#elder younger alvin
caps-clever-girl · 2 years
vex and ho-tan have a third younger, but cant figure out what to do about a name because at this point, name-changing is a family trait.
Alfie chose her name when she was younger, its still close to her birth name but it feels like her, and of course took on ho-tan when she joined the elders.
vex chose his name because he thought it was funny. "whys your name vex" "oh does it VEX you"
Alvin picked his name when he came out because it was close to his mums name and his birth name
Irk chose his name to be more like his dad and because he thinks its funny. he wants to Irk people.
they cant keep calling the baby baby or child, but they also find it hilarious that the likelyhood of whatever name they choose being kept is slim at this point, so they dont want to choose anything they really like.
in the end they go with noah - its gener-neutral, but also because they nave noah dea what to name the baby. geddit? no idea? noah-dea? vex loves it.
(noah DOES keep their name; but they add Deer as an official middle name to make the joke stronger)
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wickedcriminal · 6 months
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Rancid vibes from Terrific Al 😔
sword handshake because I think that would be the funniest way to accidentally kill someone. Or PRETEND it was an accident >;))
(Not pictured; Baby Tooth squatting in Alvin's helmet not three feet away)
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
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Eldritchrune - Story Setup and Character Info
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Full text transcriptions under the read more:
Hometown was once a quiet, largely rural community…until, as often happens, much larger powers decided to move in. An expanding empire takes over the land around the small community, and the old town is now surrounded by a rapidly growing fortress and city. A more threatening military presence is felt, and poverty quickly creeps in as the expanding empire takes advantage of the residents still in Hometown. 
[Image of a smaller, more rural Hometown with a much larger city and fortress walls behind it]
While the younger generation at least attempts to adapt to all the changes, the older generation deeply resents this intrusion into their old home. Many of the elders, including Asgore and Toriel Dreemurr, Father Alvin, Mayor Holiday and her husband Rudolph, form their own tight-knit group that soon spirals into a cult.They’re a small community with no means of standing up to an empire’s armies. But, there’s always been old whispers of things far more powerful and terrible…old gods and strange horrors that hail from a Dark World parallel to their own. The cult focuses their attention specifically on tales of a Dark Prince, a goatlike entity made of fire and shadow that can pacify any enemy. Surely, if they can gain the favor of something so dark and powerful, they’ll have a means of driving away all of these intruders and restoring Hometown to the way it used to be.
However, as everyone knows, trying to call up old gods demands sacrifices. Mayor Holiday, having gotten the group together, tries to take the brunt of this duty and first sacrifices her daughter, December. However, it seems to be a botched ritual, and nothing useful results from it, leaving the Mayor extremely bitter. The other elders are tasked with picking up vagrants or other troublemakers to try and successfully complete this ritual, but none seem to work. 
Unwilling to offer up their own dutiful son, Asriel, the Dreemurrs instead adopt an orphan from the poverty-stricken streets of the encroaching city: Kris. However, they find that upon adopting them, Asriel quickly forms a close bond with Kris. Asriel, like most of the younger generation, is unaware of his parents and grandparents’ intentions. Kris is not easy to take care of sometimes…they have weird interests, aren’t very clean, and are often disobedient. Despite this, Toriel and Asgore find Kris growing on them, too. The thought of sacrificing them gets harder and harder to swallow. [Image of Kris and a human Asriel hanging out together and talking while Asriel sits at a writing desk. Toriel and Asgore look on the both of them from a nearby doorway.] However, the other elders start to pressure them, questioning why they’re so intent on keeping this weird orphan around. Aren’t they a symbol of everything going wrong with their little community, and with this invading modern future? Toriel continues to put it off, using the excuse that she is doing extensive research to make sure that they finally do this ritual correctly. While she is indeed conducting research, she also knows that they can’t do anything with Kris as long as Asriel is around with them. 
However, when Asriel is offered an extended stay at the city’s new university to get advanced training as a scholar, the Dreemurrs don’t have an excuse anymore. At the other elders’ behest to do what’s necessary for the good of the town, they decide to conduct the ritual with Kris. The cult brings Kris to an underground shelter in the woods outside town, with Kris none the wiser about their intentions until they are incapacitated and unable to escape.  Toriel’s extensive research pays off, and Kris is appropriately sacrificed to the Dark Prince. The ritual causes them to vanish from this plane, seemingly dead…but there’s still no sign of the old god they were trying to summon. 
[Image of Asgore, Toriel and other older townsfolk, dressed in various goat or deer masks and robes, with Asgore carrying Kris towards an altar.]
The Dreemurrs are distraught at this seeming failure, after they worked so hard to ensure that they did this right. The remaining elders double down, though, insisting that they have to keep trying. Asriel returns from his training, and is devastated to find his sibling missing. Toriel and Asgore, unable to admit what they did, lie to Asriel and say that Kris had a huge argument and left home on their own. Asriel vows to search for them and bring them back home, and while his parents try to dissuade him from this, they’re unsuccessful. 
[Image of Asriel stepping out the door of his home, a large backpack slung over his shoulder, and waving off Toriel and Asgore in the foreground. They stay indoors while he heads out into the world.]
Meanwhile, unknown to anyone in the Light World, the ritual was actually successful, and transported Kris to the Dark World…right into the home of Ralsei, the very Dark Prince they were trying to reach! Ralsei is delighted to finally have an actual human from the Light World visit him! Sure, he’s heard about all those previous sacrifices, but they never actually got to him. The Dark World and the afterlife aren’t really the same place, after all. [Image of Kris floating down into a new Dark World, where Dark Prince Ralsei stands next to a large cauldron and welcomes them.]
Kris, however, is infuriated and despondent…they’ve already had a very hard life as an orphan, and now just when it seemed like they had a new family they could trust, that trust was broken by adults who once again threw them away for their own purposes. Ralsei, ever cheerful, assures them that they must be here for a reason…and that he has a means for them to not only return to the Light World, but get retribution for what’s happened to them and their Hometown. 
[Image of the silhouettes of many large eldritch beasts: Susie, Noelle, Berdly and Catti.]
The Dark World is full of eldritch beasts, strange demons and old gods, after all. He can grant them the forbidden knowledge and ability to speak to and even command these eldritch beasts. Once they form a strong enough bond with the beasts, and make it through the bound gods that may bar the way, they can bring them back to the world of light…and command them to do whatever Kris would like to the people living there. However, such power and ability comes at a high cost…Kris’s human soul. 
