#eats up the mashed potatoes with a spoon
hxnbi · 3 months
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⸻ ❀°。wind breaker boys if you had braces
requested by anonymous: "I recently got my braces in and although I do not regret saving up the money to get it done. It really hurts lately. And I am very much bummed out that it hurts so much. I was wondering if you could write something related to it?"
pairings requested: suo, sakura, umemiya, togame, and choji x gn. reader
note: as someone who had braces before a few years back, ik that it can freaking SUCK so i hope it gets better for you <3
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At first, he really didn’t know what to do when you came back from your dentist appointment, only to look like you could audition for a role in a zombie movie. Sakura can hardly manage taking proper care of himself, so what would he know about taking care of other people? Does he even deserve to take care of you...? But he shakes off those thoughts, because, on the other side of the room, you were suffering, practically melting into the couch while your head was unseen from the large pillow on your face, squishing your face in hopes of dulling the pain. Which didn’t help much.
“Hey, uh, ahem… you need anything?” he asks awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
You murmur something short and nearly incoherent, and Sakura, determined to be helpful, tries to scour the kitchen for anything that might ease your pain. You wonder what he was doing, but you can find it in yourself to open your mouth, in pain, to say anything. He eventually brings you a cold compress and some soft, mashed potatoes, hoping it might help. Long story short, they don’t taste very good. He’s a little confused, but he's got the spirit. 
The second Suo peers over at you and sees you lying on the couch, you are hardly recognizable—well, not literally, but you clearly do not look like yourself, and that worries him deeply. It hurts to see you like this, and his heart sinks seeing you in such discomfort.
“Y/n, you have to eat,” he says gently, holding a bowl of soft soup that he painstakingly prepared just for you.
“I know…” you mumble, shifting slightly while attempting to cover yourself and your metallic mouth with a blanket.
He sits beside you, patiently spooning small portions, coaxing you with the spoon moving closer to your mouth.
Suo tries his best, while not forcing you, to eat. After all, if you didn’t have food in your system, you would feel even worse, and he didn’t want that. He, above all, wished for your happiness.
Umemiya attends to every need in the world. Husband material through and through, he becomes your personal nurse. He prepares all the homemade cold smoothies and soups in the world to smooth your pain, makes sure you take your pain medication on time, and even neglects his Furin duties just to spend it all with you to keep your mind off the ever-present pain from the metals in your mouth.
“You feelin' okay? Need anything else?” he asks, brushing a strand of hair from your face and clasping your hand in his.
You can't help but smile weakly. You feel incredibly lucky to have someone like Umemiya. He makes sure your comfort is his top priority above all, attending to every small detail with the utmost care and affection. To him, nothing is more important than your happiness, and he’s more than willing to make it happen.
Granted, Togame doesn’t push you to talk much, always trying to be considerate about his own feelings. You don’t need to talk; he’ll be at your side at all times, making sure that you are properly cared for, and constantly attentive as your boyfriend. Togame tries to take your mind off the pain by doing little things that make you happy, like playing your favourite music or perhaps watching your favourite show on TV. Without a word, he sits next to you, gently holding your hand and caressing the insides of your palm.
Whenever you grimace from the pain, he squeezes your hand reassuringly and whispers softly that he’ll stay with you through it all.
“Huh, it hurts? Where?” Choji asks, looking genuinely puzzled with both his feet crossed in a rather childlike fashion.
You point to your mouth, muttering a few words, and he finally understands. Oh right! You did mention that you would be getting braces on today. His face immediately sinks, seeing your discomfort. Oh, you must be in pain...
And so, with that plaguing his mind the entire rest of the day, seeing you in pain with your braces, Choji decides to make food for you in hopes that it’ll make you feel better. After all, food solves everything! But when he finishes his so-called dish, a “nuclear disaster,” as Togame deadpanned, you can’t help but laugh.
“Okay, maybe cooking isn’t my thing,” Choji admits sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “B-But it tastes better than it looks! I tried it!”
Despite his culinary skills—or lack thereof—his attempt to cheer you up works wonders in making you smile for the first time that day. And in the end, while coming home, he brings out something that is more fitting for you to consume—a pack of store-bought pudding instead from across the street, sitting beside you and sharing it. 
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©hxnbi. comments, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated ♡
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gogobootz1 · 9 months
At War
Luke Castellan x Reader [fem!daughter of Apollo]
Summary: There's nothing like some friendly competition, but when planning rival parties, you and Luke are a little less than friendly.
Word count: 2k
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Every year, there came a time for the retreats- a chance for children of the gods to bond and have some special fun. One big retreat seemed pointless, so camp faculty allowed two. The two retreats accidentally split the boys and girls, and naturally, they turned into an (unofficial) competition. As one of the oldest and most experienced campers- you’d been volunteering to champion a retreat for years. Traditionally, you’ve hosted a slumber party equipped with PJs, dancing, games, movies, braid trains, nail polish, and basically anything anyone could want. You also, of course, have the best food. Each year, it’s been a hit, and it’s only gotten better with time. 
The only problem is that you have tough competition. The day after the retreats, you always hear about what happened at the other one. Paintball, camping, fishing, mad romps through the wood, scary stories- barbecue. Everyone loved it. And every year, you’ve had to quietly conceal your anger and jealousy. It pains you to admit that Luke sure can throw a party (maybe even better than you can). But this year, you are more determined than ever to outdo him. 
The two of you have long been in competition, and things have only escalated. As hilarious as Mr. D found both your antics last year, Chiron was extremely unhappy about the fact the two of you had exceeded the budget by miles. He’d told you both to reign it in this year or no more retreats. When he felt that didn’t sufficiently move you, he threatened to let other people plan them. You both caved and vowed to stick to the budget this year. 
You’re always a little frantic the day of, and today is no different. To your chagrin, Luke is cool as a cucumber. It pisses you off to no end. 
“Nervous?” A smug voice voice asks from behind your back. You drop the spoon you were using to push mashed potatoes around your plate. 
You turn slowly on the bench, “Why should I be?"
“Usually, you’re pulling out your hair before the retreats,” he says skeptically, “perfectionism taking its toll.”
“Yeah? Well, my perfectionism makes my parties perfect,” you flaunt. The few sisters that can stand to be around you when you’re stressed roll their eyes. It’s clear to them this is escalating. 
“What about when Susie vomited in your bouncy house last year?” He taunts, and you glare at him. That girl should not have been jumping after four bags of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and two Redbulls- it was hardly your fault. 
“How about when Aidan got a concussion after falling off the mechanical bull?” You snap back. 
You don’t notice Luke’s shadow until he pipes in, “Are these people okay?” 
“They signed waivers!” You say at the same time, and the new Poseidon kid takes a defensive step back. You send Luke a glare when you realize you spoke in sync. He huffs before smirking at you. 
“Good luck with your sleepover,” he mocks, “You’re gonna need it.” Before you can reply, he marches away, protégée in tow. 
“Eat shit!” You call out after him. 
“That was weak, girl,” one of your sisters says.  
“Shut up, I know,” you shake your head at her, “now come help me set up.” You drag her up by her elbow to make your sacrifices, then get to work. 
Five hours later, the main hall looks great. Your disco ball is glimmering, the mini photo booth is equipped with feather boas and pink cowboy hats, the food is all laid out, and the stage you bribed some Hephaestus kids to build looks great. 
“Perfect,” you whisper, pleased at your surroundings. 
“Fucking finally!” Your sister throws her hands up and walks away. You’ve very likely driven most of your half-siblings insane today. 
“Thanks for your help!” You call after her, and as she goes, you spot some prying eyes through the window. Percy, you think his name is, looks afraid now that you’ve caught him peering in through the window. In a few swift moves, you leave the room and block his exit from the patio. 
“Can I help you?” You ask suspiciously. 
“Just admiring your excellent disco theme,” he says, putting an ultra-sweet smile on his face. As charming as the boy is, you take your retreat very seriously and feel a deep-seated urge to protect it from potential sabotage. 
“Mhmmm,” you nod, “and you wouldn’t happen to be reporting back to anyone about what you’ve seen?” 
“Whaaaaaat?” Percy asks, awkwardly chuckling. 
Your shoulders drop, of course, Luke would stoop to employing spies. You dig into your pocket and pull out a ten-dollar bill, “I’ll give you this if you act as a double agent.” 
He eyes your money suspiciously, “Do you really think I can be bought?” 
You roll your eyes and pull out another bill, “How’s twenty?” 
“Pleasure doing business with you,” he grabs both bills from your hand and shakes it. Percy happily walks past you, shoving his new earnings into his pocket. 
You grin, “Make sure he hears all about how awesome my party is!”
“I’m on it, boss,” he calls over his shoulder. After a short walk, he’s back to the boathouse lounge where Luke has been waiting for his report. 
“Well?” The older boy asks him, jumping up from his spot on the couch. 
Percy shakes his head solemnly, “Bad news, boss.” 
“What?!” He asks, eyes wide. “Don’t tell me she went over budget. She didn't get another mariachi band, did she?” Percy shakes his head and files this new information away. With what he’s been hearing about the last few retreats, he’s almost sad to have missed them. 
“No, but it does look super cool,” he nods, and it really wasn’t a lie- he saw a chocolate fountain on that snack table. 
“Damn,” Luke’s face twitches in annoyance. 
“But your party will be great too, I’m sure,” he smiles, nodding reassuringly. 
“Of course, it will,” he says defensively, “make sure you check back in over there from time to time. I want to know how it’s progressing.” 
“Sure,” Percy nods, but his concern at the competitiveness underlying this event grows. He wonders just how bad this will get tonight. But check back in he does, and he won’t deny he enjoys himself at the sleepover. Every time he visits, you give him a new sparkly mocktail, and the Aphrodite girls give him a new feather boa. At one point, he’s wearing heart-shaped sunglasses and eating some cake. He was very impressed when M&Ms fell out of the middle as you cut it. Apparently, it’s also one of your newest sisters’ birthdays- he’s heard whisperings of some big special present for her yet to come. 
Each time Percy returns to the other retreat, he can see Luke get a little more tense. The fact that he’s exaggerating doesn’t help either. When he tells the older boy that you have an ice sculpture spitting Dr. Pepper, he thinks he sees steam pour from Luke’s ears. It’s not like people aren’t enjoying his party, but Percy can that Luke wants to one-up you and feels like he’s falling short. 
“And I’ve heard she has a special surprise in store for Sophie since it’s her birthday. Apparently, she’s the newest addition to their cabin, so she wants to do something special,” Percy nods at him, eating a taco he had brought back from your party. Luke cuts him off by grabbing the taco from his hand just as he’s about to take another bite. “Hey!” He protests when Luke puts it right in the trash. 
“When is this surprise?” He asks the twelve-year-old. 
“The Aphrodite girls told me I should be back in like twenty minutes so I wouldn’t miss it,” Percy tells him. 
“And when was that?” 
“Like twenty minutes ago,” he shrugs, and Luke just stares at him. “Ohhhhh,” he says when he realizes how long it’s been. 
“Come on,” Luke shakes his head and starts out the door, Percy in tow. They can hear the surprise before they see it, an ABBA song blasting out of the building. Only, they don’t realize who's performing it until they walk in. Along with two of your musically-inclined Apollo sisters, you’re dressed in bell bottoms and sleeves. And you look like you’re having the time of your life- until you spot them, that is. 
“Look, look, look, look,” you pull the microphone away to mutter to Tanya. Her shock is visible, but you both keep performing anyway. The crowd goes wild at the end, and Sophie runs up on stage to give you a big hug. You let Tanya take over host duties and make your way through the crowd to the party crasher. 
“That was,” Luke starts, but you are not keen to hear whatever he has to say about your outfit, or your performance, or your party. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
His expression instantly sours, “I wanted some Dr. Pepper from your ice sculpture, where is it?” 
“What are you talking about?” You’re highly confused until Percy gives you the cut-it-out motion from behind Luke’s back. “We put it back in the freezer,” you say, and Percy gives you the thumbs up. No matter what you think of him, Luke’s not an idiot. He turns around in time to spot Percy’s gestures. 
“Wait a second, are you two colluding?” He looks between the two of you in shock. 
“You were colluding with him first,” you shrug, crossing your arms. “You really earned that twenty dollars, by the way,” you compliment the kid, and he gives you a pleased nod. 
“Dude,” Luke turns toward Percy, betrayed. 
“She outbid you,” he shrugs. “Hey, what if you guys just went to each other’s parties?” 
You both eye the boy suspiciously, “Why would we do that?” You ask him, and Luke nods in agreement.
“Well, you’re both so desperate to know about the other’s party, so why don’t you just experience it for yourselves?” Percy asks, and when he feels you aren’t sufficiently moved by it, he tries again. “If you attend both parties, you can decide who wins.” 
“Good enough for me,” Luke wanders off into your party.
“Yeah, okay,” you head for the door. 
“Hopeless,” Percy mumbles, shaking his head. 
An hour later, you and Luke meet in the middle of your respective parties. You stare at each other for a minute before you admit in sync, “I had fun.” 
“We have to stop doing that,” you shake your head. 
You’re both silent again for a minute. “The slip and slide was a good idea,” you say reluctantly, soap still in your hair, “low budget but lots of fun. Tubing was good too. And the campfire.” You had changed out of the disco attire and into shorts and a T-shirt over your swimsuit. 
“Did you try-“
“Chris can really grill,” you nod. After some hesitance, you finally choke out a confession, “I am very displeased to call you the winner.”
“No way,” he shakes his head. 
“You totally won,” he shrugs, “the disco was killer.” You only now realize he changed into pajamas. 
“You actually embraced the sleepover?” 
He flicks some grass off your shoulder, “You gave my party a fair shot.” That’s true, and you nod, looking away for a second. “The chocolate fountain was a nice touch.”
“Thank you.”
“And I was trying to tell you earlier, but your performance was really cool,” he admits. 
“Yeah?” A genuine grin grows on your face at this. Most everyone in the Apollo cabin loves music, but some of your half-siblings are more keen to perform than you. Hearing this, and from him especially, means a lot. 
“Yeah,” he nods, smiling now too. “You’re the winner here.” 
“Let’s call it a draw?” You offer, and he nods. 
“What if we just worked together and planned one party next year?” He asked, and you pretend to consider it for a moment. 
“That could be cool,” you nod, “imagine what we could do with the combined budget.” 
He grins and scrunches his nose, “How about we enjoy this year’s party until then?”
“We could do that,” you nod, “where to?”
He swiftly wraps an arm over your shoulder and starts guiding you back to your party, “Let’s boogie.” You laugh, and he thinks it’s a sound he could get used to. 
I've been awake for too long so idk if this is coherent but I had fun <3
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patootle · 2 months
Hello how are you??
I hope you are doing well 😊😊
I saw your request is open soooo I want to ask if it's okay.. 🫣
I want something cute to melt my heart with, so here is my request:
In many cultures feeding your significant other with your hand is considered to be a love language (also I think it's sooo cute)
So how about we feed our hubby or boyfriend (pick which one you like) for the first time and see there reaction
With of course wrio & Thoma & alhaitham
And Thank you 🌹🌹
Thanks for requesting !!! I THINK THIS IS SO CUYDUEYEETE
Reader feeding their S/O for the first time!
Ft. Wrio, Thoma, And Alhaitham☺️
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You and Wrio had cooked together to make some delicious food. You, yourself were surprised that Wrio couldn’t cook, but with all the time he has
“Wrioo, open wide!” You held a spoon at his mouth with food. He was taken aback by your sudden action, but opened his mouth without hesitation.
“Mmm, I want more. Feed me more” He smiled at you.
“Well you have to wait! After we are done with cooking then I’ll feed you.” After that Wrio wouldn’t stop bugging you to feed him. After you guys finally finished cooking he say down.
“Can you feed me now?” he asked. You laughed
“Yes I can now” You grabbed a spoon and scooped some mashed potatoes and fed him.
“More, feed me more.” He opened his mouth.
“Dont swallow it too fast, wouldn’t want you to choke” You kissed his forehead.
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Usually Thoma would be the one cooking but that wasn’t the case when he got home. When he went to the kitchen, he saw you cooking some food.
“Hm? What are you doing?” Thoma peaks over your shoulders.
“I just got finished making food” you smiled and placed his and yours food onto a plate then sets them on the table. Thoma sat down at the table excited on what you have made.
“This smells good, Could you pass me some chopsticks darling?” You nod and grabbed some chopsticks. But before you handed it to him you picked up a piece and held it to his mouth.
“Open wide” Thoma grinned and opened his mouth.
“Mmm, this is delicious!” you smiled.
"Of course it is, my mom taught me how to make it"
"Really? Your mom must be a really good cook!" Thoma grinned. Your mom didn’t teach you to make it. But you of course wont tell him.
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Alhaitham came home from a long day at the akademiya, he didn’t expect you to be in his house with Kaveh.
“Hi Haitham, How was your day today?” You led him to the dining table where there was food waiting to be eaten, but Kaveh was already trying to eat everything before Alhaitham could get a chance to eat.
“It was okay I guess” He always said the same thing when you ask him every day.
“But why did you let Kaveh eat too?” He looked at Kaveh in disgust while he was eating. Kaveh looked back at Alhaitham frowning.
“Well this food is delicious! And I helped make food too!” He crossed his arms.
“He deserves some credit, he got the ingredients for the food and he also asked.” You scooped some food onto a spoon and angles it near his mouth.
“Open wide” He opens a bit, just enough for the spoon to go in. There was a change in his expression but it wasn’t too obvious.
“Why don’t you cook often?” Alhaitham asked you while opening his mouth again for more. You scooped again then fed him.
“Cooking everyday can be a hassle”
“Get a room you two!” Kaveh shouted covering his eyes. He was clearly disgusted of the view in front of him.
Sorry once again, this is really late. Lots of motivation trouble. I’ll try to write more!!
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melodygatesauthor · 9 months
Goodnight, Princess
Yandere Dad's Best Friend - Santiago Garcia X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - For @romana-after-dark's Dead Dove December event!
Your dad's best friend accidentally discovers that you're a sex worker. He tries to let it go, but it eats away at him until things go way too far.
This fic was written in first person from Santiago's perspective. I know that's not normally something I do, but if you give it a chance I think you'll like it hehe <3
NSFW, non-con, dubious consent, rape, sex, unprotected sex, praise kink, masturbation, obsessive behavior, possessiveness, porn with some plot, smut, creampie, breeding kink if you squint, non-consensual somnophilia, intoxication, implied murder, dad's best friend, age gap, voyeurism, hidden cameras. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT (that means that what you see in the tags WILL be in the fic, don't act surprised when you get exactly what you were warned about.)
