’re playing him like an instrument, his hips have basically stopped all movement, and you’ve been taking over, grinding yourself into his cock as he trembles. He can’t think, lasting isn’t on his mind anymore, every thought has been taken over by the pleasure you’re filling him with. He’s completely given himself over to you, like the collar has flipped some switch in his brain and he suddenly exists only for you. You stick a hand in his hair and scratch at his scalp soothingly, another painful contrast to the assault of your hips. You pull him in against your lips, moaning breathily into his mouth as he loses his grip, his hips beginning to twitch into you against his will. 
“Are you gonna cum, sweetheart?” His arms give out, wrapping themselves around your shoulders instead and blanketing you with his weight as his hips stutter back to life, fucking into you with renewed passion- reinvigorated by the promise of orgasm, the gift of cumming inside you. “No puedo sostenerlo, cariño. Lo siento, me haces sentir tan bien, mi amor. Voy a llenarte, te haré sentir tan lleno.’
(‘I can't hold it, baby. I'm sorry, you make me feel so good, my love. I'm going to fill you, make you feel so full.”)
You nod against him aimlessly- you have no clue what he’s saying but he sounds frantic, desperate, and so close. “Yeah? Tell me more, sweet boy. Talk to me while you fill my cunt.” He whines and his hips stutter to a stop, as deep inside you as he can go. “No puedo- Estoy- Bebé, ya estoy- Me voy a correr en- Joder”
(“I can't- I'm- Baby, I'm already- I'm going to cum in- Fuck”)
He floods your pussy with his cum, everything that’s been building inside him throughout the day. The force of his orgasm shoves shuddering sobs from his chest, your hands wrap around his neck lightly as you savor the way he’s pulsing inside you, content with how he’s filling you. You grind against him languidly, prolonging his orgasm and pulling a thick whine of your name from his throat. 
You stroke his hair gently as he comes down, grinding against him slowly to keep his little mewls of “Amor” in your ear. He stays in your office until the end of the day, helping you with some reports but mostly covering you with kisses. He doesn’t take his collar off until he has to shower. He puts it right back on the next morning and it becomes a regular piece of his outfit. 
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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littlehypnone · 6 months
I have a fic request: imagine dew finding mountain outside in the cold, sobbing and trying to hug all his potted plants close to himself and having little holes and started from the thorned plants all on his chest and arms
If this makes you uncomfy you don't have to do anything!!
hi! it was okay for me to write, it didn't make me uncomfy so dw, but oh my poor earth boy :(
also, an ask I answered earlier today made me think about ghouls mixing up mama and papa and dew being called mama, so I threw some of that into this ficlet. @sphylor you may be interested :)
1045 words, little mostly non-verbal mountain, cg mama dew, what it says in the ask, mountain is sad about his plants, there's crying, he also hurt himself a bit but there's a happy, cuddly ending
“Hey, did Mountain come?” Dewdrop shouted from the kitchen. He was finishing up cooking the dinner, the call was ten minutes ago and everyone was already seated by the table. Everyone but Mountain.
“Nope,” Swiss answered.
“Well,” the fire ghoul stepped out into the common room dressed in a pink apron, pot full of potatoes in one hand, a plastic spoon in the other, “has anyone seen him at all today?”
All the ghouls murmured something to each other, trying to figure out who was the last one to have seen Mountain. At some point Phantom spoke up, “I think I saw him going outside earlier but that was hours ago.”
Dewdrop thought for a moment. It was snowing, way too cold for the earth ghoul to wander outside, why would he… “Oh, no.”
He all but dropped the potatoes onto the table, murmuring something along the lines of ‘sauce is in the kitchen, eat’ before throwing the apron off and rushing out of the room. He ran straight outside, flip flops on his feet, and in the direction of Mountain’s main greenhouse. Dewdrop bursted inside, but the earth ghoul was nowhere to be seen. Stressed out of his mind Dew stepped outside once again. Snow was hitting his skin but it was melting right away. “Mounty? Rosey?”
Dewdrop’s ears twitched when he heard a sniffle and a whine from behind the greenhouse. He rushed to round the corner and then to Mountain’s side when he saw him. The earth ghoul was curled on the ground, his clothes wet from the snow. He was shivering and crying, he had his arms around a few potted plants in his lap, a few more laying next to him.
“Oh, Rosey,” Dewdrop immediately wrapped himself around Mountain as much as he could, pushing his warmth into the freezing ghoul. “Why did you come out here all alone? It's so cold, baby.”
Mountain lifted his head slightly with a pained little whimper and looked at Dew with big, teary eyes before shaking his head.
“No words?” the fire ghoul asked. Mountain nodded. “That’s okay, no need to speak, just give me nods and shakes of your head, alright, Rosey?”
Mountain nodded again and Dewdrop forced himself to smile a bit, even though his heart ached for the poor earth ghoul. “I’ve got you now, I need to take you back inside, baby. It’s way too cold for you out here.”
The little ghoul whined and tried to tighten his hold on his plants. That made him wince, as if in pain, and Dewdrop didn’t miss it. “What is it, are you hurt? I know, Rosey, but I need to see.”
The fire ghoul first uncurled himself from around Mountain, then tried to look him over. He sighed sadly when he noticed the issue. Some of the plants the ghoul was hugging to his chest had thorns, and he gripped them so hard he made little holes in his shirt and had them digging into his skin and scratching it.
“Mounty, I need you to listen to me for a second, okay? I know you are very sad about your plants, I would be sad too, but right now, we need to take care of you, alright? I have an offer, can you listen to me?” Dewdrop waited for an affirming nod, knowing Mountain had a tendency to tune out what was happening around when he was panicking.
