#edit: I keep slightly changing the picture and having to upload a new one gets really annoying
quibbs126 · 1 year
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I drew Dark Choco with the slit eye thing
Let this be canon Devsis, let him do it
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sunniedesi · 1 year
Changes to the Future Diary Manga
Something that was recently brought to my attention by @yunoteru4ever in my post about “the special edition of chapter 59” (https://www.tumblr.com/yunoteru4ever/711169742119092224/this-is-a-huge-taste-of?source=share) is that the Future Diary manga received plenty of revisions for its collected release. Despite my extensive knowledge, and quite frankly, strange fixation with this series, that’s something I never noticed. I was under the impression that “the special edition of chapter 59” was just a singular addition to one of the manga releases, but oh boy was I wrong, or rather missing a lot of context. To clarify, here’s a summary of why there are different versions of the manga:
The series was first serialized in the magazine Shonen Ace while it was still ongoing (from 2006 until 2010).
Once the manga ended, it was compiled by Kadokawa Shoten into 12 volumes, which we could say it’s the “official” or rather final cut of the manga, since Esuno made the revisions/ edits for this final release.
The official English translation used this final cut of the manga, so volumes 1 -10 have their revised versions translated to English… volumes 11 and 12, well, as we know those ended in licensing hell.
As @yunoteru4ever​ said, the unofficial English translations that we can find online are from the original Shonen Ace release, at least from volumes 4 - 12. After comparing both the unofficial translations and the final release, I’m actually quite certain that the unofficial translations of volumes 1 - 3 used the final release. Meaning that we’re probably missing the Shonen Ace releases of those volumes, which is a real let-down.
Continuing off of this last point, I wanted to add that this is the reason why the translations for volumes 4 - 12 in those pirate manga sites had such a downgrade in quality. I still remember being bummed and confused about the sudden shift in scan quality between volumes 3 and 4 when I was a kid using those sites, so it feels good to finally know why.
Now, as I mentioned in the second-to-last point, I went through every volume comparing its Shonen Ace release to its final version. Since I did find many changes, I took screenshots of the images and put them side by side, for the sake of keeping a record on them. I uploaded them over on Imgur in case anyone’s interested to see, though they’re mainly changes to the art. (Left is the final release, right is the Shonen Ace release).
Volume 4: https://imgur.com/a/RIuyO2g
Volume 5: https://imgur.com/a/0B6EyDm
Volume 6: https://imgur.com/a/3yRJMsz
Volume 7: https://imgur.com/a/3dYHWJS
Volume 8: https://imgur.com/a/w8E9NeI
Volume 9: https://imgur.com/a/jZemL7g
Volume 11: https://imgur.com/a/lQoGQU0
Many of the art style changes were quite subtle (like a mouth having a slightly different curve, the pupil being a little smaller/ different color or an eye having a new crease), so I did skip a few of these minor revisions. I noticed Esuno had redrawn Marco a lot, and many of his changes in general had to do with making the faces look more polished, which makes sense since one of the main criticisms against Esuno's style was the way that he drew people being too "alien-like" (and if you’ve seen Tantei Akechi you know he’s improved a lot in that regard).
Anyway, regarding the pictures on Imgur, you may notice that the images from each volume are all in English except for volume 11, and that’s because I used the official English translation for the comparisons, which volume 11 doesn’t have. Though that isn’t really an issue since the revisions on that one were just changes to the art.
Also, I didn’t upload any photos for volumes 10 and 12, because volume 10 didn’t really get any changes, and volume 12, well… I can’t just do side-by-side comparisons with that one.
The last volume had some pretty major changes, heck the entire ending of chapter 56 was redone. I thought the best way to tackle that would be giving it a new translation… but I wasn't sure if I'd have the time to do that. That is until I unexpectedly got sick last week and had nothing to do while curled up in bed all day. Needless to say, I managed to finish the translations for volume 12, so hopefully they'll be uploaded soon (I'll make sure to post about that when it happens).
I will leave you with one translation, though: MurMur’s Special Future Diary Corner Part 10. I’m not entirely sure if the MurMur corner bits were part of the Shonen Ace release of the manga, but they don’t appear in the pirate manga sites, and since volume 10 was never released in English as a digital book, there’s no online digital translation of it, so I figured I might as well post this bit. This is actually the second-to-last MurMur Special, as volume 11 didn’t have any and the one in volume 12 is on my post about chapter 59.
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
Soulmate Au Part 3
Part 1 and Part 2 are here! Requests for the Adult trio are open!
WARNING DUB-CON AND EXPLICIT SMUT +18 Please do not te upload somewhere else!!
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You started to suspect something was wrong with you when you walked deep into the forest, looking to harvest the crops. Your mind screamed at you to keep walking. Walk away from this place and leave them behind. The minute your feet took one step forward, the most intense migraine struck you. You tried to walk forwards and work through the pain, but it became too debilitating to the point your legs gave under you, and your body crumbled to the ground.
Your eyes clenched close, and your body tucked in into a fetal position, your hands clutching your shirt in hopes it would lessen the pain. Suddenly, you heard a rustle behind you, but couldn't really be bothered to turn and look at the disturbance.
"Oh, here you are. I was worried something might have happened" Chrollo came from behind a tree, his coat gracefully moving as he came to stand before your crippled form.
He sat down beside you taking your body into his lap. His hands stroke your hair as tears came down from your eyes.
"(Y/N), this is such a nice and peaceful place you've built" his voice was so calm, and his hands went through your locks with such comfort that you were calming down for a second.
He took a deep breath, eyes close with a smile as if truly enjoying the quiet and the light breeze blowing through. Chrollo leaned down close to you, your body shaking in pain still. His hands petted away a couple of strands of your hair as his lips came close to your ear.
"You weren't thinking of leaving now, were you?"
The tone of his voice made the question feel like a gentle threat. But a threat nonetheless. He kissed your temple and kept running his hands through your hair, breathing in once more, smiling at the sunbeams coming through the leaves and shining down on the two of you.
"I am delighted you have decided to stay with us. It would have broken all our hearts to know you weren't happy here" he looked down at your form, no longer distressed but still slightly shaking and sniffling.
"You are happy here, are you not?"
You nodded weakly in response, and he beamed at you. He picked you up gently, bridal style, while his hand carried the woven basket underneath you.
"Let's go, I'll prepare dinner tonight. Just the two of us, little treasure. All is well".
Chrollo brought you all the way to the cottage, filling the air with casual banter along the way. His excitement grew whenever the prospect of a new book came into the conversation.
"It's very eloquent poetry. I am sure it'll sound melodic coming from your lips".
Chrollo walked into the cottage with you still in his arms. The other two were nowhere to be seen, and it confirmed what he had said: you two were truly alone. Chrollo settled you on the sofa, your fluffy cat meowing around his legs. He crouched to pet the cat's head.
"What are you craving today, love?" Your eyes were close, dried tear streaks under them, but you opened them to see him smiling warmly at you while still petting your cat.
"Chef's choice," you replied simply, trying a smile of your own, but it came out more like a grimace.
"Mmm, hard choice, I'll surprise you then" he gave your forehead a kiss and moved away from your vision line.
After leaving you on the sofa, Chrollo had draped his coat over the chair, washed his hands, and got everything ready for the food. Your eyes were droopy, body tired after your horrific headache, so you drifted off into a nice comfy nap.
A fantastic smell wafted around the house, waking you up to find you have drooled on the decorative pillow. Chrollo was in front of you, smiling at your cute and sleepy face.
You shot up, looking around as if you weren't in your house, and you didn't know who was in front of you. Then it all came back, the realization hit you, and you wiped the drool with the back of your hand. Chrollo chuckled at you and got up to kiss the top of your head, lingering for a second, hugging you to him.
“Dinner is ready, come on love."
A bit disoriented and groggy, you got up and went to the table. Everything was set up with candles surrounding the dinner table and the kitchen. A single rose in a vase was in the middle of the table, the same vase that you had changed the flowers that fateful day they had found you. Chrollo was waiting beside the chair he had pulled out for you. He had a proud smile as you went to sit at the chair, and he gently pushed you in. The whole thing was adorable, and it would have been romantic if you weren't wary of the man. He sat down as well and was looking at you with loving eyes. You pretended he wasn't fixed on you as you took the first bite out of your food.
"I hope it's to your liking. I had never made this one before" he had ended up making your favorite dish, and you were happy to have it; the food was truly delicious.
The fact that he knew your favorite dish shouldn't give you the feeling of dread, and yet it did. You knew the trio had most undoubtedly memorized everything about you, no matter how small the detail was. Still, you couldn't wrap your head around the idea.
"It's delicious, thank you" you forced a smile at him, and he chuckled under his breath, looking down at his own plate.
"You don't have to pretend with me (Y/N). I'm not Hisoka or Illumi; I'm a simple thief but a gentleman at heart. I know you're uncomfortable, and this situation is new to you. I don't blame you".
You looked down to your plate, feeling a bit embarrassed that he noticed your inner turmoil. His words should have offered comfort, but you couldn't feel it or find any. Instead, they further pushed down the heavy stone in your stomach.
"I-I don't know how to feel, still. I'm adjusting, trying to at least" you took another bite and gave him a close-lipped smile as you chewed the food.
Chrollo's dark eyes pierced yours; he wasn't buying it.
"Then perhaps we haven't fully helped you experience love in this relationship," he gave you a closed eye smile and took a mouthful of the food.
You felt shivers run up your spine, body tingling in fear and dread as if you were at the dropping point of a big coaster ride. Your heart beat faster to the point where you started hearing it in your ears.
The door seemed like an excellent option right now.
Your hands went under the table to grip the edge of the chair as you tried to ground yourself back into the moment. 'He didn't say anything. He just made a suggestion with a smile', you told yourself, looking for the logic in his words, and calming yourself. But it wasn't working, you had felt it. Felt the tiniest flare of his aura reach out to you in silent warning. Nothing big but just enough to put you back into place. There were so many meanings behind that little jesting phrase that it made you anxious.
"Are you alright? You seem a little pale" he placed his utensil down, getting out of the chair and crouching near you.
His cold hand reached to your cheek, caressing you and making you look down at him.
"Perhaps some air will do you good," he grabbed both your hands in his and pulled you up and out of the chair.
You were in a slight daze watching him as he placed a coat around you and dressed in his own. Chrollo exited the cottage with you around his arm. The two of you looked like a loving couple taking a stroll in the middle of winter.
As you walked into the forest, passing by trees and bushes taking in the sights under the moonlight, Chrollo pulled a book from inside his coat and handed it to you. You took it. Still, a bit shook but figured some reading might do you good.
"I borrowed it," the way he said borrow told you he meant stole "figured you might like it" he side-eyed you as your doe-like eyes looked up to him in question.
You looked down at the cover seeing it was a very elusive limited edition copy of one of your favorite authors. Your heart skipped a beat, and for once in a long while, you were pleasantly surprised and excited. Your lips pulled into an unconscious smile, and by the time you had noticed you were smiling and tried to hide it with a serious look, Chrollo had already smiled and locked the sight in his mind. You looked precious.
"Why don't you read it out loud. I'm sure it's a good night for some reading if you don't mind?" His suave and smooth voice questioned, but you knew better than to resist him.
So you nodded, muttering a thank you. He nodded back, closing his eyes briefly and then looking back at you with expectation. You opened the first page and started to read the prologue as the two of you walked. Your lips never stuttering a word as you got lost in the story, pulled into it to the point were you forgot his eyes on you.
Chrollo was looking around the trees, admiring the majestic scenery as your words filled the nightly air. He knew your tone was hesitant and scared. You hated reading out loud and especially to him. You'd told him it was something about the sound of your voice in your ears. But he loved it. The way you pronounced or mispronounced words made his heart flutter. How your tone changed when you got lost in the narrative and started muttering small comments for the characters under your breath. Your little mannerisms made you adorable in his eyes, and the more he looked at you, the more he wanted.
He wasn't satisfied.
At the beginning of his relationship with Hisoka, there were some bumps he had to overcome when it came to the clown. But once he did, he could say he came to love the jester. When Illumi came into the picture as his second soulmate, he was a bit surprised. He, at some point, even doubted the assassin could actually be capable of emoting or loving. But one night, when they were all together tucked away in a vacation home right in front of the beach, he realized something about themselves.
He was sitting on a comfy armchair sofa in the balcony, book in hand, a glass of wine resting on its wooden arm. The sun was setting as cliche as it may sound, but his eyes rested on the page's words. When suddenly, he felt a head fall on his lap.
Assuming it was Hisoka, he didn't even glance down in hopes of secretly riling him up. Though curiosity got the better of him, so his eyes did glance down, and he was surprised. On his lap, long black hair fanned across it, was Illumi with his eyes close and a peaceful expression on his face.
Chrollo's heart fluttered.
He felt his cheeks heat up as he stole glances of the assassin. He almost closed the book, but he was afraid the sound would shake the scene and make the Illumi leave. So he kept pretending to read, not being able to fully concentrate with the comforting weight of Illumi on his lap.
They bonded after that, growing closer together. Hisoka was proud of them. The troupe had always been his family but getting to feel this kind of love was different.
That's when he realized soulmates were meant to be together for a reason. So when your name appeared on their skin out of nowhere, he knew they had to find you. You were not being loved as you should. That's why he understands your apprehension and your wariness of them. They're not exactly good in lawful standards, and their moral compasses might be slightly broken. But if there's one thing they know for sure, loving you is one of their main goals.
You just need to see it.
"As soon-"your reading got interrupted by a pair of lips on yours.
Chrollo's hands grabbed both sides of your face and brought you close for a fevered kiss. The book fell out of your hands as they came to rest on his arms.
"I couldn't resist," he mumbled out of breath against your lips. You, on the other hand, were freaking out a bit.
The fact that you were in the middle of a clearing in the forest was making you anxious. Chrollo dived in again, looking for your lips, but you turned your face away bashfully. You looked down to the grass seeing the book and bending down to pick it up as if he hadn't just kissed away your breath.
He was a bit hurt, but he had to remember that you weren't like them. You needed a little more coaxing to come out of your shell. He would help.
You straightened, inspecting the book for any creases or tears in the pages. You dusted away some dirt, closing the book delicately and looking up at Chrollo.
You frowned at the sight. Not that it wasn't a pleasant one, he was handsome and pretty, but you weren't buying it. At some point, you were pretty sure you were in soulmate denial.
"What are you doing?" You asked meekly, seeing as he had shaken away his coat and was shirtless at the moment.
Your fight or flight sense was glaring up, and you hugged the book to your stomach. Chollo placed his coat in the grass, open as if it was a picnic blanket. He turned to eye you, his eyes no longer cold.
"I know you're afraid, but there's nothing to be afraid of. Let me show you just how much I love you," that was your cue.
He took a step, and you mirrored him taking one back. This made him slightly tilt his head to the side, the look playfully menacing. Chrollo took another step and your nen flared up in warning, this time stronger than the last time you had tried this. He looked proud instead of intimidated, and it angered you.
The loving way he looked at your nen didn't help your case, and so you attacked. Your nen moved fast, striking the spot where he was. But he was fast, as quick as Hisoka, and that was a disadvantage to you.
Chrollo had suddenly disappeared and left you in the middle of the clearing. You leaned down to quickly put the book out of harm's way and then stood in attention. The moon shone brightly on you, giving your dangerous look and angelic glow. He could've groaned and moaned out loud just like Hisoka would've done, but he bit his lip instead, looking at you through the foliage.
Your ears were strained, searching for any noise as little as it may be. But there was no noise when he came, fast and swift bringing you down. The two of you rolled around on the grass, he chuckled as you winded up, straddling him. Your face scrunched up in concentration. His hand lifted to your cheek, caressing it, which made you flinch for a second. Chrollo then flipped the two of you, causing you to shriek at the suddenness. He pinned down your wrists, bringing them beside your head. Your wide-eyed looked at him startled, yet something was growing in your stomach's pit.
"You're getting better. Illumi should be proud," he leaned down, bringing his lips close to your ear. "Your nen is worth stealing, I wouldn't mind, if it meant keeping you as well" he bit your earlobe, making you bite your lips.
You tried to wriggle your wrists out of his hold, but his hands tightened around them. Chrollo started kissing your neck, nibbling and sucking his way down your collarbone. Still, you kept muffling your noises, biting your lip, and holding your tongue.
He wouldn't have it. Chrollo bit down in between your neck and shoulder, making you moan loudly.
"That's more like it," he chuckled against the spot soothing it with a lick and kiss, "Do you think I could steal some more noises from your lips?" He asked, bringing his lips close to yours.
"Would you let me?" You could feel his breath on your lips as he talked.
Chrollo kissed you hard, tongue poking your entrance and biting your lower lip so you wouldn't deny him. He sucked on your tongue, relishing in your futile attempts to keep quiet. His hips started grinding slowly into yours, pressing down his hard-on on your clothed spot. He was only wearing his pants, back and chest bared under the moonlight and shining with a thin layer of sweat. He separated for some air, leaving you a bit dazed and fuzzy. His hands coming down to your clothes gripping your shirt and tugging at it. That jerked you up from your state, making you gasp, your hands coming to his own grabbing them. You tried to pull them away from you, but he took both of your wrists in one of his hands and pinned them hard on the ground.