Word Count: 5.7k
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I should’ve put a stop to it the second I realized it was you on the other side of that wall.
Don’t ask me how I knew. A good guess? A hunch? Maybe I’d known you so long that I could tell, based on some deep ingrained instinct, exactly what your lips would feel like wrapped around my cock. You sucked on it like you knew what you were doing, like it wasn’t a challenge for you to take something so big in that pretty little mouth.
I recognized the sound of your moans almost right away. The hum of your voice when you started sucking my dick was the same sound you made at dinner the other night when you popped a spoonful of mashed potatoes in your mouth. Does your dad know you’re doing this? Do you care? Do you ever worry about what he might say if he finds out?
Don’t worry princess, I'll keep your secret. 
Our secret.
I bet you never thought I would find out about your slutty little side job. To be entirely honest, I didn’t think I’d find you working at a place like this. If you know me at all, and I know for a fact that you do, then you’d know I’m a lonely man. Years of serving in the military and the endless night terrors have made it difficult to find any sort of real relationship, so I’ve given up. That doesn’t mean I don’t still have needs, sweetheart.
Everybody jerks off, and I’m no exception. I don’t even know how many nights I’ve been in my room, cock in hand while I watch some crappy porno to get myself off. Every once in a while though, I like to treat myself to a little something more. Most people treat themselves to some kind of dessert, or a nice bottle of wine, but I like to treat myself to a night at Club BJ where all the dirty men go to get their rocks off.
I never thought I’d find you there.
Not a chance in hell did I think for even a second that you would be sucking random cocks on the other side of a gloryhole to earn a few extra bucks. You’re so good at it though, princess. How did you learn to swirl your tongue like that? Hm? Was it all the boys at college who taught you how to do that? Did they tell you what a pretty little girl you are while your lips were stretched around them?
They better have. They better have said thank you when they finished all over that beautiful face too.
I couldn’t speak to you. I couldn’t let you know it was me on the other side of that wall, so I hope the $200 tip I left you gets the point across. 
When I got home tonight, you were running through my mind like a fucking hamster on a wheel. I’m not sure what to do now, but I can’t shake how bad I want to go back to the club for another round. I’d pay thousands, probably even tens of thousands, just to have more…
But I can’t do that. Not to you, and not to your dad.
That was the first and only time I’m going to know what it’s like to feel you sucking my cock.
There’s no possible way for you to know what you do to me, well, for you to know that it was me on the other side of the hole that you were making feel so fucking good. I’m coming back again, despite promising I wouldn’t. I’ve been trying so hard to let it go, but I fucking can’t. You’re like a goddamn siren luring me back to that shithole, and I can’t resist your call.
I’ll be back on Friday, because that’s the night they set the girls up with their asses sticking out through the wall. I would assume the club has you bent over some kind of table on the other side of that wall? I’m not sure, but Friday can’t come soon enough. I feel like I need you.
Maybe if you hadn’t looked at me the way you did when I saw you today at your dad’s for dinner. Were you looking at me like that on purpose, sweetheart? I mean, you must be…right? Or have I completely lost my shit?
I probably lost my shit, let’s be honest.
I’ve known your dad since high school. I even helped him beat up a guy that was hitting on your mom back when she and your dad had just started dating. I’m really not a bad guy, and I’ve never looked at you like this. I mean it. But how can I look at you any differently now? How can I look at you any differently after what you did to me? What you did for me.
“Santi, can you pass the butter?” You asked, looking at me, probably no different than usual but I couldn’t think of anything other than those pouty lips wrapped around my dick again.
Did you notice the way my hand shook when I handed you the butter dish? Maybe not, but they were trembling and to be honest it was fucking annoying. I’m a man in his late thirties and I can’t get a grip on the feelings I’m developing for my best friend's goddamn kid. It’s wrong, disgusting, hell I’d kill someone if you were my kid.
But you’re not, and I can’t fucking help it, even though I tried.
Maybe someday, if you ever find out about any of this, I’ll tell you about how much I hated myself (hell, I still hate myself sometimes), when I came home with that post nut clarity. That might’ve been the best blowjob of my life, but I stood in front of my mirror for a good ten minutes trying to tell myself that I’d never go back to that hellhole, Club BJs. I meant it with all my heart when I said it over and over like a mantra.
Now I’m stuck though. I’m stuck thinking about you bent over with a wall separating the top half of your body from the bottom with countless men fucking you until you’re so full of cum you looked like a damn overstuffed pastry. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to have at least one of those men be someone that cares about you.
I guess I’ll have to be the one to do it. I guess this is how I’ll justify doing something I know I shouldn’t.
I’ll see you on Friday, princess.
It makes me feel a little bit better to know that every man in there is at least checked for STDs before he gets to fuck you. Surely you wouldn’t have signed up to work at a place like this if they weren’t. You’re smart, you’ve always been so smart. It’s one of the things I admire most about you.
Still not clever enough to know that I was one of those men who stood behind you that night. In fact, I was your last customer of the night. Your pussy was so puffy and swollen, those guys really stretched you out and fucked you good didn’t they? Don’t worry, princess, I took good care of you and gave your little hole a break. I won’t lie, it took everything in me not to use you the way they did, but I’ll do that another time.
Tonight I was on my knees for you, grabbing onto both of your asscheeks and spreading you out so I could clean up the mess those filthy men made of my little princess. You sounded so surprised, I heard you gasp, when I started eating you out. Did you like that? It sounded like you did. I could feel your thighs shaking and at some point you even started rocking back and forth like you wanted more.
Maybe you wanted me to fuck you. Were you hoping that the mystery man on the other side of the wall would clean you up and then fuck his own cum into you too? Or maybe you were happy to have the break. Either way, I licked your swollen clit until I could hear your pretty moans on the other side and feel your cunt throbbing against my tongue. Your slick tastes so good sweetheart, can’t believe you made something so delicious all by yourself.
“You’re not going to fuck me?” You asked me. I could almost hear the desperation in your voice, like you were begging me to come back and take you.
“No.” I said firmly, faking a deeper voice than my own.
Next time I will though, don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll fuck you so good you won’t want anyone else.
The same night I ate you out I rushed home to jerk off. It sounds crude to say, but fuck I couldn’t help it. The taste of your pussy was still on my lips. I could still smell you soaked into the stubble on my chin and upper lip. I’m making a mental note to snag a pair of your panties when I come over for the barbecue at your dad’s tomorrow night. Maybe that will help get me through this mess I’m in. Maybe it will help me stop this shit.
I know I can’t keep doing this, but the feeling I get when I’m scrolling through your instagram photos from last summer in your bikini with my cock squeezed in my hand is incredible. I’m looking at those perfect tits hidden beneath such a thin layer of fabric, and your pretty rear is barely covered at all.
When I came it’s like I was possessed, blowing up a picture of your face just so I could imagine myself coating it in all of me. I don’t even really want to talk about how hard it was to clean that mess off my phone.
I feel like I’m losing myself in the depraved thoughts and fantasies I’m having of you. I woke up with soaked sheets and I thought I fucking pissed myself, but I didn’t, it was…something else. I’d dreamt of you. I can’t remember exactly what was happening in that dream, but it must’ve been good, and I’m annoyed that I still can’t remember what it was about.
A small part of me, the part of me that still had some morals left, was hoping you’d be working your day job. (honestly I can’t even remember what your day job is, aren’t you a housekeeper? Or a waitress or something?) At least if you were working I wouldn’t have to see you. I wouldn’t have to think about you more than I already was. Not to mention, I wouldn’t have had to sit there and watch you laugh with your ‘friend’ that you’d invited over.
You told your dad when you introduced him, “we’re just friends dad.”
You said it with such an attitude that both your dad and I knew better. You might’ve thought you were just friends, but that guy wanted more, and I knew you were going to give it to him. I could tell by the way you looked at him when you thought no one was paying attention.
I bet you didn’t think I’d hear you both making out in your room that night, but your moans call me now like a moth to a flame. The other barbecue guests had gone home, and your dad was drunk and passed out in his recliner, and I heard you faintly over the hum of the crappy reality show on tv. I didn’t pause the show, I didn’t want to wake up your dad, so I went upstairs silently, masked by the sound on the tv.
Initially, I wanted to walk in there and rip this kid off of you, giving him a few vicious but empty threats before sending him on his way with his tail between his legs. Your voice stopped me in my tracks though.
“Shh, I don’t want my dad to hear us,” you whispered, followed by a sweet giggle.
He won’t, princess. I thought, as though it were me you were talking to and not this loser.
You’d left your bedroom door open, per your dad’s request, such a good little girl. Despite being a grown woman, you still did what your daddy told you, and that’s the only reason I was able to hide in the bathroom and hear you get fucked while I jerked off and imagined I was with you instead of…whatever the fuck his name is.
“Oh god!” You whined, making my body shudder.
That guy doesn’t talk much, and that made it all the easier for me to imagine myself in his place.
When you said, “mm, harder, please…”
I was right there to say, “anything you want, sweetheart.”
I tried to move my hand in time with the light thump of your bed against the wall. It helped. What didn’t help was the fact that I could tell how little you were enjoying yourself. You were making the same sounds you made when you were ass out at the gloryhole. I knew I could do better, I knew I could make your body shake with pleasure like when I was kneeling down behind you with my tongue working overtime on your sensitive clit.
You were pretty good at faking it though, good enough that I was a leaking mess, precum dripping all down my shaft while I worked myself behind the wall your bedroom shared with the bathroom. I really wanted to go in there, tell that guy to get lost and give you the night of your life, but I didn’t. Instead I stood there, spilling a few globs of cum into some toilet paper and calling it good enough.
I was quick to head back downstairs before you even knew I was up there in the first place. That guy had the audacity to say goodnight to me in the kitchen on his way out the door. I let that go pretty quickly because then it was just you and me alone in the kitchen while your dad slept soundly in the living room.
You have no idea how badly I wanted to ask you for the pleasure of taking care of you, of making sure that you got off too, but I bit my tongue. Instead we made small talk about how your college was going and you asked me about Benny, Frankie and Will. 
For a moment I had forgotten about all the things that transpired between us, or that I’d done while thinking about you, and you were just my best friend’s kid again. We were just two people who had known each other for a long time, catching up and making small talk. Then you had to bend over in your shorts, and my cock ignored its usual refractory period to spring alive and nag for attention again.
“You okay, Santi?” You’d asked so innocently, as if I didn’t know what that mouth was capable of, or what that body could take.
“I’m fine, sweetheart.”
I’m not fucking fine, but that doesn’t matter.
You slept like a rock that night, not even stirring in the slightest when I grabbed your panties out of your hamper by the closet. They didn’t look particularly fancy, so I assume you won’t miss them, will you? Doesn’t matter anyway, you’d never expect that I’m the one who took them.
I can’t even begin to tell you how disgusting I felt when I got home the next morning and I had placed your panties on my bed in front of me like a prize I’d won. I think I stared at them for at least a full ten minutes before I picked them up again and put them in my nightstand. I’ve never been a “panty sniffer” and I tried to convince myself that just knowing I had them in my possession was enough.
Have you ever read The Tell-Tale Heart? I remember when I was in high school I had to, and it stuck with me for some reason. Your underwear in my nightstand reminded me of that story in some ways. It’s like all I could hear were your moans in my ears and no matter where I went in the house the temptation to smell the remnants of your cunt on that fabric was following me.
So finally, here I am, two weeks after you first sucked my cock, and I can shamefully admit that I did it. I smelled them, and sweetheart, you smell so much better without all that cum inside of you. Of course the panties can’t compare to the real thing, which I don’t know if I’ll ever smell without six loads of spend inside, but god I hope I get the privilege one day.
Or maybe I hope I don’t.
I’m still so torn between the fact that you’re my best friend’s kid, and the way I want to bury my dick so far in that pretty little cunt that you’re seeing stars.
I was first in line tonight. It’s Friday night so your ass was out again and untouched this time. You weren’t wet yet which excited me for some reason. It meant I got to have the honors of making you nice and slick.
My hand looks so big against your ass, princess. I wish I could show you. That was me who rubbed your clit, making you shake and whine for more on the other side of the wall. I’m the one who slipped my thick middle finger in that greedy little hole, and then my index finger, and then the ring finger.
I’m guessing you liked it based on how slippery you got, and how much you moaned on the other side. Do you know how dedicated your customers are? One of them got pissed at me for taking too long with you. I can’t say I blame them, your pussy is perfect sweetheart.
God the feeling of sliding my dick between those pretty pussy lips is like nothing I’ve ever felt. As I bottomed out, I felt your walls were squeezing around me like you wanted me deeper, so of course I pushed in more, all the way until I couldn’t go further. You gasped like you hadn’t felt a hundred dicks inside you before mine. 
I slid back again and slammed into you. I heard you begging me to keeping going, and saying, “fuck you’re good, holy shit!”
It was so hard not to say all the filthy things I wanted to when I fucked you, princess. I wanted to tell you how good you looked like that, pussy lips split around my cock like it wanted to swallow me whole. I wanted to ask you if you would like me to stick my thumb in your ass but decided to just try it anyway and see how you reacted.
You liked it.
At least it seemed like you did, your cunt clamped down around my dick like a damn vice grip the moment my thumb popped through your tight little hole. Did you like having something in your ass sweetheart? It’s shocking how tight you are, given how often I know you’re getting fucked. Some of the guys coming in behind me were big, some even bigger than me, but you don’t like them as much as you do when I fuck you, right? Of course not, because you don’t sound like that when you’re with them.
I caught a small glimpse of your eye through the hole. There was a small gap between the wall and your hips and you were looking at the same time I was. Did you see me? Did you have time to realize who I was? Did you come right then and there because you liked the idea of your dad’s best friend fucking you until you were too spent for anyone else?
Your orgasm forced me to come at the same time you did. I can’t even begin to tell you what it felt like to spill my load inside of you like I’d wanted to for so long. I remember so clearly being pushed up against your ass, pulling my thumb out of your hole so I could squeeze your hips and pull you over my dick further. It’s like I was willing every ounce of it to fill you up so full that no one else could. It’s like I was trying to make sure that when you look in the mirror a few months from now, you’ll remember the feeling of the man who fucked a baby into you.
I’m not an idiot. Well, I am, but I know that you’re on birth control. I know that no matter how many times I fuck you, the chances of you actually getting pregant are slim, not that I’d want to get you pregnant anyway. That would be too much, and I don’t want to go too far.
I’m not going to go too far.
I went to your house today.
I already had an excuse planned if I somehow got caught while you and your dad were out. If you or your father saw me, I’d say I came back for my hat. It’s not a total lie, I did leave my hat behind, but neither of you needed to know it was on purpose.
Do you realize how much dust has collected on the little stuffed bear you have on the shelf facing directly across from your bed, sweetheart? I doubt it, but it does make for the perfect place to put the small camera I bought.
I feel so fucking gross I can hardly stand to look at myself. But I can’t stand not to watch you touch yourself either. The glory hole is great, but I want to see that pretty face when you’re coming so hard you can’t breathe right, and I can’t do that when I’m on the other side of a fucking wall can I?
Seeing you later that night while I was at my own house, fist closed around my cock and watching you play with yourself is worth all the self loathing in the world. I had the camera feed pulled up on my laptop, and I could see you walking over to your dresser. God, what an array of toys you have. Do you have all those toys because you like them? Or is it because you haven’t found someone who knows their way around your body yet?
If it’s the latter, I promise you won’t need those things once I’m done with you.
Fuck, princess. The one you picked out is so damn big. I’ve seen you fit some pretty big cocks in that little hole, but I was shocked to see you squeezing lube around the head of that thing and gliding it over your pussy lips. You took a deep breath. Does it hurt to take such a fat silicone dick like that? 
Fuck, I’m glad I put the camera where I did. Who had you so wet like that? Hm? Were you thinking about anyone in particular? Can you even get that entire dildo in there? I hated to admit how much I liked watching you struggle. My cock leaked so fucking much I thought I was going to come too fast, but I kept it together.
You finally pushed it in, and I’m so damn proud of you princess. You had a really hard time going all the way though, didn’t you? That tight little pussy of yours was stretched to its limit and you were only halfway in there. Why do you even have a dildo that size if you can’t get it all the way in your cunt? Are you trying to stretch yourself out for someone? You don’t have to stretch yourself for me, I’d be happy to take care of that for you myself.
I watched you push it in even more, I was so focused on the furrow of your turned up brow and the way you bit your lip while I stared. We both exhaled the moment you managed to fit the entire thing in. Your eyes rolled back like it was the best thing you’d ever felt. You really do enjoy being stuffed full, don’t you, sweetheart?
You started fucking yourself with it, the sounds of your wet cunt hit my ears like the sweetest music I’d ever heard. I stroked myself in time with your movements, my eyes focused right on your face, and my cock throbbed every time you moaned. Wasn’t your dad home tonight? Shouldn’t you be a bit quieter when you’re doing stuff like that? Maybe you just don’t care if he hears you.
You started fucking yourself faster so of course I was jerking myself harder, trying to keep up with you without losing it too quickly. It didn’t take long for you to come though. Did you like the feeling of that toy that much? You gushed around it, you choked back some moans but several other soft whimpers escaped, filling your room and hitting my ears through the camera feed. I came too, coating my knuckles and my stomach with so much cum I didn’t know I was even capable of producing that much.
Why’d you have to ruin it? Huh?
It was such a good fucking orgasm for both of us, and then I heard you say a name. It wasn’t my name though, was it, princess? I don’t know why that bothers me so fucking much. Maybe it’s because in some twisted way I’ve managed to convince myself that you were putting on that private show just for me. So if you did do it for me, then I don’t want to hear you saying some other guy’s name while you’re fucking your self like that sweetheart. 
I just don’t.
I lost it today.
I really fucking lost it today, princess.
I found that guy. You know the one who fucked you the other night while I jerked off in the bathroom? That ‘friend’ of yours? The one whose name you called out instead of mine?
I found him.
Did you miss me, sweetheart? I’m sorry, but I had to leave for a while, at least until things quieted down, and until you weren’t sad anymore. I know I should feel bad, but I don’t. I would probably do it again a thousand times if I had to.
You seemed fine during dinner at your dad’s tonight. I don’t really think you were that upset over the guy anyway, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to hear his name come out of that pretty mouth again. Ever.
