#eddie diaz mention
myfandomrealitea · 4 months
I very vividly remember in 2020, being told by this one person who began controlling our fandom rp server, that we had to turn our rp blogs into places where we had to reblog every horrific thing happening during blm. and that he "better not catch us trying to rp". he also was against tagging it because then "white people would ignore it". i remember forcing myself to watch videos of police brutalizing black men and women, real people dying in the streets, and trying to convince myself that if I looked away, I was part of the problem. He'd also convinced me that I lucked out in getting my job, only because I was white, and that I was taking this job from a much more qualified black person. the only reason i got away from him is because I started feeling like i should kill myself, because one less whitey. and that was when i snapped to attention and did whatever i could to get out of there, even though it cost me my reputation being slandered by him.
it's been 4 years, and I'm doing my best to heal, but apparently he's still at it. pulling this same kind of controlling bs that I'm seeing echoed in some of those reblogs.
don't traumatize yourself for the sake of proving you're a good person.
Please feel free to name and shame. That kind of behavior is abusive, predatory and could very well drive someone to kill themselves as you almost did. Him continuing to have a platform and unchallenged reach is outright dangerous.
If you are ever in a situation like this, please, clock the early signs and leave. Your health and wellbeing are far more important than your forced activism. If someone is ever:
Making you feel guilty over something like not reblogging a post, being a certain ethnicity/gender/race/sexuality.
Accusing you of contributing to or being the core problem in a much, much broader issue.
Trying to manipulate you and others by "tattling" on you for not doing something or not doing enough.
Threatening you in order to pressure you into doing things.
Screenshot all of the conversations, block them, and leave.
Things like this are why I will always give call out posts which do not contain blatant and corroborating evidence the benefit of the doubt. Its all too easy for people to join in almost automatically on dogpiles against people being accused of something like being racist or being passive/dismissive about world events.
(E.g; in the 911 fandom literal Latino artists and authors were being harassed over being "racist" re; their depictions of Eddie Diaz only for the people dogpiling them to scramble to retract and apologise once they realized the person wasn't actually an Evil Terrible White Person.)
I'm so proud of you for having the courage to get yourself away from your abuser.
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mythtakens · 2 months
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favorite Buck and Christopher scenes (requested by anon)
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The contradictions in Eddie Diaz have sucked me in, I'll admit. He gives great insightful life and love advice that he takes none of. He's former Texan army with a silver star— an all American hero — but only enlisted to run from his responsibilities. He's a Paramedic who joined Fight Club. A self-sacrificing single father who somehow leads a double life as a high roller. He has to be dragged into any new romance kicking and bitching but once there will pleasantly play house (right up until he does something dramatic to blow it all up). He obviously has commitment issues but has no problem emotionally and legally committing to his best friend. He doesn't believe in religious indoctrination or the supernatural but is very Catholic. He's Latinx and speaks fluent Spanish yet claims to watch Telenovelas for no reason other than to 'practice Spanish'. He's a regular, mentally stable guy. He's the least normal of them all, nor is he anywhere close to mentally stable.
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tvuniverse · 1 month
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EVAN BUCKLEY WEEK 2024 Day 3: Buck + favorite near death experience (x,x)
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menace-behaviour · 2 months
*Station 118 Shift Swap Group Chat*
B-Shift Paramedic: I need to swap out on Saturday. Someone HMU please.
Bobby: Wait, so HMU isn't "hold my umbrella"?
Chimney: No. It’s actually "hummer med underkläder", which means "I love you" in Swedish and I think that's beautiful.
Eddie: "Hummer med underkläder" means "Lobster with panties".
Hen: How do you even know that?
Eddie: My Mother wanted at least one child that could speak to her parents when they called so she wouldn’t have to.
Chimney: You know what, Diaz. Your childhood trauma and resulting multilingualism is really getting in the way of my best work.
Eddie: Your best work? Tricking Bobby into thinking hook-up slang means something innocent?
Bobby: HOOK-UP SLANG!!?!? I texted the Commissioner “HMU” during that hurricane last week??
Chimney: *Ignoring Bobby* That’s “Gaslighting the Elderly” to you, Rosetta Stone.
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chronicowboy · 5 months
somewhere in los angelese frank just bought a swimming pool for the house and when his husband asks how they'll afford it all he says is "eddie diaz"
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deluweil · 6 months
Tell me that does not have the same vibe...
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As this....
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(Taken from @elenaazra post.)
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dinogoose · 7 months
there’s something so bonkers about writing and filming a scene of buck throwing himself to the ground using his bare hands to try and claw his way to eddie while he screams ‘eddie! eddie! eddie! no, eddie!’, only to never mention it after.
