thedowntown500 · 8 days
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Stoopid Buddy Studios creator of adultswim show RobotChicken, and marvelentertainment Modok, is releasing a documentary on creating a Float for the Rose Parade.
Exclusively premiering on Twitter this Tuesday.
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asesoravia · 2 months
Los EFTs y fondos de inversión.
Los ETFs y fondos de inversión inmobiliarios ofrecen una forma accesible y diversificada de invertir en el mercado inmobiliario sin la necesidad de adquirir propiedades directamente. Estos vehículos de inversión son populares entre los inversores que buscan ingresos pasivos y diversificación en sus carteras. ETFs Inmobiliarios (Exchange-Traded Funds Inmobiliarios) Los ETFs inmobiliarios son fondos que cotizan en bolsa y que invierten en una cartera diversificada de activos inmobiliarios. Estos activos pueden incluir propiedades comerciales, residenciales, industriales y más. Al cotizar en bolsa, los ETFs se pueden comprar y vender durante el horario de mercado, ofreciendo flexibilidad y liquidez a los inversores. Esta capacidad de transacción en tiempo real hace que los ETFs inmobiliarios sean una opción atractiva para aquellos que buscan una entrada y salida rápida en el mercado. Fondos de Inversión Inmobiliarios Los fondos de inversión inmobiliarios agrupan el dinero de múltiples inversores para invertir en una cartera diversificada de propiedades inmobiliarias, gestionadas por profesionales. A diferencia de los ETFs, estos fondos no cotizan en bolsa y su valor se calcula al final del día con el valor liquidativo. Los fondos inmobiliarios ofrecen una manera estructurada y profesional de acceder al mercado inmobiliario, aunque con menor liquidez en comparación con los ETFs. Ventajas de Invertir en ETFs y Fondos Inmobiliarios Accesibilidad: Los ETFs y fondos inmobiliarios permiten a los pequeños inversores acceder al mercado inmobiliario con un capital reducido. Esto democratiza la inversión inmobiliaria, haciendo posible que más personas participen en este sector. Diversificación: Tanto los ETFs como los fondos inmobiliarios ofrecen acceso a una cartera diversificada de propiedades, reduciendo el riesgo asociado a invertir en un solo inmueble. Puedes invertir en diferentes tipos de propiedades y en diversas ubicaciones geográficas, proporcionando una mayor seguridad a tu inversión. Liquidez: A diferencia de la propiedad inmobiliaria directa, los ETFs inmobiliarios pueden ser vendidos fácilmente en mercados secundarios, proporcionando liquidez a los inversores. Los fondos inmobiliarios, aunque menos líquidos que los ETFs, ofrecen la posibilidad de reembolsar participaciones en determinados momentos. Bajas Comisiones: Los ETFs inmobiliarios suelen tener comisiones de gestión más bajas en comparación con los fondos de inversión inmobiliarios tradicionales, lo que puede aumentar la rentabilidad neta para los inversores. Los fondos inmobiliarios también pueden tener estructuras de costes competitivas, especialmente los fondos indexados que replican índices del sector inmobiliario. Consideraciones al Invertir en ETFs y Fondos Inmobiliarios Objetivos de Inversión: Define claramente tus objetivos financieros y tu horizonte de inversión antes de elegir un ETF o fondo inmobiliario. Estos productos pueden ajustarse a diferentes estrategias, ya sea a corto, medio o largo plazo. Riesgo: Aunque el sector inmobiliario es una inversión que a priori son seguras siempre tienen riesgo. Aunque esten majeados los fondos y los ETFs por gente muy cualificada, siempre asegurate de entender cuale es su estrategia. Tipos de Propiedades: Investiga los tipos de propiedades en las que invierte el ETF o fondo inmobiliario. Algunos pueden enfocarse en propiedades comerciales, mientras que otros pueden incluir residenciales, industriales o una mezcla de todas. Si necesitas asesoramiento, no dudes en contactarme para recibir una orientación personalizada. Comisiones y Gastos: Compara las comisiones de gestión y otros gastos asociados con cada ETF o fondo inmobiliario. Las comisiones pueden impactar significativamente en tus rendimientos a largo plazo, por lo que es crucial entender estos costos antes de invertir.
