#eat spaghetti 🍝
appl3soupp · 1 year
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wheatcak3 · 11 months
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he cant stop eating his lyre strings 😫💔
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I love eating pasta with ketchup.
I won't call it cooking or a dish and I know italians would actually kill me.
But there are days that it is kind of my comfort food.
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dyklopces · 1 year
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theoreocat · 3 months
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Three reasons to just say “no”. 1) Are you finished eating? No. 2) Can I take your plate? No. 3) Did you know you’ve got spaghetti sauce in your fur? No.
~ Oreo 🍝
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radioisntdead · 1 month
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Ways to piss off an Italian
Alternatively three ways to cartoonishly piss off an Italian
Hazbin hotel x reader [Platonic]
Italian stereotypes, just jokin' around this is all in good fun! I put an Imp OC of mine in as the reader assistant! She just pops in and out to stir things up! Reader's learning to cook other types of food because they've hadn't had to cook for themselves in ages they just had others do it. Ending is a little off but we don't talk about that I finished this at 6 am I need sleep, Angel isn't that pissed mostly dismayed
Good evening folks! This is a side story with Eldritch horror reader and Angel dust because he's Italian, this is somewhat inspired by my own bit of how my younger self made it her mission to piss off Italians because of that Italian TikTok duo back in 2020-2021 [???] She did not succeed as she did not know any Italians and all she did was eat spaghetti noodles with anything but a fork.
this is also the 100 followers special! Now at the time of posting we are FAR past that at 207! but better late then never! Thank you so much for the support, I genuinely did not think this many folks would like my silly little writings, I adore getting y'all's requests, comments, and just appearing in my inbox genuinely it makes my day thank you! And I hope you enjoy!
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Angel Dust took great pride in his Italian heritage and culture, as he was truly Italian.
Unfortunately he lived with a centuries old Eldritch horror who may or may not have lived in Europe during the bubonic plague and didn't understand the more "modern'' Italian or Italy at all, and others that didn't understand the "sacredness" of the Italians.
🍝The spaghetti.🍝
You took over cooking in the hotel, you and Alastor had begun fighting over the kitchen, whoever got there first got to cook and today, you were victorious.
You were exploring new recipes you had thus far made spicy tteokbokki and Korean corn dogs, some type of curry that was sonic blue, teriyaki chicken, hummus and other things! You experimented with different flavors, seasonings,
These tasty things would've ended you if you ate it back when you were alive and not dying of the bubonic plague.
Anyways, you decided to give making spaghetti a try because you were in the mood for something fairly easy to make.
As you perused the recipe book while humming along to the songs playing from Alastor's radio show, you nodded noting down the ingredients before pulling out the phone that the little Imp that worked for you had bought you insisting you should have one to contact her instead of hunting her down at random and dragging her away.
You squinted as you scrolled through the few contacts you had until you reached said imp's phone number and slowly texted her a barrage of ingredients to buy.
Cece carefully opened the hotel doors and skittered over to the kitchen, having memorized the route since she delivered ingredients to you almost daily at this point.
You grinned as you took the ingredients from Cece's hands turning around to place them on the counter while she pulled up a chair and sat down waiting for the inevitable "Dear Cece can you cut this" or "Dear Cece can you stir this"
You washed off the tomatoes before slicing in an x and blanching them, you peeled the tomatoes after and diced them up before putting them aside to cut up yellow onions, you gathered them up and placed them into a pan, sprinkling in salt to unleashed the onion liquids and sweetness.
You added in some prechopped garlic and let it saute.
While that was happening you took the tomatoes and crushed them, once done you combined the tomatoes with the rest letting it simmer.
You added other components like herbs, basil and a little olive old at the end just for fun.
You filled up another pot with water to boil, sprinkling a twinge of salt and stirring it in.
You brushed your hands on your apron, as you scooted around to find the box of spaghetti noodles, grinning you opened it and take out the pasta.
It was at this unfortunate moment Angel dust decided to waltz on into the kitchen, intending to see what was for dinner and maybe snag something to munch on, you held the dry pasta over the pot, both hands gripping the ends
"Hey tentacles, what's for- WHAT THE FUCK!''
"Good evening Dearest Angel! I'm making spaghetti!"
You said unfazed as the pasta snapped in half and dropped into the pot as Angel dust watched in pure horror.
"Why would you do that?!" Angel asked, his voice pitched as he asked arms gesturing to the pot of sad broken pasta boiling away.
"Make spaghetti? I didn't think it was such a controversial meal"
"No! You broke the pasta! That's like the biggest sin ya can do! What is wrong with ya?"
