#ebby echoes
loverfutch · 6 months
i wish ppl didnt shit so hard on (transmasc) bottom surgery man. i feel like i wouldve looked into a metoidioplasty a lot sooner if i hadnt seen all of the negativity and stigma surrounding phallo and metoidioplasties. but as soon as i actually looked into it i realized it was something i want! extremely bad! and i feel like a lot of other transmascs would want bottom surgery if they actually knew more about different types and results
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fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Abteilung Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel Untersektion Ebby Thust.
Du lebst und thust mir nichts: Der Polarforscher Aby Warburg schreibt "Grundlegende Bruchstücke", eine Theorie der Distanzierung. Du lebst und thust mir nichts notiert er am Anfang. Das ist ein Motto, das ist sogar im doppelten Sinne eine Anrede. Jemand wird adressiert ("Du") und das Reden fängt an. Was das Problem jeder Entfernung ist, nämlich ihr Maß und ihre Relation, das wird bei Aby Warburg noch ein Problem der Bewegung, der (Er-)Regung, der Belebung, der Animation und der Beseelung. Echoes of my mind: Who's that Dude? Who is "Du"?
Warburg duzt den Mann, der nach den Leuten schaut, und die Schlangen, die nach diesem Mann schauen. Warburg duzt die Frau, die ins Bild eilt und die durch das Bild eilt. Warburg duzt Medea und Warburg duzt den Flussgott. Warburg duzt die Welt und in ihr die Symbole. Er duzt das Bild oder die Tafel. Diese Anrede ist auch dann eine Distanzierung, wenn die Entfernung bei dieser Anrede scheinbar kleiner ist als bei der formalen Anrede, dem sogenannten Siezen. Denn die Frage nach der Entfernung beantwortet keine Entfernung. Die Frage nach der Größe und der Kleinheit, der Nähe und der Ferne der Distanz beantwortet keine Distanzierung. Entfernungen und Distanzierungen werfen etwas auf. In Warburgs Anrede singt etwas, wie man auch im Walde singt, aber nicht nur im Walde singt.
Warburg schreibt über Vorgänge, die man als Routinen, als Techniken, auch als juridische Kulturtechniken beschreiben kann. Er beschreibt nämlich Vorgänge, die Differenzen operationalisieren, und er begreift insoweit Differenz auch als Entfernung. Er beschreibt Techniken, die 'normieren', indem sie symbolisieren und die symbolisieren, indem sie 'normieren'. Bildgebung und Gesetzgebung sind in vielerlei Hinsicht unterscheidbar, aber nicht in dieser Hinsicht. Dieses Normieren hat wenig mit Normalisieren, Standardisieren oder mit Geltung zu tun, es hat nur, aber immerhin, mit jener Operationalisierung von Differenz zu tun, mit der auch ein einzelner etwas einschätzt, vielleicht begreift oder sich ein Bild macht, eventuell sogar einen Zugang zur Welt und seine Stellung in der Welt einrichtet. Warburgs Distanzierung operationalisiert also auch eine Differenz zwischen Subjekt und Objekt. Aber sie löst nicht das Subjekt vom Objekt und nicht das Objekt vom Subjekt.
Im Atlas rücken "Quasiobjekte", vor allem auch Polobjekte an und auf nahezu jede Tafel -und das sind Objekte, die nicht den Unterschied zwischen Subjekt und Objekt verwischen, nicht aufheben, nicht leugnen. Niklas Luhmann hat aber einmal Könige und Fußbälle als Quasiobjekte bezeichnet. Quasiobjekte können personifiziert werden und personifizieren, sie können verdinglicht werden und verdinglichen. Sie können 'objektiviert' werden und 'objektivieren'. Mir scheint sogar, dass Luhmanns Bemerkung so witzig ist, weil sie nicht zufällig von Königen und Fußbällen spricht: beides wohl auch Polobjekte, zumindest hält der einen einen Ball und einen Stab, der andere ist ein Ball. Es ist fraglich, ob es Quasiobjekte gibt, die keine Polobjekte sind. Zumindest bleibt in diesen Objekten auch das Verhältnis zwischen Subjekt und Objekt polar, es bleibt wohl auch verschlungen, also auch vage.
