#ed nygma x m!reader
lem0nshark-writes · 2 years
"Riddle me this, why does my heart hurt?"
Edward Nygma x Male Reader
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Type: angst
Word count: 1334
Warnings: angst, me pulling at your heart strings, sum Kristen x Ed, cop reader, sad stuff, unreciprocated love
Request: "please do an Edward Nygma one, maybe the reader could be a friend before he turns into the riddler and, he always answers Edward's riddles, then he finds out about Edward's crush on Kristen and becomes sad. Or something along those lines. Thank you"
A/N: Requested by the lovely @/averysmallperson on wattpad 💕 This was so fun to write! I hope it was to your liking and as always if not you can always pm me and we can fix it up or write a new one :)
You were at GCPD for two years now and honestly you liked your job very much, despite being just a regular cop you got your fair share of action, perhaps not as much as the legendary Jim Gordon and his partner Harvey but you weren't complaining. But despite all the love for the action and kicking ass and taking names, the favourite part of your job was a person.
Tall, lean, weird little forensic guy with a keen love for riddles was the best thing about your day. Edward Nygma, everyone considered him a weirdo and a bother but to you he was your best friend, the best part of the day, the guy you could share anything with, the- okay you were kinda in love with him.
The two of you clicked the second you first met him and stuck together ever since. Spending all the spare working time together, going on breaks together, driving each other to and back from work here and there, even going out to have some fun on rare nights as well. You answered all his riddles and protected him from all the mean people he encountered on daily basis at the GCPD. And he gave you all the interesting info and pushed your needed lab results before anybody else's. It was kind of idyllic.
New case was on the table, John Doe, found in an alleyway, no ID or wallet, likely gunned down by a mugger looking for some quick cash. Nothing too crazy like you were used to see Jim and Harvey investigating but nevertheless worth looking into. The body was sent to the autopsy room this morning, right after everything was photographed and examined at the crime scene, and you were sent by the detectives to see what Ed and the M.E. had found so far.
You made your way to Ed's little lab room, knowing he'd already have papers ready for you sitting on his table if they had found anything.
Entering the small room you greeted your friend with a smile and a wave of your hand. "Hey Eds whachu got for me?" You asked cheerfully as always, bringing him a mug of freshly brewed coffee, made just the way he likes it, you grabbed on the way down to his lab, placing it on his desk with a smile.
"Hey Y/n, great news!" Ed answered with a smile just as joyfully, fixing his glasses as he reached for a couple of papers set atop his desk, placed neatly on a pile at the corner of it.
Before handing them to you he cleared his throat and started reciting with a sense of drama to it,
"Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I’m double, I’m single, I’m black blue and gray, I’m read from both ends, And the same either way.
What am I?"
He asked his riddle, now routinely - having had asked you a new riddle evey time you came down to his lab, excited smile plastered across his face as he looked at you expectedly.
"Uhhh toughie this one, Iii think I know this.. an eye!" you exclaimed with just as much vigor, victorious grin now placed across your face.
"Excelent! The victim had a glass eye! There is a serial number so I tracked it down, found our victim's name! Some banker, could have something to do with the motive. Could be an interesting case."
"Great job Ed! Gordon and Harvey are gonna love this!" You smiled happily, taking the papers he was handing to you now that you successfully answered his riddle. Setting them on the side table to flick through at the results as he continued.
He smiled proudly, although already aware of his genious but very happy to be appreciated and acknowledged, "That's it so far, I'm going to let you know if I come across anything else that might be important along with the usual stuff".
"Okay Imma go give this to Jim and Harvey aand Imma go on my break, do you wanna join? I can grab us some takeout and we can eat here?" You asked, smile on your face as you awaited his, most likely positive answer.
"Sure that sounds great!" Ed smiled, scooping some papers up onto a neat pile, tidying his desk before the suggested break.
"Mexican?" You proposed, already halfway out of the door.
"Sounds good, just remember no oni-"
"No onions! I know I know," you chuckled as you waved at him comfortingly, leaving the room to go about your business.
You made your way back up and just as you were about to enter the main hall of the headquarters you remembered you ain't carrying squat, you forgot the result papers at Nygma's. So you mentally slapped yourself and turned on your heels, heading back to where you came from, internally cursing your scatterbrainess
"Hey Eds I forgot my papers-" you spoke as you entered, stopping yourself after realizing Ed had left the room with his mug. You sneaked your way in and quickly grabbed the papers off the side table where you left them, making your way back out again.
Just as you were exiting the small room, papers in hands, this time for sure, you heard giggling coming from the archive. Hearing Nygma's voice and his adorable chuckle it peaked your interest so you let go of the handle after closing the door quietly and slowly made your way towards the fully open archive doors. Not even halfway there Kristen and Ed came into the view.
