#ebby tag
magmabloodrebuke · 7 months
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Wildclaw F Copper/Copper/Soil Starmap/Bee/Opal
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i must protect my baby at all costs
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deadpoets · 13 days
Happy birthday Simone!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day beautiful MWAH 💋
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ebby ! ! ! thank you so much, i love youuu <3 <3 <3
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nebulover · 11 months
i wish ppl didnt shit so hard on (transmasc) bottom surgery man. i feel like i wouldve looked into a metoidioplasty a lot sooner if i hadnt seen all of the negativity and stigma surrounding phallo and metoidioplasties. but as soon as i actually looked into it i realized it was something i want! extremely bad! and i feel like a lot of other transmascs would want bottom surgery if they actually knew more about different types and results
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hongjoongpresent · 1 year
Whaddup #hamster is trending on tumblr dot com,? Time to ebbypost on main
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aliferousdreamer · 5 months
my thoughts on the next step 9a
clude leaving is so bittersweet... i'm so sad we've lost such a sweet couple and great wlw representation but they left happy and stronger than ever!!!!!!!
the colour symbolism with kenzie's signature colour going from yellow from to blue is a subtle but effective character choice imo. the yellow in s8 felt more youthful joyful and vibrant for when she was new to being dance captain, whereas now kenzie's blue wardrobe in s9 shows that she's maturing and gaining wisdom as dance captain, but is also going through some tough times too. blue is also tns' signature colour so it also shows that she's an important part of the studio!!!
i love heath in this season... his energy, his attitude, his relationships, carter's acting, everything 💯
grace's reasoning for wanting revenge is so silly because she legit made herself an outcast and when kenzie tried to talk with her she just dipped
i'm still upset and bitter and frustrated with daisy leaving........ i just hate seeing great potential dropped like that. melody was such a good addition to the cast!! also where was her goodbye scene with izzy???????? she wasn't just close with heath; she was close to izzy too!!!!!!
my heart broke for pete multiple times and i'm glad that we had a storyline tackling grief and (briefly) men's mental health. i wish it had more of a focus and lasted for longer but it was still effective.
thalia and eldon are still together!!!!!!!! yesssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
kenzie basically being both the dance captain and studio head by herself because what does nick even do retroactively makes riley look even worse at being studio head.......... yeah season 4's treatment of riley is still annoying me in the year 2024
idk if it's just me but does anyone else feel like it's not internationals???? the vibe feels much more like regionals or nationals. the scale doesn't quite feel grand enough
i wasn't sure that heath was "the heart of the team" but after watching all of 9a, not only is he the heart of the team he's also the team therapist and cheerleader... i love to see it
i love that anthony is still a ball of stress/anxiety and is also in a really important leader position as group choreographer. so often you see anxious people just depicted as introverts and not as leaders, so it's nice to see someone who's anxious but also a very capable leader
olive is the definition of a precious cinnamon roll. she's sounds like a disney princess every time she talks. she reminds me of amy in s4 too!! she really is just the 🥺 emoji
random point but i love that adele's signature colour being emerald green. it reminds me of ariel's tail in the little mermaid and now i'm thinking of an au where adele is ariel and anthony is prince eric
i know i'm probably in the minority here but i am totally on board with anthony x adele (should their ship name be anthele/adelthony/adelony??). anthony really had one conversation with her alone and just fell for her instantly. some fans probably think it's dumb and realistic but i think it's really sweet and they have potential for 9b
i do also lowkey ship adele x olive because they're so cute together (and they remind me of pamy a little.) when adele didn't want to work with ariana but was unable to resist olive's puppy dog eyes...... they're so cute!!!
kenzie and pete are really just the sweetest couple ever and they have such a natural, easy chemistry... they're definitely one of the best couples tns has had in years 😘👌
IS HEATH'S DAD DEAD???????????????
ethan showing character development by being much more of a team player, we love to see it!!! he's still competitive but he's ready to share his ambitions with others
kenzie holding hands with heath was such a sweet, underrated moment... i love seeing strong, supportive and affectionate platonic male/female relationships
ebby naming her pet snail snaiyoncé is iconic
izzy calling heath "heathcliff" and heath calling izzy "isadora"....... the best friendism of it all
eldon mentioning west's iconic bangers and mash solo!!!!!! yes, thank you!!!!!! west is one of the most iconic dancers this show has ever had!!!!!!!!!
kenzie is allergic to flowers, noted!
heath is penzie's no. 1 shipper
ariana putting jett front row centre in her trio........ i know what you are................
ethan's loyalty to izzy is so sweet
WHO IS GETTING CUT??????????????
