#eevee day lyra
crystalelemental · 2 years
Unit Viability Speculation - Eeveelutions
Okay, let me preface what will be said below this.  I hate this.  Why are they limited?  Apparently they did get 1.5% rates after all, but like...these units do not feel anywhere near Pokefair level, so why are they limited?  They’re limited, and not even with a 10% 5* rate, just 7%?  And why are they introduced as a cluster?  What if you only want one?  It just kinda sucks, is all.
Unfortunately they nailed it because Kris is here.  With the worst Eeveelution, but I did want an alternative for Electric-types.
All of them operate similarly.  One-bar spam, status thing, three-bar AoE, trainer move that boosts one stat just for them and another for the team, sets field effect for their type on sync, debuff centric passive that makes the AoE good, Synchro Healing on grid.  I actually like the structure a lot.  I just wish this wasn’t such a mess.
Lucas and Flareon...I said I wasn’t gonna be pissy.  Flareon’s my favorite, I notoriously don’t like the male protags, I’m not happy, but the unit itself is okay.  Raises his own crit, raises team special attack, not bad at all friend.  He also prevents all status conditions under Sun, which...not gonna lie, pretty poggers of you, kid.  SS Morty loves that shit.  He gets Solar Sync 5 and Brainpower (Seriously, if Caitlin doesn’t get this on expansion...), and his debuffs are attack/special defense.  So he is Lucian-esque.  But worse.  Lucian has the benefit of only thriving off sync, which combos beautifully with his Growl spam, which is not just debuffs but growing speed buffs for gauge control, all in a one-bar move.  Lucas, comparatively, needs 3-bars per move, has no speed control, and desperately needs to set up his own offenses given the team support effect in it.  Lucas and Flareon are a worse Lucian if you consider them solely by debuffs, but the wide range of effects, including setting Sun and providing team immunity to status while under Sun, makes him an interesting pick.  Notably, SS Morty goes great with this guy, packing Sun, defense boosts for the team, and best of all, speed control that Lucas otherwise lacks.  This legitimately isn’t too bad.
Lyra gets Fake Tears as her status, and can debuff accuracy with Muddy Water as her AoE.  Trainer move raises her special attack, and team speed, which is very nice.  She prevents crits under Rain, which is incredible I think, and her debuff is to speed, so there’s another savior for F2P Cakewalk users.  What’s odd is that, unless I’m misreading, Lyra focuses on attack and speed debuffs, but her multipliers are based on lowering special defense.  I’m not sure how it connects, I may be missing something, but I’m running out of time.  The overall is I think she’s worse than Lucas.
My girl Kris.  She buffs her own special attack, and team’s crit rate.  Baller.  Kris sets Electric Terrain each sync, eat shit NY!Volkner, and prevents stat drops.  It’s...less useful than the other two.  The debuff is to a foe’s evasiveness, which is...a choice.  It’s the least useful by a mile.  Until you realize the grid debuff is special attack.  We have ourselves another Cresselia counter, lads.  This is Budget SC Rosa.  She’s not strictly bad, but like...look, we just had the most insane powercreep on Electric-types.  If you got Red and Ash, do not bother.  Hell, with N getting 5/5 grid, do not bother.  But I really like Kris, and am decisively underwhelmed by the rest of the month, so I might.  Do not weep for me, friends.  I did this to myself.
Lucas is de-facto the best of the three.  His debuffs are actually useful in every capacity.  Lyra’s super niche and seems to need the most help, while Kris isn’t intrinsically bad, but is niche and locked to Cress counter status and may not even be that good at it.  Given the awful rates, the lack of anything new, and the fact that even their best underperforms compared to a permanently available general pool unit, do not pull on this.  It sucks.
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nyxx-shade13 · 3 months
((Did that shit in three days))
Twilight Sparkle - Espeon, Noctowl, Starmie, Cosmoem, Alakazam, Hatterene
Rarity - Leavanny, Carbink, Purugly, Milotic, Roserade, Tsareena
Apple Jack - Stoutland, Tauros, Hydrapple, Breloom, Blaziken, Ampharos
Rainbow Dash - Turtwig, Noivern, Jolteon, Braviary, Staraptor, Hawlucha
Pinkie Pie - Alcremie, Mime Jr., Shuppet, Totodile, Ludicolo, S. Drifloon
Fluttershy - Leafeon, Buneary, Blissey, Vivillon, Whismur, Bewear
Celestia - Solgaleo, Aurorus, Togekiss, Heliolisk, Solrock, G. Rapidash
Luna - Lunala, Musharna, Banette, Lunatone, Sableye, Absol
Cadence - Diancie, Sylveon, Aromatisse, Clefable, Gardevoir, Wigglytuff
Flurry Heart - G. Ponyta, Flabebe, Popplio, Raltz, Spritzie, Hatenna
Sunset Shimmer - Delphox, F. Pyroar, Scrafty, Incineroar, Flareon, Larvesta
Starlight Glimmer - Salazzle, Hypno, Misdreavus, Gothitelle, S. Umbreon, A. Marowak
Trixie Lulamoon - Liepard, Toxipex, S. Zorua, Mismagius, Weezing, Weavile
Shining Armor - Gallade, Aegislash, Aggron, Empoleon, Dragonite, Bastiodon
Spike - Gabite, Goomy, Dratini, Fletchling, Fraxure, Bagon
Big Macintosh - Mudsdale, Appletun, Torterra, Emboar, Bouffalant, Dugtrio