He nodded. “Alright, baby. What about we get you up, go put all your plants into the greenhouse, so you can take care of them when you feel better, and then I’ll take you inside?”
Mountain seemed to be thinking the proposition over, not entirely willing to leave his plants, but knowing Dewdrop knows better and he should listen to him. Soon enough, he nodded shakily and let the fire ghoul unwrap him, careful of the thorns still way too close to Mountain’s skin for Dew’s liking.
“Come on up then, baby, can you stand?” the fire ghoul asked and waited patiently for Mountain to stand up. As soon as he did, Dewdrop opened his arms for him to fall into. Dew wanted to warm him up a bit before they’d do anything else, he was so, so cold. 
“Time to go, Rosey,” Dewdrop said after a few moments. The earth ghoul whined but pulled away, rubbing at his teary eyes with his fist. He must’ve been exhausted, too. “Okay, now we act quickly and go, okay? Let’s put your plants into the wheelbarrow, I’ll melt the snow.”
Dewdrop did exactly that. He quickly melted the snow inside the barrow, dumped the water out and within a few minutes all the sad plants were loaded and ready to move inside the greenhouse. Mountain was visibly feeling a bit better by the time they closed the doors and Dewdrop gave him a hand to hold as they walked back to the Abbey.
Back inside the fire ghoul made Mountain, who was getting very sleepy, get rid of the cold, wet clothes. Dewdrop looked him over, ultimately deciding he didn’t need Aether’s help with the tiny, thorn-caused injuries. Soon enough, Mountain was dressed in his favorite onesie that Cumulus made for him, with a soother in between his lips as he snuggled as close to Dewdrop as he could.
“Are you feeling alright now, Rosey?” the fire ghoul asked, running warm hands up and down Mountain’s body.
“Mhm,” he spat the soother out, “mama…”
Mountain froze and immediately curled away from Dewdrop, embarrassment washing over him, even though the fire ghoul didn’t react in any way. Inside he did feel a pang of shock. Usually he was ‘papa’, but Mountain had a thing with mixing up words when small, especially as tired as he was. Dewdrop thought he shouldn’t like it, that dysphoria should've reared it ugly head but… it didn’t. He liked it, he liked being that to Mountain.
“It’s okay, baby,” the fire ghoul assured, kissing the top of his head, “I can be your mama. It’s alright.”
Mountain looked up at him shyly, searching for signs Dew was lying. He found none, and relaxed again as Dewdrop guided the soother back into his mouth. He was asleep in a flash.
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epersonae · 8 months
five fic friday
this is going to be the last five fic friday before season 2, what the hell. let's go into the new season with Some Weird (or a little silly) Ones
a little worse for wear (practically walking on air) (G, 819) by @emi--rose - just a goofy little scene of Stede finding the marooned crew
an atypical emotional response to common sounds (E, 6612) by @yerbamansa - modern AU where Stede has really bad misophonia and Ed has the perfect voice given that (which is just canon, really). the phone sex is delightful.
Main Attraction (E, 1045) - listen, I wouldn't usually include what is basically PWP, but given this (yeah it's sweaty nipple taika (science edition) what of it) I feel legally required.
Close Encounters of the Stede Kind (T, 1336) - alien abduction AU???? With Ed as the alien???? SURE. Short and silly, and I am definitely wondering if the author has seen People of Earth.
Here Comes the Bride (E, 18K) by @veeagainsttheday - spoilers for the S2 promos (notably the teaser trailer), if you are avoiding that sort of thing. Very good reunion fic, not really so much weird, but I think it's a nice bookend to Emi's at the top of the list.
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aconstructofamind · 1 month
Snippet Sunday
Ok, this is totally unsolicited, but I am oddly proud of this opening for a fanfiction idea I've had for a bit. As always comments are welcome, when they are constructive.
Word Count: 1045
Fandom: Fear the Walking Dead
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The first time they saw each other no one’s lives were in danger, no wounds needed mending and no soul in dire need of repair. Instead, Winona had just flown into town to move in with her uncle. She was a child at the time, old enough to forever remember her parents, yet young enough to still have Mr. Coyote -her canine stuffed animal- nestled between her body and arms. Both Qaletqa and Jeremiah stood in the airport glaring at each other, with no verbal communication. The boys ran around the play area, low giggles leaving them as they were blissfully unaware of the battle.
       Winona paused, adjusting her light blue dress, and slightly hiding Mr. Coyote behind her back as she approached. She was maybe two and a half when she last saw her uncle, though she didn’t remember any of it, both of her parents spoke fondly of the Black Hat reservation and those who still lived there. Their jobs prevented them from returning often. Seeing other children, with the man whom Qaletqa was speaking eased her worry, having been the only child in the neighborhood. Her fingers came forward as the child around her age reached out, and a greeting died on her tongue when Jeramiah tugged the boy away.
“Keep your savage away from my children.” The older gentleman shouted, shoving his fingers into Qaletqa’s face.
       This wasn’t the first time Winona’s heard those words directed toward her she’s heard many different slurs and stereotypes directed at her. Her dark chocolate eyes danced to the yellowing brick floors, everything in her is telling her to be ashamed of the word. She wanted to leave, and go home where everything was safe, at least for the moment. Though Qaletqa pushed her behind his back, shielding her from the intense rage on Jeremiah’s features.
He’d later tell her that there’s no reason to be ashamed, it’s their problem, not hers that they see her that way. A message she kept in her heart forever.
       The second time they were around each other, Troy was wandering the barren desert half bloody. Winona had been wearing her turquoise sun dress, with small white flowers dancing to the bottom, as she wandered around just outside of the Blackhat reservation. She often walked about, or rode horses, to clear her mind of the life around her. Nature spoke to her like an old friend. It listened just as well, taking in all her troubles as well as all the good. Mother earth knew all about her parents, and how much she wished that they would come back, but also that she loved all those in the Blackhat world.
