#either that or I can try to place her in his main verse?
nolita-fairytale · 1 year
Carmy as Your Baby Daddy | Social Media AU & Headcanon Series | part one
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masterlist | part two now that i've finished my top gun: maverick series, it's me i'm back and gearing up for season two. after a bout of food poisoning, i finally cracked and am writing this pregnancy headcanon that i said i wouldn't bc my ovaries would explode (looking at you @allthefandomstogether). anyways, a huge thank you to @carmensberzattos who pinged many an ideas back and forth about carmy as your baby daddy and screamed into the abyss about this on a friday night. i'm writing this with my main character from the make your heart surrender-verse, but can absolutely read as a standalone piece. posting now because i'm so damn excited but i may go back and add some more things later.
oh and this a headcanon series now so. that part.
carmy as your baby daddy:
sometime after the wedding, you and carmy decide that you're ready to start a family. you're not trying but you're not not trying, meaning you've gone off of birth control but you're not carefully monitoring your ovulation cycle either. you both figure that it'll happen when it happens and if it doesn't, there are many other ways to make a family.
carmy never really thought about having kids until the two of you got together. after adopting your kitty together, carmy got to see a your more nurturing side and taking care of something together as a team made him think about how much he wants a family with you. after sugar has her baby it really ups the ante. seeing carmy become an uncle is what starts the conversation about seriously starting a family, and every time carmy sees you holding the baby, it's 'when our kids this, and when our kids that' for days after.
you swear it's food poisoning. after a somewhat questionable late night meal, you spend half the night vomiting while carmy works a later night at the restaurant. you text him to bring ginger ale and tums home. of course he comes through because are you kidding this man is a caretaker?!
you insist that you're fine and much better, even though you're absolutely exhausted. things are so busy at work for you (and have i mentioned the pregnancy fatigue) that you don't think much of it when a few nights later, you find yourself kneeling on the bathroom floor once again.
there are always little kids running around at the extended family gatherings and which led to your realization (when you first met everyone) that carmy is surprisingly good with kids.
it's not till a week or two later (after your little bout of 'food poisoning') that you're at cicero's place for a family birthday party that it hits you. one of carmy's cousins (not richie kind of cousin teehee) has just had a new baby with his wife. you've been catching up with ava, richie's daughter because you've become an auntie of sorts to her. you find some time to steal away for a some girl-time but when you return, carmy is holding his new niece/nephew in his arms.
the sight of him holding the baby not only takes your goddamn breath away as he stares long and hard your way, his blue eyes piercing right through your heart, but it's then that you realize that you're a few weeks late. it's like time stops as you look at him, seeing him coo at the baby with the softest look on his face. the realization hits you, clear as day.
"holy shit." is all you say, earning a few funny looks from the berzatto extended family and friends. "carm, can i borrow you for a second?" you and carmy find a quiet place to talk inside. "you okay, babe?" "carmy i think i'm-. what if i-. i'm late." "what do you-? like.. late late?" "now that i think about it, a few weeks late, honey." "yeah?" he asks you, totally in shock and eyes wide. "yeah."
the two of you make an excuse to leave the party as soon as possible, and hurry to the nearest drugstore to pick up a pregnancy test. you wait till you're home to take it. "do you want me to come in, sweetheart?" "no, carmy! i don't want you to watch me pee, you weirdo!" you answer, even though you know he's just excited.
the two of you are pacing back and forth, practically making dents in the floor with your footsteps for what feels like the longest two minutes of your lives. when your timer goes off, you're both simultaneously freaking out about the fact that you're lives are about to change forever, while also really, really hoping for a positive result. and as the fates would have it, the test is positive.
"holy shit. holy fucking shit. we're- you're-, we're gonna-!" carmy is ecstatic as searches for words. "we're having a baby, baby!" you squeal jumping into his arms." "god, i love you so much," he says, grinning at you as wrap your legs around his waist. "i love you too, carm. so, so much."
you literally get the biggest kick out of calling him your baby daddy: to friends and family, coworkers, random strangers, in restaurants, at the gas station. you'll take photos of him at the farmers market and post on your ig story referring to him as your baby daddy because you find it hilarious. carmy doesn't find it as funny (even though he secretly loves it) and he's cherry-tomato red when you tell the checkout clerk at the bodega across the street from your place that your baby daddy is going to pick up the tab.
everyone at the restaurant is so excited for you! even richie cries a little when you tell him the news. you hadn't really gotten close to richie until ava grew super attached to you, which opened up a whole new avenue and understanding for your friendship with richie.
ever since you found out you were pregnant, carmy always has bread and ginger ale on hand for your morning sickness. he started making you your favorite soft scrambled eggs with toast, but the chives have been way too strong of a flavor for a sensitive tummy. it's slowly become eggs & toast and then just... toast, which you promptly apologize for stripping away any kind of artistic freedom he may have previously had.
you get near compulsive cravings for certain foods, and carmy is always ready to throw on a jacket and run across the street when you get midnight cravings.
carmy hates seeing how tumultuous pregnancy has been during your first trimester. he's always ready with a hair tie or a glass of water for when you're done throwing up. okay hear me out: but carmy starting to wear hair ties because he wants to always have one ready for you. he'll even take off a morning with you or call your workplace if you need a sick day just so that he can take care of you. even if you don't need care, he just wants to spend time with you and be there for you while you go through it.
we already know that carmy is an acts of service king. he is the tenderest, most gentle partner and wants to be as helpful as possible. if you're sick, he wants to make you feel better. if the pregnancy hormones are raging against the machine, he's more than happy to let you be upset, or get you off by any means if the hormones go that way too. he'll sit on the bathroom floor with you and rub your back until you need to vomit again. he'll give you the best morning head of your life. he'll run a bath for you when you need one. he checks in every hour on the hour in your first trimester, which you appreciate, but eventually have to ask him to chill the fuck out.
speaking of physical changes, the pregnancy boobs are ELITE. carmy is always there to make you feel beautiful despite your rapidly changing body, esp when your clothes start fitting differently.
the first time your bump starts showing and you point it out to him, carmy cries. or maybe he notices it first and he's just like... weeping and you're like: babe r u ok? and then you realize that you're showing and carmy is kneeling and admiring your baby bump and now you're crying. sorry, but i don't make the rules it's just a fact that this is how it would go down.
carmy is so emotional about this because he realizes that he finally gets to build the family he didn't have and he gets to build it with you.
well this just hijacked my writing plans oops. part two will be more 'you & carmy pregnancy things' and part three will be birth & post-birth.
tagging my carmy taglist in the comments below!
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art-of-the-sea · 4 months
Cookie Run: Facets of Knowledge AU
[pt: Cookie Run: Facets of Knowledge AU]
" The Virtue of Knowledge holds two sides to it; Truth and Deceit. Only together can they truly understand its depths. "
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Not so much a complete AU as a likely canon divergence, this 'verse is set after Dark Enchantress's defeat. Her attempt to free the Beasts from their eternal prison by creating new bodies for them ended catastrophically. The only way to keep them all at bay was to seal them within the Soul Jams carried by each of the Ancients, as well as within their own bodies. This came with its benefits and drawbacks- after all, the threat has been tamed for as long as the Ancients remain uncorrupted. Not only that, but the reuniting of the Soul Jams' other halves magnified the Ancients' power beyond imagining- as its main holders, it's all in their control now, out of reach of the Beasts.
The complications, of course, come with the continued presence of the Beasts within the Ancients. They may not have any powers, no, but they can certainly be heard by the Ancients they've been sealed within - even seen as a projection of the Soul Jam's magic. Pure Vanilla Cookie knows he's in no danger from Shadow Milk Cookie as long as he doesn't mentally give in to his lies. However, that doesn't stop the comments, the perspectives, or the presence he brings. Sealed together, they have to learn to understand each other deeper than either expected, and slowly, each begin to open their eyes to the other's views and experiences.
More details & doodles below the cut! ⤵️
- Shadow Milk Cookie can project himself outwardly into the world using the Light of Truth, but in almost all cases, the only one that can see, hear, or feel him is Pure Vanilla Cookie. This leads to quite a few reactions to seemingly "nothing" from the outside, which took a long while for the other cookies around him to get used to.
- Shadow Milk gets bored very often due to not having a physical body or the ability to interact with most cookies, so he often resorts to pestering Pure Vanilla in one way or another. PV found that ignoring him only makes it worse, so he'll often engage in giving hypothetical answers to SM's ridiculous lines of questioning. This tends to result in either an absurdly niche philosophy discussion or a yes-and fantasy lasting on-and-off for days.
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- Distrust is rampant between the two, of course, which is beneficial for neither of them. Pure Vanilla is convinced Shadow Milk wants nothing but to control Earthbread once more, and SM thinks PV wants nothing more than to lock him away somewhere dark and eternal. Both are partially right, but they are forced to learn the depths of the others' perspective and understand how their defining traits are reflections of each other, stemming from the same place.
- Because of this, they slowly begin to understand each other. To trust each other. To let down the walls, because really... Who else would ever be able to comprehend them like the other?