"We're already in hell, I don't think sins matter much here," Cece popped in, you jumped slightly forgetting the imp was there.
"They do when it comes to' fuckin' pasta toots!"
Angel dust shouted before promptly turning around and leaving the kitchen, leaving you completely confused and Cece amused, unfortunately her amusement turned into irritation as you asked her to grab the ground beef and roll it into balls so you could cook them because meatballs.
During dinner time your spaghetti was a hit!
Charlie complimented your cooking saying you outdid yourself while Vaggie was grabbing a second serving, Sir Pentious enjoyed slurping up the noodles, Niffty kept stabbing the meatballs foe whatever reason, Husk seemed to enjoy the meal however Angel dust had one pair of arms crossed while he reluctantly ate, it was good he could admit but he knew the sin that you had committed while cooking, he knew that innocent pasta had been broken.
Angel dust almost died a second time when he walked into the kitchen later that night for a midnight snack and witnessed a probably drunk Husk eating leftover spaghetti pasta with ketchup because the sauce you had made was on a higher shelf in the refrigerator and he didn't feel like climbing.
🍕 pineapple pizza time.🍕
You and Alastor had... For lack of better words got into a little fight over the kitchen, tentacles, shadows, mild mind control and other things were used until Vaggie stepped in and separated the two of you,
It was decided that pizza would be ordered for the hotel, much to Alastor's disapproval.
Cheese, pepperoni, pineapple and ham, and supreme were the pizzas ordered unbeknownst to Angel dust since he was coming back to the hotel from a hangout with Cherri.
"Angel! Welcome back we ordered pizza!" Charlie said waving the spider over as Vaggie placed the pizza boxes onto the table.
"Great! I'm starvin'!" Angel walked over just in time to see the box containing pineapple pizza opened up.
"Nevermind I'll starve."
"We have other pizzas Angel."
Vaggie did not get paid enough to deal with this, she didn't even get paid!
Angel dust was extremely disappointed in you, you were the one to suggest getting pineapple pizza because you quote, "Never had it before and wanted to try it",
You were well over a few centuries old, you weren't a child, you had gone to hell and become an overlord that rained terror for a couple of years and therefore you should've been able to tell that pineapple on pizza was a crime against humanity, so what if pizza wasn't a thing during your time, it was a thing that came to be while you were down here!
He had later lectured you about it, it was amusing to you! You were a feared overlord and yet this little Italian guy had the gull to lecture you, this was normal in families right? To not be afraid of each other? How wonderful!
The lecture eventually switched over to Husk who was eating pizzas folded which was just weird because he was just tasting the crust! What about the cheese? The sauce? THE SAUCE HUSK? DO YOU NOT TASTE IT?
Husk was too sober for the lecture, Alastor found it amusing though.
🇮🇹Italian PowerPoint presentation 🇮🇹
"Alright tentacles, we're havin' a intervention!" Angel dust said throwing his hands down on the coffee table as you sipped something from a teacup, probably tea.
"Is what you dragged us here for? This shit?"
Husk was here, how did he always get dragged into these things? Niffty was beside him trying to stab a roach, Charlie and Vaggie were out of the hotel, Alastor was hell knew where, probably doing radio stuff and Angel dust had somehow tracked down your assistant and dragged her there.
"Oh! Whatever for dearie?" You asked head tilted as you placed your cup on the table,
"You've committed so many fuckin' crimes in the past week! Ya' broke the pasta before puttin' it in the pot! Ya' put cream in the carbonara! Ya ate pineapple on pizza, I get we're in hell but are ya fuckin' kiddin' me?-" Angel moved his arms around to empathize his point "Not to mention that little fusion stunt, ya' deranged octopus!"
You hummed thinking about the meals you've made recently before responding, "I don't think I made anything bad?"
"You decided to put tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni on cooked ramen and stuck it in da' oven and ate it."
"It wasn't as good as the little people on the interwebs said."
"Eh, it wasn't that bad" Cece popped in to stir the pot, Angel slowly turned around becoming slightly more spidery
"The fuck did ya just say?"
Cece shrugged, "Food's expensive and I need to eat."
Cece was picked up and thrown on the couch with you as Angel dust set up a PowerPoint presentation about the history of Italian food and whatever else, You did not want to be here you'd rather be drinking your drink in peace, Husk didn't want to be here he'd rather be drinking, your hellborn imp assistant didn't want to be here, she's never going to Italy she didn't need to know this and Niffty, well she's still stabbing things on the floor.