       Neither noticed the other for long few moments, Troy was far too busy tripping over underbrush and Winona too infatuated with the view. During the late evening, right as the sun started to kiss the horizon, the remaining bits of light reflected from the sand left a white shine. It gave the feel of water in the distance, perhaps it’s from this phenomenon, that others have called mirage. Winona loved it and greatly appreciated that the school day allotted her enough time to get home and change before coming out here.
       It was when the last of the setting sun’s rays faded into light navy blues, that Winona noticed the young Otto crying in the dirt. Blood trickled down his long face, telling her that something sharp had slammed across the side of it, breaking the flesh before scraping him. Her lips parted, wanting more than anything to help him, though remnants of her arrival -five years prior- telling her to leave the clearing as fast as possible. It was the brokenness in his eyes that stopped her from doing so. The pale silver moonlight reflected off his blue-green eyes. It reminded her of waking up in the hospital after a drunk driver rammed into their car and found out her parents were dead.
“You’re that savage girl from the airport.” He grunted.
       Though the meaning of the words was always malicious, Winona didn’t get that sense from him. Troy Otto simply knew her as only that, having come from his father’s prejudice. Winona nodded, though she didn’t want that word to become a habit when referring to her. It was getting late, and her uncle would be wondering where she got to, but leaving this boy alone wasn’t an option.
“I-I can help you… If you want.” She whispered, taking a few hesitant steps closer.
       He didn’t say anything, not at first, instead he shakily made it back to his feet, fighting to stay right side up. When he swooned forward, Winona gently rested her shoulder on his side, wrapping his arm around her in a protective fashion. There was no reason to fear, he seemed broken enough to not care what she did to him. Whispers of wanting to die echoed in his eyes, begging her to end his suffering. She couldn’t, being such a sensitive soul. Instead, Winona helped him to her uncle’s mobile home.
       Qaletqa worked late on weekends, often asking the neighbors across the way to keep an eye on his niece, while he worked late into the evenings. He wouldn’t be back for another six hours, giving her more than enough time to patch the young boy up and tuck him into her closet to rest. Most of his wounds would prove to be superficial, others too in-depth for her to fix -a broken rib, a bruised wrist- but she did her best to make him as comfortable as possible.
       Patching the youngest Otto up became a habit, sneaking him into her room and feeding him after all the work is done before he slipped out before early morning light. Secretly becoming friends, with the understanding that to the outside world they needed to be enemies, not that Winona ever said anything negative about the Otto’s, it wasn’t her job to judge their lifestyles.
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cosleia · 10 months
Hello hi, it's me, ms. 666. I have a ficlet request! How about cannoli(sh) kylux in the reality show Survivor?
Congratulations on winning a ficlet! :D Since I have never watched Survivor, I read a description of how the show works and poked around the Survivor Wiki a bit in order to write this. I've decided to go with the pre-Covid format of revealing the winner during the Reunion. Please forgive any inaccuracies.
I hope you enjoy!
kylux, 1045 words, modern au, survivor au
Armitage was not looking forward to the Survivor Reunion Show. He'd spent the last few months trying to forget the 26-day ordeal, and it was only the potential million-dollar win—and the guaranteed $10,000 attendance bonus—that had him taking a deep breath and walking onto the Los Angeles set now.
It should have been an easy win for him. Not only had he been taking care of his own basic needs since he was five years old, but every summer between the ages of 13 and 18, his father had abandoned him in the wilderness somewhere, telling him to find his way back to civilization on his own. There was no one on Earth better prepared to handle being left on an island with only the clothes on his back than Armitage Hux.
But Armitage had learned quickly that Survivor wasn't just about survival skills. It was also about manipulating other players into favoring you so you could avoid being voted off. This was not something Armitage had ever had occasion to learn, especially from Brendol Hux, who rather infamously had managed to make no alliances, at work or socially, in his entire life.
Unfortunately, one of the other contestants, who had made it all the way to the final two with Armitage, happened to be a natural manipulator. Kylo Ren had a way of ingratiating himself to people; if his wry wit didn't do it, all he generally had to do was take off his shirt or carry something heavy. He looked absolutely sinful eating a banana...or doing anything, really. And he knew it, and he used it to his advantage.
Not only had Armitage had to watch Kylo win immunity after immunity, but he'd had to pretend to like him, too, at least when talking with the other contestants. Because if they knew how much Armitage hated Kylo, they would have voted Armitage off long before the end. As it stood, Armitage had only made it as far as he had by going along with whatever the others were doing and occasionally sharing his survival knowledge with them. Kylo was almost guaranteed to be the final winner, and it was infuriating.
"Hey," a deep voice practically purred in his ear, thrumming so low Armitage's stomach flip-flopped. Big hands came up from behind to rest on Armitage's hips. "Long time no see."
"Not now, you cretin," Armitage hissed.
Kylo squeezed Armitage's hips, then let his hands slide away, thick fingers just grazing Armitage's outer thighs. "Later, then," he said, shoulder-checking Armitage as he made his way to the castaway seating.
"Fuck off," Armitage muttered at Kylo's unfairly broad back.
He'd been trying to forget that, too.
"The winner of Survivor is..."
Kylo Ren, Armitage thought resignedly.
"...Armitage Hux."
Armitage blinked. "What?"
"You're kidding," Kylo said.
"What?" Armitage said again.
"What the fuck," Kylo said.
The reunion show normally would have begun right after the announcement, during which the contestants would share what they'd been up to for the past few months and reminisce on things that had happened during the game.