You groaned at the slight pain, and he took the opportunity of your raised arms to slide the shirt up and jumble it around your hands in makeshift bounds. He smiled down at your bra and the way your brows scrunched up in struggle. Your fight was strong, but he was stronger.
Chrollo leaned down to your chest, kissing the curve of your breast pressed on the bra. He bit down on the mound, making you groan.
"You're so soft, so beautiful," he whispered to your chest as his hand slipped the breast out of the bra. He massages the nipple, head dipping, and licking the other to attention. You started squirming under him, bringing your tied hands to stop him but ended up hugging his head closer to your chest, a moaning mess.
A fire was rising in between your legs, and you felt the electricity go down your spine.
'What were they doing to you?!' You screamed in your mind trying to fight the feeling.
Chrollo's hand left your mound, his mouth kept sucking on the other, as he sneaked down to your waistline. You had been wearing a comfortable attire since it was a bit hot, and you were tending to the crops today before your accident. He easily slipped down and into your panties. His calloused and experienced hands didn't waste any time and felt your slit. He smirked when he found you wet, but not enough for him. Chrollo gathered some slick and gently rubbed on your hooded pearl. You jerked under him, muffling a moan by biting your lip. His lips left your peak, glistening and wet under the dim moonlight. He went to the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, and planting open-mouthed kisses as his other hand maintained a steady rhythm on your nub. He didn't change the speed, going in gentle circles on your bundle of nerves.
You were getting desperate, feeling the pleasure rising in you, and pushing shame to the back of your mind. Your hips bucked unconsciously, and he tutted you like a child, smiling in victory against your neck with closed eyes.
"Tch, tch, tch, not yet, I think you deserve some punishment for being so stubborn with me" he bit your earlobe, making you whine in response.
Your body struggled against him, but he let his weight drop on you, making you stay still. Chrollo's hand then went quicker and quicker, driving you deep into pleasure but not all the way. You whined again, trying to move away from his hand, but he went faster. Suddenly you felt the ice-cold rush from the tip of your toes to your core, pleasure flooding your system like a wave. Your body shook under his, toes curling, and you let out a moan closing your eyes at all the sensations.
Chrollo groaned with you, his pants too tight for comfort. He grinned against you softly and sat up, still straddling you. In your high, you didn't felt as he pulled the rest of your clothes down and his arousal out, the tip an angry red as he stroke it, shuddering under the feeling. He then pushed into you, making you gasp and open your eyes wide to the see him. His eyes closed, and he bit his lip briefly. Then his dark eyes opened slowly, looking down at you in adoration. His mouth was slightly opened, breathing heavily at the feeling of your warmth engulfing him. Hair was falling sideways and forwards, almost covering the cross on his forehead. The light glowing behind him gave him a surreal look and feel.
It was euphoric.
You moaned, and he started moving slowly, leaning over you to capture your lips as he sped up. His hands were beside your head, supporting his body as he rocked with you. He rested on his forearms, bringing himself closer to you as he changed speed and slowly rolled his hips, making you feel everything.
"I love you so much," he whispered into your cheek, kissing it afterward.
Chrollo groaned lowly when he bumped into a special spot that made you clench hard around him. You moaned.
"Found it," he chuckled low, speeding up and hitting the same spot over and over.
Your hips buckled, meeting his as he sat up. He gave you a half-lidded look, smiling at you. His hands came to rest on your hips, pressing them down as he rammed inside you. He couldn't take how good you felt, your same walls gripping him and becoming him deeper. He complied, going faster and deeper, making you moan and whine. Chrollo's hand sneaked to your hooded pearl, rubbing it at matching speed with his thrusts.
Your body jerked, heat, and cold consuming you at equal measure. Your body glistened with sweat under the moonlight, making you glow and shine like a jewel worth stealing. Chrollo bit his lip at the picture, wishing he could just have it to look at it all the time. Instead, he committed it to memory, his hand rubbing your nub furiously.
Suddenly your body arched beautifully, your breasts offered to him as you came with a shriek. Pleasure flooded you, making you twitch and shake. He joined you with a groan, head thrown back as his body arched as well, driving his length deep inside you, releasing all of himself into you. Your walls massage him as he thrusts slowly.
The two of you panted heavily.
Chrollo's hands were beside your head, supporting his body as he caught his breath. He looked down at you, your skin looking perfect under the lighting, your lips puffy and slightly opened as your naked chest heaved, making your breasts move up and down. You looked gorgeous, and he couldn't ask for more. He was satisfied, and a sense of fullness filled him at the moment.
He pulled out, making your face scrunch up in pain at the slight discomfort of the tenderness. Tucking himself back in his pants, he zipped them up and laid down beside you. He undid the mess around your wrists, and you pulled them down beside your body, resting the aching muscles. His head was supported on his hand as he laid on his side, looking at you in love. Your eyes were closed, and you seemed to be calm, almost sleeping.
His fingers came to lay on your stomach. The ginger touch made you jump slightly at the suddenness, but otherwise, your eyes remained closed. They moved around your form, tracing your marks, your waves, the way your mounds curved into your chest, your collarbone, and finally, they came to rest on your neck. He caresses it with the back of his hand, coming up to your cheek and staying there.
You opened your eyes slightly, looking at him through a tired glaze. Chrollo smiles warmly, coming close to peck your lips. He pulled the coat around your form, covering you from the night's chill, and gathered you in his arms.
Chrollo stopped to pick up the book you had neatly placed away from the mess and chaos. Smirking at your thoughtfulness. He gave you the book or at least propped it on your stomach as your sleepy form was losing the fight. He carried you all the way back to the cottage, where he placed you on the bed. You turned to the side, and he petted your hair, kissing your head. He came back to put the leftover food away and the dishes in the sink, making sure to turn off the candles. Your cat was eagerly following him like he had treats in his pockets.
Chrollo went back to the room, taking off the rest of his clothes and stripping you of this coat. He draped it on your vanity, the rest of the clothes scattered in a corner of the room. Your fluffy black cat went to them, kneading the fabric and then laying on top.
Chrollo pulled the covers back and brought you close to him, pulling the two of you under the sheets. He snuggled closer to you, the two of you naked as the day you were born. He pressed a kiss to the back of your ear, nuzzling your neck afterward and then resting on top of your head.
"Sleep well, my love," mutters, and you reply with your own muffled and unintelligible goodnight. He smiled, closing his eyes in bliss.
He couldn't wait for the morning to do it all over again.
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microbiologynerdd · 4 years
Notion - BASIC and EASY Note taking system FOR STUDENTS
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Hello everyone!
I hope you are well!
For this weeks #Microbiologynerddweeklytips post, I shall be sharing my university note taking and organisation system using Notion.
I have been using Notion for roughly 1 year, and have used it to organise my second year university studies, in addition to my voluntary position as the VP of my society.
So below is a very BASIC and EASY to use format you could adapt for yourselves! Enjoy😊
As a directory to everything I need at university, I have a contents page. Here I have each of my modules, as though they were chapters of a book. Each leading to a separate page of their own.
After this I have the required ‘modules’ for my placement year. I have arranged this slightly differently to my regular university notes - more details on this later.
Below this you can find pages for my summer microtalks hosted by SFAM. I attend these weekly and make notes in that subsection.
And finally I have a section for Taekwondo, to organise tasks I have to complete as the VP of Taekwondo.
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Module pages:
So i have tested 2 different methods for module layout, each only having a slight twist.
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- Please click the photos to enlarge -
In the photos above, I visualise the 2 different systems. Each of the systems involves having a new cell per lecture. However, in the first 2 photos (from left to right) I have separate pages for my lectures vs my lab notes. Whereas on the right, I have my lectures, labs, extra reading and questions all formulated into one table. Clicking the See All button at the top left of the table, above the search bar, you can choose to view classes by type i.e. just see my lectures or just see my lab notes for example.
The second system I have found works best, otherwise you are just clicking too many buttons to get to the area you need. However, in future I shall implement the ‘breadcrumb’ at the top the page, like i did with the first and second photos. (Breadcrumb = univeristy/ BMS2037:cellu../lecture below the page titles). Breadcrumbs make it easier to shift between pages instead of clicking the back button all the time. They are essientally hyperlinks to other pages.
Tip: to insert a breadcrumb simply put /breadcrumb and a breadcrumb will appear. This works for anything you are trying to insert e.g. a table
You can also choose to insert materials e.g. any lecture slides or resources you used within that lecture. Personally I dont find this helpful, as our VLE is clearly laid out with our lectures. But it might be something worth trying, as you can also insert pictures or any sort of media you require.
I also use the tick box function to keep track of whether I have written the lecture into Anki cards (flashcards)/ attended the lecture.
Side note: Please ignore my spelling/ how I label lectures, they make sense to me, they dont need to be 100% correct - right?
Internship/Placement Page:
I have recently been dabbling in the layout I would like to use for my internship year, however, I shall update you at a later date with any additional details, as due to COVID-19 the formate of the year and my assessments has changed. I also will find out more when I start my internship... which is soon - yay!
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I’ve decided to have reminders at the top, which I inserted using /callout - you can change the emoji to anything you would like. This is for me to know instantly any important documents or tasks that I need to complete.
The external work to that provided by my internship is included in the table. This is essientally the coursework I have to complete on the side of the placement. Here i decided to note the deadlines and percentage of the year that it is worth. This is just to help me grasp the format of this year, since as mentioned above, it is slightly different.
Underneath this I have a selection of details to do with the company. This includes my acceptance letter and any insurance forms I need to send off. I just wanted to have them at hand so i can reference them at any time.
Summer 2020/Taekwondo pages:
These pages I format the same as the ‘Module’ Pages, so I haven’t included any pictures etc.
Miscellaneous things:
- NOTION IS FREE FOR STUDENTS - if you have an educational email, you can sign up for free! If not, packages start at $4 a month, which isn’t too bad for something you use frequently!
- This service is avaliable on tablets and computers, so anyone can take advantage of this organisational software!
- You can change the cover and icon at the top of each page. They include emojis and a standard image database, but you can also upload your own unique images if you desire.
- There are also template designs for pages, with different themes for different needs. So if you don’t want to start one from scratch you have lots of options to choose from. Use those as a base and edit them from there! For example, there are calendars, habit trackers, resume trackers and whole load of other things.
- Using a device for notes, such as notion, allows you access to any notes you have made at ease. It is organised, and you are unlikely to lose your notes. Paper is great until you scrunch up that important sheet, or it rains and the paper gets wet, or you are carrying every single note you have ever made - that can become heavy. Just something to bear in mind, especially if you can afford a laptop/ note taking device of some kind.
- You can create multiple pages for different aspects of your life (photo below). For example I have 2 additional pages, 1 for personal things and another for blog post ideas - to keep you guys entertained... haha! 😆
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Conclusion :
What I have shared here is a very BASIC overview of how I use notion. If you desire a detailed in depth report of how notion works, it might be worth checking out Ali Abdaal, who can give you this information. As for me and what I require from the service, Notion has been working really well, keeping me organised with all my notes in one area. Knowing what I am doing, when, and being able to keep up with the speed of lectures - considering my writing speed is questionable. 😂
When you first download notion and look at all the templates, it can be a bit overwhelming/ exciting. Start with what you need, and then explore new ideas that you want to incorporate. There is no point setting up hundreds of pages if you aren’t going to use them, just like writing out pretty notes doesnt help you learn content - but more about that in a future post. Start small, being organised involves consistency, you can’t be consistent if you have given yourself too many things to do daily. Or at least you are unlikely to be.
One word of warning, Notion is not compatible with the Apple Pencil, so if you like writing notes on your iPad, this may not be the best software for you. As well as this, if you are a faster writer than you are typer, DO NOT USE NOTION. The whole basis of this app or at least how I use it, is to stay organised and write notes productively and efficiently. If you prefer writing, keep at it! Don’t just switch because suddenly you hear lots of tapping on keyboards in the lecture theatre.
Play to YOUR STRENGTHS , enhance what you are good at, not what everyone else is doing. As always, you’ve got this 💪
Let me know if you have any questions, or whether you’d like any further posts/details about my notion workflow. I’m happy to answer any queries you have.
Speak soon,
Lucinda x
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kokobop-fire · 3 years
Mood Swings {Kim SeokJin}
Note:I really want to thank all the people who read my stories; I know I have to edit them a lot, but knowing that there are people who like my stories fills me with happiness, Thank you.
Ps: it is the first time that I write smut. Most likely, I will delete it and upload a version without smut
Baby Shower 
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When you began your fifth month was when your hormonal changes started. One moment you were happy, and the next, you were crying. Jin was putting up with you like a champion, but there were times when he felt scared to be around you.
You were at work lunch with some colleagues when another episode entered you.
"This is the tenth time I have gone to the bathroom since we arrived," you commented, frustrated.
"Yes, and this is the tenth time you have told us since we arrived," laughed Suyin, one of the five people who decided to invite themselves to your lunch.
You were in a bad mood because of your endless need to go to the bathroom, but what bothered you the most was that you would have a welcome lunch with Jin, who was in Japan giving a concert. You couldn't go with him anymore because your stupid coworkers decided to accompany you.
"Oh, sorry, it must be annoying listening to me," you laughed sarcastically as you felt your eyes fill with tears "it is easier to have the baby play with your bladder."
You started crying loudly, causing several people to look at you "Im so done being pregnant, I'm only five months in, and I can't sleep anymore, the hormonal changes and the nausea won't go away, and the only happiness I can have is a stupid cup of coffee that of course has to be decaf".
It only remains to say that after that day, the people in your office avoided you at all costs.
Your second attack was against Jin and the boys. Later that day, you arrived exhausted from work; you just wanted to take off your heels and sleep in the arms of your boyfriend, but the case you were working on was hard, and every day that passed became more complicated because of what you had than taking your work home.
What you didn't plan on was finding your apartment in a mess and the guys playing video games in the middle of the mess like nothing was wrong around them.
At first, you tried to ignore it by hiding in the kitchen to finish, but the kitchen was also a mess, and the screams of the boys were throwing you out of focus, and the noise of the video game was driving you crazy.
You marched out of the kitchen, anger consuming your body; you turned off the television earning some shouts from the boys, "I've had a shitty day and the only peace of mind I expected to find in my house, which you took care of ruining, you have 10 minutes to leave this place impeccable and what does not live here disappear".
When you finished speaking, your voice broke, and you felt tears run down your face; the boys on their faces had a mixture of surprise and fear; you left the room and locked yourself in the bathroom of your room, a bath with cold water was what did you need.
Half an hour later, you came out of the bathroom, feeling like new, you may have exaggerated, most likely the guys after their trip just wanted to relax, you wrapped yourself in a towel and went looking for Jin to apologize.
You found him in the kitchen finishing drying some dishes, you left the towel completely naked, you approached in silence, you rested your head on his back, and your little belly was pressed slightly with his lower back, you kissed him on the back. "I'm very sorry, Jin, I didn't want to snap like that, but these hormonal changes are affecting me too much."
Jin ignored you, while he continued drying, you sighed before directing your hand towards his button, you played lightly with the button before unzipping it, your fingers went into his pants, your finger rubbing against the outline of his semi-hard dick, Jin groaned his breath shaking a little
You tugged his pants down carefully, his boxers following; you started to move your hand, jerking him off before Jin took your hand, turning around. You watched his dick; he was already fully erect, the tip red and precum seeping from the slit, your mouth water at the image.
Jin pulls you into a kiss, licking your lips with his tongue; you groaned, giving him space to put his tongue in your mouth, you pressed your chest against his chest, Jin's hands running over your body before stopping on your butt and give you a firm spanking, you could already feel your juices run down your inner thighs.
He separated himself by taking you by the waist, he placed you on the island counter in the kitchen, he settles himself between your legs, his lips trailed down your jaw, nibbling at your neck, his fingers disappeared between your legs "Look how wet you are."
You whined when his fingers found your clit and began to massage them into little figures of 8 "Honestly, I've been like this since I went to work this morning and I saw pictures of you from last night's concert, how sexy you looked"
Jin Groaned when he heard your words; you kissed him before getting off the table and getting on your knees.
You wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, your tongue lapping at the salty-sweet of his precum; Jin moaned loudly, he could see your smile, your tongue running along the vein on the underside of his dick and your hand pumping the rest of his dick that couldn't fit in your mouth.  
The slurping sound of your mouth drownd a little jins moans, you pull away just enough to suck the head, Jin fingers tangled in your hair, helping your head bob against him.
"Oh God (Y/N)" he whined under his breath, your hand around his base slid down to his balls, Your bobbing was quick, cheeks hollowed for extra pleasure, the tip of his dick hitting the back of your throat, Jin Moan at the feeling "You Feel amazing, I miss this so much... Just like that baby".
Yo moan at the nickname his hand make his way down to your breast his thumb playing with your nipple "Your mouth feels amazing but is not as amazing and tight like your pussy”
You let a loud squeal when jin push you back and pull you back in your feet. You almost feel when he spun you around, Moaning loudly when your nipple hit the cold surface of the marble table; he uses his feet to push your legs apart, he starts to slide his dick in between your folds.
Sliding in slowly at first, his hips slamming into you the second he bottomed out. You moaned his name, resting your forehead on the kitchen table, nails clawing at it with pleasure. The tip of his cock hit your sweet spot with every thrust, His dick pistoned inside you at high speed, your boyfriend never resting. The angle he had you at allowed him to hit hard and deep, finding spots you didn't know existed until now.
