#eff billy
Today is my 22nd anniversary at the Electronic Frontier Foundation!
22 years ago, I flew with two colleagues to LA and discovered a entertainment industry cartel conspiracy to ban general purpose computers. This led to a suit that killed the FCC's Broadcast Flag order. It was the defining day of my adult life.
If you want to wish me a happy EFF-aversary, you can join EFF and help pay the wages of people like me doing work like this.
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peach-coke · 2 years
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➤ The Boys || 3.06 - Herogasm | Deleted Scene
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randomnameless · 11 months
Regarding Edelgard's "oh you can't understand the plight of the poor because you're highborn” reply to Dimitri's speech about people helping each other, i've heard that that was a mistranslation and the jp's more like “it's easy for you, someone who's never lacked for support or friends and doesn't know what it's like to be truly alone, to say that”; can you verify if that's true or not?
Teaspoon translations compared this line!
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So while it's not as worthy as the lolcalised version as a Supreme Reply, it still sort of counts, because Hubert - who stands by her side in this scene? - is still ignored at large, just like Doro and Petra who remain by her side in the last map.
Or are we supposed to really believe Supreme Leader had no one who helped and supported her in AM? I don't believe it a second, it seems it is again another "uwu lonely" message the devs want to give us regarding Supreme Leader, which really falls flat when you consider how, as I said, her old classmates still fight with her. Or maybe she feels like she is lonely and has no allies who support or help her, but that's another story altogether (Hubert who?).
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wildemaven · 2 years
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A week from today, I’ll be in LA signing my heart out to Stevie Nicks and Billy Joel 🕊️
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smolvenger · 10 months
Me Every time despite my tags a W*ll R*nsome gif pops up unfiltered on my Tumblr dash in a positive way or shows something about him and C*ra’s “love story”🤢🤮
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razorsadness · 2 months
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Billy Da Bunny! Prolific! Profound! // Chicago, June 2013
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teopatra · 1 year
tell a friend to tell a friend, she’s bacccck 🤭 🤭 🤭
~ 😗 pick an image 😗 ~
Todays topic is… DRUM ROLL PLZ 🗣️.. 🥁 🥁 🥁
Why do ppl hate on u?? 🤔
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Group 1:
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You’re the type of person that is very thorough and this makes other people compare themselves to you and automatically feel attacked bc it’s so obvious that they’re only working to achieve the bare minimum. Before meeting you most people did only what was expected of them in school and work until they met you and now they see you as the standard. If you were such a bad person then why would random stranger customers praise you??? give you gifts, buy you snacks, etc if you were such the bad guy like people make you to be.
You’re the type of person that people may pick on for no reason not bc they see you as weak but bc they WANT you to FEEL left out, these types of people were the ones crying and complaining on social media during quarantine about how lonely they were and sad bc they had to be by themselves and you was just there sipping your tea bc you did your shadow work years ago when everyone else was creating soul ties and being n superficial frenemey relationships . You’ve been ostracized since an early age, but they can’t seem to understand why no matter how cliqued up they are and you’re standing alone or with one other person who also stands alone, why you aren’t begging to be n the circle or why you aren’t trying to prove yourself to others. whole time you’re loved by your family, your community , your siblings and or you have a friend group outside of them that they’re not aware of. Needless to say, you’re pretty fulfilled in life.
Bc of your high IQ, whether you know or not, you actually are gifted in creativity. For most you prob are supppper stylish you’re Mr or Misses put that shit on .. like FORREAL, and you rarelllllly get compliments or you do but not publicly or people may come days later like I saw that pic you posted and you’re thinking to yourself liiiiike hmm I didn’t see you n the likes thooo hater if you seen it why you ain’t like it then?? 🙄 people tell on themselves and you’ll realize years later that the whole time you were really the IT girl or Him but you make people feel small so they’d never tell you. Silent stalkers, silent obsessed fans and hidden enemies & prob people who call themselves your besties bc they wanna be accepted by the masses and since your the unconventional baddie (really not unconventional it’s just everyone else is basic and unoriginal / you break the norms and people don’t know how to be stylish outside of following trends or recreating what they see on their FYP or timeline…) anyway the way you dress is original and you’re prob good at trend forecasting and when you say stuff people be like “shut up” cuz you’re always right and people are inept when it comes to being creative or original; at the same time if someone was to try to wear what you’d wear for some reason they’d look like a fool 😂 it’s giving that’s so raven vibes where you’re psychic AND fashionable like how you gonna be the whole package? Meanwhile they’re getting bashed by their own family members for being dumb as doorknobs lmao
School : you’re the type to actually pay attention and when simple questions are asked you realize how little common sense people have bc they’ll basically repeat what was just said and so many people are used to being pacified and not called out on their BS bc it’s “not nice” but you’re like eff that why did you just ask what we’re doing n class when we’ve been talking about it for the last 30 min like bffr?? Cuz atp you’re playing in MYYY face for wasting my precious time by having to repeat simple stuff. I see you being the type where you’re tired of the professor asking the class questions and the class just mute sitting there like 🥴😓🫤🫠😵‍💫😴 .. AGAIN WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE FOR WATTT EXACTLY? So you *sigh* (save the day Superman /superwoman) by , once AGAIN, answering.. the.. questions.. you feel a tap on your shoulder.. “how did you know that??” ARGHHHH you want to scream bc I’m sorry [TW] everyone at your school is stupid or slow and it be making you feel like you weren’t even supposed to be born n this time period bc it’s no way 😂 you’re the type to get a bad grade n an easy class like gym just bc you didn’t try or change out when in reality you don’t gaf bc you prob have a high GPA anyways. I see you overall being a nice person (I just seen 3:33) but you have a low tolerance bc you know what you want out of life and everyone is just going thru the motions.
Work: you exemplify great customer service and work ethic and most people may hate on you bc customers prefer your service over others not just bc you look good 😂 which people also try to say you have pretty privilege and that disgusts them bc you actually do but don’t get it twisted bc you’re handsome intelligent and you understand psychology really well which goes hand in hand with sales. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being friendly or doing your job right. I don’t see you being like a stickler rule follower but rather someone who engages with customers to make the day go faster and honestly it builds rapport and makes your reputation even better bc you could be the youngest yet seem the most knowledgeable bc people who’ve worked there longer or have senior experience bc they’re much older feel like you should just take notes from them even tho there’s no notes to be taken bc you body the job. In fact you body everything you do like they wouldn’t hire you if you weren’t qualified. You’re the type to get the job bc of your experience then when you work your magic now all your coworkers are hating UGH I can relate
Alright group 1 we’ve been going in LMBO if you want more actually check the other piles bc this one is getting long , like 2 may resonate assswelllllll🫶🏽✨💕
Group 2:
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Okay girl people hate on you because they assume that because of how you dress you could come from a family that is a little more well off even tho you don’t flaunt it , tbh you are a lowkey kind of person and may be a bit timid. I see that you challenge yourself and put yourself out there because you’re a talented individual but your anxiety or shyness may get the best of you. You’re very intuitive and you can pick up on other peoples emotions you may be claircognizant or clairaudient or like the character in Charlie Bone who could touch objects and be transported back , so you sense things that most people don’t notice like subtleties and small changes n the frequencies.
People hate on you for seeing right thru them.. it’s unfair to ppl that try to hide behind a mask or coverup their true intentions or emotions and you may innocently ask someone what happened or what’s wrong bc something did and they didn’t tell anyone. So they immediately project on to you and call you weird or try to embarrass you wen you were trying to put yourself out there by being nice. Sorry I got side tracked but you could also be the type of person that doesn’t have alot of money but you’re resourceful and people wonder how you look so stylish when you’re not wearing anything designer. Or if you do wear designer brands it’s not the mainstream designer that people are used to and even up and coming designers that you’re aware of as are most people who are into the fashion world but these people are basic so all they know is Gucci.. you’ll have something on and people like it and love it trust me but they’ll try to get you to doubt your choices by making you the joke but honestly if it was so bad then why y’all talking about it sm?? Like who’s the fan? they are 🤭
People hate on you bc you’re chosen and they have pick me energy.. like you have the ability to stay focus and you’re selective with your energy I see you have this one true friend you rely on and everyone can’t stand them bc they’re 10 toes down for you and there’s prob a lot of daily talk where you’re the topic of conversation and others wish that people talked about them sm like they do you so they’d feel important but you’ve prob stopped someone from telling you what others say about you to you bc it isn’t aligned with your higher self or the action of gossip is just low vibrational. you’re like why’re y’all talking sm about other folks like can y’all step your game up so you can be the topic instead ??? You’ve prob told people you don’t care to go to college bc you want to sing , dance, act or do art.. strong fire energy or Aquarius energy. Like you’re just different and in your own lane and if anyone tried to find their way into your lane they’d automatically get called a copycat.
You’re the popular loner; you mind your business and stay focused and people hate on you bc you’re not easily distracted, there are no rumors that can go on about you bc you’re authentically you even tho you’re to yourself everyone knows exactly what you’re about and you really don’t leave any room for confusion or assumption cuz a “bih knew better than to to let [me]/ you hear it” .. 😂
People hate on your bc they can’t try you and honestly you’re probably everyone’s crush and they’re all competing for you.. funny thing is people don’t converse about how hot you are to each other bc in everyone’s eyes they’re trying to get with you or you’re their imaginary gf or bf and they wouldn’t admit it bc they don’t really wanna know who you’d pick😂 BIG delusional energy , you don’t have mean girl vibes but you don’t play the BS games. You make people feel like they have to step their game up like they may act childish but when you come around everyone straightens up and fights for your attention even if it’s a friend group bc they’re all secretly in love with you and wonder what type of things you’d like so they can win you over
People hate on you bc of how classy you are it doesn’t come off as arrogant, it just gives boujee high standard vibes. you could have a very attractive parent or older sister and peoples older siblings and parents can have crushes on your family and that’s why people hate bc they ugly 😂 or if their dad has a crush on your mom it’s like 🙄 it seems like people cannot escape you bc you’re the talk of the town.. people also hate on you because people try to be like you wen they realize their crush likes you bc even if you were to like someone back you don’t make it obvious you like to play hard to get or you like to be chased (AS YOU SHOULD ).. you may catch people watching you or eavesdropping or trying to steal glances at your phone or Instagram.. people would love to be your friend to get advice from you but they’re jealous and jealousy consumes people.. you’re really the nicest person but you couldn’t care less who likes you or doesn’t cuz at the end of the day you have INFLUENCE. And with great power comes great responsibility.. years later these people may try to friend you on FB or tell you how inspired they were by you or they wish you were friends.. but like they couldn’t handle being your friend anyway bc their standards for themselves really aren’t that high and it shows 😂
Strong Scorpio rising or Scorpio placements but now Scorpio sun
Group 3:
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Bet y’all never heard this one 👇🏽😜 [explicit lyrics]
Okay last but not least pile 3 you should read pile 2 bc it’ll make more sense. you are also extremely talented and for some reason you have this karmic lesson that you have to overcome where everyone tries to put you into a certain box like oh you should just be a nurse o you should do this or be that but they don’t have the type of talent you have and with that type of talent that you have will attract a lot of naysayers but if you do music you either have a very angelic voice or your music tone or type is original like Kendrick Lamar’s flow when he first came out or like a mixture of alternative rap.. whatever it is don’t be shy try to live out loud. You’re not the type of artist that shoves your art in peoples faces and if you put your art on a platform like Etsy or SoundCloud I see the more intention you put into it and the more you believe in yourself the more attention you attract from strangers. People hate on you because you stand by your work whether it be tarot, pottery, resin work, herbology, makeup etc and people in your hometown may not support it as much as others do… like if you were to have a showcase I see people from other places hoping you announce a date so they can come to your city and support you aww 🥹 it MAY take years of hard work BUT that’s what people want us to think.. the Divine blessed you with a gift that you should love OUT loud.. the more you do the more resistance you’ll get from those around you but that’s bc Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu want to challenge how hard you’ll work bc not everyone deserves to be famous which is why some famous people or people of notoriety flop or don’t last long bc it’s not genuine.. you don’t do it for the money you do it out of love..
people hate on you because you EXUDE love.. you ARE LOVE and there’s nothing bad people can say about you bc you don’t harm anyone you give people compliments but I see a lot of people from your family or hometown deal with generational trauma and they’re not used to Divine energy and true love so you trigger people bc you illuminate their shadows and you make them uncomfortable with how at peace you are with yourself.. you are an influence /influencer (in the making.. on a wide scale don’t think that you’re not an influencer just bc you’re it rich or famous or getting a bunch of brand deals baby you better live delusional cuz that’s how you manifest)
people hate on you bc they may secretly buy your products or listen to your music when they’re alone and it triggers something n their soul when they hear your voice and words and it may make them cry bc they realize how unhappy with self they are .. people wish they had your confidence to have a passion and a gift and to love it sm that you want to share it with the world they also hate how insecure they are.. they know your songs bar for bar and want to play it n public but feel embarrassed 😒
People hate on you because you’re funny and for some reason people wanna hate you sooooo bad for no reason lol what’s their problem and you make your haters and enemies laugh and they can’t help it to the point where they may try to be nice to you and even if they didn’t do anything overly mean or bully like to you you look at them like their dumb wen they do bc you’re like ummm didn’t you hate me last week ???? And now they have a reason to make you the bad guy (might wanna read group 1)
People hate on you for being the youngest 😂 they hate on you for dumb things like having small hands or being dainty .. people could hate on your for liking cute stuff (like hello kitty or computer games even if they’re violent or logical games) like you’re like a cute little angel baby even if you’re a guy and if you’re a guy people hate on you bc you’re sweet and quiet and you laugh to yourself and other guys feel like you should flex your masculinity some people (TW) may try to say you’re gay for liking certain things which you could be and so what if you are gay used to mean happy ☺️ but for most of you I see you’re severely homosexual lol and lowkey all the girls have crushes on you but even tho you’re a quiet angel baby you prob got lean muscles and dark hair and you just don’t look like the other guys it’s crazy how men deal with beauty standards like women too but even tho most people may not have an outward crush on you, if there was a vote most people surprisingly to you would actually say you’re quite attractive ..
people hate on you bc you wear simple clothes like graphic tees and joggers and you look so hot 😂 I see you may be kind of a clutz or accidentally wear mix match shoes bc you got dressed n the dark lmao it’s giving strong struggling artist hobo vibes lmao and people hate that about you bc you’re naturally alluring and radiant. You may like anime or like to tell stories, even tho people may try to act like you’re lame if there was a bonfire people would want you there and sometimes people may try to throw parties just to see if you’d show up but you never do bc ✨social anxiety✨ .. strong E girl E boy /goth vibes it reminds me of stefan salvatore from vampire diaries 🤭😍🤤😫.. you’re not actually a guys guy or a girls girl bc you prob have a lot of siblings that are the opposite gender or you and you’re the only one that’s a girl amongst brothers or vice versa or if you’re the only boy with a bunch of sisters you may have a baby brother that’s wayyyyy younger than you .. basically you see how people may use manipulative tactics due to gender
I keep seeing backpacks maybe you take transit a lot of you like to walk and you just got your backpack but what you got n there Dora? 👀 better not be a weapon of mass destruction lolz jk
Strong mutable sign vibes or check your Pisces /12th house and gemini houses or Mercury
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layce2015 · 6 months
The Boys (Soldier Boy x Female!Supe!Reader)
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Chapter 2: The Only Man In The Sky
Chapter 1/ Next Chapter
"You sure you wanna go see her?" Bethany asked me after I called her on the phone the next day. "Not really but...it must be important if she's contacting me." I said. "I'm not sure if I like it." Bethany said and I giggled. "I'll be okay, Mom." I laughed, sarcastically. "Hey, I know you can handle yourself but...I still worry." Bethany said. "I appreciate it." I said as I pace along the living room.