Things went differently this time.
"This was obviously rigged," Kylo roared, leaping to his feet and sending his faux-stone bench flying. "I was the clear winner." He stormed to the urn, snatched it up and hurled it to the floor of the set, where it smashed into shards.
"You have no actual survival skills," Armitage yelled at him. "All you know how to do is trick people. I deserved to win."
He did deserve it. And he'd done it.
Kylo's head whipped up, his dark, angry eyes fixing on Armitage's face, and Armitage's heart skipped a beat. Then Kylo was barreling toward him, grabbing him by the shoulders, backing him up against the nearest fake palm tree.
"You think you're so perfect," Kylo snarled into Armitage's face.
"And you think you deserve whatever you want, just for existing," Armitage snapped back.
"I hate you," Kylo growled.
"I hate you."
"Now seems like the perfect time to show our first clip," host Jeff Probst broke in.
"And we're clear," called the producer. Behind her, the large flatscreen that showed what was currently on air flipped from the live feed to a recording. Armitage might not have noticed, except—
"Yeah," came the sound of his own voice. He sounded winded. "This is what you're made for, isn't it?"
Armitage's eyes widened. He almost didn't dare look at the monitor. When he did, he recognized the exterior of one of the huts back in Fiji.
The hut was shaking.
"They're doing it in there," one of the other contestants said in voiceover. "They've been doing it almost every night. They think we don't know."
"I would have voted against both of them way earlier, but I wanted to see what would happen. I mean, they kind of deserve each other, right?" said a different contestant's voice. "Assholes."
"And we're back in three, two," the producer called, miming the "1" and pointing to Jeff on zero.
"Looks like you two really made a love connection," Jeff said, giving Armitage and Kylo a sly grin. "When did this all start?"
"I refuse to indulge this—" Armitage began, but then Kylo said:
"The very first night. I knew he wanted me from the moment he saw me."
"You're the one who couldn't keep his hands to himself," Armitage retorted, because while he had his dignity, he could not let that stand. "Even today, right here—"
"I think we have a clip of that, too," Jeff said, and the flatscreen flipped to a recording of Armitage and Kylo standing at the edge of the set, Kylo's hands gripping Armitage's hips.
"Idiot," Armitage said, just as the live feed resumed.
"You're hot when you're pissed off," Kylo told him mockingly.
"You goddamn piece of shit," Armitage started to say, but he cut himself off this time, grabbing Kylo by the hair and thrusting his tongue into Kylo's mouth. Kylo pushed closer, and the fake tree behind Armitage collapsed, and Armitage and Kylo fell to the floor, mouths still locked together.
"Let's chat with the other castaways," Armitage thought he heard Jeff say. It didn't matter. Kylo was trying to subdue Armitage's tongue with his own, and Armitage wasn't about to let him.
~The End~
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markrosewater · 11 months
I talk all about the design of The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth.
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ily-fictional-women · 2 years
The Silence You Left Me
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Summary: Over 2 million minutes without you, yet it felt like 2 million years. 
Pairing: Valkyrie x fem!reader 
Warnings: Minor mentions of death, grief, and drinking. 
Word count: 1045
a/n: This is for my late 500 followers celebration on tik tok @ily_fictional_women_. After this, I’m gonna try and post a least once a week. Also, this is my first post on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy! (Reblogs are welcome but please no translating and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged.)
Valkyrie woke up holding her close like any other morning. She always got up earlier than her so she could do the paperwork Thor never did. As expected though Y/n woke up after some time preparing breakfast for herself and Valkyrie. “Y’know you really should let him do some of that paperwork. If he’s going to be the King of ‘New Asgard’ he needs to take on responsibility. It’d help if he stopped being a slob too” 
She laughed off the comment “Love, he’s grieving. He needs time.”  
Y/n turned to face Valkyrie, except her expression was almost emotionless “Sure, but everyone is grieving. You’re grieving too Val. Do you not remember?” 
Valkyrie paused on the paperwork hearing her say that “Y/n…What do you mean? Remember what?”   
“The day you couldn’t protect me.” After those few words, Y/n slowly dusted away. “No no no no no, I can’t lose you again.” 
“NO!” She screamed out, it was a dream. She was dreaming of her again. It was always the same dream, waking up next to her. Dreaming of a life she always wished to live. The truth is it didn’t play out like that. While on the refugee ship when Thor saw the larger ship he opened the intercoms. It was Thanos, in that moment he ordered Valkyrie, Y/n, and Korg to escort as many passengers as possible into the escape pods and to go with him. “The three of you need to go now!” 
“Thor no! I'm not leaving you. I can fight.”  
“I know you can, but this is different. It’s hard to explain but I’ve had visions of that man before and he is not here to be kind. Plus those people in the escape pods right now, they’ll need a leader when they get to earth. And you have someone who loves you if you don’t go for the people go for her.” 
“Yes sir.” She went into an escape pod with her and everything had gone smoothly for a while. Once landing on earth though something was different, people started disintegrating almost as if they were dusting away. 
“Val, what’s happening?” Looking over she saw your hands starting to slowly disappear. “I- I don’t know. It’s going to be okay though, it’s going to be okay.” The two started to cry “Val, I’m scared, I don’t want to go. I don’t want to leave you.” She held her as close as she could but in what felt like a second she was gone. 
That memory played over in Valkyrie’s head every time she had that dream. When the news came out that half the population had died she had lost it. Of all people and beings throughout the universe, out of the trillions of other people that it could’ve been instead of her, she was randomly selected to die.  
