#economic sanctions
smashcut · 2 months
Reading Jeff Stein's piece on US economic warfare via sanctions is 1) horrifying and 2) timely, considering the spate of recent posts on how Palestinian gfms are ~suspicious~ and are the result of a network of scammers and not actually desperate people in need. Plenty of other people more knowledgeable about the money transfer process to get refugees into Egypt have written about this at length, it's not like Palestinians are making this needlessly convoluted to make their cause easier for scammers to capitalize on! It's the direct effect of cruel US foreign economic policy!
WaPo link
Archived link (current as of 8/6/24)
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Strangling Venezuela
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taiwantalk · 1 year
This kind of article is truly a form of media warfare. Commodities do not have to and are not going thru Black Sea only.
This is a totally misleading reporting to create panic. Ukraine is still bordering 5 other countries besides Russia & belarus. Any of those 5 countries have multiple trade routes for Ukraine’s commodities to be exported out through long convoy of transportations. Russia cannot possibly destroy every single land cargo transportation just like nazis could not destroy every single liberty ship during ww2 with a wolf pack submarines.
Therefore, Russia is far from being able to restrict Ukraine’s export like an embargo or blockade.
Likewise, the world is actually not truly able to restrict trade with Russia except by true alliance adhering to economic sanction measures.
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head-post · 9 months
Japan imposed a new package of sanctions against Russia, Belarus, UAE, Armenia, Syria and Uzbekistan
Japan’s Ministry of Economy has imposed a new package of sanctions against 57 companies from Russia, 27 from Belarus, as well as from the UAE, Armenia, Syria and Uzbekistan.
The new sanctions will take effect from 22 December. The restrictions will affect such companies as Rostov Research Institute of Radio Communications, Kazan Gunpowder Plant, Central Research Institute “Burevestnik”, Ural Civil Aviation Plant, Special Design Bureau, Bryansk Automobile Plant, 150th Aviation Repair Plant, 810th Aviation Repair Plant, Central Research Chemical and Mechanical Institute and others.
In total, the list includes 494 companies and organisations from Russia, against which Japan has imposed an export ban.
Learn more HERE
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pebblegalaxy · 1 year
Sun Tzu's Principle of Winning a War Without a Battle: Exploring the Strategy, Historical Context, and Practical Applications
Sun Tzu, a Chinese military strategist who lived more than 2,500 years ago, is considered one of the greatest military minds in history. His famous treatise, The Art of War, has been studied and applied by military and business leaders for centuries. One of his most important principles is the idea of winning a war without a battle. In this article, we will explore this principle in detail,…
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ccoocckk · 25 days
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dbunicorn · 2 months
I tried to post a response on Youtube but I suspect technology first amendment enthusiasts didn't like it. What is the point of sanctions while giving USaid and other forms of AID? The change has to come from within. You can ally/collaborate. You lose the psychological war. This should be handled by a financial, legal arm of the UN. We have a charter for a reason.
Poverty is a weapon used around the world. The best way to expose it is by ideas. When the US sanctions with the best of intentions it leaves you open to being seen as a demagogue. Take a hands off policy and really pick your battles. You lose the ethical, moral, psychological war. There is not humanity in a generic position.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Russia's Aviation Is Plagued With Accidents - Sanctions Do Work - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/russias-aviation-is-plagued-with-accidents-sanctions-do-work-technology-org/
Russia's Aviation Is Plagued With Accidents - Sanctions Do Work - Technology Org
Russia may say that the sanctions imposed by the Western world and many other countries are not affecting its economy, but there are signs that Russia is suffering. For example, there seems to be a noticeable increase in accidents in passenger aviation, seemingly caused by maintenance issues and other technical problems. Russian aviation is compressed under an impressive weight of sanctions.
Russian commercial aviation is built on the Western-made planes. Image credit: AndreyFilippov.com via Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)
Western countries do not allow their companies to export aeroplane parts and aircraft maintenance services to Russia. This, of course, is a response to the invasion of Ukraine launched by Russia on February 24, 2022.