Maud Pie - Relicanth, Golurk, Armaldo, Gigalith, Rampardos, Rhydon
Limestone Pie - Boldore, Sableye, Scrafty, Morpeko, Poochyena, Duskull
Marble Pie - Litwick, Phantump, Espurr, Baltoy, A. Vulpix, Morgrem
Apple Bloom - Applin, A. Deerling, Bulbasaur, Togepi, Dedenne, Eevee
Sweetie Belle - Noibat, Swablu, Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Chatot, Eevee
Scootaloo - Torchic, Emolga, Klink, Rufflet, Cubone, Eevee
Nightmare Moon - Spectrier, Crobat, Dusknoir, Absol, Lunatone, Minior
Discord - Blacephalon, Gyrados, Dracovish, Inkay, Honchcrow, Swalot
Queen Chrysalis - Zygarde, Zoroark, Vespiquen, A. Grimer, Hypno, Meowscarada
King Sombra - Darkrai, Spiritomb, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Runarigus, Mightyena
Lord Tirek - Yveltal, Houndoom, Malamar, Emboar, P. Tauros, Tyranitaur
Cozy Glow - Hoopa, A. Ratata, Inkay, Zubat, Impidimp, Purrloin
Stygian - Marshadow, Mimikyu, Litwick, H. Zorua, G. Yamask, Banette
Day Breaker - F. Arceus, Volcarona, Rapidash, Typhlosion, S. Salazzle, Talonflame
Adagio Dazzle - Pheramosa, Liepard, Salazzle, Lopunny, Kingdra, Florges
Aria Blaze - Nihilego, Dragalge, Gengar, Luxray, Hydreigon, Noivern
Sonata Dusk - Mew, Lumineon, Goodra, S. Ampharos, Clefairy, Altaria
Midnight Sparkle - G. Articuno, Chandelure, Mismagius, Gothitelle, Starmie, Reuniclus
Gaia Everfree - Virizion, Meowscarada, Serperior, Shiinotic, Tsareena, H. Liligant
Wallflower Blush - Celebi, Meganium, Floragato, Decidueye, Sunflora, Maractus
Tempest Shadow - Naganadel, Toxtricity, Sableye, Murkrow, S. Umbreon, Grimmsnarl
Diamond Tiara - Spritzee, G. Ponyta, Hatenna, Glameow, Munna, Indeedee
Silver Spoon - Klefki, Ferroseed, Indeedee, Skitty, Abra, Piplup
Gilda - Mandibuzz, Fearow, Hawlucha, Skarmory, Braviary, Honchcrow
Lightning Dust - Salamence, Crobat, Staraptor, Pidgeot, Noivern, Scizor
Babs Seed - Scraggy, Pancham, Riolu, Machop, Stufful, Scyther
Mane-iac - S. Tsareena, Shiinotic, Serperior, Seviper, Milotic, Roserade
Suri Polomare - Delcatty, Meowstic, Roselia, Ariados, A. Ninetails, Glaceon
Moon Dancer - A. Raichu, G. Slowking, Umbreon, G. Rapidash, Mimikyu, Baltoy
Minuette - Sharpedo, Mawile, Bruxish, Gibble, Chewtle, Totodile
Lyra Heartstrings - Elgyem, Cradily, Sigilyph, Chimecho, Goodra, Stonejourner
Bonbon - Inteleon, Greninja, Espurr, Nickit, Ditto, Klefki
Derpy Hooves - Spinda, Furret, Azurill, Slurpuff, Pidove, Bewear
Cheerilee - Cherim, Liligant, Meganium, Aromatisse, Whimsicott, Ribombee
Zecora - Gourgeist, Oranguru, Sigilyph, Claydol, Xatu, Trevanant 
Spitfire - Fearow, Skarmory, Golbat, Vikavolt, Pidgeot, Scizor
Fleet foot - Zubat, Swablu, Gliscor, Gyrados, Noibat, Staravia
Cherry Jubilee - Cherubi, Combee, Lurantis, Florges, Steenee, Bellossom
Tree Hugger - Sprigatito, Exeggutor, Tropius, Venusaur, Tangrowth, Maractus
The Cakes - Daschbun, Alcremie, Slurpuff, Bounsweet, Dipplin, Cherubi
Ember - Haxorus, Garchomp, Dragapult, Salamence, Flygon, Dragonair
Soarin - Corvisquire, Kilowattrel, Cramorant, Golbat, Swellow, Murkrow
Bulk Biceps - Machamp, Bewear, Hariyama, Blaziken, Conkeldurr, Snorlax
Flash Sentry - Exploud, Charizard, Zebstrika, Bisharp, Hariyama, Weavile
Thorax - Araquanid, Beedrill, Masquerain, Heracross, Ariados, Beautifly
Thunder Lane - Luxray, Aerodactyl, Manectric, Jolteon, Sir Fetch'd, Emolga
Snips/Snails - Turtwig, Chimchar, Ratata, Wimpod, Trubbish, Shuckle
Flim/Flam - Diglett, Thievul, Flapple, Unphesant, Magnemite, Sudowoodo
Star Swirl - Golurk, Polteageist, Mismagius, Beheeyem, Alakazam, Unknown
Cheese Sandwich - Raichu, Mr. Mime, Drampa, Toedscrool, Lechonk, Chatot
Dr. Whooves - Great Tusk, Iron Valiant, Roaring Moon, Iron Jugulis, Flutter Mane, Iron Moth
Sunburst - Delphox, Claydol, Solrock, Kadabra, Unknown, Indeedee
Granny Smith - S. Applin, Sawsbuck, Flygon, Bayleaf, Gogoat, Eldegoss
Bright Macintosh - Mudsdale, Tauros, Stoutland, Appletun, Trevanant, Diggersby
Pear Butter - Bellossom, Whimsicott, Marowak, Mudbray, Leafeon, Petilil
Braeburn - S. Dipplin, Bouffalant, Dubwool, Excadrill, Brambleghast, Herdier
Sugar Belle - Alcremie, S. Fidough, Aromatisse, Togepi, Slurpuff, 
Ocellus - Fomantis, S. H. Zorua, Cutiefly, Raltz, S. Ditto, Budew
Sandbar - Cottonee, Bounsweet, Turtwig, Oddish, Eevee, Treeko
Gallus - S. Gallade, Braviary, Corviknight, Bisharp, Gimmighoul, Jolteon
Silverstream - Brionne, Smeargle, Mime jr., S. Dratini, Skitty, S. Vaporeon
Yona -  Leavanny, P. Tauros, A. Vulpix, Floette, Kirlia, Hatterene
Smolder - Charmander, Sableye, Stufful, Scraggy, Impidimp, Pangoro
Photo Finish - Espathra, Roserade, Lurantis, Tsareena, Leavanny, Florges
Sapphire Shores - Quaquaval, Dragonair, Vaporeon, Finizen, Froslass, S. Gardevoir
Coloratura - Primareena, Lapras, Gothorita, Sableye, Frosmoth, Mimikyu
Octavia - Swanna, G. Oricorio, Kirlia, F. Meowstic, Kricketune, Chimecho
Vinyl Scratch - Exploud, Toxtricity, Rillaboom, Obstagoon, Accelgor, Chatot
Daring Do - Kabutops, Heatmoor, Tyrantrum, Ariados, Spiritomb, Zangoose
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jadeazora · 10 months
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I read the words "do you" in Lyra's and almost thought they were gonna make a "Did you know" joke about Vaporeon. (Obviously way more tame than that one copypasta.)