They were talking over the files neatly placed into their according drawers smiles spread across their faces, Kristen was smiling at him so fondly and having a hearthy chuckle about what he was telling her, and Ed, Ed was looking at her with the biggest smile on his face, his eyes expressing such love you've never seen him show anyone else, giving her the biggest heart eyes.
"Oh," you heard yourself let out quietly, heart sinking at the sight.
The two turned to look at you, smiles still across their faces.
You quickly pulled yourself together, not realizing you have let that out audibly.
"Hey Eds I just forgot my papers you gave me at your desk, was just getting them back. Hi Kristen," there was unusual sadness in your tone that Ed couldn't quite understand.
"See ya," you greeted quickly before they had any chance to respond and made your way up to the desks, escaping the situation as fast as possible.
"Is everything alright with him?" Kristen asked with worry in her voice, noticing how you acted differently than your usual self.
"I-I don't know, I guess. He was okay couple of minutes ago-," Ed replied, still thinking on what could be going on, though kind of having the answer dawning upon him somewhere in the back of his mind as The Riddler laughed at his obliviousness straight into his face "Oh Silly little Ed."
You dropped the papers off at Jim and Harvey's desks, letting them know what Ed had found and afterwards quickly left the building, wanting to spend some time alone to clear your thoughts, biting back the tears that slowly gathered at the corners of your eyes.
Jim and Harvey gave each other looks of confusion after you left, questioning the reason behind your change in behaviour.
"10 bucks on girl problems," Harvey exclaimed as he took a big bite of his sandwich.
Jim chuckled and sighed at his partner, stealing a fry from his pile despite having his own laid in front of him.
"Heeey," Harvey's dissatisfied voice echoed through the building followed by Jim's laughter as you made your way out of the main door and down the street to your and Ed's favourite mexican food place, appetite now seeming to have been long lost as you wipe a single tear that dared to escape your pavement-glued eyes.
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allzelemonz · 11 months
DC Comics Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Includes characters from different DC universes such as Arrowverse, Gotham, and Batman 2022
Generic DC/Unspecified Multiverse
Clark Kent
Developing Powers
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: M/Mentions of sexual situations, nudity Warnings: Characters are the same age, high school aged characters, awkward teenagers, pillow fights, farm boys being farm boys, showers, cold showers, accidental peeping Tom, mentions of masturbationSummary: Clark’s developing powers complicate things when his best friend stays over the weekend.
Slade Wilson
A Test
Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, violence Warnings: Unhealthy relationship, power dynamics, mentor/protege, Reader is referred to as younger, forced masturbation, hand job, anal fingering, left unsatisfied, voyeurism, first time anal penetration Summary: During the usual sparring session of your training Slade gives an unexpected order.
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’, ‘man’, and ‘handsome’ Physical Sex: AFAB implied Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Mentor/protege, Reader is referred to as younger, Slade says trans rights, trans reader, ftm reader, suits and ties, transition process, tying ties, fluff, Slade being nice for once, undercover mission Summary: Slade teaches you to knot your tie.
Breaking Point
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: dubious consent, mentor/protege, Reader is referred to as younger, sparing, violence, groping, clothed older man and naked younger man, power imbalance, anal fingering, anal sex, rough sex, sex toys, prostate massager, somnophilia, fucked so hard you pass out, forehead kisses, cuddling Summary: Showing weakness during training has consequences.
Pronouns: he/him Physical Sex: AFAB Rating: T/Language Warnings: Mentor & protege, Reader is referred to as younger, Slade says trans rights, trans reader, ftm reader, transition process, fluff, Slade being nice for once, Ish is a hormone dealer but only for Slade’s kids and apprentices, themes around menstruation are not specific or graphic, background relationship: Ish/Joey Summary: You ran out of hormones, annoyingly causing your cycle to start up again, but you’re stuck on a mission with Slade.
Eobard Thawne
Fog: Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Off Work: Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Request, fluff with cuddles Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff, tooth rot Warnings: Eobard is a workaholic, Flash obsession Summary: The days when Eobard actually sleeps are perfect, just like this one.
Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Henry King Sr
Henry King Sr X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
John Constantine
Headcannons: John Constantine With A Legend Boyfriend
(To be reviewed to standard)
Jordan Mahkent
Hotel Air Conditioning: Jordan Mahkent (Icicle) X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
My Cousin Is A Little Intense: Jordan Mahkent (Icicle) X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Lex Luthor
CW Lex Luthor X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Batman (2022)
Edward Nashton
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward being needy, mentions of Riddler stuff, light somnophilia with pre-established consent, multiple orgasms for the Reader, oral sex, riding, rough sex, not proof read, very little dialogue, top Reader, bottom Edward Summary: Edward often wakes you up when he’s feeling particularly needy. The trick is figuring exactly how he wants it. So long as he’s dizzy by the end, all is as it should be.