To cope, during the day she would throw herself into the work Thor never did. Presenting herself as the fearless strong leader everyone needs. Although this way of coping took a toll on her. When she wasn't working and helping the community she’d be at home. Except it wasn’t home to her, drinking away what was left of her soul all she could think about was the silence. You were always the more talkative upbeat person in her life, it's what made her fall in love with you. That empty feeling of you not being there with her never left.
One night when she was isolating herself, drinking she heard a knock on her door. Opening she saw Korg “Hi mate! I was just coming to check up on you. Miek, Thor, and I were going to have a movie night if you wanted to join.” “Thank you, Korg but I’m a bit busy right now.” She started to close the door but before she could he managed to comment “You’re thinking about her again eh?” 
That one question broke the dam for her “Yes of course I’m thinking of her! I loved her.” Her small tears turned into sobs “She’s gone and I couldn’t protect her I- I could have-” Korg cut her off putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder “Valkyrie there’s nothing you could have done. There was nothing you could do to prevent it. It’s not your fault. You know she wouldn’t want you to think that.” He was right and she knew that but she stilled somehow blamed herself. But it was comforting to hear someone tell her and reassure her it wasn't her fault. 
Once she was called into battle though to fight Thanos she couldn’t help but say yes. All these years she had held in her emotions to help the people and now was her moment to avenge her, to avenge Y/n. While she fought brave and hard against Thanos’s army all she could truly think about was her. 
Once Tony snapped she didn’t know what to expect when she came home. But she couldn’t be any more pleased. She saw her, it was her. It wasn’t a torturous dream or nightmare it was her. Once Y/n noticed her they almost tackled each other. Valkyrie held her even closer than the day they lost each other. Whispering to Y/n she managed to let out “Gods I missed you, my love.” 
“I missed you too Val, although I wasn’t gone for that long right? All I remember was slowly disappearing as you held me close, then I was back.” Valkyrie didn’t know how to tell her it’d been five years since she disappeared but she knew she wouldn't tell her now. 
After some time, and a lot of explaining, things went back to normal. Or at least what the new normal was. As they cuddled each other close Valkyrie brushes a part of Y/n’s hair to the side as she rambled on about a new show she watched. Although Y/nv paused “Why are you looking at me like that?” Valkyrie had snapped out of it “Like what?” Y/n giggled softly “I don’t, lovesick maybe?” “I guess I’m just happy to have you back.” 
Finally, Valkyrie was happy, the silence Y/n left with was gone, she was back, the love of her life.
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over-the-time-flow · 10 months
Pre-Chapter 3 Upgrades:
Excellence Cosmodriver
HP: 3990 -> 4180 EN: 170 -> 204 Armor: 997 -> 1045 Weapons: 1 -> 2
Ra Cailum
HP: 10000 -> 10500 EN: 200 -> 220 Armor: 1100 -> 1155
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As the ship pulls up to the Londenion space colony, Bright reminds everyone that there is no way Char will pass up the opportunity to capitalize on the chaos the Martian Successors have unleashed on the Earth Sphere. As soon as resupplies are done, we are all to be ready to depart at a moment's notice.
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Speaking of resupplying, Raul asks Mizuho how the Excellence's weaponry is holding up. She's been using Mobile Suit parts as substitutes with Astonaige's help, and while they're fairly sure nothing bad should happen, he does tell her to check back with him if any peculiarities arise.
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Before she can consider her schedule free, however, Amuro comes around to invite her to check out the v Gundam. Raul invites himself, as he hasn't been to a colony in a while, and Amuro asks if Raj will be coming along too, but he immediately turns the invitation down. Kayra sarcastically says he must be fun at parties, but Raj says that if he had the time to go to parties, he'd spend that time working on the Timeflow Engine.
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As they enter the colony, Amuro asks if Raj is always... like that. Raul stresses that he's not a bad guy, but finds himself forced to admit that the answer is basically yes. Due to her time working alongside the team, Mizuho also thinks he's a kind person at heart; he's just a bit bad at expressing himself.
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Arriving at the Mobile Suit dock, the group is greeted by Chan Agi, from Anaheim Electronics. She introduces herself, but it seems to be mostly for Raul and Mizuho's convenience, as she seems well acquainted with Amuro.
Amuro cuts to the chase and asks about the delays he's been told about; sure enough, work on the Psycoframe around the cockpit has stalled, due to the frame being heavier than original projections. Amuro is frustrated to have setbacks during such a critical time, but ultimately trusts Chan to get the job done in time.
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Mizuho seems to envy Chan a little, which Raul assumes to be because she was interested in Amuro... but in truth, she just envies Chan's technical expertise.
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As they take a buggy trip around the colony, the topic somehow or other comes back to the spotlight. You see, originally Mizuho also wanted to work at a bigshot company like Anaheim or Nergal, but she failed all the entrance exams. Amuro's in disbelief, as the Excellence is no small feat; surely she has talent... Mizuho continues to downplay herself, saying she just so happened to be selected to work alongside the Timeflow Engine team among a list of other candidates. Raul tells her that it's not like they picked her by chance, but what Mizuho really wants to get at is that being trusted leading work on the latest model Gundam is an honor that she feels is completely out of her reach. Raul and Amuro continue to attempt to cheer her up, until they overhear a conversation.
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Two children seem to be arguing about Char's new movement... and one of those children is Hathaway Noa, Captain Bright's son! Amuro assumes the girl to be Hathaway's girlfriend, but judging by Hathaway's flustered reaction, that's probably not the case. Immediately recognizing him to be Amuro Ray, the girl hops in the buggy, shoving Raul and Mizuho out the way. She wants to talk to Amuro, and doesn't want anyone getting in the way of that.
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She explains that she's been training in India to better empathize with and understand humanity, so she's interested in talking to one of the most famous Newtypes to ever live.