Der Polarforscher hat immer eine Welt vor sich und immer eine Welt im Rücken, die rückt vor. An einem Tage stehen die Kanäle auf eine Weise offen, die Thomas Melle bestürzend nennt. Was ist schon an Offenheit bestürzend? Der Polarforscher taucht in die Welt ein, er taucht in die Entfernung ein, er taucht ins Distanzieren ein, in die Sprache und die Bilder und in alles, was Symbol ist. Er taucht in das ein, was am Pol auch Schnee und Eis ist, was dort Wind und Stille sein kann. Er taucht ein und die Welt bestürzt ihn, und das nicht unbedingt mit Schrecken. An einem Tag ist er nicht nur der Welt verbunden und die Welt ihm, alles in der Welt ist mit allem verbunden und noch die größte Entfernung legt der Polarforscher in kürzester Zeit zurück. In Sekunden von Ost nach West und zurück. Das muss kein Nachteil sein, aber es kann ein Nachteil sein.
Die Forschung zum Polarforscher Warburg hat hier und da auf die Bedeutung eines besonderes Affektes bei Warburg hingewiesen, die Phobie. Für Warburg wird die Frage nach der Distanzierung auch phobisch besetzt sein. Du lebst und thust mit nichts ist auch Abwehr eines Momentes, der phobisch besetzt ist. Phobie kann man als Angst übersetzen, man muss es aber nicht mit Angst übersetzen. Luther zum Beispiel übersetzt Phobie mit Enge oder Klammheit. Man kann Phobie auch mit 'gesteigerter Kanalisierung' übersetzen, sogar mit Leuchten kann man das übersetzen. Apollon Phoibos, eine der Vorlagen des Sol Iustitiae als Apollo Ängstlich zu übersetzen wäre irre, am Pol sind aber auch Abwege schnell und kurz zurückgelegt. Wie der Tod in Arkadien vorkommen kann, kann Angst 'schön' oder apollinisch sein. Wenn Aby Warburgs Theorie der Distanzierung auch ikonophobisch ist, dann geht sie nicht in Ikonoklasmus, auch nicht nicht in Bildaffinität oder 'Ikonophilie' auf. Was eine Abwehrgeste ist, kann ein Zugriff, ein Begreifen und eine Annäherung sein. Die Geste kann Teil von Körpertechniken sein, die Warburg Verleibung nennt: Abwehr durch Verschlingen zum Beispiel. Man sollte auch das Motto am Anfang der "Grundlegenden Bruchstücke" schon als Satz eines Polarforscher lesen, auch die Phobie wäre darin ein polarer Affekt, eine Abwehrgeste bliebe Teil einer Begrüßung und Adressierung, die Anreden auch sind.
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love-toxin · 3 years
ocs that would like/react the best to a mean, degrading darling? like one who’s inherent instinct is to talk smack to your face and be unnecessarily cruel for the lolz
He likes being pushed and shoved around by the person he likes, especially if it's verbal. The more you rag on him, the more he'll want you--he knows he doesn't deserve you and he's filthy for wanting to touch you, but having you remind him of that just gets him going like you wouldn't believe.
He enjoys it much like Ingrid does, but to a lesser degree. His feelings will still be hurt but he just likes the attention you give him, regardless of whether it’s good or bad. Part of him just hopes that it's a phase and once you get it all out you'll start being sweet on him.
She likes it because it gives her the opportunity to show you that she has the power over you. She's not violent but she wants you to know that she's in charge, so insult her and rip her a new one all you want--it just means your next meal is getting further and further away, and your next drink of water even more so.
He likes it because it's just another reason for him to punish you. He'll wash that dirty mouth of yours with soap if he has to, but be forewarned that any punishment that comes after that is gonna be something you're really not gonna like.
Thorn / Noel
Go on, degrade him. It'll just make him more horny.
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geosesarma-dennerle · 4 years
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“Burn it”
Her panicked gaze switched between her brother and her father, unsure of what to do. Not wanting to do what was being asked but knowing that if she didn’t the punishment would be much worse.
Do it, he mouthed. It’s okay, he promised.
He didn’t have much more fight left in him anyways. He was already struggling. Exhausted from the strain. Father wanted it bigger. Wanted it badder. Wanted more than what Ebby could make.
Out of breath. Body aching all over. Dizzy. Hot. Tired.
So tired.
