#eberron characters
the-dragonshard · 5 months
I’ve been thinking a while about my two favorite things (Eberron and Spider-Man) and I think they would actually fit together very well. Consider:
Peter Parker, a human working for the Sharn Inquisitive, is bitten by a magebred spider that escaped a secret House Vadalis facility
Swinging around Sharn would be absolutely perfect and a great way of traversing the vertical city
JJJ is now a gnome named G Gnomah Gnomeson (or alternatively, J Jonah Jorasco) and the head of the Sharn Inquisitve. He still has just as much rage, just packed into a smaller frame
Black Cat is a high-society swiftstride shifter burglar with a 30s-femme-fatale vibe
Venom was another reporter for the Sharn Inquisitive who found a Daelkyr symbiont in the lower wards which bonded with him
Green Goblin is a ghaal’dar of the Heirs of Dhakaan with talent in artifice and uses it to terrorize the people of Sharn, who built their city on old Dhakaani ruins
Vulture is a fallen aasimar (or an aasimar of Mabar)
I think I might continue making ideas for this universe in the future, or maybe some art?
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janisjoy · 22 days
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Missing my Mothboy.
This one never felt finished, but I'm not going to torture myself any longer.
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littledeadling · 29 days
You probably know by now that I’m quite taken with my DND character, Horatio. In this post I’m going to explain him (with pictures!!) so you can enjoy him too, and follow along with his story if you want!
Let’s start with the man himself:
~Horatio Ignatius Heronwillow III~
Horatio is a human paladin knight following the Oath of Glory. Also, he’s a pompous bitch with an ego the size of a small country.
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Horatio’s character arc is all about getting humbled over and over again. Maybe he’s not the best. He’s not even second best. Maybe he’s even…pathetic. Despite all his training? His many successful battles? His prestige? What does any of that matter if his Queen doesn’t trust him to be her champion? If the Queen doesn’t even like him?
Horatio is from the nation of Thrane. He introduces himself as “the gilded knight of Fort Light, first at her majesty’s royal table.” He’s an ardent follower of the Queen, even though she’s merely a figurehead—the Church of the Silver Flame holds all the power. He is considered weird for this. His family are all noble elitists, and their support for him is conditional. Even though he’s become such a high-ranking knight, he’s never good enough.
But we can’t truly discuss Horatio until we meet his nemesis/rival/best friend/worst enemy (who he’s totally obsessed with, and who happens to be a centaur). His name is Elethar Sigrún.
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Elethar came to the castle when they were both young (for ~unknown reasons~), and they trained to be knights alongside each other. Despite being the only centaur in the kingdom and not of royal birth, Elethar immediately usurped Horatio as the Queen’s most promising young knight, thus beginning a lifelong rivalry.
Does Horatio have feelings for Elethar? Not that he’s aware of. This is because he is stupid. Does Elethar feel anything for Horatio (besides pity and disdain)? Unclear!
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~The Dragonshard Derby~
Now that we’ve met our hero, lets turn to the story!
The players are all entrants in The Dragonshard Derby: a mounted cross-continent race hosted by a rich and famous duke. To the winner goes the spoils: a great dragon’s hoard, and glory for their chosen nation. Obviously, Horatio is racing for Thrane. One hundred contestants are participating, riding everything from regular horses to owlbears to dinosaurs (dinosaurs are normal in Eberron 😳).
Horatio’s mount is a golden Akhal-Teke horse named Marvellous Moondance. She’s the light of his life. Despite his competitive nature, he would never push her past her limits. He puts her safety above all else.
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Much to his chagrin, Elethar is also running in the race. Apparently the Queen had a special, secret mission for him, which she didn’t tell Horatio about. He persuades Elethar to confide: there’s an artefact rumoured to be among the dragon’s hoard that the Queen desires. Neither of them are sure what it is. Horatio promises that if he encounters it, he will give it to Elethar.