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Raul: "'India'? I don't know that colony."
One incredibly embarrassing correction later, Quess continues gushing about Newtypes and their capability to understand one another, and Hathaway discusses how people theorize adaptation to a life in space could bring forth such abilities. Raul says he's been living 2 years in Saturn's orbit and still hasn't unlocked psychic powers, but obviously individual differences still factor in. If changes were that sudden and drastic, imagine what'd happen to families split between earthnoids and spacenoids!
On the topic of family, Amuro asks if Hathaway has talked to his dad yet. Hathaway can't hide his disappointment as he explains that they talked briefly, but Bright was busy as usual and couldn't stay long. Still, Hathaway himself understands that it's unavoidable; the Londo Bell has more on its plate right now than you can even imagine.
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Suddenly, Quess' expression turns serious. She's feeling... something. Rather, someone. Hey, is that a horse?
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Char: "Amuro!?"
Amuro showers him with questions. Why is he here? Why destroy the Earth? Char takes this chance to repeat his points from their earlier encounter; the people on Earth are ignorant, and refuse to stop harming the planet. Hathaway isn't satisfied with the apparent contradiction; if harming the planet is bad, why is Char fine with destroying it? But Char's goal was never to destroy it, just give it time to rest and recover from bearing all of humanity's ego... by wiping out the Earth's population.
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Amuro insists that human ingenuity can find a solution to this that won't involve the deaths of millions, but if it really is that simple, Char would like to see that "ingenuity" in action. Raul says that if they destroy the Earth, he never will! But Char remains steadfast. He believes in human innovation, but in order for all of humanity to become Newtypes, someone must first pay for their sins.
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Mizuho is bothered by Char's motivations here. Yes, Newtypes have many wonderful ablities, but are they really an ideal worth this degree of accelerationism? Worth the lives of millions? Quess, taking Char's side, stonewalls the question; to her, the answer is yes. Newtypes are worth all this. She then lunges for Amuro's gun, stealing it in one movement, taking Char's side (now physically as well as ideologically), and pointing it at the group.
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Quess: "Amuro, you're too small-minded! And not just Amuro, all of you are!"
With that, she goes off with Char without looking back.
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Back at the Ra Cailum, everyone is depressed over what happened. Char could tell Quess had talent as a Newtype, and took her under his wing. Before they can spend too long moping, however, Astonaige runs into the room; Char's already on the move again. And this time, he plans to drop Axis, a far larger asteroid.
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On a monitor, the crew watches Char's televised speech. god i hate how this game does the monitor effect, impossible to screencap
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Char exposits on the sordid history of the New UNE and its predecessors, and how unfairly they've treated spacenoids. The lack of reparations or care for their well-being after all the conflicts they've been through, the way they've been effectively shut out from the Earth and ruled over with an iron fist, how over the years their ranks have become more and more corrupt, especially after Dekim's coup, and given birth to more oppression, and in turn, more conflict. In that sense, the true objective behind the Axis Drop Operation is to end all wars, by eradicating the shambling corpse of the New UNE.
Amuro points out how significant Axis is to Zeon itself as a movement; the first Neo Zeon movement was born there. This is, in every single way, the last resort.
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"Everyone! Lend me your strength for just a while longer, so that we may forge our own path and establish a government for us colonists! Then, and only then, may i join my father, Zeon Zum Deikun!"
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"We won't let that happen, Char."
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anastpaul · 2 years
One Minute Reflection – 10 June –
One Minute Reflection – 10 June –
One Minute Reflection – 10 June – “The Month of the Sacred Heart” – Ember Friday – Joel 2:23-24; 26-27, Luke 5:17-26 and the Memorial of St Margaret of Scotland (1045-1093 “But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins – He said to the paralytic – I say to you, arise! – Luke 5:24 REFLECTION – “The Word of God has come to dwell in man; He became “Son of Man” in…
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parkerbombshell · 2 months
Just Another Menace Sunday 1045 w/ Asha Jefferies
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New Shows Sundays 4pm EST bombshellradio.com Repeats Wednesdays 1pm EST and Fridays 6pm EST Archival Shows available on bombshellradiopodcasts.com "Just Another Menace Sunday" radio thing. Hour 1: A Conversation from the Menace Hollywood Knolls Studio with Asha Jefferies and Musical Sandwich. Video Clip: https://youtu.be/F08X__yK4O4?si=YmSwdLNGS0tHjgxI Hour 2: New Melodic Rock 'n Roll from: Keith Richards, Alexandra Leaving, The Dandy Warhols (w/ Deborah Harry), Kate Nash, Richard Hawley, Paul Weller, Eels, The Mysterines, Alice Merton, The Rockyts, St. Vincent, Poriz, Frank Turner! This Week's Interview: Asha Jefferies