- Pure Vanilla still refuses to trust him enough to let Shadow Milk take control of the body, though. After all, control of the body would hypothetically mean control of the Soul Jam, and he can't let himself risk the fate of Earthbread once more. Sure doesn't stop SM from pestering, begging, bargaining, and more to try!
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- Arguments are surprisingly rare, because if both of them get too deep into their heated debate, they get uncomfortably close to the reality of how similar they are to each other; this tends to make them back off.
- Both of them also feel this discomfort when the other is genuinely feeling mentally unwell, as viewing the other's complexity reflects on their own they wish to conceal. This can result in an awkward attempt to cheer the other up or help the situation, if nothing else to simply remove the shared disconcertion.
(If anybody's honestly interested in learning details for this AU, send in an ask! I might even draw doodles for the replies. this au is also where this sorta popular doodle comes from)
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me too gingerbrave
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Disclaimer: I may have cried while writing this.
Korra and Asami, along with Mako and Bolin, Tenzin and his family, Kya, Bumi and a-very-much-deprived-of-any-fun Lin decide to visit the Southern Water Tribe for one of their many festivals.
Once there, the others are quick to jump into the action, and Mako wins several gifts for Ikki who still isn't over her crush on him. Meanwhile, Bolin and Meelo playfully race along the roads of the SWT, but the general rule is that they don't use their bending. It is purely a test of speed and power, and nearly all of the gang has placed their bets on either boy, mostly in favor of Bolin. It is not quite a surprise when Meelo actually wins.
Jinora, for once, decides to let her hair down and enjoy the parades with Kai, and through much persuasion, Tenzin sort of relaxes thanks to his mother and Pema. After all, the children won't be as such for much longer, a fact that the Airbending Master can not get over, no matter how old his children get. Lin and Kya spend much of their time together, drinking and placing bets, trying to showcase who is stronger and who can hold their liquor, and at some point, Korra could have sworn she'd seen them flirting though they would surely deny it later on.
All in all, everyone's having fun and enjoying a much needed respite from saving the world from anyone who thinks of wreaking havoc again. All except for Asami, but nobody notices. Korra has her suspicions, deems it wise to let her girlfriend confide in her when she's ready. They'd already had this conversation before with Asami confessing that sometimes, when things got a bit overwhelming, she just needed her space. And Korra gave her all the space possible, letting her hang back while the others threw themselves in a series of shenanigans, yet always kept a watchful eye on the heiress. At some point, Korra was distracted long enough for Asami to slip away, this particular bout of uncertainty taking longer to shake off than normal.
Asami could feel her chest tightening, the air in her lungs barely enough to keep her on her feet, but she was well-versed in the art of hiding her turmoil, a smile always at the ready to protect her from any inquiring looks.
A gentle hand finds her shoulder, big enough to clasp her whole bone, yet tender and warm.
"Hey kiddo." Tonraq. Asami would always recognize his voice.
She turns to him a moment later, flashing that same practiced smile. But a look of concern furrows the man's brows, and he towers over her, large and imposing and so caring that the heiress can't help but feel so small.
"You feeling alright?"
"Yes, yes," she says, though the lump in her throat threatened to choke her.
Tonraq sees right through her. "Asami, you know you can confide in me. I may be Korra's dad and all, but I'm still here for you."
Tears swell in her eyes, but again, Asami will always hide her feelings in such moments. She can not afford to be weak, to let herself be so easily uncovered. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. But I promise, I'm fine."
"Have we not passed over the formalities? You are dating my daughter."
At that, a genuine grin curled Asami's lips. It feels weird, however, to call him by his name, almost as if she is breaking some unnamed rule. "I suppose so. I'll need some time to get used to it, though."
"As long as it takes, honey. Are you sure you're alright?"
Asami nods, swallows the knot in the back of her throat. Tonraq, she knows, is not convinced. There is little, however, she can do about it, only hopes that he isn't as persistent as his daughter.
He isn't. With one last smile, he rejoins the others, leaving Asami to her own thoughts. Relief washes over her, but she still can't find herself to breathe properly, the need to disappear for a moment gnawing at her.
Later, when everyone is fast asleep under the heavy covers to keep them warm, Asami finds herself clutching at a cup of tea she's made herself, sitting on a chair in the private kitchen even though the main hall was all but empty. This place was smaller, cozier. It suited her mood just as well. In her other free hand, Asami holds the one thing Lin was able to salvage from the wreckage that was the hummingbird Hiroshi and her had used in the battle against Kuvira, a pair of bent golden spectacles with no glass to keep it together. Asami can't bring herself to look at it, but it feels good to have it between her fingers, clasp at the very last thing that connected her to her dad.
"Oh, sorry I...I figured it would be empty," Senna breaks the silence. "Asami, are you okay, sweetheart?"
The young woman's lips quiver, unable to hold it together any longer. She swallows, her voice wavering. "Not really, no."
Senna pulls the chair beside her. She does not fail to notice the glasses, but makes no move to reach for Asami's hand. The latter doesn't blame her, she wouldn't touch something as tainted with blood either. Her father was a criminal after all.
A single tear streaks down Asami's cheek. "My mom used to call me that. All the time. I miss her."
Another tear. Senna ticks with compassion, grabbing the younger woman then in a hug Asami had not been privileged with for so, so long. And for once, she hangs on, fingers clutching at Senna's shirt as her tears flow freely down her face.
"I can't...I can't breathe," she chokes out. "I can't breathe."
Tender hands clasp her face, and Korra looks so much like her mother, just as Asami reflected Yasuko's features, only older.
"I need you to breathe with me, sweetheart. Can you do that?"
Yet again, Asami nods. Her tears do not stop. Her breathing becomes erratic instead, but Senna's touches, firmer now, ground her. "You're okay, sweetheart. I got you. I got you."
"Why does it...why does...hurt...? Why did they leave me all alone?"
"Oh honey, they didn't. They never did leave you."
"They did. Everyone leaves me. Everyone..."
"Asami, sweetheart, that's not going to happen. Your friends are here, and you have Tonraq and me, and Korra..."
But the words fall on deaf ears, try as she may to take them in. "I never got to say goodbye. It hurts..."
"I know it does. But believe me, your mom and dad are with you, Asami. They will always be a part of you. Always."
"You don't...know that."
"But you do. In everything that you do, Asami, every waking moment, your being alive and well and happy is a testament to how much your mom and dad loved you." Senna brushes the girl's tears, pulls her in closer so that her head rests upon her chest. Tea discarded, glasses still clutched in her hand, Asami lets herself cry for what feels like the first time in years.
Of course, she'd done so before, several times, when the hurt became so much she was going to explode, but those were in her private moments. Never in front of anyone. Never.
Great. If she had felt embarrassed at the start of her confession, Asami doubled in it.
Tonraq catches on quickly, and he wraps his arms around them both, setting a soft kiss on Asami's head. He does not need to say a thing because with Senna's words and his embrace, Asami feels safe again.
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a-strange-inkling · 7 months
If it were up to you ( one of the best hellcheer fanfiction writer) what would you fix or change about the fight of Icarus?
Aw shux, that’s high praise! I really don’t think I’m worthy of that, but thank you 🤍
Oh God… what a laundry list 😆 read at your own risk below (I think I’ve finally run out of things to say about this book and will be moving on now 😅)
I’m going to be honest, the best way fo fix it would be to not write a book. Point blank. If I was involved with the show at all I would have NEVER written a book about Eddie in any official capacity. I don’t know if the author was aware of just how unhinged certain parts of his fanbase are (I’m sure she is now) but you’re not going to make anyone happy with this. Eddie’s ridiculously popular yes, I get it, but part of his appeal for people was how untouched his background was.
Flight of Icarus is kind of a mess plot wise with pretty weak/poor characterizations. There’s some good elements and scenes in it. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. It’s pretty mid. I mean books based on tv shows aren’t exactly known for their… luster. It’s obviously going to lack the passion of an unpaid fanfic writer who has spent endless hours watching season 4 and doing in-depth research and analysis for their work… but that’s what we’re all used to. That’s our standard. So it’s kind of already set up for failure.
But, if I was in charge of a book like this, here’s some of the things I would do differently:
I’d have picked ONE main plot to focus on because there is way too much going on in these 280 pages for me to have the time to be invested or care about anything. There’s like three plus storylines going on with Eddie all to push ONE narrative which is basically him choosing between risking everything for a fantasy/dream of fame and money or staying true to himself and what’s real which is the steadfast loyalty of his friends and family. This takes the form of Al vs Wayne, Paige vs Ronnie, LA vs Hawkins, solo career vs band/hellfire, dropping out to try to become a rockstar vs being the first Munson to graduate, who Eddie wants to be vs who he truly is deep down.
It’s just too much.
I’d have taken a little more time making Eddie three dimensional. I know he’s a side character, but a lot of heart and thought went into creating him (at least on Joe’s end). I’d have made more conscious choices for his character, especially if he’s narrating in first person (I would have not used first person). His outer dialog is great (the dialog throughout the whole thing is actually really great, you can tell the author’s a screen writer and it’s one of the stronger elements to the book) but his inner monologue is pretty ooc and at times really off. He lacks a lot of the things that drew people to him in the first place or it’s just not as strongly presented I guess. He doesn’t feel fully formed.