After too much wine during (and after) dinner, I carried you upstairs. You never could handle your liquor. Remember when you were only eighteen and I would let you sneak a few shots under your old man’s nose when he wasn’t looking? Your dad was sleeping when I put you down gently in your bed. Your skin is so fucking soft it killed me to step away from you.
Your eyes opened for a moment meeting with mine. I felt my gut stir at the sight of you biting your lip. Why were you doing that to me? Didn’t you know how that would affect me? I couldn’t resist the way you looked at me that night. No one would’ve been able to. It’s not fair for you to put me in that position and expect that I’m just going to walk away. When I think back to it, this was all your fault, princess.
“Santi,” you said sweetly.
I almost climbed on top of you right then when you grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer. I almost grabbed your throat and fucked you through your shorts, but I held back.
“What, princess?” I asked you, putting a caring hand on your shoulder, trying to fight back my more primal urges screaming in my head.
You shivered, “I-mm-need something towearto mm-bed,” you slurred out.
I could see the curve of your hip disappear into your too-short shorts. I really don’t want you going out in public wearing things like that. I gave you my shirt to keep you warm. I hope it’s comfortable, sweetheart, I can’t let you go cold, can I? When I leaned down to put it over your head, I felt such a fucking ache in my chest when your face appeared again through the hole. Such a pretty babygirl.
“Thank you,” you smiled contentedly and snuggled into your pillows.
I gulped, “princess,” I whispered, slowly creeping my fingers toward the hem of your shorts where they rested on your waist.
“Hm?” You hummed, but you weren’t really awake anymore, from what I could tell.
When I touched your soft, exposed hip you didn’t stir at all, and when I slipped my fingers underneath your panties, then your shorts, you didn’t make a sound. When I pushed both down to your ankles and dropped them on the floor, you didn’t open your eyes. You didn’t have any fucking clue what I was going to do to you, did you?
Did you feel my fingers when I slipped them between your thighs and felt your little wet cunt? I bet you did, even if you didn’t realize you were feeling it. I thought I would wake you up for sure when I pushed you onto your back and climbed over you. And when that didn’t wake you up, I thought, without a doubt, that when I pulled my cock out and touched it against your slick pussy lips your eyes would shoot open and you’d catch me in the act.
You didn’t though, you stayed deep in your drunken sleep, and I could get away with doing anything I wanted to you.
I’m still wondering what I would’ve done if you’d caught me. What would I say? How would I justify this feeling I craved that only you could satisfy? Would I even need to say anything? Surely you would recognize the feeling of the cock that made you come so good in that glory hole. Surely you’d be desperate for me to keep going.
Being able to look at your face, even if you were asleep, while I slid my dick into your wet heat made my brain stop fucking working. I couldn’t even think. It was like my body just took over, hips rocking into you over and over without a care in the world for how loud the bed was creaking.
You still didn’t feel anything when I dipped down and kissed you, my hips still thrusting slowly against you. This isn’t a Disney movie, and I’m no prince charming, but you’re still my little princess, aren’t you? You’re like my personal sleeping beauty, except my soft kisses didn’t wake you from your drunken slumber.
Thank god.
I kissed all the way down your jawbone until I got to your neck. You’re so soft, and you smell so nice. I kinda wish you’d been awake so I could’ve heard you whimper and whine in my ear. I want to hear you tell me how good it feels to have my cock slamming into your pussy, sweetheart. I want to feel your lips on my neck, my chest, all over my body.
“You take me so well, princess.” I whispered in your ear, hoping that somewhere deep in your dreams you’d hear my words and know I was inside you. “You feel so good, I can’t stop. Never felt anything-so-fucking-g-good-I-f-fuck…”
I came so much that when I pulled back my cum poured out of you as if my cock was a dam holding back a river. I still wonder if I should’ve cleaned you up, but I didn’t. Maybe you’d remember that I was the one who brought you upstairs and you’d put the pieces together.
I can imagine it now, you waking up in the morning with a dried up substance between your thighs. You might not know what it is right away, but I’m sure when you go to the bathroom and notice the hickeys peppered all over your neck, you’ll know that something must’ve happened to you the night before.
I’m not sure what to do now.
I need to have you for myself, that much is clear. The thought of someone else touching you ever again is killing me, so I have to take you. I’ll take you away from all this shit, and I’ll take good care of you. You won’t have to work at that nasty place anymore, I’ll be sure of that. And please don’t worry, princess. When your dad is looking for you, and he needs a friend to help him through the tough times, and the times he’s missing you, I’ll be that friend. He will only be sad for a little while. 
If things go wrong, and someone finds this…well I guess it’s a journal isn’t it? I won’t be able to deny the things I’ve done. I should burn it, but I can’t bring myself to do that. When I read it back, it’s almost like I can relive our time together. Someday I might show you this so you can understand why I did what I had to do, why I have to keep you.
Until then, I hope you sleep well tonight, your final night in your childhood home. I hope you enjoy your last breakfast with your loving dad, and that the two of you don’t argue before he leaves for work. Make sure you give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him you love him, because I’ll be over before he gets home from work.
Goodnight, princess.
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myfictionaldreams · 2 years
17: Magic - Draco Malfoy
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Kinktober Day 17. Magic - Draco Malfoy x potter!reader
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, potter!reader, untouched pleasure, magic, nearly caught, intense orgasm, blowjob, overstimulated,  nicknames, no use of y/n
my main masterlist 📚 // kinktober masterlist😈 // AO3 Link 
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The day had moved by slowly and by the time you were sat at the Gryffindor table with your brother and fellow housemates, you were relieved to see that the sun was beginning to set for the evening.
However, as you spooned some fresh mashed potato onto your plate, an unsual and intense sensation coursed through all of your veins: pleasure. Not any normal pleasure that would be experienced with touching of a hand or even a toy, but the pleasure that had you becoming dizzy, skin burning to be touched, never wanting it to end.
Shaking your head, you tried to ignore it, unsure as to what to do, legs clenching together to try and apply some pressure against your clit but nothing helped to reduce the pleasure. You couldn’t even lift up your fork to eat as your hands gently shook in your lap, you needed to get out of sight.
Glancing around, you made sure no one was noticing what you were going through when your eyes caught sight of a smirking blonde who was dressed in a plain black suit, watching with dark eyes from the Slytherin table. Of course, it had to be Draco.
His smile widen just as the sensation increased, it was definitely him, he loved to play these stupid games with you, seeing just how close he could get before being caught and having to alter the individual's memories.
Your skin itched with want, needing to be out of these clothes, you needed to get away from this room full of people. It was this exact moment when your brother's voice drifted into your senses, “are you ok? You’re quiet” he questioned.
Snapping your head towards him, you tried to keep your voice quiet, afraid that you would moan instead of responding with words, “yeah I'm fine”.
Pulses of euphoria were coursing through your body, it was almost like you were going to orgasm but you couldn’t do that surrounded by all these people, you knew you couldn’t hold back your voice during those moments. Even now, you could feel how wet your underwear was becoming and today or all days you’d decided to wear a skirt, how long would it be before your cunt was dribbling down your thighs?
Standing suddenly with unsteady feet, you just about managed to climb over the bench, not caring about anyone else, just needing to get out of the public eye but once again your brother’s voice interrupted you.
“Wait, where are you going?” Harry asks with worry lacing his tone.
You wave him off, “uh nothing, I’m just not feeling very well”.
“Well let me take you to madam Pomfrey then” he suggests, moving to stand up but you quickly brush him off.
“No no it’s fine Harry, I’ve just got cramps that’s all, I just need to lie down for a bit” before he even had time to respond you were racing out of the door, undoing your tie, everything felt so claustrophobic.
You hunched over on the steps up to the common room, mind racing, body alight with want and need. Needing to be out of your clothes, needing to touch your engorged clit that was still pulsing desperate for release, even a bit of spit was dribbling down your chin as you seemed to be completely overwhelmed.
It was just as you audibly released a moan and did a strong hand wrap around your upper arm, tugging you a few more steps up and down a darkened corridor before tossing you into an abandoned classroom at the perfect time.
As the candles surrounding the room lit up, the door shutting and locking behind whoever had thrown you in here, was the exact moment that you came. Knees unable to support you anymore as you pulled off your underwear desperately hands cupping your sex as the pleasure was too much, your screams echoing around the stone walls.
The orgasm lasted longer than your usual ones and you were drained by the time the clenching had ceased, just about ready to slump onto the floor in front when an arm steadied your body, shifting you back against his hard chest.
“Careful Potter” he mumbled, sounding slightly breathless but not as much as you were.
“What the hell was that?” you asked, senses finally returning, knowing fully well that Draco was the one holding you up and that he had all the answers.
“Just an experiment of mine” he chuckled darkling, kissing just below your ear.
“Well, that hardly seems fair” you responded, turning on your knees, ignoring the ache that sparked through them from where you had fallen onto them only moments ago.
“When have I ever been fair, love?” he muttered, stroking his wand under your chin, tilting it further up before releasing it and directing it back towards your cunt, “play nice now Potter”.
He didn’t give you any chance to respond before allowing the spell to take effect once more but not nearly as intense, this time it just made your cunt clench, biting your lip as you watched him stand to his fall height, looking down at you on your knees in front of him.
Draco didn’t need to give you your next instruction as you all but jumped onto his belt, eagerly undoing it and pulling down his zipper, reaching into his underwear to reveal his already ragingly hard cock.
The Slytherin hissed as you were quick to toss him off, noting the precum already lubing him up before inching yourself closer. Opening your mouth wide, your tongue stuck out, licking his tip, savouring in the salty goodness before taking him deeper.
This was his favourite sight, seeing his cock disappearing between your lips, loving the way your eyes rolled back as it hit the back of your throat, the expert way in which you used your other two hands to squeeze the base and his balls. Especially when you moaned, the vibrations sending pleasuring waves through his member which is all where his spell idea came from, hoping to drive you so insane with lust that you were jumping on his cock.
Merlin, it worked well. Tilting his wand hand, your pleasure increased, the heat returning all over your body and you had to refrain from ripping your own clothes off, instead just focusing on pleasuring Draco, feeling your juices dribble from between your legs.
This was only doable for a few moments however as he only continued to increase the spells work, until you had to release the grip on his cock and start rubbing against your clit which was already overstimulated as it was and that seemed to be the magic touch to have you cuming again and again.
Your eyes were glazed over, thighs screaming from holding your position on your knees, pussy puffy and soaked to match the wet patch coating the floor, lips were also swollen from sucking Draco’s cock and he had to say, this was definitely his new favourite sight, you, completely cock-drunk.
He dropped his wand now, stopping all pleasure but the afterglow of so many orgasms was blissful, his hand now holding the back of your head, his balls tightening against his chin as you took him right to the back of your throat. A heartbeat later, his cum was coating your mouth, and you did well to swallow every drop, not wasting any of it.
Releasing his grip on the back of your head, he tucked his cock back away before dropping down onto his own knees, cradling your exhausted body against his. His long fingers gently stroked your cheek, giving you all the time you needed to recover before kissing you lightly on your temple and assisting you to your feet, knees impossibly unsteady.
“Better head back before people start wondering where you are” you nod, breathing him in for a moment, calming yourself before fixing your attire with the help of Draco who waved his wand, cleaning the patch on the floor and the sweat/juices over your legs, kissing you one last time before leaving first, checking the corridor was still empty.
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wandanatsgf · 2 months
Mac & Cheese
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
Word Count: 556
Summary: After eating mac and cheese for the past few nights, you get sick of it. Your girlfriend, however, does not.
Author’s note: I actually wrote this after eating nothing but Kraft Mac and cheese for a week because I was super broke at the time
"Yelena, we don't have anything here to eat," you complain to your blonde-haired girlfriend.
"That's nonsense, of course we do," she says, moving towards the pantry. She walks back out with a blue box in her hand.
"See." A smug look paints her face as she points towards the mac and cheese.
"Yeah, but we had that last night and the night before that, Lena."
"So?" she says.
"So, I don't want to eat it. I just want something different," you explain.
"How dare you detka. I could never get sick of macaroni and cheese. It's amazing and delicious and I could eat it every day," she rambles.
"Really baby? You want to bet on that?"
"Sure. I'll bet you $100 that I can eat it over and over again and not get sick of it."
"Ok deal baby," you say.
That night Yelena makes boxed mac and cheese for herself, while you made grilled chicken and mashed potatoes for yourself.
You could hear your girlfriend moan as she ate her noodles and powdered cheese, overexaggerating about how good it is.
"It can't be that good Lena."
"It is dorogoya. You would know if you had some," she says. She holds her spoon out to you and you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
"I'm good," you say, wanting to stick to your chicken and potatoes.
"Suit yourself baby," Yelena says as she continues to eat.
The next night goes the same way, with Yelena happily eating her mac and cheese and you having a burger.
The third night (technically her fifth night of mac and cheese but only her third night of the bet), however, goes much differently.
"Aren't you going to make yourself some dinner?" you ask your girlfriend as she sits at the dining room table.
"You were right," you hear her lowly say.
"I'm sorry what was that baby?" You can feel a smirk making its way across your face.
"I said you were right. I never thought I could get sick of my beloved mac and cheese, but here we are. If I have another bite of it anytime soon, I'm going to puke." You can hear how much this pains her to say in her voice.
"Am I really hearing the Yelena Belova say I was right?!?" You throw in a fake gasp, and you can practically hear Yelena roll her eyes at your antics.
"Don't let it get to your head." You let out a little giggle as you walk over to the blonde-haired beauty. You set yourself in her lap, your arms wrapping around her neck.
"Awww, I'm sorry baby. Do you want some pizza instead?" You gesture to the pizza you had pulled out of the oven a couple of minutes ago.
"Yes please."
You get up and make plates for both her and you. You walk back over to Yelena and hand hers to her. You settle in on the chair next to her, watching as she devours the pizza. She wasn't lying when she said she was sick of the mac and cheese.
"You think you learned your lesson?" you ask her as you take a bite.
"Definitely," she responds, even though both of you knew if you gave her a few days she would be back on her mac and cheese craze in no time.
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astraysimp · 10 months
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Hi besties! I’m back with more dad!skz Hannie edition! I hope y’all are ready, because Han and his twins are a handful and a half! I’ve really been enjoying writing dad!skz, maybe I’m having slight baby fever idk 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Summary: Yours and Han’s twins ( fraternal boy and girl) are a handful…..yet somehow Han may be the most to deal with. 
⌦ .。.:*♡ Warnings: Dad!Han, your twins are 1 year old, both twins have Han’s cheekies and boba eyes( it would be a crime if they didn’t), super fluffy, pouty Hannie, pet names, boy boy is a mumma’s boy and baby girl is a daddy’s girl, fem!reader
⌦ .。.:*♡ Ji-Yeong is your energetic daddy’s girl, who is TOTALLY wrapped around her little finger 
⌦ .。.:*♡Ji-Seok is your more calm baby. He is definitely a mommy’s boy but does get in trouble with his sister. The older twin–even if it’s only by 2 minutes 
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You had just gotten home from work, feeling tired and ready to settle down for the night with your babies and husband, Jisung. Parking your car in the driveway and locking the doors, you toed your shoes off, letting out a sigh. Expecting to hear laughing and giggles, you were met with silence. Confused, you made your way into the kitchen, seeing your husband asleep on the couch, two sleeping babies next to him. 
But…..it  was dinner time. Smiling to yourself, you leaned down placing kisses on their heads. “Sungie? Honey? Wake up, my love. It’s dinner time, we got two hungry babies to feed.” You whispered, seeing him shuffle, as your baby boy started waking up. Jisung, then, opened his eyes, looked around, still groggy. “Huh? What? Oh, hi my love. You’re home.” He sleepily smiled, pecking your lips. You smiled and carefully took Ji-Seok into your arms, feeling him nuzzle into your hold. “Hi my baby boy, did you miss mommy, hm?” You smiled, as he put his chubby hands on your cheeks, smushing his lips to yours. “Mommy gets a kiss,too? Waaaahh, my baby is too sweet.” You smiled, seeing Jisung get up, with Ji-Yeong in his arms. Turning to them, you smiled, kissing Ji-Yeong on her cheeks. “Oh my goodness! Is that my precious flower?!” You smiled, pressing more kisses to her and her brother’s faces as they giggled. Pouting, Jisung looked at you, his lower lip jetted out. “W-what about me? I was your baby first. Where’s dada’s kiss?” He whined, cheeks puffing up just like the twins’. Laughing, you kissed  him all over his face, pressing multiple kisses to his lips. “Is that better,hm? My big baby.” You giggled, pinching his cheek, as he nodded.”Okay okay, I have three hungry babies to feed,” You smiled.
Once you and Jisung made it to the kitchen, you each sat the twins in their high chairs and fastened bibs around their necks. “Hmmm, are my babies hungry? Do my babies want to eat?” You smiled, as the twins smacked their hands against the trays of their highchairs and Jisung nodded. So, you grabbed each of their bottles, food and spoons, before sitting in front of them. Taking a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes, you hold it out to Ji-Yeong, then repeating the same to Ji-Seok. “Aaahhhh, say ahhh. Mmmmm yummy.” You smiled, as they ate, their cheeks puffing up just like Jisung’s did. But, then you turned your head , where Jisung sat pouting. “Yah, Yeobo-ah. What’s wrong?why are you pouting and sulking and not helping me feed them?” He whined, crossing his arms, “I want to be fed too!” Jisung whined and your jaw dropped. “Yah! Aigoo! Sungie, they’re babies , you’re an adult. Why do I need to feed you too?” You groaned, resuming feeding the twins. “Because I was your baby first, yeobo! What about me?!” Rolling your eyes, you flicked his forehead, and grabbed his chopsticks. “Say ahhhh, my babies,” You smiled, feeding them sweet potatoes, before turning to feed Jisung a bite of his Japchae. Watching his cheeks puff up, you smiled as he chewed his food. “Mmm, thank you, darling.” he muttered, through a mouthful of food. You just rolled your eyes.
