#elderly solidarity
hunterrrs · 10 months
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he should not be allowed to look that good
also her remarking on how handsome nate is 😂😭
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September 2022 - Women all over Iran finally take off their hijabs, standing shoulder to shoulder with women who choose to keep wearing theirs, chanting “Women! Life! Freedom!” and “Death to the dictator!“ together.
The protests in Iran were triggered when 22-year old Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini was killed by religious “morality“ police because they thought she was wearing her hijab incorrectly. [video]/[video]/[video]/[video]/[video]/[video]
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FUN games to play with your close ADHD person!
Am I gaslighting you, or is it ACTUALLY your memory problems this time?
(and her twin sister) Is it your memory problems, or am I ACTUALLY gaslighting you this time?
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triedpklove · 9 months
idgaf i love staring at people and making them uncomfortable when they refuse to give up their seat for me on the bus/at a bus stop (who’s physically disabled) call me entitled but i really don’t think i need to ask a 20 year old taking social justice classes if i can take their seat it should be hardwired into them.
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littlestickfish · 10 months
In the tradition of evangelicals leaving those fake $100 bills that are ads for their church instead of actual money as tips for their waitstaff, I prepare my Salvation Army donation at my grocery store
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(It was going to be $100 but I spaced it poorly and ran out of room lol... I'll do it better next time.)
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syndesinae · 30 days
just watched a coworker yell at and try to physically block a shoplifter......
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fogemorfem · 7 months
Listening to a radio show where they are discussing immigration laws in Europe. The politics are all about "protecting the borders". From what? People who are risking absolutely everything for just a chance at a better life? Who are we to deny them that, who are we to say "don't bring your misery over here", who are we to decide who gets a chance. How about we actually try to help? How about we give legal ways to come here so people don't have to die? How about we actually welcome them, giving them the support they need to cope, get their families here so they can relax, allow them to work, you know, allow them to live?
I'm so tired of Europe gatekeeping our luxury. In Sweden it's all "we can't even afford to take care of our elderly, boohoo", oh we can afford it alright, we're just not paying enough to do it. The money is there, but taxes have lowered or been cancelled for ages now, especially for the rich, and not even the socialist party talks about raising or reinstating them again. Everything is about budget cuts and "efficiency", the staff in hospitals are burning out, but almost no one wants to bring up the obvious solution. Get. The. Money. And when the hospital staff can breathe, let's talk about how to best welcome refugees, instead of how to best shut them out.
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ive posted about this campaign before but unfortunately it hasnt gotten a lot of traction. i can personally vouch for this fundraiser, my irl friend who i have worked with on palestine solidarity stuff is organizing it.
abdul al shanti, a taxi driver, lost everything he had when the genocidal israeli army bombed his home. his family has been displaced many times and every displacement is expensive and exhausting. theyre currently living in a tent with no access to basic necessities
abduls daughter was born 10 days before the war and she suffering from skin diseases and needs medicine which is extremely expensive. this money will also go towards his elderly mother and other older relatives that he’s sheltering with.
you can read abduls own words on his experiences in this genocide on his instagram shantiabd, which you can follow to keep up with the campaign
in addition to the bombings which just massacred so many people tonight, the blocking of aid resulting in high prices and unavailability of medicine and food is genocidal tactic of the israeli army meant to exterminate people, like the nazi ghettos. your donations can help this family survive, so please dont hesitate to donate. if you cant, share this with someone who can
$2,565 raised of $60,000
i donated $10 if anyone can match
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hametsukaishi · 3 months
Before anything else, I want to adress the belief that sharing campaings does nothing:
It's a lie. Simple as that. It's a lie designed to undermine us, and break our sense of community and solidarity. And it has the horrible consequence of taking away from the people who want to help.
There's a reason why my blog went from silly fandom dumpster sprinkled with content and news about Palestine, to a blog mostly dedicated to sharing fundraisers: It's because I can't do anything else but this. I can't protest, I can't donate, I can't even wear a keffiyeh. I can only share the fundraisers and boycott.
But even if the only thing I can do is share, It has had an impact on many people's life. So if you want to help but don't know how, this is the way you help!
Here is a masterlist of vetted fundraisers who desperately need our help. I will update it regularly with more fundraisers, and I will also start a rotation system, in wich I'll put four fundraisers in the spotlight for a week.
I beg that y'all read each of their stories as if it were yours, that you open your hearts to this families in need. Don't let the media erase their struggles and existence!