grace is definitely turning on ariana in 9b... i have a feeling she's going to out her as a traitor and a troupe might kick her off the team for a few episodes
remi is totally going to break ebby's heart, isn't he???
i have a feeling that presley might return to talk to her sister and say something like "chill ariana i'm fine living life and there was no need for getting revenge"
is ethan getting a boyfriend in 9b??????
can't wait for chekhov's bo staff to make its grand return in 9b
also how many enemies to lovers / rivals to lovers style relationships is heath going to have???? ozzy, daisy, pascale....... heath is immune to not having some sort of conflict in his relationships
this is a long shot but i'm really hoping to see more previous cast members returning. yeah i know it's not necessary, but i still want to know what our old faves all doing with their lives
given season 9's marketing has been pretty terrible it really does make me doubt that there will be a season 10. i would like a last series to tie the whole show together and maybe have a few reunions so the show has a great send-off, but feels unlikely now that they really dropped the ball when promoting this series
bring on 9b!!!!!!!!!
this is really jumbled and i've probably missed out so many things but i'm very unorganised so there you go
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jynnjecki · 3 days
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Really ?🥺♥️
Go work on your drafts then 🔫 (jk…unless 👀)
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
still in my search for parent accounts whose content is 1. not completely focused around their children, as in there would be no content if they stopped showing their kids
2. not focused around materialism/constantly buying things (proving to be VERY hard)
3. not focused around Christianity ie they did not start a family for religious reasons or it is not constantly a topic in their content (also fking hard)
and 4. i don't mind a little crunchyness, i like a good holistic vibe but i also love the kind of unapologetically real vibe (bonus if they're funny bc im obsessed with funny women).
so here's what i got so far in case any of that interests you too and i'll just keep adding to the list as i find them (handles are tiktok specific but I'm pretty sure they all have IG/other platforms also):
- Ebby Moyer (@ebbymoyer) she's crunchy for sure but in a seemingly realistic way, not in an annoying way. Also I just like watching her, she has a very calming aura and her voice is like, audio book quality
- Sam (@shawtgal49) she originally started out making videos while she was a SAHM and their family had to live off of 30k a year for a while, so a lot of it was budget stretching tips, easy recipes, getting the most out of what you have, etc and she still does a lot of that even though they're in a better financial place. Very funny and very hands on mom, she lets her one year old participate in daily chores (the baby can crack an egg better than me!!) and you can tell it's positively affected her baby's development.
- Alex (@mac.larena) kind of same vibe as Sam, esp getting the most out of the things you already have and I've been making her recipes for months. She is really good about protecting her kids' privacy, and you mostly only hear them talk off camera sometimes.
that's literally it lol i know there's more even on my following list but I'll have to do a deep dive and find them.
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partiallypearl · 5 months
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I didn't realize Ebby looked up to me like this. What kind of leader do I wanna be? Someone who falls in line with conventions? Or someone who encourages dancers to express themselves and be proud of who they are? Maybe, the Dance Captain Diary doesn't have all the answers after all.
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pillo-makes-art · 2 years
Shrimp: "I could fix him" Yeah? well i could accept him as he is! you don't like the plagues? Grow up. The atrocities are a part of him and I've decided they're funny
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livebloggingkidshows · 10 months
Made the mistake of watching the video introducing the new cast member for next season right before dinner last night and literally couldn't sit still for like an hour.
I finished eating and immediately got up and basically just did toe presses/raises on my mom's thick foam standing desk pad and stimmed until all the excited energy finally passed. (also bounced my leg under the table the entire time I had to be seated)
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magmabloodrebuke · 10 months
the absolute beauty i bought from the auction house yesterday vs. me not even ATTEMPTING to paint starmap/bee/opal
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quill-pen · 2 years
Okay, I'm gonna be completely honest: Bess would have fallen for Ebenezer even as a grumpy, old miser. She'd meet him and he would be rude and she would adapt to his energy and be rude right back. They would both get furious with each other and Eb would kick her out of his counting house and tell her "Don't come back!" And Bess, being the instigator she is and possessing the "never-say-die" American spirit, would be like: "That ass! ... I'm gonna make his life hell!" And she'd just keep coming back to his business everyday to annoy him and tick him off. Every time she's tossed out; every time she comes back.
