#echo's rambling
echo-bleu · 8 months
...it's past 10 pm and I haven't started drawing yet 😭
I'm not sure where the day's gone, but nowhere I can find it.
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altijd-november · 6 months
If this post gets 4k notes I'll post a violin cover of the gomens theme
Disclaimer: I don't play that well it's just a hobby dont expect something professional
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the scene in gotg vol 3 where rocket finds the baby raccoons absolutely wrecked me. he finally discovered that he truly was a raccoon, before he was torn apart and made into something else. the way he tenderly gathered them all into his arms and made sure none of them fell was heart wrenching yet so sweet to watch
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alitherandom · 2 months
"Echo's on it"
I already posted about this but it only just hit me how this is the same Crosshair that picked fights with Rex saying he'd have left Echo for dead too and how he's just another reg to now having so much trust in his abilities that he's willing to sit back and wait because he doesn't doubt what Echo is capable of doing. The same Crosshair who had all those trust issues and refused to let people in has fully integrated back into the squad and the contrast between this and season one is staggering idk how to process this
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echotheghostyghost · 7 months
character A, battered, bruised, and bloody, going "you should see the other guy" with a proud look on their face
character B, completely unharmed but visibly shaken and traumatized
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saltpepperbeard · 25 days
no because i'm actually going insane. like, in retrospect, it makes so much sense that ed and stede would both be glassy-eyed/crying after their first kiss, because they're both feeling so much. it's so new to them and subsequently so scary but so exciting. it has them both feeling so vulnerable but so intrigued by all the implications and future possibilities.
and then like, ed is feeling the most free and the most like himself that he has for years and years, if not his entire life. the world is his oyster in that moment. the horizon is open and endless. there's nothing but forever and his newfound love at his side. it's so much. it has him so vulnerable. it's something he thought he'd never get to have. and yet there it is, right beneath his hands, right there on the sand next to him. no more masking. no more threats of violence. no more having to hide himself away. just love.
and then stede. he's absolutely petrified that he's ruined ed, that he'd messed up horrendously like he think he has for the entirety of his life. but then he's also just experienced something that he thought he'd never get to have either. he never thought he'd get to feel actual love. he never thought his prospect of "marrying for love" could actually be something tangible. he never thought someone would look him in the eyes and say "you make me happy." and yet there all of that is, right there on the sand next to him.
so of course they're both crying. of course. they're running through the full spectrum of emotion and right back around again.
but also. WHAT.
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arkanaea · 2 months
You ever think about the fact that throughout Outer Wilds, you find people by listening to them playing the main theme all together. And then when you get to the stranger, you pull out your signalscope to find - nothing. Silence. These people did everything in their power to hide, of course they're not going to broadcast themselves to you. But even so, once you reach the reservoir, River’s End starts playing. And embedded within this track, you once again hear the main theme - but while the song of the travelers is usually full of hope and curiosity, played in a major key, this time that melody is tragic, mournful, and very much final. And it’s played not by banjo or acoustic guitar, but by electric guitar, in this weird digitized approximation of the natural sound you know so well… a simulated version of the real thing, one might say. And while nobody is playing an instrument, there is still a person - the prisoner. And this song you hear, it’s almost as if he’s calling out to you In the only way the game has ever told you that someone is there. Desperately hoping to be found, but almost giving up hope.
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scoundrels-in-love · 1 year
Deanna is the fridged wife from the tragic backstory of your good ole adventurer, and they meet in frigid wastes. Except this time, it's her story, and coping with the decisions made by this person, to return what was lost to this world, though she was at peace. And, yet, she came at his call.
The setting, the word choice, everything feels painfully symbolic and I really can only applaud the whole thing.
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
I disagree with Narrator in a very fundamental and philosophical level, but you know, even if I agreed 100% with his worldview and the reality he wants to bring about, I’d still think he’s wrong for taking matters into his own hands and changing THE VERY FABRIC OF REALITY affecting people in the entire universe, simply because HE thinks he knows what best for the world.
Like– that’s why I find him so fascinating, it’s not only the fear of death or disgust towards the very concept of change (tho that is very funny and interesting in its own right), but the utter arrogance to champion himself Savior of the World without EVER considering that maybe– just maybe, people might not agree with what he plans to do.
Like. Hubris indeed, and he even has the gall to say, “you can still do what you must and kill her” when we call him out on it. Like. Wow. I want to study this guy under a microscope.
