neriyon · 24 days
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Floating away
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Yulan ⏐ Firn ⏐ Hawu'li ⏐ Chili ⏐ Naho ⏐ N'jinh ⏐ TBA
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arknightsost · 7 months
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lucst-r · 2 days
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Einne!! My beloved <333
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> They poke their head out from behind the corner, before waving, ears twitching.
- @sweetheart-anonymous
( 👋)
He crouches down to their eye level, already enamoured with the child
"Oh, hello there, lítið einn! What's your name? I'm Skjöldur, but you can call me Aegis, if you want."
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fukkafyla3 · 11 months
Veltur yfir heiðin há,
vegur dimmar nætur.
Leiðin löng að baki þá,
leita draumarætur.
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peephell33 · 9 months
Algumas dicas p vocês !!! Se você seguir todas as dicas certinhas, certeza que chegará na sua MF até o fim de janeiro ou até antes.
Já comecei botar em prática e tô vendo resultado einn
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frenchoravocadotoast · 11 months
Fundr einn forað
“Fundr einn forað”: Old Norse for “Meet the monster”
Basim Ibn Ishaq x reader
Word count: 882
A/N: I’ve been meaning to write about Basim since Valhalla and I finally found the energy to do so. I really like how his sweet personality differs from Loki's. Enjoy!
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You saw it when he emerged from the cave again.
Basim had left the temple physically unscathed, contrary to what Rayhan had warned him about. Truth be told, you didn’t think you’d see him again. Your kind had spoken of the tale for many generations, from Hidden one to Hidden one, all the way to you. Those that dare open the sacred temple are never themselves again - to have their lives spared by whatever being lurks inside is punishment enough, as they later have to face a lifetime of madness. Some don’t even come back out of the cave.
First it was your parents, then Roshan, then Rayhan - everyone around you had warned you not to seek what was forbidden, what was never meant for you to find in the first place.
But it was different for him, wasn’t it? The temple was a mere enigma to you - just an ancient mystery hidden inside a cave, only calling out to you if you entertained the idea of venturing inside, but it never lured you in. Even when he’d first arrived at Alamut, Basim would always stare at the entrance of the cave. You thought it was his longing to join the creed and carry out the ceremony, but now that you saw it, there was definitely something else there. Basim was being lured by something from inside the temple.
It was slippery and fast, but if you were to pay attention closely, you’d see it. All those times you would talk by the cavern, when he’d confide in you about his nightmares - you’d notice it. It didn’t take a keen eye to see the way Basim would keep glancing at the cave, or miss the tinge of red in his pupils that would flee the second he was awoken by his night terrors. It was all the work of a jinni, he would say - but you knew better.
Gods, you knew better. You knew, you suspected, you theorized that something terrible must have been going on. It was deeper than some curse a merchant could have cast on a former thief, or a nightmare caused by stress and physical strain. You’d returned to Baghdad with him, Roshan, and Fuladh, read the scriptures, even visited the House of Wisdom to better understand what could possibly be haunting him. While Basim was busy proving himself to the Brotherhood and fighting the Ancient Ones, you’d buried yourself in books to help him battle his demons, too.
He didn’t know. One day, when he’d come back to the bureau to report his mission, he found you looking through the scrolls. He was well acquainted with your passion for literature, but the moment you’d shown your research to him, he regarded you with warmth in his eyes. You were ranting about all the different ways his night terrors could be tamed, discussed the possible identity of the so-called jinni according to the description he had provided you, made a list of curses and deities that were prevalent in ancient mythologies – and Basim just leaned in close to steal a kiss from your lips, silencing you swiftly.
You knew because you saw the way he looked at you. His eyes were brown, like the dunes of the evening desert - cool and silky sand that shone bright under the sun. Brown like the soil you walked on, the expensive leather of the books at the House of Wisdom, the damp boulders that held up the cave in Alamut. The cave that held the answers to his turmoil.