Edward Nygma
NSFW Alphabet: Edward Nygma
(To be reviewed to standard)
Dark Side: Edward Nygma X Male Reader
Prompt: Request, bottom reader with ‘Riddler mode’ Ed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward Nygma’s darker side, rough sex, soft Ed at the end, he’s arguing with himself, counter sex Summary: When you come home Ed’s apartment is a mess and you find your boyfriend a bit out of sorts. It’s nothing you can’t handle.
Jervis Tetch
Gaslight Hatter: Jervis Tetch X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Historic Pronouns: None Mentioned *Reader is a cop and the first female cop in America would have just joined the force around this time so there’s no room for pronoun plot holes, use what you want Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of murder/serial murder, based on the comic not the movie, reader is a cop but a cool one I guess, Reader referred to as an Alice by Hatter, I hope you’ve read the book Summary: 1890s Gotham is facing a new threat after the demise of Jack the Ripper. A madman dressed as the beloved Hatter from a popular storybook who has a pension for playing dress up with the young adults of the city. As an officer working under Inspector Gordon, it’s your job to protect the people.
Oswald Cobblepot
‘Hit If Off’: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Just A Gig: Oswald Cobblepot X NSG Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Headcannons: Oswald Cobblepot When His Significant Other Is Kidnapped
(To be reviewed to standard)
NSFW Alphabet: Oswald Cobblepot
(To be reviewed to standard)
Relax, Boss: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Or Else: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Unbeknownst: Oswald Cobblepot X FTM Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn’t hate Oswald, Oswald isn’t in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Gotham Edward Nygma X Reader
At the night of a tiring day, a riddle was the last thing you didn't want to hear.
Inspired by my current circumstances and by @riddlemeri. I was thinking this Edward is more... Season 1 Eddie, because he's my love.
This is what the little mermaid must've felt when she sold her voice. To feel knives penetrating her soles with every step... That's not how the others' remember the Little Mermaid, but Hans Christian Andersen says otherwise.
Anyways, that's how you felt. Except you also had a a pounding headache, the one where you can feel a vein flicking against your temple, how your brain felt like it was pressing against your skull whole simultaneously compressing itself. Every noise felt like bombs in your ear and everything was just annoying, irritating. Not even the click of your keys as it unlocked your door brought you joy.
Upon entering your home, you sloppily slip your shoes off and didn't bother to set them aside. Carelessly dropping your bag on the living room floor and yourself on the softness of the couch, which made you somewhat relieved... If it weren't for the disturbing sound of a buzz saw in your kitchen. The high pitched buzzing introduced a new headache to add to your ever expanding pain, it felt as though you were the one getting cut by it.
You screwed your eyelids tight, as if it would stop your raging migraine from pounding. It didn't register to you that you were white-knuckling the throw pillow, until the flimsy seams ripped and the stuffing spilled out.
Stirring yourself up, you marched to the kitchen with heavy steps and narrowed eyes, you were met by the sight of your partner Edward donning a a pair of goggles, a buzz saw and a contraption of sorts was in front of him. A series of metal sheets and rods and wires... In the middle of your kitchen. Your refrigerator and other appliances were nowhere to be seen, the space in favour for the junk, Edward's junk.
The scent of burning copper intensified your already instense headache, adding in a sense of nausea to your series of pain. Great. Just great.
"Can you keep it down?"
You were surprised you can utter a word through the pain, even if you felt like blacking out right then and there. He didn't even acknowledge you.
"Hey Ed!" You increased your volume. "Edward!"
"O-Oh! Y/N!" He lifts his goggles and smiles his iconic muppet smile. Your pain would usually melt at the sight of him, but today was not the day.
"Could you please keep it down?"
"Oh! What's without tools and builds its house--"
Edward reels back in shock from your sudden snap and you didn't stop from there, with the bespectacled male sinking in his skin, thinking what he did wrong to prompt such an explosive temperament from you.
"YOU NEVER SHUT UP! RIDDLE ME THIS, RIDDLE ME THAT-- YOU TALK TOO MUCH! AND THIS MESS! OH MY FUCKING--" you cut yourself with a sharp breath, before storming off.
A lone tear escapes from his eyes and he sinks to the floor. And like he was a child, he tucked his knees to his chest, flinching when he heard the bedroom door slams lock.