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eddiewithcat · 7 months
hey remember when they had a canonically gay character tell buck he already has a boyfriend because he 100% thought buck was flirting / probably KNEW buck was flirting based on past experiences he’s had with other queer men hitting on him???
yea that is insane actually
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babygirl-diaz · 5 months
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Eddie: I don't know why everyone keeps congratulating me Hen and Chimney: Chimney: Did you ask Buck? Eddie: Why would I ask Buck? Hen: Maybe because he’s the reason you’re being congratulated? Eddie: What’s that supposed to mean? Chimney: It means you should ask Buck Eddie: I would but he’s been avoiding me all day like I have the plague or something Chimney: Maybe because he told everyone you were pregnant with his baby Eddie: What?! Hen: Yeah, yesterday Bobby asked him if you were okay and he told him with a serious face that he’s scared you’re pregnant because you two haven’t used protection and you were throwing up in the morning Eddie: There’s no way my idiot is that idiotic Chimney: Believe us. Don’t believe us. It’s up to you. *Elsewhere Buck and Bobby* Buck: What do you think of the name Sara for a baby girl? Bobby: For the last time, Buck, your boyfriend isn’t pregnant!
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
buck: i have math powers now!
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
"So what's it like, kissing Buck?"
Tommy misses the shot and Eddie catches the rebound. Tossing a shit-eating grin Tommy's way, Eddie races down the court, passing to Lee who's open, and his shot makes the basket.
Tommy shakes his head at Eddie. "That was low."
"Sorry," Eddie says, but he's very clearly not sorry at all.
Tommy's side loses by four points. As usual, winners buy a round of drinks for everyone - non-alcoholic for most of them, since they have to drive - and Eddie drops an ice-cold can of Dr Pepper into Tommy's waiting hands.
"For real, what's it like dating Buck?" Eddie asks quietly, while the other guys joke about something from their own stations.
Tommy can't help his smile. The mere thought of Evan makes his heart warm. "It's nice. It's different from my previous boyfriends. He just... He knows, somehow, what I mean when I say things. I can be an asshole and he's never taken my words the wrong way. So far, at least."
Eddie nudges him with an elbow. "Come on. It can't be all good. We know he can be a reckless idiot."
Tommy's smile fades slightly around the edges, and his tone becomes a little less friendly. "Evan's not an idiot. He's a little impulsive, maybe, but he's smart."
"Hey, didn't mean to imply he wasn't. But I've seen Buck make some truly stupid decisions before, and hell, half the time I was making those same decisions myself."
"Obviously I don't know him from before," says Tommy slowly, measuring out his words. "I've heard from Howie some stuff about the risks Evan took. About that lawsuit also. But thing is, that was then. This is now. And Evan's grown. He still feels things with his whole heart, but he's using his head too." He sighs. "Sometimes I wonder if you still think he's the twenty-something kid you met when you first walked into the 118. But that was how many years ago, Eddie? Even Christopher is a teenager now."
Eddie has to swig from his own can. That hits a little close to home.
"I know what you and he have is special. You two have this, this bond that I can't hope to replace, and, yeah I'm jealous sometimes, but I know he loves you and he loves Christopher, and I can't find it in myself to resent that he has so much love to give." Tommy smiles wryly and shakes his head. "I don't know. I mean, I look at myself back when and I cringe. Maybe Evan was an idiot, but I was a coward. Just went along with the flow, even though I knew the flow was fucking garbage."
"You're a pretty decent guy now," Eddie offers.
"You wouldn't let me date Evan otherwise, don't lie."
"Heh. If you were still an asshole, I would cockblock you every single chance I had. Hell, I'd date Buck myself to keep him from you."
Tommy freezes. His eyes widen. "You... want to date Evan?"
Eddie punches Tommy in the shoulder. "No, you dumbass, I don't. I want him to be happy, to be with a person I can tolerate and who can tolerate me." He lets out a sigh. "Not many women like that Buck and I are pretty tight."
"I'm glad you can tolerate me," says Tommy dryly. He presses the cold can of Dr Pepper to the back of Eddie's neck, making him yelp. "You'll find her. Or she'll find you. I'll even keep an eye out for someone like that." His grin grows cheeky and he chugs the rest of his beverage. "Anything to make sure you never even think of dating Evan."
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kinxrd · 5 months
just so we're on the same page here, saying "i think buck and tommy are cute, even if they won't last bc buddie endgame" or "i believe in buddie endgame, but bucktommy is cute in the meantime" is backhanded and not the positive support you think it sounds like.
you can find them cute without having to bring up the other ship, and im genuinely sorry that you feel you need to justify it to be accepted in this fandom.