He didn’t know – but he wanted to. The lack of answers tore his soul apart. Basim just wanted to understand; what beast wanted to torment him in his sleep? Why was it seeping into daylight now, too? Did it seek revenge, when all Basim wanted was peace?
His eyes would crumble every night. You’d see the dunes in his eyes shake in fear, watch them collapse with every ragged breath he took as he held onto you. And there, in the desert night that was reflected in his eyes, a red comet would glint and flee before you could fully register it.
 Basim wanted to - no, needed to know. Into the cave he’d have to go, then. Alone.
You knew he’d found whatever it was he was looking for – because he no longer held the posture of a man who was deprived of sleep, of answers. He strode with the newfound purpose of a man who looked almost smug. The novices immediately tackled him into a hug when they saw him come out, and Rayhan joined to proudly clap him on his back. And you? You were relieved, arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace as his arms enveloped you, too. But then you looked up, and his eyes shone red. The sandy dunes were bleeding, seething with anger - and then, the color was gone. 
The way he looked at you - it was wrong. Like someone had taken his eyes, painted them to their liking and dipped them in blood. And his smile - it didn’t even reach his eyes. But he was still himself, same voice, same face, same manners, same Basim. Only this wasn't Basim. You knew Basim was gone.
And the man before you knew that you knew, too.
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hatari-translations · 7 months
Bashar Murad - Vestrið villt (Wild Wild West) - translation and notes
Bashar Murad's Söngvakeppnin entry, "Wild Wild West", was performed in the second semifinal last Saturday with Matthías's Icelandic lyrics. They are a translation of the official English lyrics, but there are some interesting differences that would be fun to ramble about a little, so here's a backtranslation of the Icelandic lyrics into English and some notes!
Compare to the official English lyrics here.
Official Icelandic lyrics
Er enn á ferðinni á sömu bylgjunni Veit ei hvert skal haldið í leit að hamingjunni
Er grjót sem veltur fram get aldrei staðið kyrr Þegar þú verður bitur og vilt gera betur þarf að breyta til
Hendi mér upp á veginn svo syng ég þína skál Tómar hendur, tómir vasar en í hjarta mínu brennur bál
Ótaminn villingur allt frá því ‘93 og mig skortir allt fé – ég sver það breytist nú
(Því ég) ætla að fara í vestrið villt, þar sem illt og spillt Er besta fólkið Og þó ég geri mjög gott mót Fari fót fyrir fót Er ég aldrei hólpinn
Ég ætla að fara í vestrið villt, Þar sem mild og tryllt Eru kaup og skipti Ég segi já, ekkert mál, að veði legg mína sál Svo er bara að taka sénsinn
Ég er enn á ferðinni ekki kominn langt á veg Ég glamra á gítarinn, með leðurstígvélin, og slóð í sandinn dreg Klæddur fyrir hlutverkið, vona að þið hrífist með Tók mig þrjátíu ár að átta mig á – að vera bara ég
Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, þar sem illt og spillt Er besta fólkið Og þó ég geri mjög gott mót Fari fót fyrir fót Er ég aldrei hólpinn
Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, Þar sem mild og tryllt Eru kaup og skipti Ég segi já, ekkert mál, að veði legg mína sál Svo er bara að taka sénsinn
Ég er bara að taka sénsinn
Velkomin í vestrið villt… Velkomin í vestrið villt, Velkomin í vestrið villt, Þú færð einn séns til að hamra járnið Þarna er það – tækifærið
(Því ég) Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, þar sem illt og spillt Er besta fólkið Og þó ég geri mjög gott mót Fari fót fyrir fót Er ég aldrei hólpinn
Ætla að fara í vestrið villt, Þar sem mild og tryllt Eru kaup og skipti Ég segi já, ekkert mál, að veði legg mína sál Svo er bara að taka sénsinn Ég er bara að taka sénsinn
Velkomin í vestrið villt.