Upon collecting your bearing, you shamefully retreat back to the kitchen, where you find Edward in a position you recognise. He looked like a grown child. You quietly took a seat next to him, giving him the space he needs. He noticed you, but he refuses to acknowledge it, as he stares ahead with his puffy eyes.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you."
No response.
"It was my fault, I shouldn't have said those things to you. I was tired, but that doesn't mean I should make you an outlet of my anger."
Still nothing.
"What's without tools but builds its house? Is the answer spider?"
"Yes." He finally responded and you find yourself smiling.
"I'm sorry Eddie."
"No, you're right. I talk too much--"
"No don't listen to me. I was dumb for saying that. You were expressing yourself just fine and I was stupidly irritated at every noise I hear."
"But Y/N-"
"Eddie, I made the mistake of snapping at you and saying things I don't mean, but even if what I said isn't true, it hurt you. And I want you to know that what I said isn't true." Finding the time to be perfect, you took his hand within yours, running a thumb on his knuckles, before lifting his hand to your lips. "Tell me how can I make this up to you."
You maintained your sincere gaze against his and softly pressed a kiss on the back of his hand. In turn, he latches his fingers within yours and returns the gesture of placing a kiss on your knuckles.
"I forgive you... You really don't have to do anything at all."
"But I want to,"
Edward lifts his free hand and puts a finger to his lip, acting as though he was thinking and to exaggerate it further, he prolongs a hum.
"You dork," Even with a light and playful punch from you, he doesn't stop from humming.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I've decided."
"What is it?"
"A kiss."
Simple enough. Craning your neck, you inch forward to plant a kiss on his temple. Then his cheek. The the tip of his nose, then his eyelid. By then, you find yourself peppering his face with kisses, leaving him a giggling mess, but making no attempts to stop you.
"You are forgiven." Very forgiven.
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ccalhoun · 2 years
I loved your Edward hcs!
If your requests are open I’d love to request a Edward Nygma X bottom!male reader!
I don’t really have a plot but maybe him as the Riddler w degradation and rough sex?
Ooh maybe they do it at the GCPD?
Just like “Don’t want to get caught do you?” n stuff <3
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edward nygma/riddler x male!reader
req: yes!
warnings: smut, male reader (he/him), amab reader, bottom reader, sub reader, reader works at GCPD, reader is called names by riddler, top riddler, dom riddler, riddler is taller than reader (not stated by how much), mean riddler, porn with a small bit of plot, m/n is used, third-person point-of-view, spit as lube, slight exhibitionism, degradation, rough-ish sex, overstimulation, creampie, established relationship, unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids)
note: anon... i love your brain
cut for length!
m/n sat at his desk, going through paperwork and filling out what was needed. Edward had been struggling to hide his alter ego, catching himself before doing something bad, or stopping from saying something that could give himself away. Edward left his office to update Jim on a case and his eyes caught m/n sitting at his desk doing paperwork. Riddler's attention was caught and just the sight of you made him horny. Edward hurried the process of telling Jim about the update, skipping his usual riddle and instead just telling him and rushing over to m/n after.
"Hey! m/n!" Edward said, loving how m/n's eyes lit up when he realized who had called him. Edward stopped at the edge of m/n's desk, "There's something I need to show you in the filing room real quick," He said, a small bead of sweat appearing on his face before swiftly wiping it away.
"Oh, alright!" M/n said, finishing his sentence before quickly tidying up and standing up to follow his boyfriend into the filing room of the GCPD. M/n didn't suspect a thing, he was aware of the Riddler, but didn't think that the Riddler would come out during work. M/n was proven wrong as he was led to the filing room. As soon as they were both in the room and Edward was sure no one was in the room, he locked the door.
After locking the door, Edward's demeanor changed by a landslide. Going from his normal awkward caring self to someone more confident and eccentric. M/n turned to look at Edward to ask why he locked the door but wasn't able to get in a word due to Riddler speaking before him.
"M/n, darling," Riddler uttered in a voice that sounded of pity in a way. M/n looked up at Riddler with a confused look, he was acting so much more different than what he was used to.
"Ed-" M/n started, getting cut off by Riddler's voice.
"Wrong! Guess again, darling" Riddler said, walking up to M/n and putting his hands on m/n's waist. M/n stood stiff for a minute, trying to figure out what Edward meant before it all clicked at once.
"Riddler!" M/n said, his voice a mix of nervous and excited. M/n was excited to meet the Riddler and was slightly proud that he was able to get it right. Riddler chuckled and nodded.
"Correct, can you guess what I'm going to do to you next?" Riddler said, leaning down so he was speaking directly into m/n's ear. Riddler saw m/n's eyes fill with panic and quickly corrected himself, "I won't kill you, you wouldn't be worth killing," He said, laughing a bit at his own comment. M/n let out a small sigh of relief before wondering what the Riddler was going to do if not murder.