By the time Charlie and Vaggie returned you had zoned out completely and your mind was elsewhere, Niffty was napping on your shoulder, Cece had escaped by asking Angel if garlic bread was Italian and while he went on that tangent she ran out abandoning everyone.
Husk was more dead inside then per usual, he wasn't paid enough for this, the first hour was fine but this had been going on for five hours at this point, how did Angel dust manage to drag this PowerPoint presentation out so long?
Vaggie shut it down after it was realized that you weren't responding and they thought you had somehow died,
You did not die and you eventually snapped out of it when a white cloth was put over you in order to hide the body.
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Good evening folks! Thank you for turning on in! I hope you enjoyed, my apologies for taking forever to get this out, if your wondering why it feels like there's a missing gap that's because I wrote a whole lil' thing of reader and Alastor combining forces to annoy Angel and I accidentally deleted it.
I'm gonna rewrite it eventually and add it to a different fic with Eldritch horror reader, also If your wondering why I have an imp OC in here there is a reason with Eldritch horror and their family complex you'll see eventually
I'll be getting the readers backstory which will be the 200 follower special out [hopefully] soon so tune on in for that! Thank you again have a wonderful day!
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nottapossum · 4 months
Incorrect Quotes 2
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Lucifer is babysitting Charlie while she's regressed.
Lucifer: "Can you again ask me what you just asked me. What was that question? I don't think- daddy didn't hear you."
Little Charlie: "When can we have lesbian?"
Lucifer nods: "Mhm. Okay. Maybe I did hear you right. Um... I don't know what that- I don't know what that is, sweetie. I don't know what you mean."
Little Charlie: "LEsBiAN!"
Lucifer nods again, trying to keep it together. He's doing his best to not laugh at her.
Lucifer: "No, I know- I know- I know what you said. But I don't think that word means what you think it means, okay?-"
Little Charlie: "It's like...spaghetti." 🍝
Lucifer snorts and covers his face as he pretends to cough.
Lucifer: Excuse me. Uhm... do you mean lasagna?"
Little Charlie: "Yup."
Lucifer: "Okay. Um, yeah. I'm sure we can have-"
Lucifer continues to try not to laugh, he takes a second to calm down.
Lucifer: "I'm sure we can have lasagna really soon. Okay? We'll, we'll try to-"
Lucifer: "Yeah, we'll make sure we can...we can eat that soon. Okay? Does that sound- does that sound good?"
Little Charlie: "Yeah!"
Lucifer: "Okay, alright. Thank you."
Lucifer has been calling Vaggy Lasagna ever since.
Charlie may never live that down.
Source: bearsteen on Tiktok
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evanbegins · 5 months
several sentence sunday 🍝
more sentences from my recent wip while i try to wake up in bed! lol i stayed up late writing again :( i'm very fond of the idea of buck listening to phoebe or boygenius especially when he's going through break ups so obviously eddie knows who they are too (his favourite song is killer and you missed my heart)
tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie and @wikiangela ❤️
here it is:
He finds Buck in the kitchen, cooking himself his own lunch; it smells delicious, his humming filling the air as he makes what looks like spaghetti, or maybe any other pasta, in this ginormous pot. Eddie’s heart is warmed a little after his break-up, because he knows Buck cooks this much so that him and Christopher will be able to eat some leftovers. There’s some soft music playing on Buck’s phone, a little tinny from the speaker, and Eddie vaguely recognizes it as Phoebe Bridgers. Her voice is soothing, slow, and quiet, and he can feel his clenched chest slowly relaxing, his tense shoulders dropping, and he pitters over to Buck next to the stove and leans on the counter next to him. Buck looks up at him and smiles, pearly-white and toothy.
“Hey,” his voice is light and joyful, changing Eddie’s mood just by a single word and his presence in his home, in his kitchen. There’s some sauce smeared by the corner of his lip that Buck licks away with his tongue, before coming up to wipe it with his thumb. Eddie’s fond thinking of how Buck likes to taste test his sauces he makes so they’re perfect. “How was your date with Ana? I bet the crab was awesome. Did you get crab?”
“Yeah, of course I did. It tasted okay, wasn’t my favourite,” Eddie would shrug if it didn’t hurt his shoulders, peering into the pot Buck was stirring before he’s settling back down, giving a slight uncomfortable shift of his body when his shoulder clenches.
tags: @nmcggg @daffi-990 @wildlife4life @steadfastsaturnsrings @yourcatfishfriend @theotherbuckley @annieontheside @cal-daisies-and-briars @thosetwofirefighters @knightlywonders @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @thewolvesof1998 @malewifediaz
(and anyone else who wants to do it! feel free to tag me i love to read when people tag me in these little writing events ❤️❤️❤️)
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april · 1 year
Woah! That bunny 🐇 is eating spaghetti 🍝!