English backtranslation
I'm still on the road, on the same wavelength I don't know where I'm headed in search of happiness
I'm like a rolling stone, can't stay in one place When you get bitter and want to do better you have to make a change
Getting up on the road, then I'll sing a toast to you Empty hands, empty pockets but in my heart there's a burning flame
I'm an untamed wild thing ever since '93 and I've got no money - I swear that's changing now
('Cause I'm) Going to the west that's wild, where the best people are wicked and corrupt And even if I'm very successful Take one step at a time I'm never safe
I'm going to the west that's wild where trade and barter is mild and unhinged I say yes, no problem, put my soul on the line and then it's just taking that chance
I'm still on the road not very far along I strum my guitar with my leather boots, dragging a trail through the sand Dressed for the role, hope you're swept up with me Took me thirty years to figure out - just being me
I'm going to the west that's wild, where the best people are wicked and corrupt And even if I'm very successful Take one step at a time I'm never safe
I'm going to the west that's wild where trade and barter is mild and unhinged I say yes, no problem, put my soul on the line and then it's just taking that chance
I'm just taking that chance
Welcome to the west that's wild... Welcome to the west that's wild Welcome to the west that's wild You get one chance to strike while the iron is hot There it is - opportunity
('Cause I'm) Going to the west that's wild, where the best people are wicked and corrupt And even if I'm very successful Take one step at a time I'm never safe
I'm going to the west that's wild where trade and barter is mild and unhinged I say yes, no problem, put my soul on the line and then it's just taking that chance
Welcome to the west that's wild.
Translation notes
The first thing to remark upon here is the title and lyric vestrið villt. The actual common Icelandic term for the Wild West, which is also the normal, obvious way to translate it, is "Villta vestrið", which literally just means "the wild west".
So why is the song called "Vestrið villt" and not "Villta vestrið", exactly? Most obviously, "Villta vestrið" is four syllables where "wild, wild west" is three, and Matthías wanted the equivalent of "Welcome to the wild, wild west" to scan properly and sound good. Icelandic word order is often somewhat flexible, especially in poetry, and it'd be fairly normal to turn the phrase around to "Vestrið villta". But to make it three syllables he also leaves the definite ending off the adjective. That's a very unusual, poetic thing to do, though not by any means unknown - poems and lyrics do the same thing occasionally, but it has a definite unusual, antiquated sound to it. You would never refer to the Wild West like that in normal language.
Now, the primary motivation for translating it this way is almost certainly just the syllable count. It's a construction that is as a translation of "wild west" while preserving the rhythm of the song. But the overall effect that it gives, at least to me, is kind of interesting - it sort of decouples the lyric from the actual American Wild West, which ultimately has a different name, and instead puts those two words together in a way where you might be more likely to consider them separately. It's the west, and it's wild. And that actually feels kind of appropriate to the song! Bashar may be wearing a cowboy hat, but he isn't literally going to the Wild West - the story in the music video, after all, shows him going to Iceland. To capture this part of the feel of it, I rendered the lyric as "the west that's wild" - which coincidentally also scans appropriately in English - although that doesn't capture the unusual poetic nature of the phrasing.
There are little lines in the Icelandic translation that are sort of a bit more colorful than the English equivalent, which is fun. "I gotta hit the highway, yeah, here I go again" is rendered as "Hendi mér upp á veginn, svo syng ég þína skál", which I backtranslated as "Getting up on the road, then I'll sing a toast to you," with the toast being original to the Icelandic translation. (It also technically uses an expression that literally means throwing himself up onto the road, which has a bit more force to it than "I gotta".) "Got a can-do attitude and nothing to lose" becomes Bashar wagering his soul, which sounds a bit more dramatic.
The English version says that in the wild, wild west the only rest is for the wicked, a negation of the Biblical idiom "No rest for the wicked": in other words, in the wild, wild west, everyone is punished but the wicked. We don't really have an equivalent idiom in Icelandic, and Matthías went a different route that's fun in a different way, going for the internal rhyme of illt and spillt with the villt in vestrið villt. That rhythmic rhyme has a good and crunchy sound that I like a lot. The meaning winds up being a little different but having a similar air: in the west the the wicked and corrupt are the 'best people'. Similarly, later the English version speaks of the wild, wild west being the best place for business, but Matthías goes for the crunchy internal rhyme with villt again, this time with mild and tryllt. They're sort of antonyms and I'm not quite sure how to interpret trade and barter being both mild and unhinged, but the rhyme still sounds neat. Bashar has studded chaps and is playing spaghetti guitar, but Matthías's translation ditches the studded chaps (I would have no idea how to translate that either) and calling it a spaghetti guitar specifically in favor of the new appropriately Western imagery of dragging a trail through the sand.