I liked Elio's tho. Elesa's bad jokes strike again. (Pun fully intended ⚡⚡⚡)
Edit, with the final pic, a "surprise" Day 9 of Eight Days of Eevee.
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fictive-culture · 8 months
Hi it’s the Pokémon fictive I’m back again hi hello
I just got hit with a huge wave of missing my home so excuse me while I talk.
My mom (the one who didn’t try to kill me, aka Amber) was/is a Wooloo/Dubwool specialist. We lived together for many years. She found me in Kalos, trapped inside a cave after who knows how many years. She took me home, helped me recovered, and I never left emotionally her side after that. Even when I was traveling the world p, the feeling of always having someone to come home to was very nice, and not like anything if ever felt in years. I was native to Kalos for the most part. Born there after being created, lived there for millennia outside of traveling and such. The kingdoms of Kalos were established, I had been in the atmosphere, sort of in a hibernating state. Unbeknownst to me, gravity had finally pulled me in. Crashing into the courtyard of the castle. The first one who found me was their princess. I can’t overstate our bond that we shared after that. It was like we were siblings, never taking a moment apart from each other. I seriously don’t even remember leaving Kalos during that time. She’d eventually even became Queen, we were together into her late ages. But of course, as all Kingdoms do, ours fell. I ended up retreating into the wilds, invisible to all. The Queen’s daughter had also been quite… not good for a lack of better word. I ended up feeling the need to leave the Queen’s side for the first time since we’d met all those years ago because of her. I don’t think I ever was the Queen again. I never even got to say a proper goodbye to her. I miss her. And for years I would never feel that kind of deep connection to anybody ever again. But Amber was different. She loved me. She didn’t care I was some weird god pretending to be a human child. She’d loved me all the same. As her own. I miss her so much. We have her in the system but we haven’t spoken in a while. I hope she’s doing okay. Anyways. We lived in Kalos together for awhile until she eventually got a place, a house lab with a large pasture, to work and live at in Galar. I moved with her, to her shocking surprise. I really don’t understand if she didn’t think i’d come with her. She was really just my mother. She had already been taking many Woolf specimens back in our home in Kalos, but now she could own all of them and have them live happily, grazing in the pasture fields. She did have a pet Wooloo even before she found me. Frills. WHO eventually did evolve into a Dubwool back in Galar.
Now to I don’t think anyone’s surprise, I was not emotionally stable, and I still am not. Frills helped me through many mental breakdowns and panic attacks. I think you can imagine having somebody searching every corner of the earth to hunt and kill you is not a pleasant thought. Frills, and my Sylveon, spots. I honestly cannot remember when I caught her. Though it was as an Eevee. I named her after her spotted and splotchy fur. They helped me more than i can express. Countless sleepless nights staring out the window in my room, cold air flowing in, trying my hardest not to just leave and burrow myself into the millions of layers of the earth to sleep forever.
I really don’t like the cold all that much. At least when I can’t manage it. Gotta tell you, being crucified on top of Mt. Lanakila in an attempt to be killed and end the world really fucks you up. Thanks, Lyra. /s
I still love Lyra. At least, in recent times. She came into the system awhile back, she was there when Amber went dormant for the first time. I didn’t know that dormancy could be temporary, so I’d really thought I’d lost my mother forever, for the second time. She helped me through it, helped me sleep. Helped me get through the days afterwards. We called a truce. Though it really wasn’t necessary on her part, as she ended coming from a world where she’d stopped trying to hunt me down after Mt. Lanakila.
It’s really a shame she had to do it on that mountain. I loved Alola, but after that I really couldn’t go back to that place. Atleast not on that island. Also, fuck Violet. Not the game. Lyra’s main assistant. I fucking hate her I hate her so much she’s the fucking worst I hate her so much. She was the worst. Worse than Lyra. So much worse. At least after a while in the timelines where Lyra kept trying to hunt me down she eventually stopped trying to taunt or tease me when she’d be about to try and kill or capture me again. But not Violet. She never stopped. I couldn’t do anything about it. I hated her so much and I still do. I don’t think i’d ever be able to forgive her.
I still want to go home. I want my body back I want my powers back I want my immortality back I want my mother again I want my Pokémon again I want my Spots I want my Frills I want my Sligoo. I want my paws I want my ears I want my fangs I want my fur. I had a necklace that reminded me of the one I had at home but I lost the pendant and i want it back. It made me feel happy. I want to see my sister again. Thorn, if you see this later, I want to talk to you more :( I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
-🎀🐾 (sorry if this isn’t the emoji tag I used last time, I keep fluctuating between not using the paws and using them.)
Sorry this got so ventish. If you don’t want to post this that’s fine.
Hi! I'm really sorry it took so long for us to post this but we like to read everything before posting and it took us awhile to read this please don't feel bad about that and feel free to send in more stuff like this :) It's what the rambles are for sharing your story and feelings I do hope that you get to see your family again and speak to them more often and just in general I hope that life is kind to you :)
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if u know ,,, how does ur lyra meet her pokemon!! and what are they like in terms of their personalities :]
So Lyra’s first pokemon was NOT Roar the Cyndaquil like most other protagonists. Her first pokemon was actually Ombre the Eevee, a gift from Bill on her 14th birthday (he did the same for Kris). Ombre was her only other friend growing up outside of Ethan. She’s a bit more rambunctious, jolly even, than other Espeon you’d know, and often jumps on Lyra when she wants to play. But she’s also very protective of Lyra, probably the most protective of her team.
Roar the Cyndaquil, whom was a gift from Elm, on the other hand was very shy and quiet… he often hid behind her leg and even got scared of Ombre initially. He’s grown out of his shell but even now he’s just a bit timid.