~The World of Eberron~
The campaign is set in a world called Eberron. The road is dangerous! We’ll be journeying though many different terrains, including the Mournland, a desolate wasteland which was once a great nation. Less than five years ago, during the war, a white fog filled the nation of Cyre from border to border and killed everyone inside. The cause of this was unknown, but it led to a tenuous end to the fighting. Horatio and Elethar were both on the front lines when it happened. They witnessed people across the border dying in agony. Horatio still has nightmares.
The Dragonshard Derby is the first time since then that the other nations have come together to put the past behind them in friendly sport. Evaluators will be watching from airships to make sure there's no foul play, though their vision is limited whenever racers are passing through the woods. Any teleportation is strictly prohibited.
~The Race So Far~
Each leg of the race begins with a sprint. In the first sprint, Horatio finished first in his section, but 11th overall. Elethar placed actually first, and gave Horatio polite congratulations once the scores had been posted. Horatio was pissed. This was supposed to be his chance to prove himself to the Queen! Why did Elethar have to be here and show him up? He ruins everything! And he’s so effortless about it, too. He never loses his composure, ever. Horatio wishes he could be like that.
During the first leg (a multi-day ride through the forest and plains), two riders were murdered under mysterious circumstances. Both had placed within the top ten. Their belongings had been trashed, searched through. As frustrated as Horatio was with Elethar’s presence, he’s now more just worried for his well-being. After all, Elethar is racing alone.
Then, when Horatio’s party was still a day’s ride away from the second sprint, something strange happened.
While fighting off a band of raiders, the world suddenly froze for Horatio. A strange light appeared in the sky, drawing him towards it. The moment he touched it, he felt something write itself into the skin of his arm. A mysterious lantern appeared in his bag, glowing with ethereal purple light. It would later become clear that the lantern will always appear back in Horatio’s bag, no matter where he leaves it. And, he discovered, he now has access to new magics that he was previously incapable of. This was all VERY ALARMING.
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Anyway, back to Horatio’s arm. Something important in Eberron is the concept of dragonmarks. There are twelve great Dragonmarked Houses (basically powerful mob families) which each share a unique dragonmark- a sigil that appears somewhere on the body at puberty and grants powerful magic. There are also aberrant dragonmarks, which is when a combination of two other sigils appears on someone not from a Dragonmarked House (usually when there have been mixed relations between Houses). There’s a lot of political baggage attached. And Horatio suddenly has one, at the ripe age of 35. To make matters worse, it’s not a normal dragonmark OR a known aberrant, but something entirely new.
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He chose not to tell his party anything about this.
Then, it was time for the sprint to the next checkpoint. Horatio started strong, but again, Elethar swept in and beat him right at the finish line. He congratulated Horatio on the race. Embarrassing him further, Elethar presented Horatio with this letter he had just received from the queen:
Sir Elethar Sigrún, First Knight to Queen Diani ir’Wynarn My earnest congratulations on placing first on the primary leg of this great race. I would expect nothing less of my finest knight. Of course, you are missed at the castle, but I am honoured by the diligence with which you have chosen to pursue the purpose I have set out for you. I am sure that you will earn the respect of the kingdom, should you succeed, and I am pleased to hear of your success so far. It will be essential that you continue to maintain this position, else my favour lies elsewhere. Loyal Elethar, I wish you great fortune, and may the blessing of the Silver Flame be upon you. Her Majesty, Queen Diani ir’Wynarn PS. Please tell Sir Heronwillow I am being informed of his standing in the race as well.
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He’d been considering telling Elethar of his troubles, but after that he was too upset to broach the subject.
Now that they’ve made it to the checkpoint, there are official tents with beds for everyone (with sleeping arrangements decided by race standing), a small market, and a mess hall with dinner provided.
During the meal, a friendly fellow racer named Ash attempted to flirt with one of Horatio’s party members, offering him a strange glowing flower he’d found nearby. Horatio immediately recognized it as being similar to his lantern. When his teammate turned down the flower, Horatio asked if he could have it. Ash took this the wrong way. He let Horatio know he was really, super not his type, and would not be giving him the flower. Double ouch.