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itznarcotic · 1 year
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azulbyj · 2 years
Es solo lo que queda al final!!
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anonbeadraws · 8 months
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illustration commission of Dwennon and Rook, enjoying a dance in their pub for @beastbelow 🧡 🧡Com info here! | Tip me?🧡
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vandaliatraveler · 1 month
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Walk with me: Mid-summer hike through a Central Appalachian forest. As summer hurtles toward its final explosive act, the forest's living things embrace urgent, primordial impulses triggered by shrinking daylight: to bloom, to seed, to feed, and to reproduce before the killing frost of Autumn shocks the earth into hibernation. In the deep forest, the fetid perfume of decaying fungi signals the countdown has begun. From top: a bumblebee traversing the fanning pink flowers of hollow-stemmed Joe-Pye weed (Eutrochium fistulosum); the maturing red stem and flowers of seedbox (Ludwigia alternifolia), also known as rattlebox and square-pod water-primrose, a very attractive wetlands annual with four-sided seed capsules; cowbane (Oxypolis rigidior), also known as common water dropwort, a delicate, marsh-loving member of the carrot family that also happens to be toxic; Allegheny hawkweed (Hieracium paniculatum), also known as panicled hawkweed, a spindly-stemmed member of the dandelion tribe; the lovely and hallucinogenic fly agaric (Amanita muscaria); a sprawling colony of sulphur shelf fungus (Laetiporus sulphureus), an edible delicacy otherwise known as chicken of the woods; a red eft (Notophthalmus viridescens); white wood aster (Eurybia divaricata); a twin set of common puffballs (Lycoperdon perlatum); the fungal version of suburban sprawl courtesy of orange moss agaric (Rickenella fibula); a gelatinous serving of orange witches' butter (Dacrymyces chrysospermus); a fiery clump of eastern Jack-o-lanterns (Omphalotus illudens); a potter wasp (Ancistrocerus campestris) drinking from the clumped white flowers of virgin's bower (Clematis virginiana); one of my all-time favorite critters, a locust borer (Megacyllene robiniae), taking its nectar fill from flat-top goldentop (Euthamia graminifolia), also known as grass-leaved goldenrod; a green metallic sweat bee (Augochloropsis ?) finding sustenance from parasol white-top (Doellingeria umbellata var. umbellata), also known as flat-top aster; and the intricate purple flowers of tall ironweed (Vernonia gigantea).
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
EFT Tapping Script Template for Void State, Manifesting & Shifting
This is an example EFT tapping script to use to clear your negative beliefs, calm your nervous system, and reprogram your mind with positive affirmations around entering the void, manifesting your dream life or shifting.
If you've never tried tapping before, this quick video demonstrates all the points you need to know. Some people don't use the wrist point and that's fine, I prefer to use it. You can also tap other places on the body, especially places that might hold tension like your lower back or shoulders.
Phase 1: Set-Up
Tapping sessions start off with a "set-up" on the side of the hand, where you tell yourself that even though you have all these negative thoughts, it's ok and you love yourself anyway.
The set-up phrase template is: "Even though I [have this negative thought/feeling/situation], I deeply and completely love and accept and forgive myself." It's usually repeated 3 times, but can go longer if you want.
It's best to use your own words, but this is the basic idea:
For void state: "Even though I think the void is hard to enter, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I have tried so many times to enter the void, and I keep failing, and I'm so frustrated and annoyed, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself. Even though I have tried so many methods and nothing is working, and I'm so mad that people make it seem so easy, and I feel like something is wrong with me, I deeply and completely love and accept and forgive myself. I'm willing to change the way I look at things. I'm willing to change my mind and my state. I'm willing to let go of the past."