"Are you going to hurt me?" M/n said, voice filled with anxiety. Riddler almost felt guilty, but it also fed into his ego feeling the power he held over his boyfriend. Riddler smiled and let one of the hands that were resting on m/n's waist wander down to the front of m/n and lightly palm m/n through his pants.
"Figure it out," Riddler spoke, almost purring. M/n caught what was happening and his own hand grabbed the arm that was palming him. M/n didn't pull it away, but he did stop it.
"Riddler! We can't do that here! What if someone hears us?" M/n said, the arousal in his voice was evident, and Riddler could pick up on it too.
"Then I guess you'll have to keep quiet, huh?" Riddler growled. Though Riddler could be an ass, he still wanted to make sure that m/n consented to the act that was going to come. Before continuing his movements Riddler spoke with a worried look on his face, "If you really don't want me to do this, I'll stop," His tone was gentle as if a bit of Edward was seeping into their conversation.
"No! I want to, trust me!" M/n said eagerly, slightly pulling Riddler's hand back towards where he held it before. "Just, um, try to be gentle?" m/n mumbled, embarrassment taking over as he quickly took his hand off Riddler's arm.
Riddler laughed at m/n's naïvety, "No promises," Riddler said with a smile. Riddler spat on his hand and moved his hand to the inside of  m/n's pants, jerking m/n off and reveling in the moans that his boyfriend let out. Riddler put a hand over m/n's mouth, "Shh, you're the one who said you didn't want anyone to hear us, right?"
m/n nodded slightly and leaned forward, grabbing onto the Riddler as his knees buckled from pleasure. the Riddler smiled at m/n's helplessness and pulled his hand out of the smaller's pants. m/n whined and looked up at the Riddler, the Riddler taking his hand off from over his boyfriend's mouth.
"Don't act so desperate, it's a little pathetic," Riddler said, taking the hand that was just jerking off m/n and unzipping his pants. Riddler pulled his pants down slightly and took his boxers down with them (m/n noting that his boxers were dark green). Riddler spat on his hand again and this time jerked himself off, spreading the pre cum down his member. Once fully erect, Riddler was a solid 7 inches. 
"Bend over for me," Riddler said, smacking m/n's ass when he complied. "You listened so quickly, my needy little whore just want to be fucked?" Riddler said before letting some of his saliva drip down from his mouth onto m/n's hole. Riddler gently entered a finger into m/n, he was aware that he was bigger than m/n in many ways and wanted to test the waters before he did anything. Riddler listened to the officer's moans as if they were a symphony composed by Beethoven. Riddler took one of his hands and smacked m/n's ass once again before adding a second finger.
"Don't get too loud, how would you feel if someone walked by and heard us?" Riddler mumbled into m/n's ear, chuckling at the way that m/n's hole tightened at the idea of someone hearing what they were doing. "God, you are a little whore, aren't you? How would you feel if Gordon walked by and heard his co-worker moaning and whining? You're so needy, I bet you'd let anyone fuck you, huh?" Riddler said, all while adding a third finger and abusing the smaller's prostate.
Riddler pulled his fingers out and stared at the beautiful sight of m/n's clenching at nothing. Riddler gave his cock a few more jerks before slowly pressing into m/n. He let m/n adjust and when he was about halfway in, he got deeper and deeper with every thrust until he filled up m/n's hole completely.
"Ah! So... so full! F-feels so good" m/n moaned out as he tried to grab onto anything that could steady him. Riddler started with soft thrusts until he was sure that m/n could take it if he went faster. Riddler moved m/n so that m/n was pressed against a filing cabinet while he thrusted from behind. Riddler was roughly thrusting, with every moment the filing cabinet hit the wall, whoever happened to go in the room next to them would be unlucky enough to know what was happening.
The sounds of moaning and skin slapping filled the room. Riddler felt close so he wrapped out and started to jerk m/n off again, pushing m/n to the point of orgasm. m/n came all over the filing cabinet, making a mess of it as some reached the floor as well. Riddler didn't stop jerking m/n off or thrusting directly against his prostate even after his lover's orgasm.
"N... no! Feels too good! I can't take it!" M/n moaned out as he tried to push Riddler's hand away from his overstimulated sex, failing miserably. His legs started to shake and his knees buckled again. M/n was lucky that Riddler caught him in time before he fell.