The Alhabil family, with three kids and two elderly with chronical conditions. Mohamed and his wife need help to evacuate safely. (26.520 €/50.000 €) - vetted by @el-shab-hussein, and nº166 in his vetted fundraisers list. You can find more about them in his blog @alhabil and his wife's @aya2mohammed.
My dear friend Mahmoud Albalawii, who has to seek help on behalf of his ten family members. (38.441 €/85.000 €) - Vetted by @90-ghost; you can check his blog @elbalawi, and my own post for his campaing here. THEY ARE NOW FOURTEEN MEMBERS AND THE GOAL HAS BEEN UPDATED!!
Samer Aburass, his wife and three children seek help to escape from Gaza (kr131,232 SEK/ kr450,000 ) - Vetted by @ibtisams and nº198 in @el-shab-hussein's vetted fundraisers list. His blog got terminated recently. You can find him now as @samerpal. His campaing has been going on for a long time and they're still from half the goal!!!
Ghada Banat, mother of a baby girl, who lost everything on her first year of marriage (€5,166 / €50,000 target) - vetted by @el-shab-hussein, and nº243 on his masterlist. @ghadabanat
Rajaa, a medical analysis specialist, also mother of a one year old boy. ($8,959/ $20,000). - vetted by @90-ghost. Her campaing has been stagnant for a really long time, and they still struggle to get donations!!! @rajaagaza
NOTE OF JULY 9TH: I'm currently unable to access my laptop rn, so editing and updating this list will have to wait at least two weeks, but if you want me to reblog a fundraiser send an ask, and I will gladly do so!
NOTE OF JULY 24TH: I'm finally back to work on these fundraisers. I'll be updaiting this list with more campaings, and I'll be open to create more posts and reblogging. Please bear with me as I catch up.
@tamarrud, @witchywitchy, @halalchampagnesocialist, @houseofpurplestars, @soon-palestine, @ashwantsafreepalestine, @commissions4aid-international  @olovelymoon @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @disgruntledpoptart @dxsqz @dykesbat @ren-mielthebee @glaucopis
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saintjosie · 4 months
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one of the hardest things about doing fundraising for families trapped in gaza has been all of the people who have been dming and commenting asking for help with their fundraisers because we helped one family of four reach their fundraising goal and raise enough to get her family out of gaza.
and my heart breaks because…i can’t. not because i don’t want to. if i could, i would help raise money for every single family. i have spent so many nights over the past few weeks in tears, terrified for raja and her family. i have spent so many nights in tears feeling powerless because there are millions of other who need help and it feels like there is nothing i can do except to help one family at a time.
jess and i are now taking on another fundraiser, this time for more than 5x the amount because we are looking to raise enough to evacuate 12 children and 9 adults. raja’s sister saja was able to evacuate early but the rest of her family is still trapped. one of those 9 adults is a pregnant mother in urgent need of a c-section. another is a elderly diabetic man who hasn’t had access to medication in god knows how long.
and again, i am terrified. i am terrified that we won’t be able to raise enough in time. i am horrified that so many people are dependent on small content creators on the other side of the world to be entertaining enough, or charismatic enough, while the elite who could save dozens of families in a snap, choose to maintain either neutrality or support genocide.
and at the same time, i am hopeful because i have seen an enormous amount of compassion and generosity from so many who have so little. and even thought i cannot bear the weight of saving these people on my own shoulders no matter how hard i try, i have seen the power of solidarity and strength in numbers. we are capable of so much together and i do not carry this on my own. we all support each other.
if you are able to share or to donate, please consider doing so.
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opencommunion · 11 months
PFLP statement via RNN:
“Today, Tuesday, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine denounces any Arab or Palestinian participation in meetings with the American war criminal Joe Biden, the main driver of the war of genocide against our steadfast people in the Gaza Strip.
The blood of the innocent martyrs in the [Al-Ahli Arab] Al-Maamadani Hospital massacre committed by the zionist enemy drips from the hands of the American war criminal Joe Biden and his zionist allies.
The decision to bomb the hospital was issued by the same zionist war room in which the criminal Joe Biden was present today during his visit to his war criminal allies.
These massacres, which exceeded any other, were the result of the inherent racist criminal tendencies of the leaders of the zionist entity and their allies in the American administration and the leadership of the European Union.
The minimum respect for Arab dignity and identity is for Arab officials to adopt a unified stance by withdrawing from the summit of shame with Biden, the killer of children, women, and the elderly; to boycott the American administration; to expel its military bases; and to close its embassies in the region. This must of course be preceded by a complete closure of the embassies of the state of aggression and zionist war crimes.
