#el moco
helenapsent · 2 years
Again, I didn't make it in time for my due date, but nevertheless…
It's Love and Healthy Relationship Week, and I drew some pictures of beautiful men in love for the occasion
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/By now, you've all guessed that I've built my whole stupid life on this type, yes ---
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hornyblogofhelen · 1 year
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Okay, this is probably the second (?very long?) month I've been fantasizing about wanting to see Thriffith dancing with El Moco.
Some time ago I pondered that maybe if Thriffith likes flamenco (he likes not only the music but the dance itself, I guess + flamenco is literally "dance of the outcasts" or "dance of freedom"), he'd probably want to dive into it headfirst. However, something always got in his way (a damn talking Goodsword) and he couldn't fully learn the art of this dance.
And now that he's freed from everything and bonded with the outlaw society for good, I think El Moco might be able to help him with that. Surely El Moco knows this dance and he can beat out the rhythm of it with ease.
So, I think that at one point, El Moco will ask Thriffith to dance so that he can relax and release all of his violent energy. And as they dance, you can watch Thriffith give his all to the flamenco rhythm. Roughly speaking, you can see how El Moco was able to ignite him and let him open up in a new direction, how Thriffith discovered a new breath in himself to live on without any obstacles.
And what's to say, while they are dancing, there is a non-verbal mental chemistry going on between them, you can see it in their eyes.
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I'm sure this night of flamenco won't leave their heads for a long time and they'll both be looking for a time when they can dance together again after their travels and months of separation--
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luxthestrange · 1 year
G.I Incorrect Quotes#26 THAT SMILE-
Moco: What’s up with Y/n? They have been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Adeline: they're just a little overwhelmed
Hillie: Why?
Adeline:: Diluc smiled at them
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televisionenjoyer · 6 months
having a cold is so funny like where the fuck is all this snot even coming from
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biior · 1 year
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* BIOR BRUNET en la mano de dionisio en north heaven .
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mantecol · 2 years
debo ser el único pelotudo con una tremenda GRIPE EN VERANO
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anamhr · 1 year
“Sé positivo, paciente y persistente” (Banksy) Sin dudarlo, la belleza en una obra artística depende del ojo que lo mira. No todas las personas apreciamos por igual el arte. En los inicios de su carrera artística, allá por la década de los 90, este artista callejero inglés, fue uno de aquellos artistas que hacían lo que podían para no ser arrestados por vandalismo. Continue reading Untitled
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werewolf-goat · 2 years
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Ppl be on debates about powerscaling n shit back in the day we had techniques like the Haikyuu fist I'm not making this up look at it
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lukvas · 2 years
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𝐭𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐠 asistiendo como billy loomis / ghostface a la prueba #001: retorno al laberinto.     ( @lacupulaedits )
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trabandovidas · 2 years
Alguien que les enseñe a los gringos como militar por faavoorrrrr
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helenapsent · 11 months
2/2 Well that's really the end of it, you've had enough aesthetics for one day)0))
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hornyblogofhelen · 1 year
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I'm here again, but this time you can expect a "glass drama" from me, or I don't know what else to call it… However, my whole throw-in is that I need to write something about mocfith's (again, a reminder of the name of this peyringe), if I don't write it, I'll just forget about it.
What Was Behind the Scenes episode 5 of season 3 (this is just my headcanon, if anything). Thriffith, during his next wanderings with Goodsword, feels unbearably tired and mentally exhausted. Goodsword doesn't seem to shut up for a second, he keeps talking about the "mistakes" his swordsman made in the battle.
"- You lunged with the wrong foot! Why don't you watch out for that! Also, is it just me, or is your dodginess starting to go limp? You've gone all loose!!!" - said the magic sword.
Thriffith was annoyed by his boring tone of voice. He was all proud and arrogant and obnoxious. He remained silent, however, even though his face expressed displeasure. He wanted very much to let his talking opponent know that he should be looking for lodging now, not his problems. Not even that, he wanted to say something along the lines of, "Don't you have your own personal problems to discuss mine? Or are you so tight-lipped that you can't switch to something else, like discussing different surfaces, of which something is easier or harder to chop???"
