lordsooga · 8 months
Trick or treat!!!! *shakes bag really fast*
Oh shit uuuhhhhhhh *fishes around in my pocket*
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[ID: A stock photo of two hands, palms up, with a rat dressed up as Astor drawn over them. \endID]
Be careful with him, he bites!
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lize-the-prophet · 1 year
I had a slightly unhinged thought last night about how Astor could have gotten malice top surgery scars so here i am.
But what my poor little sleepy brain imagined was Astor telling the evil egg how he wants to get top surgery and the evil egg, being possessed by Gan was like “aight. Stay still” and pulls out one of those little swords build into it. Everything goes black and next thing he knows he wakes up with the surgery done, but the scars are malice scars.
Idk where this ideea came from but it did
Dragon. My dude. That’s literally the best unhinged thought ever.
Ans it even seems logical like… We stan trans-friendly Harbinger of Destruction.
I can imagine Astor having a conversation afterwards with Kohga and Sooga, on how he got scars to this specific place, and the lads being hella supportive because they obviously are.
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chynandri · 5 months
I have a problem and it’s that I can’t stop thinking about the Witcher or about playing the Witcher. I’m in ch 3 of Witcher 2 now.
It’s a wonderful thing when you’re so into a game it consumes you. That’s like a peak state of being for me. But it’s also terrible because there’s other things you ought to do but your brain is like video game…video game… video game
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kaymeewise · 2 years
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welp i wanted to draw @edgy-dragon-trash version of Astor with my oc lucinda but i tried to draw him exactly like they drew him in my style but i’m not so sure if i got it right
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audoldends · 2 years
Question about the weird incest show. Are we meant to like even a single character? This is 100% a serious question.
Not one seems to be presented a likable besides Rhaenyra and that suspect bc my only knowledge of the show comes from like...yt shorts. Hence the question. Are any of them likable or do they do like one or two good things before returning to being pieces of shit? Once again, genuine question.
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daze4all · 8 months
Star Rail Trailblazer Found Family Crack Chemistry Theory
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Star Rail Trailblazer Found Family Crack Chemistry Theory
Body of an Adult mind of a Child! Just Born Yesterday! Trash raccoon! Baby of the family!
Youngest Trouble Child! MC Stelle
Optimistic! Low IQ but High EQ but Means well but clumsy & cute!
Middle Child! March makes noise so not to be forgotten
Cold Dragon Yong! Teen vibes ! Emo/Edgy! Silent but Deadly! In Denial!
Oldest Child! Dan Heng is the reluctant Babysitter/Bodyguard
Himeko & Welt are the only parental figures pretty much but it’s just the 2 of them. Burnt-out parents trying to manage chaos at 2 am with 2 hours of sleep and only common sense of the group
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@emo-eyemakeup-evildude @edgy-dragon-trash fellow gamers. I have an announcement to make
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oh I can’t fit them all
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Honestly, cringe DA trailers are just continuing the tradition, I mean c'mon, this is the series which started with the edgy Marilyn Manson trailer and continued with the pseudo-pop save the world Inquisition one. If the Dragon Age II trailer came out today everybody would be trashing on it as well, saying it doesn't reveal nearly enough or voicing some other grievance. All I'm saying is, maybe wait for the actual gameplay footage before forming your complete, full opinion of the game. Then we can hate on Veilguard together-
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fluffykittyscientist · 2 months
Booping results!!
Total number of people participated: 246 (myself included)
Total number of boops received: 1648 (sideblog excluded)
Super boops received: 19
Evil boops received: 10
Best boopers: 1. @edgy-dragon-trash with 306 boops 2. @katkalis with 195 boops 3. @emo-eyemakeup-evildude with 94 boops 4. @kommandantpinks with 84 boops 5. @alilsillygoofy with 63 boops 6. @weird-introvert-posts with 31 boops
Want to know your boop count? Hit me up with a message/ask <3
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daemon-doodles · 5 months
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corruption of an angel
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tox-trash-24 · 2 years
Ok so I had an idea for an “evil” Lloyd AU, evil in quotes bc he’s kinda just an angst misunderstood kid. This is also inspired by a fic I read.
So everything’s the same until the volcano scene in season 1, where Kai has to choose between him and the fangblade. However instead of getting Lloyd, Kai chooses the fangblade and leaves Lloyd behind.
Lloyd manages to escape, with some burns on him, but alive. However, everyone on the bounty believe he is dead. Garmadon is absolutely pissed and tries to attack Kai before Wu pulls him off and leads him away. All the while Garmadon is practically foaming and throwing insult after insult at Kai.The rest of the team is upset that they lost Lloyd, but they aren’t as upset as Garmadon and Wu (but he doesn’t show it). After this, Kai regrets not saving Lloyd and believes that it’s his fault that Lloyd “died”.