[Image of Kris giving their soul to Ralsei; the soul emanates a red glow between them.]
Kris, seeing little other option and not feeling much attachment to their humanity anyway, agrees and sells their soul to the Dark Prince Ralsei. Ralsei excitedly promises that he’ll take extra good care of their soul, and that he’ll accompany them as they befriend the eldritch beasts lurking in the Dark World. This arrangement certainly has some other benefits for Kris, too…in addition to this forbidden knowledge, Ralsei’s control over their soul grants them a degree of invulnerability. If Kris dies or is somehow psychologically destroyed, Ralsei can use it to revive them completely. 
[Image of Kris, now decked out with armor and a sword, standing on a cliffside looking out over the Dark World. Ralsei stands nearby.]
Ralsei gives Kris suitable armor and weaponry for this venture, and the two set out into a vast Dark Realm of strange horrors, lost cities and twisting paths in search of new friends and a means back to the Light World. While Kris is unsure about this journey at first, Ralsei is all smiles, excited for them to gain some friendships that they clearly desperately need! Of course, he’s excited for other reasons, too…those cultists have been calling out to him for such a long time, and now with Kris’s human soul, he can finally enter the Light World. Kris can forge the bonds they’ve been lacking, Ralsei and the eldritch beasts they find will finally have access to the human world, and the people clamoring for terrible things to happen will get exactly what they asked for. How could that not be a happy ending?
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headfullof-ideas · 1 month
Introducing two other characters whose stories and arcs are a bit different than their film counterparts. Lo and behold, the Beserker siblings, Dagur and Heather!
In this world, Dagur and Heather are not separated at a young age, and instead are raised together by their father, who is still Oswald the Agreeable, and still mysteriously vanishes sometime after the events of the first movie, leaving behind his two children scrambling to protect the tribe in his absence. Rumors of foul play by either the siblings hand or some of the questionable company that Oswald found himself with, paired with the mysterious end to the dragon raids allowing the surrounding pirating raiders more chances to attack, have left the Berserker Tribe in a vulnerable and precarious position.
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Heather is a proper, eager Berserker warrior, having completed the first of many tribal rites, being her own families coming-of-age ritual. But she has not yet earned all the same marks as her older brother yet, and with their father missing and presumed dead, she’s desperate and determined to catch up and prove she has what it takes to defend the tribe. Heather has much of the same mentality that she had at the beginning of Race to the Edge, determination to get vengeance for any wrong sent her way to the point of being willing to do almost anything to achieve her goals. Heather is about roughly a year older than most of the teenage cast from Berk, bar Ant and Kari who are tiny in comparison, and closer to being of the age where she is considered capable of taking on more leadership roles amongst her tribe. She’s still young however, and faces scrutiny from many of the elders of her tribe, and most of her fathers old council, on wether she has what it takes to be a potential Chieftess, in light of her brothers conflicting interests as time passes. Heather looks up to her brother, but thinks that his mind is focused elsewhere, and that their tribes survival and safety should come first, as well as the fate of their father.
Shortly after the sudden end to the dragon raids, Berk has produced its first exiles since Alvin the Treacherous however, a group of teenagers not much younger than Heather herself somehow riding dragons. Heather is enamored with the prospect of being able to control and ride a dragon, especially in her tribes trying times, and with her eyes set on the outer Archipelagon breed rider by the youngest girl, Heather is determined to learn how the riders did what they did, and get her own dragon. She’s not fond of the riders though, with them being a constant nuisance with the Berserkers dragon hunting trips, but Heather dislikes the teenagers on Berk that are chasing the Riders even less. Their tactless pursuit of the exiled Berkians brings Berk closer and closer to Berserker Island, and the still uncertainty of leadership that they are struggling with.
Dagur himself is still the Deranged. He’s earned marks of tribal rites completed and feats of truly impressive Berserker standard. But with a little sister to grow up with, Dagur had a standard to meet, and an impressionable little sister to hold an image for. Dagur prided himself on being the ultimate big brother, teaching his little sister all the cool stuff an older brother should clearly teach, like how to throw knives, and shoot a crossbow, and how to terrify your enemies with a fearsome Berserker battle cry. As the eldest of Oswalds children, the role of Chief falls to Dagur. Dagur isn’t certain his father is actually dead though, so refers to himself as the ‘acting’ Chief until Oswald returns. Most of Oswalds council and some of the elders of the tribe though are acting strange about their Chiefs disappearance, and some of the villagers are whispering about wether Dagur or Heather had a hand in their fathers disappearance. Most eyes are turning to Dagur, the next in line for the Chieftain title, as both the prime suspect, and as the answer to all the problems the tribe is facing, and Dagur is trying to keep those whispers, the tribe, and his wonderfully Berserk younger sister in line. The exiles from all the tribes that even the Outcasts won’t take are circling the Berserkers borders, and Dagur hasn’t told Heather about the strange whispers of an outer Archipelagon, underground trading route that’s becoming a potential problem.
But with the raids mysteriously ending, exiles from Berk that have been spotted on the backs of dragons have started becoming more and more involved in the happenings of the Archipelago, and Dagur is pleasantly surprised to see they’re mostly the same age as his sister. The littlest of the group, an outlander boy he recalls seeing in Berks forge on the peace treaty trips he’d attend with his father, rides a dragon that is eventually revealed to be the mysterious Night Fury. Dagur, who had always desperately wanted more little siblings, and after a chance conversation with Ant, decides to get Heather and himself a little brother. After getting to know the other riders through more chance encounters, Dagur later becomes fully committed to getting himself that gaggle of little siblings he’d begged his dad for when he was eight.
Things don’t go nearly anything like the siblings were expecting though, after a coup amongst their own tribe forces the siblings apart, Dagur exiled under accusations of being behind his fathers disappearance, and Heather using every means she can think of in order to rise up within the ranks of their own, usurped tribe, being too young to become Chieftess in both her father and brothers absence. Dagur sets out to find their missing father, his search taking him to that underground trading route, where he comes across a transported outer Archipelagon dragon from some fighting ring, apparently called a Triple Stryke.
This switch up from the films is meant to be a soft role swap, with Heather being the Berserker sibling that eventually teams up with Viggo and Ryker, and Dagur being one of the first people the riders convince to give dragons a chance, and then become a Dragon Rider. I also really wanted to play with that mindset Heather was showing when she first showed up in RTTE, someone who was willing to do anything to get the revenge she felt was owed, while Dagur is a little more stable and sane, though his general Berserker attitude and enthusiasm, and his optimism on his dads fate still make him come off as a little insane to anyone who doesn’t know him. It’s a strained relationship between him and Heather for the majority of the story, and there are rough patches between them, especially with Dagur unwillingly abandoning Heather to come to her own conclusions and opinions on certain events and topics, but they’re never really super antagonistic towards each other, and the end goal is for them to still wind up where they did in canon in regards to their relationship with each other.