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yayornaypolls · 6 days
🍝 Yay or Nay
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ese1anime · 7 months
Lunch breaks with bestie ✨
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Favorite food they like to eat (even tho they can’t really eat I guess 😭)
Salmon 🍣 for Pomni
And spaghetti 🍝 for Jax
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thesoftboiledegg · 7 months
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Who's ready for ✨ Rick's Famous Spaghetti? 🍝 Apparently, Spencer's is ready because they had this new T-shirt on display. But judging by the spoiler that I saw, I don't think I'll be eating much spaghetti after tonight's episode.
But first: this!
When I went to the mall last week, the "nerdy" store had one new item: a Sentient Arm Morty locked in a glass case. Strangely, he frowns in the illustration but smiles on the Funko Pop as he shows off his bloody fist. Weirdo!
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Spencer's had one new item: a cute ramen bowl with chopsticks and a spoon. I wouldn't have chosen a screaming Morty head for the spoon, though. Does he hate ramen that much?
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I glanced at the other ramen bowl that they've had for a while, and--hey, somebody stole the chopsticks! What gives? 😡
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This weekend, I headed to the bigger mall. I was starting to give up on Charlotte Russe because they haven't stocked much new merchandise recently, but they redeemed themselves with these fuzzy pajama pants!
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AND a hoodie! At least Morty looks happy on the matching sweatpants.
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On to Spencer's. They'd broken out the ugly Christmas sweaters, including a couple of Rick and Morty versions.
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The Pickle Rick sweater isn't just goofy: he actually says "I'm Pickle Rick!" over and over. Yeah, that gets old pretty fast. I actually giggled and said "Shh!" like a kid shushing her friend before they get in trouble.
New tumbler! Good design, but I still wouldn't buy anything with the infamous vat of acid on it. They even included the bones!
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They also had a new poster. Adult Swim is really leaning into the Portal Boyz.
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This isn't Rick and Morty merchandise, but another store had a coin purse that you can use when you turn yourself into a pickle.
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Today, I visited the other mall. Nothing new in Rue 21, but this sign outside Spencer's looked promising:
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Hot Topic had a Pickle Rick belt. I'm starting to think that about 30% of Rick and Morty merchandise has a pickle on it.
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Back to Spencer's since that's usually my last stop. They had a new sweater that I didn't spot at the other location.
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But the main event was--finally--a season seven display with new merchandise, including a shirt featuring Rick's famous spaghetti.
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As you can see, Spencer's has a classy collection of merchandise that makes it a high-end store for discerning shoppers. "SNOWBALLS DEEP," "STOP STARING AT MY PACKAGE"...truly, Spencer's offers products for people with refined tastes.
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Pickle Rick agrees with me. He smiles even as he's being squished.
Anyway, it's time to prepare yourself a big plate of spaghetti before "That's Amorte" airs, because you might not want to eat it for a while afterward.
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thatotherman001 · 5 months
you should draw like
marbles and ro
eating spaghetti
like in that one movie
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Dinner Date 🌙🍝☀️
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lollytea · 1 year
Okay but consider the following: Hunter becoming fandom-famous takes place in the same timeline as Movie.
People don’t really notice who this is at first. His account takes a bit to really get off the ground, and the overlap of people who could recognize the actors in Movie and cosmic frontier cosplayers is not that big but eventually, someone points it out in the comments of his latest pics with Willow. They’re mostly ignored beyond a few comments like hahaha weird or a plain lmao by someone, but the thought is out there now. It’s started.
Someone else notices too. Someone puts a screencap from Movie next to one of their group cosplay pics. More people notice the resemblance. It’s a small group, granted but they sure as hell do exist. Someone even dm’s keikos_husband like “Hey, look at what i found! [Image attached]”. They never get a conclusive response.
The scar thing is the one everyone keeps debating about because spaghetti guy doesn’t have them to the same extent that keikos_husband does. Until hunter posts that pic of his first cosplay. Which, if he’s really that age, matches up perfectly with the timeline of Movie.
Hunter just watches this whole thing like, gus, get over here it’s your fucked up movie again. He’d clarify, but Luz keeps insisting that he not and she thinks it’s really funny, so he doesn’t say anything.
Gus's Fucked Up Movie haunting the narrative more more persistently than Caleb Wittebane is extremely funny to me. Especially considering that these are two different semi-niche Internet corners.