"You're the one who was whining about me not touching you, what's wrong? A slut like you should be happy I'm even giving you the time of day," Riddler mocked, getting rougher with his thrusts until he filled m/n's hole with his seed. Riddler stayed inside and stopped with his torture against m/n's cockhead. Once Riddler was soft, he slowly pulled out and watched his cum drip down m/n's thighs.
m/n's legs found their footing again and he was able to stand up. m/n pulled his pants and boxers up. Riddler had already re-dressed and was working on making himself look more presentable. Riddler looked over at m/n who was struggling to get ready and begrudgingly helped m/n.
"Thanks for, um, well, you know fucking me," m/n said nervously. m/n finished getting dressed and making himself look normal. Riddler slipped back into Edward and Edward immediately felt bad as he saw the state you were in.
"Baby, I am so sorry," Edward said softly as he walked up to m/n and kissed him gently. "I didn't mean anything I said. You're amazing, cross my heart," Edward said before letting you both go back to work.
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Secret for the Mad
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: Edward Nygma x Male!Reader Summary: This is how love works between you and Edward Word Count: 676 Request: Could I request a male reader x Edward Nygma? Maybe one where the reader actually loves him? There’s a lot of m/Nygma where the reader is a very malicious person with the intent of manipulating Nygma instead of actually loving him 😅  A/n: I am very guilty of that! Also, Edward is such a hard fucking character to write for, wtf. I have a talent of writing no plot go me.
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Edward didn’t know, fully, what love was until he was dating you.
What he had thought love was full of rays of sunshine and rainbows because that is what Miss Kringle had shown him. But what he had learnt that loving you was all four seasons and all of the weathers that came along.
It was the rains, gloomy and dismay, yet your love was at peace, comforting and welcoming all the same. It was the snow, joyful and fun, your love radiating amusement and comfort. It was the sun, warm and inviting as you loved was full of reassurance and care.
But, it was also the seasons, where winter was cold and bitter at times much like your love with Edward. He’s a murderer, he shouldn’t be capable of love, he’s cold, bitter and disgusting. But, in came round spring, in which life starts to blossom. That when you look at your boyfriend it’s Ed, not Edward, the man who adored riddles and got excited over sc-fi movies. 
It was the summer, over radiating so hot and bright that you’re afraid you’ll burn each other out, loving too harshly, too bright too much, but in the autumn when the leaves fall, love starts to decrease. It’s a vicious cycle, an endless loop. Toxic yet wholesome.
But, when Edward looks at you, he would never let you go. He’s too lucky to be coupled with you. He’s so in love with you.
Even after a long night, you are the only one who could put a smile on his face. After a day of Oswald and Barabra getting on his nerves, he comes home to you. There’s always a bright smile upon your lips as you pucker up your lips asking for a kiss.
“Hey, baby,” You greeted, running a soothing hand through his hair, “Tough day?”
“More like a tough week,” Edward grumbled as you pulled him close to you with your hands around his hips.
“Movies?” You asked him as Edward considered it, “I mean, we still haven’t finished our Lord of Rings marathon from last night.”
“You get the snacks and I get the films?” Edward asked as you beamed at him, Edward flashes you a smile and his shoulders relaxing under your embrace.
You uncoil your arms around him as you agree with his statement, heading off to the kitchen as he makes way to the living room, pulling up the films on the tv screen. He goes to the bedroom to get changed out of his green tarnish suit but as he crosses the hallway, he can hear you humming under your breath as you collected drinks and crisp from the cabinets.
Leaving you be, he gets changed into comfier clothes, be brings pillows to the sofa as you wait patiently for him with blankets.
“You know, you could just murder them,” You suggested with a toothy grin.
You’re teasing, Edward is aware of that and so he doesn’t mind, but if it was any other person he would have glared them off. Yet, in the space, in the embrace of your arms around him settles down. Both Ed and Edward were content with you by their side. No matter how softer you are compared to him, no matter how innocent and nice you were than he was, Edward adored you. 
Content with leaning his back against your chest as the blanket drapes on the pair of you, the crisps packet on Edward’s chest.
“You know I can’t do that,” Edward responded, as he snacks on, “Unless you’re conspiring to kill me.”
“Oh sweetheart,” You murmured, playing with his hair, “If you’re dying, I’m dying with you.”
“I’m aware,” Edward answered, looking up at you with a grin, you gently pat his cheek, “I love you so much, (Y/n).”
“Yeah, sure you do, Mr Riddler,” You joked, looking back at the screen, but when you continue to feel his stare you looked back with softer fonder eyes, “I love you too, Edward.”
You groaned, “Way to ruin the moment.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Land's End
by CryptOfCrude
[From My Wattpad]
Filth! Faggot! Street trash! Creep!
All the things said to you, were said to him with just the same vigor. Maybe all your world needed was him, in this manner. And all his needed was somebody like you.