The fire came from her feet, a thin line that went from her toes to the beast’s. It was the blink of an eye. The beast lit up like a candle. Blanketed in flames.
And just like that, he felt it.
He couldn’t breathe. Felt like he was choking. Gasping for air that just wasn’t coming. There was a scream so blood curdling and so loud and so awful. It took him a moment to realize that it was his own voice. Echoed by the beast’s own wailing.
The most excruciating pain he had ever felt. The beast’s wailing was gone. The monster gone and in its place a large tractor and a charred ring on the ground around it.
Everything went black. Exhaustion? Shock? Maybe both.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 4 years
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Upper Cathedral Ward (round 2!) I returned to the scariest part of the game by far! Which is basically me running around in the Choir outfit appreciating and wanting to take screenshots of everything while constantly in fear (with Soothing Hymn not helping one bit!) I wonder what it was like when the Choir was active and not... all dead..... It’s a lovely building....
It wasn’t quite as bad as the first time because I knew the locations of all the brainsuckers, but I had forgotten how you can CONSTANTLY HEAR THEM SLURPING.... It’s so scary....  I also was so fixated on them that I had forgotten about the werewolf jumpscare by the door in the first hallway, and screamed.... And gotta love how the only source of light comes crashing down because of course it does, gotta have everything be dark and dusty after all!!! And look at those narrow hallways!! Awful!! I did NOT fall for the bait this time in the second ground floor hallway (it actually...ran TOWARDS me this time...?) But I didn’t realize the brainsucker once you climb the ladder patrols, and didn’t see it where it was the first time, and it was in fact in the hallway behind me... I noticed it and may have screamed when it started moving towards me, but I killed it with ease... then took care of the other two, luring them out one by one... my strategy was use fire paper on all of them!! I have way too many echoes all the time especially since I’ve been avoiding leveling, so I had plenty to spare, so yeah, I use it on all 6... and it worked because I lost ZERO insight!!!! After killing the last one, I celebrated and leisurely walked around and admired the area without fear.... oh, I love the Choir.... I also badly want one of their outfits, its honestly my ideal aesthetic (maybe I’ll cosplay Yurie...?)
Then it was on to the Orphanage, the not as scary part~ celestial emissary was a joke, honestly that must be the easiest boss, but it is interesting to see what must be a result of the Choir’s experiments...
After that it was time to see HER!!!!! I didn’t fully appreciate Ebrietas the first time, but now I realize just how cute she is, I love her!! Her sparkly green eyes just kill me, so cute ;A; I didn’t want to hurt her, she wasn’t bothering anyone, she almost looks like she’s crying (that story from the anthology I love so much even has Yurie talking about wanting to take away her sadness, and I think it begins with the Rosmarinus description, but I need to check the JP version....) So yeah I took a bunch of pictures with Ebby, and tried making contact too, but it didn’t do anything... I then regrettably began the fight, and... beat her on my second try...? HUH?! She gave me so much trouble the first time..... Though, my victory was not the cleanest because I died at the same time, she was low on health so I just went for the kill, despite seeing she was about to use her call beyond type attack... so I dealt the finishing blow, and was immediately bombarded by lasers, and the two of us fell in opposite directions... so maybe that was kinda beautiful in a way.... aghhhhh I felt so bad about killing her this time though, I’m sorry Ebby, you did nothing wrong!!!!
Then it was time for Yahar’gul, which wasn’t much of a problem, I found a bath that I could use to warp that I don’t think I found the first time, but otherwise nothing new... One Reborn was once again easy, one try only, this time I was smart and took out the bell ladies first though... I laughed about Micolash’s untied shoes, then went through the second floor of the lecture hall, honestly some of the best notes in the game right there... I forget if I found that “Hunt the Great Ones” one the first time...? Why would they want to....? For cords...? To learn about them...? I get the impression the person that wrote it might have gone mad... and of course there’s the three third cords, and moon presence being beckoned by Laurence (!!) note, and the almost Childhood’s End-ish sounding one about “Evolution without courage” being the ruin of our race...
I made it to Mensis again, so its about time to start the DLC, I hope something there can kill me some more, I’m STILL doing too well, last real challenge was...Loran Darkbeast probably...? And that was a chalice, not NG+.....