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This Week – Episode #1045 A CONVERSATION FROM THE MENACE HOLLYWOOD KNOLLS STUDIO WITH ASHA JEFFRIES ~ AND HER MUSICAL SANDWICH! (03/24/2024) Theme Song Just Another Menace Sunday Theme (Dennis The Menace) - Mighty Six Ninety Hour 1 A CONVERSATION FROM THE MENACE HOLLYWOOD KNOLLS STUDIO WITH ASHA JEFFRIES ~ AND HER MUSICAL SANDWICH! OPENING SONG: Stranger – Asha Jeffries THE ASHA JEFFERIES MUSICAL SANDWICH! TOP BREAD: Cruise Control – Asha Jefferies Fake Plastic Trees – Radiohead Touching Yourself – Japanese House The Winner Takes It All – Abba The Last Day On Earth – Kate Miller-Heideke Glitter – Ngaiire If It Makes You Happy – Sheryl Crow Naked In Manhattan – Chapelle Roan You’re Still The One – Shania Twain Shut Up And Kiss Me – Angel Olsen BOTTOM BREAD: Brand New Bitch – Asha Jefferies Hour 2 NEW MELODIC ROCK & ROLL! OPENING SONG: I’m Waiting For The Man – Keith Richards (Light In The Attic) Bite – Alexandra Leaving (Self Release) I Will Never Stop Loving You – The Dandy Warhols (Sunset Blvd.) Millions Of Heartbeats – Kate Nash (Kill Rock Stars) Two For His Heels – Richard Hawley (BMG) Soul Wandering – Paul Weller (Solid Bond/UMG) Time – Eeels (Pias) Stray – The Mysterines (UMG) Runaway Girl – Alice Merton (Paper Plane) You And I – The Rockyts (Rockyts) Broken Man – St. Vincent (Total Pleasure) Unpredictable – Porij (Pias) CLOSING SONG: Girl From The Record Shop – Frank Turner (Xtra Mile)     Just Another Menace Sunday      Read the full article
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speedsiteisrael · 2 years
Flexisign pro 10.0.1 crack build 1577
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Apache V Havoc (duzi od 74min) 1 IGR LET 1182 175. Antivirus Collection '98 1 USL VIR 1180 174. Anti Virus 99 Professor 1 USL VIR 1179 173. Animated Gifs And Photo Collection (duzi od 74min) 1 SLI CLI 1176 170. Animaniacs Ten Pin Alley NTSC 1 PSX SPO 1175 169. Animaniacs Gigantic Adventure (Teen) 1 DEC ZAB 1174 168. Animaniacs Game Pack (All Ages) 1 DEC ZAB 1173 167. Anastasia: Adventures with Pooka & Bartok (All) 1 DEC ZAB 1167 161. An Odyssey of Discovery: Living Science (Ages 9+) 1 DEC DES 1165 159. An Odyssey of Discovery: Geography Of Earth (9+) 1 DEC DES 1164 158. An Odyssey of Discovery: Fractions (Ages 9+) 1 DEC DES 1163 157. An Odyssey of Discovery: Exploring Numbers (9+) 1 DEC DES 1162 156. An American Tail - Animated Movie Book (Ages 3-6) 1 DEC DSB 1161 155. Americana 98 Encyclopedia (Win/Mac) 1 EDU ENC 1160 154. American Greetings Print Premium 1 USL GRA 1159 153. American Greetings Crafts 1 USL GRA 1158 152. Amazon Trail - Rainforest Adventure (Ages 9+) 1 DEC DES 1157 151. Amazing Calendar Maker 1 USL STA 1151 145. Alphabet & Number Games (Ages 3-7) 1 DEC DEP 1147 143. Alpha Centaury (Sim Meyer's) 1 IGR SIS 1146 142. Almost Heroes (Chris Farley, Matthew Perry) 2 FIL FKO 1145 141. All StarsTennis '99 PAL 1 PSX TEN 1143 139. All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 2 FIL CRT 1142 138. Aliens Versus Predator 1 IGR 3DA 1141 137. Algebra 1 Grade Builder 1 EDU STU 1135 132. Akuji The Heartless NTSC 1 PSX 3DA 1134 131. Air Force One for FS98 1 IGR LET 1130 127. Agile Warrior F IIIX PAL 1 PSX BOR 1126 124. Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion 1 IGR STR 1125 123. Age of Empires Gold Edition 1 IGR STR 1124 122. Age of Empires 2: The Age of the Kings 1 IGR STR 1123 121. After Dark v4.0 Screen Saver 1 USL SCR 1120 118. MAC Advertising Design On Macintosh 1 MAC OST 1117 115. Adventures in Music with the Recorder 1 DEC DES 1116 114. Advanced Tactical Missions for X-Wing vs. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Add-On) 1 IGR FRP 1114 112. Adobe's Special Collection 1 USL KOL 1112 110. Adobe Publishing Collection 1 USL DTP 1111 109. Adobe Photoshop 5.5 Tour And Training 1 USL GRA 1108 106. Adobe Photoshop 5.5 (Full Version) 1 USL GRA 1107 105. Adobe Photo Deluxe Business Edition 1 USL GRA 1104 102. Adobe Illustrator 8.0 Training 1 USL DTP 1101 99. Adobe Graphics Studio & Macromedia Cyber World 1 USL KOL 1099 19991021 97. Adobe Go Live v4.0 Installer 1 USL WEB 1097 95. Adidas Power Soccer 98 PAL 1 PSX FUD 1092 91. Adam Sandler The WaterBoy (Bobby Boucher) 2 FIL FKO 1087 87. Actua Tennis (c) Gremlin 1 IGR TEN 1085 85. Actua Soccer Club Edition 1 IGR FUD 1084 84. Active ABS (Daily AB Workouts) 1 EDU LEP 1076 19991106 76. Ace Ventura Pet Detective (Teen) 1 DEC DSB 1072 72. Account 2000 (kompilacija) 1 USL POS 1069 69. ABC Sports College Football (ragbi) 1 IGR SPO 1065 65. A Perfect Murder (Michael Douglas) 2 FIL FAK 1058 58. A Kid in Aladdin's Palace 2 FIL FDE 1057 57. A Bug's Life Active Play (c) Disney 1 DEC ZAB 1055 55. A Bug's Life Action Game (c) Disney (Ages 8+) 1 DEC ZAB 1054 54. 50.000 Ultimate Web Graphic 1 SLI CLI 1046 47. 5 Interactive Workbook (English & Math, Ages 5-8) 1 DEC DEP 1045 46. 3D Virtual Reality Architect 1 EDU PRO 01041 42. 3D Ultra Radio Control Racers 1 IGR VOZ 1040 19991021 41. 3D Ultra Nascar Pinball 1 IGR FLI 1038 39. 3D Ultra Mini Golf Deluxe 1 IGR GOL 1037 38. 3D Studio MAX Release 3 1 USL ANI 1032 33. 3D Studio MAX Collection 1 USL ANI 1031 32. 3D Studio MAX 2.0 Powerpack 1 USL ANI 1029 30. 3D Railroad Concept And Design 1 USL CAD 1027 28. Maze (Tropical Adventures) 1 DEC ZAB 1025 26. 3D Maze Man (Adventures in Winter Wonderland) 1 DEC ZAB 1024 25. 3D Home Architect Deluxe v3.0 1 EDU PRO 01020 22. 3D Dream House Designer 1 EDU URE 1017 19. 35000 Designer Clip Art 1 SLI CLI 1013 15. 3 Ninjas - High Noon at Mega Mountain (Hulk Hogan) 2 FIL FKO 1010 12. 250 Best Arcade Games (kompilacija) 1 IGR ARK 1008 10. 2000 Toolbox (c) Mcaffe 1 USL VIR 1006 8. 101st Airborne in Normandy (duzi od 74min) 1 IGR STP 1001 3. 101 Dalmatians (c) Disney 1 DEC ZAB 1000 2.