*3rd Person POV*
M.M. hears a knocking at his door and he goes to answer it. He opens it and sees Butcher standing there, his hands behind his back, and he lets out a sigh. “All right, mate?” Butcher asked him and Janine, M.M.’s daughter comes up next to her father. “Bloody hell, Janine. You shot up. You remember your Uncle Billy, don't you?” He asked and the girl stares at him before nodding, slightly.
”Here. I got this for you.” Butcher said as he pulls out a box of a Lego set of Vought tower. “You and your dad can build it together. 523 pieces of family fun.” Butcher said and M.M. glares at him.
Later, Janine starts on working on the Lego set while Butcher and M.M. talk. “Okay, one, you don't just pop up here. You call first. And, two, eff Soldier Boy. I don't give a mothereffin' doo-doo how he checked out.” M.M. argued. “Ah, bollocks. He didn't die like no hero. I'll wager he went out on his knees, begging like a right cսոt.” Butcher said. “What the f...” M.M. grumbles then he exhales a she gesture to his daughter, who heard them. “Sorry, love.” Butcher tells her then he continues to talk, quietly.
”Look, if there's a weapon out there that killed Soldier Boy, then it can kill Homelander. And that's got to be worth something. Now, we're working our way through his old team. Frenchie and Kimiko are starting with the Crimson Countess, and I'm gonna hit up Gunpowder and Mystic Shade.” Butcher said. “Sounds like you got everything covered.” M.M. said. “This ain't just anyone. It's Soldier Boy. You could close the book on him once and for all. For your dad. Your family.” Butcher said.
”Fuck off with that shit.” M.M. growls then he starts to breath, heavily, before he continues. “My father died hunched over a desk, obsessing over a dead man, while he was ignoring his two living children. And I almost did the same thing to her.” M.M. said as he gestures to his daughter and Butcher looks over at her then back at his old friend.
”Thanks for coming by.” M.M. said and Butcher sighs. “You're doing a bang-up job with her, mate.” Butcher said and he goes to leave but then M.M. sighs. “Butcher, hold on a second. I might have one thing.” He said then he goes to his room and into his closet and pulls out a file that his father had on Soldier Boy.
Meanwhile, (y/n) and Bethany enter Voughtland and see all the kids running around, laughing and screaming, as their parents try to keep up with them or buy them the overpriced food and merchandise. “It’s crazy here.” Bethany said as her and (y/n), who was wearing jeans and a hoodie with the hood up, walk along the park. “Yeah, Vought has gone more chaotic with The Seven than they did with Payback.” (Y/n) mutters as they walk. 
“You jealous?” Bethany asked her and (y/n) scoffs. “Fuck no.” She said and Bethany laughs as they go to the theater, where there was a poster that advertised the showing of Soldier Boy’s life. (Y/n) stops and stares at it as a memory pops up in her head.
*(y/n)’s POV*
It had been months since Ben and I were sent overseas with the army to help out what we could. But we also did some film and photography for Vought as they brought a filmmaker and a photographer to get us to recreate certain moments of the war. And in between those moments or fights, Ben and I got to know each other a bit better. He was a bit cocky and full of himself and a bit rude but…he had this charm about him that I was attracted to.
And now the war was finally over and all the surviving troops were celebrating as was everyone around the world. Ben and I were sitting at the busy bar as the troops were cheering, laughing, singing and talking loudly as they all drink copious amount of beer.
I smiled at the scene, feeling relieved that this mess was all behind us. But I was also feeling dread as that meant I had to go back to my bastard of a husband. “You good?” Ben’s voice asked and I shake myself out of my thoughts and look over at him. “Yeah…just…” I laugh a bit softly. “Just still surprised that it is over.” 
“You don’t sound very thrilled about it.” Ben points out. “No, I’m happy it’s over. I just…” I then trail off. “You don’t want to go back home?” Ben asked me and I sighed. “Is it that obvious?” I asked him. “Yeah…” he said and I turn my head to look at him. “You know, we’ve been getting to know each other these last few months and you still haven’t told me about…Adam, was it?” Ben asked and I sighed as I take another long sip of my beer.
”Well, I’m sure you know my backstory is a load of garbage. I wasn’t born with these powers…they were forced upon me.” I explained as Ben listens to me. “My darling husband…” I sneered before I continued. “…he faked a doctor’s appointment for me when really it was for me to get a shot of Compound V and get these powers.”
Ben’s eyes widen at this then it furrows in anger. “He what?” He asked me and I scoff out a small laugh at this. “Yeah, right ol’ bastard. I wanted to divorce him when I found out but…” I stopped then take another drink. “He basically told me I couldn’t do that, be it would ruin my career before it even began.” I added and Ben did look angry after I explained.
”That son of a bitch. I should go have a word with him when we get back.” Ben said and I place a hand on his arm. “No, don’t.” I plead to him. “Why?” He asked me. “I’ve seen what happens when you have a word with people. It would just make everything worse. Besides, I don’t want to put you in any trouble.” I said and Ben raise an eyebrow at me.
“Look, let’s just enjoy this night and not worry about my failing marriage.” I said and he gives me this look then sighs. “Fine.” He mutters as he takes a sip of his beer. The rest of the night went uneventful as we enjoyed the party until it was time to get ready to head back home.
But once we got home and saw the press just swarming the airport to mainly get to me and Ben, Ben did something I was not expecting. Once we got off the plane, we waved at the press as they took many pictures and the people from the news report came out to film us. Then Ben turns to me, takes my chin to make me look at him then kissed me right there in front of God and everyone.
I hear the crowd go absolutely crazy but I was too stunned and shocked at what just happened and what is happening. And the terrible thing is I didn’t want it to end, this was honestly the best kiss I’ve ever had in my life. And even though there was a part of my mind that was screaming at me to tell Ben to stop, to push him away, I couldn’t bring myself to do that.
So, I kissed him back and I could tell that is what he wanted me to do as I feel his lips curl up into a smile as we continued to kiss. Moments later, we break the kiss and I felt breathless once his lips were away from mine and I raise my eyes to look at him and he gives me that damn flirty grin I’ve come to like so much.
”Maybe that’ll help with your little problem.” He mutters to me before he winks then turns to the crowd as he puts an arm around my shoulders and waves at them. I stood there and I’m sure I just looked mystified and confused because my mind was running for miles as I realized what he just did.
And I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“What the hell is this?!” Adam asked me as he holds up the paper the next morning. “What’s what?” I asked him. I was sitting at the table in the little kitchen area of my room at Vought Tower and Adam just came in after going out to get the paper. He slams the paper down on the table in front of me and the first thing I saw was a photo of me and Ben kissing. And the title reading: America’s Newest Sweethearts?
”How long?” Adam asked me, angrily. “How long what?” I asked him. “Don’t play dumb! Now, tell me the truth, how long have you been fucking him behind my back?!” Adam asked me and I stare at him, stunned. “Are you crazy?! I mean, is that what you actually think of me?!” I asked him then he slams his hands on the table again.
”I’ve seen the way you look at him! And I know you’re still angry with me for what I did but I never thought you’d go this low!” He yells. “Because I wouldn’t! That kiss was something Ben came up all on his own. I didn’t expect it!” I argued. “And yet, from what I heard, you didn’t reject it!” Adam shouted and I glared at him.
“It’s just a publicity stunt! To make the people go crazy, okay! It’s for the money, get over it!” I spat at him and he looks at me surprised. “Are you serious?” He asked me. “What? I thought this was what you wanted. Me being a Supe to make money for us. You know how Vought works. They’ll do anything to gain the public’s approval.” I sneered and he huffs at me.
Then he turns and starts to walk out. “Where the hell you going?” I asked him. “Out.” Adam growls as he slams the door and I scoff.
*3rd Person POV*
Ben was walking towards his room in Vought Tower, seething with anger. He had just been to see his father and showed off him being the hero. But he didn’t get the hero’s welcome he expected from his father. His father told him he wasn’t a real man, that he took a shortcut and told him he was a disappointment, probably one of the worst things a father could say to their child.
He heard a door slam but he ignored it as he makes it to the door of his room. He goes to unlock the door when he heard stomping footsteps then a voice calls out to him, in an angry tone. “You!” The voice said and Ben shuts his eyes for a moment, really not in the mood to deal with anyone.
”Look, Buddy…” Ben started to say as he looks over and sees it is Adam that is coming towards him. Adam then grabs him by the collar of his shirt then slams him up against the wall. “You son of a bitch! You think you can take her away from me!” Adam shouts at Ben. “I’m only gonna say this once, cocksucker. If you still want your teeth, then I suggest you let go and back away from me.” Ben threatens, in a low calm voice. 
But Adam wasn’t having it. “What gives you the right to kiss (y/n) when you know she’s my wife?!” Adam asked him. “You could have any woman you want, but you go and kiss her! You can’t have (y/n), she’s mine!” 
“You know what I think? I think a piece of shit like you doesn’t deserve a woman like (y/n)!” Ben growls as the sound of a door opening was heard. “And you do?!” Adam asked as hurried footsteps come up and Ben grabs Adam’s hands and shoves him towards the other side of the hall.
”Boys, stop!” (Y/n)’s voice shrieks as she gets in between the boys. Ben was about to walk towards Adam, who continued to glare at him, but (y/n) turns to Ben. “Ben, Ben, Ben….hey, hey, look at me…look at me…” she said as Ben death stared at Adam but then he looks over at (y/n).
For some weird reason, just looking at her calmed him down a little as she places her hands on his shoulder. “Ben? Since when were you two on a first name basis?” Adam asked (y/n), upset, and she turns to face him. “What does that matter? Just be grateful I’m not letting him beat you to a pulp right now!” She exclaims as she glares at her husband. The two stare at each other for a few silence moments before Adam sighs.
”You know what, (y/n)? You’re gonna get your wish.” Adam said then he walks off and (y/n) lets out a sigh before she turns to Ben, who is about to enter his room. “Ben, I am so sorry…” she started to say but Ben shakes his head. “I’m not trying to be an asshole but I really don’t want to talk right now, (y/n).” Ben grumbles and he enters his room and shuts the door.
(y/n) frowns at this as her heart felt broken then she makes her way back to her room. She shuts the door and started to burst into tears, letting out the emotions she didn’t know she was holding in. She wipes her eyes then looks over at the cabinet that held some bourbon.
She normally doesn’t drink a lot but the whole bottle of bourbon was sounding good right now. So she goes to the cabinet, grabs the bottle and begins to drink from it.
Present Day
(Y/n) continued to stare at the poster until Bethany comes up to her and places a hand on her arm. “(Y/n)?” She said and (y/n) pulls out of her thoughts and looks over at her friend. “You ready?” She asked and (y/n) sighs. “Not really…but let’s do it.” She said and they head inside the theater as does Frenchie and Kimiko.
They get inside and take a seat and Bethany pats her friend’s shoulder. “You sure you’re gonna be okay seeing this?” She asked (y/n). “I think so.” (Y/n) mutters, unsure. The lights start to dim and the screen comes on as it starts to play the film.
"Soldier Boy grew up in the birthplace of American liberty. Born poor on the mean streets of South Philadelphia, he learned the values of hard work, tenacity and bravery. He used those values to prove America's exceptionalism to the world." The narrator of the film said as it shows various pictures of Soldier Boy's life. Then it shows a clip of Soldier Boy in the trenches with the American soldiers.
"Okay, boys, let's give these Krauts some hell." Soldier Boy said and he leads the men on out into the battlefield. (Y/n) bites her lips as she remembers those days. "He and his partner, Mystic Shade, defended us against the encroaching Red Menace." The narrator said as it goes to another clip and shows Soldier Boy and (y/n) in the Congress, which takes (y/n) by surprise as she sees herself sitting next to Soldier Boy. "Congress, we have a list right here of avowed Communists." He said as he holds up a file.
"He helped guide America into a brighter future, and along the way, he found the love of a good woman..." the narrator said as it shows Soldier Boy and Mystic Shade, their arms around each other and a smile on their faces. (Y/n) lets out a heavy sigh and Bethany turns to her and places an arm around her. She gives her a concerned look but (y/n) nods, assuredly.
"...which made his sacrifice all the more noble, when he gave his life saving us from a nuclear holocaust." The narrator said as it shows a melted down nuclear power plant. Then the screen goes black. "Please join us in saluting Soldier Boy." The narrator said and there was scattered applause. 
Then a spotlight comes on and the screen slides up to reveal Crimson Countess walk out onto the stage and begins to sing. “Fuckin’ hell.” (Y/n) grumbles, annoyed.
When the night was dark
And the dawn was cold
From sea to shining sea and mountains' majesty 
He did it all For the red, white and the bold
'Cause he's America's son
As she sings, she brings her hands together and uses her power to shootout the red ball of energy she makes. It goes flying over head and the ball of energy explodes and engulfs the room in red light as Countess continues to sing.
A shining beacon of freedom
He's America's son
After the show, Countess was in her dressing room and was crushing up some pills as the door opens. "At your request, Countess." The voice of her manager said and Countess looks up at her mirror and sees the familiar face of her old partner. "Well, well, well, never thought I'd see you here, Misty." Countess said with a smile as (y/n) pulls back her hoodie.
"I mean, you're basically a recluse. Some people even think you're dead." Countess taunts as (y/n) glares at her. "What do you want, Crimson?" She asked as she folds her arms across her chest. Countess turns in her seat to look at her. "Can't I say hi to an old friend?" Countess asked. "You and I are nowhere near close enough to be considered friends." (Y/n) sneered and Countess gives a fake offended look.
"Oh, my dear, Misty...." Countess said, dramatically, and (y/n) rolled her eyes at this. She always hated it when Countess called her this name, it irritated her to no end which she figured that's why Countess does that. "Are you still mad that Ben and I dated?" Countess asked her. "I don't know...you mad that he dumped you to get back together with me?" (Y/n) asked, snarky, and Countess drops the act.
"No, actually. I really don't give a fuck." Countess said as she goes back to her table then starts to inhale some of the crushed up pills she made. "But I will say one good thing about him, he was great in the sack." Countess said and (y/n) rolls her eyes.
"Why the hell am I here, Countess?" (Y/n) asked and Countess turns to her. "Well, seems like that whole Girls Get It Done shit has been a big deal lately. And I figured maybe get us girls back together from the old team." Crimson said and (y/n) glares at her.