And if she catches him in the street, and she DOES because she's looking for him specifically and she literally lies in wait for him, it's even worse because then she gets to embarrass him too. Nothing too bad, because even just taking his arm in hers is enough to mortify curmudgeonly Scrooge, but she definitely follows him all over on his rounds, butts in on his conversations, drags him into ones he has no interest in being in. She never fails to get him all hot and his blood pressure skyrocketing (not for the same reasons as in post-ACC universe... at first). Oh, miser-Scrooge loathes her! That's okay--she kinda loathes him, too. At first. But I guess over time they'd just kind of... wear each other down until Ebenezer is merely annoyed by her and Bess' mission changes from "I want to make you suffer," to "I want to make you smile". And eventually Scrooge develops a semi-soft spot that only Bess is able to call out. He's still really salty and (I can't think of another word so we'll use this) tsundere-ish about it though. Bess definitely realizes and acts on her feelings before he does in this au (she keeps hiding them in hers).
I still don't see an actual romantic relationship taking form until after Eb's reclamation though. Not for lack of trying on Bess' part (I definitely see her finagling a kiss or two out of Scrooge--probably annoying him to the point he kisses her to shut her up), but scroogey Scrooge just wouldn't allow that bud to blossom for numerous reasons, the biggest ones probably being because he's terrified of the emotions and he doesn't believe he's good enough for Bess (that definitely stays the same universe to universe). And sheer stubborn pride would be a reason too, let's be honest about the man.🙄 She'd definitely be a big part of the redemptive journey I think. They probably had a huge blowout right beforehand, Bess finally bringing up the topic of their obvious feelings and Eb getting angry because he's so scared about the idea and shoving her away, probably projecting his feelings of not being good enough onto her. 😬Yeowch.... Bess would kind of have that niggling doubt herself already because of her past, so... it wouldn't be pretty. So all that would probably come up through Christmas Present and Yet to Come.
After his redemption, I don't think Ebenezer would waste any time trying to make it up to Bess, though. He'd scour all of London's gardens to find a bunch of bluebells for her (accented with poinsettia, of course--it is Christmas after all) and present them to her. (This first one, would be a bouquet unfortunately--afterwards he starts getting her potted plants.) I don't think he'd invite her on Christmas Day like everyone else. A) he knows she wouldn't come, because he hurt her and because she'd be spending the day with her siblings and the few family members she likes. B) He realizes this is something that needs to be private--just between them. He doesn't want to make Bess' feel socially pressured into forgiving him; she's free to slap him across the face and turn him away if she wants--he deserves it. But she'd agree to talk with him when he goes to meet her, and Eb would be so relieved and grateful! After thousands of apologies and reasons (not excuses--there's a difference) for why he's been the way he is and acted as he did, he'd get around to telling her he's all in for a relationship--any relationship--with her: Or rather, "... As in as you want me to be". Poor Bess would be SO CONFUSED!🤣 And a tad bit suspicious.😒 But because she always knew there was some good in that heart of his somewhere, she'd mostly just be so happy.🥲 She knows she shouldn't, because this man was literally being such a bully to her and everyone else a few days ago, but she can't help herself: She definitely kisses him.😍
Eb: "... Would it be possible to meet your brothers and sisters? As they are so important to you, I would like to ask them permission to court you."
Bess: "... You remember I have siblings?"
Eb: "Well, you talk about them often enough, Dear."
Bess: "Yes, but as chatter to annoy you. I never thought you actually paid attention! Bob talks about his family as much as me--you never remembered he has children."
Eb: "Bob is English, Bess. His voice is a bit easier to tune out than your American tongue."
Bess: "Oh, believe you me, Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge, you haven't the faintest idea just how difficult ignoring my ✨American tongue✨ can truly be yet."
Eb: *immediately burns bright red*
Bess: "Ha-ha! That blush is still the same!"
... I might do this just as a little side project. Idk--we'll see. I think it'd be cute and fun, but I'm not super invested in it beyond this. If I ever feel an urge to write about what their courtship might have been like had they had the option (in the mainline they, um, really kind of don't? I guess, technically, it could be considered courting, but they never see or refer to it as that themselves) I'll probably play with this au. Again, we'll see. It's always a crapshoot with me.
Btw: She'd still DEFINITELY call him "The Big Bad Wolf" in this version. It'd be even more apt actually.🤭 And Prudence still loves her and she loves Prudence. The dog most likely met the sibs long before Scrooge did.
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deadpoets · 22 days
12. a song from your preteen years
the man who can't be moved by the script
the script and the fray had such a chokehold on me in middle school, i thought i was really cool for listening to them
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nebulover · 1 year
the "woman and nonmen" crowd makes me so upset as a bigender person. some people will see my genderqueer womanhood and cheer me on right up until they realize that the genderqueer part of my identity does in fact come from my manhood
like i cant wrap my head around how a lot of other trans people dont see anything wrong with defining nonbinary identities with binary terms
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hongjoongpresent · 2 years
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