You scream. Jin smiles at the sound of your moans; he slaps your ass to earn a louder cry. "Fuck, I miss this so much," He complied, the moans getting louder.
Using one hand to rub your clit in vicious circles, trying to draw yourself to the edge faster. Your ass pressed back against his at a rhythmic pace, matching the thrusts he made into you.
Your chest heaved with heavy pants; Jin thrust growing noticeably sloppy. He tugged your hair hard enough to make you lean back against his heaving chest, his arms wrapping around your waist and resting in your growing belly. His lips found your neck, peppering it with light kisses, keeping his thrusts going. "I love you," he whispered into your ear, letting out a grunt, no longer able to hold back.
His cock twitched inside you, intense pulses against your walls as he came, strings of his white, sticky seed spilling into you. You mewled at the feeling, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together against your stomach. The feeling of his seed seeping into you warm your body, incinerating the knot inside you instantly. You mewled his name quietly, leaning back against his shoulder, his forehead resting on yours so he could ride out your highs.
He stayed inside for a moment while catching my breath "If this is how your Mood Swings are going to be, they don't bother me at all."
You  laughed at his words, "Ready for round two?"
"God, I miss you so much."
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
Quick note about a change of format to my end of year wildlife/photography highlights of the year blogs
People I have known for a long time on Twitter and Tumblr may recall that at the end of the year I always do a series of blogs exploring my highlights of the year and marking the year that has just unfolded in my wildlife and photography hobby. What many won’t know as much it that I write the blogs up over the course of the year, getting into a pattern year on year of starting as early as March/April and adding to the various highlights after each wildlife/photography trip from a certain point in the year onwards or this year with working from home and all the extra wildlife/photography trips on lunch breaks and in evenings making additions weekly on a weekend morning.
With the photos I produce on days going up and up and me branching out into other areas of wildlife a lot I have found over the past few months whilst laying the foundations for the 2021 edition of the highlights blogs, which I already expanded to fifteen themes from the usual ten based on working from home still and all the extra things to write about, this has taken up quite a bit of time and has started to feel a little chore like, and like I was repeating information already posted about to go out at a later date. Over the years whilst I have immensely enjoyed creating and sharing the highlights blogs, I do think they have got a bit long. So with whilst I don’t know how much or whether I will continue working from home going forward, signs that my high photo yields and multi bands of my interest being something that seems here to stay, I have decided to revamp the highlights blogs and make them a more reflective and concise exploration of the highlights and key points of my wildlife and photography year in December.
I shall detail the new format below, however since March this year I have spent considerable time writing up 12 so far of the intended highlights posts in the usual format for this December. I do not want these to go to waste and do want the format to have a swansong, but whilst I am still working from home daily the time it takes to contribute to the blogs on the days is heightened so I do need one less thing to do which not writing up and making notes to write up the bits each evening will allow for immediately. So in December and due to amount actually the tail end of November too this year is my plan it will be a hybrid highlights blogs, the 12 blogs (and some of them have part one and two so are the same theme) in the old format charting experiences in my year from January to early August, then (as I’ll still probably write up these new posts each November or bits of spare time from the summer onwards and time to go out) some of (eight maximum) the new format of things that happened August-November. There may be some currently shorter bogs where I combine the two a little. Plus the usual introduction blog on the first night which will also explain.
So in the new format I will strip it back to basics of what I wanted to do when I first had the idea to do blogs on my ten highlights of my wildlife and photography year in 2013. From next year, I will do ten blogs in which I will mention ten key moments of my year on a different theme. The themes will mostly be an area of my interest so birds, butterflies, mammals, flowers, etc. with also a summary of holidays that year and one for ten key day trips and there may be different themes year to year. Within the blogs it will just be a little bit of text about each highlight/moment, a picture I’ve taken in the photoset corresponding to it or for some a picture from the same day if more applicable (I may see a rare bird and have it as a moment and not photograph it for example), and also a link to the or a daily blog I did about the moment at the time. In addition, I will also have a summary/my wildlife and photography year in numbers type highlughts blog that may say some of the key themes etc. of the year and will definitely have summaries of how my bird and butterfly year lists went comparing to previous years, key themes and journeys and also the list of my key bird and butterfly species seen that year possibly mimicking the wildlife sightings summary in my daily blog more. I don’t want to make this too long and these are the main two year lists of mine so will spark most for me to talk about but there is potential for it branch into my other year lists. This is one of the bits I enjoy doing most in the highlight blogs each year and a bit I think I can keep concise.
These eleven posts will be alongside my end of year photo tweets on Dans_Pictures with four of my favourite photos across categories that I took that year which I do in December.
So like I said at the end of this year, it’ll be twelve with some quite long posts about different highlights of my year then eight with this new format, I shall just call them Wildlife/Photography highlights posts and not specify a number. But for the twelve original format ones I will call them The story of... and the other eight will say 10 key or 10 standout... to vary things maybe. 
This feels very much like when I ended the highlights blogs’ former Twitter partner my photo of the year and week choosing in 2017 in that it was becoming chore like and taking up a lot of time. However for these what is playing on my mind slightly is each December I am humbled by the interactions I get during these. So for the latter half of this year’s posts and going forward I will still call them my Wildlife/Photography highlights blogs of the year for those that may enjoy this and that’s why and with me being how I am too and liking to send the years out with a bang and reflect they had to stay in some format. I hope the new format allows me to be more considerate of my year to help me remember it even more rather than just chucking endless bits of text together late at night after a busy evening of processing and uploading photos. I am clear that working from home every day heightens what I have now, but prior to that the photo yields increasing and exploring other areas of nature were happening maybe just to a slower rate and I felt for years the highlights blogs were getting a bit long and repetitive to my daily blogs. So I think if in 2022 I was to be back in the office fully, this format change would still be useful. I think this move shall also make me able to perhaps pump more time into my daily blogs and consider different ways to write things or even on busy nights whether I need to do them the same night etc. as I still love and am inspired by doing this and can possibly free up time for more wildlife/photography posts on subjects other than what I saw on my day in bits of downtime.
Thanks once again for all your support for my posts, photos and tweets.
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dear-selena · 5 years
All I See (Peter Parker x Soulmate! Reader): Chapter 1
Peter x Reader Soulmate!AU
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Epilogue
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Summary: You live in a world where women start to gain color when they meet their soulmate, but they cannot see all the colors at once until they’ve united with them. Peter Parker is your soulmate, but he has no idea. You want to tell him about the colors you see, but are afraid to. Sometimes, girls can be malicious with the soulmate troupe, and you don’t want Peter to think you’re doing the same. So you keep quiet, and experience one color at a time.
It isn’t until Liz Allan comes in the picture that all you see is green, and you hate it.
A/N: Hello! This is the first story I’ve written in a long time, and I was inspired by all the soulmate AU fanfics I read. I’m uploading this through my phone, so I apologize for any weird typos or spacing. Please feel free to give me feedback on how I can approve and let me know if you’d like to read more!
EDIT: I completelt forgot to mention that this takes place before the events in infinity war and endgame happened!
Chapter one: From Yellow to Green
Words: 1537
You love the color yellow. It’s bright, friendly, and happy. Especially when it illuminates your soulmate’s features.
The infamous Peter Parker makes his way towards you, eyes lighting up as he sees you at your locker. You’re currently grabbing your lunch, and waiting for him to walk with you to the cafeteria.
“Hey (Y/N),” Peter says as he reaches you. “What do you have today?”
“Just a simple PB & J. I was too lazy to make anything else this morning.”
Peter shrugs. “Sounds good at least.” He smiles at you as you two start to walk.
You love the way yellow lights up his smile, even though you know he’s not actually colored in yellow. According to others, his hair is brown, his skin is pale, and his lips are pink. You just can’t see that.
At least, you cannot see it now. You’ll be able to see all the colors together once you make a connection with your soulmate. The minute you saw Peter for the first time at the beginning of the school year, your vision instantly flashed from color to color, and you instantly knew he was your soulmate. However, that didn’t mean you had a connection with him yet. The connection can’t just be as simple as a first kiss or becoming friends, it has to come from a strong relationship. You became fast friends with Peter and his friend group, but you haven’t developed the strong soulmate connection with him. Until then though, you only get to see one color at a time based on the emotions your soulmate makes you feel. Blue for sadness, pink for romantic-love, and yellow for friend-love.
You want to see all the colors at once, you really do, but you don’t want to lose Peter in the process. You made plans to tell Peter about the colors he made you see, but you stopped yourself when you learned about something from his past. Before you met him, Peter had a “traumatizing” experience with a girl that pretended to be his soulmate. You didn’t want to ask for details, but according to Ned and MJ, he was devastated, and practically shut himself away from the world for a bit.
Despite your growing feelings and desire to connect with him, you didn’t know how to approach Peter about this. You didn’t want him to think you were lying. You’ve heard crazy stories of how people don’t believe their soulmates when they confess or how some end up hating who they’re destined to be with. You couldn’t imagine hating your soulmate, but because of what yours went through before you came into the picture, the last thing you wanted was for Peter to be angry with you. The last thing you wanted was to lose him.
So you keep this secret to yourself for now. You find that you’re content with only seeing one color at a time. You know you’ll eventually find a way to tell him about the colors. Hell, maybe he likes you, and he’ll ask you out one day and make this soulmate business a whole lot easier. But you can’t be sure. He treats you so sweetly, and helps you with the smallest things. But he also does that for Ned and MJ. You might not have known the three of them as long as they’ve known each other, but you feel as if you’ve known them for a lifetime.
“I really wanna have another movie night,” You say to Peter as you continue the short walk to the cafeteria. “But this time, I don’t want you running out the door when trouble calls.”
“Ah (Y/N), you know when Mr. Stark calls I have to answer. It’s part of being his intern.”
“Yeah… his intern,” You say that last part very sarcastically. You know he’s Spider-Man, and you know he keeps calling it an internship in public to avoid eavesdroppers.
“Mhm yeah that’s me,” Peter responds in a sarcastic tone. You playfully shove him with your arm, only for him to playfully shove you back with a smile. Your vision suddenly transitions from yellow to pink, and you feel warm inside. You also love pink. When you see it, it makes you feel special in Peter’s eyes. Even though he has no idea you’re his soulmate, he still does little things that you consider flirting. Every time, without fail, your vision turns pink.
You could see the world in this color forever.
“Dude, shut up!” Peter manages to say through his fits of laughter.
You’re sitting in the cafeteria now, laughing at a joke Peter’s best friend Ned just cracked. Ned was making a joke about something embarrassing that happened last year, before you met everyone. You only just moved to Queens before the school year started, and with the school year already being halfway over, you’ve become accustomed to everything here.
“But (Y/N),” Ned said through bits of laughter. “The best part of it all was a rip in his pants he had no idea about. He went to the decathlon like that and didn’t even notice.”
Another fit of laughter came out of your lips with Ned as you saw your vision change back to yellow. It was your favorite color, and emotion that Peter made you feel. After all, you loved being his friend. You also loved Ned and MJ in a friend way, but knowing that you saw the colors because of Peter made things a little more special with him.
“Okay, okay… I think (Y/N)’s heard enough about this,” Peter said. He was definitely embarrassed about the whole thing. But it was so funny.
You take a minute to stop laughing and proceed to finish your lunch. You become aware of the time, and see you have only 5 minutes before you have to go to AP Physics with your two friends. You weren’t really good in the subject, but the two nerdy boys you sit with at lunch everyday made the classes easier. They were always willing to help.
But you especially liked it when Peter helped you in the class because when he smiled at you or accidentally brushed his hand against yours, your vision was engulfed with pink.
You look up to see both boys completely fixated on something behind you. You turn around to see nothing out of the ordinary. Students were finishing their lunches and talking to their friends throughout the cafeteria. However, after a minute one girl you’ve never seen before caught you off guard. She was tall, with long dark hair and wearing a really cute outfit that consisted of a lacy top, skirt, and boots. From what you can see, she was definitely a pretty girl.
You turn back around and see that Peter’s wide eyes still fixated past you, mouth slightly parted in awe. Ned on the other hand is looking back and forth between Peter and the girl.
“Uh,” you mutter as you turn around again to see the girl. “What are you guys staring at?”
“That’s Liz Allan,” Ned answered, looking at her again. “Peter’s old crush.”
You suddenly feel a stabbing in your heart. Did Ned really just say Peter’s old CRUSH?
You quickly turn around to look at this girl again. You admitted she was pretty before, but now looking at her again in the distance, you could see she’s beautiful. Her hair is perfectly curled, her make-up done amazingingly, and her outfit looks great on her. Despite her looks, the stabbing feeling in your heart remained. Something about knowing that Peter used to have a crush on this girl didn’t make you feel good.
Suddenly, she looks up and smiles brightly. As she walks towards your table, you quickly turn around to see Peter’s eyes go wider and Ned stutter. Ned hits Peter in the shoulder to try to shake him out of any trance, and Peter glares at him. Before they can start bickering, Liz reaches the table.
“Ned! Peter!” Liz says in such a sweet voice. Peter gives the girl a nervous smile, while Ned proceeds to stand up and hug her.
“Liz Allan! Long time no see! What are you doing here?” Ned asks.
“I just moved back!” Liz exclaims. “I’ll be here for the rest of the year.”
“Oh that’s awesome! Are you coming back to the decathlon team ...”
You stop focusing on their conversation as you look back at Peter, whose slowly getting up from his seat, eyes mesmerized on this girl. Liz looks over at him and gives him a big smile.
“Hey Peter, it’s good to see you.” She hugs him.
You watch as your soulmate stutters out a high pitched “Hey Liz,” as he wraps his arms around her. The stabbing in your chest became more intense. It was almost unbearable.
Suddenly, the yellow color that you adore starts morphing into a new color. You blink a few times in shock as you look around at your surroundings. You’ve never seen this color before, but considering your knowledge of the color psychology and how you feel, you know exactly what the color is.
All you see is green.
For envy.
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youarejesting · 5 years
Femme: 07
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Important: I am looking for an editor, if anyone is interested. I am focused on writing so as not too lose motivation. If you are interested please message me.
Summary: The year is now 3019. Women were going extinct, cryogenics was the only hope for society. Now Femme Industries is the provider of Females, they use computer analysis and algorithms to match a femme to her male applicants. It is common for femme’s to match with multiple applicants. When you match with seven handsome young men, it is a challenge. But you love a challenge.
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader, Kwon Jiyong (GD) x Big Bang, GOT7 x OC, Eventual TXT x OC
Rating: Fluff so far
Warnings: none
Length: 1.5k words
Yoongi had emerged from his room now wearing a black shirt and sweat pants. At this time the front door opened and Hoseok and Jimin stepped inside they looked tired and they quickly showered and changed again before sitting down at the dinner table.
“Where did you go?” Curiosity got the better of you, you wanted to know where the two had gone. Placing dishes on the table the two boys grinned cheekily. Jin sat down and everyone began eating. Hesitating at the sight of the colour of some foods you watched them eat.
“Jagiya, why you, are not eating?” Hoseok asked he was sitting on your left. Namjoon and Hoseok were comfortable with speaking English and were quite good at it, but, every now and again they would add an extra word or say something slightly out of order. It was cute and never failed to make you smile.
“I don’t know what this is?” You said innocently gesturing and that set off a chain reaction. Each of them trying to hold a straight face, Jin clueless at the head of the table continued eating.
“That’s just Jin’s cooking, Pass the tteokbokki” Yoongi said monotonously. The table was in a fit of giggles. Jin slapped his hand on the table with a loud cry and began throwing gestures and lecturing the group. Jungkook and Taehyung on either side of him began ducking away from the violently swinging appendages.
“I meant Korean food, I don’t know what it is, everything looks tasty and that’s the problem. That red dish looks spicy and I’m a big baby when it comes to spice. I want to try it all but, I am nervous.” You took a deep breath. “Alright tell me the names of the dishes”
“This one is Bulgolgi it just is beef, and then you have tteokbokki a little spicy rice cakes, sukju namul and sprout salad, Kimchi we have at every meal spicy fermented cabbage, your soup is Gulguk um oyster soup” Namjoon smiled gesturing at the dishes and you tried each of them and was pleasantly surprised by the flavours and textures.
“I like the tteokbokki, and it’s not too spicy, but is it okay if I don’t have the soup, I tried some and it’s a little too fishy for me. Not that I won’t try again its best to keep trying foods to become accustomed to them it is just a strong flavour, that I am not used to” You blushed, not wanting them to think you were picky or acting like a stubborn foreigner. Jungkook took the bowl happily.
“Here you have this, it nice” Jimin smiled handing you his bowl, it was different. You tried to politely decline not wanting to take it from him, but he wouldn’t let you give it back. “You eat make me happy”
Blushing you ate slowly. It was a simple chicken soup. He asked you if it was nice. Thanking him in Korean made them all giggle and cover their mouths calling you cute in Korean. Dinner ended happily and you all sat in the lounge. Taehyung sat beside you and smiled he pulled out a small bag he grinned.
“I got you a present, to welcome” he smiled and you grinned and opened the black present bag. Inside was a large black and gold photo album each page was empty. Admiring the beautiful cover and the quality of the paper you smiled. At the bottom of the bag was a very expensive looking camera with a bow on it. “For you, we take photos together”
You leaned over and pulled him into a hug “thank you so much, this camera is amazing. Everyone keeps giving me gifts you are going to spoil me”
“I also have welcome present for you, very very uh careful” he handed you the long box it wasn’t very wide you gently opened it and inside was a glazed red rose, every edge was finely outlined in gold.