This story depicts an unhealthy relationship between the reader ("You"/[Name]) and A fictional character by the name of the Riddler. This work is of pure fiction, therefor you have the utmost chance to exit this relationship whenever you like.
There will be assault, kidnapping, fighting, drug use, slurs and graphic depictions of each of these things. I wouldn't advise anyone light of heart to partake if they cannot handle these things. Likeness of any person or real people is by pure accident.
This is your first and final warning. I will leave warnings in the tags and before the chapter like all other times. You own your consent, which can be revoked at any time, I do not force you to read such material as I only create it for a certain target audience - Which oftentimes is literally just me. That does not mean it has to be you, and that's ok! Take care of yourself.
The rest of yous…Come on down.
Words: 2948, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Edward Nigma, Edward Nygma, Edward Nashton, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Cat Woman, Reader, You, Non-Reader OC characters, random side characters, Selina Kyle, Mike Hunt (OC), Jane Dwarfiz (OC)
Relationships: The Riddler/Reader, Edward Nashton/Reader, Edward Nygma/Reader
Additional Tags: The Riddler x Reader - Freeform, The Batman, AnarchoPunk, Punk, against me! - Freeform, Riddler - Freeform, edward nashton - Freeform, Ed Nigma - Freeform, Characters dont know/dont care about your gender, People guess readers gender and are genuinely confused on what it is, The OCS are just the reader’s friend circle, Reader IS NOT an oc, Punk reader, Anarcho Communism, Vandalism (lel), Edward Nygma is the Riddler, The Riddler Is An Incel, Incelism, Polar Opposites, Riddler is a Fundamentalist, Oldhead Edward (LMFAO), Punk Subculture, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, Homelessness, Bus hopping, The Chase, Obsessive Behavior, Dark relationship, Stalking, Following, Unrequited Love, Kidnapping, Canon-Typical Violence, Subcultures, bait & catch, Police Brutality, Government Conspiracy, Riddler (DCU) Played by Paul Dano, Edward Nygma's Riddlerbots, Riddler seizing control of the state government, Batman and Catwoman fleed the state while this goes on, Also this is written before The Batman 2 Or whatever so Idk, during and post-canon, gutter punk, Crust Punk, Crusty Crusty, Inspo Heavy from Green Room (2015), Good movie watch it, Minor Original Character(s), Drug Use
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41696157
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Riddle Man (Edward Nygma x Reader)
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Plot: The Reader is a new addition at the GCPD and meets the charming Edward Nygma. Ed’s dark side is in italics.
A/N: Hello! This is my first piece of writing here :) I'm super excited to start writing some stuff! Requests are always welcome (even though I know there won’t be any lol) Anyway I hope you enjoy! 
Warnings: None! Unless you hate fluff :) (Also, tailored more to a female reader but you can do whatever you want!)
Your alarm clock blared it’s annoying default tone. You yanked the covers off and hopped out of bed wanting to drag the fluffy blanket behind you. You did your normal routine but instead of putting minimal makeup on you put a little more on to feel good. Throwing on a black pencil skirt and your favorite button up you grabbed some toast and your pumps and headed out the door. 
Making it to the GCPD with 10 minutes to spare you push the door open and marvel in the sights. You couldn't hold in an excited giggle of excitement. You walk towards what looks like an office when you trip over something. You screech and close your eyes bracing to feel the impact when warm arms wrap around your waist and pull you close to them. 
You hesitantly open your eyes to see a tall man with beautiful brown eyes and sculpted cheekbones. Your cheeks flush bright pink as you feel his hands still on your waist. 
“What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?” His eyes meeting yours. Your lips pucker together thinking for a second before answering, “Silence.” He smiles a cheesy grin.
“Correct you are Miss,” He slowly looks down to realize that he was still holding you to him, “O-oh dear I’m so sorry I really didn’t mean to-” You cut him off.
“Please Sir it’s alright! You saved me from having the biggest bruise in the world, so I really can’t thank you enough.” He smiles at you and lets you out of his grip. You smooth out your outfit before thanking him again. 
“What belongs to you, yet others use it more than you do?” The man inquires at you, brown eyes staring into your soul. 
“I'm Y/n it’s a please to meet you Mr-”
“Nygma. Edward Nygma.” His lips curled back into another grin as he continued to stare at you. 
“Mr. Nygma it seems like you just caught your new forensic assistant. Now get to work please!” A female voice rang out behind you pulling you out of the moment you were having. 
Edward’s smile drops and immediately replied with, “Of course! Right away Captain Essen.” She gave you a kind smile and grabbed your arm. 