"You know, you, me and Tessa. We could show those bitches in The Seven who the real female heroes are." Crimson said and (y/n) shakes her head. "Not just no but fuck no!" (Y/n) said and Crimson was taken aback. "Well, why not? I mean, clearly you're not doing anything! Tessa and Thomas are apparently gonna host Herogasm here in a few days and of course I've had a music career." Crimson said. "And I like it that way. I got out of Payback for a reason, Countess!" (Y/n) shouts.
"Yeah because you were becoming a washed up Supe and Ben isn't around to fuck you senseless like the dirty whore you really are!" Crimson accused and (y/n) snaps as she waves her hand and Crimson goes flying back and hits the wall, hard. (Y/n) starts to breath heavily as she glares daggers at her old partner until she looks down at her hand, which was shaking.
"You can never even begin to THINK what I've been through the last forty years!" (Y/n) growls as she glares at Crimson, who gets up. "Oh boo-hoo, you're boyfriend died and now you live all alone in some farmhouse in Kansas. Get the fuck over yourself, Misty." Crimson sneers. "Fuck you!" (Y/n) spat and the two women continue to glare at each other before (y/n) turns and heads for the door.
"Go fuck a chimp, Crimson." (Y/n) spat and she slams the door behind her, puts her hood up and walks out of the room and down the hall, passing by Frenchie and Kimiko as they get ready for their visit with Crimson Countess.
After dusting herself off of the confrontation,  Countess goes to sit by her dressing table and gathers up more pills and crushes them. "Next!" Countess shouts as she goes to snort up the crushed up drugs and exhales as the door opens, Kimiko and Frenchie enter her room. "You seem a little old for the Countess Tea Package." Countess said once she looks up and notices them. "We're young at heart." Frenchie said as Kimiko comes up to Countess and holds up her phone to show her what she typed.
I like your music
"Oh, sweetie. Can't you talk?" Countess asked Kimiko after she read her message. Kimiko shakes her head, shyly, and Countess smiles at her. "Would you like to hear something new?" She asked her and Kimiko nods. "Okay." Countess said and she leads Kimiko to her laptop to bring up a music video while Frenchie is looking around the room.
Chimps don't cry
No, chimps
Don't cry... 
"You know that chimps are physically incapable of crying? But that doesn't mean they're not crying on the inside." Countess said, dramatically, and she goes to look at the video while Kimiko turns to Frenchie and begins to sign language to him.
She's nice.
She's nuts! 
No, she's not.
Let's get it over with!
Kimiko then turns to Countess and grabs her. "Wh-What are you..." Countess shouts when Kimiko slams her up against the wall. "Wh-What are you...Ow!" Countess screams as Kimiko hits her. "Don't let her hands touch!" Frenchie shouts and Kimiko separates Countess' hands. "Ow! Let go of me, you bitch." Countess shouts as Frenchie comes up next to her while Kimiko holds her up against the wall.
"No fireball if your hands don't touch, oui? You stay quiet and relax. She will hurt you." Frenchie tells her. "What do you want?" Countess asked him. "We want to know about Soldier Boy." Frenchie said. "What the fսck do you care about Soldier Boy?" Countess asked, confused. "We want the truth about Soldier Boy, not the merde you've been giving us in your appalling show. How did he die? Who killed him? Talk." Frenchie demands.
"The show is the truth, mοthеrfսckеr." Countess said as there was another knock and the door opens as a kid and her parents come in. "He died a hero." Countess tells them just as they hear the family coming in.
Seizing the opportunity, Countess knocks Kimiko off of her then runs out of the room. Frenchie and Kimiko then chase after her as she runs out of the building and out into the park.
Countess shoves people out of the way then turns around to see Frenchie and Kimiko still gaining up on her. She stops, brings her hands together and shoots her fireball at the duo but they duck and the fireball hits the man in the Homelander costume, making blood and guts explode everywhere.
People and children began to scream but with some of the people near the mascot were protected by a force field. Frenchie and Kimiko jumped back at this as kids and adults scream, cry and run as does Countess.
Frenchie turns around and sees the white hoodie woman again, her arms were stuck out in front of her. They share a look before the woman lowers her arms and runs the opposite direction and it suddenly clicked with him who she was. "Putain de merde! That was Mystic Shade!" Frenchie said as Kimiko looks in time to see the woman run then signs at him.
Should we go after her?
"Butcher said he was gonna deal with her." Frenchie said as he takes her arm and Kimiko looks around to see a few kids still looking frighten and distraught at the man in the Homelander mascot costume, or what was left of him, before she and Frenchie leave the park.
*(y/n)’s POV*
Bethany pulls up to my house as I sigh. “You okay?” She asked me, for what had to be the hundredth time. “Yes, I’m fine. Just…wasn’t expecting any of that.” I said. “It looked like she was attacking those two people. Did you see them?” Bethany asked me and I nod.
“But I don’t know why. That’s what’s bugging me.” I said as I think. “Well, I’ll talk to you later.” I said as I get out of her car. “Okay…” Bethany said as I shut her car door and head into my house.
I entered the house and give a sigh of relief before I head to the kitchen. “You have a lovely house.” A male voice, with a cockney accent, greets and I jumped a bit to see a man with black hair, a beard, jeans, black shirt and a long black leather jacket, sitting at my kitchen table.
”Who the hell are you?” I asked him, angrily. “Billy Butcher, love.” He introduces as he nods to me and I realized this is the man that Maeve told me she was working with on capturing out of control Supes. “I just thought I’d pop by and ask you a few questions.” Butcher asked me as I go over to my liquor cabinet and take out a bottle of whiskey.
”I thought I told Maeve that I didn’t want to be bothered.” I said with a growl as I grab a couple of glasses. “She did tell me that but…I thought different.” Butcher tells me and I glare over at him. “So, from what I understand, you and Soldier Boy were close, right?” Butcher asked me and I begin to pour a glass of whiskey. “Okay, to save you time, yes, Soldier Boy and I were a thing. We had been on and off through out the years. In hindsight, we kept breaking up because of just stupid petty stuff but he would always find a way to win me back. Anything else you want me to answer, re-read that file I gave to Maeve.” I tell him.
”Well, before I go, there’s something I want you to elaborate on.” He said and I sighed, realizing this man is not gonna leave, and I pick up the second glass. “Would you like a drink?” I asked him as I hold up the whiskey bottle. “Oh, how very courteous of you.” Butcher said, in a bit of a surprised tone.
”Just being a good host, even if you were a surprise guest.” I said as I pour him a drink. Then I pick up my glass and his glass and I walk over to the table and hand him his glass. “Thank you.” He said and he takes a sip.
”Maeve’s told me about your rivalry with Homelander and how you think all Supes are bad. But I will tell you this, Mr Butcher, not all of us are like Homelander. I know you don’t want to hear it but it’s the truth. All I want is to live a normal life and put that life behind me.” I said and Butcher rolls his eyes towards the ceiling. “I appreciate your honesty, but it’s the actions of many of those cunts against your word that makes it hard to believe you.” He replied.
”Believe whatever you want, Mr Butcher. As for me, all I want is to be left alone.” I said, taking a sip of my whiskey. “You know I visited your old teammate, Gunpowder.” Butcher said and I lowered my glass, glaring at him. “And let’s just say, things didn’t go well.” Butcher said and I feel my heart sink. “Did you kill him?” I asked him and he nods.
I gasped and closed my eyes as I turn my head away. “Not the response I expected…” Butcher said and I turned back to him. “He was a kid when he joined the team. Poor boy.” I said, sadly. “Huh? See, I heard you didn’t really like any of your teammates.” Butcher said. “Yes, some of them I didn’t get along with but Gunpowder was just an eager kid, trying to prove himself. I looked after him, made sure he didn’t fall down the same rabbit hole a lot of young Supes do.” I said. 
“And yet, he put in a complaint about Soldier Boy’s abuse.” Butcher tells me. “I did the best I could with Soldier Boy. He would get in a few hits on Gunpowder but I always intervened if I saw he was about to go overboard.” I said as Butcher takes a swig at his drink.
”And did he ever abuse you?” He asked me. “No! He never did.” I replied, firmly. There was a long bit of silence between us before I go back to my drink. “Look, all I want to know is what happened to him? How did he die? Because I know that crap Vought pushed out is a load of bullocks.” Butcher said and I sighed.
”If I tell you what I know, will you leave me alone?” I asked him and Butcher stares at me then nods. “I don’t know what killed him. I was knocked out and when I came to, the others told me he was killed. We were in Nicaragua, '84, working with the CIA.” I said and Butcher furrowed his brow. “CIA?” He said, confused, and I nodded. “Who was the case officer?” Butcher asked me and I had to think. “Oh, fuck, what was her name….uh, Grace? Uh, Grace...Grace Mallory, that’s it!” I said, snapped my finger, and Butcher looked surprised by this.
”Judging by the look on your face, I’m guessing you know her?” I asked him. “Yes, yes, I do.” He said, determined, and he gets up from his chair. “Thank you for the drink and the talk. As promised, I will leave you be.” Butcher said and he leaves the kitchen then walks out the front door of my house.
I let out a sigh of relief and run my hands over my eyes. “What a fucking day.” I grumbled.
That night, I was cleaning up Ben’s old shield as I had the TV playing, which is broadcasting Homelander’s birthday. I didn’t really give a shit but I needed something playing in the background. “So let's give it up for Starlight and the man of the hour himself, Homelander!” A-Train said, who was wearing this colorful version of his old suit. I guess from the colors he is representing Africa; which from what Maeve told me about him, he is the last person to do something like this.
Music plays and cheers were heard as Starlight and Homelander go on stage as Homelander and A-Train shake hands then he leaves. “Wow, I'm so honored to be with you guys tonight to celebrate my dear friend and mentor Homelander. I'm here to do more than wish you a happy birthday, though. I'm thrilled to be announcing a project that is near and dear to my heart.” Starlight said and I snort as her saying Homelander is her mentor.
Yeah, I bet he is. I thought as I finished polishing the shield then look up at the TV.  “The Starlight House is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to helping homeless and at-risk youth.” Starlight starts to explain until a voice shouts. “Hey, Homelander! Your Nazi died!”
”Well, damn.” I muttered as the crowd murmurs. “Homelander...He's just, he's a human. He's just like the rest of us. And we all make mistakes, right? But we all deserve second chances. In that spirit, Homelander has agreed to donate $10 million...” Starlight said then she laughs softly. “…to the Starlight House, which is, I mean...” she said and there was applause then Homelander says. “No.”
”Give...Come on. Give it up.” Starlight said as Homelander shakes his head. “No.” He said. “Give it up for this guy.” Starlight said as she was trying to control the situation but Homelander looked like he was done. “No. No. No.” Homelander said and the applause stops and the crowd goes quiet. “Starlight lied to you just now. She did. I don't make mistakes. I'm not just like the rest of you. I'm stronger. I'm smarter. I'm better. I am better. I'm not some weak-kneed fսcking crybaby that goes around fսcking apologizing all the time. And why the fսck would you want me to be?” Homelander said then he looks straight at the camera.
“Don't you dare stop rolling, Roger!” He shouts and I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This man is losing his mind. “All my life, people have tried to control me. My whole life. Rich people, powerful people have tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient, like I'm a fսcking puppet. You know what? It worked. Because I allowed it to work. And guess what? If they can control me, then you can bet your ass they can control you. They already do. You just don't realize it.” Homelander said and I nod a bit as I was kinda agreeing with him there.
”I'm done. I am done apologizing. I am done being persecuted for my strength. You people should be thanking Christ that I am who and what I am, because you need me. You need me to save you. You do. I am the only one who possibly can. You're not the real heroes. I'm the real hero. I'm the real hero.” He said and the whole place stays silent and I shake my head. “And you lost me, crazy asshole.” I muttered and I shut my TV off.
@winchestergirl1720 @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @kitsun369 @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @deangirl96 @demodemo909
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hogwartsandhawkins · 1 year
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 9: I've Been Watching You For Some Time
If you need to catch up, here's the masterlist
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Summary: Billy helps Jess bake
Warnings: Mentions of bruising and blood. Mentions of fighting. Swearing. The ending of this chapter being waayyyyyy too sappy for a Billy Hargrove fic, but eff it, I like sappy. Also, semi-proofread. Let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 3.8k
Author's Note: Should I start making a playlist for each chapter?? I'm starting to realize music is a major theme in this series so... Also, considering the next chapter is the house party chapter, I might do it anyways just for that one.
Jess awoke the next morning groggy and miserable. According to her wall clock, it was already 7:30, thirty minutes later than she would normally get up, yet, she couldn’t bring herself to leave the comfort of her sheets. However, when she remembered why she was absolutely exhausted in the first place, she shot up out of bed and looked to the floor by the footboard. Her pillow and blanket remained on the ground, and a note seemed to be placed on top of the pillow. She picked up the piece of notebook paper and squinted, her eyes still not adjusted to being awake. 
Wanted to leave before anyone else got up. See you at 8
P.S. You snore. A lot. It’s kind of cute. 
Jess groaned at the thought of being ready in the next thirty minutes but dragged her feet to her dresser to find something to throw on, where she came across a jacket thrown over the corner of the dresser, a jacket that definitely did not belong to her. She tossed the familiar leather jacket on her unmade bed, then dug through a dresser drawer to find the high-waisted jeans she decided on wearing today. She then walked to her closet to retrieve a warm, pale pink turtleneck and a skinny brown belt. After throwing on the ensemble, she looked into the mirror above the dresser, quickly looking herself over before decidedly tucking in her turtleneck.  She was now looking back toward her bed, at the leather jacket. She was unsure of whether to hide it in her closet, afraid of her mother coming into her room to randomly clean as she sometimes did and finding it, or to bring it with her, considering she would still have to hide it in her bag or underneath her arm when she left. She threw her book bag next to it, deciding she would make her decision later. 
She went into her bathroom and continued to get ready for the day, placing the left side of her hair in two simple, black barrette clips, keeping it out of her face. She brushed her teeth longer than she should have, occasionally daydreaming or falling back asleep as she did so. She secured one of her white scrunchies around her wrist before leaving the restroom, knowing she’d need it for practice, and headed back to her room, where she was again confronted with Billy’s jacket. She figured she ought to bring it with her, it was cold after all and she was sure he would want it back. When she tried to stuff it in her bag, she quickly realized it was too large and thick to fit properly, causing her bag to bulge awkwardly and not allow it to zip closed. Sighing, she took it back out and secured it under her arm, throwing her backpack over her opposite shoulder. When she walked into the kitchen to retrieve both Billy’s and Max’s breakfast, she found her mother with a cup of coffee, staring at the TV from the kitchen island. 
“Good morning, hun.”
“Morning, Mom.” 
“You look… tired.” 
“Thanks.” She now had the fridge door open, peering inside to find there were only three muffins left. She grabbed them and then grabbed herself a banana, too tired to even consider making herself a proper breakfast. Jess glanced down at her watch and realized that Billy would be there any minute. She wished her mom a good rest of her day as she started for the front door. 