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jaunes-erotic-world · 5 years
Ebony's "Punishment"
"Ahem you are charged with crimes of having massive sexy kitty titties and not letting Jaune see or play with them for a whole month how do you plead," the honorable judge Saki said.
"It's not my fault we were away on that long mission," Ebony said "You all didn't do stuff either" she said in water cuffs.
"That is where you are wrong," prosecuter Kairi said pushing up fake glasses. "Her honor, the Balif, and myself all made sure to send nude selfies or sext him when we were near a relay tower, something you neglected."
Ebony flinched not realizing something so simple. "I shall take your earlier statement as an admission of guilt," Sakura said. "Your punishment will be 50 spanks and should you cum the count shall restart, further you are allowed no other sexual activity until the spanking is done. Balif you may stop comforting our poor victim and put this criminal scum in the position heehee"
"Of course your honor," Indigo said taking her mouth off Jaune's cock and using her semblance to force her partner face down ass up, ripping off her panties.
Jaune took his position behind Ebony and placed his hand on her butt causing her to shiver and wrap her tail around her leg. Jaune jiggled and squeezed the cat faunus' fat ass causing her to bite her lip. "You may begin," Sakura said.
Jaune reeled his hand back and swatted her ass hard the slap echoing out and the impact sent waves throughout Ebony's bouncy jiggly flesh. "AHHHHHHHH" Ebony cried out.
"""1""" the rest of ASHe cheered. The spanking continued similarly on until """23"""
"NYAAAAAAAAA," Ebony cried as her pussy sprayed juices and cock shot cum.
"""Start again!""" The other three girls called then giggled
"Naughty girl Ebby," Jaune smirked things started anew
"NOOOOOO NOT AGAIN," Ebony cried as she came after she was so close to freedom.
"Let's give her a break and take care of Jaune for a bit," Kairi said
"This one agrees his hand must be sore and his cock clearly needs attention," Indigo said smiling evilly at her partner.
"Way ahead of you two," Sakura said "One mating press with a side order of facial please Jaune."
"This one wants doggie"
"I've heard prone bones are nice."
"Meanies," Ebony whimpered knowing they picked her favorite on purpose. It was going to be a long booty slapping night.
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Self Para No. 1 - Don’t Walk Away
circa 2017
Jerking upright, Sebastian awoke to cold water being splashed across his face. Raising his hand to defend himself on instinct, Sebastian winced as Ebby threw another cupful of water onto his shivering body. He could hardly even mutter a,“Babe, what’s wrong,” before she jumped onto his lap, her tiny hands balled in the collar of his crumpled dress shirt from the night before. He couldn’t exactly remember where they were, what they had done, or where they had gone. Were they in Ireland or England? He couldn’t recall. Casting his blue gaze out the window, Big Ben blinked back slowly in response. “What have you been doing?!” she shrieked, her screams muffled by her own sobs as she collapsed onto his chest, her day-old mascara staining her cheeks. What a way to wake up-- but then again, it had become their usual pattern. Even her way of jolting him awake was right on schedule, nine o’clock on the dot. Wake up, break up, make up. It was a never ending pattern of forgiveness, broken promises, and disappointment. Then again, he didn’t know what else to expect the day he decided to drop down on one knee and ask for her hand in marriage. Weren’t deceit and dishonesty just synonyms for what they called marriage? What was marriage, what was a relationship if it did not mean hurting the one you loved?
Running his hand through his hair, he brought his lips to her soft head, doing his best to soothe her anxiety. It was usually anxiety when it came down to it. Ebby had never been one to handle the spotlight well, or the fans, or the females for that matter. When they had first formed The French Lips, he had done it for the promise of stardom, she had done it out of love for the art. A strong willed girl with an iron fist, Ebby often fluctuated between points of extreme happiness and despairing sadness… it was one of the many reasons Sebastian had come to adore her in the first place. Her hands strung melodies wherever they landed, on the piano keys, on his heart, on his body. Nobody knew him like Ebby, and nobody knew Ebby like he did. They had gone through the ringer together, grown up together, became who they were supposed to be t o g e t h e r. It wasn’t always perfect, but he figured it didn’t always need to be. They were happy, in their own imperfect way. He needed her just as much as she needed him, and when he looked at her laying on his chest, felt the wetness of her tears seeping through the fabric, he felt the weight of the words she couldn’t say aloud from above the surface of her sun kissed skin. She had everything, even him… something that not many others could say.
