#edward nygma x m!reader
lem0nshark-writes · 2 years
"Riddle me this, why does my heart hurt?"
Edward Nygma x Male Reader
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Type: angst
Word count: 1334
Warnings: angst, me pulling at your heart strings, sum Kristen x Ed, cop reader, sad stuff, unreciprocated love
Request: "please do an Edward Nygma one, maybe the reader could be a friend before he turns into the riddler and, he always answers Edward's riddles, then he finds out about Edward's crush on Kristen and becomes sad. Or something along those lines. Thank you"
A/N: Requested by the lovely @/averysmallperson on wattpad 💕 This was so fun to write! I hope it was to your liking and as always if not you can always pm me and we can fix it up or write a new one :)
You were at GCPD for two years now and honestly you liked your job very much, despite being just a regular cop you got your fair share of action, perhaps not as much as the legendary Jim Gordon and his partner Harvey but you weren't complaining. But despite all the love for the action and kicking ass and taking names, the favourite part of your job was a person.
Tall, lean, weird little forensic guy with a keen love for riddles was the best thing about your day. Edward Nygma, everyone considered him a weirdo and a bother but to you he was your best friend, the best part of the day, the guy you could share anything with, the- okay you were kinda in love with him.
The two of you clicked the second you first met him and stuck together ever since. Spending all the spare working time together, going on breaks together, driving each other to and back from work here and there, even going out to have some fun on rare nights as well. You answered all his riddles and protected him from all the mean people he encountered on daily basis at the GCPD. And he gave you all the interesting info and pushed your needed lab results before anybody else's. It was kind of idyllic.
New case was on the table, John Doe, found in an alleyway, no ID or wallet, likely gunned down by a mugger looking for some quick cash. Nothing too crazy like you were used to see Jim and Harvey investigating but nevertheless worth looking into. The body was sent to the autopsy room this morning, right after everything was photographed and examined at the crime scene, and you were sent by the detectives to see what Ed and the M.E. had found so far.
You made your way to Ed's little lab room, knowing he'd already have papers ready for you sitting on his table if they had found anything.
Entering the small room you greeted your friend with a smile and a wave of your hand. "Hey Eds whachu got for me?" You asked cheerfully as always, bringing him a mug of freshly brewed coffee, made just the way he likes it, you grabbed on the way down to his lab, placing it on his desk with a smile.
"Hey Y/n, great news!" Ed answered with a smile just as joyfully, fixing his glasses as he reached for a couple of papers set atop his desk, placed neatly on a pile at the corner of it.
Before handing them to you he cleared his throat and started reciting with a sense of drama to it,
"Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I’m double, I’m single, I’m black blue and gray, I’m read from both ends, And the same either way.
What am I?"
He asked his riddle, now routinely - having had asked you a new riddle evey time you came down to his lab, excited smile plastered across his face as he looked at you expectedly.
"Uhhh toughie this one, Iii think I know this.. an eye!" you exclaimed with just as much vigor, victorious grin now placed across your face.
"Excelent! The victim had a glass eye! There is a serial number so I tracked it down, found our victim's name! Some banker, could have something to do with the motive. Could be an interesting case."
"Great job Ed! Gordon and Harvey are gonna love this!" You smiled happily, taking the papers he was handing to you now that you successfully answered his riddle. Setting them on the side table to flick through at the results as he continued.
He smiled proudly, although already aware of his genious but very happy to be appreciated and acknowledged, "That's it so far, I'm going to let you know if I come across anything else that might be important along with the usual stuff".
"Okay Imma go give this to Jim and Harvey aand Imma go on my break, do you wanna join? I can grab us some takeout and we can eat here?" You asked, smile on your face as you awaited his, most likely positive answer.
"Sure that sounds great!" Ed smiled, scooping some papers up onto a neat pile, tidying his desk before the suggested break.
"Mexican?" You proposed, already halfway out of the door.
"Sounds good, just remember no oni-"
"No onions! I know I know," you chuckled as you waved at him comfortingly, leaving the room to go about your business.
You made your way back up and just as you were about to enter the main hall of the headquarters you remembered you ain't carrying squat, you forgot the result papers at Nygma's. So you mentally slapped yourself and turned on your heels, heading back to where you came from, internally cursing your scatterbrainess
"Hey Eds I forgot my papers-" you spoke as you entered, stopping yourself after realizing Ed had left the room with his mug. You sneaked your way in and quickly grabbed the papers off the side table where you left them, making your way back out again.
Just as you were exiting the small room, papers in hands, this time for sure, you heard giggling coming from the archive. Hearing Nygma's voice and his adorable chuckle it peaked your interest so you let go of the handle after closing the door quietly and slowly made your way towards the fully open archive doors. Not even halfway there Kristen and Ed came into the view.
They were talking over the files neatly placed into their according drawers smiles spread across their faces, Kristen was smiling at him so fondly and having a hearthy chuckle about what he was telling her, and Ed, Ed was looking at her with the biggest smile on his face, his eyes expressing such love you've never seen him show anyone else, giving her the biggest heart eyes.
"Oh," you heard yourself let out quietly, heart sinking at the sight.
The two turned to look at you, smiles still across their faces.
You quickly pulled yourself together, not realizing you have let that out audibly.
"Hey Eds I just forgot my papers you gave me at your desk, was just getting them back. Hi Kristen," there was unusual sadness in your tone that Ed couldn't quite understand.
"See ya," you greeted quickly before they had any chance to respond and made your way up to the desks, escaping the situation as fast as possible.
"Is everything alright with him?" Kristen asked with worry in her voice, noticing how you acted differently than your usual self.
"I-I don't know, I guess. He was okay couple of minutes ago-," Ed replied, still thinking on what could be going on, though kind of having the answer dawning upon him somewhere in the back of his mind as The Riddler laughed at his obliviousness straight into his face "Oh Silly little Ed."
You dropped the papers off at Jim and Harvey's desks, letting them know what Ed had found and afterwards quickly left the building, wanting to spend some time alone to clear your thoughts, biting back the tears that slowly gathered at the corners of your eyes.
Jim and Harvey gave each other looks of confusion after you left, questioning the reason behind your change in behaviour.
"10 bucks on girl problems," Harvey exclaimed as he took a big bite of his sandwich.
Jim chuckled and sighed at his partner, stealing a fry from his pile despite having his own laid in front of him.
"Heeey," Harvey's dissatisfied voice echoed through the building followed by Jim's laughter as you made your way out of the main door and down the street to your and Ed's favourite mexican food place, appetite now seeming to have been long lost as you wipe a single tear that dared to escape your pavement-glued eyes.
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
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2.5k Event Request - Gotham!Riddler x Fem!Reader word count: 780 a/n: good GOD an excuse to write soft eddie in that transition between goober and... violent goober lmao i think he needs to fuck the anger out of hi cw: degradation, rough sex, bruising, forceful, lil bit of choking 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2.5k (to follow or to block)
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The seemingly sweet and usually placid Edward that you knew was long gone by the time he had begun to bottom out inside of you. His hands, the same ones that nervously fidgeted with his glasses and felt clammy the moment you touched them were now gripping your waist, pulling you down onto him as he fucked you senseless with a reckless abandon you hadn’t thought possible of him.
But there was a lot on his mind, a lot of tension to rid himself of, and he was apparently using you as the method of relief. A stress ball, there to take his aggression, his cruel words, the hatred he felt for you and the rest of your colleagues, all sinking into you, as deep as his cock.
“That’s right… you’ll take it hng I knew you… wanted it… Too ashamed ah… ah… to admit it in front of the others? God… A shameful little whore, hm?”
And to think you’d only agreed to a date on a whim, unsure of how it might affect your standings in the food pyramid that was the GCPD. Finally agreeing to a date with Edward Nygma if only to stop him from hovering around your desk, causing the others to whisper and point. It felt cruel to you, but it deflected some of the same cruelty from yourself. Under normal circumstances, his awkward mannerisms and neat appearance would draw you in, but the threat of becoming the focus of the adult bullies of your workplace had kept you distanced from him.
Now, you realised what you had been missing as you stared up at his face, teeth biting down on his lip before gritting together. Flecks of saliva foaming from between them, landing on his lips and your cheeks as he seethed. His well-kept hair falling down in front of his face as his movements grew wilder, faster, harder.
You might have been the object of his affections, but you were still another in a long line of people who refused to take him seriously, despite his obvious, at least to him, superiority. And while he’d been nervous at first, hands lingering on your waist as you pulled him into a kiss, he’d loosened up. Now he was quite happy to let you know exactly how he felt, his words punctuated by grunts as he thrust his hips into you.