“Oh hunny, put your coat on, it’s freezing today.”
“Mom, my hands are kinda full.” She figured that this was a good enough excuse that would keep her mom at bay, that she wouldn’t have to pretend Billy’s jacket was her own, but her mother wasn’t letting up. 
“Well put it all down on the entrance table and put it on, Jess. It’s cold out there.” Her mother gave her the look, so she, unfortunately, did as she was told. Pulling it on she was able to clearly smell the mix of leather and Billy’s woody cologne, the scent of cigarette smoke acting as a footnote. The feeling of it being completely on sent electricity through Jess’s shoulders. It was foreign to her, having something of Billy’s so close to her. The sleeves were much too long, causing her to pull them up as she reached for the food she had placed on the table and then opened the door. “Have a good day, sweetheart.” 
She walked out into the cold, now glad she followed her mother’s instruction, the blush from having his clothes on making her even warmer than any other coat could. He, surprisingly, was late. And after standing there for another minute, she walked over to his place, thinking it would save time anyways. As she got closer, she could see Max rushing out the door along with Billy, who was visibly irritated. 
“Come on shitbird we gotta motor. Jess’s already waiting for us-” 
“She’s right there.” 
Billy turned from his driver’s door to find her, noticing immediately what she had on, causing him to smirk in satisfaction. He met her the rest of the way to retrieve what was in her hands. He was now wearing a different jacket, his denim one, which made Jess realize she should have brought her own jacket with her considering she would now be without one for the rest of the day. As he dropped his hands out of his pockets to meet hers and grab what was in them, she looked down and noticed his knuckles were now freshly cut open and bruised. 
“Cute coat,” Billy teased, only dropping his smirk to take a bite of his cold muffin. 
“Yeah, well my mom made me put it on. And since I had to pretend it was mine, I did.”
“Why’d you pretend it was yours?” 
“Because,” she was now whispering, looking over Billy’s shoulder at Max who was already in the back of Billy’s Camero, uninterested in their conversation, “I didn’t want her to know you were over last night, obviously.” 
“You couldn’t just say I left it at your place when we were studying?” 
The realization that she very well could have made her drop her shoulders in realization and sigh in annoyance, “Well, I’m not exactly used to lying to my parents, Hargrove.”
Billy nodded his head, swiping the top row of his teeth with his tongue as he did so. He then looked back to his car. “Better get going, princess.” As they both entered the car, he tossed Max one of the muffins, and then looked at the third one before looking over at Jess, “Is that all you’re eating?” He then nodded his head to the banana that was still in her hands. 
“Eh. I figured since you guys normally get two I’d just let you two fight over the last one.” In the middle of her sentence, he was already setting the last muffin on her lap as he looked behind him, throwing his car in reverse as he did so. 
“We ate already anyways,” is all he said as he began leaving his driveway. Billy then flipped on his music, You’ve Got Another Thing Coming blasting from the stereo as she began to turn it down. 
“So have you guys been eating every morning?” 
“Yup.” Max answered, her mouth full from a bite of her own muffin.
“So why the hell have I been grabbing you guys two every morning?!” 
“Hey, I never told you to do that.” Billy was now the one to answer, he too eating as he talked to her, “But I’m not one to complain,” He then looked over at her and quickly winked her way before looking back at the road. 
“You guys are the worst.” 
“But we appreciate you anyways.” Max had decided to speak up again, taking a triumphant last bite before wiping her hands clean and discarding the lining on the seat next to her. 
“Aye dipshit, that better not be there when you leave my car.” Billy was now eyeing Max through his rearview mirror, seemingly able to see her discard her trash in his backseat. Instead of acknowledging him, her attention turned to Jess, now eyeing the leather jacket skeptically. 
“Wait. Is that Billy’s?” She was audibly disgusted by the fact that one of her close friends now had on her stepbrother’s, well, anything. She kept a look of distasteful surprise on her face until Jess turned to her, not really sure what to say. 
“Mind your own business, shitbird,” Billy cut in, refusing to allow Max to convince Jess to take it off any time soon. 
“Ugh. Gag me with a spoon.” Max then slumped back into the middle seat, crossing her arms in the process before continuing, “What’s Steve gonna say?” 
“Who cares what bitch-boy says.” 
Jess kept her eyes on Max as she refuted her abhorrence, “I’m not actually wearing it for the day. Billy left it… last night (not a lie) and I was just returning it.” She then turned back to watch Billy turn into the parking lot as she carried on making up excuses as to why it was even on her in the first place. “And then it was cold so… but I’m just giving it back.” 
“Whatever.” Jess swore up and down that Max had her stepbrother’s attitude, and if they weren’t blood-related she would have assumed that their snarky behavior ran in the family. 
“Alright, now get lost.” The Camaro was abruptly parked, causing both Jess and Max to be thrown slightly back and then forward.  As Max began to once again climb to the front without Jess having time to exit the vehicle, Jess threw her hand up. 
“Why don’t I get out to make it easier for you.” As she opened the passenger door and got out, Max was right on her tail, wasting no time to leave their presence as she was visibly irritated: with both of them most likely. Jess sat back down as Max cleared the doorway, but before she shut the door Max turned and looked directly at Billy. 
“I don’t need to remind you to leave her alone, do I?”
“Goodbye, Max.” Billy was now ducking so that Max was able to clearly view him waiving sarcastically before flipping her off. She returned the favor as she slammed the door, shaking her head and rolling her eyes in the process. Jess then watched as she dropped her board rather aggressively and skated straight to her middle school. Billy looked behind them and groaned at the sight of Max’s leftover trash still laying on his seat. 
“Fucker,” He grumbled as he shifted back in his seat after retrieving his bag and the muffin lining from behind him. Jess was now eating her own breakfast, careful not to spill any crumbs in his spotless Camaro. 
Jess looked back at Billy’s knuckles, which were much different than how he arrived last night. She gestured with her muffin toward them and simply asked, “What happened?” 
Billy chuckled, looking over at her, and joked, “You should see the other guy.” Jess didn’t find the joke as funny as Billy did, and when she gave him a knowing look, he caved in. “I couldn’t have a busted lip without having a few busted knuckles to match alright? Don’t worry, just punched my bed a few times. No big deal.” 
Jess couldn’t help but think back on times Billy had come to school with purple knuckles just as he had now, with only a small bruise or scratch on his face, but every time she thought back, no one really knew who he got in a fight with. It was always some kid from out of town, or some older college dude who didn’t know his place, and everyone believed him because he was Billy Hargrove, the fights didn’t need much explanation. The realization made her sigh in acceptance as she took another bite of her breakfast, losing her appetite the more she thought about those many incidents. 
Billy watched her mind work, and before she was able to think about it for too long, he quickly changed the subject. “So, if you’re just ‘giving it back’ I’m guessing you brought your own?” When she just shook her head back, mouth still full, he sighed, “Yeah, I thought so… It’s not a big deal if you wear it, you know.” 
Jess laughed at the thought of her waltzing into school in Billy Hargrove’s jacket as she swallowed. “Yeah right! I’m sure Steve would have a spaz attack.” As she took one last bite, she again laughed at another realization, “Oh god, and Jane. She would probably hate me even more than she does now. Not to mention the shit I’d get from Carol.” She then remembered the conversation at her locker from yesterday and knew she wouldn’t get away with wearing another article of clothing belonging to a different boy. Jess handed her remaining trash to Billy, who was more than happy to take it, as she began awkwardly shifting from left to right in her seat, and, to Billy’s disappointment, started pulling her arms one at a time out of the leather coat. She then aimed it behind Billy and looked back to him, “Is this okay?” indicating that she was about to toss it there. 
“Sure,” was all he had to say, now searching the parking lot through his front windshield. When he heard the fabric drop, he sighed, beginning to open his door, causing Jess to do the same. When the cold hit, part of her begged the other to reach into the backseat and put back on the leather jacket, but the most stubborn part of her won, which was also aware of how much Steve would possibly hate her if she gave into the cold. So instead, she found her best friend, as she has done every morning this week, and walked over to him, slightly bouncing as her turtleneck was not enough to keep the December wind from reaching her skin. 
Today’s afterschool practice was just as rough as yesterday’s, considering Wednesday was the day both the basketball team and the cheer team shared the track for their weekly mile. And though a mile is significantly less than two, they wouldn’t be exactly finished with their practice since they would still have 40 minutes to fill, 40 minutes that their coach was not in the mood to waste. Jess was, however, grateful for the extra activity, as the girls were now back to having practices outside, considering it was not below freezing, according to their coach anyway. So when she entered her locker room with her face as red as it was, her forehead speckled with sweat, she was sure to take advantage of the showers. It was only when she was met with the doors that separated the gym from the outside did she begin to regret her shower, as she was still with the consequential wet hair that came from it. She stopped at the double doors, unwilling to feel the push of freezing cold air that would hit her face if she decided to open them. 
“What’s the matter, Logan?” Billy had exited his own locker room, his hair dried a little better than hers, his hands in his pockets, his jacket pockets, the sight making her shiver in anticipation for what waited behind those doors. As she looked over at him with envy, he slightly leaned in to his left, wearing a smirk that irritated her, “Maybe next time, you’ll just wear the damn coat.” He then freed his right hand from the warmth of his pocket and pushed in the metal bar that released one of the doors from its latch and walked out, unphased by the weather. Jess sucked in and held it as she followed suit, convincing herself that the discomfort that came from not being allowed to breathe would outweigh any that came from the cold. 
Not below freezing my ass. 
Billy quickly unlocked both of their doors and then just as swiftly blasted his heater. He then reached directly behind him and retrieved the jacket that was left behind and waited for Jess to enter her side of the car before handing it over, still wearing the same smirk, as if to challenge her to put it on in front of everyone walking out from their gym. 
“You’re an ass,” she claimed as she begrudgingly took it and put it on. It was slightly colder than she remembered it being this morning, but it still made her feel much warmer than she was the two seconds before she had it on. Billy only chuckled at her irritation as he pulled forward, away from his parking spot, and exited the lot. 
Their ride home consisted of Billy flipping through radio channels, constantly complaining over Hawkin’s ‘shit selection’, and Jess rubbing her hands together as she looked out her passenger window at the familiar view of trees and plain houses. When they pulled into Jess’s driveway, they wasted no time retreating into her home, which was oddly quiet from Billy’s point of view. However, Jess closed the door, locked it, and immediately walked over to the kitchen fridge, swiftly ripping a note from a magnet, only to skim it for a few seconds before tossing it in the trash. 
“What was that?”
“It’s date night for my parents. Something about Indianapolis. They’ll be gone all night.” As Jess said this, she opened the fridge door, knowingly looking in and then looking down at the fruit drawer, where she found that they were out of blueberries. “Great.” She continued to look through it, before taking out a plastic package. “So how do you feel about cranberry orange?” She then placed the cranberries on the kitchen island before peering into the pantry, eyeing a package of chocolate chips, “Or what about chocolate chip muffins?” 
“What, you making some fresh ones just for me, Logan?” As he began to crack his award-winning smile, she opened the plastic and threw a cranberry at him. 
“I said stop doing that.” 
She underestimated his reflexes as he caught it, tossing it into the sink once he did so. He came closer to her, looking around at all the ingredients she was pulling from the fully stocked closet. 
“So why’re you making them now then?” 
“Well, if you’re still expecting muffins as payment for the rides, I need to make a new batch.” She then searched for her metal measuring cups along with her two wooden mixing bowls, placing them on the island along with the ingredients once found. After pushing up the sleeves of Billy’s leather jacket many times, she remembered she no longer needed it, throwing it over the back of the living room couch. “Set the oven to three-fifty, will ya?” Billy left his spot leaning against the sink to do as he was told, twiddling with the dials until he figured out how to adjust the temperature. He then walked toward the island Jess was working at, pushing against it with his palms. 
“Okay, Hargrove,” She then picked up the chips and the cranberries, alternating lowering and raising each one, “Which flavor am I doing?” 
“Why can’t you be like your sister and choose chocolate like a normal teenager…” Once she was done combining the wet and dry ingredients, she then split the batter halfway, folding the chocolate chips in one half. She then walked over to the fruit basket located on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room and tossed an orange to Billy, who effortlessly caught this piece of fruit as well. “Alright then, you get to zest the orange though.”
“I get to what?” 
“Zest?” When Billy still gave her a befuddled look, she sighed and took the zester from its home and placed it on the counter, finding two smaller bowls after and placing them in the same area. She then placed the zester in her left hand, gently taking back the orange from Billy and holding it in her right hand. She then lightly grated the orange against the tool back and forth, making sure to carefully aim the shredded pieces into one of the bowls. When this was done she began to cut what was left of the orange, juicing it into the separate bowl. Billy watched as she worked, feeling as he did the night previous. He watched the tiny muscles in her hands flex as she squeezed what little was left from the orange. He watched as she continued to flip her hair out of her face, careful not to touch it with her hands as they were still dripping. He watched as sucked in her lips as she concentrated, the same way she did when she was fixing him up last night. 
Being with her in the kitchen, being allowed to observe her bake something for him, it all felt domestic to him. He stood there and wondered if this is what his father took for granted. He remembers his mother in the kitchen, always smiling though, in contrast to the look of concentration that Jess seemed to always wear in the kitchen. And though the two women were very different, they were both equally as beautiful in their own way to him. And in that moment, he began to loathe his father even more, because, especially now, he couldn’t understand how Neil would be able to stand there, watch his wife smile the way she used to in the kitchen, watch her put her heart into whatever it was she was making for the three of them, for his family, and not feel even feel a fraction of the way Billy did as he watched Jess do the same.  
When Jess turned back to him to announce she was almost ready to put them in the oven, what she found were his eyes already meeting hers, a look of deep thought glazed over them. It made her stomach jump to even think that he would ever watch her like that. But she shook this thought away and looked over at the plastic container once again. “You wanna help with the cranberries? It’s the last thing I need to do before they go in.” Jess watched the ripples within his ocean eyes start to calm as her question began to pull him back to whom he was supposed to be, and just like that, the ocean was again still as he answered her blandly. 
“Whatever you want, princess.”
And though she heard the sarcasm being hinted in his nonchalant demeanor, she missed the promise hidden within his words: that no matter what she asked, there was no possible way he would be able to turn her down. 
@nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore @ooo---hazelgrimm---ooo @axionn @hml-main
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
could u do dating bella swan as a werewolf!fem!reader?<33 loved your galadriel headcanons
𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓:
Pairing: Bella Swan x fem!werewolf!reader
Warnings: a bit angsty
Notes: tysm for the request your so sweet! Sorry this took a little while to get out btw. Requests are open and feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
- Coco ❤️
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You were Jacobs cousin but spent most of your time with him and Billy rather than your family.
You had seen/met Bella once or twice but you were very little and don't remember much
But you have met Charlie Swan, he always seemed like a nice man and often invited you and your family over to watch a baseball game.
When news of the infamous Bellas moving to Forks you were relatively unfazed.