But Thriffith only responded with a passive, "Yes, I know…"
After a while they came upon an outlaw tent with El Moco sitting by the fire. Thriffith was very reassured by this state of affairs. It's not a bad thing when you find a fellow traveler who still has an untouchable supply of shelter and, perhaps, food and water. That was not the case with Goodsword, who was clearly not thrilled.
Thriffith: Oh, that's the same King of Thieves who maintains the thief's market. We're very lucky to have met him! GS: I don't think so. Thriffith: Why? GS: He is the KING OF THIEVES. He's a CRIMINAL. Do you really want to communicate with him? With that rough, dirty ragamuffin?! I wouldn't do that if I were you! Thriffith, frowning: Just so you know, he's got a tent and food, and that's a lot better than sleeping on a cold stone ledge and swallowing dust from the road. And anyway, even bad guys can be great conversationalists. GS: Okay, maybe you're right, maybe I can agree with the first part of your sentence, but other than that, I'll stick to my point. Thriffith, dry: Whatever you say.
Of course, El Moco was very surprised at first and pointed his saber at the uninvited guests (he's always on guard, even though sometimes he doesn't need it). The magic sword didn't like it, and he was outraged:
GS: Thriffith, I told you this was a bad idea! Thriffith: Shut up! El Moco, realizing that he was facing an associate, not an enemy, and grinning: So you are the same Thriffith that all my minions are discussing? GS, coughing unhappily: K-hem! Why, just him? He has his magic sword - that's me - also! El Moco: A talking weapon? This is the first time I've ever seen one! But I'm not talking to you, though.
The sword was shocked by this, but Thriffith was very amused and pleased. The man was sorely lacking in attention. Certainly when you have a talking weapon, it's interesting to everyone and many people are happy with it, but then they forget about the person who owns it. They think of him later. But that's not the case with this outlaw, and Thriffith was simply delighted.
After a while, Thriffith and El Moko began to have a lively conversation about their lives and what they would like to do in the future. Moreover, they noticed that they have a lot in common, such as a point of view on certain things, actions, and even a love of flamenco (given that El Moco has Spanish-Mexican roots, he clearly trades in this, but does not tell anyone). Goodsword was very jealous. He wanted people to pay attention to him and talk about his favorite things, which were completely out of place. Thriffith tried to ignore him, and in general he would rather have the company of a robber than an upstart sword. But, alas, he was reluctant to compromise, which surprised the Robber King. El Moko noticed with what tension and hostility the swordsman sometimes responded to his weapon, so sometimes the robber himself had to stop them to continue the conversation with the former killer. Thriffith was eternally grateful to him for this.
Soon, when it began to get dark, all three put out the fire and went into the tent. Thriffith continued to talk to the robber, but Goodsword interrupted them.
" - You look so much like lovebirds! You can even kiss. Just don't invite me to your wedding, I'm obviously going to be sick at it. " - insulted the magic sword of both, although for the most part it was directed at the owner, who noticed it.
El Moco didn't like it very much, and Thriffith got angry, but didn't show it. He only asked Goodsword, with dislike in his voice, what he wanted to say. The magic sword told these two everything he was thinking about: about his superiority, that he did not like their communication, that El Moco had a bad effect on Thriffith, and in addition, it would be nice for him to remember stories with heroes and swords.
Thriffith: Did you say everything? GS: Yes. Thriffith: Beautiful. GS: And now, with your permission, I'm going to bed. Thriffith: Go. Good night. GS: Good night.
After the magic sword fell asleep, ceasing to glow, the former killer finally exhaled and sat down on the edge of the mattress. El Moco sat down next to him.
El Moco: It really surprises me how toxic your weapon is towards you. I think this is wrong Thriffith: I really don't like it myself… El Moco: Why don't you leave him or discuss it with him? Thriffith: It's useless. He won't listen to me. And leave him… he will be very offended.
At this point, Thriffith checked whether the sword was really sleeping. He raised his voice, but weapon didn't react. And the man was very encouraged.