If I was going to give Eddie a love interest (I don’t know why you would do that to yourself at this point, his fanbase is volatile at best and either ships him with Steve, Chrissy, or themselves, no one is going to like it) I’d have given her WAY better writing than an immersive wattpad character with little to no character traits outside of her aesthetic and interests which is an alternative style and liking music. Wow. Groundbreaking. I would have her make decisions based on a fully formed personality verses the convenience of the plot. And if not, if she’s going to be a means to an end, I’d at least go all in and make her wild or evil or a total bitch or conniving or funny or grumpy or goofy or something. She’s not given enough focus or time to be well rounded so I’d just have fun and go batshit crazy with her (don’t worry Paige, you’re mine now and I will give you an actual character and vindication).
Eddie choosing between his dad and Wayne would have probably been the plot I picked to focus on and I would have really dived into that. The good, bad and the ugly of the Munson family. Because Al (that would not be his name btw 🤢) and Wayne reflect the two sides of Eddie’s character. A charming, self serving, cowardly asshole and a good, strong and kind person who protects and looks after others. I like Ronnie a lot and she’s probably the best written character in the book, but Wayne needed to have more spotlight for this.
I’d have definitely made the plot a lot less fantastical and way more of a simple character study. Just Eddie deciding between embracing the infamy of the Munson family or choosing to rise above it. Does he decide to scheme and cheat like his dad to get more out of life or does he do the right thing and stay the course to actually graduate and make something of himself. That’s it. All that’s needed. Eddie getting a shot at being a rockstar at eighteen in Hawkins is already kind of odd, especially when his in is a twenty year old “junior scout”??? Who just happens to be at his dive bar and have the hots for him and fucks him and pretty much offers him a life in LA on a silver platter with no issues other than having to bail on his band and high school club?? It’s… a bit much for our unlucky loser boy we see in the show. Book Eddie is as lucky as they come, but he’s a total dumbass and decides to trust and scheme with his deadbeat father??? Who has always failed him? Why? I get he needs money but his kinda girlfriend’s got a job and he’s pretty much got a record deal. What even is this? That whole storyline would be scrapped to hell. But hey, at least it’s more believable than an actual drug heist and a kingpin and a shoot out. Oh and arson. It’s giving… *shivers* Riverdale and not in a good way.
Lastly, I’d have taken the opportunity to develop characters from the show a little more. Not a ton, but like the author did with Higgins. I really like how he was written in the novel. He had a lot of fire and personality out of nowhere which was kind of hilarious. I probably would have expanded Jason the most actually, I’d have added more to that tense rivalry. And I’d have left Chrissy pretty much out of it. The talent show is best left to the imagination and we already have a delicate narrative between them because of the forest scene. I wouldn’t want to add too much there. But she’d have a cameo for sure. Like brief eye contact or a shared smile or something at the very end of the book. Just a little glimmer of what’s to come. I’m also a Eddie has always had a little bit of a thing for Chrissy truther, so in my bias I might have him quietly admire her from afar or something.
And there you go.
I mean you’re going to get my version of his backstory eventually anyway and bonus he and Chrissy live, get married and have kids. Yay!
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katsukikitten · 9 months
continuation of a selfship drabble master list here
The leaves on the ground give him pause, brow furrowing as he notices you haven't posted anything for a solid two weeks now, not even a status. Almost a month since he spoke to you last.
He sighs, berates himself for doing it but he has to know that you're at least still alive. Checking your location first and he's thankful you still haven't turned it off. Looks like you're either headed back to your apartment or out. Sees that Taro is with you and closes the app.
Tells himself that's good enough, that at least he knows you're living, that you were in the hands of someone he trusted dearly. So he pockets his phone only to pull it right back out.
Is she okay?
Sky blue eyes stare down at the message, chancing a glance at you who's driving as if he could get into trouble. Slander thumbs make quick work of a response.
I reckon
makin me sing all the fuckin songs on the radio
especially TOD
Kaza feels conflicted, tongue running along his teeth as he rereads the rapid messages. Before he can reply another comes on.
Your singles've been playing a lot. not while I'm in the car but shit is obvious.
Fuck, fuck he shouldn't have even fuckin recorded them. Soft sad melodies that played in his head during the witching hour. Shouldn't have ever put your voice memos layered to sound like background barely audibly just for him to call out to you before the next verse. Text me when you get home, I love you. Something he said to you over and over again.
that vent song we made together that Muzan fuckin released anyway.
and this sad ass song I can't stomach
we ain't strangers to them right
pretty girl think that? that we're fuckin strangers?
Attached is a link to the song that he clicks quickly to listen to, lyrics solemn and sad. Just his single, just like the vent song he and taro made, still unable to capture the well of sadness and anger in his chest. Glaring down at his phone, trying to calm his breath, Akaza was the main reason why the band had to take a hiatus in the first place.
Punching band members, punching aggressive fans that asked about you, punching Muzan when he tried to offer up his niece as someone that he or Gyutaro could date. He would have broken his jaw if it wasn't for the other three band members trying to pull him off.
Like pulling a wild dog off a bone.
A wolf off a carcass.
He did break Koku's orbital bone with his elbow when he tried throwing them off. It was Gyutaro who thought quickly enough to shout "She'll be pissed if ya get jail time."
But the threat of that died the next day when he found himself smiling down at four men in a four v one that he instigated. Running his hand through his fading pink hair. Biting the inside of his already raw cheek.
He reassures his bandmate easily
your pretty girl always thinks the world of ya. tell her the truth she'll believe ya
To which the dark haired man replies quickly
fuck off you first
"Stubborn bastard." He growls to no one but himself before his phone pings, not a message but a notification.
Clicking on it way too quickly to see a selfie of you and Taro both flicking off the camera. The man is smoking, cigarette hanging from his lips, phone in his other hand screen still aglow as if he was in the middle of a reply.
Clearly at a stop light, your hair wind blown and the two of you are in your car, the one he helped you fix up and by helped he asked you to "sit and look pretty princess" while he did all of the work because he wanted to.Still does.
But he can't, not anymore. No way to explain what happened and maybe he doesn't think he deserves to even attempt to tell you a truth you won't believe anyway.
The caption reads still livin, still hate the end of summer
He pats himself down for his smokes, debates if he should vague, cupping his hand around the end of the stick before the flame flickers to life and catches. Burning as he breathes in and exhales slowly leaving a gray cloud in its wake.
Deciding against it when another selfie comes through, you with your eyes closed and peace sign up, oversized hoodie, his hoodie, making the neckline a bit lower, seeing something circular and black on a dainty chain, like a ring or band. A necklace he doesn't recognize, at least at first, eyes going to the caption.
we'll go back to strangers
Stomach dropping as the lyrics match up to the song he listens to now. Although she wasn't musically inclined she's always been drawn to it, he knew that. Knew her music reflected her moods more often than not.
Knew that when he released his single. The one that made her go radio silent to the entire group, even if she wasn't angry with them, for an entire two months before Gyutaro showed up at her door.
Another text comes in pulling him from his thoughts only to fan the flames.
she still has that fuckin ring
And then it hits him, the circular band too small for his inked digits burns against his skin under his shirt hanging from a chain. Fingers flying to it to feel the smoothness of the rose gold and the embedded onyx gem and black diamonds surrounding it. The same ring you flung back at him when everything happened so fast.
Looking at the photo you posted again and finally seeing the 'pendant' for what it really was. A black wedding band meant to match a black gemmed wedding ring.
The revelation makes him see red, makes a clotting mix of deep sorrow and anger twist and knot in his chest, losing when one starts and the other ends. Just how he sees you and him. Quick to start his bike, to abandon his half finished cigarette and skid out of his parking spot before he heads back inside to bloody his knuckles again. He was the cause of this, of your sorry.
Your pain.
Heart beating way too fast and yet slowing as he starts to become numb. Grip tight on his bike's handle and phone making it glitch. Snapping pictures, opening apps from feeling his skin, the sensors not knowing what to register and trying to pinpoint the most pressure.
Meanwhile his speedometer climbs higher and higher.
Slowly creeping higher as his bike whines from exertion. Weaving between cars that barely register as a blur as he navigates the highway this late at night.
His phone vibrates excessively before his headphones interrupt the looped song to signify he had an incoming call before picking up for him. Wind from no helmet going to to make it near impossible for him to say anything back unless he screamed.
"Slow down and delete that fuckin picture before she sees it. Right the fuck NOW!" Gravely voice rarely raised, especially when aimed at family.
But Akaza can't be fucking bothered, barely audible as he growls "Shut the fuck up." With that he hangs up and when it rings again he doesn't bother answering it, launching it into the concrete guard unable to watch it explode into a million pieces from his speed.
Part of him thinks he should let go, just finally let the ride take him like it was always supposed to.
Fitting that a violent life would lead to a violent end.
Until the ghost of you curls around his back, static before your pretty voice would ring through his ear pods because you called him on his way home from work.
"Careful Jiji, I just want you home in one piece."
Making him grip his brakes as fast as possible without flinging himself over the handlebars, stopped on the side of the shoulder as a few cars past by him.
He walks back the handful of miles to where he threw his phone, whistling lowly when he sees nothing but a star shower of glittering glass and smashed innards.