But Jacob was chomping at the bit to get to know her.
You met her the same time jacob did and it was hard to watch the two interact, but she seemed sweet(and very pretty).
Unlike your cousin you actually attended Forks high-school, it was closer to home.
You noticed Bella was a bit shy and socially awkward so you invited her into your friend group and hit it off well.
And when she started taking a interest in a certain blood sucking freak you were sure to steer her in the right direction.
And she listened to your advice
For three days.
She had said some bs about how you wouldn't be able to change her mind about seeing him so it's not worth the fight. And you gave up because you rlly wanted things to work between the two of you.
And you didn't really mind, I mean yes it was dangerous but Bella could take care of herself[and the fact that you had a real big crush on her]. You didn't mind that is until she started ditching you.
"Oh sorry y/n I can't tonight... I'm going to the movies with Edward"
Or "I promised Edward I'd study with him, can't jacob help you?"
It hurt you to say the least and Bella was so blinded by her crush for Edward she didnt even notice.
By Bellas birthday your relationship had practically withered away but you still got her a present. A handmade booksleeve in her favorite colour.
And then...the accident happened. The Cullens left Forks abruptly leaving a heartbroken Bella and a confused town.
You didn't really know what happened but according to Billy, nothing good.
And as selfish as it sounds you were glad you got to get back in touch with her.
You helped her get over her stupid breakup, reminding her that Edward didn't deserve her whatsoever.
You comforted her and let her cry in your arms
You made sure she ate well and got enough sleep
And you even made a bonfire with Jacob and your friends to burn all of Bellas photos, clothing and memories of Edward.
Things were going great until you started distancing yourself.
Making up illnesses and just flat our ignoring her seemed better than the truth, I mean you just couldn't tell her.
She thought that you were ignoring her because of how she treated you before. She felt like a jerk.
So of course when she shows up to Jacobs and demands to see you, things don't go swimmingly.
She finds out and she's...honestly not as shocked as she should have been
" look Bella I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore, I'm surprised you can even look at me-"
"Y/n I've already been through the whole my friend is a mythical creature thing. Besides who will I complain about the rain to?"
And then she realized she really did eff up pretty badly with you when she was dating Edward and it wasn't ok.
You were studying- or at least trying to study when you were interrupted by bella throwing rocks at your window.
You looked down onto the yard where she was standing and holding up a sign that read "I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS SOONER BUT WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME? p.s im sorry for being a jerk :(" And a bouquet of your favorite flowers to top it off.
You excitedly nodded and quickly got ready for a impromptu date.
You guys went to a drive in movie, sat in the back of her truck and kissed under the stars~
Ok but Bella would be really good with dates
Like hiking to some obscure spot just cuz there's pretty flowers? It's a no brainer for her
You help her cook for her dad and Charlie loves you like a seccond daughter
You read and stargaze together on her roof
You make picture albums with the camera her dad got her for her birthday.
And she constantly finds she keeps "misplacing" her sweaters and flannels
You guys are really the power couple of Forks no matter what the creepy homophobic old guys say🏋‍♂️
Your families already get along great with each other so there's really no fuss when it comes to that.
Jacob is a little miffed that you "stole" Bella from him but she reassures him that he'd never stand a chance.
You get engaged 2 years after high-school, which seems pretty early but you know you'll never ever find someone as great as bells in Forks
The wedding is small but that's the way you both wanted it
It's in her backyard, in the forest and the reception is at her house.
Ok I lokey hate her wedding dress(no shade if you like it tho!) So let's say she wore this one, it's close enough but much better(in my opinion)!
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And ofc u wear whatever u want!
Bella lokey loves wolf version of you, I mean the piggyback rides are insane.
And your just so fluffy, great cuddle material.
You guys have a quiet simple life but it's never boring.
If you decide to have children I'm thanking the God's it won't be named Renesme.
You guys love to cook together and try new recipes
She eventually gets used to the rain and gloom of Forks. It seems to be growing on her tbh
Sometimes you'll be sitting on your bed watching a old movie and both of you will just sit and laugh about what life would gave been like if Edward had stayed in Forks.
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maxwellatoms · 2 years
On Billy & Mandy's "Trivia" page on IMDb, it says that Tom Kenny was originally considered to voice Billy, but he declined. Is this true?
Not a bit. I went straight from "In a world of Tommy Pickleses, how the eff am I going to cast this part?" to Richard.
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The urinary tract infection business-model
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There were two competing visions at the dawn of the modern digital era: in one camp, you had people who saw computers as a way to empower people to push back against corporate and state control; in the other camp, there were the people who wanted to use computers to transfer power from the public to corporations or governments.
I’ve always been baffled by the technologists who pursued control over liberation: surely their own formative experiences were of the liberatory power of technology. After experiencing that power, how could these Vichy nerds lend their skills to the project of forging digital shackles?
And yet, there they were, from the earliest days. Back in 2017, Redditor /u/vadermeer was browsing a Seattle thrift-shop and unearthed a trove of early internal documents from Apple’s SSAFE project, an early, doomed DRM project from 1979:
The files (now hosted at the Internet Archive) are a chronicle of the battle between technologists pursuing user liberation and technologists who want to use computers to control their users. There are some great cameos from Woz:
SSAFE bombed, but the fight raged on for decades and rages on still. I’ve been in the thick of it for more than 20 years — literally. My first day on the job for EFF, back in 2002, was spent attending the inaugural meeting of the Broadcast Protection Discussion Group (BPDG), an inter-industry conspiracy to put all computers in chains, forever:
The BPDG’s mission was to create a standard for a Broadcast Flag a single bit that would be included in the headers for video files. If the flag was present, any device that encountered the video would have to restrict its playback, checking to see whether and under what circumstances that playback could occur.
In order to make this work, the group — an alliance of giant corporations from consumer electronics, IT, broadcast/cable/satellite and movies — would get a friendly lawmaker (Billy Tauzin, one of the dirtiest Congressmen who ever held office) to pass a law that required anyone building a video-capable device to seek out and respond to the flag.
As part of this proposal, all video-capable devices would also need to be “resistant to end-user modification” — that is, they’d have to have enough Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to trigger Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which banned removing copyright locks on penalty of a 5-year prison sentence and a $500k fine.
Strip away all the acronyms and obfuscation and here’s what that meant: if this group got their way, every computer would only run proprietary software (no free software/open source allowed) and if you tried to reverse-engineer it to change it to do your bidding in any way, you could be sent to prison for five years.
Under this system, whatever restrictions the manufacturer imposed on the use of their computer-enabled products would be the final word. It would be a felony for a rival to make a tool that plugged into their system and let you do stuff the manufacturers blocked, even if that stuff was perfectly legal.
For example, under this system, distributing ad-blockers would be a felony. If the manufacturer designed a computer — any computer, whether or not it was used to watch video, because the standard was video-capable not video-intended — so that the browser used the operating-system’s DRM to prevent ad-blocking, bypassing it would be a crime.
At the time, we warned that giving manufacturers the power to restrict how you configured your own digital products would lead them to abuse that power — not to prevent copyright infringement, but to shift value from you to them. The temptation would be too great to resist, especially if the companies knew they could use the law to destroy any company that fixed the anti-features in their products.
Sometimes, this was dismissed as fearmongering, with company insiders insisting that they knew their colleagues to be good and honorable people who wouldn’t ever abuse this power. I expected that: no one is the villain of their own story, and we are all prone to inflated assessments of our power to resist moral hazard.
But there was another response to our activism, one that was far more telling: “Yes, we are going to take away all the features you get with your digital media and sell them back to you one click at a time. So what?”
These people were in thrall to a specific ideology: the neoliberal doctrine that markets are the most efficient way to allocate resources, and anything that isn’t a market can be improved by turning it into one.
That’s the brain-worms that leads “entrepreneurs” to flood the entire IRS switchboard with thousands of auto-dialers and then auction off the right to be bridged into a call when someone picks up:
It’s the same species of brain-worms that causes “entrepreneurs” to make apps that let people vacating a public parking spot to sell off the right to park there next:
It’s the same species of brain-worms that causes “entrepreneurs” to make fake bookings for every hot table at every restaurant in town and then auction off the right to dine:
In the case of digital media, these brain-worms manifested as the certainty that we get too many rights when we buy or subscribe to digital media. The argument goes:
When you buy a book or movie or song or game, you may not want the right to sell it on the used market, or give it away, or re-read or re-watch or re-listen to it;
Because the only way to get media is to buy it outright, you might be paying more than you need to for that media;
Perhaps the seller would offer you a discount on a book you could only read once, or Christmas movie you could only watch in July;
The blunt instrument of sale means that there are lots of discount offers that never get made, so there are lots of people with less money to spend who are excluded from the market.
Put that way, it sounds reasonable, and indeed, in the margins, there have been some successes from the ability to transform an unconditional sale to a conditional license. You can “buy” a streaming movie on Youtube for $10, or “rent” it for $3; and you can pay $10/month for ad-free Spotify, $5/month for Spotify with some ads, or $0/month for ad-heavy Spotify.
But these are exceptions. Most of the pre-digital offers aren’t available at any price: you could buy a DVD and keep it forever, even if you never went back to the store again. If you “buy” a video on Prime or YouTube and then cancel your subscription and delete your account, you lose your “purchase.”
If you buy a print book, you can lend it out or give it away to a friend or a library or a school. Ebooks come with contractual prohibitions on resale, and whether an ebook can be loaned is at the mercy of publishers, and not a feature you can give up in exchange for a discount.
For brain-wormed market trufans, the digital media dream was our nightmare. It was something I called “the urinary tract infection business model.” With non-DRM media, all the value flowed in a healthy gush: you could buy a CD, rip it to your computer, use it as a ringtone or as an alarmtone, play it in any country on any day forever.
With DRM, all that value would dwindle from a steady stream to a burning, painful dribble: every feature would have a price-tag, and every time you pressed a button on your remote, a few cents would be deducted from your bank-account (“Mute feature: $0.01/minute”).
Of course, there was no market for the right to buy a book but not the right to loan that book to someone else. Instead, giving sellers the power to unilaterally confiscate the value that we would otherwise get with our purchases led them to do so, selling us less for more.
The Broadcast Flag was actually adopted by then-FCC chairman Michal Powell, so we sued him, along with our allies at Public Knowledge and the American Library Association, and kicked his ass, and the Broadcast Flag died in 2005:
But the dream of the Broadcast Flag never died. All the streaming apps on your phone come with the same restrictions that the Broadcast Flag would have imposed on over-the-air videos.
It’s much worse on your big screen. Your cable receiver is a gigantic, energy-sucking, wallet-draining piece of shit; the average US household spends $200 on these clunky, insecure devices, and every attempt to “unlock the box” has been thwarted by Hollywood and the Copyright Office:
The UTI business-model didn’t take hold in most markets, but it’s alive and well in your cable box. That box is mandatory, and modifying it runs afoul of DMCA 1201, meaning you can go to prison for five years for helping someone unfuck their cable box.
Back when PVRs like Tivo entered the market, viewers were as excited about being able to skip ads as broadcasters and cable operators were furious about it. The industry has treated ignoring or skipping ads as a form of theft since the invention of the first TV remote control, which was condemned as a tool of piracy, since it enabled viewers to easily change the channel when ads came on.
The advent of digital TV meant that cable boxes could implement DRM, ban ad-skipping, and criminalize the act of making a cable box that restored the feature. But early cable boxes didn’t ban ad-skipping, because the cable industry knew that people would be slow to switch to digital TV if they lost this beloved feature.
Instead, the power to block ads was a sleeper agent, a Manchurian Candidate that lurked in your cable box until the cable operators decided you were sufficiently invested in their products that they could take away this feature.
This week, Sky UK started warning people who pressed the skip-ad button on their cable remotes that they would be billed an extra £5/month if they fast-forwarded past an ad. The UTI business model is back, baby — feel the burn!
This was the utterly foreseeable consequence of giving vendors the power to change how their devices worked after they sold it to you, under conditions that criminalized rivals who made products to change them back.
Back in 2004, Wired published a special edition featuring reviews of new digital AV technology, almost all of which was encumbered with DRM. I had worked as a Wired reviewer on and off for years at that point, and I published a blog post taking the magazine to task for failing to note that all the features that it was praising in these devices could be taken away by the manufacturer at any time:
Then editor-in-chief Chris Anderson defended the move, saying that DRM would encourage rightsholders to make their media available, and this was a net benefit:
I replied, saying this wasn’t the point: if you’re a trusted reviewer and you’re telling readers, “Buy this device because it has these three excellent features,” you have a duty to warn them that any of these features could be taken away due to factors beyond your control, leaving you without any recourse:
This is a case I’ve made to other reviewers since, but no one’s taken me up on my suggestion that every review of every DRM-enabled device come with a bold warning that whatever you’re buying this for might be taken away at any time. In my opinion, this is a major omission on the part of otherwise excellent, trusted reviewers like Consumer Reports and Wirecutter.
Everywhere we find DRM, we find fuckery. Even if your cable box could be redesigned to stop spying on you, you’d still have to root out spyware on your TV. Companies like Vizio have crammed so much spyware into your “smart” TV that they now make more money spying on you than they do selling you the set.
Remember that the next time someone spouts the lazy maxim that “If you’re not paying for the product, you’re the product.” The problem with Vizio’s TVs isn’t that they’re “smart.” The problem isn’t that you’re not paying enough for them.
The problem is that it’s illegal to unfuck them, because Vizio includes the mandatory DRM that rightsholders insist on, and then hide surveillance behind its legal minefield.
The risks of DRM aren’t limited to having your bank-account drained or having your privacy invaded. DRM also lets companies decide who can fix their devices: a manufacturer that embeds processors in its replacement parts can require an unlock code before the device recognizes a new part. They can (and do) restrict the ability of independent service depots to generate these codes, meaning that manufacturers get a monopoly over who can fix your ventilator, your tractor, your phone, your wheelchair or your car.
The technical term for these unlock codes is “VIN-locking,” and the “VIN” stands for “vehicle identification number,” the unique code etched into the chassis of every new car and, these days, burned into into its central computerized controller. Big Car invented VIN-locking.
VIN-locking is the major impediment to securing the Right to Repair. Manufacturers of all kinds bootstrap the DMCA — a Clinton-era copyright law — into a new doctrine that Jay Freeman calls “felony contempt of business model.” Removing DRM is illegal, so any business model that hides behind DRM is illegal to thwart:
With Felony Contempt of Business Model, repair is just the tip of the iceberg. When security experts conduct security audits of DRM-locked devices, they typically have to bypass the DRM to test the device.
Since bypassing this DRM exposes them to legal risks, many security experts simply avoid DRM-locked gadgets. Even if they are brave enough to delve into DRM’s dirty secrets, their general counsels often prohibit them from going public with their results.
This means that every DRM-restricted device is a potential reservoir of long-lived digital vulnerabilities that bad guys can discover and exploit over long timescales, while honest security researchers are scared off of discovering and reporting these bugs.