El Moco: It's like you're afraid of him. Thriffith: Partly yes… El Moco: I can understand you. My mother has exactly the same character. And she was always unhappy with me. And she called me a loser… Thriffith: Oh, that's very sad… She shouldn't have done this to you. El Moco: I agree, but, oddly enough, she insulted and shouted at me every day. Eventually I got so tired of her that I left home. And it became much easier for me. I met people, I began to lead a criminal lifestyle and look at what heights I have achieved! I have gained authority, I have my own market and even a huge number of employees who respect me. Some, however, sometimes "undermine" my trust, but then they realize this and correct themselves. And for someone, I have replaced my father's figure altogether, which pleases me. Thriffith: You have such an interesting life! I 'm even a little jealous … El Moco: I'm sure you'll achieve that too. What is it, you have already achieved! You are respected among criminals, and someone even trembles when saying your name! What is not a reason for joy? Thriffith: Ha-ha, that's right, but… I prefer not to think about it… El Moco: Is that eating you up? Thriffith: I'm a little embarrassed to burden you with my story… El Moco: Oh, please, you don't burden me at all! On the contrary, I'm interested in talking to you. You didn't just switch to a normal life, right? You can tell me everything. I can see that it's hard for you. You need to talk it out. Thriffith: That's so nice to hear… Well… the thing is, in part, Goodsword replaced my parents. I listened to his advice and did everything he said. He taught me the art of sword fighting and, in principle, initiated the fighters into the matter, and told me a lot of interesting things. But as I got older, I stopped liking it. No, not in the sense that I don't want to be a fighter, I still want to be one, but I don't want to be called a "hero". It's very boring. I wanted to learn something new, try something new. One day, with the help of Goodsword, I made a barbecue, which he was very unhappy with and yelled at me. And when I became interested in flamenco, he didn't like it either. He simply forbade me to deal with these things. And I believed him… but soon I wanted to develop my own fighting style, and I began to actively change the trajectory of my movements. El Moco: And your weapon didn't like it again, am I right? Thriffith: Yes! He was so enraged that he scolded me and insulted me. He called me an "empty-headed idiot," an "incompetent bastard."… Whatever he called me. I was so hurt and hurt… After that time, I had a nightmare in which Goodsword cuts me in half and pierces me through. I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't sleep for fear. I shed a lot of tears that night. I had such a strong tantrum that my sword itself woke up. I didn't tell him about the contents of the nightmare, but just told him that its scared me. Goodsword calmed me down and said that everything would be fine, but deep down I suspected that this was not the case, and everything would change from that day on. I somehow came to my senses and went to bed almost in the morning. But even then, Goodsword wouldn't let me sleep in the morning and squeezed all the strength out of me all day. Because of this, I started having trouble sleeping and I became more tired. El Moco: Damn, that's bad… Thriffith: This went on for a very long time… Insults, reproaches, nightmares… I was very tired and wanted to tell him everything I thought about him, but I didn't do it. And one day he and I came across an old temple where the Scimitar was serving his imprisonment... Goodsword had warned me not to touch him, but I didn't care so much about him at that moment. I acted against him: I decided to take the Scimitar and told him that I wanted to take it and fence with it a little. Besides, this saber looked immensely cool! El Moco, grinning: I can only imagine how excited you were about the new weapon.
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mearpsdyke · 1 year
Esto le pasó a leah :(
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manaosdeuwu · 1 year
contame cual es el bardo con el mackenyu. yo sé que querés una oportunidad para putearlo y yo quiero saber el chisme y hacerle la cruz si corresponde
reitero. número uno. hizo brownface cuando actuó de scar en las pelis de fma. número dos. no me gusta como actúa. siento que siempre hace el mismo papel con diferentes personajes. número tres. por qué habla así cuando hace de zoro?? no te levantaste recién de la cama habla como corresponde.
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sons-of-chaos · 2 years
Cuanto está esto?
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dianux-27 · 15 days
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Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika 🥰✨
O el niño que se peina con moco de gorila, el que tiene varo, la galleta oreo y el de los ojos caros (perd��n, tenía que decirlo xd)
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