“Jin this is beautiful, you are all so thoughtful, I love all your gifts, so much” You said feeling your eyes begin to get watery. Each of them had taken the time and effort to make you feel welcome in their house. Now you felt mediocre, you have given them nothing.
“When you can’t see this flower” Jin gestured to his handsome face and then gestured to the rose “you can look this flower”
Gently wiping away a few traitorous tears. They were all smiling at you with a sparkle in their eyes. Jimin placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a gently squeeze.
Carefully taking the new presents to the room you arranged all the gifts and using Jungkook’s laptop you uploaded it to your social media and responded to questions people had. The video had 20,000 views and you were pretty amazed by the positive response.
Explaining to the boys about the video you made, asking if that was okay. They all seemed to have positive reactions and they all wanted to be in the video’s you took a picture of all of them while they watched your first video. Yoongi made fun of the music I had chosen and told me he could make something better. Taehyung told me he would help edit the intro and the video’s as he stated he was an expert. After that everyone seemed to shower and head to bed.
You woke quite early to someone walking around. Jimin was awake the sun wasn’t even out. Tiredly shuffling into his embrace. He said good morning in Korean his voice was deep and made you blush. His watch beeped and he went to pull away. He spoke to a tired Jin who had dragged himself into the kitchen and made himself a tea.
Jin nodded and pulled you from Jimin, laying back against his chest his arms wrapped around your middle. Wishing Jimin a good day at work he ducked his head and left. He was finishing up making breakfast and ate around you, until you made an ‘ah’ noise and he started to feed you as well. Taehyung stepped out and quickly took his container of breakfast and gave you a hug before he left for an early morning photo shoot you just managed to tell him to have a good day as the door clicked closed.
Jin’s watch beeped and he straightened his tie, pulled on his jacket and slid his bag over his shoulder. You repeated the well wishes and stood there continuing to eat your breakfast. It was cold and kind of lonely, you walked over to the window and saw the sun rising lighting up the city. There was a noise from the neighboring apartment. Stepping out onto the balcony, you saw the boys talking around the dining table and you called out.
“Kai” You called and he turned and spotted you the boys ran out to their balcony reminding you of little puppies. With a bright smile you waved, their smiles were so big you wondered if it was painful “Good morning!”
“Good morning Noona” they said in unison waving until Yeonjun got their attention showing them his watch. They all looked upset and turned to tell you they were late for school. “We got to go, have a nice day”
Stepping inside to see Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok eating breakfast. Hoseok gave you a tired smile. They each headed out at the same time, so you saw them to the door.
When the door shut, you felt lonely once more. You spent your day researching Korean packed lunches. You found out enough containers for each of them and you made one the rice and meat and salad in the bottom container and the top you made fruit skewers.
You finished, jumping when you heard a yawn from the hallway. Yoongi scuffed his feet along the ground, looking dead to the world. Boiling the kettle and turning to look in the fridge. There was no breakfast for him and he frowned.
“Yoongi, I made this would you like to try it?” He turned and looked at the two containers and nodded taking them to the bench. He was eating but he didn’t look happy. “Is it bad? I thought I could make you all lunches for work. I just don’t know what people like”
“It’s good” he hummed, “Jin like meat and strawberries but no strawberry flavor. I am uh not picky. I like lamb, you know sticks and Galbi. Hobi can’t eat sour things, he like seafood and Kimchi fried rice. Namjoon like the sweet .He hate seafood and bean. chimchim no like seafood many. He like meat and sweet food, uh like the fruits.”
“hyungie is the very much picky eating. He hate bean, peas sour and spice, but loves uh strawberry, hamburgers, Jajangmyeon, you know Jajangmyeon. Jk like meat, Hotteok, it’s a pancake and lamb stick.”
You began writing it down. Yoongi always seemed indifferent and cold, but you could tell he cared a lot about all the members of the house hold. Especially when he used the cute nicknames when addressing each of the members.
Femme Media 07
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The Cure (Sebastian Stan x You) Pt. 1
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Characters: Sebastian Stan x Fem!You
Summary: (Part 1) The Abstract wanted nothing but to change the ways on how the world was working. In their minds, it was people who needed correction and living in a chaotic world acquired them to take such actions, giving everybody the cure that would fix the world.
Warning: Cusses. That's all? Heehee.
Words: 1,400+ (It's short. Heehee.)
A/N: I've seen a video in Insta of Bucky being wiped, and y'all prolly are getting a hint of what's going to happen in this short oneshot series. Part 2's going to be uploaded soon once I finish writing it. (Still haven’t finished writing it but I will try and get some inspiration to it ASAP. I’m still sick with Chicken pox so I apologize, Tater tots.) 
PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO SEND ME SUPPORT BY REBLOGGING AND COMMENTING ON MY WORKS, TATERS! ALSO, MY WORKS AREN’T UP TO BE REPOSTED ON OTHER WEBSITES. The only websites I have are WATTPAD and TUMBLR and if my works are reposted in other sites, please do immediately tell me. 
Oneshot Taglists: @anxiousamandapanda​ @hopefulfangirlblr​ 
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
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SOUNDS OF UNIDENTIFIED DEATH THROES AND LOUD WAILS OF UNKNOWN PEOPLE CAME FROM THE BLACK ROOM. Each person were dressed in white, those types of clothes that were used in mental hospitals which looked pure and untainted. However, the Abstract's manipulation towards each person weren't exactly pure as they had other intentions in mind.
Putative number 97 came out of the room looking disheveled and worn out. It was her third time that she was mended and whenever she does, she comes back out without remembering what her real name was. Not that she has told it to you and your lover. But, it was obvious.
The whole process was therapeutic to the eyes of the Abstract. Yet, the both of you could sense there was more to what has been said. Putative number 97 heavily sauntered in the middle of the tranquil, white hallway. All Putatives were waiting in line, back against the walls with their hearts anxious to what will be the result of being cured. If you were one gullible human, then you'll prolly not know what is happening behind that sketchy black metal door.
But, you were born to be curious and thinking in advance.
"97! Hey!" You whisper-yelled to the blonde, thin woman who wandered completely unsteady. She promptly gave you a glance, though her green eyes were soulless; in a lack-luster state which was not new to every person who came out of the black room. She gave you a look that left you breathless and full of dread to what's about to come as you were about to go next.
You don't know what the Abstract's do to them when they're inside. Though, you have your hunches and your hunches appears terrifying for the better of the world.
"Number 1985! You're next!" At the mention of the number, you were flabbergasted and tear-tied, in the midst of crying your heart was scared for the only person who weren't cured and the only one who had been with you till the Abstract came.
You were number 1986 and not 1985. Sebastian was.
"Sebastian, what did you do?!" You scream-yelled at him who had been smiling throughout the whole day. The latter shook his head, taking your cold hands in his. You begged hard enough and even pleaded that you should be taken and not him. You've even written things in bullet form so you could know how one could remember the other and you knew you were the person who's going to forget.
Nonetheless, his actions surprised you because only one person can be taken from a couple.
"It's gotta be me, Baby. It's gotta be me," he quickly took your face in his hands, trying to draw a smile that could reach the ends of his gunmetal blue eyes, but failed to do so. "It should be me, not you."
You grab his perfectly sculpted face, scanning every inch of his features in your head as you wanted nothing more but to keep it in mind and the same goes for him. Though, when he comes out of that door, he's already a ghost with no remorse running in his cured blood.
The Abstract's wearing unidentified masks came marching through your view. Two tall, thewy men came strolling through the end of the hallway with a plan to carry your lover with force.
"You're an idiot, Sea-bass! You're a fucking idiot!" You glared at the latter with puffy, red eyes. Tears streaming down your face, cascading in such a bittersweet manner that made the man inside the room smirk at what he was witnessing.
"No-no-no, That's never gonna happen, babe. Never." You emphasized and grabbed his cleft chin, slightly pinching as you stood up on your feet, desperately for a change at heart. The men finally ceased their walking as they eyed you up and down with their masks covering the expressions that they had. If they even have one.
"Take me! Take me instead!" You demanded with much desperation, hopeless of how weak they look at you. Both men peered down out you, feeling the intimidation surround them as you blinked and continued to beg. "I-I volunteer for you to take me instead!"
Both men decided to declare their words in tandem, "Putative number 1985 has requested that we never pick you," they replied rather nonchalantly, voice monotone as if they had no souls. "You are very sick," the other continued, voice deep and intimidating. "The Abstract is prohibited to take very sick people, you'll be sent off to warden and be checked,"
You gave them the stink eye, thoroughly in rage because of the lies that left their mouth. Pure lies. "What? I am certainly not sick you asshole!"
In the midst of your argument with the Abstract, another voice which was more lively and youthful came yelling through the speakers around the hallway. "Putative number 1985! Do not waste our time!"
Sebastian grabbed your cold, trembling hands as he stood before you. His stance completely weary and shaky as he was trying to be strong for you. He always did. He was like the lighthouse to your lost boat, entirely the only hope you were holding on as you proceed to a life that seemed to be uncertain and full of questions.
"I love you, Y/N." he whispered, leaning close to you as his lips landed straight on your ear. Sniffing one last of your scent that he never wanted to forget. "Promise me you're not gonna lose it when I'm finally cured," Sebastian whispered tenderly, voice sultry and rough, slightly shaking at the end of his note.
"Also promise me, and that you swear you'll follow everything that's written in our red book," he beseeched, there was another tremble which made you wrap your arms around his warm, clothed body.
The latter gave you one last kiss behind your ears, feeling his five o'clock shadow pricking your skin. A sensation in which you will overly miss. "Because you know I'll always remember you, Baby. You know I will," his gunmetal blue eyes fixated on yours once more, a tight lipped smile falling on his face as it fell once he was pulled and taken by force by the Abstract.
"Sebastian--" you sprinted towards the guards and clawed on their backs as you pleaded to leave your lover alone. "No! Take your filthy hands off him!" you yelled a lot more louder and tried taking the clips behind one's head to take it's mask off. As fast as a lightning, you were pushed on the ground with a loud thud, head falling on the floor making a loud 'bang'.
"I told you not to fucking hurt her!" Sebastian bellowed, struggling againsts their tight hold but they were shockingly stronger than him.
"Stop being a sore eye," the guards spat with ferocity, grinning beneath the abstract, weird mask he was wearing. "You'll forget about her anyway,"
"No! I won't!" Your lover spat back, trying to escape his hold as he was glancing back and forth between you who has fallen behind him. You moaned out the pain as the world began to fall into a kaleidoscope, yet you were still strong enough to stand on your feet with Sebastian in mind as you tried to run for him, tailing behind your lover who was screaming only nothing but your name.
"Love will never conquer all. Only the Abstract will,"
Hence, your name which left his mouth will subside as his screams will turn horrifying soon.
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noona-clock · 5 years
Which One? Ji Soo - Part 5
Genre: Coffee Shop!AU
Pairing: Ji Soo x You
Warnings: None
Prologue, Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Epilogue  | Words: 2,892
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Despite the fact you were now more nervous than ever to go to The Mug and see Ji Soo, you actually couldn’t wait to show him all the pictures from yesterday.
You’d spent basically all of yesterday evening looking through each one of them and researching new presets and filters you could use to create a cohesive theme.
Everyone is a nerd for something; you just happened to be a nerd for Instagram themes.
Well, technically, you were a nerd for design in general. But Instagram theming had become your niche au courant. And, in this day and age, you had plenty of opportunities to let your nerd flag fly.
Since you’d told him yesterday you could come over at any time, Ji Soo had sent you a message just after noon asking if you could come around 8 later that night. Apparently, the shop was pretty busy, and he wasn’t sure he would have a chance to leave Joo Hyuk by himself until around closing time.
Of course, you’d assured him that was fine, and he had promised to make you at least two green tea lattes to help keep you awake.
The caffeine would surely help you then... but what about now? What about all the hours you had before 8pm?
It was currently half-past one...
You had six and a half hours to think about everything which could go wrong. All of the embarrassing things you could say. All of the different ways he could tease you.
So what could you do to distract yourself?
Well, the first thing which came to your mind was... work on your own Instagram. You had just had an engagement photoshoot the other day, and you were about halfway done editing the pictures. Might as well work on one to share with your followers and give the couple a sneak peek.
You chose a picture of the couple on a swingset, each sitting in a swing and holding hands in-between them. It was actually adorable, and even though you didn’t know the couple personally, they had seemed pretty playful and goofy during the two hours you’d spent with them. Taking pictures on a swingset seemed to just work for them.
After selecting the picture, you first opened it up in your computer editing software. You played around with the details since you had more control, sharpening some things and blurring others. You smoothed out the background and added some very subtle light flares.
Once you were satisfied with how everything looked, you transferred it to your phone and imported it into your favorite photography app. You added the preset you had designed for this specific shoot, adjusting the contrast and exposure as needed to get the coloring just right.
All in all, the whole process took you about half an hour, and once you had uploaded the picture and typed out a caption... There were still six hours left until you met up with Ji Soo at the coffee shop.
You couldn’t just post twelve more pictures on Instagram. That’s overload!
I guess you could finish editing all of the pictures from the shoot and get them ready to give to the couple... you didn’t necessarily want to work on a weekend, but what else could you do?!
The only thing was, you preferred to get out of the house to edit pictures. If you stayed home to edit every single picture you took, you would pretty much never see the outside world.
And one of your favorite places to go to get work done?
A coffee house.
Usually, you went to Starbucks because, as we established earlier, you were basic like that. You liked Starbucks!
But now...?
Should you be that girl and go to The Mug instead? Even though you were going there later to work with Ji Soo?
Let’s be real, though. The question you should be asking was this: Would you be able to get any work done with Ji Soo around? You were already skeptical that the two of you were going to get a good start on The Mug’s Instagram page tonight. Did you really think you could sit in that shop and focus on work when you knew Ji Soo was just a few yards away, taking orders and making drinks?
You knew the answer was ‘no,’ but you decided to get a second opinion.
“Hey, what’s up?” Jane answered after you’d pressed on her name in your contacts and waited for a ring or two.
“Hey...” you replied a bit hesitantly. “I have... a question.”
“I’m all ears.”
“So...” You took a deep breath, deciding to say everything quickly so she wouldn’t interrupt with shouts of glee. “Ji Soo kind of hired me to help with the shop’s Instagram page. I say ‘kind of’ because they’re paying me in free drinks, which is totally fine. I’m happy to do it. You know I love Instagram. And I’m going over there later tonight to show him how to edit the pictures and stuff, but I don’t know what to do until then. I was thinking I would edit the pictures I took the other day, the engagement photoshoot? Would it be too much if I went over there to work? To the coffee shop?”
Jane didn’t answer at first. You could very clearly picture her facial expression right now. It most definitely looked something like this:
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And then, almost a full thirty seconds after you’d finished asking your question, she said, “Could you repeat that?”
“Jane!” you chuckled. “Should I go over there to work or would that be too much?”
“Girl! Yes! You! Should! Go! Over! There!”
You bit your lip to keep from smiling like a schoolgirl with a crush, and Jane continued before you had the chance to say anything.
“Are you serious?! Are you going for it?”
“I don’t know!” you admitted, not doing anything to hide your confusion and hesitation. “I don’t know.”
“Wait, has anything happened?! I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me,” Jane scolded.
Well... she wasn’t wrong. You hadn’t told her about yesterday because you knew she would make a big deal out of it, but... 
So you proceeded to tell her about the pictures you’d taken... and the pictures Ji Soo had taken. You didn’t leave off the part where he’d asked to have copies of those pictures, either.
“WOW,” Jane remarked once you’d finished. “First of all, he totally likes you.”
“Really? Do you really think so? He’s not just super friendly and outgoing and charming?” you asked, biting the inside of your cheek anxiously.
“I do think he’s all of those things, but... I mean, come on! He took pictures of you and asked to keep them! He sent a heart eyes emoji when you sent them to him! He, at the very least, thinks you’re gorgeous -- which you are.”
You buried your face in your free hand, unable to say anything back to that. But Jane knew you well enough, and she kept talking.
“Second of all, I think you’re definitely interested, too. Right?”
An anxious sigh fluttered past your lips as you thought about your answer.
Were you interested?
...Wow, okay, was that really a question?
“Yes, of course, I’m interested,” you told her with just a slight whine. “You’ve seen him!”
“But what about his personality?” Jane countered. “Does the inside match the outside?”
“I’ve known him for a few days,” you reminded her.
“What are your first impressions, at least?”
“Well... he teases me like you do.”
“A good start,” Jane said, obviously smirking.
“And there was the whole car thing,” you added. “He took care of everything like it was no big deal.”
“Definitely a plus. I hear it about it for days whenever you have to take your car in for an oil change. Is he nice?”
“I think so.”
“Is he funny?”
“I’ve laughed a fair amount of times at thing he’s said. When I’m not blushing.”
“Y/N, that’s totally enough reason to be interested,” Jane assured you. “You don’t know him that well, yet, but... that’s kind of what dating is all about. Getting to know someone!”
“Dating, Jane?” you snorted. “Don’t you remember I just said we only met on Wednesday? You were there when we met!”