Russia has accumulated some parts in its warehouses, some spare parts they can get by dismantling old planes, some they import through secret channels or acquire by servicing their planes in other countries that ignore the sanctions. But the fact is that Russian aviation is clearly suffering from increasingly poorly maintained planes.
The Wall Street Journal reports that economic sanctions are strangling Russia so badly that they are causing a large increase in accidents in the aviation sector. These are not necessarily fatal accidents, of course, but planes just keep breaking down. And some of those accidents are quite bad.
For example,  On 12 September 2023, the Airbus A320-214 or Ural Airlines had to perform an emergency landing in a field, because it experienced a hydraulic failure and couldn’t even close the landing gear door. It tried to reach another airport, but ran out of fuel, due to the increased air resistance flying with the open landing gear door.
The airline denied that this accident was somehow related to sanctions or uncertified parts, but this is still one of the versions about what happened there. And it was far from the only aviation accident in Russia in 2023.
Airbus A320-214 of Ural Airlines resting in a field. It’s still there since 12th of September 2023. Image credit: Пресс-служба авиакомпании «Уральские Авиалинии» via Wikimedia (CC BY 2.0)
In 2022, 36 accidents occurred in Russian aviation. In 2023, this number reached 74. In these statistics, by the way, only those accidents that affect aircraft capable of carrying at least 19 passengers are included. The smallest aeroplanes are not counted, even though they should also suffer from shortages. This deterioration in aviation safety is attributed to poorer aircraft maintenance and bad-quality parts, so the situation is likely to worsen over time.
More than two-thirds of Russia’s passenger aircraft fleet consists of Boeing and Airbus planes. They are quite popular in the entire world and Russia could try getting their parts through unofficial channels.
However, the required amount of parts is quite large and ensuring the quality of service is now a difficult task for Russia. Putin’s plan is to increase production of domestic airliners, but those also heavily rely on Western tech and the increase in production is not going to be sudden. It will be interesting to see what Russia’s aviation safety stats will look like at the end of 2024.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: The Wall Street Journal, Wikipedia
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immaculatasknight · 11 months
Death is our business and business is good
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felixwylde · 1 year
Tufton Tories, cry or laugh?
Well, sometimes you just have to shed a tear, or you’ll end up laughing your head off, don’t ya?So, when does that old saying “you’ve gotta laugh, or you’d cry” go a bit too far? When does the laughter stop, and you’re left feeling all miserable?When your family gets caught up in the dodgy dealings of some rich folks with some questionable ideas, what’s the right thing to do?Can you believe they…
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refernew · 1 year
Understanding the Complexities: Why is Russia Invading Ukraine?
Understanding the Complexities: Why is Russia Invading Ukraine?
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In recent times, global headlines have been dominated by the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine. The situation has raised concerns and questions among people worldwide. As Australian bloggers seeking to understand international affairs, it's crucial to delve into the complexities of the conflict and explore the reasons behind Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive overview, shedding light on the historical, political, and strategic factors at play.
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Understanding the Complexities: Why is Russia Invading Ukraine?
[caption id="attachment_318" align="aligncenter" width="2000"] Understanding the Complexities: Why is Russia Invading Ukraine?[/caption] [xyz-ihs snippet="After-Feature-Image"] [xyz-ihs snippet="TC"]
1. Historical Context
The history between Russia and Ukraine is intricate and dates back centuries. To comprehend the current situation, it's essential to consider the historical factors that have contributed to the strained relationship between the two countries.
Shared History and Soviet Legacy: Russia and Ukraine were both part of the former Soviet Union, and while the USSR dissolved in 1991, the legacy of that era continues to influence their relationship.
Crimea Annexation: One of the pivotal events that shaped the tensions was Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014. This move was met with international condemnation, but Russia justified it as protecting the Russian-speaking population and maintaining strategic control over the Black Sea.
2. Geopolitical Significance
The geopolitical importance of Ukraine in the region plays a significant role in the ongoing conflict.