The first pokemon she properly caught was Rocky the Phanpy, whom was kind of caught on accident? She stepped on her foot the wrong way, took a spill, and Rocky was kind of in the way. She accidentally got hit by a pokeball. It was on pure accident but neither parties seemed to mind, Rocky especially was pretty relaxed about it. And it didn’t take long for her to start wanting to carry Lyra around on her back.
Sprout the Hoppip was next, whom also kind of . Attached herself to her. One day she just kind of saw a flock of these passing by her eye and one landed on her hat. She’s probably the most docile of her pokemon. More often than not Lyra’s often sent running after her because she gets picked up by the wind and doesn’t really fight against if. But despite this she’s such a sweetie
Flan the Mareep was caught sort of because he was a dream pokemon for her. When Lyra set out on her journey to find herself she knew she wanted a Mareep since the very beginning. She saw one him . Just . Like. Collapsed into his fur, petting and cooing over him and everything. And Flan was the only one she set out on her journey to catch. Flan’s a bit of a brat, a bit sassy, is picky with his food, and especially starts (play) fights with Ombre. But just because he’s the smuggest sheep around doesn’t mean he isn’t just as protective of his teammates.
Drizzle the Wooper was a bit of a pest initially actually. Like Sprout, she too kind of latched herself onto Lyra. But like Lyra never really realized she was attached to her until later on down the line when she finds Sprout eating her food. Lyra thought it was really cute though, cooing over her and just giving her more food even though Drizzle was . Already stealing hers. Despite being a bit empty headed though, as most of her kind is, Drizzle is quite naughty. Often getting her head stuck in boxes and splashing Lyra with water. Although it’s never malicious. She’s just a bad Wooper. She’s also best friends with Rocky.
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pkmn-coordinator-ruby · 11 months
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I'm Ruby, a Pokémon Coordinator originally from Unova. Social media presence is so important for any kind of performer these days—so I figured I'd start a blog! Not sure what you should expect from me just yet, but I'm really excited to be here and sharing this journey with all of you!
Allow me to introduce my dazzling partners: Polaris (Eevee ♀; Modest) Altair (Swablu ♂; Adamant) Lyra (Skitty ♀; Sassy) Orion (Purrloin ♂; Jolly) Vega (Alolan Vulpix ♀✧; Timid) Sagittarius (Galarian Ponyta ♂; Jolly)
(Any kind of interaction/mail is always welcome!)
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angels-and-demons · 2 years
Alright! Since I've been playing pokemon a lot lately, I've decided to give Nicoby some teams.
Under the cut for length.
Nico first.
Nico would have an Umbreon he's had since he was little. It's his ace, his best friend, and his partner. When he ran away from camp, she was his best friend. He called her Luna. And the name really stuck after she evolved.
He also has a gengar that just… followed him one day. There is a mutual level of respect between them. Giacomo is basically a sort of weird uncle for him because he's probably the spirit of some old man, but at this point in time, the jury is out.
Nico actually found a piplup one day, by the shore of camp half blood, and added it to his team. Since then, Principe has been the prince of his team. And a valuable friend.
Nico also has a cubone he found while out on his own between Titan's Curse and Battle of the Labyrinth. She's basically his child, and he will always care for Romeo (he named her before he found out she was a girl, and she liked the name anyway, so meh). 
Now, Toby! 
Toby has a flareon he also got as an eevee when he was a kid, only his was found in the backyard, and protected him from his dad. Since he had the move bite, Toby's dad didn't mess with him as much. And with Sparky by his side, he has always felt safe.
Toby also has a grovyle that he found in the woods. The thing was abandoned by her original trainer and he took her in. He proved his worth to Winnie, and now she's one of his closest friends. 
He found an aron once while messing about, took the little thing home, and helped clean him. Now, that aggron is too big to lie in his bed, but Elbert is still very friend shaped. 
Finally, he has a dusk form lycanroc that used to belong to Lyra. When he set fire to the house, it was the first thing he grabbed. Scruffy was the only member of her team to survive the crash… and now, she lies on his bed, every night. 
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kokorowoutsu · 1 year
-- Summer Vacation ‘23: Fiore Exploration (4)
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After a day to themselves, Ashe and Leon set out the next morning for Ringtown. Passing through East Road and the forest that took them to Panula Cave, the two were left to experience the pokemon and their way of life as well as take pictures or take some time to themselves as they passed through it and to Krokka Tunnel. Not anticipating how long this cave system was, they were aided by some wild pokemon to escort them out and upon exiting, unfortunately nightfall had already come upon them. Deciding to camp outdoors, the two lovebirds were fine to sleep knowing that the pokemon meant no ill will so long as respect was given. That seemed to be how things ran here -- but did it run that way for the other two regions?
Either way, in another part of the region, Kianga was having the time of his life with blending in as a pokemon himself. The pokemon here were shocked to find out he was a hybrid, of course, but he was able to blend in more easily and, well, be himself -- but that didn’t stop him from following Ruko’s lead should the Lucario need it.
And as for Grusha, the man was resting today, spending some time listening to some old folklore about the area. The folklore was intriguing to say the least and worth retelling later to his grandfather for the King’s studies, but more then that it was just nice to have some time to breathe -- but as night fell, he made sure to head to the seaside and let his pokemon have time to play while he sat on the docks, watching as Kona played among the wild Mantine and Mantyke and Hope and Ezio ran back and forth racing the waves. Lolair remained with his trainer, preening himself like a cat might. 
Overall, a quiet day and time for everyone.
Summerland Town, Fiore / Fall City, Fiore -> TRAVELING -> Lyra Forest, Fiore !!
Ashe Team: Sylveon (Lucky), Lapras (Loch), Liepard (Logan).
Leon Team: Decidueye (Alola/Celeste), Corviknight (Mordred), Gyarados* (Vivian).
Kianga Team: Espeon (Lavender).
Grusha Team: Weavile (Lolair), Eevee (Ezio), Mantine* (Kona), Wooloo (’Hope’/on loan).