The Front calls on the masses of our people in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the territories of 1948 to move and ignite a comprehensive intifada in the face of this criminal enemy and the herds of its settlers who are committing massacres against our people and our people in the Gaza Strip.
The Front also calls on the Arab masses to besiege the American embassies, the embassies of the European Union countries and the zionist entity, and their representative offices in all Arab capitals. It also addresses the same call to the forces around the world in solidarity with our people, to escalate actions and struggles against the aggression and against the embassies of the zionist entity, the American administration, and the European powers that are partners in this aggression.
This is the battle of Palestinian existence, Arab existence, and dignity. Half-hearted positions in it cannot be accepted. Our people will remain steadfast, proud, and tall, defending their land and their rights, the dignity of the Arab nation and the essence of its existence.”
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September 26, 2022 - Congratulations to the Cuban people for voting in favor of the Family Code! [article]
The new code guarantees the right of all people to form a family without discrimination, legalizing same sex marriage and allowing same sex couples to adopt children. Under the new code, parental rights will be shared among extended and non-traditional family structures that could include grandparents, step parents and surrogate mothers. The code also adds novelties such as prenuptial agreements and assisted reproduction.
The Code promotes equal distribution of domestic responsibilities amongst men and women and extends labor rights to those who care full-time for children, the elderly, or people with disabilities. The code establishes the right to a family life free from violence, one that values ​​love, affection, solidarity and responsibility. It codifies domestic violence penalties, and promotes comprehensive policies to address gender-based violence.
The Code also outlaws child marriage and corporal punishment, stating that parents will have “responsibility” instead of “custody” of children, and will be required to be “respectful of the dignity and physical and mental integrity of children and adolescents.” It also asserts that parents should grant maturing offspring more say over their lives.
The new code also expands the rights of the elderly and people with disabilities. It recognizes the role of grandfathers and grandmothers in the transmission of values, culture, traditions and care.
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counterpunches · 8 months
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[transcript: [slide 1]
we are treated differently and we are so tired
[slide 2] From day one, we were treated differently: the celebrations
Hamas is an internationally-recognized terrorist organization that is explicit in its aim to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people in its very foundational charter. On October 7, 2023, thousands of Hamas terrorists invaded internationally-recognized sovereign Israeli territory and slaughtered 1,200 people in a matter of hours, the majority of them civilians. They went door to door, pulling people from their beds, maiming, mutilating, beheading, raping, and burning entire families alive. About 80 of the corpses showed signs of torture. They also took over 200 people hostage, including Holocaust survivors and a 9-month-old. It was the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Israel is a small country; had October 7 happened in the US, it would be the equivalent of individually slaughtering 50,000 Americans in a matter of hours.
Instead of expressing outrage, there were worldwide celebrations. In the West Bank, Gaza, and elsewhere in the Arab world, candy was handed out on the streets in celebration. In Gaza, thousands gathered to cheer as terrorists paraded mutilated corpses. A group of 3000 United Nations teachers expressed their joy at the murder and mutilation of Israelis, including young children. All over left-wing social media, people celebrated.
On October 8, before any Israeli retaliation whatsoever, crowds of thousands gathered in Times Square to express their support for the murderers, holding signs that declared "decolonization is not a metaphor" and "by any means necessary".
Fringe extremists exist, but this was hardly the fringe. And we know this is not a normal reaction. We did not see entire protests in Times Square in support of the Russian slaughter of Ukranians, 9/11, the ISIS genocide of Yazidis, the slaughter of Yemenis, the slaughter of Syrians, or any other atrocity.
[slide 3] From Day one, we were treated differently: the contextualization and qualification
Secretary General of the United Nations Anthony Guterres' initial response to the October 7 massacre was the following: "It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum."
First, let me make one thing clear: there is no context, in international law or anywhere else, that justifies or minimizes the slaughter, torture, and rape of civilians, including women, children, those with disabilities, and the elderly.
But beyond that, there is a glaring double standard when Israel is the victim of a massacre. Let's take a look at another example of terrorism as a guideline. When ISIS bombed an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England on May 22, 2017, killing 22, Secretary General Guterres immediately "strongly condemned" the attack, and the Security Council released a statement, condemning "in the strongest terms the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attack" and extending its solidarity to the United Kingdom. No one said the attack had to be understood "in the context" of the UKs invasion of Iraq, the war against ISIS, or the UKs long history of colonialism in the region, and no one said that it did not happen in a vacuum.