With a sneer, she pushed his hand away from her head, drawing his phone from her back pocket. Holding it up to his face, he peered at the image on the screen. His own face grinned back at him as two topless girls wrapped themselves around his chest, one nibbling on his cheek and the other girl with her hand snaking its way up beneath his grey v-neck. They didn’t look older than twenty four. Closing his eyes, he tried his best to recall the memory… though the night before only came to light in broken bits and pieces. He couldn’t have told Ebby their names if he tried. He couldn’t remember what he did with them either. That was his own fault. It wasn’t new though, he had cheated on Ebby dozens of times before… but the groupies meant nothing to him. They were just a body to rest in for the night when the pressure and intensity of his own world grew to be too much. Ebby’s heart was his true home though. She knew that. 
“I don’t remem-”
“That’s the problem Sebastian, you never remember. God, how many times have I had to watch this and see things like this and watch as you become this… this person,” Ebby stuttered, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she sat upright, her doe eyes boring into his. Those eyes, she killed him every time with those damn eyes. She always had, even from the first time they met. “I’m tired, Sebastian. I’m tired of worrying about you and I’m tired of giving you chance after chance after chance. God, all you ever do is hurt people. That’s all you’re good for, I swear,” she said with a shake of her head, wiping her hand across her snot streaked face. When she got up from the bed, he grabbed for her waist only for her to slap him away. She always did that too… always only ever met him halfway. 
“Baby, come on. You know they don’t mean anything. You’re my main girl, you… it’s always been you. Come back to bed, let’s go to sleep and forget this ever happened,” he drawled slowly, taking his time as he swung his feet over the side of their king sized bed. “We’re in London, why don’t we enjoy ourselves. We’ve never traveled as much as we do now.”
He didn’t even register his phone being thrown out the window until Ebby slammed the windowsill shut behind it. “Don’t you fucking get it?” she exclaimed, throwing her hands to her side. “We’re done. Look at you, you’re a fucking mess. Look at what you’ve become! Look at what you did to the band. It’s your fault, it’s all your fault, and I’ve stuck by you because I love you. And I promised I would never leave you. We promised each other, when we were still kids at Berklee, that when we made it big, it wouldn’t matter because all we’d have would be each other. Don’t you remember that? Don’t you want that? Don’t you fucking want more for yourself? You’re so washed up, you can’t even remember each night as it happens. You think I haven’t found this either?” Pulling out a vial from the pocket of her bathrobe, she held it up in the light. It was his fairy dust, shining under the dim glow of the swing lamp above her, his jolt of energy… his s p e e d. Rising to his feet, he bridged the gap between them. Her breath was ragged and she was in complete hysterics. It was hard for him to look at her like that, much less know that he was the cause. He never wanted to hurt her… God, he loved her more than anything; but he also loved beauty, and the world, and intangible, impossible things. He just wished she could understand that he did want more, but everything came with a price. Even the world and its orbit wasn’t good enough for him. He’d always want more.
“You’re not going to leave Eb. How many times have we gone through this? We’ve always found our way back to each other. Don’t walk away. I made a promise to you, to care for you and love you and protect you. I promised you that.”
“And you haven’t kept a single one. All you’re doing is hurting me. Do you see how this h u r t s me? You hurt me Sebastian, and I’ve done all I can to hold onto you, but I can’t anymore. I don’t want this stupid fucking ring, I don’t want your jewelry or that gross ass Chanel perfume or a stupid fucking Lamborghini. I want you back. I have to let you go and you have to let me leave. I won’t watch you kill yourself slowly. I don’t want to bring our kids to your funeral in ten years because you’ve overdosed in a strip club or alleyway. This was never how it was supposed to be!” Her words were jumbled. They came too fast and all at once, smacked him harder than she ever had. She left him breathless, and all he could do was watch as she pulled her pants around her slim waist and threw a sweater over her head. 
Slightly hungover and partially dehydrated, his hands combed through his jet black hair. There were so many things he wanted to say, so many ways to express how much she meant to him… but all possibilities were escaping his lips. Nothing he said would have justified his actions, nothing he could do would fix it. He had broken her, and she had risen from the ashes. Her own strength was written across her face, and her posture was that of a grounded goddess-- fearsome in her presence. He never thought Ebby would actually leave him, and every minute he watched as she prepared to walk away, he couldn’t help but stare in awe. He had taken her for granted, and she realized she was worth more. Maybe that was for the best. “Ebby, I-”
“I’m leaving you,” she blurted.