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the-bi-space-ace · 2 months
Echo & Unshakeable Trust
If we really want to talk about how Echo and trust are intertwined then I think we need to start at The Bad Batch arc of The Clone Wars in season 7. We see pretty clearly that the batch doesn’t trust him, even before they know him. They make snide remarks, doubt him, and are ready to take him down if he crosses them. Hell, they’re sure he’s a traitor. One of the earliest examples of this is when Hunter first claims it’s a trap. He even says they’ll tag along with the mission even just to say ‘I told you so.’ Oh how wrong he was. How wrong they all were.
They venture into Skako to save Echo, following Rex’s intuition and going along with it even if they don’t agree. They go, they’re not trusting about it, but they go. What they find is Echo, being used as the algorithm for the Separatists. Rex has no reason to doubt that this is against Echo’s will but the batch… they’re not so sure. 
Echo’s plan to escape through the vents is what saves them from Wat Tambor. They have no choice but to follow his plan, even if they aren’t sure if they can trust him yet. But following along and going with it is what gets them out of there. That doesn’t mean it fixes the doubt. The batch even hesitates before walking across the pipe to escape. They’re still sure he’s screwing them over. They have no idea why Anakin and Rex follow Echo’s plans blindly, even when they’re objectively ridiculous. 
Rex trusts him. Always. Every time. When Rex hears Echo’s voice he doesn’t ever doubt that Echo is still alive and on their side. Even in the bad batch season 3 when he’s questioned about whether or not Crosshair gave them all of the information Rex doesn’t doubt that Echo handled it and they have no reason to question that. It’s such a beautiful thing to watch. His faith in Echo has always been unshakable. Just as unshakable as Echo’s faith in himself. At first Rex isn’t sure Echo is battle ready after being rescued; it's never about distrusting Echo, it’s about not being sure he’s ready yet. Has he healed enough? Is he stable enough to pull this off? It’s care, caution, not doubt. 
Echo even points that out: ‘I’m not a liability, Rex.’ Mace Windu really had me cheering when he says if Echo has a plan then he’d like to hear it. When Mace asks if Echo is certain he even responds with ‘Absolutely.’ Echo doesn’t doubt himself and he isn’t about to start now. This confidence is something we see from him a lot. From how he plans, how he moves, what he says. He knows he’s good at what he does. It’s so refreshing to watch him be so confident and grow in that confidence as time moves forward. 
It’s here we start to really see the batch mistrust Echo. Tech voices this most often, followed by Hunter. Tech isn’t sure of Echo’s plan. He even goes as far as to say that ‘We don’t really know where his loyalties lie.’ You know what’s incredible about this? Rex follows it up with ‘Well, I know.’ Because he does. He doesn’t doubt Echo, has no reason to. The batch, however, isn’t ready for that yet. 
When Echo sends all the droids to the assembly complex and successfully shuts them all down is when both Hunter and Tech - the two who were the most vocal about their doubt in him - are ready to accept that Echo is on their side. He isn’t fighting against them, he never has been. They’re ready. Echo has proven himself without ever even really trying to.
Echo: ‘Was there ever any doubt?’ Tech: ‘Some.’
Echo trusts himself totally. He’s been trusted by his squads, by Fives, by Rex, by Cody. Hell, even Anakin, Mace, and Obi-Wan trust him. He’s been surrounded by people who are convinced of his skills. Being confronted by the batch who doesn’t trust him doesn’t even really faze him. He knows his intentions, he doesn’t need to fight their doubt. He just does what he’s always done and he proves himself in his actions. This confidence he has in himself is what carries him through everything and we only see that grow over time. (This post by @phantom-of-the-501st demonstrates how much he’s grown perfectly. Please go read it. It's amazing.) 
The batch saw him in action when they first met him, they had their time to doubt, and once Echo had proven to them that he was trustworthy and skilled they’ve trusted him fully ever since then. Hunter trusts him to be his second in command - the mission where they save Gregor comes to mind. He always hears Echo out and usually follows him into nearly certain death even if he doesn’t agree. Hunter trusts his word and he knows he wants only good things for them even when they don’t agree on how to get those good things. I think it’s especially important to note that they do disagree often but that is never cause to accuse the other of something in bad faith. The batch even trusts him to lead them into Kamino, right into enemy territory, when Hunter gets taken at the end of season 1. They follow his lead, listen to him, and know he’s got this. They’d never doubt him. Not for a second. Not now. Not when it’s Echo.