Similarly, on October 7, millions of people rushed to social media to provide "context" for the cold-blooded, purposeful, and indiscriminate murder of civilians. Others, before their "condemnation" felt the need to clarify that they were not supporters of the Israeli government (okay, and?), when they've otherwise strongly condemned atrocities perpetrated on others, without feeling the need to qualify support (or lack thereof) for any other country's government.
[slide 4] From day one, we were treated differently: the victim blaming
On October 7, as the massacre was still unfolding, 31 Harvard University organizations released a statement holding Israel "entirely responsible" for the slaughter of its own citizens. I reiterate: as Israelis were still being slaughtered by the hundreds simply for being Jewish - or for being associated with Jews - we were told that our own slaughter was our fault.
They were not the only ones to do so. Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Iran, and Iraq blamed Israel for the October 7 slaughter. Black Lives Matter Chicago blamed Israel for the October 7 slaughter. Labor unions across the US blamed Israel for the October 7 slaughter. The list goes on.
After the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an article in which one anonymous police officer said that the police is looking into the possibility that some of the victims of the Nova music festival were killed by fire from an IDF military chopper, antisemites took the statement out of context, distorted it, and disseminated it all over the media and internet.
In response to the Haaretz article, the Israeli police put out a statement that the investigation was only in regard to police activities on October 7, not military activities, and that as such, they do not have any indication about the harm to any civilians due to any aerial activity there."
Regardless, the conspiracy has taken a life of its own, so much so that Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of carrying out the massacre. Abbas later retracted his statement. A few other unverified reports have also similarly taken out of context to "prove" that Israel was actually behind its own massacre.
To this day, we are told, in response to released hostage testimony that Israeli women are being raped in the Hamas tunnels, that it's justified because "they were soldiers." For what it's worth, no one's rape is justified - even when they're soldiers.
[slide 5] A few days later came the denial
The 10/7 massacre was live-streamed by the perpetrators on their own social media platforms.
Initially, antisemites celebrated. After more and more heinous, indefensible details started to come out, antisemites started denying it happened at all.
To reiterate: the massacre was live-streamed to social media - by the perpetrators. We all saw it in the early hours of October 7. The perpetrators have gone on to boast about it since. For example, on January 10, the leader of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, said, "We should hold on to the victory that took place on October 7 and build upon it."
The level of denial - just a few days after October 7 - is so pervasive that Israel had to compile a 47-minute film of footage with the most graphic, dehumanizing video evidence to screen for international reporters, government officials, and more.
But no amount of evidence seems to be enough. No independent investigators are enough. No video footage is enough. No survivor or eyewitness testimony is enough. Why are people denying what's before their very eyes? Why?
[slide 6] Then the one-sided demands.
From October 7, there were already demands on Israel - on Israel, as its civilians were massacred - to ceasefire. These demands came from important voices, including American Congresspeople, groups such as UNICEF, and more. These calls made little, if any, mention of Hamas, the perpetrator of the October 7 massacre.
No other country would be asked, as a slaughter of their people was still unfolding, to lay down their arms.
Since then, the calls for Israel - and only Israel - to ceasefire have been incessant. They have continued even as Hamas vowed, on October 24, that "there will be a second, a third, a fourth" October 7. When asked to clarify, in the same interview, whether they meant the complete annihilation of Israel, the senior Hamas official responded, "Yes, of course."
The calls for Israel to ceasefire continued as Yaha Sinwar, the architect of the October 7 massacre, promised on November 30 that "October 7 was just a rehearsal."
The calls for Israel to ceasefire continued as Hamas violated the terms of the temporary ceasefire every single day between November 24 and December 1.
The calls for Israel to ceasefire as Hamas has fired over 13,000 missiles at Israeli civilians. Even more infuriating, the calls for a ceasefire are often made hand in hand with calls to "globalize the Intifada." An intifada is an armed uprising; it's incompatible with a ceasefire.
The calls for Israel to ceasefire have continued as Hamas has rejected several ceasefires in the past several weeks. At this point, those calling for a ceasefire should be honest: what they care is that Israel ceases, but they are not particularly bothered (or even support) when Hamas fires.
[slide 7] The genocide accusations
There are 153 countries that have signed the Convention of 1948. Before this January, only two had ever been brought to trial before the International Court of Justice. Of the signatories, a number of them have been accused of genocidal acts after signing the Convention, including Azerbaijan, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and more.
Only Israel, however, is put on trial, which is all the more egregious when we consider that the events post-October 7 are in response to a massacre of Israelis that Genocide Watch classified as "an act of genocide."