“And don’t you remember I said you’re not going to be single for much longer? Mark my words?”
“Yes, it was actually quite terrifying.”
“Well, mark my words again, my friend. He’s going to ask you out soon. When a guy reacts to pictures of you with a heart eyes emoji...? Yeah, there’s definitely a date on the horizon.”
You weren’t exactly sure about that because you knew Jane was just desperate for you to get a boyfriend so the two of you could go on double dates... but you would humor her, anyway.
“Whatever you say, Jane.”
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Ultimately, you decided to wait until after dinner to head over to The Mug, opting to do your laundry and clean up your kitchen while you waited. You figured you might as well do something productive with all of your nervous energy.
You made yourself a sandwich for dinner around 5:30 (making sure to wipe away every stray crumb from your newly cleaned kitchen, of course), and it was just before 6 when you pulled into the parking lot of The Mug with your laptop in tow.
Okay. Here we go.
You slid your laptop off of your passenger seat, clutching it to your chest and making your way up to the front door. Before you even stepped inside, you saw the long line of customers waiting to order.
Good lord, the draw to this place was just incredible.
But then you looked at the two God-like beings behind the front counter and were reminded just why the draw to this place was incredible.
They would probably have to hire more people to help them soon; you couldn’t imagine how hard they must be working right now. How exhausted they must be.
When it was finally your turn to order, you stepped up to the register with a shy, semi-awkward smile.
“Hey,” you greeted Ji Soo.
“Oh, hey,” he grinned, chuckling slightly in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“I have some photos to edit for a shoot I did earlier this week, and I figured I needed to get out of the house, so...” you answered with a shrug.
Ji Soo’s grin widened just a little bit (though it was enough to make your heart flutter even more than it already was), and he straightened his posture confidently. “What are you feeling tonight? Another green tea latte or something else?”
“I’m definitely having that latte later, but I think right now... do you have chamomile tea?” Your nerves were kind of in overdrive right now, so you could do with some calming herbal tea.
“Yeah, absolutely,” he nodded. “Go ahead and find a seat, I’ll bring it out to you.”
If Ji Soo wasn’t one of only two people working here, you would think he was giving you special treatment by serving it to you personally...
Although, you were getting it for free. 
Because you were the shop’s official Instagram consultant, and they couldn’t pay you in actual money, but that’s neither here nor there.
You headed back into the shop, managing to find a small table by a window (and an outlet in case you needed to charge your laptop). Within minutes, you had set up shop and had already begun editing away.
“One chamomile tea,” Ji Soo murmured when he brought your cup. “Let me know if you need a refill or anything.”
You nodded, shooting him a quick smile before turning your attention back to your screen.
“I’ll come over when I can so you can show me how to be an Instagram genius like you,” he added, and when you glanced at him again, he threw you a sly wink before heading back up to the register.
Him and that wink! Why was he so good at it?! Why did it make your stomach flip and your heart flutter?!
You waited until he was out of earshot before letting out a deep exhale.
Honestly, why had you even questioned whether or not you could get work done here? Ji Soo just had this powerful effect on you. One wink could send you reeling, for heaven’s sake!
But, still. You had pictures to edit, so you would do your best to buckle down and get as many done as you could.
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So, remember how it took you about half an hour to edit that one picture earlier?
You’d arrived here just after 6, and Ji Soo had said the two of you could start working at 8. That gave you two hours.
Theoretically, you should have been able to edit four pictures.
But... how many did you actually get done?
You were currently working on your second, but you had only successfully and completely edited one.
In two hours!
You blamed Ji Soo, of course. He had stopped by your table at least ten times, asking if you wanted a refill or watching you edit over your shoulder or even just making some small talk.
He had thoroughly distracted you, and if that had been his goal for the evening... he’d certainly accomplished it.
When he sat down across from you yet again, letting out a deep, exhausted sigh, you checked the time on your laptop. It was 8:02. Time to start working. ...On your other work, that is.
“Has it been crazy busy today?” you asked, saving the changes you’d made on your picture and closing the lid of your computer so you could see him better.
“Yeah, pretty crazy,” Ji Soo answered as he folded his arms over the table. “You’ve been working pretty hard over here, too.”
...Had you?
Not particularly, but... he didn’t need to know that.
Because he was the reason you hadn’t been working hard.
“Whoever said the weekend was the time to rest didn’t own a coffee shop,” you chuckled.
“Also wasn’t a photographer, I guess,” Ji Soo added.
“So,” you said with a little sigh. “Ready to learn?”
Ji Soo sat up straighter in his seat, the corners of his lips pulling into a very adorable grin. “Yes, I am ready. Teach me everything you know.”
Since you were going to working on your phones, you scooted your chair over to sit next to him, trying to ignore how amazing he smelled. Even after working all day, he smelled heavenly.
You instructed him to pull up one of the pictures you’d sent him last night along with the ones he’d taken of you, a picture of one of the drinks. You’d deemed it your practice picture because it would be pretty simple to edit.
“So, I think with the whole atmosphere of this place, your feed should have more a warm feel to it,” you explained. “Bright but warm. I found a really good preset and made some adjustments to it. You should be able to just use it on any picture, and that should help a lot with creating that theme.”
Ji Soo listened intently, following all of your directions as you walked him through downloading the app he needed as well as the preset you’d created. You showed him how to import the picture, add the preset, and make any tweaks in case the picture didn’t look quite right.
“How did you learn how to do this?” Ji Soo asked after he’d saved the changes on his picture.
Your lower lip jutted out thoughtfully, and you shrugged. “I don’t know. I just kind of... did it. I’ve always loved photography, so I took a lot of classes in school. I also took a lot of web design classes, so I just meshed those two skill sets together, and here we are.”
“Well, I am pretty sure The Mug is going to have the best Instagram of any coffee shop around,” he grinned. “Just as long as you’re always on hand to make sure I did everything right.”
“Yes, of course,” you chuckled. “I’m just a text or phone call away.”
It had taken the two of you over an hour to get that first picture edited, so the shop was now well and truly closed. You stood from your chair, grabbing your laptop and hoisting your bag over your shoulder.
“Here, let me walk you out,” Ji Soo offered, gently resting a hand in-between your shoulders.
You accepted, of course; you were kind of traumatized about going to your car in the dark only to find it wouldn’t start. It would cut out at least five minutes if Ji Soo was already there.
Thankfully, you’d been able to park a bit closer this time, and... Ji Soo was surprisingly quiet the whole walk there.
You’d barely known the guy for four days, but even you knew something was up.
As soon as you approached your car, however, you heard him take a deep breath.
“Hey, so...” he began, his brow furrowed as he somewhat avoided your gaze. “I was wondering... are you -- “
Oh, my.
Was he...?
“Are you busy tomorrow night? I was hoping we could... go out.”
Part 6
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nohshinwoos · 6 years
would u ever do a gif tutorial?? i love your gifs !! 💓
first of all, thank you 💖💖 and sorry this took a while to answer/make, i have had a lot going on and found it hard to make myself focus on this! but here it is now :D
i did make a tutorial earlier this year, but since i feel like that’s slightly outdated now (because i’ve changed the way i make my gifs quite a lot during this year), here’s a new one :’)
in this tutorial i included how i:
cut out the part i want to gif
import to photoshop
how to use actions (because i’ve started using that a lot and will in this tutorial)
crop (action)
put the text on (action)
sharpen (action)
colour (psd)
‘delay’ the gif so it’s a (in my opinion) good speed (again with an action)
i use photoshop cc 2018, but i think as long as you can open video clips in it and it has the ‘timeline’ you should be fine no matter what ps you have. (don’t hold me to it, though, that’s just my own speculation.)
i’ve included some things too:
an ‘action pack’ including: crop, sharpening, text and ‘delay’.
3 colouring psds (2 from the last tutorial+the one used for this tutorial)
i’ll be showing how i made this 540x300px type of gif:
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from this gifset.
(tutorial under the cut! warning for a long post, with a lot of text and pictures. sorry if this is very in depth i just can’t stop talking sometimes. some things might be small details, but it’s things i wish i learned sooner myself. anyway lets get into it! also i’m not an expert, just speaking from my own experience.)
downloading the video
the first thing i do is download the video i want from clipconverter.cc. paste the link in the field, press continue, choose mp4 and highest possible quality (preferably high definition (hd) 1080p or 720p) and then press start. it takes a while to process the video, but once that’s done just press download and wait for the video to download, which takes another while.
if you know which part you want, and don’t wanna download a full video, you can just put in what part you wanna download like this at the bottom:
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cutting out the part i want to gif
i use quicktime player (download link) to open the video and then i cut out the part i want to gif using the ‘trim‘ tool, found under edit -> trim… i always leave more than i need when trimming, just to be sure i get all of what i want to gif, then trim it a bit more later in ps.
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trim by pulling the yellow things until you’re happy, then hit the button to the right.
when you feel like you have the part you want, just click file -> save… and name it and save it where you want.
importing the clip to photoshop
i simply import a clip by pulling it from the folder into ps, like this:
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this will open up your clip like this:
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i always work in the video timeline like this, because i find it easier to move stuff around in it - especially text. and because you can listen to the video clip as you do the text part of the gif, so i don’t need to have it open on the side.
how to use actions
using actions may sound hard, but it’s honestly the best discovery i’ve done in ps this year! now i tend to use it more often than not, because it makes gifmaking simpler (in my opinion). basically, the action does the things for you instead of you having to click a lot of buttons
depending on how you’ve set up your ps, the ‘actions’ panel is on the right. if it’s not, open it by clicking window -> actions.
to import an action to photoshop, you click the little lines at the top right corner of the ‘actions’ window. then click load actions…
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find the action (.atn) you wanna use and click it to add it to ps.
then you just click the action you wanna use in the actions window on the right, and hit the little play button (see pic below) and let ps do the rest.
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click the action (red circle), then play (blue circle)!
nothing more, nothing less!
crop (action)
following the steps above we’re now gonna crop the video.
my ‘big’/one line gifs are usually 540x300px because i find that to be a good size for those.
click the ‘crop 540x300px’ action and ‘play’. done!
and before we move on, this is usually when i trim the gif from the excess i left when trimming it in quicktime player.
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place the marker (red circle) where you want to cut the clip, use the scissor (blue circle) to cut it. click the clip you don’t want anymore and delete it.
text (action)
when i make gifs with text, i find it best to do the text right after the cropping. if the gif doesn’t have text, i just go straight to ‘sharpening’.
first close the video group by clicking the little arrow next to it, then click the video group:
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add the ‘text’ to the gif using the action. the text layer won’t go all the way out, or it might be too long depending on the clip’s length, so just pull it so it fits the size of the whole clip:
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this something to remember to check once we get to colouring as well.
then what i do is that i play (the button marked in blue below) the clip in ps, listen for what i want to be in that particular gif and then pause where i want to cut it, and simply cut it with the scissor. make sure the text layer is selected before cutting it.
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you can either keep the layers like this, or you pull down the top one to the same line in the ‘timeline’. i always want them all in the same row because i find that simpler.
i keep cutting the text where i want the gifs to end. you could say that each section of text is a gif in the gifset, because that’s how i think when i gif like this.
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then it’s just to put the text you want for each part of the gif.
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click the section of text you want to write in, click the ‘type tool’ and then the text on the gif to start writing.
i always make my text boxes higher than i need to, because i never know how many lines the text will be. then i just hit enter to jump down as many lines as i need in order for the text to be at the bottom of the gif.
sharpening (action)
when you’re gonna sharpen the clip, you’ll need to open the video group that you previously closed again.
click the ‘video’ layer and apply the ‘sharpening’ action just like with the other actions. 
now that we’ve sharpened it, when saved the gif will look something like this:
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i most often colour every gifset by itself nowadays, because i love experimenting with colours and try to find something that works for every gif/gifset. it can be challenging, but i personally enjoy that kind of challenge!
for the tutorial i made earlier this year i included some psds that you can find here. you can find the colouring i made for this tutorial there as well! if you just wanna apply the psd and not colour from scratch, i explained how you do that here!
the layers i use are:
‘levels’ (to lighten/darken)
‘vibrance’ (to make the colours ‘pop’)
at least one ‘selective layer’, but usually a few more (to experiment with colours and change/desaturate colours completely)
sometimes a ‘curves’ layer as well (if the gif is very dark or just need some more light other than what the ‘levels’ layer can do)
sometimes i use ‘hue/saturation’ as well (if i wanna change a specific colour to another or saturate it completely)
all adjustments layers i use can be find at the bottom of the ‘layers’ tab, the button is called ‘create new fill or adjustment layer’:
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since my colourings differ from gifset to gifset, this is just generally what i do when colouring. it also varies depending on if it’s more colourful gifs (like this or this, or like the phil one i’m gonna show now), or just one more subtle coloured (like this, this or this).
if there’s requests for more colour tutorials i can make more :’)
but now back to this gifset!
i always start with adding a ‘levels’ layer. my settings for this gifset was:
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the first value is shadows, second is midtones and third is highlights. i usually keep my shadows value at 10-20, midtones 1,20-1,50 or 1,60-1,70 if i need to, and leave highlights as it is. (i don’t use the output levels at all.)
after ‘levels’:
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second layer i add is usually ‘vibrance’. (sometimes i add ‘selective layer’(s) before ‘vibrance’, but i find it easier to do ‘selective layer’(s) last.) my settings for ‘vibrance’ is usually:
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so i basically always turn ‘vibrance’ up to +100, sometimes i’ve used ‘saturation’ too and put it at like +10 or +20 but i find that to be a bit too much most times.
after ‘vibrance’:
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‘selective layer’ is for me the most frustrating part, but also the most fun because you can get such cool colours with it - or even just enhance the already existing colours just a bit.
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‘selective layer’ have many different options and depending on what my ‘goal’ for the gifset is, i use these differently. something i always try to have in mind, though, is that the colours ‘disappear’ a bit when i upload the gifs to tumblr and it’s okay if it’s a bit too ‘much’ in ps.
my biggest tip is probably to explore it on your own and play around with it a lot. that’s how you learn what works and doesn’t work and also what you personally like or don’t like. if it doesn’t look good, just delete the ‘selective layers’ and start from scratch again.
my first layer is always in the reds and often in the black one as well. for the phil gifset my settings were:
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in the reds i enhance his skin colour and in the blacks i make everything black a bit darker. if it’s a colourful gifset i always make the reds a bit ‘stronger’ than i need to, because a lot of the skin colour disappears when i keep adding layers and changing the colours in those.
after this layer the gif looks like this:
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in the second layer i played around with the blues and magentas, to try and change the blue and magenta colours in the gif - in this case phil’s sheets, his sweater and his eyes.
my settings ended up being like this:
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and then the gif looks like this:
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layer 3 in this gif is just magentas, in which i kind of saturated the magenta and blue colours a bit.
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then it looks like this:
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i wasn’t really happy with the green (the pillows) in the gif, so i added another layer in which i changed yellows and greens, and put it beneath the rest of the ‘selective layers’.
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in this layer i played with the yellows and greens, because green always contains yellow and green. putting the cyan to -100 in the yellows layer will make it more reddish and the yellow at +100 will make it more yellow. changing the greens and putting the cyan on -100 made it more reddish too, the magenta at +20 gave it a kind of orange-ish tone and yellow at +100 made it a bit more yellow.
and this is how the gif looks now:
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all in all, i find that to get good or interesting colourings you just have to play around with the different layers. and add more ‘selective layers’, to change the colours even more. as i said before - if it doesn’t work or looks weird, simply delete the ‘selective layers’ and start over :’)
one of the final steps in gifmaking is saving. i save my gifs in two steps, and this is the first one.
to save the first gif, just place the markers like this:
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so it matches with the ‘text’ layer.
click file -> export -> save for web… for my laptop it takes a little while to process it, but soon this window will pop up:
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in the bottom left corner of the window you can see the gif size.
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it needs to be under 3mb for it to work in a tumblr post. if it’s over that, you can either exit the window now and shorten the gif a bit more - or you can save it now and remove frames in the ‘delay’ step further down. i personally most often do the latter because i find that easier.
on the right of the gif are all the settings, mine are:
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i mostly focus on the top half i find ‘selective’ and ‘pattern’ to be the best settings, but that’s a matter of taste really. you can always play around with it until you find what you think is best for your gifs.
and make sure the looping options at the bottom is set to ‘forever’, so the gif doesn’t suddenly stop.
when you’re done, click save… and save your gif where you want.
move the markers (red circles) to match with the next text layer to and repeat the steps to save the next gif.
‘delay’ (action)
once the gif is saved i always open it again to change the ‘frame delay time’ and sometimes (like for the gif used in this example) i add another ‘vibrance’ layer if i find that the gif lacks some colours. you can of course do this during colouring, but for me this works as well.
find your gif, open it in ps. choose the action called ‘delay 0,05’, then hit play. this will make the gif a bit slower than it is when you first save it in ps.
if you want to add another ‘vibrance’ layer, you can do so now. in the ‘layers’ tab, scroll all the way up and click the first layer and then add another ‘vibrance’ layer and set it to the value you want.
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(i usually go for +50 or +100.)
if you know your gif is too big (over 3mb) from saving it earlier, you can now delete frames in order to make it smaller. what i do is delete one or two frames at a time until it’s under 3mb.