YouTube essayists are like "After years of dormant activity, we've gotten a new lead in the Gus13 case in the form of a micocelebrity in a 90s sci fi book series fandom. Many have theorized that popular cosplayer/writer/prominent voice in the Cosmic Frontier community, Hunter Noceda, also known by his URL Keikos_husband, is the infamous "Spaghetti Guy" in the even more infamous "Movie" But does this theory hold any water? Let's dive in. But first, let's talk about today's sponsor, Hellofresh,"
Gus definitely cosplays a lot too and him and Hunter have done a few O'Bailey and Avery shoots. So Gus has a good chunk of Internet fame of his own. However he probably uses an alias so suspicion is initially nonexistent. Until somebody digs up an old reel Willow posted of their behind-the-scenes process (cleverly editing out the whole part with illusion magic). There's this one bit where the camera focuses on Hunter and Gus in an immature squabble as Willow's voiceover speaks to the viewer. It's hard to decipher and nobody has really cared until now. But now, with the new Gus13 buzz, that little moment has been studied under a microscope and people are now theorizing that Hunter says something along the lines of "Shut up, Gus,"
The guy who does the insanely realistic special effects is named Gus???
The conspiracy boards go crazy. Craft stores all over America are running low on yarn.
Luz keeps reblogging Gus13/Spaghetti Guy is Keikos_husband memes on tumblr and its driving people insane. Like is it a joke or not girl, is it a joke or not??
Willow makes it a million times worse when she posts a selfie of to her story, with Hunter eating dinner in the background, which she captions as "Made my man some spaghetti 🍝 💀"
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boomboxboi · 8 months
What is the BucciGang’s order at Olive Garden? 🍝
Bruno Bucciarati
Chicken Marsala Fettuccini
He also divulges in Tiramisu when he finishes.
He stores breadsticks in his zipper dimension for later.
“More cheese.”
Does not toss the salad and the first two people to get salad gets ALL toppings and the rest get just lettuce.
An actual regular.
But Olive Garden staff loathes him.
“Oh great… here comes the breadstick man…”
Leone Abbacchio
Chicken and Shrimp Carbonara
Encourages Bruno to get breadstick refills and dump them into a zipper portal.
He judges Giorno’s choice.
“You just get the salmon?”
But he actually likes the salmon.
He likes to share the tiramisu with Bruno.
Olive Garden is fancy.
Pannacotta Fugo
Unlimited Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks
But he only eats the Minestrone.
He hates the salad toppings but whenever Bruno serves the salad he ends up with ALL the toppings.
He also only eats one breadstick.
Appalled by Bruno‘a Breadstick Zipper.
They MUST be stale by now!
Olive Garden is never his choice but he’s always voted out by the Olive Garden fans.
He doesn’t want desert, either.
“We have Olive Garden at home!”
—the Olive Garden at home—
Narancia Ghirga
Eggplant Parmigiana
Appetizers please!
Please! Please! Please!
Lasagna Fritta.
Also he sometimes sneaks food from Mista’s plate.
BIG fan of the breadstick zipper portal.
Always asks Bruno for breadsticks when they get home.
Wants dessert but takes one bite and can’t eat any more because he ate all the breadsticks.
Guido Mista
Also Unlimited Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks
He also gets Tour of Italy.
Appetizers with Narancia.
And don’t forget the dessert!
He shares with the Pistols.
Not a fan of the breadstick zipper portal.
But the Pistols are.
He eats the rest of Narancia’s dessert.
Calls Olive Garden “The OG”.
Giorno Giovanna
Herb-Grilled Salmon
He likes the steamed broccoli too.
He doesn’t order appetizers or dessert.
Judges Abbacchio for encouraging Bruno’s zipper breadstick thing.
Also hates that the salad isn’t mixed up because he wants a healthy mix of the toppings and lettuce.
He doesn’t mind Olive Garden.
But it’s chaotic when he goes with everyone else.
“This is why I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream to overtake the mafia and outlaw breadstick thievery.”
Trish Una
Probably just Spaghetti and Marinara.
Picks at it the entire time.
Can’t wait to go home and eat actual quality food.
But she does get dessert to go.
Embarrassed that Mista calls it “The OG”.
Has a bad experience of a first date at Olive Garden.
Thinks Bruno is actually the most chaotic of everyone in their group.
It really shows when they go to Olive Garden.
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theoreocat · 1 year
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Three reasons to just say "No". 1) Are you finished eating? No. 2) Can I take your plate? No. 3) Did you know you've got spaghetti sauce in your fur? No. ~ Oreo 🍝
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