Featuring a closeup of them. Also, I’ve noticed the pictures are blurry until you tap on them, which annoys me a little, but, whatever
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ailendolin · 9 months
The Little Match Girl - A Disstari Fic
Title: The Little Match Girl [AO3]
Characters: Dissectus/Votlari, Ho-Tan, Alvin, Irk
Summary: On New Year's Eve, Dissectus and Voltari find a little girl selling matches in an alley. A simple act of kindness changes their lives forever.
A/N 1: Explanations for the Youngers’ names can be found in here.
A/N 2: This is set in a universe where Voltari and Dissectus changed sides and helped Debbie and the Elders defeat Cuddly Dick.
The Little Match Girl
Dissectus could not say what had compelled him to turn his head and look into the snowy alley. It was the last day of the year and he and Voltari were on their way to Mary and Jenny’s shop to pick up something for Ho-Tan when he happened to glance to his right and notice a little girl with fair hair, bare feet and dirty clothes sitting on the cold ground, half-hidden in the shadows of the houses towering above her. She was holding a bundle of matches in her shaking hands, and when Dissectus noticed the crudely made sign at her feet that announced, Matches for Sale, his steps faltered.
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iris-in-the-rain · 1 year
Vextan for the ship ask game, please 💙
NOTES: I didn't forget this ask! Damn, but I love those two!! 🥰 The names for the Elders' Youngers belong to @ailendolin, as do some of the headcanons about the Elders' past 😊
Gives nose/forehead kisses: 
It's Ho-Tan. She did it to Vex, not long after they first met, he was asleep, and she just had to press a kiss to his forehead, after he fell asleep helping her work all day. She regularly does it to Alvin and Irk, and she loves doing it to Vex, especially when he doesn't expect it!
Gets jealous the most:
I don't think either of them really do, to be honest. Vex can sometimes be oblivious, and Ho-Tan loves him so much, that she simply cannot be jealous of anything that makes Vex happy (spoiler: she's the one who makes him happiest) Although, one day on a trip with Debbie and rest of the Elders, a woman attempts to flirt with Vex. Ho-Tan does not like the ugly squeeze of insecurity and fear in her chest, but Vex just squeezes her hand tighter, holds her gaze lovingly and without taking his eyes of his beloved, brightly says, 'I'm already with the most beautiful woman here'.
Takes care of on sick days:
Ho-Tan is a caregiver by nature, so she always looks after Vex and their children, but she struggles herself when she is poorly. That's when Vex takes charge and he makes sure that his beloved is resting and wants for nothing. What always makes Ho-Tan feel better us having her family by her side.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
They both love beach days now, although Vex did need convincing at first. Building a sandcastle with little Irk and Alvina was all it took to fall in love with the beach. The sea was a bit trickier, but Ho-Tan took his hand and they walked in the shallow water together, picked shells and listened to the waves, and to this day it's one of their favourite things.
Brings the other lunch at work:
Sometimes Ho-Tan forgets to eat when she gets into the writing mindset. She writes and writes, until she smells something familiar, and lifts her head to see Vex with a cup of cherry infusion tea in his hand. She knows it's for her, and gratefully takes it from Vex, with a sweet thank you kiss, as Vex takes the seat next to her and feeds her an almond muffin, that their children helped him make.
Tries to start role-playing in bed: 
To be fair, neither is the type, but after one evening at Debbie's and hanging out with Voltari and Dissectus, not to mention Negatus, Vex's head is full of information. He only has to try to realise it's not his and Ho-Tan's thing, and they fall asleep, watching the starry sky outside their chambers' windows.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: 
Vex. Only he doesn't really get embarrased. He used to care what people thought once upon a time, but not anymore. In fact, I can imagine him exactly like Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec in the season 7 episode 7, 'Donna and Joe'. Any Parks and Rec fans will know exactly what I mean 😁 And yes, he would call Ho-Tan 'babydoll' 😍
Firmly believes in couples costumes: 
They both do, although Ho-Tan takes a bit of convincing. When Debbie first introduces the idea to the Elders, Ho-Tan is a bit worried that people might find her looking silly. Vex assures her that that's the whole idea, but that if she's not ready to do a couples costume, he won't get dressed up either. He then tries on the most ridiculous costumes, until Ho-Tan is crying with laughter and feeling much better.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: 
If she could, Ho-Tan would make presents for everyone, all the time, as she loves it. She adores looking at the faces of her family on Thanktival morning, especially since Chompus stopped eating the presents, and her loved ones can enjoy them instead. Ho-Tan always insists she doesn't need much in return, but Vex is having none of it. He wants to give his beloved everything and he tries, asking Debbie for help and trying to find the most beautiful, most expensive gift every time. And every time nothing seems good enough. Until Debbie suggests he learns to paint. And Vex does, painting the apple orchard and Ho-Tan under the tree. It's not perfect, but Ho-Tan cries with happiness, and insists this is the most precious gift she's ever had, and can Vex please paint himself next to her, because that's when her life began.
Makes the other eat breakfast:
Vex is terrible at eating breakfasts. It may be because it's virtually impossible to get him out of bed on time. He usually oversleeps, runs to the chamber and gets cranky as the day goes on. So Ho-Tan hatches a plan. She sets Vex's alarm back an hour and when he wakes up, she's there ready to tell him to please come downstairs, the children are waiting and they're all going to have breakfast together. The sun is shining through the window, there is no rush, Irk makes a mess of his eggs, Alvina excitedly tells her parents about school, Ho-Tan's smile is brighter than the sun and Vex never wants to miss breakfast again.
Remembers anniversaries:
While Ho-Tan remembers all big anniversaries, she also holds dear all the moments that marked a significant change in her life. Some of them may seem small, but she cherishes the memories of the joy it brought her. And while Vex can be absent-minded a lot of the time, he knows when Ho-Tan gets a faraway look in her eyes. And so hd asks, what are you thinking about? And she will tell him, and he might remember it differ, but it's important to his love, and so it becomes a special day for him, too.