Kneeling down and determining that nothing was salvageable. Running his broad palm through his hair slowly.
God could he be anymore of a fuck up?
He was sure he couldn't.
But he'd be proved otherwise, when he turns on his new phone the next afternoon sees several missed calls from his foxy sister, from Taro and one from you at 3am.
Not a vague, not a message, a phone call. Voicemail flashing at the top of the fresh screen. Inked fingers fumbling over the glass as he goes to listen, your voice filling him with absolute dread.
How you try to force the venom into your tone, how you can't hide how you've been crying, how you're still shaking. Pouty lip wobbling from the weight he put on you by giving in to his anger.
"You better be fuckin dead."
Before the line goes as dead as he feels inside.
He really truly was a demon.
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Leeds Au Blurb #2
Summary: Leeds Fest 2022.
Warnings: Swearing (that's it I think?)
Author’s Note: You'll never bloody believe it but I bloody wrote something and managed to get it finished! It's not a lot but another little insight to our relationship with Ross! Hope you enjoy! Still trying to figure the rest of my shit out!
Word Count: 922 Words
You can read the main piece here and blurb #1 here
Performing at Leeds Fest as a guest performer with Pop Girly of the moment Charli XCX was never on your agenda for life. Performing at Leeds fest with her, the boys or in general was never on your radar but when Charli asked you over brunch one Sunday to cover Rina’s verse on your favourite song you couldn’t help but accept her invitation. You don’t think you could ever say no when it was at the place that meant so much to you. Especially when the boys were headlining the festival themselves too.
You had always been content on being behind the scenes, writing and creating music in the studio but the opportunity for yourself and your boys to be in your favourite place at the same time and both on the main stage. 
It was kismet.
You pulled at the edge of the leather mini skirt you had on that was identical to Charli’s as you watched nervously from the side of the stage, waiting for your moment when a large calloused hand that you knew very well slipped into your own, giving you a comforting squeeze before he pressed a warm kiss to your temple. You didn’t need to look up to know that it was Ross, his signature aftershave invading your senses.
“You’re going to smash it darling. I know you are.”
He whispered into your hair before muttering; “You look incredible by the way.” As he pressed a kiss to your head once more. There was no time to thank him for his words because by the time you were taking a deep breath and only just about managing to squeeze Ross’ hand back weakly, you heard Charli screaming your name and you were strutting onto the stage with a quick good luck pat to the bum from Matthew and the rest was just a blur.
As was the after show party when you arose the next day.
The bassline of the track George was playing was thumping through your veins as you danced a top of the table next to the decks he was currently playing. Charli grinding up against you as Matty swung his arms around your neck and thrusting another shot of tequila into your hands. Clinking your shot glasses together; the pair of you threw your heads back before bursting into a fit of giggles as Matty licked up the side of your neck in just another act of feral-ness that you had taken part in that evening.
As you returned to dancing with your best friend and shouting down to try and get her boyfriend’s attention; demanding he show you both some attention and failing quite spectacularly. An offer of a threesome passed your lips as you and Charli burst into a fit of giggles as George shook his head, as he continued to point blank refuse to look at either of you but you didn’t miss the smirk that etched it’s way on to his face as you dramatically smacked a kiss to the top of his bald head. 
An extended hand suddenly appeared in front of your face. Turning to look at who it belonged to, you found Ross who was balancing another bottle of beer and a glass of champagne in one hand and waiting for you to grab the other. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him, your smile so bright that Ross couldn’t help the flutter in his chest as he watched you jump into his arms.
Flinging your arms around his neck; Ross’ spare arm wrapped its way around your waist as he stumbled backwards, trying to keep the both of you upright. He couldn’t even be mad that the sheer force of you had sent your drinks spilling over himself when he heard you drunkly giggle in his ear. 
From that moment on; you didn’t leave his side. His large calloused hand sat warmly on your waist during every conversation with every single person who came up to congratulate you both on your performances. Your giddiness as you spoke, the drunker you got. But it was truly the moment you felt his finger slip between the waist line of your skirt, rubbing the skin there softly that your last bit of sanity fly straight out of the window!
Turning in his arms to look at him; you waited almost 0.2 seconds once his eyes were on you before throwing yourself at him and dragging him down to your level and smashing your lips against his. Dropping his beer; you could hear the fizz of it as it leaked out on to the floor as Charli’s screams filled your ears as he roughly pulled you in closer; squeezing your hips as you pushed yourself up against him. Your hands wound tightly into the hair at the nape of his neck, threatening to pull it out of the bobble he had stolen from you earlier.
It was like you were addicted; you couldn’t stop even as your friends cheered and screamed around you. You didn’t care that you were putting on a show, where anyone backstage could be filming you. All you wanted was Ross, his lips on yours, his tongue in your mouth, his hands squeezing at the flesh of your arse. When you finally pulled away, you looked up at him, all doe eyed as he caught his breath. Resting his head against yours; he managed to whisper out a soft, “What was that for?”
“It felt like the right thing to do!” You shrugged innocently.
It wasn’t the last time it happened (that night) !!!
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stormxpadme · 2 months
the fake fic ask game
Title: White Lightnin' bound to drive you wild
Tags: Mission Gone Wrong, Safe House, There's only one bed, Rivals to Lovers, Awkward Confessions, Touch Starved, First Kiss, Laughter and Humor, Sass and Snark, Mutual pining, Idiots in love
You can either do the same summary for both or two different story summaries. :D (And yes, the title is a song lyric from a song I LOVE.)
the fake fic ask game
Okay, this definitely screams for two stories :D.
a) old X-Men movie verse, set within my main X-Men verse
White Lightnin' bound to drive you wild
It's 20 years after the Battle of Liberty Island, and after the latest couple of almost apocalyptic crises and the odd near-death experience, deaths, and resurrections, Scott finally makes good on his promise regarding a holiday in the Maldives to his wife. Because it's Scott and holidays though, also known as opposite polarities, that planned beach hangout doesn't turn out as it was meant to, of course. The general global mood regarding mutants is once more not exactly shiny after Mystique just had the whole city of New York enslaved, emptied, and turned into a mutant paradise for a while. So when there's an unexpected tropical storm threatening the island group where Scott and Katja are residing and Katja reluctantly reveals herself to the rest of that beach resort in order to clear the sky with her powers and prevent damage and casualties in that little paradise, our heroes are faced with hostility instead of gratitude. Before the situation can get too ugly, our lovebirds are extracted with the Blackbird piloted by Remy and Marie, just having come back from a mission, who have been alerted by Jean telepathically that they need to make a little detour. Sensing how devastated their friends are by the spoiled holiday and the ongoing discrimination issues, Marie and Remy decide against flying back to Westchester but take the jet to Marie's former home state instead as she knows they'll not run into a lot of people there in the countryside. In a run-down country club with lots of karaoke fun, the two couples enjoy a surprisingly nice evening, coming to terms with the realization there are a lot of places even for mutants to enjoy the merits of normalcy and that it doesn't have to take luxury escapes and cocktails under palm trees for a little bit of true happiness.
b) current cartoon verse, taking place after episode 3.5
Mission Gone Wrong, Safe House, There's only one bed, Rivals to Lovers, Awkward Confessions, Touch Starved, First Kiss, Laughter and Humor, Sass and Snark, Mutual pining, Idiots in love
After that whole drama with Maddie and Nathan, Scott and Jean have decided to divorce as they can no longer tell what is and was real in their relationship and can't stand even sleeping in the same bed anymore. After having earned a painful rejection by Jean himself, Logan has finally given up on that dream that was never meant to be and reluctantly comes to Scott's support in keeping the things in the mansion together while Scott is still shaken from having to give up on his newborn son and now his relationship. Challenging his old rival in regular Danger Room sessions to distract Scott and help him keep his mind and body sharp, Logan realizes that with those burdensome feelings and rivalry regarding Jean out of the way, Scott and he have a lot more in common than they'd used to think. Bit by bit, Logan even gets Scott to let go of his latest control issues a little and engage in team activities like cooking and sports for fun which almost ends with Scott burning down the kitchen, trying to make Canadian pancakes for them for breakfast though, and more than one awkward boner in public on Logan's side because Scott looks and moves just as ridiculous as hot in baseball shorts. Obviously, none of them makes a move though because they're firmly convinced, the other one still hates them. When the team receives a distress call by Forge regarding Ororo, Logan and Scott leave for Forge's home only to find it half in ruins and their ally gone, with Ororo nowhere to be seen. After combing the area in vain for hours, they're being attacked by the same mysterious enemy who has already taken their friends and need to return to the house for Logan to patch Scott up and for both of them to take an hour of rest. Which means having to share the only intact bed left while at home in the mansion, Jean telepathically tries to find a new lead for them to follow. Waiting for those news, Scott and Logan, to absolutely no one's surprise but their own, end up fucking their frustration and anxiety away.
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Quick overview on Lilli's Pokémon... Rewrite? Verse? Idk what this is lmao
All I really know for sure is that I have a lot of thoughts about pokemon's lore and plotlines. I want to try my hand at connecting stuff with a little more continuity because it's fun! There's no way I can get to everything because we'd be here all day, but I figured I'd set up the basic premise and include some fun notes/headcanons!