For manifesting your dream life or shifting: "Even though I think it sounds impossible that I can wake up with all my desires/shift to my desired reality, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I have so many limiting beliefs from society, doubts that this is real, and people telling me this is ridiculous, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself. Even though I have tried so many methods and keep failing, and I wonder if I'll every be successful, and I feel like something is wrong with me, I deeply and completely love and accept and forgive myself. I'm willing to change the way I look at things. I'm willing to change my mind and my state. I'm willing to let go of the past,"
Take a deep breath, rub your hands together, drink some water.
Phase 2: Venting
Start tapping on the main points in a cycle and continue with the venting.
Void: "I have been trying to enter the void for so long. I haven't had any success. It's just so frustrating. It's just so hard. No matter what I try it doesn't work. Every morning I wake up disappointed that I failed to enter the void again. Why has it been so hard for me? Some people make it look so easy. It's just not fair. What am I doing wrong?"
Manifesting/shifting: "I have been trying to manifest my dream life/shift for so long. I haven't had any success or movement at all. Every morning I wake up in my same old reality and I'm so frustrated. I just want to wake up with all my desires. I'm just sick of this life. Why do some people make it look so easy? I've tried everything and keep failing. What's wrong with me?"
Continue venting for as long as you need. You might want to go through 2-3 (or more) rounds of the negative before you move on.
Phase 3: Bridging
Next I like to start making "bridging" statements. Like you're creating a bridge from your past negative state to your future one, you're gradually guiding yourself to feel better.
Example bridge for any: "I know I've been trying for a long time. But I also know I've had a lot of things to overcome. Yes, my life has been difficult. I know it's not my fault. I know I'm not doing anything wrong. I can't compare my journey to anyone else's. I don't know what they were going through before they had their success. But I do know I am in control of my future. No matter what happened in the past, I'm willing to believe I am in control now. I'm willing to believe that life can be easy for me. I'm open to believing that I can be successful."
You can continue to bridge as long as you need to. If you find your affirmations hard to believe, you can do a few rounds saying them starting with bridging phrases like:
Maybe I can start to believe that ____
I'm willing to believe ____
I am open to the possibility that ____
I can start to accept that ____
I choose to believe ____
Phase 4: Positive Affirmations
Finally, start using your positive affirmations and hyping yourself up.
Void: "It literally doesn't matter what happened in the past, because I am in control now. I was overcomplicating things because of tumblr and putting the void on a pedestal. I don't have to do that anymore. I know the void is real. I also know the void is no big deal. I know I enter the void every night when I sleep. I've entered the void a million times before. I know the void is just myself in my highest form. I know I am in control of the void because I am the creator. I know the void is easy to enter. I know I can enter the void easily no matter what."
Manifesting/shifting: "It literally doesn't matter what happened in the past, because I am in control now. I was overcomplicating things because of tumblr/ShiftTok and putting my desires on a pedestal. I don't have to do that anymore. I know manifesting/shifting is real. I know I am the creator of my reality and I can have anything I want. No desire or reality is more special, bigger or more important than any other. I know I can have whatever I want. I know I can shift/manifest easily. I am a master shifter/manifestor now. It's so easy for me to get all my desires."
Continue with the positive statements for as long as you want. In total the whole thing would probably take 10-20 minutes, but you can always go longer.
When you're done, rub your hands together or "Namaste", thank yourself for doing the work, and drink lots of water!!
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Everything EFT tapping
EFT Taping, or Emotional Freedom Technique taping, is a popular psychotherapy technique used to reprogram the subconscious mind. This technique involves gently tapping with the fingertips on various meridian points on the body while focusing on a specific issue or problem.
Intro video here.
Anyways By engaging in this type of tapping, the practitioner is using energy work to help clear the energy blockages that are causing the negative thoughts and emotions in the subconscious mind. This helps to release the stuck energy and to create new pathways in the brain to create positive feelings and thoughts.