“I’m better than you. I’m better than them all! You should be thanking me! You should have been the one begging for my attention.”
Where his fingers dug into your skin, you could feel the telltale signs of bruises forming. A dull, sweet ache that warmed your core, only heightened when one hand broke free and reached for your cheek. He cupped it, palm sweaty and hot, before he let his fingers slide down to your throat, stroking along the front of it, a threatening movement that had your breath catching as you waited for what you hoped was coming.
And then his slender, surprisingly strong fingers tensed around your neck, choking you, a strangled moan escaping with the last of your breath.
His glasses slid down his nose, and with his eyes no longer shielded by the glare on the lens, you could see deep into them, the pain, the anger, the lust. All of it accompanied by the self-satisfied and smug sneer that crossed his lips.
“I thought you’d be filthy… a little bit naughtier than I could even imagine. But you’re downright disgusting.”
His cock was buried deep inside of you, barely moving as he refused to shift backwards, only rutting into you, his head tapping against your g-spot, filling you and stretching you.
“You do like this, don’t you?”
You nodded, unable to speak, only just managing to catch your breath.
“Use your words, come on. You’re not that stupid.”
Struggling to push any sound out, you were pathetically grateful when he eased up a little, lifting his fingers to admire the red marks that were forming on your skin.
“I like this.”
“Of course you do. Everyone wants someone to take charge. Someone better than them. Eventually, you’ll just be one of hundreds that will take me for who I really am. But you’re lucky right now. You’re… special, in a way.”
His cock twitched inside of you, throbbing with arousal at his own egomaniacal praise.
“Well… the polite thing to do would be to thank me.”
“Th-thank you?”
That genial, sweet smile you were familiar with appeared once more, genuinely warmed by the appreciation he was so desperate for, the kind he never got, before he began thrusting once more in his quest to ruin you.
“You’re very welcome.”
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ilovetheriddler · 2 months
The Enigma Of Love.
(Gotham) Edward Nygma x F!Reader.
Chapter Three.
Word Count: 1,360.
Contents: some more backstory, a rainy day, and another encounter with Edward.
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Several days had gone by since the lost forgotten wallet fiasco, and it had been overall a fairly boring few days as that was pretty much the most exciting thing that happened to you recently. Mrs Jones had gotten over whatever flu she had and had returned to work, and thankfully, like Ashley had reassured you, she wasn't upset with you being late that one day. As a result of her being a fairly patient and kind woman, however, she did end up officially firing your other coworker Kevin. You felt kind of bad for the man, but also, he genuinely hardly ever showed up, so you wouldn't lose too much sleep over it, you did hope that he'd find a different job though that maybe he actually enjoyed at the very least.
Unfortunately, the cryptic dreams that you've been having lately still haven't stopped. If anything, they've gotten more frequent! It made you think back on your early childhood. Your grandmother was an interesting woman. She lived for a surprisingly long time, actually not passing away until the day after her 101st birthday. Some relatives liked to joke about how she was possibly immortal since she had managed to outlive quite a few family members who were younger than her. She had always been an extremely superstitious woman, with a bit of spiritual beliefs mixed in at times to what she was talking about.
It gave some relatives chills with what she would say. Others would entirely disregard what she said, writing it off as a result of her old age. Some took a bit more consideration into what she spoke often about. When she had been a young woman, she had started having these intensely realistic dreams, all of which always featured a gorgeous meadow, filled with sunflowers, the smell of freshly baked bread drifted through the air. She met your grandfather shortly after the dreams started. He was a young man who worked as a baker, who was nicknamed Sunny by everyone close to him because of his bright eyes and smile. Now, your grandmother would always swear up and down that those dreams were a prophecy of sorts, a premonition if you will, and couldn't be convinced otherwise her entire life.
Some relatives deeply believed her theory surrounding her dreams, while others were skeptical. It made you think about the dreams that you've been having. However, those weren't exactly romantic or pleasant in nature, more so cryptic and uneasy. A dimly lit room with the only light source being a few illuminated green question marks, the smell of Ceder wood in the air, and most importantly.... That same riddle every time... for a moment, it brought Edward Nygma to mind, but you quickly pushed that notion out of your mind, after all, if it was meant to be some type of premonition of romance than why would it be so utterly bizarre in comparison to the peaceful dreams that your grandmother had spoken of?
Once you had arrived at work and clocked in, you couldn't stop yourself from getting lost in your own thoughts while you sat at the front desk. Thoughts of worry over your mother's condition, which, despite how much the hospital tried, only seemed to worsen with time. The fact that she most likely didn't have much time left has been eating away at you ever since you received the news from the doctor, and her hospital bills just kept increasing as well. You were so distracted by your thoughts that you didn't notice a certain someone approach the front desk. At least until you glanced up and nearly fell over in your seat as you saw Edward standing there, slightly leaned over the desk as he stared at you in silence.
"G-good grief! M-Mr Nygma... you startled me, I um... I didn't see you standing there..."
"Oh, that's perfectly fine! I just came here to return the books that I checked out..."
"Alright then... Well, just hand them to me, and I'll update our system to list them as returned."
He pulled the books out of a bag that he had with him, setting them down on the desk in front of you. You immediately got to work inputing everything necessary into the system and then put them over in a crate for Ashley to return to the proper shelves later. He was still staring at you, clearly lost in his own thoughts, whatever they were about.
"Um... so... Did you like the books that you borrowed?"
He snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of your voice, a smile crossing his face.
"Yes, I found them to be extremely enjoyable and to be quite fascinating!"
"That's good to hear... so is there anything else I can help you with? Or was that all?"
His face appeared to be somewhat flustered for a brief second before he cleared his throat.
"Um... N-no, that's all I needed... I'll be going now, I hope that you have a wonderful day!"
You watched as he walked away from the front desk. You couldn't help but wonder if he was just a nervous fellow in general or if there was something that made him particularly nervous. Ashley approached the desk and grabbed the crate, giving you a brief greeting as she walked off to put the returned books back on the shelves.
You could hear the light sound of what you assumed was rain hitting the roof of the library. The forecast did mention rain, luckily you remembered to bring an umbrella..... wait, oh damn it! You realized that it had slipped your mind to grab one on your way out of your apartment that morning, with how preoccupied your mind was. You let out a frustrated groan as you finished your shift. You already hated having to walk home so late in the evening, but in the rain as well?! It would be a nightmare. You reluctantly made your way outside, standing in the doorway of the library. The rain was coming down hard, and here you were, Umbrella less. great, just absolutely great..... you nearly fell down the front steps when you heard a voice behind you suddenly speak up.
"When the cloudy sky becomes dim, I come around. When it heats up, I evaporate, not to be found. What am i?"
"AH! O-oh! I-it's just you...."
There stood none other than Edward Nygma once again. Why was he still here at the library? You had no clue. He had his usual grin on his face as he moved his hand. You then noticed the umbrella being held above you.
"Rain, the answer is rain! A-anyway I noticed that you didn't have an umbrella with you earlier and since I didn't have anywhere that I needed to be, I figured that I'd wait for you so I could make sure that you didn't get soaked by the weather!"
"Oh, um... Thank you, I appreciate the offer, but you don't have to do that..."
"It's really no trouble at all... in fact, I insist..."
After a bit of back and forth, you eventually gave up and agreed to allow him to escort you home. The walk was quiet and a tad bit awkward as you both made your way through the streets of gotham. Once you couldn't handle the silence anymore, you spoke up.
"I really like your tie.... what is that on it? A question mark?"
His eyes lit up at your compliment, and he quickly adjusted his glasses.
"Why yes, it is! I'm so glad that you like it.... oh! Isn't this the address that told me earlier?"
You looked up, and sure enough, you had arrived at your apartment. You asked him if he wanted to come inside to sit down for a bit, but he declined and insisted that he needed to get back home.
"Um... Goodnight! I hope that you have pleasant dreams!"
"Goodnight, Mr Nygma...."
"P-please... just call me Edward or Ed... Mr Nygma is too formal."
After he left, you went about your nightly routine before laying down. Unbeknownst to the dreams that awaited you that night.
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dauntless-gothamite · 2 years
Master of Shadows [1/?]
Fandom: DC (Nolanverse; Batman Comics) Pairing: Bane x Fem! Reader Summary: You are a tailor that works for Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin, who tasks you with making clothes for the abnormally large man who has recently arrived in Gotham, Bane. While working with Bane, you see an opportunity to escape the Penguin, something you have wanted for years, and if you play your cards right, you may just gain your freedom and bond with the handsome man in the mask along the way.   A/N: working on another series before finishing Prove Them Wrong is a terrible idea, but I haven’t been able to get this story out of my head. In later chapters I may attempt to write smut for the first time (chapters will be marked as such if there is smut included and I may add *s so people can skip over it, but I’m still undecided on that at the moment).