Brings up having kids first:
Neither is that willing to breach the subject first. Ho-Tan watches longingly as Flowers cradles little Daisy, and Vex watches Ho-Tan, heartbroken, as he doesn't think he'll ever be ready, thoughts of his father burning in his mind. He tells Ho-Tan that he wants her to be happy, even if it's without him. That forces a conversation, and Ho-Tan says that whatever happens in her life, she needs Vex by her side. They are both scared, of course, but Flowers offers sage advice, and both Vex and Ho-Tan promise to be honest with each other about their fears and worries and start looking forward to expanding their little family.
Kills the bugs:
Oh they do not kill the bugs. Or any living creature. Granted, Vex shrieks when a spider drops on him once, but Ho-Tan gently scoops him up (the spider) and takes him outside. Later, Vex swears that no, he did not scream. Both spend time with Irk and Alvina when they are little, to teach them about nature and every creature there is to be found in Yonderland. And yes, uncle Flowers joins them sometimes, but robes stay on.
First to define them as a couple:
Okay, literally everybody knew the moment they saw them together. It was impossible to miss the tender gazes Vex was directing towards Ho-Tan, and Ho-Tan's constant need to be near Vex. The atmosphere around them was different, it exuded calm and devotion. When Debbie saw them, she exchanged glances with the other Elders, who just shrugged. So, you two...? Debbie asks them, and Vex and Ho-Tan just look at each other. Yes, they are a couple, in the traditional meaning of the word, sure, but they've also been a family and each other's everything since they can remember and really being a couple is just a small part of their world.
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
They don't really hide much from each other anymore because the confidence they've instilled in one another has stripped them of embarrassment. Anything goes, as long as it makes them happy. Sure, Ho-Tan is slightly surprised the first time she sees Vex binge-watching cartoons, but after finding out what they are, she enlists Debbie's help to get him his favourites and if Ho-Tan takes to recreating her favourite characters' dialogues from films she's seen with Debbie and the girls, when she thinks no-one is around, Vex is certainly not going to bring it up, until he's sure Ho-Tan won't mind.
Snorts while laughing:
Ho-Tan. Debbie invites her and other girls for a movie night, and they watch a comedy. Something makes Ho-Tan laugh, maybe it's not that funny, but she keeps laughing, until she snorts. Rather than that stopping her, it only makes her laugh harder, until tears are in her eyes. That's how much she's laughing, when Vex is trying on all the funny costumes, and Vex just looks adoringly at her, and vows to make her laugh like that all the time, snorting or not.
Ask game can be found here
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viola-halogen · 2 years
12 Days of Thanktival — Day 1: Found Family/Elder’s Youngers/Holiday Jumpers
[AO3 link]
Relationships: The Elder Youngers & Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, The Elder Youngers
Characters: Scribe Elder Ho-Tan, The Elder Youngers
Summary: It's the Youngers' first time spending Thanktival away from home, without their parents. Alvin has an idea to cheer them up, which ends up bringing them closer together as friends.
A/N: This is based off of a headcanon I have that each of the Elders comes from a different one of the 12 realms and normally the Youngers would grow up at their parent's home in whatever realm they come from. However when Imperatrix started invading the other realms all of the Youngers were taken from their homes and brought to live together in a safe house in Yonderland until the war was over.
I used @ailendolin’s amazing headcanons for the Youngers’ names.
“I don’t want to spend Thanktival here! I want to spend Thanktival at home with my friends!”
“I know, darling. But remember there’s a war on, and it’s not safe to go back to Hitherland yet,” Alvin’s mum said, ruffling his hair as they headed for the front door.
“Yeah, I know, the war,” Alvin protested. “But you said it would be over before Thanktival, mum. You said we’d be home by now.”
Mum looked sadly at him for a moment, before pulling him into a tight hug. “I know, hun,” she said. “We all just want things to go back to normal. But until then we have to be strong, and not lose hope, okay? And someday we’ll all be able to go home again.”
Alvin buried his head in her chest. “It would be better if you were going to be here with us,” he said.
“You know we have to work hard all Thanktival to keep the realm safe,” mum said. “But I promise I’ll come and visit you on Thanktival morning, okay?”
“Okay,” Alvin said glumly. Mum pulled back and ruffled his hair again.
“And maybe in the meantime you could at least try to make some friends?” she said. “You’re going to be ruling the realm with your fellow Youngers one day.”
Alvin shrugged. He and the others had mostly kept to themselves ever since they’d all moved into the safehouse. He suspected that like him, they were all hoping this situation would be over before they were forced to get used to it.
“I love you,” mum said as she went to the door. “Be good, and pay attention in your lessons, or Imperatrix will come and turn your fingers into spiders and your brains into sprouts.”
“Muuum.” Alvin rolled his eyes. “I’m too old to believe in your stories anymore.”
“That’s what your Uncle Tim said when he was your age,” Mum said.
“I don’t have an Uncle Tim.”
“Exactly.” Mum winked. “See you on Thanktival morning.” And with that, she stepped out into the cold and shut the door behind her. Alvin let out a small sigh and turned to head back to his room.
“Okay, that’ll do for today,” their history tutor said from the front of the schoolroom. “Don’t forget to read pages 71 to 80 by Monday.”
Chair legs scraped along the floor as the Youngers got up from their seats and started gathering their books. They filed out of the schoolroom in an orderly queue, and began walking silently towards the dining room. Their history tutor, Mrs Crabapple, was an old-fashioned woman who believed in children being seen and not heard, and none of them were eager to risk getting shouted at by starting a conversation. They picked up their plates and cutlery by the door to the dining room, and lined up to be served their lunch. The food was one of the worst things about living here, Alvin thought. Surely with all the money the Elders had, they could afford to hire a good cook.
“What are you guys hoping to get for Thanktival this year?” Daisy asked as they waited. “I want the new Spiders and Garfunkel album. My dad promised me that one day when I’m older he’ll take me to see them live.”
“I don’t really care what I get,” Calyx said. “It’s only going to get eaten by Chompus anyway.”
“Yeah, but it’s part of the fun imagining what present you would have had,” Alvin said. He took back his plate, now heaped with pasta, thanked Cook and headed to his seat.
“I don’t like Spaghetti,” Barry said, dropping his fork with a clatter. “Why do we never have anything other than Spaghetti?”
“My dad says that if you don’t tidy your bedroom Imperatrix will turn your toes into Spaghetti,” Daisy said.
“That’s not true,” Calyx interrupted. “You’re not five anymore. You should know better than to believe what your dad tells you.”