Strategic Location: Ukraine is strategically located between Russia and Europe, making it a critical transit route for energy resources and trade.
NATO and EU Aspirations: Ukraine's desire to join NATO and the European Union has irked Russia, as it sees this as an encroachment on its sphere of influence.
3. Ethnic and Cultural Dynamics
The diverse ethnic and linguistic makeup of Ukraine adds another layer to the conflict.
Ethnic Divide: Ukraine has a population that includes Ukrainians and a significant Russian-speaking minority. This linguistic divide has been exploited by various actors to further their agendas.
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4. Energy Concerns
Energy resources, especially natural gas, play a significant role in the conflict.
Gas Transit Routes: Ukraine serves as a crucial transit route for Russian natural gas exports to Europe. Any disruptions could impact energy security on the continent.
5. Nationalism and Identity
Nationalistic sentiments within both Russia and Ukraine have fueled tensions.
Ukrainian Nationalism: Ukraine's aspirations to assert its national identity have sometimes been perceived by Russia as a threat to its historical influence in the region.
6. International Response
Understanding the reactions of the international community is essential to grasping the larger picture.
Sanctions and Diplomatic Efforts: In response to Russia's actions, numerous countries, including Australia, have imposed economic sanctions on Russia. Diplomatic efforts have been made to de-escalate the situation.
7. Humanitarian Concerns
The conflict's impact on civilians cannot be ignored.
Displaced Population: The conflict has led to internal displacement and refugees, causing a humanitarian crisis.
In analyzing the reasons behind Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it becomes clear that the situation is a culmination of historical, political, geopolitical, and cultural factors. As Australian bloggers, it's crucial to stay informed about these global events and understand the broader context that shapes them. By delving into the complexities of this conflict, we can contribute to a more informed and nuanced public discourse, fostering a better understanding of international affairs.
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Understanding the Complexities: Why is Russia Invading Ukraine? - FAQs
Q1. Why is Russia invading Ukraine?
Russia's invasion of Ukraine is rooted in a complex web of historical, geopolitical, and cultural factors. Tensions between the two countries, exacerbated by events like the annexation of Crimea, the desire for control over strategic regions, and differing aspirations for international alliances, have contributed to the conflict.
Q2. What is the historical context of the conflict?
The history between Russia and Ukraine is long and intricate, marked by shared Soviet heritage and a legacy of power dynamics. Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014 further strained their relationship, sparking international outrage.
Q3. How does Ukraine's geopolitical significance play a role?
Ukraine's strategic location as a transit route for energy resources and trade between Russia and Europe makes it geopolitically important. Ukraine's aspirations to join NATO and the EU have also drawn attention and concern from Russia.
Q4. How does the ethnic and cultural divide impact the conflict?
Ukraine's population consists of both Ukrainians and a substantial Russian-speaking minority. This linguistic divide has been exploited by various parties to advance their agendas, adding complexity to the conflict.
Q5. What role does energy play in the conflict?
Energy resources, particularly natural gas, are crucial to both Russia and Europe. Ukraine's role as a transit route for Russian gas exports adds an economic and strategic dimension to the conflict.
Q6. How does nationalism influence the situation?
Nationalistic sentiments within both Russia and Ukraine have played a role in shaping the conflict. Ukraine's pursuit of its national identity and aspirations has at times been perceived by Russia as a challenge to its historical influence.
Q7. What is the international community's response to the conflict?
The international community, including countries like Australia, has responded with economic sanctions on Russia and diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation. These responses aim to address the crisis and encourage a peaceful resolution.
Q8. Why should Australian bloggers be concerned about this conflict?
Understanding global events, such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, is essential for Australian bloggers to provide informed content to their readers. By grasping the complexities of the situation, bloggers can contribute to a more nuanced and accurate public discourse on international affairs.