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“Shit,” you swear under your breath as blood pools in a bubble on your skin, painting the finger you’d just pricked with a needle a warm red. You weave the needle into the fabric and leave it dangling before standing up to search for a bandage and curse the Penguin for the millionth time that day. You walk across the room to where the first-aid kit hangs on the wall from an old, rusty nail, take it down, and rifle through the supplies, tossing aside painkillers, tweezers, a thermometer, and sterile gloves, heart sinking as you realize you didn’t replenish the gauze and band-aids after the last time you’d accidentally hurt yourself. With a groan and much internal dread, you exit the room and descend the creaky wooden stairs to search for a band-aid. 
At the bottom of the staircase, just as you’re about to dart into the bathroom down the hall to the right, the doorway to Oswald Cobblepot’s office swings open, revealing your boss, dwarfed as he stands beside someone you had never seen before. The first thing you notice about the unfamiliar person is how big they are; their arms are bulging with muscle and you could see his thigh muscles straining against his cargo pants. The second thing you notice about them was the mask covering the lower half of their face and the slight metallic hiss it seemed to make.
You’re about to tell your boss you’re only down here to get a band-aid, but he speaks first. “Aha! If it isn’t just the person I was hoping to see!” He beckons you over to his office and leads you to one of the plush velvet chairs in front of his desk before walking around to sit behind it. “Take a seat. You too, big man,” he says. The man he’d been standing with before you’d entered the room sat in the chair next to you, and the chair creaked with the effort of supporting him. “This is the tailor I was telling you about!” Cobblepot says, pointing to you with a wide smile. “She makes all my suits, which is why I’m the most dapper man around!” You immediately freeze in your seat. If Cobblepot is acting excited about anything other than a visit from his beloved Edward Nygma, it was most certainly bad news, and as much as you want to stay far away from whatever “it” is, it seems like you’re right in the middle of it. 
“Y/N, meet Bane,” Cobblepot says with grandeur. You look at the man sitting next to you warily. “Bane only just arrived in Gotham last week, and as the king of this city, I like to know who the big players are, and I think this man is going to bring something new to Gotham that can benefit my circle of friends and colleagues greatly…well I suppose it would be more accurate to say he is going to remove something from Gotham.” Bane nods curtly and crosses his arms, clearly growing tired of the Penguin’s little speech. “Alright, so now to the point of you, little tailor. Well you see, Bane here is a large guy, he has some trouble finding comfortable clothes. So I need you to take his measurements and make a few things for him; I’ll let him specify what they are exactly.” Cobblepot stands and makes for the door to escort you and Bane out of his office, but you don’t move. “Y/N, don’t keep me waiting!” Cobblepot snaps. 
Crossing your own arms as you rise from the chair, you take a step towards your boss. “Before I begin working on this…special project,” you start, eyes darting over to Bane before sliding back to Cobblepot. “I want to address the matter of compensation. Making clothes for Bane will require significantly more material as well as more time than your clothes do. With an increased cost of production, the pay should be higher, yes?” you ask, raising a brow as Cobblepot’s own eyebrows slant in anger. 
“You are in no position to be making demands, you little-” he snaps before cutting himself off, remembering he has company. 
“I also need more band-aids for the first aid kit,” you say, refusing to back down. Cobblepot nods and sends you a withering glare that tells you you’re going to regret opening your mouth before escorting you and Bane to the bottom of the stairwell you had descended not long ago. 
“Go take his measurements and compile a list of anything you need that you don’t already have; I’ll have it picked up this evening. And remember my navy and purple suit with the yellow accents needs to be done for tomorrow evening’s function!”
“Yes, boss,” you sigh as he makes his way back into his office and you lead Bane up the stairs. 
“Stand here please,” you direct Bane as you grab a stepstool, measuring tape, notebook, and pen from around the room. “So, what will I be making for you?” you ask as you flip to a clean page of the notebook. 
“The first thing I need is a coat,” he answers, and you take in the sound of his voice for the first time. It has a slight lilting quality but sounds menacing all the same, and the mask gives it a tinny undertone. 
You nod and step onto the stool to begin measuring his muscled back over the tight black shirt he wears. “Can you tell me more about the kind of coat you want while I measure?” you ask, using his back to support the notepad as you write down his measurements. He looks over his shoulder at you, glancing down to where you’re writing, but he doesn’t comment. 
“I care about functionality,” he starts. “It seems it can get quite cold here in the wintertime,” he continues, and you move around to his front side and ask him to hold his arms straight out to the sides and measure his chest. He looks down at you as you work, and you write down more measurements. Pulling the stool around, you kneel to measure his waist, listening as he finishes describing the coat he wants. You can’t help but notice his stomach is a bit softer than the rest of him, though there is still certainly muscle there, and it brings you a sense of comfort, reassuring you that the man you’re alone with is human. A very large, strong human who could probably kill you faster than you could blink, but human nonetheless. 
You stand on the stool to measure his height; he’d mentioned wanting a bit of a longer coat, and just as you’re about to write the measurement down–using his body for support, which he had continued to say nothing about–the door bursts open and a man with reddish-brown hair and a five o’clock shadow shouts “Bane!” Your head snaps up, and you’re about to reprimand him for storming in when your weight tips the stool and you fall. You brace for the impact of the hard floor, but it never comes. Instead, you find yourself in Bane’s arms.
“Thanks,” you blush, and he nods as he sets you down. 
“Barsad,” he says, turning to the man who had just stormed in. “I told you I would be out until after dark and not to disturb me. What is it?” Barsad looks between you and Bane, hesitating, but Bane waves him on. 
“We have a date problem back at…well, you know. The woman bribed one of the guards, I suspect Ollie, and he let her go.” Your ears perk up at that as you continue to wind the measuring tape back around the round track you keep it on. “And the event is in an hour and a half.”
“Do you still have the dress?” Bane asks, glancing over at you. 
“We do; it would be a bit difficult to transport,” Barsad explains. “What are you thinking, boss?”
“This one,” Bane says, nodding to you, is a tailor, so if we took her, she could make a few adjustments on the dress and she could stand in as the date.”
“Hold on,” you say, unable to stand by quietly despite your better judgement. “If I’m possibly going to some mystery event, I’d like to know what it is,” you say, crossing your arms. 
“That is none of your concern,” the man, Barsad, says dismissively, about to continue speaking, when Bane holds a hand up and silences him. 
“Under normal circumstances, I would agree with you, but this woman is someone we are doing business with, so we will play nice for the time being. And if she is to perform the part well, she should know what she will be doing.”
“I am right here!” you say, causing both men to look at you. 
With a deep exhale, Barsad says, “I need someone to take as a plus one to a party tonight, a fancy one.”
You hesitate, wheels spinning in your mind. You know getting involved with whatever these men have going on is a bad idea, but you’re already employed by one of Gotham’s most notorious criminals, so you doubt it can really get much worse. Decision made, you speak up once more. “You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the party at Wayne Manor, would you?” you ask. 
“Clever,” Bane says, but you get the feeling he is being condescending, so you send a glare his way. “But you are correct, that is the event.”
“Well…I have always wanted to see the inside of the place,” you admit. “And I’ve been dying to get out of this building for ages!” Bane looks at you in a way you can’t quite decipher, but you brush it aside. 
“So it is settled,” Barsad says. “Now, about this dress we-” he starts.
“I think I have something that might be better than whatever the hell it is you have planned,” you say, cutting him off. “No offense, of course,” you add, looking him up and down and noting that his fashion sense isn’t as bad as you’d expected. You stride over to a closet in the back corner of the room, put in the code for the lock you keep on it, and open it, revealing a small collection of couture dresses fit for the finest galas in Gotham. You slide the dresses around, scooting hangers left and right, until you find the dress you were looking for. It is a silk and tulle grey floor-length dress with a fitted bodice that has a plunging v-neck and sheer long sleeves. At the waist, the dress flares out slightly, and there are both white and black pearls sewn into the dress at the waist. “How’s this for a dress?” you ask with a smirk, satisfied when both mens’ eyebrows shoot up and Barsad gives you a wide smile. 