“It is true!” Daisy protested, banging his fist on the table.
“No, it’s not,” Alvin said.
Irk sniffled suddenly, and the four of them turned to see him sitting with his knees tucked up to his chest. “I don’t want Imperatrix to get me,” he said quietly, his voice tear-filled. “I just want to go home!”
Everyone fell silent. After a short pause, Irk said, “I’m scared.”
Alvin got to his feet and rounded the table, sitting down next to Irk and putting his arms around his shoulders.
“I want to go home too,” he said. “I’ve never spent Thanktival without my mum before.”
“I’m scared,” Calyx said. “I’m scared that I’ll never get to make snowmen with my dad on Thanktival Eve again.”
“I’m scared that Imperatrix will win the war, and that I’ll have to go and live somewhere far away and never see anyone I know ever again,” Daisy said.
“I’m scared of Mrs Crabapple,” Barry said. Everyone let out a small laugh, and even Irk managed a smile.
“We’re all scared,” Alvin said. “We all wish everything would go back to normal already. But we aren’t alone. We can be scared together.”
That afternoon, as soon as their lessons were over, Alvin went up to his room and pulled out the drawer underneath his bed. He rummaged through his collection of wool until he found his crochet hook, and then picked out as many festive colours as he could and got to work. He kept at it all evening and throughout most of the night, until his fingers were stiff and his back ached. He worked until the candle on his bedside table had burnt down to the wick, then lit a new one and kept working. He locked his window and drew his curtains when he noticed it had gone past midnight—he knew Imperatrix wasn’t really coming to turn his fingers into spiders, but he wasn’t taking any chances. When he was finally done, he folded his creations into a neat pile at the foot of his bed, and was able to get about two hours of sleep before he had to get up for breakfast.
Despite the almost-all-nighter, he practically leapt out of bed when he heard the bell ringing downstairs to wake them up. He quickly changed into a clean set of clothes, before shoving his creations into a satchel and taking the stairs two at a time to get to the dining room.
“Woah, Allie, are you okay?” Barry asked as he joined the breakfast queue. “You look like you’ve barely slept at all.”
“I’ve been working on something. A surprise for all of you,” he said, and refused to clarify any further. They lined up to get their breakfast—leftover Spaghetti from yesterday’s dinner—and only once the others had all taken their seats did Alvin step up to the head of the table.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about what Irk said at lunch yesterday. And I know… I know none of us want to be here, I know this isn’t how we’d have chosen to spend Thanktival. But… that doesn’t mean we can’t still make the best we can of the situation. So… I made you all something.” He reached into his satchel. “Calyx, this one’s for you… and Irk, this one’s yours… Daisy, this one’s for you… and Barry… and this one’s mine!”
“What are they?” Calyx said, holding his up to look at it.
“They’re Thanktival jumpers!” Alvin said proudly, beaming at his fellow Youngers. “It’s a tradition from the Other World that I read about. They’re supposed to be Thanktival-themed, normally, but I made all of yours unique for you.” Calyx’s jumper showed a snowman, like he’d mentioned making with his dad. Irk’s had a ruff around the neck, of the kind Vex usually wore. Daisy’s had lyrics from a song off of the new Spiders and Garfunkel album. Barry’s had his dad’s war medals across the chest. And Alvin’s own jumper had the design of a quill, like the one his mum carried.
“So it’s like a Thanktival present?” Daisy said. “But it’s not Thanktival Eve yet.”
“No, no! Don’t think of them as Thanktival presents,” Alvin said. “I don’t want them to get eaten by Chompus. I want you to keep them.”
“Why?” Calyx asked. “You didn’t have to go to all this effort.”
“I… I wanted us all to have something to make this Thanktival special for a good reason,” Alvin said. “Something we could all be happy about.”
“I love it,” Irk said, pulling his jumper over his head and messing up his curly hair in the process. “Thank you, Allie.”
“Yes, thank you, Allie,” Calyx agreed, and the others followed suit. Alvin grinned and began putting his own jumper on.
Maybe this Thanktival wouldn’t be all bad, he thought to himself. Maybe just because he wasn’t at home with mum didn’t mean he wasn’t among family.
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furby-organist · 3 years
// I’m not a professional translator, I did my best. Here’s a bit on the Louisiana Creole language. Translation/notes under the cut.
[Narrator] “Alvin(?) Bernard is an old cowboy. He’s spent his whole life looking after cows and horses, and has lived on this farm for more than thirty years.”
[Mr. Bernard speaks English here] (translator note: I’m gonna call him that bc I’m a southerner and I feel weird calling my elders anything other than Mr, okay? okay.)
[Narrator] “He speaks a blend of English and Louisiana Creole, [the latter being a language that is the result of] three hundred years of [different] communities mixing [/interacting?].”
[Mr. Bernard] “Everyone my age speaks Creole. We didn’t know of American [English]. [Exposure to] American [English] began in school. Before that, [the language we spoke/heard] was all Creole.”
[Narrator] “Contrary to popular belief, Creole is not a matter of color[/race], but of culture. In Louisiana, in the 18th century, the term “Creole” referred to everyone born in the New World. [The] Segregation [Era] instilled the false belief that Black people speak Creole, and White people speak Cajun French.
[Mr. Bernard] “The difference between Cajuns and Creoles? There isn’t one. Not in Louisiana.” (translator’s note: this is... googlably not a true statement, in isolation, with the modern(?) use of the terminology. I think the gentleman is referring to the older use of the term Creole and how it wouldn’t exclude Cajuns? Here’s a splendid video on the difference between Creole & Cajun, and the history, also narrated by a Creole gentleman.) “All people of color(?) spoke Creole or French. ‘Come here. Stop that.’ [English.]”
[Narrator] “Today, the Creole language is not very spoken (practiced?), but the younger generation is inclined to(?) preserve their heritage. Taalib Auguste is 18 years old. He created a podcast entirely dedicated to the Creole culture, to raise awareness in the youth about their history.”
[Taalib Auguste] “You don’t see young people speaking languages other than English. This is my opportunity to share [the Creole language] here. The conservation of the Creole language will help the ‘francophonie,’ because the ‘francophonie’ is enriched by creole languages.” (The ‘francophonie’ is the collective of French-speaking people.)
[Narrator] “Today, Talib is interviewing Cedric Watson, a Creole musician.”
[Taalib Auguste] “One, two, three. Hello everyone, this is Taalib Auguste. Hello, Mr. Cedric.”