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emergingpakistan · 1 year
کیا روس پر اقتصادی پابندیوں کے مطلوبہ نتائج برآمد ہو رہے ہیں؟
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اب تک روسی معشیت کو تباہ ہو جانا چاہیے تھا۔ اتنا کہ عوام حکومت پر دباؤ ڈالتی کہ وہ یوکرین کے ساتھ مذاکرات کر کے کسی تصفیے پر پہنچ جائے۔ سیدھی سی بات ہے کہ ایسا نہیں ہوا۔ اس کی بجائے ملک کی معیشت ترقی کر رہی ہے اور جب سے روسی صدر ولادی میر پوتن نے یوکرین پر حملہ کرنے کا حکم دیا ہے، معاشی شعبے میں بہت کچھ ہوا ہے۔ پہلے روبل کی قیمت میں کمی آئی، پھر جلد ہی بحال ہو گئی۔ روس اپنی ہی جارحیت کی وجہ سے تیل اور گیس کی بلند ہو جانے والی قیمتوں کا فائدہ اٹھانے میں کامیاب رہا ہے۔ درآمدات تھوڑی دیر کے لیے کم ہوئیں، لیکن اب وہ اپنی جنگ سے پہلے کی سطح پر واپس آگئی ہیں۔ روس کو فوجی اعتبار سے دھچکے کا سامنا کرنا پڑا ہے اور کافی تعداد میں فوجیوں کی جانیں گئیں لیکن جب تک کہ وہ براہ راست متاثر نہ ہوں، زیادہ تر روسی شہریوں کی زندگی میں کوئی تبدیلی نہیں آئی۔ اس صورت حال کی بدولت اور صدر پوتن کی جانب سے داخلی سطح پر اختلاف رائے کو دبانے کے نتیجے میں یوکرین سے فوج واپس بلانے کا مطالبہ کرنے کا کوئی سوال پیدا نہیں ہوا۔ روس فوجی رسد جاری رکھ کر جنگ کو آگے بڑھا سکتا ہے۔
اس کے باوجود امریکی حکومت مارچ 2022 میں پیش گوئی کر رہی تھی کہ روسی معیشت جلد ہی ’15 فیصد تک سکڑ جائے گی‘ اور یہ کہ گذشتہ دو دہائیوں کے دوران روسی شہری جس معیار زندگی کا لطف اٹھا رہے تھے، وہ باقی نہیں رہے گا۔ 400 سے زیادہ ملٹی نیشنل کمپنیوں، جن میں سے زیادہ تر کا تعلق اشیائے صرف کی تیاری اور تفریح کے شعبے سے ہے، کے روس سے چلے جانے کی صورت میں روسی شہریوں کو وہ سامان اور تفریح میسر نہیں ہو گا، جس کے وہ عادی ہو چکے ہیں۔ روس پر پابندیاں لگانے کا مقصد یہ تھا کہ وہ گھٹنے ٹیک دے۔ اس پالیسی نے کام نہیں کیا۔ کم از کم اس حد تک نہیں جو ان کا مقصد تھا۔ سال 2014 کے بعد سے جب روس نے کرائمیا پر حملہ کیا، سزا دینے کے اقدامات کے 10 ادوار ہو چکے ہیں رواں ہفتے کے اختتام پر جی سیون سربراہ اجلاس کا 11واں نمبر ہے۔  ویب سائٹ کاسٹیلم ڈاٹ اے آئی، جو روس کے خلاف پابندیوں کی نگرانی کرتی ہے، کا کہنا ہے کہ جاپان میں جی سیون کے اجلاس سے قبل اور یوکرین پر حملے کے بعد روس پر تقریباً ساڑھے بارہ ہزار پابندیاں لگائی گئیں۔ 2014 سے لگائی گئی 2695 پابندیاں ان کے علاوہ ہیں۔ تقریباً دس ہزار افراد ان پابندیوں کی زد میں آئے۔
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ان میں سفری پابندیوں سمیت روسی گیس، کوئلے اور تیل کی برآمدات، پرتعیش سامان کی فروخت، پیشہ ورانہ خدمات، بین الاقوامی مالیاتی فنڈ (آئی ایم ایف) اور عالمی بینک کے فنڈز تک رسائی، حکومتی قرضوں اور روسی بینکوں کی طرف سے بین الاقوامی ادائیگیوں کے نظام ’سوئفٹ‘ کے استعمال پر پابندی شامل ہے۔ روس کے تقریباً 300 ارب ڈالر کے اثاثے منجمد کر دیے گئے ہیں۔ جی سیون کے اجلاس میں برطانیہ کے وزیر اعظم رشی سونک نے سخت مؤقف پر قائم رہتے ہوئے کہا کہ وہ اس بات کو یقینی بنانا چاہتے ہیں کہ روس یوکرین میں جنگ کی ’قیمت ادا کرے۔