Where in English, even if you do your best and you pass the test doesn't mean you'll make it, in Icelandic even if I'm very successful and take one step at a time I'm never safe, which makes the whole thing sound a bit more dangerous - emphasizing having to be careful and yet not being safe, rather than the difficulty of making it.
The English "Why the hell wouldn't I risk it?" becomes "Svo er bara að taka sénsinn", or "Then it's just taking that chance." Séns is slang, though older slang, and actually derives from the same root as chance, though I think it came here via the Nordic languages rather than English. Slightly different meaning but same general point about choosing to take that risk, different lines that I think are both fairly punchy in different ways.
There's one bit where I think the translation may be outright losing a bit of nuance. In English "I dressed up and I put it on, hoping I'd fit the scene / Took thirty damn years to figure out, I just gotta be me" sounds to me like he's describing having originally tried to dress up for a role and tried to fit in before he discovered he just had to be himself, but in the translation, "Klæddur fyrir hlutverkið, vona að þið hrífist með" is in the present tense, as if he's describing now being dressed up for a role and currently hoping to sweep this audience with him, more as if this current role is the 'being himself' he's figured out. But that's only if I'm understanding the nuance in the original English correctly, of course - I would imagine Matthías worked with Bashar directly on the translation and he approved of the phrasing.
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neriyon · 5 months
Oh hey I completely missed the notice for new EU DC lol
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Soooo Light, Shadow and Chaos (missing "Order" lol). Love the world names tho! I'll be confusing Pixie and Faerie (and Titania and Titan) so bad haha ^^'' But Innocence sounds really cool! Maybe I'll have to send some wayward alt over.
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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B757 lining up for a test flight at EINN
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Ich versteh auch nicht wieso Charlotte so einen langen Monolog über ihre Gefühle und so halten durfte, aber Noah durfte fast nichts dazu sagen?
In einer Folge die Noahs Geständnis heißt?
Einn "Sorry, dass ich dich angeschrien habe, ich hatte einfach nur Angst, dass es so endet, wie bei meinen Eltern" wäre ja wohl das mindeste gewesen.
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kratosnaturals · 9 months
Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama, en orðstírr deyr aldregi, hveim er sér góðan getr. Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjálfr it sama, ek veit einn at aldri deyr, dómr um dauðan hvern.
If Miraak had to translate it to the modern tongue for anyone, it‘d mean as much as;
Cattle die, kinsmen die, thyself too soon must die, but one thing never, I ween, will die, fair fame of one who has earned. Cattle die, kinsmen die, thyself too soon must die, but one thing never, I ween, will die, the doom on each one dead.
Just two verses of a much larger collection of ancient poetry - such was taught to every atmoran child since their holy ancestors‘ time. They do not understand it however, for what is such poetry to the simple mind of a child?
He himself did not understand his elders words for a long, long time. Only when he finally came of age did he realise that those honeyed words were simply well-worded motivation to stick to what he was taught and not stray from the path of a great, obedient priest.
The true meaning did not matter, really. His father had such a way with words, after all; to drive the stake of fear into his sons heart. He would always find a way to teach his child a valuable lesson, preferably with a whip or his deep, booming growl of a voice.
Being trapped in Apocrypha gave him countless lifetimes to reflect on those words. Of great men and their lives, of their conquests, of superior morality, to heed the lessons taught by ones elders and life.
He memorised every verse, every sentence, every word. He studied the old scrolls of poetry like a scholar, a poet, a critic. He‘d whisper it among himself and the mute Seekers like a mantra.