[Cedric Watson] “Hello, hello.” [Plays music. All I got from the lyrics was about someone being upset? Someone’s mom? Idk.]
[Narrator] (translator note: at this point I really lose her, lol my b) “At least (unintelligible number? 60,000) people ???? (identify with??????) Creole in Louisiana: the combat(???) for this unique culture, ????? cuisine of France of Yesteryear, and also that of the ‘francophonie.’”
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mzyraj · 3 years
The Newson family!
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Family patriarch Gavin Newson, his wife Sharla (nee Ottomas), their daughter Aimee, their son Alvin, and his adopted brothers Gallagher and Garrett.
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Gavin was the eldest boy adopted by the Goodies and has taken over the family home since they passed away. He’s become a very successful business man and is still supporting the family - including his younger brothers - on his income alone. He’s a bit of a recluse, but has reasonable respect from the community.
[Fortune, topped the business career. 2 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 7 playful, 4 nice]
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Sharla is the eldest daughter of the prodigious Ottomas family and the most similar to her mother. Rightfully she stays at home with the children, and otherwise not much is known beyond her aptitude to socialise at church on a Sunday.
[Romance, wants to sleep with 20 different people. 4 neat, 6 outgoing, 6 active, 5 playful, 4 nice]
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Aimee is their elder child and presently only daughter.
[8 neat, 3 outgoing, 9 active, 5 playful, 10 nice]
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Alvin is the younger child and future head of the household.
[4 neat, 6 outgoing, 8 active, 6 playful, 5 nice]
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Gallagher is the middle brother and is looked upon askance by much of the community for his apparent laziness and appearance. Perhaps a righteous wife could make him shape up, but it remains to see who will marry their daughter to such. Sharla’s sister Leah has been suggested, but they have not struck it off too well as yet.
[Pleasure, wants 50 first dates. 6 neat, 3 outgoing, 6 active, 4 playful, 6 nice]
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Garrett is the youngest and although he does not work yet either, he is looked on more approvingly than Gallagher for his fervency of family and religious values. It’s possible he may be too impatient to wait for a marriageable woman in the church and look outside instead, but he is still waiting for now.
[Family, wants to have 6 grandkids. 5 neat, 3 outgoing, 7 active, 3 playful, 7 nice]
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agameoftragedy · 3 years
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Lynora Lannister has passed away at age 82.
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Lynora Lannister was born the first child of Ser Lyman Lannister and Rohanne Tyrell - the second son of Lord Loren Lannister and the fifth child of Lord Harlan Tyrell.
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By the time she was born, Lord Loren has passed away and been succeeded by her uncle Damon, but her early childhood still featured her grandmother - a woman the peak of courtesy and of beauty in her youth.
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Lynora was almost inherently well-trained as well - never a hair out of place, never a badly chosen word, but she inherented her parents’ excellent sense of humour and fun too.
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Lynora was followed by a younger sister, Rohanne, who looked more of a Tyrell than a Lannister. Their father was loving to them both, but two daughters were not what he had been hoping for.
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As the eldest, Lynora knew that her father was resentful of his feckless elder brother and dubious niece, and he had hoped for a son that might help displace the unworthy senior line. Nobody could give him that, but Lynora was prepared and trained to be the best possible alternative she could be.
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Her father even tried to arrange for Prince Maegor to become enamored with her, that she become queen or garner favours, but he was already close friends with her heiress cousin and his eye was drawn elsewhere.
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She grew into a woman sociable, driven and fair enough to look upon, but with too little an audience: there were too few noblemen for the number of noblewomen, she was late in her own generation and too early for the next.
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They waited over 15 more years before her father finally ceded that she could marry down to continue the line rather than risk running out of time to have any children. She found a young and willing household knight in Ser Alvin Taylor, who also usefully had blonde hair and green eyes, a Lannister-like look.
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And with a younger and socially inferior husband, he was easily managed by wife and father-in-law, even if Ser Lyman still felt somewhat bitter about her wasted potential.
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And happily she gave birth to a son who kept the Lannister name, and got blonde hair, though still having brown eyes. A piece of hope for her father for their line’s future.
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Though as it turned out, young Lyle took after his father far more than his mother.
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Her father died not too long after, but still she maintained the efforts to keep her branch as socially upstanding and prominent as possible - ensuring Lyle’s best education and training. Though his personality did not make it so easy as it had been with her.
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The grey hairs came before she was ready, but she did her best to retain the impression of a grand matriarch, though she knew some looked down on her husband and son for lower birth.
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By the end of her life, there were many uncertainties. Her son had no betrothal, struggled with courtesies and - if anything - was too kindly at heart. Her husband tried, but he did not have true status. She simply just had to try to have faith in the gods that they might eventually live up to their potential as a line.
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Lynora’s remains are resting in her family home, together with those of her parents.
She is succeeded by her only child, Ser Lyle Lannister.
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
hey! I don't know that much about viking culture so i'd like to ask- since Zephyr is the chief's firstborn child.. is she going to be the next chief(I don't know the term for female chief hah) because she's the firstborn or is it going to be Nuffink because he is boy?
Heya! I’m not knowledgeable about Viking culture either, so both of us would just have to Google it. Or, we can check out posts that @dyannehs has already written about Viking culture and/or how it aligns with the HTTYD world (sorry for @ ing you yet again whoops - I’m not trying to make more work for you, just let people know about the work you’ve already done!). This post in particular might be good info about whether or not women could be chiefs!
From what I know, I’d say that if you wanted to mirror what actual Viking society did, Nuffink would be much more likely. BUT. Berk is its own separate culture with trends that differ from past historic Viking culture. So sometimes I like to look within the HTTYD series itself for guesses on what’s most likely.
One thing we can notice is that in “Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Young Man,” there are portraits of chiefs next to their son. As Stoick and Hiccup get painted, Stoick says, “This portrait’s gonna take its place alongside all the other chiefs and their sons.” All the pictures are, indeed, a male Viking chief with one son. It’s meant to record a line of succession: after all, I highly doubt that every single generation would compose of one father with exactly one son. No, the Viking chiefs would easily have had multiple kids, there would have been girls as well as boys, and I’m sure some father had a daughter as their eldest child. But given as the portraits here are of one father with one son, the implication is that this line of succession is passed from father to son in Berk.
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In HTTYD 2, during Stoick’s flashback, we can look to see who was in the meeting of chieftains. It’s all men. Beards everywhere. The absence of women doesn’t prove women can’t be chiefs, but the fact we see only men puts it in much higher likelihood only men were chiefs in the Barbaric Archipelago, and that if a woman rose to power, it was an exception to the norm. (For an instance of women as leaders: one of the warlords in THW is a woman, after all).