“Ebby, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t you dare fucking say that to me, don’t you dare say that to me now just because I’ve made up my mind. I’m going no matter what you do or what lie you spin this time. Here, I won’t need this anymore,” she said, prying her engagement ring from her thin finger and throwing it on the ground. The echo from the metal clattered so slowly, he could feel his own heart beat with it. “God, I hope you make something of yourself or die trying,” she finished.
“I always told you that you deserved better,” he whispered, uttering the only honest words that could come to mind… the only thing that felt right to say aloud. With that, he watched her pivot on her blood-red heels and make her way to the doorway for what would invariably be the last time. The reality of his own predicament didn’t seem real. It felt as though he were living in an alternate universe, watching someone other than himself experience the worst day of his life. It was entirely surreal, painful and gutting to watch. It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real.
The click of her heels only paused for a moment as she took one last glance over her shoulder, her long lashes combing her soft cheeks. He had never seen such malice in such beautiful eyes. 
“Go to Hell, Sebastian. Maybe you’ll see me there, you son of a bitch.”
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Chuck Berry, pioneer rock’n’roll guitarist, dies at age of 90
Police in St Louis confirm death of musician who was a key figure in the birth of modern popular music
The legendary guitarist Chuck Berry, who merged blues and swing into the phenomenon of early rocknroll, died on Saturday aged 90, according to Missouri police.
St Charles County police said in a post on Facebook they responded to a medical emergency at a home at approximately 12.40pm local time.
Inside the home, first responders observed an unresponsive man and immediately administered lifesaving techniques, the police department said. Unfortunately, the 90-year-old man could not be revived and was pronounced deceased at 1.26pm.
Officer Nate Bolin confirmed to the Guardian that Berry, whose full name was Charles Edward Anderson Berry Sr, had died.
The department said Berrys family has requested privacy during this time of bereavement.
Musicians of all genres and ages paid tribute to Berry. Chuck Berry was rocks greatest practitioner, guitarist, and the greatest pure rock n roll writer who ever lived, said Bruce Springsteen, who played with one of Berrys pick-up bands before achieving his own fame.
Thou Shall Have No Other Rock Gods Before Him, the drummer and producer Questlove wrote. His lyrics shone above others & threw a strange light on the American dream, said Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger. Chuck you were amazing [and] your music is engraved inside us forever.
Berry was born the son of a deacon in a middle-class neighborhood of St Louis in 1926, and picked up the guitar in high school, playing at parties and developing his flourishes as a performer. He later said that it was during childhood that he began his signature dance, eventually dubbed the duck walk for its bent knees and stutter step.
As a teenager he was arrested for attempted robbery and served three years in reform school, after which he worked in an assembly line at a General Motors factory.
Chuck Berry seen circa 1958. Photograph: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
He turned to music full-time in the 1950s, when he formed a trio with a dummer, Ebby Harding, and keyboardist Johnnie Johnson, with whom he rose through St Louis clubs while working on the side as a hairdresser.
His break came in 1955 when he met blues musician Muddy Waters and producer Leonard Chess in Chicago, and for the rest of the decade Berry blended the country and blues songs of the south with pop sensibilities starting to echo on the radio.
He recorded some of his most famous hits in the 1950s, including Rock & Roll Music, Roll Over Beethoven, Johnny B Goode, Maybellene and School Days.
Berrys music was a hugely influential figure for generations of rock musicians who followed him, many of whom recognized him during their lifetimes. If you had to give rocknroll another name, you might call it Chuck Berry, John Lennon famously said.
On Saturday, Beatles drummer Ringo Starr wrote on Twitter: RIP. And peace and love Chuck Berry Mr rocknroll music.
John Lennon (@johnlennon)
“If you had to give Rock ‘n’ Roll another name, you might call it Chuck Berry” John Lennon (with Chuck Berry) Mike Douglas TV Show, 1972 http://pic.twitter.com/ViJtLblEwt
March 18, 2017
The Rolling Stones guitarist Kieth Richards developed a contentious relationship with Berry, whom the rock star idolized. Richards said Berry punched him for touching his guitar in the 1960s and later apologized. In an incident recorded in the 1987 film Hail! Hail! Rock n Roll, Berry and Richards bickered in rehearsal over playing lead. The younger guitarist eventually backed down.
