#edge cases
todays-xkcd · 10 months
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Slowly progressing from 'how do protons behave in relativistic collisions?' to 'what the heck are protons even doing when they're just sitting there?'
Actual Progress [Explained]
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silverliningsrr · 9 months
Character Focus: Derivan!
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artist is zoanluen on Twitter!
Oh man, Derivan.
I mean, his character concept was kind of what started this whole thing, right? I like monsters - if the tags on some of my other posts haven't made it obvious - and 'living armor' pushes a lot of buttons for me. There's a lot in the idea of being othered that resonates with the queer experience, and Derivan embodies a lot of that in a lot of ways by being, uh, a suit of armor that's afraid to let other people know that he's a suit of armor?
(It turns out they knew all along. Not completely, but they figured something was up, considering he never took off his helmet. 0 of his friends were surprised when it was eventually revealed.)
Derivan spent most of his formative years in a dungeon (the video game equivalent of a dungeon, as in a 'challenging location', not someone's basement), so he's very fascinated by the world at large - which explains a lot of his connection to Vex, who loves explaining just about everything in too much detail. Unlike most people who talk to Vex, Derivan sits and listens to every word attentively.
What's sort of funny is that a lot of people assume he's ace? I do have an ace character, but that's Sev. Derivan is demisexual. I leave further thoughts on this as an exercise to the reader. (Or you can respond to this post with theories.)
Derivan represents an outside-context problem for the system in the world of Edge Cases. He's essentially an embodiment of an issue I often find in video games - that video games will often designate 'monster races' that are all enemies, despite several of them being very clearly sapient. He's meant to be commentary on that aspect of the reductiveness of video game logic, so to speak.
He's very formal and thoughtful, he uses the lights in his helmet to express most of his emotions, and is otherwise protective of his friends, who were the first people to accept him. Found family vibes baybeeeeee
For those not familiar, Derivan is from my book, The Fabric of Reality.
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nixcraft · 1 year
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keploy12 · 7 months
E2E Testing Strategies: Handling Edge Cases while Testing
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End-to-end (E2E) testing, often considered the guardian at the gates of software quality, plays a pivotal role in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). In a world where user expectations soar daily, ensuring an application's robustness is paramount. This is where E2E testing steps into the limelight.
Think of it as a vigilant guard. This guard constantly checks every part of your web application. Its purpose is to ensure that your application remains strong.Keploy performs this action even in unusual situations, which people know as "edge cases."
In this blog, we explore end to end testing Strategies, with a focus on dealing with tricky edge cases. But before we dive into the strategies, let's first understand what edge cases are.
Understanding Edge Cases 🧑🏻‍🏫
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Edge cases, often referred to as boundary cases, are scenarios in software development that represent extreme or uncommon conditions and inputs. These are situations that fall at the very edges or boundaries of the expected or typical behavior of a system. They exhibit their uniqueness and typically involve uncommon or unforeseen user interactions, data inputs, or system conditions.
The critical role of involving edge cases while testing is because they help in:
Identifying vulnerabilities: Edge cases are often where vulnerabilities and unexpected behavior are most likely to occur. These scenarios may not be well-covered in standard testing procedures. Entering a long password, submitting an empty form, or using special characters in data inputs can all expose vulnerabilities.
Enhancing Software Reliability: By testing edge cases, you ensure that your software can gracefully handle unusual circumstances. This enhances the overall reliability of the system.
Meeting User Expectations: Users can be unpredictable, and they might use your software in ways you didn't anticipate. By testing edge cases, you align your software with user expectations. If someone enters a birthdate from more than 100 years ago, your app should handle it well, even if it's uncommon.
Avoiding Costly Failures: Neglecting edge case testing can lead to costly failures and security breaches in a production environment. It's much more cost-effective to identify and address these issues during the development and testing phases.
Some Common Edge Cases 😶‍🌫️
It's important to know typical edge cases because they can cause errors or unexpected behavior in the application. Here are some common examples:
Extreme Data Sizes:
Large File Uploads: Evaluate the application's ability to handle large file uploads, which can strain server resources and impact performance.