Until he finally understood their meaning, much too late to aid him in his life -
Gráðugr halr, nema geðs viti, etr sér aldrtrega; oft fær hlægis er með horskum kemr, manni heimskum magi. If Miraak had to translate it to the modern tongue for anyone, it‘d mean as much as; A greedy man, if he be not mindful, eats to his own life's hurt; oft the belly of the fool will bring him to scorn, when he seeks the circle of the wise.
He stopped studying the poems then, more inclined to undo the choices he made in his mortal life; to reclaim all that he had lost, all that was ripped from him.
So he lay down the torn scrolls of parchment, no more gazes cast upon the smeared, eroding ink, and made corrupted gold his new face; he who would defy his master again. He would reclaim his freedom; through blood and death, out of the ashes and dust of his regrets.
Now up! (https://archiveofourown.org/works/52995712/chapters/134067436)
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armoredisopod · 1 year
New Event PV
New Operators
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Santalla, 5* Splash Caster
Look in the distance, and pay attention, nature has already informed of all the changes.
Typhon, 6* Besieger Sniper
Each arrow can dye a Sami's night to a true dark.
Operator Skins Update
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Total of 5 new skins, 4 new additions for the Coral Coast brand, 1 new addition for the Epoque brand
Ambriel's Casual Vacation HD29 - Event Shop Skin
Beeswax's Casual Vacation HD61
Stainless' Beach Guard GT003
Saileach's Summer Flowers FA317
Astgenne's Her Aspiration
Astgenne's Epoque skin will be up for sale during Dorothy's Vision Retrospect
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Announced a rerun for the i.t brand Crossover skins, up for sale during the same time as the new Coral Coast skins
Operator Modules Update
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Typhon and Santalla being part of branches with modules immediately gets their modules
SIE-X module base effect increases Typhon's ATK to 115% when attacking enemies with weight 3 or more
SPC-Y module base effect reduces Santalla's initial deployment cost by -8
Standard Bearer Vanguard branch gets 1 module type
Phantom and Hellagur gets their second modules
EXE-Y module base effect increases Phantom's ATK by 10% when there are no allies within 4 adjacent tiles
MUS-Y module base effect is unknown at the time of writing
Events and Stories
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Skorgrinn Svartr Vill Einn Draumr (眠于树影之中), a vignette story collection event
A research team has disappeared, and the entry way to the Icefields has been blocked off by Ursus.
Forced to go through Sami, Magallan embarks on her first expedition to these lands.
Set aside the prejudice of civilization, accept the advice of hunters and shamans, listen to the words of the trees, and close your eyes when necessary.
To seek the destiny that has long been waiting at the end of the road.
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Dorothy's Vision Retrospect, scheduled after Skorgrinn Svartr Vill Einn Draumr
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Operator Archives update for Qanipalaat, Muelsyse, Proviso, Astgenne, Cuora, Akafuyu, Istina and Yato
Misc Stuff
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Annihilation #20 - Ashy Marsh, annihilation mission set in Victoria
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what is your opinion on alexander hamilton
Alexander Hamilton...hm. Eftir því sem ég man eftir var hann einn af stofnfeðrum Bandaríkjanna...var hann ekki fyrsti fjármálaráðherrann?.
[Alexander Hamilton...hm. From what I can recall he was one of the Founding Fathers of the United states...wasn't he the first secretary of the treasury?. ]
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bagelvangr · 2 years
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Hugr einn þat veit · Only you know er býr hjarta nær, · what dwells in your heart einn er hann sér um sefa; · when you are alone; engi er sótt verri · but nothing is worse hveim snotrum manni · for a wise person en sér engu at una. · than to have nothing to love.
— Hávamál (Crawford), 95.
She really fucked up this time 😔
(And okay, I caved, I couldn't make her too sad 😭)
This idea wormed itself into my brain after I started thinking about the DLCs and how.... the timeline doesn't work? So, you know, canonically, Eivor does end up in Ravensthorpe and septupling down as protector and being with the people she loves. I mean, Francia still happens, you know?