My general idea is focusing from the anime (up until Horizons) while also including more components from the games (such as more of the SWSH plot/rivals, Emma from XY's post game, Zinnia and the Delta Episode, etc). I also include a multitude of my own original characters, along with some of my friends' (most prominently @starkitters's goobers). Storylines are generally divided up by "sagas" based on the original generation they take place in! I may include some Horizons as it would coincide with ScaVio, but I need to catch up with that series (though from the looks of it it’s all pretty banger)!
This concept is definitely going to mostly get smaller things of art/comics/drabbles and whatnot rather than a full-fic/comic series or whatever because... oh gosh there's way too much. Also obviously not going to cover every single anime episode bit by bit because that would make me insane!!
As for a general timeline— a lot of this main stuff would kinda unfold in the span of 2-3 years? I might make it longer, but then again a lot can happen in even just a month, y’know? Generally, Ash would stay 10 between Indigo League-Advanced, 11 by DP-XYZ, and 12 during SuMo-Journeys. The Legends Arceus shenanigans would probably be during Journeys and the ScaVio stuff is definitely after (I'm thinking potentially a year or so after Journeys' saga would be wrapped up? Though it could even be immediately after idk).
There is. A ton of information even just in this little intro post, and a lot of it isn’t even fully concrete either. But if you find the time to read through it all, I’d really appreciate feedback!
General/Introductory Information
Earlier involvement from rivals/evil teams such as the Galar Rivals, N and Team Plasma, Team Skull, etc! All of that will be covered more in the respective sagas they all appear in, lol
I'm kind of on the fence for whether or not more player characters would be included? May, Dawn, and Serena are canon companions/major characters the anime, I'm including Brendan as Birch's son and Lucas as Dawn's twin brother, Akari and Rei are both going to be native to Hisui, etc.
So far, the mc roles that are taken up by OCs include my characters Lilac (involved in XYZ/SuMo but becomes a Swsh Gym Challenger), Stacy (Emmet's daughter, travels back to Hisui to find her missing Uncle), and Chrys (main Naranja student involved with Nemona, Arven, Penny, and also Kieran and Blueberry stuff). @starkitters's oc Arthur also kinda takes an mc role as Hop's bestie/neighbor and the two of them work with the knight-wolf duo (Zacian and Zamazenta) instead of Ash and Goh just kinda... feeling shoved in there. Ash and his Journeys buddies still get involved in the Darkest Day shenanigans, but another Gym challenger/Hop's bestie)
While characters like Red and Blue/Green aren't really going to be involved since Ash and Gary already kinda take up those roles, there is potential in making like... Ash's dad a Red-esque character? A character based on Leaf? We've also gotten cameos of Jimmy (Gold/Ethan) and Marina (Krys) from the old OVAs and Lyra is briefly seen during DP... but tbh we get so little on them it wouldn't be too difficult to make the OVAs an au or something? I'll have to play with all of it.
The Black and White/Best Wishes saga is going to get some major storyline reworks. Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobuffet, etc) aren't going to start actually doing evil shit/working directly with Giovanni out of nowhere. Rather, they get have their own route uncovering stuff about N and Team Plasma, which follows more of the storyline from BW1. Characters from BW2 like Colress and Hugh are definitely still going to appear and their deal won't really change too much, but I'll have to figure out their involvement (especially with Colress he’s got a lot of potential for his own stuff imo). Cheren and Bianca are in a "halfway" sorta period and acting as apprentices for Lenora and Juniper respectively.
I'm mostly going off of the Scarlet side of the ScaVio storyline, with Naranja Academy being in Mesagoza and Sada being the professor inside Area Zero. However, Uva Academy and Turo are also going to be involved! Essentially, Naranja is a school that focuses on helping its students figure out and prepare for careers connected with pokemon (trainers, coordinators, breeders, doctors/nurses, etc) in a more general sense. Uva Academy in Zapapico is primarily a research school (especially prominent for professors and scientists) while Blueberry in Unova specializes in professional battling (League Members, Battle Facilities, etc). Naranja provides courses and connections for careers Uva and Blueberry have niches in, but it's the difference between attending a more well-rounded school and attending a specialized one, if that makes sense.
Turo develops the Terastral Orbs used throughout the Paldea region, while Sada focused on Area Zero and develops the time machine that brings past and future Paradox Pokemon. Their relationship is super complicated and messy /pos. I don't think they ever got officially married, but they're 100% divorced in spirit.
Since the games kinda write Sada and Turo interchangeably (even outside of the whole AI deal) and they're described in the same ways besides pronouns and stuff, I want to make the professors a little more distinct from each other. Sada dives head-first into her passions and doesn't like anything or anyone holding her back, Turo is more conscientious but can come off a lot colder than he intends sometimes, etc.
I know most people hc the Subway twins (Ingo and Emmet), Elesa, Skyla, etc to be in like their late 20s/early 30s... but since I gave Emmet a daughter who's the mc of the Legends Arceus saga... they're actually gonna be slightly younger than Lusamine (around 38 or so) lmao. Let's get more nice and hot older adults up in here
Silver (Giovanni's son/Johto rival) is included! Since there's already a baby Lugia in the anime named Silver and that's just... too perfect, this rendition of the character is going to be named Sage (Yomogi in Japanese). I'm still figuring out his personality and stuff since Paul's whole "be the strongest/pokemon are just tools" thing was pulled from game!Silver, but I kinda want to play with Sage being a little more mellowed out by the time we would meet him in Johto Journeys? He acts as an assistant for Professor Elm, and is surprisingly great with raising pokemon despite the edgy tough-guy act he usually keeps up. He and Brock can nerd out about breeding and nuturing techniques and stuff.
An original team I made myself, Team Comet, acts as a foil of sorts to Team Flare. They’re fighting over (literal) life and death
I’m not entirely sure how to make this work, but I really want AZ’s ultimate weapon to be the (super buffed up) prototype of the healing machines used in pokemon centers. Like… the current machines extract infinity energy from deceased pokemon’s remains (such as ashes and stuff) instead of. Y’know. Draining living pokemon of that energy directly, causing them to die. AZ himself developed this practice as an attempt to redeem himself from all of the tragedy he caused in the name of his Floette. His full name is Azrael Jovalie… making him a pivotal ancestor to the Joy family.
Several large family-clans are the primary leaders of international organizations. The Joy family runs the pokemon centers and overall healthcare facilities, Jenny family runs the international and local police departments, the Jordan family are firefighters who provide aid and try to prevent natural disasters, etc (they may be involved with pokemon rangers? I’m not entirely sure). Others are obviously welcome to work in these forces as well, and members of these families aren’t (usually) forced into working the family business if they want to pursue other goals.
Obviously the anime has all the service-people look identical to safe on time and everything, but I think making unique designs and characters for the Joys, Jennys, etc is a fun concept! No matter their gender or ethnicity, almost every member of a poke-business family have hair and eye colors in the same spectrum. For example, almost every Joy has pink hair that’s styled in circular/drop shapes to some capacity, and blue eyes. Jennys have teal/turquoise hair in lightning shaped styles, and brown eyes. Jordans have charcoal black hair that looks like smoky wisps, and fiery orange/gold eyes.
Xerosic (creepy ass scientist dude who forces you to push a button and coaxes Emma into his expansion suit testing) was originally from Ultra Megalopolis. I’m not entirely sure how to connect him to all the Team Flare stuff??? Or even how exactly he ends up in Kalos but he was part of the Ultra Recon Squad and volunteered to travel to the “main” pokemon world for the to see where Necrozma might try to take all the light next. But when he actually shows up there, he just. Doesn’t care. He’s so fascinated by all of the different pokemon and how energy manifests in such different ways… All he wants to do is learn everything he can about it
Eternatus is an Ultra Beast! The ricochet from AZ’s Ultimate Weapon woke it up and caused the first darkest day.
Builing more from the Adventures manga, Galar was already starting to lose its energy, but the issue is actually going to be addressed far more openly. As Eternatus slept for thousands of years, its dynamax energy gradually dies down to the point where it can’t really be used as a proper resource— especially not to power so many of Galar’s communities. Rose definitely pushed a lot of the reliance of dynamax energy in recent history, but I’m certain Galar has relied on Eternatus for even longer. What makes Rose’s plan to wake Eternatus up again even more messed up (besides putting so many people and pokemon in danger), is that he’s essentially harvesting Eternatus of its energy: Wake it up to get the dynamax levels up again, (have Leon) catch it so it doesn’t go back to sleep… Rose sees the pokemon less as an actual creature and more like a walking power plant, definitely in part with how different Eternatus looks from “normal” pokemon.
The original Sun/Moon storyline with Lusamine and her kids happens first (Lusamine is a mix of the doting from the anime and her abuse from the games… she’s messy /pos). Then, around the time Ash and his friends meet Poipole, that’s when we’d meet the Ultra Recon squad and get into the Necrozma stuff.
Y’know Goh’s whole thing with wanting to catch Mew? How Jessie’s mom died in pursuit of Mew? And the eventual data she found was used for Mewtwo’s creation? Do you see how I’m connecting the dots?