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to delete frames, click the one frame, hold ‘shift’ and click as many frames back as you wanna delete. click the tarsh bin (blue circle) to delete them.
once you’re done, click file -> export -> save for web… again to save your gif. i usually save over the one i saved before, because i see no use having two gifs that’s almost the same. i only confuse myself so i don’t know which one is which without having to open ps again.
now you’re finally done and can post your gif(s) to tumblr :D
the final result!
before all effects:
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after all effects:
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if you found this helpful, please like or reblog! thank you for reading :’) 💖
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ask-glados · 5 years
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Hologram Master Post
I wanted to compile all my hologram headcanons and pictures all into one post so that I can link back to this post on my blog for everyone’s reference. I was going to just edit the original hologram info post I made a while back, but I wanted to do a photoset format for the images and have the images side by side and apparently I can’t do that in a text post, so I’m just making a brand new master post here.
One change to her hologram that I’m making is that her voice can come out of either her hologram or her core, instead of just her core. Well, enjoy~!
Introduction: GLaDOS’s Hologram
This headcanon is sort of my own unique version of giving GLaDOS a human/bipedal type body while still keeping her original body and core at the same time.
Basically, after GLaDOS makes some friends and becomes more accepting of her own humanity, she creates a hard-light hologram projection of herself that she can utilize at will.
The hologram is of Caroline, her human form. -
It is 3D, in full color, and looks exactly like the real thing, except she is semi-transparent and has glowing yellow eyes, like her core. -
She created this hologram using a modified version of her hard-light bridge technology. Instead of being red-hot to the touch, it’s pleasantly warm.  -
The ‘hard-light’ nature of the hologram means that she has physicality and can touch and interact with her environment. -
She can see, hear, and feel through the hologram.  -
She can control both her hologram and chassis at the same time, although her focus tends to be on one body at a time, with the view from her other body fading to the background. -
Her hologram functions as a sort of puppet that she controls with her Personality Core as an extension of her body. -
The hologram is projected directly from her Personality Core, and thus, requires her Personality Core to be present. -
Her hologram can also be projected from any cameras her core is connected to. That means she can materialize the hologram anywhere throughout her facility, so long as she has a camera nearby. -
It isn’t like a movie projector, though, meaning there doesn’t need to be an uninterrupted line of sight between her core and the hologram. There is a limit on the distance though, which I’m gonna say is around 50-100 feet or so. -
Her hologram is fairly strong. Hard-light bridges can support multiple people and heavy equipment, so her hologram, being composed of that same hard-light technology, has comparable strength. -
Her hologram cannot become wet, as it doesn’t retain water, so water simply slides off her. -
Her hologram can eat using an eating subroutine that she created for herself. Any food she eats is burned up in her holographic incinerator stomach and is converted to extra energy for her core, if she needs it. She can taste and enjoy the food, but does not become hungry or full. -
Her hologram can leave the facility by disconnecting her Personality Core from her chassis and attaching it to a combo mobile hard drive/battery pack she created for herself, and then having the hologram (or someone near her) carry it. She is able to take her entire database with her as well, thanks to the amount of power and storage space the mobile hard drive/battery pack gives her.  (You can see her mobile core pictured above) -
In the Space Travel verse she has with Akira, it’s a bit different, since she is able to upload her consciousness into their ship without her Personality Core. In this verse, the hologram comes with her consciousness and is projected from the ship’s holo-projectors. -
If her hologram is hit with enough force, it will fizzle out until she generates it again. Though, she will temporarily be in a bit of shock from the pain, so it won’t be instant. I suppose that’s a disadvantage to her hologram. It’s another thing she can feel pain through. Though, it wouldn’t result in damage to her actual Core body, other than the shock and pain.
Just because she can lift vehicles and heavy things though doesn’t mean she’s invincible. First of all, she needs the proper leverage and grip to lift it. And second of all, if a heavy thing fell on her, like a vehicle, even if it only fell a foot or so before it hit her, I think it would definitely fizzle out her hologram.
Also, you can’t kill GLaDOS through her hologram. You might be able to stun her momentarily through her hologram, but you have to attack her actual Personality Core in order to do any real damage.
As nice as her hologram is, it’s still just an extension of her core and her ‘real body’, so interactions with her core and chassis are a bit more… intimate? I don’t mean that in a weird way, though. It’s just a ‘distance’ thing. It’s sort of like the difference between touching someone’s arm while they’re wearing a long sleeve shirt versus touching the actual skin of their arm? It’s just more personal.
So like, giving a massage or kiss to her core or her chassis will get a slightly bigger reaction than if you did so to her hologram. That isn’t to say that she doesn’t still have a strong sense of touch and feeling with her hologram, it’s just enhanced a bit when you interact with her actual core or chassis body.
If you to see the full size versions of the artworks, here’s the links to the art posts:
Night at the Opera
Hologram Reference Pic
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His True Colours
“We finally get Jack’s green hair back! ...But what do we lose in return?”
Readers beware, you’re in for a scare! ...I’m only kidding. This is just a story idea I’ve been messing with! ‘Cause let’s face it: if Jack ever does dye his hair again, you know he’s gonna make a big deal out of it. So dorks, here’s a late-night spook/theory for you to enjoy!
Links: AO3
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It’s been a few weeks since Jack returned from his “How Did We Get Here?” tour, the shows having gone down a smashing success. Those in attendance raved about the theatrics from the natural born showman, with everything from the audience interaction to the special effects working to create an unforgettable performance.
The fans that couldn’t make it to the shows contributed to the hype online, taking to social media and creating a tidal wave of incredible stories, edits, and art. The pieces ranged with everything from fluff to angst, starring Jack and all of the beloved Egos.
Jackieboyman fist bumping Spider-Man; Schneeplestein leering menacingly at the viewer, wielding a needle that definitely wasn’t regulation length; Chase with a variety of flower crowns. The works radiated with the passion and love the community held for both Jack and his characters.
And then, there was Anti.
Cryptic zalgo text littered every fans feed. The familiar lines of "D͏i͞d ̷yo͞u ̵miss̢ me̢?̧” and "You͘ s͢t̢o͝p͟ped pay̕in̛g̢ a͟tt͝eńtio͝ǹ!̡" were eerie reminders of the virus’s ever-lingering presence. The fandom was itching with pent-up fervour, as though Anti had somehow wormed his way under their very skin.
Poems, theories, art; he had it all. 
The only difference was something that the untrained eye might not notice.
It was now old news that Jack had dyed his once-green hair back to its natural brown shade after years of the trademark look. And yes, the fans were sad to see it go. Each Ego sported one of Jack’s varying shades of green. It had been around for the creation of Anti, Schneep, Marvin... everyone!
The community moved on though, deciding that even if Jack had his brown hair back, the Egos could still keep their signature shades.
Except for Anti.
After all, Anti was a virus who depended on Jack’s body to survive. He didn’t have his own, so he should share Jack’s traits, right? It might not have made perfect sense, but the community seemed to accept the general idea, as was evident with nearly every piece of Anti art mirroring Jack’s brown hair, with the rest of the Egos staying the same.
No harm done, it was just the fandom taking creative license.
Cut to another morning upload, where Jack has just posted a brand new “SepticArt” video, the theme being art related to the tour or that period of time while he was away.
He’s as upbeat as usual, excitedly chattering away about all of his favourite moments while pouring over dozens of brilliant submissions.
A few minutes into the video, Jack pulls up an edit of Anti on stage at one of his past shows. He makes a remark about its complexity, and how well done it is, before noting the caption at the bottom:
“A little Anti takeover from Jack’s show in Texas! Forgive the blurry edges, kinda new to this style. And tbh, I’m still not used to brown-haired Anti. Looks good, but I miss our green Glitch Boy. Wonder if we’ll get to see him again haha.“
Jack laughs, reflexively running a hand through the front of his messy hair that’s not tucked into his beanie.
“Yeah, I got that question a lot while I was on tour. And I’m not sure; I mean, never say never, but I’m pretty happy with my natural hair. It’s less of a pain in the ass to take care of, that’s for sure.”
His hand lingers in his fringe for just a second more before he thanks the artist and carries on.
This time it’s a Marvin picture; the Magician is skillfully shuffling a deck of playing cards, grinning. His neon green bangs hang messily over his signature cat mask.
Jack points out his love of the bold line use, though he pauses at the hair. His eyes narrow ever so slightly, but his smile is still as bright as ever.
Then there’s a sketch of Chase, who’s excitedly comparing a befuddled JJ to the box art of the Monopoly Man while they try to play said board game.
Jack chuckles, hand going to rub his throat absentmindedly.
A watercolour of Anti from the back, his dark hair a stark contrast silhouetted against the bright green background of a not-so-friendly looking Sam whose teeth glint with moisture.
Jack grips his mouse a bit tighter.
Schneeplestein happily writing a postcard on some tropical beach, lab coat and all, dark green roots visible under his hat.
Jack cracks his neck.
As the video carries on, there’s a distinct tension in the YouTuber: his body twitches imperceptibly; his hands clenching into fists before quickly loosening; he can’t stop touching his throat.
A newcomer to Jack’s channel might write this off as excitement, his energy getting the better of him. The more experienced members of his community, however, begin to feel nervous.
Still, Jack is as taken with his community’s artistic endeavours as always. The smile on his face proves that.
It’s wide, teeth bared for all to see.
The video is almost finished, with Jack coming to the last piece. He once again thanks everyone who participated, saying how he would be nothing without them.
The theorists release a breath. 
Everything was fine; just their typical overactive imaginations. Nothing to worry about.
With an eager grin, Jack pulls up the final entry. 
It’s a stunning digital drawing of a bathroom mirror taken from the YouTuber’s perspective as he stares at his reflection, clutching a porcelain sink.
It smirks back, smile unnaturally wide. He eyes Jack with a blackened gaze, eagerly assessing him for even a hint of weakness. Blood from several crude, deep cuts in his throat drips down into his shirt collar. The knife responsible lays in the sink, crimson coating the blade.
From the angle, you’d swear it was Anti looking back at himself, sickly pleased with his deranged handiwork. The tell is the gauges and Jack’s lack thereof; the man you’re seeing the perspective from is without them.
Jack stares at the drawing, his gaze transfixed. For a split-second, you think to refresh the video, believing it to have lagged. The music Robin added into the background is gone, and the webcam footage seems frozen...
And then he’s throwing his head back, laughing as he grips his sides.
“That’s a helluva drawing! God, do you see the detail?! Anti looks badass!”
He’s positively giddy, scanning every inch of the artwork with rapt enthusiasm. He begins to say something about the shading as he brings the picture out of fullscreen view. Then his laughter cuts off abruptly, smile tightening. He scrolls down to highlight the artist’s note:
“Those 20 hours were all worth it! Here’s my entry for Jack’s #SepticArt event; I call it “Two-Way Mirror”! I’m really happy with how it turned out, though I was a little worried about how I’d draw the differences for Anti’s reflection. With his brown hair, how can you even tell the two of them apart? 😆 Anyway, hope you guys like it!”
His expression becomes flat. He stares with an unwavering intensity that leaves goosebumps on your skin.
“...The same...?”
Jack mutters the phrase so quietly, it’s almost indecipherable.
“You really think... we’re the same?”
A hollow chuckle spews from his lips, and then it grows into a laugh; high-pitched and cold. In a blur, he slams his fist down onto his desk, and even off-screen, you can hear his keyboarding shattering. His lips are pulled back into a hideous snarl, a grotesque mask of fury.
“I’m nothing like him. N̞͔̤̤̺͖ͅOT̼̱̪̬̹͉H̗͝I̶̲̰̘̠̹N͉͚̖̤̳̻G͓͈̩̣͎̝͞.
The man’s eyes widen fearfully, seemingly at the sound of his own voice. His rage gives way to panic as he falls forward in his seat, clutching his head with a pained groan.
Jack’s body shudders, racked by waves of tremors as his knuckles strain white, nails digging into the arms of his chair. The camera feed is breaking apart, glitching between frames of Jack clawing at his forearms, his neck. His breathing is erratic, mumbles falling from his mouth - desperate, rambling pleas.
Then he’s still.
Too still.
Jack lets out a heavy breath, relieved - no, satisfied - before sitting up slowly. His beanie has been knocked off, his usual fluffy hair on full display.
All eyes are immediately on his neck and - oh... it’s untouched. For a moment, the viewers feel a spike of relief, hearts slamming into their throats. But then Jack opens his eyes, and their blood runs cold.
Black. Darker than any art or edit could even attempt to capture.
He sits back, almost lounging in Jack’s gaming chair, as he takes a deep breath in. Cracking his knuckles, he rolls his neck in a series of jerky moves before closing his eyes again. And in one smooth motion, he runs his hand through the front of Jack’s hair.
His fingers pass through the strands, adjusting the colour as it melts in. The brown lightens to blonde, then grows brighter. The green hue radiates with an unnatural sheen.
Stopping at the fringe, he lowers his hand to reveal the change; familiar, yet not. Wrong.
Anti opens his eyes, a wickedly pleased smirk playing across his lips as he leans toward the camera.
“Are͏ ya͝ ̡f́uck͞i̛n̛’ ̛ha͠p͞py͏ now̶?͝”
He giggles with twisted glee, hair falling into his eyes as he tips his head forward. Then he stops, and looks up through his bangs, glaring into the camera with a ferocity that dares anyone watching to defy him.
“Ỳou͡’̴ve͠ ͠had̷ yǫur ͢fun, bu̧t̢ d͡on’t fuc̕ki͞n̸’͟ ͝f̷orģet w̢ḩo ͠I ̷a͘m͢, w̢ḩat ͠I ̷a͘m͢. A̧n̸d thąt͠’s n̛oţ h̢im.͘”
The camera is shoved to the floor. The lens cracks, spider-webbing across the screen before it cuts to black. Echoing laughter grows distant as Anti walks away.
There is no second upload that day.
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dansnaturepictures · 4 years
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An introduction to my 10 wildlife and photography highlights of 2020 blogs
I am back with my annual thread of blogs throughout December about themes which address general highlights of another very enjoyable yet unpredictable throwing up some unique, worrying and unforgettable circumstances of course year of wildlife watching and photography for me. The blogs this year are about; my overall year of birdwatching, experiences with my favourite birds this year generally and very locally, regular visits to the New Forest, my butterfly year and experiences with other insects, flowers and species I observe less regularly, my autumn, my week off in June, our weekend away in Devon and Cornwall in August and our holiday in Norfolk in September, our usual visit to Bushy Park and my November and December. The first of these blogs shall post tonight, then part 1 of next tomorrow and part 2 of it on Thursday. There will be one next Thursday 10th December. 14th-18th December will be the usual working week where one posts every night. Then to keep up my recent tradition of posting the last ones on festive days the last two will post on 21st and 23rd December. This year and for the first time ever a bonus addition to the blogs will post on 24th December, I’m not having a Boxing Day one like I’ve done in recent years due to it being on a weekend day. They will all post around 7pm or at least by 8, some of the longer blogs slightly earlier and some of the shorter ones slightly later to help my reviewing and enjoyment of them posting.
As always now too from 27th December this year I’ll be doing my thread of tweets on my account Dans_Pictures with four of my favourite pictures I’ve taken this year in categories. On New Year’s Eve on there I’ll have my further one picture I was proud to take each month of 2020 tweets and my first and last bird and photo of the year tweet/s. The plan is to do the thread twice daily from 27th December but like the last two years if in December or even November I get days where I produce few photos or due to multiple pictures in one tweet from the day I don’t upload them in many tweets I will bring forward a tweet from the four photos thread to make up for lack of tweets in a time I would normally tweet. With obviously other things to tweet on New Year’s Eve I shall make sure I definitely hold the last four of these tweets back for 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th though.
Throughout December and festive days my Christmas and New Year edits of some of my photos this year shall be posted on Twitter and Facebook, and here they are now attached to this post. If I have to change the plans for when these posts and tweets will go out for any reason I shall let you know as soon as I can.
As usual in this post though, here’s a taste of some of my highlight this year: 2020 despite being a truly challenging year for sure was a year that I saw another fantastic amount of birds rare and common with a really fast and strong start to seeing birds this year, had one of my most incredible butterfly seasons with so much seen everything emerging so early, had a strong year for seeing and photographing dragonflies, damselflies, moths, beetles, mammals with my second highest ever amount of species of them seen in a year and flowers, took a set of pictures I was proud of and unbelievable amounts throughout the year with many strong and memorable wildlife, landscape and sky including lots of moon ones I felt too, have an amazing week off in June visiting some of the best nature reserves in the country including Arne, Thursley Common, Knepp, Durlston, Portland Bill and Lodmoor, seeing sensational wildlife and views, go away to Gloucestershire to go into WWT Slimbridge for my birthday again, have a marvellous impromptu wildlife and landscape filled weekend away in Devon and Cornwall in August, have a memorable and fantastic week away in Norfolk in September, have a brilliant day at Bushy Park for the Red Deer rut and more in October and enjoy rich and colourful sights of autumn starting notably early this year and really connected so deeply to the world around me whilst working from home.
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sharengayonline · 3 years
LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
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“The LG G4 is the best smartphone of 2015, and it’s camera is so good that it often outperforms the iPhone 6 Plus.”