That’s why, when a researcher goes public with a really bad security defect that has been present for a very long time, the system in question often has DRM — and it’s why media devices are so insecure, because they all have DRM.
But these days, “media device” has ceased to be a meaningful category. As we warned Chairman Powell in 2003, soon every device would have a general purpose computer inside it, and any rule regulating “media devices” would regulate everything.
Cars are media devices. Many new cars sell with Sirius XM players built into their media centers (mine did, and I was bombarded with calls and letters from Sirius begging me to subscribe to it). These players have DRM. They also have incredibly grave security defects.
Security researcher Sam Curry and his colleagues discovered that they could hijack Sirius XM-enabled cars, armed only with the VIN number that was printed on its windscreen. Sirius’s authentication sucks and once you authenticate to an in-car Sirius-enabled app, you’re in:
Curry and pals were able to plunder personal information from connected cars, lock and unlock them, and execute other commands available through the cars’ telematics systems. A similar hack of Jeep cars in 2017 let attackers seize control over steering, brakes and accelleration:
The auto industry itself admits that its products gather so much information on you — the contents of your phone, the places you go — that any breach could endanger your very life. Indeed, they made this claim to try to scare Massachusetts voters away from passing Right to Repair legislation in 2020:
The same structural factors that make cars dumpster-fires of slapdash security are also present in your phone, and, thanks to the 2017 decision to standardize DRM in browsers, in your browser:
This all starts with the idea that the problem with “content” is that Congress gave us, the public, too many rights under copyright, and that nickel-and-diming us to buy those rights a la carte would fix this problem. 20 years later, the benefits of this system are thin gruel indeed, and the costs keep mounting.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A wood-paneled living room with a large flat screen TV on a stand. Before the TV sit two small boys with their arms around each others' shoulders, sitting crosslegged on the carpet in front of the set. The screen of the set displays a giant arcade machine '25¢ Push to Reject' coin-slot. Above the set, the glaring red eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey oversees the scene, ringed with a burned circle.]
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banannabethchase · 11 months
Say You Want Me (Don't Be Nice) - also on AO3
Matt's gone a little haywire with the experiments and has all but taken over Adam's "lab." Adam's not mean enough, so they bring in someone who can do the job.
Title from Unholy by Hey Violet. I uh. I don't know how this fic got so long either. It got a bit out of hand, but just be aware that Mox is consensually mean, Matt is horny, and Adam is fuck in love. Rated E for like sixteen reasons.
Matt yanks on Adam’s sleeve, which would be cute if it wasn’t the thirtieth time he’d done it in the past few seconds.
“Would you stop that?” Adam mutters. “I’ll talk to Mox. Keep your shit together until the meeting is over at least.”
“It’s not a meeting,” Matt corrects, getting all smarmy. “It’s a talent check in to make sure morale is up and everyone feels safe.”
Adam rolls his eyes. “And it’s mandatory.”
“Mental health and community are not voluntary!”
Adam slides his hand under Matt’s shirt and pinches the skin of Matt’s waist.
Matt yelps and looks up at Adam with wide eyes. “Doing that is dangerous.”
“Why?” Adam asks, grinning.
Matt sighs, shuffling a little bit away from Adam. Still in reach, but it would be dangerously obvious. Adam thinks that might be intentional, Matt being his little exhibitionist self. “Because I like it too much,” he mutters.
Adam throws his arm around Matt’s shoulders and kisses the top of his head, grinning. It’s taken him a while to remember that this, all this, truly is his this time. No questions, no jumping between Japan and the US, no disappointment when they’re in different promotions for the week.
“Come here,” Adam says, and he spins Matt so he can lean down and kiss him for real.
Matt sighs, looping his hands around his waist. Somebody wolf whistles.
Adam feels a flick to the back of his head and pulls back. “The fuck?”
“Get off my brother,” Nick grumbles.
Adam opens his mouth, grinning, and Nick flicks him again. “No!” he says. “Stop it!”
“How was flirting with Billy?” Matt asks, tucking his hair behind his ear with a smug smile.
“Eff off,” Nick says with an eye roll, but he’s definitely smiling, just a little bit.
They mill around a little, checking in with everyone. But Adam notes that Matt is intentionally ignoring going over to the BCC.
“Are you embarrassed about that time you got recklessly horny?” Adam mutters into his ear. “That time I made you wait?”
Matt shakes his shoulders. “No.”
“Are you lying?” Adam can’t fight his grin.
Matt doesn’t answer, but he’s smiling a little. “He’s talking to Yuta,” he finally says. “And Yuta…”
“You really just want to bang the entirety of Blackpool Combat Club, don’t you,” Adam sighs.
Matt opens his mouth, then tilts his head. “Would you say no to any of them?”
“We are not talking about me,” Adam says. “Come on. Let’s go say hi.”
Adam has to sling an arm around Matt’s waist to keep him from being all shy about it, but they get over to the BCC’s little clique of sex freaks. The conversation stops immediately.
“What do you want?” Claudio asks, frowning.
“They’re good, Swiss, breathe,” Mox says, patting Claudio on what Adam can only assume are rock hard abs. “What’s up, princess?”
Matt squeaks, the grabs Adam’s hand.
“Jesus,” Adam says with an eye roll.
“We’re getting a snack,” Yuta says, wrapping a hand around Claudio’s and Bryan’s biceps and yanking them in the other direction. “And, like, out of here.”
Matt doesn’t get any more normal with the privacy. Adam’s about to make fun of him about it when Mox speaks.
“What’s the deal?” he asks, a little grin on his face. He nods to Matt. “Your boy’s all twitchy.”
Adam sighs. “Yeah, because he’s nervous.” Adam leans in a little. “He got real into that suggestion from a few weeks back.”
“This is very ‘saw you across the room and liked your look’ or whatever it is,” Mox says, but he runs his thumb along his bottom lip, so Adam thinks they’re in the clear.
Matt nods, then flicks his eyes up to Adam.
“Come on, Mox,” Adam sighs. “You gotta know what we’re here to ask.”
“Are you asking me to fuck your boyfriend?” Mox asks. He glances between Matt and Adam, like he’s waiting for a punchline.”
“Technically, he’s asking you to fuck him,” Adam says, pointing at Matt with his thumb over his shoulder. “He’s just too shy to do it.”
Matt shrugs.
“How can I be sure you’re not trying to get me alone so you could kill me?”
“What?” Adam asks. “Dude. If I’d ever wanted to kill you, it would’a happened in the ring. Do you think I’m gonna shoot you or something?”
Mox shrugs, chomping on his gum. “I dunno, man. You southern boys. Never know when you’re packing.”
Matt snickers.
“That wasn’t a dick joke, Jackson. Keep it in your fuckin’ pants,” Mox snaps. But he’s smiling, and Matt’s pink, and Adam thinks this is going better than he could have planned. “But, sure. I’ll fuck that smile off his face.”
Matt makes a little yelp in the corner.
“What?” Mox asks. “Not what you want?” He turns to Adam, a bit bewildered. “Help me here, Cowboy, I thought he wanted me to fuck him up.”
“I do!” Matt says. “I – I do.” He takes a breath like he’s trying to steady himself. “I, um. I want you to be, like, really mean.”
Mox blinks, then flickers over to Adam.
“Don’t look at me,” Adam says, hands in the air. “I try to be mean but apparently I suck at it.”
“Yeah, because you love me,” Matt says, rolling his eyes.
“You make it sounds like that’s a bad thing,” Adam says, and he’s not able to hide his frown.
“No, it’s good!” Matt assures. “But I want Mox to be mean to me.” He bats his eyelashes toward Mox, turning on all his charm. “You can barely stand me.”
Mox opens his mouth then closes it. “Son of a bitch, you’ve got a point.”
“So, Mox will be mean to me,” Matt says, lighting up. “Like, real mean. Then Adam can step in and be cute and nice.”
“What he’s trying to say is he wants you to fuck him and not let him come,” Adam clarifies.
“I wish I had a moral compass,” Mox says, his smile more of a show of teeth. “Oh, Young Buck.” He flickers a glance over at Adam who nods once. Mox crowds into Matt’s space until he’s pressed up against the wall. Even from a few feet away, Adam can see Matt’s breathing hitch. “I’m gonna wreck you.”
Matt’s exhale is slow and measured as he glances up to Mox’s face. “Okay,” he sighs.
Mox steps back. “We gotta talk more when Fuck Me Barbie over here isn’t pitching a tent in his pants at a work event.”
Adam snorts. “Come on, Mox. You know as well as almost anybody here that that’s not new.”
Mox laughs, and Adam pretends he’s not into it. “Yeah, that’s fair. I ever tell you about the time me and Bryan got caught in the venue gym?”
Adam shakes his head. “No. No, you have not.” He’s about to ask for details when Tony claps his hands and announces they’re all free to go.
“I’ll check in with the two of you,” he chucks Matt under the chin, “later.” He winks at Adam, who rolls his eyes in response.
Once they’re back in the Elite locker room, Matt grabs Adam’s hand and yanks him toward the bathroom.
“I need a dick somewhere in me before I explode,” he says, so serious Adam has to fight from laughing. “Right now.”
“Yeah, I know,” Adam says, undoing his belt. “That one conversation hit, like, sixty percent of your kinks in about three seconds.”
Matt’s not doing a good job of looking or acting normal, as he’s licking his lips while Adam unbuttons his pants.
“I’m gonna blow you now,” Matt says, dropping to his knees. He blinks up at Adam. “If that’s okay?”
“Jesus,” Adam says, leaning back against the door so it shuts. “If I ever say no to that, shoot me.”
Matt’s energy is off the walls when they get into Starbucks the next Saturday morning. He’s too wired already from excitement, so Adam covertly orders a decaf and shoves it in his hands before he can see the label.
“He’s going to come, right?” Matt asks, brow furrowed as he sucks down the hot coffee. Adam briefly wonders if his entire mouth is burned scar tissue with how fast he chugs. “He’s not going to bail?”
Adam slides into a chair against the wall, something that may have been a booth space prior to a redesign, and pulls out the one next to him. Matt sits, still frowning. “If he does, I’ll take care of you nice and good tonight.” He pulls Matt in and kisses his temple. “Don’t worry, baby.”
Matt wiggles in his seat, pouting like a monster. “Yeah, but you’re not mean.” He slumps, dropping his chin in his hands as he rests his elbows on the table. “I want mean.”
Adam rubs his back, because he really doesn’t know what else to do. “He’ll be here,” he murmurs. “If he stands you up, I’ll kill him. Simple as that.”
They don’t have to worry much longer – in the middle of another giant swig of coffee from Matt, Mox walks in, hips first, and Adam is surprised at how excited he is to see him.
“Mox!” Matt says, waving his arm.
“I can see you, princess,” Mox laughs. “Gimme a sec.” He gets to the counter for his coffee, and Matt is bouncing.
“Yeah, you’re not desperate for it at all,” Adam says with a grin.
“Shut up,” Matt grumbles. “This is your fault.”
“What – how?!”
Before their bickering can really escalate, though, Mox is throwing himself into the chair across from them.
“Hey, douchebags.” He sips his coffee. “So. Talk to me.”
They go over everything. Matt talks a mile a minute, lining up every single thing he’s been thinking about. Adam has to squeeze his thigh from time to time when his volume escalates, because the phrase, “Use me like a fleshlight,” really doesn’t need to be heard by random Starbucks customers on their morning commute.
“Condoms?” Mox asks, leaning back and sipping his coffee. It’s how he’s been rolling with this the whole time – single word questions, leading to a novel’s worth of response from Matt.
Matt glances up at Adam.
“It’s all up to you, baby,” he says. “I seem to remember a specific part of your plan involving a lack of condom.”
“Is – are you okay with that?” Matt asks. “I don’t know if – I don’t want you to feel…”
Adam kisses his forehead. “You want me to say I’m into it, don’t you.”
Matt shrugs. “I mean, yeah.”
“What, exactly, is this part?”
Matt, unsurprisingly, lines it up for Mox and Adam, the specific details enough to make Adam blush. Mox’s eyebrows raise, the first indication the whole morning that he’s surprised by something.
“Alright then,” he says, a little laughter behind his tone. “No condoms.”
“And, Adam?” Matt asks. He blinks.
“Yeah, I – I’m more into it than I want to admit.” He tries to fight the blush on his cheeks. “Definitely here for that idea.”
The conversation shifts a little, going over the matches for the night, and Adam finds it strangely easy. Mox is funny, which he knew, but he’s insightful and clever in ways Adam didn’t expect from a guy who likes to bleed so much.
He’s mid-sentence when his phone, an ancient brick of a thing, buzzes. “Aw, fuck.” He sighs. “That’s Tony. He wants me to go over a match with some of the younger kids. Billie specifically requested me.” His smile is proud, almost parental, and Adam is kind of sick of being surprised by Jon Moxley. “I’ll see you boys at the venue.” He nods at Adam and winks over at Matt. “Don’t get yourself too worked up there, Matt. Good toys wait until they’re told.”
“Oh my god,” Matt says, and he’s bright red in seconds.
Adam laughs so hard he cries.
Like always, Matt is glued to Adam the whole night. They don’t have any matches or runins, just backstage work, so at least this time it’s tolerable to have a little koala attached to his sides.
“Adam,” Matt whines. “How much longer?”
“Mox has a thing with the BCC at the end of the night,” Adam mumbles. “And quiet down, okay? I don’t want people knowing our business.”
Kenny looks up at them. “Really. You’re – that’s what you’re going with, two weeks removed from me walking in on the two of you going at it in our bathroom.”
Matt shrugs and tosses his hair over his shoulders. “That’s rather hoity toity from a guy who was caught on film getting railed by Kota at WrestleDream.”
Adam does a literal spit take, spewing his seltzer everywhere. “And you didn’t share this with me because…?!”
“He swore me to secrecy, but all bets are off now.” Matt tilts his head, at the highest level of bitchiness Adam’s seen him, and Adam laughs.
“Fuck off,” Kenny says, blushing bright pink. “We hadn’t seen each other in days, okay?”
“You’re just lucky I caught that video and not Tony,” Matt replies. He sighs, beaming. “I’m such a good friend.”
Adam snorts. “And humble.”
Matt throws his empty water bottle at Adam, and then Kenny yells at them for being in the way, and it takes Nick smacking them both upside the head for them to keep everything under control.
“And people think I’m the weird one,” Nick says shaking his head.
It’s finally time to get back to the hotel, and Adam can feel the excitement coming off of Matt in waves as they leave the venue.
“He’s gonna show up, right?” Matt asks. Adam stopped keeping count of how many times he’d asked about two hours ago.
“Okay, from now on?” Adam says, pulling open the door to the rental car. “Every time you ask, that’s another minute you have to wait before I let you –”
“Shutting up now,” Matt mutters, but he slides into the passenger seat with flushed cheeks and a smile.
Matt spends thirty minutes in the shower while Adam’s reading up on some current events, and he can hear the shower shut off when there’s a knock on the door.
“Babe,” Adam calls, “I think Mox is here.”
“Tell him to wait!” Matt half shrieks, but Adam goes to open the door anyway.