‘ روسی ہیروں، تانبے، ایلومینیم اور چاندی کی درآمدات کو پابندیوں کی فہرست میں شامل کیا جائے گا۔ افراد سمیت مزید 300 روسی اداروں، بحری جہازوں اور طیاروں کو اب بلیک لسٹ کر دیا جائے گا۔ جی سیون رہنماؤں کے بقول: ’ہم مزید پابندیاں لگا رہے ہیں اور اقدامات کر رہے تاکہ روس اور ان کے لیے قیمت بڑھ جائے، جو اس کی جنگ کی حمایت کر رہے ہیں۔‘ سیاسی رہنما طویل عرصے سے بدمعاش ممالک کو روکنے کے لیے پابندیوں کو بطور ہتھیار استعمال کرتے رہے ہیں یہ تابوتوں میں گھر لوٹنے والے فوجیوں کو دیکھنے سے کہیں زیادہ بہتر ہے۔
مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ یہ شاذ و نادر ہی کام کرتے ہیں۔ ایک مثال جس کا اکثر حوالہ دیا جاتا ہے وہ اقوام متحدہ کی جانب سے نسل پرستانہ دور حکومت کے دوران جنوبی افریقہ پر لگائی گئی تجارتی پابندیاں تھیں۔ درحقیقت یہ معاشی تنہائی نہیں تھی جو برسوں تک برداشت کی گئی اور اس سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑا بلکہ اس کی وجہ مصائب اور خونریزی ختم کرنے کے لیے داخلی سطح پر سامنے آنے والے مطالبات تھے۔ جنوبی افریقہ کے معاملے میں پابندی کا اطلاق اقوام متحدہ نے کیا تھا، لیکن روس کے حوالے سے پابندیاں اقوام متحدہ یا باقی دنیا کی بجائے صرف امریکہ، یورپی یونین، برطانیہ، سوئٹزرلینڈ، کینیڈا، آسٹریلیا، نیوزی لینڈ اور جاپان کی طرف سے لاگو کی گئی ہیں۔ جنوبی امریکہ، افریقہ، مشرق وسطیٰ، انڈیا، پاکستان، چین اور باقی ایشیائی ممالک پر مشتمل ’گلوبل ساؤتھ‘ روس سے تعلقات قائم رکھے ہوئے ہیں۔ نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ آدھی دنیا اب بھی روس کے ساتھ تجارت کے لیے کھلی ہے۔   پوتن چین اور انڈیا کو بڑے پیمانے پر تیل اور گیس بیچنے میں کامیاب رہے ہیں۔ ان کے قریبی حلقے کے اراکین، دا اولیگارچز، انفرادی اقدامات سے متاثر ہو کر لندن، نیویارک اور پیرس سے دبئی جیسی جگہوں پر منتقل ہو گئے ہیں اور اپنے انتہائی شاہانہ زندگی سے لطف اندوز ہو رہے ہیں۔ شاید پوتن پر اولیگارچز کے اثر و رسوخ کو بھی بڑھا چڑھا کر پیش کیا گیا ہے۔ اگر انہوں نے شکایت کی ہے تو ان کی آہیں سننے والا کوئی نہیں ہے۔ مقامی کاروباری افراد، جن میں سے بہت سے سابق عملے کے ارکان ہیں، نے رخصت ہونے والی غیر ملکی فرموں کے روس میں کاروبار سنبھال لیے ہیں۔ وہ ممالک جو پابندیوں میں شامل نہیں ہیں انہوں نے اپنی مصنوعات کے لیے نئے دروازے کھول لیے ہیں اور وہ ان کی جگہ لے رہے ہیں، جو اب وہاں ممنوع ہو چکے۔ اسی وقت ’متوازی‘ درآمدات، مغرب سے روس کو تیسرے ملک کے ذریعے غیر قانونی فروخت، بھی عروج پر ہے۔ 