What's even more egregious is that South Africa, which has brought this case before the ICJ, maintains close relationships with genocidal dictators, including Russia's Vladimir Putin and Sudan's Omar al-Bashir. It is a close ally of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hamas' patron, which has been brutally oppressing the people of Iran since 1979. South Africa even hosted Hamas officials for a "solidarity" event in December 2023 - two months after the October 7 massacre.
Per the Hamas Ministry of Health, 23,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza; Israel claims at least 9,000 of them are Hamas combatants. While any civilian death is tragic, there are far deadlier wars and atrocities happening around the globe right at this very second. In Yemen, nearly 400,000 have been killed and a million have died in a famine. In Syria, over 600,000 have been killed. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 6 million have been killed. In Ukraine, at least 100,000 have been killed. The list goes on and on. In many of these cases, the perpetrators of the atrocities - some of them South Africa's closest allies - have explicitly expressed genocidal intent. Yet South Africa hasn't found it necessary to bring them before the International Court of Justice. Only the Jewish state.
[slide 8] Feminist advocates are suddenly silent - or worse, accuse us of lying
Perhaps among the most infuriating responses to the October 7 massacre has been the response of so-called feminists and feminist organizations.
On October 7, and every day since, Hamas weaponized rape as a tool of war, which is not only a war crime, but a crime against humanity. There is a preponderance of evidence, including extensive forensic evidence, eyewitness testimony, perpetrator confessions, and survivor testimony.
Yet the Women's March has not condemned Hamas' weaponization of rape as a tool of war; instead, it has only called for a ceasefire. Me Too has not condemned Hamas' weaponization as a tool of war. UN Women did not condemn Hamas' massacre until December 2, nearly two months after October 7, after intense public pressure from Israelis and the Jewish community.
Angelina Jolie, perhaps the most vocal global activist against the weaponization of rape as a tool of war, has said absolutely nothing about Hamas' war crimes; instead, she has asked Israel to ceasefire.
[slide 9] Double standard: legitimacy
Israel is condemned more than any other nation in the world, but the double standard doesn't end there. Israel's real or perceived crimes are blown out of proportion in comparison to other countries' real or perceived crimes, but the double standard doesn't end there. Israel's suffering is minimized, contextualized, denied, or qualified in comparison to the suffering of other countries, but the double standard doesn't end there. Instead, there is another double standard: everything coming out of Hamas' mouth is immediately taken as fact, while everything that comes out of Israel is questioned.
This is not merely a matter of "feeling" like there is a double standard.
On October 17, an explosion went off at the Al Ahli Hospital parking lot. Within minutes, Hamas claimed that an Israeli airstrike had targeted the hospital, killing 471 people. Israel claimed that a Palestinian Islamic Jihad missile misfired and hit the hospital. But the BBC ran with Hamas' story. This triggered worldwide outrage, inciting anti-Jewish riots in the Arab world and in Russia. Eventually, most international independent investigations corroborated Israel's version of events. But by the time the media retracted its original claim - that is, what Hamas said - it was too late. Two Jews had already been killed in Tunisia in retaliation for a massacre that Israel never actually committed.
Then there is the issue of the hostage videos. Hostage videos are hostage videos because they are made under duress. The hostage is told what to say; otherwise, their life is in danger. Hamas, of course, has coerced the Israeli hostages into saying that they are being treated well. These statements, made with a gun to the head, have been taken as fact, so much so that prominent figures such as Shaun King have gushed over Hamas' so-called "humane" treatment of the hostages (that they brutally abducted after murdering their entire families and friends before their eyes).
Yet, now that over a hundred hostages have been released, and they are no longer under threat from Hamas, they are coming out with stories of abuse and torture. Suddenly, no one believes these accounts, claiming that Israel must have told them what to say. It's absolutely absurd and defies all logic.
[slide 10] support my work
venmo: @rootsmetals cash app: $rootsmetals paypal: @[email protected]
complete bibliography for this post: patreon.com/rootsmetals
disclaimer: the intent of this post is to educate, raise awareness, and challenge hate speech]
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I deleted Tumblr a few days ago after reading some of the rabid antisemitism circling on this website. But I felt the need to come back and post one thing.
The war going on in Israel is a war of genocide. Hamas’s sole purpose is not to end the occupation, and it’s not to free Palestine. Hamas is a terorrist organization funded and backed by the Iranian regime, whose only purpose is the death of all Jewish people.
The last time this number of Jews have been killed in one day was the Holocaust. And Hamas is working hard to finish what was started there.