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That night (in the dead of it), a pack of wild raptors invaded the tents where the racers were sleeping. The party managed to kill them before they hurt anyone, but Horatio detected that the animals were all under an enchantment. Their real purpose had been to attempt to steal the flower and take it... somewhere. To someone. Was this what the killers from the first leg had been seeking? None of it bodes very well for Horatio!
The next evening, Horatio dragged Elethar to the edge of the camp where they could not be overheard, and nervously confided in him. The dragonmark, the lantern—everything. He was a bundle of nerves, but… It went well! Elethar was very alarmed, and told Horatio not to let ANYONE else find out. Not even the Queen. Especially not the Queen. Horatio was equal parts thrilled by Elethar’s willingness to share a secret with him, and terrified to keep anything hidden from the woman who basically controls his life. I drew a comic about this conversation. It was too good of a scene not to draw. 🫣)
Well, that’s where we left off last session! Thanks so much for reading, and meeting my guy! I love him and I hope you like him too! 💖
Stay tuned for a little intro post about the rest of the party! :•) I’ll link that here as well!
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To be continued! (Probably in a month or so)
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canonkiller · 4 months
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a reflection on character thoroughlines
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dc9spot · 9 months
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I'm playing Eberron one shot with my friend!
draw the party from the group photo! I'm playing the Architect from cannith house :D
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wra1thguards · 7 months
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my beloved dnd character… level 16 blood hunter. what a concept
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mierolainen · 12 days
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I played Murder on the Eberron Express recently, and my brilliant DM customised it into one hell of a murder mystery drama! so naturally I had to do fake screenshots like some sorta movie guy
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quietsphere · 10 months
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another Eberron npc 🍃🗺️🎻
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leidensygdom · 9 months
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My second part of the art I've done for the Potluck Secret Satan, featuring @arealflame 's Nova! This is actually the main piece-
She has a mix of fencing and orchestra conductors and the idea is simply the coolest!!
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toebugg · 10 months
anyone else have pretty tiefling girl syndrome??
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bean-counter29 · 11 months
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For a dnd character I am fond of— a soulless and horrifying Warforged who is, nevertheless, a kind man with a penchant for philosophy.
Made with Dalle3, with some minor editing by me.
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the-dragonshard · 5 months
Eberron Character Ideas Pt. 1
A warforged artificer was secreted away by a young Cannith member after he was created before he could be deployed to the Last War. He was raised and taught by the heir who showed him all about human traditions, culture, and concepts; and even taught him the practice of Cannith artifice. When the Mourning struck, he was unable to save his young master, but he himself survived and somehow made it to the Brelish border. Haunted by loss, he now tries to keep the memory of his friend alive by using his skills of artifice.
A shifter grew up in the lower class of Thrane, but found solace in the teachings of the Silver Flame and developed deep faith -- deeper than any of the human priests who disliked his kind -- which kept him going even through the toughest of times. Now, as an adult cleric, he tries to balance his identity between a faith that calls him a monster and a heritage that calls him a traitor.
A fire genasi grew up as a local wonder in her small village, and was always treated with awe and told that she was destined for great things. Raised in this environment, she believed that she could accomplish anything, and her village excitedly sent her off to become an adventurer. However, now that she’s in the real world, she’s realized that it’s so much more dangerous than she thought -- but she can’t return home until she’s accomplished feats of legend.
Feel free to use in your campaigns!
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sun-marie · 16 days
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Setting up a character for an upcoming DnD game 👀
Her name is Equinox of Autumn (or just "Nox"), a tabaxi druid with the Folk Hero background from the jungles of Xen'drik.
She wouldn't be caught dead with a smile, unless you get her talking about her stay-at-home fisherman hubby 💗
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aioledoesart · 1 month
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This is Ash, changeling investigator. They are honestly just trying to get by; they did not ask to be put in a situation.
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canonkiller · 8 months
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celebratory valkas also
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dc9spot · 4 months
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Some of the clothing design of my Eberron Character!
he is a character from Aundair, so he is a bit of a fashion forward guy.
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