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apassingbird · 4 months
no but what would it take for buck to see eddie become isolated (either by force or by choice) and just. let him. buck who never let things go when he knows something's wrong. who pokes and prods and breaks down doors and steps inside and sits with eddie in his darkest, messiest moments. what would eddie have to say or do for buck to hold up his hands and take a step backwards when we know that's the last thing he'd ever want to do. or would eddie simply push and push and push until he can not only close this particular door but nail it shut too in an effort to keep buck on the outside because he thinks that's the right thing to do. that it's what he deserves. to be alone in the aftermath of a storm he himself created. but also; there's not a single door that the right key can't open. so even if it seems like buck is letting eddie keep himself locked up and isolated, who's to say that he isn't just trying to find the right key. because this is eddie, right. and i don't think buck knows how to not care about him. i don't think he knows how to stay away, especially if eddie's shutting him out.
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funsizedshark · 1 day
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i spent the whole week reading buddie fic so i'm giving back by making fic covers (graphic design is my passion bla bla)
top left: ice cream before dinner by @/cloudydaisies on ao3
top right: hot ghost problems by @ebjameston
bottom left: a good day to be by @hetrez
bottom right: leave the light on (i'll be coming home) by @hmslusitania
summaries/yelling under the cut:
ice cream before dinner:
post s7 finale, eddie ends up babysitting jee and mara since he's the only one with free time on tuesdays. do you want to cry over friendship bracelets? this is how you cry over friendship bracelets. a really wonderful character study and also a manifesto for girldads buddie.
hot ghost problems:
what if you were MAGIC and A FIREFIGHTER and you STARTED A NEW JOB and you SAW A GHOST and he was REALLY HOT ????? that's eddie's whole thing in this fic. christopher is the actual real MVP, and the magic is so delightful to read about i jumped up where i was sitting multiple times. also ATHENA GRANT SAVE ME ATHENA
a good day to be:
eddie is a dance instructor, buck wants to learn the foxtrot for maddie's wedding. i cannot dance to save my life and ive always wanted to learn partner dances, but this made me feel like i was being twirled around the room anyway. do you want to cry pt two but this time about the shared human experience of being on the dancefloor? this is how you cry abt that.
leave the light on (i'll be coming home):
one of the very first fics ive read for this fandom and one that set the bar really high for everyone else. eddie is presumed dead, and wakes up in a hospital miles and miles away from home. buck steps in as christopher's guardian. had to lie down about it. a fandom favorite for a REASON
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diazsdimples · 5 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
We sure are teasing this Tuesday! Continuing on with my Buddie Sauna Sex fic and accidentally wrote 2k of filth in an hour so that was fun! Please enjoy some of the beginning of the spicy.
Tagged by @smilingbuckley thank you!
Buck knees in front of Eddie and stares up at him, almost reverentially. It’s like he’s kneeling in front of an altar, baring his soul to a God and when he whisper’s Eddie’s name, it’s like a benediction. Eddie’s legs spread almost instinctively to accommodate Buck’s body between them, and Buck rests his cheek on Eddie’s thigh. “Can I – please, can I…?” Eddie’s throat clicks as he swallows hard and he nods, his hand moving to cup the back of Buck’s head, fingers scratching through the short hairs at the nape of his neck. Buck watches as Eddie’s eyes flutter closed when he presses a kiss against the soft skin of his inner thigh, and he allows a small smile to spread as he turns his head to nuzzle against the crease where Eddie’s leg meets his groin. He takes a deep breath, filling his nose with the heady, masculine smell of Eddie, and licks a long stripe from the base of Eddie’s balls, up the shaft of his cock, pausing only to press a kiss to the head. The sound that tears out of Eddie at that is one of the hottest things Buck has ever heard. He takes the whole of the head into his mouth, his tongue pressed flat to the underside, teasing at the frenulum. He sucks gently, his tongue swirling, and he feels Eddie shudder. His hips buck and his fingers tighten in Buck's hair, but he doesn't try and push him further down. Buck takes another deep breath through his nose, and relaxes his throat as best he can, moving down, down, down, until his nose presses into the dark, wiry hairs at the base. When he's adjusted to the size of Eddie’s cock, pausing in the perfect goldilocks zone where he can feel Eddie heavy against his tongue, taste him at the back of his throat, but still be able to breathe, he chances a look up, his eyes locking Eddie's. He looks wrecked already, pupils blown wide, and his lips are parted slightly as he pants. The heat from the sauna has him slick with sweat, making his chest and abs shiny, the hairs damp and all too inviting. "Jesus Christ, Buck."
No pressure tagging
@theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @daffi-990 @watchyourbuck @neverevan
@bidisasterevankinard @babybibuck @aroeddiediaz @spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose
@alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @jesuisici33 @wikiangela @loveyouanyway
@cal-daisies-and-briars @exhuastedpigeon @epicbuddieficrecs @kitteneddiediaz @hermscat
@thekristen999 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @actuallyitsellie @idealuk @dangerpronebuddie
@loserdiaz @elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @steadfastsaturnsrings
@thewolvesof1998 @spagheddiediaz
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