Bạn đang xem: LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
Bright screen with gorgeous contrast
Excellent camera performance
Shooting in RAW and Manual mode
Removable battery and MicroSD card slot
Leather battery cover rocks
Still made of plastic
UX features are a mixed bag
Battery life is average
Speaker quality is weak
“Life’s Good” is LG’s tagline, but life has been tough for the company’s mobile division. Its archrival Samsung has captured a big chunk of the phone market, and LG has spent several years chipping away at Samsung’s mighty presence.
The Nexus 5 and G3 proved that LG could play with the big boys, and the G4 expands on that notion, improving features that optimize the user experience in tangible ways. With an impressive camera and more user-friendly software, the G4 makes a strong case for being the dark horse smartphone that could make waves and surprise many in 2015.
Do the right thing, choose the leather model
To own an LG G4 with a plastic rear cover should be a crime. It’s like ordering a new BMW with a cloth interior: a decision that’ll save you cash on the day, but one you’ll question every time you get in the car later on. Unlike Samsung and more like Vertu, LG has used real leather on the G4, and it feels fantastic; it’s warm, soft, tactile, and classy. It’s a world apart from the cold indifference you get from a plastic-backed G4.
It’s not annoying either. There are never any fingerprints to clean off, it doesn’t cling to the inside of your jeans pocket, and is apparently very hard wearing. For the past few weeks, the G4 has gone case-less in my pocket and bag, and the leather (and screen, actually) have suffered no ill-effects. The leather will undoubtedly bed in with age, but there’s no evidence of that just yet, and it hasn’t lost its sheen.
LG has got the colors right too. The brown leather complements the matt-silver rear controls beautifully, and the phone goes very well with the darker brown leather used for the strap on the gold Watch Urbane. Using the two together looks great, and is one of the first times I’ve ever matched two pieces of tech with each other based on color and material choice.
Showstopping camera
To give the G4 a thorough workout, it recently accompanied me on a long weekend away, where its photographic ability, battery, and general use could be explored in a variety of situations. There’s little to say about how it handles email, web surfing, and calls — because it does them effortlessly. The Snapdragon 808 processor is more than capable enough to keep up, although under heavy usage — I’ve used it for VR in a headset, for example — it can still make the device pretty toasty, but never to the point where it’s uncomfortable or a danger.
The camera is stunning, and did everything I could have wanted. There is absolutely no reason to carry another camera, or even choose a different phone, if photos are your priority. Day or night, inside or out, and in challenging environments it performed flawlessly. There were moments I wanted to capture during my weekend, and I’m pleased the G4 was my camera of choice to do so.
A small concert venue with bright stage lights looking out onto a dark auditorium isn’t the ideal place to take good pictures. Even without switching to manual mode, the G4’s auto settings and the laser autofocus made cool shots possible. Several are shared here, and come straight off the phone. With a little editing, each looks superb.
It’s the same with pictures taken around the city at night, and of sunsets. These were the times where it was possible to play with manual mode, which is hampered only by the fixed f/1.8 aperture — how great would it be to adjust this number? Using the G4 to shoot video did reveal the spot autofocus can be overzealous if left unattended, and results improved when the setting was turned off.
Ignore the slightly uninteresting design
The battery performance has remained steady at a little over a day, but the VR video really did suck the power, and could easily eat 20 to 30 percent in 20 minutes. I’ve also become used to using LG’s Smart Bulletin board, which slides in from the left of the main home screen and shows calendar entries, LG Health, and a music widget. It’s not revolutionary, but it’s attractively presented and easy to access.
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If there’s a problem with the G4, it’s that it doesn’t visually standout, despite the leather back and slight curve to the body. It’s very similar to the G3, and can’t quite match the Samsung Galaxy S6 in terms of cool design. Ignore this, choose a leather clad version, and revel in owning a fantastic flagship smartphone with a camera that takes showstopping shots with ease.
Original review continues below:
Curvy, not flexy
LG likes curves. Every phone it launches seems to stick to that design philosophy, and the G4 essentially maintains its predecessor’s overall look. The contoured back is the same angle, and while slightly taller and wider, the G4 doesn’t deviate from the angular top and bottom. The corners are less rounded and the edges slope outward just enough to give it a slightly inverted look upon closer inspection.
Unlike Samsung, LG hasn’t abandoned plastic, nor a removable back. The back is made of a metal and plastic compound mixture, except it’s clear this cocktail is skewed toward the latter. A patterned design is etched into the metallic and ceramic backs to add some flair. Since gold is in vogue these days, LG got into the act and dipped into that as well, along with white and dark gray versions.
The removable back does serve more than a functional purpose for what lies underneath (battery, SIM, and MicroSD), since it’s also used as a way to personalize and augment the phone’s appearance. The full grain leather battery covers are a stylish turn for LG — in a good way. At its launch event in New York, LG noted that it used the same vegetable tanning process for its leather that luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and Coach are known to use. Using full grain, rather than genuine leather, also makes the G4 is more durable, so fading and age give it character. Brown, black, beige, and sky blue versions are already confirmed, along with the yellow and crimson red versions shown in New York.
Having all these back cover options means they can be swapped, so it would be no problem to buy a white G4 and tack on a blue leather battery cover later. My review unit didn’t include one, but after some hands-on time with a few of them in New York, I was impressed. The leather is smooth and silky soft. Every detail of the leather backing, right down to the stitching, is well executed. I would likely switch to the black one when given the chance, personally.
On the front is a 5.5-inch quad HD IPS Quantum Display with the same resolution of 2,560 × 1,440 pixels and pixel density of 538ppi as last year. LG gave the front a slight curve it calls Slim Arc, which is noticeable when looking at the G4 directly from its side. The slight curve makes the phone more comfortable to hold in your hand. The screen is also brighter, both by default and at full brightness, a necessary design tweak to rectify the duller output of the G3. LG says it also has 20 percent greater color reproduction and 50 percent better contrast. In our comparisons to the Galaxy S6 and iPhone 6 Plus, LG’s screen definitely held its own or outperformed the competition.
Under the hood
Playing it safe, LG opted not to go with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 810 processor, which has been dogged by concerns over excessive heating. Instead, it’s the Snapdragon 808 chip that’s inside — which is still a powerful hexa-core processor, though LG hasn’t really explained why it made the change other than to say the chipset is “optimized” for the G4’s features.
There’s no doubt the G4 is the best handset LG has made to date.
There is 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage to help the cause, along with a 16-megapixel rear camera with improved optical image stabilization (OIS) and a color spectrum sensor – more on that later. Interestingly, LG chose to go with a Micro SIM card slot, rather than use the Nano SIM the iPhone and other Android phone manufacturers are starting to embrace. There is also a MicroSD slot (not present on competing phones) that is technically capable of supporting up to 2TB cards.
I don’t know if the Snapdragon 810 processor would’ve made a notable difference in the G4’s performance, but I had little to complain about with the 808. The phone is brisk, speedy, and dependable. I had no problem doing anything I would normally do on a smartphone. Streaming video was fine, downloading and uploading content was fine, and switching between multiple apps was fine. The phone did get a little hot, but never to a point where I had to question why.
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Compared to the Samsung Galaxy S6, which uses an octa-core processor, I didn’t notice a drop in overall performance. Both were equally fluid in the same respects, so LG may, in fact, be on the right track in suggesting users wouldn’t notice anything unusual. It’s also easier to compare the two because neither relies on gimmicky features, like they did in the past. Hardline smartphone users may notice intricacies and quirks that might set the G4 back, but I suspect the average person will carry on without missing a beat.
If I did have something to point a finger at, it would be the speaker, found on the rear. It’s easily among the weakest links of the phone’s design, and while the G4’s curved back helps the sound escape when laid flat, fidelity is not in the same league as the HTC One M9.
The DT Accessory Pack
Up your game and the get the most out of your gear with the following extras, hand-picked by our editors:
Creative Sound Blaster Roar: Portable Speaker ($130)
SanDisk – Ultra 128GB microSDXC ($90)
LG G4 Spigen Case ($21)
LG has taken a restrained approach to its software this year, like Samsung. Running on Google’s Android Lollipop 5.1 operating system out of the box, LG’s UX 4.0 user interface features are blended in so everything remains simple. The idea was to include features that make life with the phone easier. Some of LG’s better ideas include faster scrolling through the Gallery app and Event Pocket, an app that can unify calendars from various apps into one place. Those who live and die by their calendars may find this a convenient way to aggregate Facebook event invites with details that can be dragged and dropped from other messaging apps.
Smart Notice is supposed to be more personalized and contextual, offering more than simple weather and traffic updates. By learning my habits, it would ostensibly know that I don’t have to commute to work (I work from home), and prioritize weather and phone usage alerts instead. Perhaps it needed more time to get to know me, because I found it to be too predictable every day, regardless of where I was or what I was doing.
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The Quick Help widget is found as a question mark next to Smart Notice. It’s designed to be a mini search engine for the G4 itself, but for whatever reason, none of the queries I tried yielded results. Simple things like “calendar” and “color spectrum” drew blanks.
The true value in LG’s software experience is the bare minimum of alterations it offers. Icons and menus clearly received the Lollipop treatment with flatter designs and vibrant colors. The Settings menus are clear, concise, and easy to navigate. There’s a level of simplicity here that’s easy to appreciate, even if it’s not always patently obvious. I liked the general look and feel of the software more than any features LG added because its apps and features didn’t impact on my daily usage like they were intended to, and tended to only work with other LG apps. Not everyone wants to use LG Health or LG’s Music app. Some of us use Moves and Spotify. In any case, if you ignore some of LG’s apps, much like you’ve ignored some of Samsung or Apple’s apps, you’ll be better off.
This might be the best smartphone camera
The G4’s camera is unquestionably its crowning feature — And it should be, considering that it sports a 16-megapixel sensor, an f/1.8 aperture lens with OIS 2.0 built-in, and a color spectrum sensor. The latter feature is unique to smartphones, and its purpose is to measure the ambient lighting conditions from both the source of the light and where objects are reflected in the scene. This is on top of the sensor’s ability to capture more realistic color tones.
The G4 has one of the best smartphone cameras on the planet.
These features, coupled with the excellent controls in Manual mode, give the G4 one of the best smartphone cameras on the planet. Focusing is very quick, particularly when conditions are bright enough for the lens and sensor to lock on. The Depth of field capturing is impressive, despite the lack of any real optical zoom. And yes, color composition is superb, producing not only vibrant images, but consistently good ones that maintain their tonality after being transferred or shared.
Low-light shooting is perhaps the best available on any smartphone at this point and time, but there is a catch. LG keeps things basic with three distinct shooting modes: Simple, Auto, and Manual. The first two are very similar, except that Auto shows the heads-up display options. White balance, ISO, and shutter are automatically chosen, like any other smartphone camera does. LG claims that users can still expect better results because the color spectrum sensor is still doing its thing. This is generally true, but to fully appreciate what the camera and sensor are capable of, it’s best to learn the Manual mode.
Here, I could toggle the white balance, ISO, shutter, metering, and choose between auto-exposure lock (AE-L) or manual focus (MF). Adjusting any of the settings shows what the photo would look like in real time. Users who might be intimidated by going manual may find that one factor to be the most inviting. Even someone with years of photography experience like myself very much appreciated seeing that.
The photos the G4 captured were impressive across the board. Being able to shoot in RAW was even better, given how much extra detail the sensor was able to take in.
Video capture in 4K or 1080p is fine. You can’t really tinker with image settings before shooting a clip though. I tried to set up a low-light video clip by toggling the different metrics, but once I tap record, everything went automatic, so it was all for naught.
Battery life
Samsung got some flak for not going with a removable battery, whereas LG may earn praise for sticking with it. That’s subjective, of course, since replacing a battery isn’t something every user feels the need to do. The 3,000mAh battery inside performs well enough, but I wouldn’t consider it to exceptionally good. Basic usage saps little, but once more intensive tasks come into play, the juice starts dripping noticeably.
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Jessica Lee Star/Digital Trends
Not to say that the G4 guzzles battery life because it’s not that bad, it’s only that intensive tasks seem to take more out of the processor than LG lets on. For example, streaming video remotely via Plex chomped on my battery life by a noticeable margin. Even when I initially set up the phone, I lost 20 percent in less than two hours because of everything that had to be downloaded and installed. Overall performance is fine, but for very intense processes, the G4 fares no better than its competitors.
There’s no doubt the G4 is the best handset LG has made to date, not just because of the components, but also because of the thoughtfulness that went into it. Little things, like a brighter screen with better contrast, prettier interface, and useful software tweaks, stood out because I interacted with them every day. For me, the curved back and edges made it easier to pick up the phone off the table, as well, and hold it. The Knock On double tap to wake from sleep has always been a useful feature. Double pressing the volume down button to instantly launch the camera was great for snapping selfies.
I can forgive the plastic design because real leather is an alternative. If not for that, I would dock LG for taking the easy way out. Using real leather in a way that doesn’t cut corners sends the right message, much like the other moves made with the G4. Whether or not consumers will take it to heart and splurge for the G4 is going to be interesting to watch, but we haven’t been this impressed with a smartphone, and it’s camera, for some time.
Bright screen with gorgeous contrast
Excellent camera performance
Shooting in RAW and Manual mode
Removable battery and MicroSD card slot
Leather battery cover rocks
Still made of plastic
UX features are a mixed bag
Battery life is average
Speaker quality is weak
Editors’ Recommendations
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Nguồn: https://sharengay.online Danh mục: Công Nghệ
LG’s leather-wrapped G4 is no dominatrix, but it does dominate
from Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO https://bit.ly/3jFLzlf via IFTTT
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easyhairstylesbest · 3 years
77 Valentine's Day Gifts You Can Get on Amazon Prime
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If going to the mall during the holidays drove you nuts before 2020, then Amazon Prime will save your soul now more than ever. Where else can you buy a wool Mackage coat, a sculpted bust of a greek god, a cardboard turntable for cats, and toilet paper? From the comfort of your couch. Naked.
Because there are millions of choices on Amazon and going through the results for even a single inquiry can be exhausting, we went through tens of thousands of items and put together a definitive list of the best gifts you can shop this year with Prime. Our non-negotiable criteria? Items had to be unique, high-quality, practical or chic, because nobody has time for anything else these days. Below, our top picks on Amazon Prime to add to your cart now.
Ocean Mist & Sea Salt Candle
NEST Fragrances amazon.com
With notes of sea salt, white tea and coconut, this ocean mist-scented candle is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. (Something that can’t be said for most candles out there.)
Gabbi Vegan Leather Handbag
If you follow any fashion accounts, you’ve probably seen JW Pei all over your Instagram feed. What’s less known about the affordable brand is that their bags are made from 50 percent recycled materials and 10 percent of all profits are donated to animal sanctuaries around the world.
Polaroid Pop Instant 3×4 Photo Printer & Digital Camera
Being able to hold photos of special moments hits different. Polaroid’s wireless Pop Instant camera is a game-changer for making it possible to take, preview, edit and print 3.5 x 4.25 photos. The easily transportable device also offers WiFi connectivity, so users can upload their pictures straight to the ‘gram if they please.
Acrylic Sheep-Shaped Containers
Agirlvct amazon.com
Whether you’re shopping for the aunt that does her own thing or your friend with the ironic instagram aesthetic, these sheep-shaped cotton swab containers will just hit different.
SLIP Silk Pillowcase
Anti-aging and crease minimizing benefits aside, a silk pillowcase simply just looks and feels luxurious. Because falling asleep these days isn’t easy, this queen size pillowcase makes for a thoughtful gift.
14k Gold Three Diamond Amigos Curve Post Earrings
Adina Reyter amazon.com
If these diamond curve post earrings look familiar, it’s because Meghan Markle wears them on repeat. To give you a sense of just how versatile these beauties are, the Duchess wore these to Commonwealth Day 2018, throughout her and Harry’s Royal Tour of Australia, and numerous royal engagements in London.
The Archisutra: The handbook’s Final Chapter
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform amazon.com
This creative Kama Sutra from London-based architect Miguel Bolivar is a good gift for cultured significant others. Each sex position is inspired by a famous building or furniture design with detailed data and annotated scale drawings.
Handmade Love Bracelets for Men & Women
Ubuntu Life amazon.com
Ubuntu Life, which was included in Oprah’s Favorite Things 2020, provides employment to artisans in Kenya, in addition to running programs that support social inclusion for Kenyan children with educational and physical needs. A handful of colors are still in stock at the time of publication.
Premium Bamboo Bathtub Tray Caddy
For a fancy-feeling gift that’s actually affordable, look to this bathtub tray caddy. It has a stand that can be propped to read a book or display a tablet, plus a wine glass holder.
Fair Trade-Certified Chocolate Gift Set
Chuao Chocolatier amazon.com
This dark and milk chocolate gift set from Whole Foods-carried brand Chuao Chocolatier contains innovative flavors the chocolate lover in your life won’t be expecting. Think: potato chip, honeycomb, salted chocolate crunch and more. 
Open Back Lace Teddy Bodysuit Lingerie
Spice things up with this surprisingly affordable lingerie find. Its delicate lace details and open back lend a glamorous touch.
Nonslip Hair Claw Clips (Pack of 4)
Claw clips were already having a moment in fashion before the pandemic. Now that we’re working from home and wearing our hair up every day, they’re all the more useful. These reviewer-obsessed clips boast 3k reviews and counting with an average rating of 4.8k stars.