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pkmn-future · 2 years
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Fankidtober Day 1: Suzu-Belle (Silver/Lyra)
Name: Suzu (Unovan Name: Belle) Setsuko
Verse: Gameverse
Family: Lyra Setsuko (Mother), Silver Setsuko (Father), Giovanni Sakaki (Estranged Grandfather), Mars Meissa (Estranged Grandmother), Melody Setsuko (Grandmother), Reed Setsuko (Grandfather), Kristal “Kris” Setsuko (Aunt), Quincy Setsuko (Cousin)
Gender & Pronouns: Cisgender Female, She/Her
DOB & Age: June 8th, 13
Final Pokémon Team: Chingling, Espeon, Togekiss, Ninetails, Typhlosion
Suzu is Lyra and Silver’s only child, but is very close with her cousin, Quincy, considering her to be an older sister of sorts. She’s also very close with the Goldman boys, Logan and Noah. She travels with both of them, and Quincy sometimes accompanies them as a chaperone.
Her dream, at first, is to become a Kimono Girl, looking up to them very much, even getting her hands on an Eevee, but after a lot of time, she realized she couldn’t do it anymore, as she had too much energy to be a calm, meditive Kimono Girl. She struggles for a long time on what she wants to do after that… But all she knows currently is that she will bounce back!
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Pokemon Masters EX Celebrate 67th National Day in Malaysia
List of Pokemon Trainers:
Red and Leaf (Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen)
Ethan, Kris, Lyra (Pokemon Crystal) (Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver)
Brendan and May (Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire)
Lucas and Dawn (Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl)
Hilbert and Hilda (Pokemon Black and White)
Nate and Rosa (Pokemon Black 2 and White)
Calem and Serena (Pokemon X and Y)
Elio and Selene (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Elio and Selene (Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
Chase and Elaine (Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee)
Victor and Gloria (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
Rei and Akari (Pokemon Legends: Arceus)
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ether-gearhead · 2 months
So I've been wanting to do this for a while, this being going through the Dex in Masters and going over what Pokemon I think certain Trainers SHOULD have been given as their initial pair (or at least instead of certain Pokemon they DID end up getting). So, here we go:
MC and Litten: I mean, if you're gonna give us an unevolving base form Fire starter, then why wouldn't you give us Litten, when you know The Masked Royal is getting Incineroar either way, and May is ultimately gonna want Blaziken with Brendan getting Sceptile?!? Major ball dropped there, DeNA!
Leaf and Charmander-Charmeleon-Mega Charizard Y: Mostly because I'm baffled Bill still isn't in this game (Happy Eevee Day 2024, everybody!), but if nothing else this establishes her as an equal protagonist to Red, she can still get Venusaur for her Sygna Suit, and she's clearly getting Blastoise via Mix Scout! But then Red has to get a Blastoise alt somewhere... Meh. Give him Gigantamax Blastoise and just leave Honey with Venusaur when she comes.
Lyra and Marill: I'm sorry, she's CLEARLY the HGSS neighbor, yet to this day we have no sign of her Marill?!?!? Make it make sense, DeNA!
Kris and Meganium: With Lyra getting Marill, obviously Meganium goes to Kris.
Silver and Totodile-Croconaw-Feraligatr: He did end up getting it via Lodge, but if Lyra gets Marill like she's SUPPOSED TO, then there's no need for that nonsense!
Bugsy and Scyther: I mean, we DID get that pair for free in the end, but I don't see why Beedrill was the play when it didn't necessarily need to be.
Morty and Ho-oh: Not shiny Ho-oh, REGULAR Ho-oh! Gengar was off the table anyway, so why NOT give him the Ho-oh he'd been longing for?!
Pryce and Piloswine-Mamoswine: Inexcusable that he didn't have this from the word go!
Janine and Venomoth: Once again, WHY WASN'T HER CANON ACE HER BASE PAIR?!?
Eusine and Haunter: Could've played off of it being ridable in Let's Go, and thus Eusine's preferred transport.
May and Torchic-Combusken-Mega Blaziken: Once again, MC could've had Litten, which wouldn't actually CONFLICT with anything, and then her Anniversary alt with Latias becomes her Sygna Suit! And it's replaced by Elesa and Therian Thundurus, I dunno.
Glacia and Walrein: Once again, arbitrarily not giving a Trainer their ace WHY again?!?
Barry and Staraptor: So let me get this straight: you KNEW Infernape was off-limits to the protags because of Flint, and yet you give Barry Empoleon, leaving Dawn to settle for Torterra, which against all canon is STRONG to Torterra instead of weak to it?!?
Candice and Froslass: If your plan was to establish PLATINUM as the canon game, then it stands to reason you would give Candice her PLATINUM ace, does it not?!?
Volkner and Electivire: Same applies here!
Aaron and Drapion: So let me get this straight: Hala, a FIGHTING specialist, comes to the game as an ICE unit, yet Aaron can't get HIS ace off-type?!? DeNA, what are you smoking, and may I PLEASE have some?!?
Bertha and Hippowdon: She already came that way, I'm just pointing out that I'm cool with Bertha not getting Rhyperior given she dropped post-BDSP.
Flint and Magmortar: Flint ESPECIALLY needed his Platinum ace when you consider his Infernape inherently fucks everything for Lucas and Dawn!
Lucian and Bronzong: I have no idea what you give Thorton in this case. Maybe Porygon2? Forretress?
Marlon and Jellicent: Arbitrarily not giving certain Trainers their ace again!
Caitlin and Gothitelle: Here we go again with random Trainers not getting their ace! I guess it's the Pokemon Alder represents her with in the PWT, but by that logic, he uses Krookodile for Grimsley!
Calem and Froakie-Frogadier-Greninja: No issues with Espurr being his base, but then why is HIS Neo Champion Greninja shiny and not Serena's?!?
Viola and Meadow Pattern Vivillon: She could very easily have gotten Frosmoth during her Holiday event, rather than a randomly wrong pattern Vivillon!
Ramos and Gogoat: DeNA and not giving Trainers their aces, name a more iconic duo!
Olympia and Female Meowstic: This is a very disturbing trend, DeNA!
Siebold and Barbaracle: Here we go again with Trainers randomly not getting their ace!
Drasna and Noivern: This is an ESPECIALLY egregious case of a Trainer not getting their ace, since DRAGAGLE AND NOIVERN WERE BOTH IN THE GAME BEFORE DRASNA EVER WAS!!! There's no goddamn excuse for dropping this ball so hard!
Lillie and Solgaleo: Should've gotten the one from the Legendary Event. Or at least give that to Soliera...