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THW also gives us a few hints of how the Hairy Hooligans of Berk, specifically, thought of leadership. Gobber urges Astrid to marry Hiccup and lead alongside him. While Hiccup is the chief, the concept here in THW is that Astrid, as the chief’s wife, would play an enormous leadership role in Berk society too. There’s a sense of co-rulership for the married couple - at least for Hiccup’s reign.
We can also look to other tribes in the DreamWorks Dragons franchise. It’s to note that we see an overwhelming majority of male chiefs. Oswald the Agreeable from the Berserkers, Dagur the Deranged from the Berserkers, Alvin the Treacherous from the Outcasts, etc. But we also see a few cultures in the Barbaric Archipelago diverge. The Defenders of the Wing and the Wingmaidens are both communities in which women are leaders. For the Wingmaidens, of course the leadership is all women, given as the community is all women. For Mala, there’s some tradition about marriage, in which a man must pass the Trials to become the next king and, as implied, marry the current queen. But the Defenders of the Wing aren’t Vikings - their clothing and separate culture tell us that - and the Wingmaidens are a unique organization that isn’t society’s norm for everyday tribes. It’s an indication that in this world women aren’t unheard of as rulers, but it’s also an indication from outside of the Viking culture itself.
Now, the HTTYD books are a separate timeline, but you can look at those, too, if you like. Of the leadership we know in the HTTYD books, we have: Stoick the Vast (male chief, Hairy Hooligans), Mogadon the Meathead (male chief, Meathead Tribe), Norbert the Nutjob (male chief, Hysteric Tribe), Alvin the Treacherous (male chief, Outcast Tribe), and Big-Boobied Bertha (female chief, Bog-Burglar Tribe). We can also look at the lineage of kings from Grimbeard the Ghastly and the previous tribe leaders for the Hairy Hooligans. The Hooligan family tree in the eighth book shows leadership passed through (usually) the eldest son. Stoick isn’t the firstborn; he has two elder sisters; but Stoick became leader. And Snotlout, Stoick’s nephew through his younger brother Baggybum, is the one who would be next-in-line to Hooligan leadership if Hiccup were passed over. 
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What about Big-Boobied Bertha and the Bog-Burglars? What about Luna, Queen of Dragons? Dragon societies aren’t human societies, so that’s different. And the Bog-Burglar Tribe appears unique from the other tribes, in that it’s written as a warrior woman tribe. So Bertha proves that Viking women chiefs aren’t impossible in the HTTD world of the Barbaric Archipelago, at least for that tribe, but the rest of the information I’m seeing - books and DreamWorks franchise both - supports the concept of son inheriting father’s rule.
But ya know what. Hiccup is a revolutionary of his own. He knows how strong women are as leaders. He’s met Mala. He’s seen Astrid in action. He’s interacted with Atali and Minden. He knows about Bertha and Camicazi. This is the kid who brought dragons - Berk’s worst enemy - into the heart of their civilization, and created peace. Hiccup is a part of his society and culture and time, of course, but he’s also someone who pushes the world forward in new ways. If Hiccup finds Zephyr the best candidate for chiefdom, do you really think he or Berk would protest to the concept? Do you think Astrid wouldn’t support the same thing? Berk’s been through wilder shifts. I imagine they can support a woman ruler.
So I mean. Heck. I say headcanon what you want. It can be fun to look to culture of the past for inspiration. It can be a cool way to flesh out storytelling in HTTYD fanfiction. I love seeing that material incorporated! But we are also dealing with a fictional culture. The evidence around us in the HTTYD universe itself is heavily skewed with male leaders, but it does technically show women leaders like Queen Mala, Queen Luna, and Chief Bertha. So I mean, why not Zephyr as Chief of Berk if she’s cut out for it? Until we’re told otherwise, the territory’s open.
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caps-clever-girl · 2 years
12 Days of Thanktival challenge, 2022 - Day 1: Elder’s Youngers.
After coming out to the other Youngers, Alvin wants to tell his mum too.
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wickedcriminal · 8 months
First of all, I love your art and the half-brothers AU is Absolutely Phenomenal
Second of all, I understand if you're still kind of on break from it so take this question at your own pace. Or don't answer it at all. You don't owe me anything.
And thirdly, I'm curious how book 2 might play out in the half-brothers au. Book Alvin is pretty fixated on Grimbeard the Ghastly's heir ("an heir for a hand", and all that). Would he be able to identify Younger Hiccup as Grimbeard's heir, or would he just kind of figure since there are two Hiccups who are both descendants of Grimbeard (and who both have a dragon named "Toothless") he should kill them both just to be safe? (and in that case, how would he end up with a vendetta against Younger Hiccup specifically?)
at any rate, thank you for reading and I hope you have an awesome day!
Thank you so much for your kind words!! I was having a hard time for a while, but I'm feeling much better recently <3 This is an excellent ask!!
Stoick being the connecting figure between Elder and Younger, that does indeed make them both candidates to be Grimbeard's heir! (Same goes for Snotlout and Adelaide, who are also part Chucklehead's line through Baggybum the Beerbelly!)
As Stoick's firstborn and the official heir to Berk, Alvin has his eyes set on Elder in the beginning as The Guy he needs to Eliminate, and since Snotlout is the one who will become heir to Berk if Elder dies, Minicup is barely even on the table. The idea that it's actually Minicup who is his proper rival isn't even considered until they end up in the underwater cavern together and Baby Tooth is the one who sniffs out Grimbeard's real treasure.
The events of How to be a Pirate carry out as usual, with Snotlout finding the chest, though neither brother gets the chance to declare themselves heir when Alvin asks. Minicup and Little Fish end up in Grimbeard's cavern with Alvin, where Alvin comes to the conclusion that this Hiccup is the one who's going to prove a problem to him.
In the stories that come after, Elder is more of an afterthought, and Alvin will only think to get rid of him if he starts asserting his place in the Arm's Race for the Crown. (Same goes for the Jorgensens!)
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Elder doesn't even want to be heir of Berk, let alone Grimbeard! Younger doesn't exactly have a choice in the matter since Fate Itself is the one dumping Lost Things into his hands 😔 As long as Elder doesn't start gunning to be king, Alvin will leave him alone.
For the time being.