When doing EFT tapping, it is important to make sure you are in a relaxed state before beginning. If you are feeling anxious, angry or overwhelmed it will be difficult to tap correctly. It is also important to keep in mind what you want to focus on while tapping. This might be an emotion, a trauma or a memory, or even a physical sensation.
To do EFT tapping correctly, you should start by locating your meridian points. These points can be found on your body, including your temples, eyes, chin, shoulders, and chest. Then, take your fingertips and lightly tap on each meridian point while focusing on your desired outcome or intention.
Be sure to use calming language when doing EFT tapping and repeat positive affirmations in your head while tapping. During this process you can visualize yourself letting go of any negative emotions associated with your intention. Visualize a feeling of calming, contentment, and relaxation in their place.
As you continue to tap and repeat the affirmations and visualizations, observe any changes that you feel within your body or mind. With each tap, move closer and closer to a state of balance and reconnection within yourself.
EFT taping is a powerful tool for reprogramming the subconscious mind, as it helps to clear out the negative energy stuck within the body and allowing it to be replaced with positive feelings and intentions. As you continue to practice EFT taping regularly, you will begin to experience more clarity, balance and emotional freedom within your life
So how can this help you with manifesting?
By using EFT tapping you can access areas of emotional and energetic blocks in your body and mind and release them. This can help you create space for new energy, energy that is aligned with your deepest desires.
So how does it work? To start, identify the core issue or belief you’d like to release like a fear of success or a lack of self-confidence. For example with manifesting, do you think you can’t manifest, or you don’t deserve to.. make your phrase relinquishing yourself if that mentality.
Create a reminder phrase to tap along with like “ I release my doubt of the void ”(Or whatever you think is holding you back or you want.) Now you’re ready to start tapping. We’ll talk more about how to do that in a minute, but first let’s understand why this works.
It’s thought that tapping encourages your body to release natural “feel-good” hormones like serotonin and endorphins which can help to create a new emotional baseline. It’s believed that this helps create an environment where you can more easily shift your vibration and attract more of what you want into your life.
Now let’s go over the actual tapping process. Take your dominant hand and use your index and middle fingers to tap five to seven times on each of the nine key meridian points on your body - starting at the top of your head, down the side of your body and ending at the top of your torso. Repeat your reminder phrase out loud and feel into the emotions and sensations in your body.
When you’re finished, take a few moments to breathe deeply and give yourself permission to release any emotions or limiting beliefs that may have come up. This completes one round of EFT tapping. If you feel called, repeat the process for as many rounds as necessary until your emotion subsides or releases completely.
It doesn’t even have to be used for manifesting only. You can use it to help your anxiety, help receive money, feel mental clarity, and whatever else you may desire, at the time of the tapping !!!
Good luck <333
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lake-lady · 5 months
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From the forest...everything is turning very green 💚
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asteriaas-stuffs · 1 year
Another EFT tapping video now the video i was searching found it . In this it's easier to understand again I'm saying that Affirmation should be customized any Affirmation you want say and tap on point . Highly recommended for void , sc or even manifesting it doesn't matter. Just into mirror start Affirming and taping . Do it in the morning right after waking up .
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wenjunhiui · 1 year
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Exclusive Fairy Tale Ep. 23
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long-lost-soul · 1 month
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my favorite wildlife sightings from recently :]
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sophiebaybey · 16 days
In a strange turn of events... I have my whole next three days of streaming planned out ahead of time! Please enjoy this carefully crafted SCHEDULE from me :)
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Sybil Leek - The Jackdaw And The Witch - Prentice-Hall - 1966 (illustrations by Barbara Efting)
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I'd like yalls help w something, please
Regardless of its intelligence level, how many non-human creatures have Arthur and John had an emotionally positive experience with?bc I am wracking my brain and the only ones I can come up with are the lamp-eft, the buopoth, the cana, and the owl (I have yet to figure out if cana is a species or a job title but yall know who I'm talking about)
If anyone can fact-check/correct/update me on this I'd appreciate it so much 🙏
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