آرمینیا ایسا ہی ایک مرکز ہے، قازقستان اور سربیا بھی ایسے ہی دیگر سہولت کار ممالک ہیں۔ 2021 میں قازقستان نے روس کو ایک بھی واشنگ مشین برآمد نہیں کی۔ اس سال یہ ایک لاکھ سے زیادہ مشینیں روس بھیجے گا۔ سربیا روس کو 10 ہزار ڈالر سے کم مالیت کے موبائل فون برآمد کرتا تھا، اب ان کی کھیپ دسیوں کروڑوں ڈالرز میں بھیجی جا رہی ہے۔ اگرچہ پابندیاں مطلوبہ نتائج حاصل نہیں کر رہی ہیں لیکن ان کا کچھ اثر ہو رہا ہے۔ یہ یقینی طور پر ایک مشکل ہے اور وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ مغربی کمپنیاں بھی اپنی جگہ کھو دیں گی۔ اسی طرح اولیگارچز کو وہ مکمل آزادی حاصل نہیں ہے، جو انہوں نے کبھی حاصل کی تھی۔ ہو سکتا ہے کہ یہ اس کا جادوئی علاج نہ ہو لیکن یہ ممکن ہے کہ پابندیاں پوتن کو اپنی فوجی جارحیت کو بڑھانے سے روک رہی ہوں۔ وہ ایک تعطل میں قید ہو گئے ہیں اور اس طرح یہ سوچ آخر کار رک جائے گی۔ یہ مرحلہ ابھی دور ہے اور بلاشبہ اس مقام تک پہنچنے سے پہلے مزید پابندیاں لگائی جانی ہیں۔
کرس بلیک ہرسٹ   نوٹ: کرس بلیک ہرسٹ ایوارڈ یافتہ مصنف، تجزیہ نگار اور انڈپینڈنٹ کے سابق ایڈیٹر ہیں۔ ان کی کتاب ’دا ورلڈز بگسٹ کیش مشین‘ (The World's Biggest Cash Machine) اسی سال شائع ہو گی۔
بشکریہ انڈپینڈنٹ اردو
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eeitonline · 1 year
Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Economic Sanctions in the Black Sea and Eastern Europe by Eastern European Institute for Trade
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by Eastern European Institute for Trade
Amidst the tumultuous political landscape of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region, economic sanctions have become an increasingly prevalent tool employed by nations to exert pressure and achieve strategic objectives. Consequently, countries in the region grapple with the challenge of overcoming such sanctions to maintain economic resilience and development. This article will delve into the various mechanisms that states can utilize to mitigate the impact of economic sanctions, while simultaneously fostering an environment conducive to sustainable growth (Adams, 2017; Baranova, 2019).
Economic sanctions often hinder trade and investment, with a particularly pronounced impact on energy, finance, and technology sectors (Fry, 2020). To counterbalance these detrimental effects, countries should prioritize economic diversification, thereby reducing overreliance on vulnerable industries. Promoting domestic entrepreneurship and investing in research and development can facilitate the emergence of new, competitive sectors, thereby enhancing economic resilience (Chen, 2018).
Moreover, exploring alternative trade partners and forging robust economic alliances can help circumvent the constraints imposed by sanctions. Nations such as Turkey and China have emerged as key actors in the Eastern European and Black Sea region, providing opportunities for trade and investment partnerships that can bolster economic growth (Baranova, 2019; Fry, 2020). By expanding their diplomatic horizons, countries in the region can navigate geopolitical complexities and maintain a degree of economic stability.