45 minutes of feeding three babies–yeah Jisung that includes you– you put the empty dishes in the dishwasher and picked up Ji-Seok. “Aigooo, my precious prince is getting so big. But, now it’s bath time, so you get all clean for bedtime.” You smiled, tickling his tummy. Jisung had Ji-Yeong in his arms, bouncing her as he kissed her cheeks. “Bath time for my babies. Sungie, that doesn’t include you.” You pointed at him, before kissing Ji-Yeong’s nose. “Wah! Why not?!” “Yah, what do you mean why not?! You’re an adult. I’m not bathing you!” You three back, walking to your upstairs bathroom. Following you up, Jisung  whined,”But wwwwhhhyyyyyy? I want you to bathe meeeee,” He pouted. You sighed, running a bath for the babies, you undressed Ji-Seok and set him in as Jisung did the same with JI-Yeon. Bath time went as smoothly as it could with twins and a whiny Jisung. “Baby, I will do your skincare routine for you, that’s it. No bath, take it or leave it.” Yo untold him, as you washed the baby shampoo out of Ji-Seok’s hair. Nodding his head, Jisung smiled and giggled to the twins. “Wahhh, isn’t mommy so nice babies? Should we give her kissies?” He smiled, carefully picking both babies up (with a small groan) before they all pressed their lips on your face. Laughing, you returned their kisses, as you took Ji-Seok into your arms, drying with a towel and dressing him into pajamas.”Ooooh, thank you so much my babies. My sweet babies.” 
You and Jisung made your way into the twins’ nursery, both babies in pajamas and ready for bed. Smiling, you carefully laid Ji-Seok in his crib, a stuffed quokka next to him–we know you did that, Jisung. Kissing his forehead you smiled, walking over to where Jisung has laying an already asleep Ji-yeong in her crib. You and Jisung kissed her forehead.”Sweet dreams, my angels.” You smiled, holding Jisung’s hand, as you made your way back to the bathroom; after you shut the nursery light off and closed the door. “Time to get my third baby ready for bed too huh?” You smiled, gently pushing him to sit on the closed toilet seat. He smiled and nodded,sliding his hands around your waist. “Yes, please, baby.Thank you,” he smiled, pecking your lips. Kissing him back, you smiled and slid a hairband on him. “Wah, so cute. My precious Sungie.” You pinched his cheeks as he laughed, his heart shaped smile appearing. “Ssttoopppp. You’re making me blush.” He pouted, cheeks turning red as you giggled. Washing his face off with facewash, you wiped his face with a toner pad. “ Why should I stop? My hubby is so cute and he gave me the cutest little munchkins.” You smiled, squishing his cheeks. Pulling you against him, he whined, “Jagiyaaaaaa, stopppp. I’m all blushy.” He smiled and rested his chin on your stomach to look up at you. “But, you’re so cute. Sooooooo cute, those big eyes and that cute nose and puffy cheeks. Gaahhh I just want to bite those cheeks!” You giggled, kissing his nose and cheeks, multiple times. Pouting, he stood up and pulled you into his chest. “Let’s go to bed, can’t handle your cuteness, anymore.” He smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips. So, you finished your night routines and brushed your teeth, ready to cuddle in bed. 
Reaching your bedroom, Jisung flicked the lights on and made his way to his side of the bed. “Tuck me in, please?” He pouted at you, making grabby hands. Giggling, you nodded and walked over to his side, holding the blankets up.”Sure, jagi. Get in.” You smiled, as he climbed in and settled himself against the headboard. “Mmm, so warm. Thank you, darling. “ Nodding, you climbed into your  side of the bed and slid into his side. Suddenly feeling sentimental, Jisung placed a kiss to the top of your head and squeezed you tighter to his side. “Hey, honey love?” He asked, looking down at you. You looked ar him , and soothingly rubbed a hand against his chest. “Yes, my dear?” You softly smiled, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. “Thank you.” He said, softly. “For what, Sungie?” You asked, watching him as he ran a hand through his hair before grabbing your hand and fiddling with your wedding ring. “Everything. For choosing me, loving me, saying yes to me, marrying me, giving me the twins. Just….thank you. I love you so much, and the twins. You three are my world, my everything.” He whispered, still messing with your ring. Smiling softly, you pulled him into a soft love filled kiss. “Oh Jisungie, my sweet hubby. I will always choose you, always have and always will. It’s always been you, for me. Thank you,too, for choosing  and loving me. And for showing me what love is, whether it’s the love you show me or the love you show our angels.” You smiled, eyes welling up with tears. He,too, teared up and pulled you in for a tight, warm cuddle. “Yeobo…….my little honey bear…..we were meant to be together in every life in every universe.” He whispered, wiping your tears. “You’re my Sungie. I love you,” you whispered in his chest,a day of taking care of your babies(including Jisung) catching up to you and fell asleep. He smiled and turned the lights off, patting your hair. “And you’re my ynnie, forever and always.” Those were the last words he whispered, falling asleep,himself.
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Tags| @jinnie-ret @binsito @channiesbakery
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
Barbie dolls: Mattheo riddle x gn! Muggleborn!reader
Word count: 6.8k-ish
Summary: ooooo so much pain so basically Mattheo’s dad sucks and he finds out that Mattheo has been hanging around losers so he kidnaps them all and hilarity ensues
Warnings: Mattheo has an ed kinda, character death x2, child abuse, rats, blood, possible blood kink, you kill Voldemort, its um its um, brief mentions of possible suicide but like not really, torture, google translate Italian, not fully proofread, vomiting and getting sick mentioned multiple times, dead bodies?, mostly just hurt not much comfort, its okay guys you’re going to love this one don’t worry about it
Mattheo's father had always been rough. If Mattheo misbehaved in any way Voldemort was punishing him before Mattheo could catch up. His father decided what was misbehavior, it was never fair.
When Mattheo was six, his father hadn't given him a meal in two days. Mattheo was hungry. All he could think about was the hunger. Food. Hungry. Food. Hungry. Mattheo couldn't even play, though he was barely allowed to do much of that anyways. So he wandered around the cold mansion. Mattheo reached the kitchen and he realized something; if someone doesn't give you something, what's stopping him from just taking it? Mattheo stared at the pantry door for what felt like hours. He knew there was food behind that door, just a few feet from him. What if his father did this on purpose? What if he found out? What would he do if he caught Mattheo? He felt hungrier knowing food was so close to him. So he snuck into the pantry. Mattheo felt like he was in heaven. Three of the four walls covered in as many foods his little six year old brain could think of. So he feasted. He ate and he ate. He ate until he was full. Mattheo felt so much better even though he knew he was misbehaving. He cleaned up his mess and hid it in the trash, under the trash that was there before. Mattheo ran away and hid in his room, he was so full he fell asleep in his bed. He woke up to his father grabbing him by his arm and dragging him away. He called Mattheo everything he could think of, walking faster on purpose. Mattheo couldn't catch up, stumbling over his feet and sobbing all the while. Voldemort was a million miles past upset. He was dragging Mattheo down the steps to the dungeons. He roughly pulled open the barred door. Mattheo begged his father. He couldn't care less, roughly throwing Mattheo into the cold and wet dungeon. Voldemort told him he would be rotting in the dungeon until he could learn to properly respect his father. Mattheo spent three nights in the dungeon, his pajamas with little fire trucks on the pants getting stained with mud. It was the first time he slept on the floor of the dungeon but it was not the last.
When Mattheo entered Hogwarts, he couldn't eat for the first four days. He felt he didn't have permission. He didn't touch the silverware until another boy his age was giving him the stink eye. Mattheo stared back at the boy. He spoke up, his voice flowing with an Italian accent.
"Are you a cyborg?" Mattheo stared at him. He didn't respond. Mattheo barely understood what the boy meant. Was he trying to make a comment about his looks? Did Mattheo look like a cyborg?
"You don't eat?" The boy continued. Mattheo looked down at the boys plate. He had everything within his reach stacked on his plate. Mattheo compared that to his plate that was entirely bare.
"Are we allowed to?" The boy stared at Mattheo. His face was blank. He seemed to be calculating the meaning behind his words. The boy reached over the table, piling a chicken leg and large serving of mashed potatoes on Mattheo's plate. He grabbed Mattheo spoon, stabbing it into the mashed potatoes.
"Eat. accidenti, alcune persone sono stupide." The boy quickly became Mattheo's friend. Mattheo learned his named was Theodore, though he preferred Theo. Theo supported Mattheo. Which Mattheo never really experienced before. When his father sent Mattheo a letter Theo snatched it out of Mattheo's hands the second he began to cry. Theo first thought Mattheo had been sent hate mail by another student and Theo would have to curse someone but he realized it was written by Mattheo’s father. The more Theo read, the more he began to understand some of Mattheo's behaviors. Mattheo flinched, covering the back of his head, anytime someone moved their hand too fast. He always sat near the back corner of the room. Mattheo was always looking over his shoulder. Especially the first week of first year, are we allowed? It made sense now. Theo understood Mattheo on a new level. Theo' s father wasn't as bad but he knew he wasn't very good either. His mother however, oh his mother. Theo's mother was so caring and gentle. He only ever truly felt loved when he was with her, or with Mattheo but his hugs weren't as warm. Theo assumed all parents were supposed to be like his mother. So he told Mattheo how bad his father really was. Theo told Mattheo all about his mother, how her treatment made him feel. He explained to Mattheo how his father was treating him horrifically.
It was the first time Mattheo realized not all parents lock their children in the dungeon or sling the crucio curse at them. Ever since that day his hatred towards his father grew. At first he was just confused and uncomfortable. It grew into anger. Mattheo started to act out more at Hogwarts. He started fights, he took from the professors, he cheated, he stole from the store in Hogsmede, he made friends with a sixth year who made him try alcohol. After his anger subsided, becoming less of a constant state of being and more of a rash that flared up after every letter from his father, it blossomed into acceptance. Mattheo accepted that his father was abusive. He accepted that he'd probably have a panic attack after every shattered bowl. He accepted that he was a spawn of hatred. He was fine with it. Even if he was a spawn of hatred he knew he was still loved by others. Theo had been there since day one but as they both continued to grow so did their friend group. Mattheo became closer to his cousin, Draco. He met Blaise who was either made the funniest joke that Mattheo would laugh at months later or he would make a joke that sparked everyone to sit in silence and stare at him. He met Lorenzo, if you brought up someone's name he already knew the filthiest rumors and gossip about them. If you needed dirt on someone you should go to him. They all met Pansy. She was an amazing addition. She was hilarious, had great music taste, and she cared for all of them more than all their parents combined. Which was a low bar but she was probably the most caring out of all oof them. Pansy's love spread over all the houses, she seemed to find a friend in every room. Pansy came with something else too.
Pansy had always had other friends, she seemed to be a bit of an extrovert. Anytime the boys saw her in the halls she had a flock of beautiful friends following after her. Pansy and her friends always reminded Mattheo of sirens. Traveling in packs: Pansy never seemed alone with always at least one other person next to her. Sitting on the seaside: Pansy and her friends always sitting together under a tree in the courtyard, in a group around a bench, together at dinner, next to each other in class. Luring sailors to their death: students were always asking someone from Pansy's group out on a date. Pulling a bouquet out and walking away defeated. Deathly beautiful: it seemed anyone who was close with Pansy had to be attractive. Every single person in her group was pretty, every single one hung out with Pansy, but you stood out the most. Not only did you spend the most time with Pansy, Mattheo knew you were the only one of her friends who was way past gorgeous. You were stunning, he couldn't find the words to describe it. Mattheo never spoke to you, matter of fact he never spoke to any of Pansy's friends. It took Mattheo a second to accept that he was totally head over heels for a muggleborn but he quickly realized he was just listening to his father's prejudice.
It wasn't until Blaise and Theo got feed up of Mattheo wistfully sighing when you passed by with Pansy that he finally spoke to you. Both of them dragging him to you and Pansy sitting under a tree. Your eyes were closed, resting your head on Pansy's shoulder. Even asleep you had him blushing. Pansy looked up the three of them when they reached you guys. Blaise and Theo rambling to her while they kept nudging Mattheo. His gaze was glued to your sleeping form as he asked Pansy if you were awake. Your eyes shot open. Mattheo stumbled backwards. He grabbed onto Theo's shoulder as you sat up muttering something about 'just resting your eyes'. You stared up at Mattheo with your pretty eyes and his words died in his throat. It was all downhill from there. His love for you growing the more Pansy dragged you with her. In no time you joined their group too. Pansy saw the eyes you both made at each other, so she sent you two on date thinking it was a hangout with her. Once you both realized you were played, you took a moment. You shrugged, walking off to towards the destination. Mattheo stood there like a buffoon. You turned around and motioned for him to follow you. Next thing you both knew you were the established couple of your friend group.
Loving you was easy, Mattheo didn't have to try. You just breathed near him and he was looking at you with lovesick eyes. Mattheo seemed rough around the edges when you first met him. His plenty of scars and resting bitch face intimidating you. Though you learned plenty of times looks weren't everything so you gave him a shot. He was gentle toward you, he spoke softly and never tugged too hard. You learned everything about him and vice versa. You realized his scars were beautiful even if he didn't agree. Mattheo had amazing friends that loved and cared for him. He spent his time laughing with them wrapped in their warmth. Mattheo had an amazing relationship with a spectacular person. He was happy.
His father couldn't let that happen. In Voldemort’s eyes Mattheo was misbehaving to the maximum. He was a blood traitor, not only was he spending his time with a muggleborn he was dating one. Not to mention these people he was spending his time with. They were just as bad as him, telling him lies, feeding his mind with nonsense, spending time with muggleborn. They were all filth, every one of them.
Mattheo woke up and threw his arm out. He was searching for your warmth, knowing he snuck you into his dorm for snuggles last night. He lifted his head when he didn't feel you. It's not like you could've rolled away, it's a cramped twin sized bed. Mattheo noticed how quiet it was. None of Theo's loud ass music playing at 5 am. Mattheo pullled himself up looking around the dorm with his crusty eyes. The dorm was empty. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he started to inspect his surroundings more. The deep green curtains to Blaise's bed had been ripped down, pooling on the floor with the silver rings bent in odd directions. The bathroom light was still on, the sink running. Mattheo saw Lorenzo's bag and shoes left at the foot of his bed so he wasn't getting a head start in the library. Draco's bed made was unmade. Your pajama pants were still sitting next to Mattheo’s bed. You often kicked them off in the night, getting too hot. Mattheo's breath caught in his lungs. He was lunging for the door in no time, speeding to Pansy's dorm. He threw the door open, earning yells from her roomates. He asked them if they knew where Pansy was. They all gave him a no one said they thought she was with him and his friends. He ran out of the room, his breathing becoming erratic. Mattheo hadn't grown to trust any teacher. All of them seemed to make him uneasy. He sunk to the floor of the commonroom against the wall. It was the first time he had a panic attack in school alone. At home? Sure it was basicaly a routine before bed at home. But at school there was always someone next to him, talking him through it. Whether it was one of his friends or you, someone was always there. He had a feeling he knew who took his friends. Mattheo knew he'd have to opt out of his classes and return home.
The usual pit of despair settled in his stomach as Mattheo stood in front of his iron gate. It slowly deepened as he walked up the gravel driveway. Mattheo had his wand at the ready, gripping it tightly at his side. His face was set in stone. Mattheo knew the treatment his father used on him, his own blood, was bad. Even just thinking of how he would treat Mattheo's friends made him feel sick. On the way to his home if you could even call it that he made his decision. Mattheo would kill his father. Mattheo wasn't even sure if that was possible but he would at least try. He thought of you. He imagined you locked in the dungeon with the others. Your pants were still on the floor of his dorm, most of his friends slept in some stage of naked so they were probably all shivering. You would be pressed into Pansy's side. Blaise would be looking for some way out. There was none, Mattheo could draw the dungeons from memory every brick and corner burned into his brain. Draco would be pacing back and forth muttering about the terrifying possibilities. Lorenzo, while being more optimistic than the others, had a tendency to quit when things got hard. Lorenzo was probably sat next to you staring at the ceiling in defeat. Theo would be rubbing Pansy's back. He knows even though she loved comforting others, she'd forget to take care of herself. Mattheo thought of how when he was little in the dungeons he was all alone. Well all alone except for the rats.
Oh god, the rats.
The topic of rats had once been brought up with the group. Pansy, Blaise, and Lorenzo didn't mind them. Mattheo liked them, they were often the only company he had as a child so he sympathized with them. Draco and Theo didn't like them, but you hated them. They made your skin crawl and just the thought of them had you sick to your stomach and pacing around the room. Once you saw a mouse in the green house so you skipped your Herbolgoy classes for a week. Even then Mattheo had to drag you in with him. He felt terrible for you, trapped in a cold, damp, and terrifying dungeon half naked and pressed to your friend's side with no way out. The second you found out there were rats down there he was certain you'd get sick and sob for hours.
Mattheo grabbed his wand tighter. He flicked it, the large ornate double doors to his home swinging open. Mattheo swung his wand, the furniture near him toppling over. His father rounded the corner.
"There you are son." Mattheo clenched his jaw at the name. His anger boiling up. He felt like he was in third year again, stealing everything Mattheo laid his fingers on.
"Where are they." It was a question but with Mattheo's tone it became a demand of showing him to his friends. His father sighed. He drew his wand, pointing it at Mattheo.
"You always were ungrateful." Voldemort threw the crucio curse towards Mattheo, who blocked it with his own spells. They continued to fight. Voldemort picking up his pace to make Mattheo trip up. Mattheo blocked them all. Until he started just narrowly missing them. Unfortunately, Mattheo often skipped his DADA classes and his father's curse hit him square in the chest. Mattheo dropped his wand, falling to is knees. he squirmed under the pain of the curse. His father stepped closer to him, intensifying the pain. Mattheo fell onto his back, pressing his head into the floor. He screamed. Mattheo hoped you were deep enough under the mansion floor you couldn't hear him. Mattheo hated crying in front of his father, Voldemort often considered it a show of weakness. The crucio curse was nothing new to him. He felt it a million times before. It was different this time. He knew you were here under his father's control. He knew his friends were here. He cried. A tear sliding down his cheek, it hit the floor. Mattheo was under the crucio curse for what felt like hours but he knew from his experience it had probably only been a few minutes. His eyes rolled back as he passed out.
When Mattheo came to he could hear muffled sobs in the background. He opened his eyes to see his wrists and ankles strapped to the chair he was sitting in. Mattheo pulled on the restraints even though he knew they wouldn't budge. He heard Pansy whisper your name. Mattheo looked up from his lap. All his friends were lined up against the wall with their hands tied behind their backs. Lorenzo and Blaise still slumped against each other, asleep. Draco and Theo were sat next to each other, staring blankly ahead of them. Between the two pairs was you and Pansy. You were passed out, your chin against your chest. Pansy kept trying to wake you up, nudging you with her head. She was begging you to wake up, her voice was breaking.