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allzelemonz · 11 months
DC Comics Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Includes characters from different DC universes such as Arrowverse, Gotham, and Batman 2022
Generic DC/Unspecified Multiverse
Clark Kent
Developing Powers
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: M/Mentions of sexual situations, nudity Warnings: Characters are the same age, high school aged characters, awkward teenagers, pillow fights, farm boys being farm boys, showers, cold showers, accidental peeping Tom, mentions of masturbationSummary: Clark’s developing powers complicate things when his best friend stays over the weekend.
Slade Wilson
A Test
Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, violence Warnings: Unhealthy relationship, power dynamics, mentor/protege, Reader is referred to as younger, forced masturbation, hand job, anal fingering, left unsatisfied, voyeurism, first time anal penetration Summary: During the usual sparring session of your training Slade gives an unexpected order.
Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’, ‘man’, and ‘handsome’ Physical Sex: AFAB implied Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Mentor/protege, Reader is referred to as younger, Slade says trans rights, trans reader, ftm reader, suits and ties, transition process, tying ties, fluff, Slade being nice for once, undercover mission Summary: Slade teaches you to knot your tie.
Breaking Point
Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: dubious consent, mentor/protege, Reader is referred to as younger, sparing, violence, groping, clothed older man and naked younger man, power imbalance, anal fingering, anal sex, rough sex, sex toys, prostate massager, somnophilia, fucked so hard you pass out, forehead kisses, cuddling Summary: Showing weakness during training has consequences.
Pronouns: he/him Physical Sex: AFAB Rating: T/Language Warnings: Mentor & protege, Reader is referred to as younger, Slade says trans rights, trans reader, ftm reader, transition process, fluff, Slade being nice for once, Ish is a hormone dealer but only for Slade’s kids and apprentices, themes around menstruation are not specific or graphic, background relationship: Ish/Joey Summary: You ran out of hormones, annoyingly causing your cycle to start up again, but you’re stuck on a mission with Slade.
Eobard Thawne
Fog: Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Off Work: Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Request, fluff with cuddles Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff, tooth rot Warnings: Eobard is a workaholic, Flash obsession Summary: The days when Eobard actually sleeps are perfect, just like this one.
Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Henry King Sr
Henry King Sr X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
John Constantine
Headcannons: John Constantine With A Legend Boyfriend
(To be reviewed to standard)
Jordan Mahkent
Hotel Air Conditioning: Jordan Mahkent (Icicle) X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
My Cousin Is A Little Intense: Jordan Mahkent (Icicle) X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Lex Luthor
CW Lex Luthor X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Batman (2022)
Edward Nashton
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward being needy, mentions of Riddler stuff, light somnophilia with pre-established consent, multiple orgasms for the Reader, oral sex, riding, rough sex, not proof read, very little dialogue, top Reader, bottom Edward Summary: Edward often wakes you up when he’s feeling particularly needy. The trick is figuring exactly how he wants it. So long as he’s dizzy by the end, all is as it should be.
Edward Nygma
NSFW Alphabet: Edward Nygma
(To be reviewed to standard)
Dark Side: Edward Nygma X Male Reader
Prompt: Request, bottom reader with ‘Riddler mode’ Ed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward Nygma’s darker side, rough sex, soft Ed at the end, he’s arguing with himself, counter sex Summary: When you come home Ed’s apartment is a mess and you find your boyfriend a bit out of sorts. It’s nothing you can’t handle.
Jervis Tetch
Gaslight Hatter: Jervis Tetch X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Historic Pronouns: None Mentioned *Reader is a cop and the first female cop in America would have just joined the force around this time so there’s no room for pronoun plot holes, use what you want Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of murder/serial murder, based on the comic not the movie, reader is a cop but a cool one I guess, Reader referred to as an Alice by Hatter, I hope you’ve read the book Summary: 1890s Gotham is facing a new threat after the demise of Jack the Ripper. A madman dressed as the beloved Hatter from a popular storybook who has a pension for playing dress up with the young adults of the city. As an officer working under Inspector Gordon, it’s your job to protect the people.
Oswald Cobblepot
‘Hit If Off’: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Just A Gig: Oswald Cobblepot X NSG Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Headcannons: Oswald Cobblepot When His Significant Other Is Kidnapped
(To be reviewed to standard)
NSFW Alphabet: Oswald Cobblepot
(To be reviewed to standard)
Relax, Boss: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Or Else: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Unbeknownst: Oswald Cobblepot X FTM Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn’t hate Oswald, Oswald isn’t in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
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Riddler/Edward Nygma/Nashton
General Headcanons (old, needs to be redone)
Stupid nicknames
A succubus offer
With a vigilante S/O
Panic Attack Telltale
Walked in on- Arkham Riddler NSFW
"Riddler with a baby" Riddler Party
"Insufferable" General M!reader NSFW
Pregnant Partner- Telltale
The Concept of Himboification- General
Love Letter to Coworker - batman 2022 (Valentines 2023 event)
"Custom Made" Riddler Party
What does he watch and read?- Batman 2022
"Protector" Batman 2022
Riddler Design based around Alan Cumming
"Unprofessional" Gotham, BTAS, Capullo, Arkham x F!reader
"Can't sleep, how about you?" BTAS, Telltale, Arkham
With an Asexual S/O- Gotham, BTAS, Telltale, Arkham
"Vampire Backgrounds" Riddler Party (vampire au)
"So you think I'm sexy-" 60s Riddler
"Strange Skills" Gotham
"Who is hunting who?" Telltale (vampire au)
"Business Meetings" 60s NSFW
Wall climbing Telltale (vampire au)
"Deadly Nightshade" 60s
"Nasty" Batman 2022 NSFW
Brief musings on Telltale
"Lean Greenbean" Riddler Party
"Zeros and Ones and Everything Inbetween" 60's Riddler x nonbinary!Reader
"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?" Riddler party
Zero Year Riddler is Actually A Nerdy Dork-Ass and I Have Evidence
"Riddlers and Horror Movies" Riddler party
Zero Year Haphaestus nickname
"Affectionate Comforts" Riddler Party
Zero Year Voice Claim
"S/O with vitiligo" Riddler party ask
"Riddlers with Dogs" Riddler Party Ask
"Sweet as honey, dumb as…" Riddler party x F!reader
"Riddler's with Dogs Pt 2" Riddler Party Ask
"Riddlers with Cats" Riddler Party Ask
"Polaroids" 2022 Riddler x reader NSFW
Riddler Party x Reader With Sensory Issues
break lol
"Whimsical Interests" Telltale Riddler
"Magic Hands" Riddler Party x F!Reader
"Touch Averse S/O" Riddler x Reader
"With an older s/o" Riddler Party x Reader
"Deserving" Riddler party x Reader
"We are not keeping the damn thing-" Riddler Party x S/O
A Date in the Asylum - BTAS Edward x F!S/O (Valentines Event 2024)
A soft Love Letter - Telltale Riddler x F!S/O (Valentines Event 2024)
"Yes, Boss? <3" 60s Riddler x Henchmen!Reader
"Groan-worthy" Riddler Party x Reader
"Flower Shop" - BTAS!Riddler,Dano!Riddler,Arkham!Riddler and ZY!Riddler x Fem!Reader
"Breast Cancer scare" Riddler party x Reader
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM by HayleyLuna "It's like a circus full of psycho's"   Y/n gets transported into her favourite show "Gotham" What happens when Y/n's favorite series of Gotham characters fall under an obsession with her?   |Yandere Various Gotham x Fem!Reader| ( Platonic and romantic yandere x Fem Reader ) Words: 570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, You, Reader, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Sarah Essen, Jeremiah Valeska, Batman, Victor Zsasz, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Jerome Valeska/Original Female Character(s), Jeremiah Valeska/Reader Additional Tags: TV Show, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham City - Freeform, Yandere, Yandere Characters read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM
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michinnyun · 2 years
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x F!Reader
Summary: I basically was thinking "What if Reader and Edward were both bottoms and also both obsessively crazy about each other?" and this was the result. PLEASE enjoy this pure filth
Tags: Smut × kind of fluff? × idk - Freeform × maybe ooc tehe × Cameras × Polaroid × PIV × oral m receiving × Oral Sex × Rough Sex × bottom vs bottom who will win × Lingerie × Sweet Edward Nygma
Words: 1.9k
Ao3 link
You’ve never worn anything like this before. Pink and lacy. Virginal. But you’d do anything for your Eddie. So when the package arrives, you take it out of the box and admire your lingerie in the waning light of your apartment.
Eddie is busy that night, but you make sure to send him lots of pictures, your doe eyes and pretty tits front and center for the camera. In the middle of his stream, he sends you evidence of his own enjoyment, hard cock dribbling precum under his desk. Your own private show.