(Spoilers for the last book below vv)
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Poor Fishlegs
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treethymes · 5 years
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Daughter of the Nile 尼羅河的女兒 (1987, dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien)
Hou himself was not happy with [Daughter of the Nile]. According to him, Daughter was really a star vehicle for Yang Ling, a popular singer in Taiwan, who was too old to be playing a junior high girl. Moreover, it was a film her record company wanted more than Hou did. Lacking any historical distance, this work exemplifies how Hou finds portraying contemporary life in the city more difficult than either the city or countryside of the past. Not that there is nothing of interest here, aesthetically speaking. The film does have long takes at 29 seconds per shot, and it is the most static film in Hou’s entire career, since only about 10% of them have even a modicum of camera movements. Yet somehow the staging of the actors and the compositions seem flat after the subtle vibrancy of his New Cinema works. The film does have its defenders: Alvin Lu says this work provides Hou’s unique perspective on popular culture in Taiwan, not to mention being a harbinger of the contemporary urban films of the 1990s by the likes of Tsai Ming-liang.
James Udden, No Man an Island: The Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien
Daughter of the Nile might not have been Hou’s most artfully executed project, but there are some interesting aspects to it. [...] Issues of ethnicity murmur beneath the surface, as the elder grandfather’s protestations in Taiwanese are often heard almost as background noise while the younger generations speak in Mandarin. [...] The urban milieu in which the film is immersed offers the possibility for Hou to explore issues of East-West cultural conflict, what June Yip elucidated as the “young protagonist... caught between Chinese cultural traditions, native Taiwanese beliefs, American consumerism, and Japanese popular culture.” William Tay has ably shown that the film is stripped of all possibility of nostalgia or refuge in the countryside. According to Tay, Daughter of the Nile “is symptomatic of the youthful mentality torn between the East and the West, but is also indicative of the disintegration of the traditional social order and system of values.” It is difficult to apply a sustained critique to this film, though, because it has never been distributed on DVD and is rarely shown in Hou retrospectives. Hou seems a bit embarrassed by it and has not been eager to promote its distribution in Taiwan or abroad.
Christopher Lupke, The Sinophone Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien: Culture, Style, Voice, and Motion
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ycungwings-archived · 6 years
@hcurcux / ft. DOHYEON ( starter 3 of 12 )
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            THE EARS sat askew on dohyeon’s hair, a look of displeasure swims heavily on the male’s face. sitting on the couch, arms crossed and cheeks puffed out. “don’t say ANYTHING,” he warns the elder when alvin swings into view, “this was not my IDEA.” he huffs, why he hasn’t taken it off...may be attributed to huijin ( he can never say NO to the younger ).
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ailendolin · 1 year
Six Idiots Headcanon Masterlist
BBC Ghosts - General
Ghost power headcanons
Ghosts meets Buzzfeed Unsolved
Daley can see ghosts and meets his dad again
The ghosts watching Night at the Museum
Mike can see the ghosts instead of Alison
Francis sold Thomas's body to anatomists after his death
Halloween's effect on the ghosts and the livings
Bone Suite
BBC Ghosts - Ghost-specific
Norne and the matter of appearances
Nigel's family
Thomas's family & the time right after his death
Robin stops befriending ghosts for a while & Robin and Mary
Pat died hungry & Pat knows about the Captain's pillow talk
Kitty's death & Alison painting a picture of the two of them
Julian and the beagle & Rachel and the beagle
Fanny knows how to lead in a dance & Dante became a ghost
Humphrey and the little things in life & Humphrey and Sophie
Mary had children but they died young & Mary and Robin
Thomas loves hugs and Robin gives him one
Mary & Kitty watch the clouds
Humphrey plays with Barclay's dogs
Thomas gives Isabelle a rose without thorns
Thomas once looked up to Francis
Kitty's father read her bedtime stories
Pat teaches the Captain some knots
Eleanor loves birds
Eleanor shows Kitty the perfect hiding place
Francis is more a Thorne than Thomas is
Fanny doesn't know how to connect to people
The Captain was married once
Alison finds the rose Thomas once gave to Isabelle
The Captain once visited Havers's family while on leave
Alison used to dream of being an artist
Humphrey & Sophie once had a baby daughter
Julian and Robin consider the nook their safe space
George gave Dante to Fanny
Julian and Fanny bond over the difficulties of loving their children
Fanny and Humphrey talk after her affair with his body
George allowed Fanny to have so many pets for a reason
Humphrey can sometimes feel his body like a phantom limb
Julian and Mike's friendship if Mike could see ghosts
Kitty used to catch glimpses of Mary and Annie when she was a child
Sophie tries to fix her marriage
Julian/Robin Soulmate AU
Julian/Cap Coffee Shop AU
Instead of running away, Sophie stays
The Plague Ghosts have a pet ghost rat
Thomas/Nigel Bookshop AU
Thomas needing glasses
Thomas hides himself away in the safe to cry
Thomas & Pat and hugs
Thomas/Nigel and PDA
Thomas/Julian and sleeping habits and nightmares
Thomas/Nigel being soft and tender
Thomas would love The Lord of the Rings
The Youngers' names
Vex is the son of an Overlord & Irk killing someone was an accident
Choop once had a fling with the Crone & Debbie's kids love Grandpa Choop
Ho-Tan and the meaning of gifts & Ho-Tan never admits she's sick
Ho-Tan was the main caretaker of her younger siblings
Ho-Tan learning and practicing her scribing skills
Debbie brings her family to Yonderland & Debbie takes in Boo
Flowers is allergic to pollen & the beginnings of his friendship with Ho-Tan
Pressley used to be in the military & drinks to forget
Negatus adopts a dog & continues to play Santa for Ben and Hayley
The Elders find out Vex is the son of an Evil Overlord
Voltari has trouble sleeping. Being near Dissectus helps.
Vex finds a way to keep the rabbits.
Ho-Tan passes her seat on the Council on to her son.
Dissectus/Voltari Flower Shop AU
Alvin comes to Vex for advice
Vex finds Ho-Tan crying
Irk surprises Ho-Tan on a difficult day
How Voltari and Dissectus met
Edith and Sue deal with Lynn getting hurt
Negatus's childhood and relationship with his parents
Choop & Sepal and Choop being hurt
How Bradley and Mojo met
Bill (2015)
Ian once made a cake for Gabriel she couldn't eat
Gabriel/Ian Soulmate AU
Ian is friends with a cat
Horrible Histories
Milton comforts Mike after a call from Mike's father
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