Anyways, I imagine it wouldn't be all smiles and celebrations. That's a real big fuck up to come back to, and I assume quite a few years too. There's going to be a lot of thinking and a lot of introspection and a lot of being sad in a dark cave behind a certain waterfall.
She'll get there eventually, but like with a lot of what she learns, it's not an easy road to travel, especially when the consequences of her initial actions would have been so high.
For the residents and those who knew her, how do you forgive such an abandonment and betrayal of frith, duty, loyalty? After they had all been through, how do you justify an action like leaving?
TL;DR: Our girl gonna be hella sad for a real long time and tbh she would deserve it 😔 (but she will also deserve the outcome we'll eventually play in the following years 😌)
And if it feels like I am being too vague, feel free to DM me, cos sweaties, I got some thoughts and feelings and opinions about all of this, much like the rest of you.
I don't really know when to stop, so I figure I post this now instead of spending the next week working on it for minimal changes 😭 I posted a sneak of this here earlier.
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gxrdenofthxrns · 1 year
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Loving the Sunlight
My writing is Rusty so please feel free to give me any critic or feedback! And thank you for reading!
Not Proof Read!
Heimdall X reader
Please tell me if you want to be tagged in the future!
One last thing! This First part will not include Heimdall, I’m setting up the story line mostly in this part. Heimdall will be seen soon, I promise. <3
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Einn ~
You set down the now empty flask of herbal medicine onto the counter.
"Freya? Are you back already?" You questioned.
Walking cautiously, you reached the door and opened it slowly, peeking your head out. Your brows furrowed together, No one was here? "Hello? Who's out there?" You yelled out into the forest. You stepped out of the door and glanced around. "Maybe it was just an animal" You thought. You sighed a breath of relief and took note to grab your sword that Freya Gave you.
Freya has been your trainer, a motherly figure even. Telling you all the stories of her ex-husband, The foreign God and his son that she helped, her brother, and about all the realms. You have been taught her ways of magic and fighting. Although you have no recall if you are Aesir or something else between the realms. You can only learn what she has written in her journals. You spend most of your day reading her spells and magic, and training with Freya when she is around.
Freya never told you the story of where she found or met you. Only that you were alone. She couldn't find your parents or anyone around. So she took you in. But you know there's only half of the truth written in her story. She treats you as one of her own. But also a warrior.
Although you don’t see how; you've never beaten her, But you have almost won during training. Only once.
“Lets see what you got now.” Freya held up her sword and got into her stance. She was waiting for you to make a move. . You needed an advantage point if you were going to defeat her. Quickly, You looked around and found a Branch and swiftly climbed up the tree.
Using a spell to set the arrow aflame, You drew the arrow back and aimed at her. Letting the arrow go you saw her turn and avoid the arrow. Cursing at yourself, you loaded another and shot, this time at the branch above her head. Letting it go, you quickly loaded and shot it at her.
She dodged the arrow that was aimed at her and went straight under the branch you had shot. The branch cracked and had fallen off the tree. Falling right onto her head. Or so you thought.
Using her sword, she deterred the branch and jumped out of the way. Looking up at you with wide eyes she laughed.
“Very good. A little slow but we can work on that.”
You shut the door to Freya's Hut, turning around you are met with one blue eye, and the other covered by an eyepatch. Acting on instincts, you grab the dull sword by the door and swing it at his head. Unfortunately, He grabs the sword in motion and stops it.
He laughs "I was expecting Frigg! But you are just as fierce as her, I see.” He shows you a thin lined smile and lets go, walking further into the hut. Is he searching for something?
The fireplace is crackling, only a few logs that seem to keep the fire steady. The two wooden tables were littered with Herbs and books. And tucked away in the corner are weapons and bows from you and Freya going hunting one night. The hut is fairly dimmed, just enough to see the Aesir god examining and touching the herbs.
"Why are you here?" is all you can manage to escape out of your mouth. Shocked that the God of the Aesir is walking around in the place you call home. In the home of his Ex-wife.