You put the lingerie on under your clothes the next morning and wear it all day. At work, at the library. So you aren’t surprised when you come home and feel the door slam shut behind you, Edward pinning you against the wall until your lipstick leaves a smudge on the plaster.
Fumbling hands reach for the button of your pants, pulling the fly down and revealing the bottoms of the set. Pink and transparent with bows and flowers everywhere. Almost sickeningly sweet. Edward whines.
“This for me?” he asks, cupping your sex.
You wriggle, trying to escape his grip on you. “Maybe.”
He laughs softly, pushing the underwear aside and dipping into you with gloved fingers. You choke. “Already so wet and you expect me to believe this is for someone else? No.”
He turns you around so you’re face to face with the Riddler, green eyes boring holes into your head through his clear frames. Your voice shakes. “Eddie-”
He presses a kiss to your mouth through the mask, almost comically gentle. Your eyes slip shut. “Angel,” he murmurs.
Without warning, he picks you up in his arms and carries you to your room, depositing you on the bed. You often forget how strong Edward can be. 
He takes his carpet tucker out of a jacket pocket, setting it down on the nightstand. Your breath hitches. “Oh no,” you simper, your eyes widening. “Please Mr. Riddler, I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt me.”
Eddie laughs again, a real laugh. “You’re ridiculous.”
You smile back at him, taking off his glasses and setting them next to the carpet tucker.
“I want to see you,” he whines as you remove the mask, revealing his smiling, cherubic face.
“Jesus, be patient,” you admonish, placing his frames back on his face. He looks down at you with clear eyes, pulling your shirt up so he could see the top half of your set. He practically drools as he cups your breasts in his palms.
“Very nice,” he says. “Whoever got that for you must have impeccable taste.”
“Shut up and kiss me,” you groan, leaning up until he obeys, smiling all the while. You break away to take off your shirt, blushing as Edward sits back and admires you.
“You’re so pretty,” he says, gathering you up in his arms like a rag doll to kiss you again. “I love you.”
“You’re real sappy today, Nashton,” you say. “I guess you missed me?”
He groans, sucking a wet mark into your pulse. “You have no idea,” he says, rutting into you.
You gasp, arching into him. The thing about Edward is that he’s obsessed with you. He keeps an eye on you through local security cameras, buys you little gifts that are already waiting for you once you arrive at your destination. At this point, the receptionist at work isn’t even phased by the flower deliveries anymore.
It’s really good then, that you’re obsessed with him too. Each bouquet is dried and preserved, each trinket and card stowed in a special box for you to peruse when you’re missing him. Another box is dedicated entirely to polaroids of him; smiling, laughing, wearing the Riddler mask and just hanging out on your couch. There’s another genre of polaroids in there too, and you’re hoping to add to the collection today.
Your camera is in the drawer of your night stand, and Edward fumbles for it as you tug his jacket off, setting it under your head so you can be surrounded by his smell. He leans back again, making sure the camera has enough film as you pose for him.
You smile cheekily, gazing up at him from under your lashes as the flash goes off, temporarily blinding you. He kisses you, slipping his tongue in and making you gasp. 
The first time you’d kissed, he’d been so eager. A little too eager, actually.  It had taken you a while to show him how to kiss properly, how to make your legs go numb so that you’d wilt for him like a delicate flower.
He’s gotten the hang of it now, kissing you so expertly that your head spins and you don’t ever want another breath of oxygen again if it’s not provided by him.
“I like you so much, Eddie,” you whisper, staring up at him and his ruddy cheeks. “I love you.” You give him another peck. “Even if you’re a bastard.”
He pinches your side and you scream in delight, wriggling under him until he’s forced to pin you down. You sigh, arching into his hard length and then flopping back onto the bed.
“Now who’s impatient?” he tuts, sucking another mark into your collarbone and admiring his work as your writhe underneath him. You whine, growing wetter as he claims you, ensuring you’ll have to wear a scarf to work for the next two weeks.
He takes another picture, this time with your chest and collarbone wet and mottled with love bites and purple bruises. He lifts your bra, laving his cold tongue over your nipple until you grip his hair a little too tightly, making him buck into you.
“Hngh, I-” he cuts himself off, grinding deeply into you until there’s a noticeable wet spot on his crotch. You blush, out of breath, watching as he loses himself and succumbs to his baser instincts.
He pulls his pants down and you jump up at the opportunity to push him onto his back, climbing over him and taking his cock out of his underwear. Caressing him, cupping him in your hand until he’s whining and breathless, letting your saliva drip onto the head while your breasts are still exposed.
“Eddie,” you sigh, gathering your saliva and enveloping him in your mouth until he shouts. You suck and lick, taking as much of him as you can while still watching his face. His eyes are rolled into the back of his head, and you suddenly want him to come in your mouth so badly it hurts. You want him in the back of your throat, fucking your face. You’d do anything for him.
He grabs you by the hair, eyes wild as he pulls you into another kiss before laying back down again and shoving your panties aside. He enters you without preamble, making you both groan breathlessly.
His moans are whiny, high pitched, like a girl in a porn video. You love when he gets like this.
He fucks you hard and fast, revenge for the way you almost sucked the life out of him a minute ago. You bounce on his cock as he grips your thighs hard enough to bruise, the noises of your lovemaking echoing in the small room.
There’s no rhythm, no sense to his movements. He just needs to fuck you.
Edward pulls you down until he can put his tongue in your mouth, letting you suck on it while he moves your body on top of him.
“Eddie,” you whine, pulling away and sitting up, bringing his hands to your breasts. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,” you chant, pushing down onto his length as hard as you can. He lets out the cutest little scream, shoving his hips into yours as you fuck each other hard enough to bring down the building, bring down Gotham itself.
Your head falls back as you surrender to the sensations, Eddie using you and filling you so perfectly. Then he pulls out.
Your eyes whip down to him, betrayed and confused until he pushes you onto your back, urging you to flip over until your stomach is one the bed. He keeps your legs pressed together, knees on either side of your body and slipping his cock between your thighs until he breaches your entrance again. Your breath shakes, your fingers gripping the duvet as the tight slide becomes almost unbearable and the tip of his dick kisses your cervix.
You moan, a high pitched sound that gives him a run for his money. “Fuck,” he whimpers, rutting into you until you arch your back. He reaches for the polaroid again, taking a picture of you skewered on his cock with your underwear half on. He wants to come, so badly, but you look so blissed out as you turn your face to the side, hair curling with sweat as he fucks you.
“So good,” you murmur, and he leans down until he can press his lips to the corner of your mouth. “Eddie, I wanna come.”
His dick twitches at that. You can feel it as he stutters, gripping your neck with one hand and the camera in the other.
“Smile,” he says, lifting your head and placing the camera in front of your face. You can’t pose, you can’t think, you just let him snap the picture as the flash burns bright into your eyelids. 
“Nngh,” you groan, pushing back against him as hard as you can. The position doesn’t allow for much movement on your part, and your back feels like it’s about to snap in half with how much you’re curving towards him, but you can’t stop. He feels so good, thick, hard and pulsing in your cunt as he relishes the slick suction of your bodies. He’s bliss, heaven between your legs and you don’t want it to end.
“God, your pussy,” he mumbles against your ear, leaning down until he’s crushing your body against the mattress and you’re gasping for air as he mounts you. “So fucking tight. I love you, I love you.” He tries to kiss you again, but it’s hard with the angle.
“Unh, I love you, love you, Eddie-” you gasp, craning your neck until you connect in a messy slide of tongues that has you closer to the edge.
You grunt, pushing against him until he gets the message. His hand sneaks under your belly, and he rubs the cloth of your underwear into your clit until you’re crying, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as you shove your face into the pillow to muffle your sounds.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he murmurs, fucking you harder through your orgasm until your cheeks are red with overexertion and you feel like you’re about to collapse. He pulls out again, flipping you onto your back.
“Where should I come,” he asks, frantic, jerking himself off above you. “Tell me where you want it.” You grab the camera from where he left it, snapping a picture of him seconds away from release. He moans, ropes of his seed covering your stomach as he finishes on top of you, his spend sticky and thick as it cools on your skin. He whimpers as you lean up and take his soft cock into your mouth, cleaning him up and forcing him into overstimulation. You grab the camera again, taking another picture of you with his limp dick in your mouth.
You wink before the flash goes off.
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Gotham Edward Nygma X Reader
At the night of a tiring day, a riddle was the last thing you didn't want to hear.
Inspired by my current circumstances and by @riddlemeri. I was thinking this Edward is more... Season 1 Eddie, because he's my love.
