#eddie petty diaz
warpedpuppeteer · 5 months
"Eddie was never gay". Eddie worked in the dispatch building and immediately got into a petty passive aggressive territory bitch fight with Josh, the other gay man in the team. Gay recognises gay <3
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blurredbuddie · 6 months
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Eddie: *forgets a word in Spanish* im turning into a white woman
Buck: Great! Maybe now the writers will let us be together :)
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*Buck and Eddie going to dinner with Taylor*
Buck: I want to hear those three little words. Eddie: I love you. Buck: That’s sweet and all, but you know that’s not what I meant. Eddie, sighs: Fine. Eddie: I will behave. Buck: That's my good boy. Thank you.
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aaronsinferno · 4 months
Ryan is fighting tooth and nail to get them to understand that Eddie is, always has been, and always will be straight. From repeatedly calling Eddie a heterosexual male to stating how important it is for the show to display the relationship between a heterosexual guy and his queer best friend or brother.
Yet, it all gets overlooked and shot down by those online who swear they’re in it for the representation and storytelling. The same people who disregarded every other queer character on the show and who are actively targeting the current one.
Buddie isn’t happening. Not in the context they want it to anyway. Eddie is straight. It doesn’t matter what the writers thought of doing or considered in some room one day a few years ago. Eddie Diaz is a heterosexual man and that most likely won’t change. I don’t even think Ryan wants to play a queer character.
Buck is bisexual. Regardless if Tommy sticks around or not (I personally hope he stays) or if Buck decides to date women from now until the series ends, he’s still bisexual.
What those disgruntled shippers are doing to BuckTommy is nothing new. They think that harassing and attacking LI’s is what gets them removed from the show. They pride themselves because of it.
But what they’re doing to Lou is being done out of pure and genuine intimidation. They know that there’s potential and know that there’s a chance Tim might want him to stick around and they hate it. That’s why the hate aimed at him is so loud and strong. They don’t want him gone, they need him gone to fit whatever narrative they’ll collectively decide will apply to buddie after the fact.
And if you think I’m making any of this up, just search Lou’s name on twitter. Click on their pages and scroll. They don’t shy away from it or feel ashamed in any way. They’re poison
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Chim: I think that's Buck's date over there, why don't you go and introduce yourself?
Eddie: What would I even say?
Hen: Just be yourself, say something nice.
Eddie: Which one, I can't do both.
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glorious-spoon · 6 months
to loosen his grip [9-1-1 | Buck/Eddie]
~1k words | eddie & tommy; pre-relationship eddie/buck
spec fic for 7x04
The thing is, Eddie's not stupid.
Eddie's not stupid, and Buck's about as subtle as a brick to the face on a good day. He can't help it. Everything he's feeling comes spilling out of him; keeping it inside seems as impossible for him as holding the tide back with a leaky sieve. It's not something Eddie relates to that much, honestly. If anything, he's got the opposite problem. He crushes everything he's feeling into a tight little knot and holds onto it with white knuckles until he can't hold on anymore. It lost him Shannon—would have lost him Shannon even if she'd lived—and it nearly lost him both his job and his sanity in the end. He's still learning how to loosen his grip.
Buck still needs to learn how to get a grip, like, at all.
So yeah, Eddie knows. Not right away; he doesn't really think anything of it when he picks Tommy up from the hanger and Buck is there. In the truck, he watches Buck's receding figure in the rearview mirror for a moment before Tommy says, "Not trying to poach Evan from the 118, I promise."
He's laughing about it a little bit. Eddie scoffs and says, "Buck? You'd have to pry him out of that house before he'd go anywhere else."
He doesn't mention the lawsuit. That's water long under the bridge now, and it's not a time in his life he likes to think back on that much. But he knows it's true; Buck can say whatever he wants about keeping his options fluid, but when he finds people and a place he wants to keep, he hangs onto them.
Tommy is good company, anyway. It's something he's missed, since the Army: the easy camaraderie over beers, sitting in a shouting crowd in Vegas, shooting the shit in a bar afterward. Tommy's got a lift, and he brings his abuelo's Chevelle over, and it's an easy slide from that into a half-casual bout of muay thai, and Eddie has missed that, too: sparring just for fun, just for the hell of it, not for the money or because his demons were going to claw themselves out of his chest with bloody nails otherwise.
"See you've caught some lead," Tommy observes once they're done, bruised and a little breathless, shirtless on the bench in his garage. Eddie caps his Gatorade and glances up, and for a second he doesn't even know what Tommy is talking about until he nods at Eddie's right shoulder and asks, "That from overseas?"
Eddie touches the bullet scar, a long-healed dimple by now. It's not that noticeable anymore, at least from the front. The surgical scars from his thoracotomy are still more obvious, but even they've faded.
"Oh, no," he says. "I mean, yeah, I did, but this one was right here in L.A."
"Right, the sniper," Tommy agrees. "Shit. I remember seeing that Captain Nash caught a bullet. Didn't realize you were the other one from his house that got shot."
"Yeah, well." Eddie shrugs, uncapping his Gatorade again. "It was a long time ago."