He’s annoyed at how good Mox looks as he opens the door, casual and cozy in a BCC longsleeve shirt and a pair of sinfully tight jeans.
“Hey,” Adam says, pretending to be cool about this.
Mox nods. “Where’s the princess?”
“Matt’s in the shower,” Adam says, stepping to the side. “C’mon in. We got some of those athletic brew cans in the fridge, if you want some.”
“I’m good,” Mox says. He throws himself into the chair across the room. “Think I should hide and jump out to scare Matt or something?”
Adam scoffs, with the sudden urge to pull his hoodie off over his head. He does it before thinking about it, and tosses it to the side to see Mox staring at him. “No. That might give him a fear boner, and I don’t want to have to dress up like Freddy Krueger or anything to get him off.”
Mox’s laugh is a little faint. “Yeah, I get that.” He licks his lips. “So, I know we talked a lot about what Matt wants, but is there anything you’re looking forward to?”
Adam shrugs. “I like seeing Matt get what he wants, you know?”
“Jesus, you two are sickening.” He grins, shaking his head. “Get over here. I got an idea that’ll give all three of us a little fun.”
Adam’s hesitant at first, but he walks over to Mox only to get yanked down into his lap.
“This chair is kinda small for this,” Adam says, and he doesn’t know why.
“Breathe,” Mox says. “You’re allowed to have a little fun, too.”
Adam nods, and leans in. Mox tugs the elastic out of Adam’s hair as he pulls him in, kissing Adam with an intention that couldn’t have been predicted. Adam gives back, deepening the kiss, a hand on the side of Mox’s neck. It’s good. He hasn’t kissed somebody his size in a while, hasn’t kissed somebody without long flowy hair, hasn’t kissed anybody not Matt in long enough that he almost forgets how to do it.
It's not until he hears a cleared through that he pulls back. Mox’s fingertips had found their way into the waistband of Adam’s sweats at some point, and he misses the heat of them as he turns.
“Hey!” he says. “Mox is here.”
Matt’s eyes gleam with excitement as he bites back a grin. “I can see that.” He licks his lips. “You two can keep going.” He sits down primly on the bed.
“Nah,” Mox says, patting Adam on the ass. “We got a plan, right?”
Adam sighs, but he swings a leg off. “He’s got a point, Matty. You want mean, right?”
Matt nods. “Are – we starting?”
“Just want to go over everything first,” Mox says. He looks disturbingly comfortable but, more importantly, disturbingly in place in their hotel room, legs splayed and hands behind his head.
“Matt?” Adam asks. “Anything new? Questions?”
Matt shakes his head. “Everything’s the same.” He looks over at Mox. “You’re – you’re going to be super mean.” He shivers. “As mean as you can get, and then Adam will be…Adam.”
Adam sighs. “You’re ruining my attempts at looking like a badass by making my name synonymous with nice, baby.”
Matt shrugs. “Then be meaner.” He sits on the bed and drops the towel to the floor, and Adam’s struck momentarily brainless at the sight of Matt, wet and shining and oh so perfect.
“I think I screwed myself,” Adam laughs. “I gotta wait to touch you when you look like that.”
Mox throws him a grin and stands, pushing Adam into the chair. “Enjoy the show, Cowboy.” He pulls his hoodie off over his head as he walks up to Matt. “Gonna kiss you now, normal, okay?” He flicks his eyes at Adam. “Give you a taste.”
Matt nods, and then Mox’s hand is threaded through his still damp hair, angling his head to kiss him. Adam’s hard as a rock in seconds, the sight of the two of them more than he’d been expecting to feel. He squirms in the chair, too hot and too worked up. He pulls his shirt off over his head. It doesn’t help.
The kiss lasts for ages, but he does notice that Matt’s not doing the little sigh he always does with Adam. He lets himself feel a bit smug about that.
Mox pulls back and presses another, sweet kiss to Matt’s lips.  “You good?” Mox asks Matt, then turns to Adam. “Everybody good? This is happening?”
Matt nods. “Yes. Good. I’m good.”
Adam and Mox snort at the same time.
“Okay, I know why I’m being a prick about it,” Mox says, “but Adam, you’re supposed to be the nice one.”
“Sometimes being nice is admitting when your boyfriend is a bit of a bitch,” Adam says. He shrugs, leaning back in the chair and crossing his legs. “It’s part of his charm.”
Matt tosses his hair over his shoulder. “That’s what I always say.” He takes a deep breath then levels Mox with the kind of boo boo eyes that usually send Adam ass deep into an eBay battle over shoes.
Mox scoffs. “Jesus. You think those eyes’ll work to get you off?” There’s a glint behind his smile Adam hasn’t seen since their death match. “Nah, princess.” He grabs Matt by the jaw and pulls. Matt has no option but to turn to him. Before Mox pushes him onto the bed, though, the two of them turn to Adam, a silent checkin.
Adam nods once, winking at Matt. He smiles back.
Mox throws Matt on the bed. “You really want it so bad you’re good with not coming?” Matt nods fervently. “Jesus.” He glances over at Adam, who picks up the hint.
“Yeah,” Adam sighs. “He’s a lot to handle. So desperate all the time. Sometimes I wonder if I should rent him out to get it out of his system.” He nods over to Mox. “Kinda a pilot for that idea.”
Matt makes the kind of sound that goes straight to Adam’s dick, a whine that bodes incredibly well for all three of them. His head drops to the side, eyes on Adam for the briefest of seconds. Mox grabs his face and turns him to look into Mox’s blue eyes. “You look at me, princess. You’re mine until I’m done with you.”
Adam fights a snicker at the way Matt’s entire body shivers then goes limp.
“Wh-what do you want to do to me?” Matt asks, blinking up.
“Whatever I want,” Mox growls.
Adam has the impulse to make Mox say it clearly, to make sure they all hear it. But then he remembers the conversation in Starbucks. Everybody in here knows everybody’s safe word. Everybody in here knows when too far is too far, and how to say so.
So he stays silent and watches.
“Okay,” Matt whimpers. “I – okay.”
Mox pins him to the bed by the neck, his other hand at Matt’s hip. “You gonna be good?” he asks. “You gonna do what you’re told and take it like a good little toy?”
Matt nods. “I – whatever you want.” He drops his hands, palm down, on the bed. Adam thinks he’s trying to prove he’s not going to do anything he’s not allowed to, which is almost impressive. “Adam’s okay with anything.”
Adam’s not, is the thing, but they already went over that. So Adam holds back the response, the possessive beast inside of him
Matt bites his lip, then glances over at Adam. “Adam, I, um.” He flames bright red.
“Nah,” Mox says. He grabs Matt’s jaw. “You talk to me.”
Matt nods, chest heaving. “I – okay, don’t be mad.”
“Mad?” Mox asks. “The fuck did you do?”
Matt bites his lip. “Look.” He rolls over and presents his ass up, and Mox’s jaw drops. Adam knows Mox well enough to know that’s not fake surprise, not an act. He shakes his head a little, then the cruel smile comes back.
“Fucking whore,” Mox laughs. “Opened yourself up in the shower while your goddamned boyfriend waited outside without knowing?” He smacks Matt’s ass, then palms it, earning a whine from Matt. Adam palms his own dick. He’s been the recipient of that particular surprise before, and it never gets old. “Opened yourself up on your own fingers. Bet it wasn’t as good as a dick, huh?”
“Wasn’t,” Matt mumbles, face turned to lock eyes with Adam. “Wanted – wanted Adam, but I knew I had to wait.”
“Look at you,” Mox says, and he catches the lube Adam tosses to him. He drips lube over his fingers and Matt’s ass, and shoves two in without much resistance. Matt moans, eyes fluttering shut in a smile. “Couldn’t fucking wait. Desperate hole, that’s all you are.” He pumps in and out a few times, enough to stretch Matt, and Adam knows another finger would do him good. But he says nothing.
Somehow, he trusts Mox.
“Yeah,” Mox says, voice a little thick. He traces another finger around Matt’s rim, then plunges it in. “God, you take it so good. Pretty little thing.” He glances over at Adam. “Should have invited me to use him sooner, Cowboy. Clearly he can’t get enough.”
Matt whimpers, pushing back against Mox.
“You can fuck him now,” Adam says, gripping his own cock through his sweatpants. He knows he needs to keep his shit together, can’t lose it now. But god, is it hard. “Give it to him good.” He locks eyes with Matt. “Use him like a fleshlight.”
Matt giggles, but it slowly turns into a desperate moan as Mox twists his fingers and pulls them out to slick up his cock. He shoves his jeans down his hips gracelessly, and kicks them somewhere in the room. He slicks up his cock, head tilted back. Adam swallows. Hard.
“Matt?” Mox asks, tone different.
“Get in me,” Matt demands, trademark bitchiness shifting the scene. He shuffles his hips back as he locks eyes with Adam. “F-fuck me up.”
Adam’s eyes shoot up at the swear coming from Matt’s lips, but he doesn’t have enough time to be shocked. Mox laughs darkly. “Gonna fuck you so you’re used up,” Mox growls, shoving his dick into Matt so insistently it looks like it has to hurt, but Matt’s got this transcendent little half smile on his face. “Little fuck toy, you’re not worth much else, are you?” He pounds in, nails gripping into Matt’s hip as Matt’s eyes roll back and his mouth goes slack. “Good for a hole. Should leave you here, let the whole roster have a go. Maybe then you’ll stop being such a slut.” He puts his hand on the back of Matt’s neck and shoves him into the pillows.
Adam flashes his eyes toward Mox when Matt doesn’t respond, when he bites his lip. Mox freezes, and then Matt says, “All the way in green, Adam.” Mox lets up for a second so Matt can turn to Adam. “I’m good. If you’re not, we can -”
Adam relaxes back into the chair. “No, I’m good,” he exhales. “I – just needed to know you are.”
Mox loses his attitude for a second, the persona, and shoots Adam the gentlest smile he thinks Mox is capable of. “I promise, man. Nothing other than what we talked about, and nothing other than what he wants.”
Adam nods. But he folds more up into his chair than before.
“Good?” Matt asks Mox, then looks to Adam.
Adam gives a thumbs up and Mox nods.
Mox snaps back into it immediately, something that should be startling. But it helps. It reminds Adam this is all an act.
Matt slides his hand down to his dick and Mox bats it away, pinning it up near Matt’s ear. “Toys don’t get to touch their dicks,” Mox growls. “Shut up, stay there, and take it, and maybe I let your Cowboy come back over afterward.”
“Okay,” Matt pants. “You – whatever you want.”
Mox’s grin is all teeth, no praise and all satisfaction. “Good little toy.”
Matt’s whimper is delighted enough for Adam to relax all the way back into the chair as Mox fucks him without mercy. He leans his mouth down against Matt’s neck and does something that makes Matt cry out.
“Shut up,” Mox says, and Adam thinks he sees a flash of teeth as he bites at Matt’s neck. Matt’s eyes roll back up into his head and his hips buck. “Gonna come inside you,” Mox murmurs, rhythm getting a little erratic. “Gonna fill you up, maybe then you can ask your boy to get you off.” He laughs a little cruel. “Use my come leaking out of you as lube. Save a little money.”
“Please,” Matt gasps as Mox picks up the pace. His hands have moved to Matt’s hips, an iron grip as he plants his feet firmly on the ground and fucks into Matt.
“Toys don’t talk,” Mox snaps. He shifts back, yanking Matt back on his dick, and Matt lets out a desperate, aching whine. His hands twitch like he’s about to reach for his dick but he fists them in the sheets instead.
“Good boy,” Adam murmurs from the side.
Mox scoffs. “Good boy.” He shakes his head as he fucks harder, the grip on Matt’s thigh immovable. “Yeah right. Only way this bitch could be good is if you tied him up and put a gag in his mouth.”
Adam’s eyebrows raise, and he’s ready to pounce before he remembers this is the whole damned point.
Matt nods. “Yeah,” he says. “Maybe if you – yeah, you could do that.”
Mox laughs and shakes his head. “Little slut’ll do anything to get railed.” He grunts a few times, intent written in the furrow of his brow, and straight up growls as he comes, hips pressed flush against Matt’s ass.
Matt mewls, and Mox catches his hands become he can reach for his dick. “Not,” Mox grunts, “done.” He rolls his hips through the last of it all, eyes fluttering closed, and Adam is struck with the thought that Mox is pretty, too. Just in a different way.
Then, quick as he’d pushed in, Mox pulls out and lets go of Matt, letting him drop to the mattress.
“All yours,” he says with his usual swagger, but Adam notes the mild shake in his legs. They trade spaces as Adam walks over to Matt. Gently, he turns Matt over to his back.
“Oh, baby,” Adam says, as sweetly as he can. “Look at you.”
“Adam,” Matt sobs. “Adam, please.” There’s tears on his cheeks, but he’s still kind of smiling. “I want – I need to –”
“Shh.” Adam leans in and kisses Matt’s forehead. “You look beautiful. Are you okay?”
“I’m – I need –”
“You will.” Adam kisses him deep, long enough to get Matt whimpering, then runs his fingers through the mess around Matt’s hole. He slides two fingers in smoothly, no resistance. “Oh, Matty. He made such a mess of you.”
Matt’s mouth is open, a throaty sound coming out of him. “Y-yeah,” he whines. “Adam, please don’t make me wait.”
Adam, who’s been hard since this all started and is probably about to lose it, doesn’t plan to. “Can I fuck you, baby?” he asks, twisting his fingers inside of Matt.
“Yes,” Matt sobs. “Please, please, fuck me.”
Adam pulls his fingers out to slick up his cock with – Jesus Christ – Mox’s come.
“You’re treating him too good, Cowboy,” Mox calls from the balcony. Matt and Adam glance over at him, where he’s smoking a cigarette and watching them intently.
“He deserves it,” Adam says gently. He pushes into Matt slowly. “You take it so well. So pretty when I’m fucking you.”
“Can I…?” Matt reaches toward his cock.
“I got it, baby,” Adam says, and he takes his already slick hand and wraps it around Matt. The sound that comes out of him is gorgeous, something Adam wants to save in his memory for the rest of his life, and Adam can’t help himself from fucking into Matt desperately.
“Oh, thank god,” Matt whimpers. His hips work in weak little circles, so Adam does it for him, jerking Matt’s cock with the same pace as his thrusts, until Matt is panting his name, open mouthed.
“Love you,” Adam says, because he never can resist. “Fucking Christ, Matty, I love you so – god.”
Like a stupid movie, the two of them come at the same time, each other’s names on their lips.
Adam slumps down, pressing his forehead to Matt’s. “Oh, my god,” he mumbles. “Shit. You looked so fucking pretty, baby.”
Matt giggles. “That was awesome. You should have seen your face a few times.” He shivers. “I’ve never seen you look at me that way.”
Adam pulls back. “What way?”
Matt bites his lip. “Like you owned me and wanted to prove it.”
“He’s right,” Mox calls. “It was pretty hot.”
Adam laughs and pulls out of Matt, slowly. “We’re gonna have to burn these sheets.”