This is what the little mermaid must've felt when she sold her voice. To feel knives penetrating her soles with every step... That's not how the others' remember the Little Mermaid, but Hans Christian Andersen says otherwise.
Anyways, that's how you felt. Except you also had a a pounding headache, the one where you can feel a vein flicking against your temple, how your brain felt like it was pressing against your skull whole simultaneously compressing itself. Every noise felt like bombs in your ear and everything was just annoying, irritating. Not even the click of your keys as it unlocked your door brought you joy.
Upon entering your home, you sloppily slip your shoes off and didn't bother to set them aside. Carelessly dropping your bag on the living room floor and yourself on the softness of the couch, which made you somewhat relieved... If it weren't for the disturbing sound of a buzz saw in your kitchen. The high pitched buzzing introduced a new headache to add to your ever expanding pain, it felt as though you were the one getting cut by it.
You screwed your eyelids tight, as if it would stop your raging migraine from pounding. It didn't register to you that you were white-knuckling the throw pillow, until the flimsy seams ripped and the stuffing spilled out.
Stirring yourself up, you marched to the kitchen with heavy steps and narrowed eyes, you were met by the sight of your partner Edward donning a a pair of goggles, a buzz saw and a contraption of sorts was in front of him. A series of metal sheets and rods and wires... In the middle of your kitchen. Your refrigerator and other appliances were nowhere to be seen, the space in favour for the junk, Edward's junk.
The scent of burning copper intensified your already instense headache, adding in a sense of nausea to your series of pain. Great. Just great.
"Can you keep it down?"
You were surprised you can utter a word through the pain, even if you felt like blacking out right then and there. He didn't even acknowledge you.
"Hey Ed!" You increased your volume. "Edward!"
"O-Oh! Y/N!" He lifts his goggles and smiles his iconic muppet smile. Your pain would usually melt at the sight of him, but today was not the day.
"Could you please keep it down?"
"Oh! What's without tools and builds its house--"
Edward reels back in shock from your sudden snap and you didn't stop from there, with the bespectacled male sinking in his skin, thinking what he did wrong to prompt such an explosive temperament from you.
"YOU NEVER SHUT UP! RIDDLE ME THIS, RIDDLE ME THAT-- YOU TALK TOO MUCH! AND THIS MESS! OH MY FUCKING--" you cut yourself with a sharp breath, before storming off.
A lone tear escapes from his eyes and he sinks to the floor. And like he was a child, he tucked his knees to his chest, flinching when he heard the bedroom door slams lock.
Upon collecting your bearing, you shamefully retreat back to the kitchen, where you find Edward in a position you recognise. He looked like a grown child. You quietly took a seat next to him, giving him the space he needs. He noticed you, but he refuses to acknowledge it, as he stares ahead with his puffy eyes.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you."
No response.
"It was my fault, I shouldn't have said those things to you. I was tired, but that doesn't mean I should make you an outlet of my anger."
Still nothing.
"What's without tools but builds its house? Is the answer spider?"
"Yes." He finally responded and you find yourself smiling.
"I'm sorry Eddie."
"No, you're right. I talk too much--"
"No don't listen to me. I was dumb for saying that. You were expressing yourself just fine and I was stupidly irritated at every noise I hear."
"But Y/N-"
"Eddie, I made the mistake of snapping at you and saying things I don't mean, but even if what I said isn't true, it hurt you. And I want you to know that what I said isn't true." Finding the time to be perfect, you took his hand within yours, running a thumb on his knuckles, before lifting his hand to your lips. "Tell me how can I make this up to you."
You maintained your sincere gaze against his and softly pressed a kiss on the back of his hand. In turn, he latches his fingers within yours and returns the gesture of placing a kiss on your knuckles.
"I forgive you... You really don't have to do anything at all."
"But I want to,"
Edward lifts his free hand and puts a finger to his lip, acting as though he was thinking and to exaggerate it further, he prolongs a hum.
"You dork," Even with a light and playful punch from you, he doesn't stop from humming.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I've decided."
"What is it?"
"A kiss."
Simple enough. Craning your neck, you inch forward to plant a kiss on his temple. Then his cheek. The the tip of his nose, then his eyelid. By then, you find yourself peppering his face with kisses, leaving him a giggling mess, but making no attempts to stop you.
"You are forgiven." Very forgiven.
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quits-writing · 2 years
ed simp angst imagine
note: i thought of someone who would be insane enough to kill their love of their lives for the sake of their plan and it looks like enigma is the winner
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imagine being the mf simping over ed and your main wish is to die by ed himself so you’ll see or look at ed one last time before passing away as a joke (but bro doesn’t think its a joke anymore)
so when something happened and needs to be killed instead of being punished or sumn ed cuddles with said person ??? which they didn’t expect so they fell asleep
little did it know it was their last time living with ed before him killing them off, maybe ed is just a sadist for not granting their wish fully. or he, himself, just didn’t want to see that one last look before the light in their eyes fades away
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ccalhoun · 2 years
I loved your Edward hcs!
If your requests are open I’d love to request a Edward Nygma X bottom!male reader!
I don’t really have a plot but maybe him as the Riddler w degradation and rough sex?
Ooh maybe they do it at the GCPD?
Just like “Don’t want to get caught do you?” n stuff <3
≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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edward nygma/riddler x male!reader
req: yes!
warnings: smut, male reader (he/him), amab reader, bottom reader, sub reader, reader works at GCPD, reader is called names by riddler, top riddler, dom riddler, riddler is taller than reader (not stated by how much), mean riddler, porn with a small bit of plot, m/n is used, third-person point-of-view, spit as lube, slight exhibitionism, degradation, rough-ish sex, overstimulation, creampie, established relationship, unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids)
note: anon... i love your brain
cut for length!
m/n sat at his desk, going through paperwork and filling out what was needed. Edward had been struggling to hide his alter ego, catching himself before doing something bad, or stopping from saying something that could give himself away. Edward left his office to update Jim on a case and his eyes caught m/n sitting at his desk doing paperwork. Riddler's attention was caught and just the sight of you made him horny. Edward hurried the process of telling Jim about the update, skipping his usual riddle and instead just telling him and rushing over to m/n after.
"Hey! m/n!" Edward said, loving how m/n's eyes lit up when he realized who had called him. Edward stopped at the edge of m/n's desk, "There's something I need to show you in the filing room real quick," He said, a small bead of sweat appearing on his face before swiftly wiping it away.
"Oh, alright!" M/n said, finishing his sentence before quickly tidying up and standing up to follow his boyfriend into the filing room of the GCPD. M/n didn't suspect a thing, he was aware of the Riddler, but didn't think that the Riddler would come out during work. M/n was proven wrong as he was led to the filing room. As soon as they were both in the room and Edward was sure no one was in the room, he locked the door.
After locking the door, Edward's demeanor changed by a landslide. Going from his normal awkward caring self to someone more confident and eccentric. M/n turned to look at Edward to ask why he locked the door but wasn't able to get in a word due to Riddler speaking before him.
"M/n, darling," Riddler uttered in a voice that sounded of pity in a way. M/n looked up at Riddler with a confused look, he was acting so much more different than what he was used to.
"Ed-" M/n started, getting cut off by Riddler's voice.
"Wrong! Guess again, darling" Riddler said, walking up to M/n and putting his hands on m/n's waist. M/n stood stiff for a minute, trying to figure out what Edward meant before it all clicked at once.
"Riddler!" M/n said, his voice a mix of nervous and excited. M/n was excited to meet the Riddler and was slightly proud that he was able to get it right. Riddler chuckled and nodded.
"Correct, can you guess what I'm going to do to you next?" Riddler said, leaning down so he was speaking directly into m/n's ear. Riddler saw m/n's eyes fill with panic and quickly corrected himself, "I won't kill you, you wouldn't be worth killing," He said, laughing a bit at his own comment. M/n let out a small sigh of relief before wondering what the Riddler was going to do if not murder.
"Are you going to hurt me?" M/n said, voice filled with anxiety. Riddler almost felt guilty, but it also fed into his ego feeling the power he held over his boyfriend. Riddler smiled and let one of the hands that were resting on m/n's waist wander down to the front of m/n and lightly palm m/n through his pants.
"Figure it out," Riddler spoke, almost purring. M/n caught what was happening and his own hand grabbed the arm that was palming him. M/n didn't pull it away, but he did stop it.
"Riddler! We can't do that here! What if someone hears us?" M/n said, the arousal in his voice was evident, and Riddler could pick up on it too.