He likes that, too. Talking about it with someone who never saw the bullet hole, only the scar. Talking about it with someone who's never had his blood in his mouth, who never knelt above him in a speeding truck and begged him to hang on.
He lied to Buck about it, because Buck's so close to it that he might as well have been shot too. It's easier like this, because Tommy isn't wounded by the memory; Tommy shrugs and asks if he wants to grab a pizza after this, and Eddie slings a towel over his shoulder and lets Tommy pull him to his feet, and they have pizza and a couple more beers, and it's easy. He's missed easy. He thinks he deserves to have something easy, for a change.
"I mean, I think it's great," Buck says, apropos of pretty much exactly nothing a couple of days later. "You can never have too many friends, you know?"
He's vibrating with that exact same anxious energy that Eddie remembers from his first day at the 118, when Buck seemed one wrong move away from pissing on the exercise equipment or maybe shoving him down the stairs. It awakens some puckish little part of Eddie that can't help but needle him. You're standing in the wrong light, man, as if he's ever in his life had an opinion about photography lighting, but it got Buck to bristle and snap like a wounded dog, all electric fury, and Eddie liked that, too, for reasons that he understands better now than he did back then.
So he shrugs, and he says lightly, "You know, it's like that thing when you meet somebody and you just click. You know what I mean?"
It's a jab, and not a very subtle one. He still remembers standing in the sunlight and listening to Buck tell him that Natalia saw him, after Eddie watched him hang there in the rain and felt his chest unmoving beneath his palms and sat through those endless hours in the fucking hospital waiting for him to wake up. After Eddie brought him home, and listened to his quiet confession in his kitchen, and tried as well as he knew how to hold Buck's still-beating heart gently.
But sure. Natalia saw him. For all of four months, apparently.
He thinks he wants Buck to flinch and snap back, just a little. It's not the place for it—they're in the middle of a goddamn call—but he's stupid about Buck. Always has been.
Buck doesn't flinch. He sags instead, his mouth downturned, and he mutters, "Yeah. Yeah, I really do."
And it's something they should talk about, maybe, but then Ravi calls up for more slack, and there are other things to focus on for the time being.
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caroandcats · 1 year
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Buddie + ao3 tags || 2x06
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dreambutdontsleepx · 6 months
as a possessive, jealous Eddie Diaz truther I actually thing the jealousy switcheroo in buddie is incredibly appropriate.
buck can have other male friends besides Eddie, and he's completely fine about it, cause he's sure of his place in bucks life. he know he's buck's best friend, and would never replace him. he knows that besides Maddie, and the kids (Chris and jee) he's the most important person in bucks life.
When is Eddie jealous? when bucks gets a new girlfriend, when he partners up with Taylor for the treasure hunt instead of him. We see him being actively hostile. Cause that's a position Eddie doesn't fill in bucks life, a romantic partner (even though he wants to), so he's unsure of himself.
When is buck jealous? when Eddie gets new friends, we already saw that with Lena Bosko in season 3, cause buck is insecure of his role in Eddie's life (in pretty much every single life of his friends and family), he fears abandonment. He fears that someone will take his place as best friend. But when Eddie is with Ana, buck is calm in my opinion, he's stressed just cause he can see that Eddie is not happy.
all these words just to say that Eddie Diaz knows he's in love with his best friend, he's known for a long time, that's why he's jealous when buck has a romantic partner. while buck still has his eyes covered to the truth, and in his mind what he and eddie have is a totally normal besties relationship. that's why he's jealous and anxious when Eddie gets a friend.
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fangirlforlife97 · 6 months
Me thinking of all the jealous, pining, petty, Eddie Diaz content we could end up with after he finds out about Buck, and Buck & Tommy:
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The potential of it all and not to mention Buck x Tommy. IT'S GONNA BE GREAT!!!!
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perfectlysunny02 · 8 months
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911 fake tweets part 1
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 10 days
this. this is why we love you eddie diaz.
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scullycockstrap · 1 year
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buckleys9-1-1 · 5 months
gay on gay crime
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Taylor: You don't like me, do you.
Eddie: That's a vicious rumour started by someone hearing me say I don't like you.
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babygirl-diaz · 7 months
Eddie: Hey Buck, Gabe told me you invited him to play basketball with you. That's so sweet. I'm glad you wanna bond with him. Buck: Oh, yeah, of course. I think it will be great for us to get to know each other. Eddie: You're awesome, man *walks away* Hen and Chimney: *giving Buck a confused look* Buck: I invited Eddie's boyfriend to play basketball with me Hen: Yeah, we got that part, Buck, but you don't know how to play basketball Chimney: Yeah, the last we played, you threw the ball at my face and called it a "slam dunk" Buck: *smirking* Exactly. So no one will fault me if GABE went home with a broken tooth or ten. Hen: No, but Eddie WILL probably take a few days off to nurse him back to health Chimney: Yeah, he'll probably even wear a sexy nurse's outfit to make him feel EXTRA special. Buck: I clearly did not think this plan through.
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