In the same film, Berry recalled a squabble with another rock legend, Jerry Lee Lewis. We got in a fight thats when we become friends, Berry said. He whupped my butt. Asked how the fight started, Lewis answered: He said he was king of rock and roll, I said I was.
When Berry was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a year earlier, Richards spoke in his honor.
Its very difficult for me to talk about Chuck Berry cause I lifted every lick he ever played, Richards said. This is the gentleman who started it all, as far as Im concerned.
In 1959, Berry was arrested in St Louis on charges relating to a 14-year-old girl, whom authorities said he had transported across state lines for the purposes of prostitution.
He was convicted two years later, after an initial conviction was dismissed because of a judges repeated racial slurs, and spent 20 months in prison, an experience which his friends said changed the musicians demeanor.
Remembering a 1964 tour with Berry, the guitarist Carl Perkins told a journalist he never saw a man so changed. He had been an easygoing guy before, the kinda guy whod jam in dressing rooms, sit and swap licks and jokes, Perkins said. In England he was cold, real distant and bitter.
It wasnt just jail. It was those years of one-nighters: grinding it out like that can kill a man. But I figure it was mostly jail.
Chuck Berry poses with President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair in June 1997. Photograph: White House/AFP/Getty Images
In 1972, he released his only No1 single, My Ding-a-Ling. He continued playing sporadic concerts, often with the most famous rock stars of each era. Alongside his continued success, though, Berry continued running afoul of authorities.
In 1979 he faced tax evasion charges, for which he served four months in prison. In 1990, police raided his home and found marijuana, weapons and videos of women using a restroom: 59 women accused him that year of planting a video camera in the bathroom at his Missouri restaurant. He plead guilty to a misdemeanor drug charge and settled the class action for a reported $1.2m in 1994.
Berry continued touring through his 60s, 70s and 80s, although his health sometimes forced him to cancel shows or, once, to be escorted off stage. In 2000, he received the Kennedy Center Honors Award from Bill Clinton, at whose inauguration he had performed in 1993.
In 2016, he announced his first studio album since 1979, to be titled Chuck and featuring his children on guitar and harmonica.
My darlin Im growing old, Berry said in a press release for the record, speaking to Toddy Berry, his wife of 68 years. Ive worked on this record for a long time. Now I can hang up my shoes!
Read more: http://ift.tt/2n1MGy3
from Chuck Berry, pioneer rock’n’roll guitarist, dies at age of 90
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loverfutch · 7 months
the "woman and nonmen" crowd makes me so upset as a bigender person. some people will see my genderqueer womanhood and cheer me on right up until they realize that the genderqueer part of my identity does in fact come from my manhood
like i cant wrap my head around how a lot of other trans people dont see anything wrong with defining nonbinary identities with binary terms
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loverfutch · 6 months
okay my fiancé and i always make fun of each other for how we eat and it made me curious about how other people eat. i eat one thing on my plate at a time and usually don't move on to another food until im completely done with the first. my fiancé eats a little bit of all of their food, sort of touring around their plate. also we're both autistic. who's right
reblog for sample size or whatever
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loverfutch · 10 months
i think car crashes to me are what cannibalism is to some of the homos on here. something something the inevitability of man when they lose control over something they created.
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loverfutch · 10 months
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Father is making me a Meal..... O what a Joyous Occasion..... I must Spy Upon him, so as he does Not Poison Me..................
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loverfutch · 2 years
shout out to nonbinary and genderqueer and trans people of any gender that pass as and live as a gender they don't want to be for whatever reason. you are no less trans, you are valid, and i see you, and i love you!
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loverfutch · 6 months
society if skinny people even actually attempted to understand fatphobia
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loverfutch · 6 months
im not aromantic but i believe in their beliefs (criticism of amatonormativity)
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loverfutch · 7 months
i feel like it took me a little bit too long to realize i am in fact genderfluid. it took aspen my fiancé aspen bullying me (affectionate) to realize my gender is Definitely Not Static.
im def still using the bigender label bc i still am man and woman but im slapping fluid onto the end of that bad boy
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