Digitalization and technological innovation also offer pathways to overcoming economic sanctions. The adoption of blockchain technology, for instance, can enable secure and transparent transactions, potentially mitigating the impact of financial restrictions (Chen, 2018). Additionally, fostering digital economies and embracing e-commerce can help offset the disruption of traditional trade channels, allowing countries to circumvent some of the negative consequences of sanctions (Adams, 2017).
Lastly, bolstering regional cooperation and coordination can be instrumental in mitigating the repercussions of economic sanctions. By working collaboratively, nations in the Eastern European and Black Sea region can develop shared strategies and leverage their collective strengths to overcome the obstacles posed by sanctions (Baranova, 2019). Such cooperative efforts may include the establishment of regional trade blocs or the development of joint infrastructure projects that enhance connectivity and integration.
In summation, the challenge of overcoming economic sanctions in the Eastern European and Black Sea region demands a multifaceted, proactive approach. By embracing economic diversification, forging new partnerships, leveraging technology, and enhancing regional cooperation, countries can break the chains of sanctions and pave the way for sustained economic growth.
Adams, J. (2017). Economic Sanctions and Their Impact on Eastern Europe. Journal of European Studies, 13(3), 75-90.
Baranova, E. (2019). Overcoming Economic Sanctions in Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region: Strategies and Challenges. European Journal of Political Economy, 59, 221-237.
Chen, L. (2018). Navigating Economic Sanctions: The Role of Technology and Innovation. Technology and Innovation, 20(1), 31-45.
Fry, M. (2020). Eastern Europe and the Black Sea: Economic Sanctions and Their Implications. Geoeconomics, 5(2), 105-121.
Read more at the Eastern European Institute for Trade.
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head-post · 16 days
Trump claims sanctions on Russia weaken dollar, promises to lift them
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has stated that he would lift the sanctions imposed on Russia during Joe Biden’s presidency, arguing that they weaken the influence of the dollar, The New Republic reported.
Trump took the stage at the Economic Club of New York on Thursday and faced a question from a group of business leaders concerned the sanctions on Russia. H. Rodgin Cohen, senior chair of the law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, inquired whether the candidate would strengthen or alter the economic sanctions programme, particularly regarding Russia.
In response, Trump asserted that the sanctions create significant problems for the US economy. Notably, however, during his time in office, Trump imposed new sanctions on Iran and North Korea, but was so reluctant to impose sanctions on Russia.
I want to use sanctions as little as possible. You’re losing Iran, you’re losing Russia. China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency. There’s so much conflict with all these countries that you’re going to lose the dominance of the dollar, according to him.
This statement comes amidst the announcement by the Justice Department on Thursday of charges against Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser Dimitri Simes and his wife, Anastasia, on charges of “a scheme to create and distribute content to U.S. audiences with hidden Russian government messaging.”
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indizombie · 2 years
The Syrian government says its aid effort has been hampered by the economic sanctions that Western powers imposed in response to alleged human rights violations and other abuses committed during the country's 12-year civil war. The US, UK and EU deny this, saying trade in essential goods and humanitarian assistance are exempt from the sanctions. However, even though exports of medical supplies to Syria are not specifically sanctioned, international and regional banks fearful of being punished by Western authorities have in the past been reluctant to approve the financial transactions needed by Syrians to purchase them. On Monday, Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad called for the lifting of all "unilateral coercive measures" during a meeting with the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, Syrian state news agency SANA reported.
‘Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims’, BBC
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reportwire · 2 years
Baltics and Poland push to make sanctioning oligarchs’ associates easier
The Baltic states and Poland want to make it easier to sanction the family members and entourage of Russia’s richest men and women but are facing resistance from Hungary, several EU diplomats told POLITICO. Under its current rules, the EU can freeze the assets and impose visa bans on “leading businesspersons operating in Russia.” Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland now want to expand this…
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