"Then I guess you'll have to keep quiet, huh?" Riddler growled. Though Riddler could be an ass, he still wanted to make sure that m/n consented to the act that was going to come. Before continuing his movements Riddler spoke with a worried look on his face, "If you really don't want me to do this, I'll stop," His tone was gentle as if a bit of Edward was seeping into their conversation.
"No! I want to, trust me!" M/n said eagerly, slightly pulling Riddler's hand back towards where he held it before. "Just, um, try to be gentle?" m/n mumbled, embarrassment taking over as he quickly took his hand off Riddler's arm.
Riddler laughed at m/n's naïvety, "No promises," Riddler said with a smile. Riddler spat on his hand and moved his hand to the inside of  m/n's pants, jerking m/n off and reveling in the moans that his boyfriend let out. Riddler put a hand over m/n's mouth, "Shh, you're the one who said you didn't want anyone to hear us, right?"
m/n nodded slightly and leaned forward, grabbing onto the Riddler as his knees buckled from pleasure. the Riddler smiled at m/n's helplessness and pulled his hand out of the smaller's pants. m/n whined and looked up at the Riddler, the Riddler taking his hand off from over his boyfriend's mouth.
"Don't act so desperate, it's a little pathetic," Riddler said, taking the hand that was just jerking off m/n and unzipping his pants. Riddler pulled his pants down slightly and took his boxers down with them (m/n noting that his boxers were dark green). Riddler spat on his hand again and this time jerked himself off, spreading the pre cum down his member. Once fully erect, Riddler was a solid 7 inches. 
"Bend over for me," Riddler said, smacking m/n's ass when he complied. "You listened so quickly, my needy little whore just want to be fucked?" Riddler said before letting some of his saliva drip down from his mouth onto m/n's hole. Riddler gently entered a finger into m/n, he was aware that he was bigger than m/n in many ways and wanted to test the waters before he did anything. Riddler listened to the officer's moans as if they were a symphony composed by Beethoven. Riddler took one of his hands and smacked m/n's ass once again before adding a second finger.
"Don't get too loud, how would you feel if someone walked by and heard us?" Riddler mumbled into m/n's ear, chuckling at the way that m/n's hole tightened at the idea of someone hearing what they were doing. "God, you are a little whore, aren't you? How would you feel if Gordon walked by and heard his co-worker moaning and whining? You're so needy, I bet you'd let anyone fuck you, huh?" Riddler said, all while adding a third finger and abusing the smaller's prostate.
Riddler pulled his fingers out and stared at the beautiful sight of m/n's clenching at nothing. Riddler gave his cock a few more jerks before slowly pressing into m/n. He let m/n adjust and when he was about halfway in, he got deeper and deeper with every thrust until he filled up m/n's hole completely.
"Ah! So... so full! F-feels so good" m/n moaned out as he tried to grab onto anything that could steady him. Riddler started with soft thrusts until he was sure that m/n could take it if he went faster. Riddler moved m/n so that m/n was pressed against a filing cabinet while he thrusted from behind. Riddler was roughly thrusting, with every moment the filing cabinet hit the wall, whoever happened to go in the room next to them would be unlucky enough to know what was happening.
The sounds of moaning and skin slapping filled the room. Riddler felt close so he wrapped out and started to jerk m/n off again, pushing m/n to the point of orgasm. m/n came all over the filing cabinet, making a mess of it as some reached the floor as well. Riddler didn't stop jerking m/n off or thrusting directly against his prostate even after his lover's orgasm.
"N... no! Feels too good! I can't take it!" M/n moaned out as he tried to push Riddler's hand away from his overstimulated sex, failing miserably. His legs started to shake and his knees buckled again. M/n was lucky that Riddler caught him in time before he fell.
"You're the one who was whining about me not touching you, what's wrong? A slut like you should be happy I'm even giving you the time of day," Riddler mocked, getting rougher with his thrusts until he filled m/n's hole with his seed. Riddler stayed inside and stopped with his torture against m/n's cockhead. Once Riddler was soft, he slowly pulled out and watched his cum drip down m/n's thighs.
m/n's legs found their footing again and he was able to stand up. m/n pulled his pants and boxers up. Riddler had already re-dressed and was working on making himself look more presentable. Riddler looked over at m/n who was struggling to get ready and begrudgingly helped m/n.
"Thanks for, um, well, you know fucking me," m/n said nervously. m/n finished getting dressed and making himself look normal. Riddler slipped back into Edward and Edward immediately felt bad as he saw the state you were in.
"Baby, I am so sorry," Edward said softly as he walked up to m/n and kissed him gently. "I didn't mean anything I said. You're amazing, cross my heart," Edward said before letting you both go back to work.
≻ ┄┄ ♡ ┄┄ ≺
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Fandom One-Shots and Imagines
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iAsehi
by leztrangem
Hello, everyone! This is my first work ever to be posted on here. This is a collection of one-shots from many different fandoms reposted from my Wattpad. All of these are pretty much SFW. That's because Wattpad is so strict about what type of content can be posted. This is honestly just a way for me to get used to posting on here because I'm fairly new. Fair warning, a lot of these were written when I was in like...middle school.
More tags and characters will be added to tags soon!
Words: 1012, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti), Beetlejuice - All Media Types, Beetlejuice (1988), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Homestuck, Twilight Series - All Media Types, Twilight (Movies), Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Blood Drive (TV), Riverdale (TV 2017), Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018), A Nightmare on Elm Street - All Media Types, A Nightmare on Elm Street (Movies 1984-1994), Addams Family - All Media Types, The Addams Family (Movies), The SpongeBob Musical - Various/Anthony & Coulton/Jarrow, Hamilton - Miranda, Hamilton - Miranda (Broadway Cast) RPF, World Wrestling Entertainment, Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Supernatural, Gotham (TV), DCU (Comics), DC Extended Universe, Joker (2019), DCU, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020), Shameless (US), Rocky Horror Picture Show, X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Joker (Joker 2019), Joker (DCU), Arthur Fleck, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Pennywise (IT), Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Lip Gallagher, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Lin-Manuel Miranda, James "Bucky" Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Peter Quill, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Yondu Udonta, T'Challa (Marvel), Reader, Mark Cohen, Roman Sionis, Harleen Quinzel, Armitage Hux
Relationships: Pennywise (IT)/Reader, Joker (DCU)/Reader, Arthur Fleck/You, Kylo Ren/Reader, Oswald Cobblepot/Reader, Edward Nygma/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, Thor (Marvel)/Reader, Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Freddy Krueger/Reader, Jason Voorhees/You, Freddy Krueger/Jason Voorhees/Reader, Lin-Manuel Miranda/Reader, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Reader, Dean Ambrose | Jon Moxley/Roman Reigns/Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Reader, Roman Reigns/Reader, Seth Rollins | Tyler Black/Reader, Lip Gallagher/Reader, Harry Potter/Reader, Draco Malfoy/Reader, Lucius Malfoy/Reader, Severus Snape/Reader, Neville Longbottom/Reader, Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader, Billy Loomis/Reader, Billy Loomis/Stu Macher, Peter Quill/Reader, Yondu Udonta/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Depression, Bullying, Demons, Demonic Possession, Crying, Kissing, First Kiss, First Meetings, First Dates, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Hide and Seek, Games, Chess, Loki (Marvel) Needs a Hug, Arrogance, Mates, Vampire Bites, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Bisexuality, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexual Female Character, Bisexual Character, Heterosexuality, Witchcraft, Movie Night, Balloons, Harleen Quinzel's Hyenas, Roommates, Harleen Quinzel Needs a Hug, Riots, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Lightsabers, Fights, Horror, Comedy, Lesbian Character, Reader-Insert, Reader-Interactive, Mutants, Mutant Reader, Mutant Powers, Drinking, Kylo Ren Has Issues, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, Cuddling & Snuggling, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Hogwarts Inter-House Friendships, Why Did I Write This?, Spoilers, Spooky, Romance, Awkwardness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iAsehi
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 8 months
𝐿𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓈 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓇
by HayleyLuna "It's like a circus full of psycho's"   Y/n gets transported into her favourite show "Gotham" What happens when Y/n's favorite series of Gotham characters fall under an obsession with her?   |Yandere Various Gotham x Fem!Reader| ( Platonic and romantic yandere x Fem Reader ) Words: 570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Gotham (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, You, Reader, Barbara Kean, Oswald Cobblepot, Edward Nygma, Sarah Essen, Jeremiah Valeska, Batman, Victor Zsasz, Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth Relationships: Jerome Valeska/Original Female Character(s), Jeremiah Valeska/Reader Additional Tags: TV Show, Gotham City Police Department, Gotham City - Freeform, Yandere, Yandere Characters via https://ift.tt/KN4F1lM
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irishvampirelady · 4 years
Riddle Me Love(Riddler x Hero! Reader) Chapter 1
You, (Y/n), were walking around Gotham City that afternoon after a long night of protecting your home town. Your parents, (M/o/m/n) and (F/n) had told you that the both of them were going to be living in Egypt while they were going on an archaeological dig. You were used to this of course, your only problem was that you had many problems with being left alone in the house. You have many fears, including being left alone by yourself after dark. A fear of the dark you might say, or really, a fear of what may be hiding in the dark. Both you and Bruce kept going back and forth about you staying with him, his adopted brother, Dick Grayson, and his three adopted sons at Wayne Manor. Bruce Wayne had been a family friend since both you and Bruce had gone to school together.