Overflow and Underflow: Check if the app can handle extremely big or small numbers without any errors or crashes.
Rare User Interactions:
Network Failures: Introduce network disruptions or slow connections during user interactions to assess how the application gracefully handles such situations.
Concurrency Issues: Test for race conditions and concurrency problems, where multiple users or processes interact with the application simultaneously.
Boundary Conditions:
Boundary Values: Check how the application works when using the lowest and highest values for age, quantity, or price.
Pagination: Test how the application handles edge cases in pagination, like the first and last page or cases where the number of items per page doesn't evenly divide the total.
Data Integrity and Database Edge Cases:
Assess how the application handles situations like database connection failures, duplicate records, or constraint violations.
Unusual User Inputs:
Special Characters: Test how the application handles user inputs with special characters, such as symbols, emojis, or non-alphanumeric characters.
Long Inputs: Test the application's response to unusually long input strings, which may exceed character limits or cause layout issues.
Addressing edge cases like these proactively during testing can significantly improve the overall quality and user experience of your web application.
Challenges in Testing Edge Cases with E2E Testing
Limited Visibility: E2E testing faces challenges in identifying and addressing edge cases because of their unexpected nature. Since E2E testing typically follows predefined user flows, testers may overlook edge cases that fall outside these flows.
Data Variability: E2E testing must account for data variability, especially in edge cases where input data may be extreme or unusual. Ensuring that the application handles such data gracefully in an E2E testing environment is essential for comprehensive coverage.
Complex Interactions: Edge cases often involve complex user interactions or sequences of actions. E2E testing tools and scripts need to accurately simulate these interactions to ensure the application behaves as expected.
Resource Constraints: E2E testing doesn't always mimic real-world limits, such as high CPU or memory usage, leading to unusual situations. This lack of resource emulation can hinder thorough testing.
Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Compatibility: E2E testing needs different browsers and devices, but situations may differ on each platform. Ensuring consistent behavior across the entire spectrum of supported environments can be challenging.
Strategies for effective E2E Testing by handling Edge Cases ⚡
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By implementing specific strategies and planning your tests, you can easily conduct effective testing to ensure a robust application. Here are some of the best strategies to implement in your testing lifecycle:
Identifying and Prioritizing Relevant Edge Cases: Begin by identifying the significant uncommon scenarios for your application. Then, prioritize them based on their potential impact on the functionality and user experience of the app. Focus on testing the most critical edge cases first.
Test Data Generation: Develop a systematic approach to generate test data that covers various edge cases. This may involve creating scripts or using data generation tools to simulate unusual inputs and scenarios.
Leverage Test Automation Frameworks: Use test automation frameworks to automate end-to-end tests, including scenarios that cover edge cases. These frameworks allow you to define test cases and automate repetitive testing tasks.
Error Handling and Validation: Pay special attention to error handling and validation mechanisms in your application. Check how the system acts in unexpected situations and make sure it shows the right error messages or responses.
Parameterized Testing: Use parameterized testing to run the same test case with different input values, including edge cases. This helps ensure comprehensive coverage.
Conclusion 👋🏻
In summary, E2E testing is like a watchful protector in the world of software quality assurance. As user demands rise, ensuring your applications are strong is crucial, and that's where E2E testing shines. It's like a vigilant guard, thoroughly checking every part of your software, especially in those tricky situations called "edge cases."
Understanding these edge cases is essential, as they represent the extremities of expected software behavior. They are unique, often unexpected scenarios that can challenge the resilience of your application.
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
I think so much about the food people ate pre-Columbian exchange. Huge parts of cuisine extremely important on both sides of the pond just didn't exist.
You've probably heard a little about what was brought over from the New World, corn, potatoes, cocoa, cassava, peanuts, chili peppers, avocadoes, cranberries, pumpkins, and the like. Imagine cooking without chili! Without potatoes! Modern Indian cuisine contains enormous amounts of potatoes and we just didn't have those for the vast majority of history. The best of the nightshades all on one contiguous hunk of land. Hell, tomatoes! Almost forgot about those.