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esonetwork · 2 years
The Earth Station DCU Episode 297 – DC Comics Double Dose
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/the-earth-station-dcu-episode-297-dc-comics-double-dose/
The Earth Station DCU Episode 297 – DC Comics Double Dose
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This Week on Earth Station DCU! Drew Leiter and Cletus Jacobs discuss a double dose of our ongoing monthly DC Comics. Batman and his team take down Manray, plus The Question comes to New York looking for answers to Anarky’s murder in I Am Batman #10 & 11. When the Saints force Seer to her hideout in the basement of the Iceberg Lounge, The Batgirls must rescue her in Batgirls #7 & 8. Harley and Selena are running from an assassin in Catwoman #44, then Selena goes after some human traffickers in Catwoman #45. Heartless makes a bold move while Nightwing defends the Haven in Nightwing #93 & 94. President Bendix makes a bold move, while Jon Kent receives a visitor at the Fortress of Solitude in Superman: Son of Kal-El #12 & 13. Dr. Cizko promotes a new milk product, while Wonder Woman deals with a group of protesters in front of the Hall of Justice in Wonder Woman #788. The Duke of Deception, Dr. Poison, and Professor Calculus cause more problems in Wonder Woman #789. Batman and Robin must respond when Talia escapes DEO custody in Robin #15. Mongol continues to hunt the rebels as Superman puts their plan in action in Action Comics #1044 & 1045. Talia Al Ghul teams up with Riddler in Detective Comics #1061. Batman’s game is off, while some new players come to Gotham in Detective Comics #1062. All this plus, DC News, Shout Outs, and much, much more!
Table of Contents
0:00:00 Show Open
0:01:12 DC News
0:19:16 I Am Batman #10
0:20:23 I Am Batman #11
0:26:06 Batgirls #7
0:27:14 Batgirls #8
0:35:36 Catwoman #44
0:37:12 Catwoman #45
0:46:24 Nightwing #93
0:48:32 Nightwing #94
0:54:12 Superman: Son of Kal-El #12
0:55:39 Superman: Son of Kal-El #13
1:04:22 Wonder Woman #788
1:06:34 Wonder Woman #789
1:14:20 Robin #15
1:20:56 Action Comics #1044
1:23:46 Action Comics #1045
1:33:32 Detective Comics #1061
1:41:08 Detective Comics #1062
1:51:32 Show Close
I Am Batman #10
I Am Batman #11
Batgirls #7
Batgirls #8
Catwoman #44
Catwoman #45
Nightwing #93
Nightwing #94
Superman: Son of Kal-El #12
Superman: Son of Kal-El #13
Wonder Woman #788
Wonder Woman #789
Robin #15
Action Comics #1044
Action Comics #1045
Detective Comics #1061
Detective Comics #1062
Superman (1987-2006) #0 (Drew’s Read More Comics Pick)
Earth Station One Tales of the Station
Earth Station One Tales of the Station Vol. 2
The Chameleon Chronicles: Colors of Fate
The Chameleon Chronicles: Sisters of the Thorn
If you would like to leave feedback, comment on the show, or would like us to give you a shout out, please call the ESDCU feedback line at (317) 564-9133 (remember long distance charges may apply) or feel free to email us @ [email protected]
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ragingloons · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 4 Pc Selenite Satin Spar Sticks Wands Raw Rough.
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trickstersmagic · 2 years
Was anyone gonna tell me that there’s a alternate universe where daredevil is a trans girl or was I supposed to find that out in a fratt fic?
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local-maenad · 2 years
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It’s been awhile but feel as if y’all should know about earth 1045 Matt… I love her sm
ID under cut
Image ID: A digital drawing of Matt Murdock from earth 1045. There are four images of her. The first one is from the top left corner, it’s a portrait from the neck up, her hair is down and she is looking off to the left, her eyes are blue and hair is red-ish brown and is down. The top right image is a full body she is in a dress shirt, pants, and a tie. There is a cane in her left hand a land suitcase in her right, she is smiling and wearing red sunglasses. The bottom left image is another full body, she in in her DareDevil suit and her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, she is in a fighting stance, both left leg and arm kicking and punch. The bottom left image is another portrait that’s from the shoulders up, she is also wearing a dress shirt and tie with red glasses, she is looking right and saying “I’m a very good lawyer” her cane is leaning on her left shoulder. End ID
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