If you’ve espoused Hamas rhetoric and argued that this war is about freedom for the Palestinian people, or resistance against the occupation, you’ve either fallen for the propoganda of a terrorist organization, or you want to see Jews slaughtered.
I found out yesterday that a friend of mine was killed. He was drafted to the army a month ago, maybe two. Every couple minutes a missile alarm blares, and taking cover we can only wait in dread to find out if another loved one was killed. Mothers, fathers, the elderly, children and babies have been kidnapped and taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. Odds are we’ll never see most of them again.
If you support Hamas in any way in this war, then you can go straight to fucking hell right now. But maybe stop by to see the blood covering the streets of Otef Aza first.
And if you have any basic fucking human empathy, speak up and show solidarity. Don’t stay silent. Our friends and family are being massacred, kidnapped and raped. Don’t stay silent.
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littlestickfish · 10 months
In the tradition of evangelicals leaving those fake $100 bills that are ads for their church instead of actual money as tips for their waitstaff, I prepare my Salvation Army donation at my grocery store
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(It was going to be $100 but I spaced it poorly and ran out of room lol... I'll do it better next time.)
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✨🦈Welcome to Shitty Tumblr Sharks Tuesday and Thursday!🦈✨
All the g*f*ndm*s listed here have slowed down majorly, most of them to a near stop! Please d*n*te whatever you have to them, even just five dollars goes along way.
Don't assume the next person who sees this will d*n*te, please help these people out!
If you really can't d*n*ate, reblog and tag people in this post to spread this around. These people need help!
I have donated 10 USD to each of these, so if you want to match that, or even half match it I won't stop you.
(Real Slow) Ahmed Al-Nabih: help them get basic necessities as well as helping them to properly and safely relocate. Link - vetted by - palestinegenocide @/queerstudiesnatural 90-ghost el-shab-hussein northgazaupdates apollos-olives riding-with-the-wild-hunt nabulsi
23,067 out of 30,000
Doaa: Help her reunite with her family. Link - vetted by 90-ghost
5,273 out of 12,000
(Slow) Ola: Help her afford basic necessities for her and her family, and help her fight for a better future. Link - vetted by #205 on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet
30,533 out of 50,000
(Real Slow) Mahmoud Halas: Help his leave gaza and find a safe place to live. Link - vetted by el-shab-hussein
10,677 out of 50,000
Siraj : Help him rebuild his home - Link - vetted by nabulsi , el-shab-hussein
50,001 out of 82,000
(Real Slow) Mahmoud Bardawil: Help him escape Gaza and get treatment for his hands. Link - vetted by el-shab-hussein
3,568 out of 20,000
(Real Slow) Walaa: (Update: Walaa needs insulin treatment and her daughter is sick.) Help her reunite with her parents after they were separated. Link vetted by - el-shab-hussein
10,910 out of 50,000
(Real Slow) Walid AS: They have made this camping on behalf of their friend Hossam Saleh Mohamed El Bardawil to provide them with urgent relief and help them safely and properly relocate and rebuilt. Link - vetted by el-shab-hussein
8,346 out of 20,000
(Slow) Hamdy: Help him to rebuild and safely and properly relocate. Help him to find stability again. Link - vetted by el-shab-hussein
3,589 out of 10,000
(Real Slow) Hassan Al-Shaltawi: Help his uncle get treatment for his injuries and escape the genocide in Gaza. Link - vetted by el-shab-hussein
4,868 out of 97,000
(Real Super Slow) Rana Khalaf: Help her escape to Egypt and get basic necessities once there. Link - vetted by 90-ghost
11,140 out of 50,000
(Real Slow) Mohammed Hijazi: Help them escape Gaza with their family members. Link - vetted by 90-ghost
12,805 out of 20,000
(Real Super Slow) Nadaa: help them take care of and get medication for their elderly parents. Link - vetted by fairuzfan
7,099 out of 25,000
(Real Slow) Mohammed JM Alafranji: (Update: They are still not doing great.) Please donate and share the campaign link to help me and my family survive this war we are experiencing in Gaza Link - vetted by 90-ghost
19,645 out of 30,000
(Real Super Slow) A short, fundraiser from Osama Thaer. Link
840 out of 50,000
A few more resources:
Gaza Funds Spotlight Campaign
Find vetted fundraisers for Gaza here
Connecting Gaza
Random Raffle Generator
Tagging for Reach @commissions4aid-international @feluka @greenmossyrock @decolonize-solidarity @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @starredforlife @justaleksey
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