You all looked like hell. Everyone was stained with dirt. Everyone's face stained with tears. Draco always had his hair perfect. Now it looked disgusting, dirtied and tangled. Theo usually did keep quiet but the difference between quiet and silent was massive. Quiet he would throw in a scoff or one liner when he felt it. Mattheo only ever saw Theo truly silent once before, when Theo's mother passed. Now Theo was dead silent, Mattheo couldn't even hear his breath. The only thing telling Mattheo that his best friend was still alive was the rocking of his foot back and forth. Pansy was a wreck. Her mascara, which she never did remove before bed she always said it gave her a smokey look, trailing down her cheeks. Her shirt's shoulders were wet with others tears, just as he thought comforting others even when she was in crisis. Blaise and Lorenzo, while both asleep, Mattheo could tell they were just as bad as the others. The bottoms of Lorenzos socks were covered in mud, the knees of his pajama pants stained as well. Blaise's knees were scraped he always slept in shorts like a weirdo. You seemed the worst of it. Lorenzo and Blaise seemed peaceful in their sleep but Pansy's panic made Mattheo think something happened that cause you to pass out. You had pants on now, they were green. Mattheo assumed they were Draco's. He ran cold so he'd double up on clothing items most nights. Mattheo's heart warmed at the thought of Draco sacrificing a pair to you. Draco sucked in a harsh breath.
"Pansy. Stop." He whispered. Pansy snapped her head towards him, she looked like she was going to rip his jugular out with her teeth right here right now. He met her eyes and the words died in her throat. She turned back to you, trying to nudge your head up with hers.
"Are they okay?" Mattheo asked. Pansy whipped her head around to look at Mattheo, shocked he was awake. She shook her head. He looked to Draco and Theo for explaination. Mattheo noted that Theo defiantly had gone into the same zombie like state the day he got the letter from his father. Theo didn't speak or look at anyone for what felt like years. It was really only about two weeks after his mother died. The first few days he never left bed. Mattheo brought him meals. He helped feed him on the days Theo just stared the ceiling, begging Mattheo to kill him. Mattheo ran him baths and walked him to his classes. Mattheo helped him heal. Some nights Theo would curl up in Mattheo's arms just crying and missing his mother's warmth. Mattheo would rock him and tell him everything Theo told him when Mattheo had panic attacks. What Mattheo wouldn't give to just hold all of his friends and rock them right now. Draco spoke up, knowing Theo wouldn't.
"He, um, he dragged them in front of us and he crucioed them until they threw up and passed out. There was so much screaming. It was-" Draco's voice broke and he looked down at his lap. His shoulders shook as he sobbed. Pansy started to cry harder as she dropped her head into your still lap. Mattheo remembered how frequently Pansy would lay her head in your lap. You stroked her hair, and gently combed through it with your fingers. Pansy once told him it made her feel at home, she always felt bad for falling asleep. You always whispered in her ear when she was asleep how much you loved her. Pansy continued to cry as you seemed to pull out of your sleep. You lifted your head and glanced around. You raised an eyebrow at Pansy in your lap. You whispered her name. She shot up. The back of her head colliding with your lip. You groaned. Pansy quickly apologized. You let out a wet laugh making Pansy chuckle with you. Draco looked up at the two of you, snorting at your contagious laughter. Mattheo felt a small smile grow. Even in the absolute worst situation you made people laugh. You looked around at the others. The laughter died down as people's smiles fell. You saw Mattheo and he watched the corners of your mouth twitch up. You both shared a small smile before you started nudging Blaise's leg with your foot. Blaise woke up he muttered a 'hey' at Mattheo like Mattheo just joined them at breakfast. As Blaise started shaking his body to wake up Lorenzo, you checked on the others. You asked each of them if they were okay. All of which answered some form of 'not really'. You asked Mattheo and he just stared at you with watery eyes. You sat up on your knees, shuffling over to him. You gently kissed his knuckles before looking up to him. Your body pressing into the side of his leg. Mattheo leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours.
"I'm so sorry." His voice was barely loud enough for you to hear. You felt his tears fall onto your face. You shook your head, pulling back. Your nose nudged his. Mattheo revaled in the feeling of your skin against his. Even when Mattheo wasn't tied down, he wasn't able to get enough.
"It's not your fault." You whispered. Though your tone was hushed you were stern. You pressed a kiss to his cheek before shuffling away on your knees again. You made your way to Theo's side. You sat on the other side of him. Theo slumped over into you. You rested your chin on top of his head as he began to sob into your shirt. Mattheo knew if Theo’s hands weren't tied he'd be gripping onto your shirt, silently begging you not to leave. He knew if yours weren't tied you'd be holding on just as tight. You whispered to Theo something about 'being alright.' Draco leaned onto Theo, trying to comfort him as well. Theo sobbed into the skin of your collarbone. He babbled about how worried he was for you. You kissed the crown of his head. Mattheo was so glad even though he couldn't rock Theo at least you could support him. Blaise moved to Pansy. She rested her head on his shoulder as Lorenzo scooted close to Blaise, dropping his head on Blaise’s other shoulder. Blaise pressed his head against the wall. Mattheo stared at his friends, all reduced to the troubled children they were. They were raised to be weapons, soldiers, or monsters. Truly they were just kids. Theo matched his underwear to his socks. Draco avoided broccoli like the plaque. Pansy would spit water out of her mouth like a fountain. Lorenzo would stick breadsticks in mouth and pretend to be a walrus. Blaise still unironically called people 'stinking jerks'. Mattheo would try to throw paper in the trash can like a basketball player. You still loved coloring books. It was forgotten often. Now looking at all of you all Mattheo could see was scared children.
You were humming a lullaby to sooth Theo as you stared up the ceiling with tears in your eyes. Theo was curled up in a ball, pressed to your chest. Mattheo knew he was thinking of when his mother would rock him to sleep and sing some song in Italian. Draco was crying against Theo's arm, his big fuzzy socks with trucks on them sliding down his ankles and stained with whatever was coating the dungeon floors. Pansy was hiding her face in Blaise's shoulder. Blaise was looking up the ceiling, his breathing uneven. Lorenzo was rocking his feet back and forth, seemingly ran out of tears to cry. You all jumped when a door slammed somewhere behind Mattheo. He turned his head in an uncomfortable position. Mattheo saw his father and three deatheaters in full uniform walking behind him. The deatheaters walked closer to his group of friends against the wall. His father stopped in front of Mattheo. He muttered something about teaching Mattheo a lesson but Mattheo ignored him. His eyes glued to the deatheaters as they moved closer to your group. Theo turned his head, facing the wall. Draco sat up, scooting closer to Theo to get away. You kissed Theo on the head again as the deatheaters stood behind Lorenzo. One of them grabbed Lorenzo by the root of his hair, dragging him towards the center of the room. He cried and yelped in pain as he tried to search for purchase on the floor with his heels. As one of the deatheaters held him by his hair another pulled out a knife. Mattheo yanked on his restraints again. The deatheater released Lorenzo's hands from the rope throwing it across the room. The two without a knife grabbed his wrists holding his arms out. Lorenzo stared at the ground. Voldemort pressed his wand under Lorenzo’s chin.
"Look at him." Lorenzo met Mattheo's eyes. Voldemort whispered a curse. Lorenzo's body jerked. Tears streamed down his face as he began to shake more. He let out a pained cry. You pressed your face further into Theo's hair as he started to cry harder. They all avoided looking at him, not wanting to watch this again. A scream slipped out of Lorenzo's lips. The sound echoed off the walls. Mattheo cried to himself as he tried to yank himself out of his restraints. Mattheo whispered his begs for his father to stop. Voldemort glanced back at Mattheo, releasing the curse. Lorenzo slumped, his body being held up from the floor by his outstretched arms. Voldemort pressed his wand into Mattheo’s cheek. Voldemort mocked his begs, before tilting Lorenzo’s head up with his wand. Lorenzo’s eyes were heavy, closing from exhaustion. Mattheo shook his head at Lorenzo. Voldemort leaned down into Lorenzo’s ear.
“Beg.” Lorenzo was too far. Mattheo doubted he could even hear what was being said to him. After the crucio your body was still shaking hours after. Hearing after the curse was like covering your ear withs earmuffs. Mattheo always compared it to submerging your head under the water in a pool. Lorenzo dropped his head back, his neck unable to hold it up.
“Shame.” Voldemort whispered before shouting the killing curse. Mattheo screamed as Lorenzo’s body was hit. His own wails muffled with his friends’. Mattheo ripped his eyes from Lorennzo’s body, looking to his group of friends. Pansy was folding in half, pressing her face against the cold floor. Blaise was staring at Lorenzo, unable to look anywhere else. Draco was hiding his shaking sobs in Theo’s back. Theo was biting down on your shoulder, holding back his screams. Your mouth was open, shallow gasps escaping your lungs as you stared at the ceiling. Mattheo felt his father grip his chin, forcing him to look at Lorenzo’s body. Lorenzo was crumpled in an unnatural position. His eyes were wide open now. His leg was twisted back behind himself. The deatheaters had released his arms, letting Lorenzo drop like a forgotten puppet. Mattheo stared into Lorenzo’s unfocused eyes, he saw all the times Lorenzo told Mattheo eyes were the window to the soul. Lorenzo’s eyes were foggy now. Mattheo blinked hard, tears slipping down his face. Voldemort turned to the deatheaters. He was talking but Mattheo couldn’t hear anything. Mattheo stared at Lorenzo. He couldn’t tell if this was actually happening. Mattheo remembered the night before. Lorenzo was talking about how it seemed Mattheo couldn’t go one night without his partner next to him. Mattheo had thrown a pillow at him and laughing along with Lorenzo. Mattheo couldn’t remember the last time he told Lorenzo he loved him, his last words to Lorenzo being joking insults. Calling him a rat bastard wasn’t exactly a caring declaration. One of the deatheaters grabbed Lorenzo by his ankle, dragging his limp body over towards the group. Blaise quickly scooted away from his friend’s dead body, seeking comfort in Pansy’s presence. Mattheo looked to the other two deatheaters. One of them gripped you by your shoulder, tossing you down against the floor. The last one pulled Theo up by his arm. Theo quickly sucked in his sobs. He wobbled on his feet. You were squirming against the deatheater, snapping your teeth at them. Shouting out at them to leave Theo alone. The deatheater fighting against you seemed to get annoyed, swinging their hand back. They knocked you in the mouth sending you to fall onto your back. The deatheater shook their hand out helping the other two release Theo’s hand restraints.
Theo was held up in the same way as Lorenzo. Theo was on his knees his arms held outstretched by the deatheaters. Mattheo pulled at his wrists again. He couldn’t let this happen, not again. Mattheo babbled out apologies to Theo. Theo’s eyes were red and puffy, cheeks stained with his tears. Theo shook his head at Mattheo. He whispered over and over again that it was okay but Mattheo couldn’t bear it. Voldemort held Mattheo’s head steady, forcing him to watch Theo shake with pain. Theo yelled out. Voldemort intensified the spell before ripping it away. Theo’s chest heaved. Voldemort clicked his tongue before casting the crucio again. Mattheo thrashed his head against his father’s hand, trying to look away from Theo’s screams. Voldemort grabbed Mattheo’s face, knocking Mattheo’s head back into the chair. Mattheo received the message, staring at Theo. Theo slumped as Voldemort released the spell. Theo picked up his head before staring up at the ceiling. His jaw was slack, tears slipping down his face.
“mamma, per favore prendimi.” Theo whispered. His voice was hoarse from his screams. Mattheo’s stomach sank as Voldemort yelled at Theo to shut up. Voldemort slapped Theo. Theo’s cheek reddened, looking to the floor. Theo ignored the stinging, looking back to the ceiling.
“Per favore, mamma.” Theo muttered again this time more desperate. As Voldemort pulled back his hand, Theo collapsed. His chin hitting the marble floor, his arms still held back behind him. Mattheo stared at Theo, holding his breath.
Please get up
Please get up
Please, Theo
Voldemort squashed Mattheo’s hopes as he threw the killing curse at Theo. It hit Theo on his back, his body jerking. Mattheo dropped his head, staring at his lap. Mattheo heard screams coming from his friends, he couldn’t look at them. If he saw them he knew he would vomit. He had to. Mattheo had to see his friends, see them alive. They probably wouldn’t last much longer judging by the track record of today. He looked at Blaise. Blaise was supporting Pansy up with his body. His eyes were frozen in front of him. Pansy was screaming into Blaise’s shoulder. Mattheo looked to you. You were folded over, heaving over the floor. Draco was pressing his face against your back, crying and comforting you all at once. Mattheo looked back as the deatheaters dragged Theo’s body over to Lorenzo’s, throwing it on top. Mattheo felt sick. As the three deatheaters moved to pull up Blaise, something seemed to click. Blaise swung, his hands untied. Mattheo could barely catch up as Pansy and Draco stood, hands free. Pansy grabbed one deatheater by the back of their head, smashing their face into the stone wall. She took their wand before smashing their face again. Draco and Blaise fought off the other two, stealing their wands within no time. Pansy’s deatheater crumpled to the ground within seconds of being in her presence. You were still hunched over on the ground. The other two deatheater were killed with their own wands. Blaise pointed the deatheater’s wand at Voldemort. They argued as Pansy ran to Mattheo. She flicked a knife out from behind her, cutting Mattheo’s restraints off. The second Mattheo was free, he rushed to you. He pointed Draco off to help Pansy and Blaise with Voldemort, focusing on you. You reached out, gripping onto Mattheo. Your nails dug into his arms as you sobbed. Mattheo nodded, rubbing your back.
“I know.”
“I know.”
“I know, baby.” You looked up at Mattheo, with puffy eyes. Your eyes couldn’t focus, looking to the pile of your dead friends, to the three behind Mattheo fighting off curses. You cried more when you saw Theo and Lorenzo’s crooked limps thrown together. You sniffed loudly as Mattheo clusimly moved his hands from your back to your face. He cupped your cheeks, forcing your focus on him. Mattheo pressed his forehead to yours muttering about how you had to go.
“We need to leave, baby. I know, I know. We have to.” You gasped loudly, sucking in all the air into your lungs. You pulled away from Mattheo, looking at Voldemort. You muttered Mattheo’s name. Mattheo hummed.
“Permission to kill your father?” Mattheo stared at the side of your face. Your jaw was clenched, your brow was set. You were beyond determined. Mattheo felt the hatred for his father that had been boiling up all these years wash over him. It settled in his stomach. You turned your head, meeting Mattheo’s eyes.
“He’s immune to all curses, you can’t kill him unless you destroy like eight other objects. Or something like that, I wasn’t listening to him.” Mattheo whispered. You shrugged your shoulders.
“Who said anything about curses?” Mattheo stared at you. A small vicious grin spread over your lips. Mattheo noddded.
“Whatever you’re planning, permission granted.” You kissed Mattheo on the cheek before shooting up on your feet. Mattheo ignored wherever you sprinted off to, joining the other three. Blaise handed Mattheo his wand. Mattheo wondered how Blaise got it off his father but judging by them being able to take down three deatheaters he didn’t want to test them by asking too many questions. Mattheo joined in throwing curses and protection spells left and right. Pansy had disappeared from his side at some point. Mattheo kept his eye on Draco and Blaise as they fought against his father. His father hit Blaise. Blaise dropped to the floor, the Cruciatus curse flowing through his veins. Draco stopped to check on Blaise, despite Mattheo yelling at him not to. Next thing Mattheo knew Draco was also hit, spasming next to Blaise. Mattheo was left alone to fight off his father. Mattheo felt he knew this was how he would die. At some point his subconscious accepted that he would die by his father’s hand. Voldemort disarmed Mattheo, his wand flying across the room. Mattheo sucked in a breath, dropping his arms to his sides. He closed his eyes waiting for the final curse. Mattheo peeked one eye open when no pain came.
Voldemort was laying face down on the ground a large bloody gash on the back of his head. You and Pansy standing above him. Pansy dropped to Voldemort’s hand, stomping on his wrist. She plucked his wand out of his hand, moving to help Draco and Blaise up on their feet. You had one foot pressing into Voldemort’s back. You were holding up a very expensive, very heavy, metal candle stick. The base was large and square. Mattheo once dropped one on his foot and broke his toe. It was still a little crooked. You looked up to Mattheo. You had a simmering question in your eyes.
Are you sure?
Mattheo nodded. You pulled the candle stick back up, swinging it down onto the back of Voldemort’s head. You repeated your motions. Mattheo looked at the others. Draco and Blaise had turned around. Pansy was staring at you with a smile, proud. When Mattheo looked back to you, you were coated in blood, the candlestick didn’t even look gold anymore. You took a step back from the body. You dropped the candlestick on his back. You walked back to Mattheo. Mattheo stared at you as he started to realize he liked the look of you covered in blood more than he should. He gripped your stained shirt, pulling you into him. Mattheo gave you a bittersweet kiss. You pulled back and moved to Pansy and the others. You all stood awkwardly, staring at each other. You and Pansy had blood on your faces, some on your shirts. Draco and Blaise were clean, as clean as they could be. Mattheo had the blood from your face smeared on his. You all turned to look at your friends on the floor.
You situated yourselves, pulling Theo and Lorenzo into your arms. You all apparated back tp Hogwarts. Although you couldn’t get onto the grounds, you made it outside the perimeter walls. You all gently laid Theo and Lorenzo down on their backs. Laying in the dirty path in front of the large gate wouldn’t be comfortable but neither was sitting with your dead friends in your lap. Mattheo gently closed their eyes. Pansy and Blaise resting their hands on their stomachs. They made it look like Theo and Lorenzo just decided to sleep peacefully on top of gravel. You leaned over them both, knees digging into the gravel. You pushed back Theo’s hair, kissing his forehead. You did the same to Lorenzo. You wished you had told them both how much you loved and cared for them the day before or even a few hours before. If while all of you were sat huddled together on the dungeon floor you went around and said I love you a million times to each person, maybe you wouldn’t feel as sick as you did. Lorenzo killed a rat for you. You thanked him in tears, extremely tight hugs, and sniffles. You comforted Theo to his very end but it still didn’t feel like enough to you. You stood up, staring down at them. Theo was with his mother. Lorenzo was probably with Theo or some dead celebrity he looked up to. They were at peace. They were laying on the gravel driveway to their private school so maybe they weren’t at peace right now, but they would be. Pansy decided she would walk to Hogsmede, to get help. She couldn’t get inside the school walls but she thought if the town’s people saw a high school student covered in blood in nothing but her pjs they might want to help more. You collapsed against the stone perimeter wall. Mattheo sat next to you on one side. Draco and Blaise joined you. Draco next to you and Blaise next to him. Not one of you dared to look at the boys on the driveway. You were dead silent, catching up mentally to what happened to all of you.