“Hello Ms. (Y/n) I hope you find everything all right, I hope you enjoy yourself in your new job.” She pulls her hand away from your arm and goes back into her office. You feel a hand on your shoulder and you see Ed behind you. 
“Well Partner, shall I show you my lab?” You giggle and nod your head yes. 
“I’d love to Mr. Nygma.” 
“Roger Doger!” He offers you his arm and you immediately link your arm through his. As he led you to his lab Edward couldn’t help but think about how you’d make a lovely addition to the GCPD. 
Of course Eddie and maybe she’d made a good addition to another thing. 
A frown floods Ed’s face. He would not let him touch you, because you were too good for him to containate with his darkness. 
Come on Eddie a little darkness never hurt anybody. 
The taunting voice filled Ed’s mind swarming him with thoughts he never dreamed of thinking. 
Eddie you deserve this, Kristen will never say yes. She could be different. 
He swalled roughly trying to soothe his now dry throat. 
“Uh Ms. (Y/n) w-would you like to g-get some coffee later today with m-me?” He pulled away from your arm. 
You smile warmly and immediately reply, “Of course Mr. Nygma I’d love to.” 
Now we’re getting somewhere I like.  
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Land's End
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/w51pWzQ
by CryptOfCrude
[From My Wattpad]
Filth! Faggot! Street trash! Creep!
All the things said to you, were said to him with just the same vigor. Maybe all your world needed was him, in this manner. And all his needed was somebody like you.
This story depicts an unhealthy relationship between the reader ("You"/[Name]) and A fictional character by the name of the Riddler. This work is of pure fiction, therefor you have the utmost chance to exit this relationship whenever you like.
There will be assault, kidnapping, fighting, drug use, slurs and graphic depictions of each of these things. I wouldn't advise anyone light of heart to partake if they cannot handle these things. Likeness of any person or real people is by pure accident.
This is your first and final warning. I will leave warnings in the tags and before the chapter like all other times. You own your consent, which can be revoked at any time, I do not force you to read such material as I only create it for a certain target audience - Which oftentimes is literally just me. That does not mean it has to be you, and that's ok! Take care of yourself.
The rest of yous…Come on down.
Words: 2948, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Batman (Movie 2022), Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Edward Nigma, Edward Nygma, Edward Nashton, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Cat Woman, Reader, You, Non-Reader OC characters, random side characters, Selina Kyle, Mike Hunt (OC), Jane Dwarfiz (OC)
Relationships: The Riddler/Reader, Edward Nashton/Reader, Edward Nygma/Reader
Additional Tags: The Riddler x Reader - Freeform, The Batman, AnarchoPunk, Punk, against me! - Freeform, Riddler - Freeform, edward nashton - Freeform, Ed Nigma - Freeform, Characters dont know/dont care about your gender, People guess readers gender and are genuinely confused on what it is, The OCS are just the reader’s friend circle, Reader IS NOT an oc, Punk reader, Anarcho Communism, Vandalism (lel), Edward Nygma is the Riddler, The Riddler Is An Incel, Incelism, Polar Opposites, Riddler is a Fundamentalist, Oldhead Edward (LMFAO), Punk Subculture, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, Homelessness, Bus hopping, The Chase, Obsessive Behavior, Dark relationship, Stalking, Following, Unrequited Love, Kidnapping, Canon-Typical Violence, Subcultures, bait & catch, Police Brutality, Government Conspiracy, Riddler (DCU) Played by Paul Dano, Edward Nygma's Riddlerbots, Riddler seizing control of the state government, Batman and Catwoman fleed the state while this goes on, Also this is written before The Batman 2 Or whatever so Idk, during and post-canon, gutter punk, Crust Punk, Crusty Crusty, Inspo Heavy from Green Room (2015), Good movie watch it, Minor Original Character(s), Drug Use
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/w51pWzQ
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 years
Christmas Fan Fiction Advent Calendar 2017 (Batman Universe)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Bs7NO7
by JokersEnigma
Ok, basically I have come up with a little challenge for me to celebrate Christmas this year where I will produce one piece of fan fiction for every day of December based around the DC Batman Universe. This will be made up of one-shots, mini series' and continuations of my current series. I really hope you enjoy - though based on time restraint I can't guarantee the best quality writing! Haha I've placed them all in this 'new story' to keep the collection together i.e. each new chapter will be a new day! Hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas!
Words: 5792, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: The Joker, Poison Ivy, Harley, Bruce Wayne, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Victor Zsasz, Robin (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Reader
Relationships: Joker X Reader, Bruce Wayne x Reader - Relationship, harley x ivy - Relationship, ed nygma x reader
Additional Tags: Christmas
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2Bs7NO7
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