Lusamine and Bewear: I know Lusamine has no true ace, but Bewear is the best parallel to her smothering affection for Lillie and Gladion, so I was SORELY disappointed when she came with Pheromosa.
Anabel and Guzzlord: I dunno, I really wanted her to get a Guzzlord. Come with a cute story about how she thought it would kill her, but it only inspected her for a bit before she decided to catch it. Maybe add some flavor text about its codename being Glutton, yet only eating when she feeds it and just, generally being a very good boi.
Anniversary Raihan and Regidrago: Really?! You REALLY can't be bothered to give him a Legendary like the other two Trainers in that event?!?
Wow... I did NOT realize just how many Trainers DeNA denied their actual aces! By my count, 16 if we don't count the Platinum aces! Obviously there were some I didn't count for reasons of dupes (Lt. Surge and Raichu), future appearances (Grimsley and Bisharp) or reasons of synergy between certain pairs (Clay and Excadrill), but some had next to no logic behind them and were baffling to me.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Some Extreme Battle clears against Ethan, without SS Kris, for those looking for solutions.
General Pool Only Hope you've got EX Leaf and especially EX Kris. Ethan's fight is hindered significantly once Sun is removed. Sadly, Kanto and Johto have exactly two Rain setters to their name, in SS Kris and Eevee Lyra, with a flat zero Sandstorm or Hail setters. Sure would've been nice if they could've given Lorelei something about setting Hail. Maybe give her some utility?
So yeah, we need to look off-region, and May's your best bet. Hits a lot of theme skills with Kris, sets up Rain just fine, doesn't even need to survive past setting rain one time. I had Leaf take first sync, and Kris' follow-up exploded everything to death just fine. I would be willing to guess that EX Kris without EX Leaf can do similarly, and may be able to get a denial off Mega Kick against one of the sides to avoid the quad queue. That said, without Sun, you'll handle sync just fine. It's not that scary, so long as Leaf has healed up. The strategy is really just remove Sun with Rain, set up Kris' X Atks and Trainer Move once, kick, Trainer Move again, Kick, you should easily reach max crit. Leaf's sync tops off Atk/Spd, double buffs, and you're in the clear.
Wrong Suicune If you got Eusine back in...June? Was it June? It feels longer ago. Anyway. Eusine's a good response to this fight, provided you again just remove Sun with Rain. His Buddy move trucks sides, and you only need to worry about the Trap effect on Ethan. For this one, I found out that Swim Misty's +2 to both defenses can potentially keep May alive a lot longer, but she needs to Potion her after Swift. The next AoE isn't for a long time, and Eusine can potentially end the match by then. EX isn't strictly necessary on anyone. I had it on Eusine, but his damage to the sides on sync isn't mandatory at all.
Sun Superiority Let's say, for some reason, you only got SS Morty back in the Johto VA. Good news: he can win this fight with Silver and Karen. The main focus here is that Karen's Snarl can double debuff special attack, and this is required to tank sync well enough to live. MPRs on Trainer Move and Potion are also encouraged. Morty needs EX, and ideally you packed Team Gimme Five, to cap off Silver's attack. Silver's DPS is fairly poor, but his sync under Sun is explosive. The main fear is Heat Wave post-sync. Silver will not be able to handle that, barring some MPR Potion luck from Morty (I did not get lucky). Silver has some potential cheese, thanks to the +2 evasion on his own trainer move, which let him dodge as you can see here. This is...a pretty scary fight, to be frank. It's definitely not a clean win. But it's possible if Morty's all you've got.
Whale Powers Activate If you, like me, are one of the fifteen people worldwide who pulled on the Eevee Day scout, Eevee Lyra is a reasonable response to this fight. You desperately want special defense support though, because you'll be eating two AoE shots under Sun. Considering Lyra also needs crit, this pretty much leaves SC Jasmine as a requirement. Thankfully, she's an excellent tank for the fight. Because I have brain problems, I went with Winter Jasmine, thinking hey, let's roll with the Psychic Terrain set, and see if she can help set up special defense drops for Lyra while flinch-locking. It works, but realistically the flinch alone is sufficient. Base Whitney could've done this. I didn't have to go this expensive.
The main thing to note is that SC Jasmine will never take sync. So no EX are required. Lyra will want 2/5 for the ability to actually hit a target consistently (Muddy Water 85 accuracy bad), but otherwise is fine. Your first sync is as soon as it's acquired, while the second sync should be delayed until after Ethan's. That way, you disrupt the sun setting right away. From there, the match is fairly easy.
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the-tubort · 10 months
Today's Eevee Day and I think that's beautiful and I think it's super beautiful Pokemon Masters blessed me with Kris, Lucas, and Selene so far. I just need Elio and Lyra and then I'll be so happy
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I can't stop thinking about her and her circumstances. and her emotions. and her relationship with lyra. and jsut (squishes her)
like i can't stress enough how fucking sad everything is for her. like imagine you died and you though that'd be the end of the story. but instead you wake up in a computer screen completely different from what you once knew with all your memories, including those of your family and friends and school and pokemon and your DEATH, and then you see someone who took your place in life including everything you had. And now your stuck in a purgatory-like state. while you watch that person continue to take it away from you.
and then that person is nothing like you!!
like lyra is just a very sweet girl who is so oblivious to her part in the world as kris's replacement. she's so empathetic and cares so much to the point where it becomes her downfall. whereas you have a spiteful and mean streak!! her love and kindness is so overpowering it feels almost antagonizing to you.
she's the ever blinding, warm, healing sun, that burns and overshadows you, the moon, the one forgotten, the one that comes out when no one acknowledges you.
and like she's a tad bit goofy, hot headed, and smug, very very cocky, but LIKE she's so very very lonely and in pain seeing a life she had taken away from her because her uncle loved her too much.
i think about her a very normal amount
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anyways imagine these lyrics from the angelfish loved by god but with kris with "that person" being bill and "you" being lyra.
you see her get an eevee from bill on her birthday, her first pokemon, with him and her family telling her "happy birthday." (and now that girl is told happy birthday surrounded by your family, when it's also your birthday on the same day, but you're celebrating alone.)
i just
she's neat
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chibisnowfox · 10 months
(Over) Analyzing Pokemon Hints (4)
This post will look different to how I started posting these analysis posts. This was how I wanted to do them. When I first started there was more of a focus on Halloween, and at that time I had a cold so I wasn’t really able to keep up with things that well. If these get too long I'll probably do a brief summary thing at the bottom.