Meanwhile, Lloyd is out of the volcano and is in the surrounding woods. He has burns all over his body, mostly of his arms, legs, tail, and a few on his face. While resting, he is found by Ultra Dragon (yes I know they return when the Great Devourer is released, this is just for the AU). Ultra helps him the best a 4 headed dragon can, mostly just making sure his wounds are clean and he is well rested. Lloyd and Ultra stick together until the Great Devourer is released, once Ultra leaves Lloyd is alone again for the time being.
In this AU, Lloyd knows he’s part Oni, however he doesn’t know that he’s part dragon. Because he’s part dragon, he can somewhat understand Ultra and make out a few words.
After the Great Devourer’s defeat, Ultra leaves to find Lloyd again. And the ninja let them leave and they start to look for a new house.
After this point everything’s close the same, just minus Lloyd.
Everyone assumes Lloyd is dead until season 4.
~Fun Facts about Lloyd~
• Lloyd is visible part Oni, but not dragon
• Lloyd doesn’t have elemental powers until he finds out he’s the green ninja
• He steals for a living, similar to Ronin. He goes to Stixx and “lives” there while taking small jobs
•He still gets effected by the Tomorrow Tea. He touches from leftovers from the ninja using it to age themselves and the Grundle. He was looking through trash and cut his hand on some glass which has left over tea on it.
• He grows out of his “edgy” phase and wears normal looking clothes. He doesn’t wear bright green, but he does where a darker green shirt.
• Lloyd doesn’t like the ninja or Garmadon when they see each other for the first time. Lloyd is mad at them for leaving him, and is especially mad at Kai.
This is so hard to write about when I haven’t even finished the series at all. I got to season 2 and haven’t watched the rest, so I kinda feel uncomfortable writing a lot about the other seasons.
My knowledge of future seasons come from fanfics and fanart. So keep that in mind :)
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lordsooga · 9 months
It was to be expected but Ganondorf/Astor for the bingo chart.
OF COURSE, id expect nothing less!!!!
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Ganondorf/Astor: OHHHH THE INHERENT HOMOEROTICISM OF GANONDORF AND HIS DEVOTED GAY LITTLE WIZARD. The man was literally consumed by calamity ganon what is gayer than that?? This is some sort of vampire energy feeding off the life-force of his lover.
I have to wonder if ganondorf would remember his time as calamity ganon and what astor did to resurrect him. I think he would be exactly ganon's type given his track record of his previous chosen minions. They would be the worst people, but they would be the worst people TOGETHER.
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lize-the-prophet · 1 year
Dude. DUDE. How are we feeling about the new Toh episode?
I was expecting WAY MORE emotional damage, but it was cool overall ! It’s… Reposing.
The new designs/aesthetic are like… So so pretty, I loved to see the Collector and the gorey Belos content was…🤌🏻
And… About… Possession… (won’t tell too much for spoilers) I was expecting WAY MORE content, development and angst.
To sum up, great episode.
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Also on the topic of furries I don't think I ever posted my svsss alternate universe: furry au here so let me just drop it real quick
- Shen Yuan is an affluent self-proclaimed nonfurry who is "only into the cool species lore and stuff like that". His gateway into the fandom was getting into elitist closed species like dutch angel dragons and protogens and such. He paid upwards of $1k to buy Shen Jiu's DAD fursona called Shen Qingqiu without knowing that sj didn't tell any of his friends that he was quitting the fandom, so sj's old DeviantArt group Cang Qiong Mountain Sect invite him in thinking he's sj. He talks big about hating the nsfw side of the fandom but pays his share for the annual cqms fursona orgy commission anyway because it's "supporting artists".
- Luo Binghe joined cqms as a teenager and was instantly bullied for not being able to afford pricey commissions and having an edgy half angle half devile wolfsona. When Shen Yuan takes over he takes pity on lbh and buys him a Sushidog fursona, instantly making lbh fall in love with him. After this sy always makes sure to include lbh's sona with his when commissioning artists, which makes lbh jealous because he thinks that sy shouldn't be asking other people for art of his fursona, only lbh. Lbh eventually becomes a famous artist in the fandom with highly sought after incredible skills. However, he only draws Shen Qingqiu.
- Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky is a furry porn artist/writer/troll/Jack of all trades who's known for making incredibly mediocre work but never denying even the most specific fetish commissions. He thinks closed species are overly elitist and stupid and makes his own thinly veiled ripoffs of them, which draws Shen Yuan's ire and eventual obsession with arguing with him messily and publicly. Sy constantly threatens to block him but can't really do anything because Airplane is also in the cqms DeviantArt group supplying most of the lore for the group, which sy begrudgingly admits is fairly decent and interesting.