Misc Information
Harley is one of Karen's cousins, making them both descendants of Sanqua (Galaxy Team's Construction Leader) and her little brother, Melli (Diamond Clan Warden of Coronet Highlands). Obviously... we can tell who took after who even after all these years, lmao. They also have a baby cousin (one of my ocs lol) named Jimson from Laverre City (Kalos) who is currently one of the Blueberry League Club's Biome Leaders! He specializes in psychic types... and is lowkey a chuunibyou (really commits to the wizard/witch act)
While Serena is in Hoenn, she meets Lisia and the two become girlfriends besties! They’re like twelve so idk if they’d actually do anything with their feelings but the mutual pining is very very apparent. Their ship name is Dreamshowshipping!
Chloe is highkey a lesbian. That’s just always how I’ve interpreted her??? She’s constantly shocked that Ash knows all of these cute girls. I think her and Iris eventually being a couple would be very cute. If Flowershipping isn’t taken, I shall call them that!
Because I am not immune to @yamujiburo’s propaganda of Hanamusashipping (Hiii Kiana if you’re reading through all of this I am so honored and so sorry it’s so much gjdhdhdhs), I love the idea that Jessie and James start a poly/ish thing with Delia!! By that I mean Delia and James are more so queerplatonic and Jessie is smooching both of them lmao. Ash’s step parents have been here the whole time yippee!!
Arven gets a harem to make up for all the trauma (/j but also not). He gets 2 boyfriends (Giacomo and Drayton) and a girlfriend (Copaia, my main Uva student character). They are all bisexual, bet u didn’t know that ;p
Carmen and Amarys are lesbians and girlfriends!! They’ve been dating for 2 years until the main events of the ScaVio saga
I’m not entirely sure what to do with Indigo League’s Elite 4 since it changes between Kanto and Johto?? Will and Karen are definitely well-known trainers (and possibly even coordinators?) in their own right, but idk if or when they would take Lorelai and Agatha’s places. They might become members around Journeys (since I’m treating that as a general 2 years since Indigo League), but that’s very much up in the air.
Xerosic straight up ditches his daughter (Zossie). Which. He was never that good of a parent anyways but.
Klara is the younger sister of Lacey’s mother (who I have as an oc), making her an aunt! She gave Lacey her Galarian slowpoke/slowbrow.
Lucy is Kieran and Carmine’s older cousin. I know the go-to is that she’s their mom but Lucy’s vibe is more around her early 20s or so to me.
Because I adore the concepts I’ve found from @critterbitter and their mutuals, Ingo and Emmet are Drayden’s nephews. Which makes Stacy and Drayton second cousins— there’s so much comedic potential there you have no idea. Keep in mind that Drayden is also paternal figure to Iris, and Hop and Leon are her cousins… the family tree gets real complicated real fast lmao
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diveyne · 9 days
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VAMPIRE VERSE : general, suited for urban & high fantasy, & specifically pertaining to v rising.
i'm trying to do this as a multiple birds with one stone so i don't need to make 4389758934 vampire verse posts. but the generalized vampire verse is made to fit all possible generalized vampire settings where vampires are more or less " traditional " without too much deviation from what we typically see as being the standard vampire, much akin to the urban fantasy world i've created for my oc @edensbite. as far as my general vampire verse is concerned, consider it urban fantasy in its main iteration, but know that it can be easily placed in historical fiction or specific worlds, just minorly altered per world as needed ( like for vtm, vampire academy, castlevania, supernatural, etc), to which i may update this post.
general. morgana and her sister were turned a millennia ago by their mother whilst in their mid 20s. they were born human, as their mother once was. they were not turned in the traditional sense as you would think of it, but mihira was once a witch who sought an end to a rise in conflict between supernatural beings that threatened to bring an end to them all. in consulting the gods of their coven, mihira ascended into what they saw as a higher being, a revenant of the woman she once was: a heretic, still a witch afflicted with vampirism. kilam feared the life this would lead for his daughters, so he took them and fled before they came of an age where mihira would want her daughters to ascend with her to grow her coven of heretics to fight in the war plaguing the land. the girls were still burgeoning with wild magicks in their veins, untrained, with nothing to temper their abilities and no one to teach them how to control their gifts.
kayle thought vampires as they were to be evil, amongst the other demons to be eradicated from the earth, and morgana argued that they, too, were deserving of life. she thought the conflict was ridiculous, that witches, too, were just as guilty as killing innocent humans, but humans weren't as innocent as they all thought, either. there was more nuance to everyone's existence than kayle cared to see, but morgana advocated for everyone. this caused the rift between them to grow bigger by the day, and one day, the breaking point came. in their fighting, kilam lay in the rubble of the burning village they called home. kayle sought their mother, to join her as an equal, but morgana sought her because she had no one else left to turn to and she needed answers. little did she know that betrayal would come twice in the form of an irreversible ritual spell that would transform her forever. kayle embraced it, but morgana was anguished and wracked with grief. she could still feel nature's call, but she could feel its scorn. trapped between a state of being half-alive, the need for blood remained to sustain her, though not as desperately as a pure vampire. now, she wanders the earth, estranged from mihira and kayle, biding her strength in time to put an end to kayle's disregard for life, feeding from both humans and vampires until they were nothing more than dried husks laying waste beneath the sun that smiled upon them no more.
she only hopes the hunger doesn't consume her, too.
v rising. morgana's family were humble humans of vardoran, once. mihira became a high-ranking member of the church of luminance, and kayle followed in quick pursuit. morgana, however, did not see all vampires as being truly evil. not all killed as they fed, and not all imprisoned humans as a permanent blood supply. some fed only from the creatures of the world, from each other to survive, or as needed from humans in passing, or any human allies they may have had. the conflict raging across their land was between vampirekind, with humans woefully caught in between as unfortunate collateral damage, and, unfortunately, food sources.
when dracula was felled and his blood rained over vardoran for seven days and seven nights, mihira, kayle, and morgana were amongst those forever changed by the vampire king's blood. kilam was not so lucky and tragically perished in the deluge of blood. like other members of the church, mihira and kayle saw this as a blessing and struck down vampirekind. unbeknownst to the two of them, though, was that in between the chaos of the world, morgana was born anew into a vampire prior to dracula's blood changing her. her life was upended completely on all fronts. no longer human, she's learning to survive, all while being gifted with greater boons than that of a normal vampire. while mihira and kayle keep to silverlight in brighthaven, morgana wanders all of vardoran, until the day comes she can cast her family down from their corruption against not only vampires, but humanity. so morgana, too, slumbered, with the rest of vampirekind, forgotten by her family, forgotten by the world, until the day came when the immortal's king call awakened her once more.
if joining the legion of noctum was the only way for her kind to survive, to put the church of luminance in its place . . . so be it.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 13 days
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Jo
OOC Contact: This blog, DM's, discord (selective), my main blog
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
This blog contains three muses at present:
Andrealphus - A Great Marquis of hell, a member of the Ars Goetia, brother of Stella, ex brother in law of Stolas (or brother in law pre divorce), Ice Queen/Elsa/Frosty Bitch. My Andre is canon divergent at times and takes inspiration from a fair amount of places. He is loud, proud, arrogant, showy, flashy, just like a true peacock. He is also quite cunning, ruthless, and conniving, especially if there is a way to obtain more power/status. He does have a much softer side, but it's buried under multiple layers of ice/is at the bottom of an iceberg so good luck getting to it!
Octavia - Princess of the Ars Goetia, daughter of Stolas and Stella, and a very much emo teen who is going through some shit and has issues. My Octavia will be canon divergent as the series goes on, because I highly suspect the narrative/writing and fandom will do her so damn dirty and she deserves better. She loves both her parents (albeit Stolas more than Stella) and is filled with anger, hurt and sadness. There is a joyful soul underneath, but it hasn't been seen in years....
Caim - Camio, a great president of hell (or soon to be whenever she takes over her father's role) who is part goetian, part youkai (tengu). Currently living in the human world but visits hell whenever the need arises. Is also Andre's close, and in some cases only friend and was his ex fiance at one point. Can be calm and level headed, and serious. However, she does have quite a bit of pride and so help you if you cross her. Very good with a sword and fast as lightning. Also married to a very beautiful, drop dead gorgeous and hot kitsune wife, who is just as deadly as Caim is. Tread cautiously.
Points of interest:
Andre - Has a lot of trust and intimacy issues, and deep down tires of the aristocratic bullshit that has governed his life since birth. Is a softie who will raise hell should anyone he cares about comes to harm.
Octavia - She's going through it and just wishes to be happy again. She takes after her dad more than her mom, especially when expressing joy/happiness.
Caim - Is a half blood/mix of demon and youkai, which makes it hard for her to truly settle in either world. She does her best to make it work, though!
What they’ve been up to recently:
Andre - Has been dealing with the bullshit that is Stella's divorce, her relation to the imp assassin she hired to off Stolas, and generally staving off the inevitable anxiety and panic attack both. Also struggling with intimacy and coming to terms with many personal issues. He's not handling any of these as well as he thinks he is.
Octavia - Found out the truth behind her parent's relationship, learned that her mother hired an assassin to take out her dad, got adopted by Lucifer in one verse, and is generally trying to make sense of the world she knew rapidly dissolving before her eyes.