“Thanks for that Clue move back there, with the candlestick.” Draco whispered. You let out a muffled laugh. It would’ve been brighter if you didn’t feel filthy in more way than one. You heard Blaise and Mattheo let out a snort.
“Yeah thanks for that, Draco. You always know what to say.” He nodded. Blaise dropped his head on Draco’s shoulder. Draco rested his chin on top of Blaise’s head. You reached out for Mattheo’s hand, intertwining your fingers. You all sat in silence as you waited for Pansy to come back with help.
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baronessblixen · 3 months
I wish you would write a fic where mulder is concerned because william says mama but hasn’t said dada yet
This inspired me to write a little scene!
He knows he's bribing his son, but in his defense, he's desperate. William doesn't look at him and only at the small Snoopy spoon full of mashed potatoes. The peas that William was supposed to eat are still in the fridge. How will he get his son to finally say "dada" when he's feeding him the food he hates most in the world?
"Can you say it, Will?" Mulder brings the spoon to William's mouth. "Dada. Da-da."
Instead of parroting his father, William reaches for the spoon, no longer willing to wait. His lack of patience clearly an inherited trait. He stuffs the spoon and the mashed potatoes into his mouth, giving Mulder a gummy smile. Which he returns, shaking his head.
"One day you'll say it." He stares at Will, who has abandoned the spoon and is shoving the potatoes into his mouth, chewing loudly.
"Dada. Da-Da. Da-Da." Mulder knows how ridiculous he sounds. How crazy it is to feel left out when William calls Scully mama. "I love you, Will," he whispers, kissing his son's head before he wipes mash from the child's cheek.
It's not until two days later, when Mulder carries a freshly diapered William into the kitchen where Scully is preparing dinner, that his son does the unthinkable.
"Did he just?" Scully says, grinning at Mulder, who's stunned himself.
"Can you say it again, Will?" But the boy doesn't. He kicks his legs, trying to get to Scully. Mulder hands him over and Will squeals in delight.
"Dadadadada." But the child is not referring to Mulder at all. He's trying to wriggle out of Scully's arms and throw himself into the mashed potatoes she's preparing.
"Oh no." The laughter bubbles up inside him. He's done it. He's taught his son how to say dad.
"Oh no, what?" Scully asks.
"I think," Mulder says, spooning up some mash to get William's attention.
"Dada!" Just like he's thought. He doesn't make William wait and feeds it to him.
"Mulder, is he-" Scully now asks, her eyebrows knit.
"Does he think mashed potatoes are called dada?" Mulder asks with a sheepish smile. "Yeah, he does."
But, Mulder decides as he explains it to Scully, eliciting one eye roll and several chuckles, at least he's heard his son say it now. Everything else will fall into place.
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novasintheroom · 3 months
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20. Mentality
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1k
♡ Warnings - Vash's eating disorder
♡ Description: Vash isn't doing well mentally, and that means his appetite suffers.
Part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3.
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It’s…a rough day. Your muscles ache, your knees hurt from where you scratched them falling, and Vash is…well, he’s not doing great either.
You worry over him as you cook. The sausage and potatoes bubble merrily, much more happily than you feel right now. Vash is quietly sullen. He looks over his pack, shifting things around in it again and again – like he isn’t sure what else to do. Then, he switches to staring off in the distance, to the plume of smoke and dust still settling two days later, his mentality in the gutter.
The town was demolished in the bandit raid. People are homeless and traveling to the next town. They spit and curse at you both as they passed, blaming you two for not stopping the bandits on time, for being the reason they tracked you down in the first place.
It wasn’t the case; you just happened to be in town when the bandits came through and recognized Vash. The shootout had been intense, but ultimately lost. No side won. And now, chased out of yet another town, you do your best to raise your spirits with the food you’d grabbed while you were still welcome.
Gently, you place a plate filled with steaming food next to Vash. He looks at it, brief, then away with a sour expression. You know what that means.
“Vash,” you say. He doesn’t look up. “Vash, you need to eat.”
“No, I don’t,” he mutters, flicking off a bit of ash that lands on his knee.
A sigh through your nose. “C’mon, I made enough for both of us.”
You take the plate and hold it in your lap, fork ready. Vash thinks he’s in the clear, until you sit down next to him and hold out a forkful of mashed potatoes. “Say ‘ah.’”
He gives you a bemused look. “I’m not hungry, ______.”
That’s a lie. This man is always hungry. “Vash,” you sigh again. What can you do? What will make him get out of this funk? “If you don’t eat, I won’t either.”
Vash looks at you, alarmed. “But you need to eat!”
“No, I don’t.”
“Mayfly, you’re more human, you need to eat.”
You cross your arms and shake your head. “Not until you’ve eaten.”
Vash lets out a low growl of frustration. “This isn’t fair.”
Eyes rolling, you pick up the plate and hold out the mashed potatoes again. “We can argue until this food gets grossly cold, or we can both eat while it’s warm.” You give him a smile. “Your choice, birdie.”
He pouts. You smoosh the fork to his mouth, smearing gravy and potatoes on his upper lip. When he opens his mouth to protest, you launch the fork in, staring with delight as he closes around it and begins chewing. His brows twitch further down. Moving the mush to his cheek, he says, “That was a trick.”
“Duh.” You take the fork back and spear a sausage. “Getting you to eat is like getting a toddler to eat their vegetables sometimes, I swear.”
“I am not a todd – hagh!” He chews around the sausage you shove in during his protest. Unbidden, he lets out a small ‘mmm.’
“See? I knew getting the sausage was a good splurge!”
Vash is still glaring at you. He reaches out, taking the fork and plate. You’re about to turn away, satisfied that he’s going to eat, when he spears the other sausage and holds it to your mouth. “Your turn.”
You give him a look. “Birdie, I can get my own plate; that’s yours.”
He shakes his head. “That’s the deal: I took two bites, now you take two bites.”
Lips quirking up, you say, “Oh, it’s a deal now?” Still, you take a bite of the sausage. Vash’s eyes glitter with triumph and satisfaction. He spoons up a bit of mashed potatoes next and holds it out. You take another bite, humming at the tomas gravy and thick mush. Once you’re done, you hold out your hands for the plate and fork. Vash, a bit shy, gives it to you and waits for you to hold up the next bite for him to take.
And that’s how it goes for the next ten minutes – both of you feeding each other, carefully, lovingly. Once the food is gone, your bellies are full, and Vash is smiling again. He even hums a tune as he helps clean up the pots and pans and utensils used.
“I’m glad you feel better,” you comment, taking the plate he hands you and wiping it off with a damp cloth.
To this, Vash sighs. “Yeah. I’m sorry, I…just…” he shrugs, helpless.
“Birdie,” you take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently, “it’s okay. I get it. You’re way harder on yourself than you should be.”
He nods, more pliant and accepting of this now. “It’s difficult. I just feel so guilty for everything that I – “ he cuts himself off. Shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. I know it doesn't matter now.”
It does still matter, but that’s a conversation for another night. Right now, you just want your man to be happy. “As long as you’re full, that’s all that I worry about.” You lean over and nudge him with a shoulder.
Vash laughs, bashfully bowing his head. “Yeah, and as long as you aren’t hangry, I’m happy.” He laughs again when you shove him over in the dirt, quipping ‘how’s that hangry for you?’
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bluesest · 7 months
A Diarrhea Camp
In the "Orange Lake" camp there have always been adventures of all kinds, from wasp chases, to cases where for certain reasons, some campers used to have… stomach problems.
On this occasion a large group of campers arrived at the big green forest, where they will share great moments together. Jeremy was one of these campers, he was the rebel of the group, always looking for a way to get into trouble. On the third day, Jeremy insulted a fellow camper which was heard by the camp guides and as a punishment, he would have to serve the food dishes to the campers of the place.
That's how it all started, he hated having to work when he was supposed to be having fun with his buddies, in short, he was annoyed by the situation. On the first day, almost finishing his shift he overheard two of the campers complaining about the food:
"Wow…is this stuff even edible?"
"Is this supposed to be mashed potatoes?"
"The only thing pure here is how my stomach will end up after eating this."
"Rather, how your diarrhea will turn out after eating this attempt at food."
Hearing this, Jeremy couldn't help but get a feeling, one he had never felt before, it was a mixture of need and the obscene, like a great desire inside his heart that made him start sweating. He thought, "Just imagine how those unusable toilets would end up if any of these guys had an urge."
Night came and he was in his cabin with 5 of the other campers:
"Hey, I don't recommend you go to the bathrooms in this place, they're worse than last year, I'd choose a tree to mark my territory over that attempt at hygiene."
"And when it's your turn to do number two?"
"First of all, it's called shitting, second of all, I wouldn't have a choice to be honest."
Again that feeling came, piercing his chest and making certain parts of his body start to fill with blood. "Do I really like that kind of thing…? Naaahhh… but I should be able to do something to prove otherwise… I have an idea!"
While no one was looking, Jeremy grabbed his backpack and searched through his clothes, "I usually usually put all the medications on my shelf when I leave… Here it is!" Among several capsules he found a hand-sized bottle of a powerful laxative, and if you're wondering why a person would have a big bottle of laxative, well, let's just say our friend has had trouble with unclogging the pipe when he usually eats a lot of junk food.
The next day it was time to execute the plan, he waited for the cooks to be distracted to pour at least a small spoonful of the laxative to each of the dishes, the taste was not going to be a problem because the food itself was disgusting, Jeremy's conscience kicked in and almost caused him to stop his plan, but his desire was stronger, and that's how around 40 campers were intoxicated with laxative.
Once he finished his work, he grabbed a plate of food and sat down with his companions:
"This tastes a little weird than usual, but it's still gross."
"There are lots of activities at camp today: canoe paddling, swimming, a foot race, arts and crafts and among other things, what will you guys be doing?"
This just added more excitement to the matter, many of them would have to cut their activities short because their stomachs wouldn't hold out for long.
Twenty minutes passed and Jeremy was sitting on a log when he spotted a camper in the distance trying to hide the fact that he was carrying a roll of toilet paper in his hand, he was Jeremy's first victim, or at least the first one he could observe.
Slowly he approached him taking care that he didn't see him, surprisingly he got to the bathroom earlier which was because the camper could barely take small steps. When he arrived he saw that the bathroom had only two compartments, it was a typical wooden latrine with a large hole in the floor as a toilet, there are about 10 of these bathrooms around the camp, but even so they were not enough for the large wave of diarrheic young people, Jeremy hid in the second toilet and with a knife he had in his pocket he made a hole that allowed him to see everything that happened in the first latrine and that made it difficult to observe what was happening in the second one from the first toilet.
Finally he hears the first door creaking and being abruptly closed, he hears a small voice: "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God!" followed by the sound of the boy's pants strap to then drop his pants, after that the boy was able to free himself:
The first blow was a devastating one, you could tell from afar how he'd been holding that in for a long time.
The second one violently hit the hole, liters of liquid was expelled from the small anus of the subject that was not enough to expel everything in one blow:
Sobs began to be heard which were confused by the drops of brown liquid coming out of the poor boy, Jeremy was able to fill his desire, but this is not where it ends. Suddenly a knock was heard at Jeremy's cubicle door:
"Hey buddy, excuse me, but have you cleared the bathroom yet? I just really need to go, and to be honest, the guy next door sounds like he's just getting started."
Jeremy took his eyes off the hole, opened the door and answered, "All yours", he was a tall young man with some muscle, his clothes were stuck to him due to sweat, and with a smile he thanked Jeremy obviously not knowing that he was the one who was to blame for his suffering.
The big guy closed the door, Jeremy almost left the place disappointed until he saw a small hole that would allow him to see what was also happening in the second cubicle: He saw how the tall guy started to undress, he was the type of person who undresses to go to the bathroom when it is something urgent, Jeremy managed to see part of the guy's penis before his ass fell into the toilet:
The first blow was weak compared to that of the previous person, who by the way was still expelling large amounts of poop in embarrassment as he knew a new person entered with the same problem:
The second hit was somewhat disappointing for Jeremy, apparently this guy was having a bad constipation, he was about to leave to find other campers until a big noise made him stay:
The smell hit him all at once, a mixture of bread and meat with a hint of pepper, the man managed to unclog his pipe and managed to release a third shocking wave as the first person had already finished and proceeded to clean himself up Tall: "Uffffffff I really did have to get rid of a couple of extra pounds…wait a minute…I FORGOT TO BRING PAPER…*KNOCK* *KNOCK* hey, I know you're in there, could you lend me some paper? I really need to clean up the mess I have on my butt."
Shy: "ummmm… Ok… but don't finish it all, I'm afraid this is a… diarrhea."
Tall: "Don't worry, I have more in my backpack, just let me know when you want to hit the porcelain again."
Shy: "That would be strange…"
Tall: "In another context yes, but come on, we both heard and smelled what was going on in each other's toilet, we're like bathroom bros!"
Shy: "Well… do you want to go paddling after this… with me?"
Tall: "Sure, why not, I don't have many friends around here either."
Those words reminded Jeremy of one of the other activities which would be interesting for his new hobby: canoe paddling, just the thought of a person having an emergency in a place surrounded by water and the only way out is using brute force which raises the risk of causing an anal leak, is something that fascinated Jeremy. As he left the area he saw that very few campers were around, that was a sign that most were already affected and that only those with strong stomachs were not affected, even so sooner or later they would all fall.
As he made his way to the lake he could see the start of the foot race that he heard in the cafeteria, there were 5 contestants, all of them were sweaty, but only one had a worried face, apparently 4 of them had already used the bathroom and the sweat remained as a souvenir. The camper was wearing a yellow sleeveless shirt with tight black shorts that exposed his well polished legs.
The guide started the race, the one in the yellow shirt that we will call as "Runner" was in first place, apparently his urgency gave him the strength to explode his legs and want to finish the race as soon as possible, not even Jeremy taking shortcuts could catch him, so he followed him with his eyes, after 5 minutes the runner reached the finish line but he did not stop there and kept running, in the distance Jeremy could distinguish something between the runner's legs, a big lump, Jeremy decided to chase him again, he could even see how liquid diarrhea began to drip out of the shorts: a big lump, Jeremy decided to chase it again, he could even see how liquid diarrhea started to drip out of the shorts.
The runner arrived at his destination and after 1 minute Jeremy arrived too, while the runner was making a huge effort to take off his tight shorts without causing a mess, Jeremy took advantage of his urgency and opened a hole with the razor to observe what was going on inside: he saw how an agitated camper with big legs was undressing and with the speed that made him win the race he made his ass reach his own finish line:
The first wave was brutal, the smell was starting to permeate Jeremy's eyes, but also permeating the great view of what of the biggest asses Jeremy has ever seen in his life.
The second wave did not disappoint, so strong was the smell that Jeremy's eyes began to water and in his mind he said, "someone ate a lot of garlic today, didn't he?"
By the third, things had calmed down, Jeremy pulled his face out of the hole, wiped his eyes with a handkerchief and set out to continue with his original plan: go to the lake.
There was only one person already in the lake, a brunette person wearing a swimsuit, he looked ridiculous wearing that knowing he wouldn't touch the water, but Jeremy was not one to judge as he was doing worse.He approached the dock and in the distance he saw how the "swimmer" started hugging his stomach, Jeremy imagined that sporty body squeezed by that blue suit and when he saw him heading towards a secluded shore, Jeremy set out to run just to reach to hide and get a better view of the swimmer's butt. It wasn't easy but he finally got there before him, he positioned himself in a small bush as the canoe was parked:
Swimmer "Oh my god, the toilets are too far away and… I don't think I can hold on… shit."
A machine gun of farts was coming out of that tight ass, with force and desperation the swimmer started to quickly take off that suit exposing that under that suit was hiding a nice ass, he barely managed to free his ass and started to shit without even squatting down:
They were wet farts coming out forcefully as they were inundated by waves of violent diarrhea, it had a dark color and stank pretty bad.
Followed the liquid, there was no trace of any solid material, the frequency of the farts was going down, but they were much louder, at this part the camper could barely squat:
An even more powerful jet made the swimmer tremble causing him to nearly lose his balance and fall into his own fecal material. Finally, the poor camper finished and wiped his butt with the lake water hoping no one had seen him.
Jeremy seeing that the swimmer left was ready to return to his cabin and rest from the marathon he ran all day, but something strange, in the mud of the forest he saw footsteps, a trace of someone walking through the forest and so far did not return, Jeremy exhausted did not miss the opportunity and also went into the forest.
5 minutes was the time Jeremy was walking among the big trees, he was about to return when he heard some moans, when he looked out he saw another camper sweating, walking and hugging his stomach, so Jeremy decided to deviate from the dirt road and hid in the trees following the lost camper.
He looked exhausted and dizzy, he stopped for a second and changed his route next to a tree, defeated, he slowly dropped his pants leaving his somewhat flat butt in the air:
*PPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT*. It was just a dry fart, apparently yet another one who is constipated.
Slowly a monumental poop made its way out, it was so big that it couldn't easily pass through the poor boy's anus:
Finally, it fell leaving the way free for:
Shit was falling and exploding as it hit the ground, many flies around started to approach the boy which made the situation more uncomfortable:
Camper: "I think… I'll stay in camp…"
He slowly took several sheets and wiped his bottom, they were rough but worked well for the situation. After leaving, Jeremy walked over to the pile of shit and admired it by touching a certain part of his body.
Upon arriving back at camp, his friends told him the news that several campers had severe diarrhea.
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42spideys · 1 year
i love love love your chubby!male reader fic. would u mind writing a fic where chubby!reader is recovering from an ed and tries to eat a full meal one day and feels nauseous and calls 42!miles and is like can u come sit w me bc they feel like they are regressing?
just rlly soft and tender.
it’s okay if not !!! love u !! x
REGRESSION — e-42! miles morales x chubby!reader
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warnings: gn!reader, eating disorders, self hatred, fluff, comfort, google translated spanish (i’m srry), miles being the best boyfriend ever :((
note: i love u to!! this was such a cute request thank u anon 😭
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this was so stupid, you were stupid, and the food was stupid. you were trying your absolute best to sit there and eat, you had gotten more than half way done before you felt that familiar burning, disgusting, buildup in your chest. you let out a pained grunt before shoving a spoonful of mashed potatoes in your mouth, you felt yourself slipping. you were almost done, why were you chickening out? your hands shook as you picked up your phone to text miles, he was the only one in your mind that could help you right now.
geek 👾
‘miles are you busy rn?’