“Worth it,” Matt says. He glances over to Mox. “Thanks, Mox. You – that was perfect.”
Mox nods. “I don’t want to say any time, but…” He shrugs, taking another drag of his cigarette.
Adam peppers some kisses across Matt’s face and brushes away the last lingering tears. “He made you cry,” he chuckles. “Should kick his ass for that.”
“Not when I asked him to do it.”
There’s a little silence as Adam and Matt catch their breath.
“You guys want water?” Mox asks, flicking his cigarette and stomping it out. “Everybody okay?”
“This is the best day of my life,” Matt says, eyes staring up at the ceiling. His smile is almost absent, like it’s automatic and he doesn’t know it’s there. “Mox, you’re allowed to fuck me mean whenever you want.”
“Hey!” Adam laughs, poking Matt’s side.
“Whenever he wants, too,” Matt adds. “Open invitation.”
“Okay, well,” Adam says, splaying a hand across Matt’s abs. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
Matt’s entire body shivers. “You can’t say things like that without warning.” He’s breathless, and Adam looks down to see his dick make the tiniest twitch.
Adam throws his head back against the pillows and laughs. “That renting you out thing was a spur of the moment, but sure. We could play that game.”
Matt giggles and rolls over, pressing his face into Adam’s chest. Adam locks eyes with Mox, who walks over and sits on the bed. He’s got distance between himself and Adam’s leg, like he’s not sure if he can touch. Like he’s not sure his role.
“Mox, you want to cuddle?” Adam asks. He shoves Matt over and pats the bed next to him. “Come on over.”
“I mean, if you want to,” Mox grumbles, but Adam doesn’t miss the relief in his eyes. He expects Mox to yank him in, but instead he mirrors Matt, dropping his head to Adam’s chest.
All three of them are sticky, sweaty, and blissed out. Adam’s pretty sure he’d fall asleep if it weren’t for the way Matt’s fingers tap on his stomach.
“What’re you doing?” Mox asks, poking at Matt’s fingers. He looks up at Adam. “Why’s he playing piano on you?”
“Just a thing he does,” Adam replies. He buries his face in Matt’s hair, breathing in. “You’re just as fidgety as he is. Usually with, like, barbed wire or something though.”
Mox laughs. “You’re right.” He rolls over a little, grabbing water bottles. “Drink.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Adam mumbles, but he takes it anyway. “That’s what you do to him.”
Matt mumbles something in affirmation, taking the bottle and downing it in a few long gulps.
“Jesus, dude, slow down,” Mox says.
“He guzzles everything like that,” Adam says, rolling his eyes.
Mox snickers. “Everything?”
“That wasn’t a sex joke!” Adam says.
It’s almost too comfortable, the three of them. They chat and drink water, shuffling and adjusting in the bed, until Mox starts yawning.
“I gotta get back to my own room,” he says, finishing off his bottle of water. “Yoots’ll start texting me panicked.”
“Y’all share a room?” Adam asks.
Mox nods. “Sort of. All of BCC has one of those connected suites, you know?” He grins, a little sharkish. “In case anybody needs cuddles in the middle of the night.”
“I understand that,” Matt mumbles, face squished into Adam’s chest. He lifts his head up. “Hey, um. Can I kiss you?”
Adam looks over at Mox, who blinks. “Really?”
Matt nods. “I mean, we didn’t kiss for real or anything.” He turns on the eyes, but this time. This time, it seems to work.
Matt leans over and kisses Mox across Adam’s body, which is interesting in a way Adam wants to explore in the future. They pull apart.
“You want one too, Cowboy?” Mox asks, rubbing at his lower lip with his thumb.
Adam leans in, and the kiss is…too good. Mox is gentler than he’d expected, almost sweet, letting him take the lead of where it goes. When he pulls back, his eyes are soft.
“Well,” he says, shaking his head a little as he stands up. “That was fuckin’ rad. Call me if you ever want to do it again.” He blows a kiss at Matt, winks at Adam, and pulls his clothes on.
“We will!” Matt says, and it’s eager. It’s almost too eager. Adam kisses his forehead.
“You want a shower or anything?” Adam says, thumbing toward the bathroom.
“Nah. Got worse stuff on my clothes. I can shower back at mine.” He slides on his boots. “You two have my number.”
And the door closes behind him.
“Adam,” Matt says, drawing out the syllables. “Adam, that was amazing.”
“I could tell you liked it.” Adam sits up, and Matt flops into the space where he’d been laying. “Get up, baby, we gotta go shower.”
“Don’t wanna,” comes Matt’s muffled voice. “I wanna live in this moment forever.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s a song lyric.” Adam wraps his arms around Matt’s waist and hauls him up, dropping him on the floor. Matt looks up with him with a high level pout.
“Mean,” he says. He’s still smiling, though. “Fine, though. Shower.”
Adam gently cleans Matt all over, his hair, his body. Matt whimpers, in a decidedly not pained way, when Adam rinses off his hole.
“No, baby,” Adam murmurs, pressing a kiss to Matt’s shoulder. “Not again. You need to rest.”
“But –”
“Nope,” Adam says, rinsing him off one more time. “We’re going to sleep. It’s late.”
Matt sighs, long suffering. “Okay.” He steps out of the shower to give Adam a chance to rinse out his hair.
Matt’s staring in the mirror, pouting, when Adam leaves the shower.
“What’s up?” he asks, arms around Matt’s waist. “You okay? No freakouts?”
Matt shakes his head and angles his neck.
“Holy fuck,” Adam laughs, leaning down to kiss the blooming blue-purple bruise. Matt whines, but doesn’t pull away. “He really did a number on you, baby.”
“I know!” Matt says. He turns around and presses his face to Adam’s chest. “I have a problem, though. I think I wanna do it again.”
“Oh?” Adam says, pressing a kiss to Matt’s forehead. “You do, huh?”
Matt nods, still speaking into Adam’s skin. He’d mention that this is akin to motorboating, but he’s not sure now’s the time for jokes. “I have another thing I want to try.” He pulls back, turning on the ultimate boo boo eyes. “And, um. I want to ask Mox.”
“Sure,” Adam says. “Of course. I’d like to be there, though.”
“Oh,” Matt says, grin so sinful it makes Adam want to apologize to somebody, “you’d have to be there.”
Mini playlist: FUCK - Snow Wife Unholy - Hey Violet Chokehold - Adam Lambert Eyes Roll - (G)-IDLE Do Me - Kim Petras I'll Be - Edwin McCain
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randomnameless · 1 year
I hate how the fandom treats relationship between siblings in the Fe games. Sure some of them are brocon but not all, and it kills me that the only pair of siblings that managed to escape those are the one teasing. Like for example, the brocon in Leo for Camillla ok, i believe you. But Chrom and Emmeryn ? really ?! it's also painful that Chrom and Lissa escapes it just because Lissa is mischevious in nature but still while she admire her older brother, she still tease him! That's even worse when the 2 parties aren't related and then it is "emotional incest"... sorry i will never get over people getting mad at Leif/Nanna because of this, this ship among many others, and then says "iNcEsT haS aLwAyS bEeN PaRt of the series". It really is a yeas and nopes to this one remark
Antis will forever find soemthing to bash a ship they see as a rival ship lol
But yeah, as you said, that joke became old quite fast, and while I love a dynamic where siblings get along, let it be teasing or not (the Delbray sibs are fun too!) the recent games (FE16) made me painfully aware of how we were spoiled back then, when siblings had lines for each other and openly worried and talk about each other!
Watch me rant again, but I'll never be ok with FE16 carefully scrubbing Seteth of his interactions with Rhea bar the ones playing with the red herring or the "Billy centric" ones -
Like, can you imagine, one second, Reyson not rushing to Leanne after the Oliver chapters when they are reunited? Or an AU where Rafiel becomes feral, and only Ike chases after him as he runs away wanting to die alone - while Leanne and Reyson are sitting on the bench?
Nopes and FEH added more "dual teasing" context, but damn if FE16 was a slap in the face - and don't even get me started on how we still don't know if they are same gen nabateans (siblings like) or if Seteth isn't Rhea's big bro but only acts as her tired big bro.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Stalking is so closely correlated with lethal violence that experts refer to it as “slow motion homicide”: More than half of all female homicide victims in the U.S. were stalked before they were killed. Despite the terrifying and dangerous consequences, many victims of stalking do not report the abuse to law enforcement for fear they will not be taken seriously.
The reasonableness of that fear was vividly illustrated by the Supreme Court oral arguments in Counterman v. Colorado on Wednesday morning, as members of the highest court of the land joked about messages sent by a stalker to his victim, bemoaned the increasing “hypersensitivity” of society, and brushed aside consideration of the actual harm of stalking to focus on the potential harm of stalking laws.
For nearly two years, Billy Raymond Counterman sent thousands of unsolicited and unwanted Facebook direct messages to C.W., a local musician, ultimately driving her to abandon her career and leave the state. Counterman, who had previously served time in federal prison for making violent threats against his ex-wife and her family, argues that his conduct towards C.W. was free speech protected by the First Amendment. Counterman maintains, supported by amicus briefs from influential civil libertarian organizations such as the ACLU, the EFF, and FIRE, that stalking cannot be criminally prohibited except when the government can prove that the stalker subjectively intended to terrify his victim. The state of Colorado, supported by amicus briefs from First Amendment scholars, stalking experts, and domestic violence victim advocates, argues that it is enough to prove that the stalking would be terrifying to a reasonable person in light of the totality of the circumstances. If the court rules in Counterman’s favor, delusional stalking—no matter how objectively terrifying or threatening—will be transformed into an inviolable constitutional right.
During oral argument, Chief Justice John Roberts quoted a handful of the thousands of unsolicited messages Counterman sent to C.W. “Staying in cyber life is going to kill you,’” Roberts read aloud. After a pause, he joked, “I can’t promise I haven’t said that,” prompting laughter from other justices and the audience. Picking out another message, which he described as an “image of liquor bottles” captioned as “a guy’s version of edible arrangements,” Roberts challenged Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser to “say this in a threatening way,” leading to more laughter from the court. And the laughs didn’t stop there: Counterman’s attorney, John Elwood, shared with the court that his mother would routinely tell him to “drop dead” as a child, but “you know, I was never in fear because of that.”
(continue reading)
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mappingthemoon · 9 months
Zines Read 2023
Unemployment / Aaron Lake Smith
Behind the Zines #14 / ed. Billy McCall
Zisk #31 / ed. Mike Faloon & Mike Fournier
Zisk #32: Remembering Bob Gibson / ed. Mike Faloon & Mike Fournier
Zisk #33: Bartolo Colon: Hall of Famer? / ed. Mike Faloon & Mike Fournier
Brief Text Descriptions of Everyday Events / Keith Helt
Flotation Device #18 / Keith Helt
Denacola: Menagerie / Dena Zilber
Nothing Spinning #1: Hydrogen / Lindsey Richter
Nothing Spinning #2: Helium / Lindsey Richter
Scenes from the Late Devonian Period / Lindsey Richter
Stoneybrook Looks / Lindsey E. Richter
sixteen years sober and i was thinking about relapsing / enola dismay
A Cookbook Christmas #5 / Peter & Ansley
QRK5 #6 / Ed Tillman
Save the USPS: A small business’s love letter to an essential American institution / Danny Caine
How to Resist Amazon and Why (rev. 2nd ed.) / Danny Caine
The Paruretic #1: The story of a guy who’s pee shy / Mark Cunning
The Paruretic #2: College / Mark Cunning
The Paruretic #3 Vacation / Mark Cunning
The Paruretic #4: The Search for Help / Mark Cunning
The Paruretic #5: Dating
I Could’ve Killed Alex Jones / Mark Cunning
Gut Bucket Research #10 / David Tighe
I Want an Army Out of Caves… #12/Unclassifiables #3 / ed. David Tighe
Unclassifiables #13 / ed. David Tighe
The Secret of the Moon’s Rotation #33 / ed. David Tighe
Behind the Zines #15 / ed. Billy McCall
Brides of the Mystery / Lydian Brambila
zines in libraries: collecting, cataloging, community / Zine Librarians Interest Group ; Joshua Barton, Violet Fox, Anissa Malady, Kelly McElroy, Matthew Moyer, Sarah G. Wenzel
Zine Librarians Code of Ethics Zine / Heidy Berthoud, Joshua Barton, Jeremy Brett, Lisa Darms, Violet Fox, Jenna Freedman, Jennifer LaSuprema Hecker, Lillian Karabaic, Rhonda Kauffman, Kelly McElroy, Milo Miller, Honor Moody, Jude Vachon, Madeline Veitch, Celina Williams, Kelly Wooten
Ornery Cuss / K Ratticus
Against the Logic of the Guillotine / crimethInc.
Bound to Struggle: Where Kink and Radical Politics Meet #1 / ed. simon strikeback
Bound to Struggle: Where Kink and Radical Politics Meet #2 / ed. simon strikeback
Bound to Struggle: Where Kink and Radical Politics Meet #3: Language / ed. simon strikeback
Bound to Struggle: Where Kink and Radical Politics Meet #5: Praxis / ed. simon strikeback
Men I Think Are the Same Man: Men I Have Mistaken For Each Other (and some women) / aggie
Every Thug Is a Lady: Adventures Without Gender / Julia Eff
tear the petals off of you / Julia Eff
People Like Us: David Byrne’s 1986 Cult Film True Stories as a Search for Autistic Connection / Lewis Attilio Franco
Tracing this Body: Transsexuality, pharmaceuticals & capitalism & New Flesh, New Struggles self discovery thru porn & kink / michelle o’brien
Brides of the Mystery / Lydian Brambila & Ariel Ackerly
An Otherworldly Light #1 / R. P. Schneider (ed.), ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion
An Otherworldly Light #2 / R. P. Schneider (ed.), ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion
Welcome to Our Dimension Party (2nd ed.) / Samantha Hensley
Behind the Zines #16: Zines Saved My Life! / ed. Billy McCall
Weirdo du Jour #3: “Line Cook Love” / K Ratticus
Cathode Ray Mission #1: A Horror and Sci-Fi Fanzine / K Ratticus
Cathode Ray Mission #2: A Horror and Sci-Fi Fanzine / K Ratticus
Testimony, v. 1 / ed. Ryan Avery
Postcards from Irving, v. 5 / Tyler
The Desert Sun #51 / Billy
Proof I Exist #42: Five Days in Chicago / Billy McCall
Zisk #34: If Ichiro Journaled Like Henry Rollins / ed. Mike Faloon & Mike Fournier
Selected list of zine distros and other places to find most of these titles:
Antiquated Future
Behind the Zines Distro (Billy McCall)
Bound to Struggle (simon strikeback)
Crapandemic (Julia Eff)
Dena Zilber
Flotation Device (Keith Helt)
Gut Bucket Research (David Tighe)
Honeycraft (Lindsey Richter)
Lydian Brambila
Policymaker (Mike Fournier)
Related Records (Ryan Avery)
Weirdo du Jour (K Ratticus)
PS I'm moonmoth on LibraryThing.
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