And of course we have this most recent episode, the thing that spurred this all on for me. This episode only solidifies for me that trust is a main thread in Echo’s story. He gets them a ship, has a disguise for Rampart, and he is ready to take on the brunt of their mission when things start to get dicey. Crosshair does say something about how Echo can’t infiltrate the ship alone which I am certain is more about worrying for him than it is doubt in his skillset. Letting Echo go into enemy territory without anyone else is difficult for them but they know he can do it. They always know he can pull it off, even if it’s absolutely ridiculous. When Rampart starts to bad mouth the plan Crosshair is right there with ‘Relax. Echo’s on it.’ I am still absolutely losing it over this line. To see Crosshair go from ‘besides, he’s just a reg’ to his hand on Echo’s shoulder in their first mission after they meet to ‘relax. Echo’s on it.’ That… That makes me so emotional. Of course the plan will work. It’s Echo. He’s got this. He knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s quick on his feet. It’ll work out. It’s Echo.
To follow that line with Hunter’s ‘Echo will come through. He just needs more time.’ just further solidifies that they wouldn’t doubt him, not anymore. He’s proved time and time again that he’s got this. They’re prepared to go with whatever scheme he proposes. He’s just as bad as them but he’s also got the skillset to back up his chaos. He fits in well. 
Echo is a skilled man. He’s an excellent strategist and he gets shit done. The batch has learned to trust him with their lives, as quickly and as unshakable as Rex’s faith in him. I think this is a beautiful thing to have seen over the course of our time with the batch. The batch puts their lives in Echo’s hands more than once and they don’t doubt him. Just like how he doesn’t doubt himself. The people around him trust him because he owns what he says, because he can back his shit up. 
It’s rather fitting that the intro quote in the last episode of The Bad Batch arc in The Clone Wars (S7 E4 Unfinished Business) is: Trust placed in another is trust earned. They learned a lot by watching Rex’s unshakeable faith in Echo and they knew that’s something they could do too by the end of their mission together. He proved his chaos, his strategies, and his intellect were invaluable. So much so that they wanted him with them, whatever that was going to look like. 
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fellthemarvelous · 2 months
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Crosshair with his hand on Echo's shoulder means a lot here. This is the same clone who told Rex he would have left Echo behind too because Echo was just a reg.
It's also interesting to see Echo poised between the two people involved with his rescue who ended up working for the Empire knowing that Echo has never once considered following that same path.
Echo became more machine than man but retained his humanity while Anakin becoming more machine than man allowed himself to become a monster.
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echo-bleu · 8 months
Me, replying to 154 days old comments with a single heart emoji: 😔
But I have managed to bring my inbox down from 149 comments to 0! That was quite a feat!
And I'm always so so touched by each one of them 😭
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apassingecho · 1 year
Ok so, I was thinking about how, in a lot of fics for the other seasons of life, they're in the games for like a few weeks/months but it couldn't be like that this time cause they have 24 hours. But then I remembered
Minecraft days last 20 real life minutes
This means that, if you want to be accurate to Minecraft rules, they have 72 days to live
Normal dead is -3 days
Normal kill is +1.5 days
Boogey dead is -6 days
And boogey kill is +3 days
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hank’s entire character in quantumania is “I love my wife, I love my adopted granddaughter, and I love ants” and I am here for it
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alitherandom · 3 months
Ok I'm going to say it. I feel like the only reason they had to kill Tech was because the plot would move way too fast with him still in it. There's no doubt in my mind he'd find out what an m count was as well as the location of Tantiss and probably even Hemlock's home address and social security number in the span of about five minutes. Not to mention I doubt there'd be half as many action scenes considering there's no way he'd sit back and let Hunter, Crosshair and Wrecker throw hands with a former sith assassin (or at least he'd make them negotiate first.) Tech was far too powerful and even though he's only been mentioned as a plot device so far (which frustrates me) his absence is still very visible.
Same goes for Echo. I feel like the rest of the squad could use his common sense, but he's also conveniently absent. (I miss him.) I feel like the two of them share the team's braincell ngl
And also I think it's funny envisioning Tech just respawning on Eriadu and proceeding to walk halfway across the galaxy to show up on Hemlock's doorstep before giving him severe paranoia and getting some well deserved revenge. Just saying.
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echokelly · 2 months
the face of a car who is going to start screaming in .5 seconds if you don't let him sink his sharp ass teeth into your ankle right now
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