- Mobei Jun is the nonfurry heir to a hotel chain that occasionally hosts furry conventions. He had disdained furries before because a previous convention org trashed one of his family's hotels, but then had a chance meeting in a con lobby with a half-suited Airplane. Airplane was super nauseous in his suit and had to take off the head because he felt like he was going to puke. Mbj saw him during this event and fell in love at first sight with his pathetic face and how well he fit the hamster fursona. Airplane thought he was going to call security on him. After the con ended, mbj decided to research as much as he could about furries in hopes of finding the man that almost puked on his family's hotel lobby floor in an extremely mbj core conspicuous and awkward fashion.
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kaymeewise · 2 years
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Something for @edgy-dragon-trash i tried my best to draw Mary but i’m not so sure that i got the right ref but anyway i hope you liked it
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ultraericthered · 4 months
One Villainous Scene: Defeat From The Depths Of Victory
We all know Vegeta, right? Edgy, haughty, hot-tempered, trash-talky quintissential shonen manga/anime rival to the hero whose driven by his pride, his anger, and his burning desire to surpass the hero? The guy who worked his way up from Arc Villain to Lancer and secondary lead of the franchise, with sort of became a trend in Japanese media to follow? I assume that's the Vegeta we're all most familiar with.
I say all this because that is not who Vegeta was in his initial lifetime. It does make a sufficient deal of sense why he'd become that upon his revival, with his new lease of life shifting gears towards wanting to become a Super Saiyan for real and surpass Goku as the strongest Saiyan warrior alive so that his status as the Saiyan Prince could remain backed with justification and importance to him. But prior to this, back when we first met Vegeta, he wasn't quite the same person as we'd later come to know and love him as. The first time around, Vegeta was a more shrewd, cunning, caluclating, premeditating and deliberately precision-heavy character. He was an ideal foil for Goku since while Goku is known to either think on his feet or not do much thinking at all, Vegeta has a sharp mind and a sense of caution, and as such he can think deeply and many steps ahead of his enemies.
Upon touchdown on the planet Namek, Vegeta's every move was thought out to give himself the tactical advantage over the much more powerful, more dangerous, and more well equipped adversary he was putting himself up against, his own former mentor and boss, Freeza. Impressively, he kept himself ahead of the game this way, easily outmaneuvering and killing both Cui and Dodoria before claiming a single Dragon Ball from a Namekian village he slaughters, hiding it deep beneath the nearby lake. Even when he finally faces a hurdle that catches him off guard and bests him in the form of Zarbon, Vegeta is able to rebound stronger than before, taking all five Dragon Balls Freeza gathered on his mothership, then taking the Dragon Ball that Krillin had just been given by the Grand Elder, and getting his payback on Zarbon in the process. At this point, Vegeta just needed to retrieve the ball he hid in the lake and he'd be able to gather all seven together to make a wish. Eternal life would be his!
Which makes the stroke of fate that followed all the more cruelly ironic for him, as Goku's son Gohan managed to find that underwater Dragon Ball and take it away. On his way to the lake, Vegeta even ran into Gohan in a super tense, menacing encounter that could be a great Villaionus Scene all on its own, but Gohan managed to fool him by not only keeping his newly acquired Dragon Ball hidden, but not letting him know that the radar he was carrying in plain sight was what he'd used to find it. Vegeta realizes too late he's been had, and as you'd expect, he's not happy. In fact, he goes downright ballistic.
Keep in mind I started watching Dragon Ball Z as a kid for the first time during the Namek Saga; I'd not yet seen the saga where Vegeta was the Big Bad at the time I got to this episode. Once I had finally seen it, this moment hit me even harder because now I had context that the last time we ever saw Vegeta get this explosively furious to the point of a full-on meltdown was when Goku had overcome him and bruised him up so bad that he had to see the sight of his own blood for the first time in his life, and he responded by threatening to put enough power into a Galic Gun attack to blow up the Earth. It's funny that it later takes Freeza getting pissed off over Super Saiyan Goku overpowering him to lead to the destruction of Namek, but when you see Vegeta get this ferally enraged over how easily all of his near perfect scheming got derailed by the son of Kakarot, you almost fear he's gonna wipe the whole planet out in a blind rage tantrum! Oh, and that voice acting from Brian Drummond...I dare say it actually surpasses Ryo Horikawa's delivery of the scene. He just sounds completely unhinged in his screaming fury, with the echo in his voice making the moment extra chilling and so unforgettable.
Vegeta losing his shit with anger became a lot more common as the series went on, but back when he was at his prime as a collected and stratetically clever villain, seeing him snap was pure nightmare fuel. ....Provided it was in a scary way, not an unintentionally funny way.
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