Caim - Currently bouncing between realms while secretly working toward obeying her father's request: To take his spot in the Goetian hierarchy. She is trying to find a way to do this while keeping her life in the human world. She's also checking in on Andre from time to time, along with other acquaintances in hell. Sometimes her wife, Yui, will join her.
Where to find them:
Andre - His mansion, rich/fancy places, with Stella, roaming around some of the other levels of hell if required, at Goetian gatherings. But mostly you can find him in various areas of the Pride Ring.
Octavia - Stolas's mansion, with her mother, or roaming the Pride Ring.
Caim - At Andre's mansion, in various places in the Pride Ring, or her home on the outskirts of Tokyo.
Current plans:
Flesh out all three of my muses; have Octavia find her family again (found or otherwise) and connect with her old, happy self; have Andre find love and stable relationships, platonic or otherwise while also getting over his hangups with intimacy while also slowly letting go of the politics and bullshit that govern his life; just use Caim more in rp's and flesh her out as her own person instead of an Andre accessory.
Desired interactions:
Andre - enemies to lovers romance, shipping shenanigans, friendships or people tolerating him, threads where his beliefs and mindset are challenged, Andre finally losing his shit on Stella and the two having a full blown argument that ends in either a mess, or a better understanding of each other. Give me messy family drama! Also drama with other Goetia and befriending more sinners and those of the lower class.
Octavia - Found family, finding friends and just getting to be a happy teen?
Caim - I will take anything. Please interact with her.
Offered interactions:
I have a bunch of memes and open posts on my blog, but if you'd like to plot my DM's are open!
Current open post/s:
Open Posts, Memes, or any dash commentary posts tbh.
Anything else?:
Rules l Muses
I stole this from the dash.
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╰┈➤ Welcome, ###########.
“What is this place???”
- This is one of them classic ask blogs. Particularly for the A-Gang of Pokemon Rejuvenation; Aevis, Aevia, Axel, Ariana, Alain, and Aero.
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Ana and Crescent are also available, though more as guest appearances.
Heavy spoilers will be tagged depending on the chapter!
We try to stick as close to canon as possible. With a little hcs sprinkled in, as a treat,
considering we haven’t seen much direct interaction between the gang ingame yet save for a few scenes.
In technicality, a slight AU, but aren’t all ask blogs basically that???
- No nsfw. Please. Children are here. Also it’s just Weird. You’ll probably be blocked.
- RP accounts interacting is ok! Just don’t get snappy if something we respond with doesn’t match up with a part of the character’s verse (particularly if OC).
- The general DNI applies. If many people have you on this list, it’s probably for a valid reason!
- Art submissions are ok too but like...? You’re better off just posting regular fanart to the main tag lol. If it’s art for a specific interaction on the blog, that’s ok though.
- Do not spam the inbox. Do not also spam the inbox with questions asking why your question or previous spam isn’t answered yet. Try to keep it to five current asks at a time please! Shouldn’t be too difficult.
- When asking, PLEASE specify WHO of the group you’re asking. I can’t read minds. Sometimes I wish I could. But then I see what some people say just on main and think maybe it’s for the best.
- shipping asks are ok. i guess. don’t try to make it become the focus of this place though.
- do not ask about the next version. We are not giving any answers. It is progressing. That’s all you need to know. <3
╰┈➤ About the characters, I guess!
( All of the gang have all of the Pokemon given to them across all modes. The only canon teams are the Base [NORMAL] Mode teams. The other inclusions are for pure fun. )
--- Aevis (He/him)
BRAVERY. Aevis is a confident young man with a natural affinity for leadership. He does his best to keep the gang together even in rough patches. The type of guy to drop everything to help you out, and always has advice when you need it. He’s on the academy’s volleyball team, and may as well be their ace player! Aevis’s signature Pokemon are Decidueye and Lucario.
--- Axel (He/him)
CHAOS. Axel is the most mischievous of the group, no doubt about it. One could compare him to that of an Impidimp in personality. Always up for a joke, beloved by all. He’s very fond of his sister (who will often be the subject of his pranks.) Due to his excellent acting, he’s actually in the academy’s theater program! One day Axel’s chaos may be his own demise, and he often has some difficulty reading the room, but overall cares deeply for his friends as much as he pokes at them. Axel’s signature Pokemon are Feraligatr and Grimmsnarl.
--- Ariana (She/her)
HAPPINESS. Ariana is very peppy, and very scholarly. Her spirit shines brightly, and her optimism helps to lift the mood of any friend who may be down or such. You might think the pep would make you weary, but that tends to be quite the opposite. She’s always open to her friends who need help, and is on the academy’s cheerleading team! The main organizer of any group outings, whether that be to the mall or wherever else! Maybe she needs to take a bit for herself sometimes too. Ariana’s signature Pokemon are Blaziken and Altaria.
--- Aevia (She/her)
TRANQUILITY. Aevia is a little timid and anxious. She prefers to have her space, or only share it with people she’s familiar with. She gets rather nervous around new individuals-- enough to accidentally smack on instinct or such, apparently. Aevia is insanely talented- particularly in music. She knows how to play the Piano extremely well-- and bake excellently too. She has some issues... but she’s very sweet. Aevia’s signature Pokemon are Samurott and Lapras
--- Alain (They/she)
WRATH. Alain is rather scary to most. They’re rather aggressive to practically anyone at first, but once you get close to them, they tend to soften up a lot more (reluctantly, she may claim.) They are extremely protective of those she cares about, and will quite literally physically fight anyone who harms them. They’re actually rather creative. Their other talents include skateboarding/skating and graffiti art-- and are most often found sitting in silence with Aero. Best to give them their space. Alain’s signature Pokemon are Tazer (Partner-Pika) and Kangaskhan.
--- Aero (They/he)
STRENGTH. Aero is quite studious and cool. Rather laid back. They tend to prefer their space a lot, yet he’s a pretty strong people magnet regardless. People feel safe in their presence, and that is no different when they’re with their friends. Strong and silent, the popularity is to his chagrin. They just wanted to live their life with Alain. Aero took up being the academy’s star boxer, and is the strongest trainer of the group. Strength, however, comes in both physique and heart. Aero’s signature Pokemon are Delphox and Salamence.
--- Ana (She/her)
Signature Pokemon; Magne(mite)zone and Magearna.
--- Crescent (She/they)
Signature Pokemon; Gothitelle and Roaring Moon
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distortedclouds · 1 year
What to you signals out a character as a bottom to you like Annie, and as a top like Armin
Superficially, it's who would look better bottoming lol
Seriously though, prefer a character's sexual dynamic as the complete opposite of how they are/forced to be in the day to day life
For one, Annie gives off the air that no one can fuck with her. So no one does. She's not a push over and she stands her ground. I can see this continuing on post-canon
Now, Armin isn't exactly the opposite, but his day-to-day life (especially post canon) is him trying to get things under control and barely succeeding. He's trying to be a good leader, a persuasive speaker and diplomat with other politicians. Essentially while Armin also stands his ground, the role required of him as an ambassador is to be liked by others and to make compromises
I'll admit, they're both verses with a heavy preference to either topping or bottoming in my book, but my point still stands
I like Annie as the complete opposite in bed. Loud, easy, and absolutely not in control. Kind of a break and a place to feel safe
Same with Armin, for most of his life, things going terribly wrong and out of control feel like his fault, making him a top gives him a little secluded corner where he can make good by being the main actor
And hoo boy don't get me started on them switching, that's a whole other complex section of their characterization. Though, It's like when I talked about it in a previous answer (pretty sure it was the reblog of an answer, but anyways) Armin is lead into bottoming when the pressure of being in control gets too much and I think Annie steps right up for the job
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fcatton · 4 months
ok so felix's main bg3 verse. . .
the cattons are a noble high elf family in the upper city. felix will become a ranger like his father was, and vee will not settle one a class, though she absolutely does not want to go worship at the hands of any deity so catch her living the life of a lady. farleigh is a half elf -- his mother married a human from another city in faerun, which is where farleigh was until his father passed away. now farleigh lives at saltburn with the twins.
felix meets quentin coldwater, a human wizard, when they are still young enough to be boys running around together. they pick up @devi1lute somewhere along the way, during tavern's early courtesean's days in the upper city. the three of them are quite an unstoppable force. that is until oliver quick comes into their lives.
felix doesn't know he was in love until that love was ripped from him. in order to try to secure felix for himself, oliver uses tricks he's learned from years with the guild to take quentin out of the picture, making it seem like an accident. while ollie thinks that'll force felix to turn to him, it's tavern he turns to in grief. that's when the anger comes. that's when oliver decides his infamous if i can't have him no one can.
thanks to his training, felix's body knows the effects of poison once it's ingested. he throws back up the wine that oliver gave him and sets out to try to find the bastard. it's while he's out in the woods that the illithids pick him up. while it seems to be fate, it was actually oliver. he set up a deal. oliver's prize? saltburn.
he doesn't anticipate the hero's journey that felix is about to embark on.
as a deeply neutral good aligned character, felix aligns with @we4ved from the moment he pulls him from the rock. while falling in love is slow for them both for such different reasons, felix is quick to deny anyone else's advances in camp. it isn't that gale reminds him of quentin. . . it's just that gale wants him to himself in the same ways quentin did.