'I'm almost there... Just a few more blocks.' You turn at the corner. 'Wait, this isn't right... Where am I? How did I get here?' You pondered. "Let's see, I turned right, then right, then left, then right, then... Wait, no, I turned left... ARRRGH!" The twenty-six-year-old yelled. "I can't believe I'm lost, this is why Mom and Dad should have let me get a driver's license years ago. And because of my procrastinating butt, I still don't have one." You slump to the ground in the alleyway you had entered, then glared menacingly at the dumpster across from you, daring a thug or gang member to jump out at your person.
"What's a pretty little lady like you doing out here all by her self?" A deep voice asked at the entrance to the alley. You glanced up, unamused, at the black-haired stranger standing in the alley.
"Why do you want to know? Hey, I'll tell you a riddle, if you answer correctly, then I'll answer your question. Deal?" You replied slyly. You always loved a good mind-turnrer.
"Sure, considering I'm the prince of puzzles, the king of riddles, the-" You cut him off.
"You can flaunt your ego later," You snapped. "Now for the riddle: Who do we trust, even though we don't know them?Who passes unnoticed wherever they go? Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?" you riddled the awfully handsome man.
The man stared at you, confused. "Could you say that again, please?" He requested.
"Who do we trust, even though we don't know them? Who passes unnoticed wherever they go? Who hunts in the middle of a crowd?" You repeated, slowly.
Mystery man smiled. "A cop, of course."
"No, silly. It's a cabbie." You corrected.
Mystery man's smirk faded away. Then, he started mumbling about how he never lost before and how he had lost to a little kid.
"I'll have you know, I am twenty-six years old! The answer to you're question is that... Well... I'm lost."
"Where are you headed?" He asked, quite curious about the sassy, beautiful woman that manages to stump his intellect.
"Wayne Manor." You mumbled out sheepishly.
The mysterious male smirked playfully at you. "In that case, when you walk out, turn left and head straight for about five blocks, then turn right and it will be in front of you."
"Thank you so much! I never caught your name though..." You replied.
"Oh, where have my manners gone? The name's Edward Nygma." The man said.
"My name is (Y/n) (L/n). It is nice to have run into you, otherwise I might have ended up walking right out of town!" You exaggerated.
"Well, I suppose I should let you be on your way, miss (Y/n). Stay safe, you never know what crazies may be out there." Edward smiled.
"I will, thanks again!" You said as you ran off toward the direction Edward Nygma pointed you towards.
Unbeknownst to you, Edward felt a strange fluttering in his stomach, almost like butterflies, yet very pleasant... Hmm...
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Any riddler's
Reaction to spouse doing this scenerio
"I can hold the whole world in my hands!" Before softly cupping his face and smiling at him lovingly
I just wanna see riddleman m e l t
The World
Edward Nygma X Reader
Who doesnt want to see him melt? Also I apologize for disappearing, college still has me on a chokehold.
💚 Young Justice
"U-Uh... Um... Y-you're my um... My love for you is... Uhm..." His throat dries the deeper you furrow your besotted gaze within his shy ones. He swallows thickly, nervously chuckling, his face still in your hands. "My love for you is pi..."
"You are such a precious babe, you know that?" You nuzzle your nose against his, before planting a quick peck on his lips.
Oh life couldn't be more happier.
💚 Batman Unburied
💚 Batman the animated series
"Likewise, my dear," he chuckles, reciprocating the gesture of taking hold of your face for him to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"Aww, I was hoping to make you melt!"
"I didn't say you were doing a bad job, now did I?" He laughs. Perhaps you would have love to see him lose his cool before you but honestly, after so many times you've been there for him, he always does. He's just better at composing himself.
"You fucking dork." He rolls his eyes, but he makes no attempts to move away. He supposes it is nice to be held as nice as this for once.
Seeing through him, you intend to call him out. "Aww, you absolute softy,"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Raising a brow, you wanted to test a theory. Loosening your fingers around his face, you see his eyes narrow and he takes it upon himself to hold your wrist to stop you from moving away. You watch as he nuzzles his cheek against your palms with his eyes closed, content with the warmth of your hold with a sigh.
"Softy." You tease, lightly scratching the tip of your fingers against his face.
"Shut it."
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Secret for the Mad
Fandom: Gotham Pairing: Edward Nygma x Male!Reader Summary: This is how love works between you and Edward Word Count: 676 Request: Could I request a male reader x Edward Nygma? Maybe one where the reader actually loves him? There’s a lot of m/Nygma where the reader is a very malicious person with the intent of manipulating Nygma instead of actually loving him 😅  A/n: I am very guilty of that! Also, Edward is such a hard fucking character to write for, wtf. I have a talent of writing no plot go me.
Tumblr media
Edward didn’t know, fully, what love was until he was dating you.
What he had thought love was full of rays of sunshine and rainbows because that is what Miss Kringle had shown him. But what he had learnt that loving you was all four seasons and all of the weathers that came along.
It was the rains, gloomy and dismay, yet your love was at peace, comforting and welcoming all the same. It was the snow, joyful and fun, your love radiating amusement and comfort. It was the sun, warm and inviting as you loved was full of reassurance and care.
But, it was also the seasons, where winter was cold and bitter at times much like your love with Edward. He’s a murderer, he shouldn’t be capable of love, he’s cold, bitter and disgusting. But, in came round spring, in which life starts to blossom. That when you look at your boyfriend it’s Ed, not Edward, the man who adored riddles and got excited over sc-fi movies. 
It was the summer, over radiating so hot and bright that you’re afraid you’ll burn each other out, loving too harshly, too bright too much, but in the autumn when the leaves fall, love starts to decrease. It’s a vicious cycle, an endless loop. Toxic yet wholesome.
But, when Edward looks at you, he would never let you go. He’s too lucky to be coupled with you. He’s so in love with you.
Even after a long night, you are the only one who could put a smile on his face. After a day of Oswald and Barabra getting on his nerves, he comes home to you. There’s always a bright smile upon your lips as you pucker up your lips asking for a kiss.
“Hey, baby,” You greeted, running a soothing hand through his hair, “Tough day?”
“More like a tough week,” Edward grumbled as you pulled him close to you with your hands around his hips.
“Movies?” You asked him as Edward considered it, “I mean, we still haven’t finished our Lord of Rings marathon from last night.”
“You get the snacks and I get the films?” Edward asked as you beamed at him, Edward flashes you a smile and his shoulders relaxing under your embrace.
You uncoil your arms around him as you agree with his statement, heading off to the kitchen as he makes way to the living room, pulling up the films on the tv screen. He goes to the bedroom to get changed out of his green tarnish suit but as he crosses the hallway, he can hear you humming under your breath as you collected drinks and crisp from the cabinets.
Leaving you be, he gets changed into comfier clothes, be brings pillows to the sofa as you wait patiently for him with blankets.
“You know, you could just murder them,” You suggested with a toothy grin.
You’re teasing, Edward is aware of that and so he doesn’t mind, but if it was any other person he would have glared them off. Yet, in the space, in the embrace of your arms around him settles down. Both Ed and Edward were content with you by their side. No matter how softer you are compared to him, no matter how innocent and nice you were than he was, Edward adored you. 
Content with leaning his back against your chest as the blanket drapes on the pair of you, the crisps packet on Edward’s chest.
“You know I can’t do that,” Edward responded, as he snacks on, “Unless you’re conspiring to kill me.”
“Oh sweetheart,” You murmured, playing with his hair, “If you’re dying, I’m dying with you.”
“I’m aware,” Edward answered, looking up at you with a grin, you gently pat his cheek, “I love you so much, (Y/n).”
“Yeah, sure you do, Mr Riddler,” You joked, looking back at the screen, but when you continue to feel his stare you looked back with softer fonder eyes, “I love you too, Edward.”
You groaned, “Way to ruin the moment.”
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