‘nah wsp’
‘this is so stupid but i need you over here rn, i’m dead abt to throw up this food i’m not joking’
read 12:19
read 12:20
you groaned in annoyance before laying your head in your arms, your food was pushed over to the left of you, it almost looked sad. after two minutes of you telling yourself how stupid you were for thinking you could ever do something so simple as eat food, you heard your door open. you glanced behind you to see miles panting, he was still in his pajamas, you felt like shit for making him run here. you looked away from him pathetically, small sniffles coming from you made miles tense in frustration. never at you of course, at your stupid brain and body for making you feel like this, for making you struggle with basic things like eating.
miles slowly walked over to the table where you were seated and picked up your plate, he dipped his pinky in the food and cringed when he felt nothing but cold. he made his way to your microwave, placing the food gently inside and starting it, the low hum of the microwave would’ve been calming if you weren’t on the verge of throwing up your organs. after two minutes he took the plate out the microwave and placed it in front of you, he kneeled next to you, placing a careful hand on your back.
“you’re gonna be okay, aight? sólo un poco más.” he whispered in your ear, you picked your head up with a pout, he gave a soft smile while watching you eat. anytime you tried to retreat from the table he kept you there, giving you words of praise, giving you hugs, giving you kisses, holding your hand through everything.
you felt like you were there for hours, it was agonizingly slow for you, but your thought were interrupted when a very smiley miles started clapping. “look, you finished all your food, i knew you could do it.” he ruffled your hair, earning a small giggle from you. he picked your plate up and went to the sink to wash it, you were trailing behind him like a small puppy, clinging onto the bottom of his shirt with your pinkie.
after he was done he scooped you up, much to your dismay. “quit doing that! what if you pull something?” he snorted while walking to your room, “i’m not going to die jus because i picked you up, you’re so dramatic.” he gently kicked your door open and threw you on the bed. “that’s still a possibility, miles.” you whined only to be met with a pair of lip on yours, he pulled away before you could register the kiss in your mind. “you can lecture me all you want in the morning, mi amor, but i’m tired and i know for sure yo ass tired to.”
you weren’t even going to try to argue with miles, you just wrapped yourself around his slender frame, he was always warm and smelled good.
“thank you, i really don’t think i would’ve been able to do that without you.” you say softly, already feeling yourself slipping into slumber. “you help me all the time, this was the most i could do.” he said with a small sigh while playing with your hair, “love you miles.” you mumbled sleepily making miles chuckle.
“love you too, siempre y para siempre.”
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queenshelby · 4 months
Our Little Secret (Part 47)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers
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A few hours earlier, at Cillian's house, Mara was sitting in her highchair, making a mess while she played with her food. She was on solids now, at least some of them, and she was as excited about her mushy peas as she was about her mashed potatoes.
Cillian couldn't help but smile as he watched her from the kitchen table. He had been a bit nervous about taking care of her on his own for the first time over night, but she was so calm and content that it seemed like she was truly enjoying her time at his place.
"Dada," Mara called out to him, lifting her tiny hands towards him.
Cillian's heart swelled with love at the sight of her. He got up from his chair and walked over to her, carefully lifting her up out of her highchair. He held her close to his chest as he kissed her on the forehead, breathing in the sweet smell of her hair.
"What is it sweetheart?" he asked, but of course, she wouldn't answer so he took it upon himself to figure out the mystery. 
"Dada," she repeated, reaching out a small hand to grab his stubble. Cillian raised an eyebrow as he marveled at how fast she was learning.
He walked her over to the living room and sat down on the sofa with her on his lap. She continued to look up at him, clearly demanding his full attention.
"What is it, sweetie?" he asked her, running his fingers through her soft, curly hair.
Mara shook her head and, before he knew it, she leaned in and touched his nose.  
"Dada," she exclaimed again, laughing at the silly little game they were playing, and Cillian smiled and played along, letting her poke his nose over and over again.
"Dada," she grinned, and Cillian kissed her on the cheek before lifting her up and spinning her around in a slow, gentle circle while she giggled along.
The love he felt for Mara was overwhelming. He had never known he could feel so much towards a person. It scared him sometimes, the depth of his affection for her but he wished that he could share this kind of familiarity and love with you as well.  But it was too late for him now. He had humiliated and hurt you beyond words, and no matter how many times he apologized, it would never be enough. At least not for you, and that was a pain he would continue to bear for the rest of his life.
Just as Cillian continued to play with Mara, doting on her cuteness and sweetness, he received the text from you, checking in on him. 
"Is Mara okay? Did she eat? She hasn't been very hungry lately," you asked  Cillian, hoping for some reassurance knowing that Mara was okay when apart from you.
It was the first time you had left her overnight since her birth, and despite Cillian's arguments about how it was about time that you trusted him with her, you still felt guilty for leaving her with a man who no longer loved you.
"Yes, she is fine. She ate well," Cillian texted back to you  , his fingers moving quickly over the keys as he kept one eye on Mara.
"Good. It makes me nervous, just do you know," you replied, then added a concerned emoji, causing Cillian to chuckle.
He knew how worried you were all the time when it came to Mara and, at least when it came to his daughter, you remained civil with him while, on the other hand, when he attempted to talk to you about anything else, including your failed relationship with him, you got angry. 
Thus, Cillian sighed, tossing his phone onto the coffee table before picking Mara up from her highchair again. She was chattering away to herself, clutching onto the spoon as if it were her most prized possession.
"Come on, Princess. Time for your bath," he said, tickling her under the chin as she giggled and squealed in delight.
As he carried her upstairs, she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaving tiny wet kisses on his neck, trying to blow raspberries on his skin as he sang songs to her about pirate treasures and buried gold.
Giving Mara a bath  was quickly becoming one of his favorite moments of the day, as it allowed him to laugh and enjoy his time with her without worrying about everything else that had happened between you two.
But as much as he loved spending time with Mara, the pain of losing you still lingered in the background, a thorn in his side that he couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried.
“Okay, up you go,” Cillian told Mara as he lifted her out of the tub and wrapped her in a soft, warm towel. "All ready for bed," he told her gently, smiling as she leaned her head against his chest, already half asleep which is when, suddenly, the doorbell rang.  
"Ding dong," Mara murmured, and Cillian chuckled as he carried her downstairs to see who it was.
Much to his surprise, it was his sister Siobhan standing at the front door, looking as if she had seen a ghost.
"Siobhan, are you alright?" he asked, sensing that something was up.
"I am and, fuck, I think you will be too," she told her brother who quickly covered Mara's ears.
"Language!" he  chided his sister as he opened the door wider. Siobhan rolled her eyes and walked in without a word, still looking shaken.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, Siobhan. What's going on?" he asked, setting Mara down on the warm blanket on the floor before quickly gathering her pajamas. 
Siobhan sighed, running a hand through her hair before turning to face her brother.
"I just left a bar where I ran into Amanda," she murmured, slowly pulling her hairband off her head and letting it loose. Cillian froze, his heart skipping a beat at the mention of her name.
"What about her?" he asked hoarsely, his grip on Mara's clothes tightening, as if she was his chance at redemption. He was sick of hearing from her after she announced her pregnancy to you, and even the rest of his family, without any remorse for consequences. 
"She was drinking a few glasses of wine," Siobhan continued, narrowing her eyes at Cillian. "She looked quite hammered, actually," she then added, and Cillian inhaled sharply, a heavy feeling settling in his stomach.
"And?" he asked, seeing how he really wanted nothing to do with her until their child was born and, even then, he wanted her to take a paternity test as he did not yet believe her that the child was even his, which was something that made her blood boil. 
"Well, isn't she pregnant?" Siobhan said, raising an eyebrow at him. Cillian sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "What is she doing getting wasted?" his sister pointed out, causing Cillian to shrug nonchalantly which made Siobhan shake her head in disbelief. 
"Jesus Cillian, don't you get it?" she asked, and he shook his head.
"I think she is lying about being pregnant," Siobhan exclaimed, her eyes wide and filled with righteous anger.
Cillian's shoulders sagged as he stared at his sister in disbelief. His mind raced as he tried to process what she was saying, but it all seemed too outrageous, too far-fetched to be true. How could Amanda be so cruel and manipulative?
"You think that she isn't pregnant?" he  asked, struggling to hide the hope and disbelief in his voice.
"Yes, I think she is lying about being pregnant," Siobhan reiterated, her arms folded firmly across her chest. "I mean, it's just a feeling I have gotten for a while now. I can't explain why, but I just feel like something isn't right," she said emphatically.
Cillian stared at his sister for a long moment, considering her words carefully. The thought of Amanda lying about being pregnant was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
"She sent me photos of scans and stuff, Siobhan.  I have seen them," Cillian said, feeling a sense of doubt creeping into his mind.
Siobhan sighed and shook her head. "I know, but it's not that hard these days to falsify documents like that. I mean, she could have easily gotten them off the internet and then passed them off as her own. And besides, I saw her drink- she must have been at least three or four glasses deep, maybe more. There's no way she is pregnant," Siobhan continued, and Cillian felt himself growing increasingly uneasy. "She isn't even showing yet and I just have a bad feeling about this all. I had this bad feeling from the beginning, but I didn't want to believe it."
Cillian stood before her, feeling stunned as his sister laid out her suspicions to him. He couldn't believe that Amanda could be capable of such deception. Yet, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed possible. 
"So, you just happened to be at that same bar as Amanda?" Cillian  asked, trying to keep the surprise out of his voice.
"Yeah, I was grabbing drinks with some friends and she was just there," Siobhan replied with a shrug, lying to her brother while looking at him curiously, trying to gauge his reaction.
"What did she say when she saw you?" Cillian asked, still holding Mara's pajamas.
"Not much, actually. She just kind of...left," Siobhan said, furrowing her brow as she tried to remember before admitting to her brother that she had actually been keeping an eye on Amanda through work.
"Alright, I knew where she was going tonight. I have been keeping an eye on her for a while and her secretary is a big chatter box, so I knew where to go tonight," Siobhan continued as she stared at Cillian intently. "Listen, I just had a gut feeling that something was off about her pregnancy and my gut is usually right," Siobhan added and Cillian felt a wave of emotions wash over him at his sister's revelation. Confusion, excitement, disbelief, and rage all coursed through him simultaneously.
"But, why would she do that?" Cillian stammered, the words catching in his throat but Siobhan did not know the answer to his question.
"Amanda has always been manipulative when it came to you ," she whispered, running a hand through her hair. "She probably thought that she could get what she wanted from you if she played the 'pregnancy card'," Siobhan explained and Cillian quickly became determined to tell you about it all, thinking that, perhaps, it would make a difference. 
"Y/N needs to know that this all a big fat lie,"  Cillian murmured, looking at Mara before turning his eyes to his sister again.
"She does, although, honestly Cillian, I don't think it will make a difference. You cheated on her with Amanda, which is why she left you, and frankly, it was the right thing to do," Siobhan retorted, arching an eyebrow at her brother.
Cillian nodded in agreement. He knew she was right, but he couldn't help but feel guilty all the same. He had ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him, and now he was left to pick up the pieces of his broken family.
"I know Siobhan, but sometimes I wonder if we have another chance somehow, you know?" Cillian asked his sister wistfully, staring at the floor as Mara played contentedly on the blanket where she had been placed. "I love her so much and I wish that we could just start all over again, with a clean slate," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion as, suddenly, he broke down.
Siobhan sighed and walked over, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You hurt her Cillian, and you have to live with that. You can't take it back, you can't erase it," she told him gently.
"I know, but I am prepared to do anything it takes to get back" he admitted, swallowing the lump in his throat.
"And that's admirable, but for now, you need to focus on being a good father to Mara, and maybe in time, things will work out between you and Y/N," Siobhan advised, her tone soft and supportive. "It might take years though, so just know to be patient," she then told him and Cillian nodded, wiping away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks
Siobhan squeezed his shoulder and then let go. "Come on, let's get Mara into bed. Then we can talk some more," she said, offering him a small smile before picking up Mara from the floor.
Cillian took a deep breath and followed his sister upstairs, feeling a mix of emotions.
He was still reeling from the revelation that Amanda might not be pregnant, but he knew that it was only one small piece of the puzzle. The real challenge would be convincing you to give him another chance, something which seemed impossible at this point.
As they entered Mara's room, Siobhan began the bedtime routine, changing her diaper and dressing her in her favorite pink sleeper. Cillian watched them quietly, feeling a sense of longing deep in his chest.
He missed you, missed the convenience and familiarity of having you in his life, not to mention the deep emotional connection you once shared. 
You were perfect for him in all the right ways, not just as the mother of his child but he also knew that he needed to earn your trust back, but he wasn't sure where to begin.
As Siobhan finished putting Mara to bed, she turned to her brother with a concerned expression. "Are you alright, Cillian?" she asked, placing a hand on his arm.
Cillian took a deep breath and tried to push the thoughts of you and Mara out of his mind. "I will be, Siobhan," he said, trying to reassure her. "I will figure this out somehow."
Siobhan nodded, walking with him down the stairs and into the living room. Cillian sat down heavily on the sofa, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of it all.
As if sensing his turmoil, Siobhan sat down beside him, taking his hand in hers. "Can I tell you something, Cillian?" she asked, and he turned to look at her, nodding silently.
"You are an idiot for having slept with Amanda but, maybe Y/N will find it in her heart to forgive you. If she doesn't though, you should be grateful for how much she allows you to be in Mara's life," Siobhan told Cillian gently, holding his hand firmly as she offered him some hard truths. "Most women in her position would be much more vindictive than her and you need to appreciate the effort she makes when it comes to the joint custody agreement you so desperately want for your daughter, so do not screw this up by pestering her," Siobhan continued. 
Cillian sighed deeply, closing his eyes as he leaned back on the sofa. "I know Siobhan. I am lucky to have Mara in my life, and I am grateful for that, but I want more. I want Y/N back. I love her, and I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this," he whispered, feeling the weight of his emotions press down upon him.
"Give it time, Cillian. Things will work out if they are meant to, but for now, you need to give her some space," Siobhan encouraged her brother softly, rubbing his hand gently. 
Cillian sighed deeply, opening his eyes and looking at his sister. "I hope you're right, Siobhan. I really do," he whispered fervently, wanting nothing more than to have a second chance with the love of his life.
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Giggly Quizzes
Request: hello! I’m currently in my exam finals and I’m really stressed about it. So I was wondering if you could do a fic where the reader is florence pugh’s younger sister (like age 17 aprox) and she notices that the reader is way to stressed about her final exams so she distracts reader with their studying giving them tons of tickles to relax them. Reading your fics really have been a distraction during this stressful weeks!
Note: Thank you so much for this awesome request!! I had so much fun writing this one, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to get it out earlier. I hope you did well on your finals and I hope you enjoy this fic!
Summary: Florence is your older sister and she helps you study and relax for your finals by tickling you for every question you get wrong. (ler!florence x lee!reader)
Word Count: 1641
You were currently studying for finals, also known as the most stressful week of the year. You were holed up in your room once again, hunkered down over your books. The sun had started to set, so you turned on your room light and lamp to help you see better. 
Just then, you heard your sister calling you down for dinner. You hastily closed your books and went downstairs. Tonight you were having your favorite meal: chicken tenders and mashed potatoes. You eyed the food eagerly, scooping some broccoli onto your plate.
“How has studying been?” Florence asked, pouring you a glass of juice. 
“I’m really stressed if I’m being honest,” you admitted, eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes.
“I understand. Studying is hard, but you’re doing an amazing job,” Florence reassured you. 
“I just wish I could somehow be more efficient in my studying. I always feel like I’m reading the same word over and over again,” you said, taking a bite of a chicken tender.
“Maybe I could help you?” Florence offered.
“Oh I don’t know, I don’t want to stress you out too,” you said solemnly. 
“But I’ll be more stressed if you continue to stress and not let me help with the stress,” Florence said, now making you giggle from her ridiculous statement. 
“I guess you already helped by making me laugh,” you commented.
“Is that what I need to do? Make you laugh so you won’t stress as much?” Florence asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“You can try,” you said, challenging her.
After dinner, Florence came upstairs with you to help you study. 
“How about I quiz you on some flashcards or vocabulary or stuff like that?” Florence suggested.
“That’s a good idea. I’ll be able to see what I know and what I need to work on,” you agreed.
Florence started quizzing you on vocab and other facts for your Anatomy and Physiology finals. You found yourself getting frustrated, as the facts and definitions seemed to blur and confused you even more.
“Ughhh, I am never gonna get the hang of this,” you complained, putting your face into your hands.
Florence came over and patted your back comfortingly, knowing that you just needed to vent.
“It’s ridiculous that they make us memorize all these facts when we have access to the internet which can tell us in less than a second,” you stated with a huff, throwing your flashcards onto the table. 
“Here, why don’t we take a break and come back to this later. You need to take some time and rest those eyes. Let the material sink in,” Florence said.
“Alright,” you agreed, flopping onto your bed.
“Want a massage?” Florence asked. You nodded.
Florence began to massage your lower back and shoulders, as you tried to relax under her touch. She began to massage the muscles just next to your spine, which happened to be really tender. You jerked when she used her thumbs to massage that area.
“Oh I’m so sorry Y/N! I’ll be gentle,” Florence said. 
“Is this okay?” Florence asked after a bit.
“Hmm, you could be better,” you joked, and Florence knew you were beginning to relax into your goofy self again.
“What was that?” Florence asked, giving your sides a squeeze.
Ah! Florence nohohoho don’t do that!” You giggled out, unable to escape, as your sister was on top of you.
“Don’t do what? This?” Florence asked, as she gave your sides another squeeze, making you jump and yelp. You were glad that she couldn’t see your growing smile, as you were still face down.
“Don’t tell me you’re ticklish?” Florence asked, now poking your ribs.
“Ihihihm nohohot!” You declared, bringing your arms down to wrap over your torso.
“17 years and I just found out now?!? How dare you hide this from me!” Florence playfully scolded, as she reached under your shirt to spider over your sides.
“STAHAHAP,” you belly laughed, twisting and turning as much as you could.