So now the posts will be much longer unless it’s a slow week. Because my last post was on Friday, this one will start with Saturday.
On Saturday- Pokemon GO got a Mega Garchomp Raid Day. I’m assuming this is probably just an event for Mega Garchomp, but if it does mean anything it could be foreshadowing to a Trainer with a Garchomp that can Mega Evolve in the Indigo Disk DLC, or possibly in the games that will be coming out next year.
A bit of a side note, the US Pokemon Twitter account did share a gif of a Garchomp Mega evolving. This was probably posted because of the GO event, but could still be foreshadowing.
I am now terrified we’re going to walk into the wrong classroom and Cynthia is going to jumpscare us with an unescapable battle. The Pokemon Masters EX Twitter account has a post featuring Cynthia, Lyra, and Ryuki. This could be foreshadowing some interesting stuff. -Ryuki is Alder’s grandson. So maybe foreshadowing something with Unova, whether that’s the Indigo Disk DLC or next year’s games?
-Cynthia is wearing her Kommo-O Sygna Suit. The reason I find this interesting is because the only time we see her use a Kommo-O in the anime was in the PLA special.
-Lyra is from the Johto games, so a possible hint to Johto remakes? It’s just a post relating to Ryuki’s event, but it’s still interesting they chose to feature Cynthia.
US Pokemon Twitter is also still posting pictures of Wooper and Quagsire, though today it was Paldean Wooper and Clodsire. On Sunday- A new battle mode for Pokemon Masters EX was announced, Ultimate Battles. This features Anabel and her Entei. I find this interesting for a few reasons-
Anabel is from the Hoenn Battle Frontier. I don’t think this means we’ll be getting Hoenn remakes soon, but if this means anything we could be getting the Battle Frontier again if we’re getting Johto remakes next year. Or it could be hinting a Battle Frontier mode, which would be really fun. Anabel is a Faller, so maybe this could be a hint to a story-line with Ingo reuniting with Emmet (even though it hasn’t actually been confirmed Ingo is a Faller). Maybe there will be an event in the Indigo Disk DLC with Anabel relating to this? This could be a hint to getting a Paradox Entei event soon. As of right now I don’t think one has been announced. But if there is going to be one that will probably be announced in the Pokemon Presents next year. This could also be hinting towards Johto remakes as Entei is from Johto.
Definitely over analyzing this. But it is interesting they chose Anabel instead of someone else with a Legendary Pokemon, like Cynthia with her Giratina. Also, the US Pokemon Twitter account posted a gif of a Wooper sliding down a pipe. I believe this is a scene from the Pikachu and Pichu Bros short that came with the Enter the Unown Pokemon movie. This could mean a few things: More Wooper, which we will be able to catch in the Indigo Disk DLC. Enter the Unown takes place in Johto, so possibly a Johto remake hint. The main Legendary of Enter the Unown is an Entei. So possibly another Paradox Entei hint. It’s probably just hinting at a trailer for the Indigo Disk DLC because of the Wooper. On Monday
SO many Eevee events announced! In Pokemon Sleep, starting on the 20th will be Eevee week.
There will be Eevee Mass Outbreaks in Scarlet and Violet from the 17th – 20th. There will be a 7 Star Tera Raid for a Mightiest Mark Eevee, also from the 17th – 20th. It will have the Normal Tera type. The 17th is a Friday, and the 20th is a Monday. 7 Star Tera Raids usually run from Fridays to Sundays. Ending on a Monday is interesting.
The 17th is also about a year since Scarlet and Violet were released. I don’t know if that’s related, but it’s interesting these Eevee events are happening almost exactly a year later. The Pokemon Masters EX Twitter page has highlighted Penny’s soundtrack. She is an Eeveelution Trainer, so possibly another hint.
On Tuesday In Asia Pacific, Pokemon GO has started Fashion week with Dragonite and a Wooper. I won’t really analyze what the Wooper and Quagsire’s hats mean, but it’s still more Wooper and Quagsire.
The Pokemon Masters EX Twitter account is still promoting Penny’s event. So still lots of Eevee promotion. Also specifically posting images with characters from Black and White 2. There is also a post of Eevee Trainers gathering on Pasio. This image specifically having two Eevee.
The UK and US Pokemon Twitter accounts have posted a promo image for the Indigo Disk DLC featuring the Kalos starters. This is most likely just what it is, Indigo Disk promo with the Kalos starters. But it could also mean there will be some sort of connection to Kalos. Something smaller like a Kalos Gym Leader or Elite Four member making an appearance, to something much bigger, such as finally resolving any unfinished plotlines. I’m not sure what these would be, and I don’t know why they would be included now, ten years later. If it is some sort of Kalos remake hint, it’s most likely a hint to the Kalos remakes are just starting to be worked on. If this is true, we will know in a few years, because the Johto and/or Unova remakes they’ve been hinting at will probably be released first.
The trailer for Pokemon Concierge and it showed a Dragonite quite often. Dragonite has been promoted a good amount recently, so maybe this is a hint to something like a Paradox Dragonite? Today, on Wednesday
A few announcements from Pokemon Masters EX: On the 17th, we will be getting the Let’s Go in Search of Wonder event and will be getting the Sync Pairs Elaine & Eevee, and PokeKid Eve & Eevee. Also, on the 21st, there will be a special Eevee event focusing on the Eevee Sync Pairs and we will be getting Elio & Espeon and Selene & Umbreon.
The 21st is a Tuesday. Big announcements usually come on Wednesdays. If we are getting an Eeveelution it will probably be announced on Wednesday. In the UK there will be pop-up stands where you can send special cards to another person. This is adorable, and the two Pokemon they feature are Pikachu and Eevee.
Yeah I’m thinking they’re heavily hinting we’re getting at least one new Eeveelution. I kind of doubt they would go with a Paradox Eeveelution for one game, but not the other. There could be version exclusive evolutions, like they did that for Charcadet. Paradox Eeveelutions are possible, but I’m not sure. I feel like they would only exist in the Scarlet and Violet games because the Paradox Pokemon probably won’t appear much in other regions. Having a Paldea-locked Eeveelution wouldn’t be fun.