he falls for the man much easier than the magic and the ambition. those are pieces of gale as much as his jokes and his love of books are. the whole package is needed together, and with it felix can stay up all night by the fire just talking to him. they make a perfect team, especially with karlach and shadowheart on either side.
when the battle is done, gale does what felix thinks is the unthinkable: he chooses to ascend to godhood over felix. after everything they'd been through, he felt the need to do this, without felix by his side. it breaks felix's heart, but he stays in baldur's gate to rebuild with those still there.
seeing gale again for the first time in six months, knowing he'd found his way to godhood on his own, left felix concerned with what might happen. astarion seemed to think the fact that felix wanted to put on his party best when whithers' portal appeared was outrageous. . . but he helped him anyway. the two had grown much closer now that they could claim a shared title as hero. at least astarion didn't judge whatever felix needed to do in the night to try to get over his love.
but it seems every moment spent trying to forget gale could be thrown out the window the moment he sees him again. glimmering silver in the light of his new powers, felix tries his hardest just be with his friends. . . but eventually he wanders to get gale alone. while wyll thinks it foolish that a god could love a mortal man, felix knows that they love they shared ties their bonds still. one night together again becomes many and after another six months pass it becomes obvious that felix's time will be spent in the mortal realm in the home he creates with scratch and tara in baldur's gate, and gale's realm amongst the pantheon.
he will never become a god, but he's an elf. he'll live long and take care of the city. when his time comes, instead of passing on to the heavens he belongs, his soul will move to it's place beside gale forever.
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felix's dream guardian is q. yes it hurts as much as you think it will when he eventually realizes that q is in fact dead.
this is just his main verse cause i developed it with darian while i was playing through the run and i based it on the ending i actually got lol. the more we talked about it today, the more i realized i LOVE what can be for god!gale and felix.
i will super selectively ship felix in this verse. it would either be an AU where felix and gale do not get together OR after felix gets his heartbroken and then decides not to get back together with gale. felix is still hella gay.
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tewwor · 5 months
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships! ( accepting )
amaro— oh lets go, vampire verse with either him all hackled raised / friend or foe (he Really doesn’t like other vampires until it’s known if they’re terrible or not), or…… would he interesting if there’s maybe ties with his maker? not by creation per se, but maybe knowing / even worked with her — which would have him be less….. guarded / cutthroat. Sort of.
bushel — could be/seem like an every day joe in his main verse. Could lend a hand in tight situations. Could lend two ears to listen on a random whim. Could be a neighbor that happens to grow way too many crops and brings harvest baskets over. I do have a verse where he’s also a singer, scorned by his ex which he separated from either custody of their child — honestly, he’s just trying to figure things out here.
eun — if she needs some kindness in her life… look no further. Though, i do have a crime verse for him where he’s less so (family comes first always and he’s less hung up about taking extra steps to make sure his brother’s safe). But in his main verse he’s all soft and wants what’s best for others even if they step on him in the process. Also cooks real good and can definitely handle his own in bad situations (just reluctant to do so/will apologize the entire time).
dhrish — let me just…. Open to door to haneul’s inn. Could’ve been led to said inn by dhrish himself, or happen to stumble across this fantastical place and be greeted by this bundle of energy. Super talkative, chock full with useless knowledge, just wants to do the right thing while also being way too anxious at the same time. This can also be adapted to a crime setting — think of the continental from joh n wick!
simon — well, what can i say besides demons will be demons. Or at least he will be, at least. Always out to strike a deal and slurp up a soul regardless of how nice (not kind) he seems. Also a verse where he’s a famous singer that gathers his pacts by exposure, but he’s always found in places at the wrong time by choice
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youhideastar · 1 year
Given the opportunity for Wen Qing to give Lan Wangji the ancient fantasy China version of The Shovel Talk about Wei Ying in any of your ‘verses that series of events could’ve happened, how do you see that going? 🍿👀
Anon, this is SUCH a good question, I have been thinking about it all week!
There’s actually a very limited window in which such a shovel talk could happen - it has to be after Wen Qing becomes seriously emotionally invested in Wei Wuxian (so let’s say, post-golden-core-transfer) but before she shuffles off this mortal coil. That narrows it down to Sunshot, the WWX Lotus Pier Depression Interregnum, and the Burial Mounds arc. And Wen Qing just flat-out isn’t around Wei Wuxian or Lan Wangji during those first two periods. So it’s got to be either a Burial Mounds thing, or take place in an AU.
I’ve already done the “AU” option, sort of, in The Dare - it’s not a shovel talk per se, because there aren’t any threats, but it’s a “Wei Wuxian is precious to me and very vulnerable so you better be fucking serious about this,” which I think is probably close enough. 😂 (Honorable mention to A Sword With No Hilt, in which Wen Qing delivers a shovel talk to Wei Wuxian on Lan Wangji’s behalf.)
As for the Burial Mounds... well, that happens to be my next WIP on deck, which is this one! (cw for sex work, not between the main characters) The fic has a scene that, while not quite a shovel talk, hopefully is close enough to fit the bill, and it’s below. (Note that, if you haven’t read the previous scene, linked in this paragraph, then this new scene will not make any sense.) Hope you enjoy!
As Wen Qing leads him through the settlement, she shows him a house, still in progress; fields and crops with their neat, orderly rows of green. There is not much to show, in truth – the amount of worked land is still small. She conspicuously does not offer to show him the interior of the palace, or any of the caves.
Once she has led him to the edge of the settlement, away from the others—which was clearly her intent all along—she pauses and looks out over the wasted landscape of cinder-grey trees.
“You were invited,” she says.
She nods. “So you met Wei Wuxian in town. Before you came to the Burial Mounds.”
Still not looking at him, she says, “Sometimes, Wei Wuxian goes to town in the morning, to buy food, or to take A-Yuan on an outing.”
“Sometimes, he goes to town in the evening.”
Ah. Wen Qing knows, Wei Ying had said. Still, Lan Wangji says nothing.
“Yesterday, it was the evening,” she remarks.
Lan Wangji makes no response.
“Hanguang-jun met Wei Wuxian at the inn, perhaps.”
Anything Lan Wangji could say would only make this moment even more excruciating. He does not try.
Wen Qing nods, as if his silence is itself an answer. “And you came anyway.”
He is not sure what she means by that. “I came to see Wei Ying.”
“And having seen him,” she says, “you stayed.”
“Yes,” Lan Wangji replies. That was never in question.
Now, finally, she turns to him. A small smile hovers on her lips. “Hm,” she says, and nothing more. But he can tell that she had set him a test, and that he passed it. Good.
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wrathfulmercy · 9 months
4. how do your decide on an FC for a new muse? 6. which of your muses has the most unique comfort food? 13. which of your muses would you consider to be the best cook? 21. which of your muses tends to get attached to people / things the fastest? 27. which of your muses has the best / most attuned gut instinct? do they listen to it? 28. which of your muses has had the most character growth since you started writing them?
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Q’s for a multimuse from here @wexarethewalkingxdead
4. how do your decide on an FC for a new muse
I mean mostly I play Canon characters so the faceclaim search is already done BUT when I make an OC (and I have two atm) I first create the character and the story and then I search for a face or person that fits the energy. Like for Alex I had in mind she should be a female Negan version, so dark hair, quirky energy, sunshine, adventurous and a little tease. It was a coincidence I found Inbar cause I never saw anything she did before but then I watched some scenes with her and was like YES that fits. For Daena it was the same, she should be a mixture between Viserys and daemon as their little sister so I needed a woman with very light hair and typical Targaryen face features which need very sharp cheekbones for example and not the average kind of beauty. I never watched anything of Samara either but her face just fitted her character best. And I try not to take the faces that are too overused. Hope that helps :)
6. which of your muses has the most unique comfort food?
Hmmm I think none of them really has a super unique comfort food. It’s maybe unique that Alex doesn’t like sweets much so she would prefer Asian take out. Rick is an absolute sweet tooth. Negan loves his meat. Daemon and Tommy do not really care about food, they rather drink. So maybe Daena has the most unique comfort food in her world cause she loves lemon tarts since she never had them when she grew up and discovers them in the capitol. So for her it’s super unique, for the people in Westeros it’s probably not.
13. which of your muses would you consider to be the best cook?
Negan without a question.
21. which of your muses tends to get attached to people / things the fastest?
Rick. For sure!
27. which of your muses has the best / most attuned gut instinct? do they listen to it?
Tommy. He’s super smart and always listens to his instincts. I guess Rick comes with Daemon on second place but Tommy is a clear analyst and the most intelligent.
28. which of your muses has had the most character growth since you started writing them?
Alex and Tommy I would say. Alex because she was so detached from any relationships and saw everything as fun and a game until she suddenly started to settle for people she fell in love with. She really turnt into a mother bear with the time and I love that for her. Tommy I would say had his biggest growth in the variety I write him. Every muse I write has a base you can see in every verse. They’re still different but some main character traits are the same. Tommy though is so damn different in his peaky blinders verse compared to the actor or Harry Potter verse. And he differs so much depending on the people he meets. I love how complex he is and I guess that’s one reason I enjoy writing him so much atm.
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