"I came to see my lovely ex-wife. But I see she had more important things to-" you cut him off
"She does not want to see you and we both know that." You spit. Watching him turn to glance at you with his nasty grin.
"Oh yes I know, But seeing that you are here, you have no clue of what's happened." The last part he spoke slowly, walking closer to the fire and staring into it. Interlocking his hands behind his back, waiting for you to answer.
"What do you mean?" You asked, finally lowering the weapon down to your side.
"Baldur is dead. Our son is dead."
His monotone voice threw you off. You knew she had a son but with him? How did he die? Where was Freya now?
"I would suggest you keep out of her way. She is on her way back now. She has sworn revenge onto the God and his son for killing him." His warning cut you off. He glanced over to you, his one eye staring straight through you.
"I will not be surprised if she leaves you to rot here. She is known to create bad relationships with her children"
"Do not speak of Freya that way. She will not abandon me."
"Frigg, you mean? My dear _____ , you do not know her then." He let out a chuckle and turned his body to face you. Throwing your sword out towards you to catch.
You panically grab for it, Catching it in both yours hands and look at him through narrowed eyes. "How do you know my name?"
"I know everything, Child. Now be prepared. If you are in need of help" He turned his back and went to the door as he spoke. He glanced back at you again, "Just call." and with that, he opened the door and his ravens engrossed him in their wings.
Hurriedly, you ran over and shut the door. Just for another one to be pushed open.
"Freya! You’re fin-"
You welcomed Freya only for her to raise her hand to silence you.
Her darkened hair was falling from the braid she put it in. Her clothes were torn and bloodied. She used her hand to wipe away the tears and bleeding makeup from under her eyes.
She was a mess. Physically and Emotionally. You knew that. Her demeanor usually calm and relaxed now changed to troubled and vengeful.
Your eyes saddened, opening your mouth to tell her you’ll help her but then she would know someone had told you. You did not want to let her know that her ex-husband had come to "visit" a few minutes ago. So you kept your mouth shut. Standing with the table in between you and her.
She looked around, her dark eyes now locked on the weapons in the corner. She grabbed her bag and started shoveling herbs into it, grabbing her bow and a sword. She was preparing herself for a long journey.
"Wait! where are you going?" You asked confused, moving out of her way and standing in front of the fireplace that now seemed to crackle louder.
"You need to leave. Now" She spoke with anger laced in her words. She grabbed her things and looked at you. You now got a good look at her.
Her eyes were dark and bloodshot, The makeup around her face ran down and was smeared. Blood coated on her clothes and face. She was Angry, she breathed heavily and gripped the bow in her hand until her knuckles were white.
"What? Why? Where would I-" She cut you off, using her sword to point towards the door.
"I don't care where you go! Just leave! I don't want to see your face ever again, You hear me? You stay out of my way!" Her words were laced with venom and her eyes filled with hate. Now the rage was directed at you.
Your eyes widened and you kept silent. You nodded your head and started grabbing your things. As you did, She left and slammed the door, muttering spells in her native language.
You flinched and looked at the door. Odin was right. Of course he was, he is the All-Father. Your eyes filled with tears, grabbing your bag the Freya had made you, you started collecting your things. All the Herbs she helped you pick. the books she let you have. Anything you could. You sat down on the chair with a shaky breath.
That is all you heard before the outside of the hut was ablaze. Your eyes widened and you quickly stood up and grabbed your bag. Hurrying to the door you grabbed the doorknob and tried to open it.
Using your shoulder you rammed into the door. But it was no use. The hut started to fill with smoke. And the heat from the fireplace and outside started to combine and make you sweat.
"Come On!!"
You went to the other door, Trying the same technique. Of course, it didn't work.
Letting go of the door you stepped back, looking around alerted to the fire slithering through the roof.
Did she set the Hut ablaze? Was she trying to get rid of you?
You realized he was right.
“You do not know her then.”
You had no choice but to call for him.
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Next Part: Here
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