“What? You said I could be better, right? What’s better than making you laugh and relax?” Florence teased, now moving her hands up to tickle your armpits. You let out a squeal, clamping your arms down and wheezing with laughter.
“You’re ticklish here too?” Florence said with a laugh, continuing her attack for a bit before giving you a break. 
“You’re so mean,” you said, turning to glare at her.
“Hey, it’s your fault for being ticklish,” Florence said with a shrug.
Before you could retort, you felt ten nails wiggling over the back of your thighs and knees.
You gasped and bucked against her, kicking around as you were once again broken down into hysterical giggles. 
“FLOREHEHENCE THIHIHIS IHIHSN’T FUHUHUNNY,” you shouted, reaching around to smack her to get her to stop. However, this left your armpits open, which Florence made sure to make you pay for.
You yelped and convulsed, shouting at her to stop. Florence obliged, laughing at your state of panic. 
“Here, I’ll give you a break and go back to massaging you,” Florence said, but instead of resuming on your back, she moved down towards your feet.
“W-what are you doing?” You asked fearfully.
“Helping you relax,” Florence said with an evil grin.
She began to lightly massage your feet, as you fought to not giggle.
“Is this relaxing?” Florence asked, as you shook your head while giggling. 
“Yohohou knohohow ihihit’s nohohohot,” you giggled, trying to kick her. 
“Actually, you just gave me a new idea,” Florence said, now going to your desk to pick up your stack of flashcards.
“I’m going to quiz you on these, and if you get it correct, I’ll put it in this pile. If you get it wrong, I’ll put it in another pile,” Florence explained, as you nodded.
“But, in addition, if you get it wrong, you will get tickled for 15 seconds,” Florence said, smirking at your wide eyes.
“That’s not fair!” You shouted.
“Do you want to ace your finals or not?” Florence said, giving you a look of warning. You huffed in annoyance, knowing that you were trapped. 
You were face up now, and Florence asked you the first question.
“What is the name of the test for your foot reflex, and what is the difference between infants and adults with this test?” 
“The Babinski reflex, and for adults the toes should curl while infants their toes fan out,” you stated confidently.
“That’s correct,” Florence said, putting it in the first pile.
You yelped, as you felt Florence run a nail down your foot. 
“Just testing to see if it works,” Florence said with a grin, as you rolled your eyes.
“What is corpus albicans?” Florence asked.
You thought for a bit, knowing it was on the tip of your tongue.
“Ugh, I just can’t think of it,” you said sadly.
“It’s the scarring that happens when the corpus luteum sheds every month. This is why women have a harder time getting pregnant when they are older. The scarring makes it harder,” Florence explained, as you nodded and made a mental note in your head. 
“You know what that means,” Florence said, wiggling her nails over your feet.
“HAHAHAHAAHA STAHAHAAHAP PLEHEHEASE,” you screamed, unable to kick as she sat on your shins. You continued to laugh and scream for the next 15 seconds until she finally stopped.
“Next question. What does ACL stand for and where is it located?” Your sister asked.
“Anterior cruciate ligament. It’s located in the knee,” you responded.
“Good job,” Florence said, patting you.
“Which muscle has more slow twitch muscle fibers, the soleus or gastrocnemius?” 
You debated for a bit, before choosing gastrocnemius.
“Get ready to get tickled,” Florence said.
“Which spot shall I pick?” Florence asked.
She eyed you for a bit before sticking her finger in your belly button, as you screamed and tried to push her away.
“Shouldn’t have gotten it wrong!” Florence teased. After she tormented your belly button, she explained the answer.
“The soleus has more slow twitch fibers because those muscles are used for endurance. For example, when you are standing for long periods of time, you are using your soleus muscle much more than the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius is used for when you sprint or run quickly for a short amount of time,” Florence said.
She quizzed you a bit more, finding more tickle spots on you as she went along. However, the tickling helped you remember the answers better.
“You know what? Now that you’ve mastered all of your cards, I think you deserve a reward,” Florence said.
“Really?” You said excitedly. 
“A full body wrecking,” Florence said, knowing that you had gotten some wrong on purpose just to get tickled.
“What!?! No!” You shouted, as Florence pinned your arms above your head and began scribbling over your stomach.
“FLOHOHO STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, sucking your stomach in to avoid her hands.
She made sure to lean down and give you several raspberries to get you screaming with laughter. 
Her fingers ventured onto your sides, ribs, and armpits once again, before spidering around your neck and chin, making you snort and giggle hysterically. She then reached down to squeeze your hips and thighs, making you squeal with glee. She flipped you over once more and began to spider over your back, making you shriek and pound the bed desperately. 
“OHOHOKAHAHAY PLEHEHEASE IHIIVE HAD ENOHOUGH,” you screamed, as she finally let you up.
“That was awful,” you said breathlessly.
“Don’t lie, you loved it,” Florence said, poking you in the ribs.
“Ow!” You yelped. 
It was safe to say that you aced your anatomy and physiology finals that week thanks to the immense amount of tickling you faced from your sister. However, you held off on telling your sister because you knew your reward would be another wrecking ;)
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marleyybluu · 2 years
Baby Daddy
Pairings: Fezco x black!reader
Warnings: swearing, sexual content, unprotected sex.
Word Count: 2.5k
this is from my old account too so if you see this and you're like "Hey this is familiar" its because its me babe
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"When are you going to start dating again?" Kay asked her friend. YN rolled her eyes and fed her 8-month-old child a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes. "Sage can you tell your aunty I'll knock her right tooth to the left." The little girl oblivious to the conversation only whined for more food.
"Come on, look, you've been out of the dating pool since you got pregnant since you and... he who shall remain nameless-"
"Girl, just say Fez." 
"YN don't you miss having some fun, flirting with whoever just to get bored and ghost them in like a week?"
YN missed having fun in terms of going on dates with whoever she wanted to and accepting gifts from whoever gave them to her and on the occasion just having a drunken one-night stand but she was a mother now, things had been put into a different perspective. She wouldn't mind dating but she knew what it was like out there, not a lot of people were up to play step-parent or wait around until her child went to sleep.
"Or are you still hung up on you know who?"
YN's baby daddy was no stranger to being the topic of conversation, he was a steady fling— occasionally going on trips together, going to hotels, planning cute little dates, going on double dates, and he even met her parents. But something just prevented them from putting this title on things and as deep as she was falling for him she never let him know. Soon she was pregnant and they agreed to co-parent, it was all smooth sailing but watching him be a father made her yearn for a relationship with him. A solid one.
"No, I'm not still hung up on him," She lied. "Even if I was... could you blame me? I mean you saw the way he treated me as if I was his whole solar system and seeing him with Sage. It just makes everything deeper."
"You two are so complicated, you were the one who said you don't date-"
"Well, that was before I met him!" She shouted. YN took a deep breath. "Kay... you don't know how he makes me feel, gosh I mean when I was pregnant there was no hesitation he was so happy, he wanted me off my feet when I started showing, he put me on this pedestal that I don't know if anyone can make me experience again."
The doorbell rang cutting into their conversation, YN asked her friend to go answer and she did swinging the door open revealing the man of the hour as if they summoned him by accident.
"Hey, Fezco." She heard from the kitchen. "Speaking of the devil," YN muttered. Heavy footsteps trailed inside the kitchen. "Hey YN."
"Hi, Fez."
Sage instantly started to kick her feet when she saw her father come into view. "Hi, my happy baby." He cooed rubbing his nose against hers. "Well, I guess I will leave y'all alone, have some family time. I have some shopping to do."
YN wiped off her daughter's mouth and stood up leaving her with her father. "With who's money?" She asked. Kay shrugged. "Doesn't matter as long as it's not my own. See y'all later."
Kay left the house leaving YN in awkward silence. "So what are you doing here today?" She asked. "I was missing you guys, so I let Ashtray handle shit today." She took a sip of her coffee and sighed sitting around her kitchen island. "Did you eat yet?" He asked. She nodded but he stared at her longer. "Fine, no. But I'm not that hungry anyway."
"You have anything to cook?"
YN groaned. "Fez,"
"I don't want to hear it I'll make something."
There was no point in arguing with him really he would just turn around and do whatever he wanted anyway. The rest of the day was breezy, YN got to finish some work and take a nap while Fezco took care of their daughter. She sat in her playpen in front of the television watching some Bugs Bunny he had left on. YN rubbed the sleep out of her eye coming down the steps in a baggy shirt and some socks. She peeped over to see Sage engulfed in the old cartoon and decided to let her be.
She slid into the kitchen and crept behind Fez drawing a line down his back. "Hey." She smiled. "Hi, sleepyhead."
YN laughed. "Thank you for letting me have more than 15 minutes."
"Five hours should do you justice for the week." He joked. She rolled her eyes leaning on the counter to peek at what he was cooking. "You have no idea how much I appreciate this, I owe you."
He shook his head. "You're the mother of my child, carried my little girl for almost ten months, you've done everything for her. You don't owe me anything."
'Why do you have to be so nice?' She said to herself.
YN looked up at him wanting to ask something, maybe confess her feelings, but her doubt got the better of her and she only sheepishly smiled at him before heading to the living room and sitting in the large playpen with her child.
Holding up toys to her face and watching her little hands grab them only to toss them back on the floor. Florian poked his head around the corner grinning as he saw his two girls having their own fun, he tip-toed over. "Room for one more?"
"Of course."
Soon all three were in the playpen. YN felt his arm snake around her pulling her in closer to him, he kissed the top of her head. This was what she wanted, every night, with him and no one else honestly. "Dinner's ready if you're hungry."
"Mmm you know I'll never say no to food."
The three gathered around the table, Sage for her own small portion of the food. They said a little prayer before digging in. YN's eyes rolled to the back of her head. "I swear you make the best steak and potatoes oh my goodness."
"Thank you." He chuckled. The dinner was more a comfortable silence with the occasional random noise from the baby who was covered in mostly mashed potatoes. "Every time I look at her I fall more in love. She's perfect." YN mumbled.
Fez agreed. "We did a great job. Making her and raising her." YN lightly threw her napkin at him for the comment. "It's true, I know you remember." He winked taking a sip of his water. She remembered very well to the point where it would leave a heartbeat in more than one place.
Dinner was done, and Sage had been bathed and put to sleep. YN washed what dishes were left while Fez picked up the toys and packed away the playpen. It was 8 pm and though she didn't wake up too long ago she was ready to go back to sleep. "Well everything is cleaned up, guess that's my cue to go."
She frowned but kept it hidden. "Uh... okay, well thanks again for today I needed the little break."
He nodded. "No problem."
Neither wanted him to go just yet.
"I- um, what if you leave a little later... I have wine." YN felt herself becoming rosy she couldn't believe she was stumbling so much. Fez found it cute though. "Uh, I drove here."
"There's a couch... or an extra room." She flirted. He agreed to her offer setting his keys back down. His eyes were glued to her backside watching her bend down to one of the lower cabinets grabbing the liquor. "Hey there are some glasses somewhere up there can you-" She stood up catching him in the act, her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. "What?"
"Nothing." He shrugged. "Glasses right?" Fez didn't need much of a stretch to collect the glasses. "If we really wanna keep her sleeping we could go in the basement."
"Lead the way."
YN stepped downstairs hearing the door quietly close behind her, she stopped in her tracks seeing the tent made of blankets that she set up one night with Kay. "That's cute." He chuckled. Drinks were poured while they sat up in the tent. "Cheers to a parent's night in." She giggled. "I'll drink to that."
YN picked a movie and laid back against some pillows that were stacked but she felt herself being pulled once again into Fezco's hold, he rested his head on her thighs and she smiled lightly scratching his head with her acrylic nails knowing that was what he liked. As the movie played and more drinks were poured she started to feel the buzz, she couldn't handle liquor like she use to— tingles ran through every inch of her body as her temperature rose.
Fez was feeling the same way, his fingers running up and down her thighs. By this time they switched positions and were both laying down with her as the little spoon. She, not so subtly, pushed back against his crotch her eyes widening feeling his already hard member poking through. His hand moved from her thighs up her torso and under her shirt, his lips pressed against the back of her neck.
"I miss you." He mumbled. She shook her head at the drunken confession. "Mmm, you had too much wine." She hiccuped. "So? A drunk man's words... have... thoughts." YN fell into a fit of laughter. "What the hell was thaaat!?"
He only shook his head, his glossy eyes analyzed her every feature, the little dots of freckles spread across her skin, her full lips forming into a smile. "Fezzy..." She whispered.
"YN." He whispered back. Her low eyes fixated on his full beard. "Do you miss life before Sage?" She wondered. He disagreed. "I love her too much to turn back the clock you know?"
He closed his eyes. "I miss how close we were though. I miss taking you on dates and shit. I miss pretending like we were in a relationship." 
YN ran her thumb over his cheek. "I think you were the only one I wanted a real relationship with," She admitted. "Why do you think I trapped you?" 
"Shut up." He mumbled pulling her face closer until their lips touched for the first time in quite a long time and it was a feeling that was well overdue. Soon the movie was just background noise, clothes were coming off piece by piece, kisses filling in their places, and warm hands exploring their bodies like it was the first time they met. YN wrapped her legs around his hips, her nails digging into his soft flesh, her soft moans caressing his ear. 
He grunted burying his head in the crook between her neck and shoulder leaving kisses behind. "Oh my goodness... Fez." She breathlessly whispered while tapping his back. "Oh, baby I'm gonna cum." 
His tongue slithered against her warm neck tasting her salty skin, sweat coating both bodies. "Cum for me, please cum for me, baby." 
Yn felt her legs loosen their grip allowing him to thrust harder, she let out a long groan her nails sliding down his back leaving faint red trails. Her orgasm took over her whole body causing her to shake and shiver, to reach down between them in a weak attempt to push him off but he wasn't going anywhere he loved watching her mouth form that 'O' shape, his name repeatedly slipping from her, her perfect eyebrows coming closer together, the eye contact was the cherry on top of it all. 
"Shit." She giggled out of breath. "You okay?" He chuckled passing his thumb over her chin. "Yes." Her cheeks started to feel warm. 
Fez rolled over on his back letting out an exhausted sigh picking up the phone to check the time. "1 am, wow."  He put the phone down seeing Yn now on top of him her hands laying on his chest, her soaked pussy sliding against his shaft, she whimpered at her sensitive clit's contact with the vein he had poking out. She lifted her hips taking his dick into the palm of her hand so it stood straight up and slowly sank down on it. 
"Baby..." He moaned feeling engulfed in her warmth and slickness. "Can't take anymore?" She flirted rotating her hips. "Mmm don't start that, I always make you tap out." 
YN didn't answer only lifted back up to his tip and carefully back down, she repeated her actions until she was comfortable enough to go a bit faster. She rode that man like a horse, helped that he was hung like one too, his hands had a hard grip on her cheeks spanking them once in a while hard enough in the hopes to leave a print. She leaned down resting her upper body on his and still moving up and down on him. "Fuck it's so deep." She muttered. "Yeah?" Fez wrapped his arms around her waist holding her down, he began to match her motions. 
"Ouu I- mmm fuck I hate that." She giggled knowing she felt the complete opposite. Soon her body gave out letting Fez take over with his relentless pounding, she whimpered reaching back to push against his thighs but was denied when he collected her arm trapping it under his initiating the same on the other side. "Take that shit, I told you I always make you tap out." 
She really had no choice but to lay on his chest she wiggled her upper body as much as she could but there was no point. "Fezzz." She whined, her eyes falling to the back of her head. "I'm gonna cum YN." 
"Cum in me daddy, please." 
Fez felt her pulsing around him only for it to trigger his own orgasm, his thrusts became slow and sloppy as he emptied himself inside of her. He released his grip on her leaving her to lay lifelessly on her, out of breath, officially tapped out for the night. "You telling me to cum in you will never get old."
She smirked. "It won't be the last time either." 
The moment was interrupted by their original outcome from the last time she made that statement, baby cries over the monitor that YN had left in the basement because she always forgot the other one upstairs. "And there she goes." 
YN cleaned up from the sink nearby and stole Fezco's shirt to cover her body. "Really?" 
"Yuuup." She laughed running up the stairs to her daughter's room to see the infant kicking and wailing. "Okaaay mama I'm here." 
She sighed carrying her back to the master bedroom seeing Fez in his boxers laying on her sheets. "I don't think she's hungry, just fussy." He watched as she carefully laid down with the baby laying on her chest. He scooted over to get closer and kissed her cheek, he placed his hand on Sage's back as she slowly calmed down and was soon back to being quiet.  
"I love you guys." 
Yn looked over at him. "We love you too." 
don't we love when she posts on a random day in the week after saying she only does weekends? lol
New Rio fics dropping this weekend fr tho and if I don't do it shiiiiiit don't shoot the messenger
taking a break from Miss Ivy (but if you are a curious cat and would like to take a read come through) and diving back into my other boys
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, comments and reblogs help and are very appreciated each time (even tho tumblr wont let me respond to comments for some stupid reason.)
Be cool🤙🏾
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static-radio-ao3 · 9 days
wip snip—
thank you for tagging me @frank-lilac & @pretentiouswreckingball <3
once again sharing from the hallmark au bc that's about the only shareable thing i have right now
“Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not exactly in the mood to go pumpkin carving,” Regulus huffs with a roll of his eyes. James levels him with an amused stare. “Pumpkin carving was in October.” “Or that I am not excited for the pie eating contest,” Regulus continues unperturbed. And if he’s perhaps shoveling food onto his plate with a bit more gusto than necessary, well, that’s his prerogative. “Which we have in the spring.” James hands him a spoon, stepping out of the way so Regulus can reach the big pot of mashed potatoes. “Or that the fucking corn maze doesn't make me jump with joy.” “Again, October.” James’ smile is far too smug for Regulus’ liking. He wants to wipe it off. With his lips. But let’s not think about that too much. “Really? You couldn't think of one winter activity?” Regulus steps in close, almost toe-to-toe with James and his stupid smile and his stupid Christmas sweater—it’s only the 22nd of December, for crying out loud. He narrows his eyes. “Apple picking.” “Fall.” “Duck race.” “Summer.” “Christmas tree decorating contest?” Regulus says, but the sentence lifts up at the end like an unsure shoulder, so it comes out more like a question. James’ smile brightens and Regulus' scowl deepens when he says, “Oh! We actually don't have one of those, but that doesn't sound like a bad idea...”
no pressure tags! @sugarsnappeases @aurorboros @veryinnovative @starsworth @nympheral
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