Also, just remembered… If you go into Nemona’s house, there is a painting featuring two Eevee. If this does mean anything, I’m hoping it means there will be two Eeveelutions.
That should be it for this week, but knowing how these posts have been going there will probably be a 4.5 in the near future.
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katestrophic · 2 years
FINALLY I managed to get a put together 12 teams to use and farm in Legendary Gauntlet! First gauntlet I could only go up to 3, second gauntlet I managed to go up to 10, but this time I achieved a 12 win streak!
I shoved all my team comps and links to the builds I used under cut, click "read more" if you like to read about my innate rambling
Round 1 - Tornadus
Team Comp: 5/5 EX Sabrina & Alakazam, 5/5 Sophocles & Togedemaru, 5/5 Hau & Raichu
Here's a link to their sync grids
Easy win with Hau and Sabrina hard carrying this round. I literally only gridded Sophocles because I remembered Togedemaru had nuzzle so I threw together a whatever sustainability grid.
Round 2 - Latios
Team Comp: 5/5 Liza & Lunatone, 5/5 Roxanne & Probopass, 5/5 EX Cyrus & Palkia
Here's a link to their sync grids
Budget Cyrus team. I know there are better units to use but I needed to save them to help support other mediocre teams. In exchange, I gridded Cyrus with Healthy Healing so he can get some chip healing in.
Round 3 - Regirock
Team Comp: 3/5 EX Skyla & Swanna, 5/5 Hop & Zamazenta, 2/5 EX Steven & Metagross
Here's a link to their sync grids
Hop helps buff Steven's crit rate and Skyla helps make the stage not move at the speed of molasses
Round 4 - Tornadus
Team Comp: 3/5 Erika & Vileplume, 5/5 Lyra & Meganium, 2/5 EX N & Zekrom
Here's a link to their sync grids
It took me...an embarrassingly bit of time until I remembered that OG Erika can buff her def and sp. def to +6 and therefore would make a better tank and last longer than Lyra, so I swapped their spots and bam! I managed to get N to 2/5 before the gauntlet, and if SS Giovanni comes home, I may try my hand at the trio elemental pull and see if I can get him to 3/5.
Round 5 - Latios
Team Comp: 5/5 EX Falkner & Swellow, 3/5 Lucas & Dialga, 4/5 Lisia & Altaria
Here's a link to their sync grids
I love that Lisia can function as a dual tank and striker, gives her more utility in gauntlet. I rarely use her in Champion Stadium so it's nice that here, she can shine.
Round 6 - Regirock
Team Comp: 3/5 EX Sygna Suit Blue & Blaistoise, 5/5 EX Leaf & Eevee, 3/5 EX Red & Charizard
Here's a link to their sync grids
The RBG team! ...if only Leaf was in her SS outfit. Then it would really be an RBG team, but that's ok! I had to off-type one of the Regirock stages as I don't have that many steel units that I haven't used to gauntlet already outside of *checks notes* a 1/5 OG Jasmine that I pulled from the Johto tickets from the villain arc, and Thorton who I currently only have gridded as a tank and don't have the time and don't want to put in the effort for to figure out an offensive sync grid. So I put together the kantrio and called it a day.
Round 7 - Tornadus
Team Comp: 5/5 BP LT. Surge & Raichu, 5/5 Player & Support Eggmon Chansey, 5/5 Elesa & Zebstrika
Here's a link to their sync grids
First time 5-starring an Eggmon. The things I do for gauntlet. I honestly thought about swapping Chansey out with Sonia as although she only 1/5, she does buff speed whenever she gets hit and can lower the defense of Tornadus, but I already invested too much into this darn Chansey and my stubborn pride says I need to make the most of it.
I ended up using a backup team of Misty & Starmie, Player & Tech Eggmon Parasect, SS Elesa & Rotom for cleanup as that team left Tornadus with just a little bit over half HP before they all died. I gridded SS Elesa on a Thunder damage build but it was smooth sailing from there. I didn't need a backup team for the rest or my runs.
Round 8 - Latios
Team Comp: 2/5 Evelyn & Entei, 3/5 Raihan (Anniversary 2022) & Flygon, 5/5 Zinnia & Rayquaza
Here's a link to their sync grids
Decided on a whim to grab Evelyn with the two master pair sync pair tickets I got and honestly? No regrets. I have her gridded as a sun support while using Raihan to continuously spam Sandstorm until the end of time, but it does come in handy when Sandstorm inevitably stops MPR. Wish I could grid Zinnia with Clearheaded on top of being a sync nuke but oh well.
Round 9 - Regirock
Team Comp: 5/5 Misty (Swimsuit) & Psyduck, 5/5 Bugsy & Scyther, 5/5 Player & Solgaleo
Here's a link to their sync grids
I didn't grid Solgaleo to be a sync nuke so this allowed me to alternate between syncing with Solgaleo and Psyduck as needed. Just pray for no Earthquake crit or else I will cry.
Round 10 - Tornadus
Team Comp: 4/5 Kiwae & Marowak, 5/5 Volkner & Luxray, 2/5 Gladion & Silvally
Here's a link to their sync grids
Random BS go. I really need to EX either Kiwae or Gladion, but even without that they're both fine.
Round 11 - Latios
Team Comp: 5/5 Professor Sycamore & Xerneas, 5/5 Meylene & Medicham, 5/5 Ghetsis & Kyurem
Here's a link to their sync grids
Xerneas buffs all stats needed for Kyurem, Medicham provides crit, and Kyurem gently applies Noble Roar on everyone before nuking and killing everything. I may try a fulll sync nuke build but last time I did he had no sustainability and died, but with a bit of playing around I may figure something out.
Round 12 - Regirock
Team Comp: 3/5 Morty & Mismagius, 5/5 EX Silver & Ho-Oh, 5/5 Wikstrom & Aegislash
Here's a link to their sync grids
Again, like Sophocles, only gridded and 5-starred Wikstrom because I remembered that he is a steel tech unit that got a sync grid. I was originally going to use Sawyer but decided to be bold and run a double DPS team with Morty as a support. Just be sure to activate King's Shield whenever you clear each bar so Wikstrom won't crumble to a rock slide immediately.
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