But we don't often look at what the Old World had. Wheat! Barley! Rice! A profusion of incredible grains, really, the finest poaceae has to offer. Carrots! Tons of rosaceous plants like apples and cherries and pears and peaches and apricots! Grapes! Soy and Bamboo! Okra and watermelon! All these things were simply never found in the Americas. The grains one is the wildest for me, the variety of grains available across Eurasia and Africa was truly astounding.
You know what binds together the food of all cultures across the world? Onions. Onions are fucking everywhere. There's probably onions growing near you right now. Allium Gang Unite.
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The amusing thing about reporting-and-blocking is what it does to your chart of “Total Followers’
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caesarsaladinn · 2 years
the general principle should be that only actions matter, and the inside of your head is nobody’s business. thoughtcrime isn’t real. you can deal with any number of intrusive, neurotic, prejudiced thoughts and as long as you don’t hurt people with them, nobody is entitled to pry open your skull and tell you what needs fixing.
if you are hurting people, you should change how you act! but still, you aren't obligated to rewire your brain; just stop acting that way. maybe that means examining your biases at length and changing your thought patterns accordingly, or maybe you simply realize something was fucked up so you stop doing it. whatever works, man—all that matters is that you stop!
and if you're not hurting anyone and people are trying to tell you your thoughts are wrong anyway, probably just ignore them.
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neversetyoufree · 3 months
It's been said before, but I do really love how VnC seems to have taken it upon itself to spend time on every one of the classic themes associated with vampire literature.
Vampirism as a disease? Vampirism as seduction and/or sexual assault? Vampirism as an excuse for othering and xenophobia? Fear of the corruption of natural death? It's all there. VnC vampires aren't traditional vampires in any part of their actual lore, but god, Mochijun knows what she's doing on a thematic level.
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saturnniidae · 3 months
It's so funny to me how determined the series is to pretend Hiccup hasn't killed people/isn't capable of killing people when necessary.
They act like he wasn't out there every day of the week burning and sinking dragon hunter ships with his friends in rtte. He just seems to be very stuck in the mindset of: 'if I don't see the bodies, then who's to say I've done something as morally reprehensible as murder?'
Like he literally caused multiple of Krogan's henchmen to be electrocuted at once and fall off their dragons but he didn't actually see their bodies hit the water so it's fine.
But he can't directly kill someone. He struggles when it's not some faceless soldier, and he has to look at or speak to them knowing he needs to take their life.
Unless Toothless or Astrid are in immediate danger. Then all reservations about killing and violence disappear (rightfully so).
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weeee fantasy au scribbles look at these Guys
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chongoblog · 5 months
Do you think white people cooking & eating food from other cultures counts as cultural appropriation or nah?
I think someone who thinks this much about this choosing to ask a white guy this question is very funny
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toothbrushfingers · 9 months
oh my god hiccup and astrid are enemies to lovers
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silverliningsrr · 9 months
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hehe book
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s-lycopersicum · 25 days
Before implementing any filesystem-related functionality, consider: how would that work with a folder containing over 300 thousand subfolders?
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spockandawe · 2 years
And then the other set! Both of these were nightmares to typeset in their own way, but my memory did not prepare me for the sheer onslaught of diacritics in Lord of the Rings. My first reality check in this project, but not my last! The first time I zoomed in on my high res edoras reference (after finishing my pencil sketch) was another notable Oh No moment 😂 And then satisfying my own standards for a fabric that matched the deep blue leather and endpapers but still had the right vibes was unexpectedly difficult (until I tripped across northcott's 'art of marbling' fabric line), but I think it was so worth it for the end result!
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truly-sincerely · 2 months
PSA Regarding "Is that what you--"
Fact 1: This sentence is the beginning of a question.
Fact 2: Gortash doesn't ask questions that he doesn't know the answer to.
I've been reading/listening to every line of dialogue I can find that comes out of this man's mouth. I've only seen a handful of question marks and they're always in the middle of a line because they're rhetorical.
Food for thought :)
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