Flex Wireless Earphones
I obtained a pair of the latest Beats (the brand’s most affordable headphones to date) for testing a few months back and haven’t stopped using them since. Delivering crystal clear sound, 12 hours of battery life, and a rapid fast charge, these bluetooth wireless headphones are overall better than headphones I’ve spent at least 4x more on over the years.
7/8 Jogger Travel Pants
Editor’s note: I own these joggers and am in love with them. What first sold me on these was that reviewers mentioned how similar these are to Lululemon’s On The Fly jogger, which cost about three times more. Fast forward to me owning 4 pairs and recently FaceTiming with my grandma who was rocking her own pair as well. A great gift for any woman who likes comfortable, flattering pants.
Reversible Zebra Bathmat in Grey
Jonathan Adler amazon.com
Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side… Not when you’re getting out of the tub though. That’s dangerous in an ER-kind of way. Anyway, here’s a cute, dryer-friendly bathmat. 
Le Specs. Air Heart Sunglasses
Le Specs. amazon.com
If these glamorous and slightly oversized sunnies look familiar it’s because Meghan Markle sported this exact pair during her 2019 baby shower. Shoppers, note that these fan-favorite shades have a track record for selling out fast. 
‘Tis The Season Huggie Set
Stella & Haas amazon.com
This trio of hypoallergenic freshwater pearl huggies is another covetable find from Oprah’s Favorite Things List this year. Considering how versatile these earrings are, I don’t blame you if you opt to keep a pair for yourself.
UGG Fluffita Slipper
Have a shoe lover on your shopping list? Change their life with UGG’s Fluffita slippers. These fuzzy-feeling platform slippers will elevate all of their favorite loungewear ‘fits.
Mayberry Sheepskin Slipper
EMU Australia amazon.com
Cozy gifts remain a failsafe move in 2021, so here’s another pair of chic sheepskin slippers certain to delight. 
Emmanuelle Initial Necklace
Jennifer Zeuner Jewelry amazon.com
A personalized touch goes a long way in making it look like you didn’t wait until the last minute to pick something out and panic while doing so. Here, a gothic initial pendant from Jennifer Zeuner that subtly channels Regina George’s ‘R’ necklace. More letters are available as well.
Dachsie Ring Holder
This dachshund ring holder takes cute jewelry organization to another level. Perfect for the dog lover who’s constantly rotating her stack.
Layla Bamboo Bed Sheets
Layla Sleep amazon.com
$125.00 (29% off)
A sheet upgrade is the gift that keeps on giving. Suitable for sensitive skin types and hot sleepers, Layla Sleep’s 300-thread count Bamboo sheets are soft to the touch and eco-friendly. (Bamboo uses 200x less water than cotton and doesn’t require harsh chemicals in the production process.) The set includes a fitted sheet, top sheet and 2 pillowcases.
PhoneSoap Pro UV Smartphone Sanitizer & Universal Charger
PhoneSoap amazon.com
File PhoneSoap’s Pro UV smartphone sanitizer under universally practical gift ideas. In just five minutes, this device is able to kill up to 99.99% of germs thanks to its powerful UV-C light.
Plush Slipper Socks Women
Toes Home amazon.com
Amazon reviewers are obsessed with this set of fuzzy socks, which happens to be a steal at this price. (Think 2.4k ratings and counting, with an average of 4.6/5 stars.) A handful of designs are available, but the heart motifs here are especially kitschy-chic.
Alix Mini Top Handle Satchel
3.1 Phillip Lim amazon.com
They say the best gifts are the ones you’d want for yourself. Phillip Lim’s versatile Alix Mini top handle bag is proof.
Supreme Glamour
Thames & Hudson amazon.com
Anyone who loves The Supremes or retro glamour will swoon over this new coffee table book, which chronicles the fashion history of the beloved 1960s Motown group. Founding member Mary Wilson tells her friend and co-author, Mark Begu, the whole story of the band.
Gisele Long PJ Set
Eberjey amazon.com
Eberjey is practically synonymous with great pajamas. Made from modal and spandex jersey (no polyester!), these PJs are breathable, ridiculously soft and hot sleeper-friendly. Unlike cheaper options out there, you can be sure these will last for years to come.
Power Workout Leggings in Black
Sweaty Betty amazon.com
To give you a sense of how beloved British brand Sweaty Betty’s power leggings are, one pair has sold every 90 seconds this year. (Editor’s note: I own these and don’t stop talking about how I think they’re the most comfortable and flattering leggings of all time.) New to Amazon Prime, these are still in stock in every size at the time of publication. 
Women’s Asili Stacking Rings
Women-founded and sustainably sourced, SOKO makes some of the coolest, vintage-feeling costume jewelry around. Their pieces are handcrafted by artisans Kenya who use recycled brass, upcycled horns and traditional techniques.
Leather Touchscreen Texting and Driving Gloves
If you’re bougie on a budget, check out these Italian cashmere-lined leather gloves which boast over 1.7k ratings. As one reviewer put it: “They are great, and actually fit very well. Beautifully packaged. Could be a gift but I am keeping them!” 
Women’s Duality Reversible Sherpa Jacket
Alo Yoga amazon.com
Not only is Alo Yoga’s best-selling Duality jacket fun and practical in equal measure, it’s reversible and one side is sherpa. Five other colorways are available too.
Drinking Animals Coloring and Cocktail Recipe Book
Each page in this delightful coloring book opens up to a different animal and new cocktail recipe. 
Tombow Dual Brush Pen Art Markers
Editor’s note: I’m a lifelong doodler and Tomboy’s dual tip brush pens are unrivaled when it comes to ease of use and vibrancy. Several color palettes are available in case you’re after something louder too. PS: A bunch are on sale right now, which is rare for the brand.
Apple AirPods with Wireless Charging Case
Few tech gadgets, if any, look as suave as AirPods. Of all the headphones carried on Amazon, these remain the #1 best-selling pair (no exaggeration), and for a limited time only, they’re currently on sale.
No Bounds Wireless Outdoor Speaker
House of Marley amazon.com
These aux input speakers from House of Marley (which, fun fact, was founded by Bob Marley’s son, Rohan) boast an impressive ten hours of battery life. Even better? Because they’re dust-proof and waterproof, you and your partner will be able to enjoy these on outdoor adventures and road trips.
Retro Bluetooth Speaker
This ultra-compact speaker is sure to be a crowdpleaser. The indoor/outdoor speaker not only connects with bluetooth, but can be used as an FM radio with AUX connectivity as well, all while delivering impressive sound and 10 hours of battery life. A carrying strap and dust bag are also included, which makes for a sleek presentation.
Bose SoundLink Revolve Wireless Bluetooth Speaker
This sleek indoor/outdoor speaker delivers crystal clear sound quality and long battery life (16 hours!) certain to enhance any user’s listening experience. From true crime podcasts to Netflix to electronic music experiences, these will be a game-changer. 
Boy Smells Beeswax & Coconut Wax Kush Candle
Boy Smells amazon.com
This Boy Smells best seller doesn’t actually contain any psychoactive hemp-derived extracts, but it’s still lit. Paying homage to the cannabis flower, the scent is warm, fresh and floral.
Hand and Skincare Amenity Kit
Grown Alchemist amazon.com
Editor’s note: I’m never more than a few feet away from my Grown Alchemist hand creams in the winter. Containing a vanilla and orange peel hand cream, vanilla and geranium day cream and watermelon lip balm, I’d argue this is the most affordable fancy-feeling beauty gift on Amazon. Fun fact, clean Gwyneth Paltrow is a huge fan of this lipgloss. 
EltaMD Mineral-Based UV Clear Facial Sunscreen (1.7 oz)
Sunscreen as a gift? Only if it’s from EltaMD’s product line. If you or a loved one who spends a lot of time in the sun hasn’t tried this dermatologist-loved sunscreen line before, ELLE.com highly recommends. (Read Beauty Director Chloe Hall’s full review here.)
Sparkling Water Machine
sodastream amazon.com
Kiss wasteful plastic bottles of seltzer from the grocery store goodbye. Set in a sleek monochromatic design, this SodaStream kit includes everything you need to make seltzer at home, including a carbonator.
14k Yellow Gold Hoop Earrings
Tilo Jewelry amazon.com
Gold hoops go with everything and somehow always feel cool wearing. Here, a 14k gold pair made in the US that won’t slim down your holiday shopping budget. 
Sherpa Trucker Jacket
Levi’s sherpa jackets have been worn by every fashion girl from Gigi Hadid to Zendaya. The denim staple is not only a godsend for complicated transitional temps, but a cozy piece to throw on at home.
Visual Feast: Contemporary Food Photography and Styling
Earning its moniker, Visual Feast is a coffee table fixture that explores food presentation in a myriad of Art forms. From witty jello dishes to painted lobsters, the foodie in your life will find the book’s photography drool-worthy.
Classic Greek Michelangelo David Bust Statue
Beonueni amazon.com
Nothing subtly says ‘I’m an Intellectual’ louder than having a decorative bust of a Greek god on display in one’s home. Your loved one won’t see this gift coming, but they’ll love it all the same. (Editor’s note: This is the only item on our list where you have to pay for shipping, but it’s only $2.99.) 
Women’s Natural Lace Trim Vest
Iris & Lilly amazon.com
White tank tops have defined Tik Tok-era fashion more than any other article of clothing. Gift a set for the culture. 
Mentone Half-Zip Sweater
Varley amazon.com
This half zip from British athleisure brand Varley is practically dripping in cozy appeal.
Women’s Nori-K Coat
Mackage amazon.com
Kindly sidestep the puddle of drool that formed while I gazed at this wool coat. That leather waist belt! The removable bib (!!!). The feminine silhouette that doesn’t sacrifice warmth! She’ll love this because how could anybody not?
Squeaky Parody Plush Dog Toy
Haute Diggity Dog amazon.com
A fabulous squeaky toy for a fabulous pup. (Editor’s note: hi, Freddy!!) 
Juicy Couture DIY Bracelet Making Kit
Make It Real amazon.com
*Puts on Maneater by Nelly Furtado for a quick journey to 2006.* This kitschy DIY bracelet kit will pull at the heart strings of anyone who owned a velour tracksuit in the early oughts. Technically speaking, this set was probably intended for pre-teens, which makes it a good gift youngins who weren’t around for Juicy’s heyday all the same.
14k Gold Linked Diamond Stud Earring
Zoe Chicco amazon.com
This 0.13ct diamond stud earring (yes, it’s sold individually and I’m sorry) will be her new favorite earring if she has more than one piercing. 
Kitty Espresso Coffee Maker
Stainless steel espresso coffee makers don’t get any chicer than the Bialetti Kitty.  
Walkie Talkies
These retro-looking walkie talkies are technically for kids aged 4 through 14; however, these will make a useful gift for any family quarantining together in the suburbs in lieu of a fancy intercom system. These boast a 3 mile range for outside, camping and hiking, as well as a backlit LCD flashlight. 
Modern Glass Globe Table Desk Lamp
This sculptural table lamp injects instant modernity and warmth. It includes an LED bulb too, so the design lover you gift this too will be able to set it up and enjoy right away. 
Clear Acrylic Bookends (Set of 4)
CY craft amazon.com
If you’re after a gift for a book lover that isn’t books, this top-rated set of acrylic bookends works for any decor style. 
Enameled Cast Iron Signature Dutch Oven
Le Creuset amazon.com
Le Creuset is the gold standard of cookware and their dutch ovens are the lightest on the market. Here, the legendary brand’s signature enameled cast iron Dutch Oven in a gradient motif that brings to mind sunsets and Prada’s fall-winter 2018 collection.
BoostIQ RoboVac 15C MAX
eufy by Anker amazon.com
$175.99 (37% off)
It’s hard to come by a list of best robot vacuums online (written by experts who actually tested hundreds of models) where eufy’s RoboVac 15C MAX isn’t included as a budget-friendly mention. The RoboVac 15C MAX has wifi and Alexa voice connectivity, which makes it easy breezy to set up and use. Reviewers love how it delivers an impressive clean with strong suction and self-charges after a clean. 
Table Tiles
Areaware amazon.com
There’s no such thing as too many coasters, though there is such thing as really tacky coasters. Trust me, I went through over 200 before finding this cool geometric set. These have a cork-lined base which further helps to protect furniture.
Sherpa and Fleece Throw Blanket
Green Orange amazon.com
Sherpa on one side and plush on the other, this reviewer-loved throw blanket measures 50×60 inches, which means it’s large enough for two to comfortably snuggle during Netflix nights.
Men’s Sherpa-Lined Puffer Jacket
Amazon Essentials amazon.com
Editor’s note: I got my dad this jacket for his birthday a few weeks ago because I figured it looked warm and practical. Turns out, this $42 coat is the softest-feeling men’s jacket anyone in my family has ever come across. Besides looking way more expensive than its price tag, this coat is warm and has a sherpa-lined hood which feels cloud-like. (Amazon, if you’re reading this, please make this coat in women’s.)
Men’s Figaro Chain Necklace
Miansai amazon.com
In case you’re still thinking about how hot Connell’s chain was in Normal People. Same.
Men’s Memory Foam Slippers
These comfy slippers are machine washable, which means if he’s prone to having sweaty feet… you can gift these without any worry you might later regret it.
Polo Ralph Lauren Outdoor Bear Scarf
Polo Ralph Lauren amazon.com
For a guy in your life who’s a nightmare to shop for, look no further than this ribbed knit scarf featuring Ralph Lauren’s iconic, well-dressed bear.
Essential Crewneck Sweater
State Cashmere amazon.com
Editor-loved brand State Cashmere makes 100% pure hypoallergenic cashmere for a fraction of what I see a lot of other brands charging. Here, a failsafe crewneck he’ll have for years to come.
Starter Shaving Kit for Men
Intro him to his new favorite grooming brand with a set that includes everything from a shave brush to priming oil to a safety razor and more. This shaving kit boasts over 400 reviews, with several mentioning how Bevel’s products help prevent razor bumps. 
Hidden Comfort No-Show Socks
Runners swear by the support and durability of Balega socks. Take it from the 7k reviews this no-show unisex pair has, these will be a hit.
Grand Court Sneaker
If you’re shopping for a boyfriend who’s an amazing person but just not the best dresser, start with his shoes. Prince Harry has been photographed in a similar pair (Sdidas’s Gazelle trainer) in a similar grey, suede color on countless occasions. This color looks sharp with everything.
DiamondClean Classic Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush
Philips Sonicare amazon.com
$166.95 (17% off)
Rumored users of the prestigious DiamondClean toothbrush include Beyoncé and Kim K. Per Philips, this luxe toothbrush removes up to 7x more plaque than a manual toothbrush, whitens teeth after 1 week of use, and improves gum health in only 2 weeks.
Pet Cardboard Turntable & DJ Mixer
Suck UK amazon.com
For the cat person who loves a good RAC remix. To quote an epic review on Amazon: “By 9pm, DJ Kitty was in beast mode as the rave kicked off in the living room. As the sun came up, DJ Kitty refused to part with the deck… Yes, a bit expensive for [sic]carboard, but we are considering selling tickets to the next show to make up the difference.”
Footnanny Hemp Extract Spa Treatment Set
Footnanny amazon.com
Footnanny has been on Oprah’s Favorite Things list for seven years and counting, though the foot-care brand is loved by many, many more. Here, a trio that will help with exfoliating, soothing and relieving targeted areas of the body that often get neglected. 
Foam Roller
Trigger Point Performance amazon.com
To give you a sense of how beloved TriggerPoint’s GRID foam roller is, it has 11.4k global ratings and an average score of 4.7 stars. It comes with free online videos so users can learn the best ways to utilize it for stretching and relieving tension. 
Fully Adjustable Desk Folding Exercise Bike
Exerpeutic amazon.com
$255.86 (15% off)
If they’re a fitness lover who’s working from home right now, this foldable stationary bike desk will make staying active during the day an easier pursuit. Reviewers agree it’s easy to assemble and sturdy, with one reviewer even saying this has changed their life.
Essential Oil and Aromatherapy Diffuser
Victsing amazon.com
Shopping for a dedicated yogi or someone who could use a little serenity right now? Meet VicTsing’s popular essential oil diffuser that boasts 11.3k ratings and counting. The diffuser offers 2 modes, 4 different timers and 7 different color lights, which makes for a personalized zen experience. 
Jenga is fun whether you’re 6-years-old or 42.
Posh Peanut Pajamas Set (Newborn to Toddler Sizes)
Posh Peanut amazon.com
Made from soft viscose bamboo, these pajamas will be super soft for any baby, toddler or eager young mind on your shopping list. A variety of prints are available in sizes spanning 0-3 months to 6 years.
Grippy Non-Slip Socks for Kids
Resilience Gives amazon.com
The story behind this cheerful sock brand will move you (and the recipient). Resilience Gives was founded by Jake Teitebaum, a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor who was frustrated with poorly-made socks during his stem cell transplant, and is co-owned by Andee Wallace, whose father survived non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. For each pair of socks purchased, the brand donates a pair to a child with cancer who’s undergoing treatment in a hospital. (Women’s and men’s sizes are also available in case you also want to get yourself a pair.)
Justine Carreon Justine Carreon is the market editor at ELLE.com covering fashion, Dutch ovens, and fashion again.
Jaimie Potters Commerce Content Manager Jaimie Potters is the Commerce Content Manager at Hearst Magazines Digital Media, where she covers fashion, beauty, tech and more.
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